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What are the five famous Argument forms

1) Modus Ponens (affirming the antecedent 2) Modus Tollens (denying the consequent) 3) Hypothetical Syllogism 4) Disjunctive Syllogism 5) Constructive Dilmma

What are the 2 parameters in a Deductive argument

1) Validity and Invalidity 2) Soundness and unsound


1) different substitution instance of same argument 2) obviously true premises/ false conclusion

disjunction form

A or B

Constructive Dilemma

A or B If A then C If B then D therefore C or D


A statement that supports a conclusion

example of disjunction I will call or email What is A and B

A: I will call B: I will email

example of Conditionals If it rains, then the grass will grow What is A and B

A: It rain B: the grass grows

example of negation It is not raining what is A?

A: it is raining

Example of Hypothetical Syllogism If it rain, then it is wet. If is wet, then there are puddles. So, if it rain, then there are puddles

A: it rains B: it is wet C: there are puddles Structure: If A then B If B then C therefore A then C

Cannot be true or false


Please identify whether the following is an argument or a non-argument: Economists predict that an increase in student loan burdens will have negative implications for the economy. Student loan burdens are increasing; hence, there is a good chance that there will be negative implications for the economy.


Classify as Hypothetical Syllogism, Disjunctive Syllogism, Constructive Dilemma, or none Either the "eye for an eye" principle is interpreted literally or it is interpreted figuratively. If it is interpreted literally, then the state should torture torturers, maim maimers, and rape rapists. If the "eye for an eye" principle is interpreted figuratively, then it does not necessarily demand death for murderers. So, either the state should torture torturers, maim maimers, and rape rapists, or the "eye for an eye" principle does not necessarily demand death for murderers.

Constructive Dilemma

What is the form of the following argument? Bob is a cat or a dog. Bob is not a dog. So, Bob is a cat.

DS (Disjunctive Syllogism)

Classify as Hypothetical Syllogism, Disjunctive Syllogism, Constructive Dilemma, or none It is not true that acts are right because God approves them. But either acts are right because God approves them, or God approves of acts because they are right. Therefore, God approves of acts because they are right.

Disjunctive Syllogism

Classify as Modus Ponens, Modus Tollens, Hypothetical Syllogism, Disjunctive Syllogism, Constructive Dilemma, or none A severe depression will occur given that the economy collapses. The economy collapses if inflation soars. So, inflation soars only if a severe depression will occur.

Hypothetical Syllogism

Conditionals form

If A then B

Modus Tollens (denying the consequent)

If A then B Not B, therefore A

Hypothetical Syllogism

If A then B If B then C therefore if A then C

Modus Ponens (affirming the antecedent) MP

If A, then B. therefore B

Is the following a Valid or Invalid: All murderers are criminals. Therefore, all non murderers are non-criminals.


Is the following a Valid or Invalid: If Lincoln was killed in an automobile accident, then Lincoln is dead. Lincoln was not killed in an automobile accident. Therefore, Lincoln is not dead.


One key thing to remember about validity

Is that validity only is about structure NOT THE TRUTH OF THE CONCLUSION

Example of Modus Tollens If it rains, then it is wet

It is not wet so, it did not rain

example of Modus Ponens if it snows, then shovel,

It snows therefore I shovel

Please identify the form of the following argument. If none of those listed, select 'none'. Riley is a dog. If Riley is a dog, then he barks. So, Riley barks.

MP (Modus Ponens)

Classify as MP, MT, or none Souls transmigrate. But it is wrong to eat animals if souls transmigrate. Hence, it is wrong to eat animals.

MP: modus ponens

What is the form of the following argument? If A, then B. Not B. So, Not A.

MT (Modus Tollens)

Three key statements types that are always valid

Negation Disjunction Conditionals

Please identify whether the following is an argument or a non-argument: According to a recent News 8000 report, there are currently about 1,200 homeless people in La Crosse County.


Please identify whether the following is an argument or a non-argument: There are many large breeds of dog: for example, the Newfoundland and the Burnese Mountain Dog.


Please identify whether the following is a statement or a non-statement: Do your homework!


Classify as MP, MT, or none Rilke is a dreamer if he is a poet. Therefore, Rilke is a poet.


Please identify the form of the following argument. If none of those listed, select 'none'. A or B. Not B. So, Not A.


Is the following a statement or not Let's paint the table red.

Not a statement

Is the following a Sound or Unsound: All cats are mammals. All mammals are animals. So, all cats are animals


Is the following a Sound or Unsound: All collies are dogs. Some animals are not dogs. So, some animals are not collies.


Is the following a statement or not The sky is blue.


Please identify whether the following is a statement or a non-statement: The universe has no beginning or end.


cannot be valid or invalid: Statement or Argument

Statements cannot be valid or invalid Argument can be


The study of methods for evaluating whether the premises of an argument adequately supports its conclusion

Is the following a Sound or Unsound: All collies are dogs. Hence, all dogs are collies.


Is the following a Sound or Unsound: All mammals are animals. No reptiles are mammals. So, no reptiles are animals.


Is the following a Sound or Unsound: William Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. Leo Tolstoy is identical with William Shakespeare. It follows that Leo Tolstoy wrote Hamlet.


Is the following a Valid or Invalid: Either we use nuclear power or we reduce our consumption of energy. If we use nuclear power, then we place our lives at great risk. If we reduce our consumption of energy, then we place ourselves under extensive governmental control. So, either we place our lives at great risk or we place ourselves under extensive governmental control.


Is the following a Valid or Invalid: If Lincoln was killed in an automobile accident, then Lincoln is dead. Lincoln was killed in an automobile accident. Hence Lincoln is dead.


Using what you know about valid and invalid arguments, please identify whether the following is valid or invalid: If Riley is a dog, then he is a reptile. Riley is a dog; so, he is a reptile.


Example of Disjunctive Syllogism

You kept the class or dropped the class. you did not keep the class So you dropped it.


a declarative sentence that can have a truth value


a set of statements in which at least one statement is supported by at least one other statement

valid deductive form

any argument that has this form is always going to be valid

Is the following a Argument or not: Letting the Dreamers work legally helps the U.S. economy. ... To understand why, you need to realize that America is facing a demographic challenge thanks to declining fertility. An aging population means fewer workers paying taxes to support Social Security and Medicare. ... Driving out young workers who will pay into the system for many decades is a way to make these problems worse. -Paul Krugman, New York Times. Op.ed. August 8, 2017.


Is the following a Argument or not: Not all U.S. major party presidential candidates have been men because Hillary Clinton was a woman


Is the following a Argument or not: Some metals are liquids at room temperature because mercury is a metal.


deductive argument

argument in which the premises are intended to guarantee the conclusion

inductive argument

arguments in which the premises are intended to make the truth of the conclusion probable or likely

premises indicator words


What are the two types of Argument

deductive and inductive

Week 1 quiz


What is the key to realizing if something is a statement or not?

if it can be true or false

A argument is UNSOUNDNESS when:

if it is invalid OR if one or more of the premises is false

A argument is SOUNDNESS when:

if it is valid AND the premises are all true

A argument is INVALID when:

if the premises are intended to guarantees the truth of the conclusion

A argument is VALID when:

if the truth of the premises guarantees the truth of the conclusion Structure (order): If A then B

Is the following a Valid or Invalid: All animals are living things. At least one cabbage is a living thing. So at least one cabbage is an animal.


Is the following a Argument or not: If one sets one's heart on humaneness, one will be without evil.--Confucius, The Analects (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993), 13.


Is the following a Argument or not: Wars occur because humans desire to control other humans.


Classify as Hypothetical Syllogism, Disjunctive Syllogism, Constructive Dilemma, or none If you want to ruin your life, you should take hard drugs. But you don't want to ruin your life. So, you should not take hard drugs.


Classify as Hypothetical Syllogism, Disjunctive Syllogism, Constructive Dilemma, or none The sky is blue. The sky is cobalt blue only if it is blue. Hence, the sky is cobalt blue


Classify as Hypothetical Syllogism, Disjunctive Syllogism, Constructive Dilemma, or none If my society approves of genetic engineering, then genetic engineering is right. But my society does not approve of genetic engineering. Hence, genetic engineering is not right.


Classify as Modus Ponens, Modus Tollens, Hypothetical Syllogism, Disjunctive Syllogism, Constructive Dilemma, or none Mercy killing is morally permissible only if it promotes a greater amount of happiness for everyone affected than the alternatives. And mercy killing does promote a greater amount of happiness for everyone affected than the alternatives. Therefore, mercy killing is morally permissible.


Classify as Modus Ponens, Modus Tollens, Hypothetical Syllogism, Disjunctive Syllogism, Constructive Dilemma, or none Philosophy is important if ideas are important. And assuming that ideas change lives, ideas are important. Hence, if philosophy is important, then ideas change lives.


Negation form

not a not stands for -

Is the following a statement or not: Do you swear to tell the truth?

not a statement

Is the following a statement or not: Let's stop griping and get to work.

not a statement

conclusion indicator words

so, therefore,hence,thus, implies, that, etc

Is the following a statement or not: If seven is greater than six, then six is greater than seven.


Is the following a statement or not: Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty or give me death."


Is the following a statement or not: Stand at attention!" ordered General Bradley.



the claim that is supported

Truth value

the status of any sentence as true or false

When is key to Modus Ponens and Modus Tollens

they have to follow exact order

Disjunctive Syllogism

two types: 1) A or B Not A, therefore B 2) A or B Not B therefore A

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