Frankenstein Chapter 6-8 Questions

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What is waiting for Victor when he finally recovers? Who has nursed him during his illness?

A letter from Elizabeth is waiting for Victor. Clerval nursed Victor back to health.

What is Clerval's "plan of life"?

Clerval's plan of life is to study the Oriental languages. Victor begins to study this as well.

What comments does Elizabeth make about her position in Swiss society?

Elizabeth compliments the manners and morality of the Swiss peasants. She says they have none of the ignorance and lack of dignity of the English and French peasants.

The next day, why does Justine say she has confessed to the murder of William?

Justine confesses because her priest threatened to excommunicate her. Fearing this would damn her soul, she confesses a lie then feels even greater anguish over this sin.

What religion is Justine?

Justine is a Roman Catholic.

Who has been identified as the murderer, and on what evidence?

Justine is identified as the murderer because the miniature portrait of Caroline Frankenstein was found in her pocket.

Who is Justine Moritz and what is her story?

Justine lived with an abusive mother before the Frankensteins took her into their house as a servant. After all her brothers and sisters died, her mother felt guilty and sought forgiveness, and then died.

What happens at the murder trial? How does Victor respond?

Justine's defense is she was visiting an aunt and upon her return, heard of William being missing. She spent hours searching for him. The city gates were locked so she was forced to sleep in a barn. Could the murderer have left the necklace in her pocket while she slept? Victor says nothing but becomes filled with despair and horror over his creation.

What do Victor and Clerval do while waiting for his father's directions?

Victor and Clerval spend two weeks hiking through the German countryside that spring before returning home.

Victor assume about the nature of the creature?

Victor believes the creature is a "depraved wretch" who delights in "carnage and misery."

What does Victor now believe happened to William? What does

Victor believes the monster killed William.

Why doesn't Victor say anything about the real murderer?

Victor does not say anything though because he believes everyone will think he is insane.

How long has Victor been away from home? What happens the night he returns to Geneva? How does he respond?

Victor has been away for six years. There is a violent, yet beautiful storm, and Victor says it is nature's way of honoring William's death.

When does Victor finally plan to return home?

Victor plans to return to Geneva in the fall, but due to a sudden and harsh winter, he must delay his plans until the spring.

How does Victor respond to Justine's situation and to Elizabeth's anguish?

Victor retreated into the corner of the prison and does not speak out in Justine's defense.

How does Victor respond to the news of the identified murderer?

Victor says he knows who the real murderer is and it is not Justine.

Whom does Victor see that night? When was the last time they saw each other? How long ago was that?

Victor sees the outline of the monster climbing to the top of Mont Saleve. Victor has not seen the monster in two years.

What does Victor do after his recovery?

Victor visits Krempe and Waldman.

What is waiting for Victor when he returns to his apartment? What news does his father have for him? And what is his father's name? How does Victor respond?

Victor's father, Alphonse, wrote a letter with news of William's death. William is Victor's younger brother. Victor decides to immediately return to Geneva.

Who is William and how old is he? Have we heard of him before?

William is a five-year-old boy. He has not been mentioned before.

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