Geraldino MM2

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What is the discharge pressure rate of a low pressure air compressor (LPAC) in (a) cubic feet per minute at (b) pounds per square inch gauge?

(a) 200, (b) 125 (b)

A Rateau stage on a turbine is how many (a) sets of nozzles and (b) rows of moving blades?

(a) One (b) one

What is the range of the pH scale?


What NSTM would you refer to for information on turbogenerator casualties?


What graphite grease grade is considered soft?


At what degrees Fahrenheit may waterside burning occur in plain carbon steel tubes?


The air inlet filter is capable of removing particles what size, in microns?


Over how many miles from shore must you be in order to discharge trash and garbage?


What is the range of economic operation, in knots, for turbine-driven ships?

12 to 20

How many minutes must you hold the hydrostatic test pressure for, before beginning the inspection?


The water failure switch should be set to cut in at what pressure, in pounds per square inch gauge?


At what pounds per square inch gauge (psig) is the high pressure relief valve set from the manufacturer?


At how many psi, should you open the main and auxiliary steam stop warmup/bypass valve to warm up the steam piping?


On the single-tank dishwashing machine, the rinse water is set at what temperature range, in degrees Fahrenheit (°F)?


In what year did Congress pass a law prohibiting the discharge of refuse in navigable waters of the United States?


In what year did the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) decide that the Navy would install the sewage collection holding, and transfer (CHT) system?


Naval boilers are divided into how many classifications?


Ship's cranes are designed to withstand a static, suspended load of what percent of the rated load?

200 percent

What type of lubrication oil is used for the propulsion gears?

2190 TEP

In what Naval Ships' Technical Manual (NSTM) chapter can you find detailed information on boiler water and feedwater tests?


What Naval Ships' Technical Manual (NSTM) contains procedures for sampling, testing, and chemically treating the boilers?


In what NSTM chapter can you find detailed information on burner safety shutoff devices?


Approximately how many inches of mercury are in the intercondenser under a vacuum? ord into


How many subsystem sections make a Personnel Qualification Standard?


What is the number of lubricating grease grades?


What is the discharge rate, in pounds per square inch gauge (psig), of the RIX high pressure air compressor in continuous mode?


What is the best overall range of relative humidity for human comfort and health?

30% to 70%

The steam used in the blowing tubes is reduced to what pressure, in psi?


What is the maximum operating temperature of ball and roller bearing grease?

300 °F

How many kinds of generating and circulating tubes are there?


The contactor is set at the factory to operate when the oil pressure drops to how many psig (pounds per square inch gauge)?

4 psig

Propeller pumps are usually limited not to exceed what total head?

40 to 60 feet

For a steam-jacketed kettle, what is the maximum steam pressure, in pounds per square inch (psi)?


Regarding the immediate reporting of oil slicks and spills or sheens, the prohibited zone of the United States is how many miles?


Shift the superheater from the low-pressure drain to the high-pressure drain main when the steam drum reaches how many psi?


In what Naval Ships' Technical Manual are troubleshooting procedures for reverse osmosis (RO)?


How many foot pounds (ft-lb) is one horsepower equal to?


The drive elector motor on the RIX high pressure air compressor (HPAC) is how many horsepower (hp)?


What is the operating range, in pounds per square inch gauge, of a high pressure switch?

60 to 350

What is the general reduction gear ratio of a turbogenerator?

8 to 1

What is the ratio of the turbine-driven main circulating pumps?

8 to 1

At what temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit, does water boil?


In port, fuel service tanks should be filled to what maximum percent?

80 percent

What is the ting differential range, in pounds per square inch gauge, of the low pressure switch?

9 to 30

How many seconds should oil be heated in order to produce a viscosity?


As a safety precaution, when ships are refueled where the ambient temperature is below 40 F, you should NOT fill storage tanks above what percent of capacity?


At sea, fuel service tanks should be filled to what maximum percent?

95 percent

What level of assurance provides for the most stringent of restrictive verification techniques?


When valves No. 1 and No. 2 are wide open, what should be the steam pressure in the steam chest?

A bout the same as the line pressure

across each diaphragm in a turbine, the flow of steam Because of the pressure drop existing between the nozzle diaphragm and the rotor is held to a minimum by what means?

A labyrinth packing ring

In the type of turning gear discussed in the chapter, what component connects the turning gear to the high-pressure pinion?

A manually operated jaw clutch

After what condition, is the of temperature and pressure drops in the first-stage nozzles of a combination impulse and reaction turbine?

A velocity-compounded impulse stage at the high-pressure end of the turbine followed by reaction blading

What does dirt mixed with the grease become?


What is the last step for securing turbine that is driving an electric generator?

After all the condensate has drained out and the casing has cooled to engine-room temperature, close all the drains. To prevent corrosion, take every precaution to guard against steam bleeding into the turbine casing.

What removes air and non-condensable gases from the condenser?

Air ejector

What is the purpose of a heat exchanger?

Allows the transfer of heat from on substance to another

Which of the following casualties require you to stop and lock the shaft immediately?

An uncontrollable hot bearing

Which of the following is a classification of a naval boiler?


In which of the following pumps are the pistons arranged parallel to each other and to the pump shaft?


What is the standard engine order telegraph symbol for back emergency speed?


The high-level alarm sounds when the tank has reached what percent of its total capacity?

Between 95 and 98

The required and recommended training courses to study for advancement in rating can be found in what publication?

Bibliography for Advancement (BIBS) Classification

Prior to lighting off the boiler, what tool is used to inspect the furnace?

Boiler inspection device (BID)

Which of the following conditions can cause the high-pump discharge light to be illuminated?

Bound or clogged transducer airline

Failure to use the turning gear during turbine startup may result in which of the following casualties?

Bowed rotor

Which of the following laws states that the volume of any dry gas varies inversely with its absolute pressure, provided the temperature remains constant?


What types of fans are used in hot weather to provide local circulation?


Which of the following valves is most commonly used in a FO system?


What documents are used as a precautionary measure, providing special instructions and warning of unusual measures that must be used to operate the tagged item?


Air compressors are classified by what characteristic?


What type of fuel system pipes do most ships have?

Carbon steel

Aboard Navy ships, which of the following fans are used primarily to exhaust explosive or hot gases?


Which of the following systems is used on diesel engine ships to clean fuel?

Centrifugal purifiers

What is normally the first step in lighting off a turbine unit?

Check the cold rotor positions of the turbines.

What chemical is primarily used as an indicator of seawater contamination?


What provides a flow of water through the condenser at times when scoop injection is inadequate?

Circulating pump

J.gont What purifier is used when the main source of contamination is sediment?


When repairs have been completed on a piece of equipment, which of the following actions must be accomplished before the operational testing of equipment or system?

Clear the tags

Which of the following is the purpose of the collection tray on spot cooler?

Collects the moisture condensed out of the air

What component in a refrigeration system is essentially a pump?


What term best describes the process of cooling the freshwater vapor produced by evaporation to produce usable freshwater?


What term defines a quantity or condition that is measured and controlled by a control system?

Controlled variable

What is the second circuit in a main condenser?


Refrigerant piping in modern naval installations is made of what material?


Which of the following is NOT a cause of external leak on a hydraulic oil system?

Correct type of fastener

What can seriously weaken a turbine generator casing?


What assembly houses the crankshaft, swashplate drive system, and connecting rods?


then polish them with Take extreme care in cleaning turbine casing joints. Carefully scrape and clean joint surfaces, then polish them with ?

Crocus cloth.

What is another name for the right angle flow of a heat exchanger?


What process is a continuous changing of the controlled variable?


Questions To deliver dry saturated steam to the dry pipe with minimum agitation of the water is the purpose of what separator?


What term best describes the time required to transport a change from one place to another?

Dead time

What removes gases from feedwater?

Deaerating feed tanks (DFTs)

What is one of the most important steps prior to getting underway?

Determine if circulating water is available at the lube oil cooler

What term best describes the instantaneous difference between the actual value of the controlled variable and the value of the controlled variable corresponding to the set point?


What term means the pressure of liquid leaving the pump and/or the level of liquid with respect to the level of the pump on the discharge side?

Discharge head

What is the only moving part in the steam trap?


What type of purifier has the bowl mounted on the upper end of the vertical bowl spindle?


The Navy replaced fuel oil (FO) with what fluid, which reduces air pollution because it has low sulfur content and burns more cleanly?


What term best describes the process of boiling seawater, then cooling and condensing the resulting vapor to produce freshwater?


Reduction gear bearings are mounted rigidly in their housings by what means

Dowels or locking screws and washers

If you find an error on the Boiler Water Chemistry Worksheet/Log, what method should you use to correct it?

Draw a line through the error, initial it, and make the correct entry

What component is an arrangement of tubes installed in the uptake space from the furnace?


What type of pump is jet pump and has no moving parts?


On steering units, why does the piping from the hand pump contain drain valves?

Eliminate the need for an additional high pressure cutout valve

Which of the following statements best defines Engineering Operational Casualty Control (EOCC)?

Enables plant and space supervisors the ability to recognize the symptoms of a possible casualty

What term describes the ability to do work?


Before any inspection or work on or around the reduction gears is accomplished, who must present ?

Engineer officer

Which of following engineering department's records must be preserved as permanent legal records?

Engineering Log and Engineer's Bell Book

When underway, who signs the Remarks section of the Engineering Log?

Engineering Officer of the watch (EOOW)

When in port, who signs the Remarks section of the Engineering Log?

Engineering duty officer (EDO)

Which of the following sets of manuals was designed to eliminate problems because of operator error aligning piping systems and starting and stopping machinery?

Engineering operational sequencing system (EOSS)

Which of the following should you use for instructions when a turbine is first put into service?

Engineering operational sequencing system (EOSS)

What is the first step to start a turbine that is driving an electric generator?

Ensure that the turbine is free of all loose material and that all working parts are clean and well lubricated. Test all safety devices where practical, tripping them by hand to ensure proper functioning.

What term describes stored energy within steam?


What instruction contains guidelines to prevent, control, and abate air and water pollution?

Environmental and Natural Resources Program Manual, OPNAVINST 5090.1

What publication defines the policies and procedures for dealing with sewage discharge?

Environmental and Natural Resources Program Manual, OPNAVINST 5090.1

squlpment sedo What term best describes the process of boiling seawater to separate it into freshwater vapor and brine?


what interval should each boiler be inspected for integrity of welds and nozzle connections?

Every 5 years

What condition is the first indication of a shaft seal failure?

Excessive oil leaking at the shaft

In what type of boilers do the gases of combustion flow through the tubes and thereby heat the water that surrounds the tubes?


What stage air ejector nozzle takes suction on the main condenser and discharges it to the intercondenser?


What total number of forms are available for recording the data used to assist in maintaining proper water conditions in a steam propulsion plant?


What parts of a reaction turbine serve the same purpose as the nozzle of an impulse turbine?

Fixed blades only

What component directs the fuel to drip or dribble to a safe place?

Flange shield

What type of coupling is generally used in hydraulic transmissions?


What component joins the pump end to the turbine end?

Flexible coupling

In a centrifugal refrigeration plant, what valve releases the refrigerant to the chiller?


What action occurs when a predetermined relationship exists between the deviation and the speed (or rate of travel) of a final control element?


In propulsion systems, the shaft for a main reduction gear is made from what type of material

Forged steel

What is the natural resistance to motion caused by surface contact, known as?


What can cause reduced cooling capacity, low compressor suction pressure, and a tendency for the compressor to short cycle?

Frost on cooling coils

What types of flexible couplings are used in most turbine reduction gear installations?

Gear tooth

Oil pressure to operate the constant-speed governor and lubricate the bearings and gears is supplied by a

Gear-type pump

What material is corrugated ribbon packing (CRP) made of?


What manual process is used to remove small irregularities by grinding together the contact surfaces of the seat and disk called?


When a pump delivers energy to a liquid, it usually causes an increase in pressure which is generally referred to as?


The turbine wheel uses the steam more than once in which of the following turbines?

Helical flow only

What type of reduction gearing is used for turbo generators?


By what sign can churning be identified?

High bearing temperatures

What is the most common unit of power?


What term best describes the vapor content of the atmosphere?


What type of unit drives or controls steering gears?


Which of the following methods should you use to find a leak in a heat exchanger?

Hydrostatic test

Which of the following is a true statement regarding R-134a refrigerant?

If R-134a concentration becomes excessive, unconsciousness or even death may result.

What condition does a complete flooding of the flash chamber gauge glass indicate?

Improper drainage

What is the most common reason of piping and fitting failure?

Improper maintenance

In a main engine using a double-flow low-pressure turbine, where are the astern elements located?

In the forward and after ends of the low-pressure turbine the forward

What means are provided to inspect the rotating pairs?

Inspection plates

Which of the following items' purpose is to retard the transfer of heat from piping that is hotter than the surrounding atmosphere?


Desuperheaters are referred to as what type of fitting?


When a piece of equipment fails, you must take which of the following actions before repairs can begin?

Isolate and Tag-Out the system/equipment

The labyrinth packing in a turbine serves which of the following purposes?

It assists in sealing the area where the rotor passes through the casing.

Which of the following is one of the qualities of a liquid?

It cannot be forced into a smaller space than it already occupies

What should you never attempt to do on a rotary pump while the steam valve to the driving unit is open?

Jack a pump by hand

What term describes energy that has been released? of


The shaft packing used on most turbogenerators is

Labyrinth-type rings or seals.

What term defines the slowing down effect that is associated with capacity and resistance?


What is a presently accepted theory on lubrication?


If properly maintained, how long should reduction gears give reliable service?

Lifetime of the ship

What piece of equipment on the anchor windlasses allows you to disconnect the wildcat shaft and permits operation of the wildcat when dropping anchor?

Locking head

You will most likely find the Engineering Department Organization Manual in what space of the engineering department?

Log room

If steam is NOT available, the steam atomization burner systems can use which of the following substitutes for the 150 psi auxiliary steam for cold plant light off?

Low pressure compressed air

What component is also known as a suction pressure control switch?

Low pressure cutout switch

Which of the following may endanger the main feed booster pumps?

Low water level

All turbine-driven generators have a lube oil low-pressure alarm. The alarm contactor is located in the leading to the bearings.

Lube oil line

What are simple mixtures of soaps and lubricating oils called?

Lubricating greases

Machinist's Mates can be assigned to which division aboard ship?


What is the heat receiver of the thermodynamic cycle?

Main condensers

What term means the quantity or condition that is varied by a control system to affect the value of a controlled variable?

Manipulated variable

What publication contains detailed information on each boiler control system?

Manufacturer's technical manual

What system is installed on Navy ships to comply with the sewage discharge standards without compromising mission capability

Marine sanitation devices (MSDs)

What four basic operations are performed by a control system?

Measurement, comparison, computation, and correction

Before you can take the Navy-wide Advancement Examination, you must have knowledge of which of the following types of information?

Military conduct

What component contains a chemically treated element that changes color when there is an increase of moisture in the refrigerant?

Moisture indicator

What catalog can you find a list of current NRTCS?


You should find useful articles about shipboard enaineering and new developments each month in which of the following publications?

NAVSEA's Deckplate

Which of the following publications should you refer to for detailed information on the maintenance and repair of pumps?

NSTM, Chapter 503

What publication lists safety precautions for closed or poorly ventilated compartments?

Naval Ships' Technical Manual (NSTM), Chapter 074

Entries in the Engineering Log must be made according to which of the following publications?

Naval Ships' Technical Manual (NSTM), Chapter 090

Who usually performs major repairs of hydraulic gear, except for piping and fittings?

Naval shipyard

What term is used to describe the suction pressure minus the vapor pressure expressed in feet of liquid at the pump suction?

Net positive suction head (NPSH)

Double-flow reaction turbines have very little axial thrust for which of the following reasons?

No axial thrust develops.

2-27. Of the following cam-operated valves, which one admits steam directly into the sixth stage?

No. 5

What is the first step in stopping and locking a shaft while underway?

Notify the bridge and ring up STOP on the engine order telegraph (EOT).

In the impulse turbine, what device converts thermal energy to kinetic energy?


Which of the following publications deals with the safety regulations and laws associated with FO operations?

OPNAVINST 5100.19(series)

What documents are used to identify instruments that will not give accurate readings because they are either defective or isolated from the system?


Which of the following conditions is a primary cause of air-ejector problems?

Obstructed nozzle

Before any cover, connection, or inspection plate that permits access to the gear casing is replaced, who should make a careful inspection to ensure no foreign matter has entered the gear casing?

Officer from engineering

If work is being done by a repair activity, who must inspect the gear casing?

Officer from the repair activity

What switch is provided with high-speed compressors?

Oil failure

What number of smoke periscopes should be installed in the uptake for single-furnace boiler?


Which of the following actions may upset the steamwater balance and cool the water to such an extent that deaeration will be ineffective?

Overfilling the DFT

Which of the following can cause the seals in bearings to break?

Overpressure when applying grease

_________Is a device that automatically releases the operating oil pressure under the throttle valve operating piston.

Overspeed trip

What is your body's continuous source of heat?

Oxidation of foodstuffs and other chemical processes

What does the Navy use as their main source of oils and greases?


Which of the following is one of the main synthetic lubricants in naval use?

Phosphate-ester type

What is a surface heat exchanger known as if the surface is relatively smooth?

Plain surface

What noise indicates that air has entered a hydraulic oil pump intake line?


EOSS improves the operational readiness of the ship's engineering plant by providing what?

Positive control of the plant

What term describes stored energy in an object?

Potential energy

What term describes work within a specified period of time?


Which of the following statements best defines engineering operational procedures (EOPS)?

Prepared specifically for each level of operation

What is the best form of casualty control?


What type of maintenance is the best way to extend the service life of valves and fittings?


What separator consists of a cylindrical shell with four inside spinner blades secured to dished heads?


What type of pump is used primarily where there is a large volume of liquid with a relatively low total head requirement?


What oil is used in modern naval ships with forced-feed lubrication systems?

Pure Oil

Who is responsible to the CO for the organization, administration, and execution of the ship's Quality Assurance (QA) program?

QA officer

Which of the following is a type of refrigerant is used by the Navy?


In which of the following pumps are the cylinders arranged radially in a cylinder body which rotates around a nonrotating central cylindrical valve?


What component acts as a temporary storage space and surge tank for the liquid refrigerant?


On most turbogenerators, the reduction gear casing must be before you can reach the pinion gear bearings, the main gear bearings, and the low-speed thrust bearing.


Which of the following pieces of equipment is used to produce pure water for drinking, cooking, and other freshwater uses?

Reverse osmosis (RO) plant

Astern turbines are normally made up of what type of staging?


Which of the following best describes ambient temperature?

Room temperature

What the requirement to receive NEC?

Satisfactorily completing an applicable course of instruction at a Navy school

Which of the following kind of maintenance can DFTS be limited to?


What separator is made of several corrugated plates in the shape of an inverted basket?


Which following subjects is covered by the Naval Standards?


What component serves as a reservoir to store the injection loop water?

Separator assembly

What component protects the shaft from becoming grooved?

Shaft sleeve

Review Questions 1-1 Which of the following is/are function(s) of a Machinist's Mate?

Ships propulsion and associated equipment

Which of the following are the major feedwater contaminants?

Shore water, suspended solids, seawater, and metal corrosion products

Which of the following substances does NOT conduct electricity?


What type of reduction gear does a ship's service turbo generator use?

Single-reduction, single-helical gear unit

What is the purpose of a Navy enlisted classification (NEC) code?

Skills and training nbeu required for specific types of operations equipment

The expansion and minor misalignments the main turbines and the reduction gears are compensated by what device?


The axial position of the thrust collar is determined by the

Spacer or shim

What method is used to visually determine whether the seat and the disk of a valve make good contact with each other called?


What type of lube oil filter is used in auxiliary systems?

Stacked disk

At what point should you obtain a sample of boiler water that has the greatest possibility of being representative?

Steam drum

Which of the following components, receives feedwater and serves as place for the accumulation of the saturated steam which is generated in the tubes?

Steam drum

The poppet valves in nozzle control valves are held closed by what means?

Steam pressure

What assembly transmits power from the steering engine to the rudder stock?

Steering gear

What should be done if the oil supply is interrupted?

Stop the affected machinery immediately

What component is used to avoid damage to the compressor from foreign matter?


What component permits compression loads to be removed automatically during startup and applied automatically when the unit is back up to operating speed?

Suction unloader valve

What term best describes a vapor that is NOT adjacent or next to its liquid source and has been heated to a temperature above its saturation temperature?

Superheated steam

When you perform every detail of your work with integrity and reliability, you demonstrate what?

Technical leadership

What act prohibits the discharge of oil or oily mixtures, such as ballast, within the prohibited zones established by any nation, and those zones range from 50 to 150 miles seaward from the nearest land?

The Oil Pollution Act of 1961

Thermal energy of steam is converted to mechanical energy in which of the following components?

The condensate pump The main feed booster pump The feed booster pump All the above

Chemical energy is converted to thermal energy in what component?

The furnace

In reference to reduction gears, the term axial float has what meaning?

The gears are capable of free motion, neither supporting nor supported by other gears axially.

What factor causes the gland leak-off steam in propulsion turbine to pass through the gland exhaust condenser?

The gland exhauster

At what point on a steam drum is the aircock located?

The highest

What does the 11 signify, in the following formula of size of a reciprocating pump (12 x 11x 18- inch)?

The pump plunger is 11 inches in diameter

The PQS program has which of the following functions?

The result of increasing need for greater technical know-how within the Navy

The type of construction for gear wheels used in reduction gear mechanisms aboard ship is determined by which of the following factors?

The size of the gear wheel

Which of the following is a definition of the term dewpoint of air?

The temperature at which the air is saturated with moisture

The after ends of most main engine turbines are rigidly mounted because of which following reasons?

The turbine and reduction gear alignment

What is the meaning of the term lock-train?

The two first reduction pinions are locked between the two first reduction gears.

2-13. As the steam passes across the moving blades in a reaction turbine, what happens to the pressure and velocity?

The velocity increases and the pressure decreases.

By what means can you tell if feedwater has been contaminated with ion exchange resin?

The water smells fishy.

What does white smoke from the periscope during purge, indicate?

There are combustible gases in the firebox that might explode on burner light off.

What type of energy is found in the water of an operating boiler?


What component regulates the amount of refrigerant to the cooling coil?

Thermostatic expansion valve (TXV)

In the main engine installations, the main reduction gear bearings and other bearings have which of the following characteristics in common?

They are Babbitt lined.

Convergent-divergent high-pressure turbine applications for which following reasons?

They direct the steam flow more efficiently than other types.

In the duct systems of Navy ships, axial-flow fans are used instead of centrifugal fans for what reason?

They require less installation space

How many major types of low-pressure steam distilling units are there?


The axial position of the generator rotor is maintained by the on the gear bearings.

Thrust faces

ve A main thrust bearing of a ship's propulsion plant located in the reduction gear casing has which of the following purposes?

To absorb the axial thrust transmitted through the shaft from the propeller

What is the purpose of surface blowdown?

To decrease materials that have dissolved in the water

What is the purpose of remote water-level indicators?

To monitor the boiler water level from the lower level of the fireroom or operating station

Geared turbine installations are equipped with turning mechanisms for all of the following reasons EXCEPT?

To prevent heat acceleration

When first and second reduction gears are fabricated for articulated, double-reduction, divided-power path gear set, why are the teeth cut in a temperature-controlled room?

To prevent the effects of temperature and humidity

What is the purpose of double-helical gears in reduction gears?

To produce smoother action and eliminate tooth shock

What is the purpose of reduction gears?

To reduce high speed to low speed

What is the purpose of a bottom blowdown?

To reduce the amount of sludge in the water

What is the purpose of the surface and bottom blow valves?

To remove liquid impurities from the boiler

What is the purpose of gland sealing steam?

To stop air from entering a turbine casing operating under a vacuum

What person is responsible for the safekeeping of your qualification records?


By what means is lube oil transferred from the sump to a settling tank?

Transfer pump

What provides local hydraulic control of the steering in case of failure of the remote steering system?

Trick wheel

What type of damage includes abnormal bends, blisters, bulges, cracks, warps, sags, and other breaks or distortions?

Tube deformities and fractures

What type of purifier has a hollow rotor or bowl which rotates at high speeds?


What is lubricated by main lubricating oil systems in steam-driven ships?

Turbine bearings and reduction gears

In the reduction gearing for a typical ship's turbo generator, the gear that drives the oil pump and governor is mounted on the turbine end of what component?

Turbine shaft

How many sets of nozzles are furnished for each stage of the air ejectors?


When classified according to the path of heat flow, how many basic types exchangers are there?


When elevator operations are ongoing, what must be continuously maintained between operating levels?

Two-way communication

What method is recommended to test for air leaks when the plant is secured?

Using an air-pressure or soapsuds test on the various component parts.

What types of fans are high-pressure fans, and generally installed in duct systems?


What is the first circuit in a main condenser?


Which of the following pumps are commonly used on naval ships as part of an electrohydraulic transmission?


Which of the following pumps are used for the main condenser circulating pump?

Vertical propeller

The lithium bromide unit operates on the absorption cycle. What is used as the primary refrigerant?


Which of the following liquids is known as the universal solvent?


What component uses a replaceable filter element to remove dirt and other solid particles of 20 microns or greater from the injection water?

Water filter assembly

What component controls the quantity of circulating water flowing through the refrigerant condenser?

Water regulating valve

On a centrifugal pump, what is the replaceable ring on the hub of the impeller called?

Wearing ring

Excess water accumulated in heavy seas is automatically sealed out of waterproof ventilators by what means?

Weight of the water in the bucket

Which of these defects causes excessive vibration in a steam driven generator?

Wiped bearings or excessive oil clearance

The splits in the main reduction gear bearings are mounted at an angle to the horizontal to prevent which of the following problems?


To signify stop, what letter(s) are used in the Engineer's Bell Book?


Until the cause of the unusual noise has been discovered and remedied unusual noises at once.


Aboard ship, blueprints are listed according to the

numerical sequence in the Ship's Drawing Index (SDI)

By what means is water acidity or alkalinity determined?


Until the exhaust system has been prepared properly and the entire system has been drained, do NOT admit


Which of the following is a description of the term priming?

the superheater Slugs of boiler water are carried into the dry pipe and reach as far as the turbine

Your duties and assignment depend largely on?

type of ship or station

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