gensoc intro

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convention on the elimination of discrimination against women

Philippines is committed by being signatory at __________________________ known as international bill on rights of women

magna carta of women

RA 9710

Sustainable development goals

affordable and clean energy

gender responsive

aimed at promoting gender equality and eliminating discrimination in development

gender and development

alternative for women in development; not concerned specifically with women but with the way society assign roles, responsibilities and expectations to both men and women

gender and development

any development perspective that is participatory and empowering, equitable, sustainable, free from violence, respectful of human rights, supportive of self- determination and actualization of human potentials; seeks to achieve gender equality as fundamental value that should be reflected in development choices

gender and development

approach was developed with the idea of improving the development model by removing disparties of social , economic, and political balances between men and women as a precondition for achieving people centered development

women in development

approached emphasized women's right to development, recognition of women's economic role in national economies and gave voice to women in developing countries


baseless assumptions about the characteristics, attributes, and behaviors of members of a certain grous and most of them are sociocultural beliefs

gender identity

can be affected by social various factors and may aLSO APPEAR DIFFERENT from one's society to another depending on the way the members of society evaluate and understand these unique roles and attributed one as female or male

gender identity

can be influenced by from the ethnic origin of the group, their traditional practices, and beliefs as salient framework of their cultural background

Sustainable development goals

clean water and sanitation

Sustainable development goals

climate action

millennium development goals

combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other disease

gender role assignment, gender bias, gender discrimination

common concepts in gender before gender and development

Sustainable development goals

decent work and economic growth

millennium development goals

develop globe partnership for development

Ability to provide for basic necessities, ability to become persons with identity, dignity and self- worth, ability to exercise freedom and responsibility

development aims to fulfill 3 basic human needs

millennium development goals

ensure environment sustainability

millennium development goals

eradicate extreme poverty

social relations analysis

exposes the social dimensions of hierarchical power relations embedded in social institutions; determines influence on the relative position of men and women in society.

family, school, media, religion

factors that affects gender stereotyping and other issues in gender

-United nations charter of 1945 -universal declaration of human rights (1948)

first official worldwide recognition of women's equality and non discrimination on the basis on sex

late 1960s

focus was on women's reproductive roles

gender roles

focuses on social construction of identities within the household; it also reveals the expectations from maleness and femaleness in their relative access to resources


general appropriations act states that government should have GAD programs


general appropriations act states that government should have GAD programs which at least _____________ of total budget should be alloted

Sustainable development goals

good health and well being

first world conference for women (Mexico 1974) UN decade for women 1976-85 promotion of WID

important events in 70's and 80's

millennium development goals

improve maternal health

Sustainable development goals

industries innovation and infrastructure


integrating gender into development planning in all sectors of society requires a uniform understanding various concepts

shifts towards GAD mainstreaming, addresses practical gender needs of women, promotes access to employment and income and basic services, removing disparties in social, economical and political balances between men and women, " integrate gender awareness and competence into mainstream development

late 80s-90s and ongoing

gender blindness

led to neglect of concerns particular to women, neglect redressed through affirmative action in which women are given the advantage to catch up in areas where they have fallen behind

Sustainable development goals

life below water

Philippine Development Plan

malasakit, patuloy sa pagunlad, gender and develoment


more than a mental construct but a tangible structural feature of society which provides significance to society to device appropriate social control among its members

Sustainable development goals

no poverty


overt negative behaviors towards a person based on his or her membership in a group

Sustainable development goals

partnership for goals

Sustainable development goals

peace, justice and strong institutions

millennium development goals/ Sustainable development goals

promote gender equality and empower women

capacity to do and capacity to be

quality of life involves

compliance and commitment

rationale of GAD

millennium development goals

reduce child mortality

Sustainable development goals

reduce inequalities


refers to any bias against an individual or group based on individual's or group's sex


refers to biological distinction of being male and female

Sustainable development goals

responsible consumption and production


set of unreasonable attitudes, more likely unfavorable towards members of a particular group

members have higher life expectancy, enjoy higher quality of life, expanding range of choices of people

signs of development in a society


simply a casual notion of distinction as male or female, man or women and boy or girl


strongly believed is evidently a social construct which resulted from sociocultural influences along the process of an individual's development

Sustainable development goals

sustainable cities and communities


sustained capacity to achieve a better life

gender discrimination

term or behavior associated to sexism against an individual as indicative stereotyped beliefs against women in particular

70s and 80s

the year marked new paradigm shift in which the debate moved women not just their inclusion but extended the domestic sphere of women's role a wives and mothers

gender as compared to sex, mainstreaming itself

various concepts for mainstreaming

Sustainable development goals

zero hunger

1987 Philippine Constitution article 2 section 14

"the state recognize the role of women in nation building and shall promote the fundamental equality before the law of women and men

men before gender and development

-dominant -always work in science, engineering and technical fields -in charge, always at the top -tell wives what to do -lazy and messy

women before gender and development

-submissive -supposed to have clean jobs -responsible in raising children -never in charge -make less money than man

united nation charter 1945 and the universal declaration of human rights, women's equality and non discrimination on the basis on sex, focus on women's reproductive roles, "Increase women's political participation and harness their labour capacities to meet national development"


first world conference for women in mexico, UN decade for women in 1976-1985, addresses to and control over factors of production and decision making, "development should empower women and men to greater self-reliance and assertion of own capabilities"

70s -80s

millennium development goals


gender roles and social relations analysis

GAD two major frameworks

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