Human Development Chp. 7

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Repetitive Style

"Do you remember the zoo?" and "What did we do at the zoo?" are examples of what?


"My toy care breaked" is an example of what?

Elaborative style

"What was the first thing we did?" "Why weren't the parrots in their cage?" I thought the lion was scarry "What did you think?" are examples of (Blank) questions.

fine-motor skills, good balance foot movement.

Girl have an edge in _______ ____ and in certain gross-motor skills that require a combination of ______ and _____.


Give and take conversations with adults is related to (BLANK) progress.


Growth centers in which cartilage hardens into bone, emerge in various parts of the skeleton.


How do children build their vocabularies so quickly?

intellectually disabled

Infants born with inadequate thyroxine must receive it at once, or they will be _________________ ________.

Pituitary Gland

Located at the base of the brain which plays a crucial role by releasing two hormones that induce growth.


Located in the brain inner-brain adjacent to the amygdala.

Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT)

Most developmental impairments and deaths due to diarrhea can be prevented with nearly cost-free _____________ ________________ ______________.


Over exaggerating words that are exceptions.


Piaget believed that when children firs mentally represent the world they tend to focus on their own ________ and simply assume that others perceive, think, and feel the same way they do.


Piaget compared pre-school children to _______ more competent children.


Piaget describe pre-schoolers in terms of what they ________ understand.

Animistic thinking

Piaget regarded egocentrism as responsible for preoperational children's ___________________ ________.

Motor, Cognitive

Shoe tying illustrates the close connection between ______ and ______ development.


Specialize in cognitive functions.

Corpus Collosum

Supports smooth coordination of movements on both sides of the body and intergration of many aspects of thinking.

High Energy Need

Synaptc growth and myelination of neural fibers result in ________ _______ _____.


The age at which pre-school age children lose their "baby teeth" is heavily influenced by ________.

Mutual Exclusive Bias

The assumption that words refer to an entirely different category.

Animistic thinking

The belief that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities such as thoughts, wishes, feelings, and intentions.


According to ______ young children's thinking is rigid and limited to one aspect of a situation at a time. Young children are influenced by the way things appear at the moment.


Adjusting the support offered during a teaching session to fit the child's current level of performance.

Acceptance of individual differences

All children go through the same sequence of development but at different rates.

self-confidence, motor progress

When parents and teachers criticize a child's performance they risk undermining children's _____ and ____.

Information-processing theorists

Who believe that children notice which words appear in the same positions i sentences and are combined in the same way with other words?


Who said "Language helps children think about their mental activities and behavior and select courses of action, thereby serving as the foundation for all higher cognitive problems."?


Who's theory stated that the grammatical categories into which children group word meanings are present at the outset.

whispers and silent lip movements

With age private speech goes underground, changing into what?


Without medical intervention children who lack _____ reach an average mature height of 4 to 4 1/2 feet.


An inability to mentally go through a series of steps in a problem and then reserve direction, returning to a starting a point.

First representational forms

Around age 3 when scribbles become pictures.

arms, torsos

As children become steadier on their feet, their _____ and ____ are freed to experiment with new skills.

Boys, girls

Because of their higher activity level _____ are nearly twice as likely as ____ to be injured and their injuries are more severe.

2 and 6

Between ages 2 and 6 the brain increases from 70 percent of its adult weight to 90 percent.

Force, Power

Boys are ahead of girls in skills that emphasize _______ and _____.

left, right

Brains of the ________ handers tend to be less strongly lateralized than those of _______ handers.

motor, cognitive

Children with damage to the cerebellum usually display both _____________ and ____________ deficits.

Emergent literacy

Children's active effort to construct literacy knowledge through informal experienced are called what?

Private speech

Children's self-directed speech is now called what instead on egocentric speech?


Connections between in cerebellum and the cerebal cortex also supports _________________.

memory strategies

Deliberate mental activities that improve chances of remembering.


(blank) memory goes through the greatest change throughout development.


3 is more than 2 and 2 is more than 1 is an example of what?

Walks up stairs, alternating feet, and down stairs, leading with foot.

3-4 years motor skills.

Corpus Collosum

A large bundle of fibers connecting the two cerebal hemispheres.


A major milestone in drawing occurs when children use ______ to represent the boundaries of objects.


A program with planned educational experiences aimed at enhancing the development of 2 to 5 year olds.

Reticular Formation

A structure in the brain stem that maintains altertness and consciousness, generates synapses, and myelinated from infancy into twenties.


A structure that aids in balance and control of the body movement.

Child care

A variety of arrangements for supervising children, from care in the caregiver's or child's home to a center-based program.

Play detaches from the real-life conditions associated with it

A yellow stick becoming an imaginary toothbrush and then a magic wand is an example of.....

Girls, Boys

(BLANK) tend to produce more organized and detailed personal narratives than (BLANK)


(BLANK) discourages children from freely using language in ways that lead to new skills.

Good child care

(BLANK) enhances cognitive, language, and social development, especially for low-SES children.

Center-based care

(BLANK) is more strongly associated with cognitive gains than are other child-care arrangements.


(BLANK) is strongly related to false-belief.


At snack time, Gina and Pam had identical boxes of raisins, but when Pam spread her raisins out on the table, Gina was convinced she had more. This is an example of.....

Cerebal Cortex

By age 4 to 5 many parts of the _________ _____ have overproduced synapses.

Discovery learning

Children are encouraged to discover for themselves through spontaneous interaction with the environment.

More red flowers

Children are shown 16 flowers 4 are blue and 12 are red. They were asked "Are there more flowers or red flowers?" What would the preoperational say?

Three-mountains problem

Children cannot select a picture that shows three mountains from the dolls perspective. They choose the photo that reflects their own vantage point. What is this called?


Children engaging in effective and appropriate communication.

high, low

Children of ______________ income parents and children of ____________ income parents are likely to be in preschools or childcare centers.

5-6 years

During this age range children display mature throwing and catching pattern.

4-5 years

During this age range children run more smoothly.

Left, Left

Early damage to the ______ hemisphere may cause disabilities which leads to a shift in ______ handedness.

Play becomes less self-centered

Early in the third year children become detached participants making a doll feed its self is a example of....


Elaborating on children's speech increasing its complexity.


Elaborative-style parents (blank) the autobiographical memories of their children


Evidence that preschoolers can be trained to perform well on Piagetian problems also supports the idea that (blank) is not absent at one point in time and present in another.


Failure to distinguish others' symbolic viewpoints from one's own.


General descriptions of what occurs and when it occurs in a particular situation.


Fibers linking the cerebellum to the cerebal cortex grow and ___________________ from birth through pre-school years.


Focusing on one aspect of a situation, neglecting other important features.


For Piaget the most fundamental deficiency of preoperational thinking is _________.

langauge development

Improvement in recall in early childhood is strongly associated with what?


In Vygotsky's view children speak to themselves for what?

War of Poverty

In the 1960s, as part of the (BLANK) in the U.S. many intervention programs for low SES preschoolers were initiated.

early childhood, infancy

Individual differences in body size are even more apparent during _____ than in ____

Semantic memory

Information removed from the context in which it was learned that has become apart of your genera knowledge base.

2-3 years old

Jumps, hops, throws, and catches with rigid upper body during this age range.

Timely Vaccinations

Many low=income children remain without coverage and therefore may not receive ________ ______.


Many studies indicate that (BLANK) abilit strongly predicts preschoolers false-belief understanding.

Building blocks

Materials that promote math skills and concepts through media.

Episodic memory

Memory for everyday experiences.


Neccessary for the brain development and for GH to have its full impact on body size.

Connective Fibers

Neurons that are seldom stimulated lose their ______ ____ and the number of synapses gradually declines.

"Milk avoid-ance"

Offering sweet fruit drinks or soft drinks promotes __________ ______________.


One 18-month-old made her crayon hop and as it produced a series of dots she explained 'Rabbit goes hop-hop!" is an example of what drawing stage?

Untreated dental caries

One-thirs of U.S. children living in poverty have ______.


Order relationships between quantities.


Piaget believed that ________ activity leads to internal images of experience which children then label with words.

Elaborative style

Parents follow children's lead when asking questions, adding information to the child's statements.


Parents reminisce in greater detail with sons or daughters?


Piaget argued that preschoolers egocentric bias prevents them from.....


Plays a central role in processing of novelty and emotional information.


Plays a vital role in memory and in images of space that help us find our way.


Poverty, single, parenthood, and low parental education are strongly associated with_______.

Hierarchial Classification

Preoperational children have difficulty with .......

2 to 7 years old

Preoperational stage ranges from....


Preschoolers figure out the meaning of new words by (BLANK) to the words they already know.

Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

Prompts the thyroid gland in the neck to release thyroxine.

Repetitive style

Provide little information and keep repeating the same questions.

Phonological awareness

The ability to reflect on and manipulate the sound structure of spoken language.


Refers to the idea that certain physical characteristics of objects remain the same even when their outward appearance changes.


Reflecting on and revising faulty reasoning in response to physical and social worlds.


Reflects the greater capacity of one side of the brain.

Unautobiographical memory

Representations of personally meaningful one-time events.

cognitively deficient

Researchers have challenged Piaget's view of pre-schoolers as what?


Restructuring inaccurate speech into correct form and expansion.

Egocentric speech

Sammy said "Where's the red piece?" while working on a puzzle. This is an example of what?

Academic Programs

Teacher's structure children's learning teaching through formal learning.

Sensitivity to children's readiness to learn

Teachers introduce activities tat build on children's current thinking, challenging their incorrect ways of viewing the world.

Child-Centered programs

Teachers provide activities for the child to choose from and much learning takes place through play.

2 to 6 years old

The "play years" are from ______ to ____ years old

left cerebal hemisphere

The __________ __________ _______ is especially active between 3 and 6 years and then levels off.


The __________ is sensitive to facial emotional expressions, especially fear.

Inner Speech

The internal verbal dialogues we carry on while thinking and acting in our everyday situations.


The last number in a counting sequence indicates the quantity of items in a set.

Unintentional injuries

The leading cause of childhood mortality in industrialized nations.

Sociodramatic Play

The make-believe play with others that is under way by the end of the second year and increases in complexity during early childhood.


The more _________________ the task, the more essential is communication between the hemispheres.

Auto traffic accidents, suffocation, drowning, and poisoning

The most common injuries resulting in childhood deaths are....

Shoe tying

The most complex self-help skill to master is ______ _____.

Head Start

The most extensive federal program in the 1960s was what?

Motor vehicle accidents

The most frequent source of injury for children.


The most important illogical feature of preoperational thought is ......

Hierarchial Classification

The organization of objects into classes and subclasses on the basis of simiarities and differences.


Thinking about thought

Care of their own bodies, drawings and paintings

To parents fine-motor progress is most apparent in two areas _______________________ and _________________________.

nutritionally deficient diet

Troughout childhood and adolescence a __________ _______ _____ is associated with attention and memory difficulties, poorer intelligence and achievement test scores.

Dual Representation

Viewing a symbolic object as both an object in its own right and a symbol.

Make-believe play

Vygotsky saw (blank) as the ideal social context for fostering cognitive development in early childhood.


What do children rely on during make-believe play?

Picture-book reading

What is a especially rich context for category learning?


What is the dominant form of youth media?

More realistic drawing

When 5 to 6 year olds create more complex drawings this is called.

Regular smokers

Young children in homes with ________ are at increased risk for decayed teeth.


_______ acknowledged that language is our most flexible means of mental representation.


_______ research suggests that children benefit from adult guidance in learning to draw just as they do in learning to talk.

Three- mountain problem

________ _________ _____ is the most convincing demonstration of egocentrism.


________ believed that through pretending young children practice and strengthen newly acquired representational schemes.


________ stated that young children are not capable of operations- mental representations of actions that obey logical rules.


____________ handedness is elevated among people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness.


____________ skills expand at and astonishing pace in early childhood.


_____________ influence growth by controlling the body's production of hormones.


_____________ skills develop gradually over childhood and adolescence.

Coercing, restriction

__________________ children to eat results in withdrawl from food whereas food ____ leads to excessive eating.

Growth Hormone (GH)

_______________________ is neccessary for development of almost all body tissues.


`By detaching thought from action ______ permits far more thinking than was possible earlier.

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