rhetorical devices quiz review

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antimetable example

" by failing to prepare you are preparing to fail"


A construction in which elements are presented in a series without conjunctions

Syllepsis example

After he threw the ball, he threw a fit.


Deliberate use of many conjunctions

Asyndeton example

I came, I saw, I conquered

syllogism example

Rocks are hard, hard things shouldn't be chewed, therefore rocks shouldn't be chewed.

polysyndeton example

They read and studied and wrote and drilled. I laughed and talked and flunked.

diacope example

We will do it, I tell you; we will do it.

Epistrophe example

You are in my thoughts always. I see you in my dreams always. Can we be together always?

anastrophe example

in silent night when rest I took for sorrow near I did not look


is a crisscross arrangement of words. this means the exact same words are used in two consecutive clauses, but they are reversed of crisscross


is inverting the usual order of words, phrases or clauses


is logical conclusion of ideas is drawn from two previous statements

rhetorical climax

is ordering words, phrases or clause so the most important comes last


is parallel phrases, clauses or sentences in succession


is the consistent repetition of words can be back to back or a few words in between


is the intentional repetition of the first words in consecutive sentences of clauses


is the intentional repetition of words at the end of consecutive C/P/S; exact opposite of anaphora


is when a writer plays on the multiple meaning of a word


is when opposite words of statements are juxtaposed


is when the exact same word appear at the beginning and ending of C/P/S

rhetorical climax example

its a bird... its a plane.... its superman!

epanalepsis example

next time there wont be a next time


occurs when a wrier asks a question and follows with the question with the answer


repetition of the last word of one clause at the beginning of the following clause

anadiplosis example

the crime was common, common be the pain

antithesis example

we must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools

hypophord example

why should you elect me as class president? ii will fight for you, the student body

anaphora example

My life is my purpose. My life is my goal. My life is my inspiration.

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