Government Chapter 2 Test

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religious freedoms

In 1620, the Pilgrims set sail for Virginia seeking ________________________.


In a representative democracy a. all free men over 18 are considered citizens b. monarchs have absolute rule over the people c. a monarch represents the people d. people choose leaders to govern for them

New England

people lived in towns, cold climate and rocky soil made large-scale farming difficult, many were Puritans, small businesses thrived, shipbuilding and fishing and fur trading


people who oppose official or commonly held views

The Great Awakening

preachers across the country challenged church leaders; promoted a more personal understanding relationship with God

Thomas Paine

published Common Sense; used the ideas of Locke to make the argument that the colonies should rebel against Britain

Stamp Act

required that colonists buy and place tax stamps on many common documents

Second Continental Congress

second meeting of colonial delegates to decide on a course of action

first continental congress

secret meeting of colonial delegates to discuss a response to Britain's punishments and trade restrictions

House of Burgesses

the beginning of self-government and representative democracy in colonial America


to be useful or profitable to

Townshend Acts

to collect duties on glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea; to prevent smuggling of goods within colonies

Tea Act

to give British-owned East India Company an advantage over other tea importers

Southern Colonies

warm climate with a long growing season, large-scale agriculture was successful, used large tobacco plantations where slaves worked

indentured servants

workers who contracted with American colonists for food and shelter in return for their labor

John Locke

writer of Two Treatises of Government; advocated that people were born with God-given rights: life, liberty, and property; if the government violates the natural rights then the contract is broken and the people should choose new leaders


wrote The Social Contract; believed that people should be free to choose their own leadership


Following the French and Indian War, King George issued a _________ forbidding colonists from settling in lands won from France.


A legislature is a. all free men over 18 are considered citizens b. an assembly of judges c. a lawmaking body d. the principle that a ruler or government is not all powerful


English leaders believed the main purpose of the colonies was to a. become a rival of England b. develop a government independent of England c. grow to become an equal trading partner with England d. prosper enough to benefit England


Enlightenment leaders inspired people to question __________________ authority.


In his pamphlet, Common Sense, Thomas Paine a. begged the colonists to show common respect to King George b. called for a religious movement to the Great Awakening c. made a case for independence by drawing on the ideas of John Locke d. told colonists to rebel against those who wanted to split from Britain

John Locke

In writing the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson showed that he was greatly influenced by the ideas and writings of the Enlightenment thinker __________________.


Name two main reasons people chose to come to the American colonies. a. to benefit from the colonies' long summers and short winters b. to benefit from the colonies' short summers and long winters c. to escape political unrest and a poor climate in England d. to seek religious freedom and economic opportunity


New England's cold climate and rocky soil meant that a. cash crops grew best in this region b. large-scale farming was difficult c. New England farmers never grew cash crops d. New England farms were larger than those in the Middle or Southern Colonies


One of the Townshend Acts allowed British officials to issue search warrants in an effort to combat _____________, which is the act of illegally moving goods in or out of a country.


One purpose of the First Continental Congress was a. to ask King George to respect the colonists' rights as British citizens b. to declare the colonies' independence from Britain c. to declare war on Britain d. to pass laws concerning the colonies

Mayflower Compact

Pilgrims created this as an agreement that the they would work together to create laws

colonists boycotted British goods

Result of the Stamp Act?

Boston Tea Party

Result of the Tea Act?


T or F? In Thomas Hobbe's ides of a social contract, people agree to give up all freedoms in exchange for the order provided by government rule.


T or F? In a direct democracy, people vote on issues themselves, rather than electing representatives to decide for them.


T or F? The Magna Carta had little effect on the monarchs that ruled after King John.


T or F? The Mayflower Compact established a direct democracy, meaning the colony of Plymouth directly elected representatives who would govern them.

false (Rome did)

T or F? The ancient Greek city-state of Athens created the world's first republic.


The Coercive Acts of 1774 included a. The Quartering Act b. The Stamp Act c. The Sugar Act d. The Tea Act


The Declaration of Independence draws upon the ideas of Enlightenment thinker _______________, who wrote that if a government did not protect its people's freedoms, it should not exist.


The Magna Carta is important for establishing which of the following? a. an agreement for governing the colony of Plymouth b. the principle of limited government c. the scientific discoveries of the Enlightenment d. the Virginia Company

split with britain

The Second Continental Congress had to decide whether to continue working toward peace or to ____________________.


The colonists responded to the Stamp Act by a. boycotting British goods b. boycotting stamps c. purchasing enough stamps to create a shortage d. taxing British goods


The colony of Jamestown chose an assembly of representatives known as a. the House of Burgesses b. the Magna Carta c. the Mayflower Compact d. Parliament


The conflict between parliament and the monarch helped create a larger cultural movement known as the _______________.


The cost of the French and Indian War left Britain in ____________.


What are natural rights? a. agreements among people relating to their government b. freedoms people possess relating to life, liberty, and property c. ideas about freedom that were first discussed in the American colonies d. rights reserved only for monarchs


What best characterizes the geography of the Middle Colonies? a. a climate suited to growing wheat and other cash crops b. a cold climate and a long growing seasons c. a cold climate and poor soil d. year-round warm weather, a long growing season, and rich soil

Declaration of Independence was signed

What was the result of the Second Continental Congress?

King George III tightened his grip on the colonies

What was the result of the first continental congress?


Why were the Puritans considered dissenters? a. their religious practices differed from most in England b. they thought people of all religions should worship together c. they wanted to cause political unrest in the American colonies d. they wanted to overthrow England's government


a large estate


a system for making choices abut ways to use scarce resources to make and distribute goods and services to fulfill people's needs and wants

Petition of Right

another limiting document that King Charles was forced to sign after Parliament was recalled in 1628.


believed in separation of powers, no branch of the government should be strong enough to threaten the rights of the people

Thomas Hobbes

believed in the idea of the social contract between a society and a government; in the contract, the people had to give up some power to be ruled by the government; society still needed a strong ruler because people were too selfish to rule themselves


believed people should have liberty; championed the ideas of religious freedom/tolerance and free trade

English Bill of Rights

document that agreed that English citizens had rights that could not be tolerated

Thomas Jefferson

elected to write the Dec. of Ind.

Middle Colonies

farmers raised wheat and other cash crops which were often sold overseas, rich in natural resources, sawmills, mines, ironworks

proclamation line of 1763

issued by King George III to prevent colonists from expanding west beyond the Mississippi River

Magna Carta

limited King John's powers in 1215

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