GEO 100 climate change/ earth

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__________________- long term atmosphere conditions in a region -atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, biosphere, and cryosphere


Climate is the short-term, day to day variations in the condition of the atmosphere such as temperature, precipitation, and wind


There is a significant positive correlation between sunspot activity and recent changes in mean global temperature


Volcanic eruptions have no impact on global climate patterns; they only affect local climate


__________________ occurs when a neutron strikes a radioactive atom


__________________- splitting of certain radioactive atoms apart to create energy -nuclear power plants use fission of uranium to generate electricity

Nuclear fission

__________________ releases metals from ore minerals


Alloys are useful because they __________________

are strong than either of their constituent metals alone

Carbon dioxide (CO2) has the greatest relative contribution to increasing the greenhouse effect compared to other anthropogenically produced greenhouse gases


Earth has a natural greenhouse effect, principally due to water vapor.


Elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, with subsequent absorption by the oceans, have caused an increase in ocean pH


If all greenhouse gas emissions by humans ere reduced to zero, Earth is still projected to keep warming for the foreseeable future.


The Earth's climate system involves the exchange involves the exchange of heat and water among the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, biosphere, and cryosphere


What would happen to Earth's atmospheric temperature if the amount of incoming shortwave radiation from the Sun decreased and was less than the long wave radiation lost to space?

atmospheric temperature would decrease

Which of the following is an alloy?


Which set of statements is CORRECT?

The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon. Human activity has increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over the past 250 years

Reports on climate change, including the fourth IPCC Report of 2007 concluded that __________________

climate change models can mimic present-day conditions only if human emissions are taken into account

__________________- black, brittle, carbon-rich, low-silica sedimentary rock produced from burial and heating of terrestrial vegetation


Which of the following lists contains only fossil fuels?

coal, oil, natural gas

In 1900, the most commonly used source of energy in the United States was __________________; today it is __________________

coal; oil

Blending metals creates __________________- these blends are superior to either metal alone


Oil taken directly from the ground, without artificial chemical alteration, is termed __________________

crude oil

The minimum area of Arctic sea ice cover has been __________________ as air and water temperatures have been __________________ over the past several decades

decreasing; increasing

The blocks of rock used in construction are termed __________________

dimension stone

Natural causes of climate change: -variations in Earth's orbit -Milankovitch Theories drive long-term change *__________________ *__________________ *__________________

eccentricity; obliquity; precession

Nuclear power __________________

emits no greenhouse gases

Earth's climate system- exchange of __________________ and __________________ between these spheres

energy; moisture

Neutrons strike nuclei of fuel molecules to cause __________________


Most energy for human consumption in the industrial world comes from __________________

fossil fuels

Of the following, which are useful as proxy data for understanding past climate changes?

fossil pollen, annual layers of snow packed in glacial ice, sea floor sediments, tree-growth rings

Matter that stores energy in a usable and transportable form is termed __________________


__________________ is a nonmetal mineral formed by evaporation


Natural causes for global climate change include all of the following except __________________

increase in elevation

__________________ between solar activity and average Earth temperature

lack of correlation

Energy from fossil fuels- oils, natural gas, and coal are derived from __________________ -created by photosynthesis; this is solar energy from the past- "fossilized sunshine"

living organisms

Nuclear power can be used to __________________

make electricity

Which of the following is a consequence of global warming?

melting of glacial ice, droughts in prime agricultural areas, shifts in the world-wide distribution of plant and animal communities, increasing hurricane intensity

As sea ice melts and becomes liquid water, __________________ heat is then absorbed from the Sun, creating warmer surface waters.


____________________________________- climate change would be very gradual over millions of years

movement of Earth's tectonic plates

__________________- short-chain hydrocarbons methane, ethane, propane, butane, and others -more abundant than oil and is a cleaner fuel

natural gas

__________________- energy from breaking apart atoms

nuclear power

A known supply of oil is called an __________________

oil reserve

__________________- a source rock that hasn't reached the proper temperature window to create oil

oil shale

Smelting is a technique applied to __________________

ore minerals

We use minerals that contain metals= __________________

ore minerals

Oil and gas are complex ____________________________________

organic molecules (hydrocarbons)

__________________- study o past climates, using proxy data


Oil and gas are derived from __________________ and __________________

plankton; marine algae

Oil drilling provides not only gasoline and electrical power but also material incorporated into __________________


__________________- indirect evidence using natural recorders of climate variability -sea floor sediments, coral deposits, *glacial ice rings*, tree rings, pollen

proxy data

Hydraulic fracturing ("fracking")- ____________________________________- creates new fractures, opens preexisting fractures -increases recovery of oil

pumps high-pressure water and chemicals into drill hole

Studies indicate that acidification of the ocean by the absorption of carbon dioxide is harmful to virtually all marine life and ecosystems. The group most vulnerable to both warming and acidification would be the __________________

reef corals and other calcareous organisms

Renewable- __________________ -solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal Nonrenewable- __________________ -oil, natural gas, coal, uranium, ores

replaced quickly; replacement requires hundreds to millions of years

Coal is formed when heat and pressure alter deposits of ancient __________________

terrestrial plants

Global warming is __________________

the warming of Earth's atmosphere primarily caused by the production of greenhouse gases due to natural activity

Most reactors use fuel rods of __________________ oxide pellets


__________________- ejecta can block sunlight (cooling) and increase CO2

volcanic eruptions

Which three gases are most important on Earth for inhibiting the release of longwave radiation back into space?

water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane

Which of the following is a renewable source?


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