Government Funding for STEM Programs

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high quality of life

A desirable standard of living

Scientific Method

A model that teaches students to think and act like scientists

Inquiry cycle

A process of asking questions, investigating, and drawing conclusions

Driving question

A thought-provoking and purposeful question that directs students towards the end goal of a project-based learning unit


An inquiry approach where students are given some guidance or structure in their investigation


An inquiry approach where students are provided with specific questions or problems to investigate


An inquiry approach where students have complete freedom to investigate a question or problem


Behavior of CCCs involving identifying regularities or trends in data

Systems & System Models

Behavior of CCCs involving understanding the components and interactions within a system

Stability & Change

Behavior of CCCs involving understanding the constancy or variability of systems over time

Cause & Effect

Behavior of CCCs involving understanding the relationship between actions and outcomes

Structure & Function

Behavior of CCCs involving understanding the relationship between form and purpose

Scale, Proportion & Quantity

Behavior of CCCs involving understanding the relative size or amount of objects or phenomena

Energy & Matter

Behavior of CCCs involving understanding the transfer or transformation of energy and matter

Developing & Using Models

Behavior of SEPs involving creating and utilizing representations of scientific phenomena

Planning & Carrying Out Investigations

Behavior of SEPs involving designing and conducting experiments

Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions

Behavior of SEPs involving developing and communicating scientific explanations or solutions to problems

Asking Questions & Defining Models

Behavior of SEPs involving inquiry and conceptualization

Analyzing & Interpreting Data

Behavior of SEPs involving processing and making sense of experimental results

Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs)

Behaviors scientists engage in as they investigate and build models and theories about the natural world

Engineering, Technology & Applications of Science

Branch of science that applies scientific knowledge to design and create solutions

Life Science

Branch of science that studies living organisms and their interactions

Physical Science

Branch of science that studies matter and energy

Earth & Space Science

Branch of science that studies the Earth, its atmosphere, and the universe

Next Generation Science Standards

Framework for K-12 science education in the United States

STEM programs

Government-funded programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

technological innovations

New or improved methods, processes, products, or services resulting from scientific knowledge

national security

Protection of a nation's citizens, institutions, and resources

Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs)

Science content/information; science topic

Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs)

Skills that show how all domains of science are linked to each other

Inquiry-based learning

Student-centered learning that allows students to explore through real-world experiences and problem-solving

Communication skills

The ability to convey information effectively and efficiently

Problem-solving skills

The ability to find solutions to complex or difficult issues


The ability to generate new ideas, concepts, or solutions

Critical thinking

The objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment


The phase of the 5E model where students actively investigate a scientific problem or phenomenon


The phase of the 5E model where students demonstrate their understanding and receive feedback


The phase of the 5E model where students expand on their understanding through discussion and application


The phase of the 5E model where the teacher introduces a new science concept and piques student interest


The phase of the 5E model where the teacher presents and facilitates the new skill or information


The process of constructing and defending claims based on evidence and reasoning

Performance Expectation

What students are expected to know at the end of a unit or lesson

Lesson objective

What the teacher wants students to have learned and achieved by the end of a lesson

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