Global Issues Exam (2)

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Resource Curse

It has been found that countries that rely primarily on oil exports for income tend to limit civil liberties and are less likely to be democratic, a phenomenon known as

Unconventional energy

Conventional energy refers to oil, gas and coal can be extracted by traditional methods. Unconventional energy is more difficult and expensive to extract. Access to unconventional energy has been aided by advances in technology and geological mining techniques e.g hydraulic fracturing

Food security

Despite improvements in recent decades, more than 12% of the world's population is malnourished. - Including 852 million people in developing countries Food shortages continue to occur even as global agricultural yields rise.

Trilogy of authoritarianism

Dictators have new media tools to control their populations and prevent political change. e.g. "Great Firewall of China" and repression New media reinforces the "trilogy of authoritarianism:" - censorship, propaganda, and surveillance

Green revolution

1960s - new scientific advances were applied to crop production in developing countries to counter global hunger and malnutrition. Higher-yield varieties of wheat and rice were successfully produced. Per capita food production increased dramatically in Asia and Latin America, but Africa still lagged behind

Single European Act

1986, the Single European Act was signed, providing basis for the creation of a common market that would permit the free movement of goods, services, people, and capital among the member states by December 31, 1992.

Hydraulic Fracturing

A drilling technique that extracts oil and gas from shale rock that lies thousands of feet underground. 1. Water Acquisition 2. Chemical Mixing 3. Well Injection 4. Flowback and Produced Water (Wastewaters) 5. Wastewater Treatment and Waste Disposal

European Coal and Steel Community

Based the Treaty of Paris, signed in 1951, established the European Coal and Steel Community. Six founding members: Belgium, France, (West) Germany, Italy, Luxembourge, and the Netherlands.

Seven Sisters

For much of the 20th century, global oil production was controlled by the "Seven Sisters" Exxon, Mobile, Gulf, Chevron, Texaco, Shell and BP

Treaty of Rome

In 1957, the six signed the Treaty of Rome, forming the European Economic Community (EEC) a free trade area and the European Atomic Energy Community. In 1968, a customs union was established among the member countries.

Maastricht Treaty

In 1993, the Maastricht Treaty entered into force, initiating " a new stage in the process of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe" The temple metaphor: the European Union is the roof of the temple, with three pillars supporting it: 1. The Community Treaties ( EC, Erratum, and ECSC) as the first pillar. 2. The Common Foreign and Security Policy as the second pillar. 3. The Justice and Home Affairs as the third pillar. Maastricht Treaty Created the Euro

Riparian doctrine

In eastern and southern states, water policy follows the riparian doctrine. This means that water belongs to the person who's land borders that water. Riparian owners are permitted to make reasonable use of the water, provided it does not unreasonably interfere with the use of the water by others with riparian doctrine.

Food sovereignty

In the industrialization of world food production, small family farms have been replaced by large conglomerates .(agribusiness) Concerns about this led to the emergence of a new principle known as food sovereignty. The food sovereignty movement also embraces the idea that food is a human right.

Operation Ajax

In the most extreme cases, government backing of oil companies led to direct political intervention Iran 1953: Operation Ajax - Mossadeq replaced


Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Number (ICANN) - a private nonprofit organization that allocates and controls Internet domain names

Dictator's Dilemma

Internet and social media create the "dictator's dilemma" more information available, dictators increasingly scrutinized by their own populations economically perilous for governments to shut the Internet down for extended periods Egypt's government shut down the Internet for five days during spring 2011, costing the country $90 million

Hubbert's curve

M.King Hubbert proposed that fossil fuel production in a given region would follow a roughly bell shaped curve over time. Hubbert correctly predicted that conventional oil production would peak in the united states around 1970

Bakken Basin

One of the largest shale oil and gas fields is Bakken basin, which extends two hundred thousand square miles underneath North Dakota and Montana in the United states and Manitoba and Saskatchewan in Canada


Organization of Oil Exporting Countries (OPEC) Western oil company dominance began to decline in 1960s OPEC founded in 1960, demanded control over production and pricing Strength of OPEC became clear during 1973 oil crisis. - OPEC quadrupled the price oil and imposed oil embargos on several countries Gas rationing Internal discord weakened OPEC over time - e.g. Iraq's invasion of Kuwait (1990) New producer emerged (e.g. Russia)- higher oil prices made exploration economically feasible OPEC's share of global oil production declined

Schengen Agreement

Schenegen is a synonym for a border- free travel in Europe. The Agreement was originally signed in 1985 by five EU members : Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg, added a new aspect to the process of European integration by focusing on the removal of border controls.

Tar sands

Tar sands are a combination of sand, clay, water, and heavy oil substance called bitumen Extracting oil from tar sands has been criticized for negative environmental impacts -open -pit mining destroys thousands of trees and hundreds of square miles of farmland -use large amounts of water - leads to higher levels of toxicity in nearby lakes and rivers.


The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) The idea of an all- american free trade zone (" from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego") was institutionalized by president Bill Clinton in Dec. 1994. A summit in Miami brought together thirty- four heads of states from the entire Western Hemisphere - except cuba


The Internet was created in 1969 by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) with a network of computers called ARPANET

Millennium Development Goal 7C

The Millennium Development Goal that aimed to halve the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water by 2015 was achieved five years ahead of schedule.

Digital divide

The global digital divide highlights the technology gap between developed and developing countries. Within countries, the digital divide refers to differences in technology use by education, gender, age, income, and technology skills even if access is equal

Virtual water

Virtual water is the amount of water that is " embedded in a food product.

Prior appropriation doctrine

This was based on the old gold miners' rule of " first in time , first in rights," meaning that whoever owns the water supply first, has the greatest rights.

" La Via Campensia"

Those who adhere to this principal aim to promote agricultural self-sufficiency an the return of small-holder food producers.

Water security

Water is a crucial natural resource on which all economic activities and human life depends less that 1% of the water on earth is available for human use. The rest is salt water or ice

Common Economic Space

With determination, it introduced the principals of the customs union that supported closer relations within a narrow group of three countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus. In 2012, they launched the Common Economic Space, which is still in it's early stages. It should allow for the creation of new markets under common economic and regulatory framework for the 165 million consumers of its participating states.


World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) 2012 Governments came together to rewrite telecommunicates regulations Became very controversial when some governments sought to give control over the Internet to the International Telecommunications Union, a UN body No consensus reached on this issues, but ongoing

Multistakeholder governance model

describes how businesses , civil society, governments, research institutions, and nongovernmental organizations, cooperates in the decision making to reach agreement about how the Internet should evolve.


desertification does not refer to the expansion of existing deserts, rather it describes a process of land degradation wherein a dry region becomes more arid and is unable to sustain vegetation and wildlife that it once did

Reagan Corollary to Carter Doctrine

in response to the Iran- Iraq war . The vegan administration was deeply concerned that the conflict would spill over into other countries in the region, especially Saudi Arabia. Whereas Carter offered protection to Saudi Arabia from threats emanating from outside the region, such as the soviet union, reagan's guarantee extended to threats from within the region.


is a regional economoic association established by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay that came into being in 1991 soon emerged as one of the best- known proponents of the third wave of integration in the Americas.

European Commission

is the central executive of the European Union. It represents and protects the interests of the EU as a whole, not the interest of individual countries

Net neutrality

net neutrality is nondiscrimination principle that affirms that all internet content must be treated equally.

Bradley Manning

was an army private stationed in Iraq who had access to US government databases that contained classified information. He was arrested in 2010 after he downloaded thousands of diplomatic cables, reports, and videos and passed them to Wiki Leakes for disclosure

Carter Doctrine

was prompted by the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the declaration coincided with the Iranian revolution and the Iranian hostage crisis -The carter doctrine brought an immediate shift in American foreign policy in the region. Naval forces were significantly strengthened in the Middle East, and a Rapid Deployment force was created.

Edward Snowden

was working as a contractor for the NSA, when he revealed the existence of sweeping data collection program known as Prism. The Prism program was established in 2007 to facilitate in- depth surveillance of live and stored communications, both terms of telephone communications and the internet. Snowden claims that the program is so far reaching that it violates the privacy rights of American citizens and therefore illegal.

Deep packet inspection

which allows for third party examination of information as it travels over networks

CAFE Standards

which sets fuel efficiency targets for passenger cars and trucks

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