Fossil Fuels Review AP Enviro

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C) 75 years

At the 1997 rate of consumption, about how long will the estimated 2,000 billion barrels of oil last? A 25 years B 50 years C 75 years D 200 years E 500 years


This region has been the largest petroleum exporter for the past four decades.

B) 20%

What was the approximate percent increase in consumption from 1986 to 1997 ? A 10% B 20% C 30% D 50% E 80%

A) Coal, oil, and natural gas

Which three sources supply the majority of commercial energy in the world today? A Coal, oil, and natural gas B Solar, wind, and biomass C Nuclear, hydropower, and photovoltaics D Wood, dung, and charcoal E Fuel cells, geothermal, and tidal power

B) 19.4%

A family of four lives in a three-bedroom house and uses an average of 900kWh of electricity per month. The family cools their house for three months during the summer with two window-unit air conditioners that each use 350kWh of electricity per month. Which of the following is the percentage of the family's total annual electricity that is used to run the two air conditioners for the three summer months? A 9.7% B 19.4% C 38.8% D 77.8%

E) The increase in oil consumption outpaced the increases in coal and natural gas consumption.

According to the data plotted in the graph above, which of the following is true about the increase in world fossil fuel consumption between 1965 and 1980 ? A Increases in oil, coal, and natural gas consumption occurred at about the same rate. B Increases in oil and coal consumption outpaced the increase in natural gas consumption. C The increase in coal consumption outpaced the increases in oil and natural gas consumption. D The increase in natural gas consumption outpaced the increases in oil and coal consumption. E The increase in oil consumption outpaced the increases in coal and natural gas consumption.

D) The number of cars on the road increased.

Between 1960 and 1970, world oil consumption approximately doubled. Which of the following explanations is consistent with this increase? A The number of passengers per car increased. B People drove less, conserving gasoline. C The price of gasoline increased. D The number of cars on the road increased. E Cars that were more fuel-efficient were manufactured.

C) 20,000

Burning one gallon of gasoline in a car releases approximately 20 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere. One person drives 60,000 miles in a car that averages 30 miles per gallon (mpg), while another person drives 60,000 miles in a car that averages 20 mpg. Over the course of the 60,000 miles, how many fewer pounds of CO2 are released by the 30 mpg car than by the 20 mpg car? A 2,000 B 8,000 C 20,000 D 80,000 E 100,000

A) Groundwater contamination

Extraction of natural gas by the process of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) is most likely to result in which of the following environmental problems? A Groundwater contamination B Ozone depletion C Eutrophication D Denitrification E Desertification

B) 36 quadrillion BTUs

How many BTUs were consumed in the United States in 2017 by consumers that used petroleum as a fuel source? A 28 quadrillion BTUs B 36 quadrillion BTUs C 62 quadrillion BTUs D 97 quadrillion BTUs

A) Create cracks within the rock in order to provide pathways for the release of gas and oil

Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is the pumping of highly pressurized water with a mixture of sand and chemicals into boreholes to A create cracks within the rock in order to provide pathways for the release of gas and oil B pulverize the rock in order to let gas and oil rise through the soil horizons C reopen old mine shafts, from which gas and oil can be collected D create seismic movement and artificial earthquakes in order to liberate gas and oil E supersaturate the rock with the fracking fluid, which scrubs gas and oil from the rock by abrasion

B) Cogeneration

In an apartment building, exhaust from a gas-powered electrical generator is captured to produce hot water to heat a swimming pool. Which of the following is illustrated by this process? A Synergy B Cogeneration C Synfuels D Energy recovery

B) Oil

Of the following sources, which supplies the most commercial energy in the world today? A Solar B Oil C Biomass D Nuclear E Hydroelectric

D) Decrease the use of fossil fuels

One solution for reducing the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide would be to A increase oceanic temperatures to enhance carbon dioxide uptake B increase the rate of removal of tropical rain forests C decrease the total area of rice paddies D decrease the use of fossil fuels E decrease the production of chlorofluorocarbons

A) Anthracite is considered the highest grade coal because it is almost pure carbon, and it is often used for domestic heating.

Purity is a major factor in determining the type of coal used for energy. Which of the following types of coal are correctly paired with a description of its purity and common use? A Anthracite is considered the highest grade coal because it is almost pure carbon, and it is often used for domestic heating. B Coking coal is most widely available and contains 60-86% carbon, which makes it ideal for use in coal power plants. C Steam coal has a high carbon content with low amounts of impurities, which makes it ideal for use in the steel industry. D Lignite is the most mature and purest form of coal, and it is often used for large-scale power generation.


Rock layer that can be porous but must have very low to no permeability


Rock layer that must be porous and have enough permeability for fluid to move through the layer


Rock layer that must be rich in organic matter that was subjected to heat and pressure over time during the formation of oil and natural gas.

C) 15%

The percent of the total available power currently being used by West Fremont is nearest to A 5% B 10% C 15% D 25% E 50%

B) peat, lignite, bituminous, anthracite

There are various stages in the formation of coal as heat and pressure are increased and moisture content is decreased. These stages, in order, are A bituminous, peat, lignite, anthracite B peat, lignite, bituminous, anthracite C peat, lignite, anthracite, bituminous D lignite, bituminous, anthracite, peat E anthracite, bituminous, peat, lignite

D) Fracking fluids can escape from the drill hole and contaminate surface water and groundwater.

Which of the following best describes an environmental problem associated with hydrologic fracturing, or fracking? A Fracking has led to an increase in the production of oil and natural gas, lowering energy prices. B Fractures in the shale will close up once the fracking fluid is removed unless fine particles, like sand, are introduced to hold them open. C The products of fracking release more carbon dioxide and sulfur compounds into the atmosphere than other fossil fuels. D Fracking fluids can escape from the drill hole and contaminate surface water and groundwater.

C) Partially decayed vegetation is placed under high-pressure, anaerobic, acidic conditions.

Which of the following best describes the conditions under which peat is formed? A Partially decayed vegetation is placed under low-pressure, aerobic, acidic conditions. B Partially decayed vegetation is placed under high-pressure, anaerobic, alkaline conditions. C Partially decayed vegetation is placed under high-pressure, anaerobic, acidic conditions. D Partially decayed vegetation is placed under low-pressure, aerobic, alkaline conditions.

D) India; 227%

Which of the following correctly pairs a region with its percent increase in electricity demand between 2016 and 2040? A Africa; 61% B United States; 0.17% C China; 158% D India; 227%

B) China

Which of the following countries has the largest coal reserves? A Saudi Arabia B China C India D France E Japan

B) Carbon dioxide is a product of the combustion fossil fuels, and it can lead to global climate change when released into the atmosphere.

Which of the following describes an environmental problem that can result from the combustion of fossil fuels to generate electricity? A A chemical reaction occurs between the fossil fuel and oxygen to produce energy for the generation of electricity. B Carbon dioxide is a product of the combustion fossil fuels, and it can lead to global climate change when released into the atmosphere. C The combustion of fossil fuels can heat water to convert the water into steam to turn turbines that are connected to electrical generators. D Combustion reactions using fossil fuels require more energy than they produce and are therefore very inefficient.

B) The United States

Which of the following has the largest proven coal reserves? A South America B The United States C Australia D Indonesia E Africa

D) Nonrenewable energy sources typically take a longer time to replenish than renewable energy sources do.

Which of the following is a characteristic of nonrenewable energy sources that distinguishes them from renewable energy sources? A The construction of power plants that use nonrenewable energy sources is typically more expensive than the construction of those that use renewable energy sources. B Nonrenewable energy sources are typically less harmful to wildlife and ecosystems than renewable energy sources are. C Nonrenewable energy sources typically require additional new technology in order to be used than renewable energy sources do. D Nonrenewable energy sources typically take a longer time to replenish than renewable energy sources do.

E) A coal-fired power plant captures waste heat and uses it to heat adjacent buildings.

Which of the following is the best example of cogeneration? A A power plant uses both coal and natural gas as fuel. B A trash-to-steam power plant accepts both residential and commercial waste. C Several power plants supply the same city with electrical energy. D Emissions from power plants are captured and stripped of sulfur for commercial sale. E A coal-fired power plant captures waste heat and uses it to heat adjacent buildings.

B) Electricity production from coal began to decrease in 2008 because of the increasing use of natural gas and renewable energy.

Which of the following is the most valid inference regarding electricity production? A Electricity production from coal began to decrease in 2008 because of shortages in coal supplies. B Electricity production from coal began to decrease in 2008 because of the increasing use of natural gas and renewable energy. C The use of nuclear energy increased from 1970 to 2010 because of the low cost of constructing nuclear power plants. D The use of nuclear energy increased from 1970 to 2010 because of shortages in coal supplies. E Renewable energy has not increased as much as nuclear energy has since 1970 because of federal laws restricting construction of wind farms.

A) The combustion of fossil fuels heats water to produce steam, which then turns a turbine.

Which of the following statements correctly explains the role of fossil fuels in the production of energy? A The combustion of fossil fuels heats water to produce steam, which then turns a turbine. B The steam released from the combustion of fossil fuels turns a generator, which then powers a turbine. C The heat released from burning fossil fuels rises and turns a turbine, which then releases carbon dioxide. D Steam produced from a turbine ignites the fossil fuels, which then powers the generator.

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