gov exam #3

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While traditional party conventions were ______, contemporary party conventions are _______

Deliberative assemblies to determine nominations; simple ratifications of nominations that have already been determined

How are the number of electors for each state determined in the Electoral College?

Each state receives an elector for every member of the House and Senate it has

Why do campaigns care about GOTV/ground game efforts?

In close elections, mobilizing voters can make a big difference

What does it mean that most political judgments are latent opinions?

Most Americans form their opinions only as needed

During the earliest years of the United States, who nominated the candidates for president?

Nominations were controlled by each party's congressional caucus

What evidence do we have that public opinion is relevant in American politics today?

Politicians and journalists spend lots of time and money trying to figure out what people think

Which of the following best summarizes the influence of public opinion on government?

Public opinion has wide-ranging effects on government officials

Which of the following is a difference between Democratic and Republican primaries?

The Democratic Party requires that state presidential primaries allocate delegates on the basis of proportional representation while the Republican Party does not.

Why are focus groups helpful in understanding public opinion?

They provide deep insights into why people hold the views that they do

what does party ID refer to?

a citizen's loyalty to a specific political party

Modern political campaigns do NOT depend on ________

a large army of volunteers from the party

Partisan loyalty is likely to be highest in the election of

a state legislator

Which of the following individuals would be MOST likely to vote?

a white, middle aged college graduate

Which of the following groups identify overwhelmingly as Democrats?

african americans

The rules of presidential primaries and caucuses are determined

by state party organizations

Which of the following politicians was recalled from office?

california governor gray davis

what can be said about digital political participation?

candidates often use Twitter as their choice of platform, reaching a younger, more educated audience

In Congress, the Democrats are organized by a ______, while the Republicans are organized by a _______.

caucus; conference

Things like one's gender, race, ethnicity, income, or education level are examples of what kinds of effects?


What is the MOST important thing a survey company must do to ensure a proper sample?

collect a random sample

Pieces of relevant information such as ideology, party identification, religious beliefs, and personal circumstances that come to mind when an opinion is requested are known as


Before the post-World War II era, dark-horse candidates were most likely to arise at a national convention when

deadlocks between major factions developed

The American political parties are

decentralized organizations

andrew jackson was the founder of which political party


The __________ parties defined the Second Party System on the issue of the tariffs (farmers versus merchants) and slavery.

democratic and whig

If the Democrats control the Senate and the White House and the Republicans control the House of Representatives, what is this an example of?

divided government

__________ is defined as one party controlling Congress but not the presidency or different parties controlling the House and Senate

divided government

The original gerrymander is attributed to ________.

elbridge gerry

The ________ is the last example of indirect voting in national elections

electoral college

What is the Electoral College?

electors from each state who cast ballots for president and vice president

Select the correct party coalition for the modern Democratic party

ethnic and racial minorities, the religiously unaffiliated, and the Millennial generation

the electoral college is required for all congressional elections


the most accurate type of polling is push polling


The __________ is (are) in charge of administering election laws, including the complex regulations pertaining to how campaigns can spend money.

federal election commission

What is social desirability bias?

giving an answer to a survey that a person believes is socially acceptable

a candidate goes door to door to introduce her self to voters. this is known as _______ politics


A candidate's efforts to mobilize voters all come together on Election Day through his or her

ground game

Money that is used specifically to elect or defeat a specific candidate is known as _____ money.


Public opinion is considered __________ when many citizens have positions on either end of the political spectrum

ideologically polarized

Liberal and conservative are examples of what term?


There is a high correlation between both the party identification of parents and their children and the __________ parents and their children.

ideology of

Research has shown that people's opinions are MOST likely to be swayed by events that they consider to be

important and unfamiliar

which statement about public opinion is correct?

in forming an opinion, many individuals and groups influence it

To decrease sample error, a pollster must __________ the number of respondents.


The right of candidates to spend their own money on running for office:

is protected absolutely by the First Amendment, according to the Supreme Court

________ was NOT a republican candidate for president in 2016

john boehner

What is the proper term for an opinion constructed on the spot?

latent opinion

When the government increases spending, it is generally preceded by a policy mood that is

leaning liberal

A runoff election is likely when a state uses __________ voting.


Runoff elections are usually found in combination with what other election rule?

majority voting

what can be said about election cycles for congress?

mid-term elections focus on congressional elections only

Which of the following best summarizes the way people feel about the government?

most people are disenchanted with the government

what has been the impact of third parties quizlet?

often that party's issues are absorbed into one or both of the major parties

Which of the following is NOT an agent of political socialization?

one's party identification

Juan considers himself a Republican, while Mariah considers herself a Democrat. These are examples of their

party ID

A __________ is a set of promises explaining what the party's candidates will do if elected.

party platform

Generally speaking, a recall effort begins with a

petition campaign

We refer to the level of support for expanding the government's role in society as what?

policy mood

When we want to know the level of public support for expanding the government's role in society, what do we measure?

policy mood

Generally the public looks to __________ who agree with them when they look for political information.

political actors

Which is the process, often shaped by other people and the surrounding culture, by which a person forms political opinions?

political socialization

To win a party's nomination, a candidate must win the

primary election

Which of the following terms best matches this definition: citizens' views on politics and government and on what government is and should be doing?

public opinion

When the United States goes from one party system to another, this is known as a


what can lead to party dealignment?

reliance on mass media and becoming more education

A citizen's judgment of an officeholder's job performance since the last election is called

retrospective evaluation

________ occurs when a citizen votes for a candidate because he or she approves of the candidate's past record

retrospective voting

Because it would be impossible to ask all 300 million people living in the United States their opinion, we instead collect a __________ when doing surveys.


Turnout in presidential elections is __________ when compared to midterm elections.

significantly higher

The Second Party System ultimately split over the issue of


A pollster will ask a question indirectly in an attempt to avoid __________ in respondents' answers.

social desirability

Garland votes for a Democrat for Senate and a Republican for president. This is best described as an example of what kind of voting?

split ticket

the ___________ is one in which individuals who work for the winning party are rewarded with benefits such as jobs in government

spoils system

In a spoils system,

supporters of the winning party are rewarded

Modern presidential campaigns are primarily conducted through what kind of advertising?


A major factor in John Kennedy's 1960 presidential victory over Richard Nixon was

that Kennedy had a much stronger performance than Nixon during televised debates

once nominated, how does a party candidate to begin to campaign?

the candidate uses the party convention as a platform to begin his/her campaign

what has been suggested about the difference of opinion between women and men?

the difference is based on women obtaining more political knowledge than women

Which statement best characterizes the nature of political action committees and 527s?

they are not part of the political party organization

in polling, the wording of survey questions can actually produce in inaccurate results


online participation in politics leads to offline participation as well


Members of the House of Representatives are selected by

voters in single member districts

In a plurality voting system

whoever gets the most votes wins

Which of the following is an example of wholesale politics?

writing mass newsletters to constituents

how was suffrage restricted in the US?

poll taxes and literacy tests

what can be said about the 2016 presidential election?

the media and pollsters predicted wrong

The view that "my vote will not make a difference" is an important part of what question in political science?

the paradox of voting

What is a party platfom?

a set of objectives outlining the party's issue positions and priorities, which candidates are not required to support

as a way of affecting opinion, the President's staff wishes to persuade the media to follow their lead in covering topics. this is an example of _______ news


which of the following statements is false? (most voters in America use paper ballots or some of the electoral devices that are used in the US are prone to error)

most voters in America use paper ballots

What do we call the principal or main body in each party organization in America?

national committee

Which type of rules allow for the most possible people to participate in a primary?


what did the conflict over replacing antonin scalia on the supreme court demonstrate?

party polarization

Which of the following is an organization that runs candidates for office and coordinates the actions of affiliated elected officials?

political party

Parents, events, and political actors are all sources of

political socialization

The total group of people whom researchers or pollsters want to study and know the opinions of is known as the


what is a referendum?

practice of voting directly for proposed laws

What is opposition research?

sending staffers to attend opponents' events with video cameras in the hopes of recording embarrassing behavior or statements

In what case did the Supreme Court say that purposefully drawing districts where the majority of voters were members of a single minority group, in order to ensure minority representation, was unlawful?

shaw v reno

what impact does education and impact have on political participation?

the higher levels of education and income, the higher rate of participation in politics

Which of the following is NOT considered a "fundamental" of an election?

the quality of each candidate's campaign

According to Duverger's Law, if we want to know how many major political parties a country will have, what should we look at?

the rules for determining how many votes are needed to win an election along with other electoral rules

Which of the following BEST summarizes the political views of "independents"?

they are usually closet partisans and favor one party over another

The MOST important thing to do in trying to get a representative sample of the population is

to select a sample randomly

A ______ is a media format in which candidates meet with ordinary citizens, without the input of journalists or commentators.

town hall meeting

party identification can be based on race, religion and/or class


Politicians attempt to "balance the ticket" with members of many important groups because

voters tend to prefer candidates who are closer to themselves in terms of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, geography, and social background

If our goal is to finish with a sampling error of around 3 percent, about how many people do we need to interview for our survey?

1000 to 1500

When did national conventions begin in American politics?


A __________ is a tax-exempt group that is not subject to contribution limits and spending caps and that is formed primarily to influence elections through voter mobilization efforts and issue ads that do not directly endorse or oppose a candidate.

527 organization

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