Gen & WS Quiz Review

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Match each STI with the type of organism: 1. Trichomoniasis 2. Syphilis 3. Gonorrhea 4. Herpes 5. Hep B 6. HIV

1. Protozoan 2. Bacteria 3. Bacteria 4. Virus 5. Virus 6. Virus

which of the following best represented a finding that Dr. Alexander presented in the guest lecture? A. not a single person interviewed discussed chronic illness B. most clinicians took a Health at Every Size approach C. study participants reported that clinicians would stress the importance of looking a certain way, rather than focusing on how they would feel or improving their actual health; Dr. Alexander termed this "the picture of health" D. doctors demonstrated weight bias, but nurses and nursing students did not


Which of the following is NOT true about the labia minora? A. the engorge with blood during arousal B. they join above the clitoris, forming the prepuce C. They contain sebaceous glands, sweat glands, and hair follicles D. they fold around and protect vaginal and urinary openings


According to lec and readings on medical transition, when one is transitioning from AFAB towards a desired masculinization of their bodies, the utilization of masculinizing hormones such as testosterone could result in all of the following secondary sex characteristic changes except: A. body hair growth B. deepening of the voice C. body fat redistribution D. increased scalp hair growth E. cessation of menses


in the context of sex determination, what does bipotential mean? Choose the BEST answer: A. human beings are essentially bisexual B. embryos have chromosomal but not structural sex C. people with intersex variations could potentially be men or women D. A fetus has the capacity to develop along either typical track


In "the longue Duree of BLM" Adrona Nelson argues that important precedents to the BLM movement include which of the following? A. Ida B Wells anti-lynching activism B. Fannie Lou Hamer's politicization of sterilization abuse C. Black Panther Party's health activism D. All of these


Which of the following is NOT a function of the pubiciccygeus (PC) muscles? A. they help prevent urinary incontinence B. they help hold internal organs in place C. they assist in sexual functioning and pleasure D. they help protect the vagina from infection


the clitoris is: A. on the roof of the vagina, about 2-3 inches into the vagina B. primarily an external structure C. the opening to the urethra D. thought to only exist for pleasure


In "teaching the 12,000 year human story of campus" Aaron BirdBear gives some key examples of how the ongoing colonization of Ho-Chunk lands is embedded in language, landscapes, symbol, and practices on campus and in the Madison community. These include which of the following? A. The "pipe of peace" motif in the WI Union building architecture B. the first WI State Seal and its motto C. The Sept 15, 1832 treaty that dispossessed the Ho-Chunk from these lands D. The names of the four lakes (Monona, Mendota, Kegonsa, and Waubesa) were made up by a white settler land developer E. all of these F. Much of central Madison is built on white settlers' landfill that destroyed wetlands and effigy mounds


If left untreated, chlamydia tends to go away by itself with no long term effects T or F


PrEP is like "Plan B for HIV" T or F


urethral and vaginal openings are ____ homolgue


HIV positive people can safely carry a pregnancy with minimal risk of vertical transmission, if they take antiretroviral to suppress their viral load to undetectable levels T or F


Many people report that stigma is the greatest challenge of living with HIV: T or F


According to OBOS, vaccines are available for which of the following infections? a. Hep B b. HPV c. HSV d. trichomoniasis e. vaccines are available for both Hep b as well as various strains of HPV


this is a spongy area of nerves and tissue that changes with arousal. It is found in the anterior wall of the vagina


glans of clit reflect

glans of penis

T or F: according to this week's materials, it was only in 2013 that the language of Gender Identity Disorder shifted to Gender Dysphoria, but some folks still critique the new term due to the fact that dysphoria describes a sense of discontent or discomfort, unhappiness, stress or anxiety


which group is most likely to orgasm with a sexual encounter?

hetero cis men

this is a small, insignificant membrane that may partially cover the vaginal opening


these folds of skin enclose the urethral and vaginal openings. They have no pubic hairs but do contain sebaceous glands

inner labia

these folds of skin protect and cover the inner parts of the vulva and are sensitive to estrogen. Their outer surface is covered with pubic hair

outer labia

these glands are suspended in the pelvic cavity. they lie just below the opening to the fallopian tubes


according to the LARC Statement of Principles by SisterSong and the National Women's Health Network, what is the primary concern about LARCs? a. LARCs are not usually as effective as manufacturers advertise b. we don't understand the long term effects of LARCs, so they should not be used until more info is found c. LARCs are not accessible to people on Medicaid d. Providers are partaking in a present-day form of eugenics when they push LARCs aggressively onto poor women of color


According to this week's materials, which of the following is NOT a principle of the Social Model of Disability? a. access and accommodation can address many disabilities and enable independence b. an impairment is a physical or mental trait inherent to an individual c. disability is a physical or mental trait inherent to an individual d. the medical system is the only appropriate venue to address disability


When the number of T-cells per cubic ML of blood drops below the number ______, HIV has developed into AIDS, effectively keeping one's immune response from fighting off any kind of infection a. 1200 b. 600 c. 800 d. 200


labia majora reflects the


Match the contraceptive method with the BEST description of its mechanism of action. You will not use all possible answers: 1. combined oral contraceptive 2. external condom 3. intrauterine device 4. fertility awareness

1. estrogen prevents ovulation, progestin thickens cervical mucus and inhibits endometrium growth 2. blocks sperm from entering vaginal cavity/uterus 3. ions disrupt sperm motility, most effective form of contraception 4. avoids intercourse that could cause pregnancy during fertile window by monitoring basal temp and cervical

According to Byrne's article about weight and Covid, the evidence linking higher weights to greater risk of complications from covid is shaky, but fear and stress felt by those in larger bodies is absolutely warranted A. true B. false


According to Dr. Alexander's lecture about experiences of weight bias in healthcare, some participants noted that they encountered LESS weight bias in medical appt over video chat during the pandemic than they had previously experienced during in person appts A. true B. false


According to Dr. Alexander's lecture, a participant in her study reported delaying healthcare services during the pandemic in order to avoid being stigmatized at a medical visit A. true B. false


Eugenic sterilization was only one way that the national and state governments tried to, in Ross and Solinger's terms, "racialize the nation"; some other measures that the governments took to keep the citizenry as white as possible included immigration restrictions prohibiting interracial marraige and the deportation of Mexican laborers in the 1930s. A. True B. False


In the article, How and Why Weight Stigma drives the obesity epidemic and harms health, A Tomiyama and her coauthors argue that weight stigma actually increases the likelihood of further weight gain, along with poor metabolic health and mental health impacts A. true B. false


People with vulvas have shorter urethras than people with penises A. true B. false


Reproductive justice as a term was coined in 1994 by a group of black women health organizers A. true B. false


according to Dr. Alexander's lecture, diet culture can be understood as equating thinness to personal health and value and promoting weight loss as the solution and path to wellness A. true B. false


people who identify as intersex most commonly, A. have bodies that are not considered "typically" male or female B. are born with ambiguous genitalia C. have chromosomes other than XX or XY D. do not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth


Choose the 2 answers that are true: In the article, "How and why weight stigma drives the obesity epidemic and harms health," Tomiyama and coauthors argue that combatting weight stigma: A. is most effective and ethical approach B. is important but not as important as combatting the obesity epidemic C. will benefit people with higher weights, but might have a slightly negative impact on people whose BMIs classify them as underweight or normal D. will probably improve everyone's health, including people considered to have "normal" BMIs

A and D

Which of the following are TRUE about the Puerto Rico Birth Control Pill Trials and their historical content? a. rather than identifying US colonization as a primary cause of poverty on the island, elites and experts blamed "overpopulation" or the idea that poor Puerto Ricans were having too many children b. the advertisement for Envoid, the first FDA approved oral contraceptive, noted that the pill had been tested on 3500 Puerto Rican women c. The women who served as test subjects were not offered the opportunity to give informed consent d. they were led by two scientists from UW Madison e. the women who served as test subjects got a lifetime supply of Envoid oral contraceptives

A, C

which of the following are known to result from regular masturbation, select ALL that apply: A. anxiety relief/alleviate depression B. blindess C. increased circulation D. chemical addiction to masturbation E. relief of menstrual cramps

A, C, E

Select the 4 statements that are true: According to Byrne's article about weight and covid, which of the following are TRUE statements about why research and official messaging on weight and covid has limitations A. CDC's pro-weight loss messaging does not take into account the fact that intentional weight loss has been shown to lower energy expenditure and increase appetite B. most of the studies controlled for comorbidities, but none controlled for weight bias C. none of the studies control for quality care D. CDC's pro-weight loss messaging does not consider that most people who lose weight do not keep it off long term E. none of these studies control for race or socioeconomic status F. none of the studies actually found correlation between weight and worse covid-19 outcomes

A, C,D,E

Select the 3 statements that are true: According to the assigned reading HAES Approach, A. HAES encourages people to accept and respect the inherent diversity of body shapes and sizes and reject the idealizing or pathologizing of specific weights B. HAES supports physical activities that allow people of all sizes, abilities, and interests to engage in enjoyable movement C. HAES considers people's social situations but not physical environments because the program is focused on interpersonal discrimination D. HAES promotes eating based on a clincian-prescribed nutritional program, often including the number of calories a person should eat in a day and the number of steps they should do in a day E. HAES asks people to confront their biases to end weight discrimination


According to Nancy Worchester and Mariamne H. Whatley in "Kegel Excercises" which of the following is not a benefit of them? A. decreased difficulty achieving pregnancy B. increased sexual pleasure C. better childbirth outcomes D. prevention of urine loss when laughing or sneezing


Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is an intersex variation that only occurs in individuals with XX chromosomes A. true B. false


In Loretta Ross's 2018 article, what pair of concepts from this unit best corresponds with these opposing cultural/political norms regarding white women and women of color respectively? A. pro-nationalism and anti-nationalism B. Reproductive injustice and reproductive justice C. oppression and resistance D. feeblemindedness and eugenics


In the American Medical Association webinar video, "Prioritizing Equity: The Root Cause," what are some of the key ways that participants characterize the root cause of health inequalities? A. racism, racial capitalism, poor choices, high risk behavior B. irresponsible parenting, poor choices, high risk behavior C. fast food, smoking, alcohol use D. genetic predispositions to ill health


Jamla has always wanted to have a child, but ze knows that hir pre-existing high bp would require extreme monitoring during pregnancy. Such monitoring would require hir to take time off from her minimum wage job, but ze cannot afford the loss of income, particularly since ze is currently uninsured. When Jamala unintentionally becomes pregnant, ze terminates the pregnancy because she cant afford to miss work and does not make enough income to pay for medical care. This scenario illustrates which element of the reproductive justice framework: A. Reproductive decisions reflect people's access (or lack thereof) rather than free choice B. The right to raise children in safe and healthy environments C. Centering the visions and leadership of the most impacted by reproductive oppression D. Coalition across different experiences of oppression and struggles


Reproductive justice approach is grounded in which rights framework? A. human rights B. Civil Rights C. voting rights D. constitutional rights


Which building on campus was named for a prominent WI proponent of eugenics? A. van hise B. Ingraham C. Sterling D. Chamberlin


each of the following factors is required for "typical male" fetal development EXCEPT: A. high levels of progesterone B. the SRY gene C. the secretion of testosterone D. an XY chromosome pairing


Approx 1.7% of people's bodies differ from typical male or female in some way A. true B. false

A. True

According to Fear of Fat Planet, europeans have always thought of fat bodies as unattractive A. true B. false


According to the course materials, which fo the following statements is accurate? A. the SRY gene causes the bipotential gonads to become ovaries B. All embryos before approx week 6-7 have a urogential fold C. chromosomal sex is determined 4 weeks after fertilization D. embryonic gonads are bipotential, meaning that they can be located either above or below the Mullerian ducts


In "fear of fat planet" Dr. Sabina Strings commends both first wave and second wave feminists for highlighting the links between fat phobia and anti-blackness A. true B. false


In "trans and intersex children: forced sex changes, chemical castration, and self-determination," Cary Costello presents bodily autonomy as the right of parents to define what is better for their intersex child, even if it goes against medical advice. A. true B. false


In the article titled, "Intersex Genitalia Illustrated and Explained," Dr. Costello uses diagrams instead of pictures to show the range of different gential forms that can emerge from the shared embryonic phallo-clitorial structures. The author does that because: A. there are no pics available of intersex variations B. pics of intersex variations available are often taken without the child's consent C. Diagrams are more useful to explain intersex variations D. doctors and parents refused to provide the author with pictures


In the film No Mas Bebes, lawyers first became aware of the coercive sterilization practices happening at the USC Medical Center because of which of the following? a. Latina mothers started an org to fight against the healthcare system b. a whistleblower who was a medical student wrote to diff orgs to discuss the lack of proper safeguards in regards to informed consent for Latina mothers c. family members of women who had been coerced or were unknowingly sterilized came forward about their experiences at the USC Medical Center d. the Young Lords, the revolutionary Puerto Rican movement, exposed the scandal


In the piece, "how Microdosing Testosterone Changed My Life" Alyza Enriquez's personal reflection on transitioning was most centrally focused on the physiological dangers that non-binary folks will face when they attempt to decide what dosages are most appropriate for them personally, regardless of binary and "standard" methods of transition A. true B. false


Of the following concerns, which is a common SERIOUS health concern related to the utilization of exogenous testosterone? A. drier, thinner skin B. Thickening of the blood, putting one at risk for stroke and heart attack C. disproportionate growth of hands and feet D. loss of muscle mass


What is the definition of hypospadias? A. a penis smaller than one inch B. urethral opening presenting somewhere other than tip of penis C. a clitoral glans larger than three eights of an inch D. augmentation of the clit through tissue from the colon


according to lec, most commercial weight loss programs are clinically safe, have demonstrated long term effectiveness in maintaining weight loss and are financially accessible for most people A. true B. false


the main structures of the clitoris are the glans, hood, shaft, and crura A. true B. false


According to lecture, which of the following best describes the term violence against women and gender based violence (GBV)? a. GBV and violence against women are both umbrella terms that include physical, sexual, and/or psychological abuse b. violence against women includes any act of GBV that ends in harm or suffering to gender non-conforming people c. violence against women includes violence against men, boys, and people who are gender non-conforming d. GBV includes violence against women and girls, but not against men, boys, and people who are gender non conforming


The single biggest risk factor for comprehensively understanding the transmission of STIs is: a. intersecting structural oppressions including racism, transphobia, and poverty b. education level c. health insurance status d. gender


Which of the following is true about STI testing? a. in general, bacterial STI tests are diagnostic, while viral STI tests are screening tests b. in general, bacterial STI tests screen for antibodies while viral STI tests are diagnostic c. the window period for an HIV antibody test is 1-3 weeks d. at well person visits that include a pelvic exam, providers will automatically screen for all common STIs, both bacterial and viral, even if the patient presents no symptoms


Which of the following statements DOES NOT support Victoria Law's argument against using the police and prisons to resist gener-based violence? a. in order to address the problems within the police and prison systems, many feminist groups push for more women to enter professions in the criminal justice system, such as police officers and prison guards b. prisons and policing often protect those in power and often do very little to nothing for those who do not have any power. c. feminist material arts activists believe that women have the right to feel safe and secure in their own bodies and they deserve to have the skills to defend themselves so they do not have to rely on others to protect them d. some groups of women have successfully identified ways in which they could address abuse without relying on the police and prisons, such as confronting people who harm as a group or in a public space


Which of the following are true about the DSM? Choose 2 correct answers: a. the neurodiversity movement frames autism differently than its categorization in the DSM-V b. For most of the DSM's editions, the majority of the committee members who sign off on its diagnostic categories have been white cisgender men c. fewer than half of all mental health providers use the DSM to diagnose and treat mental health conditions d. the DSM classified homosexuality as a disorder until 2013

a and b

Which of the following are advantages of barrier methods of contraception? a. most are obtainable without a prescription b. perfect and typical failure rates are similar c. protects against STIs d. lowest failure rate of any contraceptive e. most people know how to use them correctly because they are the most common form of contraception in US f. no exogenous hormones

a, c, f

Antibiotic resistance threatens the ability to effectively treat STIs. According to the course materials we reviewed this week, which of the following STIs has the most common antibiotic resistance issues in the US? a. gonorrhea b. chlamydia c. trichomoniasis d. none of above


What is/are key drivers of disparities in STI rates? a. structural racism, homophobia, transphobia, and poverty b. irresponsible behavior and poor choices c. preference for condomless sex, even when condoms are available d. comprehensive sex ed makes people more promiscuous and encourages risky behavior


Which of the following are the two most common forms of contraception in the US? a. sterilization via tubal ligation and birth control pills b. IUDs and oral contraceptives c. IUDs and condoms d. sterilization via vasectomy and birth control pills


According to the short documentary clip, "Examined Life" featuring theorists Sunaura Taylor and Judith Butler, one of the most significant components of conversation is centered around what principle idea in examination of disability? a. that people who use wheelchairs object to the term, "go for a walk" b. that physical access for disabled people, such as curb cuts, accessible buildings and transportation, and more have increased social access, visibility and acceptance of disability in public spaces c. that San Francisco is highly inaccessible and has consequently led to the further invisibilization of disabled bodies in public spaces


Which of the following concepts does the following story illustrate? Ceren is taking oral contraceptives every day. She is pretty busy with student orgs and hanging out with friends. Sometimes she will take her birth control at 6 PM, sometimes noon, or sometimes midnight. Once in a while she will forget to take it altogether. She has penile-vaginal sex with her partner and is stunned when she finds out she is pregnant. She thought as long as she took the pills she would be protected. a. correct vs incorrect use b. perfect use vs typical use c. effective use vs actual use d. perfect use vs probable use


Which of the following is false about STIs? a. chlamydia is the most common bacterial STI b. All STIs cause the infected person to present symptoms c. about 1 in 5 people have an STI d. STI incidence is the number of new cases in a given time period


Long-acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs) include which TWO of the following methods? a. hormonal IUDs but not the copper IUDs b. implant c. IUDs (all types) d. Copper IUDs but not hormonal IUDs e. diaphragm f. contraceptive patch

b and d

according to the lecture, what are three ways that contraceptives are commonly classified? a. anatomical location b. method and frequency of use c. origin of manufacture d. accessibility e. size of device f. mechanism of action

b, d, f

According to Mia Mingus in her talk, "Access Intimacy, Interdependence and Disability Justice," the concept of 'Liberatory access' means: Choose 3 correct answers: a. including more people with disabilities in the myth of independence b. transforming the conditions that created the inaccessibility in the first place c. the responsibility for access shifts from being an individual responsibility to a collective one d. making things just accessible enough to include people with disabilities in the status quo e. the collective work of addressing inaccessibility and ableism as an opportunity for building deeper relationships with each other

b. c. e

According to S.E.X Ch 11, "Harms Way: Abuse and Assault," which of the following best reflects a dispelling of common myths surrounding the concept of "stranger danger" and risk prevention of abuse and assault? a. the risk of experiencing abuse or assault from a stranger is stat higher for men than it is for women b. the risk for experiencing abuse or assault for a stranger is stat higher for women than it is for men c. the most prevalent risk of abuse or assault isn't posed by strangers stat, but rather people we know, friends, family, partners, acquaintances, and more d. strangers pose an exceedingly high risk statistically, thus the coined term "stranger danger"


How is "accountable" defined in the reading, "Learning Good Consent" a. when something you hear, feel, or experience somehow wakes up memories, senses, and parts of your body - it might transport you back to a time of experiencing trauma b. full, non-coerced agreement between all parties about physical, emotional, and sexual acts and dynamics c. engaging in the work to address harm you've committed, participate in pathways for healing, and commit to changing your behavior in an effort to make sure you don't commit harm again d. A limit, line, or marker that designates both what someone may be okay with or not okay with


Which of the following is false about STIs? a. STIs are mostly bacterial and viral infections b. some clinicians prefer to use the term STI because they feel it is less stigmatizing than STD c. You can have an STD without having an STI d. STIs are passed through sexual contact


according to the materials on chronic illness, which of the following is NOT a common issue related to chronic illness and gender? a. not taking women's symptoms of fatigue seriously b. attributing women's physical symptoms to psychological distress c. overreacting to women's pain by ordering exhaustive diagnostic tests d. failure to diagnose chronic conditions altogether, especially those that disproportionately impact women


along with Leroy Moore, Patty Berne is co-founder of: a. the disability visibility podcast b. Sylvia Rivera Law Center c. Sins Invalid d. The Examined Like documentary series


This has the highest concentration of nerves in any body


Milo identifies as a queer nonbinary person and has been in a relationship with a woman partner who has been emotionally, physically, and sexually violent with them for years. According to Queering Sexual Violence, what are some reasons why they might not seek help from existing orgs? a. most survivor support spaces cater principally to white cisgender heterosexual women as the quintessential victim (or perfect survivor) and presume that cisgender men are always perpetrators c. given the prevailing hetero- and cis-normative stereotypes of queer and trans people as "deviant" some in queer communities fear that disclosing violence in queer relationships will confirm those punishing stereotypes d. women's shelters routinely deny access to trans women and Milo suspects that they would also be denied access e. all of these


Which of the following is NOT a way to support a friend or loved one who is a survivor? a. share resources b. support their decisions c. listen, thank them, and believe them d. protect privacy e. threaten to do serious bodily harm to the perpetrator


According to this week's materials, Ilhan Meyer's "minority stress theory" was initally formulated in order to describe the mental health impacts of oppression on immigrant communities True or False


CJ recently went through an experience of sexual assault. They tell their friend Carter what happened, because they want Carter to understand why they have been so quiet and withdrawn lately. The best way for Carter to support CJ is to take the initiative and report CJs sexual assault to the authorities right away. T or F


in "Racism and Mental Health Equity: History Repeating Itself," authors Mensah Ogbu - Nwobodo, and Shim applaud the field of psychiatry for having consistently centered racial equity at both interpersonal and institutional levels since the 1970s T or F


the use of long-acting reversible contraceptives decreased dramatically from 2002-2012 t or f


labia minora reflects the

shaft of the penis

According to Jennifer Patterson in Queering Sexual Violence, White women in the anti-sexual violence movement have often demanded space and made executive decisions for marginalized groups of people, all while relying on assumptions that harm these same marginalized people T or F


According to the article, "The Wage Gap Correlates with Anxiety and Depression and Women, and its just One of the Many Ways that Societal Gender Roles are Hurting Us," women within the study were found to be 4x more likely to experience anxiety when they were victims of the wage gap T or F


In the video "how to stop victim blaming" the speaker described a 2016 study that narrated hypothetical crime scenarios. The study concluded that when they changed the sentence structure and focused on the person who caused harm, people were significantly less likely to blame the person who was harmed T or F


Most health issues related to intimate partner violence are not injuries due to physical battering, but rather the impacts of chronic stress and fear, such as anxiety and depression, PTSD, migraines and headaches, high BP, digestive problems, and substance abuse T or F


SSRIs are called selective because they mainly affect serotonin, not other neurotransmitters. T or F


T or F: according to lecture as well as the embedded activity materials, the most commonly prescribed antidepressant medications, SSRIs, function by blocking the reabsorption of serotonin into the neurons


While varying options of IUDs exist, an IUD can be in place anywhere from 3 to 12 years of highly effective, easy and user-independent contraception T or F


people in marginalized social locations, such as transgender folks, people with disabilities, and undocumented immigrants are more vulnerable statistically to experiencing abuse and assault than their privileged peers. T or F


match the pre-structure with the differentiated structure: Wolffian duct: Mullerian duct:

vas defferens fallopian tube

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