FSHN 167 Exam 4

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Explain the difference between hypertrophy and hyperplasia in the gain of adipose tissue.

-Hypertrophy- increase in the size of fat cells -Hyperplasia- increase in the number of fat cells

How many kcals must be removed from the diet and/or increased expenditure from exercise each day to lose ~1 pound of body fat per week? ... 2 pounds per week?

500-1000 kcal

What waist circumference increases risk for chronic diseases (i.e. heart disease) for men? for women?

Males = >40 Females = >35

How have kcalories consumed and kcalories expended changed in recent decades?

The amount of calories consumed have gone up and the amount of calories expended have gone down.

Calculate Lindsey and Eric (see above) BMIs. Did you need to do two calculations? It is now 10 years later and they are the same height and weight. Do you need to recalculate their BMIs?

weight lb x 704.5 height in2 150/4624= .032 x 704.5 = BMI : 22.5

Can you be fit with a BMI above 25?

yes, the bmi does not take in lean body mass

Calculate the total calories in a food that has 30 g carbohydrates, 10 g protein, 15 g fat and 5 g of alcohol. Then calculate the percent of calories coming from each macronutrient in this food.

120 kcal/g CHO - 36.4% 40 kcal/g protein - 12.1% 135 kcal/g fat - 40.9% 35 kcal/g alcohol - 10.6% = 330 kcal

Dehydration of greater than ¬¬______% of body weight has been shown to reduce aerobic exercise performance.


What is the approximate prevalence of being overweight (including obesity) for US adults? for obesity alone?

69% of adults are either overweight or obese. 35% of adults are obese.

Describe the set-point theory. What percent of one's weight is considered determined by one's genes? How does the understanding of epigenetics challenge this notion?

75% of your weight is predicted by genes, the other 25% is environment. -A set point is a level at which body fat or body weight seems to resist change despite changes in energy intake output. -Epigenetics can be modified by lifestyle choices, genes cannot.

What range of physical activity level (PAL) is associated with decreased risk of CVD?

>1.6-1.9 (active)

What does a bomb calorimeter measure? Briefly describe how it works.

A bomb calorimeter is used to measure the calories values of food. It measures the heat given off from food.

Explain ATP-creatine phosphate, anaerobic and aerobic energy creation

ATP creatine phosphate is created when ATP is used up and the enzymes break down another high energy compound called creatine phosphate to convert ADP to ATP, allowing activity to continue. Aerobic metabolism produces ATP at a slower rate than anaerobic but is much more efficient.

What are acceptable % of body fat levels for males and females?

Acceptable (low end) Males = 6-15% Acceptable (low end) Females = 9-23% Acceptable (high end) Males = 16-24% Acceptable (high end) Females = 24-31%

What type, if any, athletes might benefit from taking baking soda? Why?

Athletes-short-term, anaerobic, the baking soda would minimize lactic acid

Why is BMI not a perfect indicator of health risks? What other methods can be used to measure body composition?

BMI does not take int consideration lean body mass which does not increase health risks. Women also tend to have a higher amount of body fat (21-31%) than men do (8-19%). Underwater weighing, skinfold thickness, air displacement, bioelectric impedance, & dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA)

Define Body Mass Index (BMI).

BMI relates weight to height using one scale for both males and females and for all heights.

What factors or characteristics can raise or lower basal metabolic rate (BMR)/resting energy expenditure (REE)? When you eat much fewer kcal than usual for a few days (say, cut in half), what may happen to your BMR/REE?

BMR can decrease with age (decrease in lean body mass that occurs as we get older). BMR can decrease when our calories intake is consistently below the body's needs

List the three categories of energy expenditure and the typical distribution of total energy from each of them.

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) = the rate of energy expenditure under resting conditions. It is measured after 12 hours without food or exercise = 60-65% Physical activity = 25-35% Thermic effect of food = energy to process food = 5-10%

List physiological fuel values for carbohydrate, protein, fat and alcohol? Why are these values typically lower than values derived from a bomb calorimeter?

CHO = 4 kcal/g Protein = 4kcal/g Fat = 9kcal/g Alcohol = 7kcal/g Digestion and metabolism must be taken into consideration.

Know components of fitness.

Cardio-respiratory endurance Muscle strength Muscle endurance Flexibility Body composition

What is creatine and what type, if any, athletes might benefit from taking it? Why?

Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine phosphate in muscle, and is usually produced at a fairly constant rate by the body. Use of creatine phosphate for athletes will help improve their muscles

T/F? There are no health risks associated with being underweight (BMI<18.5). Explain.

False. Not all people are at risk. Being underweight is associated with an increased risk of early death, however, people who are naturally lean do not face increased health risks. Low body fat due to eating disorders reserve the ability of the immune system to fight disease.

Some health experts describe the environment in the U.S. as toxic for causing obesity. Why?

Fast food and little activity

The heat of combustion in a bomb calorimeter for protein is 5.6 kcal/g, yet on a food label it tells me that protein has 4 kcal/g. Why are these values different?

Food labels are the amount processed in the body since we're not as efficient as a machine.

Describe low energy density in food. Which would have a lower energy density oatmeal or a granola bar?

Foods that are low in calories that are whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and low fat dairy. Oatmeal because it isn't as processed and more protein.

Explain where ghrelin, orexin and CCK are produced and how they impact hunger.

Ghrelin is produced in the stomach to increase hunger and CCK is produced in the small intestine. Ghrelin is the hormone that triggers stomach growling Orexin is the hormone that regulates appetite CCK is the hormone that simulates digestion of fat and protein

What are some health risks from excess body weight?

High blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, gallbladder disease, liver disease, arthritis, sleep disorders, respiratory problems, menstrual irregularity, and cances of the breast, uterus, prostate, and colon.

Define the terms hunger and satiety

Hunger = desire to consumer food that is triggered by internal physiological signals Satiety = the feeling of being full or satisfied

Where is leptin made and how does it impact food intake and body weight? Has research shown leptin to be a useful drug for treating obesity?

Leptin is a protein hormone produced by the adipocytes that signals information about the amount of body fat. It can be useful in treating obesity because research has found that obese individuals often produce little to none of this hormone.

Both Lindsey and Eric are 20 y.o., weigh 150 pounds, 5' 8"tall and have PALs of 1.5. Calculate their estimated daily energy needs using the following methods: • RDA formula (You do not need to memorize the formula for the exam.) • Factor method - Use the "Easy to Use" formula for calculating REE/BMR

Men = 662 - (9.53 x age [y])+ PA x (15.91 x weight [kg] + 539.6 x height [m]) Women = 354 - 6.91 x age [y] + PA x (9.36 x weight [kg] + 726 x height [m]) Eric --> 662 - (9.53 x 20) + 1.5 x ((15.91 x 68) + (539.6 x 1.73)) = Females = (weight [kg] x 0.9 ) x 24 Males = weight [kg] x 24

For the sentences below, circle terms in each parenthesis so final sentences are correct. • Men tend to have more (abdominal or gluteofemoral) body fat, which is usually made up of more (visceral or subcutaneous) fat. This type of fat storage is associated with (increased or decreased) risk for chronic disease. • Women tend to have more (abdominal or gluteofemoral) body fat, which is usually made up of more (visceral or subcutaneous) fat. In popular press, this body type has been called (apple or pear) shaped.

Men tend to have more abdominal body fat which is made up of more visceral fat. This type of fat is associated with increased risk of chronic disease. Women tend to have more gluteofemoral body fat, which is usually made up of subcutaneous fat. In popular press this body type has been called pear shaped.

What are physical activity and sleeping recommendations to help maintain a healthy weight?

Moderate activity 5-7 days a week (150kcal expenditure) 7-8 hours of sleep a night

Is the rise in the incidence of obesity only a US problem or have countries around the world seen similar rises?

No, it has become a problem worldwide. Globesity has even become a new term.

Describe indirect calorimetry in measuring energy expenditure in humans.

O2 consumed by humans is measured.

How does body the body regulate hunger and satiety, before foods is consumed? after consumption but before absorption? after absorption?

Production of the hormones such as ghrelin and orexin are increased, and glucose levels and amino acids go down when hungry. After food consumption, CCK and PYY increase, insulin, glucose, and amino acids go up

Which macronutrients (carbohydrate, protein or fat) has been shown to be the most satiating?


If Sonia's ate approximately the same amount of kcalories from fish (high protein), olive oil (high fat) and rice (high carbohydrate), which would have the highest thermic effect of food?

Protein > CHO > Fat The fish would have the highest thermic effect of food

If Samantha drank 2 beers (equal to 240 kcals) every day beyond kcals necessary to maintain her body weight, how much weight would she gain in two weeks? two months?

Samantha would gain about a pound in 2 weeks. 3500kcal = 1 lb of fat, so 240 x 14 = 3360kcal Samantha would gain about 4 pounds in 2 months. 240 x 60 = 14,400kcal (14,400 / 3500 = 4 lbs)

Compare abdominal (central) vs lower body (gluteofemoral) fat; then compare visceral vs subcutaneous fat.

Subcutaneous fat = adipose tissue located under skin and does not increase health risk Visceral fat = adipose tissue located around organs in the abdomen (primarily abdominal region fat)

What BMI's are considered underweight, healthy weight, overweight or obese?

Underweight < 18.5 Normal = 18.5 - 24.9 Overweight = 25.0 - 29.9 Obesity > 30

What is VO2 Max and how is it used to assess fitness?

VO2max stands for maximal oxygen uptake and refers to the amount of oxygen your body is capable of utilizing in one minute. It is a measure of your capacity for aerobic work and can be a predictor of your potential as an endurance athlete.

For these two types of energy creation, indicate if glucose and/or fat can be used as substrate/fuel sources. • Anaerobic energy: Glucose Yes/No Fat Yes/No • Aerobic energy: Glucose Yes/No Fat Yes/No

Yes. No. Yes. Yes.

T/F? If I eat more carbohydrates, my body will increase the percent of carbohydrates burned for energy.


T/F? Vitamin and mineral supplements enhance athletic performance and supply a boost of energy.


What, if any, advantages do sports drinks, such as Gatorade, provide over water or soft drinks?

it does, advantage would be glucose

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