French 4 T or F chapter 6

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Agnes aime Horace Agnes loves Horace


Arnolphe a deja appris les visites d'horace quand il parole a Agnes Arnolphe already knew about the visits of Horace when he talked to Agnes


Arnolphe a l'intention d'epouser agnes Arnolphe wanrs to marry Agnes


Arnolphe est jaloux d'horace Arnolphe is jealous of Horace


Avant- Versailles les Rios de France habitaient le louvre Before Versailles the kinngs of France lived in louvre


Le but de l'academie francaise est de composer un diction aide The goal of the French academy is to compose a dictionary


Louis XIII a succéde à Henri IV Louis the eight succeeded Henri the fourth


Louis XIV a espouse therese d'espagne Louis the eighteenth engages Therese of Spain


Vatel n'a pas oublie de commander le poisson Vatel did not forget to order the fish


Vatel we suicide parade qu'il Penske avoir perdu l'honneud Vatel killed himself becasue he lost honor


L'academie Francaise n'existe pas aujourd hui The academy of France does not exist today


Le nom moliere n'est pas son vrai nom The name moliere is not his real name


Louis XIV a Paris le pouvoir reel a l'age de 12 ans Louis the sixteenth took real power at the age of 12


Louis XIV avast un pouvoir contitutionnel Louis the eighteenth has constitutional power


Louis XIV va a chantilly en hiver Louis the sixteenth went to chantilly in the winter


Moliere n'etait pas important come ecrivain Moliere was not an important winter


Richelieu n'a pas approuve l'autorite roayale Richelieu did not approve of royal authority


Un Alexandrin est une personne Qui vient d'alexandeka en Egypt An Alexandra's is a person who is from Alexandra Egypt


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