Goat/Sheep diseases and prevention

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goat gestation

150 days ( 5 months)

Treatment for Entrotoxemia

No treatment but vaccination with a CD&T vaccine on a routine schedule is recommended.

parasitism symptoms

blood loss, bottle jaw, diarrhea, anemia, loss of appetite, depression, loss of condition, eventually death of animal.


causes 50% abortions, weak kids, pink eye, and arthritis. Goats become infected orally from bacteria shed in the feces and uterine discharges of infected goats.

what is the reason and best method when you are planning to cull a sheep or goat?

culling is categorized by litter size for comparison. animals with more offspring will be under more stress and show more symptoms. use Famacha score or fecal egg count to determine parasite load. using resistant bucks is important because he represent 50$ of the next generation.

Periparturient egg rise

lambing and kidding insides the minimizes the effects, a immunization drop, and grazing period.

what can decrease the numbers of parasites?

decrease during hot/dry weather, decrease in non-host animals( cattle or horses) graze the same pasture, decrease the pasture rest time so larvae can die off.

what are the loses in the herd from Parasitism

decrease production, cost of prevention, cost of treatment, death of infected animals.

what is the best way to help with resistance to parasites or other health issues?

decrease the stock rate meaning low number of animals can create more resistance and resilience. repair water troughs and fence off moist areas due to high parasite count due to moist areas help with larvae survival.

what is the best herd management for goats and sheep?

different classes of animals haver varying nutritional requirements and susceptibility to I.P. Animals with these qualities are usually the young, yearlings, old, and the ill.

how do you the Dewormer Rotation?

do not rotate, only use the ones that work. use effective treatment to help. use fecal egg count reduction test or Drench test to determine the most effectiveness. it will be expensive to do this test. must have proper nutrition for immune response.

Pregnancy Toxemia signs and symptoms

does are depressed, weak and poor muscle coordination, Stargazing and grinding of teeth, strong "sweet smell" of breath, unable to rise, can give 2-3 ounces of propyleneglycol 2x daily.

Caseous Lymphadenitis symptoms

enlargement of one or more lymph nodes creating a thick walled and greenish pus.

white muscle disease prevention and treatment

feed/ supplement with selenium inject lamb with Bo-Se

urinary calculi (kidney stones) contributing factors

feeding 'all stock" feeds with improper CA-P ratios. early castration can decrease the diameter of urethra.

smart drenching

find out which medicine is best for deworming by during the fecal egg count reduction test. weigh each animal before deworming and double the amount for cattle or sheep for all dewormers except levamisole.


found in soil and feces, along is capable of surviving for long periods of time. Usually enters the body through puncture wounds. The following practices can increase the chances of getting this illness, which is castration, ear tagging, dehorning, vaccinating, and banding.

observation signs to look for?

general appearance, movement, behavior, fecal consistency, and eating behavior.

what is the dosage of Benzimidazole for goats and sheeps?

goats should be given twice the amount of sheep dosage and use feed withholding 18-24 hours.

what are Avermectins and Mibermycins helpful for in goats and sheep?

goats should be given twice the dosage than sheep.

what are Copper Oxide wire capsules used for?

has been effective against the barber pole worms and be careful of buildup of copper.

Entrotoxemia ( overeating disease)

highly fatal disease that affect young kids.


most common cause of death in kids under 30 days, usually seen in overcrowding conditions with poor sanitization.

Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis (CAE)

most common in dairy goats and up to 80% infection of an dairy goat herds. can slowly progress and create a painful swelling especially in Carpus along with their joints.

what is Benzimidazoles used for?

most potent and doubling the dosage may increase effectiveness by up to 25%. may be given every 12 hours for several doses to effectiveness.

how to prevent parasites coming from pastures and what I need to do with the herd?

move animals before larvae hatch. temperature sensitive parasites for when the larvae hatch and avoid grazing under 4 inches. subdivide pasture to the animals that are more re-infect themselves and provide recovery periods in the pasture for at least 60 days. co-grazing can be used with cows, sheep, and goats in the field.

tetanus sign and symptoms

muscular stiffness/tremors, jaw clenching ( lock jaw), unsteady gait, stiff tail, bloat, constipation, retention or urine, sawhorse stance, lying down with convulsions, death within 3-10 days

urinary calculi (kidney stones) symptoms

straining to urinate with little to no urine, blood-tinged urine, enlarge abdomen, bladder will eventually rupture and the animal will die.

Scours treatment

supply fluids and electrolytes, give injectable antibiotics( Naxcel, Exenel) and avoid overcrowding kids, use separating kidding and nursery areas, oral vaccines may be given to newborn kids

goats teeth are

teeth on bottom and teeth pad on top along with having 2 sets.

what is supportive therapy and what you need to look for to help the herd?

therapy to help with recovery from parasites of any animal like avoiding stress, enrichment, vitamin b, electrolytes, and others that can help with this recovery. look for any new nematodes in the feces and new vaccines o help fight and protect them from parasites.

Herd Health Supplies

thermometer, record book, alcohol, balling gun, dewormer, antibiotics, biological(vaccines), deworming or drench gun, injectables (Vitamins), sharp's container, ear tags, tagger, wound dressing

Polioenchephalomalacia treatment and prevention

thiamine given every 3 hours for a total of 5 doses. Early cases respond within 6-8 hours with complete recovery in 24 hours. Animals that are not fully recovered in 72 hours will never fully recover. Avoid sudden dietary changes and make sure adequate levels of thiamine are include in the diet.

sore mouth

this disease can be zoonotic and highly contagious disease of goats most prevalent in young kids within a few weeks of birth. Humans can get this so be careful when given treatment and handling goats.

respiratory tract disease and Pneumonia

usually occurs in wet, unsanitary, crowded condition.

egg production of parasites

1 worm can produce 5,000 eggs in one day, 1 goat can produce 5 million eggs in one day, and 50 goat or sheep can produce 1 billion eggs in 1 week.

goat rumen movements

1-2 per minute check at left flank

3 types of dewormers

1. Benzimidazoles 2. Cell- Depolarizers 3. Avermectins and Mibermycins

Parasite prevention

1. browsing 2. provide adequate nutrition 3. cull 4. keep records and cull aggressively

five point check on a goat and sheep

1. eyes: if pale that meand barber pole worm, lever fluke, coccidia 2. back: body condition score 3. rear: fecal soiling is bad means brown stomach worm, hair worm, thread worm, nedule worm, coccidia 4. jaw: if bottle jaw is present that means barber pole worm, lover fluke 5. nose: nasal discharge means nasal bots

CAE four forms

1. nervous system 2.arthritis 3. pneumonia 4. mastitis

internal parasite life stages

1. parasite phrase 2. contamination phase 3. free living phase 4. infection phase

FAMACHA scores

1. pink : > or equal to 28, no 2. red-pink: 23-27, no 3.pink: 18-22, questioning depending on body condition. 4.pink-white: 13-17, yest 5.white: < or equal to 12, yes

Goat Temperature

102-104 degrees Fahrenheit by rectal

Goat Respiratory Rate

12-20 by check at flank

goat estrus( standing heat)

12-48 hours duration

goat estrus cycle

18-21 days

tetanous vaccine should be given at what ages for goats?

1st: 4-8 weeks 2nd: 8-12 weeks 30 days- before breeding and after kidding

goat puberty

4-10 months of age

Goat heart rate (bpm)

60-90 bpm fore flank

which vaccinations do you use for goats

Clostridia prefringes and tetanus (CD&T)

Entrotoxemia caused by?

Clostridial Prefringes C or D: an organism is normally found in the environment but due to diet sometimes food passages slow allowing bacteria to grow. Typically young, fast growing kids are found dead, along with older animals.

Avermectins and Mibermycins types that are used on goats and sheep?

Ivemee has shown a great deal of resistance. Cydectin- sheep needs to begiven a oral drench to take this medicine.

Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis (CAE) prevention

Remove kids at birth and feed pasteurized colostrum. disinfect anything that can transmit body fluids between goats (milking machine, tattoo guns, needles, etc.)

Foot Rot

Symptoms: can effect entire foot, lame animals can walk on their knees, and have a dark foul smelling pus.

Foot Rot

Two bacteria's that can cause this and very contagious throughout the herd. prevalent in the southern U.S. and an outbreak occurs when pastures are wet with temperature above 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

pregnancy toxemia

Usually occurs during the last weeks of pregnancy. Most caused by competition for glucose between the doe and her fetuses( does carrying more than one fetus). The doe breaks down energy stores causing the formation of ketones.

Types of Benzimidazoles

Valbazen- never given to pregnant goats and sheeps because it can cause birth effects.

white muscle disease

Vitamin E or selenium deficiency


a fungal infection that comes into direct contact with other animals. Commonly seen on the face, neck, ears, and can affect humans.

what does the nutritional status have an affect with parasite infections?

a well fed animal can withstand parasite infections better than animals with inadequate diet. Other influences are sex, age, season of year, other infections, pregnancy, lactation.

urinary calculi (kidney stones) prevention

acidify urine( apple cider, beer), feed ammonium chloride up to 2% of ration. Provide access to salt and fresh, clean water. removal of urethral process.

Clostridial Enterotoxemia

also known as overeating disease and caused by Clostridium prefringes type C or D. Overconsumption of grain or stress and easily prevented by vaccine.

goat kids teeth

at the age of 14 months their teeth come in

why doo you need to avoid grassy pens and other concerns?

avoid grassy pens because any animal that is infected with pass their infection if others eat feces in long grass at the ends of the pen. keep stress low and recent purchase sheep or goats separated from the herd to prevent any new illnesses to come in the herd if they are sick.

respiratory tract disease and pneumonia: prevention, treatment, and control

avoid overcrowding, unsanitary conditions, inadequate ventilation, and high humidity. Treat with antibiotics( Nuflour, Naxcel, or Oxytetracycline from a vet). Anti-inflammatory drugs may alleviate signs and symptoms, provide fluids and ensure the animal is eating.

pregnancy toxemia treatment

c-section, high energy intake in the last part of gestation, induce labor to save does and kids, too early-lose kids.

Haemonchus parasite

can consume up to 1/10 of an animals total blood volume in one day.

foot scald treatment

clean hoof clippers between animals, stand in foot bath for a minimum of 30 minutes wet or dry, repeat treatment weekly for 3-4 weeks, cull animals not responding to treatment, vaccinate, and select resistant breeding animals.

scours symptoms

common in diary goats, cause loss of body fluids electrolytes, and can run quickly to the results of death. loose stool can pastry or watery, kids can progressive weaker due to dehydration and die.

Caseous Lymphadenitis (CE) / Pseudotuberculosis

common in goats and sheep; abscesses of lymph nodes are affected causing wasting syndrome creating knots around the head neck area. Transmitted orally and through direct contact with skin and can live for long periods of time is soil. Infected goats remain infected for life.

Polioenchephalomalacia (polio)

common nervous disorder of small ruminants caused by inadequate thiamine (vitamin B1). usually in young animals consuming large quantities of grain.

Toxoplasmosis prevention

destroy all aborted material, remove all felines away from pregnant does, and remove all feed that was contaminated with feline feces.

herd health goal

healthy, productive herd goals are general husbandry, nutrition, parasite control, vaccination, and environmental management

what is need to avoided with horse pastures and certain forages?

horse pastures are rough due to their poop, and it is a lawn meant for grazing. if you force grazing in these types of pastures can increase their infection of parasites'. tannins have a anti-parasitic affect that is effective in pastures.

what is need to help maintain the pasture for the herd?

if hay is in the pasture, larvae can die in hay in a month and tillage helps kill larvae as well. best method is used resistant breeds like spanish, myotonic kiko, katahdin, barbados blackbelly.

what can increase the number of parasites?

increase number of host animals, increase during humid weather, increase when pastures are grazed too short.

what is Avermectins and mibermycins used for?

increase the dosage can give the effectiveness up to 25%.

Symptoms of White Muscle Disease

infected animals show weakness, respiration distress, rapid heart rate, and sudden death.

Caseous Lymphadenitis prevention and treatment

isolate infected animals, open and drain abscesses, destroy all discharge, and can affect humans so where gloves when doing this procedure, cull goats with multiple abscesses, maintain closed herd and screen new addtions, vaccinate( sample of Cl)

case of illness

isolate the sick animal and check the herd to see if this illness is isolated occurrence or a bigger problem. check for any other sick animals in the herd, contact the veterinarian, and submit any dead animals for an exam.

ringworm symptoms

itchy circular patches that causes hair loss.

milk fever

low blood calcium causing muscle weakness at/or near late pregnancy or inability to mobilize calcium reserves prior to or after parturition. symptoms similar to pregnancy toxicity.

tetanus treatment and prevention

practice good hygiene, use tetanus toxoid vaccine, clean wounds, and leave open to air, give penicillin and tetanus antitoxin.


protozoan parasite that cause abortions and felines are the primary host. felines get infected from eating rats and mice, along with the parasite matures in the intestines and passed by the feces. can be passed to humans from drinking milk from infected does and by handling aborted material.

sore mouth prevention and treatment

reduce pain and prevent spread of disease, clean lesions and coats with antibiotic ointment, vaccine, also live in scabs that fall from infected animals.

Chlamydia prevention

removing does from 3 weeks, destroy placentas' and fetuses, protect feed and water from feces, if outbreak treat all does with Tetracycline.

Foot Rot Prevention and Treatment

select for foot rot resistance, vaccination ( more for sheep than goats), eliminate moisture problems, routine foot trimming, add zine in deficient areas, antibiotics, foot baths with copper sulfate or zinc sulfate.

foot scald

similar to foot rot but affects only interdigital area between toes. Effects the white area between toes that becomes swollen and damaged. Not as severe as foot rot but similar signs and treatment.

Polioencephalomalacia signs and symptoms

stargazing, loss of appetite, head pressing, aimless wandering, blindness, grinding of teeth, muscle tremors, no fever- pulse and respiration are normal.

urinary calculi (kidney stones)

stones are formed in the bladder due to improper calcium to phosphorus ratio and the ratio should be 2:1 or 2.5:1. Crystals can lodge in urethra of male goats preventing them from urinating. most common in males consuming large amounts of concentrates.

ringworm treatment

topical anti-fungal drugs, disinfect equipment to reduce contamination

what are Levamisole used for?

used for goats and sheep and not recommended to use on pregnant animals. overdosing is toxic if you weight and calculate the amount wrong.

sore mouth symptoms

virus can cause sores usually around the mouth, other areas maybe affected( teats, vulva, face, and legs), pay special attention to affected small kids because they will starve, temporary immunity following the disease.

respiratory tract disease and pneumonia

weak and depressed kids, refusal to eat, fever, rapid breathing, nasal discharge, water eyes, and cough

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