General Psychology Test 2

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Regarding frustration, excessive heat the day of your outdoor college graduation would be classified as an external, nonsocial obstacle to your goal of having a perfect graduation. a. True b. False

A. True

Addictive drugs stimulate a brain region called the reticular formation causing it to release the neurotransmitter serotonin. A. True B. False

B. False

Cigarettes release both nicotine and a. Acetylcholine. b. Carcinogens. c. Tryptophan. d. Noradrenaline.

b. Carcinogens.

Pressure occurs when a. A deadline is approaching. b. A person has to slow down his or her activities. c. Shock happens unpredictably. d. Shock happens regularly.

a. A deadline is approaching.

A behavioral problem that is characterized by an inability to focus, restless movement, impulsive behavior, and impaired learning capacity and that is often treated with an amphetamine, such as Adderall, is a. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). b. Autism spectrum disorder. c. Childhood schizophrenia. d. Bipolar affective disorder

a. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Choosing a target behavior, recording a baseline, establishing goals, choosing reinforcers, recording progress, rewarding progress, and adjusting one's plan are the steps making up a procedure known as a. Behavioral self-management. b. Top-down processing. c. Cognitive mapping. d. Perceptual habituation.

a. Behavioral self-management.

On his job, Javier is faced with stressors that he cannot control. His best strategy for dealing with these stressors is to use a. Emotion-focused coping. b. Problem-focused coping. c. Rationalization. d. Reaction formation.

a. Emotion-focused coping.

Coping with traumatic events is a necessity if one is to recover. In these types of situations, psychologists recommend a number of coping strategies, including which of the following? a. Get support from others and talk about the feelings you are experiencing. b. Change your daily activities and past patterns of behavior. c. Emotionally deal with all your feelings immediately after the event, so you never have to think about the event again. d. Leave the physical area where the event occurred immediately and never return again.

a. Get support from others and talk about the feelings you are experiencing.

Sleep paralysis that occurs just as we begin to wake up may produce bizarre episodes in which people may feel something pressing on their chests or think there are space aliens, angels, or demons in the room with them. This describes what is referred to as a. Hypnopompic hallucinations. b. Narcolepsy. c. Lucid dreaming. d. A nightmare disorder.

a. Hypnopompic hallucinations.

In the Freudian view of personality, which part of the personality is totally unconscious and dominated by biological instincts? a. Id b. Ego c. Superego d. Ideal self

a. Id

If you are overweight or need to quit smoking, you should do all of the following EXCEPT a. Isolate yourself from your friends until you completely change your unhealthy behavior. b. Develop friends in a healthier crowd. c. Decide to start healthier habits and get your friends to join you. d. Learn refusal skills.

a. Isolate yourself from your friends until you completely change your unhealthy behavior.

Meditation techniques that involve widening one's attention to become aware of everything experienced at any given moment are referred to as __________ meditation. a. Mindfulness b. Concentrative c. Dissociative d. Inhibition

a. Mindfulness

Typical TV viewers are exposed to massive doses of media violence, which tend to promote the development of aggression due to a. Observational learning. b. Increased frustration. c. Positive transfer. d. Negative transfer.

a. Observational learning.

Extreme agitation, disorientation, and violence have been known to occur when people take a drug that is classified as a hallucinogen and an anesthetic but also has stimulant and depressant effects. This hallucinogen is a. PCP. b. MDMA. c. GHB. d. Oxycodone.

a. PCP.

Levels of sleep identified by brain-wave patterns and behavioral changes are referred to as a. Sleep stages. b. Sleep rhythms. c. Semi-conscious patterns. d. ASCs.

a. Sleep stages.

Whether we drive our car across an intersection depends on if the traffic light is red or green. This illustrates the principle of a. Stimulus control. b. Operant extinction. c. Stimulus generalization. d. The partial reinforcement effect.

a. Stimulus control.

Regarding the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2), which of the following statements is FALSE a. The MMPI-2 is a projective test used to assess personality subjectively. b. It is only through patterns of responses that one's personality dimensions are revealed on the MMPI-2. c. The MMPI-2 has 567 items to which the test taker must respond "true" or "false." d. The validity scales on the MMPI-2 reveal whether a person's scores should be discarded.

a. The MMPI-2 is a projective test used to assess personality subjectively.

Ambivalence is a central characteristic of approach-avoidance conflicts and is usually translated into a partial approach. a. True b. False

a. True

Conditioning studies have repeatedly shown that animals are sensitive to the passage of time. a. True b. False

a. True

During modeling, once a new response is tried, normal reinforcement or feedback determines whether it will be repeated thereafter. a. True b. False

a. True

MDMA diminishes sexual performance, impairing erections and delaying orgasms in both men and women. a. True b. False

a. True

Many personality psychologists now place equal weight on traits and situations as ways to explain behavior. a. True b. False

a. True

Mild sensory deprivation has shown promise as a way to stimulate creative thinking and to enhance sports and music performance skills. a. True b. False

a. True

Once personality traits are identified, they can be used to predict future behavior. a. True b. False

a. True

Stress causes the body to release substances that increase inflammation, which can prolong infections and delay healing. a. True b. False

a. True

The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) was developed by personality theorist Henry Murray. a. True b. False

a. True

The drug PCP is an anesthetic that can have hallucinogenic effects as well as stimulant and depressant effects. a. True b. False

a. True

The safest sleep position for most infants in order to prevent SIDS is on their backs. a. True b. False

a. True

The trait approach is currently the dominant method for studying personality. a. True b. False

a. True

With most classical conditioning, the optimal delay between CS and US is from half a second to about five seconds. a. True b. False

a. True

Which of the following concepts explains how people who counsel traumatized victims of sexual abuse sometimes become traumatized themselves? a. Vicarious, or secondhand conditioning b. Instrumental, or operant conditioning. c. Response chaining d. Higher order acquisition

a. Vicarious, or secondhand conditioning

Regarding the experiments on learning helplessness, animals that first learn to escape the shocks a. Were more persistent later in trying to escape the shocks and were more resistant to learned helplessness. b. Gave up more quickly when the shocks became inescapable, which resulted in their being less resistant to learned helplessness. c. Became extremely aggressive and hostile when the shocks became inescapable. d. Showed stereotyped responding to the shocks.

a. Were more persistent later in trying to escape the shocks and were more resistant to learned helplessness.

Regarding the experiments using intracranial self-stimulation, which of the following statements is FALSE a. When rats self-administer nicotine, they are even more likely to engage in intracranial self-stimulation because nicotine further increases the sensitivity of the pleasure pathways. b. After the rats had pressed the intracranial self-stimulation lever to exhaustion, they were less likely to press the lever again once they were revived. c. Intracranial self-stimulation involves electrical stimulation of the limbic system of the brain. d. Intracranial self-stimulation is considered to be a primary reinforcer.

b. After the rats had pressed the intracranial self-stimulation lever to exhaustion, they were less likely to press the lever again once they were revived.

Juan's EEG pattern as he reads his textbook indicates that he's alert and awake. This means that his brain is generating __________ waves. a. Alpha b. Beta c. Theta d. Delta

b. Beta

Burnout would be LEAST likely to occur in which of the following occupational fields? a. Teacher b. Business owner c. Nurse d. Social worker

b. Business owner

Many involuntary, autonomic system responses ("fight-or-flight" reflexes) are linked with new stimuli and situations by a. Operant extinction. b. Classical conditioning. c. Operant conditioning. d. Instrumental acquisition.

b. Classical conditioning.

If you are making use of information-rich higher mental processes, such as organizing various research articles in writing your term paper, you are engaged in a complex form of a. Classical conditioning. b. Cognitive learning. c. Respondent learning. d. Operant conditioning.

b. Cognitive learning.

If the sound of a clap occurs just before a puff of air is delivered to the eye, the person will, after several repetitions, learn to blink to the sound of the clap. Blinking to the sound of the clap would be considered a a. Neutral stimulus. b. Conditioned response. c. Spontaneous response. d. Conditioned stimulus.

b. Conditioned response.

Sheng wants to cut down on smoking. So, he removes ashtrays, matches, and extra cigarettes from his house and office, keeping them only in the car. Of the strategies listed in your textbook for breaking a bad habit, Sheng is using the one involving a. Breaking up response chains. b. Cues and antecedents. c. Alternate responses. d. Negative reinforcement.

b. Cues and antecedents.

Many phobias can be traced back to a time when the person was frightened, injured, or upset by a particular stimulus, especially in childhood, and would, thus, be based on a. Inherited familial patterns. b. Emotional conditioning. c. Operant extinction. d. Instrumental acquisition.

b. Emotional conditioning.

If you learn to make a response that will end an unpleasant or aversive situation, then you are exhibiting a. Avoidance learning. b. Escape learning. c. Latent learning. d. Respondent conditioning.

b. Escape learning.

According to Freud, the ego is the part of the personality that is made up of innate biological instincts and urges, and is self-serving, impulsive, and irrational. a. True b. False

b. False

According to Rogers, being authentic means being true to one's wants and needs even if you appear irresponsible or have to ignore the feelings of others. a. True b. False

b. False

Binge drinking is defined as downing three drinks in a short period of time for men and two drinks for women. a. True b. False

b. False

Higher rates of self-reinforcement are associated with more depression and a lessening of life satisfaction. a. True b. False

b. False

Mindfulness involves being "spaced out" or having occasional moments of reduced awareness in order to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. a. True b. False

b. False

Pessimists meet problems head-on, actively cope with adversity, take better care of themselves, and are less stressed and anxious. a. True b. False

b. False

Students who write about their upsetting experiences, thoughts, and feelings tend to obsess about their worries and are less able to cope with stress. a. True b. False

b. False

The first step in a behavioral self-management plan is to establish goals. a. True b. False

b. False

Very few cultures or religions recognize and accept alterations of consciousness. a. True b. False

b. False

When emotional "shocks" are predictable and controllable, stress is magnified and damage is likely to result. a. True b. False

b. False

Serena has just found out that her four-year-old Michael has been using scissors to give the cat, dog, and his little sister haircuts. Serena tells Michael, "Wait until your father gets home and you'll be sorry." This delayed discipline a. Has been shown to be very effective in reducing a child's misbehavior because they have time to think about their punishment. b. Has been shown to be ineffective in reducing a child's misbehavior as well as making the father a "feared brute." c. Is referred to as response cost. d. Is a type of negative reinforcement.

b. Has been shown to be ineffective in reducing a child's misbehavior as well as making the father a "feared brute."

Barry held a ring attached to a string at eye level and concentrated on the ring. He is surprised that the ring begins to move and that he appears to be making it move using only mental force. Barry has shown all of the following EXCEPT a. Autosuggestion. b. Introspective awareness. c. Tiny micromovements of the hand. d. Involuntary actions resulting from self-hypnosis.

b. Introspective awareness.

Writing about one's feelings tends to a. Lead to mild depressions. b. Leave the mind clearer so one can come up with effective coping strategies. c. Cause one to become unrealistically optimistic about life. d. Be a poor substitute for social support in reducing stress levels.

b. Leave the mind clearer so one can come up with effective coping strategies.

Any impact of the mind on health was dismissed as a mere placebo effect by the a. Psychosomatic perspective. b. Medical model. c. Mind-body perspective. d. Biopsychosocial model.

b. Medical model.

Regarding meditation, which of the following statements is FALSE a. Meditation promotes relaxation by interrupting upsetting thoughts. b. Meditation is difficult to learn and may require a training course. c. Listening to or playing music can be meditations of sorts. d. Taking nature walks or enjoying hobbies can be meditations of sorts.

b. Meditation is difficult to learn and may require a training course.

Which of the following tends to increase after physical exertion and may help us recover from bodily fatigue a. REM sleep b. NREM sleep c. Hypersomnia d. Nightmares

b. NREM sleep

Which Freudian level of consciousness contains information which you are not currently aware of, but which you can voluntarily bring to awareness a. Conscious b. Preconscious c. Unconscious d.Postconscious

b. Preconscious

A parent is trying to increase the time his child spends studying by giving the child a baseball card for each hour he studies. The child does not increase or decrease his study time. This story illustrates the difference between a. Shaping and response chaining. b. Rewards and reinforcers. c. Rewards and punishments. d. Conditioned and unconditioned responses.

b. Rewards and reinforcers.

When allowed to sleep normally, research subjects deprived of REM sleep a. Began to dream less frequently than they had before the experiment. b. Showed a REM rebound effect, dreaming extra amounts. c. Showed no signs of distress during the day. d. Did not dream for two or three nights then went back to their normal amount of dreaming.

b. Showed a REM rebound effect, dreaming extra amounts.

If you know the personality of an identical twin, you can expect the personality of the other twin to be a. Unrelated. b. Similar. c. Identical. d. Conflicting.

b. Similar.

Raymond Cattell called the core of a person's personality, that is, the person's underlying personality characteristics, __________ traits, or factors. a. Surface b. Source c. Common d. Cardinal

b. Source

During which stage of the general adaptation syndrome is the body better able to cope with the original stressor with its resistance to other stresses being lowered, such as when animals placed in extreme cold are more resistant to the cold, but more susceptible to infection? a. Alarm reaction b. Stage of resistance c. Maintenance stage d. Stage of resolution

b. Stage of resistance

Many stores carry imitations of nationally known products in the hopes that the positive attitudes already conditioned to the real products will also occur with these cheaper knockoffs. If these positive attitudes also occur with the cheaper knockoffs, then which of the following has occurred? a. Stimulus discrimination b. Stimulus generalization c. Extinction d. Spontaneous recovery

b. Stimulus generalization

Psychoactive drugs are a. Those that are physiologically addicting. b. Substances capable of altering attention, perception, and mood. c. A class of dangerous prescription drugs that have potentially harmful physiological side effects. d. Those which cause withdrawal symptoms and tolerance.

b. Substances capable of altering attention, perception, and mood.

In humanistic theories, the developmental emphasis involves a. Psychosexual and psychosocial stages. b. The development of the self-image. c. Critical learning situations. d. Identification and imitation.

b. The development of the self-image.

Wearing a tie less or not at all because you were teased and laughed at when you wore it illustrates a. The effect of reinforcement. b. The effect of punishment. c. A conditioned response. d. An unconditioned response.

b. The effect of punishment.

A child who gets rewarded with candy on the average of every third time she asks her grandmother for a "treat" is being rewarded on which schedule of reinforcement a. Fixed ratio b. Variable ratio c. Fixed interval d. Variable interval

b. Variable ratio

According to Freud, an expression of one's unconscious desires is called a. The ideal self. b. Wish fulfillment. c. The superego. d. Libidinal energy.

b. Wish fulfillment.

Which of the following examples most clearly represents frustration from a personal source a. You go to the grocery store, and they are out of your favorite ice cream. b. You would like to make an "A" on your term paper, but you turned it in late, and points will be deducted. c. You are late to class because of a traffic jam near campus. d. Your payroll check was delayed in the mail.

b. You would like to make an "A" on your term paper, but you turned it in late, and points will be deducted.

The theory that relates dream content to motor commands in the brain, which are made but not carried out during sleep, is called the a. Psychodynamic theory. b. Dual process hypothesis. c. Activation-synthesis hypothesis. d. Neurocognitive dream theory.

c. Activation-synthesis hypothesis.

During a conditioned emotional response, which area of the brain becomes more active and produces feelings of fear? a. Pons b. Reticular formation c. Amygdala d. Corpus callosum

c. Amygdala

Operant conditioning focuses on how a. People learn through the association of stimuli. b. People utilize their inborn reflexive habits. c. Behavior is influenced by its consequences. d. Changes in behavior are related to mental events.

c. Behavior is influenced by its consequences.

Punishment is often a bad idea in modifying behavior because it a. Has no effect on most people. b. Takes too long to take effect. c. Can increase aggression. d. Is ineffective in suppressing undesirable behaviors.

c. Can increase aggression.

Nonstate theorists believe that hypnosis involves a blend of a. Light sleep and waking consciousness. b. Heightened intuition and cognitive disassociation. c. Imagination, obedience, and role-playing. d. Receptive meditation and sensory restriction.

c. Imagination, obedience, and role-playing.

The Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) was designed to measure a. Stresses affecting nutrition and appetite. b. The impact of negative or unhappy life events. c. Life changes and susceptibility to illness or accident. d. Economic and occupational stresses.

c. Life changes and susceptibility to illness or accident.

Moderation in drinking alcohol means consuming only a. One alcoholic drink per week. b. Two alcoholic drinks per week. c. One or two alcoholic drinks per day and remaining alcohol-free two or three days per week. d. Three or four alcoholic drinks per day and being alcohol-free at least one day a week.

c. One or two alcoholic drinks per day and remaining alcohol-free two or three days per week.

The 16 Personality or (16 PF) test was developed by a. Gordon Allport. b. Albert Bandura. c. Raymond Cattell. d. Carl Jung.

c. Raymond Cattell.

Which of the following has NOT been shown to be an effect of mild sensory deprivation? a. Enhancing musical and sports performance skills b. Loosening "belief" systems so that it is easier for people to lose weight c. Reducing psychotic symptoms d. Reducing the use of alcohol and drugs

c. Reducing psychotic symptoms

To adequately understand an individual's behavior according to humanistic personality theorists, we must know a person's a. Success in mastering certain developmental tasks. b. Prior learning history. c. Subjective view of the world. d. Degree of extroversion or introversion.

c. Subjective view of the world.

Projective tests, such as the TAT and Rorschach, have a. Validities that are higher than that of objective tests such as the MMPI-2. b. Validities that are high, but reliabilities that are extremely low. c. Value especially when used in a battery of tests. d. No value in today's psychological assessments.

c. Value especially when used in a battery of tests.

A gambler playing a slot machine is being reinforced on which schedule of reinforcement? a. Fixed ratio b. Variable interval c. Variable ratio d. Continuous

c. Variable ratio

Which of the following is NOT a primary reinforcer? a. intracranial self-stimulation b. psychoactive drug c. money d. sex

c. money

In order to increase interest and motivation, a computer math game has been designed that allows students to compete in a speedboat race rather than just completing a series of subtraction problems. The faster correct answers are selected, the faster the student's boat speeds toward the finish line. This math game would be an example of a. Computer-assisted instruction. b. A type of serious game. c. Programmed instruction. d. All of these.

d. All of these.

According to Jung, the archetype that represents the male principle is called the a. Ego ideal. b. Persona. c. Anima. d. Animus.

d. Animus.

A teen who is punished at home a lot will be gone as much as possible. This is an example of a. Classical conditioning. b. Modeling. c. Negative transfer. d. Avoidance learning.

d. Avoidance learning.

Frequent punishment makes a person or an animal all of the following EXCEPT a. Unhappy and confused. b. Anxious and fearful. c. Aggressive. d. Better behaved.

d. Better behaved.

Maya has a sensitive thermometer with a signal light attached to her hand. The thermometer is wired so that an increase in temperature will activate this signal light. Then, Marilyn is told to keep the light on as much as possible. In so doing, Maya is able to exert voluntary control over the involuntary regulation of her temperature using which of the following techniques? a. Artificial intelligence b. Bioencephalography c. Psychosomatic regulation d. Biofeedback

d. Biofeedback

Learning that involves the pairing of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli is called a. Operant conditioning. b. Vicarious learning. c. Observational learning. d. Classical conditioning.

d. Classical conditioning.

In operant conditioning, stimuli that precede reinforced and nonreinforced responses are known as a. Facilitating stimuli. b. Reinforcing stimuli. c. Avoidance stimuli. d. Discriminative stimuli.

d. Discriminative stimuli.

If a response is extinguished and comes back, the second operant extinction process usually a. Takes a longer time. b. Takes a shorter time. c. Takes the same amount of time as the first extinction process. d. Does not work.

d. Does not work.

Fantasy, identification, isolation, and intellectualization are a. Examples of conflicts. b. Examples of frustrations. c. The stages of burnout. d. Examples of defense mechanisms.

d. Examples of defense mechanisms.

Regarding stress management, which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Setting aside time for "me acts," such as loafing, browsing, puttering, playing, and napping is important to prevent stress. b. Disorganization creates stress. c. Deliberately doing things at a slower pace will decrease one's stress. d. Expressing one's feelings to others or in writing tends to increase one's stress.

d. Expressing one's feelings to others or in writing tends to increase one's stress.

The medical uses of psychoactive drugs are almost always considered to be a. Recreational. b. Experimental. c. Compulsive. d. Instrumental.

d. Instrumental.

Regarding NREM sleep, which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Dreamless slow-wave NREM sleep increases after physical exertion. b. NREM sleep is dream free about 90 percent of the time. c. NREM sleep occurs during stages 1, 2, 3, and 4. d. NREM is deepest late in the night during the last stage 4 periods.

d. NREM is deepest late in the night during the last stage 4 periods.

In the five-factor model of personality, the dimension that measures whether a person has curiosity and imagination or whether they are conventional and down-to-earth is the __________ dimension. a. Neuroticism b. Conscientiousness c. Agreeableness d. Openness to experience

d. Openness to experience

If a person is gullible, passive, and needs lots of attention, he or she may have experienced fixation and have an __________ personality. a. Anal-retentive b. Oral-aggressive c. Anal-expulsive d. Oral-dependent

d. Oral-dependent

Regarding the approach-avoidance conflict, which of the following statements is FALSE? a. The approach-avoidance conflict involves a person being simultaneously attracted to and repelled by the same situation or goal. b. The approach-avoidance conflict often creates ambivalent feelings in a person. c. A person seldom escapes from an approach-avoidance conflict and often resorts to partial approach solutions. d. The approach-avoidance conflict often results in the person freezing and then using displacement to deal with this difficult situation.

d. The approach-avoidance conflict often results in the person freezing and then using displacement to deal with this difficult situation.

The tendency to generalize a favorable or unfavorable first impression to an entire personality is known as a. The situational bias effect. b. The androgynous effect. c. Organismic valuing. d. The halo effect.

d. The halo effect.

Which of the following would NOT be a helpful suggestion in dealing with needless frustration? a. Identify whether the source of your frustration is external or personal. b. Learn to accept gracefully those things that cannot be changed. c. If the source of your frustration can be changed, determine whether the necessary efforts are worth it. d. Utilize ego defense mechanisms and psychological escape whenever possible in dealing with frustrations.

d. Utilize ego defense mechanisms and psychological escape whenever possible in dealing with frustrations.

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