Gravitas | The moonlighting debate: Is it legal to work 2 jobs in India?
gray area
(n) something which people are not certain about, unclear difference
take a cue from
To copy what someone already did in past in order to be successful
hone skills
improve skills, to sharpen skills
leak information
disclose information He leaked the names to the press.
draw a red line
set a limit
put pen to paper
start to write
Dual Employment
the employee maintains more than one employment relationship simultaneously during the course of the assignment (that is, works for two or more employers with split payroll).
when an employee doesn't show up for work
breach of confidentiality
Disclosure of information without proper authorization.
find the middle ground
Saying that a compromise, or middle point, between two extremes is the truth. It must neither be fully known nor unknown, but a comfortable middle ground.
courtroom drama
a drama set in a court of law
a job, esp. one as a performer or one that lasts only a short time: Now many of his gigs as a singer-saxophonist are being put on hold.
a particular part of a written legal document, for example a law passed by Parliament or a contract (= an agreement): They have added a clause in the contract which says the company can make people redundant for economic reasons.
an apple of discord
cause of quarrel, trouble, discord, or jealousy
bring to the table
making a valuable contribution to a group, company, or individual raising an issue for further discussion When you bring nothing to the table, the company will fire you.
to bind somebody to something
to force someone to keep a promise: His sister had been bound to secrecy.