Government and civics chapters 10 and 11

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What role does Congress play in treaty making?

1, The president makes the treaties with advice and agreement from the Senate which provided two thirds of Senators. 2, The president asked the advice of the Senate when a treaty was being prepared. 3, The Senate may accept or reject a treaty as it stands or it may decide to offer Amendments, Reservations, or understandings. Congress approves the treaty in the Senate. Voting on a treaty.

How many members are there in the Senate?

100 members

How are the seats in the House Apportioned divided among the states?

2, 3, and 4 years long

Whom does each member of Congress represent?

435 members of the House are chosen by the voters in 435 separate Congressional districts across the country. The seven states each have only one seat in the House. There are 428 Congressional Districts within the other 43 states.

How many members are there in the House of Representatives? Because the length of their term members of the House of Representatives?

435 members. Listen to their Constituents more.

How many votes are required to convict an Impeached official? And who Impeaches Federal officials?

50% to Impeach House of Representatives

what does it mean to Reapportion?

A Reapportion is the seats in the House for every ten years, after each Census.

10, Committee: Agriculture Research. Animal Diseases. Commodity Exchanges. Crop Insurance and Soil Conservation. Inspection of Meat


5, Committee: Appropriation of Revenue for support of Government. Transfers of Unexpended Balances. Bills and Joint Resolutions Reported by other Committees. Provides New Entitlement Authority.


15, Committee: Defense. Army, Navy, Air Force. Selective Service.

Armed Services

What is the purpose of the Legislative Branch?

Article 1 creates a Legislative Branch to make laws.

What role does Congress play in Amending the Constitution?

Article 5 Congress may purpose Amendments to the Constitution by two thirds vote in each house. All 27 of the amendments is very far added to the document have been proposed by Congress. Article 5 also provides that Congress may call a National Convention of delegates from each of the states to propose an amendment but requested by at least two thirds and 34 of the state Legislatures. In several state Legislatures have appeal to Congress for amendments so measures would require Congress to balance the Federal budget each year prohibit flag burning permit prayer in public schools, outlaw abortions, impose term limits on members of Congress, and prohibit same-sex marriages.

What was the main charge VS. president Clinton?

Bill Clinton was impeached by the House in 1998. The house voted two articles of Impeachment against him on December 19.


Bill goes to the President-four options: 1, Sign the Bill into Law 2, Veto the Bill 3, Let the Bill become Law without Signature 4, Pocket Veto


Bill goes to the Senate. then the Bill will go through similar steps.


Bill is referred to Committee. Committee can choose to hold hearings if they see fit.

14, Committee: Budget Process. Enforcement of controls over Federal budget.


How are the states represented in Congress?

By each state has 2 senators. The number of Representatives each states has in the house of Representatives is based on the population.

How does Filibuster force to end?

Cloture rule of 1917 was created after a Filibuster lasting for 3 weeks that prevents President Wilson from arming American merchant vessels in response to German Attacks on ships in Atlantic it allows for ending debate for three fifths and 60 members vote in favor.

How have Liberal Constructionist`s interpretations of the Commerce Clause affected Federal Powers?

Commerce Clause gives Congress the power to regulate both foreign and Interstate Trade.


Committee Action-four options: 1, Make Amendments 2, Write a Committee Bill 3, Pass The Bill Favorably and Unfavorably 4, Kill the Bill

What are the Joint Committees?

Committees with members from both Houses of Congress. Senate and House of Representatives have a Bill together they agree to that Bill.

Fringe Benefits

Compensation in addition to base salary.


Conference Committee. create a compromised version of the Bill to be vote for Both Houses.

Amending: Who involved, steps in power, when used, Partisan, and why put in Constitution?

Congress and Legislatures. Congress can propose by two thirds vote. When society law changes then we can follow the rules. no. Constitution can change within the times.

What powers does Eminent domain include?

Congress does not have an unlimited power to tax. Purchase and so the Government use for public use.

Why did the Framers give Congress to investigate powers?

Congress has the power to investigate to inquiry or to inform itself on any matter that falls within the scope of its lawmaking Authority.

What do the majority and minority floor leaders in each chamber do?

Congress revolves around political party to check the members to see how they will vote on an issue.

Investigatory: Who involved, Steps in power, When used, Partisan, and Why put in Constitution?

Congress. If Congress sees the problems they can investigate it. 5 different reasons that agencies and Executive power. yes. Checks and Balances.

What is an Off-year election?

Congressional elections that occur in Nonpresidential years and also in between Presidential elections.

Oversight Function

Critically important so the process by which Congress, through its Committees, and checks to see that the Executive Branch agencies are carrying out the policies that Congress has set by laws.

What are Standing Committees?

Each House began to set up permanent panels, to which all similar bills can be sent. Bills related to their Committee and advise members on how to vote. 20 Committees in House of Representatives 10-75 members. 17 Committees in senate 14-28 members. members serve on more than 1 Committee.

How are Committee Chairpersons chosen? Why are they important and powerful?

Each of the standing Committees is chosen by according to the seniority rules. Is a members who is head of that standing Committees in each chamber hold very strategic posts. The members who is head for standing for committees in each chamber hold very strategic posts. Choose which Bills the Committee will work for them.

Is Representation in the Senate Fair? Explain

Each of the states is equally represented in the Senate and each is represented in line with its population in the House. For more than 200 years now, some people have argued that equal Representation of the states in the Senate is undemocratic and should be eliminated.

2, committee: Child Labor. Food Program for School Children. Labor Standards. Arbitration of Labor Disputes. Worker`s Compensation. Wages and Hours of Labor

Education and Labor

8, Committee: Consumer Affairs. Interstate Commerce. Energy Resources. Regulation of Nuclear Energy. Travel and Tourism.

Energy and Commerce

How often does the Constitution require the seats to be in the House of Representatives?

Every 10 years.

Did the decision in McCulloch V. Maryland strengthen or weaken the Federal System?

Federal Government by giving lot of powers. The Supreme Court stated Expressed Powers included the Implied Powers were necessary to carry out the expressed power.

Which one has Prevailed?

Federal Government has grown due to wars and advances in Transportation, Communication, and Medicine. Commerce powers allows that Government to get involved in almost all business and activity.

1, Committee: Banks and Banking, Deposit Insurance, and Monetary Policy. Economic Stabilization. Insurance. International Finance. Money and Credit. Securities and Exchanges.

Financial Services


Floor Hearings-four options: 1, Make Amendments 2, Send the Bill Back to Committee 3, Pass the Bill 4, Kill the bill

what are the results of Gerrymandering?

For decades, Gerrymandering produced Congressional Districts that differed widely in the number of people they included.

In the 17th amendment does it change the selection of Senators?

For ratification in 1913 however the Senators been picked by the voters in each state at the regular in November elections.

Article 5 Abuse of High Office

For: 147 Republicans, and 1 Democrats. Against: 203 Democrats, 81 Republicans, and 1 Independent and 2 Democrats not voting.

Article 2 Perjury in Paula Jones Case

For: 200 Republicans, 5 Democrats. Against: 200 Democrats, 28 Republicans, 1 Independent and 1 Democrat not voting.

Article 3 Obstruction of Justice

For: 216 Republicans, 5 Democrats. Against: 199 Democrats, 12 Republicans, 1 Independent and 2 Democrats not voting.

Article 1 Perjury before Grand Jury

For: 223 Republicans, 5 Democrats. Against: 200 Democrats, 5 Republicans, 1 Independent and 1 Democrat not voting

Article: 1 Perjury before Grand Jury

For: 45 Republicans. Against: 45 Democrats, and 10 Republicans

Article: 3 Obstruction of Justice

For: 50 Republicans. Against: 45 Democrats, and 5 Republicans.

20, Committee: Relations with Foreign Nations. Export Controls, including Nuclear Nonproliferation. Intervention Abroad and Declarations of War. Measures to Foster Commercial Intercourse with Foreign Nations. International Economic Policy. United Nations Organizations. Diplomatic Service. International Conferences. Protection of U.S. Citizens Abroad.

Foreign Affairs

How does a Filibuster protect the rights of the minority?

Gives minority to senate for member the ability to hold up a passage of the bills that supported by the majority. The Filibuster gives them average to get to the bill that changed so it got killed for a negative support for one of the minority party`s bill.

18, Committee: National Security Policy.

Homeland Security

19, Committee: Accounts of the House. Printing of Congressional Record. Services to the House, including Parking Facilities and Offices. Travel of Members. Library of Congress. Assignment of Office Space. Campaign Contributions for Candidates.

House Administration

Which House of Congress has the Power to Impeach?

House of Representatives


If the Bill does not get passed in an identical form, it goes to a Conference Committee.

McCulloch V. Maryland in 1819. what is the standard should be used to decide whether an act of Congress is or is not Necessary and Proper?

If the action is needed to carry out an Expressed Power, and it doesn`t violate part of our Constitution.

Define a term Congress

If your are Representative then you are House of Representatives vote on November 13, and January 3 which Senate has 6 years.

What are the rules set by the Supreme Court for drawing districts? West Berry V. Sanders in 1964?

In a case from Georgia, Wes berry V. Sanders, the Supreme Court held that the Constitution demands that the states draw Congressional Districts of substantially equal populations. The dramatic change was the product of an Historic Supreme Court decision in 1964.

How long is the term of Senators and of Representatives?

In shorter term means that for House members, the next election is always just around the corner. That fact tends to make them pay close attention to "the folks back home." There is no constitutional limit on the number of terms any member of Congress may serve. A considerable effort was made in the 1990s to persuade Congress to offer a Constitutional amendment to limit Congressional terms. Most version of such an amendment would have put a three-or-four term limit on service in the House and a two-term limit for the Senate.

What is an Incumbent?

Informal Qualifications is kind of being like an person that already been in the office.

What is a Filibuster?

Is an attempt to talk a bill to death. A tactic where Senators take the floor to try and talk a Bill to death in hopes of preventing a vote on a bill to oppose. it is a obstructionist strategy. 60 out of 100 so 60 votes in the senate to prevent from Filibuster only Cloture to stop Filibuster.


Is the agents of true people who elected them.


Is the believe that each question must be decided on its Merits.


It provides funds for a public purpose.

6, Committee: Federal Courts and Judges. Judicial Proceedings Bankruptcy and Counterfeiting. Civil Liberties. Constitutional Amendments. Immigration and Naturalization. Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks. Revision and Codification of the Statutes of the U.S.


Why do some say equal Representation in the Senate is Undemocratic?

Large states and both states have 2 members in the Senate. This system provide that dominates from small states then give states more power.


Likely to cause a argument.

What does it mean to Gerrymander Congressional Districts?

Members of the state of minority draws districts to ensure their party the highest possible for number of seats in the House of Representatives.

9, Committee: Fisheries and Wildlife. National Parks. Geological Survey. Oceanography. Native Americans.

Natural Resources

Was he convicted?

No but he was a quitted.

If your state has more than one Representative in the House, do you get to vote for each Representative from your state?

No we don`t vote for all the Representative but we for our senators.

How is Congress involved in the Presidents Executive Appointment Power?

One of those powers has to do with Appointments to office, and the other with treaties made by the president. All major Appointments made by the president must be confirmed by the Senate by majority vote. The Committee may then hold hearings to decide whether or not to make a favorable recommendation to the Full senate for that Appointment. The Appointment of a cabinet officer or of some other top member of the president`s official family is rarely rejected by the Senate. The senate has rejected only 12 of more than 600 cabinet Appointments. The president's Appointment of Federal Officers who serve in various states for example U.S. Attorney and Federal that unwritten rule of Senatorial Courtesy comes into play. The senate will turn down such as Presidential Appointment if it is opposed by a senator of the president`s party from the state involved. The Senate`s unwritten rule has a significant impact on the President`s power of Appointment in an effect, this rule means that some Senators virtually dictate certain presidential Appointments.

In what way is the Senate is a Continuous body?

Only a third of them are 33 or 34 terms which expire for every two years.

3, Committee: Federal Civil Service. Federal Paperwork Reduction. Government Accounting. Management of Government of Operations. Census. Public Records

Oversight and Government Reform

Who usually loses seats in Off-year elections?

Presidency so it is the president

Treaties: Who involved, steps in power, When used, Partisan, and Why put in Constitution?

President, Senate sort of House of Representatives president ask the Senate to make a treaty then the Senate rejects ore signs the treaty. War in danger in natural security. yes. Treaty of Versailles.

Appointment: who involved, steps in power, when used, partisan, and why put in Constitution?

President, and Senate 1, All major Appointments made by Presidents must be confirmed by the Senate by majority vote. 2, The Committee may hold hearings to decide whether or not to make a favorable recommendation to the full senate for that Appointment. 3, When the Committee recommends then it is brought to the floor of the Senate it may be occasionally that is considered in executive for secret session. 4, The senate has rejected only 12 of more than 600 cabinet Appointments. To Point cabinet members and Federalists. yes. To ensure president the abuse of power.

Impeachment: who involved, steps in power, when used, Partisan, and why put in Constitution?

President, vice president, Senate, house of civil Officers. majority vote, for the house, and two thirds vote in the Senate. Andrew Johnson in 1868, and Bill Clinton in 1999. no. to ensure that nobody can escape the law.


Referred to various Committees in each Chamber.

12, Committee: Rules and Joint rules and the Order of Business of the House. Recesses and Final Adjournments of Congress.


13, Committee: Civil Aviation Research. Standardization of Weights and Measures. NASA. National Weather Service.

Science and Technology

which House conducts the trial?


16, Committee: Assistance to and protection of small business.

Small Business

Why has the Senate, rather than the House, becomes the prime source of Presidential Candidates?

Smaller size of Senators allows for more so it notice for public exposures for the House of Representatives nominates.

17, Committee: The Code of Conduct of Official Conduct.

Standards of Official Conduct

What are Conference Committees?

Temporary a Joint Committee created to balance any differences between the two houses so the versions of a Bill. Joint and Selective Constitution requires the bills passed in exact same format so both houses often have to work out differences in the drafts of the Bill.

How is debate different in the Senate than in the House?

The Chief differences in the House and Senate procedures involve the consideration of measures on the floor.

Floor Consideration

The Committee in which it measures so it considered and it acted upon by the full membership of the House or the Senate.

What are the Formal and Informal Qualifications for the Senate?

The Formal Qualifications are 25-30 years, 9 citizen for at least 7 years, have to live in senate, and 25 years in the House of representatives. The Informal qualifications are should share party idea, Democratic or Republican, Gender, Political Experiences, and Fund Raising Ability, Gender, Name of Formality, Ethnicity, Certain Characteristics, Political Experiences, and Incumbency.

What impeachment powers are given to Congress?

The House has the Sole Power to Impeach to accuse, bring charges. The Senate has the sole power to try to Judge, to sit as a court in Impeachment cases.

What is a Select Committee?

The Legislative Committee created for a limited time and for some specific purpose also known as a special Committee. The temporary Committees with specific purposes the senate Committee in 1973 the house of select Committees to investigate the convert arms transactions Iran in 1897.

Why is the Senate considered the "Upper House" in Congress?

The Senate had only 22 members when it held the first session in March of 1786, and 26 members by the end of the 1st Congress in 1791. The size of the Upper Chamber has grown with the country. Today 100 Senators represent the 50 states. Senators meet more requirements and have more experiences.

What is the other title of the President of the Senate? Why is a President Pro Tem needed?

The Senate have another presiding officer so the president who serves in place of vice president`s absence.

What is the Senate`s Cloture Rule?

The Senate`s real check on the Filibuster it is the Cloture rule 22 in the standing rules of the Senate.

Why is the Senate considered a "Continuous body"?

The Senators terms are staggered. Only a third of them 33 or 34 terms expire every two years. The Senate is Continuous body. The seats all are never up for elections at the same time.

The blank of the house is chosen from the majority party and leads the House of Representatives.

The Speaker of the House is chosen from the majority party and leads the House of Representatives.


The attempt to combine the basic elements of the delegates, trustees, and partisans roles.


The believe they owe their first Allegiance to their Political Party.

What is the limit on the number of terms a senator may serve?

The constitution puts no limits on the number of terms any Senator may serve.

Why do members of the House pay attention to "the folks back home"?

The election is very short terms means the House of Representatives members so the next election is coming very fast.

What is Seniority Rule?

The fact that is unwritten custom.

What did the Reapportionment Act of 1929 do? What happens when Reapportionment takes place?

The first reason is Congress should enlarge the House temporarily in 1959 when Alaska and Hawaii became states. 435 seats in the House represents an average of over 700,000 persons. The second reason is the Census Bureau to determine the number of seats each state should have. the third reason is Bureau`s plan is ready, the president must send it to Congress. The fourth reason is in 60 days of receiving it neither the House rejects the Census Bureau`s plan it becomes effective. The Federal Government tells the states their number of Representatives.

When is a Congressional Districts? And why is it important?

The geographic area of a state that elects Representatives to be in the House of Representatives. Held in every state. In 1872 Congress all elections are held on Tuesday following on first Monday in November for every numbered year. Their members became experts.

What are the main roles of member of Congress and what are the different ways they cast their votes?

The members of both houses cast hundreds of votes during each session of congress. The feel of duty-bound to cast their votes in line with the party platform and the views of their party's leader. Also includes trustees, delegates, and partisans.

What is Congress Oversight Function?

The process by which Congress, through its Committees, Checks to see that the Executive Branch agencies are carrying out the Policies that Congress has set by law.

How would you compare the diversity of Congress with the diversity of the people in the US?

The provision dates from English and Colonial practice, when the King`s officers often harassed legislators on petty grounds. Congress have a limited of different kinds of cultures, languages, gender, ages of women, and ages of men.

What did the Reapportionment Act of 1929 do?

The seats in the House are distributed in every ten years after each census. In 1930s census, Congress are avoiding because their are keep on repeating it eariler and passing the Reapportionment Act of 1929.

What do the Party Whips?

The two floor leaders in each house are assisted by Party Whips. The Whips check with party members and tell the floor leader which members and how many votes, can be counted on in any particular matter. make sure members show up for votes. Communicates between party members and their leader.

What is a job of the Speaker of the House? How are they chosen? Why is it an important role?

The two positions, the Speaker of the House is by far more important and more powerful within the halls of Congress. This particularly because the Speaker is both which elected the officer of the House and acknowledge leader of its majority party. The Constitution has own rules that requires the House has always chosen the Speaker from among its own members. By a majority vote.

Frankling Privilege

This is well known as benefit that allows them to mail letters and other materials postage-free by substituting their Facsimile signature fur the postage.

What do members of Congress do as Servants? Give 2 examples.

Those interactions may involve a Social Security benefit, a passport application, a small business loan, or anyone of a thousand other matters. This is a key fact, for all of the roles a member of Congress plays the legislator, Representative, Committee member, Constituent Servant, and Politician are related at least in part to their efforts to win reelection.


To Balance,Counteract, or Compensate for.

Why has Congress formed do many committees even though they are not mentioned in the constitution?

To divide up the work of congress so many bills for all members to be able to work on them so the divide and conquer the Committees also allows members o become expert in areas such as Labor, Agriculture, Military, and etc.

Why does Congress have the power to investigate?

To make sure the Executive Branch enforces the law.

7, Committee: Road Construction. Public Buildings. Bridges and Dams. Disaster Management. Flood Control

Transportation and Infrastructure


Unique, Special, and Particular.

11, Committee: Education of Veterans. Military Cemeteries. Life Insurance for Military Service. Veteran`s Medical Care.

Veteran`s Affairs

4, Committee: Raising Revenues, including Taxation. Government borrowing and Public Debt. Social Security, Medicare, and Unemployment Compensation. Tariffs and Customs. Tax Exempt Foundations and Charities

Ways and Means

Why did the Constitution create a Bicameral Congress?

We made a Bicameral Legislatures by 2 reasons. First reason to resolve conflict between small and large population states on distribution of Congress. Second reason is to limit power both the Houses, Senate, and Representatives.

What is the state of the Union Message? And, What is its purpose?

When the Senate is notified that the House of Representatives is organized a Joint Committee of the two chambers is Appointed and instructed to wait upon the President of the United States and inform him a minimum number of members required to do business which is called Quorum. Each House is assembled and that the Congress is ready to receive any communication he may be pleased to make. End of January and the start of every February.

Was the President Clinton Impeached?

Yes he was Impeached.

Explain on what day Congressional elections are held?

held in every state. In 1872 congress all the elections are held on Tuesday following on first Monday in November for each numbered for every year.

What do Liberal or loose Constructionists believe? What does the Liberal Construction created?

led by Alexander Hamilton had to fight to adopt the Constitution. They believed that the country needed as Hamilton put it in the Federalist Number 70, an Energetic Government believed that Congress needs broad powers to manage all affairs in U.S. for example Supreme Court Justice. More power for Federal Government

What is the Strict Constructionists believe?

led by Thomas Jefferson continued to argue the Anti-Federalist position from Ratification period. National Government believed that the interests of the people of Connecticut were not the same as those of South Carolinians or Marylanders or Pennsylvania. Congress can only exercise Expressed Powers and Implied powers that absolutely necessary to carryout the Expressed Power.

Whom does each member of the House of Representatives Represent?

people of the district. 14 represent in our state and 14 districts. 14 districts is Upper Peninsula.

Woodrow Wilson said that the Senate is a body which has time and security enough to keep its head. What did he mean?

serve 6 years just like House of Representatives, constantly begging for money less Responsiveness to pressure public opinion.


the Bill is drafted and introduced.

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