Genetics and Conditioning

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What kind of metabolism is used in sprint performance?

-Both anaerobic and aerobic metabolism is used BUT -anaerobic is used more than aerobic metabolism

Explain the use of muscle fibers for continued exercise

-Different muscle fibers are used as needed -aerobic fuel supplies (fatty acids or glycogen) or anaerobic fuel supplies (glycogen) are used depending on the work intensity

specific training for sprinting horses

-Need to train for endurance + training for quick bursts of speed

Specific training for endurance race horses

-Need to train over uneven, rugged terrain at competition speeds --extended trotting

What can conditioning do to fibers?

-aerobic conditioning can slightly alter ratios of FT fiber types concerting some FTB (low oxidative) to FTa (high oxidative) -slow twitch fibers cannot be trained to contract any faster

Explain the use of muscle fibers at the initial warm-up

-capillaries are not yet supplying oxygen to the muscles -muscles must use anaerobic fuel source in the fast twitch muscle fibers --phosphocreatine

Explain the use of muscle fibers a few minutes into the warm-up

-circulation in muscles has become active -the horse primarily uses fatty acids for aerobic muscle metabolism

How is heart rate used to determine level of fitness?

-heart rate should decrease during exercise, and it should return to normal faster following exercise -take at 2, 5, 10 minutes after completing exercise ---difficult to take during exercise without a heart rate monitor -heart rate should always return to 60 or below within 10 minutes in a well conditioned horse

What types of muscle fibers does endurance performance use?

-primarily slow twitch and fast twitch high oxidative fibers --Fatty acids and glycogen as furl sources -with longer or more intense work mor FTa and FTb fibers are used with an increase in dependency on anaerobic fuel supplies --glycogen

Why is respiratory rate not good at determining level of fitness?

-respiratory rate is more reflective of heat buildup and dissipation than of fitness level

List the 3 muscle fiber types

-slow twitch -fast twitch high oxidative (FTa) -fast twitch low oxidative (FTb)

Endurance event performance fatigue

-when glycogen is all used up muscles are out of fuel and fatigue occurs -all three muscle fiber types have been used and all fuel types have been depleted

Slow twitch muscle fibers are also called what?

Red fibers or type 1 fibers

What type of muscle fibers are best for endurance activities?

Slow twitch/red fiber -they have a high tolerance against fatigue

What causes fast twitch low oxidative muscle fibers to fatigue?

The lactic acid build up in the muscles does -causes fatigue due to pH levels in the cells

Explain the glycogen sparing effect

The longer the muscles can use fatty acids to fuel exercise, the more glycogen is spared for later use (when oxygen runs out) and the longer it will be until fatigue occurs

Fast twitch high oxidative use what kind of metabolism?

They use both aerobic and anaerobic

What is an example of aerobic exercise?

Trotting for miles at the same speed over level terrain

What are the stages of exercise?

1. Initial warm-up 2. a few minutes into warm up 3. continued exercise

List at least 4 benefits of aerobic exercise

1. improves stamina 2. improves neuromuscular precision 3. efficiency of movement increases 4. muscles range of motion increases 5. elasticity of the muscles improves 6. slow twitch fibers improve oxygen utilization

Anaerobic exercise facts/benefits

1. muscles are quickly depleted of stored energy 2. muscles are rested between repetitions 3.increases the bulk of fast twitch muscle fibers

List at least 4 benefits of conditioning

All forms of conditioning strengthen a horse's muscles 1. improved oxygen use 2. improved lactic acid tolerance 3. muscles learn to contract faster 4. muscles contract with more force = greater speed 5. nerve control to muscles is improved = better condition 6. delays the onset of fatigue 7. reduce the possibility of strained tendons, ligaments or joints due to a misstep 8. develops greater confidence and desire to perform

What is progressive loading?

Alternating periods of increasing workload with periods of adaptation

Fast twitch low oxidative uses what kind of metabolism?

Anaerobic metabolism only -lack enzymes to use oxygen, even if oxygen is present

What role does genetics play?

Different horses are built for different things. A draft horse is meant to pull, and thoroughbred is meant to run and other horses are meant for hard core endurance races.

Fill in the blank: fast twitch fibers have high concentrations of _____ that rapidly produce energy from glycogen


Fast twitch high oxidative are also called what?

FTa or 2A fibers

Fast twitch low oxidative are also called what?

FTb or 2B fibers

How much faster are fast twitch fibers than slow twitch fiber?

Fast twitch fibers contract 3x faster than slow twitch fibers

What is the best indicator of determining level of fitness?

Heart rate is the best indicator

Fill in the blank: _______ and _______ determine fiber types

Heredity and breed

Anaerobic exercise is...

High resistance exercises with fewer repetitions

What are the benefits of swimming horses?

High resistance, low impact -good for rehabilitating horses Swimming a horse is anaerobic exercise offers the horse great benefits in a short period of time

Is hill work better anaerobic exercise than sprinting?

Hill work puts less stress on bones, tendons & ligaments than sprinting, while providing effective cardiovascular

What is interval training and what impact does it have on muscle fiber types?

Interval training is multiple workouts on the same day, separated by short rest periods Interval training has the greatest impact on altering muscle fiber types

Why are slow twitch fibers surrounded by capillaries?

It is so oxygen can quickly reach them -the capillaries are also what makes the fibers red

Is specific training necessary?


Do horses need split workout days like humans do at the gym?

Yes horse should have these! high-speed conditioning should be interspersed with slow-speed, long distance training days -skill training can be alternated with high-speed and slow-speed days

what kind of muscle fibers are used in print performance?

all three muscle fiber types are used at the same time throughout the sprint effort

Fill in the blank: Fiber type influences ______ potential


Do muscles contain each type of fiber? is so how many of each?

Most muscles do contain a mixture of all three fiber types They are in different rations in different muscles

Slow twitch muscle fibers

contract slowly and are able to hold that contraction for a relatively long time without fatigue

Fill in the blank: _____ and _____ of the horse are greatly dependent on good conditioning

durability and longevity

What kind of fiber contracts the fastest?

fast twitch low oxidative

Aerobic exercise is...

low resistance exercise but highly repetitive

Fill in the blank: mitochondria use _____ to burn fatty acids or glycogen


What is an example of anaerobic exercise

short sprints, or steep hill climbs at a gallop -duration should be less than 30 seconds

How does progress loading work?

the horse is subjected to gradual increases in workload, then is allowed to adapt, then the workload is gain increase

How is progressive loading used in anaerobic training?

the speed is increased or the number of repetitions of high intensity activity are increased

Fast twitch muscle fibers are also called what?

white fibers or type 2 fibers (white because they do not have capillaries surrounding them)

Sprint performance horse have primarily what kind of muscle fibers?

suitable horse have a greater proportion of what fiber (fast twitch) --smaller proportion of red fibers (slow twitch)

What is a twitch?

the contraction and relaxation of a muscle fiber is called a twitch

How is progressive loading used in aerobic training?

the duration and speed of the exercise are gradually increased

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