Frog and Squid Dissection Quiz
Name one other organism in the same class.
An octopus is an example of an organism in the same class as the squid.
Describe the process of reproduction in squid.
Squid reproduce sexually by releasing eggs into the water. After a squid mates, a female squid will reproduce10-50 elongated egg strings, which contains hundreds of eggs in each string. Then, the egg strings are attached to the ocean floor, are left alone to develop independently, and hatch approximately ten days later.
Name two traits the squid shares with other mollusks.
Squids share a mantle and a soft body with other mollusks.
What is the function of the arms and tentacles?
The function of the tentacles are used to grab/capture objects or creatures, being long and retractable and having suckers at the tips. The function of the arms is to hold their prey when a creature is captured.
What is the function of the water jet?
The function of the water jet is for propulsion and movement.
What is the ink sac's function?
The ink sac's function is to distract predators and to defend itself.
How does the difference in the function of each relate to the location of the suckers on each?
The location of the suckers plays a factor in the tentacles because when a squid captures a prey, it uses its suckers at the tip of the long retractable tentacles to the creature. The location of the suckers also plays a factor in the arms because when a squid contains its prey within its eight arms, the suckers would not allow the prey to escape.
In which body section are most of the squid's organs located?
The mantle is where most of the squid's organs are located because this is the body section that encloses the body organs like the heart, stomach, and gills.
To what kingdom does a squid belong?
The squid belongs in the Animalia kingdom.
What phylum?
The squid belongs in the phylum Mollusca.
What class?
The squid belongs to the class Cephalopoda.
How many gills does the squid have?
The squid has two gills.
How many arms does the squid have?
The squid has two tentacles.
How many tentacles does the squid have?
The squid has two tentacles.
The ink sac and chromatophores are used by the squid to protect itself. Why does the squid need these types of protection?
The squid uses the ink sac and chromatophores to release a dark cloud to confuse their attacker and allow the squid to escape.
Where does the ink sac empty into?
The squid's ink sac empties into the water jet.
Name two features that are adaptations for the squid's predatory life.
The squid's streamlined body and jet propulsion is what makes a squid a fast, active predator.
Why are the tentacles longer than the arms?
The tentacles are longer than the arms because they need to be able to grab the prey so then the eight other arms would be able to contain the prey and eat it.
Where do wastes exit the squid?
The wastes exit the anus then the water jet of the squid.
Why are the brachial hearts sometimes referred to as gill hearts?
This is because the brachial heart pumps blood from the body up to the gills to be oxygenated, hence the name gill hearts.