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What is a toxicant?

A type of poison made by humans or introduced into the human environment by human activity

Which of these is an example of a venom?

A viper bite

What Antigen is paired to its corresponding antibody correctly?

A with Anti-B

What antigen is paired to its corresponding antibody correctly?

A with Anti-B

Which of these is considered direct evidence?

A witness statement

You run a blood typing test and see agglutination with anti-A and anti-D. What blood type does this represent?


You run a blood typing test and see agglutination with anti-d and anti-a what blood type does this represent


What is the overall proves an examiner uses with fingerprints?


In Humans two DNA n=loci code for amylase... which statement is true

AMY 1 codes for amylase found in saliva, breast mil and perspirartions

In humans, two DNA loci code for amylase. Which statement is true?

AMY1 codes for amylase found in saliva, breast milk and perspiration

In humans, two DNA loci code for amylase. Which statement is true?

AMY1 codes for the amylase found in saliva, breast milk, and perspiration.


AMY1- salivary amylase (HSA). Saliva, breast milk, perspiration, tears AMY2- pancreatic amylase (HPA). Pancreas, vaginal secretion, seminal plasma, fecal material


Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Microtiter plate is coated w/ monoclonal antibody. Sample is added (antigen). Binding occurs. Polyclonal antibody added. Ab-Ag-Ab sandwich forms. Enzyme-labeled antiglobulin added and binds to sandwich. Excess antiglobulin washed away. Bound enzyme produces color or fluorescence and is measured using spectrophotometry.

Serological testing

Ab and Ag concentration must be adjusted so max. Ab-Ag takes place. For agglutinins, prepare a series of doubling dilutions of antisera and test w/ constant [ ] of antigen. For precipitins, dilute antigen w/ constant [ ] of antisera.

Why is the magnetic brush technique more useful on some surfaces than conventional black powder?

Able to remove excess powder

A wound that does not penetrate the full thickness of the skin and that usually heals without scarring is called:


Tangential impact usually results in what type of wound at the site of impact?


Most presumptive blood tests take advantage of which cell?


A 20 year old woman falls from her roof and dies. What is the probable manner of death?


What is the goal of generating forensic evidence from the gathered information?

Establishing material facts before or at trial

What drug is the most commonly seen in forensic practice but rarely kills directly and is a contributory factor in approximately 50% of traumatic death?


Which of these is NOT a type of writing system?


Which of the following is the type of fracture that indicates that a part has been partially cracked or damaged prior to an accident?

Fatigue type fracture

Which of the following is the type of fracture that indicates that a part has been partially cracked or damaged prior to an accident?

Fatigue-type fracture

Which of these was a result of a committee of lawyers, judges, and legal scholars?

Federal Rules of Evidence

Which of these explicitly states that the judge is the "gatekeeper" of what evidence is admitted into a courtroom?

Federal Rules of Evidence Rule 702

Who generally develops earlier


When does tooth development begin?

Fetal life

According to lecture, which of these is one of the most common types of trace evidence?


Sir Francis Galton wrote which book?

Finger Prints

A hard and leathery stomach wall is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?


When using the brentamine fast blue test, what needs to happen to observe a color change

Acid phosphatase needs to break down sodium-a-napthyl, which will react with o-dianisdine and prodcue a purple color

When using the Brentamine fast blue test, what needs to happen to observe a color change?

Acid phosphatase needs to break down sodium-a-napthyl, which will react with o-dianisidine and produce a purple color

A large amount of poison taken in a single dose which causes symptoms and then probable death is called:

Acute Poisoning

A large amount of poison taken in a single dose which causes symptoms and then probable death is called:

Acute poisoning

How do fingerprint powders work?

Adherence to the fatty components in fingerprint residue

What method takes advantage of the structure of the metal below the serial stamp being compressed and the structure weakened?Chemical etching Ultrasonic cavitation Electrochemical etching

All of the above

Why is DNA important?

All of the above

A female pelvis should have:

All of these

Expirated blood can mimic: Low velocity Medium velocity High velocity

All of these

What compounds give fecal matter its characteristic smell?

All of these

Expirated blood can mimic:

All of these (all velocities)

What substance do cockroaches feed on?

All of these are areas of forensic entomology

Which substance do cockroaches feed on?

All of these are areas of forensic entomology

Which of these is a legitimate criticism of using psychological tests to assess a defendantÕs mental state? Tests tap current behavior when past behavior is of more interest Answers: The tests donÕt address legal issues Norms are gathered for a general population and may not apply to a disturbed individual Tests tap current behavior when past behavior is of more interest

All of these are criticisms

Which of these is a good way to locate seme stains?

All of these are good ways to locate semen stains

Which of these is a good way to locate semen stains?

All of these are good ways to locate semen stains

which of these is a good way to locate seme stains?

All of these are good ways to locate semen stains

Which of these is considered individual evidence in handwriting? Loops Pressure Proportions Movement All of these are individual evidence

All of these are individual evidence

What is a problem with the starch-iodine test?

All of these are problems

Which of these is NOT a gas produced by putrefaction (as discussed in lecture)?

All of these are produced

Why did Dr. Brundage think up so many questions about forensic entomology?

All of these are true

Which amylase catalyzes bonds within the polyglucan chains?


What is the preferred method for SAP activity testing?

Alpha-naphthyl phosphate and Brentamine Fast Blue B

What organization examines and certifies forensic physical anthropologists at the postdoctoral level and provides oversight in professional conduct?

American Board of Forensic Anthropology

All of the following are components of saliva except

Amino Acids

All of the following are components of saliva except

Amino acids

Presumptive tests for urine are actually testing for:


Presumptive tests for saliva rely on detecting Amylase


"When using the starch-iodine test, what needs to happen to observe a color change?"

Amylase needs to break down the starch in the plate, causing iodine to leave a cleared area"

When using the Phadebas reagent test, what needs to happen to observe a color change?

Amylase needs to break starch from the dye, making the dye soluble and therefore visible

When using the Phadebas Reagent test, what needs to happen to observe a color change?

Amylase needs to break starch from the dye, making the dye soluble and therefore visible.

An abrasion with hyperemia and a soft yellow crust of dried serum indicates:

An abrasion up to 36 hours old

PCP used to be used as

An animal tranquilizer

PCP used to be used as:

An animal tranquilizer

When you feel the pulse in your neck, you are feeling:

An artery

When you feel the pulse in your neck, you are feeling: "

An artery

What is the average length of skid marks one and two?

Approximately 38.5 feet long

"When analyzing handwriting movement, when moving a pen underhand or counter clockwise, it's referred to as: "


Which type of print pattern occurs in about 5% of prints?


Lethal caretakers:

Are usually women

What takes the full blood pressure of moving blood


Which of these takes the full pressure of moving blood?


which of these takes the full pressure of moving blood?


According to the lecture, how did the criminal avoid an immediate arrest during the Narborough investigation?

Asked his co-worker to pretend to be him when giving blood samples

Deep blue livor mortis is characteristic of what


Deep blue livor mortis is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?


Hemorrhagic spots under the skin or on the mucus membranes is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?


A red color change in a Marquis test is indicative of (according to lecture):


A red color change in marquis test is indicative of


Which of these is considered a high velocity weapon?

Assault riffle

Cementum apposition is found

At the root apex

Cementum apposition is found:

At the root apex

What do graphologists try to do?

Attribute personality traits to handwriting patterns

Removal of the skin during a bite is known as


Removal of the skin during a bite is known as:


How does adipocere form?

Bacterial enzymes convert unsaturated fats into saturated fats

A poisonous substance produced by bacteria is


Which of these historical figures helped advance fingerprint, firearms, and hair analysis in Paris?


________________ Developed probability models that showed fingerprints are unique.




Dillie-Koppanyi test screens for


The Dillie-Koppanyi test screens for:


Identification of saliva

Based on detection of inorganic anions: thiocyanate, nitrites enzymes: alkaline phosphatase, amylase antigens- HSA

Which lockpick has a dangerous weakness?


Why is mitochondrial DNA more useful compared to nuclear DNA?

Because Mitochondrial DNA is easy to recover for testing, even if it were damaged by environmental factors

why is mitochondrial DNA more useful compared to nuclear DNA?

Because Mitochondrial DNA is easy to recover for testing, even if it were damaged by environmental factors

What is the term for the halo or brightness that enters into the material of greater RI?

Becke line

When must documentation on found items be done?

Before its collected

Where was forensic psychology first used?


Which presumptive test was the most used before it was identified as a carcinogen?


Which of these historical figures helped developed the system of anthropometry?



Beta-amylase and alpha-amylase

What gives fecal mater its characterisitic color

Bile pigments and their breakdown products

What gives fecal matter its characteristic color?

Bile pigments and their breakdown products

What is the analytical and identifying characteristic of a material?


"You open a package of dried soup, and see many brown insects, approximately 1/8 in. long. the top of the soup package has several tiny holes. What has probably infested your soup?"

Biscuit Beetle

You open a package of dried soup, and see many brown insects, approximately 1/8 in. long. The top of the soup package has several tiny holes. What has probably infested your soup?"

Biscuit beetle

The scientific name of the german cockroach is:

Blatella Germanica

Which cockroach has the greatest ability to quickly infest a building

Blatella Germanica

Which cockroach has the greatest ability to quickly infest a building?

Blatella Germanica

The scientific name for the German cockroach is:

Blatella germanica

Which cockroach has the greatest ability to quickly infest a building?

Blatella germanica

What specimens are usually collected to determine the presence of common drugs of abuse?

Blood and urine

A positive Benzidine test is:


A male serial killer that preys on wives, children or other relatives for monetary gain is known as: "

Blue Beard

What type of object produces lacerations rather than incised wounds?

Blunt Objects

Lacerations happen during what type of injury?

Blunt force trauma

Forensic Serology can be defined as the examination and analysis of

Bodily Fluids

Forensic serology can be defined as the examination and analysis of

Bodily Fluids

Cocaine comes from plants commonly found in:

Bolivia and Columbia

Which of these is most resistant to thermal shock?


What type of examination identifies physical characteristics specific to plants that are considered controlled substances?

Botanical examinations

What is/are the main objective(s) of CODIS?

Both A & B

When do drugs become a law enforcement issue?

Both A and B

Where will the insects come from when a body was found at a dump site versus its original kill site?

Both A and B

What is the term for the impression from the writing instrument captured on the second sheet of paper below the one that contains the original writing? Indented writing Second page writing Sheet impression writing Both A and B but not C

Both A and B but not C

What does physical developer react with in fingerprint residue?

Both B and C

What types of bullets are not well marked by the rifling of a barrel? Lead Semi-jacketed Full metal jacketed

Both B and C

What sex of flies are attracted to a carcass in order for its geneitalia to develop?

Both male and female

The LEGAL definition of a wound is:

Breach of the full thickness of the skin

What causes the greenish discoloration of the abdomen during decomposition

Breakdown of hemoglobin by bacteria

AP screening test

Bromo chloro indolyl phosphate (BCIP)- forms insoluble blue precipitate Diazo red- forms a orange/red precipitate Sodium thymolphthalein monophosphate (STMP) forms a blue color change Fast Blue B (Brentamine blue) turns dark pink/violet.

The presence of methemeglobin causes:

Brown livor

What is the common name for a contusion?


How does an adult fly emerge from its pupal casing?

By inflating a bladder under its forehead

Chemicals that are not medicinal but are encountered in the environment or in industrial activity include all of the following, except...

Carbon Dioxide

Chemicals that are not medicinal but are encountered in the environment or in industrial activity include all of the following, except..."

Carbon dioxide

Bright red livor mortis is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons

Carbon monoxide

A lumpy liver is indicative of which of theses conditions

Carbon tetra chloride

A lumpy liver is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?

Carbon tetra chloride

Why don't we use benzidine any longer


You are investigating a beating in a small bathroom. The victim is found in the corner in a pool of blood with a huge spatter patter on the walls.You see lines of circular and elliptical drops on the ceiling? What caused these patterns?

Cast off

You are investigating a beating in a small bathroom. The victim is found in the corner in a pool of blood with a huge spatter pattern on the walls. You see lines of circular and elliptical blood drops on the ceiling. What caused these patterns (probably)?

Cast off

What patterns have a linear directionality associated with them?


"According to the universal numbering system, tooth number 8 is known as:"

Central incisor

According to the universal numbering system, tooth number E is known as:"

Central incisor

What is putrefaction?

Changes produced by action of bacteria and microorganisms

What method takes advantage of the structure of the metal below the serial stamp being compressed and the structure weakened?Chemical etching Ultrasonic cavitation Electrochemical etching

Chemical etching Ultrasonic cavitation Electrochemical etching All of the above

False positives for catalytic color tests

Chemical oxidants, plant peroxidases, natural oxidation, animal blood, other fluids


Chemical rxn in which a substance gives up e- when the substance binds with oxygen. Strong oxidizing agents include oxygen

A yellowed liver is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?


What part of a shotgun is a constriction in the muzzle that serves to concentrate the shot pattern?


The Epiphysis is made of:


Where is nuclear DNA found?


Which of these is NOT a medulla pattern found in humans?


By definition, forensic evidence is:


Cases between individuals or parties are called:

Civil cases

What is the term for writing attributes observed in a group of writers that are probably derived from a penmanship system learned?

Class Characteristics

Blood type is considered:

Class Evidence

What type of evidence comes into court and does not reference a particular suspect?

Class characteristic

What is the term for writing attributes observed in a group of writers that are probably derived from a penmanship system learned?

Class characteristics

Blood type is considered:

Class evidence

What is agglutination?

Clumping of erythrocytes

A blue color change in a Scott test is positive for:


Erythroxylon coca produces:


Scott Test


The Scott test screens for


Who was the first criminal caught with DNA evidence?

Colin Pitchfork

Bones have flexibility due to their _______________ content


What instrument measures color by elimination the subjectivity of human observation?


Leuco crystal violet

Colorless form. Prepared in acetic acid. Reduced from of crystal violet dye. Turns pink-purple in the presence of blood. Often used to detect/enhance latent bloodstains or patterns. Oxidized form is an anti-fungal agent.

Catalytic color test

Colorless reagent that will produce a characteristic color upon oxidation. Extensively conjugated ring system. Oxidizer is typically hydrogen peroxide. Rxn is catalyzed by the peroxidase-like activity of the heme group. H202 is reduced and oxidizes the organic dye, giving it color

What does the acronym CODIS stand for?

Combined DNA Information Systems

What does the acronym codes stand for?

Combined DNA information System

What do digital imaging tools do to the traditional video and still photography used in crime scene documentation?


You burn a substance and produce only carbon dioxide and water. This is known as:

Complete combustion

Which of the following is not an entry level requirement for DNA analysts?

Completion of analytical, inorganic, and physical chemistry courses"

Postmortem redistribution refers to

Concentration changes that occur after death as drugs move from one bodily region to another

Which fracture types can tell us from which direction a projectile struck glass?


What follows a presumptive test to establish the identification of blood?

Confirmatory Test

What follows a presumptive test to establish the identification of blood?

Confirmatory test

Who created the initial listing of controlled substances attached to the Controlled Substances Act of 1970?


Type O

Contain H antigen. H antigen is precursor to A and B antigens.

An awareness of how much we do not know and the humility to acknowledge the possibility of making mistakes is known as:

Contrite fallibilism

What term is defined as an accumulation of blood in the tissues outside the blood vessels?


Which treaty has been referred to as the ""Magna Carta"" for wildlife?"

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

What type of metal is used on lead alloy bullets to reduce the friction between the bullet and the gun barrel?


Bluish discoloration of the gums is indicativve of which of these conditions

Copper sulfate

Bluish discoloration of the gums is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?

Copper sulphate

Bluish discoloration of the gums is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons? (2)

Copper sulphate, lead poisoning

What are the Palmer and Zaner-Bloser methods?

Copybook styles of penmanship

Soft, swollen, rnaslucent and bleached tongue/mucus membranes is indicitive of what condition

Corrosive alkali

Soft, swollen, translucent and bleached tongue/mucus membranes is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons? "

Corrosive alkali

Both the Frye and Duabert tests were the result of:

Court cases

Jaffe test

Creatinine reacts w/ picric acid in alkaline environment to form bright orange/red product creatinine picrate

What is the English translation of the first forensic science textbook, published in 1893?

Criminal Investigation

What is the condition in which no light emerges when two polarizers are placed so that the privileged directions are perpendicular?

Crossed polars

The outermost portion of the hair shaft is called the:


Bright red livor mortis is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons

Cyanide poisoning

Bright red livor mortis is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons

Cyanide poisoning or Carbon Monoxide

Bright red livor mortis is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons (2)

Cyanide poisoning, carbon monoxide

Which development technique is used as a pre-treatment to fix prints?

Cyanoacrylate ester

What is the scientific term for "super glue?"

Cyanoacrylate esters

What is the scientific term for super glue

Cyanocyrlate esters

According to the lecture, why is it that DNA can be easily denatured by high temperatures?

DNA has weak hydrogen bonds through their complementary base pairs

Hair is considered class evidence UNLESS:

DNA is present

The FDA gets an alert that the defect action level has been reached in canned peaches. What does this mean?

Damages or foreign substances not harmful to humans have been found above federally mandated limits, and action must be taken to correct the problem

Luminol is best used in what kind of environment?


Luminol is best used in which kind of environments?


What are Tardieu's spots?

Darkened spots on the skin due to burst capillaries

What is the major active Agent in Marijujuana

Dat THC doeeeee

Which of these states that the known or potential error rates of the theory or technique needs to be applied?

Daubert Test

A man dies due to a heart attack. What is his cause of death?

Death of the heart muscle due to myocardial infarction due to blood clot in arteries

What causes ""marbling"?

Decomposition of blood in veins by bacteria

What does DNA stand for?

Deoxyribonucleic Acid

Which of the following is NOT a group that enforces Wildlife Protection Policy?

Department of Wildlife Protection


Derivative of benzidine. Acidic conditions. Turns blue-green. Less carcinogenic than benzidine b/c of methylated structure. Active chemical in hemastix test strips


Derivative of benzidine. Acidic conditions. Turns dark/blue. Probable carcinogen

When did the Federal Rules of Evidence come into existence?


Programs that teach nurses to work with sexual assault vicitims have existed in the United States since:


What year was the Omnibus Crime Code for Insanity adopted?


What year was the omnibus crime code for insanity adopted


when were federal funds allocated to construct a dedicated laboratory for forensic wildlife investigations?


In what year did the federal government enact a death investigation operation?


When did the Daubert test come into existence?


In what year was the American Board of Forensic Entomology born?


In which year did the ANA publish The Scope and Standards of Forensic Nursing?


In which year did the Texas legislature pass a bill requiring minimum standards for SANE certification?


Which of these indicates the twist rate?

1:100 mm

Which of these will impart the highest spin rate on a bullet

1:50 mm

Which of these will impart the highest spin rate on a bullet?

1:50 mm

How many grooves does a scrape cutter make with one swipe?


The CGS level assoicated with a partially recognizable body but absence of hands and/or feet is:


Approximately how much damage do termites do every year?

2 billion

Ejaculate volumes of human males range from (on average)

2-6 ml

Ejaculate volumes of human males range from (on average):

2-6 ml

What is the average perception-response time for a path intrusion at night?

2.1 seconds

What is the dental formula for a human child?


What is the dental formula for a human child?


A 2 year old has how many teeth (usually)?


You find a skeleton with the head of the humerus fused, the hdad of the femur fused to shaft and condoyles joined to shaft of femur, illium, ischium and pubis fully ossified, and lamboidal suture open. How old was this person when he died?


You find a skeleton with the head of the humerus fused, the hdad of the femur fused to shaft and condoyles joined to shaft of femur, llium, ischium and pubis fully ossified, and lamboidal suture open. How old was this person when he died?


In what year were the recommendations concerning the examination and identification of controlled substances finalized by SWGDRG?


Approximately how many eggs does a female Calliphoridae lay in her lifetime (according to lecture)?


Approximately how many eggs does a female calliphoridae lay in her lifetime?


In which year did the state of New Jersey pass legislation requiring a SANE in every county prosecutor's office in the state?


In which year did theWorld Report on Violence and Health get released?


When were fingerprints subjected to the Daubert standard in court


When were fingerprints subjected to the Daubert standard in court?


"According to the chapter on Wildlife Forensics, which year saw the largest number of cases?"


According to the chapter on wildlife forensics, which year saw the largest number of cases?


When does the lamboida suture BEGIN closing?


How many pairs of chromosomes do humans inherit from their parents


How many pairs of chromosomes, including the gender chromosome, do humans have?


After how many hours are most of the biological changes, typically used to estimate time of death completed?"


After how many hours are most of the biological changes, typically used to estimate time of death completed?

24-48 hours

You find a spatter pattern with blood drops mostly 1-4 mm in diameter. How fast was this blood traveling?

25-100 feet per second

What is the total magnification range of the compound binocular microscope, according to your reading?

25-1200 times greater than the object

What was the speed of the Ford F-150 at the beginning of the skid marks



2nd largest constituent of urine. Breakdown of protein. Directly related to diet of the individual. Found in urine, semen, saliva, sweat and serum. Crystals form when combined with xanthydrol and acetic acid (indirect method). Urea nitrate crystals form when acetone extract of a urine stain is followed by a conversion to urea nitrate (direct method). Is hydrolyzed to CO2 and ammonia in presence of enzyme urease

"According to the universal numbering system, tooth number 2 is known as:"

2nd molar

How many larval instars do blow flies have?


How many larval instars to blow flies have?


What is the minimum number of consecutive striations that must be found on each bullet to constitute a match?


What percentage of human genomic DNA codes for proteins?



3 layers: periosteum, hard, spongy

What is the normal clotting time of blood that has exited the body from healthy individuals?

3-15 mins

What is the normal clotting time of blood that has exited the body from healthy individuals?

3-15 minutes


3-indoxy sulfuric acid. Can be detected w/ TLC

In general, how quickly do liquids pass through the stomach?


What is the cutoff point between high velocity and low velocity injuries?

300 meters per second

Approximately how many animal species are protected under the endangered species act (according to lecture)?


How many teeth do most human adults have?


Street heroin is approximatly how pure


Street heroin is approximatly how pure?


Approximately how many cockroach species are found in the world? How many of these are found in the US?

3500, 55

Approximately how many cockroach species are found in the world? How many of these are found in the US?


The CGS level assoicated with disarticulation of the skull and skull fragmentation is:


Approximately how long does it take intraocular fluid to dry up after death?

4 days

What is the range of the total volume of blood in healthy individuals?

4.5 6.0 liters

Traveling at 10 mph, how many feet would the F-150 travel when full braking in the parking lot?

4.7 feet

Death from blood loss


Death from blood loss happens at approximatly:

40% blood volume

Death from blood loss happens at approximately

40% blood volume loss

Death from blood loss happens at approximatly:

40% blood volume loss

In normal individuals what percentage of blood is comprised of cellular components


In normal individuals what percentage of blood is comprised of cellular components?


According to the lecture, about how many victims were found during the Green River murder investigation?


What United States Constitutional Amendment states the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable search and seizure but is limited by interpretation?

4th ammendment

The controlled substance act classified into how many schedules


What is the distance from the beginning of the skid marks to the point the pedestrian was hit?


You find a spatter pattern with blood drops mostly 4-8 mm in diameter. How fast (approximatly) was this blood moving?

5 feet per second

Approximately how many GSW deaths are from exsanguination?


Plasma makes up _______ of whole blood and is referred to as blood ___________.

55% and serum

Seminal fluid

60% seminal vesicle fluid (proteins, flavins). 30% prostatic fluid (AP, PSA). 5% epididymis secretions. 5% bulbourethral gland secretions.

An unknown body gets the following Gustafson score:A=2P=3S=2T=2C=1R=2. What is the person's approximate age?

66 years

The speed of dropping blood maxes out at

7 feet

How many grains in a pound?


According to lecture, what percentage of data intercepted at night coming from the dorms at TAMU involved download of torrents and porn? "


Urine production

750 mL - 2000 mL

Currently, how many minutiae are needed for a positive print identification?"


A healthy, normal-sized man dies in his home. The ambient temperature is 74 F, and he is not near a draft. He is wearing a light shirt and shorts. You take his body temperatures: Skin: 76.6 F; Liver: 82.6 F; Underarm: 78.6 F; Scalp: 74.6 F; Mouth under tongue: 80.6 F. Approximately how long ago did he die (assuming his normal body temp is 98.6 F, and he was not running a fever?)"

8-11 hours

Currently, how many minutiae are needed for a positive print identification?


Approximately what percentage of blood types are Rh+?


Approximatley what % of blood types are Rh+


"According to the FBI database, how many serial killers are male? "


According to the FBI database, how many serial killers are male?


What degree of impact is associated with a circular shape?


"you measure a drop of blood, and get its length at 10 mm and its width at 10mm. This blood hit the target surface at what angle?

90 degrees

Dr. Jones mentioned that Facebook can figure out your economic status with _________ accuracy.


What degree of impact is associated with a circular shape?


Scientific certainty is generally restricted to what percent levels?

90% or higher

Which death situation is most likely to be reversed given cutting edge techniques?

A 4 year old boy falls through the ice and is under in 40 minutes

What is anthropophagy?

Destruction of body by predators

Controlled substances are:

Determined by federal or state laws

The concept known as equifinality refers to what?

Different agents of bone modification producing similar types of damage

Which of these is an example of a poison


Which of these is an example of a poison?


Which of these is considered a remote action poison? (5)

Digitalis, hydrogen sulfide, ether, alcohol, CO

You want to test an unknown substance for barbiturates. Which of these is the best choice?

Dillie-Koppanyi test

What credential is increasingly utilized nationally and internally to qualify expert witnesses in court?

Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Anthropology

What credential is increasingly utilized nationally and internationally to qualify expert witnesses in court?

Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Anthropology

What is the best way to identify fecal matter?

Direct Observation

"According to profiling theory, an investigator should interrogate an organized killer by using: "

Direct confrontation

What is the best way to identify fecal matter?

Direct observation

Which is the best way to identify fecal matter?

Direct observation

Agglutination assays

Direct: antibody interacts directly w/ antigens located on the cell surface. Passive: antigen bound to a carrier before the addition of antibodies.

What two properties of light do isotropic materials not affect?

Direction and vibration

What is determined by examining the edge characteristics of an individual stain?

Direction of Flight

What is determined by examining the edge characteristics of individual stains?

Direction of Flight

What is determined by examining the edge characteristics of individual stains?

Direction of flight

The MEDICAL definition of a wound is:

Disruption of the continuity of the tissues by external mechanical force

A conscious attempt to deliberately attempt to minimize or deny symptoms of a mental disorder is known as what?


At what firing range does no detectable gunshot residue reaches the skin or clothing of the victim?

Distant Shots

At what firing range does no detectable gunshot residue reaches the skin or clothing of the victim?

Distant shots

According to your reading, what is perapst the single most important task of the crime scene investigator?

Documentation of the crime scene's original condition

Advantages of bluestar

Does not need total darkness. Chemiluminescence is often brighter and last longer than laminal. Creates intense blue light

What type of revolvers are fired by a long trigger pull that raises the hammer, indexes a firing chamber under the hammer and then allows the hammer to drop, firing the cartridge?"

Double action revolver

Who wrote Dentistry in Legal Medicine?

Dr. Amoedo

Who submitted an affidavit of his examination of bloodstain evidence and findings in the case of State of Ohio v. Samuel Sheppard in 1955 which became a significant milestone in the recognition of bloodstain evidence by the American legal system?

Dr. Paul Kirk

Who was the doctor who used maggot debridement therapy in World War I?

Dr. William Baer

The pins that prevent a lock from turning without a proper key are called:

Driver Pins

The pins that prevent a lock from turning without a proper key are called:

Driver pins

Which of these is most profitable?

Drug Trafficking

What is the workplace drug testing primarily concerned with?

Drugs of abuse

What type of extraction involves using a solvent to dissolve and remove the compound of interest from a sample matrix?

Dry Extraction

What type of extraction involves using a solvent to dissolve and remove the compound of interest from a sample matrix?

Dry extraction

What type of extraction involves using a solvent to dissolve and remove the compound of interest from a sample matrix? Dry extraction

Dry extractions

What is the chemical color test to confirm the presence of cannabinoids and THC

Duquenois Levine test

What is the chemical color test to confirm the presence of cannabinoids and THC?

Duquenois Levine test

You want to test an unknown substance for marijuana. Which of these is the best choice?

Duquenois-Levine color test

You want to test an unknown substance for marijuanna

Duquensoiis-Levine color test

Leuco dye

Dye whose molecules can acquire two forms, one of which is colorless. When reduced is a colorless agent. Capable of being reconverted to the original dye by oxidation. Compounds used as biological stains/dyes all have chromophoric group, structure which gives them color

Which is NOT a symptom of brain death (according to lecture)?

EKG silence

Excess antigen

Each antibody becomes saturated with antigen. Precipitate forms but then diminishes. Cross linking can't occur.

Excess antibody

Each antigen molecule is rapidly saturated. Cross linking doesn't occur. No precipitate formed

Which is NOT a reason teeth are excellent for forensics?

Each tooth has an individual ridge pattern which can be used alone to identify a person

When did the Palmer system begin to be taught?

Early 20th Century

When do basic pattersn of friction ridge skin form?

Early embryonic development

The 'triangle of safety' involves

Ears, side of face, neck, and top of shoulders

Why is mitochondrial DNA more useful compared to nuclear DNA?

Easier to retrieve even if damaged

What is the term for the sweat glands found in friction ridge skin?


Linkage of persons, scenes or objects is based on what?

Edmond Locard's exchange principle

Which is the correct order for blow fly development?

Egg, larvae, pupae, adult

What body parts couldn't leave a pattern transfer from friction ridge skin?


What are the five basic methods of heat production?

Electrical, mechanical, compressed gas, nuclear, chemical

Which rifling technique involves applying a voltage between the barrel and an electrode resulting in the barrel becoming the anode in an electrochemical cell?

Electrochemical etching

What is the most discriminating technique of glass?

Elemental profiles


Elicits antibody formation, proteins, polysacchardies, glycolipids, glycoproteins,

"According to profiling theory, an investigator should interrogate a disorganized killer by using: "


What is pain referred to as when the film formed by chemical cross linkage of a number of its components?


What is the hardest substance in the body?


What is used to move the slide or breechblock back after a semiautomatic pistol is fired?

Energy produced by the fired cartridge

What technological advancement lead to a greater ability to discriminate between individuals and evidentiary material?

Enzyme Markers

What technological advancement lead to a greater ability to discriminate between individuals and evidentiary material?

Enzyme markers

What is acrosome

A capsule of enzymes on the anterior portion of the sperm cell

What is an acrosome?

A capsule of enzymes on the anterior portion of the sperm cell head

A crescent-shaped laceration on the head can indicate:

A circular or spherical implement

Narcissism entails:

A concentration of the psychological interest in the self

A macroscopic crime scene is most likely to be searched by:

A crime scene investigator or field tech

What is an opiate?

A large class of drugs able to cause euphoria as well as relieve pain

An amorphous material is:

A material in which the molecules are not arranged regularly

What is the difference between a medical examiner and a coroner?

A medical examiner is a medical doctor, while a coroner is an appointed or elected official

Cocaine is considered:

A naturally occuring drug

Morphine is considered:

A naturally occuring drug

A spree killer is:

A person who had murdered two or more victims in a short time in multiple locations with no cooling off

A mass murderer is

A person who has murdered more than four people during a single event with no cooling off

A mass murderer is:

A person who has murdered more than four people during a single event with no cooling off

A serial killer is:

A person who has murdered three or more people over a period of more than a month with a cooling off period

Sadism entails:

A pervasive pattern of cruel, demeaning, and aggressive behavior

Distal embolization occurs when:

A projectile slows enough and enters the vascular system

Hemotoxyin and eosin (H&E)

!!! look up

Approximately how many cockroach species are found in the world? How many of these are found in the US?

"3500, 55"

In humans, two DNA loci code for amylase. Which statement is true?

"AMY1 codes for the amylase found in saliva, breast milk, and perspiration."

n humans, two DNA loci code for amylase. Which statement is true?

"AMY1 codes for the amylase found in saliva, breast milk, and perspiration."

What does ADME stand for?

"Absorption, distribution, metabolism, exertion"

"You are caught with hemp seeds in your cabinet, which you use for baking. What is the potential penalty for this?

"Community service, provided you have a good lawyer"

What is the correct order for blow fly development

"Egg, Larvae, Pupae, Adult"

When using the Benzidine test, what needs to happen to observe a color change?"

"Hemoglobin needs to oxidize the chemical, which then turns blue"

Why was the case People v Hawthorn important to forensic psychology?

"It resulted in psychologists being evaluated on their expertise, not the presence or absence of a medical degree"

Pin stacks consist of:

"Key pins, driver pins and springs"

Three genetic loci control PGM polymorphism. Where are they located?

"Locus 1 on chromosome 1, locus 2 on chromosome 4, and locus 3 on chromosome 6"

Tool mark evidence that is too large to be collected directly should be:

"Measured, photographed and cast"

What are the three main components of DNA?

"Pentose sugar, phosphate group, and nitrogenous base"

Psychopathy entails:

"Persistent violation of the rights of others, a disregard for such rights, a lack of empathy for the feelings of others, a lack of remorse for any offense or injury to others, an inflated self-concept, and a superficial charm"

What is anthropology?

"The study of origins, behavior, and development of humans"

A good example of a fixed point for sketching a crime scene would be:

A recorded utility pole

Y-shaped splits at the corners of lacerations can indicate:

A rectangular implement

Which of these is considered low velocity?

A rock falling at 51 meters per second

What is a control sample?

A sample of carpet from a separate room or protected area

"You are convicted of possessing a controlled substance with no bodily injury or death. Since this is your first offense, you get a few months in jail and a fine of $100,000. Which of these drugs did you probably have?

A schedule V drug

You are convicted of possessing a controlled substance with no bodily injury or death. Since this is your first offense, you get a few months in jail and a fine of $100,000. Which of these drugs did you probably have?

A schedule V drug

According to your reading, what is increasingly the entry-level requirement for a crime scene processing job?

A science degree from a college or university

LSD is considered:

A semisynthetic drug

According to your reading, what is ethics?

A set of rules that govern conduct of a professional working in a given field

Which is not part of TLC?

A solvent comprised of blue ink and water

An endangered species is:

A species that is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range

What is a chromogene?

A substance capable of generating a colored species

Phencyclidine is considered

A synthetic drug

Phencyclidine is considered:

A synthetic drug

An indentation tool mark is made when:

A tool is pressed against a softer surface

Which of these is indicative of a male pelvis?

A triangular pelvis

Which of these is indicative of a male pelvis?

A triangular pubis

"You run a starch-iodine test and end up with a clear area on the plate, surrounded by a field of dark blue. What do you know?

The substance is positive for amylase

A psychological test which shows patients ambiguous drawings of scenes and asks for the patient's intepretation of events is called (as we went over in class):

Thematic apperception test

You find a blood stain that is positive for salivary amylase. What do you know?

This is expirated blod

You find a blood stain that is positive for salivary amylase. What do you know?

This is expirated blood

you find a blood stain that is positive for salivary amylase. What do you know?

This is expirated blood

According to the universal numbering system, tooth number 34 is known as:"

This isnÕt one of the teeth

You find a body and the livor mortis shows blanching when touched. What do you know?

This person has been dead less than 8-12 hours

You see ashes and soot left over from a fire. What do you know?

This was the result of incomplete combustion

Who wrote The Identification of the Human Skeleton, A Medicolegal Study?

Thomas Dwight

Who wrote the identification of the human skeleton, A Medicolegal Study?

Thomas Dwight

Which is a characteristic of minor wildlife crime offenders?

Those who violate permits and are more opportunistic

Three genetic loci control PGM polymorphism. Where are they located?

Three genetic loci control PGM polymorphism. Where are they located?

The key elements to observe and document for a vehicular accident include all but what?

Time of day

You are looking for biscuit beetle eggs in your pantry. What should you look for?

Tiny and Pearly white eggs

Material fatigue is most commonly exhibited by what part of a car?


Which development technique is used for prints on adhesive surfaces?

Titanium Dioxide

Which development technique is used for prints on adhesive surfaces?

Titanium dioxide

Which of the following is NOT part of latent fingerprint development using fingerprint powders?

Try to get as much of the brush as possible in contact with the print

Which of the following is not part of latent fingprint development using fingerprint poweder

Try to get as much of the brush as possible in contact with the print

How can you tell expirated blood from other types of blood spatter Saliva or mucus in the blood Air bubbles in the blood

Two of these

How can you tell exported blood from other types of blood spatter?

Two of these

What must be added to a compound microscope in order for it to be converted to a polarized light microscope?

Two of these

Which area(s) of the large instine most commonly present with ulcers?

Two of these

Which fracture types can tell us which hole formed first in glass?

Two of these

Which of these has begun to replace SANE programs?

Two of these

What is a toxicant

Type of poison made by humans or introduced into human enviornment by human activity

Which of the following is the definition of 'plastic' in a fingerprint context?

Visible reproduction of friction ridge skin in a malleable substrate

"Those that kill because they are ""told"" to, and tend to be paranoid or schizophrenic are known as: "


The space left in blood spatter when something covered in blood is removed is called



Two identical antigen binding site. Allows cross-linking by binding to two different cells simultaneously.

Who is considered the western hemisphere's fingerprint pioneer?


who is considered the western hemisphere's fingerprint pioneer?


Which type of blood cells are needed for DNA typing?

WBC's (white blood cells)

Advantages of testing Sg over PSA

[ ] of Sg in seminal fluid higher than PSA. Found outside of semen, not found in urine, milk or sweat where PSA can sometimes be detected.

"A female murderer that preys on husbands, children or other relatives for monetary gain is known as: "

a black widow

Fingernail impressions tend to make which type of wound?


If the pedestrian was walking at 5.64 feet per second, how long would that take?

about 5 seconds

You see several insects flying zig zag around your living room at night. Where would you look for an infestation ?

in the pantry or in fire

You see several insects flying zig zag around your living room at night. Where would you look for an infestation ?

in the pantry or in food

Secondary dentin is most noticeable:

in the pulp cavity

A forest fire caused by someone trying to burn down a forest is known as:


The earliest phase of fire that may last from seconds to hours is known as:


The area in which an offender works or some other area with which the offender is familiar are called:

activity nodes

What is the term for the impression from the writing instrument captured on the second sheet of paper below the one that contains the original writing?

indented writing and second page writing

A wide v pattern:

indicates a slow burning fire

Primary Rxn

initial binding of a single antigen and antibody to form an antigen-antibody complex


aka Adlers test. Contains acetic acid and ethanol. Turns dark blue. Known carcinogen

Christmas staining

aka Kernechtrot Picoindiogcarmine Stain (KPIC). Nuclear fast red- stains nuclear material. Head and e-cell nuclei. Picroindigocarmine- sperm tails and cytoplasm of e-cells stain light green or bluish-green.

Which of these can NOT be determined using insects?

algor mortis

For what reasons is estimating time of death important? Humanitarian reasons Legal implications Success of investigation All of the above

all of the above

In what cases may the exclusion of insects be seen?

all of the above

In which way does a semi auto and automatic firearms function?

all of the above

What is a category of tool marks?

all of the above

What is a type of fraudulent writing?

all of the above

What is considered a general rifling characteristic?

all of the above

What is considered a general rifling characteristic? Number of lands and grooves Caliber Number of lands and grooves Direction and degree of twist

all of the above

The controlled sbstances act of 1970 regulates: The manufacture of controlled substances The importation of controlled substances The posession of controlled substances The use of controlled substances

all of these

Which of these is an appropriate evidence container for an arson investigation?

all of these

Which of these would be considered a projectile?

all of these

The liquid portion of paint is called:


A technique in which DNA is transferred onto a nylon membrane d anradioactive probes are added to the DNA in order to visualize.

southern blotting

What is the powder used for developing latent prints on adhesive tapes?

sticky side powder

What type of gunshot residue deposition is caused from large propellant particles that travel further than finer particles?


An assumption of profiling is:

the offenders personality will not change

"According to your reading, what concept needs to be included in the definition to truly define a serial killer?"

the psychological propensity to re-offend

A red color change in a Marquis test is indicative of (according to lecture):


An explosion formed when fresh oxygen is introduced to a smoldering fire is called:


The Dillie-Koppanyi test screens for:


Antibody profiling

based on the existence of individual specific auto-antibodies (ISAs) which perform a housekeeping function by ridding the body of dead and diseased cells.

Glass with added sodium oxides and borax fledspath has the property of:

being resistant to thermal shock

______ pigments give fecal matter its smell and color


"You open a package of dried soup, and see many brown insects, approximately 1/8 in. long. The top of the soup package has several tiny holes. What has probably infested your soup?"

biscuit beetle

You open a package of dried soup, and see many brown insects, approximately 1/8 in. long. The top of the soup package has several tiny holes. What has probably infested your soup?"

biscuit beetle

A female murderer that preys on husbands, children or other relatives for monetary gain is known as:

black widow

Calliphoridae are commonly known as:

blow flies or bottle flies

A male serial killer that preys on wives, children or other relatives for monetary gain is known as:


Forensic Serology can be defined as the examination and analysis of

bodily fluids

What is/are the main objective(s) of CODIS?

both a and b

What sex of flies are attracted to a carcass in order for its genitalia to develop?

both male and female

Physical Developer

both water soluble and insoluable

What color do carboxymyoglibin and carboxyhemoglobin appear as?

bright red

How does an adult fly emerge from its pupal casing?

by inflating a bladder under its forehead

A psychological test which shows patients ambiguous drawings of scenes and asks for the patient's intepretation of events is called (as we went over in class):

thematic apperception test

What is the term used to describe the diameter of a circle that is tangent with the top of the lands of the rifling?


Which of these is associated with a disorganized crime scene

there are sexual acts after death

You are investigating a beating in a small bathroom. The victim is found in the corner in a pool of blood with a huge spatter pattern on the walls. You see lines of circular and elliptical blood drops on the ceiling. What caused these patterns (probably)?

cast off

"According to the universal numbering system, tooth number E is known as:"

cenrtral incisor

"According to the universal numbering system, tooth number 8 is known as:"

central incisor

According to the universal numbering system, tooth number E is known as:"

central incisor

Advantages of starch-iodine radial diffusion

cheap, fairly easy, can run multiple samples on same gel, identifies amylase

Phadebas paper

insoluble blue dye attached to starch polymer. Upon hydrolysis by amylase, blue dye released. Active ingredient of the Phadebas tablets are starch polymer chains that are interlinked to form spheres of uniform and pre-defined size- called bio-degradable starch microspheres (DSMs). DSMs are insoluble in water. Presence of amylase, DSMs are degraded by enzyme, at a speed increasing with the solution's amylase activity

The larvae stage between molts is known as:


The larval stage between molts is known as:


Teichmann test

consists of heating dried blood in presence of glacial acetic acid & a halide (chloride) to form a hematin derivative. Rxn converts hemoglobin to hemin. Formed crystals are rhombic and brown Age of stain does not impact testing

Breast milk

contains low levels of salivary alpha amylase (higher than most other body fluids besides saliva). Exhibits fluorescence at 450 nm w/ orange filter

Those killers that are paid to kill are known as:


Those killers that are paid to kill are known as:

contract killers


control region contains immobilized polyclnal goat anti-rabbit antibodies. Sample well area contains rabbit antibodies and monoclonal anti-human hemoglobin. Test region contains another anti-human hemoglobin

Which is not a medico legal division of wound classes as we discussed during lecture


Possible reasons for fluorescence of dried semen stains:

conversion of non protein compounds to compounds that are capable of fluorescing, growth of bacterium, presence of flavins

"A murderer that kills to save money, especially those that kill employees is known as: "

cost cutter

A murderer that kills to save money, especially those that kill employees is known as:

cost cutter

The FBI now use the phrase ___________ to describe their method of offender behavior and analysis.

criminal investigative analysis

"According to your reading, the main advocate of the Investigative Psychology profiling method is:"

david canter

Disadvantages of starch-iodine radial diffusion

difficult to use as a locator, not specific to saliva.

SAP strucutre

dimeric glycoprotein. Catalyzes the hydrolytic removal of an ester linked phosphate group from any number of monophosphate substrates, like the ones that naturally occur in semen and those used in colormetric analysis

"According to profiling theory, an investigator should interrogate an organized killer by using: "

direct confrontation

The theory that crimes will decrease in frequency the further away an offender travels from his or her home base is the:

distance decay

Which of these is a geographical expression of the principle of least effort?

distance decay

What type of revolvers are fired by a long trigger pull that raises the hammer, indexes a firing chamber under the hammer and then allows the hammer to drop, firing the cartridge?

double action revolver

What type of extraction involves using a solvent to dissolve and remove the compound of interest from a sample matrix?

dry extraction

when did the palmer system begin to be taught

early 20th century

Simple immunoelectrophoresis

electric current used to separate antigens w/in a sample before antibody is added


electricity drives the antigen and antibody toward each other (antigen is negatively charged and will migrate toward the anode)

Which rifling technique involves applying a voltage between the barrel and an electrode resulting in the barrel becoming the anode in an electrochemical cell?

electrochemical etching

"According to profiling theory, an investigator should interrogate a disorganized killer by using: "


Disadvantage of glycogen staining

end of urethral canal in penis also contains glycogenated e-cells. Low [ ] in mouth. Anal/rectal area may contain some glycogenated cells but stains from these area often contain fecal material, which may help distinguish them

What is used to move the slide or breechblock back after a semiautomatic pistol is fired?

energy produced by the fired cartiridge

What term is defined as the study of insects?


What technological advancement lead to a greater ability to discriminate between individuals and evidentiary material?

enzyme markers

Menstrual blood

epithelial cells usually present, glycogen, doesn't clot, lactate dehydrogenase (LHD). Endometrial cells from uterus may be identified microscopically


epithelium occurs mainly in the skin, also found in the mouth and nose, providing a tough, impermeable barrier. Keratin is a tough insoluble protein that essentially waterproofs the skin

What types of bullets are produced by inserting percussion caps in the hollowed out noses of hollow point bullets?


The need for specific inanimate objects in sexual gratification is known as


The temperature at which liquid will produce vapors that will sustain combustion is known as:


The temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient vapor to form an ignitable mixture at its surface is known as:


Squamous cells

flat cells w/ an irregular flattened shape

The most expensive pest for pet owners is:


What are the first insects usually attracted to remains?



fluoresce apple green w/ HgCl2, ZnCl2 and UV light

A low velocity projectile can still do considerable damage if:

if it has high weight

What United States Constitutional Amendment states the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable search and seizure but is limited by interpretation?

Fourth Amendment

What is a more common finding in manual strangulation?

Fraction of the cornu

A massive dose of poison that causes death without preceding symptoms is called

Fuminant poisoning

massive dose of poison that causes death without preceding symptoms is called

Fuminant poisoning

Tandem mass spectrometers are not

Futuristic super machines

What is the component of Lophophora diffusa that produces hallucinogenic effects?


Which technique is a type of confirmatory analysis?


When analyzing handwriting movement, when moving a pen overhand or clockwise, it's referred to as: "

Garland Movement

What is the term used to describe the number of spherical lead balls having the diameter of the interior of the barrel that weigh one pound.


The Daubert trilogy is made up of three trials. One is the Daubert trial. What are the other two?

General Electric Co. vs Joiner and Kumho Tire Co. v. Carmichael

Low explosives _________, whereas high explosives ________

Generate pushing power; generate shattering power

What is an example of a non-porous substrate?


Which of these is considered an irritant poison

Glass Powder

Which of these is considered and irritant poison

Glass powder

What is necessary to detect vaginal secretions?

Glycogenated epithelial cells

Prostate specific antigen (PSA)

Glycoprotein made up of 237 amino acids. Aka P-30. Possesses antigenic properties. Reacts w/ anti P-30 produced in animals. Present in seminal fluid at [ ] of 0.5-2.0 mgl/ml. Produced by the epithelial cells that line the ducts of the prostate gland.

Which of these historical figures is credited with establishing scientific examination of firearms evidens in the United States?


Long UV (365-415)

Good for body fluids such as semen and saliva, greenish fluorescence. NO barrier filter required for viewing, but UV protective goggles should be worn to protect the eyes

Chemical Mapping

Good for fabrics that are not ideal for visualization w/ an ALS. Highly absorbent, white, dark, garments otherwise stained

Which jury is tasked with handing down an indictment?

Grand jury

Which type of jury is empowered to decide if the evidence against a defendant warrents proceeding to the next step?

Grand jury

What is the likelihood of recovering mtDNA in small or degraded biological samples?

Greater than finding nuclear DNA because mtDNA molecules are present in hundred to thousands of copies per cell

What is the likelihood of recovering mtDNA in small or degraded biological samples?

Greater than finding nuclear DNA because mtDNA molecules are present in hundreds to thousands of copies per cell

Hydrogen sulfide poisoning leaves what color liver?


Whose experimental findings were that second generation reappearance of characteristics present in one of the grandparents used in his studies demonstrated that inheritance was particulate and mixing did not alter genes?

Gregor Mendel

Which of these historical figures is coined the term "criminalistics"?


The misting effect is a pattern associated with what?


Who coined the term Criminalistics?

Hans Gross

Schedule II drugs:

Have high potential for abuse but have an accepted medical use

Schedule I drugs:

Have high potential for abuse with no accepted medical use

Schedule III drugs

Have low potential for abuse with an accepted medical use

Schedule III drugs:

Have low potential for abuse with an accepted medical use

What type of tool is used to measure the number, direction and degree of twist of lands and grooves?"


Phenolphthalein tests for the presence of:


Why does hydrogen peroxide bubble up in the presence of blood?

Hemoglobin has peroxidase-like activity

Copy of "When using Luminol, what needs to happen to observe a color change?"

Hemoglobin needs to oxidize the chemical which then gives off light

Copy of when using luminol what needs to happen to observe a color change

Hemoglobin needs to oxidize the chemical which then gives off light

When using Luminol, what needs to happen to observe a color change?

Hemoglobin needs to oxidize the chemical which then gives off light

When using the Benzidine test, what needs to happen to observe a color change

Hemoglobin needs to oxidize the chemical, which then turns blue

_________ is need for the transport of oxygen and _________ is needed for clot formation

Hemoglobin; Platelets

_______is needed for the transport of oxygen and _______ is needed for clot formation

Hemoglobin; platelets

What is a system in which the US has adapted ten print sets for classification

Henry System

What is a system in which the United States has adapted ten print sets for classification?

Henry System

hich fingerprint classification system is still in use in most English speaking countries today

Henry classification system

What is a system in which the United States has adapted ten print sets for classification?

Henry system

Diacetylmorphine is also known as:


Who was the first credited European to recognize the value of fingerprints as a means of personal identification?


SAP found..

High [ ] in semen. Very low [ ] in blood of healthy males. Higher [ ] in the blood of males suffering from prostate cancer. In male urine.

Vaginal secretions

High [ ] of Glycogen. Lugo's iodine- Stains glycogen brown w/ iodine and cells w/out glycogen stain golden yellow

Under which circumstances is adipocere most likely to form?

High humidity and temperature

Tramline bruising is indicative of:

High velocity impact with a cylindrical solid object

A round, crater-shaped hole with a wide exit side in a pane of glass indicates:

High velocity projectiles

Gun shot wounds tend to produce

High velocity spatter patterns

Gun shot wounds tend to produce:

High velocity spatter patterns

Combination of DNA & Specialized proteins are called?


What is toxicokinetics?

How drugs and poisons move through the body

S=√30df helps you calculate:

How fast a car was going

What is toxicogenomics?

How genetic factors play a role in the toxicity of a drug or poison

What is toxicogenomics?

How genetic factos play a role in the toxicity of a drug or poison.

What determines how much residue of an accelerant will be left and for how long?

How volatile the accelerant is

What is the process in which a probe along with a radioactive label is bound to DNA fragments?


Early apperance of decomposition is indicative of which of these conditions

Hydrogen Sulfide

Which of these is considered a remote action poison?

Hydrogen Sulfide

Early appearance of decomposition is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?

Hydrogen sulfide

DNA is held together by __________ bonds and can be broken by _______ temps.


A woman dies in her air conditioned home. The ambient temperature is 74.6 F. You take her body temperatures: Skin: 70.6 F; Liver: 74.6 F; Scalp: 68.6 F; Underarm: 71.6 F; Mouth under tongue: 71.6 F. Her normal body temperature was 98.6 and she was not running a fever at death. Approximately how long has she been dead?

I cannot tell from this situation

"If you were to ask Brent Munyon, what is always an appropriate answer at a crime scene?

I don't know


lack of sperm in semen

Secondary dentin is most noticeable:

In the pulp cavity

Laser Capture Microdissection

laser cuts around the sample and it is transferred directly into a tube for analysis. Advantage is you can select only the cells of interest for analysis. Disadvantages: expensive instrument, requires special software, slides, adhesive film, tubes

"According to the universal numbering system, tooth number D is known as:"

lateral incisor

The principle that states that given two alternative courses of action, people will choose the one that requires the least effort is called the: "

least effort principle

Trace evidence is the basis of:

Locard's principle

Which PGM polymorphism is considered forensically important

Locus 1

Which PGM polymorphism is considered forensically important?

Locus 1

Three genetic loci control PGM polymorphism. Where are they located?

Locus 1 on chromosome 1, locus 2 on chromosome 4, and locus 3 on chromosome 6"

Alopecia and hyperpigmentation is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?

Long term arsenic poisoning

Which type of print pattern occurs in about 60% of prints?


Cast off is classified as

Low or medium velocity spatter

Cast off is classified as:

Low or medium velocity spatter

Cast off is classified as:

Low or medium veloicty


Low pH from stomach acid in stain. Distinctive odor due to butyric acid. Amylase by increase saliva production. Pepsin (digestive enzyme)

Passive Blood drops are considered:

Low velocity

You find a spatter pattern with blood drops mostly 4-8 mm in diameter. You characterize this pattern as:

Low velocity

Which of these is the most sensitive when looking for blood




Which sort of national and international laws were NOT established at the beginning of the twentieth century?

Make sure people eat more delicious animals

Bacteria break down amino acids into (3)

Methyl mercaptan, indol, skatole

The application of a microscope and microscopial techniques to the observation, collection and analysis of micro-evidence is called:


Which is not an example of presumptive test?

Microcrystal Test

Which is not an example of presumptive test?

Microcrystal test

Bone from non-bone

Microscopic analysis: bone has fairly compact surface, some graininess. SEM and Energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS)- elemental analysis of specimen, calcium to phosphorous ratio, useful when sample is extremely small, fragmented or damaged.

Which of these is a nondestructive approach to comparing ink lines?


What are amplicons?

Millions of Identical Copies of the original or target DNA

What are amplicons?

Millions of identical copies of the original or target DNA

What is the term for the features of friction ridge patterns?


Those that kill to clean up the world are known as:


What bloodstain alteration results in bloodstains being diluted?


What is always better when documenting blood stain evidence?


Heroin is a derivative of:


Heroin is a derivative of


Heroin is a derivative of:


Heroine is a derivative of



lines the outside of the body (skin), the interior cavities and the vessels in the body. Outermost layer of skin is composed of dead stratified squamous epithelial cells, as are the mucous membranes lining the inside of mouths and body cavities

Whre are drugs primarily metabolized?


Forensic science should:

ll of these

What is a female fly's only maternal concern?

locate most optimum location


low sperm count of 20 mil sperm per ml or less

Hard bone

made up of crystalline mineral salts, calcium, collagen and various growth factors

The controlled sbstances act of 1970 regulates: The manufacture of controlled substances The importation of controlled substances The posession of controlled substances The use of controlled substances

It regulates all of these

When a candle burns, what happens to the wax?

It vaporizes and reacts with oxygen in the air

Functions of salivary amylase

maintain oral health, lubricate passage of food, break down carbohydrates

The Dillie-Koppanyi test screens for:


The Duquenoise-Levine color test screens for:


"According to your reading, before 1980 serial killers were grouped with all other murderers with more than one victim and termed:"

mass murderers

According to your reading, before 1980 serial killers were grouped with all other murderers with more than one victim and termed:

mass murders


measure of overall strength of antigen-antibody binding


measure of the interaction btwn a single antigen epitope and a single antibody binding site

Disadvantages of chromatographic cards

not absolutely species specific, high dose effect w/ some brands, more expensive relative to screening tests or gels. Cannot determine species origin.

Uritrace (Abacus)

not antibody based. Color change greater than the negative (substrate) control indicates presence of creatinine. Limited sensitivity/specificity info available.

What is responsible for the environmental breakdown of DNA?


The steps in copying DNA are

obtain a sequence of double stranded DNA, split into separate strands, synthesize new complements


occurs due to extensive cross-linking btwn soluble antigens and corresponding antibodies


odor mainly due to breakdown of amino acids into skittle, indole and methyl-mercaptan by bacteria. Brown color due to stercobilin (urobilin), a breakdown product of hemoglobin

How is a fly quickly attracted to a dead body?


Deep cyanosis on the fingers and lips is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?


The most common way of being exposed to a poison (according to lecture) is


the mainstay of the FBI profiling approach is the:

organized/disorganized dichotomy

What part of the cartridge will firing pins mark?

primer cap

What is the single direction in which light vibrating is absorbed referred to as?

privileged direction


process in which particulate antigens are linked together by their corresponding bivalent or multivalent antibodies

Production of SAP

produce in the epithelial cells located in the ducts inside the prostate gland. AP is excreted into the seminal plasma when the prostate glands contracts during ejaculation. Controlled by sex hormones


produced by humans and some animals that have a diet of complex carbohydrate. Responsible for catalyzing the breakdown of starch, amylose and amylopectin into smaller less complex sugars


produced in mucous cells and serious cells

The Rorschach test is a type of:

projective test

What does "corpus delicti" mean?

proof that a crime was commited

Someone able to inflict pain or cruelty without feeling emotion is known as:


An assumption of profiling is:

the signature will remain the same

Comparisons among test reagents

Most sensitive: Luminol, benzidine, o-too, TMB Most specific: LMG, KM Most hazardous: benzidine and derivatives


Movement of electrically charged substance under the influence of an electric field.

Those that kill or hurt others in order to be admired for curing them or get sympathy are diagnosed as:

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

Disadvantages of luminol

Must be used in complete darkness, rxn is temporary, photography expertise required, can dilute weak/small stains, decreasing the chances of obtaining a DNA profile. Many false positives including detergents and bleach

The infestation of living human or other vertebrate animals with dipteran larvae is termed what?


What is fly strike?


You are trying to analyze some striations on a bullet. Which forensic database should you use?


Where do flies lay their eggs on a newly dead body?

Natural body openings and wounds

A guy dies of heart attack. No foreign substances were found in his blood stream. What is the manner of death?

Natural causes

Under which of these circumstances does a body NOT have to undergo an autopsy?

Natural death while under a doctor's care

The initial color of a bruise is a product of:

Natural skin and blood pigments

In the collision model, the dynamic impact model uses numeral integration of

Newtons second law

Which of these drugs of abuse is not considered illegal at the federal level?


Which of these drugs of abuse is not considered illegal at the federal level?


which of these drugs is not considered illegal at the federal level?


How is a fly quickly attracted to a dead body?


Arterial Spurts are typically found:

On walls and Ceilings

Arterial spurts are typcially found:

On walls and ceilings

Which of these describes a confirmatory test?

P30 in the sample to react with antibodies

According to the lecture, __________ was the test used to help convict the criminal.


You are trying to analyze some car paint from a hit and run. Which forensic database should you use?


What is an example of a porous substrate


What is an example of a porous substrate?


The determination of paper thickness generally requires the use of what?

Paper micrometer

Attempted suicide that doesnt cause death: cry for help is called

Para suicide

Who is known as the father of modern toxicology


Who originated the concept 'the dose makes the poison'


"The enduring patterns of sexual behavior in which unusual objects, rituals or situations appear to be necessary for the person's full sexual satisfaction are known as:"


Attempted suicide that doesn't cause death; cry for help is called


Accidental head injuries tend to involve:

Parietal bone, occiput or forehead

Salivary glands

Parotid- near the ears Submandibular and sublingual glands- under the tongue

What bloodstaining includes transfer, flow patterns, saturation stains, and stains from dripping blood


What bloodstaining includes transfer, flow patterns, saturation stains, and stains from dripping blood?"


What bloodstaining includes transfer, flow patters, saturation stains and stains from dripping blood?



Passive movements of Ab and Ag.

Who is a physician that specializes in pathology and the diagnosis of disease and sub specializes in the area between law and medicine?


Who were the first questioned document examiners?


Which of these is NOT considered a biological fluid in humans?


"Of the choices, which is the largest (on average)?

Periplaneta Americana

Of the choices, which is the largest (on average)? "

Periplaneta americana

Enhancement of blood prints based on

Peroxidase Reaction

What reaction are most bloody fingerprint enhancement reagents based on?

Peroxidase reaction

Psychopathy entails:

Persistent violation of the rights of others, a disregard for such rights, a lack of empathy for the feelings of others, a lack of remorse for any offense or injury to others, an inflated self-concept, and a superficial charm

"According to lecture, which is considered a major motivational element by psychologists


"According to lecture, which is considered a major motivational element by psychologists? "


You would like a drug removed from the controlled substances list. What do you do?

Petition the DEA

Liquid accelerants fall into the two categories of

Petroleum distillates and non-petroleum products

Hardening of oral mucus membranes is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons


Hardening of oral mucus membranes is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?


How does the brentamine fast blue test work

Phosphatase breaks down sodium-a-napthyl which reacts with o-dianisidine to result in a color change

How does the brentamine fast blue test work?

Phosphatase breaks down sodium-a-napthyl which reacts with o-dianisidine to result in a color change

What part of the nucleotide makes up the backbone of the helix?

Phosphoric acid group

A luminous stomach wall is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?


Hemorragic spots undr the skin or mucus membranes are indivative of which of these


Hemorrhagic spots under the skin or on the mucus membranes is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?


A charred liver is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?


A luminous stomach wall is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?


Which section of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences does not have relevance for wildlife forensics?

Psychiatry and behavioral sciences

An offender's signature speaks to:

Psychological needs and motivation

An organized crime scene is said to be associated with:


Prior to what do most anthropologists not attempt to assign sex?


What is the most reliable indicator of adult age?

Pubic Symphysis

What is the most reliable indicator of adult age?

Pubic symphysis

What type of analysis is performed on insects and is generally consistent in terms of drug analysis?


what type of analysis is performed on insects and is generally consistent in terms of drug analysis?


An osteobiography does NOT focus on:

Quantifying organ toxicology

Albert Osborn wrote which book?

Questioned Documents

ALS Pros

Quick and non-destructive, no contact btwn the light and item/sample being examined

Erythrocytes are known as



Radial double diffusion through agar gel. Antiserum in center well. Sample extracts/controls in surrounding wells. . Diffusion of Ab and Ag thru gel. Immunoprecipitate lines where Ab-Ag complex formed. Can be stained w/ coomassie blue for better visualization of precipitin band.

All but which one of these is a reason due to a decreased death rate in vehicular accidents?

Raise the legal driving age

Admissibility or inadmissibility of trial information is determined by the application of what?

Rule of evidence

"Which of these is considered the ""reconstructionist's best friend"" by our guest speaker? "


The acid phosphatase test searches for the presence of


The acid phosphatase test searches for the presence of:


You are trying match a shoeprint from a scene. Which forensic database should you use?


What are the three classes of DNA polymorphisms


What are the three classes of DNA polymorphisms


Which of these personality types take pleasure in the psychological or physical suffering of others?


What is the first universal rule of processing a crime scene?

Safety First


Saliva reacts w/ colorless test solution to produce strong yellow color change in 1-10 min. Stain extracted in water or saline.

Bath salts are considered a ___________ controlled substance

Schedule I

Heroin is a _________ controlled substance.

Schedule I

Marijuana is a ____________ controlled substance

Schedule I

Mexcaline is considered a _____________ controlled substance

Schedule I

Mexcaline is considered a _____________ controlled substance.

Schedule I

Shrooms are considered _____ controlled substances

Schedule I

Shrooms are considered a ____________ controlled substance

Schedule I

Shrooms are considered a ____________ controlled substance.

Schedule I

Which of these holds the highest penalty?

Schedule I Drugs

Which of these holds the highest penalty?

Schedule I drugs

Amphetamines are considered a _______________ controlled substance

Schedule II

Amphetamines are considered a _______________ controlled substance.

Schedule II

Cocaine is considered a ___________ controlled substance.

Schedule II

PCP is considered a ___________ controlled substance.

Schedule II

PCP is considered a ________________________ controlled substance

Schedule II

Codeine cough syrup is consisered a ______________ controlled substance

Schedule IV

Ephedrine is considered a ______ controlled substance

Schedule IV

Ephedrine is considered a _____________ controlled substance

Schedule IV

Which is a characteristic of organized illegal trading wildlife crime offenders?

Sinister contigents invovled in clandestine poaching for financial gain

Who was the scientist that helped arrest the right criminal during the Narborough investigation?

Sir Alec Jeffreys

Who came up with the names arch, whorl, and loop when describing fingerprints?

Sir Francis Galton

Who came up with the names arch, whorl, and loop when describing fingerprints?"

Sir Francis Galton

Who published the first scientific book on fingerprints, titled 'Finger Prints'?

Sir Francis Galton

Wrote the first scientific on fingerprints

Sir Francis Galton

Bacteria break down amino acids into


What are the main research objects in accident reconstruction, according to your reading?

Skid marks

What types of markings on a bullet are marks parallel to the axis of the bullet made when the bullet initially enters the rifling?

Skid marks

An example of irreversible work during an automobile accident is which of the following?


Which cells contain nuclear DNA?

Skin cells

Doesnt effect prints

Skin color

Which of these are NOT factors that could affect the appearance of fingerprints?

Skin color

What skeletal feature do many methods use for forensic ancestry?


What skeletal features do many methods use for forensic ancestry?


When attempting to distinguish race from a skeleton, where are the two biggest differences found?

Skull and Femur

When attempting to distinguish race from a skeleton, where are the two biggest differences found?

Skull and femur

Disadvantages of x-mas tree stain

Slides older than 5 years have exhibited some bleaching of sperm heads. Other cellular material such as bacteria, yeast, and blood cells will stain red.

The surface tension of blood is

Slightly less than water

Which development technique is used on currently or previously wet substrates?

Small particle reagent

Periplaneta Fuliginosa is commonly known as:

Smokybrown Cockroach

Periplaneta fuliginosa is commonly known as:

Smokybrown cockroach

What type of bore are shotguns?

Smooth bore

Smooth, hard, nonporous surfaces will create:

Smooth circular blood drops

Smooth, hard, nonporous surfaces will create: "

Smooth circular blood drops

Which of these meals is likely to pass through the stomach quickest?


Normality is based on:

Social Consensus

Normality is based on

Social consensus

Normality is based on:

Social consensus

Which of these is the most prevalent type of glass?

Soda lime glass

What color test reacts with the lead components of gunshot residue and is indicative of a scarlet color

Sodium rhodizonate

What color test reacts with the lead components of gunshot residue and is indicative of a scarlet color?

Sodium rhodizonate

What is the term for the phenomenon of a solid passing to vapor phase without becoming a liquid?


Which antibiotic becomes incorporated in the mineralization of teeth and bone?


at is the major active agent in Marijuana?

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC

The model penal code was written by:

The American Law Institute

Who determines which new substances are added or removed to the controlled substances list?

The DEA and the FDA

The older a pupae is:

The darker it is

Which of the following is a function of the Pathology Unit of the National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory?

to figure out what species of plant a particular seed is from

What are the marks left on photocopies caused from dirt, scratches, etc left on the surface of the drum, cover, glass plate, or camera lens of a photocopy machine?

trash marks

Phadebas Forensic tube test

tube test is useful if amylase is suspected/detected in an area that exhibits other staining such as semen, blood or heavy vaginal deposits. Quantifies more accurately the amylase activity in a positive stain. The optical density of the sample can be measured using a spectrophotometer and compared to a standard curve.


turn pink/red in presence of DMAC and acid

What was the speed of the truck at impact?

two of these

Which area(s) of the large instine most commonly present with ulcers?

two of these

the use of what part of the electromagnetic spectra can aid in determine the difference between two papers?


A forest fires started when someone was mowing their dry grass and caused a spark is known as:


Absorption-inhibition method

unknown stain + antisera → allow absorption to occur → spin and remove supernatant → add known cells to supernatant → allow absorption to occur → look for agglutination

Myiasis falls under which sub section of forensic entomology?

urban entomology

You are asked to investigate a case of mortuary neglect. What area of forensic entomology do you practice?

urban entomology

Urine detection relies on identifying __________ and ___________

urea; creatinine

The bodily fluid detected the least by forensic laboratories is


Phadebas forensic press test

used for detecting and identifying hidden saliva stains (mapping)

What do phosphorus and calcium do for bone?

Provides hardness

Most illegal mushrooms fall into which genus?

Psilocybe sp

Most illegal mushrooms fall into which genus?

Psilocybe sp.

How long has forensic odontology been used?

Since 66 AD

Early rigor is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?


Which of these chemicals is commonly used in mammalian pest control?



Study of blood and its constituents

What do critics claim that firearm and tool mark examination are?


Immunological test

Test for human hemoglobin or glycophorin A

What is the term used for a definitive procedure that produces results?

Test method

What distinguishes an explosion from combustion?

The speed at which the reaction occurs

Herbert Leon MacDonnell conducted hist first bloodstain institute in Jackson, Mississippi in what year?


In what year was the Endagered Species Act passed?


When was the endangered species act passed?


What is an advantage of GC-MS?

Provides the most accurate confirmation of identification

What are friction skin ridges good for, biologically?

Providing firmer grasp and resistance to slippage

First criminal indicted on DNA evidence

-Collin Pitchfork

What are amplicons

-Millions of copies of original DNA

Which of the following products or acts is NOT prohibited under the initial Lacey Act?

Foreign commerce in illegally obtained wildlife

Brentamine reaction

1. alpha-naphthyl phosphate + acid phosphatase -> free naphthol + sodium phosphate 2. free naphthol + colorless azo dye -> color change

Asphault has an approximate coefficient of friction of:


How many grooves does a hook cutter make with one swipe?


The maximum punishment for violating the endangered species act is a fine of $50,000 and up to ____ years in prison


When SEM is combined with EDS what is the smallest size particle that can readily be resolved?

1 micrometer

How long is the required program for being certified in forensic psychiatry?

1 year

ow long is the required program for being certified in forensic psychiatry?

1 year

Absorption-elution method

1) Antigens are immobilized on a solid phase matrix 2) Antibodies are aded and absorbed 3) Unbound antibodies are washed away 4) Bound antibody is eluted 5) Eluted antibody is tested w/ indicator cells 6) Eluted antibody is identified by a positive agglutination run

Steps to Presumptive test

1) Organic chromogenic compound 2) Oxidizer

Approximately how much saliva does a typical human produce in a day?

1-1.5 L

Approximatly how much saliva does a typical human produce in a day

1-1.5 L

Two types of acid phosphatase

1. Seminal acid phosphatase (SAP) aka prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP), Prostatic specific acid phosphatase (PSAP), or acid phosphatase (AP) 2. Vaginal acid phosphatase (VAP)

Traveling at 5 mph, how many feet would the F-150 travel when full braking in the parking lot?

1.2 feet

In temperate areas, approximately how long does it take for skeletonization to happen?

1.5 years

In general, how quickly do light meals pass through the stomach?

1.5-2 hours

How long is a forensic psychiatrists certification valid?

10 years

Approximately how many GSW deaths are from CNS injury?


How far on smooth surfaces can dispersing larvae travel (according to lecture)?

100 feet

How far on smooth surfaces can dispersing larvae travel?

100 feet

Blood splatter less than 1mm

100 feet per second

You find a spatter pattern with blood drops less than 1 mm in diameter. How fast was this blood traveling?

100 feet per second

Approximately how many sperm cells can you expect per ejaulation event in a normal human male?

100-150 million

Approximately how many eggs does a female Calliphoridae lay at one time?


Approximately how many eggs does a female calliphoridae lay at one time?


Approximately how many species of Calliphoridae are described


Approximately how many species of Calliphoridae are described?


Approximately how many species of calliphoridae are described?


In what centuries were some of the oldest publications found indicating that entomology is one of the oldest forensic sciences?

10th and 13th

In what centuries were some of the oldest publications found indicating the entomology is one of the oldest forensic sciences?

10th and 13th

When was Federal protection afforded for all birds of prey


Herbert Leon MacDonell conducted his first bloodstain institute in Jackson, Mississippi in what year?


When does friction ridge skin form?

12th week of development

How many loci have been selected as the standard in the United States


How many loci have been selected as the standard in the United States?


How many loci have been selected as the standard in the united states?


Tooth eruption is reasonably reliable up until what age?

14 years

Flies MAY colonize a body within

15 seconds

Flies MAY colonize a body within:

15 seconds

How far (on average terrain) do dispersing maggots travel?

15-20 feet

How far (on average terrain) do dispersing maggots travel?

15-20 ft

Using known frequencies we discussed in class, what percentage of serial killers fall into the standard profile of white make, mid to late 20s?


Using known frequencies we discussed in class, what percentage of serial killers fall into the standard profile of white make, mid to late 20s? "


Someone with potassium concentration of 7.86 in the vitreous died approximately how long ago? (Round to the nearest number of hours)

17 hours ago

The McNaughton rule stems from a case in


When did thomas dwight write his famous anthropology paper?


When was anthropometry officially implemented as an identification system in France?


The Dreyfus affair happened in:

1894 and 1895

When did the Luetgert murder case take place?


When was George Amos Dorsey called in as an expert witness?


When was the Henry classification system developed?


First wildlife act passed in


In what year was the lacey act passed?


When did Edmond Locard propose his principle of contact?


Psychologists were used for the first time in a Belgian court in:


In what year was the Migratory Bird Treaty passed?


When did the Frye test come into existence?


When did the FBI first create its forensic anthropology lab?


When was the Guid to the Identification of Human Skeletal Material First Published?


When was the Guide to the Identification of Human Skeletal Material first published?


In which year were properly trained psychologists allowed to testify about the defendantÕs mental state?


What year was psychological evidence (not directly applied to the mental state of the defendant) presented for the first time in a US court?


A draft of what would become the Federal Rules of Evidence was put forth in:


The controlled substances act came about in:


When did the concepet of drugs being legal or illegal come about


When did the concept of drugs being legal or illegal come about?


In what year was the Marine Mammal Protection Act passed?


Lawyers representing one of two rival positions arguing for acceptance is called:

Adversarial system

Bushmeat tends to come from which area?

Africa and Asia

Cross-over electrophoresis

Agar gel in butter. Stain extract in cathodic well; antiserum in anodic well. Electric current drives serum proteins toward the anode. Antibodies toward the cathode b/c of electroendosmosis. Current causes sodium cations in buffer to move toward cathode, carrying the antibodies w/ it.

Starch-iodine radial diffusion test

Agarose gel w/ starch added. Add samples and control. Incubate overnight. Add iodine solution. W/in secs iodine will turn starch a dark blue color. Areas w/out starch remain colorless. In presence of amylase, absence of blue color and its relative size can be used as in indicator of the hydrolysis reaction.

Who is known as the pioneer of the questioned document field?

Albert Osborn

Who is the field of questioned documents credited to?

Albert Osborn

Who was the French artillery officer charged with treason based on questioned documents

Alfred Dreyfus

Who was the French artillery officer charged with treason based on questioned documents?

Alfred Dreyfus

Who invented dynamite?

Alfred Nobel

What is a questioned document? Checks Wills Dollar bill Both A and B


What is not an example of a pyrimidine?

All are considered pyrimidines

For what reason is estimating time of death important?

All of the above

In what cases may the exclusion of insects be seen?

All of the above

In which way does a semi auto and automatic firearms function Blowback Recoil Gas Piston

All of the above

In which way does a semi auto and automatic firearms function? Blowback Recoil Gas Piston

All of the above

In which way does a semi auto and automatic firearms function? Blowback Recoil Gas Piston

All of the above

PCR can be described as

All of the above

What is a category of tool marks? Compression tool marks Sliding tool marks Cutting tool marks

All of the above

What is a questioned document? Checks Wills Dollar bill

All of the above

What is a questioned document? Checks Wills Dollar bill Both A and B

All of the above

What is a type of fraudulent writing? Freehand simulations Tracings Normal hand forgeries

All of the above

What is considered a class characteristic of a firearms?

All of the above

What is considered a general rifling characteristic? Number of lands and grooves Caliber Number of lands and grooves Direction and degree of twist

All of the above

What method takes advantage of the structure of the metal below the serial stamp being compressed and the structure weakened?

All of the above

An individual's competency is evaluated primarily in order to determine what

An individuals competency to stand trial

The carrier gas refers to

An inert gas such as helium (He) that flows over a thin solid phase in a column

the carrier gas refers to

An inert gas such as helium (He) that flows over a thin solid phase in a column

Which of the following is a function of the digital analysis unit of the national fish and wildlife forensics laboratory?

Analysis of Audio and Video collected from a suspects computer

Which of the following is a function of the Digital Analysis Unit of the National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory?

Analysis of audio and video collected from a suspect's computer

In the ACE-V procedure, what does 'A' stand for?


In the ACE-V procedure, what does 'A' stand for?"


A killer that kills patients for feelings of power and control is known as:

Angels of Death

the angle of ricochet is generally less than what other angle?

Angle of impact

How can we determine if blood is from a human?


According to our lecture, agglutination is a response to:

Antibodies and Antigens

Antibodies used to test for human blood are

Antibodies specific for human hemoglobin

Antibodies used to test for human blood are:

Antibodies specific for human hemoglobin

Single immunodiffusion

Antibody is incorporated into gel; antigen is loaded into wells and allowed to radially diffuse


Antigen produce a series of antibodies to attack diff sites on the antigen. Allows agglutination/precipitation

Colormetric testing requires

Any Metal

Colormetric testing requires

Any metal

What is a poison?

Any substance administered in a living body that will produce ill health or death


Any substance that stimulates an immune response or reacts with an antibody.

Plant peroxidase

Apple, apricot, bean, blackberry, artichoke, horseradish, potato, turnip, cabbage, onion, garlic, tomato, beet. Heat sample to 100C for 5 min to deteriorate the peroxidase. Heme will remain stable and test can be performed again.

What is agglutination

CLumping of erythrocytes

Which of these is considered a remote action poison


What does the acronym CODIS stand for?


You are trying to analyze some DNA evidence. Which forensic database should you use?


Mescaline comes from what type of plant?


To what family do blow flies and bottle flies belong?


Which of these is of the greatest forensic importance (currently)?


Chemical oxidants

Can catalyze the oxidation rxn even in the absence of heme. Copper, nickel, rust, formalin, some bleaches, iodine, lead oxides, cobalt, some potassium components, metallic salts

Exculpatory evidence:

Can exclude a person as a source

Inculpatory evidence:

Can include a person as a source

What are the knurled grooves in bullets referred to as?


A hardened stomach wall is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?

Carbolic Acid

A hardened stomach wall is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?

Carbolic acid

High dose hook effect

Excess antigen cause false negative result. Hb [ ] too high causing huge amounts of free Hb to migrate toward the test region. Free Hb gets in the way of mobile Ag-Ab complex containing the pink dye and doesnt allow it to bind to antibody in test region

The number one primary cause for fatal vehicular accidents in 2009 was due to what?

Excessive speed

What types of bullets are produced by inserting percussion caps in the hollowed out noses of hollow point bullets?


What smokeless powder process involves kneading together nitrocellulose and other ingredients with an organic solvent to form a dough-like mass?

Extruded powder process

ugo Munsterberg focused his research on

Eyewitness accounts

IAFIS is maintained by which governmental body?


Where was the pivotal article on examining skeletal remains written by W.M. Krogman in 1939 published?

FBI bulletin

Problems w/ cross-over electrophoresis

False negatives can occur due to postzone effect. Electrophoresis carried out in wrong direction causes samples to run off gel. Wrong buffer/current

Which of these is considered circumstantial evidence?


Which of these is partially responsible for semen lighting up under a black light?


Properties of blood

Fluid portion- plasma, cellular portion- RBC, WBC, Platelets

What type of structure do the plant stems of Cannabis satvia have?


A fire's area of origin:

Follows the path of least resistance


Identical antibodies produced by injecting a specific antigen into an animal then removing and isolating the antibody of interest. A specific antibody of interest that reacts w/ a single epitope

Which of the following is a function of the Chemistry Unit of the National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory?

Identification of toxins or poisons

False negatives

If blood is contaminated w/ strong reducing agent such as ascorbic acid. Blood can lose its solubility in very old stains or in stains that have been subjected to environmental insults


Immunoglobulin (protein) capable of binding to antigens. Utilized by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects

What makes lockpicking possible?

Imperfections in pin hole alignment

You are examining tire marks in mud at a crime scene. Which type of evidence is this?

Impression evidence

The Phadebas reagent test can be performed in which two ways?

In a tube or on paper

You can most commonly find Blatella Germanica?

In kitchens and Bathrooms

You can most commonly find Blatella germanicaÉ

In kitchens and bathrooms

Evidence with blood on it must be packaged:

In paper bags

THC receptors are not found in

In the Brainstem

Where are red blood cells formed?

In the bone marrow

THC receptors are NOT found:

In the brain stem

Individualizing AMY1 and AMY2

Isoenzymes will separate with polyacrylamide or agar gel electrophoresis. AMY1 has 7 phenotypes and AMY2 has 3 phenotypes

Which bacterium causes semen to fluoresce

Pseudomonas fluorescens

Antigen-antibody binding

Includes hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interactions, van der Waals forces, and noncovalent bond formation. Binding process occurs rapidly and is reversible

What is the term for the impression from the writing instrument captured on the second sheet of paper below the one that contains the original writing?

Indented writing Second page writing

What type of infestation would you suspect in your home if you found larvae hanging from the ceiling and thread-like contaminants in your food?

Indian meal moth

A narrow V pattern

Indicates a fast burning fire

Bacteria break down amino acids into:


What compound of fecal mater give it its characteristic smell

Indol Skatole Methyl Mercaptan

What technique is customary in the United States for autopsy examination?

Inframammory Incision

Which of these is considered a confirmitory test for drugs?

Infrared Spectroscopy

Which of these is considered a confirmitory test for drugs?

Infrared spectroscopy

Which of theses is considered a confirmatory test for drugs

Infrared spectroscopy


Inhibits the enzyme adenylate cyclase

Which is NOT a usual site for defensive wounds?

Inner thigh

Most common powders are what


Most common powders are what?


The McNaughten Rule is used to determine what for a defendant?


Typical post-coital interval (PCI)

Intact sperm in vagina <24 hrs Sperm heads in vagina 2-3 days Sperm heads in cervix 4-6 days P30 in vagina- <24 hrs AP in vagina 24-48 hrs

Whre are drugs primarily metabolized?


What is the definition of forensic entomology?

Interaction between arthropod science and the judicial system

What regime is w where the chemical energy stored in the propellant is converted into the kinetic energy of the projectile?

Interior ballistics

Who solves crimes?


Which is a characteristic of serious, major wildlife crime offenders?

Involves major professional crime groups and involved in specific markets

Which development technique can also cause allergic reactions in people with shellfish allergies?


Which development technique can also cause allergic reactions in ppl wiht shellfish allergies


Which is the oldest development technique?


Direct evidence:

Is evidence that establishes a fact without the need for further inference

Carbon monoxide (CO):

Is one of the superheated gases produced by fire

According to your reading, glass with a high boron content:

Is resistant to thermal shock

Which bacterium causes semen to fluoresce?

Pseudomonas fluorescens

What does 1:10 inches mean?

It indicates one turn of a bullet every 10 inches within a barrel

Why is one individual at the crime scene designated as the evidence collector?

It insures that evidence is collected, marked, sealed and preserved in a consistent manner

Why is cyanide dangerous

It interrupts the electron transport cascade

Why is cyanide dangerous?

It interrupts the electron transport cascade

What is true about handwriting?

It is a learned process

Why don't we use the benzidine test any longer?

It is carcinogenic

ALS Cons

It is possible to miss stains (not all stains will fluoresce), extended exposure to short wave UV light may be detrimental to DNA testing, ALS is only screening test. False positives include detergents, bleach, saliva, urine, hand lotions, cosmetics and many more

What is true about handwriting?

It's a learned process

Why does glass break in a variety of fracture patterns?

It's an amorphous material

People v Jennings is significant for fingerprints because:

It's the first official case to integrate fingerprints as evidence in America

What is true about handwriting?

Its a learned process

What happens if you don't photograph evidence at the scene?

Its inadmissible in court

What is a major problem with hair or fiber evidence?

Its not usually unique unless there's DNA

How a gas defuses in air depends on what?

Its vapor density relative to air

Which legal case sets a precedent for the defendant to be committed to a civil hospital?

Jackson v. Indiana

Which country was the last to sign the Migratory Bird Act?


A region or geographical area over which law enforcement or a legal entity can excise authority is known as:


Who is the trier of fact?



Kastle-Meyer test. Alkaline conditions. Potassium hydroxide.

According to killer profilers, an organized killer:

Keeps daytime hours

"According to killer profilers, a disorganized killer: "

Keeps nighttime hours

The lock pins that directly touch a key are called:

Key Pins

The lock pins that directly touch a key are called:

Key pins

Court cases define the term "scientific" as:

Knowledge generated through the use of the scientific method

Hans Gross started which journal?


Which of the following statements are false?

LC-MS cannot be used with 80% of organic chemicals

Which of these is LEAST likely to be purposely self-inflicted?


What is anoxia?

Lack of oxygen

According to a 2009 report, which of these is a major challenge to the forensic sciences?

Lack of rigorous research into the sciences

What insect's predictable development is used to in estimating elapsed time since death?

Larval Diptera

What insect's predictable development is used to in estimating elapsed time since death?

Larval diptera


Last dilution showing a reaction (agglutination or precipitation)

"According to the universal numbering system, tooth number D is known as:"

Lateral incisor

How does a pellet masse spread when fired by a shotgun?


Bluish discoloration of the gums is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?

Lead Poisoning

Bluish discoloration of the gums is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?

Lead poisoning

Distinguishing AMY1 and AMY2

Lectins used to preferentially inhibit one or the other. Monoclonal antibodies used to react w/ 1 type or the other (ELISA).

"For the purposes of criminal law, insanity is a _________ determination."


For the purposes of criminal law, insanity is a _________ determination."


What is manner of death?

Legal classification of death

A killer that murders patients for profit is known as:

Lethal Caretaker

Which of these are the richest source of DNA?


Which of these cells are riches source of DNA


Which of these cells are the richest source of DNA?


Which of these cells are the richest sources of DNA


Which of these makes up the least amount of whole blood


Which of these makes up the least amount of whole blood?


Who developed the ""Hacker's Code of Ethics?


If a forger attempts to make the letters and connecting strokes correct and pays less attention to speed of the signature what characteristic will suffer?

Line Quality

What will a tracing poorly reveal?

Line quality

Trace evidence is primarily used to:

Link individuals, objects, and scenes together

What type of extraction takes advantage of solubility characteristics and involves dissolving the sample in an aqueous solution then washing with an organic solvent?

Liquid/liquid extraction

Biological fluids are

Liquids excreted from living organisms

Where are drugs primarily metabolized?


Tetrahydrocannibinol is found in:


The Duquenoise-Levine color test screens for:


The most widely used drug in the U.S. is:


The most widely used drugs in the US is


You find Cannabis stavia at a scene. What did you find?


What is the point at which the glass is no longer visible reffered to as?

Match point

What is char?

Material composed of carbon that has been burned

Optimal Ag-Ab ratio

Max. cross-linking, precipitation occurs

What is the first known use of forensic anthropology?

Measurements of Skulls in an attempt to differentiate human bodies

What is the first known use of forensic anthropology?

Measurements of skulls in an attempt to differentiate human bodies

What is the cause of death?

Medical diagnosis denoting disease or injury

A microscopic crime scene on a body is most likely to be searched by:

Medical examiner

Who was the coroner replaced by in 1977 in Massachusetts?

Medical examiner

"According to our lecture, punching someone causes what type of blood spatter? "

Medium velocity

According to our lecture, punching someone causes what type of blood spatter?

Medium velocity

The row of cells resembling a canal that runs along the center of the hair shaft is called:


A swollen, reddish, soft and greasy kidney is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons


A swollen, reddish, soft and greasy kidney is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?


Lophophora williamsii produces


Peyote is also known as


Peyote is also known as:


What is the component of Lophophora diffusa that produces hallucinogenic effects?


What is added to glass to make it sparkle more?

Metal oxcides

The steps in copying DNA are

Obtain a sequence of double-stranded DNA, split into separate strands, synthesize new complements

Yellowish oral mucus membranes is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?

Nitric Acid

Yellowish oral mucus membranes is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?

Nitric acid

What energetic compound is produced by the nitration of wood pulp or cotton lint?


What is one of the first and most famous explosives?


After reading the professors statement to the police, do you believe it is an accurate portrayal of how the events occurred?


The theory behind forensic odontology is:

No two mouths are alike

Which was NOT a hurdle when dealig with wildlife evidence in the court of law?

Nobody cared

Which of the following is a type of substrate that can be used with powder development techniques?


Which of the following is a type of substrate that can be used with power development techniques?


"Free base" and "crack" cocaine differ in what manner?

None of the above

What is not true about seminal acid phosphatase (SAP)?

None of the above

What is not true about seminal acid phosphatase (SAP)? SAP can be found in infertile and individuals who have had vasectomies. It is found in human semen at uniquely high levels SAP can be found in infertile and individuals who have had vasectomies. SAP activity is the best test for the presumptive identification of semen

None of the above

What type of forgery is where an individual does not attempt to copy the victim's signature of writing?

Normal Hand forgeries

What type of forgery is where an individual does not attempt to copy the victim's signature of writing?

Normal hand forgeries

What is responsible for the environmental breakdown of DNA?


How can you tell the instar of a Calliphoridae?

Number of slits in the spiracle

Which of these would be considered a synthetic fiber?


Most common blood type


Which of these is the most common blood type?


How is total magnification computed?

Objective multiplied by the eyepiece

What is the first step in the scientific method?



One active site

Vaginal AP

Only diff btwn VAP and SAP is their electrophoretic mobility

Deep cyanosis on the fingers and lips is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons?


The most common way of being exposed to a poison (according to lecture) is


The most common way of being exposed to a poison (according to lecture) is:


Which of these chemicals is commonly used in agriculture?


"You get a call from your friend. She recently went down into her basement, and was upset to see several glossy brown to black roaches, approximately 1 _ inches long. When she turned on the light, they ran away (they were rather sluggish) but didnÕt fly. She says she is used to seeing them out doors during the spring and summer, and commonly sees them near her lawn and compost pile. Now that itÕs winter, she is seeing them in her basement. She has only seen a few, however, and they are not in her upstairs bathroom. What type of roach do you think she has?"

Oriental Cockroach

The skeleton is formed by the development and growth of what

Ossification centers

The physical record of a person's life as told by his or her bones is:


In 2009, what was the most contacted item in collisions with a vehicle?

Other vehicles

How many tropical fish are legally traded per year?

Over 5 million

What is trauma?

Physical injury

What kind of change does a drug cause once ingested?


A poisonous substance produced by plants is


A tiger Penis is used for:

Pills for Strength

Carbon monoxide poisoning leaves what color liver?

Pink-cherry red

Cyanide poisoning leaves what color liver?

Pink-cherry red

We saw two types of arches on prints in class. What were they?

Plain and tented/spiked


Plants- breaks starch into sugar in ripening fruit. Yeast mold and bacteria

Which of these makes up most of whole blood


Which of these makes up most of whole blood?


V patterns:

Point directly to a point of origin for that pattern

The current model of forensic nursing evolved from:

Police medical officers in the United Kingdom and other countries

What component of soil can be a strong indicator of a location?


PCR Stands for

Polymerase Chain Reaction

What does protein collagen do for bone?

Provides Flexibility

What does protein collagen do for bone?

Provides flexibility

Which is not an example of an opiate?

Poppy seed

What type of surface is ninhydrin extremely useful on?


Which of these is NOT a type of tooth?


What chemical gained some notoriety as a means of administering the death penalty in California?

Potassium Cyanide

Those killers that kill to exert power over strangers are:

Power seekers

Secondary Reaction

Precipitation, Agglutination

When fantasies are used to organize a collection of deviant thinking into a criminal thought, it is known as what?


Tests for detecting saliva

Presumptive: starch gel, Phadebas Confirmatory: RSID, RNA based

What part of the cartridge will firing pins mark?

Primer cap

Which of the following is the definition of 'patent' in a fingerprint context?

Prints which are visible at the scene and made in a foreign substance

3 gel forming proteins in semen

Produced by the seminal vesicle: fibronectin, semenogelin I, and semenogelin II

Picking a victim based on his/her characteristics is known as what?


The Rorschach test is a type of:

Projective test

Tests that are based on the notion that if an individual is shown an ambiguous stimulus and asked to respond to it, his or her responses will reveal aspects of his/her personality.

Projective tests

P30 is specific to which organ?

Prostate Gland

P30 is specific to which organ?

Prostate gland

Sg I/ Sg II

Prostate tissue, penile tissue, skeletal muscle, kidney, colon, trachea, lung tumor


Prostate tissue, vaginal secretion


Prostatic fluid, male serum, male/female urine, breast milk, breast tumors

What do phosphorus and calcium do for bone?

Provide hardness

What form of spectroscopy measures the shifts in energy when light is scattered by the electron cloud of a molecule?

Raman spectroscopy

Which of these would be considered a regenerated fiber?


According to your reading, what is the final step in the forensic examination process?

Reconstruction of a crime scene

Where should you take body temperature for algor mortis calculations?

Rectum, liver, or brain

Erythrocytes are also known as:

Red blood cells

__________ _________ _________ carry oxygen and is most abundant cell in the blood system

Red blood cells

What is the correct series of color changes for a bloodstain as it ages?

Red?Reddish Brown?Black


Reduced form of phenolphthalein. Colorless in alkaline solution. Stored over zinc granules. Turns bright pink. Phenolphthalein will return to colorless state in acid

A stimulant has all the following characteristics except

Reduced muscle activity

"What is ""insanity"" as it relates to the court of law?"

Relates to the defendant's mental state at the time the offense occurs

What kind of environment does super glue fuming require?

Relatively humid

Disadvantages of fluorescein

Requires ALS set to 450 nm to visualize stains. Similar disadvantages to luminol

The time at which a compound emerges from the column is referred to as

Retention time

What type of gun holds cartridges in a firing chamber in a rotating cylinder?


What is the term for hills found in the patter of friction ridge skin


What is the term for the "hills" found in the pattern of friction ridge skin


Which FBI agent popularized the expression ""serial killer?"""

Robert Ressler

What causes entrance wounds in flesh to be round and/or elliptical?

Rotation from riffling

What is the adduct formed when ninhydrin reacts with amino acids?

Ruhemann's Principle

What is the adduct formed when ninhydrin reacts with amino acids?

Ruhemann's principle

What is the adduct formed when ninhydrin reacts with amino acids?

Ruhemann's purple

Showing many graphic and disturbing images during a court case would be in violation of:

Rule 403

You want to test an unknown substance for cocaine Which of these is the best choice

Scott test

You are working the scene of a body dump in which the victim was killed elsewhere. How do you classify the dump site?

Secondary crime scene

What is autolysis?

Self dissolution by body enzymes

"Which of these is not part of the serial killer ""triad""? "

Self harm

The Brentamine fast blue test is a presumptive test for:


LSD is considerred

Semi-Synthetic drugs


Seminal Acid Phosphatase

Next to blood, what is most frequently encountered in forensic casework?

Seminal fluid

Stability of SAP

Seminal stains can exhibit AP activity for years if stored in a cool dry place. Wet or dry seminal stains reported to maintain 100% of their AP activity after 1 year if stored at -20C. Dry seminal stains will lose half of their AP activity in 6 months if stored at 37C. Wet seminal stains will lose half of their AP activity in 2-3 months if stored at 37C.

Advantages of luminol

Sensitive, can help locate stains, can be sprayed over large areas, does not stain background of the substrate. Can detect very old stains that have been cleaned or painted over. Not detrimental to subsequent DNA testing. Rxn can sometimes be reproduced several times.

Which laws mandate the evaluation and treatment of sex offenders?

Sexual Psychopath Laws

What is the term defined as the difference in size and shape of the sexes?

Sexual dimorphism

A knife wound is:

Sharp force trauma

What is the most common type of projective for a shotgun?


Which is a natural fiber?


What element does physical developer deposit onto latent fingerprint residues?


What element does physical developer deposit onto latent fingerprint residues?

Silver Ag

Ring Precipitin Test

Simple diffusion btwn 2 liquids in contact w/ 1 another (double diffusion). Dissolved Ag (top) and Ag (bottom) diffuse into opposite layer. Line of precipitate forms at interface

Most heroin comes from:

Southeast Asia

Most heroin comes from:

Southeast asia

A Technique in which DNA is transferred onto a nylon membrane d anradioactive probes are added to the DNA in order to visualize.

Southern Blotting

A technique in which DNA is transferred onto a nylon membrane d anradioactive probes are added to the DNA in order to visualize.

Southern Blotting

You are looking at hand written letters written by adults around 1815. Which type of writing do you expect?


You are looking at hand written letters written by adults around 1815. Which type of writing do you expect?


The Christmas Tree stain is used to identify which cells?

Sperm Cells

The christmas tree stain is used to identify which cells?

Sperm Cells

The principal component of semen is


"When dropping through the air, blood is: "


When dropping through the air, blood is:


The killing of three or more victims in different locations but within the context of the one event is referred to as:

Spree murder

Post-coital interval can be affected by

Stage in menstrual cycle, washing/urinating/eating, movement, collection technique- washings, swabs, smears, liquid saliva, death-temperature, humidity

Periodic acid schiff (PAS)

Stains glycogen cells magenta. May use hematoxylin as a counterstain

Amylase Digests:


Amylase digests:


Oldest test for saliva

Starch-Iodine test

The oldest test for saliva we discussed in class was:

Starch-iodine test

Which microscope is generally employed first in the examination of trace evidence?

Stereo binocular microscope

You are caught with steralized hemp seeds in your cabinet, which you use for baking. What is the potential penalty for this?

Sterilized hemp seeds are not controlled substances

What is the powder used for developing latent prints on adhesive tapes?

Sticky side powder

What term is used to descibe the pattern of unburned powder that penetrates the skin?


Of the listed organs, where would you expect autolysis to first become apparent?


What is/are the main objectives of CODIS

Store DNA data from convited felons or suspects for future investigations -To helo solve cold cases that did not have the scientific technology to solve crimes

_________ is a death that occurs within a few hours of the onset of symptoms or death without any symptoms.

Sudden death

What Greek meanings describe the roots to the term pathologists?

Suffering and word

__________ is a light gold to glossy dark brown cockroach, 1/2 to 5/8 long, with transverse yellow bands across its wings

Supella longipalpa

___________ is a light gold to glossy dark brown cockroach, 1/2 to 5/8 long, with transverse yellow bands across its wings"

Supella longipalpa

Cyanoacrylate esters are commonly known as __________________


The Daubert case was decided by...

Supreme court

Defined as the force that pulls the surface molecules of a liquid toward its interior, decreasing the surface area and causing the liquid to resist penetration?"

Surface Tension

Blood with not break into smaller droplets or spatters unless what is disrupted?

Surface tension

Which rifling technique involves the use of cold-working to harden the interior of the barrel and permits the use of cheaper mild steel?


Which rifling technique involves the use of cold-working to harden the interior of the barrel and permits the use of cheaper mild steel?


Tiger whiskers are used as



Tamm Horsfall glycoprotein. Most abundant urinary protein. Can be detected using electrophoresis or other immunoassays.

What is the term defined as the immediate environment and surroundings where the body is found?

Taphonomic context

Which of these is the best source of DNA in a decomposed body?


What is one of the most important factors that impact insect development?


What is one one of the most important factors that impact insect development?


Killers with lower IQs:

Tend to be engaged in disorganized crime scenes

Which ruling led to criteria referred to as general acceptance?

The Frye decision

An assumption of profiling is:

The M.O. remains similar

Which of these is considered class evidence in handwriting?

The Palmer method

Which of the following is NOT one of the most significant pieces of legislation in terms of wildlife forensics cases in the United States?

The Starling Trade Convention

Which of the following is NOT one of the most significant pieces of legislation in terms of wildlife forensics cases in the united states?

The Starling Trade Convention

Which portion accounts for 90% of the total length of a healthy sperm cell?

The Tail

The Durham rule states:

The accused is not criminally responsible if his unlawful conduct was the product of a mental disease or defect


The addition of electrons to a substance. Strong reducing agents include sodium and potassium

The definition of entomology is:

The branch of zoology dealing with insects

"When dealing with accident reconstruction, our guest speaker called the ""stickiness of the road"": "

The coefficient of friction

According to your reading, impact can be divided into two phases. What are these phases/

The compression phase and the restitution phase

The M.O. tells us what about an offender?

The experience of the offender and situational/contextual factors involved in the crime

The M.O. tells us what about an offender?

The experience of the offender and situational/contextual factors involved in the crime`

How can you tell if the headlights or brake lights were on when a car had an accident?

The filament will unwind if they were on

Who is responsible for first securing and protecting a crime scene?

The first responder

"In forensic profiling, which of these is the primary unit of analysis? "

The individual

What is spoliation?

The intentional or negligent destruction or alteration of evidence

Cellular death is defined as:

The lack of metabolism and respiration in individual cells

How does the biscuit get into food?

The larvae penetrate food packaging

What does the method in which a latent print is developed depend on?

The latent print and the surface (both a and b)

The controlled sbstances act of 1970 regulates:

The manufacture of controlled substances The manufacture of controlled substances The importation of controlled substances The posession of controlled substances The use of controlled substances

A practical limitation of using minimum offense numbers to define serial killers is:

The number of offenses known by authorities may be less than the number of offenses actually committed by the person

A practical limitation of using minimum offense numbers to define serial killers is:

The number of offenses known by authroities may be less than the number of offenses actually committed by the person

How can you tell the instar of a Calliphoridae?

The number of slits in the spiracle

How can you tell the instar of a calliphoridae?

The number of slits in the spiracle

What is toxicology

The study of the effects of poison

What is toxicology?

The study of the effects of poisons

The brentamine fast blue test tests for:

The presence of seminal acid phosphatase

The root portion of a hair is called:

The proximal end

You run a starch-iodine test and end up with a clear area on the plate, surrounded by a field of dark blue. What do you know?

The sample is positive for amylase

Ballistics is:

The science of mechanics that deals with the flight, behavior, and effects of projectiles

Of these, which is the most common role for a forensic nurse?

The sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE)

Why isn't the Lamendin method used to age living people?

The teeth must be disarticulated from the jaw

What is a thermal death point?

The temperature above or below which an insect will die

What is the flash point?

The temperature at which a liquid forms an ignitable mixture

Admissibility or inadmissibility of information is determined by:

The trial court's application of the rules of evidence

Which of these is the primary concern of the first responder (choose the best answer)?

The victim

You have a bruise that is showing yellow coloration. Based on scientific evidence, what do you know for certain?

This bruise is more than 18 hours old

All of the following are issues with vaginal secretion detection except

There is a specific test to detect vaginal secretion.

The biggest difference between digital crime scenes and physical crime scenes is:

There is never just one digital crime scene

Which of these is an adequate substitute for photgraphy at a scene?

There is no adequate substitute for photography

What characteristic makes feeding insects useful in drug analysis?

They are alive

What is not true of immunoassays

They are incompatible with automation

What is not true of immunoassays?

They are incompatible with automation

What is not true of fuels?

They can be volitized and consumed in the liquid state

Why are red blood cells so useful for presumptive tests?

They contain hemoglobin

What is the analysis technique used for inks in which a portion of the suspect ink is separated from the paper using a solvent and is separated into bands of color as they migrate up the plate?

Thin Layer Chromatography

What is the analysis technique used for inks in which a portion of the suspect ink is separated from the paper using a solvent and is separated into bands of color as they migrate up the plate?

Thin layer chromatography

Why was the internet invented?

To allow information in a digital age to withstand a nuclear attack

Which of the following is a function of the Pathology Unit of the National Fish and wildlife forensics laboratory?

To figure out what species of plant a particular seed is from

According to your reading, what is the goal of science, broadly speaking?

To improve our understanding of the natural world

The major goal of working a crime scene is:

To reconstruct the events that generated the collected evidence


Too small to elicit antibody production. A hapten conjuated carrier elicits antibody formation instead

A degree day is:

Total degrees of heat above a lower threshold accumulate in 24 hours

A degree day is:

Total degrees of heat above a lower threshold accumulated in 24 hours

A degree hour is:

Total degrees of heat above a lower threshold accumulated in 60 minutes

Which of these statements is true?

Toxicologists work with drugs or poisons after ingestion


Transport blood back to the heart


Transport oxygen from lungs to body tissues. Tetrameric molecule

What are the most common blunt force injuries in society caused from?

Transportation collision

What are the marks left on photocopies caused from dirt, scratches, etc left on the surface of the drum, cover, glass plate, or camera lens of a photocopy machine?

Trash marks

What is an example of a semi-porous substrate?

Treated paper

Calcium binds with ___________ during the formation of rigor.


"As mentioned in class, who has a large library of inks for analysis? "

U.S Secret Service

As mentioned in class, who has a large library of inks for analysis? "

U.S secret service

"As mentioned in class, who has a large library of inks for analysis? "

U.S. Secret Service

Fingerprints were subjected to the dauber standard in which case

US v Mitchell

Tiger Bones are used for

Ulcers and Arthritis

Fingerprints were subjected to the Daubert standard in which case?

United States v. Mitchell

Fingerprints were subjected to the dauber standard in which case?

United States v. Mitchell

Urine is sterile until

Until it reaches the urethra

You are asked to investigate a case of mortuary neglect. What area of forensic entomology do you practice?

Urban Entomology

What are the three areas of forensic entomology?

Urban, stored products, and medico criminal or medico legal

The bodily fluid detected the least by forensic laboratories is


DNA based assay

Use PCR to detect expression of genes exclusive to oral cavity. Specific but can degrade easily


Used as search tool for latent bloodstains. Similar to luminol except does not use sodium perborate.

Takayama test

Uses pyridine and sugar to induce the formation of hemochromogen. Hemochromogen is formed when ferrous iron from hemoglobin reacts with pyridine to produce red to pink feathery crystals of pyridine ferroprotoporphyrin. Not as vulnerable to overheating as Teichmann

Back spatter occurs:

Usually during high velocity spatter events like gunshots


Utilizes fluorescence to detect and visualize laten blood stains. Prepared similar to phenolphthalein. Reduced in an alkaline solution over zinc to fluorescein. Yellow-green fluorescent light.

Which of these can give a false positive to a Brentamine fast blue test? (2)

Vaginal secretions, spermicides

What characteristic of different parts of a molecule does IR spectroscopy analyze when exposed to IR light?


Who is responsible for developing probability models, showing that fingerprints were unique?

Victor Balthazard

What is the process of using infrared to analyze inks where they can appear to glow, be transparent, or appear unchanged and also to analyze forgeries in passports, visas, etc.?

Video Spectral Comparison

What is defined as the reistance to change or folow


What is defined as the resistance to change of form or flow?


What is a chromogene?

What is a chromogene? A substance capable of generating a colored species

What is the correct series of color changes for a bloodstain as it ages?

What is the correct series of color changes for a bloodstain as it ages?

A cut mark is made when:

When a sharp edge separates an object into two parts

When do drugs become a law enforcment issue

When abused Lead to criminal behavior

An abrasion mark is made when:

When the surface of an object is ground away

A poisonous substance produced by animals is:


Which of the following type of print would require a development technique to visualize?

Which of the following type of print would require a development technique to visualize?

Leukocytes are also known as:

White Blood Cells

Which type of blood cells are needed for DNA typing?

White Blood Cells

Leukocytes are also known as:

White blood cells

Which type of blood cells are needed for DNA typing?

White blood cells (WBCs)

Who starts the chain of custody?

Whoever collected the evidence

Which type of print pattern occurs in about 35% of prints?


Who was the first credited European to recognize the value of fingerprints as a means of personal identification?

William J Herschel

Who is considered one of the major founders of forensic anthropology in the U.S?

William Krogman

Who wrote the guide to the identification of human skeletal material?

William Krogman

Who is considered one of the major founders of forensic anthropology in the U.S.?

Wilton Krogman

Advantages of Fluorescein

With addition of thickener, solution will adhere to vertical surfaces better than luminol. Fluorescin reportedly will not react w/ bleach, unlike luminol.

In order to develop PCR what characteristics of an enzyme were needed?

Withstand extreme heat needed to unzip the DNA strands

The Benzidine test:

Works on the same basic principle as hydrogen peroxide

What location on the body do flies prefer to lay their eggs to increase change of success of the offspring?


You find the presence of cocaine in amoeba in a sewer. How would you classify this chemical?

Xenobiotic toxin

What type of testing can unambiguously deterine what a male has contributed in a mixed sample?

Y-STR typing

Urine color

Yellow color due to urochrome pigment. A compound of urobilin or urobilinogen

Which of these writing sytems is currently used to teach children in the U.S.?


Which of these writing systems is currently used to teach children in the U.S.?


According to your reading, which of these technical serial murderers isn't usually called a ""serial murderer?"

a contact killer

A killer takes public transportation to the crime scene, uses a weapon found at the scene, and doesn't follow the crime in the news. These are all indications of: "

a disorganized killer

A forest fire started during a lightening storm is categorized as:

a natural act

The BTK killer is considered:

a pyschopath

Which is not part of TLC?

a solvent comprised of blue ink and water

All of the following are components of saliva except

amino acids

Presumptive tests for saliva rely on detecting:


"A killer drives himself to a crime scene, moves the body, and brings his own murder weapon. These are all halmarks of:"

an organized killer

A killer drives himself to a crime scene, moves the body, and brings his own murder weapon. These are all hallmarks of:

an organized killer

A killer that kills patients for feelings of power and control is known as:

angels of death


anti-H is not produced in the human body, a seed extract called a lectin w/ anti-H properties is used.

Criminals that kill for no reason, show a lack of conscience, ignore social rules and laws, and have a pattern of irresponsible or harmful behavior are diagnosed as:

anti-social personalities

Double immunodiffusion

antibody and antigen are added to diff wells in the diffuse toward each other. Used in Precipitin assays

Rocket immunoelectrophoresis

antibody in gel matrix and antigen in the well moves into the gel through electrophoresis; quantitation possible by measuring height of the rocket-shaped precipitate

"Someone incapable of significant loyalty to individuals, groups or social values is diagnosed as having: "


Criminals that kill for no reason, show a lack of conscience, ignore social rules and laws, and have a pattern of irresponsible or harmful behavior are diagnosed as:

antisocial personalities

Colormetric testing requires

any metal

From the edge of the sidewalk, how far would the pedestrian walk to reach the point she was impacted?

approximately 28 feet

Which type of print pattern occurs in about 5% of prints?


Lethal caretakers:

are usually females


chemiluminescence assay. Heme acts as a catalyst to accelerate the oxidation of 3-aminophthalhydrazide. Light takes several seconds to appear, can last up to 1-2 min and appears white-blue or blue-green. Works better on older stain. Wavelength of light generated is btwn 441nm and 452 nm. Higher wavelengths occurs w/ older blood b/c more oxidation of iron atom has occurred, producing hematin

The United States is currently in an informational war with:


Where is nuclear DNA found?


The number of lands and grooves on a bullet is considered:

class evidence

The results of clean combustion are:

co2 and water

A blue color change in a Scott test is positive for:


The Scott test screens for


The Scott test screens for:


Which of the following is not an entry level requirement for DNA analysts?

completion of analytical, inorganic, and physical chemistry courses"

Spongy tissue

comprised of blood vessels and marrow

Advantages of chromatographic cards

confirms presence of blood, no false rxn w/ peroxidases, very sensitive, fairly species pacific, easy to use, quick results, safe

Nitrites (NO2)

detected by Greiss test. Undetectable after a few wks, so if positive the stain is relatively recent.

Chemical screening of feces

detection of urobilinogen, a bile pigment precursor excreted in feces

Abacus, Seratec

detects PSA


detects Semenogelin


detects gylcophorin A. Protein on cell membrane that prevents RBCs from sticking together. No high dose hook effect. No cross rxn w/ ferret, gorilla, chimp, orangutan

RSID saliva

detects human salivary alpha-amylase. Immunochromatographic cards. Use antibodies to detect presence of amylase rather than activity of amylase. Mouse monoclonal antihuman salivary alpha-amylase antibodies present in sample area. Antibody conjugated to colloidal gold. If human saliva present, Ag-Ab complex formed. Ag-Ab migrates to the test area of the strip. Immobilized antibodies in test area 'capture' the Ag-Ab complex, formin Ab-Ag-Ab sandwich. Colloidal gold accumulates at test area becomes visible as a pink band in the test region. No high dose effect

Anti-human serum

detects primarily human albumin- not component specific to blood. One of the most abundant proteins in human

Controlled substances are:

determined by federal or state laws

Which was NOT a hurdle when dealing with wildlife evidence in the court of law?

nobody cared

When do bed bugs feed?


what type of structure do the plant stems of Cannabis satvia have



found in low levels in breast milk, vaginal swabs, female urine, tumors in female breasts, ovaries, kidney, liver colon, esophagus, parotid, thyroid, and lymphoma


found in urine, sweat, serum and saliva. Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine phosphate in muscle, and is usually produced at a fairly constant rate by the body.

Which of these is the most accurate at long ranges?

full metal jacket

Tandem mass spectrometers are not

futuristic super machines

Which form of fuel actually burns?


What were the scientists responsible for the early discoveries in forensic science considered due to the fact that they worked in many forensic disciplines?


A profiling method that focuses on the probable spatial behavior of the offender as a function of the locations of various crime sites is defined as a(n):

geographic profiling

The misting effect is a pattern associated with


Microbial-Vac system

hand-held, non-destructive, wet-vacuum surface sampling device. Provides DNA extraction rates at a much higher rate of recovery than other methods.

Who was the first credited European to recognize the value of fingerprints as a means of personal identification?



interactions of Ab and Ag on the surface of cells/carriers will cause the cells to aggregate and form larger complexes. Each antibody binds to multiple antigens. A visible clumping is observed. Antibodies that induce agglutination are called agglutinins

What regime is w where the chemical energy stored in the propellant is converted into the kinetic energy of the projectile?

interior ballistics

the way in which people adopt a style of interaction when dealing with others is known as

interpersonal coherence

An inductive profiling method developed by David Canter based on psychological principles and research into various offense types is defined as a(n):

investigative psychology


ion that is detected by adding ferric chloride. ~2.5x higher in smokers. [ ] decreases with time. Found in other body fluids in lower [ ]. May be present in undetectable amounts or may have degraded w/ time, so a negative result does not exclude saliva

A secondary crime scene:

is any crime scene that came after the original criminal activity


is the molecular structure of an immunogen that is recognized by an antibody

"According to the universal numbering system, tooth number 34 is known as:"

isn't one of the teeth

How can you decontaminate digital evidence once it's been contaminated?

it cant

How does air resistance affect projectiles?

it will slow the projectile

According to killer profilers, an organized killer: "

keeps daytime hours

How does the biscuit beetle get into food?

the larvae penetrate food packaging

"According to our lecture, punching someone causes what type of blood spatter? "

medium velocity

Adult Calliphoridae are usually:

metallic in color

Adult Calliphoridae are usually:

metallic in coloring

Those that kill to clean up the world are known as:


What bloodstain alteration results in bloodstains being diluted?


Which is not an indicator of a liquids volatility?

molecular weight

Immunochromatographic assay

monoclonal dye-labeled antibody present in test strip sample well. If corresponding antigen is present in sample extract, an Ag-Ab complex is formed. Ag-Ab migrates to the test area of the strip. Test area has immobilized polyclonal antibodies that 'capture' the Ag-Ab complex. Ab-Ag-Ab sandwich formed. Dye becomes visible as a colored band in the test region.


more than 1 layer of cells

Who is mitochondrial DNA inherited from


Sperm Hy-liter disadvantages

multiple stain/incubation/wash steps, prep time: 1.5-2 hrs. Much more costly than other staining methods. Fluorescence microscope required.

Many serial sexual offenders display particular aspects of:


Cocaine is considered:

naturally occurring drug

The deepest char is found:

near the area of origin

First instar larvae will feed

near the egg mass

First instar larvae will feed:

near the egg mass

The most ceiling damage is found

near the point of origin

You get a call from your friend. She recently went down into her basement, and was upset to see several glossy brown to black roaches, approximately 1 _ inches long. When she turned on the light, they ran away (they were rather sluggish) but didnÕt fly. She says she is used to seeing them out doors during the spring and summer, and commonly sees them near her lawn and compost pile. Now that itÕs winter, she is seeing them in her basement. She has only seen a few, however, and they are not in her upstairs bathroom. What type of roach do you think she has?

oriental cockroach

Periosteum bone

outside of the bone containing blood, lymph and nerve vessels


oxidized to pink-red color w/ HgCl2

What is an example of a porous substrate


The determination of paper thickness generally requires the use of what?

paper micrometer

The enduring patterns of sexual behavior in which unusual objects, rituals or situations appear to be necessary for the person's full sexual satisfaction are known as:


Who were the first questioned document examiners?


Of the choices, which is the largest (on average)?

periplaneta americana

What reaction are most bloody fingerprint enhancement reagents based on?

peroxidase reaction

"According to lecture, which is considered a major motivational element by psychologists? "


According to lecture, which is considered a major motivational element by psychologists


The color portion of paint is called:


Which is NOT an example of an opiate?

poppy seed

What type of surface is ninhydrin extremely useful on?


What type of identification are class characteristics are consistent and individual characteristics match?


Which of these is NOT a type of tooth?


Those killers that kill to exert power over strangers are:

power seekers

Erythrocytes are also known as:

red blood cells

Which is not a common form of heat transfer?


Which of these is associated with an organized crime scene?

restraints are used

The time at which a compound emerges from the column is referred to as

retention time

Shrooms are considered a ____________ controlled substance.

schedule 1

PCP is considered a ___________ controlled substance.

schedule 2

Amphetamines are considered a _______________ controlled substance.

schedule II

What is the area where material from the grave and surrounding area is sifted through to reveal human remains, artifacts, fibers, and associated insect?

screening area

Advantages of antibody profiling

screening test for DNA submission, bloodstain pattern analysis tool, remains identification, expanded criminal prosecution for cases that arent 'important enough' for DNA.

Autopsy' literally means:

see for yourself

Next to blood, what is most frequently encountered in forensic casework?

seminal fluid

Rosalind Franklin was one of the scientists who helped explain the official structure of DNA, but did not receive the Nobel Prize. Why is that?

she died before the award was given out

What is the most common type of projective for a shotgun?


How long has forensic odontology been used?

since 66 A.D

According to your reading, ______ ________ are the main research objects in accident reconstruction

skid marks

What types of markings on a bullet are marks parallel to the axis of the bullet made when the bullet initially enters the rifling?

skid marks

Which cells contain nuclear DNA?

skin cells

Natural oxidation

slow oxidation that occurs in the air

Law enforcement considers what the greatest gift ever?


Cellular micro-manipulation

smear slides are coated w/ a thin layer of water-soluble adhesive. A fine tip tungsten needle is used to pick up cells of interest

A fire that has been deprived of oxygen is:


What type of bore are shotguns?

smooth bore

Normality is based on:

social consensus

John Wayne Gacy is considered:

sociopath pyschopath (two of these)

Of these, which is the ""lowest tech"" bullet? "

soft lead


soluble antigens bind w/ antibodies, and the individual Ag-Ab complexes form cross-linked complexes at optimal concentrations. Cross-linked complex is insoluble and precipitates out of the solution. Antibodies that induce precipitation are called precipitins.

What do critics claim that firearm and tool mark examination are?


What is one one of the most important factors that impact insect development?


killers with lower IQ's

tend to engage in disorganized crime scenes

killers with higher IQ's

tend to engage in organized crime scenes

Killers with higher IQs:

tend to engage in organized scenes

Which insect houses microorganisms in its gut that allow for digestion of cellulose?


What is the term used for a definitive procedure that produces results?

test method

According to your reading, forensic nursing has its roots in:

the 18th century

Which of these is considered class evidence in handwriting?

the Palmer Method

The period of growth of a hair is called

the anagen stage

The older a pupae is:

the darker it gets

the older a pupae is:

the darker it gets

"In forensic profiling, which of these is the primary unit of analysis? "

the individual

What characteristic makes feeding insects useful in drug analysis?

they are alive

What can malformed light bulbs tell us at the scene?

they point toward a heat source

Which of these has the LEAST amount of pain?

third degree burns

A species that could become endangered within the foreseeable future is called


The key elements to observe and document for a vehicular accident include all but what?

time of day

You are looking for biscuit beetle eggs in your pantry. What should you look for?

tiny and pearly white eggs

Which development technique is used for prints on adhesive surfaces?

titanium dioxide

Which of these can give a false positive to a Brentamine fast blue test?

vaginal secretions

"A swollen, reddish, soft and greasy kidney is indicitive of which of these conditions/poisons? "

viper snake venom

Those that kill because they are ""told"" to, and tend to be paranoid or schizophrenic are known as:


Evidence exam flowchart

visual exam--> presumptive chemical testing --> confirmatory testing --> species testing --> DNA

What are areas or patterns that result from the absence of bloodstains in otherwise continuous patters of staining?

void patterns

What is the term for an area of translucent design on paper?



when antibody bind w/ less strength to an antigen that is structurally similar to immunogen

Which of these is associated with an organized crime scene?

when retrains are used

When is there no penalty for killing an endangered species?

when the act was accidental during farming or ranching

Which is not an example of a potential heat source?

wool blanket


work with drugs or poisons after ingestion

What location on the body do flies prefer to lay their eggs to increase change of success of the offspring?


A chemical found in an organism that is not normally produced by or expected to be present in that organism is a:

xenobiotic toxin

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