Geron 302 midterm practice

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The ________________ principle would predict that, over time, a highly agreeable person would be more liked by other people, which would further increase that person's agreeableness over the years of adulthood.


The telomere theory proposes that the cause of aging is due to:

destruction of the ends of chromosomes

You're having a chat with your older cousin who, at age 35, believes that he may never be able to get the kind of job for which he feels qualified. He sees himself as on his way to a dead-end career. Your cousin's beliefs fit into the concept of:

feared possible self.

The behavioral genetics method in which genetic researchers scan the entire genome looking for signs of genetic disorders is known as what type of study?

genome-wide association

Census 2010 estimates that the number of people 65 plus and older in the U.S. is _____ million.


In the Type A behavior pattern, high scores on hostility seem strongly related to which health outcome?

Cardiovascular disease

Changes due to aging (aka normal aging) include which type of processes?

Cellular-level changes that accumulate over years and decades

The Centers for Disease Control regards which of the following as one of the five most important "bad habits" that can reduce the quality and quantity of a person's life?

Cigarette smoking.

According to the Pew Research Center study of well-being, young adults wrongly believed that the experience of aging would most likely affect which aspect of life in adults 65 and older?

Cognitive functioning

In the Selective Optimization with ____________ model, older adults are proposed to cut down on the activities they are weak in and make up for those losses by increasing focus on the activities they are better able to do and which they have potential for improvement.


The World Health Organization (WHO) model of active aging places emphasis on which personal factors?

Cultural attitudes toward older adults.

The ________ curve illustrates the relationship between death rate and age for different species


According to Erikson's theory autonomy vs. shame and doubt might be confronted and resolved in which situation?

Having to move to a nursing home instead of being able to live independently.

Random error theories:

Hypothesize that aging reflects unplanned changes in an organism over time (Whitbourne, 2017).

At age 80, a person who refuses to think of themselves as having a disability even though they use a walker to get around the house, would be considered to show which identity process?

Identity assimilation

The idea that people become more different from each other as they grow older is known as the principle that:

Individuality matters

75-year-old Mrs. A. has difficulty with her vision due to cataracts but her friend Mrs. B., also 75, can see perfectly. However, Mrs. B.'s arthritis makes it difficult for her to walk while Mrs. A. recently ran a senior marathon. This example illustrates which principle of adult development and aging?

Interindividual differences

Example: At age 35 a man or woman feels concerned about their career because they believe that, by age 35, they should have advanced further than they have. Which theoretical approach to understanding development best explains their feelings?

Life course

A person using the process of identity balance would have which reaction to age-related changes in physical functioning?

Maintaining a stable view of self despite the change.

The greatest emphasis on the environment is associated with which model of development?


In Erikson's theory, which of the following behaviors would be considered specific to a person high in generativity?

Mentoring a younger colleague.

Which of the following would be considered an example of "normal" age-related psychological changes?

Moderation of personal qualities

In the Whitehall II study, the fact that social class was related to physical functioning provided a demonstration of which type of influence on development in Bronfrenbrenner's model?


The term life ______ refers to the maximum number of years that a species lives, reflecting its genetic inheritance.


Research on adaptation to aging suggests that the most important factor determining your health, happiness, and longevity may very well be your ______ age.


Which theoretical perspective on ageism gives the greatest emphasis to fear of death as a cause?

Terror Management

According to the reciprocal model of development, our "life footprint" reflects which process?

The influence we have on our environment

Psychosocial theory of development:

The view proposed by Erikson that at certain points in life, a person's biological, psychological, and social changes come together to influence his or her personality (Whitbourne, 2017).

The Five Factor model of personality fits into which overall category of psychological theories?


When people are confronted with new ideas or situations, they may resist accepting them and instead of using their existing schemas to respond, the change their schema to make the idea or situation acceptable. Piaget describes this process as _______ and his meaning of the word is the opposite of its common-language definition. According to Piaget, what is this process is called:


A 34-year-old woman is struggling to overcome her extreme anxiety that her friends will desert her, so she tends to stay away from making new friendships. According to the attachment style perspective, she would be considered to be _________ in her attachment style.


Older adults who buy products aimed at helping them look younger, without questioning whether they really need those products are more subject to ageism, according to the _________ model.

communicative ecology

In everyday life, a person might express creativity in activities such as


The least percentage growth in populations over the age of 65 will occur around the world in countries that are described as:


A cardiologist/Dr. Al Fresco/ sees many middle-aged and older patients who suffer from heart disease and all seem to share a certain personality trait. Based on longitudinal research on adults from college through midlife, which personality trait is this likely to be?


The behavioral genetics method in which genetic researchers study the entire genomes of family members who seem to have a higher risk of developing a particular disorder is known as what type of study?

genome-wide linkage

Organismic models of development emphasize __________ as the main driving force in development throughout life.


According to the communicative ecology model of successful aging (CEMSA), the greatest influence on how well an individual ages is:

how individuals talk about their own aging

As pointed out in socioemotional selectivity theory, people who value the _________ function of their relationships are likely to seek advice and practical tips from the people with whom they spend time.


The selective optimization with compensation model proposes that older adults engage in what type of behavior when faced with loss?

intentionally put more energy into the abilities which they care about the most.

A psychologist studying successful aging prefers to measure the ways that older adults think about their lives than examining their emotions. It is likely that this psychologist will therefore measure successful aging on a scale of:

life satisfaction.

The disciplinary view that development is a continuous throughout life is referred to as the __________ perspective.

life span

The inner narrative that people create of their experiences up to the present point is called the:

life story

Mice with mitochondrial DNA defects show what effects on aging?

loss of muscle and spine strength

According to the Bronfenbrenner ecological model of development, your development is very much influenced by the ____________, such as the economy and political institutions, even though you may not be directly aware of this.


The idea that older adults who are subject to more than one type of discrimination in addition to ageism are particularly disadvantaged is known as the ____________ hypothesis.

multiple jeopardy

The large impact that Hurricane Sandy had on residents of the Northeast U.S. in 2012 makes it a ________________ influence on development.

normative history-graded

In longitudinal research on ego development in women conducted by Helson and her colleagues at Mills College, the results showed that during the years of adulthood, women decreased in:

perceived femininity.

Attachment theorists propose that older adults seek relationships in which they can experience a "safe haven," which includes such sources as:


People high in self-efficacy are likely to adapt to stress by using which type of coping methods?


Mechanistic model

proposes that people's behavior changes gradually over time, shaped by the outside forces that cause them to adapt to their environments (Whitbourne, 2017).

Research on genetic explanations of behavior suggests that stress during a mother's pregnancy can lead to changes in the _______ of the developing child's body.


Adults who are currently involved in developing their sense of generativity may be concerned not only about others, but about their own legacy, a process referred to as:

redemptive self.

Among older adults from non-white racial and ethnic groups, especially those with low levels of education who are in poor health, the process of ________________ seems to explain the fact that their self-ratings of health are relatively high.

social comparison

An older adult who is living on a tight income and has to economize on the essentials of daily living should, according to the _______________, also have low levels of happiness and life satisfaction.

social indicator model

Critics of studies on aging and creativity point out that much of the research pays too little attention to

sociocultural factors that advantage certain segments of society

Supporting the theory known as ____________, Isaacowitz's research on eye movements showed that older people prefer to look at the happy parts of a face.

socioemotional selectivity

According to the correspondence principle, personality __________ is enhanced over adulthood because people selectively experience life events that reinforce their existing personalities.


According to the "paradox of well-being," older adults with health or financial limitations remain high on

subjective well-being.

According to the "paradox of well-being," older adults with health or financial limitations remain high on:

subjective well-being.

The rapid loss of functioning that individuals may experience at the very end of their lives is known as _________ aging:


Levinson's theory of the mid-life crisis is criticized because, among other problems, it regards the phenomenon as:

universally experienced.

People now considered supercentenarians, such as Jeanne Louise Calment, live past the age of:


The quality of _______________ refers being able to the ability to recover from stress.


Some research evidence suggests that drinking red wine can slow the aging because it contains:


How does the fact that older adults are survivors influence research on aging?

People who reach older ages are the survivors of the group they were born with.

Error theories:

Propose that mutations acquired over the organism's lifetime lead to the malfunctioning of the body's cells (Whitbourne, 2017).

Selective optimization with compensation model (SOC):

Proposes that adults attempt to preserve and maximize the abilities that are of central importance and put less effort into maintaining those that are not (Whitbourne, 2017).

Multiple threshold model:

Proposes that individuals realize that they are getting older through a stepwise process as aging-related changes occur (Whitbourne, 2017).

Terror management theory:

Proposes that people regard with panic and dread the thought of the finitude of their lives (Whitbourne, 2017).

The parents of people in the Baby Boom generation are known as:

Silent Generation

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