Genetics Final Study Guide

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A bMU/Bmu strain is crossed to a bmu/bmu strain. The following offspring are recovered. BmU 705 bMu 705 BMU 195 bmu 195 bMU 95 Bmu 95 bmU 5 BMu 5 What is the correct order of these genes?

U .1 M .2 B

A bMU/Bmu strain is crossed to a bmu/bmu strain. The following offspring are recovered. Bmu 695 bmu 150 bMu 50 bMU 695 bmU 50 BmU 150 BMU 250 Which of the following maps showing order and recombination is closest to correct?

The bacteria normally grow in high temperature conditions

A bacterium has positively supercoiled DNA. This is likely because

The cell would accumulate broken DNA because overwinding cannot be corrected, so the cell will be unable to replicate and will die.

A bacterium inherits a mutation that renders its gyrase enzyme nonfunctional. What phenotype would you expect to see in this bacterium?


A cell can form beads on a string chromatin, but not solenoid fibers. Which molecule has likely been removed or mutated in this cell?

Robertsonian Translocation

A chromosome abnormality resulting in 2 chromosomes fusing into 1 is a:


A chromosome with a centromere close to but not exactly at the end is called


A chromosome with a centromere close to but not exactly at the middle is called


A co transduction experiment is done. A and B co-transduce 0 times. B and C co-transduce 100 times. C and D co-transduce 90 times. A and D co-transduce 200 times. B and D co-transduce 30 times. What is the correct order of the genes?

They will be equal in both configurations.

A cross between two linked genes was done in coupling configuration and in repulsion. What is expected for the recombination frequencies?

Recessive lethal

A cross of two heterozygotes yields a 2:1 ratio of phenotypes. This is indicative of:

normal female

A drosophila with 3 X chromosomes, a Y chromosome and 3 sets of autosomes will appear as a

intercalating agent

A gene contains a frameshift mutations. Which kind of mutagen would be capable of reversing this mutation ?

Meiosis II in female

A non-color blind father is married to a woman who is also not color blind. They have four sons, two of whom are color blind. They have a child with XXY chromosomes. This child suffers from color blindness. This occurred because of nondisjunction in:


A phenotypically normal male whose paternal grandfather suffered from an autosomal recessive genetic disease marries a phenotypically normal female whose aunt suffered from the same disease. What is the probability that they are capable of having a child with the disease?

it forms a left-handed helix instead of a right-handed helix

A rare form of DNA known as Z-DNA differs from the typical B form in that

The one on top becomes male, the one below that becomes female

A slipper limpet embryo touches the ocean floor and becomes female. Another lands on top of the female and becomes male. When a third embryo lands on the other two, what happens?


A three point cross is carried out and the following offspring are recovered Rst 250 RST 150 RsT 150 rST 100 rst 125 RSt 100 rSt 75 rsT 50 What is the closest to correct map?

P 20 C 10 R

A three point cross is carried out and the following offspring are recoveredC P R 330+ P + 115+ + R 70+ + + 385+ P R 15C + R 70C P + 15What is the closest to correct map?


A three point cross is carried out and the following offspring are recoveredRst 250RST 150RsT 150rST 100rst 125RSt 100rSt 75rsT 50What is the closest to correct map?

S 2 J 38 C

A three point cross is carried out and the following offspring recovered S J + 150 S + C 10 + + + 90 + + C 100 S J C 150 Which of the following is closest to the correct map

zinc finger protein

A transcription factor has several histidines and cysteines in pairs. It is a


A typical operon contains several regions. Which region is where a regulator protein binds ?


A wingless fruit fly is isolated from a population after exposure of the parental generation to EMS. Eventually the mutation is shown to have occurred within the coding sequence of a gene that changes a 5'-GGC-3' codon (encoding glycine) to a 5'-CGC-3' codon (encoding serine). Which term would not correctly describe this mutation?


According to Chargaff's rules, if a genome is 30% adenine, then what percentage of the genome should be guanine?


After the first round of replication, Meselson and Stahl saw only one DNA band of density intermediate to DNA containing only 15N or 14N. After this observation, which hypothesis for DNA replication could be eliminated ?


After the first round of replication, Meselson and Stahl saw only one DNA band of density intermediate to DNA containing only 15N or 14N. After this observation, which hypothesis for DNA replication could be eliminated ?

Human chromosomes are preferentially lost

After the fusion of a mouse and human cell

M phase

After which stage or phase of the cell cycle is the cell divided?


Agouti yellow and Siamese coat color are examples of

constitutive β-galactosidase, inducible permease and transacetylase

An E. coli genotype of a merodiploid is I+P+OcZ+Y-A-/I+P+O+Z-Y+A+. What is the phenotype?

sigma factor

An in vitro transcription system that contains a bacterial gene initiates transcription, but from random points on the DNA. Which of the following proteins most likely is missing from the reaction?


An individual heterozygous for d e f was crossed to a homozygous recessive individual (d/d e/e f/f). The following offspring were recovered. + + + 39 + e f 372 + + f 7 d e f 47 + e + 5 d + + 412 What is the correct order of these genes?

f 7 d 7 e

An individual heterozygous for d e f was crossed to a homozygous recessive individual (d/d e/e f/f). The following offspring were recovered. + + + 5 + e f 372 + + f 47 d e f 7 + e + 39 d + + 412 Which of the following maps showing order and map units is closest to correct?


An individual with Klinefelter syndrome has what genotype?

negative repressible

An operon is controlled by a repressor. When the repressor binds to a small molecule, it binds to DNA near the operon. The operon is constitutively expressed if a mutation prevents the repressor from binding to the small molecule. Control of this operon is

negative inducible

An operon is controlled by a repressor. When the repressor binds to a small molecule, it is released from binding to DNA near the operon. The operon is never expressed if a mutation prevents the repressor from binding to the small molecule. Control of this operon is


An organism with a diploid number (2n) of 6 can produce how many genetically distinct individuals from 2 parents?

16 chromosomes, 16 DNA molecules

An organism with a haploid number (1n) of 4 will have how many chromosomes and how much DNA at Anaphase of Mitosis

reduced expressivity

B is a dominant giving black color. b is the recessive allele causing blue color. In a population of 100 B/b individuals, fifteen animals with different shades of purple (between blue and black) are seen. This is an example of

reduced expressivity

B is a dominant giving black color. b is the recessive allele causing blue color. In a population of 100 B/b individuals, ten purple (blue mixed with black) animals are seen. This is an example of


Consider the following partial diploid strain of E coli: lacI+ O+ lacZ+ lacY-/lacIS Oc lacZ- lacY+. Under what conditions will this strain make b-galactocidase ?

positive repressible

Control of the E. coli lac operon by CAP is most accurately described as

negative inducible

Control of the E. coli lac operon by lac I is most accurately described as


DNA synthesis in eukaryotes is?

.02 for a, .03 for b, .0025 for c

Disease A affects .0004 of people, Disease B affects .0009 of people, X-linked Disease C affects .0025 of males. The allele frequencies for the recessive, disease causing alleles are:


Farmer John decides to increase the weight of the eggs produced by his chickens. He knows that the narrow sense heritability (h2) of egg weight is 0.6. If he selects for chickens producing eggs which are 5 grams heavier than the average, how much heavier will be the eggs produced by their offspring?


Female Drosophilas heterozygous for the 3 X-linked genes sc, s and v were crossed to males expressing all three mutant phenotypes. Offspring with the following mutant phenotypes were recovered: 314 sc s v, 150 sc s, 10 s v, 156 v, 46 sc v, 30 s, 14 sc and 280 wt What is the closest to correct map?


Female Drosophilas heterozygous for the 3 X-linked genes sc, s and v were crossed to males expressing all three mutant phenotypes. The following offspring were recovered: sc s v 314 + s v 150 sc s + 10 sc + + 156 sc + v 46 + + + 280 + s + 30 + + v 14 What is the closest to correct map?

repressible; repressor

For a(n) __________ operon, transcription normally takes place, and it is turned off by a(n) ________

All of these can cause spontaneous mutations

How can spontaneous mutations arise?


How many histones are combined with the DNA in a nucleosome?


How many histones are combined with the DNA in the histone core?


If 16% of the individuals in a population have a recessive phenotype, what percentage are heterozygous (closest value)?


If 4% of individuals in a population express a recessive gene, what percentage of the total population are heterozygous for the gene?


If 64% of the individuals in a population have a recessive phenotype, what percentage are heterozygous (closest value)?


If a DNA molecule of 50 base pairs contains 20 cytosine bases (C), how many thymine bases will it have?


If a male bird that expresses a recessive Z-linked mutation is crossed to a wild type female, what proportion of the total progeny will be mutant females?

Affected fathers have 100% affected sons

If a rare genetic disease is inherited on the basis of a Y-linked gene, one would expect to find which of the following:

Affected fathers have 100% affected daughters

If a rare genetic disease is inherited on the basis of an X-linked dominant gene, one would expect to find which of the following:

Carrier mothers have 50% affected sons

If a rare genetic disease is inherited on the basis of an X-linked recessive gene, one would expect to find which of the following:


If a single recombination event occurs in a tetrad of chromosomes, how many recombinant molecules result?


If an X-linked recessive trait has a frequency of 5% in males, what percentage of females are carriers?

2.5 million

If many human genes differ in about 10% of their bases from another species' same genes and substitutions occur at an estimated rate of 2% per one million years, approximately how many years have passed since the two species diverged?

the order is Z-X-Y

If you are given a recombination frequency of 18% between genes X and Y and 22% between X and Z and 32% between Z and Y, what is the order of the three genes?

heat-killed type SIII and living type RII

In 1928, Griffith found that injecting which strains of Pneumococcus caused the mouse to die?

the c-MYC gene is placed under the control of B-cell-specific gene regulatory sequences

In Burkitt lymphoma (white blood cell) patients, despite translocation, the oncogene c-MYC remains intact in its new location. Yet c-MYC is believed to be responsible for the lymphoma because


In a cross of AaBbCcDdEe X AaBbccDDEe, what proportion will have the ABCde phenotype?


In a cross of AaBbCcDdEe X AaBbccDdEe, what proportion will have the ABCDe phenotype?


In a cross of two double heterozygotes A/a B/b, what proportion will be phenotypically dominant for A, recessive for B?


In a cross of two flies +/vg Cy/+ +/se +/ri X +/vg +/+ se/se +/ri what proportion of the offspring will be mutant in phenotype for all four markers?


In a group of 500 people, the frequency of genotype NN is 40%. How many individuals would you expect to have the MN genotype?


In a population at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, 25% of the individuals have the recessive phenotype. What is the percentage of heterozygotes in the population?


In a population of 10,000 individuals, 300 men are afflicted with a recessive, X-linked disease. How many woman would be expected to be afflicted in this population?


In a population of people, 8% of the males are red/green color blind (X-LINKED). Assuming the population is in equilibrium, what proportion of the females would be expected to be afflicted?

level of cAMP

In catabolite repression (reponse to glucose levels) of the lac operon, glucose affects most directly the

a pair of crossovers between the donor segment and the recipient

In generalized transduction, a phage introduces a segment of donor DNA into the recipient cell. This is followed by recombination of the donor fragment with the recipient chromosome. Which of the following must occur?


In normal somatic cells, chromosomes shorten each generation. In cancer cells you notice that the chromosomes are not shortening, even after many cell divisions. A mutation in the expression of which gene might lead to this observation ?

P in the pellet and S in the supernatant

In the Hershey Chase experiment using radiolabeled bacteriophage, where do we expect the labeled atoms to go?

Genetic Drift

In the course of a few generations, the major cause of change in allele frequency is:


In the lac operon, what acts as the inducer?

aminoacyl synthetase

In the unlikely event that a tRNA has been charged with the wrong amino acid, what high-fidelity enzyme is likely to blame?


In which form of bacterial recombination does the bacteria find and take up the DNA instead of having it injected into the cell?

upstream activator sequence

In yeast, if you want to prevent the Gal4 regulatory protein from binding near each of the GAL genes, which sequence element would you target?

Negative regulation of a repressible system

Leu operon responding to leucine is an example of

Aa x aa

Mating of two organisms produces a 1:1 ratio of phenotypes in the progeny. The parental genotypes are


Mendel crossed purebred wrinkled, green-seeded plants with purebred round, yellow-seeded plants. The F1 progeny were self-crossed which resulted in 91 round, yellow; 32 round, green; 29 wrinkled, yellow, 8 wrinkled green. What is the chi-square value of this cross ?

Chromosomes aligning in metaphase I

Mendel's second law or fourth postulate states that alleles of different genes segregate independently of each other. At the chromosome level this is because:

Polymerase errors

Mismatch repair fixes errors due to


Nearsightedness is a recessive trait. If two nearsighted parents (male and female) give birth to four children, how many will be nearsighted?

lagging strand

Okazaki fragments are found associated with

Blue light

Photoreactivation repairs DNA using

allopatric speciation

Physical separation of a segment of a large population by a physical barrier that prevents gene flow can lead to

Paracentric inversions cause dicentric and acentric chromosomes, pericentric does not

Pick from the following:

3' to 5' along the template strand

RNA polymerase moves in which direction along the DNA?

positive regulation

Regulation of the lac operon by the CAP protein is an example of

All Dextral

Shell orientation in snails is due to a maternal effect gene. A true breeding sinistral (recessive) is crossed to a true breeding Dextral (dominant). The offspring from that cross are self-crossed. What will be the expected ratio of shell types?

repeats of three nucleotides produce a polymer with a three amino acid repeat unit

Synthetic mRNAs were used to predict the genetic code. Which of the following is not true?

A mutation in a hormone receptor

Testicular feminization occurs because?

all of the above

The 5' cap on mRNA is important for


The A site in the ribosome is named for

F plasmid is very large and making multiple copies would deplete nucleotides

The F plasmid has genes to regulate copy number. This is important because:


The P site in the ribosome is named for

The control region of a white cell gene is put next to a growth enhancing gene

The Philadelphia chromosome results in leukemia because


The clearing made by bacteriophages in a "lawn" of bacteria on an agar plate is called a ________.

splitting of a population into two or more groups by a geographic barrier

The first step in allopatric speciation is


The following progeny phenotypes result from a cross of an A/a B/b individual with an a/a b/b individual A B 300 a b 300 A b 200 a B 200 What is the recombination rate between A and B?


The following progeny phenotypes result from a cross of an A/a B/b individual with an a/a b/b individual A B 300 a b 300 A b 200 a B 200 What is the recombination rate between A and B?

Several codons direct the insertion of the same amino acid into a polypeptide chain

The genetic code is said to be degenerate because

The evolutionary distance

The length of a branch on a phylogenetic tree can be indicative of


The maximum recombination frequency between two genes is


The narrow sense heritability for cholesterol content in Munch Beans is 0.8. To increase cholesterol from 200 to 240, what should be the level in the Munch Beans selected to cause the change?

Very fast generation time and large numbers of offspring

The power of bacterial genetics is


The process by which an original species is transformed into a new species over an extended period of time that spans many generations is known as

protein factors and GTP

The process of translation in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes requires tRNAs, amino acids, and ribosomal subunits. Which of the following components must also be present for translation to proceed?

1/4 AB, 1/8 A, 1/8 B, 1/2 O

The product H substance is needed to express the blood antigen. A mating of IA IB Hh X IA IB hh should produce what ratio of blood types?


The region on the Y chromosome that allows it to pair with the X chromosomet is called

the rules for base pairing between the third base of a codon and tRNA are flexible

There are 61 mRNA codons that specify an amino acid, but only 45 tRNAs. This is best explained by the fact that

The repressed lac operon is never completely repressed

To activate the transcription of permease (and the whole lac operon) lactose needs to be present in the cell. How can lactose get in the cell when the permease gene is not activated ?

pink ---A--->white---B--->red

True breeding white flowering plants are crossed to true breeding red flowering plants. The offspring are red flowered. When these flowers are self crossed, the resultant offspring are 87 red, 41 pink and 29 white flowered plants. Which of the following pathways is most likely the cause of this

white ---A--->pink white---B--->pink both genes producing pink together give red

True breeding white flowering plants are crossed to true breeding red flowering plants. The offspring are red flowered. When these flowers are self crossed, the resultant offspring are 87 red, 61 pink and 9 white flowered plants. Which of the following pathways is most likely the cause of this


Two different plant species combine their chromosomes to make a new viable species. This results in


Two different species of related birds sing the same song for mating but one at dawn and the other at sunset. The reproductive isolation is


Two linked genes, (A) and (B), are separated by 18 centiMorgans. A man with genotype Aa Bb marri


Two linked genes, (A) and (B), are separated by 18 centiMorgans. A man with genotype Aa Bb marries a woman who is aa bb. The man's father was AA BB. What is the probability that their first child will both be ab/ab?


Using map distances of .1 and .2, what is the interference (I) in this three point cross?

increased inbreeding

Villagers in isolated villages in the mountains tend to have higher rates of recessive genetic diseases because of:


What are the odds of rolling two dice and getting 3 and 4?

DNA polymerase I and DNA ligase

What enzyme(s) is/are responsible for removal of RNA primers and joining of Okazaki fragments?

The beads are the nucleosomes, and the string is the linker DNA.

What is meant by the "beads on a string" model of chromatin?

GTP provides the energy for the formation of the initiation complex, using initiation factors.

What is the function of GTP in translation?

It is the small ribosome subunit-binding site on the mRNA molecule

What is the function of the Shine-Dalgarno sequence?


What is the maximum recombination frequency that can be measured between 2 genetic markers?

Reduction of chromosome number

What is the most important outcome of meiosis?

Autosomal recessive

What is the most likely mode of transmission of the trait shown in the family tree? [5 generations last gen has c C S c C] C1t3Q1

Double-strand break repair

What is the most likely original function of the enzymes that create the Holliday junctions in recombination?

cyclin-dependent kinase

What is the name of the protein that combines with cyclins to exert local control of the cell cycle?

direct repair

What kind of mutation repair does NOT involve the removing and repairing of nucleotides ?

replicative transposition

What kind of transposition causes an increase in the copy number of transposable elements ?

Nucleotide excision

What mechanism is used by higher eukaryotes to repair UV damage?


What molecules regulates the stages of the cell cycle?


What recognizes the position of splice cleavage points on the RNA?

RNA is the genetic material

What would Avery, Macleod, and McCarty have concluded if their results had been that only RNAse treatment of the heat-killed bacteria prevented transformation of genetic virulence?

The proofreading activity would be compromised and leading to more misincorporated bases in the DNA

What would be the effect on DNA replication of mutations that destroyed the 3' to 5' exonuclease activity in DNA polymerase I?

The RNA primers used to initiate replication would not be removed by DNA polymerase I

What would be the effect on DNA replication of mutations that destroyed the 5' to 3' exonuclease activity in DNA polymerase I?

RNA polymerase would initiate transcription at random on the DNA

What would the result be if the sigma subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase were mutated ?

Ability to initiate DNA synthesis on a completely single stranded DNA molecule

Which activity is not associated with DNA polymerases?

lac I gene

Which element of the lac operon can act in cis or trans?

5' splice site

Which intron component is the first to be cleaved during the splicing process ?

Their movement will not cause mutations

Which is NOT true of transposable elements ?


Which level of protein structure deals with just the sequence of amino acids?


Which level of protein structure is caused by interactions between alpha helices of the same polypeptide?

Inversions interfere with recombination, reciprocal translocations with forming gametes with the correct chromosome balance

Which of the Following is true?


Which of the following c an be overactive in cancer cells and contributes to the uncontrolled growth?


Which of the following can undo fixation of an allele in population genetics studies?

Genetic drift

Which of the following causes the greatest amount of change in population genetics studies?


Which of the following chromosome changes results in doubling of genetic content by combining chromosomes from different species?

Low High

Which of the following describes the efficiency of an Hfr strain in causing: F- => F+ transfer of genetic information

Reciprocal translocation

Which of the following does not cause a looping in a chromosome during alignment in Meiosis?


Which of the following enzymes contains an RNA molecule which is required for function

ion channels

Which of the following groups of proteins is NOT commonly known to include oncogenes?


Which of the following has no direct function in DNA replication?

genetic drift

Which of the following has the largest overall affect on the allele frequency of a population?

both a and b

Which of the following help reduce enzyme degradation of the mRNA?

Which of the following helps assemble large and small ribosomal subunits

Which of the following helps assemble large and small ribosomal subunits


Which of the following interacts with the A site when ribosome is on a stop codon

reverse transcriptase

Which of the following is an example of an exception to the central dogma?

Ionizing radiation

Which of the following is most likely to cause a chromosomal mutation?

Alkylating agent

Which of the following is most likely to cause a transition mutation?

UV light

Which of the following is most likely to cause a transversion mutation?

multiple chromosomes

Which of the following is not a reason that the garden pea was a good genetic organism

hybrid infertility

Which of the following is not a type of prezygotic reproductive isolation?

all are different

Which of the following is not different between eukaryotic and prokaryotic transcription?


Which of the following is not part of the replisome

Barr Body

Which of the following is the process which results in dosage compensation in human females

Anagenesis is evolution of a lineage and Cladogenesis is speciation

Which of the following is true?


Which of the following is when the entire chromosome set from a species is duplicated in the genome?


Which of the following kinds of mutations is most likely to be null loss-of-function (completely disrupt the function of the gene)?


Which of the following m akes the first part of Okazaki fragments

d 8 f 1 e

Which of the following maps showing order and map units is closest to correct?

M .2 B .1 U

Which of the following maps showing order and recombination frequency is closest to correct?


Which of the following opens the double helix for replication machinery


Which of the following participates in addition of an amino acid to a growing polypeptide chain

ecological isolation

Which of the following prezygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms best explains why salamanders that live in trees do not successfully mate with salamanders that live in soil by rivers?


Which of the following provides hereditary diversity required for evolutionary change


Which of the following results from a physical exchange between chromatids of homologous chromosomes?

The animal but not its offspring can be affected by the mutation

Which of the following statements about an animal bearing a somatic mutation is true?

RNA polymerase transcribes through the terminator sequence, causing the polymerase to separate from the DNA and release the transcript.

Which of the following statements best describes the termination of transcription in prokaryotes?

Negative supercoiled DNA is under-rotated which allows easier strand separation

Which of the following statements is true about negatively supercoiled DNA?

RNA polymerase I

Which of the following synthesize long constitutive RNAs?

RNA polymerase II

Which of the following synthesizes highly regulated RNAs?


Which of the following will be a male in Drosophila (assuming they are all viable)? A=autosome set


Which of the following would be expected to increase the expression of all recessive phenotypes in a population without changing the allele frequencies?


Which one of the following is not a stop codon?

Missense mutations alter the coding sequence. One amino acid is substituted for another

Which one of the following statements about mutation types is correct?

They possess 5' to 3' exonuclease activity.

Which one of the following statements is not true for all E. coli DNA polymerases?


Which position of a codon evolves at the highest rate ?

Metaphase II

Which stage of meiosis involves aligning all of the chromosomes directly on the central plane?

Negative supercoiled DNA is under-rotated and allows for easier strand separation during replication and transcription

Which statement is true regarding negative supercoiled DNA ?


Which type of chromosome mutation increases the amount of genetic sequence in a single chromosome

tautomeric shift

Which type of mutation converts a nucleotide to an alternative structure with the same composition but slightly different placement of hydrogen bonds with a rare, less stable form that causes base-pair mismatch?


Which type of mutation is difficult to detect if the cytosine is methylated?

Positive regulation of an inducible system

Yeast genes responding to galactose is an example of


You identify a mutant whose chromosomes shorten after each round of replication. A mutation in which gene would explain this observation ?


scalloped (sd) is an X-linked recessive and ebony (e) is an autosomal recessive mutation. What proportion of scalloped, ebony females (relative to whole population) is expected in the F2 starting with a true breeding scalloped female which is wild type for ebony mating with a true breeding male mutant only for ebony.

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