Functional Histology II--Final Exam Review

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Striated muscle

All of the following are found in the fallopian tube EXCEPT: -Striated muscle -Smooth muscle -Connective tissue -Ciliated simple columnar epithelium

Hair follicle is attached to smooth muscle

All of the following are true about hair EXCEPT: -Hair shaft has a keratin inner layer -Hair color is determined by melanocytes -Hair follicle is made up of epithelial cells -Hair follicle is attached to smooth muscle

Part of the immune system

All of the following are true about melanocytes EXCEPT: -Determine skin color -Located in the basal layer of the epidermis -Part of the immune system -Protect skin from solar radiation

Excised tissue is breadloafed before being paraffin processed

All of the following are typical characteristics of MOHS procedures EXCEPT: -Pathologist examines 100% of the excision margin -Excised tissue is breadloafed before being paraffin processed -MOHS excisions are more conservative than excisions for histology -The procedure is more efficient than standard histology procedures

Coronary artery

Below, which blood vessel has this type of wall structure? -inferior vena cava -aortic artery -femoral vein -coronary artery

Capillary endothelial cells, glomeruli basement membranes, podocytes

Blood undergoes a molecular filtering process in the renal corpuscles of the kidney. Choose the correct sequence of molecular filtration. -Capillary endothelial cells, glomeruli basement membranes, podocytes -Podocytes, glomeruli basement membranes, capillary endothelial cells -Glomeruli basement membranes, podocytes, juxtaglomerular cells -Juxtaglomerular cells, glomeruli basement membranes, podocytes

Grains with gluten

Celiac disease results from an allergic reaction to _______________. peanuts shellfish grains with gluten eggs

Type II pneumocyte cell (clara cells secrete surfactant in the bronchioles)

Choose the cell found in the alveolar wall that is responsible for secreting surfactant. -Type II pneumocyte cell -Goblet cell -Clara cell -Type I pneumocyte cell

Vitamin K

Commensal bacteria degrade residual food particles in the feces, thus aiding in the absorption of _____________ in the large intestine. iron vitamin K fibrin calcium

Letter A: cilia Letter B: submucosal serous glands Letter C: goblet cells Letter D: smooth muscle Letter E: cartilage Letter F: dense collagen Letter G: mucus cells Letter H: venule plexus

Considering all 3 slides, match the image letter code with its structure name. (goblet cells, cilia, submucosal serous glands, cartilage, venule plexus, dense collagen, smooth muscle, mucus cells) Letters A-H:

False (diminished levels of these hormones result in DILUTED urine and lower blood pressure)

Diminished levels of ADH, renin, and aldosterone results in the secretion of concentrated urine and promotes lowering of blood pressure. True or False


Dying red blood cells are detected and destroyed in the ___________. Fill in the blank. -tonsil -spleen -lymph node -peyer patch


Emphysema is characterized by damage to alveolar walls that impedes with gas exchange resulting in decreased oxygen in the blood and shortness of breath. True or False

False (restoration of intestinal villa from STEM cells)

A definitive diagnosis of celiac disease can be diagnosed after an extended period of time avoiding allergenic foods and restoration of intestinal villa by activated paneth cells. True or False

True (columnar epithelium w/ goblet cells and gastric surface cells)

A pathological finding of Barrett's esophagus is epithelial goblet cells. True or False

Barrett's esophagus

A patient has had uncontrolled chronic heartburn, and an esophageal biopsy reveals the epithelium seen in image 2. Based upon the patient's history and biopsy findings, the pathologist probably would diagnose ______________. -metastatic stomach adenocarcinoma -adenocarcinoma of the esophagus -benign, normal epithelium -Barrett's esophagus

-Early phase of the proliferative phase: A -Late phase of the proliferative phase: B -Early phase of the secretory phase: C -Late phase of the secretory phase: D

Above images show the different phase of endometrium during menstrual cycle. Please match the tissue section with its correct the menstrual phase: -Early phase of the proliferative phase: -Late phase of the proliferative phase: -Early phase of the secretory phase: -Late phase of the secretory phase:

Excessive alcohol consumption

According to the WebPath site, what is the most common cause of hepatocellular carcinoma in the United States? -Viral induced hepatitis -Excessive alcohol consumption -Hemochromatosis -Bacterial induced hepatitis

True (colon & rectum glandular epithelium)

Adenocarcinomas arise from glandular epithelium. True or False

Stratum basale

From which skin epithelial layer arises melanoma? -Stratum Basale -Stratum Spinosum -Stratum Corneum -Stratum Granulosum

Stratum granulosum

From which skin epithelial layer arises squamous skin carcinoma? -Stratum Granulosum -Stratum Basale -Stratum Spinosum -Stratum Corneum

lymphoid tissue associated with the GI tract

G.A.L.T. refers to: -lymphoid tissue throughout the lymphatic system -lymphoid tissue associated with the large intestine -lymphoid tissue in the lungs -lymphoid tissue associated with the GI tract


Gastrin is released when the stomach is full and is also regulated by another pyloric hormone known as ___________________. Pepsin Somatostatin Secretin CCK

Secretion of gastric acids

Gastrin secretion causes _______________. -secretion of defensins -secretion of pancreatic digestive juices -secretion of gastric acids -secretion of bile

Red pulp

Identify the area labeled A. -Vascular zone -White pulp -Red pulp -Thymic parenchyma


Identify the blood cells labeled "B" in image 2. lymphocytes red blood cells mast cells thrombocytes

Melanocytes cells

Identify the cells labeled "F" in image 3 (brown granules): Langerhan Cells Melanocytes Cells Basale Cells Merkel cells

Internal elastic lamina

Identify the distinct layer of elastic fibers labeled "Y". -internal elastic lamina -internal lamina propria -external elastic lamina -external lamina propria

Reticulum fibers

Identify the fibers stained black in image 1. -Glial fibers -Basement membranes -Elastic fibers -Reticulum fibers

Endothelial cell

Identify the flattened structure labeled "B" seen in image 2. -Kupffer cell -Endothelial cell -Stellate cell -Biliary cell

Langerhan Cells

Identify the large cells labeled "E" seen in image 3: Langerhan Cells Birbeck Cells Merkel cells Prickle cells


Identify the skin cancer. -Basal cell -Melanoma -Squamous cell

Hepatic venule

Identify the smaller vessel labeled "V" in image 1. -Hepatic vein -Hepatic arteriole -Hepatic portal vein -Hepatic venule

Brunner's gland

Identify the structure labeled "A" in slide 1. -Gastric gland -Peyer patch -Enterocyte gland -Brunner's gland

Peyer patch

Identify the structure labeled "C" in slide 2. -Gastric gland -Brunner's gland -Peyer patch -Enterocyte gland

VVG stain

Image 1 is stained with the: -van Gieson stain -Masson trichrome -Movat stain -VVG stain

Type I pneumocyte cell

In Slide 1, the respiratory cell labeled "B" is known as __________________. -Type II pneumocyte cell -Type I pneumocyte cell

Letter A: Cortex Letter B: Medulla Letter C: Papilla Letter D: Ureter Letter E: Hilum Letter F: Pelvis Letter G: Outer capsule

In image 1, match the image letter with its anatomic name: (hilum, outer capsule, pelvis, medulla, papilla, ureter, cortex) Letters A-G


In image 2, the circled ruptured area ("B") is known as a(an) _______________. -area of stenosis -infarct -aortic plaque -aneurysm


In image 2, the proximal convoluted tubules can be identified by their PAS positive epithelial brush borders. True or False


In image 2, what kind of special stain is performed? Masson trichrome H&E PAS Azan stain

Prevent backflow of lymph fluid

In image one, what is the function of the structure labeled "A"? -push blood toward the heart -prevent backflow of lymph fluid -prevent backflow of blood

Stellate cells

In response to liver damage, what sinusoidal cells produce collagen? Endothelial cells Stellate cells Biliary cells Kupffer cells

G cells

In slide 2, the cells labeled "A" have stained positive with an antibody targeted for the hormone gastrin. These cells are known as ____________. -parietal cells -chief cells -G cells -peptic cells

Uterine leiomyoma

In the above image, the tissue section is from a removed uterus. The patient had irregular bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen. What is your diagnosis for this patient? -Uterine adenomyoma -Uterine leiomyoma -Endometriosis -Chocolate cyst


In the above image, what kind of cells is arrow B pointing to? Stellate cell Hepatocyte Endothelial cell Kupffer cell

Hepatic venule

In the above image, what structure is the arrow C pointing to? -Hepatic venule -Hepatic vein -Portal vein -Central canal

Both of simple columnar and stratified epithelium

In the above image, which types of epithelial tissue are presented? -Simple columnar epithelium -Stratified epithelium -Both of simple columnar and stratified epithelium -None of above

Letter A: capillaries Letter B: metarterioles Letter C: arterioles Letter D: arteriovenous shunt Letter E: venule

In the first image, blood travels from the vessel labeled "C" upwards to the vessel labeled "E". Match the Image Letter with the correct blood vessel. (venule, arterioles, capillaries, metarterioles, arteriovenous shunt) Letter A: Letter B: Letter C: Letter D: Letter E:

Letter A: Hepatocytes Letter B: Sinusoids Letter C: Portal vein Letter D: Hepatic arteriole Letter E: Bile ductule

In the first image, match the image letter with the correct structure. (bile ductule, hepatic arteriole, hepatocytes, sinusoids, portal vein) Letters A-E


In the list below, choose the artery that has this wall anatomy. Cerebral Femoral Coronary Carotid

A to B, then to C

In the liver, blood flows from____ to ____. C to B, then to A A to B, then to C B to C C to B


In the lung, the air passages and vascular vessels diminish in size in a synchronized manner and closely intertwine as capillaries and alveoli sacs to allow gas exchange. True or False

Terminal bronchiole

In this image, the structure of C is: Bronchus Respiratory bronchiole Terminal bronchiole Alveoli duct


In this image, which fiber is stained in black in the lung section by VVG stain? Smooth muscle Collagen Elastin Reticulin

Letter A: Epidermis Letter C: Dermis Letter E: Sweat gland Letter G: Sebaceous gland Letter I: Hair bulb

Letter A: Letter C: Letter E: Letter G: Letter I:

External elastic lamina

Likewise, identify the distinct layer of elastic fibers labeled "W". -external elastic lamina -external lamina propria -internal lamina propria -internal elastic lamina

True (M cells are a part of Peyer patches)

M cells sample luminal fluid for antigen material. True or False

Foam cells

Macrophages that accumulate large amounts of ingested lipid material are known as ___________. -foam cells -cholesterol crystals -plaques -myotic cells

Apocrine gland: skin with pubic hair Sweat gland: throughout our skin Sebaceous gland: along hair follicles

Match each gland of the skin with its anatomic location: (pubic hair, hair follicles, throughout skin) Apocrine gland: Sweat gland: Sebaceous gland:

Semi-liquid with strong odor: apocrine gland Salty liquid: sweat gland Oily lubricant: sebaceous gland

Match each gland of the skin with its secretion product: (sweat gland, apocrine gland, sebaceous gland) Semi-liquid with strong odor: Salty liquid: Oily lubricant:

Image 1: Sebaceous gland Image 2: Apocrine gland Image 3: Sweat gland

Match each image letter with the correct gland name: (apocrine, sweat, sebaceous) Image 1: Image 2: Image 3:

Small intestine/large intestine: ileo-cecal Espohogus/stomach: gastro-esophageal Stomach/small intestine: gastro-duodenal Large intestine/anal canal: recto-anal

Match the G.I. tract junction with its anatomic location. (ileo-cecal, recto-anal, gastro-esophageal, gastro-duodenal) Small intestine/large intestine: Espohogus/stomach: Stomach/small intestine: Large intestine/anal canal:

Fragmentation/digestion: stomach Feces elimination: recto-anal canal Completion of digestion: small intestine Ingestion/fragmentation: oral cavity Residual water absorption: large intestine

Match the G.I. tract segment with its primary digestive function. (stomach, small intestine, large intestine, oral cavity, recto-anal canal) -Fragmentation/digestion: -Feces elimination: -Completion of digestion: -Ingestion/fragmentation: -Residual water absorption:

Ileo-cecal junction: Villiform mucosa to absorptive glands Gastro-esophageal junction: Stratified squamous to secretory glands Gastro-duodenal junction: Secretory glands to villiform mucosa Rectal-anal junction: absorptive glands to stratified squamous

Match the GI tract junction and changes in mucosal linings: (ileo-cecal, recto-anal, gastro-esophageal, gastro-duodenal) Villiform mucosa to absorptive glands: Stratified squamous to secretory glands: Secretory glands to villiform mucosa: Absorptive glands to stratified squamous cells:

Letter A: small vein Letter B: arteriole Letter C: lymphatic vessel Letter D: nerve bundle

Match the Image Letter with its corresponding structure. (arteriole, nerve bundle, small vein, lymphatic vessel) Letter A: Letter B: Letter C: Letter D:

Letter A: tunica intima Letter B: tunica media Letter C: tunica adventitia

Match the Image letter with the correct blood vessel layer. (adventitia, intima, media) Letter A: Letter B: Letter C:

Letter B: sinoatrial node Letter C: atrioventricular node Letter I: bundle branches Letter K: purkinje fibers

Match the Image letter with the correct conduction system structure. (bundle branches, purkinje fibers, atrioventricular node, sinoatrial node) Letter B: Letter C: Letter I: Letter K:

Dermis: Supportive collagen and elastic tissue Hypodermis: Body temperature regulation Epidermis: Protection against microorganisms

Match the Skin layer with its primary function (epidermis, dermis, hypodermis): -Supportive collagen and elastic tissue: -Body temperature regulation: -Protection against microorganisms:

Letter A: Esophagus Letter B: Stomach cardia Letter C: Stomach fundus Letter D: Body of stomach Letter E: Stomach pyloris Letter F: Pyloric sphincter Letter G: Duodenum

Match the anatomic structure/layer with the correct image letter. (cardia, fundus, esophagus, body, pyloris, pyloric sphincter, duodenum) Letter A-G:

proteolytic enzyme: proteins amylase: carbs lipases: lipids

Match the digestive enzyme with its targeted food type. (proteins, lipids, carbs) proteolytic enzyme: amylase: lipases:

Chymotrypsin action: luminal digestion Churning of the stomach wall: physical fragmentation Enterocyte absorption of nutrients: membrane-bound digestion Paneth cell secretion: destroys bacteria

Match the digestive tract function with an example. (membrane-bound digestion, destroys bacteria, physical fragmentation, luminal digestion) -Chymotrypsin action: -Churning of the stomach wall: -Enterocyte absorption of nutrients: -Paneth cell secretion:

Germinal cells: Stratum basale Prickle cells: Stratum spinosum Squamous cells: Stratus granulosum Keratin flakes: Stratum corneum

Match the epidermal layers with cells found in each layer: Germinal cells: Prickle cells: Squamous cells: Keratin flakes:

Entrap and move foreign particles: cilia Humidify inspired air: serous glands Warm inspired air: nasal venule plexus Sense of smell: olfactory cells Elasticity of the lungs: elastin Secrete surfactant: clara cells Physical support during inspiration: tracheal cartilage rings

Match the following cells/structures found in the respiratory tract with their function (cilia, clara cells, tracheal cartilage rings, nasal venule plexus, olfactory cells, elastin, serous glands) Entrap and move foreign particles: Humidify inspired air: Warm inspired air: Sense of smell: Elasticity of the lungs: Secrete surfactant: Physical support during inspiration:

Letter A: Zona glomerulosa Letter B: Zona fasciculata Letter C: Zona reticularis Letter D: Medulla

Match the image letter code with the correct anatomic layer name. (reticularis, medulla, fasciculata, glomerulosa) Letter A: Letter B: Letter C: Letter D:

Letter A: Afferent arteriole Letter B: Distal convoluted tubule Letter C: Macula densa cell Letter D: Lacis cells Letter E: Juxtaglomerular cells Letter F: Efferent arteriole Letter G: Bowman's capsule Letter H: Glomerulus

Match the image letter with its anatomic name. (bowman's capsule, afferent arteriole, efferent arteriole, glomerulus, juxtaglomerular cells, distal convoluted tubule, macula densa cells, lacis cells) Letters A-H

Letter A: Muscularis mucosae Letter B: Lamina propria Letter C: Lumen Letter D: Epithelium Letter E: Adventitia Letter F: M.P. longitudinal muscle Letter G: M.P. circular muscle Letter H: Submucosa Letter I: Lymphoid aggregate

Match the image letter with the correct anatomic layer/structure name: Note: "M.P." stands for muscularis propria. (adventitia, MP longitudinal muscle, MP circular muscle, muscularis mucosae, lamina propria, lumen, submucosa, lymphoid aggregate, epithelium) Letters A-I:

Letter "X" Islets of Langerhan Letter "Y" Septum with intralobular duct Letter "Z" Parenchyma of acinar cells

Match the image letter with the correct anatomic structure. (septum with intralobular duct, parenchyma of acinar cells, islets of Langerhan) Letter X: Letter Y: Letter Z:

Letter A: cholesterol crystals Letter B: hemorrhage Letter C: fatty plaque build-up Letter D: foam cells Letter E: calcium build-up

Match the image letters with their correct description: (hemorrhage, foam cells, calcium build-up, fatty plaque, cholesterol crystals) Letter A: Letter B: Letter C: Letter D: Letter E:

Image 1: ileo-cecal junction Image 2: gastro-duodenal junction Image 3: gastro-esophageal junc. Image 4: rectal-anal junction

Match the image slide with its junction name: (ileo-cecal, recto-anal, gastro-esophageal, gastro-duodenal) Image 1: Image 2: Image 3: Image 4:

Letter B: Papillary dermis Letter A: Epithelium Letter F: Hypodermis Letter H: Hair follicle

Match the letter with the correct skin layer or structure. Letter B: Letter A: Letter F: Letter H:

A: Stratum Basale B: Stratum Spinosum C: Stratus Granulosum D: Stratum Corneum

Match the letters seen in images 1 and 3 with the correct epidermal layer name: Letter A: Letter B: Letter C: Letter D:

Image 1: clear cell carcinoma Image 2: focal segmental glomerulosclerosis Image 3: post-streptococcal glomerulonephrosis

Match the microscopic image with the correct disease. (focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, clear cell carcinoma, post-streptococcal glomerulonephrosis) Image 1: Image 2: Image 3:

Image 1: Breast cancer Image 2: Fatty cirrhosis with nodular regeneration Image 3: Hemochromatosis with cirrhosis Image 4: Fatty cirrhosis

Match the microscopic image with the correct disease. (hemochromatosis, breast cancer, fatty cirrhosis, nodular regeneration) Image 1: Image 2: Image 3: Image 4:

Electrolyte balance: aldosterone Regulate glycolysis: cortisol Fight or flight response: adrenalin Male puberty changes: testosterone

Match the physiological process with its associated hormone: (aldosterone, adrenalin, cortisol, testosterone) Electrolyte balance: Regulate glycolysis: Fight or flight response: Male puberty changes:

Causes hair to stand erect: arrector pili muscles Cool skin surface to release body heat: sweat glands Lubricate hair follicles with sebum: sebaceous glands Site of hair growth: hair bulb Capillaries nourish epithelial cells: dermal papillae

Match the skin structure with its function: (sweat glands, arrector pili muscles, hair bulb, dermal papillae, sebaceous glands) Causes hair to stand erect: Cool skin surface to release body heat: Lubricate hair follicles with sebum: Site of hair growth: Capillaries nourish epithelial cells:

Slide 1: trachea Slide 2: bronchus Slide 3: nasal mucosa

Match the slide with its anatomic location: (nasal mucosa, trachea, bronchus) Slide 1: Slide 2: Slide 3:

Absorb nutrients: enterocytes Secrete protective mucin: goblet cells Immune defense: diffuse lymphocytes Secrete G.I. regulating hormones: neuroendocrine cells Replace worn villi mucosal cells: stem cells

Match the villi epithelial cells with their function. (neuroendocrine cells, diffuse lymphocytes, enterocytes, goblet cells, stem cells) Absorb nutrients: Secrete protective mucin: Immune defense: Secrete G.I. regulating hormones: Replace worn villi mucosal cells:


Multifunctional clara cells aide in healing damaged lung tissue and secrete antitoxin enzymes. True or False

Simple columnar

Name the epithelial lining seen in both slides. -Stratified squamous -Simple columnar -Simple cuboidal -Simple squamous

Stratified squamous

Name the epithelial lining seen in slide 1. -Stratified squamous -Simple columnar -Simple cuboidal -Simple squamous

Simple columnar

Name the epithelial lining seen in slide 2. -Stratified squamous -Simple columnar -Simple cuboidal -Simple squamous

Prevent autodigestion

Name the function of the structure labeled "A" in slide 1. -further digest food -prevent autodigestion -immune defense -absorb minute food molecules

Immune defense

Name the function of the structure labeled "C" in slide 2. -immune defense -prevent autodigestion -further digest food -absorb minute food molecules

Letter A: epicardium Letter B: myocardium Letter C: endocardium

On the left-hand side of image 1, note the letters (AC). Match the image letter with the correct heart wall division. (myocardium, epicardium, endocardium) Letter A: Letter B: Letter C:

False (age 50)

Persons who do not have a family history of colon cancer, are encouraged to undergo a screening colonoscopy when they turn 60 years old. True or False


Pheochromocytomas can cause one to feel constantly agitated due to excessive secretion of __________________. -adrenocorticotrophic hormone -epinephrine -aldosterone -thyroxin

All of the above

Pituitary adenomas can cause _________________. -Cushing's disease -Acromegaly and blindness -Blindness acromegaly -None of the above -All of the above

Postmenopausal endometrium

Please identify the type of endometrium in the above image. -Onset of endometrium -The proliferative endometrium -Postmenopausal endometrium -The secretory endometrium

Urethra: A Transition zone: B Central zone: D Peripheral zone: C

Please label the parts of the organ in the above image. Urethra: Transition zone: Central zone: Peripheral zone:


Please label the structure A: Bronchus Respiratory bronchiole Alveoli Terminal bronchiole

Tunica vaginalis: A Seminiferous tubules: B Rete testis: D Epididymis: E

Please label the tissue section in the above image: Tunica vaginalis: Seminiferous tubules: Rete testis: Epididymis:

Acid mucosal surface: protective defense system Basophils secrete histamine: innate immune system Vaccination for HBV: adaptive immune system

Please match the human immune defense system with the examples. (innate, protective, adaptive) Acid mucosal surface: Basophils secrete histamine: Vaccination for HBV:

Follicular phase: 1 Ovulation: 2 Luteal phase: 3 Luteal degeneration: 4

Please put the ovarian cycle in a right order: Follicular phase: Ovulation: Luteal phase: Luteal degeneration:

True (digestion by enterocytes in the small intestine)

Reconstituted triglycerides are absorbed in the lamina propria by lymphatic vessels known as lacteals and eventually enter the general circulation via the thoracic duct. True or False

Layer 1: epithelium Layer 2: laminar propria Layer 3: submucosa Layer 4: fibroelastic cartilage layer

Refer to slides 1 and 2. Match the image number code with the correct anatomic layer. (submucosa, epithelium, laminar propria, cartilage layer) Layer 1: Layer 2: Layer 3: Layer 4:


Renal corpuscles of the nephron are found in what area of the kidney? Medulla Cortex Pelvis Papilla


Slide 1 depicts the lining found in the body of the stomach, and slide 2 is found in the pyloris area of the stomach. True or False


Slide 1 is a section of _____________. duodenum jejunum ileum cecum


Slide 1 suggests celiac disease and slide 2 is an adenocarcinoma of the large intestine. Celiac disease is characterized by loss of normal intestinal villi that causes multiple symptoms related to malabsorption of nutrients. True or False


Slide 2 is a section of _____________. ileum rectum jejunum cecum

Diabetes Type I

Slide 3 depicts autoimmune insulinitis where lymphocytes are destroying an islet of Langerhan. This histological finding is typical of persons with ____________. -diabetes Type II -diabetes Type I

False (peyer patches are found in the ileum)

Some lymphoid follicles are similar to peyer patches found in the duodenum of the small intestine. True or False


Swallowing and involuntary peristaltic movement occur in the esophagus. True or False

Letter B

T cells and B cells are activated in which area of the tissue? Letter T Letter B Letter C Letter A

Early phase of the proliferative endometrium: A Late phase of the proliferative endometrium: B Early phase of the secretory endometrium: C Late phase of the secretory endometrium: D

The above images show the different phase of endometrium during menstrual cycle. Please match them with their correct phase: Early phase of the proliferative endometrium: Late phase of the proliferative endometrium: Early phase of the secretory endometrium: Late phase of the secretory endometrium:

False (Exocrine glands)

The acinar cells are endocrine glands. True or False

False (These cells produce, store, and secrete a wide range of digestive enzymes.)

The acinar cells labeled "B" secrete glucagon. True or False

Gastric pits

The anatomic structures labeled "B" in both images are known as ____________. -mucocilliary glands -gastric pits -villi -seromucous glands

Elastic fibers, smooth muscle and collagen

The area labeled "X" is composed of __________________ tissue. Fill in the blank. -elastic fibers and fibroblasts -smooth muscle and collagen -collagen and elastic fibers -elastic fibers, smooth muscle and collagen


The chromaffin cells turn black in _________ tissue fixative. Orth Zamboni B5 Bouin

Sudan black

The digested lipids are stained with ________________ in slide 2. -Sudan black -Iron hematoxylin -Osmium tetroxide -GMS

Blood vessels

The epidermis of skin contains all of the following EXCEPT: -Keratin -Melanin -Stem cells -Blood vessels

Spiral valve of Heister

The epithelial lining of the gallbladder cystic duct is known as ____________. -Sphincter of Oddi -Cystic nodule -Ampulla of Vater -Spiral Valve of Heister

False (monosaccharides)

The final digestive products, amino acids and polysaccharides, are absorbed in the small intestine and are transported to the liver by the portal vein. True or False


The fingerlike structures labeled "B" in both images are known as _____________. -crypts of Lieberkuhn -villi -lamina propria -plicae circularis

Alcian blue

The goblet mucus secreting glands in slide 2 are stained with _____________. -alcian violet -alcian blue -methylene blue -toluidine blue


The main functional/structural unit of the kidney is called the: -Renal corpuscle -Ducts of Bellini -Glomerulus -Nephron

False (between the longitudinal and circular layers of muscularis PROPRIA)

The myenteric ganglion cluster innervates smooth muscle found in the muscularis mucosae layer of the G.I. tract wall. True or False

False (The pancreatic fluid, alkaline substrate of digestive enzymes, eventually drains onto the inner lining of the small intestine via the pancreatic duct. The alkalinity serves to neutralize stomach acids that drain into the small intestine.)

The pancreas secretes digestive enzymes in an alkaline substrate to prevent auto-digestion of the pancreas and the ileum. True or False


The physiology of the nasal cavity lining helps warm and humidify inspired air and filter out dust particles from entering the lungs. True or False


The plicae circularis arises from the __________ layer of the small intestine and forms the villa ridges? -submucosa -lamina propria -muscularis mucosae -epithelial mucosa

False (bronchus cartilage are in the form of discontinuous plates)

The primary (largest) bronchi are surrounded by continuous rings of cartilage as found in the trachea. True or False

Absorption of nutrients

The primary function of the structures labeled "B" is _________________. -absorption of water -secretory -absorption of nutrients -protective


The primary function of this epithelium is _________________. -absorptive -absorptive/protective -protective -secretory


The recto-anal canal (sphincter) is surrounded by skeletal muscle. True or False

False (does not support the hypodermis)

The reticular dermis consists of dense collagen and thick elastic fibers that supports the hypodermis. True or False

False (autonomic nervous system)

The somatic nervous system, stress and hormones affect peristalsis movement. True or False

Pie-shaped quadrant sectioning

The standard excision technique for MOHS surgery is: -Cross-sectioning -Peripheral sectioning -Pie-shaped quadrant sectioning -Bread-loafing and cross-sectioning

Interstitial part: A Isthmus: B Infundibulum: C

The tissue sections are taken from different parts of fallopian tube. Please match the tissue image with the part that they are taken. Interstitial part: Isthmus: Infundibulum:

Changes in urine salt concentration

The tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism in the kidney occurs in response to what physiological condition? -Changes in urine pH -Changes in urine sugar concentration -Changes in urine salt concentration -Blood in urine.

Perimetrium, myometrium, and endometrium

The uterus has three distinct layers, which are: -Muscalaris, lamina propria and perimetrium -Epithelial, adipose, and connective -Perimetrium, myometrium, and endometrium -Endometrium, myometrium, and mucosa

Supply blood vessels with oxygen and nutrients

There is a small vaso vasorum blood vessel labeled "V" on the right hand side of the tissue. What is the major role of these blood vessels? -Remove cellular waste products and carbon dioxide -Supply blood vessels with oxygen and nutrients


These 2 slides are high power magnifications of villi stained with special stains. The goblet cells in slide 1 are stained with _________. -PAS -PAMS -PTAH -Scarlet red

Letter S: fibroelastic tissue Letter T: coronary artery Letter V: mesothelial cells Letter W: adipose tissue Letter X: cardiac muscle Letter Y: layer of endothelial cells Letter Z: papillary muscles

These are images of heart wall. Match the Image letters with the correct anatomic structures. (coronary artery, mesothelial cells, endothelial cells, papillary muscles, adipose tissue, cardiac muscle, fibroelastic tissue) Letters S-Z:

Letter B: germinal center Letter C: mantle Letter A: lymphoid aggregates

These are images of the appendix. In slide 1, appendix is presented under low power magnification. Slide 2 demonstrates a high power magnification of a lymphoid follicle. Match the lymphoid follicle region with the correct image letter. (mantle, lymphoid aggregates, germinal center) Letter B: Letter C: Letter A:


These images depict the mucosal lining that is found in the stomach. The primary function of this epithelium is _________________. -secretory -absorptive -absorptive/protective -protective

Skeletal, smooth

This is a longitudinal section of muscle found in the esophagus. The muscle labeled "A" is ______________ muscle, and the muscle labeled "B" is ______________ muscle. -smooth, skeletal -skeletal, smooth


This lining in slide 1 is characteristic of the _________ in the G.I. tract. -ileum -stomach -esophagus -appendix

Large intestine

This lining is characteristic of the _________ in the G.I. tract. -ileum -large intestine -stomach -esophagus

Posterior pituitary

This section of the pituitary gland demonstrates positive brown staining of neurofilament protein using IHC technique. This area of the pituitary gland is known as the ___________. -pars intermedia -anterior pituitary -posterior pituitary

Papillary dermis

This sensory receptor is located in the __________________________ of the skin. -reticular dermis -papillary dermis -epidermis -hypodermis or deep dermis

ACTH and adrenaline

Under life-threatening conditions, increased TSH production may be associated with increased __________________ blood serum levels to manage physiological stress. -LH and adrenaline -Androgen and adrenaline -ADH and adrenaline -ACTH and adrenaline


Unlike most of the G.I. tract, the stomach and rectum have 3 bands of muscle in the outer wall. True or False


Untreated benign polyps can undergo stages of dysplasia resulting in potentially life-threatening invasive adenocarcinoma of the colon. True or False

Kupffer cells

What are the large darkly stained cells labeled "A" in image 2? -Biliary cells -Kupffer cells -Endothelial cells -Stellate cells

All of the above

What cells are present in the lymph nodes? -macrophage cell -T cell -B cell -all of above

Parietal cells

What cells secrete gastric acid in the stomach? Parietal cells Chief cells Neuroendocrine cells G cells

All of the above

What factors are related to one getting skin cancer? -unprotected overexposure to sunlight -ethnicity -genetic predisposition to skin cancer -All of the above


What granule product is being demonstrated in image 2? Glycogen Bile ATPase Glucose

Perl's Prussian Blue

What histochemical stained was performed on Image 3? -Turnbull Blue -Schmorl's technique -Perl's Prussian Blue -Colloidal Iron

Dust cell

What is alveolar macrophage called? Dust cell Kupffer cell Langerhans cell Type II pneumocyte

Adipose infiltration, lymphocyte depletion

What is the difference between infant thymus and adult thymus? -Loss of mature T cell -Loss of medulla -Filtering free antigen -Adipose infiltration, lymphocyte depletion


What is the epithelial lining found in the urinary tract system as seen in image 1? -pseudostratified columnar -transitional -pseudostratified cuboidal -pseudostratified ciliated columnar

Leydig cells located in the interstitial space secrete testosterone

What is the function of Leydig cell? -Leydig cells located in the interstitial space secret testosterone -Leydig cells located in the seminiferous tubules support and nourish the developing spermatozoa -Leydig cells help spermatozoa move through the duct system -Leydig cells secret citric acid and proteolytic enzyme

Pigment of skin

What is the function of the cells labeled "F" in image 3? -Produce keratin -Phagocytic immune cells -Pigment of skin -Sensation of touch and pain

Storage of thyroxine

What is the function of the strongly eosin-stained colloid-filled follicles readily seen in slide 2? -storage of calcitonin -synthesis and storage of thyroxine -synthesis and storage of calcitonin -storage of thyroxine

Fatty cirrhotic liver

What is the most likely diagnose for Image 4? -Fatty cirrhotic liver -Primary liver cancer -Benign liver adenoma -Metastatic breast cancer

Metastatic breast cancer

What is the most likely disease in Image 3? -Fatty cirrhotic liver -Hepatitis -Benign liver adenoma -Metastatic breast cancer

Polycystic disease

What is the name of the genetic renal disease seen in image 2? -renal cell carcinoma -multinodular disease -polycystic disease -renal adenoma

Hepatic Acinus

What is the physiological unit of the liver? -Hepatic Lobule -Hepatic Portal -Hepatocyte -Hepatic Acinus

Cytotoxic T cells

What is the predominant immune cell that matures in the area labeled D? -Thymic interdigitating cells -Plasma cells -Cytotoxic T cells -B cells

Destroy dead RBC

What is the primary function of the cells labeled "A" in image 2? -Promote healing -destroy dead RBC -Synthesize bile -Store vitamin A

Hepatic Lobule

What is the structural unit of the liver? -Hepatic sinusoid -Hepatic Lobule -Hepatic Acinus -Hepatic Portal

Simple cuboidal epithelium

What kind of epithelial cell is composed of thyroid gland in the above image? -pseudostratified columnar epithelium -simple columnar epithelium -simple cuboidal epithelium -simple squamous epithelium

Pseudostratified columnar cell with cilia

What kind of epithelial cell is the inner layer of tracheal wall? -Simple columnar cell -Simple cuboidal cell -Pseudostratified columnar cell with cilia -Pseudostratified columnar cell

Simple cuboidal epithelium

What kind of epithelial tissue is composed of the structure that arrow B point to? -Simple cuboidal epithelium -Simple squamous epithelium -Simple columnar epithelium -Pseutostratified epithlium

Simple columnar epithlium

What kind of epithelial tissue is gallbladder epithelial lining? -Simple cuboidal epithlium -Simple squamous epithelium -Simple columnar epithlium -Transitional epithlium

Glandular epithelium

What kind of epithelial tissue is liver cell? -simple squamous epithelium -stratified squamous epithelium -Glandular epithelium -simple cuboidal epithelium

Both ciliated and non-ciliated simple columnar epithelium

What kind of epithelial tissue is shown in the above image? -pseudostratified epithelium -non-ciliated simple columnar epithelium -both ciliated and non-ciliated simple columnar epithelium -ciliated simple columnar epithelium

Support and nourish the developing spermatozoa (sertoli cells)

What kind of function is cell labeled with St in the above image? -Support and nourish the developing spermatozoa -Develop into spermid -Produce semen -Secret testosterone

Apocrine sweat gland

What kind of gland is demonstrated in the above image? -Sebaceous gland -Apocrine sweat gland -Eccrine sweat gland -Endocrine gland

Gordon reticulin stain

What kind of stain is performed in image 1? PAMS Colloidal iron VVG Gordon reticulin stain

Pap stain

What kind of stain is used in this cervical smear image? H&E stain T. blue Pap stain MPG


What kind of technique is used in the above image to demonstrate basement membrane of kidney tubule? Azan stain PAMS PAS H&E


What kind of tissue is labelled with letter C? Tumor tissue Cartilage Collagen Smooth muscle

All of the above

What kind of tissue is present in the prostate gland? -Smooth muscle glandular -epithelium -Fibrous tissue -All of above

Myocardial infarct

What pathological condition is indicated by the circled area labeled "A" in image 1 of the heart? -myocardial infarct -Area of softened heart muscle -Area of heart muscle rupture -Area of hardened heart muscle


What secretory product is being demonstrated in image 2? Glycogen Glucose Bile ATPase

Stellate cells

What sinusoidal cells store vitamin A? Stellate cells Endothelial cells Kupffer cells Bilary cells

Bowman's capsule

What structure is arrow A pointing to? -Bowman's capsule -Renal corpuscle -Glomerulus -Nephron

Brunner's gland

What structure secretes a highly alkaline substance to neutralize chyme? Rugae Brunner's gland Peyer patch Crypts of Lieberkuhn

Lymph fluid

What substance is stained yellow in this section? -Lymph fluid -Blood serum -Ground substance -Blood plasma


What tissue is seen in this micrograph? Lymph node Thymus Appendix Spleen

Lymph node

What tissue is seen in this picture? Thymus Appendix Spleen Lymph node

Bile canaliculi tracts

What tubular structures are interspaced between the hepatocytes in image 3? -serotonin ducts -arterioles -bile canaliculi tracts -sinusoids

Major muscular artery

What type of blood vessel is depicted in this image? -major elastic artery -elastic arteriole -major muscular artery -major muscular vein

Simple squamous

What type of epithelium lines the alveoli in the lungs? Simple squamous Simple cuboidal Stratified squamous Transitional

Simple columnar epithelium

What type of tissue is found in the endometrial layer of the uterus? -Stratified squamous -Striated muscle -Simple columnar epithelium -Smooth muscle

Major elastic artery

What type of vessel is depicted by both images? major elastic artery muscular arteriole elastic arteriole major muscular artery

Lymphatic vessels

What type of vessel is depicted in both images? Vein Artery Lymphatic vessels

Afferent arteriole in the kidney

Where is the hormone renin secreted? -Blood stream -Afferent arteriole in the kidney -Pituitary gland -Adrenal gland


Where is the site of spermiogenesis? -vas deferen -epididymis -seminal vesicle -testes

Macula Densa cells

Which cells in the kidney are able to physiologically detect low salt levels in the distal convoluted tubule? -Lacis cells -Juxtaglomerular cells -Podocyte cells -Macula Densa cells

Juxtaglomerular cells

Which cells located in the juxtaglomerular apparatus secrete the hormone renin? -Juxtaglomerular cells -Macula Densa cells -Lacis cells -Podocyte cells

Absorb nutrients

Which is NOT a function of the crypts of Lieberkuhn? Secrete protective mucin Secrete antimicrobial agents Absorb nutrients Secrete hormones


Which is the deadliest form of skin cancer? -squamous cell carcinoma -melanoma -basal cell carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma

Which is the most common form of skin cancer? -basal cell carcinoma -melanoma -squamous cell carcinoma


Which layer of uterus undergo change during female menstrual cycle: -Endometrium -Perimetrium -Myometrium -Mucosa


Which method can be used to distinguish alpha and beta cell in the pancreas? IHC H&E stain Grimelius stain Silver technique

Esophagus, cardia, pyloris, duodenum, jejunum, cecum, rectum, and anal canal

Which of the following accurately describes the sequence of segments throughout the G.I. tract. -Esophagus, fundus, pyloris, ileum, jejunum, cecum, rectum, sigmoid, and anal canal. -Esophagus, cardia, fundus, jejunum, duodenum, cecum, rectum, and anal canal. -Esophagus, pyloris, fundus, duodenum, ileum, cecum, sigmoid, rectum and anal canal. -Esophagus, cardia, pyloris, duodenum, jejunum, cecum, rectum, and anal canal.

Terminal and respiratory bronchiole

Which of the following anatomical structure has Clara cells instead of Goblet cell? -Terminal and respiratory bronchiole -Trachea -Bronchus -Alveoli

C-ring cartilage

Which of the following cell or structure is the difference between bronchus and trachea? -Goblet cells -C-ring cartilage -Pseudostratified columnar cells with cilia -Smooth muscle

Juxtaglomerular cells

Which of the following cells secrete renin? -Thyroid C cells -Juxtaglomerular cells -Lacis cells -Macula densa cells


Which of the following enzymes are produced by exocrine pancreas? Glucogan Trypsin Insulin Pepsin


Which of the following hormone is secreted by Islets of Langerhans of pancreas? Trypsin Renin Bile Insulin

Both estrogen and progesterone

Which of the following hormones are secreted by ovary? -FSH -Estrogen -LH -Progesterone -Both FSH and LH -Both estrogen and progesterone -All of above

The basal epithelia are polygonal

Which of the following is NOT characteristically true about the epidermis: -The epidermis is stratified squamous -The basal epithelia are polygonal -The epidermal eccrine glands produce sweat -Nuclei dissolve in the granular layer

Producing B and T cells

Which of the following is NOT the function of lymph node in the immune response? -activating T cells -producing B and T cells -activating B cells -filtering free antigen in lymph fluid

All of the above

Which of the following is the example of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue? -lymphoid aggregate in the colon -Peyer patch -lymphoid follicle in the appendix -all of the above

Secretion of seminal fluid

Which of the following is the function of prostate gland? -Secretion of seminal fluid -Secretion of testosterone -production of sperm -Site of spermatogenesis


Which of the following organ secret testosterone? Seminal vesicle Testes Epididymis Prostate gland


Which of the following organ store bile and control bile release after meal? pancreas duodenum gallbladder liver

Single free nerve endings

Which of the following sensory receptors are associated with merckel cells? -Pacinian corpuscles -Single free nerve endings -Meissner corpuscles

Pacinian corpuscles

Which of the following sensory receptors are found in the deeper layers of skin? -Meissner corpuscles -Pacinian corpuscles -Singe free nerve endings

The reticulin meshwork supports both the hepatocyte and the sinosoidal lining cells

Which of the following statement is true about the reticulin in the liver? -The sinusoids are not bounded by the reticulin framework -The reticulin can be stained by iron hematoxylin that shows reticulin as a black stained material -Reticulin only present in one side of liver cell plates. -The reticulin meshwork supports both the hepatocyte and the sinosoidal lining cells

Synthesis and secretion of insulin. (pancreas)

Which of the following statements is NOT a major function of the liver? -Synthesis and secretion of bile to assist food digestion in the stomach. -Synthesis and secretion of insulin. -Detoxification of toxic substances such as alcohol and drugs. -Dying RBC are lysed into globin, hemosiderin, and bile. -Synthesis and storage of glycogen, vitamins, and other lipids. -Metabolic wastes are converted to urea and excreted through the kidneys.

Hepatic central vein

Which of the following structure is NOT included in portal triad? Bile ductule Hepatic central vein Hepatic portal vein Hepatic arteriole

Carcinoid tumor

Which of the following tumor is related diffused neuroendocrine cell in the small intestine? -Cushing's syndrome -carcinoid tumor -pheochromocytoma -small cell carcinoma

Parathyroid and thyroid

Which of the following two endocrine organs regulate blood calcium levels? -Adrenal gland and thyroid -Pancreas and thyroid -Adrenal gland and pancreas -Parathyroid and thyroid

Islets of Langerhans

Which part of pancreas is responsible for endocrine function? -Acini -Intercalated ducts -Septa -Islets of Langerhans

Cystic duct of gallbladder

Which part of the organ is demonstrated in the image? cystic duct of gallbladder body of gallbladder duodenum jejunum

Stratum Basale

Which skin epithelial layer gives rise to basal cell carcinoma? -Stratum Corneum -Stratum Basale -Stratum Spinosum -Stratum Granulosum

Neither A or B (A is a pulmonary artery, B is a bronchiole)

Which structure in the image is bronchus? Both A and B Neither A or B A B

CL (corpus luteum)

Which structure labeled in the above image is responsible for estrogen and progesterone production? -D -M -CL -A -Ft


Which substance listed below is capable of emulsifying lipids? Trypsin CCK Secretin Bile

False (not in stomach)

Within the G.I. tract, goblet cells are found in the stomach, small intestine and large intestine. True or False


Wrinkling of the skin is due to all of the following EXCEPT: -Decreased collagen production with age -Basal cell division is reduced with age -Medications -Fat cells get smaller with age

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