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Meal Composition and Cycle GB and IRELAND

4 meals a day lunch originally heary but now only on sundays tea light snack or high tea

meal compisition Spain

4 meals plus several snacks tapas a light snack served around 11 am as a precursor to 3 course lunch merienda tea and pastry snack eaten around 5 pm sinner may not be served until 10pm or later

regional filipino

4 regional cooking styles luzon specialty dish is rellengong manok deboned chicken stuffed with egg and sausage biocolandia spicy foods viscayan islands seafood and dessert mindanao malaysian and muslim influence little pork

__% of families cook at least once a day __% of families cook less than once per day

40, 25

Immigration from italy

5 mil from southern italy majority of immigrants same from italy many faced discrimination and hostility and formed tight knit communities little italys many came from economic reasons and then returned to homeland after making money

Jewish Dietary Laws

50% of kosher sales are non Jewish which animals they can eat methods for slaughtering animals examination of slaughtered animals forbidden parts of animals preparation of meat law of meat and milk products of forbidden animals examination for insects and worms

US Religions

54% protestant 24% catholic 16% none 2% jewish >1% buddhist muslim hindu

_ of _ consumers read the nutrition label

6, 10

vietnam religion

70% mahayana buddhists 30% roman catholic

dem Vietnam

700000 came to US since end of war 1.6 mil assimilated technical jobs higher poverty high education

___ Different ancestry groups


special occasions and holidays GB AND IRELAND

Christmas roast beef mulled wine goose turkey mince pies port nuts plum pudding easter hot cross -buns cross fire shrewsbury simnel astrology scottish eat haggis sheep stomach on NYE

religion korea

Chundo Kyo mix of buddhism confucianism and taoism south korea buddhism and confucianism majority 28% christians north korea national ideology of marxism and self reliance korean immigrants look to US for religious freedom

French family

Franco Americans little desire to acculturate family size was originally large but has decreased in rural areas families could live with 10-12 members per household

Immigration patterns

Great Britain Ireland France Great Britain settled in New England Virginia Maryland estimated that 1.5 million scottish have immigrated to America currently immigration is 10,000-20,000 per year moving away from religious persecution

Northern Foods Ingredients

Great Britain and Ireland: animal products are very important meat game fowl seafood items fish and chips and preserved of smoked fishes common Dairy products and eggs are important "ploughman lunch" Ireland is now well known for cheese making and makes milk and goats milk cheeses devonshire england is known for its rich cream products double cream- twice the fat clotted- slightly fermented irish soda bread baking soda seaweedd fruit and vegetables are limited to those that grow in cool climates potatoes berries cabbage cucumbers waterccress tomatoes and seaweed tea beer whiskey whiskey- Ireland

evil eye

Greece, Middle East, India, Latin America, Asia an individual who stares can project harm on another person even if the gaze is unintentional children are susceptible strategies to avoid the evil eye like not washing children herbs in bed painting house blue and white


abnormalities or malfunctioning of body organs and systems

Unconventional therapies

administration of therapeutic substances application of physical forces or devices Magico-religious interventions

Humans are omnivorous

advantage we can adapt to nearly all environments makes us curios to try new foods disadvantage no single food provides all the nutrition we need we must eat a variety

japan immigration

after 1890 increased picture brides arrange marriages sent over from prof match makers after pearl harbor land ownership illegal limit immigrants stopped immigration increased prejudice first gen Issei second Nisei third fourth Yonsei

beverages native americans

alcoholism prevalent herbal teas and water traditionally

Title 4 of Civil Rights act

all people are guaranteed equal access to health care regardless of national origin no discrimination based on language despite law many healthcare facilities lack professional interpreters

head cheese

alternates meat from neck and other parts of animals

diet related folk illnesses

anorexia and bulimia are considered folk illnesses common to many Americans


any substance that provides the nutrients to maintain life and growth when ingested

Ingredients and common foods Introduced foods Native Americans

apples apricots carrots lentils peaches and turnips were all accepted rye and wheat were not as well accepted livestock: cattle hogs lambs sheep horses


are interested in accomplishing one thing before moving to the next

family SA

asian american wife doesnt work home maker children show respect arranged marriages pakistani patriarchal arranged marriages common women not allowed to mix with men after puberty children removed from school after 7th grade

SA demographics and socio

asian indians increased to 2.3 mil 75% foreign born CA NY NJ IL well educated 64% college degree pakistan 200,000 50% foreign born employed as restaurateurs travel agents and importers identify strongly with own ethnic communities very well educated and affluent

Hindu Dietary Practices

avoid food believed to hamper the development of the body or mental abilities vary among castes bad food habits can prohibit communion with God laws of manu vegetarians cow and pork avoided if foods are contaminated from ill people or people of certain professions the food shouldnt be eaten avoid alcohol avoid red foods purity (milk cow parts urine) and pollution (human urine feces) water gets rid of pollution and running water it the best

health SA

ayurvedic medicine humoral concepts of body based in greece evolved into biomedicine longevity science of knowledge aloe vera treats obesity and liver disease foods hot or cold 700 plants and animals used for medicine licorice stomach aches

Jewish views on Honey

can't eat bees but can eat honey since there is no part of the bee

Meat prohibitions India

cattle are used as power during farming cow dung is used as fuel milk is used as milk

high blood

caused by excess blood going to one part of the body eating too much red foods or sugar

special occasions italy

celebrates few holidays mostly celebrates saints and has festivals served on christmas eve colored sugar coated jordan almonds are served at weddings

peripheral foods

change occurs most in this area not commonly eaten

staples vietnam cambodia laos

chinese french indian and malaysian seafood primary protein salting and drying and fermenting to preserrve foundations long and short grain rice soy over dairy cook veg many ways basil correander fruits tea coffee broth soybean drinks beer soft drinks

women comfort food

chocolate potato chips no food prep

etiquette korea

chopsticks and spoons are utensils elders served first children last food is passed with right hand

religion ME

christian to islam iranians are muslim judaism israeli americans are mostly judaism

Special occasions France

christmas boudin noir dark blood and boudin blanc veal chicken or pork mardi gras pancakes fritters waffles cakes lent no eggs fat or meat cod OK t

special occasions

christmas eve dinner and post midnight mass buffet holy ghost spirit festival food distribution to poor

south africa

chutney lots of fruits and vegetables very temperate climate for fruits and vegetables chutneys bobotie sweets very common fruit leathers jams and preserves cookies and pastries

Chinese background

civilization is 4000 years old middle kingdo, two main rivers Yellow and Yen Si monsoonal 1.3 billion people 4x US

cooking styles

classic french a carefully planned meal that balances the texture color and flavor of the dishes a harmony sauces and stocks very important espagnole veloute bechamel tomato hallndaise mayonnaise and vinaigrette or vinegar and oil french breads and pastries nouvelle cuisine classic and regional cuisine


clay pot used for cooking in philipines

health ME

cleanliness diet keep warm illness wind or air women are colder than men young hotter than old parsley kidney carway seeds digestion olive oil cures UTI herbal remedies common over 200 plants species used illness is a punishment from god

nutrition japan

common colorectal and stomach cancer high levels of lactose intollerance worse atherosclerosis breast and prostate cancer men have higher incidence of T2DM lactose intollerance common reduced incidence of hypertension stroke stomach cancer

appropriate language and intercultural communication

common terms commands avoid terms with multiple meanings avoid slang words or phrases client explain or summarize in their own words for understanding avoid yes or no questions

china family

confucian teachings important thrice obeying mothers obey son wife obey husband daughter obeys father show no emotion parents are strict

china world view religion

confusionism taoism heaven and humanity buddhism yin wet negative feminine and yang dry positive masculine

Factors of food purchasing

convenience working- work more cook less religious or ethnic self identity advertising food porn Physical and spiritual well being age/ puberty - peer pressure elders gender health variety cultural competency


corn beans fish stew

Therapeutic use of food Native Americans

corn meal is spread around the bed of an ill person to prevent further illness corn pollin heart palpitations agave applied to wounds yucca good laxative corn meal child rash Corn and water for UTI diharrea pumpkin soothers burns elderberry or mint tea constipation colic and indigestion maple or chili food restriction no cabbage meat egg when sick no sweets when pregnant some food has psychotherapeutic purposes cactus cause hallucinations for ceremonies

Second reason to choose food

cost economic status of society


created in southern california diaspora celebrates the unity of african heritage 7 principles 12/26-1/1


creole and cajun cooking have stron french influence but ingredients are of the region gumbo and jambalaya ingredients rice red beans tomatoes chayote squash egg plany spicy hot sauce pork pecan pralines are famous new orlean candies beignets round puffed french pastry fried like donuts french toast franco-Americans in New england use maple syrup spices pates and whiskey


cultural subdivision of american majority worldview supports american concept of mastery over nature technology is key attitude that health can be measured numerically and are standard definitions of disease leaves little room for chance or divine intervention everyone has the right to equal care focus on youthfulness fear aging

Folk Illness

culturally bound syndromes


culture is dynamic, constantly changing membership is defined by ethnicity

Yom Kippur

day of attonement, confess ins day of fasting holiest day of the year

ME dem and econ

deny arab ancestory fastest growing ethnic group MI CA NY high education high rates of discrimination

explanatory sickness models

details the cause of the disease the ways in which symptoms are perceived and expressed the ways in which the illness can be healed and prevented from reoccurring and why one person develops sickness while others do not

the slave diet

diet of field workers depended on what slave owners grew and provided hunger was common some slave owners required slaves to plant their own garderns surrounding areas were hunted and gathered for additional foods ate a lot of pork or hogs eat all parts chickens continued to be regarded as prestigious breads grits and hominy portable food fried cakes hush puppies ho cakes pork fat or lard

Cultural outlook

different cultural groups view time, fate, sickness and diseases differently americans privacy confidentiality other countries want family involved

Irish Worldview

dominated the catholic churhc churches helped establish schools hospitals ad orphanages across the US

South western native Americans

drier Popi pima pueblo zuni farming and hunting spanish introduced sheep and mutton is considered a food of the region beans chili squash corn was cultivated crop and came in 5 colors cactus pine nuts mescal root yucca

north africa

dry hot few plants fresh squeezed orange juice

sickness due to the social world

due to interpersonal conflict with the community evil eye Conjury

special occasions ME

easter died red eggs veggies Eid al Fitr follows ramadan cross between thanksgiving and christmas weddings births christmas eve ccod stuffed cabbage sauerkraut muslim calendar is lunar so holidays may vary ramadan muslims fast from sunrise to sunset

secondary foods

eaten like one or two days of the week


eating of non food items clay chalk laundry detergant baking soda nutritional deficiency or desire for attention for pregnancy help

low blood

eating too much acidic foods anemia

eating vs feeding

eating: humans feeding: animals or we feed animals


eats matzo which is a type of bread when they fled no time to have bread rise so they ate it as matzo when Jews fled egypt

potted meats

eats pushed into little jars like paste

chinese socioecon

education 50's most poor bad jobs high levels of education and good jobs upper or middle clas 48% college degree and graduate poverty low

adpatations of food habits china

elders living at home keep traditional food milk is consumed by 50% of chinese even though not traditional dietary variety may increase after moving to US

ingredients in african cuisine

elements of traditional foods of africa black south combine food styles with native west african

sickness due to the natural world

environmental weather allergens smoke pollution wind bad air humoral astrology determines and individual fate due to planetary alignment at the time of birth natural forces lightning falling rocks floods

Northwest Coast Alaska Natives

eskimos and aleuts food was plentiful and no need for agriculture salmon was staple fish was smoked to preserve caviar wild plants made up half of the diet hazlenuts rasberry strawberries

fats and oils native americans

eskimos high in fat butter margarine and lard added to most diets increasing fat


establishes the correct way to prepare attend synagogue which is led by a Rabi

ethiopian foods

ethiopian bread very spongy bread is used to dip into other foods or to pick up other foods or as a plate


experienced by Samoan women as mental illness

5 Pillars of Islam

faith prayer almsgiving - offer to the poor and an act of piety fasting wipes out sins fulfils obligation to Allah signifies hunger of the poor and needy Pilgrimage to Mecca


fat that is not intermingles with the flesh

vietnamese family

father head of the household follow american norms

feast days islam

feast of fast breaking at the end of Ramadan the festing festival of sacrifice night of the shaban new years day birthday of muhammad when child learns to read circumcission

southeast asia

filipinos vietnamese cambodians and loatians

thai flavors

fish sauce coconut milk garlic lemon grass tamarind


fit Glash Kosher is more strict Kosher

flavor principles

flavor and seasoning define cultures

acculturation of food

food habits are often the last to change among other cultural practices eating happens in the home and is private not surrounded by outside food cultures against religion

Fast food

food is getting americanized and cheapened when put into fast food form fortune cookies and meatballs and spaghetti is american

ettiquette SA

food made by equal or superior caste can be eaten eat with the same caste food in Thalis which are small metal bowls use right hands hospitality in Hindu homes laborers and workers eat meat to gain strength

role of food in native american culture and etiquette

food was valued as sacred and considered a gift frequent food shortages prayer and celebration were common after a successful hunt or harvest gender roles sharing food was important rude if not taking food when offered doesnt believe in selling food cooked communally

core and complementary foods models

foods can be categorized based on frequency of consumption core foods secondary foods peripheral

Buddhism Dietary Practices

forbids that taking of life so many are lacto ovo vegetarians from july to october monks are in retreat and meditation when this mediation is broken people bring food to the monks to feast on

meal com etiquette

fork in left hand knife in right do not pass fork from hand to hand pass food left

South asia

india pakistan napal afghanistan india 1.2 bil people jungle to mountains to desert 200 languages pakistan most rugid country in world

traditional food habbits ME

indigenous wheat olives dates introduced ingredients rice chickpeas and lemons geographical influences from North africa southern europe south asia religious restrictions no pork or alcohol for muslims

meal composition italy

light breakfast lunch is the main meal antipasta minestra asciutta main course salad dessert

current dem Japan

live in california and hawaii good econ status high education


liver heart spleen kidneys lungs front of body

food availability

local climate and geography may influence food supply role of supply and demand and gov support or subsidizing of foods may affect availability

cultural food adapt ME

longer immigrant in us the more americanized greek americans maintain traditional meal pattern but main meal of the day is dinner many traditional recipes have been tweaked and are now easier to prepare and faster with fewer fats and spices many arab americans still eat their meal at midday

Alaska Native americans

lots of fat and lard inuits and alaskan natives were seminomadic and traveled as necessary to fish and hunt whales and seal walrus eaten raw due to lack of fire limited plants blueberries cranberries willow seaweed

The american paradox

love the idea of new foods and have increased the expansion of the market yet cautious of new foods as well fast food cultural food growing

nutritional status china

low in fat high in carbs low BMI acculturation happening quickly low infant mortality rates parasitic infection tuberculosis and hep B common

nutritional status africa

lower intakes of dairy fruits and vegetables whole grains and fiber high intakes of saturated fats cholesterol and sodium lower use of vitamin and mineral supplements life expectancy maternal deaths 3x more likely fetal deaths 2x more likely overweight and obesity problem sedentary lifestyles more prevelant desire to show care through cooking and prepare traditional food culture prefers bigger people it is possible that BMI are not as accurate for blacks many woman do not always equate being overweight with being unnattractive high rates of type 2 diabetes hypertension anemia high calorie intakes limited access to heath care

family korea

loyalty to family important upon immigration sometimes marriage ties more important than generational igh divorce rates child parent relationship authoritative males are heads of the family after 60 old age is attained and respected birth order determines life events favor oldest child

soul foods

made from scratch meats emblem of identity

lunch africa

main meal mid afternoon boiled entree and dessert called dinner meal traditions for immigrants have changed

food adapt korea

maintained in US like oranges bagels milk bread chocolate ham cookies pizza hamburgers

Nutritional status native americans

malnutrition changed to obesity diabetes alaskan natives low in carbs changed 50% increase packaged foods tooth decay american indians refined carbs are prominent part of diet low intakes of fruits and vegtables some only 1 per month life expectancy has improved barely live 2.4 years less mothers are young and 1/3 dont recieve prenatal care during 1st trimester alcoholism and kidney disease


word may come across as offensive like suggesting someone should be on one or is on one

asian indian woman food

woman oversees prep storing and making of food more kitchen training better marriage offer women bring sweetness to food

pacific islands

hawaiians somoans guamanians tongans

west african foods

sesame watermelon black eyed peas

demograph korea

1.3 million in US most have college degrees strong family ties >50% born in korea median income above average CA, NY PA IL TX HI

dem loation

183,000 sac stockton fresno hmong and mein (yao) trouble speaking english low education work in poor jobs high poverty rates

spanish demographic

1.1 mil with spanish heritage live in CA, NV NM MT WY FL ID 100,000 Basque people mostly employed in animal husbandry or small business

cultural perspectives

1 billion people tropical near the equator 2nd largest continent 800-1700 languages spoken

_ in __ Americans is born in a foreign country

1, 10

_ in _ americans is of non European heritage

1, 4

Meal Composition Native Americans

1-2 meals a day spent so much time finding food not a lot of food little variation roasting steaming drying mashing baking

Classifying based on nutritional impact

1. food use with positive health consequences that should be encouraged 2. Neutral food behaviors with neither adverse nor beneficial effects on nutritional status 3. Food habits unclassified due to insufficient culturally specific information 4. food behaviors with demonstrable harmful affects on health that should be repatterned

4 noble truths of Buddhism

1. noble truth of suffering 2. noble truth of the cause of suffering 3. noble truth of cessation of suffering 4. noble truth to the path leading to the cessation of suffering

balkan dem and econ

1.4 mil in us claim greek ancestors 200,00 bosnians immigrated in 1990s 420000 croatian americans and 173000 serbian americans CA MA IL low poverty levels

portuguese demographics

1.4 million west coast farmers and ranchers but also professional and technical trades east coast involved in fishing industry half the poverty rate

____ lbs of potatoes per person per year


__ million households are food inseccure


Italian Demographic

18 Million Americans with Italian descent most have white collar jobs or are skilled laborers

Chinese Immigration patterns

1850s into gold rush pacific railroads discrimination 1880 exclusion laws limited immigration china towns southeastern guang dong

immigration cambodia

1975 kamer roge killed 2 mil cambodians fled to US and other countries like Thailand

meal comp Asian indians

2 meals a day breakfast snack then main meal 7-9pm drink water milk and buttermilk and fruit juices alcoholic beverages courses not at different times all at once tiffin distinguishes snack from meal

meal comp pakistan

2 meals a day lunch and dinnerr snacks serrved on large tray eaten with hands on floor

Brittish and Irish Demographics

29 million Brittish in US 36 million Irish in US irish are in law medicine sciences and other advanced degrees. scottish and irish descent total 9.3 million are well assimilated irish catholics are most likely to go to college and get a degree

daily pattern japan

3 meals a day snack oyatsu breakfast salty sour plum rice nori soup lunch left overs nabemono one pot meal cooked at table bento box packaged meal with 10 items oyakodon parent and child on rice chicken and egg on rice dinner cihiju sansei soup with three sides

Meal comp france

3 meals a day snacking ans seconds uncommon lunch largest meal lasting 1-4 hours dinner similar to lunch butt may be smaller portions and not as many dishes

meal composition and cycle ME

3 meals main meal lunch nap after wine at lunch and dinner greece mezze is appetizer turkey breakfast larege meal but dinner is main iran breakfast is flat bread with cheese cream or jam arabic countries coffee serrved early with breakfast lunch is the main meal of the day salads common and dessert included

daily patterns

3 meals per day lunch dinner soup rice or wheat vegetables fish or meat fruit as desert balance yin and yang and fan grain primary item and cai cooked meat and vegetable breakfast pooridge dumplings or noodles

staples filipino

3 principles never cook by self salty cool sour taste fry with garlic olive oil or lard long grain rice foundation meat depends on econ status gulay fish that is sometimes eaten lechon roasted pig at special occasions pork chicken and fish sinigang puchero paella chicken relleno include dairy products in US fermented fish paste/sauce in place of salt bagoong coconut principle food

regional ME

3-5 distinct culinary areas greece/turkey grilled meats cheese butter olive oil filo dough fish roe salads pastries anise flavored liquor iran also called persian food pomegranates saffron psinach rice tea eggplant curry tamarind chelo kebab israel middle eastern and jewish influence variety of foods coconut macaroons baklava pasta goulash jewish dietary law arab fare kibbeh fine wheat and lamb raw or grilled more grains legumes and vegies

northeastern Native American

Abundant game fruits and vegetables clambake bean simmer succotash clam chowder pumpkin pie corn pudding bean dish turned into boston baked beans

Plains Native Americans



C- consider culture in all patient-practitioner interactions R- show respect A- assess/ affirm intercultural differences due to language skills, acculturation and other factors S- be sensitive H- demonstrate humility

French Worldview

Catholic church was the nucleus of the community gave it stability and preserved the language of the people church today continues to play a central role

Southwest Native Americans

Chili Peppers corn squash

Yin and Yang

Chinese food culture rice is perfectly balanced and considered neutral

Application of Physical Forces or Devices

Chiropractic Osteopathic Massage Therapy releases the vital energy flow thorough the twelve meridians of the body as identifies in Chinese medicine Acupuncture/ Acupressure can correct conditions where there is too much heat (YANG) in the body Pinching, scratching, coining, electricity, cupping tries to restore the balance of energy by placing cups over meridians of the body

Islamic Dietary Laws

Eating is considered a matter of worship only right hand or no utensils sharing food encourages halal - food laws allah decides what is eaten haram - unlawful foods

Northern Europeans

England, Scotland wales northern ireland and northern france france has great farm land 3/5 cultivated wine production GB settled in US 1607

food celebrations Native Americans

Green corn festival bathe for festival bathing isnt all that common thanks for a plentiful summer harvest and included dancing prayer feast and chanting

Roman Catholicism

Head is the pope largest group of christians many fast and feast days philipinos and some vietnamese mostly from germany ireland italy mexico and caribbean

Greek food system

Hot and cold foods consider Body Humors humors have to do with the body's liquids defined by taste preparation method and closeness to the sun

Rosh Hashanah

Jewish New year challah bread shows a good year of health and happiness life without end apples and honey pleasant year good luck to eat head and fish or sheep eat pomegranate same amount of seeds as commandments in the Torah 613

Largest growing demographics

Latin Americans and Asians

12 Meridians

Lung large intestine stomach spleen heart small intestine bladder kidney heart governor triple heater gall bladder liver

Conservative jews

Middle ground between Reform and Orthodox

Settlement of Native Americans

Mostly verbal language not much history is known crossed the bering straight 20-50,000 years ago different tribes cherokees bureau of Indian Affairs 1930's acculturate native americans into american society european introduction to firearms metal and horses greatly change how natives lived illness brought over germs killed 1/4 of pop live on reservations

7th day adventists

Mrs White had 2000 prophetic visions who relayed God's desires 1 million in US and 16 million world wide teachings of bible observe the sabbath Mrs. White's writings include books on diet "Counsels on health" "counsels on diet foods" sickness is result of violation of the laws of health American breakfast cereal created by them

Regional variations Italy

Northern Area Milan risotto and parmesan cheese polenta veal yound beef osso buco veal piccata gorgonzola cheese vermouth venice/east coast cuisine centered on seafood shrimp scampi slender breadsticks vitello tonnato burrida fish stew Bologna rich gastonomic region known as emilia romagna lasagna verdi al forno cured meats salami mortadella prosciutto parmesan cheese vinegar florence tuscany fetticine alfredo spinach speckled noodles alla fiorentina to garnish a dish with finely chopped spinach whole grilled fish game rosemary chianti wines chesnuts popular rome also known fo fetticine alfredo gnocchi fried artichoke baby lamb pecorino cheese campania naples considered the culinary capital of the south pasta with olive oil and garlic in beans or in soup pizza is native to naples and may have started with focaccia bread mozzerella provelone and ricotta cheese couscous or cuscus from N africa well known for dessert

Obesity in Native Americans

Obesity rates 37-100 percent among american indians 83% havasupai 60% seminoles 61% oklahoma natives type 2 diabetes 2-4x US average Prima Indians high type 2 diabetes 70% death from diabetes 3x as high traditional starches are harder to digest

Touching as nonverbal communication

Orthodox Jews men and womeen cant touch unless married Latinos touching is expected Chinese dont touch strangers or the opposite sex varies by age gender or physical condition

Seder Plate

Reread the book and what happened in the Exodus Nut or apple based mix- mortar for bricks green vegetable- symbolizes spring dipped in salt water for tears roasted egg- sacrifice in temple after liberation lamb bone- lamb that was sacrificed bitter herbs- bitterness of slavery Special Cup

Health beliefs Cambodians laotians

SUNDS sudden unexpected nocturnal death syndrome spirit comes and sits on your chest while sleeping ultimately killing you botanical remedies spritiual rituals for healing 32 spirits overrsee 32 organs in body

West Coast Native Americans

Salmon Fruits


Siddhartha Guatama founded Buddhism in India protestant revolt against orthodox hinduism 4 noble truths people who perfect Buddha's teaching reach nirvana 2.1 mil in us


The Jewish Dietary Law

Orthodox Jews

Torah is the direct instructions from God observed in detail

categorizations of foods

US categorizes food by nutrients and food groups also by cultural super foods price body image foods

Eye contact

US look people in the eye but staring is rude other places eye contact is aggressive spends on social status gender and distance apart african americans - may be uncomfortable filipinos - indicates sexual interest or aggression asians and latinos- avoid out of respect

Name Communication

US: first middle last Latin America: first, maiden of husbands last name Middle East: bin (males) bint (females) which means sun of or daughter of

Seeking Care: Bio Medicine

Valued to relieve acute symptoms and in emergency situations cost may be prohibitive people may feel it is painful impersonal or inaccesible

Current Native American Demographics

WW2 many native americans left reservations and joined the army or became employed in war related industry CA highest number of American Indians 1.9 lie on reservations the rest live in urban or farming areas most in LA or New York


Western religion 4,000 years old Juruselam was the main land but was destroyed and moved to Israel Diaspora is the moving away from the home land Torah book of Moses two different sects of Jews peak immigration 1880-1920 Come from Russia/ Israel to New York California Florida

Jewish Fast Days

Yom Kippur Tish b'Av no food or water


a la bordelaise one of four things prepared in season sauce red or white wine tomatoes marrow shellets butter use of a maripwa carrots onion and cellery accompanies by seeps mushroom or potato garnish bordeaux wines red full bodied wine from cabernet


a person with powers to manipulate the supernatural world directs illness or injury toward an individual or sells the magic charms or substances necessary for a normal person to inflict harm practices by witches sorcerers root doctors or voodoo doctors


a persons perception of and reactions to a physical or psychological condition illness is caused by disease may be associated with pain discomfort emotional distress

health beliefs filipinos

bahala na life controlled by god and supernatural forces superrnatural illnesses can be transfered by contact with another perrson pregnant look at pretty people so baby is pretty spanish control led to adoption of humoral medicine hot and cold

health filipinos

balance in natural and spiritual flushing removing toxins from body heating and protection traditional healers: midwives masseurs curers arbularyos shamans


believe that God reveals himself and his will through his appostles and prophets Brigham Young led people to Utah in 1847 to escape persecution 5.8 million members sect of Protestantism LDS when God returns independence Missouri will be the capital of the world

regional variations coastal india

bhapa steamed packets of fish bombay duck not duck dried salted fish thin and boney vindaloo hot and sour pork curry seafood common

cambodian family

bilateral kinship paternal and maternal roles

Administration of Therapeutic substances

biomedical pharmaceuticals and diet prescriptions may include botanical medicine using plants or animal parts Traditional Chinese medicine uses a lot of herbals may use a root doctor homeopathy

Healing practices

biomedicines vs healing biomedicines seek to diagnose and cure functional abnormalities healing responds to personal familial and social issues surrounding sickness alleviates symptoms of sickness even when diagnoses is not present

special occasions korea

birthday drink persimon and dates 1st bday traditional dress rice cakes cookies fruits offer gifts what he chooses predicts what he becomes new years 3 day even honoring elders feasts first full moon chusok fall harvest festival steamed rice cakes duk associated

Forbidden parts of animals

blood heleb blood vessels sciatic nerve

nutrition SA

bmi LOW IN INDIA high amounts of abdominal fat low levels of good cholesterol 18% have diabetes lung protstate and breast cancer common

daily meal korea

breakfast quick light lunch noodles with beef dinner similar to breakfast snack cookies cakes steemed 3 small meals anju alternative to full meal similar to tapas scallion flavored pancakes sashimi quail eggs dumplings

japan religion

buddhist or christian shintoism humans are inherintely good

africa breakfast

buscuits grits coffee ham tea

food adaptations japan

butter becoming staples less soy sauce and miso meat milk cheese and egg consumption increasing replacing fish and tofu more grains consumed less rice more pasta bread soft drinks less tea salty snacks less japanese sweets more fresh fruit and veg less pickled low sodium intake

french flavors

butter cream wine thyme

Ireland immigration

by 1775 there were estimated 250,000 scotch irish living in the American colonies originally colonized pennsyvlania but spread to virginia georgia maryland irish catholic migrated and were at bottom of socioeconomic ladder economic depression potato famine drunk stereotype

Intercultural challenge

can only see race gender age and nationality of a person, cultural preferences and expectations are not visible making it hard to know what actions are appropriate

7th day adventists dietary guidelines

can preserve health by eating the right kinds of foods in moderation and by getting enough rest and exercise vegetarianism encouraged since there was no meat in the garden of eden avoid pork and shellfish over eating is discouraged encouraged beans nuts vegetable oils and whole grains no tea alcohol tobacco or coffee water no spices

French demographics

french canadians hold onto their culture 9.5 million French in US 2.2 million French Canadians in US small colonies of french along the gulf coast in Louisiana and IN Maine

adaptations of food habits

french cooking has had less influence but many french restraunts

Ingredients france

french cuisine and provincial or regional cooking classic french cooking (Haute or Grand Cuisine) Elegant and formal prepared in restraunts with ingredients from around the country provincial Regional simple fair made at home or in cafe from local ingredients seafood and lamb common foods are subtly seasoned in the north most french immigrants to US came from Brittany and Normandy Champagne France -beer sausages andouille pates and champagne AlsaceLorraine France borders germany sauerkraut sausages goose pate quiche loraine and fois gras is common Touraine france very fertile tomato production south america to Europe thought to be poisonous west central france garden of france beef and veal brie cheese lobster pea soup filet of beef burgundy near to south of france flavors added garlic and olive oil dijon mustard escargot burgundy wines pinot noir cassis liquor

traditional health belieffs and practices

fresh air necessary for health expectation that health declines with age illness may be due to contamination or heredity may believe in the evil eye or supernatural causes

therapeutic uses ME

fresh foods are bessed avoid frozen and can food deprevation causes illness poor appetite is disease hot and cold foods cold beek cucumbers sour cherries eggs in garlic eaten after birth and safron to build strength citrus treats headaches nausea treats sweet tea or rock candy egyptians do not consume fish and dairy at the same meal special foods associated with childbirth


fried pork

The Sabbath

from friday night to nightfall saturday no work all meals are prepared before because no fire during sabbath

Shift in food consumption

from people eating tradditional foods to eating adopted foods and from people eating indigenous foods to global foods

East Coast Native Americans

fruits vegetables fish lobster deer moose rabbit raccoon maple syrup ground nuts tomatoes


gallbladder stomach intestines bladder body surface back

Food habits of Native Americans

geography and climate influenced agricultural based or hunter and gatherer most of the day spent gathering food

International Agreements on Health

good diet sufficient rest cleanliness however the definitions of these vary across cultures

therapuetic food SA

good digestions critical food that is indigestible is harmful cold vs warm food balance is important for digestiona and emotional stability foods are classified by which body humor they effect barely water coconut water ginger tea and gooseberries

Therapuetic use of foods

good illness key to maintaining health foods include chicken soup lemon or whiskey tea cod liver oil molasses

China food habbits

grain foundation of diet polished white rice kanji poridge for breakfast wheat is used for breads noodles egg thousand year old cured and delicacy very little dairy pork mutton chicken duck fish and seafood specialties snakes frogs turtles sea cucumbers seahorse insects and consumption poor mans cow soybeans bokchoi mushroom squash brocolli freshest ingredients hot soup or tea chinese alcohol wine made from grains little raw food

staples india

grains and legumes dominate vegetarian ghee purified clarified butter rice 1/2 pound a day long grain dal dried peas lentils diary supplements diet curry northern vs southern northern boiling stewing and frying wheat cooler climate southern steaming rice pickles coffee yogurt masala fruit spices herbs 30% vegetarians

Native Americans

greatest number of ethnic groups of any minority population in the US indigenous peoples include American Indians and Alaska natives 5 million people vast ethnic variation from total assimilation to maintenance of traditional practices many items we eat today were introduced by native americans to european settlers


greece almania serbia coratia slovakia romania

religion balkans

greek orthodox church serbian orthodox church 55% muslim bosnians 15% roman catholic croatians and slovenians

nutritional status ME

greeks are low in saturated fats and omega 3's ramadan fasting shows weight loss greeks consume less olive oil and more alcohol 50% of women overweight 75% men overweight younger adults eating fewer fruits and vegetables high rates of undiagnosed diabetes in arab men high breatst feeding for iranian woman celiac disease contributes to diarrhea

health Balkans

greeks diet sleeps relaxation physical fitness healthcare provided by grandmothers and mothers remedies castor oil for bowels honeyy and lemon sore throat garlic protection from a jealous gaze

helath vietnam

health is personal destiny behavior in past lives and good deeds in present determine experience in life physiognomy appearance tells certain traits about a person human life is 3 seperate souls yin and yang balance throught diet and treatment of disease

Provider and Client interactions

healthcare provider relies on client to provide accurate info clients rely on doctors to diagnose sometimes the doctors seem cold or disinterested

african fare west africa

heavy dependence on locally grown foods staples varied by location but includeed corn millet rice yams plantains insects sometimes camels sheep goats cattle and chickens were raised chickens were considered a prestigious food and not always eaten chickens were prestigous saved for special occasions or given as gifts starchy vegetables pounded and boiled into paste or dough fufu palm oil tomato onion chili peppers found in most dishes legumes very popular and often a substitute for meat eggplant okra pumpkin cassava leaves popular


high calorie foods cooked in high heat spicy red or orange or yellow

national status NE

high meat intakes increase in cancer dairy is low but calcium high from fish high obesity

health beliefs korea

high quality food restorative too much food distrupt ki Hwabyung illness poor appetite shamman tells you origin of illness balance of um and yang hanyak approach to natural cures hanui look at physical symptoms of patient to try and cure a disease

filipino family

highlyy structured extended family at center include maternals and paternal system of compadrazgo co parent relationship with god parents extends kinshio to friends neighbors and coworkerrs

caste system

hindu system of organization 4 castes brahmans priets kshatriyas soldiers vaisyas merchants and farmers sudras serfs untouchables very impure laws are discrimanatory amerrican asian indians are mostly from upper castes

religious variations SA

hinduisim eating is religious each caste has different food habbits muslims avoid all pork most are vegetarians sikh limit alcohol and beef jains 22 prohibited foods no blood colored foods eggs boil water

religion SA

hinduism mostly 85% of indians buddhist jainism all living things have souls dont kill anything wear masks sikhism christian zoroastrianism judaism animism islam/muslim 98% of pakistan

special occasions Asian indians

hindus are fasting or feasting Holi colored powders snack at bazars Divali light festival wheat and grain festicals feasts are a method of food disribution throughout the ccommunity fasting single food or all hindus fast more days then they eat ramadan dont eat between sunrise and sunset

special occasions spain

holy week chocolate coffee anisette liquors palm sunday- easter nuts popular christmas and easter orange flavored donuts 12 grapes or rasins

etiquette ME

hospitality important all guest welcome offered food guests bring gifts refusal of food is insult guest status may be indicated by which pieces of food are offered and the order in which the items are served yemen men and women eat seperate one stops eating you stop leave some food on table satisfaction must wash hands and thank allah rude to fill cup dont use left hand talk before and after meal licking fingers is expected

therapuetic food china

hot and cold yin and yang pu or bo foods strengthening affect wound healing ginseng cure cancer diabetes taro root multiple births eyesight bitter orange relieve bloating and constipation guava hypoglycemic used for diabetes like cures like walnut looks like brain so cures brain injuries

four body humors

hot and moist: blood cold and moist: phlegm hot and dry: yellow bile cold and dry: black bile

therapeutic uses for food

hot breakfst believved to promote health high blood vs low blood drink tea made from yellow root shrub to cure stomach ache fever and help diabetes pica common overweight sometimes valued as a sign of health

Obesity rates

hungry people are more obese socio economic status effects obesity cheaper foods are worse for you

American Assumption

if a person is sick they will seek out treatment if they comply with that treatment they will be cured

causes of disease

immediate causes underlying causes ultimate causes

Europe History

immigrants from europe arrived to the united states in the 1600s have greatlyy influenced out culture ever since

portuguese immigration

immigrated to New England California and Hawaii Have one of the highest rates of new immigrants to the US

staples pakistan

india arab flavors legumes chickpeas and lentils ras malai rich cheese cake without crust wheat and flatbreads are staples garlic ginger onions bulgur porridge rice and corn are common lamb mutton goat beef and chicken are common rare pork

sickness due to the person

individual has a genetic or psychological vulnerability to illness and disease individual has an inherited weakness or emotional susceptibility such as depression individual makes risky lifestyle choices responsibility falls on the patient

Nutritional status

influence of the british and french on American is one reason the US diet is high in cholesterol and fat and low in fiber and complex carbohydrates overweight and obesity is a problem consumption of mineral water may provide up to 25% of daily calcium in FFrance high prevalence of lactose intollerance

family japan

internment families put in during WWII accelerated acculturation put in all english situations 50% marry outside japanese

middle east

iran iraq turkey saudi arabia afghanistan barhain

Traditional health practices of north europe

irish and brittish good health depends on proper attitude (exercise & religion) moderation in diet was associated with goood GI health no spices french leisurely meals and little structured exercise living in Louisiana or French Canadians often consult healers or use home remedies as cures good diet plentiful sleep daily exercise fresh air cleanliness keeping warm are valued

milk and milk products native americans

lactose intolerance is common dried milk or commodity evaporated milk is now used

Intercultural communication

language context in which words are interpreted gestures postures spatial relationships status and hierarchy of persons group dynamics nonverbal messages convey relationships

high tea

large meal in GB

european idea of a meal

large serving of meat and side of starch and vegetables

Eastern Orthodox

leavened bread is usedd for communion the clergy are allowed to marry and the authority of the pope is not recognized main feast day is easter easter eggs are red for mourning broken open on easter like the tomb to show resurection

Southern Europeans

life along the mediterranean sea and mostly enjoys warm climate includes italy southern france spain and portugal high immigration rates from poorer regions many americans enjoy italian cuisine and foods from spaina nd portugal are similar

traditional health beliefs and practices africa

life is an energy not matter interact with forces gods environment nature living and dead living and harmony evil eye is believed in massage dietary restrictions chants and charms are often looked at as cures define health as more than freedom from illness ability to support family fulfill societal obligations and maintain social and emotional well being important voodoo witch doctor


life of the animal must be taken by a special process slicing the neck jugular and trachea at the same time

Animals in Jewish Dietary Law

mammals must have cloven hoofs and chew the cud clean animals: deer goats oxen sheep unclean animals: swine carnivorous animals, rabbits clean birds:must have a crop, gizzard and and extra talon unclean birds: birds of prey


many tasks are pursued simultaneously not to the exclusion of personal relationships

regional variations portugal

many variations between mainland and islands influenced by food imports from africa and america corn and couscous bananas cherimoya passion fruit pineapples and yams acorda dazedo cornbread onions saffron vinegar

Irish Family

married at a late age and had large families daughters and sons were both well educated today it is common for irish to marry outside their ethnicity and religion

traditional food habits

marzipan came from muslims phoenicians and greeks who settled along the mediterranean brought the olive tree and chickpeas to the region muslims brought eggplans lemon oranges sugar rice spices marzipan and saffron from india bananas mangoes coconuts pepper cinnamon nutmeg cloves foods of the americas influenced italian spanish and portuguese chocolate vanilla tomatoes sweet potatoes corn squash turkey

asian indian flavors

masala curry turmeric cardamom

American culture vs world wide

mastery over nature vs harmony personal control vs fate human equality vs heirarchy competition vs cooperation future oriented vs past or present


may be related to a key course or the key ingredient ex a meal is not a meal with rice bacon eggs are breakfast here but olives and cheese are in other countries

daily meal patterns africa

meals are family style poorer countries made breakfast a snack snacking is a big thing 2 meals a day

Jewish food preperation

meat soak in water drained on slanted surface covered in kosher salt for 1 hour salt is rinsed off meat is rinsed

meat fish poultry eggs native americans

meat always highly valued and remains a favorite but game is rarely eaten beef lamb pork replaced traditional meat game bear buffalo deer

Laws of Milk and Meat

meat and Dietary products may not be eaten together many Jews are lactose intolerant separate dishes and utensils are used to eat meat and milk olives: considered dairy if cured with lactic acid

Cooking styles GB Ireland

meat is roasted or broiled and lightly seasoned worchester sauce mint jelly chutney often served nothing is wasted meat scarps made into stew pie or puddings pie pastry with meats game fish and vegetables or fruit cornish patry pillow shaped pie with meat onions potato puddings steamed boiled or baked dish trifle layered dessert made with custard pound cake rasberry jam whipped cream sherry almonds


meatloaf flavored with curry and custard

Loatian Family

men represent family in village affairs women run families take care US men and women are equal ag basedd

Cultural food adaptations in SE

milk and dairy most adults do not drink milk but eat cheese and use dairy in desserts second and third generation immigrants drink more milk than their ancestors meat poultry fish legumes dried salt cod sardines and small fish were common in US immigrants eat more meat and less fish than they would in europe fruits and vegetables fresh fruits are eaten as desserts fats oils fry with olive oil

foods that bring strength

milk strong bones carrots eyesight caffeine energy chicken soup colds puerto Ricans eggnog vitality

cultural food adaptations africa

milk was traditionally uncommon and consumed only in desserts but now blacks in urbn areas are drinking more milk meats pork continues to be a primary protein source lunch meats and packaged meats popular cereals grains store brought breads replace homemade biscuits fruits and vegetable intake of fruits is low greens and corn still popular seasonings hot pepper sauce green peppers sweet honey molasses sugar now cakes and candies 60% more fat food restaurants in black areas foods reflect socioeconomic status geographic location and work schedule rather than traditional heritage many people no longer ID okra yams traditional foods as being african light breakfasts sandwiches for lunch ans snacks common frying is very popular

food adapt ME

milke sheep camel cow more cow now bread and pita fewer fruits and vegies still olives and olive oils more beef less lamb

african fare ethiopian eritrean somali and sudanese

millet sorghum plantains are stable foods coffee is major export crop some chicken fish mutton goat and beef much of ethiopia practices vegetarianism wat is the national dish of ethiopia honey common camel milk consumed in areas

cultural adapt SA

more dairy less fruit and veggies more soda and coffee and alcohol buy ghi candy and sweets eaten legumes decrease meat increase fast food popular vegetarians become meat eaters men change habits quicker than women lunches may be fast

elderly food habits

more fish fruits vegetables and pork limited by ability to chew

econ cambodian

most in CA stockton long beach service manufacturing transportation jobs low education levels high unemployment farmerrs low income

adaptation of food habits native americans

most live on reservations commodity foods- gov funded foods fruit juices peanut butter eggs meat milk beans potatoes many traditional foods lost and substituted fry bread traditional foods are 25% of diet young arent learning to cook traditional foods traditional food reserved for special events 1-2 meals now 3 more fat and salts

High Context Communication

most of the meaning of a message is found in the context not in the words misunderstandings can be common if either participant in unfamiliar with the meaning of the nonverbal signals being used individual is defined by group associations people desire to fit in the group not to be individuals this can affect how healthcare is delivered and received Korea authority figures are different from other and are not equals to acceptable to question authority rely on authority to have all the answers

Worldview Brittish

most protestant quakers, methodists, spiscopal and baptist

regional variations spain

most spanish dishes prepared in US reflect southern region fried fish arroz negro salmorejo north west empanadas octopus flavored with paprika basque lamb and dried salted cod garlic soup rice puddings

plains native americans

mostly nomadic hunters of bison bison was boiled roasted or prepared in stew or soup buffalo jerky root vegtables Jerusalem artichokes parsnips turnips were eaten year round wild rice was collected and cooked with honey berries were served with bison or boiled

regional variations northern india

muslim influence meatballs korma curry nuts yogurts saffron peanut sesame breat is roti paneer is cheese madde from buffalo milk basmati rice pilaf tandori clay oven chicken or lamb sweet and sour dishes called kokum cabbage carrots cauliflower potatoes tomatoes and turnips wheat is more prevalent than it used to be cumin and cardemon common

Kosher Fruit

must be examined and washed twice to be clean of insects


must be examined for blemishes in the meat or organs that would make it Trefah

fry bread

native american actually introduced by Europeans wheat deep fried in lard

special occasions maintained native americans

navajo nation fair pawnee veterans day dance andd gathering seminole fair pueble feast days red earth festicals tash indian days creek nation festival and rodeo


near the mediterranean sea tomatoes garlic and olive oil A la Provencal a dish contains olive oil tomatoes common dishes bouillabaisse fish stew garlic onion tomatoes ratatouille eggplant tomato salad nicoise tuna tomatoes egg and pan bagna french bread sandwich anchovies

cultural competency

need for competency is spurred by demographic trends- cultural plurality not majority ethnic group

cooking styles french

never mix sweet and sour never serve sweet sauce over fish do not under or over cook with the exception of salad or fruit do not serve raw foods always use the freshest best ingredients wine must complement the food

special occasions japan

new years 10/12 dishes symbolizeds happiness prosperity wealth long life wisdom diligence fish eggs are fertility sweet potatoes and chestnuts protect against bad spirits black beans represent willingness to keep healthy through hard work and sweat otoso special rice wine meant to preserve health for next year birthdays mans 42nd womans 33rd events to prevent misfortunes 61 2nd childhood red cap 77 long red overcoat worn 88 cap and overcoat

special occasions china

new years no knives on new years ruins luck settle old debts honor ancestors ching ming bring food to cemetaries to feed dead dragon boat festival boat race special dumplings moon festival and mid autumn festival spend time together immortality of harvest moon cakes

etiquette china

no chopsticks across rice bowl rude to look at chopsticks no eat quickly no alcohol alone serve others before self play games at table elders choose first

islamic fast days

no food drink smoking and sex during ramadan and shawwal break the fast with odd number of dates (food) and water shawwal is the month after ramadan fast on monday or thursday


no lettuce in salad more like a salsa

Fruit seasons

no longer because you can get fruit made from all over the world so seasons no longer matter

laws of manu

no sin is attached to eating flesh or drinking wine or gratifying the sexual urge abstaining this will make you bear no evil fruit?

korea background

north and south north korea communist south korea democratic 1907 limited immigration 1965 relaxed laws college educated families and professionals moved to US limited agriculture due to cold winters and hot summers

immigration patterns vietnam

north communist south US helped in war to stop communism 1955-1975 vietnamese stayed in refugee camps and airlifted to US of fled to US by boat

spaniard immigration

northeastern spain 1/4 million immigrants settled in florida new mexico california arizona texas Louisiana some immigrated from Basque regio oldest surviving ethnic groups

regional vietnam

northern soups central sophisticated gastronomy presentation southern simple strong seasoning curries spices peanut sauces coconut and caramel in sauces

Eastern Religions

oldest religion make humans one with the Universal Spirit of the supreme being transformation transformation cannot be done in this life belief in reincarnation and karma braham is the one supreme being responsible for creation protection and destructtion of the world purrity self control detachment and truth nonviolence 4 castes in hindu social system rituals and mental discipline 2.3 million in the US

staple foods spain

olives egg lamb pork poultry dried fish tortilla espanola national dish sausages chorizo and blood sausage serrano ham paella: seafood saftron rice dish gazpacho: cold vegetable soup garlic and tomatoes are important flavors flan as dessert oranges are popular as deserts sherry wine common tortilla espanola national dish potato espanola

Greek flavors

onions garlic oregano olive oil

Native American Worldview

only take what you need from the earth andd nothing more religion permeates all aspects of life harmony and balance between spiritual social and physical goals earth should be careed for and treated with respect present oriented resisted attempts at christian conversion all family is very close primary social unit matriarchal societies

counseling native americans

open mind good listening and respect low income not reliable transportation beliefs that prevent them seeking medical attention sickness renal failure, amputations and blindness are inevitable

horsemeat prohibitions

originally consumed in Europe but many cultures that used horses prohibited eating the meat except in emergencies

Southern native americans

oysters shrimp blue crabs turtle deer raccoon natives were accomplished farmers african culture was a strong influence introduced hominy grits many fruits vegetables and nuts honey tea lemonade made

staple foods Italy

pasta made fresh with eggs or dry without eggs served three ways asciutta sauce en brodo soup or al forno baked stuffed pastas raviolos and rich sauces common in the north north italy uses more butter dairy rice and meat south uses more olive oil fish beans and vegetables garlic parsley basil oregano nutmeg cinnamon and cloves

communication in health care

patients may have independent or contradictory ideas about health disease and treatment so may reject medical advice

family ME

patriarchal koran teachings Men and women equal different responsibilities arranged marriages between children form alliances arabs have preference for marriage with cousins american personal autonomy contradicts ME israelis live in nuclear families

family balkans

patriarchal greeks men are head of fam men bread winners go to college women home family church respect elders serbian communal living respect elders bosnians husband wives both work


person who kills the animals

spatial relationships

personal bubbles middle easterners 2 feet latinos very close african americans insulted when people move back

Individual food habits

personal choices taste cost convenience self expression well being variety

Edible or inedible

poisonous or not eaten because of strong cultural taboos eaten by animals but not humans

chinese demgraphics

political instability peoples republic 4 types of Chinese families sojuners return to china after earning money new immigrant families that settled in chinatowns suburbanized white collar workers brought wives to us

regional balkans

pork and veal cevapi grilled kabob eaten on thick pita ajyar dip made with bell peppers eggplant potica sweet bread nuts buttercreams and egg filling cabbage cucumbers potatoes and mushrooms common

pork prohibition

pork doesnt chew cud dissimilar to other animals carries diseases dont do well in dry environments we seek things that are similar to us compete with humans for food

Socioeconomic status and organizations of Native Americans

poverty rate is double average in US 32% suffer due to relocations less fertile land jobs found during WWII not after ranching rodeo and casinos are successful 24% dont graduate highschool

Masculine cultures

power is highl value germany hong kong US

introduced to africa

pumpkins casava corn peanuts tomatoes chili

role of food SA

purit and pollution food is highly values Jati hindu shows purity of all foods milk pure raw food husk pakka foods cook or fried in fat Jhuta foods that are polluted

Feminine Cultures

quality of life and equality are valued materialistic good citizens denmark and Sweden


raw soothing cooked at lower temps white or light green


recapture of the temple in Juruselam 8 days cooked in oil


rescue of persian jews lots of meat and alcohol in feast

common cooking methods china

roasting stir fry deep fat frying simmering steaming

filipino religion

roman catholic 5% muslim parade with black cross and jesus curative powerrs if touched

spaniards world view

roman catholic and jesuits basques are very religious and involved in their church high obligation of children to parents spanish families may be nuclear basques more extended

prortuguese world view

roman catholic church close family solidarity sons and daughters live close to home and care for elders male dominated families so may woman like to marry outside the group

italian world view

roman catholic church very important family very self reliant and distrusted outsiders each member has family responsibilities

Christianity three main branches

roman catholicism Eastern orthodox protestantism


second largest religious group submission to the way of life musslism practice islam muhammad prophet of Allah middle east northern africs muslims no priests communicate to God Directly Koran

Core foods

served with complimentary items wheat corn yams rice beans eaten daily

regional north china

shandong henan duck and mushu pork a lot of perserved foods henan sweet and sour fish shandong peking duck mushu pork wrapped in grilling bbq mongolian hot pot braised bear paw small bear soybeans cabbage turnips onions

Shift in food production

shift from homemade to processed from people being producers to being consumers

traditional health japan

shinto health is maintained through healthiness kanpo complex herbal medication health insurance pays for portugese game in 16th century introduced biomedicine stress induced illnesses

staples korea

short grain rice noodles veg pickled kimchi shredded chinese cabbage fresh fruits juju bees asian pears apples cherries veg at every meal bok choy napa cabbage european cabbage white raddish kelp and seaweed fresh fish saewujeot fermented fish sauce beef delicacy cook at the table beverage broth barley water and herbal tea soy products mung bean s nuts pine chestnuts peanuts sesame seeds seasonings garlic ginger black pepper chile peppers scallions

south china

sichuan hunan chiles garlic and fagara yunnan dairy products spicy yogurt fried milk curd and cheese best ham and head cheese found here cantonese stir fried seafood delicate thickened sauces vegetable oil most common restaurants iN us rice soy pork tea dim sum cantonese small bites garlic melon onions peas green beans squashes taro water chastnuts lotus roots mushroom fish poultry eggs

sickness due to the supernatural world

sickness caused by the actions of Gods spirits or ghosts sickness caused by God may be a punishment or part of God's plan for you Malevolent spirits may attack a person and cause illness ghosts of the past may protect you or inflict pain soul loss may be due to spirit posession

meal comp portugal

similar to spain lunch is the largest meal and includes several courses dinner eaten earlier

staple foods Portugal

similar to spanish cuisine but addition of more herbs cilantro mint cumin fish main protein pork sausage often eaten with breakfast cacolia stew made from pigs hearts and liver caldo verde soup with kale or cabbage and potatoes rice and fried potatoes very popular cornmeal breads desert are fruits puddings custards or cakes

Intercultural counseling

skills needed information transfer-ability to convey verbal and non verbal messages relationship development and maintenance must obtain client cooperation in depth interviewing is key to identifying issues ethnicity age degree of acculturation socioeconomic status health condition religion and education group membership sexual orientation political orientation

history of africans

slavery present before african immigation seperation from tribe was difficult many slaves lived on the perimeter of plantations met native americans shared recipes until they were acclimated movement to free slaves 1862 abe lincoln signed emancipation proclamation 1900 many african americans moved to northern states and midwest 1960 seperate but equal 56% of affrican americans live in the south african americans continue to suffer from discrimanatory meddium income lower 3x children in poverty 2x overall poverty middle class skilled professionas ethnic unity

French Immigration

smallest yet most consistent immigration middle class and skilled laborers here for economic oppurtunity northern new england and louisiana started going to canada instead french were eager to assimilate and able to do so because were economically stable

unconscious competence

so skilled at intercultural communication they dont even need to think about it.


social identity associated with shared behavior patterns food habits dress language family structure and religious affiliation common heritage there can be diversity between ethnic groups due to social class education or acculturation to the majority culture

food beverage preferences

socio educational factors biological factors extrinsic factors intrinsic factors culture personal factors

Food identity

some cultural groups believe certain foods will make them stronger or weaker children will often choose to try foods that are eaten by adults fictional characters older siblings or peers eating foods in group of peers "vegan" you envision a type of person

Intercultural Nutrition Education

some cultures prefer learning about nutrition in groups proper planning and continuous evaluation is key for nutrition education Storytelling is a good way to show messages about health and nutrition educational messages should be more personal then objective

Uncertainty Avoidance

some cultures show great discomfort to what is unknown and different les likely to try to things such as food chile mexico france

therapuetic food SE

some italians categorize foods as heavy or light wet or dry acid or nonacid heavy foods are difficult to digest light foods are easier wet meals can help cleanse out the system and are necessary when people are sick some citrus tomatoes and peaches are considered acidic and may contribute to rashes and skin conditions clove of garlic a day keeps respiratory infections away balsamic vinegar and olive oil are served at all meals are believed to be health promoting

Reform Jews

some laws in Torah out of date more progressive rituals not permanently binding

japan etiquette

soup drinken from bowl slurpin is appreation for soup tea silent impolite to serve oneself if persons glass half empty karaoke common at table kampai bottoms up

african american southern staples

soups with okra and sticky foods pourages grits stews fish and local shellfish greens chard kale mustard greens spinach turnip greens popular corn and corn breads still very popular sweet `potatoes and squash

roles of food in society africa

southern hospitality guests neighbors and family join together sharing food and offering to guests right hand used for eating

Chinese flavors

soy sauce rice wine ginger

immigration phillipines

spanish colony us territory till 46 350,000 moved to us manilas pockets of filipinos in US 1924 exclusion laws slowed immigration 3 mil in US 50% in CA higher citizenship rates high education and income 1/2 normal poverty rates professional careers

unconscious incompetence

speaker misunderstands communication behaviors and isnt aware of it

conscious incompetence

speaker misunderstands communication behaviors and notices it but does nothing to correct it

african world view

spiritual convert to Christianity black church anti slavery 75% belong to church methodists and baptist family not so much biological 25% of immigrants are muslim/christian 43% families headed by women grandparents often care for children and homes are multigenerational


spiritual healing practices those taken by an individual those taken on behalf of the individual by a healer God has the power over life and death Relationship and actions towards God may dictate healing process people pray make sacrifices make offerings help from healer or clergy healer uses prayer chanting ceremony


spread of cultural foods to different parts of the worlds

east africa kenya tanzania and uganda

starchy foods for staples cassave corn millet sorghum peanuts plantain are staples grow coffee tea cashews cattle are raised and considered a gift from the gods mostly vegetarian cuisine influenced by arabs asians and brittish fare breads common at every meal ugali is national dish in kenya

men comfort food

steak pizza made by women

regional variations southern india

steamed and fried rice rosomatat rice sambar pureed dal papadams thin crispy fried breads jalebis syrup soaked orange colored pretzels fresh milk curds served for breakfast coconut milk common

nutrition korea

stomach cancer calcium deficient hypertension and diabetes highest asian alchoholism overweight the longe in US

Food gives you

strength vigor mental acuity creating equilibrium


sudden unexpected nocturnal death cambodians

sweeteners native americans

sugar wasnt common now a lot of sugar in jam and candy

japan methods of prep

suimono yakimono nimono mushimono agemono aemono sunomono chameshi men rui nabemono

africa special occasions

sunday dinner cook all day started when slavery christmas kwanzaa child naming ceremonies

staples of japan

sushi sugar shoyu and vinegar terryaki sauce beverage of choice green tea kobe beef aged messaged given beer expensive delicacy registered traidmark of Kobe beef fruits and veg only eaten in season seaweed and algae used for seasoning as a wrap or ingredient soybeans seafood beef pork and poultry


swine four footed animals that catch prey with their mouths birds of prey with talons by products of animals improperly slaughtered animals including ccarrion blood and blood products alcoholic beverages and intoxicating drugs

meal comp etiquette

swirl pasta with fork against the side of the bowl eat after host says bon appetite bread with no butter next to plate

responsibilities of healthcare providers

talk to customers in a culturally competent way be familiar with cultural norms and listen carefully

regional variations pakistan

tandori oven karahi deep caste iron pot saji rotisere chicken fish prepared as kababs stemed or curried

Primary reason to choose food

taste changes with age


teachings of Martin Luther emphasis on the individuals direct responsibility to God most significant food ordinance is the Eucharist or communion

middle east and blakan climate

temperate suitable for ag

cultural imposition occues

tendency for health care providers to enforce their beliefs practices and values upon clients because they believe them to be superior

Foods with sympathetic qualities

that look like human bodies or parts of it red wine - blood gelatin - nail ginseng - finger or human body cabbage- tumor or cancer oatmeal and fish - can help prevent heart disease

Conversational Context

the effective and physical cues a speaker uses to indicate meaning such as tone facial expression posture and gestures low and high context relationship of an individual to a group is determined by whether a culture is low or high context


the illness disease process normal for person to take time off work or school to rest

Omnivore's paradox

the need to experiment combined with the need to be conservative an attraction to new foods combined with a preference for familiar foods food habits developed by cultural groups help balance these paradox's

Medical Pluralism

the use of multiple health care systems many patients seeking biomedical healing are also using other remedies cultural competence is favored

Food habits/cultures/ways

the ways in which humans use food including everything from how it is selected obtained and distributed to who prepares it serves it and eats it

cambodian religion

theravada buddhists

laotian religion

theravada buddhists expectations that man will devote life to monk


thick cornmeal like pourage


think spicy stew legumes and some meats

Causes of the illness

those from the patient those from the natural world those from the social world those due to supernatural causes


thoughts emotions and attitudes are translated into language and nonverbal actions to send messages from one person to another content relationship between the speaker and the reciever

Mormon law of health

tobacco strong drinks and hot drinks prohibited eat meat sparingly keep enough food and clothing for you one year per person no caffeine diet focusses on grains especially wheat fast one day per month

health china

traditional chinese medicine equilibrium of the 5 organs heart spleen lungs kidneys and gallbladder and 5 elements fire earth metal water food fengshui QI home remedies acupuncture

acculturation process

transition from traditional practices to new cultural practices changes in beliefs attitudes and behaviors some immigrants are bicultural

Family British

typical nuclear family man was in charge of public business aspects and mother controlled domestic and soccial responsibilities children werre sent to school if financially able

stages of intercultural accumulation awareness

unconscious incompetence conscious incompetence conscious competence unconscious competence

bread meaning

upper class money breaking of bread shes a bread winner Jesus brought to sea used at bedside by midwives wedding ceremonies

SA immigration patterns

upper middle class already know english first are sikhs religious groups came to work on farms and railroads muslim immigrants have come from pakistan

Fruits and vegetables native americans

variety reduced in american cultures canned fruits popular intakes of vegetables is lower that traditional potato chips


vital force of life not to be distrupted or else sick body and mind are unified governedd by heart balanced diet moderation in activities sleep avoidance of imbalances

africa child naming ceremonies

water purity oil powerr health alcohol wealth prosperity honey happiness kola nuts good fortune salt intelligence and wisdom

influence channels

ways in which a message is relayed to a target audience tv or radio african americans -radio latinos/asians- tv native americans - news letters

Hindu feasts

wealthy support and buy enuogh food to share and feed the poor vary according to one's caste family, age sex and religious degree

Perdominant religions

west judaism christian islam east buddhism hinduism

eating choices

what is acceptable what is preferred what is edible or inedible

cultural identity

what we eat defines who we are and who we are not eating is a reaffirmation of our cultural identities culture food are introduced during childhood or special occasions comfort foods define status

cereals grains native americans

wheat has replaced corn cakes cookies and pastries are popular

ME staples

wheat loaves and flatbreaks bulkan region pies turnovers filo bulgar cracked wheat curnels tabuli dumplings and past common baklava common rice polo iranian version of pilaf long grained rice legumes chickpeas fava beans or lentils olives vegetables eggplant popular vegetables often cooked with tomato and onion salads served often grapes leaves stuffed fruits quince pomegranate figs dates grapes melons milk not wildly consumed cheese goat sheep or camel feta cheese all meat but pork most popular lamb kabob and shwarma spices and herbs are abundant and plentiful sprice trade africa india and asia tahini grounds sesame seeds fruit juics and fruit ice sharbat coffee consumed all day civek distilledd spirit ouzo and arak anise flavored spirits

Conscious Competence

when a speaker considers their own cultural behaviors and makes adjustments as needed


when people from one cultural group shed their ethnic identity and fully merge into the majority culture

Low context communication

where the actual words are more important that who is receiving the message how the words are said or the nonverbal actions that accompany them swiss Gremans and Americans individuals are separate from the group self realization is important communication with group helps individual establish themselves and builds confidence powerr is attributed to a role or job a person fulfills people are seen as equals common for people to ask for help

Meal patterns and cycles

who prepares the foods? who eats the food? portion sizes? clean plate rude or respectful fasting or feasting celebrations are included in meal patterns


world health organization a state of complete physical mental and social well-being not merely an absence of disease or infirmity different cultures treat pain and symptoms of sickness in various ways physical signs usually imply good health behavioral norms within context of family marriage and community is sign of well being body image cultural perceptions of weight

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