Geography 221 Final

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What percentage of the World's total primary energy supply is provided by renewables?


The Total solar irradiance (TSI) recieved at the top of Earth's atmopshere is

1368 wm^-2

When the temp of a substance is doubed the energy emitted increases by


What percentage of the Earth's surface is covered by permanent ice and snow?


The projected seal level rise over the nest 100 years by the IPCC Fourth assessment report is:

18-59 cm

During the Pleistocene Epoch (2.58 mya - 12,000 ya) what were the lowest values of CO2?

180 ppm

The human influence on climate change is most apparent after what year?


Which year begins the period where climate models cannot match the observed climate with natural factors alone?


What global temperature increase is the sfe target set by the IPCC?

2 degrees celsisus.

In order for soil to be considered permafrost it must be frozen for

2 years

World energy demand is growing at a rate of:

2-3% per year.

Climate sensitivity is the measure of how much average global air temperature will change as a result of CO2 increases to this concentration

560 ppm

What is the max. safe level of CO2 in the atmosphere according to the IPCC?

570 PPM

half life of carbon 14

5740 years

if all the ice on East antartica were to melt the expected rise in global sea level would rise


Increases in Co2 alone do not explain the sudden increase of global temps during the PETA. What is the prime suspect cause for the PETA?

Methane gas bursts from the ocean.

A in SMART stands for


Which of the following is NOT considered an advantage that nuclear has over solar power?

Much safer

Which of the following will reduce ghg emissions from agriculture?

Mulching biomass and mixing into soil, eating less red meat, better use of fertilizers

Which of the following statements about sea ice is not true?

Multi-year ice in the artic is now gone

The largest international data set of global temperatures is maintained by

National Climate Data Center

which of the following could sabotage a climate message?

causing too much concern worry

Which of the following organizations uses the longest base period for calculating global temperature anomalies?

National Climate Data center

In Europe which energy source is used the most?

Natural Gas

What is NOT true abuot melting glaciers in the Himalaya Mts?

Negative feedback to warming

Which of the following rivers does NOT flow from the Himalaya Mts?


Which of the following US states relies heavily on coal for its energy so politicians there are under great pressure to not pass emissions laws?


The Hubbert curve shows us that

Oil has passed peak supply

The surface winds located undrneath the Ferrell cells are known as

Prevailing Westerlies

Brief cold snaps are known as


True/False: Both population growth and poverty are major drivers of climate change today


True/False: Carbon cap and trade is a market based solution to mitigate emissions by rewarding companies that emit less than their cap. NO taxes on the public are imposed in this scheme.


True/False: Carbon capture and storage is one of the 4 major areas of activity involving carbon wedges


True/False: China and India are now producing 4 times more CO2 than in 1980


True/False: China uses more coal than any other country in the world.


True/False: Climate chnage is easier to predict than weather.


True/False: Colorado and Ohio are critical swing states in the federal elections and both states rely on coal for much of their energy needs


True/False: Coral bleaching events have been closely associated with El Nino events


True/False: During an El Nino, warmer water and lower pressure slide eastward across the pacific ocean


True/False: During the previous 800k years, climate has changed dramatically due to Milankovitch cycles


Which of the follwing is NOT considered a method to mitiagate the impact of climate change?

Using corn for ethanol

How well has Bangladesh responded to the threat of climate change?

Very effectively

True/False: For many developing countries, the easiest and cheapest way to lift their citizens from pverty is to invest further in the extraction of fossil feuls.


True/False: Fossil leaves with large rounded edges typically form in wetter climates


True/False: Global warming causes boht increased drought and increased flooding


True/False: Igneous rocks are evidence of past volcanic activity


True/False: Isotopes of an atom conatin the name number of pretons but different number of neutrons


True/False: It is possible that global temperature could rise by 3-4 degrees celsisus by the year 2100.


True/False: It is possible that the Artic Ocean could be ice free during summers by the year 2030


True/False: Large ice sheets are associated with lower sea levels


Which of the following represents the IPCC A2 emission Scenario?

A very heterogeneous world with continuously increasing global population and regionally oriented economic growth that is more fragmented and slower than in other storylines.

Which IPCC emission trajectory is considered "worst case scenario"


Which major ocean feature does not direct and deflect deep ocea currents?

Abyssal Plains

What is NOT true about ice core data from Antartica and Greenland

Are older than the rock record

The region in the Northern Hemisphere showing the greated evidence of climate chage is


During the Cretaceous period, Co2 levels were about

As much as eight times higher than today.

The sum total of all living organisms on the planet is known as


True/False: MOdels project that ghg's will grow by as much as 84% by 2050 if global economic development continues without doing anything to limit emissions


True/False: Malaria is a serious health risk that is getting worse due to climate change


True/False: Melting permafrost can act as a positive climate feedback


True/False: Most glaciers in the Himalayas are losing ice but some are actually increasing in size.


True/False: Near the surface of the oceans, phytoplankton prefer to absorb 12C thus leaving waters enriched in 13C.


True/False: Nuclear power causes fewer deaths per year than any fossil fuel energy source


True/False: Nuclear power is considered to be the safest and least damaging energy technology that is capable of producing power quickly and efficiently to meet emission reduction targets.


True/False: One barrier to climate change action is that only a hanful of US politicians are trained as scientists and find the scientific arguments difficult to understand.


True/False: One limitation to using newer forms of energy in the US is the agng power grid which will require trillions of dollars to upgrade.


True/False: Radiative forcing is the imbalance between incoming and outgoing radiation at the top of the atmosphere.


True/False: Renewable energy sources include those that derive their energy directly or indirectly from the sun or from within the earth


True/False: Sea level rise can actually cause fresh water below the ground to become saltier and undrinkable.


Which of th following isotopes can be used to infer past seawater pH values?


Which of the follwing statements about global warming is most accurate?

Both drought and floods will increase

True/False: Sea levels are falling in some regions such as the eastern apcific and western indian oceans


True/False: Solar energy is responsible for the majority of energy rht is within the climate system


True/False: Some scientists think that the catastrophic Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Anomaly (PETA) is very similar to what could happen today due to massive releases of greenhouse gases by human activities.


True/False: The PETA catastrophe actually helped the evolution of mammal species which eventually paved the way for humans to evolve.


True/False: The Paleocene Epoch (65.5 to 55.8 mya) was a hothouse world with very high levels of Co2 and CH4 due to extensive volcanism.


True/False: The Pliocene Epoch (5.33 to 2.58 mya) offers scientists the best example of where climate may be headed today


True/False: The United states is the largest consumer of oil and second largest consumer of coal in the world.


True/False: The average person in the united states consumes about five times the energy as the average person in a developing country


True/False: The engine that drives the thermohaline circulation is sinking waters in the North atlantic Ocean


True/False: The enhanced greenhouse effect occurs primarily because adding more CO2 to the atmosphere causes the top of atmosphere radiating location to be at a higher, colder altitude.


True/False: The global ciruclation of the oceans is determined by a combination of surface wind flow and water density differences


True/False: The media have unwitingly helped to create climate science confusion by offering false balance


True/False: The most unstable portion of Antartic ice is the Antartic Peninsula


True/False: The sun has been the strongest single factor controlling Earth's climate


True/False: The two ecosystems that are most at risk from climate change are the Amazon Rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef


True/False: The δ18O values found in ice cores are lower than that found in marine shells.


True/False: There are many states in the US who have adopted renewable portfolio standards but the federal government has not adopted these sta dards for the nation.


True/False: To project future climate change caused by humans, scientists need to understand past natural causes of climate change


True/False: Tree rings offer a good temperature estimate of past climate as far back as 10,000 years but this relationship breaks down during the present time (after 1960).


True/False: Water from melting glaciers in the Himalaya Mountains is used by more than 1 billion people


True/False: Water shortages in the Middle East are likely to affect Jordan and Palestinians more so than Israel


True/False: When India collided with Asia, CO2 levels began a long-term decrease.


True/False: When permafrost melts, it acts as a positive feedback for global warming


True/False: When the North Atlantic Oscillation is in the negative phase, the eastern US can experience very cold winters


True/False: Wide tree rings are an indication of rapid tree growth


True/False: a greater number of sunspots increases total solar irradiance


True/False: although a powerful ghg water vapor is not causing global warming bc it does not remain in the air for very long


True/False: climate change can cause both drought and floods


True/False: sea surface temperature is a good approximation of air tmeperatures just above the oceans


True/False:The polar regions are warming faster than the tropical regions which is expected in a greenhouse gas warmed world.


The amount of carbon 14 in a sample reveals 25% parent atoms and 75% daughter atoms. How many half-lives have occurred?


Which country currently uses a carbon tax to reduce emissions?


The Kyoto Protocol was not signed by


Which of the following climate change messaging techniques is likely to be well-recieved by a majority of americans?

Uncertainties are acknowledged, using trusted messengers, community-based approaches instead of national programs

Which country uses the most energy?

United States

Why is "clean coal" NOT a reality?

Unproven on the scale required, safe storage of capture carbon has proven to be difficult, too expensive

Which of the following is true about artifical carbon capturing trees?

Use solar, wind, or nuclear power to keep wind flowing across them. A large problem is what to do with the carbon that is captured. Relatively inexpensive chemicals are used.

In the next ten years, which of the following countries will become totally dependent on imported oil, thus greatly decreasing its national security?


Which country below has increased its GHG emissions the most since the late 20th century?


Which country consumes the largest amount of coal in the world?


True/False: Most of the emissions that come from the transportation sector are from air travel.


True/False: Ocean circulation changes may be a significant cause of the global warming in the past 30 years.


True/False: Oil is the primary source of electricity generation in the world


True/False: Oil shales are formed in regions where there were forests and swamps


True/False: The "hockey stick" temperature reconstruction is based solely on tree ring data.


True/False: The ITCZ average postition is near the equator but it moves northward during northern hemisohere winter


True/False: The Medieval climate Anomaly was a period of rising global temperatures comparable to today's warming.


True/False: The US imports most of its oil from Mexico and Saudi Arabia


Which ocean current is most responsible for transporting heat from the tropics toward the poles?

Gulf stream

Which of the following statements about anthropgenic climate change best reflects the position of corporate stakeholders?

Actin should be delayed until there is more certainty

The technical resources needed by a community to respond to climate change is known as

Adaptive Capacity

Which of the following statements about aerosols is not true?

Aerosols can inhibit cloud formation

True/False: The United States and most of Europe were opposed to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) goals to limit greenhouse gas emissions.


True/False: The location of a thermometer (high altitude, near airports, in countryside, etc) greatly influences the long-term temperature anomaly


True/False: The oceans absorb about 50% of the excess heat in the climate system.


True/False: The region between the hadley and ferrel cells featurs a warm and wet climate


True/False: The rise of temps in the past several decades is most noticeable in the tropical regions


True/False: The two main geoengineering tech areas include energy efficiency and conservation (EEC) along with solar radiation management.


True/False: The younger dryas event featured a rapid spike upward in Northern atlantic temperatures


True/False: When co2 levels increase in the atmosphere, plant stomata increases


Which of the folliwng has NOT been a cause of the decline of the nuclear power plant construction in the US in the past 30 years?

Fatalities associated with accidents.

Name the circulation cell that spans the 30-60 degree latitude belt


Which of the following is not evidence that our climate is warming especially in the past 30 years?

Increased number of sunspots.

Which of the following is the strongest evidence that our climate is gaining energy?

Increased ocean heat content.

Which of the following events in bangladesh is NOT expected to be increased by global warming?

Increased rise supplies that grow on flooded land

Which of the following is NOT considered a factor in caused the Little Ice Age to end?

Increased volcanism.

What happens to the δ18O value in carbonate shells as water temperature cools?


Which of the following is NOT true about mountain building?

Increases CO2

What is the current trend for methane concentration in the atmosphere?


Which of the following is NOT responsible for global sea level rise?

Increasing volcanic eruptions

Which of the following is the 2nd most emitted ghg?


Which of the following is a carbon wedge?

Apply carbon management strategies to keep more carbon in the soil. Plant new forest over an area the size of the United States. Halt global deforestation in 50 years.

Which is the simplest way to decrease emissions from cars and trucks?

increase gas mileage

True/False: Tropical cyclones tend to form where sea surface temperatures ar at least 27 degress celsius and upper-level winds are diverging


True/False: atmospheric and oceanic circulation work to stabilze earth's climate


True/False: social scientists have concluded that a national effort to reduce ghg emissions is more effective than a community-based approach


In the western pacific, tropical cyclones are known as


which region of the united staes is expected to experience the greatest flodding due to climate change?

upper midwest

The combination of converging trade winds and ekman pumping along the equator results in

upwelling and nutrient rich water

The enhanced greenhouse effect will cause the stratosphere to:


according to milankovitch cycles, earth's climate should

cool for the next 8000 years

depletion of the ozone in the stratosphere causes

cooler stratosphere

The dark portion of sunspots are

cooler than surroundings

The surface water under the ITCZ is typically

cooler than surroundings

During the pervious 50 million years, climate has been in a long term tectonic ___________ trend:


During la nina events global average temperatures


GHG get their name because they

decrease outgoing radiation from the top of the atmosphere

increasing plant stomata is an indication of

decreased co2 levels

Which ions are critical in the formation of sea shells?


When assessing risk, the L in the HELP equation represents


Natural gas is formed by

organic material that gets trapped in rocks

the lowest portion of the atmosphere is known as


True/False: Coal produces more CO2 per ton than any other major fuel source.


True/False: The sun emits electromagnetic energy toward earth and other planets


which of the following statements about climate change would be considered science denial?

"Scientists all say climate is changing in order to get grant money"

The difference in incoming vs. outcoming radiaon at the top of the atmosphere is about

.75 wm^-2

The trend in global air temperature increase measured by satellites and ground based intruments is between:

0.14 - 0.17 degrees celsisus/decade

Approximately how much have global temperatures warmed over the 1901-2000 annual avrage?

0.6 degrees celsius.

In china, what percentage of citizens own cars?


What percentage of the atmosphere by volume do ghg make up?


Most current climate models estimate climate sensitivity to be between:

1.5-4.5 degrees celsius

Tree ring patterns can be dated back as far as:

10,000 years

A trace element is one where concentrations are less than

1000 ppm

Sunspots vary in number along a cycle that lasts for

11 years

21,000 years ago at the end of the last glacial advance, sea levels were

120 m lower than today

Arctic sea ice is predicted to be gone during summer as early as the year


How much land in the Northern Hemisphere is made up of permafrost?


The greatest tilt of the Earth's rotation axis is


Tropical cyclones need sea surface temps to be at least

27 degrees celsius

The current rate of global sea level rise is

3.1 mm/year

What is the current rate of sea level rise observed via satellites?

3.1 mm/yr

Approximately how long has basic life existed on our planet?

3.8 billion years.

Most of the world's deserts are located around which latitude?


How many years must be used to define anthropogenic warming trends?

30 or more

What percentage of the total energy available in coal are coal plants typically able to convert into electricity?


On average how much cooler would earth be without GHG's

34 degrees celsius

Scientists are concerned that global average temperature by the year 2100 could increase by

4 degrees celsisus.

Humans emitted 10 gigatonnes of carbon in the year 2010. How much remained in the air?

4 gigatonnes

Above which latitiude does the earth lose more ebergy than it recieves?


How much more carbon dioxide emissions do China and India now produce compared to 1980?


On an average day, of the 342 Wm-2 direct solar energy received at the top of the atmosphere, about how much ends up being absorbed by the Earth's surface?


Greenlands area can be best described as being comprable to

4x the size of texas

Assuming carbon emission rates are not slowed the IPCC expect global temperatures to rise by

5-6 degrees celsisus.

if the west antartic ice sheet meltd or collapsed the expected global sea level rise is

5-6 m

The total amount of energy lost due inefficent energy use in the US is


which of the following statements is most accurate?

65 million years ago, climate was warmer than today.

If all the ice on Greenland melted, how much would sea level rise?

7 meters

The great Permian extinction caused this percentage of land vertebrated to disappear:


If all the ice on greenland were to melt, the expected rise in global sea level would rise


Severe coral bleaching occurs when DHW values exceed


The oceans absorb __________ of the excess heat in the climate system.

80% or more.

The great Permian extinction caused this percentage of marine species to disappear:


The rise of the Alps and Himalaya Mountains, andes and rocky mountains has led to

A cooling climate

What caused the Cretaceous period to end 65 million years ago?

A large meterorite struck earth

Which of the followinf uses the most freshwater?


What gives coral its color?


Which of the following has the greatest amount of oil content necessary to produce biodiesel fuel?


Which of the follwing is associated with falling levels of CO2 in the atmosphere?

Alluvial fans

When oceans warm too much they become oxygen starved a condition known as


Organic-rich shales found in ocean sediment indicate

Anoxic events

55 million years ago, the Paleocence-Eocene Thermal Anomaly (PETA) was characterized by

Anoxic ocean condtions, Ocean acidifciation, rapid warming of the climate.

The coldest and most dense water on earth is

Antarctic Bottom Water

Scientists refer to man-made climate change as :


Which of the following is NOT considered part of the earth's climate system?


Which of the following may be responsble for hurrican and drought patterns spanning decades?

Atlantic Multi-Decadal Oscillation

The lead body of the UNFCCC is called


Which of the follwing states uses coal for only a small portion of their energy needs?


After the US, which country has the highest emission per capita?


From which country does the US import most of its oil?


Surface Marine phytoplankton electively absorb which isotope of carbon?

Carbon 12

Marine shelled creatures tend to be enriched with

Carbon 13

Ocean surface waters are typically enriched with

Carbon 13

Which of the following is NOT known as a stable isotope?

Carbon 14

Scientists know humans are the source of excess atmosphering carbon dioxide by measuring

Carbon Isotope ratios

Which of the following was NOT part of the kyoto protocol?

Carbon tax

which of the following isotopes is radioactive?


During which era did mammals rapidly evolve


Which of the follwing is NOT true about the Little Ice Age?

Central Europe showed warmer than normal temperatures.

The term precession refers to

Changes in the direction the north pole points in space

The term eccentricity refers to

Changes in the shape of Earth's orbit

Which of the following is not true about natural gas?

Cheaper than coal

Once the snowball Earth began rapidly warming, the following caused CO2 levels to decrease thus avoiding a runaway warming:

Chemical weathering, ocean absorption of Co2, limestone and dolomite deposition in the oceans.

If Spain invests in wind power in a developing country, Spain will get credit for reducing emissions under this scheme

Clean development mechanism

Which of the following has been used to reduce road travel?

Clean-fuel public transport, higher tolls, carpool lanes

The 2000 year temperature record is often referred to as the "hockey stick" because:

Climate generally cooled for much of the period followed by a sharp rise in temperature.

The IPCC First assessment report 1990 concluded

Climate is warming and humans were partly to blame

Which of the folowing has the highest albedo?


During the Carboniferous period (360 - 300 mya) large amounts of this fossil fuel were formed


In the Asia-Pacific region, which energy source is used the most to power the region?


What forms where dead vegetation from tropical and temperate forests accumulates in swampy areas and then is rapidly buried?


Which fuel source is considered the cheapest, most abundant and readily available in the world?


Which of the following does not form in marine environments?


Which type of water has the greatest density

Cold and more salty

The great ocean conveyor belt is primarily driven by:

Cold salty water sinking in the North Atlantic Ocean

Which of the following statements best describes the impact of the eruption of MT. Pinatubo on climate?

Cooling due to the massive output of aerosols.

Which of the following natural barriers to storm surge are decreasing?

Coral reefs, salt flats, mangrove swamps

Using which of the following biofuels has caused world food prices to rise?


Why is it difficult for poorer nations to cope with climate change?

Corruption, poverty, political conflict

What are limitations of using wind power?

Current electric grids easily monito linked wind farms, wind does not always blow, it reaches optimal performance only 25% of the time.

Which of the following has happened due to climate science denial?

Death threats have been made against researchers, legal actions have forced climate scientists into court rooms, donors have been asked to stop funding major universities.

True/False: Greater values of δ18O found in fossil marine shells means the past climate was likely warmer.


Social conservatitves in the United Staes think that ratifying the Kyoto Protocol will:

Decrease personal liberty, slow the US economy, raise taxes.

The most likely cause of the end of the Little Ice Age is

Decreased volcanic eruptions and increased solar radiation.

What happens to ocean water pH values when humans emit carbon dioxide into the air?


What happens to the cost of carbon on a trading market if all companies keep emissions below their caps?


Which of the following does NOT increase atmospheric carbon dioxide?

Decreasing ozone

The pycnocline is featured by

Decreasing temperature and increasing salinity with depth

Which political group agrees humans are warming the planet?

Democratic Party

Which political group in the united states is most concerned about climate change?

Democratic party

The climate in the Permo-Triassic world was mostly


Which of the following has caused fuel efficiencty and mileage standards in the US to fall behind many other countries?

Desire for large vehicles by Americans, Low taxes on gas, political lobbying.

Precession is the term used to describe changes in:

Direction of the tilt in Earth's rotation

The Little Ice Age can best be described as:

Distinct regional cooling caused by natural factors.

Which of the issues below may result from using SRM geoengineering solutions?

Do nothing to prevent ocean acidification Do not alleviate the accumulation of greenhouse gases May decrease photosynthesis

Dessication Cracks are evidence of past


Which of the followin inhibits hurricane formation and strength?

El Nino

Cap and trade is an example of

Emission trading scheme

Which of the following is not considered to be a major factor in determining the impact of climate change

Energy efficiency

True/False: If the carbon found in a material contains 25% parent atoms and 75% daughter atoms, the material is 17,200 years old.


Which statement about observed climate change is true?

Evening temperatures have warmed the most

Which of the following statements about anthropogenic climate change best reflects the position of the Union of Concerned Scientists?

Evidence is clear, and immediate action will create jobs

Which of the follwing was NOT likely present during the Pleistocene Epoch (2.58 mya - 12,00 ya)?

Expanding tree line

When assessing risk, the E in the HELP equation represents:


250 million years ago during the permian period:

Extinction rates were high.

True/False: the minimum number of years to consider as a base period should be at least ten years


True/False: A SMART goal is one that is Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic and Tested.


True/False: As increases in ghg continue it is expected that days will warm faster than nights


True/False: Dessication cracks are evidence of past rivers and shorelines


True/False: Durng the past 30 years sunsports have contributed about 90% to the observed rise in avg. global temperature


True/False: Earth's climate system only includes atmosphere, ice and oceans


True/False: For most of the past 8,000 years the climate has been warming.


True/False: GHG are known as trace gases and make up about 15% of the gas molecules in the air by volume


True/False: GHG heat the atmosphere by reflecting outgoing solar radiation


True/False: Global air temperature change is plotted as actual physical tmeperature in degress celsisus (the international standard)


Compared to people in developing nations, the average person in the US consumes

Five times more energy

What is true about fossil leaves with a larger surface area?

Formed in a wet climate

What is true about fossil leaves with a large number of serrated edges?

Formed in cold climate

Which country gets 90% of its electricty from nuclear and hydroelectric?


The Younger Dryas even was likely cuased by

Freshwater flowing into the northern oceans

Where in the middleeast is salt water intrusion into freshwater aquifers potentially the most damging?


Carbon wedges will fall into 4 major areas. Which of the below is NOT one of those areas?


Which of the following statements is most accurate?

Geological observations and geochemical tools are not perfect but together reveal a very good picture of past climate.

When this president was elected, the United States withdrew from the Kyoto climate negotiations

George W. Bush

Which country hastily decided to close all of its nuclear reactors by 2022 due to Fukushima?


The expected rise in sea level by the year 2100 is expected to be

Greater than the IPCC projections

Which of the following accounts for most of the world's water supply?

Ground water

When assessing risk, the H in HELP represents


which of the following events would cause a person to inflate the value of risk?

Hazard impact has happened to that person in the past

Which of the following statements about recent climate change is true?

Heat waves have increased while cold spells have decreased.

According to the HELP formula, the risk from climate change appears to be


Oceans can store heat for a long time due to their:

High Heat capacity

During the Proterozoic Eon (2,500 - 542 mya), Earth likely looked like a snowball from space. What kept the earth from completely freezing over?

High levels of atmospheric CO2

What is increasing climate change risks?

Higher carbon emissions, Population increases, rising out of energy poverty.

Which of the following is NOT true about the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA)?

Higher global temperatures than today.

which statement about climate change best represents the view of most scientists?

Humans are causing the most of the recent observed climate change

Which of the following statements best summarizes the evidence for climate change since 1975?

Humans are responsible for most of the global warming

Which form of natural gas extraction has beome very controversial?

Hydraulic Fracturing

When anaerobic bacteria dominate the deep oceans, this deadly gas can be relaeased

Hydrogen sulfide

Which of the following is NOT considered a stakeholder in the climate discussion?


Which of the follwing countries does NOT share the frozen Artic tundra?


Which of the follwing is evidence of ancient volcanic activity?

Igneous Rock

Which of the following would not boost the use of renewable energy?

Increase mileage standards for cars and trucks.

Which of the following is NOT true about melting ice shelves?

Increase ocean circulation

Thick Sequences of Basaltic lava are evidence of

Increased co2 and warming temperatures

What limits the large-scale use of carbon capture and sequestration?

Increased cost of electricity produces, lack of suitable areas to store carbon, requires building new coal fired plants or converting older plants

Which of the following must Pacific islanders make a priority to cope with rising sea levels?

Increased education, use of renewable energy, water conservation

Which type of radiation is primarily emitted by earth?


Which of the following does not influence the air temperture inferref from NASA and NOAA satellites?

Infrared radiation interference

Currently the planet is in a climate period known as:


Which of the following statements of the IPCC is NOT true?

Issues assessments reports every two years

Which statement about CH4 is most accurate?

It is a powerful GHG that is short-lived in air

Which of the following is NOT true about the Great Barrier Reef?

It is at least 45 million years old.

Which of the following statements about geongineering is true?

It is not a solution to climate change. It is a last resort to limit global warming while transitioning to a carbon-free economy. It combats or counteracts the effects of changes in atmospheric chemistry.

If all other ghg's were removed what would happen to water vapor over time?

It would eventually be depleted

If Spain invests in wind power in poland, spain will get credit for reducing emisions under this scheme

Joint implementation Mechanism

What was the first major international treaty to adress global warming>

Kyoto Protocol

Energy poverty is the term that describes:

Lack of access to electricity or other modern energy services.

Why is the future bleak for using hyfrogen to power cars?

Large storage tanks needed, few hydrogen gas stations will be available, expensive to produce hydrogen.

The δ18O of high latitude ice is typically:

Less than the oceans

Which of the following factors was NOT a cause of the rapidly cooling temps after the Mid-Miocene maximum?

Less δ12C was buried in organic matter

The spatial distribution of physical characteristics of sedimentary rock is known as


Which of the following statements about temperature anomalies is NOT true?

Location of thermometers will skew the values

Which of the following is not evidence of ancient deserts?


Which of the following reveals both glacial and wind evidence


Which of thefollowing is a cause for concern about Amazon deforestation?

Loss of plant and animal species, loss of communities that have never seen the outside world, loss of potential cures for disease

Which of the following will NOT encourage the use of cleaner sources of energy?

Lower gas prices

Due to climate change, which of the following diseases is likely to put most people at risk?


Which of the following does NOT influence the concentration of CO2 in the air?

Mammals breathing

Oil is formed by

Marine plants and animals that get buried along continental shelves

The recent increases in airborne methane gas concentrations is most likely due to

Melting permafrost and undersea methane hydrates

Which of the following regions has the natural gas reserves?

Middle east

How long does it take for continental drift to cause climate change?

Millions of years.

Which of the folliwng is likely to be recieved well by those that are politically conservative?

More emphasis on job creation, international competitveness and energy efficiency

What are drawbacks of extracting oil from tar sands?

More expensive to mine, Uses large quantities of water, harms the environment

Which of the following is NOT true about grasslands?

More tolerant od higher COO2 than trees

The EU relies heavily on natural gas for energy. Why is this a security issue?

Much of the gas is imported from outside countries that could "turn off" the supply

Why does increasing domestic oil drilling NOT lower gas prices of US consumers?

No laws that require domestic oil to remain in the US, oil is priced by the world market, domestic oil reserve supplies do not meet oil demands.

What is the greates roadblock to geoengineering?

No legal framework for governance.

The primary current that drives the thermohaline circulation is called

North Atlantic Deep Water

Where is the "engine" located that drives global ocean circultion?

North Atlantic ocean

Which of the following regions of the United Stated will NOT likely face a water crisis?


Which of the following is NOT considrered to be a renewable energy source?


Where is the largest store of frozen material that contains methane gas?

Ocean Floor

Which source of methane are scientists concerned about today that might cause a modern-day PETA?

Ocean methane hydrates.

One sverdrup equals

One million cubic meters per second

Name the circulation cell that spans the 60-90 degree latitiude belt


El Nino Southern Oscillation develops in this ocean


Which of the following can be best described as a long-term ENSO type cycle?

Pacific Decadal Oscillation

By the end of the permian period, a large supercontinent existed known as:


Coal is formed by

Plant material from swamps and bogs that gets buried and compressed

The following has NOT influenced global air temperatures in the past 100 years

Plate tectonics

Which region of the world is warming the most rapidly?


Which of the following is a reason that most in the US disregard climate change risk?

Political leaders do not make risk an issue, Data is statistical and impersonal, the confuse weather and climate

When assessing risk, the p in the HELP equation represents:


Which of the following best illustrates how climate has changed in the past 800,000 years

Rapid climate swings occurring every few thousand years.

The thicker band of tree rings occurs during

Rapid growth

Which of the following is a way to reduce waste treatment emissions?

Recycling, public education, charge by weight of garbage removed

A carbon wedge is a SMART goal that can

Reduce carbon emissions by 1 gigatonne by 2055

How does the amazon regulate climate?

Removes carbon from the atmosphere

Which species actually benefitted by the Permian extinction


Which of the following is evidence of past shorelines?

Ripple Marks

The region found between the two Hadley cells is featured by:

Rising air and wet climate

Most of the melting artic sea ice has been caused by

Rising water temperatures

Which country recently planted a flag on the sea floor at the north pole as a symbolic claim to that territory?


Which of the following countries is NOT dependent on water from the Himalaya Mts


Which of the following countries is expected to have to have the lowest population growth rate by 2050?


What of the follwing is NOT true about an isotope?

Same number of neutrons

Which of the following is NOT considered proxy climate data?

Satellite Data

Which of the following is usually found in acidic ocean water?

Sea grass

Which of the following is considered a major control of climate?

Sea level change, continental drift, solar strength.

Eccentricity is the term used to describe changes in

Shape of earth's orbit around the sun

Widely dispersed volcanic ash deposits are evidence of

Short term cooling climate followed by long term warming climate

The region found between the Hadley and Ferrell cells is featured by

Sinking air and dry climate

During the 8,000 years before the 20th century, global average temperature has

Slowly Cooled

Which of the following is NOT condifered to be amont the five current major global energy sources?


Which of the following is NOT used to define a geological time unit?

Solar variability

Winters in the eastern US can be quite cold when the NAO is in this phase

Strong Negative

Which of the following isotops can be used to infer past mountain building and erosion


What is the priamary control of ice sheet size in the northern hemisphere?

Summer Temperatures

Which of the statements below is most accurate?

Surface temperatures over land are warming faster than that over the oceans.

When the number of sunspots increases

TSI increases

The rise of which political group in the United States effectively sank any chance of passing cap and trade legislation?

Tea party

Which political group in the United States is least concerned about climate change

Tea party

Which country imports the largest amount of oil in the world?

The US

Which of the following groups is ultimately most important in mocing the US toward climate change action?

The general public

Why was cyclone Nargis, wihc impacted Myanmar in 2008 particularly devastating?

The government refused international aid.

How come developed countries most responsible for the historic rise in GHG are reluctant to reduce emissions?

They fear that doing so will give developing counries a competitive edge.

What is likely to happen to scientists who speak publicly about the risks of climate change?

They will encourage other scientists to speak up, MOre of the public will accept climate science, they will come under attack by science deniers

Which of the following statements is most accurate?

The tilt of the Earth is the primary control on seasons

Which of the following organizations does NOT report global tempersture anomaly data?

The weather channel

Which of the following is least involved in moving surface water?

Thermohaline circulation

Why are the sea level rise projections of the IPCC Not reasurring?

These values are likely too low

How come clean coal technologies are not being used on most coal power plants?

They add to the cost of delivering electricity.

Which of the following statments about developing economies is false?

They are committed to cleaner technologies in the US and other developed nations

What is true about social liberals in the United States?

They believe that climate is changing and is a threat, they trust the scientific community, they prefer government regulations over the free market.

Which of the folowing renewable energy sources is always reliable and predictable?

Tidal energy

Obliquity is the term used to describe

Tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation

How does the coriolis effect deflect moving air and water?

To the right in the northern hempishpere and to the left in the southern hemisphere

The surface winds located underneath the Hadley cells are known as

Trade Winds

Oil is the dominant energy source for:


What is true about trees in higher latitudes?

Trees are migrating northward

True/False: A carbon tax will increase the cost of energy from fossil fuels while also making carbon-free alternatives more competitively priced?


True/False: A carbon wedge is a SMART goal that can reduce GHG by 1 gigatonne per year by 2055


True/False: According to the Hubbert curve, the world has passed "peak oil" meaning it will be harder to locate oil and these locations will be much smaller in scale


True/False: Aerosols can both absorb and reflect energy


True/False: All climate models project that we have less than 50 years to reduce GHG emissions before damaging climate change will be a certainty.


True/False: Alluvial Fans are evidence of rising mountains and falling co2 levels


True/False: Although the Earth receives 1,368 Wm-2 of energy from the sun at the top of the atmosphere, only 342 Wm-2 is actually heating the planet at any given time.


True/False: Billions of people suffer from energy poverty -- no access to electricity or modern energy services


When viewing global air temperature anomalies, there is a distinct cooling the few years following 1991 what caused that cooling?

Volcanic Eruption

Which of the following is an example of a negative radiative forcing?

Volcanic Eruption

A sudden spike in sulfate in ice core data is an indicator of past

Volcanic activity

Which of the following mat be a beneficial outcome of climate change?

Warmer spring temperatures

Which of the following was a result of the isthums of Panama closing during the early Pliocene?

Warmer tropical waters directed northward toward the Arctic.

Which of the following climate change factors is NOT considered a primary driver of change?

Water Vapor concentration

Weather and climate differ in that:

Weather is day to day while climate is long-term averages in weather.

In 2009, emails were stolen from the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit and some claimed that climate scientists were "hiding the decline" of global temperature. What did "hide the decline" really refer to?

Well-documented tree ring anomalies

One of the difficulties of using pollen to determine past climate is

Wind can carry pollen great distances from its source

Which factor below increases the cost of using solar and wind energy sources?

Wind does not always blow, facilities pay for access to the grid even when not using the grid, sun does not always shine.

The siberian traps is

a large region of volcanism

the larsen b ice shelf collapsed from the

antarctic peninsula

The minimum number of years for a temperature base period should be

at least 30 years

Over the past one million years, the sun's radiant energy has _____________

been fairly constant

where in greenlan is ice actually increasing?


The term obliquity refers to

changes in the tilt of earth's axis

Which of the following countries does not have a large supply of natural gas reserves


Gyres in the Atlantic Ocean are featured by:

clockwise flow

When oceans get colder what happens to co2 concentrations in the air in the abscence of humans?

co2 decreases

Climate model projections for the year 2100 are most uncertain due to:

economic uncertainty

Natural gas is a strong candidate to become the dominant source of this type of energy in the united states


Which type of energy derived from the burning of fossil fuels is most responsible for anthropgoenic emissions of co2?


the east antartic ice sheet is

grounded on bedrock and considered to be very stable

the west antartic ice sheet is

grounded on ocean floor and considered to be unstable

Name the circulation cell that spans 0-30 degree latitude belt


Which of the following is NOT considered a positive climate feed back?

increased rainfall

Which of the following does NOT contribute to global seal leve rise in the long term?

increased sea ice coverage

When black carbon falls on top of snow, what happens to its radaitive forcing?


when sea water evaporates the ration of Oxygen 18 to oxygen 16 in the oceans


The best indicator that the planet is gaining heat is:

increases in ocean heat content.

Which statement about ocean heat content in the past century is most accurate?

increasing rapdily

If incoming vs. outgoing radiation at the top of the atmosphere is balanced, then climate change is likely due to:

internal variability

Which of the following statements about antartica is true?

it contains about 90% of the world's freshwater

Carbon dioxide is known as a ghg becuase

it traps outgoing radiation from earth

Which season is primary for monsoon development?

land heating faster than water

"M" in SMART stands for


An example of positive feedback is

melting snow cover and decreased ice sheet size

How many years does it take to remove a single carbon atom from the atmosphere and move it into rock?


ENSO events last for


How do air balloons measure air temperatures?

on board microwave detectors

solar radiation management uses technologies based

on land, in space, in the atmosphere

One degree heating week (DHW) is

one week of sea surface temperature 1 degree celsius above summer maximum

Which regions oof the worlds oceans are warming most rapidly


The half-life of a radioactive isotope is not influenced by

pressure temperature or time

The change in net, downward minus upward irradiance due to a change in external driver of climate change is known as

radiative forcing



Dansgaard-Oescher (D-O) cycles feature

rapid warming followed by a warm period lasting up to 2,000 years

GHG intensity

rate of emissions per increment of economic growth.

The "R" in SMART stands for


In the northern hemisphere, ekman pumping shifts moving water to the ______ of its initial direction


the best indicator of the impact of climate change on sea ice is a change in

sea ice volume

The "S" in SMART goal stands for:


Which factor is the most important control on glacier size?

summer temperatures

If satellites can measure the planet's energy imbalance, why do we still need global thermometer measurements?

the imbalance is at the limit of satellite instrument resolution

Most of the observed rise in global sea level in the past 60 years is due to

thermal expansion

True/False: The Coriolis effect will deflect moving air to the right of its intended path in the northern hemisphere


Which statement is NOT true about climate models?

they are very accurate at regional scales.

The "T" in SMART stands for


Radiation emitted from wave numbers 600-800 represent co2 emissions and satellites meausre these emissions as coming from


El Nino events are characterized by

warm water flowing eastward

Basal sliding is caused by

warmer temps and higer pressure.

X-rays of ancient corals reveal banding where less dense growth means

warmer water

what happens to air as it sinks toward the surface?


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