Government Quiz Questions

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Which of the following grievances from the Declaration of Independence reflects the principle of social contract?

"For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent."

Which of the following quotes best reflects the principle of popular sovereignty in the Declaration of Independence?

"He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people."

In the Election of 2008, Florida had 27 electoral votes. How do you explain the data shown on this map?

Florida gained representatives and thus electoral votes because of census data showing population increase.

What do Americans value as the basic individual or natural rights?

Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness

Why is freedom of expression an important right in American society?

People must be able to share ideas without fear of punishment to participate in civic life

Which of the following restrictions to individual rights could most reasonably protect the common good?

Requiring a permit in advance to hold an assembly, such as a parade or concert, in a public area

"When the president does it, that means it is not illegal."—President Richard M. Nixon Which of the following concepts best contradicts this quote?

Rule of law

What is the meaning of the idea "federalism?"

State governments and a central government share power and responsibility.

Which of the following is true about the Supreme Court justices?

The Chief Justice and associate justices serve for life or until resignation.

The Democratic-Republican party was founded based on

Thomas Jefferson's leadership and the Anti-Federalist ideology

Did the Declaration of Independence reflect the principle of individual rights?

Yes, it listed the grievances against the king for abuses of the colonists' rights.

The veto power of the president under the U.S. Constitution best reflects the principle of

checks and balances

Powers shared by the national and state governments are called

concurrent powers

The existence and monitoring of independent regulatory agencies depends on the


Because of the principle of "rule of law,"

even the president can be arrested and placed on trial

Rule of Law means that

everyone in a society must follow the laws equally

Article Two of the Constitution describes the powers of the

executive branch, such as enforcing laws

The first three articles of the U.S. Constitution

explain the powers delegated to the national government

Article Four of the U.S. Constitution

explains the powers reserved to the state governments

"The United States in Congress assembled shall never engage in a war, nor grant letters of marque or reprisal in time of peace, nor enter into any treaties or alliances, ... unless nine States assent to the same."—Articles of Confederation This quote directly reflects the principle of


The amendment process to the U.S. Constitution reflects the principle of

federalism because it requires support from state and national governments

According to the Constitution, the president has the power to

grant pardons for federal crimes

The "elastic clause" in the U.S. Constitution

grants Congress the power to make laws needed to operate the national government

Petitions to the U.S. Supreme Court have

increased over time and are primarily accepted by writ of certiorari

An independent regulatory agency

is part of the executive branch

What effect could the "necessary and proper clause" to the Constitution have on rights?

it has the potential to lead to limits on rights by giving flexibility in making laws

The Constitution divides the U.S. government into three branches that can each stop, or check, actions of the other branches. This division of power is a result of the principle of

limited government

The framers of the Constitution believed that they created a government

limited to the powers described in the document

The Declaration of Independence states that people have

natural rights that people are born with and that no government can take away

The structure of the Articles of Confederation

neglected the principle "separation of powers" because it did not create a separate judicial branch

A person who strongly believes in the principle of federalism would favor a government where

power is as equally divided as possible between the state and central governments

Articles I, II, and III of the Constitution describe the

powers of the branches of federal government

Governments create laws and rules to

prevent chaos

One purpose of government is to

protect citizen rights

In 2011, a movement known as Occupy Wall Street began in New York City. The protestors asserted that large corporations had too much influence on government. They blamed this influence for greater financial problems for the majority of Americans, such as the lack of jobs. Which principle do the protestors most likely believe government violated?

representative government

The state of Florida passes a law requiring high school students to take an online course as a graduation requirement. This is an example of a

reserved power granted to the state governments

Ratifying amendments is an example of a

reserved power that is exclusive to the state governments

An example of a location that directly shows government in action is a


Under the Constitution, the executive, legislative, and judicial branches

share power and responsibility

This doctor has the right to assist this patient because

she is licensed by the government to practice medicine

When people complain about "big government," they are referring to the

size and power of the federal bureaucracy

The qualifications for U.S. president are

35 years of age, U.S. citizen, and resident for previous 14 years under Article II of the Constitution

The U.S. House of Representatives contains

435 members and is considered more likely to represent local constituent interests

Which of the following examples of legislation could originate only in the House of Representatives?

A bill that increases taxes in order to build a new interstate highway

Which of the following is a true statement?

An interest group is more likely than a political party to support an extreme policy position.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between the principle of "separation of powers" and the Articles of Confederation?

Because the Articles of Confederation created a central government that contained only a legislative branch, it does not reflect the principle of "separation of powers".

Who would recall an unsafe toy that presents a choking hazard to young children?

Consumer Product Safety Commission

An American with a political ideology that is primarily moderate, yet more liberal on some issues is most likely to be a member of the

Democratic Party

A case appealed from a Georgia court of appeals would go to the

Georgia court of last resort

"If mankind were to resolve to agree in no institution of government, until every part of it had been adjusted to the most exact standard of perfection, society would soon become a general scene of anarchy, and the world a desert."—Alexander Hamilton Which of the following makes a true statement about the quote?

Hamilton is a Federalist making a case for immediate ratification of the Constitution without any changes.

"Each representative who wishes to speak on the bill will be allowed five minutes." A statement like this one would be the work of the

House Rules Committee

How is the principle of "rule of law" evident in the Constitution?

It creates a government that can make, enforce, and review its own laws.

Which of the following statements is true about the U.S. Senate?

Its members have six-year terms, with one-third of the total members up for re-election every two years.

Which of the following statements is true about the U.S. House of Representatives?

Its members have two-year terms, with the entirety of its members facing re-election every two years.

"Liberty may be endangered by the abuse of liberty, but also by the abuse of power."—James Madison In at least two paragraphs, discuss the meaning and how this quote supports or rejects one of the following principles-limited government, natural rights, or separation of powers.

James Madisons quote "Liberty may be endangered by the abuse of liberty, but also by the abuse of power" means each branch of the central government will hold the power to check the authority of the other branches. This establishes the principle of the separation of powers, such as in the American government the distribution of the government among Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branch. If the United States government remained shared among the three branches then those in authority would have the sense to exploit the control that they possess. If all the power belonged to an individual branch there would be more scattered impressions and fewer representatives. Avoiding the risk of one branch obtaining a monopoly of all the power. If the government had a single branch, it would produce similar chaos that the British American people had endeavored to destroy countless years in advance. Among a few representatives, the potential power that the branches in powerful statuses would hold can be a risky amount. Madison's statement indicates that excessive power in a particular position can compromise liberty. America requires a government with more than one branch to achieve separation of powers, but a variety of representatives that have the ability to check the power of the additional branches as well as divided authorities and obligations.

What emerging relationship trend between negative campaign tone and voter turnout is depicted on the graph starting in 1988?

Negative campaigns have steadily increased and it is possible that it increased voter turnout but the evidence is not strong.

Which of the following situations exhibits a reasonable limit placed on the First Amendment in the interest of the common good?

News reporters traveling with troops overseas must not reveal their location or the soldier's identities.

An example of a cabinet department is the

Office of Health and Human Services

Which of the following states have the greatest potential to change the results of a presidential election?


Which of the following amendments to the U.S. Constitution reflects the principle of federalism?

The 10th Amendment reserves rights to the states not assigned to the national government.

Which of the following is a true statement?

The Constitution makes no mention of political parties or their role in policymaking.

Choose one of the following cases: McCulloch v. Maryland, Gibbons v. Ogden, or District of Columbia v. Heller. In at least two well-written paragraphs, explain why the case is important to understanding the changing nature of American federalism.

The Court formed Federalism by creating federalism further accepted as it enabled people from the states to examine the federal and state jurisdictions. It additionally extended to balance the powers of the states and the federal government. For District of Columbia v. Heller, the nature of federalism can be described decreasing the rights and powers of the states and increasing the authorities and functions of the federal government. District of Columbia v. Heller, where the Supreme Court ruled that the second amendment protects individual rights to possess and bear arms for self-defense. This implies that the ruling to outlaw firearms is no longer determined by a city or state. District of Columbia v. Heller is an example of the Federal Government's power to implement nationwide laws on states, this is a heavily debated amendment. While the District of Columbia is not a state, DC installed a prohibition on handguns, a security guard who held a firearm on the job, took the weapon home in breach of D.C. law.

Which of the following makes a true statement?

The House has a Rules Committee to set limits on bill debate while the Senate has no time limits for debate.

Which of the following established the federal court system, including circuits and appellate courts?

The Judiciary Act of 1789

Which of the following is an example of a limit to executive power under the Constitution?

The Senate rejects a justice nominee

Which of the following explains the outcome and significance of the McCulloch v. Maryland case?

The Supreme Court decided in favor of McCulloch, that the United States could operate a national ba and states cannot tax the national government.

What is the role of a judge in a jury trial?

The judge makes sure the evidence is presented fairly and that the jurors understand the law and procedures.

Which of the following is a true statement?

The main purpose of conducting a census every 10 years is to determine representational apportionment.

"The majority, oppressing an individual, is guilty of a crime, abuses its strength, and by acting on the law of the strongest breaks up the foundations of society."—Thomas Jefferson Which of the following statements both relates to the quote above and supports it?

The rule of the majority with protection for the minority's rights is essential for preserving the liberties of all.

Imagine your state is considering a bill that would allow businesses to build coal and other fossil fuel-based factories on state-owned lands. Greenpeace International publishes an article on its website about the proposed policy. In a well-written paragraph, explain what their position would most likely be on the idea and what actions they might take to get it passed or not passed.

The view of Greenpeace International would likely be against the bill that would authorize businesses to develop coal and additional fossil fuel-based factories on state-owned properties. Greenpeace International may consider this bill as hazardous to the ecosystem. It may take numerous efforts to prevent the bill from passing, some of these actions may be protests and allowing people to be more informed of the bill and its untrustworthiness. They may also demand more forceful actions if the bill were to pass.

The federal court of original jurisdiction is the

U.S. District Court

Choose one of the following principles: rule of law, checks and balances, separation of powers, republicanism, democracy, or federalism. Discuss whether you think the Articles of Confederation or the Constitution was a better reflection of that principle and explain your answer in a paragraph.

United States Constitution asserts the powers and jurisdiction of the 3 branches of government, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. Unlike the Constitution, the Articles of Confederation did not provide for three separate branches of government. The individual branches have their power and jurisdiction. The branches do not influence the other branches, they can't affect what each branch does. This separation of power warrants that the opportunity of corruption of power is reduced. When one branch goes beyond its sovereignty and authority, the remaining two will constrain and set the branch at its authorized powers as composed in the constitution.

In a well-written paragraph, explain whether you believe the Electoral College should be abolished. Make sure to justify your position with at least three reasons.

Using electors in the position of the popular vote was meant to protect upon uninformed or uneducated citizens by handing the ultimate verdict to electors most likely to possess the information needed to make the most suitable determination. We are a Republic, not a true Democracy if the electoral college were to be abolished there would no longer be a true representation of the people. As Urban areas tend to hold and perpetuate of a set of views and ideals the Rual areas do the same but since the population in Rual areas is more spread out the number of people is less. A 1 vote per one person system would only reflect the views of the most densely populated urban areas taking away the voice of the rest of the country. To abolish the electoral college would be to leave the country in the hands of primarily NewYork and California, leaving no representation for middle Americans. In a time where the country has not been more divided since the Civil War to take away the voice of the Rural people would likely result in a second Civil War.

Is the principle "separation of powers" evident in the U.S. Constitution?

Yes, it is shown because the first three articles describe the three branches of government

The Department of State is

a cabinet department that is part of the executive branch under the Constitution

Which of the following cases would be heard first in an U.S. District Court?

a citizen of Mexico residing in Utah accuses a U.S. university of violating her civil rights

Which of the following cases would the U.S. Supreme Court be the first to hear?

a criminal trial involving a U.S. ambassador

The term federalism describes

a legal division of authority between the national, state, and local governments

A committee that will only exist temporarily to create a certain type of bill would be a

ad hoc committee

"To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers." U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 8 The quote above is

also known as the "elastic clause" because it gives Congress flexibility in the types of legislation it passes

The Central Intelligence Agency operates as

an independent agency responsible for gathering intelligence about foreign nations

Examples of how Congress oversees the power of the executive branch is its power to

approve presidential appointments and conduct investigations

Which of the following lists the qualifications for U.S. House of Representatives as described in Article I of the Constitution?

at least 25 years old, at least seven years a U.S. citizen, and a resident of the state chosen to represent

Which of the following lists the qualifications for U.S. Senate as described in Article I of the Constitution?

at least 30 years old, at least nine years a U.S. citizen, and a resident of the state chosen to represent

Jurisdiction means the

authority to hear and rule on a certain type of case

Which of the following is an example of a concurrent power?

borrowing money

The highway you see here used to be a two-lane road and did not connect to other highways. Over the years, the highway was expanded and new ramps built to connect to other roads and highways. The changes in this image illustrate how government

builds and maintains highways

The President of the United States

can appoint officials to the federal bureaucracy with the approval of the Senate

McCullock v Maryland

case in which Supreme Court ruled that congress had implied powers under necessary and proper clause to create US Bank and the state of Maryland couldn't tax the Bank

DC v Heller

case where Supreme Court decided that 2nd amendment protects individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense

Gibbons v Ogden

case where Supreme Court ruled that the federal commerce clause outranked state law regarding a monopoly granted by the state

"Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States: If he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated..."—U.S. Constitution This quote directly reflects the principle of

checks and balances

Voter turnout in the most recent presidential elections has

consistently increased

Which of the following reflects Congress acting on an implied power in the Constitution?

creating a set of national standards for public schools

Which of the following cases would be heard first in a state trial court?

damages related to a car accident

Expressed powers are

delegated powers of the national government

The Constitution reflects the principle "separation of powers" because it

distributes power between three branches of government

The Articles of Confederation reflected the principle of federalism because it

divided power between state and national governments

During a jury trial,

each side in a criminal or civil case will present evidence to support their position

"In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself."—Federalist No. 51 This quote supports the idea that government must

have separation of powers with checks and balances so that while it governs, its own power is also limited

Trial by jury is an important right for a defendant on trial because it

helps protect the not guilty from wrongful conviction

"To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof."—U.S. Constitution This statement, sometimes called the "elastic clause," gives Congress

implied powers

A criticism of the American system of federalism is that it is

inefficient in responding to crises involving multiple levels of government

The two main roles of any special interest group are to

inform the public and persuade lawmakers

The "Coalition for the Homeless" has served as a valuable resource of information and assistance to those in poverty as well as lawmakers and other interested people in New York City. "Coalition for the Homeless" is a(n)

interest group promoting programs that help needy people

A primary election is the

method used to select candidates to run in an election, may be open or closed to other parties

The two major political parties in the United States compete the most with one another for the votes of


People who take a "marble cake" view of federalism believe that

national and state governments cooperate to meet citizen needs

Which of the following is an example of a delegated power?

national government creates a treaty with a sovereign nation

Which of the following is an example of an implied power?

national government creates an air force division of the military

The supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution has supported the

national government's sovereignty over matters of foreign policy and interstate commerce

Protection for individual rights in U.S. society reflects the idea that all people have

natural rights

"A Bill to Raise the Tax Rate on Those Earning Over One Million Dollars Annually." A bill with a title like this one could

only originate in the House

According to Article I of the U.S. Constitution,

only the Senate has the power to approve foreign treaties and presidential appointments

Article II of the U.S. Constitution describes the

organization and duties of the executive branch

Individuals have a stronger voice in public policy when they

participate actively in interest groups or political parties

Elections to choose officials to stand for the people's interests in the work of government reflect the principle of

representative government

Third parties are similar to interest groups because they

tend to focus on a single issue

Which of the following is an example of a check on the power of the legislative branch?

the Supreme Court rules a law unconstitutional

One way the Constitution safeguards individual rights is through

the first 10 amendments, also known as the Bill of Rights

The president's cabinet includes

the heads of the executive departments

Federalists believed that a bill of rights was

unnecessary due to the structure of government under the Constitution

Source: Authors' tabulations from the Current Population. Survey, November (Voting) Supplement, 2000-2006. Which of the following describes when a person is most likely to vote?

voter is over age 60 and it is a presidential election

A person with conservative views believes that government should have a

weak role in people's daily lives and is more likely to support the Republican Party

Most cases in the U.S. Supreme Court are accepted by

writ of certiorari

Of the following, turnout among young voters is likely to be highest among

young white, non-Hispanic males

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