The distance above sea level (elevation). At the top of a mountain, air pressure is less than air pressure at sea level.
an upward force resulting from decreasing the pressure on the top of an object by increasing the velocity of the air flowing over the top of it.
Air Density
The amount of mass in a given volume of air.
A force of attraction between objects that is due to their masses.
Properties of Air
Air consists of atoms and molecules, which have mass. Therefore air has mass.
Air Pressure
The result of the weight of a column of air pushing down on an area. •The molecules in air push in all directions. •Denser air exerts more pressure than less dense air.
Angular momentum
a rotating body's resistance to change in its orientation and rate of rotation
vertical jump distance
determined by an equation that relates distance to velocity, time and the acceleration of gravity
HANG TIME: the 75/25 Rule
half of the jump time is spent in the bottom 75% of the jump and half the jump time is spent in the highest 25% of the jump
Angle of Attack
the angle formed by the tilt of the flying disk and the line parallel to the ground
the graph of a quadratic function; and, the path a projectile in motion takes from launch to landing
hang time
the total time a projectile spends in the air along its trajectory