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"Kids today eat 25% less fresh fruit than kids in 2000." Why is this not a strong topic idea?

B. Too narrow

Which question may be used to start your initial research about "Global Warming"?

C. When did global warmin

The main difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is

C. Who is setting the goal

Those who possess intrinsic motivation are more likely to

D. All of these

Which of these is source for finding general information and ideas about your topic?

D. All of these

Cereal bars are a healthy alternative to candy bars.

Just Right

Smoking contributes to air pollution.

Too Broad

Candy bars taste good.

Too broad

A thesis statement is supported by arguments.


Exploring a general idea is the first step in developing your topic.


Motivation is a force that influences your actions.


Motivation can be determined by what other people expect from you. The main difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is C. Who is setting the goal Studying Spanish because you want to visit Spain one day is an example of extrinsic motivation. False Deciding you need to get a "good" job because that is what "smart" people do, reflects intrinsic motivation. False Sheri studies to get good grades because this is what her parents expect of her. She wants to make them proud. This is an B. Extrinsic motivational statement Which is an intrinsic goal created from an external motivator? D. None of these It is possible to turn extrinsic factors into intrinsic motivators. True Extrinsic statements originate in D. All of These "I study to get good grades because my parents want to send me to the college of my choice." This is an Not B I do chores because my parents expect everyone to help with housework Extrinsic If earning higher grades is important to you, you are likely to study more. True Intrinsic motivation reflects desires that others have. False John has decided he needs to work harder on his Social Studies project. Then, his teacher says if he gets a good grade in Social Studies, he may be eligible for a special scholarship for college. What type of motivation is present here? D. Intrinsic to extrinsic I love horses and want to be a veterinarian Intrinsic My mother thinks I need to become a doctor Extrinsic Without motivation, nothing would get done in this world. True People who experience extrinsic motivation are more likely to be personally committed to reaching their goal than those who experience only intrinsic motivation. False Study habits include D. All of These A student's study habits are a good indicator of whether or not academic success is important to them. True Johnny is always wide awake first thing in the morning. This would be a good time for him to study because it is when he has the most energy. True A study routine includes when, how and where study activities take place. True Ansel tries to get his studying done anyway he can. He always has so much to do: work, practice and Science Club. What does Ansel need? D. A study routine Rewriting your notes before an exam is an example of B. A study skill When and how you communicate with your teachers is a study habit. True A study space should be D. All of these A study routine includes C. All of these Michael's mom drops him off at school early two days a week. Michael likes to use this time to get his homework done for the week. A disadvantage of this study time is that B. It is not available to him everyday According to your lecture, what do successful students do? D.Make studying part of their daily routine As long as you set aside time everyday to study, it doesn't matter when you get it done. False Your study space does not need to be quiet as long as you can ignore any noise coming from the space. False Sheri likes to study in the school library, but it is usually full of chatting students. It's a great place to study because her friends can always drop by when they want to talk to her. Sheri should seek a new study space with C. Less distractions A behavior becomes a habit when it has been repeated C. 21 times A student's study habits include academic activities that are completed once in a while. False According to the online content activity for this lesson, what should you do if you do not understand the material you are trying to learn? A. Try a new approach to learning the material. It's a good idea to refine___________, which is a good study habit A. Your listening skills You have to see a task be done by someone else before you like to try it. You might be a D.Visual learner How you like to study has nothing to do with your learning style. False Knowing your learning style may increase your GPA. True Your friend is a very good football player, but if he doesn't bring his grades up, he may be kicked off the team. What type of study strategy would you suggest he try? C. Tap out information to a rhythm to help him remember it Multiple Intelligence Theory explains that not everyone is 'book smart.' True Which types of learners like to acquire knowledge by reading aloud. B. Auditory Multiple Intelligence Theory explains that A. We all learn differently Easily expresses their feelings Intrapersonal May like to move when studying Body-Kinesthetic Likes to study with music in the background Musical A person must fit somewhere in the auditory, visual or kinesthetic learning styles. False May keep a journal Intrapersonal Easily pictures what an environment might look like Spatial Your learning style impacts the ways you remember information. True May fidget during class Kinesthetic learners Can relate well to others Interpersonal To figure out what type of tests you are best at, you should B. Write down your test grades after each test and compare them Staying organized is a strategy used to help you be prepared for anything. True A clean locker may influence your academic success. True If you do not understand a topic from class, the best way to clarify it is to D. Ask the teacher Talking about coursework with friends does not count as proactive communication. False Keeping trash out of your locker is a method to B. Stay Organized Just writing down your grades after each test does not count as monitoring progress. False Asking a teacher about what might be on a test is not a useful study strategy. False One should employ effort to reach a goal. True The purpose of outlining each step in a goal is to D. Identify each requirement Julian didn't know low grades could keep him off the football team. He failed to B. Identify obstacles A goal does not need to be realistic. If you can imagine it happening, you can make it happen. False It is okay if your goal is not clear because you will be able to define it along the way. False The first rule in goal setting is not to underestimate yourself. True Types of resources include: B. Material, support and expert An application, a course guidebook, and a counselor's phone number are all C. Material resources 'To get a scholarship' is not an achievable goal. False Ashley forgot to get letters of recommendation for her college application. She failed to A. Write down each step A timeline is necessary A. For every goal "Rewards you for accomplishments" Check in on your progress "Establishes a commitment to the goal" Write it down You are the only one who has full power to make your goal happen. True "Makes the goal real" Write it down It doesn't matter what your goal is. Any idea you may create is achievable. False Knowing your personal strengths and weaknesses will help to keep your goal A. Within your skills and abilities The three W's of goal-setting are "what," "when," and B. will 'Aim' is another word for 'goal.' True "Recognize barriers that would prevent you from reaching your goal." Identify Obstacles "Identifies items you might need" Locate resources "Identifies necessary help" Locate resources "Creates a path to follow" Set a timeline Being able to open and close windows is not a primary technology skill. False If your computer lab is particularly busy during an online class session, you should B. Try to find a quiet corner of the lab Avoiding e-distractions is important in online learning. True Instant Messaging during your class session is okay if D. Its never a good idea Which of the following is the best way to practice your secondary technology skills? B. Type your notes while you are watching a video lecture, rather than writing them on paper. If you do not make it to your online class, another teacher will tell you what you missed. False Asking questions when something is unclear is part of D. Personal responsibility It is acceptable to email your friends homework answers in online education because the class is on the computer. False Being able to ignore noise around you is not important to online learning. False If a student asks you to email your homework to copy, you should C. Remind them to watch the lecture again Secondary technology skills are skills that may be improved as the online class progresses. True In online learning, who is responsible for checking to make sure assignments are turned in? B. The student Being able to express your thoughts in an email is a primary technology skill. False Primary technology skills are skills that are necessary for success in online education. True Taking an online class doesn't require any special skills. False Being able to type notes while watching lectures online is important to online learning. True Downloading information may not be safe, but pictures and graphics are okay because they do not contain viruses. False An example of a credible site would be C. Your school's site While driving one day, you notice a van advertising its services for plumbing. The van is advertising the business's Web page. What is the category of site is being advertised? C. Commercial A telltale sign that a site is unsafe is if A. A system warning will appear A technology or lab instructor needs to know that you have downloaded information for your online class to a school computer. True A site that wants to sell you something by sending you repeated emails is usually a credible site. False Computers in the school computer lab are safe from any viruses. False A suspicious person you meet in a chat room cannot get access into your computer if you move to a new chat room. False If you need to download something for a class, first C. Ask your lab instructor Contain offensive language or content Unsafe Sites If you notice files being transferred to or from your computer D. Close the Internet session and tell the lab instructor You will be safe from downloading viruses as long as you have software to monitor your computer. False Never misuse your personal information Safe Sites It is okay to download information without asking a lab instructor as long as it is for your online class. False You do not need to tell a teacher you have downloaded anything as long as it did not save to your computer. False The objectivity of a site relates to its Not A. Web pages with personal or biographic information are called B. Vanity pages Using unsafe sites may be A. Harmful to your computer Academic integrity only relates to D. Any academic situation A piece of information that is considered common knowledge does not need a citation. True Although Jill felt that the material might be common knowledge, she still cited it because she wanted to avoid accusations of __________. B. plagiarism Cheating may result in D. All of the above Altering grade records within a computer system is called A. Forgery Academic integrity only relates to cheating. False You do not need to use a citation if the information was found on a public Web site. False If you only use part of a quotation, it is not necessary to include a citation. False If you are unsure about whether or not to include a citation because you have seen that information somewhere before, B. You should include a citation anyway Issac Newton's law of gravity Personal Idea A quote Personal Idea A quote made by the President does not need to be cited because he is a public figure. False Academic integrity refers to C. All academic work Sending an email about questions on a test is not considered cheating in most schools. False Information found on public web sites should be referenced with a citation. True Academic integrity can be applied to all subject areas. True A source only needs to be cited right after the quote was used in the paper or report. False What should a student do with their notes after class? C. Rewrite the notes to better understand and learn the information What does the abbreviation "ref." stand for? B. Reference You should take notes on anything you think might be on a test, even if it breaks every "good" note taking guideline. True Before class begins, Alma gets ready to take notes by reviewing last night's reading assignment and the notes from the previous day. What is her next step? B. Assemble any materials she might need for note taking Each page of notes should include A. Date, topic, class Active listening is not possible while taking notes during a lecture. False Native American< 5% of the population Include as is In order to take quality notes, a student should have read the assigned chapter before listening to the lecture. True Along with plants, animals also need water Rewrite w/o water mammals will die Include as is All cattle and barn animals should be fed rewrite By making eye contact with her teacher and writing down questions in her notes about the content, Alma is participating in A. active listening Ex: apes, gorls and mnkys. Include as is Abbreviations should not be used when taking Science notes because they may be confused for symbols of the elements. False If you think a piece of information will be on an upcoming test, you should always write it in your notes. True Main ideas and specific titles are important to include in your notes, but dates are unnecessary. False A notes organizer can be simple or complex, as long as the user understands how it works. True Where does the following information belong in a notes organizer? B. Content One of the advantages of including a mind map in your notes is D. None of these A note organizer is not important if you know how to take good notes. False What can a student do to identify vocabulary words in their notes? D. All of these "Urban Populations" should fall under which sections of your organizer? A. Topic If you need clarification about information in your notes, you can write a question down in the "Questions" section of your organizer. True Sarah does not understand why she wrote down "1985" in her notes. What should she do? C. Ask her teacher what the date may stand for Asking questions is an important part of taking high quality notes. True What might happen if a student does not seek clarification about information they are unsure of? C. Both of these A textbook can be a useful source when seeking the answers to the questions from your notes organizer. True Urban- city, metropolitan Suburban- outskirts of a large town Rural- farmland D, Vocab Underlining words and highlighting dates are part of a student's personal note taking key. True Which of the following is not one of the five major areas to include in your notes organizer? B. Important people Urban areas have high populations and extensive resources. Most urban areas are considered to be metropolitan. The opposite of urban is rural. C. Summary It is acceptable to ask questions about a lecture after class. True Questions about the content of your notes belong in the "Content" section of your organizer. False A notes organizer should be very specific and be in exactly the same format every time you take notes. False What is the topic listed in the preceding information? A, Disney films Similar to taking notes with an organizer, writing complete sentences within an outline is a good idea. False Students who understand what the teacher is saying do not need to take notes. False Which is the best "Heading" for the following information? B. Disney Films Using a personal key to denote vocabulary within outlines is unnecessary. False Outlining involves arranging topics or ideas in relationship to each other. True Outlines use________to identify various levels of information D, all of these Like notes from an organizer, notes from an outline should be rewritten for better understanding of information. False Knowing how to develop an outline well is very easy, and most students can create quality outlines in one attempt. False Geography Notes I. The World A. Continents of the World 1. Africa Continents of the World Topic Outlining your notes can be done before, during or after information is presented. True It is very important to stick to a strict outlining format so you know what is important to study. False In the lecture, the first supporting detail, which defines Science, is B. Science is using different skills to make models Geography Notes I. The World A. Continents of the World 1. Africa The World Heading Geography Notes I. The Eastern Hemisphere A. Africa 1. Much of Africa is wilderness a) 25% of Africa is not inhabited Much of Africa is wilderness Detail Geography Notes I. The Eastern Hemisphere A. Africa 1. Much of Africa is wilderness a) 25% of Africa is not inhabited 25% of Africa is not inhabited Evidence Taking notes allows your mind to wander, but still capture important information. False An example signal statement is C, Both of these Sequential means "in order". True In which sections of your organizer should the outline be located? D, None of these The questions from SQRW should never ask to define vocabulary words. False KWL is an example of A reading strategy Using personal keys when outlining answers to your SQRW questions is useless. False The R in SQRW stands for D. None of these A benefit to applying SQRW to your reading is more efficient study time. True A benefit to applying SQRW to your reading is faster reading abilities. False Why is it important to budget enough time to take high quality notes with SQRW? C. Both of these What is the purpose of reading material for the very first time? B. Understanding the material, not memorizing it The S in SQRW stands for C. Survey Kayla should look over the Science chapter's headings, vocabulary and summaries before she attempts to begin taking notes. True Studying graphic aids is not part of SQRW. False The Q in SQRW stands for Quiet: find a quiet place to read. False Answers to your questions should be written in which format? Not c or d Provides purpose to your reading Question When reading, what should you look for first? B. The answers to your own questions Identifying vocabulary definitions Survey What should you do when you find the answers to your questions as you are reading? A. write them down Use an outline to answer your questions write Address information asked by your teacher Question Putting supporting details and evidence into your own words Write A graphic organizer can be applied to A. any type of information The details of the Canadian and American constitutions can best be compared with a A. venn diagram Jamie would like to identify the similarities and differences among seven different types of flowers. Jamie should use a Venn diagram as the best compare and contrast graphic organizer for her project. False A Venn diagram shows details about C. Both of these To "synthesize" means to combine information to create new information. True Another name for a chart is "Matrix." True What type of graphic organizer will help Jane compare the results of a student survey about teachers at her school? B. Chart Using a graphic organizer may help you learn information better. True A concept map is a graphic organizer. True A chart offers many possibilities for C. The number of categories included in the chart A graphic organizer is a written out explanation of similarities and differences among topics. False Anton needs to identify the eight different scoring statistics for all the players on his school's basketball team. Which graphic organizer would be best for this assignment? A. Chart A graphic organizer can be used for C. any subject Graphic organizers may help you better understand information you wrote down in your notes. True A Venn diagram is a graphic organizer. True Another name for a chart is "Venn diagram." False A graphic organizer is a visual representation. True Compare and contrast graphic organizers identify only similarities among sets of information. False Using a graphic organizer may bring deeper meaning to the information you are trying to learn. True To understand the organization of how a bill becomes a law, a flow chart, not a Venn diagram, is best. True Which type of cause and effect graphic organizer would be best to identify why we use gasoline in our cars today and what we might use as fuel in the future? A. Timeline Graphic organizers A. Synthesize information Good timelines are created using special software. False Timelines show D. all of these To synthesize means to compare and contrast information. False The events over the course of a year happen one at a time, therefore a timeline would be appropriate. The timeline must be presented D. The way which best describes the events A timeline may identify the cause or effect of an event. True A timeline may help you understand how a President came to run for public office. True Cause and effect graphic organizers compare and contrast dates and events. False Which type of cause and effect organizer would be best for Alisha to understand how crude oil becomes gasoline? B. Flow chart It takes an artistic touch to create a meaningful timeline. False A timeline can be used to demonstrate cause and effect relationships. True Graphic organizers reorganize information. True A flowchart identifies the order of events. False A___________will help you to understand how a President gets elected through the general election process. Not A Graphic organizers B. Show relationships among information Why are cause and effect graphic organizers useful? A, Because they show relationships among events Michael's mom drops him off at school early two days a week. Michael likes to use this time to get his homework done for the week. A disadvantage of this study time is that Not Aviable to him everyday Which step is missing from the repetition strategy? Read, Write, Say, Revisit B. Rest You are more likely to remember information if you A. Repeat the information Repetition is a strategy where you do something only once. False What pattern of activation and breaks creates the strongest and longest-lasting memory? B. 3 activations with 10 minute breaks Memorization strategies can include D. Repetition and flashcards The strategy in which you learn something by repeating it over and over is called D. Repetition A benefit of flashcards is that they are A. Portable __________for about 10 minutes in between each repetition session helps you to remember the information better. B. Resting This is the first activity in the repetition strategy Read The complete process for learning through repetition is to read, write, say, rest and revisit the information. True Using repetition means to read, write and ________the information to be learned. B. Say This activity should be done after a brief rest Revisit The more times you repeat something, the less likely you are to remember it. False Flashcards work best if you say the information in your head to yourself over and over. False Repetition learning rates are the same for everyone, so there is no need to find an activation and break pattern that works best for you. False This activity allows the brain to recover Rest Acronyms use the__________ of each word in a phrase D. First Letter The first letter of each word in a phrase can be made into D. An acronym A(n) _________ is a type of acronym for information in a specific order. B. Acronymic abbreviation FACE for the notes on a musical scale is an example of C. Both A and B An acronymic sentence should list the information you are trying to remember in the correct order. True The letters in acronymic abbreviations must be A. In the correct order The first step in creating any acronym is to C. Write down the information you need to know Using NBA instead of National Basketball Association is an example of an acronymic sentence. False The letters for an acronym must form a new, real word. False An acronymic sentence does not need to be a realistic statement. True An acronym for the Women's Memorial Fund is B. WMF Almost any concept can be made into an acronym if you use creativity. True An acronym can only stand for a single word. False Using acronyms can help you to memorize information easier. True Forming rhymes and keywords allows for the learner to use A. Creativity A strong example of using keywords would be B. Using "hide" to remember the word "hideous" A strong example of using keywords would be the word "top," to remember that topography means the study of the tops and bottoms of mountains and valleys. True The association strategy is used to help memorize information. True Rhyming means to connect a rhymed phrase or poem with a concept to be learned. True The association strategy is used to___________information B. Memorize Singing "You and me are free" to remember the strategy for using the Underground Railroad. Rhyming "DaVinci created 24 angels in the sky," is an example of the rhyming strategy. False In this lesson, to "associate concepts" means to describe their differences. False A keyword is used to replace B. Confusing words or phrases A rhyme can only be used for concepts learned in Science class. False Shea wanted to memorize the year that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. A good rhyme for her to learn would be C. On December 7, 1941 Japan attacked with the early sun. A benefit of using association is that it allows the learner to be creative and have fun. True Remembering that a military Captain wears a "cap" Keywords Visualizing a game of "tag" to remember the meaning of contagious Keywords Saying "In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue." Rhyming Oliver can't seem to learn all the types of animals living in a desert habitat. Which type of memorization strategy might you recommend to him? A. Categorizing Placing pieces of information into groups to remember them better is called D. Categorizing Categorizing means to place information into groups. True Tanya would like to learn the impact a massive wildfire has on a particular animal habitat. Which type of memorization strategy would you recommend she uses to learn that information? D. None of these Picturing the Super Bowl to remember what the purpose of sidelines on a football field is called A. Visualization The first step in the categorization process is to A. Create your categories Creating a list of states and the people from those state who signed the Declaration of Independence is an example of categorizing. True Identifying each amendment in the sections of the constitution Categorization Picturing a lush location within a rain forest to remember what types of plants grow there is a form of categorization. False Describing the aftermath of a house fire Visualozation Andra is having a hard time remembering all the parts of a microscope. To help her label a microscope diagram on her test, she could use D The purpose of using categorization for remembering information is to B. Group information to remember it more easily Creating a grocery list Categorization Describing the size of the Grand Canyon Visualization The first step in categorizing information is to create the categories. True To visualize means to place information into C, An image Visualizing and categorizing are strategies for remembering information. True A teacher will never give a student any additional information about a test in a one-on-one meeting because it would not be fair to the other students. False Sometimes teachers use questions from chapter tests and quizzes on future unit tests. True The first activity in test preparation is to determine what the test will be about. True Before meeting with a teacher about a test, the student should C. Prepare questions to ask Reviewing old tests and quizzes will not help you determine what will be on a test because teachers don't like to give students hints about what could be on future tests. False The first step in preparing your study strategy for a test should be C. Determining what the test will be about During a meeting with a teacher about what might be on a test, you will not need to ask specific questions about content. False Looking back on class assignments is a good place to find clues about what to study for upcoming tests. True What should you do if your teacher does not provide a study guide for a test? C. Create your own study guide Your test preparation checklist to determine what to study should include A. Meeting with a teacher, reviewing tests, reviewing past assignments Text books are not a good source for finding ideas about what to study because the teachers make up the test questions. False Visiting the library to seek books on your current topic will not help you in determining what to study. False During a meeting with a teacher about what might be on an upcoming test, the teacher is most likely to reveal B. What question formats will be on the test Talking about what might be on a test with your study group is not a good idea. Everyone will think different topics are important. False In order to help pinpoint which topics might be covered on a test, a student should review _____. D. All of the ABove Creating a checklist of activities is not a helpful strategy for determining what to study for an upcoming test. False Information written on the board does not need to be copied into tests and will probably not be on any test. False To determine what to study, one should first Not D A topic list should contain D. All of these Comparing notes will identify similarities among C. Both of these Which is a good strategy to help a student identify what they do and do not understand, even before they begin to study for a test? A. Rewriting notes The three steps to follow when organizing your notes to create a study guide are A. Comparing notes, rewriting notes, synthesizing notes Synthesizing notes into graphic organizers will probably not help you to remember information for your test. False Your study guide should include important dates of events even if you think you will not be tested on them. True What does it mean to learn incrementally? A. Information learned on day one is the base for information on day two. To synthesize information regarding when books were written, Alex should create a A, Timeline The purpose of organizing notes before a test is to combine information from various sources for efficient studying. True Rewriting notes for a study guide reinforces the information for better recall during a test. True Combining information is called analyzing. False Synthesizing information can be done by creating D. all of these Comments from the teacher on past assignments are useless in creating your study guide. False Alisha's teacher usually includes lots of comments on student tests to help them understand why their answers were incorrect. These comments are important to Alisha's study guide because C. The comments could provide insight to the topics the teacher feels are important to study Comparing the similarities and differences among authors Venn diagram Comparing the events of a story to what was going on in the world at the time the story was written Timeline The years various books were published Timeline How does rewriting your notes help best during the actual test? C. Rewriting helps the student remember the information better To create a useful study guide, a student should rewrite information found in lecture and text book notes. True Once similarities are identified among class and lecture notes, a student should create a B. Topic list Margaret needs to compare the types of themes from the four books in her American Literature class. She should use a ____________to match the themes with the stories. Not C Creating a study guide is useful because a study guide D. all of the above Rewritten notes are the "meat" of a study guide. True Applying a ______________ to material within study materials will help students to recall information during a test. A. Visual framework Study guides are only useful for large, important tests. False Graphic organizers synthesize information for better understanding. True Creating a front page to your rewritten notes helps to bring meaning to the information inside of it. True Jonathan's World History final exam is next week and he would like to create a study guide. Most of John's notes and vocabulary lists are on his computer, but everything else is in his notebook. How can he create a useful study guide? B. Create an electronic study guide and print out the parts he would like to carry with him Candra has compiled her rewritten notes, vocabulary lists, potential test questions and her previous tests. Which main component to a strong study guide is she missing? C. Graphic organizers How well you organize and integrate study materials is not as important as the amount of time you spend studying. False Talia reviews her flashcards three times a day as the teacher suggested, but she can't seem to understand the meaning of the word 'perpetuate.' What should she do? D, All of these A study guide can be created C. both of these Potential test questions should not be part of a study guide because they will always be reviewed in your study group. False Creating a study guide cannot increase your confidence about the material that may be covered on a test. False Having all your study materials in one place helps to keep your study materials organized. True Potential test questions should Not B If a teacher supplies a visual aid or graphic organizer, a student should just try to memorize it, not recreate their own. False An example of a graphic organizer is D. all of these On a vocabulary list within a study guide, definitions should be written Not a Reading, writing and saying the information to be learned is the visualization technique. False Once information is memorized, a student does not need to revisit that information because it is permanently stored in their brain for later recall. False Breaking down information for quick repetition and memorization means using A, Flashcards Repetition benefits auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners. True To categorize information means to group similar pieces of information together. True "I read my notes, what else can I do?" This is an example of active studying. False Kayla needs to match six different types of exercises to three different muscle groups and write an essay about how they are related. Which memorization technique might work BEST for her? D, Categorization Creating a chant that rhymes to remember information is a memorization technique. True The most efficient way to memorize multiple layers of information all at once is to use flashcards. False Rhyming works best for understanding how multiple parts of a concept form relationships with each other. False Matching the information to be learned to the appropriate memorization technique allows for D, all of these Repetition works best for C, Small facts and vocabulary words An appropriate strategy to learn difficult vocabulary words is the A. Keywords technique All memorization techniques can be applied to any type of information. False Knowing that IOC stands for the International Olympic Committee is an example of using B. Acronyms Applying the rhyming technique allows the learner to use their B. Creativity Learning several multiplication facts Repetition Story and Journey Systems are techniques for Not B A friend is very nervous about an upcoming test. You suggest she B. Do some stretching before the test There is nothing you can do before test day to avoid test anxiety. False Test anxiety appears only before an exam. False "I am a good student" is an example of a positive self-talk statement. True Special breathing to avoid test anxiety should include C. Ten slow breaths A mental repetition of a happy statement is A, Positive self-talk It doesn't matter how much sleep you get before the night of a big test. False In order to be fully rested before Angel's big History test, she should get at least________hours of sleep. B. 7 Rotating your neck during a test Relaxation Eating a good breakfast on test day preparing your body Experiencing painful stomachaches before a test could mean you have test anxiety. True Slow, deep breaths may help you relax before a test. True When it comes to getting a good night's sleep, the warmer your room is, the deeper you will sleep. False Talking to a friend about your test anxiety may help to relieve symptoms. True Jana feels playing MP3s helps her sleep at night. So the night before a big test, she should Not A Preparing your body is just as important and preparing your mind on test day. True Repeating, "I will succeed." positive self talk Test anxiety occurs D. any of these Going back to look for questions that may have originally misread, and consequently gotten wrong, is called A. Reviewing Crossing out answers that could not possibly be correct is called 'eliminating answers.' True 'Only' is an example of a qualified term. False It is only necessary to underline information in the question, not the answer choices. False There is no need to eliminate answers if you already know which answer choice is correct. False Reading the directions to a test is important because A. The directions may help you from being confused about how to answer a question A student should always read the directions to a test or question so they know what is expected of them when answering the questions. True Regarding the question, "Who was the first man to walk on the moon?" Why is it important to eliminate Mickey Mouse first? C. A and B 'Some' is an example of a qualified term. True Which of the following answer choices should be eliminated first from this question? C. Mickey mouse Three steps to answering test questions correctly include D. Reading, underlining, eliminating Some frog species only have one leg. Qualified Black cats can only be found in countries in Northern America. B. Black cats, only, countries, Northern America George Washington may have been afraid of snakes. Qualified Eliminating choices to help identify the best answer is not a valid and useful test taking strategy. False No plant can survive without water. Absoulute 'All monkeys have tails' is an absolute statement. True Eliminating silly or impossible answers should be done first when crossing out possible answer choices. True Best answer questions always include B. The correct answer Statements with absolute terms are always false. False To find any special information about how to complete a test, the student should C. Carefully read the directions For a statement to be considered false, every part of the sentence must be false. False The moon can always be seen from every part of the earth. This is a(n) ____________statement. B. Absoulute One should read every possible answer to a multiple choice question before selecting a final answer. True Statements with qualified terms tend to be true. True "Frogs are never red." This is an absolute statement. True Pretending that each option of a multiple choice question is actually a true-false question is a legitimate test taking strategy. True Possibly Qualified Best answer tests always include the correct answer as one of the possible answer choices. True In order to avoid any confusion, one should _____________the answer to a multiple choice question before reading the possible answers. A. predict Never Absoulute Sandra was quite overwhelmed by her final exam. Many of the test questions were difficult to answer, and she felt like she would not be able to complete the exam. What would you suggest Sandra do? D. Sandra should answer the easy questions first. Then she should go back and reevaluate the more difficult question. Best answer tests include Not C Every Absoulute Approximately how many times should you review and practice possible fill in the blank questions that may be on a test? B. Until they can be easily answered Definitions and vocabulary words can never be part of response questions. False A good study strategy to predict what types of questions will be on a response test is to B. Create your own practice questions An important step in preparing for a response test is to develop a study guide. True Answers to response questions should always be written in complete sentences. False Before a response test, a student should D. All of these A test's directions often clarify any questions a student might have about answering a response question. True A fill in the blank question is considered a response question. True Most teachers develop fill in the blank questions from their Not A Fill in the blank questions are considered___________questions. A. Response When answering a short answer question, students should present key facts in which format? A. Essay format If you are not able to complete a question right away, clues to the answer may be hidden in other test questions. True Types of response questions can include: C. Short answer, fill in the blank, and short essay Fill in the blank answers usually require a statement with supporting details for the answer to be correct. False If you don't know the answer to a short answer question, a guess made with common sense is likely to earn you more points than leaving the answer blank. True Response questions generally focus on Not A Tandry cannot figure out how his teacher wants him to answer a short essay question on the test he's taking. Where should he look to get more information? C. In the test directions A short essay answer usually requires one or two supporting details to your answer. True Anna was asked to show proof that the amendments to the US Constitution have improved our country's way of life. Anna has been asked to C. Give Examples Dictionaries are considered a resource allowed in an open book test. True You should have as few materials as possible during an open book test, but with as much concise information as you can fit into them. True An index will help you locate information in your materials during an open book test. true Why is it important to keep formulas separate from other information? A. So they can be quickly and easily referenced Preparation is the key to doing well on an open book test. True Open book tests are about problem solving and applying information. True What necessary information is missing from this formula page? B. Formula title Using your friend's list of key topics that might be on an open book test is sufficient preparation for the test. False On an open book test, Anna was asked to predict how American laws may affect the Mexican way of life if the US Constitution was applied to Mexico's laws. This open book test question Not A or C The information you bring into an open book test should be organized for fastest possible retrieval. True Open book tests usually require students to recall facts and basic information about key concepts and topics. False For open book tests, you don't need to know everything, just where to find everything. True The more resources you have to choose from during an open book test, the better you will do on the test because more information is available to you. False A way to categorize information and point you to where to find that information is called Not A or C Most students overestimate their skill level and abilities to take open book tests. True A quality organization strategy before an open book test includes creating an information retrieval system. tRUE Casey has an open book test in his physics class tomorrow and will need to use many formulas. Which of the following is the best strategy Casey could use to organize his formulas? c. List all of the formulas on a separate sheet of paper Including a flowchart in your open book test materials will help to b. Present information in chronological order If you copy your answers directly from the book, your teacher may Not D Which word identifies the purpose of the essay? B. Directive Thomas is writing practice outlines for his upcoming essay test. His practice outlines should B. Be short and simple so he can elaborate on them in the actual test To summarize means to give three examples and several supporting details for each. False Using information in context is a skill teachers are looking for on essay tests. True Planning for an essay test is just as important as how you write the essays during the test. True Provide examples which support your argument, either for or against, raising the driving age to 18. d. all of these Essay tests tend to focus on facts and information recall. False Setting up a meeting with your teacher will not present an opportunity to find out what types of questions will be on an essay test. False Essay tests require students to present information with complete thoughts. True Which type of test focuses on debate and discussion of key content and main topics? C. Essay tests In order to have plenty of time to answer all required essay questions, a student should C. Decide which questions are more difficult or will take longer, then answer the easy questions first When it comes to essay tests, understanding the relationships among concepts is more important than memorizing facts and details. True Christine is writing practice outlines to study for her next essay test. What should she focus on when creating practice outlines? C. Christine should focus on potential questions that may show up in the actual test If you have a choice of questions to answer on an essay test, which questions should you answer first? A. The questions that you know a lot about so you can then focus on the more difficult ones The purpose of creating a practice outline is to B. Organize and learn information During the test, simply writing down one or two key words from your practice outline may help you to remember the rest of the outline. True Memorizing basic facts to include in your essays is an important part of essay preparation. True The directive of an essay question A. Guides the essay response If you must use an outline for an essay answer, you do not need to use complete thoughts. False If you do not recall the exact date of an event, it is okay to use a general time reference instead. True Misspelled words or poor grammar may make your essay hard to understand, which will affect your grade. True Outlining is the first step in writing an essay answer. True The paragraphs in an essay should always be written in complete sentences. True The only time to not use complete sentences in an essay is when A. You have no choice but to outline your answer A strong summary will mention A. All three of the three supporting details to an argument The 5 paragraph essay format includes D. All of these What is the first step once an essay question has been chosen? A. Create an outline for the answer It is not necessary to spend a large amount of time preparing for an essay because you are never really sure of what the questions will be. False If you know a lot about an essay topic and have plenty of time before the test is over, you should _____________. B. Write as much as you can about the subject so you might earn extra-credit points Once Amy got to the end of her essay, she realized that she had not directly addressed the prompt. Luckily, Amy had some of her test time left. The best solution for Amy would be to __________________. Not A What statement should you use if you do not recall the exact date of an event? D. Any of these will work Which of the following strategies will help you to stay focused and on topic while writing your essay? D. Both 'a' and 'b' Unless you are running out of time and must outline an essay answer, essay answers should always be written in complete sentences. True Outlines should be written B. In complete thoughts, but not complete sentences The beginning of each supporting paragraph can be vague because you will include additional details in the rest of the paragraph. False On a five question essay test, five outlined responses may earn more points than two questions answered completely. True Visual aids help keep everyone on the same page when it comes to understanding concepts with lots of working parts. True A person will never use a visual aid outside of the classroom. False To find the distance between two locations, one should use a legend. False A good place to get hints about how to answer a response question could be C, both of these Fill in the blank questions usually require______________in the answer. A. One key word Captions support the use of a map by supplying proportional measurement information. False Which is NOT a benefit of using visual aids? A. Increase time spent looking at an image To eliminate the possibility of using an answer more than once on a matching question, one should A, Cross out used answers A_______________test depends on the test taker's ability to recall specific information. D, None of these Which of the following might use various colors to represent information found in a visual aid? C. Legend Which component would help you understand how far apart a river and mountain are? A. Scale Scales use __________ to find the distance between two locations. B. Proportional measurement A common component of visual aids is a D. all of the above Captions: C. Both A and B A legend or key may be used to D, Locate a particular building on a map A legend contains pictures or symbols used on a map. True Visual aids summarize main ideas and key points. True A visual aid can help a group stay on the same page when discussing large concepts. True Which visual aid component accompanies a photograph to provide further meaning? D. Caption Which visual aid would help you understand the meaning behind a photograph? D. Caption Using images can increase one's understanding of given information. True Captions do not provide any additional information about a photograph. False Graphical information can be useful in D.All subjects Double bar graphs compare multiple A. Categories A symbol in a pictograph can only count as one unit.. False A legend or key can be applied to all graphs, but may not always be present. True Pie graphs are supposed to always represent 100% of the described information. True The graph most commonly used to compare sets of data categories is the A. Bar graph Annaleigh looked at a line graph to see the amount of rainfall over the entire year. Why did she choose a line graph? Not C Line graphs and bar graphs contain one axis. False Helps to identify trends Line graph Sarah was just elected Jr. Class President. She would like to find out which percentage of the total vote each candidate received. Which type of graph should she reference? A. Pie Graphs can be used to estimate information not represented on the graph. True Dana would like to see how the sales of apples have compared to the sales of pears this season. What graph would be the best choice? C. Bar Shows data over time Line Graph Graphs can be used to D. All of the above Which graph's X and Y axis can be most easily manipulated in order to make the results appear more favorable? Not C A line graph can show information C. Across many years Where would you find information about the events leading up to the discovery of nuclear power? B. Timeline A__________can help you decide if you should buy or lease a new car. C. Flowchart Diagrams describe where something is located. True Timelines only include numerical data. False Organizational charts are used to identify statistical data. False Describes an image Diagram Describes a process flowchart Another term for an organizational aid is 'assistive image'. False You need to label the rooms in your home for the painters, so they know which rooms to paint various colors. Which aid might you give them? B. diagram Diagrams can only be presented as a simple drawing with labels. False Categorizes information Table It is not possible to identify subgroups within organizational charts. False Which aid would help you compare the rates of home loans from two different companies? A. table Provides insight to cause and effect via ordered events: Flowchart Tables do not include numerical data. False Which organizational aid can be used to draw conclusions about events in history? Not D Identifies a hierarchy Organinzational chart Organizational aids are applicable to any subject area. True Includes decision points Flowchart Timelines show relationships among events. True Summarizes statistical data Table Flowcharting clarifies what will happen in a process or Not C Identifies personal relationships Organizational chart Which organizational aid allows time to be shown in a picture? C. graphs Identifies sequences Flowchart Which aid might you use to find your principal on the faculty phone list? D. Organizational chart One can find mountain ranges, elevation levels, and deserts on a physical map. True A label shows the name of a feature on a map. True To find how many countries you will pass though on your trip to Europe, you would reference a B. political map To locate the explanation of the colors on a map, you should look for a C. Key To find the amount of people who have ordered cable, you would reference a physical map. False To determine if you will be taxed as an Arizona or Colorado resident, you would reference a B. Political map To locate which direction is North, you should use a B. compass Orthophoto maps depict certain areas using C. Color-enhanced photography To determine which countries are part of the African nations, you should reference a D. political map Maps can be used to show the size of a state. True The purpose of a political map is to identify B. government boundaries What type of map uses relief shading to simulate the appearance of sunlight and shadows? Not C To locate the depth of the Great Lakes, you should look on a data map. False May indicate governmental territories Political maps To find how many cities are on the coast of California, you would reference a Political map To find where the Amazon river meets the rain forest, you would reference a Physical Map May indicate elevation Physical Maps Sandra notices the dark line separating each of the countries on the map of Europe. What line is she looking at? Not A Which part of a map shows the ratio of a distance on the map to the corresponding distance on the ground? Not boundary line Political maps can be used to determine which country a city is located in. True Maps can include which of the following? Not C Maps can be used to identify populations of various areas. True To estimate what the temperature may be on your vacation, you could reference a B. Physical map Where can Ana look to find out how to get to her Grandmother's house at Christmastime? A. Atlas Why is it important to check with your teacher or Librarian before using a new Internet Encyclopedia? A, Some sites might be too old to be credible When creating your own online resource, you may be cultivating technology and research skills. True Multimedia references may contain videos about a given topic. True Online resources are considered "multimedia." True One of the benefits of Internet reference sites is that the information comes from one place and only focuses on one area of a given topic. False Most Internet reference sites are free to use. True The school Librarian will be able to tell you if the school has a subscription to CD-ROM or online references. True In order to find last season's batting averages for his favorite baseball players, Jose should look in a Sport's D. None of these All Internet reference pages are contain true, credible information. False An encyclopedia contains big picture information on specific topics. True Heath has found a new online encyclopedia by a company he has never heard of before. Heath's friend, Sam, urges Heath to stick to sites he knows are safe and credible. Why is Sam so concerned? C. Both of these An atlas is a book of statistical data. False In order to find information about sea lions for a research paper, Clover should reference C. An encyclopedia Allison notices the CD-ROM in the library and would like to use it to research information for her important term paper. Who should she ask about using the CD-ROM? C. The Librarian because she manages all the school's informational resources All online reference sites can be considered safe and credible because information on the Internet is continuously updated. False A dictionary provides definitions for listed words. True Gilford is writing a paper about tigers. He notices that he has used the word "paws" many times. He would like to find a word he can use instead of "paws." Where is he most likely to find a new word for "paws"? C, Thesaurus "Noun" is a part of speech. True A synonym is a part of speech. False Guidewords for the word "serpent" may be A. Serbia and service Taylor needs to find how the word "subsidy" should be used in a sentence. Which part of the dictionary entry will give him that information? B. Part of Speech The way of speaking a word is called its origin. False The first time a word was used can be traced through etymology. True An antonym for the word "help" which may be found in a dictionary is B. Abandon Guidewords are located at the top of a dictionary page. True Converse is a ___________of conversation. D. Variation (tahyp) Pronunciation Guidewords are located at the bottom of a dictionary page. False Verb, Noun Part of Speech What word can be made from the root "aud" which has the meaning "to hear"? C. Audience The lineage of a word is called its _____. B. etymology A variation of pronounce is D. Pronuciation Taylor found a list of antonyms in the dictionary entry for the word "subsidy." What are antonyms? C. Word that mean the opposite of subsidy 1600-1680 - England Origin A dictionary is a type of reference book. True Dictionaries provide only a word's definition. False The most beautiful contestant won the pageant. "Beautiful" has a negative connotation. False A synonym is a word that means the opposite of a listed word. False Angelo is my big, fat cat. He became big and fat when we fed him the wrong food. The veterinarian said he was too big and fat and needed an exercise program. A, The sentences repeat the same words A traditional thesaurus may be used if an online thesaurus cannot be located because the information is the same in both types. True When using a thesaurus, it is beneficial to remember that similar words often have different implied meanings. True Which word has a positive connotation? B. intelligent A thesaurus is a type of reference. True Which synonym for the word "happy" has a negative connotation? B. Giddy A word's denotation and connotation mean basically the same thing. False A thesaurus is used to ______. D, Find the synonyms and antonyms of a word Thesauruses list words that have the same, or nearly the same, meanings. True An online thesaurus contains the same information as a traditional thesaurus. True Alex wrote the sentence: The big dog was really fat. He ate a lot. Not D Which synonym for the word "athletic" has a negative connotation? B. Wiry All synonyms for a particular word mean exactly the same thing. False A synonym is A. A word that has the same meaning as another Which synonym for "pretty" has a positive connotation? A, Beautiful The company's CEO is very stingy with money. "Stingy" has a negative connotation. True Three types of informational references are B. Atlases, almanacs, and encyclopedias Encyclopedias are generally designed to be easy to use. True Informational references provide only a limited amount of specific statistical information. False An almanac is a thesaurus. False Wikipedia is an online atlas. False Thomas would like to know when is the best time of the season to plant his tomato seeds. Which type of informational reference should he use? C. Almanac Trevor needs general information to begin his research paper on mammals in the Southern Hemisphere. Where will he find the best information? A. Encylopedia An atlas is a collection of statistical data ranging one year. False Informational references are available in which format? D. All of these Atlases may provide physical or political information about an area. True Atlases may contain which type of maps? D. All of the above Gary is using several charts and tables to learn about patterns of migratory birds. Which information reference is he most likely using? Not C Google Maps is an online atlas. True An atlas is an informational reference. True Online encyclopedias may contain D. all of these An atlas is B. A collection of maps Allison would like to find a list of hiking trails that she can follow all over Eastern Europe. What type of informational reference does she need? Not C Never treat what is on Wikipedia as the whole and complete truth. True Is presented in alphabetical order Glossary Which text aid includes titles, subtitles and page numbers? B. Table of Contents The appendix is located directly after a title page. False Definitions for a text's vocabulary words can be found in the glossary. True ... ... Indices, appendices and title pages are all text aids. True Provides chapter titles and subheadings Table of contents Further explains information found in a chapter Appendix Text aids are references regarding a variety of information on multiple topics. False Tells when and where a book was published Title page Where should you look in order to find words as they are used in a variety of contexts? Not B Dictionaries, appendices and title pages are all text aids. False Government and Society.......200 Table of contents Text aids are sources of information regarding the contents of a book or document. True Glossaries are usually located at the front of a text or document. False Which text aid helps us to understand how a text is organized? A. Table of contents Government: the form or system of rule by which a state, community, etc., is governed Glossary Where should Geri look to find the other lessons in the chapter on Government and Society? C. Table of Contents Tables and charts comparing the government from five different states Appendix The information provided in text aids can help us to understand a text's content before we even read it. True Images cannot be considered sources. False The creator of the information is clearly stated Authority The reader must understand the author's position in order to use the source correctly. True Objectivity relates to why a source was written. True Sources should contain factual information. True _________ is where the author does not include his personal feelings about the content. Objectivity All information is clearly identified and easy to find within the source Content One should not trust a source if the authorship is hidden. True Knowing who writes the source isn't important, as long as the information is correct. False Whales are growing at a rate unseen ever before.-San Diego Zoo, 1967. False If a source is missing the author's name, its authority has been compromised. True Credible sources always identify the author. True A source must be cited D. A source should always be cited Credible sources should explicitly identify the purpose or intent of the information included in a source. True Who wrote the information Authority An interview can be considered a source. True How information is structured Content Computers are not simple enough to be used by the common citizen. -John Howard, 1975. False Information should be________to ensure more than one source provides the same factual information. Not C Computers are not simple enough to be used by the common citizen. -John Howard, 1975. B. its not current Lists words and page numbers where the words can be found Index A thesaurus can D. All of these A thesis statement makes up the entire first paragraph of your paper. False It is likely that the first idea you have for a thesis will be perfect. False Topics with problems or controversies are strong topic ideas. True Creating a thesis statement is the first step in developing your topic. False Once you have chosen a topic, what should you do before beginning the research process? Not A or B


If you have selected a topic that you do not like, you should change your topic.


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