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(one word) are a diverse group of compounds that are better defined by the methods/solvents we use to extract them than by strict structural requirements. The vast majority of these compounds are characterized as hydrophobic.

Was added to rice in the prototype but would probably be separated if the product was marketed commercially → Mango Worked in product development producing vegan friendly products → Emilize Suggested next step in a prototype development was to powderize this key component → Cheeze-its Took a train trip → Dr. Harris Monk fruit was in the formulation for added sweetness → Gummy prototype Suggested as a potentially useful ingredient in controlling enzymatic browning → Lemon juice Using short words and/ or few ingredients → Clean lable

A lot of really interesting ideas were generated during our discussion on line extensions! During our live zoom we talked about product development experiences and even saw some prototype product development of your line extension ideas. Using this information match the following concepts. (Use each answer only once.)

May reduce inflammation, May enhance immunity

A number of foods, including yogurt, may contain beneficial microbes. These "good" bacteria, also known as probiotics, can benefit us in a number of ways. These include: (Check all that apply)


A triglyceride looks like this letter Answer


A variety of time and temperature combinations can be applied to milk (including banana flavor!) to make it safe to drink. Collectively, all of these heat-based approaches are referred to as

Moisture Migration and Re-Freezing

About 4 months ago you bought a gallon of ice cream and put it in your freezer. Every now and then you go to your freezer and make yourself a bowl of ice cream. This time when you go to scoop the ice cream you notice there are huge ice crystals in it and it doesn't taste as good anymore. Thankfully since you just took FS 201 you know this has probably occurred because your freezer is the automatic defrost variety which regulates the temperature in the freezer to prevent ice build-up on the walls. Since the temperature of the freezer slowly increases and decreases over time any moisture in the ice cream will slowly form larger and larger crystals. We call this phenomena _____________.

carbohydrates, protein, water, fats

All foods contain macronutrients. From the list below, select all that are considered to be macronutrients:

Low moisture and/or water activity, Air tight packaging, Processed to prevent spoilage

Along with having a high nutrient density, RUTFs must also be shelf stable. Which of the following are characteristics of shelf stable foods?


Amino acids make up a peptide or protein chain. Amino acids are linked together in proteins by peptide bonds. The breakdown of these bonds is refered to as hydrolysis. Many commercial food products use hydrolyzed vegetable proteins to create a specific taste. Soy sauce is an example of a food product produced by hydrolyzing soybean and wheat proteins using fungal fermentation or by boiling with acidic solutions. What is this taste?


An allows lipids and water to mix without separating.

Caesar Salad Dressing, Milk, Mayonaise, Ice Cream

An emulsion is a mixture of two or more liquids that are normally unblendable (immiscible). Examples of emulsions include:


As a kid, you might have made noodles out of "Play-Doh". What you were really doing was using pressure to force a material through a "die" or shape. This is a form of what process? (hint: one word, lowercase)

Viruses that attack bacteria

Bacteriophages are

Fresh produce

Based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you are most likely to get a foodborne illness from?

lemon peel, Salmon

Carotenoids are present in which of the following?

β-1,4 glycosidic; α-1,4 and α-1,6 glycosidic

Celluolose has_______ bonds, while amylopectin has_______bonds.

Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus

Choose the bacterial pathogen(s) from among the following pathogens.


Derived from a Greek phrase meaning of prime importance, is the only nitrogen containing macronutrient. (one word)

carbon dioxide

During a live demonstration this week, Dr. Harris explained that freshly roasted coffee was quickly cooled and then allowed to rest for a day prior to consumption. He explained that the coffee would taste too acidic if not allowed to vent an acidic gas that is generated / released during the roasting process. If you look at most bags of commercially produced coffee, you can see a vent valve that allows for the acidic gas to dissipate. The gas that is released from the coffee after roasting is gas.

Monosacchrides, Disaccharides, Sucrose, Water

Emulsifiers are used in many food systems to help prevent separation of phases. There are a number of commonly used emulsifiers. From the choices below, select the substances that are not good emulsifiers?(Select all that apply)


Emulsifiers like lecithin form 3-dimensional lipid transporting vehicles called. when placed in water.

Implement Preventative Controls → 3 Understand Cause → 2 Monitor Effectiveness → 4 Identify Hazard → 1 Review and Adjust as needed → 5

FSMA is a systematic approach for preventing food-borne illness. Put the steps in the order in which they are used.


Fermentation is considered an important technique within the food industry, and bacteria play an important role in the process. The genus of bacteria that is known to oxidize glucose and produce lactic acid through fermentation is ______.

Acidification, Fermentation, Modified Atmosphere Packaging, Cold Plasma, Pulsed Electric Fields

Food preservation has long been associated with heat treatments; however, for some products this is not the preferred preservation method. Select the non-thermal treatments currently used in the industry. Mark all that apply:

shelf stable

Foods that do not require refrigeration, either due to their chemical composition or to their packaging and processing are called

This is the pH that inhibits the growth of Clostridium botulinum spores.

Foods that have a pH less than 4.6 are regarded as high acid foods. This pH of <4.6 is a critical factor in food preservation. But why is having a pH value below 4.6 so important? (choose one answer)


Frooties, also known as Miracle Fruit Tablets, contain Miraculin, a that binds to your taste receptors and makes sour taste sweet. (one word)

High water activity

Generally speaking, which the following conditions is conducive to growth of microorganisms?


Gram-negative and gram-positive have different characteristics in cell well, choose one that only exist in gram negative cell wall.

A, B, and C Founder of the Poison Squads The USDA's first Head Chemist Married at age 67

Harvey Wiley was...

It is recommended to apply a thermal process (T> 160 °F) and also decrease the pH < 4.6 in which the microorganism Clostridium botulinum is possibly present.

Heat treatments are lethal for many microorganisms of concern in the food industry. In general, exposure to higher temperatures and longer heating times, causes a progressive and orderly decrease in the number of viable cells in a homogeneous microbial population. Food microbiologist and engineers collaborate to construct thermal inactivation charts that record the kinetics of pathogenic bacterial death in food systems. In particular, the pathogenic bacteria known asClostridium botulinum(C. bot.) is the target organism of concern because it can exist in heat resistant spore form as well as vegetative cells. The goal then is to not only kill the vegetative cells ofC. bot.but also to prevent the growth of its spores. Choose the thermal processing method that achieves a safe process and will also conserve the use of heat. (Hint: what other factors can effect bacterial growth?)

1. hydrophilic 2. hydrophobic

Here is a picture of a micelle. Identify which terms correspond to 1 and 2 in the diagram


High speed mixing causes shear, resulting in the. of flexible proteins. This allows for the incorporation of air and stabilization of foams.

Microwave to heat up a dish → Radiation Cooking food using a non-stick pan (no water or oil required) → Conduction Pumpkin cake made in oven → Convection and Conduction

How heat is transferred in the following applications?


How many microbes are there in/on your body for every human cell?


If I fill up the water bottle on my bike with ice water, it is completely melted and often even warm by the time I get to work (about a 45 minute ride). On the other hand, I myself feel as cool as a... Cucumis sativus (that's a cucumber, y'all). One phenomena (that we have discussed several time in class) explains both the melting/warming of the ice in my water bottle and the fact that I stayed cool during the ride. What is it?


In class, we discussed the idea that different foods have different levels of water activity. Foods such as saltine crackers, toasted oat cereals, instant coffees and rice cakes would have a relatively water activity.(one word)


In lecture, we discussed the idea that different foods have different levels of water activity. Foods such as milk, cheese, and ground beef would have a relatively. water activity.(one word)

Aseptic Processing, High pressure processing, Decreasing the pH to acidic (below pH 4.6)

In the past, the time and temperature needed to inactivate harmful microbes in canned foods was not known. Frequently, there were cases of deterioration (spoilage) and serious intoxications, such as botulism, caused by the toxin from Clostridium botulinum (an anaerobic, rod-shaped spore forming bacterium). After much scientific research, standard time and temperature processes were developed to help food processors know how to safely process foods. During retort processing (commercial canning), the packaged food is heated a to high temperature, ensuring that pathogenic bacteria will not grow while also decreasing the number of spoilage organism present in the food. But this increase in temperature can contribute to decreases in food quality and nutrient retention. Thus, we should consider additional methods for controlling pathogenic bacterial (as well as other spoilage organism's) growth. What are some of the alternative methods to traditional retort heat treatment (canning) that can be used to prevent dangerous pathogenic contamination in canned food such as canned fruit puree, palm heart, green beans, mushrooms, beets, canned tuna, meat products (ham and sausages)? (Select all that apply.)


In the world of food processing, we generally go by two principles or laws. One is that energy cannot be destroyed but it can be changed or converted into a different form. The other principle is a similar concept that says cannot be destroyed but it can be changed or converted into other forms. (One word.)


It is summertime, and you go to the amusement park to ride the roller-coasters and swim in the wave pool. For lunch you visit the snack bar and order a hamburger. Within 12-72 hours, you begin to feel sick. When you turn on the TV, the news is reporting on a food borne outbreak at the amusement park you just visited. You and 12 others were infected with the gram-negative bacteria which causes the most food borne illnesses and deaths in the U.S. Review this link: And then select the bacteria that made you sick from those listed below.

are a good heat transfer medium. are hydrocarbons. are generally hydrophobic.

Lipids (select all that apply):

Primary: amino acid sequence Secondary: folding primary Tertiary: folding secondary Quaternary: multi-proteins associating

Match the correct level of protein structure with its description.

The body needs this to grow, but cannot make it on its own.: essential nutrient The body can make these on its own.: nonessential nutrient Can either not be made or not made in sufficient quantities.: conditionally essential nutrient

Match the correct term to its corresponding definition

This pathogen is responsible for the highest amount of death related to foodborne illness per year in the US: salmonella nontyphoidal This pathogen is the leading cause of foodborne illness in the US: Norovirus This pathogen is responsible for the most hospitalizations related to foodborne illness per year in the US: salmonella nontyphoidal

Match the description to the correct pathogen. Some pathogens may match more than one description. *You may want to refer to the following reference before answering. Scallan E, Hoekstra RM, Angulo FJ, et al. Foodborne Illness Acquired in the United States—Major Pathogens. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2011;17(1):7-15. doi:10.3201/eid1701.p11101.

Glucose and a second Glucose makes → Maltose Fructose and Galactose makes → not likely Glucose and Galactose makes → Lactose Glucose and Fructose makes → Sucrose

Match the disaccharide combo with its associated sugars.

Lactose: Galactose+Glucose Sucrose: Glucose+Fructose Maltose: Glucose+Glucose

Match the following disaccharides with their glycosidic-linked monomers.

Oatmeal and dried beans: gums Barley: Beta Glucan Woody portion of plants: Lignan Skin of ripe fruit: Pectin Plant cell wall: Cellulose Bran and cereal: Hemicellulose

Match the following sources of fiber with the type of fiber they contain.

Microbes produce a harmful substance that causes illness. Does not require live microbes to be present. → Intoxication Microbes produce toxins as they grow. → Toxico-infection Microbes grow and cause damage as a result. → Infection

Match the general ways in which pathogens may cause harm to their descriptions.

Glucose: Monosacc Fructose: Monosacc Maltose; Disacc Galactose: Monosacc Lactose: Disacc Sucrose: Disacc

Match the listed simple carbohydrate with the correct category. (The same category may be used more than once.)

xanthan gum

Most fibers come from plants, but some are actually produced by bacteria. One of them, (two words), is used a hydrocolloid "glue" in many gluten-free products and is used to stabilize spices in salad dressing.


Name one of the three functionalities that carbohydrates and proteins share in common. (one word for any of these answers)

Rapid Heating, Dehydration, High degree of food safety (kills disease causing microbes)., Crispy Textures

On the first day of class, we said that food science incorporates scientific principles from the disciplines of chemistry, microbiology and engineering. Frying insects or anything else for that matter (like at the State Fair) demonstrates a variety of these principles including:


One way that long-chain carbohydrates can "hold" water is to first form a sol, then trap water in a flexible, 3-D matrix, typically when the sol is cooled. We call this matrix a

HTST uses lower temperature at 71.7 °C; UHT pasteurization uses higher temperature at 140°C,HTST pasteurization provides a shorter shelf life period (between 2-3 weeks); UHT pasteurization provides a longer shelf life period (between 2-3 months),HTST pasteurization kills many pathogenic bacteria, but still some non-pathogenic bacteria can remain and can cause milk spoilage; UHT pasteurization kills bacteria in the milk allowing it to be shelf stable.

Pasteurization is a way of making foods safe by eliminating pathogens, usually by mild heating. There are multiple types of pasteurization. Two of the most frequently used pasteurization techniques are HTST pasteurization and UHT pasteurization. What are the differences between these processes? From the following paired comparison statements, select those that are true characteristics of these two milk pasteurization methods.

Processed Cheese → 2 Dry Pasta → 4 Raisins → 3 Fresh Fruit → 1

Place the following food items into their appropriate ranking based on water activity. Rankings will be 1 - 4 (1 being the highest and 4 being the lowest water activity).

Adding New Flavors, Modifying Texture, Modifying Color, Adding Protein, Vitamins, or Other Nutrition-Boosting Components, Increasing Shelf-Life, Changining Food Packaging

Product development involves the creation of new food products via which of the following?


Pure water is made of ingredients.

glycosidic, peptide

Saccharides use a _____________ linkage, whereas proteins use a ___________ linkage to form larger structures. Select the answer with the correct terms, in order (answer 1, answer 2).

Amino group, carboxylic acid, central carbon

Select all of the following components that are the same in all amino acids.

Carboxylic acid, amino group, central carbon

Select all of the following components that are the same in all amino acids.

Is found in vinegar., Is water soluble because the carboxylic acid end is hydrophilic., Is water soluble because of its short chain length.

Select all of the following that are true about acetic acid.


Sugar, salt, freezing, and silica gel are materials and methods used to water. (one word)


The Clause, enacted in 1958 and repealed in 1996, prevented the sale of any food possibly containing carcinogenic (cancer-causing) compounds.

line extension

The advertisement reads" We are excited to announce our newest cereal bar, a wonderful combination of all natural oats, honey and lavender." Since it's a logical variation on an existing theme, this new A2Z product would be referred to as a

Prevents crumbling and breakage

The metal foil Pop Tart package above serves all of the following purposes, EXCEPT:

Milk, Shellfish, Eggs, Peanuts, Tree nuts, Wheat, Soy, Fish

The top 8 allergens are?

Mushrooms, Truffles, Brie Cheese, Beer, Bread, Kefir, Roquefort Cheese, Soy Sauce, Lovastatin

There's a fungus among us (and that's not always a bad thing). Fungi are responsible for a number of important foods and medicines, including:


Think about making food in your kitchen at home versus in a food production facility. (For example a store bought hot sauce versus the hot sauce made by the Harris family.) There are similarities and differences between these two versions of making food to eat. Which method of making food is more likely to use batch versus continuous production?

Fermentation / Freezing / Drying / Pasteurization, Canning / Sterilization / Ultra-high pressure / Dry Roasting, Irradiation / Concentrating (salt, sugar) / Low pH / Fermenting

This semester we have talked about many food science concepts from chemical reactions to microbial processes to preparation and preservation techniques. From the following sets of processes and reactions, select the sets that pertain to food preservation techniques. (Select all apply.)

Maillard browning: Coffee creates emulsions: Egg yolk first crack: coffee watery foam: aquafaba creates suspensions: xanthin gum plant based foam: aquafaba stiff foam: egg whites water weight gain: pasta

This week's Zoom meeting was live from the teaching lab in Schaub Hall. Dr. Harris and your amazing TA's showed us some of the useful, interesting and even tasty chemical reactions that occur in foods. Match the food to the concept that was illustrated in the lab. Some foods will match more than one concept.

Not the same as moisture content, One of the factors used in controlling the types of microorganisms that can grow on a food., The amount of water available to participate in chemical reactions, Important in determining shelf stability.

Water Activity is.... (select all that apply)

Some fermented food like pickles contain acetic acid., Certain types of mold are used in food fermentation., Some vinegar contains an edible sludge (mother)., Yeast mixed with warm water and glucose only needs a short time (minutes and not hours) to produce carbon dioxide as a product of fermentation.

We discussed fermentation of foods this week. Select all of the statements that are true regarding food fermentation.

To understand a simple way to design a processing line using regular methods/principle to produce different products., Because in 1916, Arthur Little developed a method for simplifying production lines in the chemical industry by breaking down the larger processes into common steps

We have learned about many different and important processes in the food industry. Some of these processes include: pasteurization, drying, grinding and so on. It follows that we can find foods in the market place that have been produced using similar processes or steps. This week we talked about the concept of unit operations. Why is the concept of unit operations useful? Which of the following are reasons that highlight the utility of the unit operations concept in food production? (Select all that apply.)

Linoleic Acid (omega 6), Linolenic Acid (omega-3)

What are the two essential fatty acids that the body must obtain from food?

Food safety modernization act

What does FSMA stand for?


What is the Aw of water itself?


What kind of starch is only partially digestable? starch (one word).

A logical variation on an existing product line. The relationship between the new pumpkin flavored doughnut and the regular glazed doughnut.

When Food Scientist refer to Line Extensions, they are talking about which of the following? (select all that apply)


When a protein's function changes, then it follows that it was a result of a change in its

Damage caused by the formation of ice crystals, Retention of thermally labile nutrients, A reduction in the ability of some microorganisms to grow while other microorganisms will die, Fresher appearance than canned foods, Enzymatic changes, such as lipid oxidation

When food manufacturers use freezing as the mechanism for preservation, there are both good and bad consequences for the food product. Select the changes that can occur in foods due to freezing. (Select all that apply.)

water, lipid, protein, carbohydrate

When we consider the proximate composition of foods, we are think of these components in foods. (Check all that apply)

Defect Action Levels

Which of the following defines acceptable amounts of contaminants present in food products?

None of these.

Which of the following foods are chemical-free?

greek yogurt

Which of the following foods is not shelf stable?

Crackers, Corn Flakes, Honey

Which of the following foods would be best to take with you for a week long hiking trip in the Grand Canyon? (choose all that apply)

peanut flour, oat flour

Which of the following ingredients are not incorporated in Rini's sweet potato noodles? Select all that apply.


Which of the following is NOT a property of proteins?


Which of the following is estimated to be the major cause of food-borne illness in the U.S.A.?

attractive package graphics

Which of the following is least important when designing an RUTF product.


Which of the following is not a function of carbohydrates in food?

Acts as a binder in the absence of gluten.

Which of the following is the main function of Xanthan gum in the sweet potato noodle product?

Plastics, Steel, Cheerios, The toothpaste you squeeze onto your toothbrush two or more times per day.

Which of the following products are produced by extrusion?

Due to the presence of naturally occurring poisonous chemical compounds from non-microbial origin, Because there are foreign (not natively present) chemical compounds which can be found in foods, such as metals, animal toxins, or man made toxins., Due to an intolerance or allergy to some foods or ingredients., Due to the presence of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and prions

Why can food be toxic to humans? Choose all that apply.

Because when there are carbon to carbon double bonds, the fatty acids blend., Because when the fatty acid is unsaturated, it bends.

Why do some of the fatty acids have the cis/ trans structure? (Select all that apply)


You are at your food production company and you want to protect your food during transport to another city. Your product is susceptible to breakage if the packages are shaken excessively and your product is also sensitive to oxygen/air. Your product is packed as individually sold items in a retail package that protects from air/oxygen exposure. Because you know that vibrations can occur during shipping; you want to place your individual packages into shipping containers that keep them from move around and breaking. These containers provide (one word) packaging.

You determine that Cup A contains 10,000 times as many hydrogen ions (H+) as Cup B using a hydrogen ion analyzer, You add a bit of purple grape juice to both cups. In Cup A, the mixture turns pinkish-red. In Cup B, the mixture remains purple., Using a pH meter, you observe that Cup A has a lower pH than Cup B, You taste the liquid and find that cup A tastes sour while cup B has a neutral taste

You have 2 cups of water (cups A and B). Someone added a relatively weak acid (eg. citric acid) to one of the cups. Choose all of the ways in which you could determine which cup contains the weak acid.

-20 degrees Fahrenheit

You have just bought two gallon tubs of Howling Cow ice cream, but, there's a problem. You only have room in your freezer for one of the tubs. Luckily, you also have a separate deep freezer where you can store the second tub of ice cream. To ensure your ice cream is kept in the best environment, what is the temperature you should set your deep freezer to?


Your car stalls out and you have to push it. What is blatantly obvious is that it's easier to push a car on flat ground or up a slight incline than it is to push it up a steep hill. In a similar way, (one plural word) work as protein-based catalysts to "drive" reactions more quickly and efficiently than un-catalyzed reactions. Are you ready for a "brake"?


is the conversion of sugars to energy (and numerous byproducts) by various microorganisms. Many food products result from this process.


pH is a representation of the concentration of (two words) in a liquid.

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