Government Unit 1

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_____ is known as the father of political science.


Which government passes laws in order to protect the rights of its citizens?

anarchism *pluralism totalitarianism

Which government is known for the elimination of personal freedom?

anarchism pluralism *totalitarianism

According to Aristotle's definitions of government, which government would be considered a moral type of government?

democracy of the United States *monarchy of Queen Elizabeth I tyranny of Nero during the Roman Empire *aristocracy of ancient Greek city-states

The _____ government is the only level of American government that has the right to coin money.


The government has the right to restrict the number of visitors who visit Cape Canaveral for a space launch. The government has _____ over the base.


Which of the following actions are tangible evidence the federal government at work? Select all that apply.

protecting wildlife in our national parks *printing money fighting fires in the Sierra Nevada mountain range *protecting the Florida coastline from illegal smuggling regulating the price of oil

Which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply.

*Local governments help the citizen by creating libraries, such as in the town of Delmar, Delaware. Only the federal government has the right to regulate mass transportation. *Public utilities include telephone and electricity supplied to the citizen. The local government has sole responsibility for licensing businesses. *Towns can create and maintain local parks. *The state government has the right to make and enforce laws within their home state.

Choose the type of government style that best fits the example given below. A form of government where the leadership have little or no control over the populace.

*anarchism pluralism totalitarianism

Which of the following are utilities that serve the people? Select all that apply.

*gas *mass transportation *telephone *electric power *water *town hall meetings

The three levels of government are ____, ____, and ____.

*local democratic republican *state *federal

Select the tangible ways local governments helps citizens. Select all that apply.

*parks interstate highways trade agreements *libraries *mass transit

1. power to enforce obedience and make decisions over a group 2. cannot be felt by touching, immaterial 3. goods can be brought into a country or state for the purpose of trade 4. control, adjust or govern according to a system 5. systems of taxes placed on imports or exports

1. authority 2. intangible 3. import 4. regulate 5. tariff

1. license 2. regulate 3. tangible 4. tariff 5. utilities

1. authorization by law 2. to control, adjust, or govern according to a system 3. that can be felt by touching, material 4. systems of taxes placed on imports or exports of a country 5. a service to the public such as gas, telephone, water, or electric power

1. businesses and exchange of goods by purchase, trade, or sale 2. can be felt by touching, material 3. authorization by law 4. system of authority over a group of people 5. government formed by a union of smaller groups 6. public service such as gas, telephone, water, or electric power

1. commerce 2. tangible 3. license 4. government 5. federal 6. utility

Match the following types of government with Aristotle's definition of them. 1. one leader working for the good of the people 2. one leader working for his own benefit 3. a few working for the good of the people 4. a few working for their own benefit 5. the rule of many for the benefit of all 6. dangerous mob self-rule

1. monarchy 2. tyranny 3. aristocracy 4. oligarchy 5. polity 6. democracy

1. authority 2. commerce 3. federal 4. government 5. import 6. intangible

1. power and/or right to enforce obedience and make decisions over a group 2. exchange of goods by purchase, trade, or sale 3. government formed by a union of smaller groups (states) in agreement 4. system of authority over a group of people 5. goods brought into a country or state for the purpose of trade 6. that cannot be felt by touching, immaterial

1. aristocracy 2. democracy 3. jurisdiction 4. monarchy 5. morality

1. privileged citizens or the upper class, often with inherited ruling titles 2. rule by the people; originally an Aristotelian term that meaning a poorly "people run" government 3. the right to exercise authority 4. hereditary rule by one person alone; usually a king, queen, or emperor 5. principle or ideal of what is right and wrong

1. oligarchy 2. philosopher 3. pluralism 4. polity 5. totalitarianism 6. tyranny

1. selfish group leadership, as defined by Aristotle 2. a learned person who in the study of thought and conduct 3. a form of government where the public has input in the various areas of interest of the country 4. Aristotle's definition of a good government run by the people 5. authoritarian government requiring complete obedience and total submission of the people 6. unjust governmental authority; oppressive power

In a pluralistic society, special interest groups have a right to which of the following? Select all that apply.

testify in court on behalf of immigrants ignore legislation on behalf of small business *meet with Congressional leaders to ask for the protection of religious minorities get a Senator to introduce legislation to ensure healthcare for Hispanic children *lobby the White House for a higher tax on the wealthiest 1%

Governments are important because _____.

they control every aspect of the population they eliminate the need for participation in national decisions *they enforce rules that control conduct within a population

NAFTA established a community to promote trade _____ among countries that have common economic and political interests in North America.


The character of being in agreement with the standards of right conduct _____.

tyranny *morality philosophy

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