Fundamentals Test Questions #4

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Failure to develop through Eriksons stage of young adulthood will cause the person to be: A. Unable to form meaningful relationships B. Unsuccessful in further education C. Unable to keep a job D. Unsure of how to raise children

Answer - A

To help parents plan for possible future changes, adult children should: A. Investigate alternative housing arrangements B. Keep communication lines open within the family C. Choose a nursing home for the parent D. Consult with the parent's primary care provider

Answer - B

A behavior indicating maturity: A. ability to earn a living B. being respectful of elders C. being able to tolerate frustration D. continuing to pursue education

Answer - C

An older adult may begin to lose some hearing acuity. You know that: A. ability to hear high pitched sounds is lost earliest B. ability to hear low pitched sounds is lost first C. occupation has nothing to do with hearing loss D. hearing tests should begin at age 40

Answer - A

A 58 year old man complains he has difficulty remembering everything he wanted to buy when he gets to the store. Your best response would be: A. " Forgetting some things is common occurrence with aging " B. " For your siblings have similar problems" C. " You should always take a list with you to the store " D. " Life is so busy that everyone forgets things now and then"

Answer - A

A mother brings her 9 month old baby into the clinic for a well baby check. While collecting data, you notice that the baby appears to be communicating in two word sentences. The mother affirms your observation when you ask her about her baby's language development. You inform the mother that: A. The baby's language development seems to be occurring more quickly than expected B. The baby might be experiencing developmental delays C. The baby's language development seems to be right on track D. It is part of the required information on the well baby checkup form.

Answer - A

A mother tells the nurse that her 2 year old toddler has temper tantrums and says no every time the mother tries to help get them dressed. The nurse should recognize the toddler is manifesting which of the following stages of development? A. trying to increase her independence B. developing a sense of trust C. establishing a new identity D. Attempting to master a skill

Answer - A

A nurse is reviewing safety measures with the parent of an 8 month old infant. Which of the following statements by the parent indicated an understanding of safety for the infant ? A. " my baby loved to play with the crib gym, but i took it out of the crib B. " I just bought a soft mattress so my baby will sleep better " C. " My baby really likes sleeping on a fluffy pillow we just got " D. " I put the baby's car seat out of the way on the table after I put him in it. "

Answer - A

A nurse is talking with caregivers of a 12 year old child. Which of the following issues verbalized by the caregiver should the nurse identify as priority? A. " We don't understand why our child can't keep up with the other kids in simple activities like running or jumping " B. " Our child keeps trying to find ways around our household rules. They always want to make deals with us " C. " We think our child is trying too hard to excel in math just to get the top grades in the class " D. " Our child likes to sign and worries it will make the other kids want to laugh"

Answer - A

A nurse is teaching the parents of a toddler about discipline. Which of the following actions should the nurse suggest ? A. Establish consistent boundaries for the toddler B. Place the toddler in a room with the door closed C. Inform the toddler how you feel when he misbehaves D. Use favorite snacks to reward the toddler

Answer - A

A parent who insists that the child stay in his or her room for the full 4-minute time-out and then smiles and hugs the child when the time is up is showing a parenting style that is: A. Authoritative B. Passive C. Authoritarian D. Punitive

Answer - A

As a healthy individual, the patient at age 54 can count on what? A. intellect remaining stable B. a stable level of strength and endurance C. an increased libido D. a decline in responsibility

Answer - A

Natalie and her parents live with her grandparents, second-generation Italian immigrants, on several acres of rural farmland. The family runs a pasta manufacturing plan on the property. This is an example of what? A. A multigenerational household B. A suburban household C. A single-family household D. Economic hardship

Answer - A

Parents of children ages 3 to 6 years may need guidance in: A. Making the child feel secure when a newborn arrives B. Helping the child cope with peers C. Effective methods of toilet training D. Allowing the child to make more of their own decisions

Answer - A

The nurse is providing instructions to a new parent regarding the psychosocial development theory, which instructions would the nurse reinforce to the parent ? A. allow the infant to signal a need B. anticipate all of the needs of the infant C. attend to the crying infant immediately D. avoid the infant during first 10 minutes of crying

Answer - A

The parents of a 16 year old child tells the nurse that they are concerned because the child sleeps until noon every weekend. Which is the most appropriate nursing response ? A. " Adolescents love to sleep late in the morning " B. " The child shouldn't be staying up so late at night " C. " If the child eats properly, that shouldn't be happening " D. " the child needs to have a blood test to check for anemia "

Answer - A

The single most important factor in maintaining a healthy pregnancy is: A. Early and regular prenatal care B. High nutritional consumption during pregnancy C. Finding an obstetrician that you trust D. Planning to do the right thing for the baby

Answer - A

Which adolescent is an example of a current trend ? A. A group of high school students regularly vape because they believe it is not harmful B. A 16 year old girl is expecting a baby in 2 months C. A 17 year old high school student has withdrawn from school because they are in the end stages of AIDs D. A high school senior has begun taking amphetamines to help increase their study time.

Answer - A

Which is a person referring to when in an interview the person says " I am a member of the sandwich generation " A. cares for children and aging parents at the same time B. has reversed roles between parents and self. C. Assists own parents and spouse's parents D. Has both older and younger siblings.

Answer - A

Which is the best pain control strategy for the unresponsive dying patient ? A. Opioid q3h IV , with PRN breakthrough dose IV B. Opioid q4h PO, with PRN breakthrough dose PO C. Opioid q3h IV, with PRN breakthrough dose PO D. Opioids q3h IV and mindful meditation for breakthrough pain

Answer - A

A nurse determines that according to Erikson, establishing relationships based on commitment mainly occurs in which stage of psychosocial development ? A. Middle aged B. Young adulthood C. Adolescence D. Infancy

Answer - B

A nurse is reviewing car seat safety with the parents of a 1- month old infant. When reviewing car seat use, which of the following instructions should the nurse include ? A. use a car seat that has a three point harness system B. position the car seat so that the infant is rear - facing C. Secure the car seat in the front passenger seat of the vehicle D. Convert to a booster seat after 12 months.

Answer - B

A nurse is talking with guardians who are concerned about several issues with their preschooler. Which of the following issues should the nurse identify as the priority? A. " My child mimics the way my partner and I dress " B. " My child has temper tantrums every time we tell them to do something they don't want to do" C. " I think my child truly believes that toys have personalities and can talk " D. " I feel bad when I see my child trying so hard to button their shirt "

Answer - B

A physical change that a 54 year old patient might have is: A. steadily decreasing body fat B. need for reading glasses C. increasing muscle mass D. a need for increasing amounts of sleep

Answer - B

After receiving palliative care for several months, your patient has died. The family is feeling deep grief. The nurse also feels saddened and knows that : A. Crying is inappropriate because the nurse is not a family member or a close friend B. It is appropriate for the nurse to shed some tears, allowing movement through the grief rather than trying t avoid it. The nurse may also need to seek professional assistance. C. The nurse should avoid the family and allow them to grieve in private. The nurse is no longer needed, and the nurse's presence just reminds them of their loss. D. The nurse needs to ignore their feelings and stay strong for the family in order to provide better nursing care

Answer - B

Comfort care for a terminally ill patient would include: A. MRI to determine whether metastases are causing bone pain B. Use of medication to relieve nausea C. Insertion of an IV line to provide fluids D. A gastrostomy tube to provide nutrition when the patient is unable to eat normally

Answer - B

Growth and development should be monitored regularly for every child to: A. provide statistics needed for proper research B. Detect abnormal growth patterns so that early care and treatment of problems can begin C. Provide data to establish norms for growth and development at various ages . D. Reassure parents that their children are healthy.

Answer - B

Successful coping with midlife changes is likely when the individual: A. Has children still at home B. Has a good support system C. Is married D. Is established in a career

Answer - B

The cognitive development of young adults is aided by: A. peers who are experiencing similar problems B. support of mentors to help identify goals and provide encouragement C. Interactive games and computer based training D. Providing new learning experiences that are unrelated to past knowledge

Answer - B

The deceased patient's wife states that their religion requires that the family perform a special ritual and say a prayer at the bedside immediately after death " to help his soul leaves the body" Which is the best response to the family's request ? A. Tell the wife that the hospital has a nondenominational chapel where the family can say the prayer and perform the ritual B. Provide the family with privacy and offer assistance as needed C. Gently explain that the family will be allowed to see the deceased after you verify whether you need to contact the coroner D. Explain that the family can stay with the deceased until the end of visiting hours.

Answer - B

A nurse is reviewing nutritional guidelines with the parents of a 2 year old toddler. Which of the following parent statements should indicate to the nurse an understanding of the teaching? A. " I should keep feeding my son whole milk until he is 3 years old " B. " It's okay for me to give my son a cup of apple juice with each meal " C. " I'll give my son about 2 tablespoons of each food at mealtimes " D. " My son loves popcorn, and I know it is better for him than sweets"

Answer - C

A nurse is talking with an adolescent who is having difficulty dealing with several issues. Which of the following issues should the nurse identify as the priority ? A. " I kind of like this boy in my class but he doesn't like me back " B. " I want to hang out with the kids in my science class but the jocks make fun of them" C. " I am so fat, I skip meals to try to lose weight " D." Mt dad wants me to be a lawyer like him but I just want to dance "

Answer - C

A nurse is talking with the caregivers of a 10 year old child who is concerned that their child is becoming secretive, including closing the door when showering and dressing. Which of the following responses should the nurse make? A. " Perhaps you should try to find our what is happening behind those closed doors" B. " Suggest that the door be left ajar for safety reasons " C. " At this age, children tend to become modest and value their privacy " D. " You should establish a disciplinary plan to stop this behavior "

Answer - C

A nurse is talking with the guardian of a 4 year old child who reports that the child is waking up at night with nightmares. Which of the following interventions should the nurse suggest ? A. Offer the child a large snack before bedtime B. Allow the child to watch an extra 30 minutes of TV in the evening C. Have the child go to bed at a consistent time every day D. Increase physical activity before bedtime.

Answer - C

A nurse is teaching the guardian of a 12 year old male client about the manifestation of puberty. The nurse should explain that which of the following physical changes occurs first ? A. Appearance of downy hair on the upper lip B. Hair growth in the axillae C. enlargement of the testes and scrotum D. Deepening of the voice

Answer - C

An assigned patient has prostate cancer and is declining rapidly. He is frightened by the progression and asks you if there is any hope. What is the nurse's best response? A. " Your prostate cancer is incurable. We have exhausted our treatment measures, but I can discuss comfort measures with you" B. " Would you like me to call a chaplain for you ? Maybe it's time to put your trust in a higher power " C. " There is always hope. Let's look at how we can address your issues together. What is it that you are hoping for at this point ? " D. " You cannot give up! A positive attitude helps effect a cure "

Answer - C

The adolescent who is thinking in logical and abstract ways as they complete a term paper shows: A. Aspects of industry B. Identity confusion C. Appropriate cognitive development D. Appropriate psychosocial development

Answer - C

When working with depressed middle aged adults and following eriksons theory, you encourage them to find meaning in life by: A. Developing intimate relationships with spouses B. Caring for their older adult parents C. Contributing to the development of younger people D. Volunteering as a hospital aide

Answer - C

Which client is most likely at risk to become victim to elder abuse ? A. A 75 year old man with moderate hypertension B. A 68 year old man with newly diagnosed cataracts C. A 90 year old woman with advanced Alzheimers disease D. A 70 year old woman with early diagnosed lyme disease

Answer - C

Your patient is 54. He has a wife and two children. He has been employed in his present job for 15 years. An activity that would indicate that the patient is engaged in Erikson's stage of generativity is: A. membership in the local golf clob B. time spent quietly working on his stamp collection C. participation as a youth counselor at his church D. taking his wife out to dinner at least once a week

Answer - C

Stress-related health problems typically begin to affect those individuals over age: A.25 B. 45 C. 30 D. 50

Answer - C ( 30 )

A nurse is evaluating teaching about nutrition with the guardians of an 11 year old child. Which of the following statements should indicate to the nurse an understanding of the teaching? A. " Our child wants to eat as much as we do, but we are afraid it will lead to becoming overweight" B. " Our child skips lunch sometimes, but we figure it's okay as long as we eat a healthy breakfast and dinner " C. " We limit fast food restaurants meals to three times a week " D. " We reward school achievements with a point system instead of pizza or ice cream"

Answer - D

A therapeutic response the nurse could make when a patient says "I don't want to die" is : A. " Im sure you don't want to die B. " You have an excellent physician; maybe you won't die " C. " None of us wants to die " D. I'm sorry you are going through this; would you like to talk about it ? "

Answer - D

The parents of an 8 year old child tell the nurse that they are concerned about the child because the child seems to be more attentive to friends than anyone else. Which is the appropriate nursing response ? A. " You need to be concerned " B. " You need to monitor the child's behavior closely " C. " You need to praise the child more often to stop this behavior " D. " At this age, the child is developing his or her own personality "

Answer - D

To fulfill Erikson's psychosocial stage, older adults can be encouraged to: A. Play with their grandchildren B. Continue with hobbies and light exercise C. Remain employed for as long as possible. D. Review their lives, recalling accomplishments.

Answer - D

A behavior indicating maturity is: A - accomplishing goals B - working well with others C - guiding other people D - coping positively with stress

Answer - D - Coping positively with stress

Which intervention needs to be implemented for the older client with presbycusis who has a hearing loss ? A. speak louder B. speak more slowly C. use low pitched tones D. use high pitched tones

Answer -C

A nurse is assessing a 2 week old newborn during a routine checkup. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect ( Select all that apply ) A. sleeps 14 to 16 hours each day B. posterior fontanel closed C. Pincer grasp present D. Hands remain in closed position E. Current weight same as birth weight.

Answer A,D, E

The nurse would implement which activity to promote reminiscence among older adults ? A. Having storytelling hours B. Setting up pet therapy sessions C. Displaying calendars and clocks D. Encouraging client participation in a pottery class

Answer- A

What statement by a nursing student about Kohlberg's theory of moral development indicates the need for further teaching about the theory ? A. " All individuals move through all six stages in a sequential fashion " B. " Moral development progresses in relation to cognitive development" C. " A person's ability to make moral judgements develops over a period of time " D. " it provides a framework for understanding how individuals determine a moral code to guide his or her behavior"

Answer- A

The important behaviors that can help an older adult to age successfully include: A. move closer to children B. remaining physically and mentally active C. limiting exercise to conserve strength D. Eating at least 2000 calories daily

Answer- B

A patient recently diagnosed with cancer says to the nurse, " If I can live until my son graduates from college. I'll donate 10 % of my estate to the church " the patient is in a stage described by Kubler Ross as : A. Acceptance B. Denial C. Bargaining D. Anger

Answer- C

A nurse is teaching a parenting class to a local community health center. Which common stressor associated with the developmental stage of early childhood ( 1 - 3 years ) should the nurse include ? A. accepting limited dietary choices B. adjusting to a change in physique C. Responding to a life threatening illness D. Resolving conflicts concerning independence

Answer- D

The nurse is providing an education class to healthy older adults. Which exercise will best promote health maintenance ? A. gardening every day for an hour B. sculpting once a week for 40 minutes C. cycling three times a week for 20 minutes D. walking three to five times a week for 30 minutes


Depression in older adults ( Select all that apply ) A. Is a natural part of aging B. has been linked to high suicide rates in seniors C. is best treated with medication and counseling D. Can be easily diagnosed by a health care professional E. May be the result of a chronic illness or loss of body function.

Answers - 2,3,5

Demographers in the United states predict increasing numbers of older people because: ( Select all that apply ) A. The baby boomers are healthier with age than were previous generations B. Medical Technology is extending life for many, especially those with heart disease C. Most people today are much happier than previous generations were D. There are more wealthy people who can afford quality health care E. More vitamins and supplements are available to delay aging

Answers - A & B

Why is it important for a 26 year old to establish intimate relationships ( Select all that apply ) A. intimate relationships help establish future trust in others B. independent adults with a sense of identity build healthy relationships with others C. Intimate relationships such as marriage and family define young adults D. A young adults relationship status can greatly influence long term personality

Answers - A, B

The most common causes of death in young adults are ( Select all that apply ) A. accidents B. homicide C. cancer D. suicide E. cardiovascular disease

Answers - A, B, & D

A nurse is planning a health promotion and primary prevention class for the caregivers of school age children. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take ? ( Select all that apply ) A. Provide information about the risk of childhood obesity B. Discuss the danger of the substance use disorder C. Promote discussion about sexual issues D. Recommend the school age child sit in the front seat of the car E. Reinforce stranger awareness

Answers - A, B, C, E

A nurse is talking with the parents of a 6 month old infant about gross motor development. Which of the following motor skills are expected in the next 3 months ( Select all that apply ) A. Rolls from back to front B. Bears weight on legs C. Walks holding onto furniture D. Sits unsupported E. Sits down from a standing position

Answers - A, B, D

A female patient, Ms. Lo has come to your clinic for her annual physical. She has gained 15 lbs in the past year and has elevated blood pressure. Ms. Lo states these findings are possibly related to marital troubles that she and her spouse are having. They are considering divorce. You know from your studies that the factors are divorce are: ( Select all that apply ) A. Ms. lo dropped out of high school when she was pregnant with their first baby B. Ms. Lo's spouse has been unemployed for 3 months C. Mr. and Ms. Lo did not live together before getting married D. Ms. Lo's in laws recently went through a divorce E. Mr. and Ms. Low are both 19 F. Ms. Lo earns minimum wage at a fast food restaurant G. Mr and Ms. Lo practice Mormon faith H. Mr. and Ms. Lo met in the 9th grade.

Answers - A, B, D, E, F

A 26 year old patient has come into the clinic for a pap smear. She is married, has an executive position, and works 50-60 hours per week. She gets little exercise and does not eat many balanced meals, often eating fast food between meetings. She complains of fatigue and insomnia. At this time, you would reinforce patient education regarding: ( Select all that apply ) A. planning for childbearing, if children are desired B. the need to do annual screening mammograms C. prevention of STI's D. the importance of nutrition and exercise in coping with stress E. the need to schedule her first colonoscopy F. herbal therapies that can help promote sleep

Answers - A, D, & F

A nurse is preparing a wellness presentation for families about health screening for adolescents. Which of the following information should the nurse include ? ( Select all that apply ) A. Obtain a periodic mental status evaluation B. Discuss prevention of ST's C. Regularly screen for TB D. Provide education about drug and alcohol use E. Teach monthly breast exams

Answers - A,B,C,D

A nurse is planning diversionary activities for school aged children on an inpatient peds unit. Which activities would the nurse include? ( Select all that apply ) A. Building models B. Playing video games C. Reading books D. Using toy carpentry tools E. Paying board games

Answers - A,B,C,E,

A nurse is giving a presentation about accident prevention to a group of parents of toddlers. Which of the following accident prevention strategies should the nurse include? ( select all that apply ) A. store toxic agents in locked cabinets B. keep toilet seats up C. turn pot handles toward the back of the stove D. place safety gates across stairways E. Make sure balloons are fully inflated

Answers - A,C,D

When considering starting a family, the young adult female should consider the facts that: ( select all that apply ) A. fertility declines after age 40 B. after age 40, a pregnancy is considered " high risk " C. the years for reproduction, physically, are ages 19-26 D. with modern reproductive techniques, women in their 50s can conceive children E. childbearing is only in the beginning of parenting

Answers - B, C, D, E.

Which common physiological change associated with aging should the nurse assess for in an older adult ? ( Select all that apply ) A. increase in sebaceous gland activity B. deterioration of joint cartilage C. loss of social support system D. decreased hearing acuity E. Increased need for sleep

Answers - B, D

Which health screenings are most appropriate in the middle years of life ( Select all that apply ) A. HIV B. Colon Cancer C. Hypertension D. Diabetes E. Memory Decline

Answers - B,C,D

A nurse is reviewing the CDC immunization recommendations with the guardians of preschoolers. Which of the following vaccines should the nurse include in this discussions? ( Select all that apply ) A. Haemophilius Influenzae type B B. Varicella C. Polio D. Hepatitis A E. Seasonal Influenza

Answers - B,C,E,

When the nurse is collecting data from the older adult, which findings would be considered normal physiological changes ? ( Select all that apply ) A. increased heart rate B. decline in visual acuity C. decreased respiratory rate D. decline in long term memory E. increased susceptibility to urinary tract infections F. increased incidence of awakening after sleep onset

Answers - B,E,F

A blended family consists of: A. a parent and child and new parent B. a mom, dad, and children C. a single parent, a child, and a stepchild. D. two parents with children from previous relationships.

Answers - D

A nurse is preparing to administer medications to a preschooler. Which of the following strategies should the nurse implement to increase the child's cooperation in taking medications? ( Select all that apply ) A. Reassure the child an injection will not hurt B. Mix oral medications in a large glass of milk C. Offer the child choices when possible D. Have the guardians bring in a favorite toy from home E. Engage the child in pretend play with a toy medical kit

Answers - D, E

Liam is a 15 year old patient at your pediatric clinic. He is a member of the high school robotics team and is looking forward to the state competition later this month with his teammates. His teacher reported to his mother that Liam was caught cheating on an exam. In addition to the high school punishment which hasn't been determined yet, Liam's mother asks you for your advice about how to handle this at home. In answering her question you offer suggestions for effective discipline measures for an adolescent that might include: ( Select all that apply ) A. Restricting Liam's social activities for a limited time B. Grounding Liam to the house for several weeks. C. Assigning extra chores to Liam D. Fining Liam a portion of his allowance E. Taking away Liam's cell phone for 1 week F. Denying Liam permission to attend the robotics competition G. Putting Liam in a "Time Out"

Answers- 1 & 5

A nurse on the pediatric unit is caring for an adolescent who has multiple fractures. Which of the following interventions should the nurse take? ( select all that apply ) A. Suggest that the guardians bring in video games to play B. provide a television and movies for the adolescent to watch C. limit visitors to the adolescents immediate family D. involve the adolescent in treatment decisions when possible E. Allow the adolescent to perform morning self care

Answers- A, B, D, E

A nurse is planning diversionary activities for preschoolers on an inpatient pediatric unit. Which of the following activities should the nurse include? (Select all that apply ) A. Assembling Puzzles B. Pulling wheeled toys C. Using musical toys D. Playing with puppets E. Coloring with crayons

Answers- A,C,D,E

The mother of a 7 month old infant tells the nurse at the pediatric clinic that her baby has been fussy with occasional loose stools since she started feeding him fruits and vegetables . Which of the following responses should the nurse make ? ( Select all that apply ) A. " It might be good to add bananas as they can help loose stools " B. " Let's make a list of the foods your baby is eating so we can spot any problems " C. " Did the changes begin after you started one particular food ? " D. " Has you baby been vomiting since starting these new foods ? " E. " Most babies react with a little indigestion when you start new foods "

Answers- B, C, D

A nurse is planning diversionary activities for toddlers on an inpatient unit. Which of the following activities should the nurse include? ( Select all that apply ) A. Building models B. Working with clay C. Filling and emptying containers D. Playing with blocks E. Looking at books

Answers- C,D,E

Young adults are likely to spend leisure time in activities that are: A. Calm and quiet, alone or with only one or two others B. Inclusive of their parents and grandparents C. Physically and mentally demanding and competitive D. Ways to earn extra money


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