GEOS 2 (Chapter Quiz Questions)

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Which example illustrates the relationship between nationality and ethnicity? - A mixed ethnicity soccer player holds the two different nationalities of her parents. - The Kurdish ethnicity is divided among several nationalities. - In the United States, labels like Mexican-American indicates both nationality and ethnicity. - The Quebecois are a distinct ethnicity within the Canadian nationality.

- A mixed ethnicity soccer player holds the two different nationalities of her parents. - The Kurdish ethnicity is divided among several nationalities. - In the United States, labels like Mexican-American indicates both nationality and ethnicity. - The Quebecois are a distinct ethnicity within the Canadian nationality.

Where did soccer, or football as it is known outside of North America, originate? - France - Brazil - the United States - England - the Russian Federation


Which is NOT one of the Celtic languages within in the United Kingdom and nearby areas? - Cornish - Welsh - Breton - Irish Gaelic - English


Which does NOT accurately describe English's role as the world's leading lingua franca? - English became a globally dominant language entirely through British colonialism. - English serves as a common language for communication between speakers of other languages. - English as lingua franca is most recently spread through expansion diffusion. - English can be spoken in forms that have a simplified grammar or limited vocabulary. - English is the world's largest mutually understood and commonly used language.

English became a globally dominant language entirely through British colonialism

Which aspect of material culture has the strongest connection to the environment? - housing decor - building materials - weapons - clothing - food supply

food supply

Which term best describes any religious group that requires strict adherence to their interpretation of the basic principles of the religion? - caste - evangelical - fundamentalist - communist - denominational


Which language family has the highest number of speakers in the world? - Niger-Congo - Austro-Asian - Afro-Asiatic - Sino-Tibetan - Indo-European


Which is a reason why American English differ from that spoken in the United Kingdom? - isoglosses - pronunciation - spelling - vocabulary - isolation


What is NOT a reason why a person in the world today might have difficulty accessing electronic and/or social media? - lack of phone service - lack of income - government censorship - limited electricity - limited literacy

limited literacy

Which was NOT one of the exchanges that were part of the triangular trade of forced migration during the colonial period? - cloth and trinkets - rum - manufactured goods - African slaves - molasses

manufactured goods

Which group had the largest ethnic enclave in Chicago in 1990? - African American - Polish - French - Filipino - Mexican


Which factor has greatly influenced the current distribution of world languages? - pronunciation - political systems - technological change - environmental change - migration


What direction did African Americans migrate when they left the South? - north and west - east - south - west - south and east

north and west

Where in the United States is golf the most popular sport? - southwestern states - everywhere - north-central states - south-central states - northwestern states

north-central states

In which region are most of the eight holy places for Buddhism located? - northern China - northeast India - eastern Indonesia - central India - southern Japan

northeast India

What material culture product is typically NOT associated with folk culture? - food - television - music - clothing - architecture


In which region of the United States are Asian Americans clustered? - the Southeast - the Southwest - the West - the Great Plains - the Midwest

the West

In which part of the island of Ireland is the Protestant majority concentrated? - the southeast - no part of the island - the northwest - the northeast - the southwest

the northeast

Although popular culture diffuses rapidly to many places, differences persist in cultural preferences at several geographic scales - true - false


An ethnic enclave is a place with a high concentration of an ethnic group distinct from those in the surrounding area. - true - false


Buddhist pagodas are sacred because they house relics believed to be part of Buddha's body or clothing. - true - false


Clustered in a belt between the world's two largest universalizing religions, the number of animists in Africa has declined. - true - false


Cultural homogenization is the process of reduction in diversity through the diffusion of popular culture. - true - false


Electronic communication facilitates the frequency of change in popular customs. - true - false


Ethnicity is identity with a group of people who share the cultural traditions of a particular homeland or hearth. - true - false


Folk songs, which usually originate anonymously, often describe life-cycle events, and often diffuse with the migration of a cultural group. - true - false


Holy days and holy sites in ethnic religions are closely derived from the area's physical geography. - true - false


Indonesia has the largest concentration of Muslims outside of its hearth region in Southwest Asia. - true - false


Most of the world's clustered religions with at least one million adherents are found in Asia. - true - false


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is one of the smaller branches of Christianity. - true - false


The Indo-European language family has many different writing systems - true - false


The population of Afghanistan is composed of many different ethnic groups. - true - false


The split between Sunni and Shiite branches of Islam is, in part, based on differing views of the succession of leadership after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. - true - false


Western Asia's long-standing conflicts stem from the mixture of ethnic and religious diversity and are complicated by military intervention by states outside the region. - true - false


Which statement best describes why race is considered a social construction? - Biological classification by race can be used as the basis for racism. - The term race is often misused when ethnic identity is meant. - The practice that racial features are scientifically classifiable has been rejected. - Biological features are highly variable and any classification is meaningless.

- Biological classification by race can be used as the basis for racism. - The term race is often misused when ethnic identity is meant. - The practice that racial features are scientifically classifiable has been rejected. - Biological features are highly variable and any classification is meaningless.

Approximately, what percent of the population of North America is unaffiliated with a religion? - 50 percent - 25 percent - 20 percent - 10 percent - 5 percent


Why is China NOT among the countries with the largest number of Facebook users? - Facebook is exclusively an English language site. - Chinese social media users prefer homegrown social media sites. - Chinese social media users prefer Twitter and Instagram to Facebook. - Access to Facebook is limited by the United States government. - Access to Facebook is limited by the Chinese government.

Access to Facebook is limited by the Chinese government.

Which reason best supports the claim that language originated in Western Africa? - Many African languages contain words to describe winter and snow. - The origin of language families predates the historic record. - The languages diffused through the spread of agriculture. - The languages likely diffused through warfare and conquest. - African languages are more complex and diverse than other languages

African languages are more complex and diverse than other languages

What cultural example would most likely be transmitted through relocation diffusion? - Amish culture - television - business suits - Internet usage - rap music

Amish Culture

What is NOT true about the diffusion and migration of the folk Amish culture in the US? - The Amish are migrating from Lancaster County in order to escape gawking tourists. - The migration of Amish was driven by young adults' need for new, lower-cost lands. - Amish culture diffused as people migrated from counties in Wisconsin and Michigan. - Migration of Amish into North America took place in two waves. - The core of Amish cultural diffusion and migration was from counties in Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Amish culture diffused as people migrated from counties in Wisconsin and Michigan.

Which statement about the apartheid policy in South Africa is true? - Apartheid laws were repealed in 1991 after decades of protest against the white-minority government. - Black-majority homelands declared their independence from the white-minority government. - The policy was ended by a series of court cases that declared apartheid unconstitutional. - The black-minority government led by Nelson Mandela repealed all apartheid laws in the 1960s. - South Africans voted in the policy of "separate but equal," which replaced apartheid laws

Apartheid laws were repealed in 1991 after decades of protest against the white-minority government

Which is the LEAST accurate description of a universalizing religion's cosmogony or calendar? - Creation of the universe is attributed to one spiritual being. - Calendars schedule holy days to occur during the same month every year. - Calendars commemorate events in the founder's life. - Common events included in calendars unite geographically dispersed adherents. - Creation of humans and their physical environment is attributed to one spiritual being.

Creation of humans and their physical environment is attributed to one spiritual being

The term Anglo-Saxon is associated with England. From which modern-day countries did the Angles and Saxons invade England? - Norway and Sweden - France and Belgium - Spain and Portugal - Cornwall and Wales - Denmark and Germany

Denmark and Germany

Which statement about dialects is correct? - Dialects reflect distinctive features of environments in which groups live. - The words used to name soft drinks are the same throughout the United States. - Dialects diffused as colonists migrated southward. - Today, the United States has three main dialect regions. - An isogloss is used to mark boundaries between language families.

Dialects reflect distinctive features of environments in which groups live

What is NOT a reason that people in folk cultures wear distinctive clothing? - Religious beliefs are often a reason for folk groups to have distinctive dress. - Clothing materials are often inspired by the resources available in the surrounding environment. - Folk group members' individual clothing habits often come from fashion magazines. - Farming practices may require clothing adaptations that become part of the folk group's costume. - Environmental conditions often influence folk groups' clothing styles.

Folk group members' individual clothing habits often come from fashion magazines

To which branch of the Indo-European language family does English belong? - Indo-Iranian - Balto-Slavic - Romance - Celtic - Germanic


Which religious adherent is the least likely to migrate internationally? - Jew - Hindu - Christian - Muslim - Buddhist


Which of the following is NOT one of the world's universalizing religions? - Hinduism - Christianity - Buddhism - Islam - These are all universalizing religions.


What does NOT accurately describe geographic variations in popular culture in the U.S. and abroad? - Even though an idea diffuses globally, it may be modified in another country. - American media products are designed to appeal to wider cultural audiences. - Television is the most important medium of popular culture in the United States. - Social media reinforces differences among vernacular regions. - In the United States, urban and rural residents prefer the same television shows.

In the United States, urban and rural residents prefer the same television shows.

Which language family is the most prevalent in South Asia? - Dravidian - Austronesian - Indo-European - Sino-Tibetan - Austro-Asiatic


In which four Western Asian countries are the Kurds located? - Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Israel, and Lebanon - Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Georgia - Israel, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Pakistan - Kurdistan, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey

Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey

Which statement about the origins of the world's four major religions is true? - Hinduism has diffused farthest from its origin because it incorporates many cultures. - Christianity and Islam both originated on the Arabian Peninsula. - Islam, Christianity, and Judaism all originated in Southwest Asia. - According to the Vedas, Hinduism originated in Central Asia. - Buddhism originated on the island of Japan and diffused to India and Sri Lanka

Islam, Christianity, and Judaism all originated in Southwest Asia.

Which country is NOT a multilingual place? - India - Nigeria - Italy - Switzerland - Belgium


Which country's language is in the same branch as Romanian? - Albania - Germany - Greece - Italy - Poland


Which two religious groups claim the site of the Western Wall in Jerusalem? - Armenians and Jews - Armenians and Muslims - Muslims and Christians - Christians and Jews - Jews and Muslims

Jews and Muslims

Which is NOT a characteristic of a language branch? - Archaeological evidence can confirm branches derived from the same family. - Differences are not as great as they are in language families. - Language branches developed before recorded history. - Languages within a branch display similarities in grammar and vocabulary. - Languages are related through a common ancestral language.

Languages within a branch display similarities in grammar and vocabulary.

What city has the highest concentration of popular music artists and recording studios in North America? - Chicago - Nashville - New Orleans - Miami - Los Angeles


What three places are the major hearths (or nodes) of folk house forms in the United States? - New England, Middle Atlantic, and Lower Chesapeake - Pacific Northwest, New England, and Middle Atlantic - Pennsylvania, Maine, and South Carolina - Southwestern region, Midwest, and New England - New York, Massachusetts, and Georgia

New England, Middle Atlantic, and Lower Chesapeake

Which is the most widespread language family in sub-Saharan Africa? - Afro-Asiatic - Niger-Congo - Austronesian - Nilo-Saharan - Indo-European


The dozens of ethnicities inhabiting West Central Asia are allocated among only eight nationalities. Which ethnic group spans the mountainous border between Pakistan and Afghanistan? - Pashtun - Uzbek - Persian - Punjabi - Baluchi


What statement is NOT true about popular culture? - Origins of popular culture are often traceable to a specific person or place. - Distribution of popular culture is related to people's ability to access it. - Rapid diffusion facilitates frequent changes in popular culture. - Popular culture is more likely to be found in large, heterogeneous societies. - Popular culture is usually practiced by small, homogeneous groups.

Popular culture is usually practiced by small, homogeneous groups

Which religion is predominant in Latin America? - Roman Catholic - Protestant - unaffiliated - animist - Eastern Orthodox

Roman Catholic

Which African countries experienced genocide due to conflict between the Hutus and the Tutsis? - South Sudan and Ethiopia - South Africa and Namibia - Algeria and Libya - Uganda and Kenya - Rwanda and Burundi

Rwanda and Burundi

Which modern day country contains the two holiest cities for the world's Muslims? - Egypt - Saudi Arabia - Israel - Indonesia - Nepal

Saudi Arabia

Which of the following statements best represents a geographer's perspective on the practice of segregation by race? - The historical narrative of racial segregation shown in primary sources is deeply contested. - Denying service by race is specifically a discouragement of economic interaction. - Physical features are responsible for the segregation of racial groups. - Separate use of public facilities and services by race is a legal issue. - Segregation by race is specifically a discouragement of spatial interaction between groups.

Segregation by race is specifically a discouragement of spatial interaction between groups

Of the countries that were once part of the former Yugoslavia, which country was NOT a multi-ethnic state? - Bosnia & Herzegovina - Slovenia - Macedonia - Croatia - Serbia


Which region is home to most of the world's remaining vibrant and/or living isolated languages? - Africa - East Asia - Europe - South America - North America

South America

What statement accurately describes the diffusion of television and the Internet from the United States to the rest of the world? - The diffusion of television from the U.S. to the rest of the world occurred over five years. - Due to the increased diffusion of television, the U.S. has the lowest concentration of television sets in the world. - Despite the increasing diffusion of Internet users globally, the U.S. still has the highest percentage of users in the world. - Due to the lack of electricity, television and the Internet have not diffused to the developing world. - Television first diffused to developed countries and then to the rest of the world.

Television first diffused to developed countries and then to the rest of the world.

Which statement best aligns with the U.N. definition of a critically endangered language? - The speakers of the language are no longer living. - There are fewer than 1,000 speakers worldwide. - The speakers are concentrated in a relatively small geographic area. - The language is spoken only by older people, and infrequently. - The language is only taught in a few schools.

The language is only taught in a few schools

Which of the following statements about Hispanics in the United States is true? - All Hispanics self-identify with terms like Latino. - Hispanics are the largest ethnic group in the United States today. - The percent of Hispanics in the southwestern states exceeds 50 percent. - They are clustered in border areas in the Southwest. - Most Hispanics in the United States migrated from Spain.

They are clustered in border areas in the Southwest.

In which Southeast Asian country is the Austro-Asiatic language dominant? - Vietnam - the Philippines - Indonesia - Thailand - Myanmar (Burma)


What is one of the sustainability challenges that comes with popular culture customs and landscapes? - drastic environmental modification - maintaining cultural identity - reduced diffusion of electronic media - increase in distinctive cultural features - access limitations

drastic environmental modification

Which best describes the distribution of ethnic religions? - incorporating many different cultures - increase in number of global adherents - belief in multiple gods - embedded in the culture of their origin - widely dispersed geographic distributions

embedded in the culture of their origin

Distinguishing between dialects and distinct languages is always straightforward and never political. - true - false


English is only spoken in countries where it is an official language. - true - false


In contrast to the diffusion of television and the Internet, during the twenty-first century social media diffused from several global locations. - true - false


Islam is an example of a hierarchical religion where each local community is self-sufficient and rarely interacts with other Muslim communities. - true - false


Nigeria has only one major ethnic group within its political boundaries. - true - false


The cultural values shared among people of the same nationality derive from religion, language, and material culture. - true - false


Which term describes the fear of people from other countries? - ethnophobia - ethnic cleansing - genocide - racism - xenophobia


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