Google Certification

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multiple sources available to verify and challenge information, information is continuously being updated, additional information can be found to support the primary subject for a broader understanding, vast amount of information available on a given topic, and information can be accessed by anyone, anywhere

Digital Content

students will be directed to a waiting room until a teacher has officially joined the class Meet link, guests not on the class roster cannot join meetings at this time

Google Meet is available in Google Classroom, making it easier and more secure for teachers and students to come together. What are some of the features available?

bulleted list, numbered list, checklist

Students can use lists to keep group projects organized, plan school club events, create homework tasks and more. Which of the following are list types students can use in Google Docs.

move the navigation menu to the top or left, change how a section looks, change the color of the menu, change the font

You can change the look and style of your website with the features of Google Sites. Select all the ways you can personalize your site:

click an empty time on your calendar, create an event from a Gmail message, click the create button

You can create Google Calendar events from your computer or device. Select all the ways you can create events.


collect anonymous feedback, check class understanding of a topic


creating a group presentation


creating images, charts, and mindmaps


data analysis and organization for market research projects

traditional classroom skill

filing paper-based documents in a physical storage area for safe-keeping, looking up an answer in a textbook, pinning printed projects on wall displays around the school, working in groups in-person during set hours to collaborate on a joint project

digital classroom skill

finding the best online resource, information and method to solve a problem, storing documents in the cloud for easy retrieval and editing, communicating to a wide audience by publishing work online, remote collaboration and teamwork with multiple people for the best results


information can go out of date very quickly, physical damage can make content unusable, a finite number of copies so students may need to share, limited amount of information on a given topic, school policies can restrict the removal of school property from the site.


online research for an essay


protect collected data from change, analyze trends on a record of books read by students, create a gradebook to track student scores

search operator: from

result: will display files owned by the specific email address

search operator: sharedwith

result: will display files shared with you by the specified email address

search operator: owner

result: will display files that the specific email address owns or has permission to view, comment or edit

search operator: to

result: will display files that you have shared with the specified email address


teachers can share a link to invite students to their Google Classroom class, which makes joining a class much easier


viewing assignment details and turning in work digitally

publish event, print, and duplicate

when editing a Google Calendar event, under 'More actions,' what options do you have?

Use Google Groups to easily create an online discussion forum and invite all relevant people to start conversations and participate in different discussion topics in one accessible place.

A teacher would like to improve communication and discussion between teachers and support staff. What is the most appropriate toll to fulfill this need?

Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides

Google Meet provides educators and students additional ways to communicate digitally, while collaborating in real time. Which Google tolls allow you to present directly to Google Meet?

teacher provides useful videos in a YouTube playlist, students create a diagram in Google Drawings to explain the biological process, teacher shares work completed by students the previous year that is shared on a Google Site, Students create a group presentation in Slides to present their findings to the rest of the class for discussion, surveys for collecting data for group projects, create formative quiz checks at the end of each lesson, gathering feedback on field trips

Students in your biology class sometimes struggle to understand the biological process, like digestion. What digital activities can help get students more involved in exploring a process?

check off items once they are complete

Teachers can create a To Do list or supplies in a Google Doc using customized lists. Unlike bullets and numbering lists, with checklists you can:

pin the presentation so that it appears larger on the screen, mute the audio in the presentation from Meet, unpin the presentation to view it as a tile so you can see more students

Teachers can preset their screens during a Google Meet in order to explain a process, show an instructional video, or present a lesson. Select all the options teachers can perform when presenting their screen.


To find folders in Google Drive, you can customize the color of the folders in 'My Drive', 'Shared drives', and shortcuts to folders

in Drive, click the item you want to move. Drag the item over the folder and release it., right-click the item you want to move. Click Move to. Choose to create a folder, the click Move., right-click the file you want to make a shortcut for. Click Add shortcut to Drive. Choose the folder you want the shortcut to be in. Click Add shortcut

To organize files in Drive, you can create folders to make files easier to find and share with others. Select all the wats that you can organize into folders:

dates/events, files, and people

When you type @ symbol in a Google Doc, a smart chip shows you recommended information you can add like:

rename and organize bookmarks into themed folders so they are labeled clearly, use the search function in the Chrome Bookmark Manager

You have bookmarked a large number of webpages in Chrome while researching class topics. Unfortunately, you've bookmarked so many that you're struggling to find relevant content quickly. What can you do within the Bookmark manager of Chrome to simplify and organize your list of bookmarks?

students can browse and copy slides created by any student at any other school, students can collaborate on the slide deck at the same time, students can import videos from YouTube or a Drive folder they've shared with each other without additional software, students can comment on slides to provide feedback for their group members

You have divided you class into groups to work on different geography projects. Each group will present their project to the class using Google Slides. What are some benefits of using Slides in group projects?

Use Google Search to find appropriate videos for her students

a teacher wants to create screencasts to differentiate instruction for her students. What can the teacher do?

Duplicate an existing site from the 'More' menu, create a new site from a blank site, create a new sight from a template

Google Sites can be used by teachers for sharing class information with students and parents. Similarly, students can use Google Sites to showcase their work to create a blog. Select all the ways you can create a site.

Create and share filter view links that display data with specific keywords, share different filter view likes with different people, so each person sees the most relevant information

If you're looking at a Google Sheet with other colleagues, you can create a filter view that only changes your view of the data. What are some actions you can take?


In Google Classroom, all designated co-teachers will be co-hosts in the Google Meet meeting. This will enable co-hosts to start the meeting with the same Meet link without the class teacher needing to be present.

Benefit: Students given access to different types of information from a range of sources for enhanced problem-solving

Pain: Prescriptive teaching methods that do not allow for teacher creativity in class instruction or materials.

Benefit: lower printing and copier costs with online resources and file storage

Pain: high volume of printing for assignments and worksheets, and photocopying from textbooks for take-home resources

Benefits: access to resources and information relevant for different learning speeds

Pain: standardized teaching resources for all students regardless of learning speeds and abilities

Benefit: the ability to collaborate remotely in real-time with peers on group projects

Pain: students limited to school hours when working with other students on collaborative projects

1. click the 'upload photo' button, 2. select photo from your computer, 3. crop the image as needed, 4. click the button 'Select Class Theme', 5. Select the Class you want to add the banner to

Steps for adding Class theme

post to additional classes, add a due date or time, add a YouTube video, add attachments

When creating a Google Classroom assignment, what options do you have?

to view your draft responses, locate the form in your Google Drive. This requires that you be logged in to the same Google account., Drafts are saved for 30 dats from your last edit or until your submission is complete.

When responding to a Google Form, Quiz, or Quiz assignment in Classroom while signed into your Google account, your progress will automatically be saved as a draft. Which of the following statements are true about this feature?

so students understand what they should and shouldn't do online, and to act in a safe and respectful manner

Why explain the importance of digital citizenship in a digital classroom?

insert fonts and color combinations intentionally to attract attention to key elements of the lesson, embed relevant YouTube videos to break up the text and presentation

You are editing a presentation in Google Slides and want to improve the appearance of the slides. What visual elements can you incorporate into your presentation to make it more visually appealing?

play (on click): video plays when you advance the slide, play (automatically): video plays without any clicks, play (manual): video plays when you click specifically on the embedded video in the slide

You can add a video to Google Slide presentations and customize how that video plays. Select all the video play options found in Google Slides.


You can find all the Google Meet controls in the bottom bar of the meeting window. Which of the following is NOT a control in Google Meet?

Search for keywords within emails, search for emails by sender or recipient, filter emails that have attachments, search for emails within a label

You manage multiple classes and clubs for your school and receive an overwhelming volume of emails form teachers, support staff, students, and parents. How can you use the search function in Gmail to locate emails more efficiently?

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