CRJ 550/700 Limitations

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Flight controls - Lift/ Drag devices (Flight spoilers)

- Flight spoilers must not be extended in-flight below an altitude of 300' AGL. - To ensure adequate maneuver margins, flight spoilers must not be extended in-flight at airspeeds below the recommended approach speeds plus 10 KIAS.

CRJ550/ 700 Engine operating limits (memory items)

- ITT: 815 deg C - Oil Pressure: 182 PSI max, 95 PSI (after 10 minutes) 1. Normal takeoff power and maximum power (two engines) is limited to 5 minutes. 2. APR power (one engine) is limited to 10 minutes. 3. ITT must be below 120 deg C before attempting to ground start

Thrust reversers

- Only approved for ground use. - only intended for full stop landings - Takeoff with any thrust reverser EICAS warning and/or caution message displayed is prohibited. - DURING LANDING, MAX REVERSE THRUST PROHIBITED BELOW 75 KIAS, AND REVERS IDLE BY 60 KIAS - Back up using thrust reversers is prohibited

Minimum ambient air temperature approved for takeoff.

-40 deg C (-40 deg F)

RVSM required equipment list

1. AUTOPILOT (1) - must be operational 2. ALTITUDE ALERTING SYSTEM - must be operational 3. ALTITUDE REPORTING TRANSPONDER - one (1) must be operational 4. AIR DATA COMPUTERS (2) - two (2) must be operational

CRJ700 Structural Weight Limitations

1. Maximum Taxi and Ramp weight - 75,250 lbs 2. Maximum takeoff weight - 75,000 lbs 3. Maximum landing weight - 67,000 lbs 4. Maximum zero fuel weight - 62, 300 lbs 5. Minimum flight weight - 42,000 lbs 6. Minimum operating empty weight - 39,835 lbs

CRJ550 Structural weight limitations

1. Maximum taxi and ramp weight - 66,000 lbs 2. Maximum takeoff weight - 65,000 lbs 3. Maximum landing weight - 61,000 lbs 4. Maximum zero fuel weight - 59,000 lbs 5. Minimum flight weight - 42,000

The maximum permissible fuel imbalance between the contents of the left wing tank and the right wing tanks are:

1. during takeoff: 300 lbs 2. all other phases of flight: 800 lbs

Maximum operating altitude.


Minimum fuel required for go-around

600 lbs per wing tank - assuming a maximum airplane climb altitude of 10 deg nose up

Maximum airport pressure altitude for takeoff and landing.








Maximum Operating Speed and Mach Number

CRJ550/ 700 Maximum cruise Mach number during flight in RVSM airspace is .83

Tire limit speed

CRJ550/700 - 182 knots ground speed

Supercooled Large Droplet icing

Continued operation in areas where supercooled large droplet (SLD) icing conditions exist is prohibited. SLD icing conditions are indicated by ice accretion on the flight deck side windows. - wing and cowl anti-icing systems must be ON in SLD icing conditions - leave icing conditions when side window icing occurs

Continuous Engine Ignition

Continuous ignition must be used during the following: 1. Takeoffs and landings on contaminated runways 2. Flight through moderate or heavier intensity rain 3. Flight through moderate or heavier intensity turbulence 4. Flight in the vicinity of thunderstorms

Cowl anti-ice (ground operations)

Cowl anti-ice system must be ON when the OAT is 10 deg C (50 def F) or below: - and visible moisture in any form is present (such as fog with visibility of 1,500 meters (1 mile) or less, rain, snow, sleet and ice crystals. - when operating on runways, ramps or taxiways where surface snow, ice, standing water, or slush is present.

Flight controls - Lift/ Drag devices (slats/flaps)

Enroute use of slats/flaps is prohibited. Flight with Slats/Flaps extended at altitudes above 15,000' is prohibited

Maximum ambient air temperature approved for takeoff.

ISA +35 deg C

Wing Anti-Ice System (flight operations)

Icing conditions exist in-flight at a TAT of 10°C (50°F) or below, and visible moisture in any form is encountered (such as clouds, rain, snow, sleet or ice crystals), except when the SAT is -40°C (-40°F) or below. The wing anti-ice system must be ON when: - ICE is annunciated by the ice detection system, or - in icing conditions and the airspeed is less than 230 KIAS NOTE Do not hold in icing conditions with Slats/Flaps extended.

Cowl anti-ice (flight operations)

Icing conditions exist in-flight at a TAT of 10°C (50°F) or below, and visible moisture in any form is encountered (such as clouds, rain, snow, sleet or ice crystals), except when the SAT is -40°C (-40°F) or below. The engine cowl anti-ice system must be ON when: - in icing conditions, or - ICE is annunciated by the ice detection system

FMS 4200 Operating limitations (PRNAV required equipment list)

Im addition to the chart, the following must not be displayed: 1. FMS DR 2. IRS ONLY 3. VOR/DME ONLY or V/D ONLY 4. VOR/DME DIST > 40 NM

APU Starting

Maximum EGT (0 to 100%RPM ) - 692 DEG C to 1038 deg C

Turbulence penetration speed

Maximum airspeed for turbulence penetration is 280 KIAS or 0.75 Mach, whichever is LOWER

CRJ550/ 700 single Pack Operation

Maximum altitude for single pack operation is 31,000'

APU generator

Maximum permissable load is 40 kVA

Fuel Crossflow

Powered crossflow and gravity crossflow must be OFF for takeoff.

Use of the ENGINES HIGH PWR SCHEDULE switch light


Center tank fuel limit

Take off with a fuel load in excess of 500 lbs in the center tank is not permitted unless: - each main wing tank is above 4,400 lbs or - if each main wing tank is less than 4,400 lbs consult the AFM limitations section for additional requirements

Cold Weather operations

Take-off is prohibited with frost, ice, snow or slush adhering to any critical areas (wings, upper fuselage, horizontal stabilizer, vertical stabilizer, control surfaces, and engine inlets

APU starting

The APU starter motor duty cycles is limited to not more than 3 starts/ start attempts in one hour. NOTE: a two minuted delay must be observed between cranking attempts to allow for cooling off starters.

Taxi lights

The taxi lights must be switched OFF whenever the airplane is stationary in excess of 10 minutes

Reduced (FLEX) takeoff thrust

The use of reduced/ FLES thrust for takeoff is NOT authorized when: 1. Wing and/or cowl anti-ice bleeds are in use 2. Runway is contaminated with standing water, slush, snow or ice* 3. Warnings or forecasts of windshear or downdrafts exist (including LLWAS advisories) 4. Antiskid system is inoperative 5. The engine cannot achieve full rated thrust

Wing Anti-Ice System (ground operations)

Wing anti-ice system must be ON for takeoff when the OAT is 5°C (41°F) or below and: - visible moisture in any form is present (such as fog with visibility of 1,500 meters [1 mile] or less, rain ,snow, sleet and ice crystals) - the runway is contaminated with surface snow, slush or standing water When Type II or Type IV anti-icing fluids have been applied: • wing anti-ice system must only be selected ON, if required, just prior to thrust increase for takeoff

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