GEOG 1113 Final

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(T/F) A GPS is capable of linking spatial and attribute data, revealing new spatial and temporal relationships, and visualizing such relationships using sophisticated mapping techniques.


(T/F) According to Ravenstein, women are more likely than men to be international migrants.


(T/F) Acupuncture was quickly adopted as a popular new treatment soon after it was diffused to North America.


(T/F) An age-dependency ratio of 100 means that the working-age population is higher than the age-dependent population.


(T/F) Because of his concern about future overpopulation, Thomas Malthus was among the first progressives to promote universal sex education, the distribution of condoms, and free access to abortion.


(T/F) Commodification is limited to material culture


(T/F) Dot maps should not be used to represent discrete data.


(T/F) Dr. John Snow was a famous British geographer of the mid-1800s.


(T/F) Hierarchical diffusion is completely random.


(T/F) In statistical tables, the CDR is expressed ass the percentage of the total population that dies each year.


(T/F) In the PLSS, a township contains approximately 640 acres


(T/F) Isopleth maps should not be used to represent continuous data.


(T/F) Physiological density refers to the number of people per unit area of land, while arithmetic density (which is a better measure) refers to the number of people per unit area of arable land.


(T/F) Possibilism is not one of the four ways that geographers conceptualize the relationship between people and nature.


(T/F) Rapid population growth is indicated by a population pyramid with a narrow base.


(T/F) Raster data uses coordinates such as latitude and longitude to identify the locations of points, the paths of lines, and the boundaries of polygons in a GIS.


(T/F) Since foreign direct investment (FDI) always helps a company improve business and create jobs, the main benefactor is always the host country, not the multinationals corporation (MNC).


(T/F) Studies now indicate that higher rates of literacy result in higher rates of teen pregnancy.


(T/F) The Mercator Projection is in the map projection family known as equal area projections.


(T/F) The Mercator Projection was developed to portray the actual size of land masses.


(T/F) The Public Land Survey System was developed by the United States Geological Survey during the 1870s following the Civil War.


(T/F) The deepening of the Panama Canal so as to facilitate larger container ships would be a good example of vertical expansion.


(T/F) The earliest applications of remote sensing technologies were used by human geographers, but environmental scientists later began using remote sensing techniques to detect vegetation change and monitor weather patterns.


(T/F) The intellectual roots of environmental determinism can be traced back to the ancient Romans, who speculated that human diversity resulted from both climatic and locational factors.


(T/F) The most common system used for indirect georeferencing is latitude and longitude.


(T/F) The polarization thesis is tied to the notion that economic processes shape cultural practices.


(T/F) The term "globalization" came into popular use during the 1960s during the early days of the environmental movement.


(T/F) The term spatial diffusion was first coined by geographer Edward Ullman in 1954.


(T/F) Today's Neo-Malthusians, quite ironically, are people who promote population growth and pro-natalist government policies.


(T/F) Two opposing parallels equal one great circle.


(T/F) When constructing a choropleth map, it is always best to use more than eight map classes if the software allows.


(T/R) The European Rationality Doctrine states that local knowledges can contribute to and inform sustainable development.


In his Essay on the Principle of Population, Malthus explained that the root of the human population problem was that population reproduces arithmetically, while food supply increases geometrically.


Political ecologists argue that politics and chronic food insecurity are completely unrelated phenomena.


T or F: All countries have an official language.


T or F: All languages are essentially equal in their descriptive capabilities.


T or F: In his studies of American English dialects, Hans Kurath discovered some very interesting patterns of speech among African Americans.


T or F: In terms of its English dialect patterns, the empirical evidence demonstrates that Oklahoma is not a very complex state.


T or F: It is generally agreed that there are about 7,900 languages in the world today.


T or F: Linguisitic diversity has increased in the last few centuries because of rapid population growth.


T or F: Not only is fuelwood (firewood) the oldest form of renewable energy, it also provides an excellent alternative energy to those unhealthy, polluting nonrenewable forms that generate electricity, like coal and natural gas.


T or F: Social science scholars agree that all languages are essentially equal in their descriptive capabilities.


T or F: Someone fluent in only American Sign Language (ASL) could easily understand someone communicating in British Sign Language (BSL).


T or F: The global demand for oil is expected to fall by as much as 60 percent in the next three decades, primarily because the EPA will institute higher fuel efficiency standards on new cars sold in the United States.


T or F: The majority of the world's medium, large, and very large languages (languages with more than 10,000 speakers) are official languages somewhere in the world.


T or F: The official language of the United States is American English.


T or F: The roots of religious fundamentalism date to the European Enlightenment of the 1700s.


T or F: Yoruba is an Afro-Asiatic language.


T or F; As a rule, the proven reserves of a nonrenewable energy resources cannot change.


Which of the four main contemporary U.S. immigration admission categories is the largest numbers of immigrants use today for legal admission?

Family reunification

Which of the following is NOT a condition conducive to the development of urban primacy?

Federal state w free enterprise economy

Ready-mix concrete retails for $2.99 per 80 lb. paper bag, much of which covers transport costs. Which of the three spatial interaction factors does this example best illustrate?


proponents of the _____ argue that income convergence or equality follows increased global trade, which leads to specialization, increased competition, and rising prosperity. They argue for the removal of trade barriers in order to better facilitate globalization.

Trickle-down theory of globalization

Which of the following is located at 23.5 degrees North latitude?

Tropic of Cancer

Which of the following is located at 23.5 degrees South latitude?

Tropic of Capricorn

(T/F) A GIS can be used to link spatial and attribute data, reveal new spatial and temporal relationships, and visualize such relationships using sophisticated mapping techniques.


(T/F) A good thematic map often inspires as many questions as it answers


(T/F) A market analyst's map depicting the distribution of ZIP code areas where OSU fans outnumber OU fans by at least two to one would best be classified as a map of a formal region.


(T/F) A musical instrument is an example of material culture.


(T/F) According to Ravenstein, migration flows produce counterflows.


Sanatana dharma, meaning "eternal truth", is the name some __________ use for their religion:


Which of the following is the world's second most-spoken language in terms of total number of speakers?


If a country has legacy of colonialism, slavery, or communism, then these _______ will very likely affect its income distribution.

Historical factors

what european country did england receive the 4-course system from?


Aqua mart, a family owned pet store operating in Stillwater since the 1940s, goes out of business a few weeks after PetCo, a national chain, opens in the big box strip mall called "Lakeview pointe" a few miles away


Which of the following is NOT one of the three scales of observation used to map poverty in Madagascar in this chapter section?


what question about the natural resources and regions did mackintosh and Innis independently explore during the 1920s?

How do commodities affect the economic development of a country or region?

________________ may be defined as the forced and/or fraudulent recruitment of people to work in exploitative conditions.

Human Trafficking

Which of the following is NOT among the three phenomena Inuit people have been observing about the circumpolar environment in recent years?

Hunting seals is getting easier

What is the only renewable energy source that is currently a major commercial form in the world?


Which of the following has the narrowest gender gap?


what country has invested the most toward developing its geothermal energy resources?


(T/F) According to Ravenstein, most migrations cover short distances and do not cross international boundaries.


(T/F) According to Ravenstein, urban areas are usually the destinations of long-distance migrants.


(T/F) According to Ravenstein, urban residents tend to be less likely to migrate than rural residents.


(T/F) Across the developing world, children are usually considered to be an economic investment because they will be able to work and contribute to the family's income and/or provide support for parents after parents are elderly.


(T/F) An intervening opportunity is a different location that can provide a desired good more economically.


(T/F) Anti-natalist policies use positive incentives, and sometimes penalties, to encourage fertility decline.


(T/F) Areal units are irrelevant to the data portrayed by an isopleth map.


Which of the following is NOT one of the three ways in which internal-combustion engine mechanization, namely the use of gasoline and diesel-powered tractors, have contributed to the transformation of agriculture?

Mechanization has led to greater agricultural genetic diversity

Common misperceptions of the relative size of Greenland and Africa can be traced to the inappropriate use of which map projection?


Which of the following survey systems shapes the pattern of settlement in Massachusetts?

Metes and Bounds System

Which of the following survey systems shapes the pattern of settlement in Tennessee?

Metes and Bounds System

Which country is the leading source of immigrants to the United States?


Which of the following international migration corridors was the world's largest in 2015?

Mexico ====> United States

(T/F) Choropleth maps should not be used to represent discrete or continuous data.


(T/F) De Beers established a diamond cartel that controlled the supply and marketing of diamonds during the 20th century.


(T/F) Despite the debate over the impact of FDI, flows of FDI have increased since the 1990s, largely in tandem with the growth of MNCs.


(T/F) Developments in Angola were among the first to draw attention to the problem of conflict diamonds.


(T/F) Directly-referenced spatial data managed in a GIS is almost always performed using a GPS.


(T/F) Distribution is the arrangement of phenomena on or near the Earth's surface


(T/F) Dot maps should not be used to represent normalized data.


(T/F) Dot-distribution maps, if constructed properly, can be used to gauge the degree of spatial association between two phenomena.


(T/F) Environmental determinism prevailed among American geographers during the early 20th century and then fell quickly into disfavor.


(T/F) GIS technology can be used to help remedy social problems.


what water body adjoins the world's five largest oil-producing countries?

Persian gulf

which of the following is the best example of someone employed in the tertiary sector?

Pharmaceutical sales representative

Generally, the higher the ____ is, the greater the pressure a population will exert on land used for agriculture.

Physiological density

(T/F) Gaining World Heritage Site status usually guarantees that a location will experience an increase in tourism.


(T/F) Globalization propels and is propelled by spatial interaction.


(T/F) Globalization stems from the expansion of capitalism and international trade.


(T/F) Heritage dissonance refers to the idea that the meaning and value of heritage can vary from group to group.


(T/F) In areas where traditional medicine is practiced, specialized traditional medical knowledge is sometimes associated with a specific gender.


(T/F) In order to avoid misperceptions, sometimes it is better to use a simple data table rather than a map to represent a phenomenon.


(T/F) In some places, traditional medicine is the conventional medicine.


(T/F) In the PLSS, a quarter-section contains approximately 160 acres.


(T/F) In the PLSS, a section contains approximately 640 acres.


(T/F) In the PLSS, a township contains 36 square miles


(T/F) Istanbul's growth as a major port stems from attributes of its site and situation along an important strait.


Where was the 1992 Earth Summit held?

Rio de Janeiro

Of the following Christian groups, which one most recognizes the existence of sacred space within the physical (architectural) place of worship?

Roman Catholics

Which of the following religious groups contains the largest population of adherents?

Roman Catholics

The Treaty of _______ incorporated the idea that the EEC would attract other countries sharing the same economic and political ideals.


(T/F) It is not unusual for highly-developed countries to have higher death rates than countries that are undergoing rapid industrialization.


Which of the following is the world's largest diamond producer?


(T/F) Like the friction of distance, intervening opportunities can alter the spatial interaction between places.


(T/F) Malthus believes that the future of human well-being was seriously hindered by the problems that accompanied rapid population growth.


(T/F) Migration always involves emigration and immigration.


(T/F) Most governments around the world today make attempts to discourage rural-urban migration.


(T/F) No country today remains in Stage 1 of the demographic transition model.


(T/F) Of the two types of dot maps, the dot-distribution type is the ideal, but it is usually very difficult to produce.


(T/F) Patterns of consumption both influence culture and are influenced by culture.


(T/F) Population (age-sex) pyramids provide graphic representation of population age, structure, sex ratios, and likely growth trends.


(T/F) Pro-natalist policies are intended to raise the CBR?


(T/F) Proportional symbol maps must use normalized data.


(T/F) Raster data uses pixels or cells to store quantitative information, such as the signature of a land surface, which can be analyzed to identify land cover.


(T/F) Reference maps are used to look up known information, but usually not to analyze data or portray spatial relationships across broad areas.


(T/F) Sanborn pas are the best large-scale historical maps to be found for most small American towns.


(T/F) The CBR is more of a generalized measure of fertility than the TFR.


(T/F) The CDR alone cannot tell us very much about the quality of life of a population.


(T/F) The Mercator Projection was developed to aid with ocean navigation.


(T/F) The ability to search for nearby restaurants and services is an example of how to use an LBS from GPS technology.


(T/F) The advertising slogan "a diamond is forever" was first launched by Tiffany's in 1947.


(T/F) The circumference of the Earth along the Equator is greater than the circumference of a great circle.


(T/F) The diffusion of H1N1 flu since April 2009 provides a good example of spatial diffusion.


(T/F) The rate of natural increase is found by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate and converting that figure to a percentage.


(T/F) The retail market for gem-quality diamonds is mostly locate in countries far away from the country where diamonds are mind.


(T/F) The term "geoslavery" has been used to refer to social issues raised by the use of GPS technology.


(T/F) The vast majority of the world's population growth takes place in less-developed countries.


(T/F) There are many more internal migrants in the world than international migrants AND there are many more internally-displaced persons than official refugees.


(T/F) There is always a dynamic relationship between local and global forces such that local forces become globalized and global forces become localized


(T/F) Today in China there are many more males than females.


(T/F) Two opposing meridians equal one great circle.


(T/F) Unlike a verbal scale, a graphic scale remains accurate even if a map is enlarged when reproduced.


(T/F) Whenever deciding on classes for a choropleth map, it is a good idea to first graph the data with a frequency distribution or histogram.


(T/F) Where isotherms are closely-spaces, the temperature gradient is relatively steep.


A cartesian grid is a spatial reference system for a 2-dimensional surface, but a graticule is a spatial reference system for a 3-D spherical surface.


A refugee, by definition, must cross an international boundary.


Amenity migration is largely a phenomenon of the highly-industrialized, developed countries.


Cornucopians are pro-natalist.


Which of the following pairs of countries are among those with some of the world's lowest fertility rates?

Russia, South Korea

Which of the following serves as a lingua franca in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan?


In 1994 the east african country of ___ was torn by genocidal chaos in which the UN refused to intervene military.


In which stage of the demographic transition model may a population begin to experience a negative rate of natural increase?


which of the following is not true about a sacred space?

Sacred spaces are always territorially-defined with boundaries

T or F: According to Nostratic theory, the Basque language of northern Spain is related, albeit distantly and prehistorically, to the Dene (Navajo) language of the American Southwest.


T or F: According to your text, the great chain of being contributed to an ideology of racism that helped Europeans make sense of the world.


T or F: Child soldiers and prostitutes are frequently in their positions because they have been victims of human trafficking.


T or F: Everyone speaks with an accent.


T or F: Historically, a pidgin language called Tay Boi was used for communication between the French and the Vietnamese when Vietnam was a French colony.


T or F: Historically, the diffusion of the Arabic language has been closely associated with the diffusion of Islam


T or F: One way that a language can rise in importance is. by being made a country's official language


T or F: Our dialects help define us; in other words, our particular dialect signals to others who we are, and who we are not.


T or F: Pidgin languages sometimes develop into creole languages.


T or F: Spanglish is not actually a language, but rather a kind of code switching.


Russia exports large amounts of natural gas to wealthy countries of central and northern Europe. Which of the three spatial interaction factors does this example best illustrate?


Which of the following map projections preserves the shapes of continents on a world map?


Well-composed maps portraying the coterminous 48 United States often utilize ____ projections.

conical equal area

The arrival of regular, twice per day passenger airline service between Stillwater and Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport has increased Stillwater's overall:


Which event initiated the most significant round of hierarchical diffusion of Christianity?

constantine's convention

which document requires that the seats of the house of representatives be equally apportioned among the states?


In 1598 domestic horses, an Old World species, were accidentally introduced into the American West by Spanish conquistadores invading the Upper Rio Grande valley of present-day New Mexico. Over the next 150 years, feral horse (Mustang) populations spread throughout the interior west of North America. What type of expansion diffusion did this involve?


The domino theory was used to justify the US policy known as:


Which of the following is NOT among the four conditions that must be met for a state to exist?

contains natural resources to support population

A massive urban complex created by the spatial convergence of expanding metropolitan areas is formally referred to as a:


what type of system production preceded the factory?

cottage industry

Which of the following is a sub-discipline of human geography that studies the relationship between people and the natural environment?

cultural ecology

What did the National Party of South Africa seek to preserve by physically segregating the country's racial groups into their own territories?

cultural isolation

Culture draws on all of the following attributes except

culture is never tied to politics

In regard to the bipolar divisions during the Cold War, which of the following was NOT among the five unaligned European states by 1980?


T o F: Japanese students from Tokyo who attend Oklahoma State University frequently comment about how easy it is to get around in Stillwater, since the town is so small in comparison to their huge city.


T or F: A person whose father is Peruvian and whose mother is Japanese would--in terms of the definition of ethnicity in this text section--be an ethnic Japanese, and not an ethnic Peruvian.


T or F: According to Figure 7.14, the bipolar configuration during the Cold War pitted the communist West against the capitalist East.


T or F: According to UN rules, forces for United Nations peacekeeping operations can be drawn only from current members of the UN Security Council.


T or F: According to the Geo Teleological Theory, a religious hearth region must remain numerically dominated by the religion's adherents in order to retain its significance to the region.


T or F: All world cities are also megacities, but not all megacities are world cities.


T or F: Although both the FHA and VA were created to do the opposite, they effectively reduced homeownership among middle class Americans.


T or F: An ethnic religion is a belief system that is worldwide n scope and welcomes all people as potential adherents.


T or F: An ethnographic boundary is one that used to exist but is no longer recognized as an official boundary and, therefore, is no longer formally defined or delimited.


T or F: An unanticipated benefit of the rising demand for biofuels has been an increase in corn production, which has in turn reduced global hunger.


T or F: Any settlement with 1,000 people is classified as "urban" in Japan, and this partly accounts for Tokyo's huge population count.


T or F: As globalization has expanded, most countries of the developing world have become even more dependent on staple exports.


T or F: At the global scale, growth of the service sector in recent decades has decreased opportunities for employment for women.


T or F: Because Stillwater is a college town, its hinterland is actually larger than a very large city such as Tokyo.


T or F: Buddhism requires that its adherents go on pilgrimages.


T or F: Canada is a textbook example of a nation-state.


T or F: Census tract populations vary, but they average around 2,000 people.


T or F: Chinatown and Little Italy are examples of what cultural geographers refer to as ethnic islands.


T or F: Colonialism is defined as the action of a state exercising direct or indirect control over the political or economic affairs of another state.


T or F: Common property resources are defined as those for which no single person can claim an exclusive right and are always available to everyone.


T or F: Currently, wind power makes up about 10 percent of the total electricity generation in the United States.


Communication that provides insight on social values, attitudes, priorities, and ways of understanding the world is known as:


Apple builds a new campus in Frisco, Texas, where 4,000 well-paid employees plan to relocate over the next 24 months. A large share of relocating employees will arrive from the San Francisco Bay Area; they will sell their 2,000 square foot homes for an average of $850,000, and further inflate the north Texas housing market. Immediately after Apple's announcement, affordable housing is pushed an additional 10 miles beyond the 380 Loop. Which concept of spatial interaction does this example best illustrate.

distance decay

The tapering off of a process, pattern, or event over a distance is known as

distance decay

This diffusion-associated term refers the phenomenon in which spatial interaction such as the adoption of innovations diffusing across space, decreases with increasing distance.

distance decay

A map projection's properties include all of the following EXCEPT:


It is mathematically impossible to portray a three-dimensional sphere with a two-dimensional plane without the problem of:


Which of the following is best to represent discrete data (phenomena with actual locations), so as to allow visualization of density over space?

dot maps

Who were the Boers?

early dutch colonists

Since at least the 1970s, Christianity's global center of gravity has been migrating:

east and south

Changes in the global poverty rate over recent decades have been greatly affected by changes in:

east asia

Which of the following refers to governmental authority to take private property?

eminent domain

In political geography, a(n) _____ is a piece of land which is totally surrounded by a foreign territory. A few (Lesotho, Vatican City, and San Marino) are independent states, completely surrounded by another country, but most are small territories.


During what intellectual movement did human physiological variation (so-called "racial" differences), become part of the idea that there exists a natural hierarchy of types of human beings?


Physical geography focuses primarily on

environmental dynamics

Which of the following map projections preserves the size of continents on a world map?

equal area

What is the name of the US civil rights law requiring the collection of info about the ethnic or racial identity of loan applicants so as to monitor fairness in lending practices?

equal credit opportunity act

In her study of geographic differences in census terminology, Ann Morning found that the most common term used in questions intended to enumerate people on the basis of some form of national, ancestral, or ethnic identity was:


T or F: During the Cold War, a majority of the world's independent states were aligned with either the United States or the Soviet Union.


T or F: EPZs are created by governments to safeguard the rights of workers.


T or F: Every year a large number of Buddhists belonging to lower castes convert to Hinduism because they are attracted to its egalitarian social structure.


T or F: Flexible production works to reduce MVA.


T or F: Globally, the narrowest gender gaps in the world are found in the Communist countries of North Korea, Cuba, China, Vietnam, and Laos.


T or F: Globally, the proportion of people directly employed in agriculture ranges, by country, between about 20 percent and 65 percent.


T or F: History has demonstrated that the tertiary sector is more easily automated than the secondary sector.


T or F: Hunters and gatherers usually live on the brink of starvation.


T or F: In 2007 the United States contained three of the world's megacities.


T or F: In Australia a settlement must have a population of at least 50,000 people in order to be considered an "urban" settlement. Settlements of between 10,000 and 50,000 people are classified as a "towns," while places with 500 to 10,000 people are categorized as either "villages" or "hamlets." Any place with under 500 people is officially a "woop woop."


T or F: In general, the proportional electoral system is most commonly used in countries that have two dominant political parties.


T or F: In terms of population of adherents, Tantrayana Buddhists make up the largest proportion of the three schools of thought within Buddhism.


T or F: Increasing mobility and technology tend to work against deterritorialization.


T or F: Less-developed countries tend to have lower rates of urban growth than developed countries.


T or F: Megachurches are most often associated with the Roman Catholic Church or Presbyterianism.


T or F: Most economists agree that the GDP per capita is a superior indicator of development compared to the GNI because GDP per capita captures the value of goods and services provided by both the formal and the informal economies.


T or F: Most of the boundaries of Africa were determined and delimited in 1914, just prior to the beginning of the First World War.


T or F: Most of the countries of Latin America were aligned with the United States during the Cold War.


T or F: Most of the world's Muslims live within 1,000 miles of Mecca.


T or F: Muslims believe that the Torah records the word of God as it was revealed to the prophet Muhammad.


T or F: Offshoring does not contribute to a global division of labor.


T or F: Oklahoma City is a good example of a primate city within the State of Oklahoma.


T or F: One of the best examples of indisputable empirical evidence of global warming is the near-disappearance of the rapidly-evaporating Aral Sea.


T or F: Outsourcing is defined as the transfer of an internal business activity from a domestic to an international location.


T or F: Over 90 percent of Indians are Hindus.


T or F: Piety is always a good thing, because people who are deeply devoted to their religious beliefs always do good things.


T or F: Political iconography always reinforces nationalism and patriotism.


T or F: Precision agriculture refers specifically to the use of computer applications to monitor harvest timing in order to maximize expense-return ratios.


T or F: Reapportionment refers to the redrawing of electoral district boundaries.


T or F: Resources can be classified into two types--renewable and nonrenewable--but only nonrenewable resources can be depleted.


T or F: Separatist terrorism seeks to overthrow governments.


T or F: Since it began in 2003, the United Nations' Global Urban Population Inventory Initiative (UNGUPII) has allowed scholars to compare urban populations worldwide.


T or F: Since it is located away from the Jewish and Muslim Quarters, the location of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is not contested by religious groups.


T or F: Since its founding, the mission of the OECD has not changed.


T or F: Soil fertility is usually uniform across an agricultural field.


T or F: Some scholars have argued that the U.S. divides the population into too many categories. They suggest that the population be categorized using a binary system of white and nonwhite, which would encourage a discourse toward equitable social justice and work toward mending a long history of racism.


T or F: Supranational organizations have a long history. The earliest examples were initiated in the mid-1400s during the rise of European imperialism and overseas expansion.


T or F: Teurope is a leader in organic farming because of the european union's integration of agricultural markets and the elimination of protectionist farm policies by member countries.


T or F: The English established the first plantations in Africa during the 15th century.


Which continent does the Heartland Theory recognize as the most likely base from which to launch a successful campaign of global conquest?


T or F: The empirical data for the use of "coke"/"pop" and "you guys"/"y'all" supports the idea that Oklahoma is located more in a transition zone between major dialect regions, rather than squarely within a single dialect region.


T or F: The ideology of racism supported the idea that social inequality was a natural phenomenon.


T or F: The rise of the British Empire contributed to the expansion of English.


T or F: There are now more English speakers outside the United Kingdom than inside the United Kingdom


T or F: Today, persons of Dutch descent living in south Africa usually call themselves afrikaners.


T or F: alternative energy is the same thing as renewable energy, but most of it is not commercially produced.


T or F: coal's most important use is for the generation of electricity.


T or F: geographers and other scientists now recognize LULCC as a major force driving global environmental change because human transformation of the Earth's surface affects biodiversity and both ecosystems and climate processes.


T or F: global emissions of carbon dioxide have nearly doubled since 1970.


T or F: in the case of poverty mapping in Madagascar, the reduction of map unit size resulted in much better information about where resources should be allocated.


T or F: land-use change, especially deforestation, contributes to increases in carbon dioxide concentrations.


T or F: oil consumption in india and china has been rising at very high rates in recent years.


T or F; in one day the world consumes more than 90 million barrels of oil.


T or F; more than 80 % of the world's major commercially-traded energy sources are derived from renewable types.


In what stage of the demographic transition model does a population being rapid growth?

2 (high BR & lowering DR)

which of the following is the best analogy of the geometric characteristics of a political boundary?

2-D plane

which of the following is the world bank's international "moderate poverty" line?


When the total fertility rate (TFR) is _____, a population is said to be at the replacement level.


Christianity is the largest religion in the world with an estimated number of adherents totaling

2.3 billion

According to the World Bank, how many humans live in moderate poverty?


Which of the following is CLOSEST to the actual proportion of global MVA produced by NIEs of East Asia and the Pacific in 2011?


In what year did the world's total population become officially urbanized by reaching the 50 percent urbanized threshold?


Which type of reference map is drawn at the smallest scale?

2018 Official Texas Highway Map

In 2017, a country had 15.6 million people. The annual average rate of natural increase (RNI) was 2.0 percent. If the average annual RNI does not change, in what year would you expect the population to have about doubled?


About how many people work as forced laborers in the world today?

21 million

How many percentage points of the global share of employment did agriculture decline between 1970 and 2015?


How many official languages does the European Union (EU) recognize?


about ____ % of the world's people live without electricity.


Globally the % of people living in urban places was approximately ___ % in 1950.


In the "what a geographer sees" part of this chapter section, you are introduced to the various census enumeration units with a case study of census tract 2132.01 in LA county, CA. How many block groups does this census tract contain?


How many percentage points of the global share of employment did industry grow between 1970 and 2015?


Which of the following rates of natural increase (RNI) indicates a population that is experiencing explosive population growth?


In the PLSS, a land parcel made up of two contiguous quarter-sections contains approximately total ____ acres.


How many countries belong to the OECD today?


How many seats does US House of Representatives hold?


About ____ percent of the world's human population lives within 150 miles of a sea coast.


Studies in Zambia indicate that there are ____ traditional healers for every allopathic doctor in the country.


One of the key aspects of the Kyoto Protocol is that a large number of developed countries have committed to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions _____ below their 1990 levels by _______.

5% 2012

During the last 20 years, developed regions have received about _____ total value of FDI inflows


According to the U.S. Census, an area must have a central city with a population of _______ to be considered metropolitan.


Globally the % of people living in urban places was approximately ___ % in 2010.


the reserves-to-production ratio (R/P ratio) for the world's oil currently stands at:


The United Nations recognizes _____ official languages.


It is generally understood that there are about ___________ different languages in the world today.


The world's Gini coefficient is:


Which of the following is closest to the world's total population today?

7.5 billion

Globally, the percentage of people living in urban places is projected to be approximately ___ percent by 2050.


which of the following is the closest to the actual proportion of global MVA produced by the industrialized economies in 2011?


Generally, the level of urbanization in developed countries is about ___ percent.


Currently, services make up ___ percent of U.S. GDP.


as a general rule, a resource is considered to be economically depleted when at least ___ % of it has been utilized.


based on the figures presented in the section of your textbook, what proportion of the world's total wealth was owned by the world's wealthiest 20% of the population?


What was the Stonewall Inn?

A famous gay bar located in the greenwich village neighborhood of Manhattan, in NYC

Which type of map would most often serve as a legal document?

a subdivision plat of a residential development in Stillwater

Neocalism is

a term coined to describe a renewed interest in sustaining and promoting the uniqueness of a place

The US census classifies George as a caucasian and he is not a member of a federally-recognized American Indian tribe. However, he has, for most of his life, lived and worked among Ponca people in the community of White Eagle, OK. In fact, George is more knowledgeable of Ponca traditions than most Ponca tribal members. He is always welcomed to Ponca celebrations. For this reason, George considers himself to be Ponca. Which refers to the process in which the Ponca have accepted George to be one of their own?


Which continent was almost entirely composed of multiple dependent European-controlled colonies in 1914?


which of the following world regions is most dependent on the export of commodities?


In terms of their levels of urbanization, which of the following pairs of inhabited continents are the least urbanized?

africa and asia

The geography of the transatlantic slave trade was built on well-established routes between the continents of:

africa and the americas

West of the MS River, the state with the smallest proportion of its population who believe in God as an absolute certainty (as well as the largest belief of people who do not believe in God):


How do landscapes of central authority contribute to the construction and maintenance of the state?

all of the above

What affects a population's Total Fertility Rate?

all of the above

Which of the following would be an example of political iconography of the US federal government visible on the oSU campus?

all of the above

Which form of medicine will you most likely encounter if you have a sinus infection and visit the OSU health center?


The great chain of being did all the following except:

allowed race to be understood as a social construction

Which of the following is NOT an example of a firm taking advantage of agglomeration economies?

allowing people to work from home

A formal region is

an area that possesses one or more unifying cultural or physical traits

A functional region is

an area unified by a specific social, cultural, or economic activity

____________ occurs when people assign a certain quality or identity to others.


at present, in which of the following regions are urban and middle class populations most significantly experiencing the nutrition transition?


What region contains the largest proportion of the world's forced laborers?

asia and the pacific

Scholars have developed different models to depict and explain ethnic interaction. Of these, which is sometimes referred to as the "melting pot" model?


Which of the following refers to the gradual loss of cultural traits, beliefs, and practices that distinguish immigrant ethnic groups and their members from the host society?


The two types of data that a geographic information system (GIS) integrates are spatial data and ____ data.


Which of the following is the best definition of the Total Fertility Rate?

average number of children a woman has in her reproductive years

Which of the following map projections would be most appropriate to portray North Korea's ICBM range?


an _____ is a territory that belongs to a political entity but is not contiguous (connected) to it by land (islands are not counted) and is surrounded by other political entities. An example is the Russian oblast of Kaliningradskaya, an area in northeast europe separated from russia by lithuania and poland.


West of the MS River, the state with the highest proportion of its population who believe in God as an absolute certainty is:


In South Africa the term ________ came to identify a person of mixed ancestry who did not fit into the African, Asian Indian, or European racial categories.


Any farming system that relies heavily on purchased inputs so as to produce agricultural commodities for the national or global market is known as:

commercial agriculture

which of the following produces a perishable commodity, requires proximity to urban markets, and includes a form known as a dry-lot operations?

commercial dairy farming

which of the following involves the intensive production of non tropical fruits, vegetables, and flowers for sale off the farm?

commercial gardening

which of the following may include a form known as truck farming?

commercial gardening

A husband and wife who attended the University of Oklahoma paint their barn red and hire a local artist to paint OU's familiar white logo on the front gable. One day they discover a letter from the NCAA informing them of three options. They can paint over the logo, remit an annual licensing fee of $1,500 within 30 days, or face legal action. Which of the following does this scenario best describe?


soil and rain and sunshine are natural resources, but harvested wheat and baled alfalfa hay are:


the ratio of the value of commodity exports to a country's GDP and the % of a country's total exports from the 4 leading commodities exported are both ways to determine:

commodity dependency

Some three billion of the world's people, most of whom do not have access to reliable electricity, rely on this form of renewable energy. What is it?

Biomass energy

what form of renewable energy is a potential contributor to the problem of deforestation?

Biomass energy

In the Hindu cosmogony, what is the supreme spiritual source and sustainer of the universe?


What country in the Americas is second in population to the United States?


Which region of the Americas was the greatest recipient of African slaves?


what large country has, since the 1970s, relied heavily on ethanol to provide much of its fuel for its cars and light trucks?


The Bodhi Tree is a significant location for:


Since there is no known natural process or source that could account for the sharp increase of the atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide since the Industrial Revolution, scientists attribute the rise in carbon dioxide concentrations to human activities, primarily _____________.

Burning of fossil fuels

which of the following is not true?

By 2012, the US had a bigger poverty issue than china.

______ is a term that refers to the financial, social, intellectual and other types of assets derived from creativity that are used to produce goods and services.


In what country is the world's largest dam located?


_____________ is by far the number one coal producer and consumer in the world today.


____ and _____ together account for 37% of the global population.

China, India

The opposing forces of yin and yang are associated with:

Chinese traditional medicine

When areal units vary greatly in size, then a proportional symbol map may be a better alternative to which kind of thematic map?


When areal units vary greatly is size, then a proportional symbol map may be a better alternative to which king of thematic map?


Who was the first geographer to detect and analyze systemic regularities among distributions of central places?


Which of the following is NOT one of the six characteristics of cities?

Cities do not depend on agriculture

Which of the following models of development assumes a linear progression of development over time as a society changes from a traditional form to a modern one in which attitudes about economic progress become valued?


Which of the following models of development was criticized for its linearity, for its assumption that all countries begin at the same starting point, and for its Western bias?


In the time of Roman Empire two classes of latin existed. Which of the following refers to the standardized, written form?

Classical Latin

Which of the following is NOT an example of natural capital?

Climate change

_________ is the most abundant and the most geographically widespread of the fossil fuels.


which of the following is not a consequence of heavy reliance on commodity exports?

Commodity dependency cannot allow reinvestment in education needed for economic diversification.

Which of the following would not be an example of an open-access resource?

Community forests

Which of the following is not among the world's top destinations for remittances?

Saudi Arabia

Which event does your textbook author mention as having a significant historical impact on job-related gender roles in the United States?

Second World War

Christianity emerged from the _____ hearth.


Islam emerged from the ____ hearth.


Which of the following is an Austronesian language?


Which of the following is NOT considered to be one of the additional (Tier 2) Asian newly-industrializing economies that emerged as a major manufacturing country during the 1980s?


Which branch of Buddhism reveres the Dalai Lama?


which of the following is a newer name for what used to be known as scientific management?


According to data provided by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, which of the following best characterizes Oklahoma's ranking, relative to the Evangelical Protestant Tradition, within the United States?

Tennessee has the highest proportion, with oklahoma at 4th

Based on the categorization of the service industries, if you are a waiter at Hideaway Pizza or Eskimo Joe's, then you are part of the __________ sector.


based on the categorization of the service industries, if you are a hair stylist in a salon, then you are a part of the ____ sector.


Which of the following is NOT one of the three speech areas that Kurath discovered after mapping the isoglosses of hundreds of words in the Northeast?

The West

T or F: The FHA and VA enabled middle class Americans to get home loans by creating a system in which the risk of default, which the federal government had always assumed, was transferred to private banks and mortgage lenders.


T or F: The FHA, as it relates to urban geography, was a make-work program that helped built many streets and bridges in American cities.


T or F: The Fordist system of production had the very beneficial effect of increasing cooperation between management and labor, especially in the United States.


T or F: The Fordist system of production utilized just-in-time delivery.


T or F: The Fordist system of production was reliant upon consumer-driven commodity chains.


T or F: The Green Revolution has been accurately blamed for leading to circumstances that resulted in two massive famines in India during the 1970s.


T or F: The Peace of Westphalia ended the Seven Years' War (also known as the French and Indian War in North America).


T or F: The Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Independent Church branches form the three conventional branches within Christianity.


T or F: The U.S. Senate is equally apportioned.


T or F: The United States has the highest level of urbanization of any country in the world.


T or F: The actual global range of Gini coefficients for the world's independent states is between 20 and 90.


T or F: The author of your text defines and uses the concept of ethnicity in the same way that the United States Census does.


T or F: The difference between a ghetto and an ethnoburb is that a ghetto contains African Americans, while an ethnoburb contains Asians and/or Hispanics.


T or F: The economic indicator that is today called gross domestic product was formerly known as gross national product.


T or F: The entire, global Jewish population slightly exceeds that of the entire population of the New York City metropolitan area, which is now around 24 million people.


T or F: The focus of the 1992 Earth Summit grew out of concern about the global extent of poverty and the need to require structural adjustments in the economies of the poorest countries.


T or F: The general consensus among scholars regarding ecosystem complexity is that the complexity of an ecosystem derives from its natural capital.


T or F: The most significant environmental impact caused by acid rain is the degradation of limestone statues and monuments in the parks of large eastern cities.


T or F: The proportion of the world's people living in extreme poverty has increased in recent decades.


T or F: The provision of highly-specialized goods or services requires a smaller threshold than groceries, fuel, and general merchandise.


T or F: The reserves-to-production ratio measures the maximum amount of a renewable resource that can be utilized in a sustainable fashion without impairing its ability to be renewed or replenished.


T or F: The roots of religious fundamentalism date to the European Enlightenment of the 1700s.


T or F: The term Lebensraum literally means "room to grow."


T or F: The text explains that urban sprawl can indeed be expensive, but that it is actually an extraordinarily effective defensive against crime, nuclear war, and terrorist attacks, which cities remain highly vulnerable to.


T or F: The world's three youngest major agricultural hearths are located in Sub-Saharan Africa.


T or F: Theravada Buddhists that believe that the Buddha is a compassionate deity and that the Theravada Buddhism provides a way for believers to be saved from the cycle of rebirth.


T or F: There is no difference between the relative locations of slums within North American cities and the relative locations of slums in cities elsewhere in the world.


T or F: To political geographers, the terms "state" and "nation" mean exactly the same thing; however, "state" is considered a more formal term.


T or F: U.S. logging companies are required to meet the guidelines for certification set forth by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).


T or F: Uncontrolled body movements, trances, faith healing, and speaking in tongues is an innovation introduced into Christianity by the younger Renewalist sects.


T or F: Unlike many other facets of culture, since we are born into a particular ethnic group, we have no freedom to affect our individual ethnic identities.


T or F: Uranium is a nonrenewable fossil fuel.


T or F: Urban agriculture is an increasing problem in the world's cities because it reduces low-income urban housing and displaces the the poor.


T or F: Vatican City, a microstate within Rome, is the seat of the Roman Catholic Church. Therefore, the Vatican is a good example of primary health.


Which of the following is more associated with protecting intellectual property than openly sharing information about agricultural innovations?

gene revolution

When examining any map of a formal culture region, it is important to remember that boundaries always mark:

general areas where the defining phenomena gradually change from one type to another

Which of the following directs the United Nations' objective of peace-keeping?

general assembly

Which of the following is an urban redevelopment process that preserves historic housing stock instead of destroying it to make way for new construction?


A(n) ______________ is drawn as a straight line and sometimes follows lines of latitude or longitude.


Many of the boundaries of the western United States are based on lines of latitude and longitude (i.e., Oklahomas northern border). Political geographers call these _________.


Wyoming and Colorado, which are bounded by meridians (lines of longitude) and parallels (lines of latitude), are composed entirely of ____ boundaries.


Which of the four necessary conditions of the state (listed in the first section of this chapter) is reduced when a state joins a supranational organization?

government has supreme authority

Enterprises, such as museums, monuments, and historical and archaeological sites that manage or market the past make up the:

heritage industry

Which model of ethnic interaction do satellite television, smartphones, and social networking make possible?


what is the optimal geometric shape of competing market areas in central place theory?


Rap was first popular in New York, then Los Angeles, and later Dallas, and still later, Tulsa. This illustrates the process known as ________ diffusion.


_________ diffusion involves the ordered spread of a phenomenon such as a cultural trait, technological innovation, or disease outbreak, within a stratified system. Most often the stratified system directing this type of diffusion is an urban system of cities.

hierarchical diffusion

The Ganges River is a sacred landscape feature to:


Which of the following primarily worships at a shrine located in the home?


Which of the following is NOT one of the five racial categories currently defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget?


In the "What a Geographer Sees" part of this chapter section, you are introduced to the various census enumeration units with a case study of census tract 2132.01 in Los Angeles, California. Which of the following best described the predominant ethnic group residing within this census tract?

hispanic or latino

The largest megachurch in the United States is located in:


Although no word exists for it in the English language, the Yiddish word farpotchke, means to make something worse by attempting to repair it. This is an example of:

how social factors influence language use and development

which of the following food procurement methods sustained modern humans far longer than any other?

hunting and gathering

Historically, European states used _____________ and _______________ as strategies to extend their power over other lands and peoples.

imperialism and colonialism

where are most SEZs located?

in coastal cities

Where did the Public Land Survey System shape settlement patterns?

in the U.S. states west of the Appalachians, except for Kentucky, Tennessee, and Texas

Which of the following is NOT one of the three conventional branches of Christianity?

independent churches

Buddhism emerged from the _____ hearth.


Hinduism emerged from the ____ hearth.


Sikhism emerged from ____ hearth.


Sanborn maps were created to:

inform the assessment of fire insurance rates

_______________ occurs when the policies, practices, or laws of an organization or government disadvantage people because of their cultural differences.

institutional discrimination

Which of the following is NOT among the three principal organs of the UN mentioned in your text?

international monetary fund

The growth of supranational political organizations provides the clearest expression of ____________.


Sharon usually buys gasoline at the Shell station near her house, but after shopping all day in Edmond, she filled up before returning home because Stillwater gasoline prices are always 10-15 cents per gallo higher. Which of the three spatial interaction factors does this example best illustrate?

intervening opportunity

according to your text, which european country has the highest proportion of farmland under organic management?


Initially, who identified the four races that have long been recognized?


According to von Thunen's Isolated State model, what form of commercial agriculture is expected to locate on the far periphery, beyond any regions of cultivated cropland?

livestock ranching

in which environment is shifting cultivation most common?

low-latitude / tropical and subtropical

Which North American religious group is concentrated in the western Great Lakes states and the Dakotas?


Which of the following is the best example of someone employed in the secondary sector?

machinist in a tractor manufacturing firm

What british scholar developed the heartland theory?


_______ can be defined as the physical or chemical transformation of materials or items into new products.


olives, grapes, almonds, and citrus fruits are strongly associated with regions of:

mediterranean agriculture

which of the following involves the production of tree crops such as citrus fruit, olives, and nuts in combination with wheat, grapes, and livestock?

mediterranean agriculture

Identify the country where crude oil does NOT make up at least 80 percent of exports.


Which of the following is most associated with slums in the developing world's cities?


When did the Industrial Revolution begin?

mid-18th century

The most common type of relocation diffusion is


Which of the following animal-based foods has the most efficient feed grain-to-protein production ratio?


Which of the following is classified as an extensive form of agriculture that utilizes the largest scale of mechanization of any form of agriculture?

mixed crop and farming

Which agricultural system led to the development of the North American Corn Belt?

mixed crop and livestock farming

which of the following historically involved the production of feed grains and feeding grain to fatten livestock in North America and Europe?

mixed crop and livestock farming

An intellectual movement that encourages scientific thought, the expansion of knowledge, and belief in the inevitability of progress is known as


Muslims espousing _________ ideas believe that any integration of sharia into the legal system of a country should be very flexible and open to interpretation.


Which of the following is an example of the scale of the body as the site of Muslim identity?

modest clothing

Planting a single crop in a field, often over a very large land area, is called:


What proportion of the global human population lives in cities?

more than half

which of the following is not one of the 3 most-influential models depicting ethnic interaction discussed in this section?


Nigeria, a country containing more than 100 distinct tribal groups, is an excellent example of a:


The ideal of governments, a ___________ links territory and national politics. Japan and Iceland, due to strong cultural unity and national feeling among their citizenry, are good examples.


How are Mecca and Medina kept sacred?

non-muslims not allowed

____________ development favors economic and social gains, but gives scant attention to the impact of these gains on resource use, consumption, or the state of the environment.


What major world region has the smallest proportion of its population living in slums?

northern africa

where and when did the industrial revolution begin?

northern england / mid 1700s

What energy source makes up the largest share of the five major commercially traded energy sources?


Which of the following is NOT a condition by which a state exists?

organized according the unitary system of government

An aerial photo perspective that is perpendicular (at 90 degree angle) to the Earth is referred to as:


Which of the following factors has the greatest power to predict one's religious affiliation?

parental religious affiliation

which of the following agricultural systems involves the raising of livestock but usually not the production of cultivated crops?


with which of the following is transhumance most associated?


"The Metroplex," "Green Country," and "Bible Belt" are all examples of ____ regions, which derive from people's sense of identity and attachment to different areas.


The borders of _____ tend to be highly contested since people often have very personal reasons for perceiving an area a certain way

perceptual regions

The most common type of barrier to cultural diffusion is the:


Which of the following was most similar to segregation in the US South before the 1970s when American blacks were required to use racially-specified public facilities?

petty apartfield

What single Asian Tiger, which specialized in cell phone chips, had the highest proportion of its manufactured exports classified as "high-tech" by 2005?


A(n) ______________ follows a natural feature like a river or mountain range.


The US boundary between Texas and Mexico follows the Rio Grande. This is an example of a __________ boundary.


A location distinguished by specific physical and cultural characteristics is a


Which of the following involves a large estate in a tropical or subtropical area that specializes in the production of a cash crop for export, usually to the developed world?

plantation agriculture

which of the following is entirely a commercial form of agriculture?

plantation agriculture

Scholars have developed different models to depict and explain ethnic interaction. Of these, which model of ethnic interaction is sometimes referred to as the "tossed salad" model?


Population pyramids provide graphic representation of all of the following, EXCEPT:

population density

Reactions against environmental determinism in the early 20th century gave rise to ____, the view that people use their creativity to decide how to respond to the conditions or constraints of a particular natural environment.


Which industrial sector depends most directly on natural resources to produce commodities?


Which of the following best describes the raison d'être of the United Nations when it was founded?

promotion of world peace

Cadastral lines portray:

property ownership boundaries

Which of the following thematic map types would be the worst type to represent population density?

proportional symbol

With which of the following is the concept of moksha LEAST associated?


Which of the following is an example of vertical integration in the upstream operations of the automobile industry?

purchasing iron ore mines in Minnesota to ensure adequate commodity flows to steel mills

Which of the following is NOT a primary reason why the United States Census Bureau collects population data?

to get valuable data for social science research

Which of the following is NOT one of the two main goals of new urbanism?

to provide affordable housing

The word "geography" means

to write about the earth

Which of the following type of reference map is produced at standard scales for most of the United States?

topographic maps

Which of the following is the best example of attribute information as used in a GIS?

town population

What firm is credited with pioneering changes that led to the system of production that has now replaced the old Fordist system of production?


The oldest form of medicine practiced by humankind is:

traditional medicine

In migration studies, the process by which immigrants develop and cultivate ties to more than one country is known as:


both site and situation affect industrial location. Which of the following is not a factor associated with site?

transport options

Which of the following is NOT one of the two states that occupy the island of Hispaniola?


Sites within religious hearth regions often acquire sacred qualities.


T or F: , the entire population of China, the global Roman Catholic population, and the global Sunni Muslim populations are each about equal in size.


T or F: A rate of urban growth of 2% per year is considered to be a high rate of urban growth.


T or F: A security landscape is created to protect the territory, people, facilities, and infrastructures of a state.


T or F: According to figure 7.13 Mackinder's view was that whosoever dominated the heartland would be able to revisit invasion by a hegemonic sea power.


T or F: According to the heterolocal model, ethnic groups do not require the constant, close proximity of dense residential concentrations provided by ethnic neighborhoods or ethnic islands to maintain their identities.


T or F: According to your textbook, social discourse tends to favor a binary view of sexuality and gender.


T or F: An SEZ is merely the name of an EPZ in China.


T or F: An indigenous people is a particular type of ethnic group in membership often involves multiple layers of identity that may shift with geographic scale and/or social context.


T or F: An urban area differs from a metropolitan area in that an urban area is imply the built-up part of the city, but the metropolitan area contains many areas surrounding the built-up part, such as nearby suburbs and bedroom communities where commuters live.


T or F: Anderson found that Vancouver whites, who rarely went there, developed negative attitudes about the city's chinatown as being a filthy, sleazy place, even though there was much evidence that it was not at all.


T or F: Apparitions of the virgin mary have led to numerous places becoming sanctified as pilgrimage destinations for roman catholics.


T or F: At various times in a person's life, an individual may choose to embrace or reject an ethnic identity.


T or F: Census tract populations vary, but they average around 4,000 people.


T or F: City policies in vancouver institutionalized an ideology of racism that affected social relations between white Canadians and those of Chinese-origin.


T or F: Colonialism is a form of imperialism in which a state takes possession of a foreign territory, occupies it, and governs it.


T or F: Commercial dairy farming primarily involves the management of dairy cattle herds for producing fresh milk.


T or F: Compared to today, relatively few urban Americans living in large cities owned their homes before the 1930s.


T or F: Countries with the lowest levels in urbanization tend to have higher rates of urban growth.


T or F: Despite its name, only states, and not nations, are allowed membership to the UN General Assembly.


T or F: Developed countries have higher levels of urbanization than developing countries.


T or F: Developing countries have lower levels of urbanization than developed countries.


T or F: Devotion to orishas is a fundamental aspect of Santeria, as is animal sacrifice.


T or F: Dhaka is a good example of a primate city.


T or F: Directive 15 recognizes the single ethnic category of Hispanic.


T or F: Ethnic religions include Judaism, Hinduism, and Shintoism.


T or F: Generally speaking, there is greater income disparity within he countries of Latin America than within the countries of europe.


T or F: Geographically, race and racism have sometimes influenced the spatial organization of people and their activities.


T or F: Gerrymandering is most relevant to majority-plurality electoral systems.


T or F: Hardin argued that individual land ownership promotes good stewardship, but that common resources were prone to degradation.


T or F: If atheists and others who disregard any religious affiliation composed a single group of their own, they would outnumber all religious adherents, except for Muslims and Christians.


T or F: If it were ever admitted to the EU, Turkey would likely become the most populous member state of the EU.


T or F: In general, gentrification leads to higher land values, more commercial activity, and stronger tax bases, but it does not replicate the child-friendly community atmosphere of the traditional American suburb.


T or F: In order for recommendations made by the UN security council to be acted upon, there must be 9 affirmative votes from among the 10 non-permanent members and unanimous support from the the permanent members.


T or F: In terms of the distribution of the world's wealth, if the GDP of the world were $100, the combined OECD countries (18% of global population) would have $80, while all of the countries of Africa combined (16% of global population) would share $1.


T or F: In theory a gini coefficient of 0 would be indicated indicated of a perfectly even income distribution among a population.


T or F: Jerusalem is one of several sacred cities of Islam.


T or F: Just as religious teachings shape believers' attitudes and responsibilities toward fellow believers and others, it also directs attitudes toward nature.


T or F: LA County in California contains roughly 2,000 census tracts.


T or F: Megacities in the developing world are growing faster from natural population increase than rural-to-urban migration.


T or F: More than half the world's megacities are located in Asia.


T or F: More than ¼ of the state of California's entire population lives within LA county.


T or F: Most indigenous belief systems can be classifies as both animistic and ethnic.


T or F: Multinational states can potentially develop identities as nation-states if they work to integrate their peoples.


T or F: Nationalism is the expression of loyalty to and pride in a nation, whereas patriotism is the expression of love for one's state.


T or F: Nationalists and other opponents of their country's participation in supranational organizations have a valid argument that supranationalism requires a state to relinquish some degree of its innate sovereignty.


T or F: Nepal has a higher rate of urbanization than the US.


T or F: One's personal sense of ethnic identity often depends on the practice of customs that reinforce it, such as enjoying certain kinds of music or foods or dressing in a certain way.


T or F: Pentecostals and charismatics are renewalists.


T or F: Proportional electoral systems are common in Europe.


T or F: SEZs tend to be much larger than EPZs.


T or F: Sanctification refers to the making of a sacred site after a significant event has occurred there.


T or F: Secondary hearths are places or regions where a religion was located during a period in which it fragmented or diverged to form a new sect.


T or F: Syncretic religions are belief systems that combine elements of two or more existing religions.


T or F: The Disciples of Christ, a politically-moderate, Mainline Protestant Christian denomination, was organized in Kentucky during the the early 1800s. The area in Kentucky where the Disciples first organized their denomination is thus an example of a secondary religious hearth.


T or F: The EU began evolving with the Benelux agreement, an association made up of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg in the 1940s.


T or F: The Hindu caste system is hereditary and children are born into the varna of their parents.


T or F: The U.S. census classifies George as a Caucasian and he is not a member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe. However, he has, for most of this life, lived and worked among the Ponca Indian people in the community of White Eagle, Oklahoma. He is more knowledgeable of Ponca traditions than most Ponca tribal members. He is always welcomed to Ponca celebrations and family gatherings, and he is a skilled craftsman who makes traditional drums and he is considered to be a talented singer at powwows. In general, George is a respected member of the Ponca Indian community and is considered by most Ponca's to be just as Ponca as anybody else. For this reason, George considers himself to be Ponca. Ethnically, George is Ponca.


T or F: The UN was founded in 1945.


T or F: The US Census gathers info based on the idea that a person's race can be objectively defined.


T or F: The United States Census has been inconsistent in its classification of the population by ethnicity and race.


T or F: The central business district of a city refers to the cluster of skyscrapers located in the heart of the city.


T or F: The church of st. Anne and the Armenian catholic church are located within the muslim quarter of the old city of Jerusalem.


T or F: The collapse of the Soviet Union resulted in the creation of 15 new states in a very short time span.


T or F: The domino theory stated that the fall of one state to communism would increase the likelihood that contiguous states would also fall to communism. It implied that communism was like a disease that would rapidly spread outward in a contagious diffusion pattern.


T or F: environmentalists favor the development of passive solar, active solar, wind, and small hydropower because they are all emission-free forms of energy generation.


T or F: essentially, hardin's argument in "The Tragedy of the Commons" was flawed because he failed to distinguish the difference between open-access resources and common property resources.


T or F: ethnic islands are associated with rural areas.


T or F: even though christianity has been in decline for many decades in europe and parts of North america, missionary efforts keep the diffusion process alive, and christianity continues to diffuse to new regions throughout the world.


T or F: even though fossil fuels ultimately derive from the buried remains of plants, they are not counted as a source of biomass energy because of the chemical changes in their makeup that have occurred over lengthy periods of time.


T or F: even though the british handed independence to cyprus in 1960, the UK still retains some sovereign territory on the island.


T or F: everyone, especially urban populations, are ultimately dependent on the land and the people who farm it.


T or F: excess vote gerrymandering packs one or two districts with a large majority of the opposition party so that it will not be as competitive in adjacent districts.


T or F: firms utilizing production models utilize consumer-driven commodity chains.


T or F: for two decades after world war II, US heavy industry was globally dominant and had no real competition on the global market.


T or F: geography played a role in the downfall of the fordist system of production because of its dependence on a centralized labor force, which required firms to pay high wages for assembly line work in order to maintain a constant labor pool.


T or F: geopolitics is a branch of political geography that has its roots in the work of Friedrich Ratzel.


T or F: globally, and with the exception of Namibia, there is greater income disparity between countries than within countries.


T or F: in addition to disagreements over religious-based territorial claims, the israeli-palestinian conflict involves issues of water rights and citizenship.


T or F: in human terms, nonrenewable resources are considered "fund" resources because once they're used, they're essentially gone forever.


T or F: in most of the states of the American South, more than 80% of people express a belief in God.


T or F: in terms of their composition of ethnic, tribal, and national groups, political geographers classify the majority of the world's countries as multinational states.


T or F: in terms of their internal residential patterns, American cities were more like European cities in 1900. By 1960 they had become very different.


T or F: in terms of total population, greek cypriots hold a large majority on the island of cyprus.


T or F: innis concluded that reliance on stapled actually worked to inhibit the economic growth of a region because it tended to produce a dependency on the export of commodities.


T or F: just-in-time delivery helps reduce the need to keep capital tied up in large inventories.


T or F: large hydropower generating facilities are NOT classified as new renewable energy sources because significantly impact the natural environment.


T or F: light manufacturing, especially assembly plants, tend to be footloose.


T or F: mackintosh and innis found that it was entirely possible for a staple-producing area to have an economy shaped by natural resources at the local scale while also serving as a peripheral hinterland at the regional or global scale.


T or F: majority-plurality electoral systems are the more geographic of the 2 main electoral systems used in the world today.


T or F: many trade experts argue that domestic agricultural subsidies in the united states create severe market distortions that inhibit free trade in farm commodities.


T or F: migrant labor has long been a crucial component of crop harvesting in the central valley of california.


T or F: migration of all kinds supplied the greatest share of urban labor demanded by the industrial revolution.


T or F: most geographers now agree that agricultural practices were independently developed by various peoples in multiple locations over thousands of years.


T or F: much of the developing world contains vast potential for hydropower development.


T or F: nearly ⅓ of the world's harvested fish stocks are overfished.


T or F: neither the GDP nor the GNI provides information on the unevenness of distribution of wealth within a country.


T or F: no-till farming is a sustainable practice.


T or F: not all common property resources are natural resources.


T or F: not all human activities lead to environmental degradation.


T or F: offshoring is a component of flexible production.


T or F: one of the largest sources of agriculture-related water pollution derives from the over-application of fertilizers and pesticides to cultivated crops.


T or F: one way in which the fordist system of production transformed manufacturing was by de-skilling the labor force.


T or F: outsourcing is component of flexible production.


T or F: race, ethnicity, sexuality, and gender are all relevant to understanding how societies determine identity-based spatial belonging and exclusion.


T or F: racism may be defined as the intolerance of people perceived to be inherently or genetically inferior.


T or F: reapportionment and redistricting are only necessary in majority-plurality electoral systems.


T or F: renewable resources can be depleted, while nonrenewable resource are usually never totally depleted.


T or F: services now make up a larger share of global employment than agriculture.


T or F: showing respect for the flag of the US and reciting the pledge of allegiance are both practices taught early in US schools to instill ideas of patriotism.


T or F: since 2000, many new supermarkets have opened in the developing countries of subsaharan africa, latin america, and southeast asia.


T or F: since 2001, airports in the US have become excellent examples of security landscapes.


T or F: since taiwan manages its own affairs, it has "de facto" sovereignty, even though it does not have "de jure."


T or F: states have full sovereignty in their territorial seas but a reduced form of sovereignty in their exclusive economic zones.


T or F: technically, not all environmental degradation is anthropogenic; however, in popular usage, environmental degradation is usually understood to be an effect of human agency.


T or F: territoriality can be expressed by individuals as well as by culture groups.


T or F: the assembly of plastic toys and the bottling of soft drinks are examples of light manufacturing.


T or F: the electoral system of the US is classified as a majority-plurality system.


T or F: the gini coefficient of the US is closer to those of china, mexico, and nigeria, than to those of germany, japan, or sweden.


T or F: the global rate of urban growth has markedly slowed since the year 2000.


T or F: the greater the arc of a country's Lorenz curve, the greater the income inequality within the country.


T or F: the isolated state model attempted to explain how distance, in the form of transportation costs to farmers, determined the location of rural land uses, based on the assumption that farmers will seek to maximize their profits.


T or F: the locations of the industrial centers of the former soviet union did not evolve in the relation to market forces, but were instead planned with consideration of their potential political and economic effects.


T or F: the phenomenon of deterritorialization has allowed people located beyond their home countries to significantly take part in political change in their home countries, including revolutions, without actually being there.


T or F: the population of the EU is larger than the combined populations of the US and Canada.


T or F: the process of domestication is ongoing.


T or F: the production of synthetic fertilizers, such as those that combine nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and other elements, typically requires large amounts of energy.


T or F: the proportion of demand for services increases as the wealth of a country grows.


T or F: the standard appearance of the US Interstate highway system is a representative example of a landscape of a central authority.


T or F: the straighter the Lorenz curve, the lower the gini coefficient.


T or F: the three younger agricultural hearth regions were significant for the variety of their contributions to the world's domesticated crops. During the age of european colonialism, the domesticated crops from these hearth regions were globally dispersed and had had the effect of transforming societies in numerous ways.


T or F: the two methods for harnessing the energy from biomass are direct and indirect.


T or F: the united states currently leads the world in petroleum consumption and is among its top three petroleum producers.


T or F: there are more people who live in slums in the developing world than in the industrialized world.


T or F: traditional or indigenous systems of common property resource management are not always successful.


T or F: two of the original four (tier 1) asian tigers were microstates.


T or F: use of coal to generate electricity has led to environmental degradation associated with mercury contamination.


T or F: wasted vote gerrymandering disperses support for the opposition so that they are in a minority in many districts.


T or F: when calculating the location quotient, the numerator expresses the % of ethnic group in a given area, such as a county or state.


T or F: while the von thunen model is an artifact of early nineteenth century technology, it sheds light on the fact that transport costs continue to play a major role in the location of commercial agricultural production patterns.


T or F: within the current global paradigm of flexible production, the manufacturing process is generally positioned at a point within the commodity chain that generates the least MVA.


T or F: without natural capital there would be no life on earth.


T or F: women who perform manufacturing work tend to be paid less than men.


T or F:Because the census plays an influential role in shaping a discourse on identity, it continues to reinforce the idea that race is a legitimate concept in the United States.


T or F:While both Sunnis and Shiites use the term imam, it has different meaning to Sunnis and Shiites.


T or F:the aral sea was once an important inland body of freshman that had an important fishing industry.


T or F; Afrikaners are white.


T or F; The heterosexual norm refers to the idea that the heterosexual majority in a population tends to view non-heterosexual behavior as deviant behavior.


T or F; While the two countries with the world's lowest gini coefficient are indeed prosperous OECD members, it is a mistake to assume the lower a country's gini coefficient, the higher GDP (PPP) per capita.


T or F; a centripetal force is an event or circumstance that helps bind together the social and political fibers of a state.


T or F; cuba provides a good example of how a high HDI does not always require a high GDP per capita.


T or F; economic depletion precedes actual total depletion of a nonrenewable resource.


T or F; for geographers and environmental scientists, the environment refers to one's surrounding; it includes all the biotic (living) and abiotic (nonliving) factors with which people, animals, and other organisms exist.


T or F; no matter how it is measured, development is geographically uneven.


T or F; since 1995, the highest rates of growth in MVA have occurred outside the industrialized countries.


T or F;Countries with the highest levels of urbanization tend to have the lowest rates of urban growth.


T ro F: central place theory is based on the assumption of people acting economically rational and as efficiently as possible.


in its traditional form, mediterranean agriculture may be considered a type of agroforestry.


A primate city is defined as a city with a population that is ____ or more times the population of the second-largest city in the country.


Which of the following refers to the global body of believers within Islam?


A _____ state is a country governed as one single unit. Governmental power in such states may be delegated to lower levels (regions or localities), but the central government retains authority to recall such delegated power.


which of the following is not one of the world's three countries with the largest cultivated land area under organic management?

united states

Which of the following was an important premise of the Heartland Theory?

upsetting the balance

When a stream crosses a contour line on a topographic map, the contour lines point:


A poverty line is defined as:

a specific income amount established as official

Which of the following is Spain's "cafe para todos" policy best classified?


What does the Latin phrase, Annuit Coeptis mean and where it is found?

"He [God] has favored our undertakings." Found on the Great Seal of the United States

Which of the following is located at 66.5 degrees South latitude?

Antarctic Circle

what is the only landmass that is not part of any state, though some countries have claims to parts of it?


What street name is provided in this reading as an example of commemoration?

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Hartford's metropolitan area contains a population of approximately:


Which of the following is NOT one of Islam's Five Pillars of Practice?

Performing the corroboree

Arrange the following census units in the order according to their areal and population sizes, with one (1) representing the largest unit and four (4) representing the smallest unit. You must get all four items correct to receive credit for this question.

1. County, Parish, or Borough 2. Census tract 3. Block Group 4. Block

In a multinational state the population consists of _____ or more nations.


which of the following is the world bank's international "extreme poverty" line?


according to the world bank, how many humans live in extreme poverty?

1.3 billion

A megacity is a city with a population of at least:


Which of the following manufacturer's is the most extreme example of a bulk-gaining good?

10' x 15' chipboard storage building

Today, there are around __________ multinational corporations in the world.


The natural sex ratio, the proportion of male to female births, is _________.


when did the first agricultural revolution begin?

11,000 years ago

According to the U.S. Census, an area must have a resident population of _______ to be considered urban.


(T/F) According to your text, which figure is closest to the actual CBR of the United States?


Globally, the percentage of people living in urban places was approximately ___ percent in 1900.


Large hydropower facilities produce about _______ of the world's electricity.


People younger than ________ and older than _________ are termed age dependents because most of them do not work on a full-time basis.

15, 65

During most of the second half of the 1800s, the standard size of a land parcel granted to homesteaders was ____ acres.


In what year did the National Party of South Africa begin to implement its policy of racial segregation?


Commercial nuclear power generation got started in the United States during the ______.


when was the OECD created?


In what decade did Asian immigration to the United States first exceed one million?


MTR came into general use during the _____.


Although the first GPS satellite was put into orbit in the ___________, GPS did not provide global coverage until _______.

1970s; 1995.

In which of the following decades did the United States receive its largest population of authorized immigrants?


The World Trade Organization was created in


Which of the following statements best illustrates the meaning if the term cosmogony?

Abrahamic cosmogony states that the universe was created by a single deity in about a week

which of the following was an 18th century proponent of Liberalism?

Adam Smith

What continent contains the most countries with LDIs of 0.75 and above?


what populated continent has the fewest world cities?


Which of the following do Candomble and Santeria NOT have in common?

African Animism or Latin America

Which language family includes Hebrew?


One theory that attempts to explain the origin and diffusion of Europe's pattern of Indo-European languages is associated with the expansion of:


where were maquiladoras initially located?

Along the mexican side of the US mexico border

Which of the following language families dominates vast regions containing inhospitable deserts, tundra, and coniferous forests of northern and central Asia?

Altaic languages

This language family spans Eurasia from the Bosporus Strait to the Russian Arctic and is predominant in Uzbekistan, northern China, and Mongolia.

Altaic or Turkic

What is a Cornucopian?

An optimist who questions limits-to-growth perspectives and contend that markets effectively maintain a balance between population, resources, and the environment

Islam has made _________ a favored language, since Muslims are instructed to understand its text, the Koran, in the same language in which it was originally written.


What language is the most widespread of the 375 Afro-Asiatic languages?


Which of the following is located at 66.5 degrees North latitude?

Arctic Circle

Which of the following has been most resistant to GM crop production?


Which of the following survey systems shapes the pattern of settlement in Louisiana?


The Elvish languages featured in The Lord of the Rings would be an example of:

Artificial language

What major world region contains the largest population of urban poor?


Which language family is concentrated among the island countries of South East Asia?


Which of the following map projections is usually portrayed in the shape of a circle?


Which set of eastern US states contain the largest proportion of people who express no belief in God?

Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont

which of the following is not one of the 3 broad explanations identified in your text of why industrialization occurs?

Corporate greed is more politically motivating than the state's national interest.

What makes comparisons of poverty among countries so difficult?

Countries usually define their own poverty lines.

What country generates around 20 percent of its total electricity from wind power?


which of the following models of development is based on relational processes that develop between dominant and subordinate societies as a result of imperialism and international trade?

Dependency theory

It is said that the study of development is always a normative project. What does this mean?

Development implies economic, social, or environmental improvement based on standards that necessitate measurement and comparison with other areas.

The world's fastest growing megacity is:


Which of the following constitutes a positive check within Malthusian theory?

Disease epidemic

In Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, which is an important Jewish sacred site, has the same location as the:

Dome of Rock

What language family is based in southern India and Sri Lanka?


According to the beliefs of the Aboriginal inhabitants of Australia, the time when the Earth was transformed from featureless and inactive realm into the world as we know it is known as

Dreamtime or Dreaming

Which of the following authored what is considered to be the classical model of development?

Walt Rostow

What region did Hans Kurath map most intensively?

East Coast

Which of the following is NOT a condition conducive to the development of urban primacy?

Economic favoritism toward a specific city

within which of the four component parts of natural capital is photosynthesis included?


Which of the following is most widely used as a second lanugage in the world?


Which of the following refers to the central government's granting of powers to the regional level?


Which of the following is located at 0 degrees latitude?


Which of the following is an artificial language?


Which of the following would most certainly argue that the concept of a global human carrying capacity is completely misguided?

Ester Boserup

What region of the world is most dependent on nuclear power generation?


What source region provided the largest number of authorized immigrants in the first decade of the 20th Century?


which of the following, in terms of population, is over-represented on the UN Security Council?


Which of the following pairs of regions contain the world's largest share of the world's world cities?

Europe and north america

The process through which multinational corporations transfer money from their home countries to foreign or host countries to finance their overseas business activities is known as

Foreign Direct Investment

The Arpent survey system is found in areas originally surveyed by the:


Which of the following official United Nations languages is NOT among the largest nine languages in the world?


_____________ expresses the total monetary value of goods and services produced within a country's political boundaries.


which of the following is an index that specifically measures the level of political participation among women in a country?


Which of the following economic indicators considers the social and environmental costs associated with the consumption of resources used in the production of goods and services?


_________ expresses the total monetary value of goods and services produced in a year by citizens and corporations of a country, including those located beyond its borders.


Which of the following has historically been the most common indicator of economic development?


Which of the following Spanish national groups is NOT examined in this chapter section?


Which of the following statements is true?

Globes do not distort shape, area, angle, or scale.

In every McDonalds restaurant in every smaller town in Texas and Oklahoma, there is a group of old men who meet every morning (except Sunday) to drink coffee, visit, gossip, gripe about liberals, and laugh


Which thesis of globalization is illustrated in Figure 2.8, which shows that in India, where cows are sacred to hindus and Muslims avoid consuming pork, the McDonald's menu features the McVeggie and other vegetarian and non-beef options?


which of the following is a natural process involving solar radiation and atmospheric gases that helps warm the Earth?

Greenhouse effect

Which of the following is the world's most-spoken language in terms of the number of native speakers?

Han Chinese (Mandarin)

Which of the following is the term for the place or region of origin of an innovation, idea, belief, or cultural practice?


what type of manufacturing did all the asian tiger economics shift after a few decades?

High-tech electronic components and products

Which of the following is NOT among the three factors that converge to create a language hotspot?

Highly educated population

Which of the following is NOT one of the six official languages of the United Nations?


What are the two Vedic faiths?

Hinduism and Buddhism

From what language did the loanword "okra" come into English?


which of the following is considered to be the author of World Systems Theory?

Immanuel Wallerstein

which of the following refers to how income is divided amoung different groups or individuals in a country?

Income distribution

Which of the following is not a factor that has encouraged globalization?

Increased business costs

which of the following is not one of the four observations identified as unequivocal evidence of global warming by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change?

Increases in tropical cyclone intensity

Marriage migration is especially important in:


Which of the following five most populous countries in the world has an LDI over 0.90?


the attitudes and priorities regarding the importance of work and leisure, as well as the skills and abilities we possess for work are classified as ________ that affect a country's income distribution.

Individual factors

About half the world's people speak _____ languages.


What language family has both the largest population of speakers as well as the broadest geographical distribution


What language family includes most of the languages of Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan?


Which of the following is located at 180 degrees longitude?

International Date Line

The fastest growing religion in the world is


Which of the following is NOT a Vedic faith?


What was Hans Kurath so interested in locating by mapping word usage?


Which is the only country in which the majority of the population is Jewish?


How did the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 alter the immigration policy of the United States?

It abolished country-specific quotas.

which of the following is NOT one of the ways in which Bhutan is working toward sustainable development?

It has sold its mineral rights in order to allow MNCs to develop its oil and gas reserves.

Which of the following is NOT a reason why the World Heritage List has been criticized?

It raises awareness of global cultural resources.

Identify which of the following is NOT one of the two ways in which the Voting Rights Act was amended during the 1980s in order to prevent minority voters from becoming disenfranchised by the gerrymandering of state legislatures.

It recommended creating majority-minority districts in areas where there existed a history of minority voter disenfranchisement.

How did the Industrial Revolution affect rural and urban population needs?

It reduced the demand for rural labor while increasing the demand for urban labor.

Which of the following is not one of the three characteristics of local knowledge?

It reflects a group's mental deficiencies.

Why is the classification of development known as "First World/Third World" now considered problematic?

It reinforces the idea that less-developed countries are inferior.

what country in North Africa has the region's largest proven oil reserves?


Which of the following is considered a sociodemographic indicator?

Literacy rate

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Islam?

Its sacred scripture is the Tripitaka

Which of the following is NOT among the world's five countries with the highest installed wind power capacity?


how did the development of japan's manufacturing regions differ from those of western europe and north america?

Japan's manufacturing regions are located in port cities because the country has few natural resources and has always had to import its raw materials from elsewhere.

Which religious group is limited to concentrations of NYC and SE coast of florida?


Which of the following is not a type of reference map?

John Snow's cholera map

Which of the following is NOT a universalizing religion?


Which religion does not allow the dead to be interred in mausoleums?


These religions are sometimes classified as Abrahamic faiths:

Judaism, Christianity, Islam

What is the language family that utilizes click sounds and is today confined to the indigenous hunting and gathering tribes of the Kalahari Basin of southwestern Africa?


Considering only the United States as the example, which religious group annually gains the largest numbers of new adherents from both the missionary field and the missionary position?

LDS (Mormons)

Which of the following is defined as a system of communication based on symbols that have agreed-upon meanings?


Which may be referred to as "natural" division based on the relationship between the earth and the sun?


Which of the following is NOT one of the three commonly-cited characteristics of being indigenous?

Legal recognition by the dominant society's government as a member of the group

A situation in which one language becomes comparatively more powerful than another language is known as:

Linguistic dominance

The scattering of a people though forced migration is known as


In the example of the declining use of the Yuchi language, at what geographic scale did the allotment of tribal lands exert pressure on Yuchi linguistic space?


Which of the following U.S. states first made English its official language?


Which of the following is the best example of an agglomeration diseconomy operating on a college campus?

Lower demand for older, high-rise dormitories with group bathroom facilities prompts reduced rates.

which region contains 48 % of the world's proven oil reserves?

Middle east

Some languages are so similar that they have a high degree of:

Mutual intelligibility

which of the following is NOT one of the two specialized agencies of the UN mentioned in your text?


In the example of the declining use of the Yuchi language, at what geographic scale did the removal of the Yuchi from their lands in the eastern U.S. exert pressure on Yuchi linguistic space?


Languages that have emerged and evolved within living or historic human communities are called

Natural languages

Which of the following models of development, which emerged among development experts during the Reagan/Thatcher after years of the 1980s, asserts to hold to Enlightenment ideals of free market capitalism, and blames under development on regulation?


which of the following models of development is the one that promoted structural adjustment programs during the 1980s and 1990s?


The stratford, Oklahoma chamber of commerce hires a Dallas based advertising agency to research and propose a new community theme intended to attract tourism.


What country has, on a per-person basis, one of the world's greatest hydropower potentials?


Which of the following is closest to being a prestige dialect in the United States?

Network standard

Linear systems of production are to Fordism as _________ systems of production are to post-Fordism.


The FHA was a federal agency created during the era of the ______.

New Deal

What island is generally recognizes as containing the greatest lingusitc complexity per unit land area?

New Guinea

What large island has the greatest linguistic diversity?

New Guinea

The Maori are the indigenous peoples of

New Zealand

Which Subsaharan African county has over 500 languages in use?


what country in sub saharan africa the continent's largest proven oil reserves?


Within which of the four component parts of natural capital is natural gas included?

Nonrenewable resources

If you grew up in Oklahoma, which of the following dialects are you least likely to use?


What is the standard dialect in China?

Northern Mandarin

Which of the following states in australia has the highest population location quotient for indigenous populations?

Northern Territory

What European country has the largest proven oil reserves?


the _____ was created to enhance development by promoting economic growth and improving the standard of living of its member countries.


Why have so many toponyms changed recently in India?

Older indigenous place names are replacing the British colonial names

At what rate are languages said to be disappearing today?

One language dies out every two weeks.

your textbook author states that "every person's identity is continent." what does she mean by this?

Our sense of who we are depends on where we are geographically and temporally, whom we are with, and what we are doing.

Which of the following is NOT one of the basic principles about identity that guides discussions in this chapter?

Outmoded ideas about race have been replaced by ned discoveries that genetic variation is complex, but can be used to objectively identity human groups

_____________ is an exchange rate used to compare output, income, or prices among countries with different currencies.


Shiites make up a majority of the population in all these countries except:


Which of the following is NOT one of the two fundamental points about ethnicity emphasized at the beginning of this section?

People who share a common ancestry are part of the same ethnic group

Radical sunni islamists organize in war torn Syria to create a large, well funded fighting course that uses conventional weaponry and terror tactics to conquer large swaths of Iraq and Syria. it declares a caliphate that it calls the islamic state, and recruits like-minded muslims worldwide to come and live there under sharia law, where all forms of western culture and influence are banished.


Governments can most affect income distribution through __________ that affect a country's income distribution.

Policy-related factors

The study of _____ examines the impacts populations have on their environments as well as the ways in which environmental conditions affect people and their livelihoods.

Population ecology

Which of the following models of development is the one currently used by development agencies such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund?


which of the following models of development emerged in association with MDGs?


Which of the following is not classified as denomination belonging to the pentecostal movement?


Which of the following is located at 0 degrees longitude?

Prime Meridian

Which of the following survey systems shapes the patten of settlement in Indiana?

Public Land Survey System

Which of the following survey systems shapes the pattern of settlement in Alabama?

Public Land Survey System

Which of the following survey systems shapes the pattern of settlement in Colorado?

Public Land Survey System

Favorable conditions or attributes of a place that attract migrant are known as:

Pull factors

Unfavorable conditions or attributes of a place that encourage migrations are known as:

Push factors

Based on the categorization of the service industries, if you work as a commercial airline pilot, then you are part of the __________ sector.


Based on the categorization of the service industries, if you are a chemical engineer, then you are part of the __________ sector.


Based on the categorization of the service industries, if you are a professional basketball player, then you are part of the __________ sector.


What german scholar laid the foundations of the geopolitical research?


Writing in 1940, the political geographer ______________ drew attention to the importance of centripetal forces and specifically the value of the raison d'etre, or reason for being.

Richard Hartshorne

In the example of the declining use of the Yuchi language, at what geographical scale did the construction of railroads and the migration of English-speaking Anglo-Americans into Indian territory exert pressure on Yuchi lingustic space?


within which of the four component parts of natural capital is fresh water included?

Renewable resources

As indicated by the Gender Gap Index, which of the following has the greatest degree of gender equality?

Republic of South Africa

Which type of diffusion is illustrated in figure 2.5b through the openings of Walmart stores?


What event has most weakened OPEC's ability to control global petroleum markets?

Shale and revolution and doubling of US production

Identify, from the list below, the universalizing religion containing the smallest population of adherents


Which of the following is the youngest?


which of the following is considered to be the prototype technopole?

Silicon valley

In the example of the production of hard disk drives, in which Asian NIE were hard disk drive manufacturers concentrated during the early 1990s?


World heritage refers to

Sites perceived to have outstanding universal value for all of humanity

Expectations from parents or peers to obtain a university education in order to develop skills and knowledge that makes one competitive in the higher-paying job market is an example of the many __________ that affect a country's income distribution.

Social factors

Which of the following is NOT one of Oklahoma's two principal meridians?

Sooner Meridian

Which of the following world regions is least likely to be classified as a linguistic shatter belt?

Southeastern Europe

Which of the following is the third-most spoken language in terms of numbers of speakers?


Which of the following does a GPS receiver NOT calculate based on the timing of radio signals in the satellite constellation?


Which of the following is NOT one of the 3 basic rules upon which the concept of sovereignty was established?

States must be ruled by democratic governments

What world region contains the most countries with maternal mortality rates exceeding 400 per 100,000 births?

Sub saharan africa

What region has the largest proportion of its population living in extreme poverty?

Subsaharan africa

In addition to corn, which crop is the source of most of the world's commercially-distilled ethanol fuel used for cars and light trucks?


______ development favors economic and social gains achieved in ways that do not compromise natural resources or the state of the environment for future generations.


What is the lingua franca of the East African countries of Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda?


What is the lingua franca of the east African countries of Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda?


which of the following is NOT a factor that sustained the transatlantic slave trade for so long?

The eventual consequences of Bacon's Rebellion

Which of the following is NOT an important trend in the global pattern of urbanization highlighted by current rates of urban growth?

The greatest amount of urban population results from natural increase

in the example of the hard disk industry, what happened to the pattern of these manufacturers over time?

The industry dispersed to other Asian Tiger economies.

which of the following is not one of the two stages of the historical shift in the global geography of manufacturing that resulted in the rise of flexible production over fordism during the 1970s?

The people's republic of china opened its economy to western markets and investment capital.

The minimum number of consumers required by a retailer or service provider to stay in business is the:


in rank order, the 3 countries with the most sizable proven coal reserves are:

US, Russia, China

Which of the following is not among the world's top three sources of remittances?

United Kingdom

Which country has more operating nuclear power plants than any other country?

United States

How did urban areas complicate apartheid policies?

Urban white south africans depended on black laborers for many types of work, but blacks were not permitted to live among whites

Which of the following is NOT one of the three most significant anthropogenic contributors of nitrous oxide to the Earth's atmosphere?

Use of coolants and refrigerants

In terms of territorial size, the world's smallest state is:

Vatican City

what country in south america contains that continent's largest proven oil reserves?


Which of the following is most associated with vertical expansion of globalization?


which of the following are the 2 most significant anthropogenic contributors of methane to the Earth's atmosphere?

Wet rice farming and raising ruminant livestock

How is the concept of race flawed from the standpoint of genetics?

When people are divided into racial categories, the amount of genetic variation within a group always exceeds the variation among groups.

Which of the following is NOT one of the three factors related to the economic transformation of the Asia-Pacific newly-industrializing countries?

a political shift in which governments transformed from autocratic rule to representative democracies

Which of the following has the widest gender gap?


~~~The Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act is:

a North Carolina law requiring people to use public restrooms designated for the gender listed on their birth certificate

A language family is?

a collection of languages that share a common but distant ancestor

An official language is one that:

a country formally designates for use in its political, legal, and administrative affairs

The world's most famous thematic map involved:

a disease outbreak

By definition, a(n) _____ barrier completely stops the diffusion of something.


Which of the following dominates the largest region within SE US?


Which of the following was not one of the three cultural differences that Anderson identified as distancing Chinese and whites in Vancouver?

being fans of the grizzlies

A polytheistic religion refers to:

belief in or devotion to multiple deities

Why is the Ganges sacred to Hindus?

believed that bathing in its waters removed negative karma

Which of the following refers to the practice of urging the rapid transition of a neighborhood from one group to another?


The U.S. Census uses ______ to define the boundaries of metropolitan areas.


Sign languages are based on:

body movements

What two main metropolitan areas are located at the two ends of the original Megalopolis?

boston and washington dc

Which of the following is an example of GIS spatial information?

boundary (two-dimensional line defined by an array of connected points)

From the standpoint of the state, which of the following is not always practical or necessary?

boundary demarcation

the republic of cyrus gained its independence from _____ in 1960.


Many cultural geographers hold the view that the cultural landscape:

can be read like a book

plantations have long been associated with the production of high-value:

cash crops

Globally, ____ outnumber _____; but it is the opposite in US.

catholics and protestants

What do we call the urban area enclosed by city limits boundaries?

central city

In urban geography, the term ____________ refers to a settlement that provides goods and services for its residents and its surrounding trade or market area.

central place

What is the formal name of the set of geographical principles that allows us to understand a region's pattern of urban settlements?

central place theory

Which of the following works against internal order and encourages destruction of a state?


The government of __________ asserts sovereignty over Taiwan and considers it to be its twenty-third province, but it does not control its political affairs.


Which country contains the most export-processing zone workers?


The two largest carbon dioxide emitters are __________ and _____________.

china and united states

What type of migration do "snowbirds" follow?


Select the term that is most associated with the 1954 insertion of the prepositional phrase, "under God" into the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance.

civil region

High poverty rates in Vietnam coincide with:

closed forest cover

which crop of the four-course rotation involves increasing the nitrogen content of the soil?


Sociologist Anthony Giddens argues that the same technological innovations that lead to time-space convergence also create

time-space distanciation

Traditionally, members of higher Hindu castes can become socially polluted by proximity to _____________, who are associated with uncleanliness.


What is the closest world city to Stillwater, Oklahoma?


Accelerating population growth, including the global population explosion, is essentially triggered by which of the following?

decreasing mortality rates

According to Mackintosh and Innis, an oil refinery, which converts crude oil to gasoline and other useful fuels and chemicals, is an example of a ________ linkage associated with the oil industry.


Which of the following is NOT one of the two main types of electoral systems used in the world?


A perceptual region is

derived from people's sense of identity and attachment to different areas

The Arab Spring uprisings of 2011 were among the first major political revolts in which digital technologies, namely cell phones and social networks, were used to organize activity. Which of the following concepts does this best illustrate?


In which of the following are fewer than five percent of the population employed in agriculture?

developed economies and EU

T or F: When the United States was experiencing its own Civil Rights Movement (1954-1968), the white-dominated government of South Africa took notice of what U.S. blacks were doing and began to withdraw its apartheid policies in fear of a major revolt by black South Africans.


T or F: With proportional representation, the person who receives a majority of the votes is elected and represents all of the voters in an electoral district.


T or F: Within the context of the history of South African apartheid, a Bantustan and a township are the same thing.


T or F: Worldwide, the use of irrigation to produce cultivated crops has been in decline since the 1960s.


T or F: technically, all renewalist christian groups are also fundamentalists.


T or F: the term truck farming is derived from the tendency for farm produce to be sold from the back of pickup trucks.


T or F: ~According to your textbook, the difference between sexuality and gender is that sexuality is objectively determined biologically, but gender is a social construction.


T or F; According to the International Law of the Sea, a state's territorial sea extends 200 nautical miles beyond a coastline.


T or F; Because developing countries have such primary-level economies, their informal sectors are insignificant.


T or F; Environmentalists and sportsmen alike favor the construction of large dams to generate pollution-free hydropower; indeed, large hydropower facilities provide one of the few examples of how energy development can improve or "restore" the natural environment by providing irrigation sources and numerous recreation-oriented facilities, jobs, and economic development in poor rural areas.


T or F; Hydropower is the leading type of renewable energy used worldwide.


T or F; If no new states are admitted before the United Kingdom exits the European Union, the loss of the UK will leave the EU with a total of 21 members states.


T or F; Scholars have developed different models to depict and explain ethnic interaction. Of these, the pluralism model argues that members of immigrant ethnic groups are eager to rid themselves of the cultural traits associated with their homeland so as to blend into and function within the larger society.


T or F; The terms "nationality" and "ethnic group" are synonymous.


T or F; the economic indicator that is today called gross national income was formerly known as gross national product.


T ro F: By international convention, a state's Exclusive Economic Zone lies within about a dozen nautical miles of its coastline.


T ro F: Primate cities are not found in developed (industrialized) countries.


T ro F: The raison d'etre is the most significant centrifugal force.


Which of the following is the best example of someone employed in the primary sector?

farm laborer

Which of the following is the name usually given to a squatter settlement in Brazil?


What type of state is comprised of a number of partially self-governing sub-units (provinces, states, cantons, etc.) which are all united by a central government?


The United States, Russia, Canada, and Australia are all examples of _________ states.

federal OR binary

Which of the five major hearths of agricultural innovation is the oldest?

fertile crescent

Which of the five major hearths of agricultural innovation is the origin of most of the cereal and vegetable crops that shaped European-style agriculture?

fertile crescent

which of the 5 hearths of agricultural innovation was the source of most of the world's domestic livestock, including those pulled plows?

fertile crescent

Which of the following is a characteristic of flexible production?

flat management style

In the example of the declining use of the Yuchi language, what was the first event that began the decline of Yuchi as a viable language?

forced removal of the Yuchi from Alabama and Tennessee to Indian Territory during the 1830s

which of the following usually required massive amounts of capital to be tied up in stockpiling materials necessary for the maunfact bring process and warehousing finished goods to meet unpredictable orders?


In the 18th century, linnaeus identified ___ major groups of people inhabiting the earth.


Which of the following was NOT one of the two groups involved in the 1994 Rwandan genocide?


A university campus with a unified and hierarchical architectural scheme and clear campus boundaries is a good example of which type of region?


In the semi-autonomous Chickasaw Nation, the tribe holds certain facets of civil-regulatory authority within its Tribal Jurisdictional Area. From a political geography perspective, the region where the tribe has authority is a _____ region.


Texas produces a surplus of excellent high school graduates, but the best universities in Texas are extremely selective and expensive. Oklahoma State University's relatively low out-of-state tuition and affordable housing attracts many undergraduates from Texas. Which of the three spatial interaction factors does this example best illustrate?

intervening opportunity

What type of map should be used to represent barometric pressure?

isopleth map

Interpolation is used to produce:

isopleth maps

According to the Israelis, why did the Israeli government construct the separation barrier in the West Bank?

israel's way of annexing new territory

Which of the following is NOT true about Mahayana Buddhism?

it cultivates a monastic approach that emphasizes the study of Buddhist scripture and the practice of disciplined behavior

what asian country provided the initial example of a manufacturing transformation for the original (tier 1) four asian tigers during the 1960s?


which of the following is not considered to be one of the original (tier 1) Asian Tiger economies?


Which of the following cities is NOT located with the Hejaz region?


Which of the following lists of items refers to a traditional system of moving water?

karez, qanat

both site and situation affect industrial location. Which of the following is not a factor associated with situation?

labor availibility

what culture trait does the boundaries between spain and portugal best represent?


The Vedas identify four social classes called varnas, ranked on the basis of


Ann Morning notes that the census usage of the term ________ is found almost entirely in the former slave-holding societies of the Western Hemisphere and their territories.


The maximum distance a consumer is willing to travel to obtain a particular good or service is called its:


Which of the following is NOT one of the three points in which the concept of the great chain of being had far-reaching ideological consequences?

recognized as social construction

which of the following refers to the practice of home mortgage lenders turning down mortgage applications based on location within a city rather than the actual condition of the property?


The raison d'être of the EEC between 1957 and 1967 is best characterized as:

reduction of trade barriers

Berlin's Brandenburg Gate today marks the _______ boundary of the former Berlin Wall, which lasted from 1961-1989.


A ___________ is one that used to exist but is no longer recognized as an official boundary and is no longer formally defined or delimited.

relic boundary

Which of the following cultural traits was the basis for the 1947 partition of Pakistan and India?


Historian Lynn White, Jr. addressed the relationship between

religion and the environment

Which of the following terms would be most associated with American Indian religious traditions that prohibit the killing of more deer than can be used by the family or group?

religious ecology

A few years before 1997 (the year the PRC took over), many Hong Kong Chinese migrated to Canada and moved their assets to Canadian banks. Most Hong Kong Chinese settled along the coast of British Columbia and in Toronto. This migration story illustrates the process of _____ diffusion.


The diffusion of the most conservative cultural traits - religion, language, kinship, etc. - usually involves _____ diffusion.


____ diffusion is ultimately the result of human migration.


Acquiring information about something that is located at a distance from you is known as

remote sensing

Which of the following is the prosperity gospel most associated with?


_______________ is the fastest growing branch within Christianity.


The diffusion of Walmart during the second half of the 20th Century involved a pattern that spread from rural to urban areas. This is an example of ____ diffusion.


the Algerian terrorist group, front de liberation nationale, was an example of a ______ terrorist organization.


when osama bin laden formed al-qaeda in 1988 it was initially a _____ terrorist organization focused on expelling soviet forces from Afghanistan.


What religious group has majorities in NE states, US-mex border, and south Louisiana?

roman catholics

Within Christianity, pilgrimages are most important among ____________.

roman catholics

Which of the following pairs most consider their church buildings to be sacred space?

roman catholics, eastern orthodox

which state encompasses the largest total land area?


The accumulation of salts in the topsoil, which is sometimes a consequence of irrigation, is referred to as:


Which of the following U.S. cities was designed following theological principles?

salt lake city

which of the following is a type of political landscape created to protect the territory, people, etc of a state?

security landscape

Judaism emerged from the ____ hearth.


the basque group, euskadi ta askatasuna, is best classified as ____ terrorist organization.


rows of osage orange (aka hedge apples, horse apple, etc) trees planted in western oklahoma during the 1930s were called:

shelter belts

Which of the following occupy scattered, small, often coastal districts in the tropics where crops can be exported easily?

shifting cultivation

With which of the following is intercropping most associated?

shifting cultivation

milpa, roca, and chitemene are all names for:

shifting cultivation

with which of the following are traditional agroforestry practices most associated?

shifting cultivation

The independent state of Khalistan is a religious and political idea put forth by:


Which of the following is most associated with river valleys and deltas in East and Southeast Asia?

smallholder crop and livestock farming

Which of the following is the most diverse with regard to the farm products raised and produced?

smallholder crop and livestock farming

Which of the following produces a variety of livestock, grain for some type of bread, tubers or roots, legumes, and vegetables?

smallholder crop and livestock farming

Which of the following is NOT one of the four states classified by the U.S. Department of State as state-sponsors of terrorism?


which of the following selections is NOT among the primary cereals upon which the green revolution focused?

sorghum and millet

Apartheid refers to the government-sponsored policy of racial segregation and discrimination that came to define __________ and regulated the social relations and opportunities of its citizens.

south africa

During the late 1700s, British colonists imported agricultural laborers from _____________, which established a sizeable population of people from that region near the city of __________, South Africa.

south asia/durban

The practice of using territory as a basis for political organization stems from ideas about ___________ that gained prominence following the Peace of Westphalia.


What concept hinges on using territory as a basis for political organization in the modern state?


Which of the following is NOT one of the four crops that have been the main focus of genetic modification?


Which of the following was NOT a reason for the development of the Public Land Survey System?

to create a system of rural roads that neatly followed the cardinal directions

_____ refers to the degree in which two or more phenomena share similar distributions

spatial association

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic usually associated with commercial agricultural systems?

specialized agricultural activity

_________ theory posits that the resource geography of an area shapes its economic system through linkages.


what authority within each US state is usually responsible for carrying out the redistricting process?

state legislature

In which major world region is farming typically the work of a large majority of the population?

sub-saharan africa

the most basic classification of the world's hundreds of agricultural systems is the binary (and vague) division of them as either _____ or ______.

subsistence / commercial

Of the examples provided in the recorded presentation, which map was drawn at the largest scale and contained the greatest spatial detail?

suburban subdivision plat map

Which type of reference map is drawn at the largest scale?

suburban subdivision plat map

Contour ines portray:

surface elevation above sea level

Which of the following religious concepts does the photo of Eklutna Cemetery best provide landscape evidence of?


Food-producing ________ include the land, the inputs, the commodities produced, the consumers, and the ______ among the different components.

systems / flows

Personal space is one form of:


Which economic sector is central place theory based upon?


In the case of Texas's 23rd Congressional District, what type of gerrymandering did the U.S. Supreme Court find that the state legislature had engaged in between 2003-04?

texas used wasted vote gerrymandering to reduce hispanic population in existing majority-minority districts

What specific industry initially jump-started manufacturing in most of the Asian NIEs during the 1970s (Tier 1) and 1980s (Tier 2)?

textiles (clothing)

Even though the concept of globalization has long existed, use of the word globalization did not become commonplace until

the 1980s

The first temple was destroyed by:

the babylonians

Which of the following, according to Zelinsky and Lee, is NOT one of the four characteristics required in the development of the condition that they call heterolocalism?

the gradual loss of cultural traits, beliefs, and practices that distinguish the group from the larger society

central place theory seeks to understand:

the hierarchy of market areas created by competing firm with varying thresholds and ranges

The term glocalization refers to

the idea that global and local forces interact and then both are changed in the process

The phenomenon in which local contagious diffusion originating in higher-order centers occurs simultaneously with traits primarily diffusing hierarchically is called:

the neighborhood effect

"The Tragedy of the Commons" is the most famous essay written on the subject of:

the relationship between common property resources and environmental degradation

The second temple of judaism was destroyed by:

the romans

Which type of map do geographers use more to ask question rather than answer questions?


Proponents of the _________ argue that globalization works against a Level Playing Field by creating an unequal demand for highly skilled labor and leaving behind large numbers of people without access to higher education.

theory of the widening gap between the rich and the poor

_______________, _______________, and ____________ normally cremate the deceased.

theravada buddhists, hindus, sikhs

The ___________ Agricultural Revolution included extensive mechanization, heavy reliance on irrigation and chemical applications, and biotechnology.


How many historical epidemiological transitions do researchers identify?


T or F: The effectiveness of a supranational organization largely depends on the size of its membership, the clarity of its reason for existence, and the unity of members toward reaching goals. Therefore, smaller organizations with their clear objectives tend to operate most efficiently.


T or F: The gini coefficient of the United States is lower than half of the world as a whole.


T or F: The land area of the OSU-Stillwater campus is larger than that of the world's smallest state.


T or F: The location of subsistence farming regions may reflect inaccessibility more than anything else. In other words, many isolated subsistence farming areas do not export their agricultural commodities (corn, beans, potatoes, etc.) because transport costs would not allow any profit to be realized.


T or F: The majority Sub-Saharan African urbanities live in slums.


T or F: The modern state has its roots in concepts of territoriality and sovereignty, but globalization - especially greater human mobility and technological integration - may facilitate deterritorialization.


T or F: The mosque of omar is located within the christian quarter of the old city of jerusalem.


T or F: The olympic games, the fifa world cup, and other periodic international sporting competitions often act as centripetal forces for countries.


T or F: The production of sugar beets in europe serves as an example of how the imprint of the legal code can impact the landscape.


T or F: The term "ethnic conflict" is problematic because it tends to suggest a single cause of conflict based solely on ethnic differences.


T or F: The two methods used to measure urbanization in an area-- the level of urbanization and the rate of urban growth-- are both expressed as percentages.


T or F: The world's most populous urban area is Tokyo, which has approximately 37 million people, which is about the same size as the populations of California or Canada.


T or F: Today, the Hindu caste system remains more relevant to people living in rural areas of India than in India's cities.


T or F: Universalizing religions are closely associated with key individual who established the religion


T or F: Unlike universalizing religions, the origin of Hinduism is generally associated with the upper classes rather than the influence of one key individual.


T or F: Urban planners usually try to slow the phenomenon of urban sprawl, since it is expensive to construct new infrastructure and because sprawl increases the urbana flooding hazard from increased runoff.


T or F: While the Green revolution was forwarded primarily by governments and nonprofits agencies, the gene revolution is very much a profit-driven phenomenon.


T or F: Worldwide, the agricultural sector today employs approximately 31% of the human workforce.


T or F: a resource's sustainable yield is always higher than its ecologically-sustainable yield.


T or F: according to geographers Blaikie and Brookfield, environmental degradation could be better conceptualized if restoration efforts y humans were included in an overall accounting of it.


T or F: agricultural experts are divided over the impact that shifting cultivation may have on the process of tropical deforestation.


T or F: all SEZs are EPZs, but not all EPZs are SEZs.


T or F: although no sub saharan african city has yet to reach megacity status, two are projected to reach that size by 2025.


T or F: australia possesses the world's largest proportion of the world's proven uranium reserves?


T or F: based on historical trends of the developed countries, it is to be expected that the rise of a services-dominated economy is a third stage following a period during which manufacturing has great importance.


T or F: because noncommercial energy is provided at no cost to people, it is only available in the largest urban areas of the most-industrialized countries.


T or F: because their channels tend to meander and change course over time, rivers are not ideal political boundaries.


T or F: by definition, small hydropower (SHP) includes those facilities that generate fewer than 10 megawatts of electricity.


T or F: climate can be an important factor influencing urban growth.


T or F: commercial grain farming and livestock ranching are more extensive forms of agriculture than commercial dairy farming and plantation agriculture.


T or F: critics of green revolution argue that its innovations had the effect of making agriculture in developing countries highly-dependent on the import of commercially-produced, synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides sold by large agribusiness firms based in highly-industrialized countries.


T or F: currency exchange rates between countries can fluctuate tremendously from day to day.


T or F: developed countries have lower rates of urban growth than developing countries.


T or F: ecosystems exist at many geographic scales.


T or F: ecosystems include both visible and nonvisible components.


T or F: environmental degradation is said to exist when human activity impairs an area's long-term productivity or biodiversity.


Inner city public housing projects, which by the 1980s were the focus of gang activity associated with broken families and the crack cocaine trade, were created with tax dollars to alleviate the urban housing shortages that were most directly caused by which of the following?

urban development

This process eliminated slums, but it also worked to displace people and destroy neighborhoods.

urban development

According to U.S. Census definitions, which of the following is smallest in area?

urbanized area

The fact that some multinational states are unable to integrate the nations within their borders is demonstrated by the collapse of three multinational states during the 1990s. Identify the correct group:

ussr, yugoslavia, czech

Which of the following is NOT one of the two conditions that scholars have identified as necessary for cities to emerge from simple agricultural settlements?

utilization of animal power for working land and producing large crop surpluses

What coast of africa was the primary source of slaves sent across the atlantic?


The ancient regions of Judea and Samaria are located in which present-day area?

west bank

Prior to 1975, most of the world's largest cities were located in:

western Europe and north America

Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?

western europe

the roots of the second agricultural revolution can be traced to new agricultural practices in _______.

western europe

which of the following benefited the most from the green revolution?

wet rice farming

with which of the following is double cropping most associated?

wet rice farming

What did the policy of "baaskap" mean?

white control over non-white control

Which of the following models of development is based upon a Marxist analysis of international trade, categorizes the world's states into three classes, and blames underdevelopment on global capitalism?

world systems theory

Until very recently, agriculture employed the highest percentage of people ______.


one of the goals of the _____ movement was to create a religious and political homeland for jews.


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