first aid/CPR/AED

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When is it important to consult a healthcare provider if a young child or infant has a fever?

The infant is younger than 3 months and has a fever of 100.4° F (38° C) or greater. The child or infant has a febrile seizure. The fever is associated with change in behavior or activity.

You may need to give chest thrusts in which of the following situations?

The person is in a wheelchair and you are unable to give abdominal thrusts. The person is too large for you to stand behind and reach around. The person is pregnant.

Signs that indicate a person is choking may include what?

The person looks surprised. The person is making high-pitched squeaking noises. The person is coughing.

What is the proper positioning for the thumbs when giving compressions to an infant using the encircling thumbs technique?

Thumbs placed side-by-side on the center of the infant's chest

A person who is responsive and breathing but not fully awake should be placed in a recovery position for which of the following reasons?

To lower their risk for choking and aspiration

Signs and symptoms of poison exposure include:

Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Abnormal skin color, sweating. Trouble breathing, breathing too fast, breathing too slow. Fast or slow heart rate. Unresponsiveness, changes in level of responsiveness, seizures, headache, dizziness, weakness

When giving chest thrusts to an infant, how deep should you press?

About 1 ½ inches.

What would be the best thing to do if applying a tourniquet did not stop the person's bleeding?

Apply a second tourniquet, between the first tourniquet and the heart.

A first aid responder is applying direct pressure to a person with life-threatening bleeding on the lower leg. A bystander has returned with a bleeding control kit. What should the responder do next?

Apply a tourniquet immediately.

A 14-month-old toddler has life-threatening bleeding from a wound on her upper arm. After calling 9-1-1, which of the following is the appropriate care for this child?

Apply direct pressure to stop the bleeding.

A child was running around the house and crashed into a full-length mirror, breaking the glass. You see that she has a wound on the back of her head and there is blood flowing steadily from it and starting to pool on the ground. After calling 9-1-1, what should you do?

Apply direct pressure.

what do you do when taking the action step Call

Call 9-1-1 Get equipment

Check for responsiveness by using the shout-tap-shout sequence while checking for breathing, life-threatening bleeding and other life-threatening conditions.

Call 9-1-1 or tell someone to do so.

You are working in a senior center when you hear a thud and someone yells out that a man has collapsed. The scene is safe, but the man appears unresponsive. What should you do next?

Check for responsiveness by using the shout-tap-shout sequence while checking for breathing, life-threatening bleeding and other life-threatening conditions.

what do you do when taking the action step Check?

Check the scene Form an initial impression Obtain consent Ask questions using SAM Do a focused check

Which of the following would lead you to suspect a person is in cardiac arrest?

Unresponsive, Not breathing or only gasping

You are placing adult AED pads on a 10-year-old child. What is the correct placement of the pads for this child?

Upper right side of the chest and lower left side of the chest, a few inches below the left armpit.

Continue giving chest compressions until:

You notice an obvious sign of life, like breathing. An AED is ready. A trained responder is available to take over compressions. EMS personnel arrive and begin their care of the person. You are alone and too tired to continue. The scene becomes unsafe.

You have been applying direct pressure to a wound on the person's lower back for several minutes, but the bleeding hasn't stopped, and EMS has not arrived. What should you do?

Continue applying direct pressure.

Give care for a burn while waiting for EMS to arrive:

Cool the burn under clean, cool, running water. Cool the burn as soon as possible and for at least 10 minutes, ideally 20 minutes. Leave the burn uncovered unless EMS is delayed, or you are in a remote location. In this case, cover the burn loosely with a sterile dressing.

Signs and symptoms of a concussion include:

Dizziness. Loss of consciousness. Headache. Confusion. Blurred or double vision. Nausea. Vomiting. Seizures. Memory loss. Crying. Inability to do activities that the person could previously do.

During your interview of the person using SAM, they told you that they have a lot of pain in their left arm and that it is throbbing. What should you do next?

Do a focused check of their left arm.

When giving CPR to an infant, which of the following techniques may be used to give chest compressions?

Encircling thumbs technique

As part of general care for a person with an environmental emergency, it is not important to watch for changes in the person's condition because EMS will be there soon. True of False?


It is fine for you to always administer the person's medication. True or False?


It is fine to enter an area where there is a chemical spill as long as you are very careful. True or False?


When drowning is the suspected cause of cardiac arrest, what should the responder do first?

Give 2 breaths

signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis

history of an allergy. signs of an allergic reaction. swelling of the face, neck, tounge or lips. trouble breathing. shock. change in responsiveness.


last about 1 second; chest begins to rise

Minimize necessary interruptions in chest compressions to:

less than 10 seconds

signs and symtoms of a head, neck and spinal injuries

mechanism of injury. chnage in behavior or mental status. pain or visible injury. loss of sensation or movement. seizures. crying. inability to do activities that the person could previously do.

signs and symptoms of heat stroke include:

moist, pale or flushed skin. absense of sweating. some degree of sweating. unresponsiveness. confusion. seizure. headache. nausea. dizziness. weakness. exhaustion.

signs and symptoms of a heart attack

persistent chest pain, pressure or squeezing. isolated unexplained discomfort in the arms, neck, jaw, back or stomach. dizziness or light-headedness. trouble breathing, including shortness of breath. pale, greyish or bluish skin. nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. extreme fatigue. sweating. a feeling of anxiety or impending doom. unreponsiveness

signs and symptoms of shock

rapid,weak heartbeat. rapid breathing. pale,greyish cool moist skin. changes in levels of consciousness. nausea or vomiting. excessive thirst.

Chest position between compressions:

returns to normal position

signs and symptoms of an asthma attack

wheezing or coughing. rapid, shallow breathing or trouble breathing. inable to talk without stopping for a breath inbetween every few words. anxiety or fear. sweating.

Give care for a concussion while waiting for EMS to arrive:

Have the person rest without moving. Maintain the person's body temperature. Give care for other injuries that may be present.

Examples of life-threatening sudden illnesses include:

Heart attack Asthma attack Anaphylaxis Diabetic emergency Seizures Shock Opioid overdose Stroke High fever in young children and infants Vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration in young children and infants

What is best to use when applying direct pressure to control life-threatening bleeding?

Hemostatic dressing

You are placing pediatric AED pads on a 7-month-old infant. What is the correct placement of the pads for this infant?

Middle of the chest and on the back, between the shoulder blades.

Give care for hypothermia while waiting for EMS to arrive:

Move the person to a warmer place. Remove any wet clothes, wrap them in a blanket and cover their head to slowly warm them. Reassure the person until help arrives.

What is a sign or symptom of a heart attack?

Persistent chest pain

If you see an object in the infant's mouth, which finger(s) should you use to do a finger sweep?

Pinky finger

You are placing adult AED pads on a 3-year-old child. When placing them on the chest, you notice that the pads are touching. What should you do?

Place one pad in the middle of the chest and one on the back, between the shoulder blades.

When applying direct pressure, it is important to do what?

Press hard. Press directly over the wound.

The three important steps when applying a windlass rod tourniquet are?

Pull, Twist, Clip

You have a first aid kit and are about to give care to a co-worker who is unresponsive and not breathing. After calling 9-1-1 and getting equipment, what should you do before giving care, if possible?

Put on latex-free disposable gloves.

You are using a tourniquet to control life-threatening bleeding when the injured person cries out in pain. What should you do?

Reassure the person but continue to tighten the tourniquet until the bleeding stops or you cannot tighten it anymore.

If a person is unresponsive and breathing, which of the following positions is appropriate to use while you wait for EMS to arrive and begin their care of the person?

Recovery position

Signs and symptoms of hypothermia include:

Shivering (but may be absent as hypothermia worsens). Pale. Cold to the touch. Disoriented.

When giving compressions, how should the first aid responder position their body and arms?

Shoulders directly over the hands and elbows locked

Before giving breaths to the child, you should open their airway using the head-tilt/chin-lift technique to which position?

Slightly past-neutral

You can administer a second dose of epinephrine if the person is still having signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis 5 to 10 minutes after administering the first dose and EMS has not arrived. True or False?


Signs and symptoms of burns include:

Burned areas can appear red, brown, black or white. You may see swelling, blisters or both. Burns range in severity from minor to life threatening.

Compression depth for adults

At least 2 inches

Give care for heat stroke while waiting for EMS to arrive. The priority is lowering the person's body temperature:

Immerse the person up to their neck in cold water, if you can safely do so. If you can't immerse the person in cold water, apply cold, wet clothes or towels to the skin, then apply ice packs and fan the person. Watch for changes in the person's condition.

When giving chest thrusts, where on the choking infant's chest should the responder give thrusts?

In the center of the infant's chest, just below the nipple line.

You are giving CPR to a 5-month-old in cardiac arrest. You know to follow techniques and use equipment for which of the following age groups?


what do you do when taking the action step Care

Keep the person in the position they are found in Reassure the person that EMS has been called Keep the person from getting chilled or overheated Continue to watch for changes in the person's condition

Give care for a head, neck or spinal injury while waiting for EMS to arrive:

Leave the person in the position they were found. Maintain the person's body temperature. Give care for other injuries that may be present

A person who just completed a marathon on a windy, 54ºF day is at risk for hypothermia. True or False?


As part of general care for a person with an injury, it is important to keep the person from getting chilled or overheated. True or False?


Back blows, abdominal thrusts and chest thrusts are all equally effective. True or False?


Exposure to poison may cause a person to have a seizure. True or False?


signs and symptoms of an opiod overdose

evidence of opioid use. decreased breathing effort. unreposnsiveness bluish or greyish skin cardiac arrest

You have obtained consent and are checking a responsive person. You know you need to interview them first using SAM. What does SAM stand for?

signs and symptoms, allergies, medications and medical conditions

If the chest does not rise with breaths...

that is, the person may be in cardiac arrest due to choking

signs and symptoms of a diabetic emergency

trouble breathing. fast or deep breathing. feeling weak or different. sweating. fast heartbeat.

Compress the chest to a depth of about 2 inches.Compress the chest to a depth of about 1 ½ inches.Compress the chest at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute.

Centered on the chest

Cardiac arrest is often due to a blockage of the blood vessels supplying oxygen to the heart muscle (heart attack). However, it can also occur due to the effects of which of the following?

Drowning and Breathing emergency

The person tripped over a rock while hiking, fell and cut their leg. There is a slow trickle of blood from the cut on the person's leg. This is life-threatening bleeding. True or False?


When holding the infant in a position to give back blows, it is a good idea to cover the infant's face. True or False?


You are using an AED on an 82-year-old woman in cardiac arrest. She is frail and only weighs about 105 pounds, so you should use pediatric AED pads. True or False?


You have just given a shock to a person in cardiac arrest. You should check to see if the person is breathing before starting CPR again. True or False?


Why is it important to assist a family member with administering naloxone to the person with a suspected opioid overdose?

Naloxone reverses the effects of opioids.

Before giving breaths to the infant, you should open their airway using the head-tilt/chin-lift technique to which position?


When giving breaths to an infant with a face shield, you should cover which body parts of the infant with your mouth?

Nose and mouth

You are working a shift at the local farmer's market when you recognize that a 10-year-old shopping with their parent is choking. You check the scene for safety and approach the child. What do you need to do at this point?

Obtain consent from the parent (who is present) because the person is a minor.

Shock is a common cause of cardiac arrest in children and infants. True or False?


The person cut their arm while working on a job site. Blood is flowing steadily from the person's wound and pooling on the ground. This is life-threatening bleeding. True or False?


When giving CPR to a person and waiting for EMS personnel to arrive, a bystander tells you to stop, saying, "it's no use and that looks hard." You continue because you know that is not a reason to stop CPR. True or False?


You are using an AED on an older adult in cardiac arrest. They are wearing a sweatshirt. You need to remove the sweatshirt before you place the pads on the chest. True or False?


If more than one responder is available and trained in CPR, when should the responders switch?

When the original responder is tiring. After every five cycles of CPR. About every 2 minutes

What are some things to keep in mind about wearing gloves when giving first aid care?

Avoid touching other surfaces. Wash your hands after taking off your gloves.

what are the emergency action steps?

1. Check 2. Call 3. Care

Compression rate for CPR

100-120 per minute

General steps to using an AED include:

1Turn on AED. 2Remove clothing covering the chest and wipe chest dry if necessary. 3Place pads correctly. 4Plug the pad connector cable into the AED if necessary. 5CLEAR everyone from touching the person while AED analyzes the heart rhythm. 6CLEAR everyone from touching the person if a shock is advised. 7Push the shock button to deliver a shock. 8After the shock is delivered, immediately start CPR beginning with compressions.


A child is defined as someone from the age of 1 to the onset of puberty, as evidenced by breast development in girls and underarm hair development in boys (usually around the age of 12).

You are giving CPR to a 14-year-old in cardiac arrest. You know to follow techniques and use equipment for which of the following age groups?


When there are two or more trained responders, one person will give CPR while the other person sets up the AED. When will the responders switch roles?

After pushing the shock button. After the AED says that no shock is advised.

What is it important to do between giving the first and second breath?

Allow the chest to fall and the air to exit


An adolescent is defined as someone from the onset of puberty through adulthood.


An infant is defined as someone under the age of 1.

If the chest does not rise on the first breath, and you reopen the airway and give a second breath and the chest still does not rise, what might be a reason?

An object might be blocking the airway.

Examples of medications that you may assist with when the person is experiencing a sudden illness include:

Aspirin for heart attack Quick-relief (rescue) medications for asthma Epinephrine for anaphylaxis Naloxone for an opioid overdose Sugar or glucose tablets, gel or liquid for diabetes

How long should you wash your hands when using soap and water?

At least 20 seconds

When giving back blows, where on the choking infant's back should the responder give back blows?

Between the infant's shoulder blades

When giving back blows, where on the choking person's back should the responder give back blows?

Between the shoulder blades

What could show life-threatening bleeding?

Blood spurting from the wound. Blood flowing continuously from the wound.

If your check of the person reveals that they are unresponsive and not breathing, what should you do first?

Call 9-1-1 and get the AED and first aid kit or tell someone to do so

You hear a scream and some loud noises coming from a few feet away in the crowded school playground. As you walk quickly across the playground, you tell yourself to do what first?

Check the scene for safety.

Which of the following are the appropriate depth and rate to use when giving chest compressions to an infant?

Compress the chest to a depth of about 1 ½ inches.Compress the chest at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute.

Which of the following are the appropriate depth and rate to use when giving chest compressions to a child?

Compress the chest to a depth of about 2 inches.Compress the chest at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute.

Vomiting and diarrhea in young children and infants can lead to which of the following?

Dehydration. Shock.

Which of the following are examples of life-threatening sudden illnesses? Diabetic emergency Anaphylaxis Sinus infection Migraine Sore throat

Diabetic emergency Anaphylaxis

When giving CPR to an unresponsive choking infant, what CPR technique should you use?

Encircling thumbs technique

What should you do if a choking person is coughing forcefully?

Encourage them to keep coughing

Which of the following are signs and symptoms of stroke?

Facial weakness. Arm or grip weakness. Speech disturbances.

A person should never self-administer more than one dose of quick-relief medication via inhaler for an asthma attack. True or False?


After encouraging the coughing choking person to keep coughing, it is fine to leave them. True or False?


Sinus infections are a common cause of cardiac arrest in children and infants. True or False?


Which are signs and symptoms of shock?

Grayish skin Nausea Confusion

The call step involves calling 9-1-1, or telling someone to do so, and what else?

Getting the AED, a first aid kit and a bleeding control kit (if necessary) or telling someone to do so.

If the responsive choking person becomes unresponsive, what care should you give?

Give CPR (give compressions, look for object, give breaths).

Why is it important for you, the first aid responder, to ask questions using SAM and do a focused check of the responsive person?

It can help you to determine what care they may need. As time passes, the person may be less able to say things. You may be able to gather information that others may not be able to gather later.

When giving abdominal thrusts, where on the choking person's abdomen should the responder place their hands?

Just above the navel

When giving back blows and abdominal thrusts to a small child, you may need to do which of the following?

Kneel behind the child.

The risk of infection when giving first aid care is low. Using what reduces your risk even further?

Latex-free disposable gloves. Face shield. Pocket mask.

When giving breaths using a pocket mask, what is the technique for opening the person's airway?

Lift the person's face into the mask to open the airway to a past-neutral position

When you ask someone to call 9-1-1 for you in an emergency situation, what communication techniques/instructions should you use?

Look directly at one person.Say, "You, call 9-1-1."

What is your risk of catching a disease when giving first aid care?

Low risk

What is important to determine before giving sugar by mouth to the person experiencing a diabetic emergency?

Make sure the person is awake. Make sure the person can follow simple commands. Make sure the person can chew and swallow.

When giving chest compressions, the goal is to do which of the following?

Push hard and fast

In a small child or an infant, bleeding may be life-threatening when the amount of blood loss is less than about half of what a soda can obtains. True or False?


It is especially important to note the time that signs and symptoms of stroke started in a person. True or False?


You are placing AED pads on a person in cardiac arrest. What is the correct placement for the pads?

Upper right side of the chest and lower left side of the chest, a few inches below the left armpit

You are giving CPR to an 8-year-old in cardiac arrest. You know that for CPR, a child is someone considered from the age of 1 year to which of the following?

onset of puberty

Before giving breaths to the adult, you should open their airway using the head-tilt/chin-lift technique to which position?


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