Form A Workplace Communica!on with Computers

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What type of message is created when the writer opens with a straightforward statement of the problem, explains specific detail in the body, and politely summarizes the desired action in the closing?

A claim message is sent when one is dissatisfied with a product or service. The writer is usually seeking resolution of the issue.

What term is used to describe a logical interpretation of research results?

A conclusion is a logical interpretation of research results in a report. Reaching good conclusions based on the evidence at hand is one of the most important skills you can develop in your business career.

Which term best defines the simultaneous change that occurs when measuring two variables?

A correlation is the simultaneous change that occurs when measuring two variables.

What should a routine request end with?

A courteous request for a specific action is usually the last element in a routine request message.

In which situations would one use a direct approach for negative messages? (Select the 4 that apply.)

A direct approach is used when immediate attention is needed. A direct approach is used when the audience is expecting bad news. A direct approach is used when the situation is routine, not a big deal. A direct approach is used when the avoidance is part of a culture that prefers you get right to the point.

Which type of routine message can make an employer most vulnerable to legal action?

A letter of recommendation is most often the cause of a legal action brought against a company.

Which medium is best to use for recording activities on computer displays with audio voiceover?

A screencast uses recordings of a computer screen with audio.

What term is used for the type of word that expresses a concept?

Abstract words as those words that can express a concept, quality, or characteristic.

Which set of Web sites is all user-generated content sites?

All three of these sites are "user generated". YouTube is a site to upload video content, Flickr allows photographers to share images, and Wikipedia was specifically created to disseminate user-generated "expert" information about virtually any topic.

Which compositional feature effectively reflects the changed relationship between sender and receiver inherent in social media communication?

An advantage of social media is that it sets up an informal expectation. However, one must be careful not to fall from informal into sloppy.

What is one reason to paraphrase rather than directly quote secondary material?

Consistency of tone and smooth incorporation of information are primary goals of paraphrasing.

Which message feature is easier to convey using visuals than words?

Correlations are much easier to convey visually, whether in simple side-by-side presentation of text or in graphic representations. Such elements as visual parallelism, contrast, balance, and emphasis can enhance a message about relatedness in ways that are not possible in straight text.

What is a primary benefit of using Creative Commons software for multimedia document design?

Creative Commons provides a repository of rich media elements that are available free, provided proper credit is given, without the need to obtain full copyright permission.

Where is poor business etiquette most often used in today's workplace?

Electronic media is often a breeding ground for poor etiquette because it avoids person-to-person contact. Professionalism is essential when communicating using this format.

How should handouts be used during a presentation? Handouts should

Handouts should work in harmony with the presentation.

"Bryce Thompson, 60, is the new head of our international division." What type of bias is shown in this statement?

Including the age of Bryce Thompson, when that information is irrelevant to the message, is an example of age bias.

What feature would enhance the ability of a company's Web site to function as an informational report?

Information architecture takes into account the horizontal, vertical, and internal/external linking aspects of Web site navigation, enabling you to structure different paths to meet the needs of different types of visitors.

An airline is experiencing a flight delay. Which method of communication would be most effective in quickly reaching passengers to notify them of the delay?

Instant messaging will reach passengers with real-time updates and information.

To predict how an audience might react to a presentation, what should be analyzed about that audience?

Knowing what brought the audience to your presentation is likely to help you predict their reactions.

Which two problems are often caused by information overload?

Lower productivity, relationship and health problems, stress, and the inability to distinguish between useful and useless information are all examples of problems caused by information overload.

When should an employee use oral communication? When the person wants to

Oral communication is best when you need to encourage interaction, express emotions, or monitor emotional responses.

A small organization finds it necessary to lay off seven of its 25 employees. What would be the best communication method to use in communicating this information to the affected staff?

Oral communication is used when you have to deliver bad news, such as laying off or firing employees.

What is an advantage of videoconferencing? Participants can

Participants can view other members and their nonverbal cues as well as share visual information.

A team leader wants to improve his face-to-face interactions with employees by improving his nonverbal communication. Which strategy is most likely to be successful?

People are influenced by physical appearance. Dress is a form of nonverbal communication.

A researcher has been asked to write a report addressing a company's compliance with federal guidelines. In writing the report, the researcher copies passages from the guidelines verbatim into the report without setting them apart, citing the source, or distinguishing them from original text. The researcher assumes that anyone reading the report will recognize the text, so no special treatment needs to be given. What ethics violation has the researcher committed?

Plagiarism is presenting someone else's words or creative product as your own. Simply assuming that others will recognize the text is not sufficient because (a) credit is still not given to the authors; and (b) if the text is not recognized, there is no way to distinguish it from original text.

What type of research is conducted using journals, online databases, and periodicals?

Secondary research means consulting published information and other sources regarding previously conducted research.

Which type of organizational structure has many levels of management?

Tall structures include many layers of management.

What is the best way to increase the chance that a recipient will open the e-mail sent to them?

The e-mail subject line is generally the first thing recipients will see. If it does not get their attention, they may not move on to the body of the message.

What is the key to handling question and answer sessions following a presentation?

The key to question and answer sessions is being prepared. Learn enough about your audience members to get an idea of their concerns and think through answers to potential questions.

What variables are the most important to consider when adapting a presentation to an audience?

The size of the venue and the type of audience are most crucial in considering message adaptation. The type of audience could encompass all types of people, cultures, companies, etc. The size of the venue could be a conference room or a stadium. The other choices are aspects that might be adapted once these variables are assessed.

When planning a business e-mail message, the writer should follow what specific guidelines?Effectively planned e-mails are

The specifics for planning an effective e-mail stress that an e-mail should be useful and business related, targeted to only appropriate recipients, sensitive to the chain of command, and written according to company policies regarding e-mail.

What step in the basic communication model occurs after the audience decodes the message?

The steps in the basic communication model are 1) sender has an idea; 2) sender encodes the idea in a message; 3) sender produces the message in a medium; 4) sender transmits message through a channel; 5) audience receives the message; 6) audience decodes the message; 7) audience responds to the message; 8) audience provides feedback to the sender.

Which statement is an example of the active voice?

The subject performs the action in this example.

"The book arrived last week, in a big, red envelope with blue letters, it looked official." This is an example of what type of poor sentence structure?

This example is an over-the-top compound sentence.

What is one of the primary reasons for documenting sources? Documenting sources

This response describes a reason for documenting sources.

Which sentence exemplifies the use of bias-free language?

This sentence avoids disability bias by referring to employees with disabilities rather than disabled employees, placing the disability in a position of secondary importance.

Which is an example of functional animation?

This use of animation capabilities adds meaning to the presentation.

Which element of creating a good paragraph is best demonstrated by the following sentence?In addition to preserving valuable resources, recycling will also help in reducing electricity bills.

Transitions connect ideas by showing how one thought is related to another. "In addition to" is a type of transition.

A company discovers that unfounded rumors about the toxicity of their product are spreading on Twitter. Which strategy would be the most productive to counter these rumors?

When using Twitter, companies should join existing conversations and start their own in order to address misinformation and rumors.

Which factor of group dynamics involves win-win or win-lose strategies?

Win-win and win-lose strategies come under the heading of resolving conflict.

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