Gov't Exam 2

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26) In 2010, the average Senate race saw about __________ dollars in campaign spending. a. 4 million b. 8 million c. 34 million d. 2 million e. 15 million

e. 15 million

58) About what percentage of the annual federal budget is accounted for by the interest paid on the national debt? a. 2 percent b. 5 percent c. 25 percent d. 50 percent e. 15 percent

e. 15 percent

52) Regarding Supreme Court procedures, which one of the following statements is NOT accurate? a. The Court has broad standards in choosing the cases it will hear b. Attorneys who argue a case before the Supreme court operate under strict time limits c. A dissenting opinion is opinion of a judge who votes against the majority d. When part of the majority, the chief justice decides which justice will write the majority opinion e. A concurring opinion is a view written by a justice who votes with the majority and agrees with its reasoning

e. A concurring opinion is a view written by a justice who votes with the majority and agrees with its reasoning

8) Daily Kos and the Drudge Report are MOST similar to a. talk shows b. news programs c. reality TV d. weekly news magazines e. entertainment shows

a. talk shows

65) Partisan talk radio got its start a. after the abolition of the Fairness Doctrine b. on the day of Rush Limbaugh's first broadcast c. in the early 1990s after the election of Democrat Bill Clinton d. after cable television led the way e. during the late 1930s

a. after the abolition of the Fairness Doctrine

22) Redistricting happens after the census, which is conducted every ________ years. a. 10 b. 20 c. 15 d. 8 e. 4

a. 10

29) The U.S. House of Representatives last decided the outcome of a presidential election in _________. a. 1824 b. 1892 c. 1928 d. 1856 e. 1800

a. 1824

What is the total number of votes in the Electoral College? a. 538 b. 435 c. 1,024 d. 765 e. 100

a. 538

90) The president's role in foreign policy increased largely because a. America became more of a world power b. of the desire of U.S. business to expand into Latin America and Asia, which required executive action at the highest level c. of attitudes held by the American public d. Congress proved so inept in foreign affairs that the American people demanded a change e. of the need to coordinate national economic policy and foreign policy, a task to which the presidency was well suited

a. America became more of a world power

15) The framers of the Constitution saw the _________ as the preeminent component of the federal government. a. Congress b. Supreme Court c. president d. bureaucracy e. None of these answers is correct

a. Congress

44) What is the congressional equivalent of the Office and Management and Budget? a. Congressional Budget Office b. House Sergeant at Arms c. General Accounting Office d. Senate Appropriations Committee e. House Appropriations Committee

a. Congressional Budget Office

17) Which one of the following statements about the seniority principle is MOST accurate? a. Seniority is no longer absolute in the selection of committee chairs, but it is usually followed b. Because of seniority, committee chairs exercise abssolute power over their committees c. Seniority is no longer used at all in the choice of committee chairs d. The seniority principle is based on the length of time the member has spent in Congress e. Seniority is used in the Democratic Party, but not in the Republican Party

a. Seniority is no longer absolute on the selection of committee chairs, but it is usually followed

81) Why was the Supreme Court ruling in Faragher v. City of Boca Raton, which relied on the context of the antidiscrimination provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, demonstrative of the ambiguities of the law? a. The case dealt with sexual harassment in the workplace, which is not mentioned in the Civil Rights Act b. The case arrived at the Supreme Court without the Court requesting a writ of certiorari c. It involved the cotes of justices that had opposed the Civil Rights Act but who used the Civil Rights Act in justificiation for their ruling d. The minority dissenting opinion refused to use the Civil Rights Act as justification e. The case involved administrative law, but the Court used statutory law as a basis for its decision

a. The case dealt with sexual harassment in the workplace, which is not mentioned in the Civil Rights Act

5) Historically, the American press has shifted a. a political to a journalistic orientation b. negative to positive c. a journalistic to a political orientation d. partisan to very partisan e. objectivity to subjectivity

a. a political to a journalistic orientation

12) The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has regulatory oversight over which of the following? a. broadcast radio b. Internet content c. magazines d. newspapers e. All of these ansers are correct

a. broadcast radio

38) An administrative law judge a. can gather evidence and take testimony b. seeks to protect federal agencies, not individual citizens c. usually works in any agency that needs her or his services d. runs trials, but all decisions are made by juries e. issues only advisory opinions

a. can gather evidence and take testimony

49) A written Supreme Court opinon that disagrees with what the majority of the justices decided is a(n) a. dissenting opinion b. concurring opinion c. majority opinion d. plurality opinion e. adjunct opinion

a. dissenting opinion

19) The oversight responsibility of Congress is a. empowered by control of yearly budgets b. relatively easy to carry out c. the most time-consuming task for most legislators d. becoming less and less important to the nation e. None of these answers is correct

a. empowered by control of yearly budgets

84) Passed in 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Act a. empowers government to more closely oversee financial activities b. sought to promote environment portection, consumer protection and worker safety c. allowed low interest rates and small down payments for the firs-time home buyers and small business entrepreneurs d. required warning labels on all "hazardous" consumer goods, such as cigarettes e. loosens restritions on large financial institutions considered "too big to fail"

a. empowers government to more closely oversee financial activities

95) On both radio and televison, the most successful partisan talk shows a. have been hosted by conservatives b. have been hosted by nonpartisan journalists c. have had no discernible political bias d. have been hosted by teams of journalists holding multiple partisan viewpoints e. have been hosted by liberals

a. have been hosted by conservatives

11) In term of news consumption, since the 1980s young adults a. have been less informed than older ones b. have experienced a rise in news consumption because of the Internet c. have remained on par with older adults in terms of news consumption d. have experienced a rise in news consumption because of cable news channels e. have been more informed than older ones

a. have been less informed than older ones

9) Agenda-setting is an action that falls under which of the major roles played by the press? a. signaling b. watchdog c. partisan advocate d. news interpreter e. common-carrier

a. signaling

56) During what has become known as the Great Recession, the Fed began to purchase the assests of member banks. This new monetary control mechanism used by the Fed was known as a. quantitative reasoning b. the Greenspan Plan c. subprime borrowing d. hyper inflation e. too big to fail

a. quantitative reasoning

89) Senators are generally less likely to take directions from their leaders than House members because a. senators think of themselves as being equals and are only willing to be led by persuasion b. House rules mandate that all party members on major bills vote according to the directions of their leaders c. senators are prohibited by their state legislatures from taking orders from others d. senators are more highly paid than House members and are thus immune from financial threats e. Allof these answers are correct

a. senators think of themselves as being equals and are only willing to be led by persuasion

25) Congress's inability to consistently provide leadership on broad national issues is primarily due to a. the fragmented nature of Congress b. opposition from the mass media c. the lack of talented leadership in Congress d. the constant threat of a presidential veto e. constitutional restrictions on Congress's lawmaking powers

a. the fragmented nature of Congress

33) What is the MOST important factor that determines whether or not a president will get what he wants from Congress? a. the partisan makeup for Congress b. how often the president threatens to veto bills c. whether a president is serving a first term or a second term d. the president's ability to do personal favors for members of Congress e. whether or not the president has ever served in Congress

a. the partisan makeup of Congress

41) Which of the following steps in the federal budgetary process occurs EARLIEST? a. the president consults with the OMB on agency instructions b. Congress completes work on the appropriation bills c. Congress adopts a budget resolution d. the president submits budget proposals to Congress e. the agencies work on their budgets

a. the president consults with the OMB on agency instructions

73) What is the BIGGEST reason that Congress does not vigourously pursue its oversight function? a. the sheer magnitude of the task b. its inadequacy as a means of controlling the power of the president c. its inadequacy in generating publicity for members of Congress d. its inadequacy as a means of controlling the bureaucracy e. its inadequacy as a means of controlling the judiciary

a. the sheer magnitude of the task

39) Bureaucrats tend to follow a. their own agency's point of view b. the wishes of the president c. the wishes of federal judges d. the expectations of the general public e. the wishes of Congress

a. their own agency's point of view

93) The federal government has assumed a permanent, strong role in the economy, contributing to its stability and efficiency, since the a. 1960s b. 1930s c. 2000s d. 1860s e. 1980s

b. 1930s

43) The Senior Executive Service was established in _______ and consists of about __________ career civil servants. a. 1911; 800 b. 1978; 7,000 c. 1887; 800 d. 1933; 1,300 e. 1961; 1,300

b. 1978; 7,000

75) How many presidents have been impeached in U.S. history? a. 1 b. 2 c. 4 d. 3 e. 0

b. 2

97) Which president narrowly survived an impeachment conviction? a. Theodore Roosevelt b. Andrew Johnson c. John Quincy Adams d. Warren Harding e. Calvin Coolidge

b. Andrew Johnson

99) Which if the following Supreme Court justices were appointed by President Dwight Eisenhower? a. David Souter b. Earl Warren c. Louis Brandeis d. Sandra Day O'Connor e. John Stevens

b. Earl Warren

76) Which of the following did NOT serve as a state governor prior to being president? a. Jimmy Carter b. John F. Kennedy c. Ronald Reagan d. Bill Clinton e. George W. Bush

b. John F. Kennedy

67) The circulation battle of which two newspapers may have contributed to the outbreak of the Spanish-American War? a. Chicago Tribune and Boston Herald b. New York Journal and New York World c. Gazette of the United States and National Gazette d. Los Angeles Times and New York Times e. San Francisco Examiner and San Francisco Chronicle

b. New York Journal and New York World

62) Which of the following is a true statement about the visibilty of poverty in American society today? a. Poverty is most apparent in the case of elderly Americans b. Poverty is less common in the suburbs than in inner cities or rural areas c. Poverty has been virtually eliminated in the United States d. In polls each year, Americans place the problem of poverty as the nation's top problem e. Media coverage often focuses on the plight of the poor in America

b. Poverty is less common in the suburbs than in inner cities or rural areas

28) Which of the following is true of the vice presidency? a. Jimmy Carter reduced the power of the vice presidency by removing the vice president's office from the White House b. The Constitution assigns no executive authority to the vice president c. Daniel Webster and Henry Clay accepted nominations to the vice presidency as stepping stones to the presidency d. Presidents in the nineteenth century paid more attention to their vice presidents and granted them more authority e. The constitutional powers of the vice president of the vice presidency have been increased by Congress twice during U.S. history

b. The Constitution assigns no executive authority to the vice president

80) What are the constitutional requirements to be a federal judge? a. at least 25 years old and a citizen of the United States b. There are no constitutional requirements for being a federal judge c. at least 30 years old and a lawyer in good standing with the state bar d. at least 30 years old and a citizen of the United States e. at least 30 years old and a resident of the specific judicial district

b. There are no constitutional requirements for being a federal judge

78) The Senior Executive Service (SES) a. assigns most of its senior executives to work within a different agency than the one in which they originally worked b. is composed of civil employees that can be assigned by the president to any position within the bureaucracy c. has been more successful in practice than its proponents anticipated d. is composed of civil employees that can be fired more easily than normal career civil servants e. was designed to combat abuse of the patronage system

b. composed of civil employees that can be assigned by the president to any position within the bureaucracy

88) During the era of objective journalism, the commitment of newspapers to two-sided news reporting a. was enshrined in the editorial section b. did not extend to their editorializing c. deteriorated democracy in the United States d. was uniform throughout the sections of a newspaper e. All of these answers are correct

b. did not extend to their editorializing

48) What is the MOST common method in the states for the selection of judges? a. appointment by the state supreme courts b. election to office c. promotion from within the legal establishment d. appointment by the governor e. appointment by state legislators

b. election to office

72) Bills are formally introduced in Congress by a. the Supreme Court b. members of Congress only c. executive agencies d. interest groups e. All of these answers are correct

b. members of Congress only

16) If the Rules Committee applies the "closed rule" to a bill, a. no further floor debate is allowed b. no amendments will be permitted c. the bill will require a 2/3 majority for passage d. no filibusters will be allowed to prevent a vote e. the bill will not be allowed a vote

b. no amendments will be permitted

98) As distinct from the patronage system, the merit system for managing the bureaucracy a. allows the president to appoint top officials of executive agencies, thus making the bureaucracy more responsive to election outcomes b. provides for a neutral administration in the sense that civil servants are not partisan appointees, thus ensuring evenhanded work c. provides that all programs will be evaluatesd regularly to determine whether they merit continued funding d. provides for presidential leadership of the bureaucracy, thus giving it greater coordination and direction e. All of these anwers are correct

b. provides for a neutral administration in the sense that civil servants are not partisan appointees, thus ensuring evenhanded work

4) Objective journalism is based on the idea the reporter's job is to a. scrutinize the partisan debate, and inform the news audience about which party has the better argument b. report the facts and cover alternative sides of a partisan debate c. discover what other reporters are saying and provide a uniform interpretation of events d. report what political leaders want them to report e. All of these answers are correct

b. report the facts and cover alternative sides of a partisan debate

24) Since the founding of the United States, the debate over the representation function of Congress has centered on whether a. congressional or presidential authority should dominate on broad issues b. the primary concern of a representative should be interests of the nation or of his or her constituency c. the House or the Senate is more responsive to the public d. key decisions should be made by small number of representatives in committee or by the whole membership in floor debate e. the House or the Senate should take the lead on foreign policy issues

b. the primary concern of a representative should be the interests of the nation or of his or her constituency

How many Electoral College votes are needed to secure victory for a presidential candidate? a. 321 b. 51 c. 270 d. 218 e. 430

c. 270

63) The term means test refers to a. the mandatory psychological examination that Medicare and Medicaid applicants must undergo before they can receive benefits b. whether an applicant's income is low enough to qualify for public assistance c. the tax on a portion of the social security benefits of upper-income retirees d. the mandatory physical examination that Medicare and Medicaid applicants must undergo before they can receive benefits e. None of these answers is correct

b. whether an applicant's income is low enough to qualify for public assistance

34) After which presidential election year did the Democrats force major changes in the presidential nominating process? a. 1960 b. 1948 c. 1968 d. 1992 e. 1984

c. 1968

1) The Gazette of the United States was founded to promote the policies of President a. William Henry Harrison b. James Madison c. George Washington d. Warren Harding e. Grover Celveland

c. George Washington

7) Which of the following statements has been slowly by scholarly research to be true? a. Network journalists have a very substantial conservative bias b. Network journalists have a clear Republican bias c. Network journalists tend to be negative d. Network journalists have a clear Democratic bias e. Network journalists have a very substantial liberal bias

c. Network journalists tend to be negative

53) Which of the following statements BEST describes the relationship today between government and the economy in the United States? a. The government owns most of the means of production in the United States b. The government is the driving force in the U.S. economy; business has a secondary role c. The government participates in the economy though the regulation of privately owned businesses d. The government subsidizes economic interests but otherwise leaves them to operate as they please e. The economy is largely self-regulating

c. The government participates in the economy though the regulation of privately owned businesses

96) Campaign spending tends to be a much greater task for a. Democratic candidates b. candidates in urban areas than for candidates in rural areas c. challengers than for incumbents d. men than for women e. Republican candidates

c. challengers than for incumbents

45) In the late 1800s, rapid economic growth placed new demands on the federal government and led it to a. establish the Senior Executive Service b. reorganize the cabinet in order to make it the center of economic policy making c. create new federal depatments built around economic interests d. both create new federal departments built around economic interests, and establish the Senior Executive Service e. None of these answers is correct

c. create new federal departments built around economic interests

Political scientist Aaron Wildavsky's "two presidencies" thesis holds that president is likely to be most successful with Congress on policy initiatives involving a. social welfare policy b. economic policy c. foreign policy d. environmental policy e. tax policy

c. foreign policy

50) Precedent, while not an absolute constraint on the courts, is needed to a. check the president in the area of foreign policy b. check the president in the area of public law c. maintain legal consistency over time, so confusion and uncertainty about the law can be avoided d. preserve the courts as a counter majoritarian institution e. balance the policy making authority of Congress

c. maintain legal consistency over time, so confusion and uncertainty about the law can be avoided

59) In the United States there is a widespread belief that a. Americans prefer money as the primary form of welfare assistance b. Americans prefer government jobs through government programs as the primary form of welfare assistance c. most Americans believe that welfare recipients could get along without assistance if they tried d. the vast majority of Americans believe there should be absolutely no government services for the poor of any kind e. None of these answers are correct

c. most Americans believe that welfare recipients could get along without assistance if they tried

92) Federal judges are a. elected by majority vote in their respective states b. elected by majority vote in their respective districts c. nominated by the president and approved by the Senate d. nominated by the Senate and approved by both houses of Congress e. nominated by the president and approved by both houses of Congress

c. nominated by the president and approved by the Senate

3) One special contribution of Internet-based news is that a. prevents rampant editorializing b. provides slower, more deliberative reporting c. provides the ordinary citizen with an opportunity to be apart of the news system d. offers more unbiased reporting e. None of the answers are correct

c. provides the ordinary citizen with an opportunity to be part of the news system

68) The reason the news product is designed to fascinate as well as to inform is a. that the print media wish to emulate the broadcast media b. of the need to compete with Hollywood productions c. that news organizations are fundamentally businesses and must obtain revenue to survive d. of the high level of illiteracy e. None of these answers is correct

c. that news organizations are fundamentally businesses and must obtain revenue to survive

94) The term entitlement refers to a program a. of social welfare for which citizenship is the only criterion of eligibility b. benefiting individuals, designed specifically to alleviate the hardships of old age c. that requires the payment of benefits to any individual who meets the eligibility criteria d. that provides indirect payments to individuals, such as funding for public schools e. None of these answers are correct

c. that requires the payment of benefits to any individual who meets the eligibilty criteria

18) Approximately _________ percent of House incumbents win reelection. a. 74 b. 57 c. 65 d. 92 e. 82

d. 92

86) Which of the following is true of American unions in the 1950s? a. Unions and union workers gained control of all major industries b. Unionized workers saw their wages fall below the wages of their non-union counterparts c. The right to unionize was severely restricted by two important Supreme Court rulings d. A third of America's workers were unionized e. Union demands prevented the United States from benefitting from the manufacturing boom that had followed the end of World War II

d. A third of America's workers were unionized

14) Which of the following is true of age differences in news consumption? a. Younger adults are moer than twice as likely as older adults to use the web for news consumption b. The disparity in age for news consumption is greater with television than with newspapers c. About 60 percent of young adults pay little or no attention on a regular basis to any news source d. Age differences in news consumption shrink for Internet-based news but do not disappear e. Older adults are more likely than younger adults to access the web

d. Age differences in news consumption shrink for Internet-based news but do not disappear

60) Which of the following is true of social security and Medicare? a. Most retiress receive less in social security than they contributed in payroll taxes while working b. Spending on TANF and SSI exceeds the total of all spending of public assistance programs c. Eligibility requirements make sure that all social security beneficiaries have an absolute economic need for the benefit d. Families in the top fifth of the income population receive more in social security and Medicare benefits than the government spends in total on TANF, SSI, food stamps, and housing subsidies for the poor e. Social security income is decided as follows: the lower your income while working, the larger your social security benefit upon retirement

d. Families in the top fifth of the income population receive more in social security and Medicare benefits than the government spends in total on TANF, SSI, food stamps, and housing subsidies for the poor

35) The presidency was created by Article _________ of the U.S. Constitution. a. III b. I c. IV d. II e. VII

d. II

37) Upon reaching Congress, what first happens to the president's budget proposal? a. It is referred to the House and Senate appropriations committees b. It is marked up by the full Senate before moving to the House c. It is reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget d. It goes to the House and Senate budget committees e. It is subjected to floor debate

d. It goes to the House and Senate budget committees

85) Who among the framers of the Constitution noted that no issue was more likely to provoke conflict that how society's resources are distributed? a. John Adams b. Thomas Jefferson c. Alexander Hamilton d. James Madison e. Benjamin Franklin

d. James Madison

69) Over the last century, which newspapers has had a lasting reputation as the country's best newspaper? a. Miami Herald b. Washington Times c. Los Angeles Times d. New York Times e. Chicago Tribune

d. New York Times

61) ________ has the highest child poverty rate among the Western democracies. a. France b. Great Britain c. Canada d. The United States e. Germany

d. The United States

2) The news media is MOST likely to focus on, among the following, events that a. occur in other countries b. affect small numbers of people c. are complicated to report d. are timely e. happen to ordinary citizens

d. are timely

70) Most of the work on legislation in Congress is done a. by bureaucratic agencies b. by conference committees c. by the president d. by committees and respective subcommittees e. on the floor of the House and Senate

d. by committees and respective subcommittees

51) Compared with the decision in a Supreme Court case, the opinion is more significant because it a. addresses the constitutional aspects of a case, whereas the decision addresses the statutory aspects b. determines the losing party in a case and the penalty to be imposed on this party c. reveals the conflicts between the justices, which the president and Congress can use in determining their position on judicial appointments and new legislation d. informs others of the Court's interpretation of the laws and thereby guides their decisions e. None of these answers are correct

d. informs others of the Court's interpretation of the laws and thereby guides their decisions

55) The Federal Reserve controls the money supply through all of the following actions EXCEPT a. raising the interest rate that member banks are charged when they borrow from the Federal Reserve b. raising the cash reserve that member banks are required to deposit with Federal Reserve c. lowering the interest rate that member banks are charged when they borrow from the Federal Reserve d. lowering the tax rate on individuals e. lowering the cash reserve that member banks are required to deposit with the Federal Reserve

d. lowering the tax rate on individuals

91) Bureaucrats are _______ and elected officials are _________. a. generalists; specialists b. generalists; generalists c. popular; unpopular d. specialists; generalists e. specialists; specialists

d. speciaists; generalists

100) The Great Recession, which began in 2008, was precipitated primarily because the federal government was too lax in regulating a. computer technology b. interest rates charged to banks c. the buying and selling of stocks d. subprime mortgages e. the buying and selling of junk bonds

d. subprime mortgages

83) The term externalities refers to a. regulations imposed on a firm by government b. a nation that is a trading partner of another nation c. tariffs imposed on American goods exported to other countires d. the costs of production that are incurred by society e. None of these answers is correct

d. the costs of production that are incurred by society

6. What development brought about a dramatic reduction in television's capacity to generate an interest in news? a. an increase in newspaper circulation b. a drop in education levels in the United States c. the loss of objective journalistic standards d. the rapid spread of cable e. the rise of Internet news consumption

d. the rapid spread of cable

79) Which group saw the LARGEST percentage increase of GS 13-15 jobs between 1982 and 2011? a. Hispanics b. white men c. Blacks d. women e. All of these groups had about the same percentage increase

d. women

57) Which country has the HIGHEST annual emissions of carbon dioxide? a. Great Britain b. India c. United States d. Japan e. China

e. China

27) Which of the following states is MOST likely to be a battlegorund state in the next presidential election? a. Alabama b. New York c. North Dakota d. California e. Colorado

e. Colorado

66) The FCC restriction requiring broadcasters to "afford reasonable opportunity for the discussion of conflicting views of public importance" was known as the a. "Equal Time" rule b. common-carrier function c. signaling function d. objective-reporting model e. Fairness Doctrine

e. Fairness Doctrine

74) How did Theodore Roosevelt change the conception of the presidency? a. He sought to act only within the confines of expressly-granted constitutional authority b. He cast aside the stewardship theory in favor of the Whig theory c. He rejected the idea of the "strong presidency" d. He altered the stewardship theory to reduce the power of the presidency while remaining an acitivist president e. He cast aside the Whig theory in favor of the stewardship theory

e. He cast aside the Whig theory in favor of the stewardship theory

77) How has the Government Accountability Office's role changed? a. It has had its broad powers limited from the general oversight down to keeping track of agency spending b. It has been given broader powers over time to actually grant additional funds or take away funds directly from agencies c. It has changed from a presidential-executive support agency to largely a congressional support agency d. It has aquired wide judicial and adjudication powers to deal with inter-agency disputes e. It has moved from a limited role of keeping track of agency spending to also monitoring whether the agency is implementing policies in the way Congress intended

e. It has moved from a limited role of keeping track of agency spending to also monitoring whether the agency is implementing policies in the way Congress intended

21) "Mark up" of a bill means that a. witnesses at committee hearings suggest modifications of the bill b. the House Speaker and Senate majority leader have written a bill in a way that they favor c. a bill has been approved after floor debate has finished d. a president has crossed out sections of the bill that he or she finds personally objectionable e. None of these answers are correct

e. None of these answers are correct

64) The Department of Education a. was created in the 1930s as part of the New Deal b. is a regulatory agency that ensures NCLB is followed c. is one of the largest executive departments d. dictates school curriculum across the country e. None of these anwers are correct

e. None of these anwers are correct

54) The Tennessee Valley Authority is a. a private environmental organization with power to regulate industry b. a private electricity industry exempt from government regulation c. a private environmental organization that receives federal funding d. a private industry regulated by the United States e. an electricity industry owned by the United States

e. an electricity industry owned by the United States

71) The modern Congress is different from the nineteenth-century Congress in that most members a. are now minorities or women b. have previously been governors of their home states c. are now amateur politicians who want only to spend a short time in Congress d. return to their respective state legislatures after their congressional service is over e. are now professional politicians who want to stay in Congress

e. are now professional politicians who want to stay in Congress

47) Studies by political scientists show that Supreme Court justices a. are not influenced by their political beliefs b. strive to ensure that their political beliefs do not influence their decisions c. all share the same political beliefs d. are slightly influenced by their political beliefs e. are strongly influenced by their political beliefs

e. are strongly influenced by their political beliefs

40) Studies have found that the U.S. federal bureaucracy a. falls far short of the effectiveness of most foreign bureaucracies b. is much less accountable than the bureaucracies of European democracies c. becomes far less effective as it grows over time d. is one of the least representative of minorities compared to others worldwide e. compares favorably in performance to government bureaucracies elsewhere

e. compares favorably in performance to government bureaucracies elsewhere

20) Congressional staffers spend most of their time on a. public relations b. legislative matters and constituency service c. constituency service and legislative matters d. legislative matters e. constituency service and public relations

e. constituency service and public relations

82) The Supreme Court decision in Marbury v. Madison is significant a. as the Court's first non-majority opinion b. as the first instance of the court ruling on a state matter c. as the first use of judicial activism d. as the first instance of the Court ruling on a disagreement between states e. for the establishment of judicial review

e. for the establishment of judicial review

23) Which of the following groups is overrepresented in Congress? a. blue-collar workers b. clerical workers c. homemakers d. women e. lawyers

e. lawyers

36) The presidency is an a. extraordinarily strong office with sufficient powers to enable the president to control national policy under virtually all circumstances b. office where power is fairly constant, regardless of the occupant or their circumstances c. office where power depends almost entirely on its occupants; strong leaders are always successful presidents, and weak ones never succeed d. inherently weak office, in that presidents have almost no capacity to influence the major directions of national policy e. office in which power is conditional, depending on whether the political support that gives force to presidential leadership exists or can be developed

e. office in which power is conditional, depending on whether the political support that gives force to presidential leadership exists or can be developed

46) A judicial decision that establishes a rule for settling subsequent cases of a similar nature is a a. writ of error b. writ of certiorari c. writ of mandamus d. landmark decision e. precedent

e. precedent

10) The term "framing" is used to describe the a. media's ability to influence what is on people's mind b. primary right of the media that is protected by the First Amendment c. media's obligation to convey a uniform and standard interpretation of a situation d. nature of media reporting when objectivity has weakened and the system has tilted in favor of yellow journalism e. process of selecting certain aspects of reality and then crafting new stories around those aspects

e. process of selecting certain aspects of reality and then crafting new stories around aspects

13) The rise of the Internet as a news source has a. had no appreciable impact on the partisan divide b. substantially decreased the partisan divide c. led to a small but significant decrease in the partisan divide d. led to a small but significant increase in the partisan divide e. substantially increased the partisan divide

e. substantially increased the partisan divide

42) What were the "reinventing teams"? a. teams appointed by Congress to propose budget cuts to the federal bureaucracy b. teams appointed by Congress to decide which branches of the federal bureaucracy could be eliminated c. groups of executive officials that were under the influence of "agency capture" d. congressional committees designed to find ways to reduce the size of the national bureaucracy e. teams that were formed under the National Performance Review to analyze and make recommendations about bureaucratic effectiveness

e. teams that were formed under the National Performance Review to analyze and make recommendations about bureaucratic effectiveness

87) Which institution receives the most new coverage from the national press? a. U.S. Supreme Court b. the federal bureaucracy c. U.S. Senate d. U.S. House of Representatives e. the presidency

e. the presidency

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