Government (Retake) Test 1
When people have a fairly consistent view over a range of policy choices, they are said to have which of the following?
A democratic ideal
Which of the following is a requirement in federal legislation that forces state and local governments to comply with certain rules?
A federal mandate
Which of the following best describes the government of the US?
A republic
The Articles of Confederation did which of the following?
Allowed the states to retain most of their power
The lack of a Bill of Rights was a problem for which of the following groups during the ratification debates?
Under separation of powers, the U.S. system keeps power among branches balanced by enabling one branch to counter the actions of another by the use of which of the following?
Checks and balances
The idea that citizens get involved in the political process because they want to be part of the voluntary organizations of society that enables communities to flourish is known as which of the following?
Civic interest
Which of the following systems of government allows the central government to make laws that are directly applicable to member states, and those states can choose not to support the laws?
Which of the following political ideologies has traditionally favored state governments over the federal government?
Which of the following is the term for the fundamental law undergirding the structure of government?
Which of the following is known as the transfer of government power form the national government to the state governments?
Which of the following is another term for an avenue for participation in the political process?
When Antifederalists complained of too much power for the president in the new Constitution, Hamilton made which of the following arguments?
He could be impeached for "high crimes and misdemeanors"
Which of the following is the first step in the policy making process?
Identify the problem
Which of the following provides the most common way to remove elected officials from office and can be the primary mechanisms for forging responsiveness?
The constitution did not give Congress the authority to establish the Internal Revenue Service. Congress did so, however, to implement its power to "lay and collect taxes". This is an example of which of the following types of powers?
The "necessary and proper clause" is the basis for which of the following powers?
Implied powers
Who works together to determine public policies
Individuals, organizations, and political instiutions
The Virginia Plan included which of the following?
It called for bicameral legislature
As it relates to the states, what does the full faith and credit clause mean?
It honors the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of other states
What is the purpose of block grants or federal aid given to state or local governments?
It is to be spent in the way the state or local government decides to spend it
In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson's statement that "all men are created equal" is similar to which of the following theorist's belief that government is based on "the consent of the governed"?
John Locke
Which of the following chief justices worked to increase the power of the national government and to reduce the power of the states in the early part of the nineteenth century?
John Marshall
Which of the following did President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal include?
Large-scale emergency antipoverty programs
Which of the following metaphors best describes dual federalism?
Layer cake
Which of the following groups would favor government efforts to increase equality, including greater provision of social benefits to support those in need?
The Supreme Court first declared that the courts have the power to overturn government acts that conflict with the Constitution in which of the following cases?
Marbury v. Madison
Which of the following is absent in a republic?
Which of the following was true of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention?
Most were members of the upper class, and a majority came from professional backgrounds
The last 2 of the original 13 states to ratify the US Constitution were which of the following?
North Carolina and Rhode Island
Which of the following is a partnership that is a psychological attachment to a particular party that relates to political ideology but is more personal than philosophical?
Party identification
The ways that the federal government helps support individuals in their efforts to attend college include which of the following?
Pell Grants, Work-Study programs, Low-interest college loans, tax breaks for education (all of these are correct)
The idea that each citizen must have a chance to have his or her voice heard in government is the root of which of the following?
Political equality
The selection of senators by state legislatures was intended to serve as a check on which of the following?
Popular will
According to the preamble to the U.S. Constitution, the functions of government do not include which of the following?
Promote economic security
Actions by the government to achieve a goal are known as which of the following?
Public policy
Which of the following is a problem with American democracy?
Racial tensions persist across the country
The protest movement of debt-ridden farmers facing foreclosures on their homes and farms was known as which of the following?
Shays' Rebellion
What is the constitutional provision that allows federal laws to take precedent over state laws?
Supremacy clause
The constitution vests all judicial authority of the United States in which of the following, as well as in other inferior courts?
The Supreme Court
Which of the following entities settles conflicts related to power sharing between the states and the national government?
The Supreme Court
Which of the following gives Congress the power to regulate trade among the states?
The commerce clause
Which of the following statements regarding the Gibbons v. Ogden case is true?
The power to regulate interstate commerce was determined to be an exclusive national power of the federal government
Which of the following is true regarding evaluation of the American political system?
The public trust of public institutions is low
College students who want lower college loan interest rates, baby boomers who want increases in Social Security payments, and parents who want more money spent on public education are all looking out for which of the following?
Their self-interest
The Bill of Rights includes how many amendments to the U.S. Constitution?
Which of the following is the oldest purpose of the government?
To maintain order by protecting members of society from violence and criminal activity
What is the basic premise of federalism?
Two or more government share power and authority over the same land and people
What was the central question in the McCulloch v Maryland case?
Whether or not Congress had the power to establish a national bank
Participating in the public sphere obviously includes voting, but it also includes which of the following other activities?
Writing letters to your representatives in Congress, volunteering for a political campaign, attending political rallies, social networking in support of a candidate (all of these are correct)