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How many countries abstained from voting on the UDHR in 1948?


According to the UN Population Division's 2015 analyses, what is the medium variant projection for the world's population by 2050:

9.7 billion people by 2050

What has been the demographic impact of HIV/AIDS on those countries most highly affected by the disease?

A decline in life expectancy at birth from 62 to 52 between 1995 and 2005

What is the difference between a treaty and a declaration?

A treaty is a legally binding instrument whereas a declaration is a statement of principles

According to the UN's 2015 projections, the two countries with the largest populations will continue to see population growth, but where ___________ is projected to peak in size at 1.42 billion in 2030, _____________ is projected to soon overtake it, reaching an estimated 1.71 billion by the middle of the 21st century.

China / India

The analyst points to a 15-year, $10 billion U.S. effort in which country as a model for what's needed in Central America?


Which countries will continue to hold the largest share of the world's population?

Countries in Asia

Critics of the demographic transition model argue that:

The model applies the record of population change and development in Europe and North America as the universal standard

The U.S. President Jimmy Carter signed the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) in 1977. When did the US ratify the treaty?


In 2014, the number of people living as refugees or internally displaced people worldwide was estimated by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) at:

55 million

How many unaccompanied minors entered the U.S. during the 2014 crisis?


Which UN organ can authorize military action to enforce human rights?

The Security Council

The hypothetical example used to explain why groups of individuals might overexploit shared environmental resources even when they know that it could be against their long-term interests is known as:

The Tragedy of the Commons

What are reasons for why the U.S. didn't ratify the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) until long after the treaty had gone into effect (select all that apply, there may be one to four possible correct answers)?

The U.S. had concerns that ratifying the treaty could erode its national sovereignty The U.S. was reluctant to expose itself to international criticism

The world's population is currently at about:

7.6 billion people

Which country has been known for its "one child policy"?


How many countries voted against the UDHR in 1948?


When was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted?


According to scientists, what is the maximum concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that the Earth could sustain?

About 390 parts per million

Which region has the most cases currently before the ICC:


What do we mean by the term "replacement fertility" (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

It is a term that describes the interaction between constant patterns of childbearing with constant mortality and migration to yield zero population change It is the rate at which one generation of parents is replacing itself in the next generation

Sovereignty assumes:

That countries are self-governing, have territorial integrity, and self-determination

As discussed in the video, why is there so much violence in the Central American states? (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)

The prevalence of power drug gangs, with many members trained in the U.S. The prevalence of significant amounts of guns Legacies of the 1980s the civil wars and the lack of full reconciliation

Match the term to its definition.

Urbanization: Grown in the size of cities, with an increasing percentage of the overall population Emigration: International migration out of a country Immigration: International migration into a country Refugee: A person who is outside their country of origin because of well-founded fears of being persecuted Internally Displace Persons: People displaced within their own countries

The Cornucopian perspective rests on the following ideas (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Use of natural resources is best managed through market forces Population growth is positive as it increases economic productivity and capacity for economic progress Technological innovation can overcome problems of population growth

Which of the following are examples through which technological innovations have been successfully used to promote human rights (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

When Egyptian protesters in 2011 used Twitter to publicize videos of police violence When a solar-powered internet network allowed villages in Uganda to get access to crop information and thus to improve their yields and incomes

Which of the following is NOT true about the role of technology in human rights (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

Whether people live in developed or underdeveloped countries, technology has benefitted everyone equally Technology can't be used for positive and negative purposes at the same time

How is replacement fertility quantified?

Approximately 2.1 births per woman

While _____________ is a term that refers to the concern that increased greenhouse gases increase the Earth's temperature, ______________ is the term that includes reference to changes in extremes of temperatures and precipitation.

Global warming / climate change

Which is correct about global warming and climate change (select all that apply; there may be one to four possible correct answers)?

Global warming refers to Earth's rising temperatures due to increased greenhouse gases

Certain gases in the atmosphere - water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide - can trap solar radiation and cause the atmosphere to warm. These are called:

Greenhouse gases

The role of women in population control:

Has been seen as central because women's empowerment tends to lead to smaller but healthier families

U.S. support for international family planning programs:

Has shifted with changing administrations, with Republicans barring fertility control programs that include legal access to abortion, and Democrats supporting such programs

The moderator interviews an economic immigrant from Mexico who builds homes. How much more can he make in the U.S. than in Mexico?

He can make in a day what he would in a week in Mexico

Health factors, such as the quality of health care systems and the prevalence of disease, can have a significant impact on demographics. Clearly, from the map above, Africa as well as South and Southeast Asia face major health challenges. Match the country below to the subdimension under "Health" where that country ranks as the worst in the world for that subdimension. Does anything surprise you? Do you know the location of each of these countries?

Health Outcomes: Chad Infectious diseases: Mozambique Health Systems: Central African Republic Non-infectious diseases: Nauru Substance Abuse: United States

The moderator interviews an 11-year old boy who fled to the U.S. by himself because of the extreme drug-gang violence in his country. What country was this boy from?


Those pointing out that we need to focus on the structural dimensions of social change, argue that:

Population growth, in particular high fertility, is a consequence rather than a cause of slow economic development

Where do you find the majority of countries identified as the most severely impacted by HIV/AIDS?


While having high fertility rates and surging populations can be a challenge, especially for poorer developing countries, having large numbers of elderly citizens can also pose problems, such as not having enough working age people to support social security systems. Six countries have more than 20% of their populations over 65 years of age (five in Europe). Match the letter in the histogram to the country to find the world's four oldest populations.

A: Portugal B: Germany C: Italy D: Japan

Which region of the world has 33 of the top 35 countries with the highest birth rates?


"Urbanization," a key dynamic in the movement of people worldwide, has been sparked by such factors as technological change, industrialization, and rural environmental decline. It is seen as an important factor in the demographic transition. Order the countries in the chart above from least urbanized to the most urbanized.

Afghanistan, India, China, Ireland, United States, Japan

As can be seen in the bar chart above, Syria leads the world with almost 5 million refugees. Five other countries after Syria have at least 500,000 refugees. Place these five in order from most refugees to least refugees. Do you know why these countries have so many refugees?

Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo

What is replacement fertility?

Approximately 2.1 births per woman

When did the world's population reach one billion people?

At the beginning of the 19th century

Why are some gases considered greenhouse gases (select all that apply; there are one to four possible correct answers)?

Because they trap solar radiation in the atmosphere Because of their effect on the warming of the atmosphere

By how much has the Earth's average temperature risen since 1900?

By 1.6 degrees Fahrenheit

The International Criminal Court: (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)

Can try cases involving crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide Is currently investigating cases involving defendants who come mostly from African states

First-generation rights are influenced by the philosophical tradition of ________________, whereas second-generation rights are influenced by the philosophical tradition of ________________:

Capitalism / socialism

The role of women has been seen as central to population control because women's empowerment tends to lead to smaller but healthier families. Clearly, even with a number of countries having missing data, the map above shows that women in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia face the most disparities and/or persecution. Match the country below to the main subdimension under "Gender Inequality and Integrity" where that country ranks as the worst in the world for that subdimension.

Chad: Female/Male Educational Attainment China: Female/Male Health and Survival Mali: Female Physical Integrity Pakistan: Female/Male Economic Participation and Opportunity Yemen: Female/Male Political Empowerment

The demographic transition model suggests that as societies industrialize and urbanize:

Death rates will fall, and when values shift from large to small families, fertility rates will decline

What do we call the "study of population change and characteristics"?


The video points to which country as having the highest homicide rates in the world?

El Salvador

Across the globe, urbanization has been caused by (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

Environmental decline, such as the overgrazing of land Technological developments, "pushing" people off the farm Industrialization, "pulling" people into cities

In the map above, countries in green have the highest "Population Growth," generally showing that they are in the earlier stages of the demographic transition, whereas the countries in red have the lowest population growth or declining populations, generally showing they are in the latter stages. Using the RCII, match each country below to its population growth rate.

Ethiopia: 2.90 Nigeria: 2.40 China: .40 Russia: -.10 Germany: -.20 United States: .80 India: 1.20

Which of the following is a first-generation right?

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion

Which of the following is an example of second-generation rights?

Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work

Which generation of human rights includes freedom of speech and assembly?


For how long has scientific research on carbon dioxide been conducted?

For about 150 years

Which of the following are some of the ways through which celebrities can affect human rights (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

Founding Human Rights Organizations Engaging in philanthropic behavior by giving money to human rights causes Using their celebrity status to raise awareness Acting as UN Goodwill Ambassadors

Which of the following are human rights NGOs (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

Human Rights Watch Amnesty International

Universalism is represented by the idea that:

Human rights are accorded to everyone regardless of citizenship or status

What are some of the reasons for why the world's population drastically increased over the past 70 years (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

Improved food production and distribution Major public health advances Reduced mortality rates

Which of the following are common themes connecting all models of thought on the question of how to address population growth (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

Improving the status of women Improvement in water quality Increasing sustainability of food production

Where first-generation rights are often associated with the rights of ________________ people, second and third-generation rights reflect the rights of ________________ people.

Individual / groups of

Where second-generation rights require a proactive government to take action on behalf of its citizens, third-generation rights require ________________ (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

International cooperation

What are some of the examples through which globalization challenges state sovereignty (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

International organized crime has become so powerful in some places that it controls territory and large segments of a state's population MNCs can more easily move across borders and escape regulation by governments Technology has made it possible for populations beyond a state's borders to put pressure on states by facilitating communication that can go around a government's restrictions

What regions hold what percentage of the world's population? The more developed countries (MDCs) hold _________________ of the world's population, whereas the less developed countries (LDCs) hold ______________ of the world's population.

Less than 20% / more than 80%

In what conflict in 2011 did the UN invoke the principle of R2P (Responsibility to Protect) as justification for military intervention?


Cultural relativism is based on the notion that (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Local traditions trump the rights in the UDHR The final authority in determining for the rights of a citizenry lies with the people and their government

In general:

Many LDCs have enacted policies to reduce population growth, while many MDCs have enacted policies to increase population growth

Which of the following are greenhouse gases (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

Methane Ozone Water vapor Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

Which of the following statements is true concerning urbanization?

More Developed Countries (MDCs) are more urbanized than Less Developed Countries (LDCs)

Which of the following is true about population and population growth (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

Nearly one-fifth of the world's population lives in China More than 80% of the world's population is located in the less-developed world European populations make up about 10% of the world's population Nearly 60% of the world's population lives in Asian countries

When looking at Niger's population pyramid, which of the following are correct statements (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

Niger has a youthful population More than 35% of Niger's population are under 10 years of age Less than 5% of Niger's population is over over the age of 65

How is a country's population size (P) determined?

P= (+) births (-) deaths (+) in-migration (-) out-migration

The concept of Responsibility to Protect (R2P), developed by the UN, shows the growing importance of human rights by (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Putting forward the idea that states have the responsibility to intervene in situations where a state fails to protect its population from e.g. genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes Stressing that states have the responsibility to protect their populations from e.g. genocide, crimes against humanity, or war crimes

What is the name of the idea that argues the international community has a responsibility to intervene in situations where a state fails to protect its population from genocide, crimes against humanity, or war crimes?

Responsibility to Protect

As noted in your reading, which of the following had the highest 2014 per capita carbon dioxide emissions from consumption of energy?

Saudi Arabia

Which of the following provides evidence that a warming planet is related to human behavior?

Scientists have shown a close relationship between global carbon dioxide levels and average global temperatures, while demonstrating that there has been an increase in atmospheric carbon due to the burning of fossil fuels

The following factors show how globalization has helped in promoting human rights (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Social media platforms have allowed people to organize even when governments try to limit free speech and assembly Information technology has made it easier for human rights NGOs to communicate with their stakeholders and put greater pressure on governments to comply with human rights standards Due to advances in technology and gains in literacy and education, more people know about human rights

In his 1798 publication, Thomas Malthus argued that (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

The "positive checks" of famine, war, and epidemics would bring populations back under control The human desire to reproduce would lead to starvation, poverty and human misery

While NGOs do not have official membership status at the UN, they do have important influence through their close cooperation with _______________:

The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

As discussed in the video, many of the immigrants coming into the United States are from:

The Northern Triangle of Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador), the world's deadliest countries outside war zones

Prior the creation of the UDHR, what document first mentions human rights?

The Preamble to the UN Charter

Which are the ways in which the UN supports human rights (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

The UN helps implement human rights through enforcement activities such as peacekeeping The UN helps formulate international human rights standards through treaties and declarations The UN helps implement human rights through economic development The UN promotes knowledge and public support through educating publics about human rights

Which country accepts the largest total number of immigrants worldwide?

The United States

What is the name of the key human rights document of the post-WWII era?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Key "general tendencies" of international population movements in an age of globalization include (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

The increasing politicization of migration The "feminization" of migration, as women are an increasing part of workforces Ongoing changes in where people go and where they come from

"Brain Drain" is (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

The loss of highly skilled persons, mostly from developing countries, as they migrate to, most often, developed countries Sometimes not entirely negative, as those who emigrate can sometimes return home with new skills or capital

Which of the following are correct statements about the world's population (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

The number of persons aged 80 or over is projected to triple by 2050, and by 2100 to increase to nearly seven times the number in 2017 Fertility has declined in nearly all regions of the world The world has added one billion people since 2005 The world has added two billion people since 1993 International migration at or around current levels will be unable to compensate fully for the expected loss of population in areas with low levels of fertility, especially in the European region In 2017, about a quarter of the world's population was under the age of 15

Which of the following are empirically observable changes showing that our biosphere is changing (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

The number of record-high temperature events in the U.S. has been increasing since the 1950s The extent and thickness of the Arctic sea has declined rapidly over the past decades Glaciers are retreating almost everywhere around the world Global sea level rose by about (17 centimeters) 6.7 inches in the past century

What was the immediate context for why the UDHR was drafted (select all that apply; there may be one to four possible correct answers)?

The terrible atrocities committed during WWII, such as the Holocaust The horror of over 50 million dead in WWII

What are some of the ways in which MNCs can promote human rights (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

They can use their access to markets around the world as a way of building networks based on real-time data exchanges, allowing the UN faster response time during emergencies Through public private partnerships they can help develop the technology needed for the UN or NGOs to get more data on human rights issues

First-generation rights are also known as negative rights because:

They prohibit certain government action and are therefore based on the absence of government interference

Which writer first proposed a negative relationship between human population growth and the supply of food and other resources?

Thomas Malthus

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is typically divided into ___________ generations, or categories:


As discussed in the context of Uruguay, what is the role of a human rights rapporteur (select all that apply, there may be one to four possible correct answers)?

To assess progress in discovering the truth about past atrocities committed in a country To ensure justice and compensation for survivors of human rights abuses

The difference between a negative and a positive obligation imposed on states by human rights rests on ______________________:

Whether, and how much, action a government needs to take to ensure that rights are protected

The majority of the world's refugees and internally displaced people are:

Women and Children

After the end of the Cold War, the UN created international criminal tribunals to prosecute individuals responsible for ethnic cleansing, genocidal violence and crimes against humanity in which of the following countries (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

Yugoslavia Rwanda

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