Government Final Review

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American unemployment reached _____ by 1933, in the depths of the Great Depression. Select one: a. 65% b. 25% c. 5% d. 50% e. 10%

b. 25%

According to a 2013 poll, ____ of Americans think the political parties do an adequate job of representing the American people.​ Select one: a. ​62% b. ​47% c. ​81% d. ​5% e. ​24%

e. 24%

In the 2000 presidential election, after more than a month of ballot counting, recounting, lawsuits, and court decisions, Bush was certified as the winner of Florida's 25 electoral votes by __________ popular votes. Select one: a. 537 b. 941 c. 44 d. 263 e. 1924

a. 537

President __________ proposed that individual workers be allowed to invest their own Social Security payroll taxes in the stock market. Select one: a. George W. Bush b. Bill Clinton c. Lyndon B. Johnson d. Franklin D. Roosevelt e. Ronald Reagan

a. George W. Bush

Where in the Constitution are political parties discussed? Select one: a. the Preamble b. Article II : The Executive Branch c. they are not discussed in the Constitution d. Article I : The Legislative Branch e. throughout the Constitution

.c. they are not discussed in the Constitution

The national DREAM Act would Select one: a. allow illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children to become eligible for legalized status. b. create a legal path to citizenship for all of the people who are currently in the U.S. illegally. c. provide federal college tuition aid to illegal immigrants who are accepted to colleges and universities. d. allow the children of illegal immigrants U.S. citizenship if they were born on U. S. soil. e. make illegal immigrants legally eligible for private health insurance.

a. allow illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children to become eligible for legalized status.

A primary election in which voters must declare their party affiliation before they are given the primary ballot is aNo ________ primary. Select one: a. closed b. blanket c. open d. presidential preference e. challenge

a. closed

An advertisement that criticizes an opponent and advocates policies of the sponsoring candidate is an example of aNo __________ ad. Select one: a. contrast b. dilatory c. attack d. negative e. flip-flop

a. contrast

If you believe that citizens are most effectively represented by legislators who have similar demographic characteristics -- such as being the same race, religion, or gender, -- then you have a belief in _____ representation. Select one: a. descriptive b. definitive c. general d. finite e. formal

a. descriptive

Today, there are _________ cabinet departments. Select one: a. fifteen b. twelve c. four d. twenty-six e. eight

a. fifteen

The first newspapers in the United States were Select one: a. financed by political parties that advocated party causes. Correct b. official government publications. c. literary gazettes that focused on prose. d. published by British tabloids. e. farmers' almanacs.

a. financed by political parties that advocated party causes.

The redistribution of seats among the states every ten years after a census is known as Select one: a. reapportionment. b. gerrymandering. c. redistricting. d. impeachment. e. reallocation.

a. reapportionment

The phrase "off the record" means that media are Select one: a. not allowed to print the information. Correct b. not allowed to compare a source's present and past statements in their reporting. c. banned from attending an event. d. only allowed to take photographs with short captions. e. not allowed to identify the source of information

a. not allowed to print the information.

The Greek word kratos, one of the roots of the word democracy, means Select one: a. power. b. rule. c. common man. d. form. e. authority.

a. power

Democratization is the Select one: a. process of transition as a country attempts to move from an authoritarian form of government to a democratic one. b. requirement that freedoms and rights be protected by written covenant. c. process of moving from procedural to substantive democracy. d. process of moving from a demand to a market economy. e. act of electing leaders in a way that conforms to the criteria of substantive democracy

a. process of transition as a country attempts to move from an authoritarian form of government to a democratic one

With regards to the executive office, prior to the Constitution, the Articles of Confederation Select one: a. provided for no independent executive. b. created a single executive who served for six years and was ineligible for reelection. c. required a one-year executive that rotated between the different states. d. had created a three-person executive. e. maintained an even stronger executive than the Constitution ultimately created.

a. provided for no independent executive.

Participatory democracy today is Select one: a. rare in the United States and in other democracies. b. common in the United States and in other democracies. c. common in the United States and Europe, but rare in other democracies. d. common in the United States but rare in other democracies. e. rare in the United States but commonly practiced in Europe

a. rare in the United States and in other democracies.

Although terrorism is an unconventional political action, it is generally not counted as unconventional political participation because Select one: a. terrorists do not seek to influence government but to destroy it. b. terrorist acts generally concern international politics, not domestic disputes. c. terrorism does not use the established institutions of representative government. d. the acceptability of terrorism varies from culture to culture. e. terrorism uses fear, not persuasion, as its primary tactic.

a. terrorists do not seek to influence government but to destroy it.

If no presidential candidate receives a majority of the electoral college votes, the election is decided by Select one: a. the House of Representatives. b. the Senate. c. votes in the fifty state legislatures. d. the president. e. the U.S. Supreme Court.

a. the House of Representatives.

The march from Selma demonstrated to the nation the seriousness of Select one: a. the civil rights problem. b. the Constitutional amendment process. c. healthcare deviations. d. gun violence. e. education funding.

a. the civil rights problem

In the years after the Civil War, former slave states enacted ____________, attempting to restrict the freedoms of blacks.​ Select one: a. ​black codes b. ​constitutional amendments c. ​jurisdiction laws d. ​set-asides e. ​civil rights legislation

a. ​black codes

Relatively routine behaviors that use the established institutions of representative government such as voting in an election are called _____ participation. Select one: a. ​conventional b. ​social c. process d. ​formula e. ​gatekeeper

a. ​conventional

The 1955 Montgomery bus boycott is an example of​ aNo Select one: a. ​successful unconventional political participation. b. ​indirect action. c. ​unsuccessful unconventional political participation. d. successful ​conventional political participation. e. ​unsuccessful conventional political participation.

a. ​successful unconventional political participation.

What is the main way in which citizens control government?​ Select one: a. ​voting in free elections to choose leaders b. ​cooperating with the media to engage in agenda-setting c. ​joining interest groups d. ​donating money to political parties e. ​donating money to electoral campaigns

a. ​voting in free elections to choose leaders

The New Deal occurred under President Select one: a. Herbert Hoover. b. Franklin D. Roosevelt. CorrectCorrect c. Woodrow Wilson. d. Theodore Roosevelt. e. Lyndon B. Johnson.

b. Franklin D. Roosevelt

Candidates eventually favored by most party identifiers usually win their party's nomination. There have been only two exceptions to this rule: Aldai Stevenson in 1952 and _____ in 1972. Select one: a. Ronald Reagan b. George McGovern c. Jimmy Carter d. Dwight Eisenhower e. Bill Clinton

b. George McGovern

The separate-but-equal doctrine was first instituted in which court case? Select one: a. Brown v. Board of Education b. Plessy v. Ferguson c. Roe v. Wade d. Sweatt v. Painter e. Sullivan v. New York Times

b. Plessy v. Ferguson

The _____ Party is not considered a political party. Select one: a. ​Democrat b. ​Tea c. ​Republican d. ​Libertarian e. ​Green

b. Tea

The phrase "on background" means that media are permitted to Select one: a. override FCC rules for ownership. b. anonymously quote material without identifying the source. c. correct an incorrectly-identified source. d. engage in liberal, biased reporting methods. e. issue a correction and apology for inaccurate reporting

b. anonymously quote material without identifying the source.

If a school has all black students because only black families live in the neighborhoods that feed into the school, it is an example of _____ segregation. Select one: a. partisan b. de facto c. ​de jure d. Jim Crow e. civil

b. de facto

The Constitution does not give the president power to Select one: a. serve as commander in chief of the military. b. declare war. c. convene sessions of Congress. d. veto legislation. e. serve as administrative head of the nation.

b. declare war

Every two years, _________ of the Senate must stand for reelection. Select one: a. two-thirds b. one-third c. all d. one-half e. one-fourth

b. one-third

According to the text, the concept of _____ encompasses preserving life, protecting property, and maintaining patterns of social relationships. Select one: a. liberty b. order c. freedom d. power e. equality

b. order

By law, the U.S. presidential election occurs Select one: a. the last Wednesday in October. b. the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. c. the first Thursday in November. d. the second Tuesday in November. e. the last Monday in November.

b. the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

It takes a _________ vote of Congress to overturn a presidential veto. Select one: a. majority b. two-thirds c. three-fourths d. three-fifths e. one-third

b. two-thirds

The four most important functions of a political party are structuring the voting choice in elections, proposing alternative government programs, coordinating the actions of government officials and Select one: a. ​organizing partisan protests. b. ​nominating candidates for election to public office. c. ​introducing legislation to Congress. d. ​engineering federal budget proposals. e. ​acting as a link between federal and state government.

b. ​nominating candidates for election to public office.

When no incumbent in the White House is seeking reelection, ​ Select one: a. ​the incumbent usually encounter little opposition from within the party. b. ​the presidential nominating process becomes contested in both parties. c. the party committees choose their party's nominee. d. ​the early primaries do not matter. e. ​the presidential nominating process becomes uncontested in both parties.

b. ​the presidential nominating process becomes contested in both parties.

The __________ Amendment to the Constitution prohibits states from denying the right to vote "on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." Select one: a. Eighteenth b. Fourteenth c. Fifteenth d. Tenth e. Twenty-second

c. Fifteenth

The acronym PAC stands for Select one: a. Partial Aid Council. b. Partisan Able Contracts. c. Political Action Committee. d. Public Acceptance Council. e. Prosper and Control.

c. Political Action Committee

U.S. Senators were no longer chosen by state legislatures after the passage of the a. Nineteenth Amendment. b. Twenty-first Amendment. c. Seventeenth Amendment. d. Sixteenth Amendment. e. Thirteenth Amendment.

c. Seventeenth Amendment.

The president has the power to appoint all but which of the following? Select one: a. cabinet members b. Supreme Court justices c. Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives d. ambassadors e. federal district and circuit court judges

c. Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

The phrases "the executive Power shall be vested in a President" and "he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed" are the constitutional foundations for the president's Select one: a. pardon power. b. diplomatic power. c. administrative power. d. power as commander in chief. e. enumerated powers.

c. administrative power.

The basic standard of substantive democracy is that government must guarantee Select one: a. None of these choices is true. b. social equality. c. civil rights and liberties. d. economic rights, civil rights and liberties, and social equality. e. economic rights

c. civil rights and liberties

The central value underlying Lyndon Johnson's Great Society was Select one: a. freedom. b. democracy. c. equality. d. independence. e. order.

c. equality

When one person has the same chance to succeed in life as another, this is called Select one: a. equality of outcome. b. political equality. c. equality of opportunity. d. social order. e. equality of results.

c. equality of opportunity

The Speaker of the House is also the Select one: a. vice president of the United States. b. minority party's leader. c. majority party's leader. d. commander-in-chief of the U.S. armed forces. e. minority whip.

c. majority party's leader.

ANo _____ is a designation as an official candidate of a political party. Select one: a. initiative b. mandate c. nomination d. gatekeeper e. referendum

c. nomination

Alexander Hamilton argued that the judicial branch was the __________ branch of national government. Select one: a. most legitimate b. least flexible c. weakest d. most reliable e. wisest

c. weakest

Discrimination against persons or groups that is harmful and is based on animus is called​ __________ discrimination. Select one: a. ​civil b. ​benign c. ​invidious d. ​reverse e. ​criminal

c. ​invidious

The fairness doctrine, the equal opportunities rule, and the reasonable access rule are all ways the FCC has Select one: a. ​regulated the manner in which media cover the U.S. Congress. b. regulated Internet content. c. ​regulated broadcast media content. d. ​controlled access to ownership of media outlets. e. ​​regulated print media content

c. ​regulated broadcast media content

When adopted, the Bill of Rights imposed limits on _________, but not on Select one: a. ​state governments; individuals. b. ​state governments; the national government. c. ​the national government; state governments. d. ​individuals; the national government. e. ​individuals; state governments.

c. ​the national government; state governments.

The amendment granting women's suffrage is the Select one: a. Twenty-first Amendment. b. Twenty-eighth Amendment. c. Twentieth Amendment. d. Eighteenth Amendment.

d. Eighteenth Amendment.

The civil rights guarantee of "equal protection of the laws" is located in the Select one: a. Civil Rights Act of 1875. b. Sixth Amendment. c. Preamble to the Constitution. d. Fourteenth Amendment. e. Declaration of Independence.

d. Fourteenth Amendment

The term Solid South refers to the Select one: a. South's habit of consistently voting for the eventual winner in presidential elections. b. South's consistent Republican voting record for much of the twentieth century. c. dominance of the agricultural issue in the South. d. South's consistent Democratic voting record for much of the twentieth century. e. strength of the old Confederacy.

d. South's consistent Democratic voting record for much of the twentieth century

Supreme Court review is granted to a case Select one: a. at the request of any one justice. b. at the discretion of the chief justice. c. only by a unanimous vote of all justices. d. by the permission of any four justices. e. when the district and appellate court rulings disagree.

d. by the permission of any four justices

The number of electoral votes needed to win the presidency Select one: a. is 535. b. goes up every election. c. is 135. d. is 270. e. varies based on whether it is an even- or odd-numbered year.

d. is 270.

While majority rule is defined as decision making by 50 percent plus one person, _________ is defined as decision making by most participants. Select one: a. acquiescence b. political equality c. universal participation d. plurality rule e. rule by the people

d. plurality rule

The bias in favor of existing decisions is captured by the Latin expression Select one: a. voir dire.​ b. bona fide. c. ​ab ovo. d. stare decisis. e. dura lex, sed lex.

d. stare decisis

The president of the Senate is Select one: a. sometimes called the Speaker of the House. b. also the president of the United States. c. any available Cabinet member. d. the vice president of the United States. e. a minority whip.

d. the vice president of the United States.

The idea that all adults within the boundaries of a political community should be allowed to vote is known as Select one: a. suffrage. b. political equality. c. plurality rule. d. universal participation. e. majority rule.

d. universal participation.

What was the purpose of the Twelfth Amendment​? Select one: a. ​It established the electoral college. b. ​It required the president to choose his (or her) own vice president. c. ​It was required to finally certify the winner of the election of 1800. d. ​It required the electoral college to vote separately for president and vice president. e. ​It established the principle that the president and vice president would run together on a single ticket.

d. ​It required the electoral college to vote separately for president and vice president

In a globalized world we are sometimes closely tied through trade to former enemies. In 2014-2015, which country supplied nearly one-third of foreign students in American educational institutions? Select one: a. ​Britain b. ​Russia c. ​France d. ​Japan e. ​China

e. China

What was the decision in the case of Roe v. Wade? Select one: a. It denied the right of gay Americans to consenting sexual relationships. b. It upheld the right of couples to use birth control devices. c. It upheld the right of gay Americans to consenting sexual relationships. d. It ruled that state laws criminalizing adultery were unconstitutional. e. It upheld the right of women to have abortions.

e. It upheld the right of women to have abortions.

Which political philosopher inspired the phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" in the Declaration of Independence? Select one: a. Thomas Jefferson b. Adam Smith c. Karl Marx d. Alexander Hamilton e. John Locke

e. John Locke

The amendment lowering the voting age to eighteen is the Select one: a. Eighteenth Amendment. b. Twentieth Amendment. c. Twenty-seventh Amendment. d. Nineteenth Amendment. e. Twenty-sixth Amendment.

e. Twenty-sixth Amendment.

Which of the following wars was fought without a formal congressional declaration of war? Select one: a. World War I b. War of 1812 c. World War II d. Spanish-American War e. Vietnam War

e. Vietnam War

The process of transmitting information from one individual to another is called Select one: a. ​linguistics. b. phonemics. c. heuristics. d. listening. e. communication

e. communication

The first nomination process for two opposing candidates for the presidency was conducted in 1800 by Select one: a. a vote of the nation's governors. b. a nationwide primary. c. a national referendum. d. statewide conventions. e. congressional caucuses.

e. congressional caucuses.

A politician who appeals to and often deceives the masses by manipulating their emotions and prejudices is a Select one: a. delegate. b. legacy. c. oligarch. d. politico. e. demagogue

e. demagogue

At stake in the Marbury v. Madison decision was whether William Marbury Select one: a. was entitled to financial relief for damage to his reputation. b. had been unjustly tried twice for the same offense. c. was eligible for election to the U.S. House of Representatives. d. had committed treason against the United States. e. had a legal right to be hired as a justice of the peace in the District of Columbia.

e. had a legal right to be hired as a justice of the peace in the District of Columbia

When the authors say that we live in an era of "globalization," they mean that citizens and nations are increasingly Select one: a. commercialized. b. industrialized. c. belligerent. d. peace loving. e. interdependent

e. interdependent

An autocracy is a political system ruled by Select one: a. a few. b. a majority. c. a few powerful, wealthy individuals. d. the military. e. one individual.

e. one individual.

A direct primary is a Select one: a. recorded position on an issue by an interest group. b. direct vote on a proposed law. c. special election initiated by petition. d. procedure by which voters can propose a law to be considered by the legislature. e. preliminary election to choose party candidates.

e. preliminary election to choose party candidates.

National _____ means that each national government is given the right to govern its own people as it wishes and no other nation can interfere with that. Select one: a. capitalism b. unity c. socialism d. liberalism e. sovereignty

e. sovereignty

Judicial review is Select one: a. the power of federal courts to scrutinize any legislative act to ensure legal consistency. b. the right of Congress to approve presidential nominations to the courts. c. the final stage in the legislative process. d. the power of Congress to review the decisions of federal and state courts. e. the power of the Supreme Court to declare laws invalid if they violate the Constitution.

e. the power of the Supreme Court to declare laws invalid if they violate the Constitution.

A voter who voted for a Republican for senator and Hillary Clinton for president in 2016 Select one: a. voted a straight ticket. b. voted in an open election. c. exhibited the first-past-the-post phenomenon. d. caused Congress and the president to be unable to reach compromise. e. voted a split ticket.

e. voted a split ticket.

Compared with other nations in the world in granting suffrage to women, the United States Select one: a. ranked about in the middle. b. lagged far behind. c. was more selective in which women were extended the right. d. was unique in extending that right without being pressured to do so. e. was among the first.

e. was among the first.

When a leader assembles crowds to confront businesses and local governments to demand a hearing, he or she is engaging in Select one: a. ​apathy. b. civil rights. c. ​terrorism. d. ​democracy. e. ​direct action.

e. ​direct action.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 established the right to nondiscrimination in public accommodations and Select one: a. ​access to home loans. b. ​voting. c. free speech. d. ​education. e. ​employment opportunity.

e. ​employment opportunity.

Typically, a referenda is placed on the ballot by Select one: a. voters. b. the president. c. ​PACs. d. special interest groups. e. ​legislators.

e. ​legislators.

A form of government that puts power in the hands of an elite is a​ Select one: a. ​autocracy. b. ​democracy. c. ​theocracy. d. ​dictatorship. e. ​oligarchy.

e. ​oligarchy

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