Geo Exam #1 (Ch.1-4)

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All human life began in Africa and started to migrate out about ____________ years ago.


Corn, yams, cassava, and bananas are common crops in areas of which type of agriculture?


Countries such as Mali, Burkina Faso, Chad, and Niger have economic challenges not only because of climate but also because they are all:


Interpreting the impact of tectonic activity on the landforms of East Africa would probably be the work of a ______________ geographer.

Site and Situation

Local factors have a significant influence on a place; two geographic terms that describe these local factors are:

The Government

Nationalization of resources, such as copper in Zambia, means that _____________ now controls and owns it.


Pressure systems, wind patterns, and precipitation in the tropics are heavily impacted by:

South of the Sahara

Subsaharan Africa includes all of the countries:


The Serengeti in Tanzania and Kenya is a well-known example of which biome?

level of education

The effects of global climate change will be distributed unevenly across the planet. Which of the following is NOT a factor contributing to the vulnerability of a group of people?


The greenhouse effect keeps the earth at a livable temperature. About how many degrees Fahrenheit (33 degrees Celsius) cooler would earth would be without the greenhouse effect?


The influence of human behavior on earth since the Industrial Revolution in the late 1700s is so significant that it constitutes a new geological era called the:


The map of world religions demonstrates the role of ______________ diffusion of ideas.

It is a low-pressure belt whose location migrates

What is the ITCZ?


a name of a place, or place-name, is referred to as a:


A climate region of the world is a ________________ region.


A major obstacle that developing countries often face is the problem of being stuck as a producer of raw materials, or stuck in an economy dominated by the _______ sector.


A public school district in the United States is a _________________ region.

digital divide

Although people in remote locations have gained connection through Internet access and mobile phone usage, there is a notable gap between the average bandwidth and accessibility, creating what is referred to as the:

agricultural, industrial, service

As a country or area develops, the nature of the economy changes or progresses through a series of stages. Select the correct order of these stages.


Besides being problematic in its own right, top-down development often experienced a lack of __________ that inhibited the longer-term sustainability of programs because local people had little interest in maintaining projects they did not initiate or request.

Remote sensing

Collecting data for research or mapping by using instruments that are far from the area of study is called:


Development ideas that emphasize structure, or the global framework under which countries operate, say that the _______ between countries are as or more important than internal policies for determining the future development of a country.

Africa and Asia

Following World War II, many formerly colonized countries became independent states. Where was the greatest concentration of these countries?


Geography is the study of people, place, environment, and:


Globalization of the world's people and places began about:

To places most connected to the hearth

Ideas and goods diffuse from the hearth first:

United Nations (UN)

In 1945, following the world wars, this organization had 51 member countries; in 2015, membership has grown to 193 members.

In response to a significant increase in gasoline prices

In general, Americans change their behavior by increasing their use of public transportation and purchasing more fuel-efficient vehicles:


In the Saharan region of Africa, including the Subsaharan states such as Niger, Mali, and Chad, what is the most common religion?


Landlocked countries face particular exporting problems because both time and money are required to cross country borders, making transportation:

Organization for African Unity

Most African countries became independent from colonial rule by 1960, and in 1964 formed the:

Australia and New Zealand

Most developed countries are located in the Northern Hemisphere. Which of the following are notable exceptions?

Both Africa and Asia

Most fair trade goods are produced in Latin America, especially Mexico, but certified fair trade production is expanding rapidly in:

informal economy

Most street vendors, local craftsmen, farmer's markets, and roadside stalls are all part of the:

Spain—1500s; the Netherlands—1600s; Great Britain—1700s and 1800s; and the United States—1900s

Political scientists outlined four hegemons between 1500 and 2000. Select the correct match of country and century below.

Greenhouse gases

Several components in the atmosphere are responsible for the greenhouse effect, including water vapor, methane, ozone, nitrous oxides, carbon dioxide, and other trace gases. Collectively, these are known as:

Gross National Income (GNI)

The __________ per capita is the most widely accepted way of measuring wealth by countries in the world today because the statistic tries to account for the flow of wealth in our globalized world.


The origin or place that a new good or service is initially produced is referred to as the:

what a place is like

The perception of place refers to a way people construct their ideas about:


The physical context of the earth refers to:

Export Resources

The purpose of colonial railway lines was primarily to:

Urban Hierarchies

The relative importance of cities over smaller towns and rural areas is referred to as:

human geography

The two major fields of study within geography are physical geopgraphy and


The uniqueness of a location and its shaping refers to:


The visible imprint of people on the surface of Earth is seen in the ______ landscape

Enhance connectivity for some communities while marginalizing others

Transporation networks may be intentionally designed to:

threshold concepts

Understanding World Regional Geography is designed to highlight 24:


Using physical geography to define world regions, a geographer may use:

histrocial spatial interaction

We can see places that were tied together and places that were not, by studying:

The South

We often perceive regions to exist even though we have never been to them. A strong example of regional perception in the United States is:

European powers arbitrarily divided the world's second-largest continent among themselves.

What does the term Scramble for Africa refer to?


What fueled the second wave of colonization in the second half of the nineteenth century?

By sea

What is the cheapest method to transport heavy goods and materials?

spatial interaction

What is the degree of contact between people and places


What is the leading fair trade product

Green Revolution

What is the term for the introduction of hybrid seeds, new fertilizers and pesticides, and in some cases mechanization?

Human Development Index (HDI)

What tool assesses life expectancy, literacy, years of schooling, and per capita GDP?

There was a belief that trade restrictions had led to the Great Depression

What was the reasoning behind the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs to promote free trade?


What was the system of legal segregation of people by race, ethnicity, and ancestry used in South Africa until the early 1990s?


Where climate impacts agriculture with too little rain, such as the Sahel and other dry savanna biomes, people mainly practice:


Which country has the highest Gross National Income (GNI) in South America?

climate and landforms

Which of the following could a physical geographer study?


Which of the following countries is found in the equatorial climate zone?


Which of the following describes the process of heightening interactions, increasing interdependence, and deepening relations across country boundaries?

Time-space compression

Which of the following describes the process that accelerates the experience of time and reduces the significance of distance in information technology networks?


Which of the following is a good example of a country that moved from the periphery to the semi-periphery as it increasingly engaged in manufacturing and became a major global exporter, as exemplified by the heavy freight traffic in Hong Kong Harbor?


Which of the following is a term often used by geographers to describe the dominance of one state on the global stage?


Which of the following is characterized by vast grasslands and isolated trees?

Luxembourg and Switzerland

Which of the following pairs are two of the wealthiest countries in the world that are also landlocked?


While wealthier economies may appear to be cleaner, much of this gain may be the result of ___________ dirty industries to other countries (hence, there is no net gain for the global environment).

Thinking Geographically

________ means considering and understanding the context of what is going on in the world


_________ is the subdiscipline of geography concerned with the construction of maps.


____________ development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

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