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fluent<br />'flu:ənt

<br /><u><b><i><font color="#ff0000">【考法 2】adj. 不费力的:involving minimal difficulty or effort</font></i></b></u><br />【例】a fluent performance of one of the oldest magic tricks in the book一场毫不费力的魔术,表演的是书本上最老的魔术之一<br />【近】effortless, facile, fluid, painless, ready, simple, smooth<br />【反】arduous, demanding, exacting, formidable, grueling, hard, laborious, murderous, rough, toilsome, tough<br />【派】fluencyn.流畅,流利<div><br /></div><div>【考法 1】adj. 表达流利的:able to express oneself clearly and well<br />【例】a very fluent speaker who always communicates his points well一个总能明确指出要点的流利演说家<br />【近】eloquent, silver-tongued, well-spoken<br />【反】inarticulate, ineloquent, unvocal说话不清的<br /><br /><br />【记】源自fluid, flow</div>

dandy<br />'dændi

<div><b><i><u><font color="#ff0000">【考法 2】adj. 最佳最好的:of the very best kind</font></u></i></b></div><b><i><u><font color="#ff0000">【考法 1】n. 纨绔子弟,爱打扮的人</font></u></i></b>:a man who gives exaggerated attention to personal appearance<br />【例】That was a dandy of a game.那是纨绔子弟的游戏。<br />【近】fop, gallant<br /><br />【考法 2】adj. 最佳最好的:of the very best kind<br />【例】that's a dandy new racing bike真是辆最好的比赛用自行车<br />【近】awesome, fabulous, superb, sensational, splendid, unsurpassed<br />【反】atrocious, awful, execrable, lousy, pathetic, wretched<br /><br />【记】dandy 都是孩儿他daddy了就不能再象以前那样只顾打扮了;孩子说,daddy,你是最棒的!<br />Even Homer sometimes nods. 荷马也有打盹的时候。智者千虑,必有一失。

liability<br />ˌlaiə'biliti

<div><b><i><u><font color="#ff0000">【考法 2】n. 障碍,不利条件:a feature of someone or something that creates difficulty for achieving success</font></u></i></b></div><b><i><u><font color="#ff0000">【考法 1】n. 责任:the quality or state of being liable</font></u></i></b><br />【例】 The company is trying to reduce its liability in this case. 在这个案件中,公司试图减少他们的责任<br />【近】accountability, answerability, responsibility<br />【反】 immunity 豁免权<br /><br />【考法 2】n. 障碍,不利条件:a feature of someone or something that creates difficulty for achieving success<br />【例】Their chief asset has now become a considerable liability.他们最大的优点如今已成了不可小觑的负担<br />【近】burden, debit, drawback, handicap, hurdle, incommodity, manacle, saddle, trammel<br />【反】advantage, asset, edge, plus优点,优势<br /><br />【记】liable 有倾向的,有责任的

careen<br />kə'ri:n

<div><b><i><u><font color="#ff0000">【考法 2】vi. 狂奔,快速运动:to rush headlong or carelessly</font></u></i></b></div>【考法 1】vi. 蹒跚而行,不稳地行走:to lurch or swerve while in motion<br />【例】He careened unsteadily to the couch after hitting his head.在撞到头以后,他摇摇摆摆地走向沙发。<br />【近】dodder, lurch, reel, sway, teeter, totter, waddle, wobble<br /><br />【考法 2】vi. 狂奔,快速运动:to rush headlong or carelessly<br />【例】Sounding its siren, an ambulance careened through the intersection. 救护车响着警笛飞驰通过十字路口。<br />【近】blast, bolt, bustle, career, dash, fly, hustle, rush, rustle, speed, whirl<br />【反】crawl, creep, lag, poke 缓慢行进<br /><br />【记】car + 音:阴,车开进阴沟,倾斜在沟坡上;care + en, 维护,维护船或车时将其倾斜过来;career (原指道路)人的职业生涯中在高速行驶时不时会偏向,也需要将其倾斜来修理

grandstand<br />'grændstænd

<div><b><i><u><font color="#ff0000">稍微偏贬义,for impressing lookers</font></u></i></b></div>【考法 1】vi. 为了给人留下印象而表演,哗众取宠:to play or act so as to impress onlookers<br />【例】to grandstand on the stage在舞台上哗众取宠<br />【近】act, perform, pretend<br /><br />【记】grand大 + stand看台

consummate<br />'kɔnsəmeit

<div><font color="#ff0000"><b><i><u>extremely skilled / perfect / greast quanity</u></i></b></font></div><div><br /></div>【考法 1】adj. 专业的,有造诣的:extremely skilled and accomplished<br />【例】a consummate liar 一个老练的骗子<br />【近】accomplished, finished, virtuosic, versed, veteran<br />【反】amateur业余的<br /><br />【考法 2】adj. 无纰漏的,完美的:complete in every detail; perfect<br />【例】The difficult aria displayed her consummate skill.高难度的咏叹调展示了她完美的技巧<br />【近】flawless, impeccable, perfect<br />【反】defective 有漏洞的<br /><br />【考法 3】adj. 最高档次的,最大规模的:of the greatest or highest degree or quantity<br />【近】maximum, paramount, supreme, top, utmost<br />【反】minimal最少量的<br /><br />【记】con summary 到了最后summary写结语的时候了;consume 消灭 + mate - checkmate (象棋)将死<br />,将对方消灭将死→完成,精于此道,无比

bully<br />'buli

<div><font color="#ff0000"><b><i><u>【考法 2】adj. 最好的,最棒的:of the very best kind</u></i></b></font></div>【考法 1】n. 欺凌弱小者:a person who habitually treats others in an overbearing or intimidating manner<br />【例】they had to deal with the local bullies 他们要对付当地恶霸<br />【近】bullyboy, hector, intimidator<br />【反】underdog 被欺负的人<br /><br />【考法 2】adj. 最好的,最棒的:of the very best kind<br />【例】that's a bully idea for reviving the town's retail center真是个重整镇上零售中心的好主意<br />【近】awesome, fabulous, fantastic, superb, marvelous, unsurpassed, excellent<br /><br />【记】bull 公牛 + y 象公牛一样处处欺负其他牛

cast<br />kæst

<div><font color="#ff0000"><b><i><u>【考法 4】v. 抛弃:to get rid of as useless or unwanted</u></i></b></font><br />【例】once she became rich and didn't need them anymore, she cast off all her old friends like so much junk当她有钱了不再需要朋友了,她把老友像糟粕一样抛弃<br />【近】ditch, dump, jettison, toss</div><div><br /></div>【考法 1】n. 演员,演员阵容:a set of characters or persons<br /><br />【考法 2】vt. 选派(演员) :to assign (as an actor) to a role or part<br />【近】He was cast in the leading role.他是男一号。<br /><br />【考法 3】vt. 提出:to put forth, give off, to place as if by throwing<br />【例】cast doubt on their reliability 对它们的可靠性提出质疑<br />【近】discharge, emanate, irradiate, issue, shoot, throw out, give out<br /><font color="#ff0000"><b><i><u><br /></u></i></b></font><br /><br />【记】cast 投射,投影的阵容

shift<br />ʃift

<div><font color="#ff0000"><i><b><u>【考法 3】vt. 交换:to give up (something) and take something else in return</u></b></i></font></div>【考法 1】vt. 改变...的位置:to change the place or position of<br />【例】She shifted the vase closer to the wall so that it wouldn't get knocked over.她把花瓶靠墙挪动了一点,从而防止它被碰倒。<br />【近】budge, dislocate, displace, disturb, relocate, remove, reposition, transfer, transpose<br />【反】anchor, fix, freeze, secure, set使固定<br /><br />【考法 2】vi. 改变,变化:to pass from one form, state, or level to another<br />【例】She watched the aurora in fascination as its colors shifted from green to blue. 她着迷地看着极光的色彩从绿变成蓝。<br />【近】fluctuate, mutate, snap, vary<br />【反】plateau, stabilize达到稳定点,不变<br /><br />【考法 3】vt. 交换:to give up (something) and take something else in return<br />【例】My father and I shifted seats just before takeoff so that I could sit by the window.起飞前我和我父亲交 换了座位,这样我就可以靠窗坐了。<br />【近】<font color="#ff0000">commute,</font> exchange, shift, substitute, swap, switch, trade<br /><br />

captious<br />'kæpʃəs

<div><u><i><b><font color="#ff0000">carp 多变的</font></b></i></u></div>【考法 1】adj. 吹毛求疵的,爱挑毛病的:marked by an often ill-natured inclination to stress faults and raise objections<br />【例】a captious and cranky eater who has never met a vegetable he didn't hate一个古怪又挑剔的食客,从来就没有他不讨厌的蔬菜<br />【近】carping, caviling, critical, faultfinding, hypercritical, judgmental, overcritical<br />【反】appreciative表示欣赏的<br /><br />【记】caption 文章尤其是论文的标题,总是吹毛求疵,还有第一第二作者之争;captain也容易有这毛病

sanction<br />'sæŋkʃn

<div><u><i><b><font color="#ff0000">批准与制裁同时存在</font></b></i></u></div>【考法 1】v. 批准,同意,认可:to make valid or binding usually by a formal procedure (as ratification)<br />【例】The President sanctioned covert operations.总统批准了秘密行动‖The administration will sanction almost any field trip with educational value.基本上任何有教育意义的实地考察都可以得到批准。<br />【近】accredit, approbate, authorize, certify, confirm, finalize, formalize, license, ratify, warrant<br />【反】interdict, prohibit, proscribe 禁止;decline, deny, disallow, disapprove, negative, reject, veto否决<br /><br />【考法 2】 n. 制裁: an economic or military coercive measure adopted usually by several nations in concert for forcing a nation violating international law to desist or yield to adjudication<br />【例】Another trade sanction is in effect.又一项贸易制裁生效了。<br />【近】penalty, punishment<br /><br />【记】音:圣神,尊崇某个神圣就是教会机构对其认可,并下达法令批准;音:三审,三审通过立法,决议,法律一般都需三审通过<br />【另】sanctify 神圣化,认可;

abreast<br />ə'brest

<font color="#ff0000"><b><i><u>【考法 2】adj. 熟知的:up to a particular standard or level especially of knowledge of recent developments</u></i></b></font><br />【例】She tried to keep abreast of the latest fashion trends.她总是尽可能地跟上时尚的潮流。<br />【近】acquainted, conversant, informed, knowledgeable, versed, well-informed<br />【反】ignorant, unacquainted, unfamiliar, uninformed, unknowledgeable无知的,不熟悉的<br /><br />【记】a + breast 并胸,运动员赛跑时胸是并排的<div><br /></div><div>【考法 1】adv. 并排地:beside one another with bodies in line<div>【例】a group of youths riding four abreast 四个一排骑着车的孩子们<br />【近】alongside, side by side<br />【反】aimlessly, desultorily, erratically, haphazardly, irregularly, randomly, willy-nilly随意地<br /><br /><br /></div></div>


【考法 1】 adj. 不知道的,不知情的: lacking conscious awareness; not informed about or aware of something<br/>【例】 He seemed oblivious to the fact that he had hurt her.他似乎并不在意他伤害了她.<br/>【近】 incognizant, insensible, unaware, unconscious, uninformed, unwitting<br/>【反】 mindful,vigilant, acquainted, cognizant, conscious, conversant, grounded, informed, knowing, mindful, witting留意的,机警的<br/><br/>【记】读:我不理vious,我不理你了,我要把你忘了。


【考法 1】 adj. 充满不定性的,值得怀疑的: giving rise to uncertainty; questionable or suspect as to true nature or quality<br/>【例】a dubious assertion一个值得怀疑的论调<br/>【近】debatable, doubtful, disputable, equivocal, problematic, questionable, shaky<br/>【反】certain, incontestable, undeniable确定的,毋庸置疑的;reliable可靠的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. (对事实等)持怀疑态度的:not feeling sureabout the truth, wisdom, or trustworthiness of someone or something<br/>【例】dubious about a diet that claims I can eat all I want and still lose weight对于一份声称可以一边随心所欲地吃和一边减肥的节食方案表示怀疑<br/>【近】distrustful, skeptical, suspicious, unsure<br/>【反】convinced, positive, sure表示肯定态度的,确信的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 迟疑不决的,不愿行动的:slow to begin or proceed with a course of action because of doubts or uncertainty<br/>【例】I'm dubious about our plan to go hang gliding without having had any training. 我对于不做任何训练就去玩滑翔感到很迟疑<br/>【近】undecided, disinclined, loath, reluctant, reticent<br/>【反】disposed, inclined倾向于......的<br/>【派】dubiety n. 可疑,怀疑<br/><br/>【记】doubt


【考法 1】 adj. 凸起的: having a surface or boundary that curves or bulges outward, as the exterior of a sphere<br/>【例】 A convex function has the property that a line joining any two points on its graph lies on or above the graph.凸函数具有如下的性质:其图像上任何两点连线的任何部分都不低于连结两点的函数曲线<br/>【近】bulging<br/>【反】dent, concave 凹陷的<br/><br/>【记】vex是达到vertex顶点时的路径,从凸面走到顶点;curv + ex 向外弯的curv<br/>【另】apex顶点,axis轴,climax顶点


【考法 1】 adj. 反效果的,阻碍预期目标的: not producing or tending to hinder the attainment of a desired goal<br/>【例】Violence as a means to achieve an end is counterproductive. (W. E. Brock)用暴力来实现目标往往是事与愿违的。——W. E. 布洛克‖His uncontrollable anger is very counterproductive to his attempt at saving his marriage.他无法自控的愤怒只会对他拯救婚姻的企图起反作用。<br/>【近】feckless, hamstrung, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, inefficient, inexpedient<br/>【反】effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient, expedient, operant 行之有效的<br/><br/>【记】counter反 + productive有效果的


【考法 1】 adj. 帝国的,帝王的: of, relating to, or suggestive of an empire or a sovereign, especially an emperor or empress<br/>【例】Imperial College London帝国理工学院<br/>【近】kingly, queenly, regal, royal<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 巨大的,令人惊叹的:large and impressive in size, grandeur, extent, or conception<br/>【例】envisioned an imperial city that would rival the capitals of Europe for beauty and magnificence幻想着一个比欧洲各国首都更为动人和壮丽的巨大城市<br/>【近】august, epic, glorious, grand, imposing, magnificent, monumental, noble, splendid<br/>【反】common, humble, inferior, low低下的,平凡的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】 adj. 平等主义的: affirming, promoting, or characterized by belief in equal political, economic, social, and civil rights for all people<br/>【例】the egalitarian principle guiding his endeavor引导他奋斗的平等主义原则<br/>【近】disinterested, impartial, unprejudiced, unbiased, objective<br/>【反】inequitable, discriminating, unfair有偏见的,不公平的<br/>【派】egalitarianismn. 平等主义<br/><br/>【记】源自equal, g=k=qu


【考法 1】 adj. 恶意的: having or showing a desire to cause someone pain or suffering for the sheer enjoyment of it<br/>【例】Both parties to the divorce showed a malign desire to make each other's future life utterly miserable. 离婚双方都表露出了恶毒的愿望,希望对方未来的生活陷入彻底的悲剧之中<br/>【近】bad, cruel, despiteful, evil, malevolent, malicious, mean, nasty, spiteful, vicious, virulent, wicked<br/>【反】benevolent, benign, benignant, charitable, kind, kindly善良的,仁慈的<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 诽谤:to utter injuriously misleading or false reports about: speak evil of<br/>【例】the belief that it is possible to win an election without maligning anyone一种信念,那就是要赢得一场选举就不得不诽谤他人<br/>【近】asperse, blacken, calumniate, defame, libel, smear, traduce, vilify<br/>【反】acclaim, applaud, eulogize, extol, laud, praise 赞美;defend, vindicate辩护<br/><br/>【记】mal坏 + ign;音:骂咧→骂咧咧地诽谤;音:骂脸,指鼻子骂脸→中伤;<br/>【另】benign(ben + ign) (病)良性的, (气候)良好的, 仁慈的, 和蔼的


【考法 1】 adj. 挑剔的,极仔细的,追求完美的: possessing or displaying careful, meticulous attention to detail<br/>【例】be fastidious about personal hygiene and appearance极其注意个人卫生和外表<br/>【近】demanding, exacting, fussy, hypercritical, squeamish<br/>【反】undemanding不挑剔的;cursory 粗略的,敷衍的;indiscriminate, uncritical 不加区分的<br/><br/>【记】fast 绝食 + tidious (tedious,乏味的)→绝食,因为吃什么都觉得乏味→太挑剔


【考法 1】 adj. 有教养的: showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience<br/>【例】He maintained a very polished tone in his correspondences.他在通信中保持着一种极有教养的口吻。<br/>【近】cultivated, cultured, genteel, refined, urbane<br/>【反】gauche, rustic, philistine粗俗的;uncivilized, untutored未开化的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 擦亮的:having a shiny surface or finish<br/>【例】She could see her face reflected in the polished hood of the car. 她可以通过引擎盖光亮的表面看到自己的脸。<br/>【近】buffed, burnished, glistening, lustrous, rubbed, satiny, sleek<br/>【反】dim, dull, flat, lusterless 黯淡无光的<br/>【派】polishv. 擦亮<br/><br/>


【考法 1】 adj. 有斑点的,花的: marked with small spots or contrasting with the background; mottled, spotted<br/>【例】a dappled fawn一只小花鹿<br/>【近】blotchy, mottled, specked, piebald, splotched, stippled<br/>【反】unspotted 没有斑点的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 色彩斑斓的:having blotches of two or more colors<br/>【例】a forest that was vibrant with the dappled foliage of autumn 充满秋天的生机、色彩斑斓的森林<br/>【近】marbled, mottled, piebald, pinto, splotched, spotted<br/><br/>【记】dip 元音互换 浸沾出来的斑点;音:打 + apple 打苹果一下,就会出现斑点


【考法 1】 adj. 比喻的: expressing one thing in terms normally denoting another with which it may be regarded as analogous<br/>【例】The word here is used in its figurative sense.这个词在这里取它的比喻义<br/>【近】extended, metaphorical<br/>【反】literal 字面上的,逐字逐句的<br/><br/>【记】figure 图形,象征)→用图形来比喻


【考法 1】 adj. 直率的,(说话)直截了当的: being or characterized by direct, brief, and potentially rude speech or manner<br/>【例】Frankly speaking, he is a bluff but good-hearted teacher.老实说,这个老师说话很直率,但是心地善良。<br/>【近】abrupt, brusque, crusty, curt, downright, forthright, snippy, straightforward, unceremonious<br/>【反】circuitous, mealy-mouthed(说话)拐弯抹角的<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 欺骗:to cause to believe what is untrue; deceive<br/>【例】I successfully bluffed the interviewer into believing that I could really speak French and thus would be the perfect person to serve in the newspaper's Paris bureau.我成功地欺骗了面试官,让他相信我会法语,从而成为报社在巴黎办事处的不二人选。<br/>【近】bamboozle, beguile, cozen, deceive, delude, dupe, fool, hoax, misguide, misinform, mislead, trick<br/>【反】disabuse, disenchant, disillusion 使清醒<br/><br/>【记】blow吹 + 音:风,只过是吹大气,虚张声势而已;blow + 音:拉风→吹,兜风,鼓起风,拉风指出风头,拉起风帆,拉大旗做虎皮,虚张声势;有cliff的意思,还有让你走到悬崖边上是想吓唬你,虚张声势<br/>April showers bring May flowers.宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。不经历风雨怎么见彩虹。


【考法 1】 adj. 空想的,不切实际的: having or marked by a tendency to be guided more by ideals than by reality<br/>【例】a visionary plan for a manned flight to Mars一个构想中的载人火星计划<br/>【近】idealistic, imaginary, impractical, quixotic, romantic, utopian<br/>【反】pragmatic 实事求是的,务实的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 幻觉的:not real and existing only in the imagination<br/>【例】claimed to have had visionary experiences of hell宣称有过到达地狱的幻觉<br/>【近】chimerical, dreamy, fabulous, fantastic, illusory, phantom, unreal<br/>【反】actual, existent, existing, real真实存在的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 有远见的:having or marked by foresight and imagination<br/>【例】a visionary and legendary leader 一个有远见的传奇性领袖<br/>【近】farseeing, farsighted, forehanded, foreseeing, forethoughtful, prescient, proactive, provident<br/>【反】improvident, myopic, shortsighted目光短浅的<br/><br/>【记】vision 视力, 想象力, 幻影, 景象;看得远的


【考法 1】 adj. 纯净的,质朴的,未被文明腐蚀的: remaining in a pure state; uncorrupted by civilization. remaining free from dirt or decay; clean<br/>【例】 a pristine forest一片未被文明影响的森林<br/>【近】 immaculate, spotless, stainless, unsoiled, unstained, unsullied<br/>【反】 tainted, squalid, contaminated, besmirched ,corrupted by civilization污染的,被文明腐蚀的<br/><br/>【记】priest 牧师,牧师的作用是让人回到原始的纯洁状态


【考法 1】 adj. 经过计算(成败得失)的,经过深思熟虑的: engaged in, undertaken, or displayed after reckoning or estimating the statistical probability of success or failure<br/>【例】He took a calculated risk and got in on the ground floor of the new enterprise. 他深思熟虑一番之后决定冒这个险,踏出了迈向新计划的第一步。<br/>【近】advised, considered, deliberate, knowing, measured, reasoned, studied, thoughtful, weighed<br/>【反】automatic, casual, instinctive, spontaneous, unstudied随意的,不假思索的<br/><br/>【记】calculate 计算,算计<br/>Behind bad luck comes good luck. 塞翁失马,焉知非福。


【考法 1】 adj. 言词简略、直接(以至显得粗鲁)的: being or characterized by direct, brief, and potentially rude speech or manner<br/>【例】his curt reply他简略而略显粗鲁的回答<br/>【近】abrupt, bluff, brusque, downright, unceremonious<br/>【反】circuitous, mealymouthed迂回的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 言简意赅的:marked by the use of few words to convey much information or meaning<br/>【例】on a daily basis she e-mailed to her commanders curt reports on the situation 她每天向长官做简短汇报<br/>【近】aphoristic, compendious, elliptical, laconic, pithy, sententious, succinct, terse<br/>【反】diffuse, long-winded, prolix, verbose冗长啰嗦的<br/><br/>【记】cut 切,删节,curtail 缩减


【考法 1】 adj. 该受谴责的,有罪的: deserving of blame or censure as being wrong, evil, improper, or injurious<br/>【例】culpable behaviors 值得谴责的行为<br/>【近】blameworthy, censurable, guilty, reprehensible, sinful, reproachable<br/>【反】inculpable, innocent无罪的<br/>【派】culpabilityn. 有罪<br/><br/>【记】capture 抓住 captive 被俘的 + ble 可抓的→应该抓住的→有罪的;音:可怕吧→被定为有罪很可怕<br/>【另】culprit 被控罪的人,问题的根源;exculpate无罪释放 inculpate 使有罪,控告


【考法 1】 adj. 谄上傲下的,自大的: being or characteristic of a person who has an offensive air of superiority and tends to ignore or disdain anyone regarded as inferior<br/>【例】I expected her to be snobbish but she was warm and friendly.我本以为她会是个自大的人,结果她非常热心和友好。<br/>【近】aristocratic, bumptious, elitist, haughty, imperious, persnickety, pompous, presumptuous, supercilious<br/>【反】egoless, humble, modest谦逊的,不自大的<br/><br/>【记】snob


【考法 1】 adj. 谦逊的: marked by meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude, or spirit; not arrogant or prideful<br/>【例】 a medical scientist who remained remarkably humble even after winning the Nobel Prize获得诺贝尔奖之后仍然保持谦逊的医学家<br/>【近】 modest, unassuming, unpretentious, demure, down-to-earth<br/>【反】 arrogant, bumptious, conceited, egotistic, haughty, high-and-mighty, imperious, lordly, overweening, peremptory, pompous, presuming, presumptuous, pretentious, self-assertive, supercilious, superior, toplofty, uppish, uppity傲慢的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj.顺从的,谦卑的:showing, expressing, or offered in a spirit ofhumility or unseemly submissiveness<br/>【例】please accept my humble thanks请接受我的卑微的感谢<br/>【近】base, humble, menial, servile, slavish<br/><br/>【记】hum- 地,地面,朝向地面的,低下的;human + ble 做人的特点,需要谦卑,恭敬,不骄傲<br/>,其实也是很卑微的<br/>【另】exhume 掘出, 发掘,inhume 埋葬,posthumous 死后的, 遗腹的 <br/>Love is a sweet torment. 爱情是一种甜蜜的折磨。


【考法 1】 adj. 顽固的,保守的/ n. 顽固的人,保守的人: strongly or fanatically determined or devoted/ someone who opposes change and refuses to accept new ideas<br/>【例】Some diehard smokers belied the doctors' suggestion. 一些顽固的烟民违背了医生们的建议。<br/>【近】conservative, hidebound, old-fashioned, reactionary, ultraconservative<br/>【反】liberal, nonconservative, open-minded, liberal 自由的,开放的<br/><br/>【记】die hard 很难死的


【考法 1】 adj. (人) 懒惰缺乏活力的;(物品) 惰性的: sluggish in action or motion; deficient in active properties<br/>【例】inert ingredients in drugs药品中的惰性成分<br/>【近】dead, dormant, lethargic, idle, inactive, passive, torpid<br/>【反】active, dynamic充满活力的;passionate饱含激情的<br/>【派】inertian. 惰性<br/><br/>【记】源自 in 不 + art skill 技巧;inner 内在的,固有的,任何物体都内有的属性是惯性<br/>【另】art 艺术,技术, 巧妙, 美术


【考法 1】 adj. (在重要性、成就方面)非同寻常的: standing above others in rank, importance, or achievement<br/>【例】The Louisiana Purchase is cited by many historians as one of the most signal events in American history.从法国手中购买路易斯安那被许多历史学家认为是美国历史上最重要的事件之一。‖a signal feat一项非同寻常伟业<br/>【近】 distinguished, illustrious, luminous, notable, noteworthy, outstanding, preeminent, prestigious, redoubtable<br/>【反】average, inferior, mediocre一般的,低下的;insignificant, minor, unimportant不重要的<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 给出信号:to direct or notify by a movement or gesture<br/>【例】They signaled at me to come over to their table.他们向我打招呼要我到他们那桌去。‖A lock on the suitcase might signal that there's something of value inside.手提箱上的锁可能意味着其中有贵重物品。<br/>【近】beckon, flag, gesture, wave<br/><br/>【记】来自sign


【考法 1】 adj. (机器等)自动的: acting or operating in a manner essentially independent of external influence or control<br/>【例】 Will your next car be a manual or an automatic?你下辆车是手动挡还是自动挡?‖ Modern subwaysare equipped with automatic screen doors.现代地铁都装备了自动屏蔽门。<br/>【近】automated, robotic, self-acting, self-operating, self-regulating<br/>【反】manual手动的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 自发的,情不自禁的:acting or done spontaneously or unconsciously<br/>【例】Carl's automatic use of the brakes narrowly averted a collision.卡尔不经意间所踩的刹车勉强避免了一场车祸。<br/>【近】impulsive, instinctive, involuntary, mechanic, mechanical, natural, spontaneous<br/>【反】calculated, deliberate, intentional, planned, predetermined, premeditated, studied有计划的,蓄意的<br/>【派】automaticallyadv. 自动地<br/><br/>


【考法 1】 adj. (言行)谨慎的: having or showing good judgment and restraint especially in conduct or speech<br/>【例】He was very discreet, only saying what was necessary. 他是个十分谨慎的人,从来不说多余的话。<br/>【近】intelligent, judicious, prudent<br/>【近】imprudent, indiscreet, injudicious不谨慎的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不易察觉的:not readily seen or noticed<br/>【例】 With a discreet gesture, she signaled to her husband that she was ready to leave the party. 她用一个不起眼的手势向丈夫暗示准备离开聚会。‖followed at a discreet distance远远地跟踪<br/>【近】inconspicuous, invisible, unnoticeable, unobtrusive<br/>【近】apparent, conspicuous, distinct, evident, manifest, noticeable, obvious, patent, visible明显的<br/><br/>【记】dis 否定 + creative 创造性,想象力的, 没有创造性的人是谦虚谨慎,做事理智慎重的;creep 爬<br/>,脚踏实地,非常谦虚谨慎认真


【考法 1】 n. 不在场的证明; 托辞, 借口: an excuse usually intended to avert blame or punishment (as for failure or negligence)<br/>【例】He always has a very creative alibi for undone homework.他对于不完成作业总是有各种新奇的借口。<br/>【近】defense, justification, plea, reason<br/><br/>【记】我library 我在图书馆;阿拉白,阿拉(我)是清白的;阿拉摆,我摆手,我当时不在场<br/>【另】alien(外国,其他地方); ali 其他地方,远方


【考法 1】 n. 乡下人,头脑简单的人: an awkward or simple person especially from a small town or the country<br/>【例】a rustic who was awed by the prices that city dwellers had to pay一个被大城市房价所吓到的乡里人<br/>【近】bumpkin, churl, countryman, provincial, rube, yokel<br/>【反】cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, sophisticate见多识广的人<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 乡村的:of, relating to, associated with, or typical of open areas with few buildings or people<br/>【例】 We went to a rustic area that is devoid of skyscrapers and shopping malls.我们去了一个没有摩天大楼和购物中心的乡村原野。<br/>【近】bucolic, country, pastoral<br/>【反】urban都市的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 粗俗的:lacking in social graces or polish<br/>【近】clumsy, discourteous, gauche, impertinent, impolite, inelegant, rude, stiff<br/>【反】graceful, polished, urbane文雅的<br/>【派】rusticallyadv. 粗俗地<br/><br/>【记】rust 生锈;乡村气息象生了锈般,不象城市那样光鲜与油滑


【考法 1】 n. 前言: a preface or an introductory note, as for a book, especially by a person other than the author<br/>【例】The foreword of this book is co-written by Jason and Franklin.这本书的序由 Jason 和 Franklin 共同写成<br/>【近】beginning, introduction, overture, preamble, preface, prelude, prologue<br/>【反】epilogue, coda尾声;finale终场<br/><br/>


【考法 1】 n. 妨害,破坏: treacherous action to defeat or hinder a cause or an endeavor; deliberate subversion<br/>【例】sabotage of the project by government officials被政府官员阻止的项目<br/>【近】damage, impairment, subversion, undermining<br/>【反】assistance支援<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 从事破坏活动,阻止:to practice sabotage on<br/>【例】 He sabotaged his opponent's campaign with rumors.他用谣言来破坏对手的竞选活动。‖My ex-wife deliberately sabotages my access to the children. 我的前妻故意想方设法阻止我和我的孩子们见面。<br/>【近】disrupt, foil, frustrate, obstruct, undermine<br/>【反】assist, support 支持;advance, cultivate, forward, foster, further, nurture, promote促进<br/><br/>【记】sabot(沙boot 沙滩鞋) 木鞋,用脚踩坏;音:塞 boot 鞋,向机器里塞鞋来破坏;


【考法 1】 n. 弹力: the property of a material that enables it to resume its original shape or position after being bent, stretched, or compressed<br/>【近】elasticity, flexibility, malleability, pliability<br/>【反】inelasticityn. 无弹性<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 恢复能力:the ability to recover quickly from illness, change, or misfortune<br/>【例】Her mental resilience helped her promptly walk out of the shadow of her father's death. 她的精神恢复能 力让她迅速地走出了父亲去世的阴影当中。<br/>【近】adaptability<br/>【派】resilientadj. 有弹性的;能迅速恢复的<br/><br/>【记】re 再,sili 跳,ence-能再次跳起-弹回re 反复,si 死,lience:能反复s的死,就能反复的恢复-弹回


【考法 1】 n. 户口普查:an official survey of the population of a country that is carried out in order to find out how many people live there and to obtain details of such things as people's ages and jobs<br/>【近】tale, tally<br/><br/>【记】censor + us 对我们大家的审查就是大众化,普通化的审查了,叫人口普查;sense us 感觉一下我们大众,看看有多少人


【考法 1】 n. 推理: the thought processes that have been established as leading to valid solutions to problems<br/>【例】As an expert in ratiocination, the detective Sherlock Holmes has few rivals.作为推理专家,大侦探福尔摩斯可谓无人能及。<br/>【近】deduction, intellection, reason, reasoning, sense<br/><br/>【记】ratio 比率 + ate 动词→计算,推算比率→推理


【考法 1】 n. 提纲,摘要:课文、演讲或研究课题的要点的概要或提纲: an outline or a summary of the main points of a text, lecture, or course of study<br/>【例】Have you got next year's syllabus?你拿到明年的教学大纲了吗?<br/><br/>【记】源自label 标签,提纲都列在标签上


【考法 1】 n. 走私, 私运: secret importation or exportation contrary to the law and especially without paying duties imposed by law<br/>【例】He was arrested for smuggling drugs into the country.他因为向境内走私毒品而被逮捕。<br/>【近】bootlegging, contraband<br/><br/>


【考法 1】 n. 长篇抨击性演讲: a long angry or violent speech, usually of a censorious or denunciatory nature; a diatribe<br/>【例】a tirade of angry protest一个表达愤怒的抗议的长篇抨击性演讲<br/>【近】 harangue, diatribe, jeremiad, philippic, rant<br/>【反】eulogy, encomium, panegyric, tribute 颂词<br/><br/>【记】tired 疲劳 + ad 广告,令人疲劳的广告充满了对竞争产品的攻击;tired + trade 令人疲劳的生意场常是长篇的互相攻击性的言论,


【考法 1】 n. (坚强的)意志,勇气:power of endurance or control; strength of mind to carry on in spite of danger<br/>【例】nerves of steel钢铁般的意志<br/>【近】bravery, fortitude, guts, intrepidity, resolution, stamina<br/>【反】cowardice, pusillanimity怯懦<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 给予勇气,鼓励:to give strength or courage to<br/>【例】needs to nerve himself for the big game tomorrow 需要为明天的大赛给自己加油鼓劲<br/>【近】animate, brace, cheer, embolden, encourage, inspirit, steel, strengthen<br/>【反】appall使胆寒;discourage, dishearten使沮丧<br/>【派】nervyadj. 有勇气的<br/><br/>【记】nervous 神经紧张, 神经,精神,表示勇气


【考法 1】 n. (带嘲讽的)模仿: a literary, artistic, musical, or architectural work that imitates the style of previous work, often with satirical intent<br/>【例】a pastiche of Botticelli's Birth of Venus波提且利画作《维纳斯的诞生》的仿品<br/>【近】burlesque, caricature, imitation, parody, spoof, travesty<br/>【反】 original work原作<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 大杂烩:a pasticcio of incongruous parts; a hodgepodge<br/>【例】a pastiche of dishes from many countries 来自众多国家的饮食杂烩<br/>【近】agglomerate, collage, hodgepodge, jumble, jungle, medley, montage, motley, salad, variety, welter<br/><br/>【记】paste article 转贴在一起的文章;paste + 音:扯,又贴又扯,从其他作品中<br/>COPY,PASTE;paste + stitch 贴 +缝 转贴过来又经过缝补的<br/>Take one's courage in both hands. 勇往直前,敢作敢为。


【考法 1】 n. (环境,设备等的)舒适,人性化: something that conduces to comfort, convenience, or enjoyment<br/>【例】the amenity of the new surroundings 新环境的宜人之处<br/>【近】comfort, convenience, affability<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 融洽,和谐:the quality of being pleasant or agreeable<br/>【例】a discussion conducted in perfect amenity 在和谐融洽的气氛中进行的讨论<br/>【近】agreeability, cordiality, harmony, accord, concord, consonance<br/>【反】discordance, inharmony 不和谐<br/><br/>【记】音:阿门,常对上帝说阿门能带来精神上的愉快,去教堂时穿着也有礼仪


【考法 1】 n./v. 敬畏: an emotion variously combining dread, veneration, and wonder that is inspired by authority or by the sacred or sublime<br/>【例】She gazed in awe at the great stone. 她敬畏地凝视着那块巨石<br/>【近】admiration, reverence, respect, veneration<br/>【反】irreverence, insolence, scorn, superciliousness蔑视,不敬<br/>【派】awesomeadj. 令人敬畏的<br/><br/>【记】音:噢,我敬畏你;<br/>【另】awl有个l 锥子,是扎出来的噢;awful(terrible), awesome(有很好的意思)<br/>All rivers run into sea. 海纳百川。 <br/>awe-inspiring adj. 令人敬畏的 <br/>【记】awe 敬畏


【考法 1】 n.(尤指自言自语的)独白: a dramatic or literary form of discourse in which a character talks to himself or herself or reveals his or her thoughts without addressing a listener<br/>【例】A soliloquy always reveals the character's thoughts and feeling. 一段独白经常反映出人物的思想和感情。<br/>【近】 monologue<br/>【反】chorus, ensemble合唱<br/><br/>【记】soli 独自 + loqu说<br/>【另】colloquy 谈话, eloquent 雄辩的, 有口才的,grandiloquent 夸张的,loquacious 多话的<br/>,magniloquent 夸张的,obloquy 漫骂,soliloquy 自言自语, 独白,ventriloquy 腹语术<br/>Union is strength. 团结就是力量。


【考法 1】 v. 净化,删去不当处: to remove erroneous, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material from (a book, for example) before publication<br/>【例】an expurgated edition of the letters 信件的删减版<br/>【近】bowdlerize, obliterate, launder, red-pencil, clean up<br/><br/>【记】ex 出 + purge 净化, 清除;几乎与expunge(擦去)相同<br/>【另】purge 净化, 清除,expunge 擦去,抹去


【考法 1】 v. 夸张滑稽地模仿以嘲弄他人的文学艺术作品,恶搞: to copy or exaggerate (someone or something) in order to make fun of<br/>【例】burlesquing the teacher's nervous tic isn't very nice恶搞老师紧张的痉挛不是好的行为<br/>【近】caricature, imitate, mock, parody, spoof, travesty<br/><br/>【记】音:芭蕾 + esque 戏剧,一种象芭蕾又不是芭蕾的戏剧→芭蕾的模仿剧;bur(带刺的)+lex(词汇) or lesson;带刺的言论或发言;讽刺剧<br/>【另】-esque 结尾的表示风格,前面可以是人,民族等的名字,grotesque 奇异风格,arabesque阿拉伯图饰,humoresque诙谐曲


【考法 1】 v. 浅尝辄止:to work or involve oneself superficially or intermittently especially in a secondary interest<br/>【例】dabble in arts 对艺术稍有涉猎<br/>【反】dedicate, specialize投入,专门研究<br/>【派】dabblervi. 涉猎者,浅尝辙止者:one not deeply engaged in or concerned with something<br/>【例】He's not a dedicated musician, just a dabbler. 他并不是专门的音乐家, 只不过是个业馀爱好者<br/>【反】specialist 专家<br/><br/>【记】源自dab 少量, 轻拍,轻擦,涂;近dip 浸,p=b 中间是元音;音:打波,打ball,我们打球只是打着玩;打波从字面看是用手击打水波的意思;有paddle 玩水的意思 <br/>【另】dab轻拍, daub 涂抹, dub 轻点, paddle玩水,stab 刺伤


【考法 1】 v. 蚀刻: to produce (as a pattern or design) on a hard material by eating into the material's surface (as by acid or laser beam)<br/>【例】the artist etched his landscape on a copper plate艺术家将风景画刻在铜盘上<br/>【近】grave, incise, inscribe<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 留下深刻印象,铭记:to produce a vivid impression of<br/>【例】in just a few pages the writer etched an unforgettable portrait of one of the more remarkable First Ladies仅用数页,作者刻画出了一位杰出的第一夫人令人难忘的形象<br/>【近】impress, imprint, infix, ingrain<br/><br/>【记】源自eat;音:挨吃,挨着就吃进去<br/>【另】itch 痒;音:痒吃,是由于蛀虫的吃,叮咬造成的痒<br/>He who makes no mistakes makes nothing. 想不犯错误,就一事无成。


【考法 1】 v. 预防接种: to inoculate with a vaccine in order to produce immunity to an infectious disease, such as diphtheria or typhus<br/>【例】vaccinate sb. for smallpox为某人接种牛痘疫苗以防天花<br/>【近】 immunize<br/><br/>【记】vac 空 + in 进入,使里面空,给皮肤打一针起泡


【考法 1】 vi. 回到原先的习惯,尤指重新犯罪: to return to a previous pattern of behavior, especially to return to criminal habits<br/>【例】The suspect has recidivated for several times. 这个嫌犯是个惯犯了<br/>【近】regress, relapse, retrogress, revert<br/>【近】habilitate, reclaim, redeem, regenerate, rehabilitate洗心革面<br/>【派】recidivismn. 再犯,重犯;recidivistn. 再次犯罪的人<br/><br/>


【考法 1】 vi. 摇晃,颤抖: to move or proceed with an irregular rocking or staggering motion or unsteadily and clumsily from side to side<br/>【例】The drunk stood up, wobbled for a moment, and fell forward.醉汉站了起来,晃动了一阵,然后向前倒了下去。<br/>【近】rock, totter<br/>【反】stabilize使稳定<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 犹豫不决:to show uncertainty about the right course of action<br/>【例】 We cannot tolerate the government wobbling at this critical time. 我们不能容忍政府在这种关键时刻犹豫不决。<br/>【近】falter, stagger, teeter, vacillate, waver<br/><br/>【记】音:舞步→来回摇摆,动摇


【考法 1】adj. 一致的,能共存的:capable of existing together in harmony<br/>【例】I don't think that they could be compatible as roommates.我不觉得他们做了室友之后生活会很和谐。‖a theory that is compatible with what we already know about early man一个与对远古人类的已有知识不存在矛盾的理论<br/>【近】accordant, coherent, concordant, conformable, congruent, congruous, consonant, harmonious<br/>【反】conflicting, incompatible, incongruous, inconsistent, inharmonious有冲突的,矛盾的<br/><br/>【记】com + pat同apt 合适→一起适合的;com + pat 拍→一起一拍即合的<br/>【另】adapt使适合,tap轻拍


【考法 1】 vi. 月亮渐满: to increase in phase or intensity, used chiefly of the moon, other satellites, and inferior planets<br/>【反】wane 月亮渐亏<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 用蜡涂、处理或上光:to coat (something) with a slippery substance in order to reduce friction<br/>【例】wax the floor给地板打蜡<br/>【近】grease, oil, slick<br/>【反】coarsen, rough, roughen使粗糙<br/><br/>【考法 3】vi. 增大,增强:to increase in size, numbers, strength, prosperity, or intensity<br/>【例】The commitment of the young volunteers to the cause seems to wax.青年志愿者们对于这项事业的投入似乎在增多。<br/>【近】accelerate, accumulate, appreciate, balloon, boom, burgeon, enlarge, escalate, expand, proliferate, rise<br/>【反】contract, decrease, diminish, dwindle, lessen, recede减少,减弱<br/>【派】waxingadj. 增加的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】 vi. (不情愿地)屈尊,俯就: to condescend reluctantly and with a strong sense of the affront to one's superiority that is involved<br/>【例】I would never deign to answer that absurd accusation.我根本不屑于去解释那样一个荒谬的指责。<br/>【近】condescend, stoop<br/><br/>【记】源自dignity 尊严;音:答应,应允做某事


【考法 1】 vt. 使疏远,离间,使感情失和: to arouse especially mutual enmity or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness<br/>【例】he estranged several of his coworkers他和好多同事疏远了<br/>【近】alienate, disaffect, disgruntle, sour<br/>【反】reconcile 和好<br/><br/>【记】en + strange 陌生→使陌生→疏远


【考法 1】 vt. 侦察, 勘查: to make a preliminary inspection of, especially in order to gather military information<br/>【例】The wide utilization of unmanned aerial vehicles makes it much less risky to reconnoiter a certain area.无人飞行器的广泛运用大大减少了军事侦察的风险<br/>【近】probe,scout, survey<br/>【派】reconnaissancen. 侦察<br/><br/>


【考法 1】 vt. 巧妙地操纵: to guide with adroitness and design or to bring about or secure as a result of skillful management<br/>【例】They maneuvered him into signing the contract.他们巧妙地诱使他签下合同。‖The host maneuvered the conversation so as to avoid the touchy subject of her divorce.主人巧妙地控制着对话的内容,以避免触及有关她离婚的敏感话题。<br/>【近】contrive, finagle, finesse, frame, machinate, manipulate, mastermind, negotiate, wangle<br/>【反】botch, bungle, fumble, mishandle, muff, scamp, mess up弄砸<br/><br/>【记】manager 经理,是搞策略与调遣的<br/>【另】manual 手工的


【考法 1】 vt. 排挤, 篡夺...的位置: to usurp the place of, especially through intrigue or underhanded tactics<br/>【例】Old traditions were fading away and being supplanted by modern ways.老传统逐渐式微,被现代方式取代。<br/>【近】 displace, displant, substitute, supersede, cut out<br/><br/>【记】sup + plant 在下边,根处种植物


【考法 1】 vt. 曲解,篡改,混淆(以至使无法理解): to mix up or distort to such an extent as to make misleading or incomprehensible<br/>【例】The summary totally garbles the results of the investigation. 这份摘要完全曲解了调查的结果<br/>【近】misrepresent, belie, color, distort, falsify, twist, warp<br/>【反】clarify, elucidate阐明<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 筛选,除杂:to remove usually visible impurities from<br/>【例】Garbled spices are less likely to contaminate a recipe.经过筛选的香料应该就不会影响食谱了<br/>【近】clear, distill, filter, purify<br/>【反】adulterate, contaminate 掺杂,污染<br/><br/>【记】garbage 垃圾,废物, garble 曲解窜改后就成了废物了<br/>【另】garbage characters 乱码,就是上网时被(错误)窜改的字符


【考法 1】 vt. (通过逃避而)不遵守: to avoid having to comply with (something) especially through cleverness<br/>【例】The eager enlistee sidestepped the regulations by lying about his age.急切的应募者通过谎报自己的年龄躲过了规定的限制。<br/>【近】beat, bypass, dodge, shortcut, skirt<br/>【反】comply, follow, keep, obey, observe遵守<br/><br/>【记】step side

crass<br />kræs

【考法 1】adj. <u><i><b><font color="#ff0000">stupid</font></b></i></u>:so crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility<div>【例】crass receptionist粗俗的招待员<br />【近】coarse, crude, rude, incult, uncouth, vulgar<br />【反】civilized, polished, refined, urbane. genteel有教养的<br /><br />【记】源自gross 总的,粗糙,毛(重),心也是粗的;grass 象杂草般</div>

exquisite<br />'ekskwizit

【考法 1】adj. intense,acute<br />【例】suffered exquisite pain 遭受强烈的痛感<br />【近】acute, dreadful, excruciating, explosive, ferocious, fierce, furious, intensive,keen, profound, terrible, vehement, vicious<br />【反】light, moderate, soft适当的<br /><br />【考法 2】adj.<b><i><u><font color="#ff0000"> fitness, accurate, carefully selected</font></u></i></b><br />【例】exquisite pen-and-ink drawings of city scenes 精巧的城市钢笔画<br />【近】dainty, delicate, elegant, recherché, select<br /><br />【记】ex out + quisite seek, search out,仔细找出来,选出来的;ex 无 + question 没一点问题的 与<br />perfect的构词意思相同: (per 无 + fect 缺点) 完美无缺,<br />【另】acquisition 获得, 获得物,disquisition 专题论文, exquisite 精致,inquisitive 好询问的<br />,perquisite(通过要求的,比如要小费) 额外补贴,prerequisite 先决的必备条件,requisite(来自<br />required) 必需的,requisition 需要, 命令,要求


【考法 1】adj. 一致同意的:having the agreement and consent of all<br/>【例】a unanimous vote to upgrade the school's computer facilities一致同意对学校的计算机设备进行升级<br/>【近】consentaneous, uncontested<br/>【派】unanimity n. 一致同意<br/><br/>【记】源自uni 一 + animous 想法,一个想法;un + animous 无态度,没有恶意(反对)的<br/>【另】animus 态度,恶意


【考法 1】adj. 下流的,猥亵的:boisterously or humorously indecent<br/>【例】a bawdy joke黄色笑话|| bawdy house 妓院<br/>【近】obscene, lewd, ribald, vulgar<br/>【反】decent, decorous得体的 chaste, noble 纯洁的,高贵的<br/><br/>【记】body 肉体→沉迷于肉体;音:鸨(拼音 bao3)的,妓院的老鸨是下流的<br/>【另】lewd 音:露的 放荡


【考法 1】adj. 下流,让人鄙视的:mean; contemptible<br/>【例】She was beset by a whole scurvy swarm of con artists. 她被一群下流的骗子艺术家蜂拥围攻。<br/>【近】deplorable, despicable, grubby, lousy, scummy, wretched<br/>【反】 admirable, commendable, creditable, laudable, meritorious, praiseworthy 让人称赞的<br/><br/>【记】s 死 + 音:可恶(拼音是ke wu);s 死 + curve 曲线,不直→不正直的→可鄙的


【考法 1】adj. 不习惯的,不寻常的:not habitual or ordinary; unusual<br/>【例】honored for the unwonted courage he showed in battle 因在战争中表现出的过人的勇气受到嘉奖<br/>【近】uncommon, unordinary, unusual<br/>【反】wonted, usual, routine, habitual, accustomed, customary平常的<br/><br/>【记】un + wont


【考法 1】adj. 不切实际的,空想的:having or marked by a tendency to be guided more by ideals than by reality<br/>【例】She had quixotic dreams about the future.她对未来有着幻想。<br/>【近】 impractical, ideal, romantic, starry, utopian, visionary<br/>【反】 clear-eyed, clear-sighted聪明的<br/><br/>【记】音:吉诃德, 源自Don Quixote 堂吉诃德,不实际的幻想者


【考法 1】adj. 不可战胜的,不可超越的:incapable of being conquered, overcome, or subdued<br/>【例】The soccer team proved to be invincible.这支球队证明了自己是不可战胜的<br/>【近】bulletproof, impregnable, invulnerable, unbeatable, unconquerable<br/>【反】conquerable可被征服的;surmountable可超越的;vulnerable 脆弱的,敏感的<br/>【派】invincibilityn. 无敌<br/><br/>【记】in不 + vincible;vinc-,victory,win, + ble,in + win + ble 不可赢的<br/>【另】vincible(看作winable) 容易征服的, 易于克服的,win (获)胜, 赢得, 取得胜利


【考法 1】adj. 不可救药的,积习难改的:incapable of being corrected or amended<br/>【例】an incorrigible criminal deserving death penalty一个应该被判死刑的恶习难改的罪犯<br/>【近】incurable, irrecoverable, irredeemable, irremediable, irretrievable, unrecoverable, unredeemable<br/>【反】curable, reclaimable, recoverable, redeemable, remediable, retrievable, savable可以拯救的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 无法管制的:difficult or impossible to control or manage<br/>【例】an incorrigible, spoiled child 被宠坏了的难管的孩子<br/>【近】headstrong, intractable, obstinate, refractory, stubborn, unmanageable, unruly, willful<br/>【反】compliant, docile, manageable, obedient, submissive, tractable顺从的<br/><br/>【记】in 不 + corrigible 可改正的,顺从的;源自correct


【考法 1】adj. 不合理的:ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous<br/>【例】an absurd argument无稽之谈<br/>【近】wild, bizarre, ludicrous, insane, nonsensical, preposterous, half-baked<br/>【反】rational, sensible, realistic, reasonable理性的,合理的<br/><br/>【记】ab不 + sound 合理的, 健全的, 可靠的, 健康的→不合理


【考法 1】adj. 不吉利的,不祥的:being or showing a sign of evil or calamity to come<br/>【例】a dire forecast of a plunge in stock prices 股市大跌不祥的预测<br/>【近】baleful, direful, foreboding, ill-boding, inauspicious, menacing, minatory, portentous, sinister, threatening<br/>【反】propitious , unthreatening吉利的,吉祥的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 可怕的,恐怖的:causing fear<br/>【例】a series of dire tremors that hinted at a volcanic eruption一系列暗示火山爆发的恐怖的震动<br/>【近】alarming, dire, direful, dread, dreadful, fearsome, forbidding, formidable, frightening, frightful, ghastly, hair-raising, horrendous, horrible, horrifying, intimidating, redoubtable, scary, shocking, terrible, terrifying<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 迫切的:needing immediate attention; urgent<br/>【例】There is a dire need for food and medicine in the famine-stricken country. 在闹饥荒的国家迫切需要食物和药品。<br/>【近】immediate, burning, compelling, critical, crying, emergent, exigent, imperative, imperious, importunate, instant, necessitous, pressing, urgent<br/>【反】nonurgent, noncritical不迫切的<br/><br/>【考法 4】adj. 悲惨的:causing or marked by an atmosphere lacking in cheer<br/>【例】 With stock prices steadily falling, these are dire days on the trading floor. 股价稳步走低,交易大厅一片悲惨的景象。<br/>【近】cheerless, chill, depressing, depressive, desolate, disconsolate, dismal, drear, dreary, funereal, glum, lugubrious, miserable, morose, saturnine, somber, sullen, sunless, wretched<br/>【反】bright, cheerful, cheering, cheery, festive, gay, sunshiny愉快的<br/><br/>【记】dare 敢,挑战→敢做的事都是可怕的


【考法 1】adj. 不太热心的:showing little or no interest or enthusiasm<br/>【例】a tepid response冷漠的回应|| the tepid conservatism of the fifties 五十年代那种温和的保守主义<br/>【近】lukewarm, halfhearted, uneager, unenthusiastic<br/>【反】 ardent, ebullient, feverish, keen, passionate, wholehearted热心的<br/><br/>【记】音:特啤,不同于冰啤,微温的最好喝,尤其冬天的时候;音:胎胚的,孕育胎胚需要微温的环境<br/>【另】lukewarm 微温的, trepid 惊恐不安的,torpid 迟钝麻痹的


【考法 1】adj. 不容反抗的:not allowing contradiction or refusal; imperative<br/>【例】a peremptory order from the general 将军下达的不容反抗的命令<br/>【近】 compulsory, forced, imperative, incumbent, involuntary, obligatory, required<br/>【反】 elective, optional, voluntary 可选择的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 爱发号施令的:fond of ordering people around<br/>【例】The peremptory secretary began telling the crowd of reporters and photographers exactly where they had to stand. 爱发号施令的秘书开始部署记者和摄影师们应该站在哪里了<br/>【近】 authoritarian, despotic, dictatorial, domineering, imperious, masterful, overbearing, tyrannical, tyrannous<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 傲慢的:having a feeling of superiority that shows itself in an overbearing attitude<br/>【例】She had such a peremptory approach to running the club that people started to avoid her.她用一种如此傲慢自大的方式来管理俱乐部,以至于大家纷纷开始躲避她<br/>【近】 assumptive, bumptious, haughty, imperious, lofty, pompous, presumptuous, pretentious, supercilious<br/>【反】humble, lowly, modest谦逊的<br/><br/>【记】per 十足 + emperor 皇帝,十足的皇帝; per 全部 + empty 空,全部拿走,使成为空→专横的<br/>【另】imperious 专横的


【考法 1】adj. 不寻常的,非凡的:being out of the ordinary;extraordinary; outstanding<br/>【例】the phenomenal growth that the suburb has experienced over the last decade 过去几十年间郊区所经历的令人称奇的快速发展<br/>【近】especial, exceptional, extraordinary, peculiar, preternatural, rare, singular, uncommon, unusual<br/>【反】 common, normal, ordinary, typical普通的,典型的<br/><br/>【记】phenomenon 现象,一种现象


【考法 1】adj. 不悔悟的:not feeling or expressing humble or regretful pain or sorrow for sins or offenses<br/>【例】remain impenitent about her criminal past 对她过去所犯罪行执迷不悟<br/>【近】remorseless, regretless, shameless, unashamed, unrepentant<br/>【反】contrite, regretful, remorseful, rueful, penitent感到悔恨的<br/><br/>【记】im + penitent;pen 栅栏 + tent 帐篷,关于栅栏和帐篷中悔过<br/>【另】penitent (pen 栅栏 + tent 帐篷,关于栅栏和帐篷中悔过)


【考法 1】adj. 不情愿的,反感的:feeling or showing aversion, hesitation, or unwillingness<br/>【例】 I'm reluctant to let him borrow my CDs since he never gives back anything I lend him.我很不愿意把我的 CD借给他,因为他借了我东西从来不还。<br/>【近】averse, disinclined, indisposed, loath, unwilling<br/>【反】 willing乐意的;disposed, inclined 倾向于做某事的;eager渴望的<br/>【派】reluctancen. 不愿意,不情愿<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 不情愿的,讨厌的:unwilling or reluctant; disinclined<br/>【例】 I was loath to accept the fact that he had been killed in a terrorist attack.我很不情愿地接受了他在一场恐怖袭击中丧生的事实<br/>【近】disinclined, indisposed, reluctant, reticent<br/>【反】eager渴望的;disposed, inclined 有意向的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 不感兴趣的,不热情的:lacking heart, spirit, or interest<br/>【例】a halfhearted attempt to clean the house before the arrival of the in-laws在亲家到来前草草地收拾房间了事<br/>【近】lukewarm, tepid, uneager, unenthusiastic<br/>【反】eager, enthusiastic, keen, passionate, warm充满热情的;hearty, wholehearted全心投入的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 不成直线,歪的:out of line, awry<br/>【例】The picture hung askew. 画挂歪了。<br/>【例】His tie was askew. 他的领带歪了。<br/>【近】crooked, cockeyed, oblique, lopsided, skewed, aslant, slanted, slanting, listing, tilted, awry<br/>【反】aligned 列成一行的;straight, erect 直的<br/><br/>【记】a + skew 斜;screw 螺丝,螺丝上的螺纹线是斜的


【考法 1】adj. 不明智的:lacking discretion, wisdom, or good judgment<br/>【例】an imprudent investment ha made many years ago他许多年前做的一笔不明智的投资<br/>【近】impolitic, inadvisable, indelicate, injudicious, tactless, undiplomatic, unwise<br/>【反】advisable, politic, prudent, tactical, wise明智的<br/><br/>【记】im + prudent 谨慎,明智,源自provident(有远见的,预防的);im否定 + p(音:不) + rude 粗野<br/>,没教养的,双重否定还是rude;<br/>【另】prudent 谨慎的,明智的,形近president 总统,总裁,特点严谨真,智慧精明,审时度事


【考法 1】adj. 不易被感染的,有免疫力的:of, relating to, or having resistance to infection<br/>【例】The blood test will tell whether you are immune to the disease.验血可以判断你是否对这种疾病免疫<br/>【近】resistant<br/>【反】susceptible, vulnerable 易感染的,易受攻击的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不受影响的:not affected by a given influence<br/>【例】immune to persuasion不听劝<br/>【近】insusceptible, unaffected, unresponsive<br/>【反】ductile, pliable, pliant, yielding易受影响的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 不受约束的:not subject to an obligation imposed on others<br/>【例】immune from taxation免税<br/>【近】exempt, free<br/>【反】liable, responsible 负有责任的<br/>【派】immunityn. 免疫性<br/><br/>【记】音:疫苗→免疫的;im 没有 + mun- 服务,责任;mune 的发音:没有;communcate 一起沟通<br/>,immune 是相反,不沟通<br/>【另】commune(共同的服务与责任)公社,community 公社, 团体, 社会, 共同体,remunerate(对责任的回报) 酬劳,municipal 市政的, 地方性的, 地方自治的


【考法 1】adj. 不服从权威的:not submissiveto authority<br/>【例】Insubordinate soldiers are court-martialed.抗命的士兵被送上了军事法庭<br/>【近】balky, contumacious, intractable, mutinous, recalcitrant, rebellious, refractory<br/>【反】amenable, docile, obedient, ruly, submissive, tractable顺从的<br/><br/>【记】in + subordinate 服从<br/>【另】subordinate(sub + order 命令,在命令下→服从)次要的, 从属的 下属的,服从, coordinate(co+ order 顺序,次序) 同等者, 同等的, 并列的, 整理,inordinate (in无 + order)紊乱的<br/>,superordinate(super + order)高级的,上级的


【考法 1】adj. 不服从的,倔强的:stubbornly disobedient; rebellious<br/>【例】Contumacious insurgents refuse to talk.不愿服从命令的叛军拒绝对话<br/>【近】balky, contumacious, defiant, insubordinate, intractable, obstreperous, rebellious, recalcitrant, refractory, restive, ungovernable, unruly, untoward, wayward, willful<br/>【反】obedient, docile, ruly顺从的<br/>【派】contumacyn. 不服从,反抗<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 不机智的,笨拙的:bluntly inconsiderate or indiscreet.<br/>【例】tactless comments 不明智的评论<br/>【近】graceless, ill-advised, imprudent, indelicate, injudicious, undiplomatic<br/>【反】 advisable, discreet, judicious, prudent, tactful, wise 小心谨慎的,明智的<br/><br/>【记】tact + less


【考法 1】adj. 不满的,叛逆的:discontented and resentful especially against authority; rebellious<br/>【例】gangs of disaffected teenagers一群叛逆的年轻人||The soldiers were disaffected toward the government. 那些士兵对政府不满.<br/>【近】discontented, dissatisfied, malcontent, rebellious, insubordinate, contumacious<br/>【反】satisfied, contented满足的<br/>【派】disaffect v. 使不安,使不满:to fill with discontent and unrest<br/>【近】dissatisfy, agitate, upset<br/>【反】mollify平息,抚慰<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 不知道的,未觉察的:not knowing, unaware<br/>【例】Please forgive my unwitting interruption of your conversation.请原谅我无意间打断了你们的谈话。<br/>【近】unaware, ignorant<br/>【反】 acquainted, aware, cognizant, conscious, conversant, grounded, informed, knowing, mindful有意识的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 偶然的,并非有意的:happening by chance; not intended<br/>【例】an unwitting mistake made in copying the material 在打印过程中一个无心的过失<br/>【近】casual, chance, fluky, fortuitous, inadvertent, incidental, unintentional<br/>【反】calculated, deliberate, intended, intentional, planned, premeditated, prepense故意的,蓄意的<br/><br/>【记】un 不,witting(adj.有意的):不是有意的


【考法 1】adj. 不精确的:not precise<br/>【例】incomplete and imprecise satellite data既不完整又不精确的卫星数据<br/>【近】approximate, inaccurate, loose, squishy<br/>【反】accurate, exact, precise, veracious精确的,准确的<br/>【派】imprecisionn. 不准确,不精确<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 不结实的,松弛的:not firm or stiff; lacking normal or youthful firmness<br/>【例】flaccid muscles 松弛的肌肉<br/>【近】droopy, floppy, lank, loose, slack, yielding<br/>【反】stiff, sturdy结实的,坚硬的;resilient有弹性的<br/><br/>【记】源自flabby;c=g flaggy,旗子垂下时是松驰的


【考法 1】adj. 不能根除的:impossible to uproot or destroy<br/>【例】Smoking has become an irradicable bad habit for him.吸烟已成了他不能根除的恶习<br/>【近】entrenched, ineradicable, ingrained, inveterate, rooted<br/>【反】eradicable可根除的<br/><br/>【记】ir不 + radicate 生根


【考法 1】adj. 不能被摧毁的:impossible to destroy; not subject to decay<br/>【例】Energy is imperishable. 能量本身是不能被毁灭的。<br/>【近】inextinguishable<br/>【反】destructible, extinguishable, perishable可被毁灭的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不朽的,永恒的:enduring or occurring forever<br/>【例】My memories are within me, imperishable.我的回忆已经和我融为一体,不可改变。<br/>【近】ageless, continuing, eternal, everlasting, immortal, lasting, perennial, perpetual, timeless, undying<br/>【反】emphemeral, evanescent, fleeting, transient, transitory 稍纵即逝的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 不自然的,做作的:having an artificial or stilted character<br/>【例】a mannered speech 做作的演讲<br/>【近】affected, artificial, assumed, factitious, fake, feigned, pretended, pseudo, sham, spurious<br/>【反】 natural自然的;artless, genuine, unfeigned真诚的<br/><br/>【记】manner 态度


【考法 1】adj. 不规律的:lacking rhythm or regularity<br/>【例】arrhythmic pulse 不规律的脉搏<br/>【近】irregular, disorderly<br/>【反】regular, orderly 规律的<br/><br/>【记】ar 无 + rhythm 节奏


【考法 1】adj. 不说话的,缄默的:deliberately refraining from speech<br/>【例】He always remained mute no matter how much we pleaded for an answer不论我们怎么恳求回答,他总是保持沉默<br/>【近】dumb, inarticulate, speechless, uncommunicative, voiceless, wordless<br/>【反】communicative, expansive, loquacious, talkative爱说话的,话多的<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 使颜色、音调等柔和:to soften the tone, color, shade, or hue of<br/>【例】mute a color对颜色进行柔化<br/>【近】attenuate, soften, subdue<br/>【反】sharpen锐化<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 减弱声音:to soften or muffle the sound of<br/>【近】dampen, deaden, muffle, stifle<br/>【反】amplify, magnify增强,放大<br/>【派】mutedadj. 消声的,静音的<br/><br/>【记】音:木头,说某人象木头一样,就是说他不爱说话,沉默


【考法 1】adj. 不足的,缺乏的:barely or scarcely sufficient<br/>【例】jobs for teenagers were scant that summer那年暑假适合青少年们做的工作很少<br/>【近】exiguous, niggardly, scarce, sparse, stingy<br/>【反】 considerable, copious, voluminous, profuse, myriad大量的,相当多的<br/><br/>【记】scan 它→扫描;音:细看它→拿显微镜看→因为太少太小了,只能仔细看;音:少 + can't 不能,东西很少,不能供应


【考法 1】adj. 不透光的:impenetrable by light; neither transparent nor translucent<br/>【近】blurry, dim, misty, murky, obscure, shadowy, unclear<br/>【反】diaphanous, transparent 精致透明的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 晦涩的:so obscure as to be unintelligible<br/>【例】opaque prose 晦涩的诗歌<br/>【近】ambiguous, arcane, enigmatic, equivocal, inscrutable, occult<br/>【反】clear, accessible, obvious, plain, unambiguous, unequivocal 清晰易懂的<br/><br/>【记】音:欧佩克,石油输出国组织→石油→石油多是不透明的,黑色的


【考法 1】adj. 不重要的:so small or unimportant as to warrant little or no attention<br/>【例】 His involvement was nominal.他的参与不太重要。<br/>【近】 inconsequential, inconsiderable, paltry, trifling, trivial<br/>【反】big, consequential, considerable, important, material, significant 重要的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 名义上的:existing or being something in name or form only<br/>【例】 nominal head of the party党派的名义首领<br/>【近】 formal, paper, titular<br/><br/>【记】源自name, o=a 元音互换


【考法 1】adj. 专制的,暴虐的:arbitrary, autocratic, monocratic, tyrannical<br/>【例】a despotic tyrant专制的暴君<br/>【近】authoritative, dictatorial, imperious, overbearing, peremptory, tyrannous<br/><br/>【记】despot des 不好 + 源自potent 权力,有力,有权势的不好的→暴君的;de 加强 + 音:施暴的


【考法 1】adj. 丰富的,普遍的:possessing or covered with great numbers or amounts of something specified<br/>【例】a video game rife with violence and abuse充满暴力与虐待的电子游戏<br/>【近】abounding, abundant, awash, flush, fraught, lousy, replete, swarming, teeming, thick, thronging<br/>【反】deficient, incomplete, insufficient, short缺乏的<br/><br/>【记】f=v river 河流,流行;音:染发,润发,都是现在流行的;r发音近于l, life 生命在大自然中是极其丰富,到处都是的


【考法 1】adj. 专制的:unconstrained by constitutional or other provisions<br/>【例】absolute ruler 专制的统治者<br/>【近】arbitrary, autocratic, despotic, dictatorial, monocratic, tyrannical<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 无限的:unqualified in extent or degree; total<br/>【例】absolute silence鸦雀无声<br/>【近】complete, utter, deadly, downright, out-and-out<br/>【反】qualified有限的,有保留的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 完美的、纯净不掺杂的:free from imperfection free or relatively; free from mixture<br/>【例】absolute alcohol无水酒精(纯酒精)<br/>【近】plain, refined, unadulterated, unalloyed, undiluted, unmixed<br/>【反】adulterated, alloyed, diluted, impure, mixed掺杂的,不纯的<br/><br/>【考法 4】adj. 不容置疑的,确凿的:positive, unquestionable<br/>【例】absolute proof 确凿的证据<br/>【近】clear, deciding, decisive, definitive<br/>【反】inconclusive, indecisive, unclear 不明确的<br/><br/>【记】ab离开,solute解开


【考法 1】adj. 专横傲慢的,自以为是的:having a feeling of superioritythat shows itself in an overbearing attitude<br/>【例】a bumptious young man whose family wealth gave him a sense of entitlement 一个傲慢的富二代|| be bumptious over one's inferiors 对下级态度傲慢<br/>【近】assumptive, haughty,imperious,overweeing,peremptory, pompous, presuming, presumptuous, self-assertive, supercilious<br/>【反】humble, modest, unarrogant, unpretentious谦虚的,低调的<br/><br/>【记】bump 四处撞人的,非常傲慢


【考法 1】adj. 专横傲慢的:domineering in manner; arrogant<br/>【例】Her husband's overbearing manner made her miserable.她的丈夫专横傲慢,让她痛不欲生。<br/>【近】authoritative, despotic, dictatorial, imperious, masterful, peremptory<br/>【反】 meek, unassuming 谦逊的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 压倒一切的,在力量或重要性上势不可挡的;支配的,显著的:overwhelming in poweror significance; predominant, coming before all others in importance<br/>【例】the overbearing problem in our nation's schools我国中小学教育的最突出的问题<br/>【近】capital, cardinal, central, chief, dominant, key, leading, master, number one, overmastering, overriding, paramount, predominant, preeminent, premier, primary, prior, sovereign, supreme<br/><br/>【记】over + bear 忍受


【考法 1】adj. 世俗的,尘世的:of or relating to the worldly or temporal<br/>【例】That's an issue for the secular authorities, not the church.这个问题和宗教无关,是一个世俗事务。<br/>【近】carnal, earthborn, earthbound, fleshly, material, mundane, sublunary, temporal, terrene, terrestrial, worldly<br/>【反】heavenly, unearthly, unworldly非尘世间的;spiritual精神上的;religious宗教的<br/><br/>【记】想办法活着secure 安全,放心,无虑,这是世俗及尘世人们的想法,不想secure的就不是世俗之人的想法,比如出家的


【考法 1】adj. 严厉的,要求严格的:given to exacting standards of discipline and self-restraint<br/>【例】a severe, uncompromising teacher一位严厉、不妥协的老师<br/>【近】austere, harsh, ramrod, rigid, rigorous, stern<br/>【反】clement, forbearing, gentle, indulgent, lax, lenient, tolerant温和的,随意的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 难以承受的,艰难的:difficult to endure<br/>【例】a severe winter that was among the coldest on record有记录的最寒冷的冬天之一<br/>【近】brutal, excruciating, grievous, onerous, oppressive, tough, trying<br/>【反】easy, light, soft轻松的<br/><br/>【记】serve 服务,当仆人的工作非常严厉严格


【考法 1】adj. 严寒的:extremely cold<br/>【例】an unusually frigid winter of Wuhan武汉一个反常的寒冬<br/>【近】cold, arctic, chilling, freezing, frosty, glacial<br/>【反】roasting, scalding, scorching, searing, seething, sizzling, sultry, sweltering, torrid炎热的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 冷漠的:lacking warmth or ardor<br/>【例】a formal but frigid welcome一个正式但冷漠的招呼<br/>【近】indifferent, cold, emotionless, passionless, unresponsive<br/>【反】ardent, amorous, cordial饱含感情的<br/>【派】frigidityn. 严寒;冷漠<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 严格的,苛求的:making severe demands; rigorous<br/>【例】an exacting instructor一位严苛的导师<br/>【近】choosy, demanding, fastidious, finical, fussy, pernickety, persnickety, picky<br/>【派】exact v. 强求,索取:to force the payment or yielding of<br/>【例】exact tribute from a conquered people从征服的人民手中强取贡品<br/>【反】condone, forgive赦免免除债务<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 费时间花心思的:requiring much time, effort, or careful attention<br/>【例】editing and proofreading will always be an exacting task编辑和校对是花时间花心思的工作<br/>【近】arduous, burdensome, challenging, grueling, killing, laborious, onerous, taxing, toilsome<br/>【反】light, unchallenging, undemanding要求不高的<br/><br/>【记】ex + act 做,动力,驱动→强求,要求精确的→强求,或者是ex过分地act做


【考法 1】adj. 严肃的:marked by seriousness, gravity, or solemnity of conduct or character<br/>【例】She made a sober reply to what was only a teasing comment.她很严肃地回复了那个恶搞的评论。‖Illness is a sober reminder of our mortality.疾病是死亡给我们发出的严肃警告。<br/>【近】earnest, grave, humorless, sedate, severe, sober, solemn, staid, weighty<br/>【反】 facetious, flip, flippant, humorous, jesting, jocular, joking, playful 轻佻的,幽默有趣的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 节制的:given to or marked by restraint in the satisfaction of one's appetites<br/>【例】decided to live a sober life after bankruptcy破产以后决定过有节制的生活<br/>【近】abstentious, abstinent, continent, self-denying, temperate<br/>【反】hedonistic, licentious, self-indulgent, sensual, sybaritic, voluptuary纵欲的,享乐主义的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 有理有据的:based on sound reasoning or information<br/>【例】a sober assessment of the situation关于局势有理有据的分析<br/>【近】firm, informed, justified, levelheaded, logical, rational, reasonable, sensible, solid, valid, well-founded<br/>【反】groundless, illogical, invalid, unfounded, uninformed, unjustified, unreasonable, unsound没有道理的<br/><br/>【记】sob 哭泣 + er 哭泣者实际上是清醒的<br/>【另】sob..哭泣,呜咽 (音:臊吧,害臊吧,说完这话女学生就哭了;absorb是吸收,海绵absorbwater,吸收absorb sob 出泪水)


【考法 1】v. 添声加色,使形象、某因素或性质更加清楚:to add as a distinct feature, element, or quality:<br/>【例】superimposed her own interpretation when she retold the story她重复故事的时候,加入了自己的解释<br/><br/>【记】super + impose 强加


【考法 1】adj. 丰满的:well-rounded and full in form<br/>【例】In Tang Dynasty, being plump was a sign of ultimate beauty. 在唐代,身材丰满是最美丽的象征。<br/>【近】chubby, fleshy, fat, gross, obese, rotund, round<br/>【反】lean, slender, svelte, thin纤瘦的,苗条的;angular因消瘦而棱角分明的<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 鼎力支持,赞口不绝:to give full support or praise<br/>【例】 We will plump for any candidate who supports stem cell research.我们会鼎力支持那些拥护干细胞研究的候选人。<br/>【近】advocate, back, champion, endorse, patronize<br/>【反】baffle, foil, frustrate, sabotage阻挠,从中破坏<br/><br/>【记】音:漂亮美婆,漂亮美丽的女人婆身材丰满(pl 网语:漂亮);音:胖了胖


【考法 1】adj. 临时的:provided or serving only for the time being; temporary<br/>【例】 he was appointed provisional executor of the industrialist's vast estate他被任命为庞大工业帝国的临时执行官<br/>【近】impermanent, interim, provisionary, short-term<br/>【反】 long-term, permanent永久的<br/><br/>【记】provide 供应的,临时供应,预备的东西只是临时的,消耗完了就没了


【考法 1】adj. 为他人操心的,体谅他人的:given to or made with heedful anticipation of the needs and happiness of others<br/>【例】The solicitous husband had already cleaned the house and cooked dinner by the time his wife returned home from work.这个十分体谅妻子的好丈夫在他妻子回家之前就把家里清理干净,还把晚餐都做好了。<br/>【近】attentive, considerate, kind<br/>【反】heedless, inconsiderate, thoughtless, unthinking不关心的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 迫切的,渴望的:showing urgent desire or interest<br/>【例】The familyis solicitous to put this whole unfortunate affair behind them and to move on with their lives.这个家庭迫切希望能忘记那些不幸的事情,开始崭新的生活。<br/>【近】agog, anxious, ardent, avid, desirous, eager, enthusiastic, greedy, hungry, keen, thirsty, voracious, wild<br/>【反】apathetic, indifferent, uneager, unenthusiastic 无所谓的<br/>【派】solicituden. 关切,挂念<br/><br/>【记】指solicit的人的内心,恳求的人是热切的


【考法 1】adj. 主教管辖区的:of or relating to a diocese<br/>【例】national or diocesan authority国家或教区权利<br/>【反】ecumenical世界范围的<br/><br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 主要的,重要的:first, highest, or foremost in importance, rank, worth, or degree<br/>【例】The region's principal city is getting hammered by a series of terrorist attacks. 该地区的中心城市正在被一系列恐怖袭击攻击。<br/>【近】capital, cardinal, chief, dominant, grand, main, major, paramount, predominant, preeminent, primary<br/>【反】secondary, subordinate 次要的<br/><br/>【记】源于:prim(adj.最早的,最好的)

cardinal<br><span style="color:#00007f;">'kɑ:dinəl</span>

【考法 1】adj. 主要的,非常重要的:of foremost importance; paramount<br />【例】the cardinal rule of medicine: do no harm 药物的首要标准就是无害<br />【近】dominant, overbearing, overriding, paramount, preeminent, primal, supreme<br />【反】minor次要的<br /><br />【记】card心,中心;心是红的;card 牌,说某人是一张牌就是这人是很重要的一个角色 ,原指教皇手手下的红衣主教,重要的,也有红衣服的意思


【考法 1】adj. 举止、言语下流粗俗的:characterized by or indulging in vulgar, lewd humor<br/>【例】entertained the guests with ribald jokes用荤段子来取悦客人<br/>【近】bawdy, blue, coarse, crude, dirty, filthy, gross, indecent, nasty, obscene, pornographic, profane, vulgar<br/>【反】decent, proper, seemly 恰当的,得体的<br/><br/>【记】rib 肋骨 + bald 光秃,一掀衣服露出肋骨→露体→下流;rib 玩笑 + bald bold 开枯燥无聊的玩笑


【考法 1】adj. 义不容辞的,必须的:imposed as an obligation or duty<br/>【例】It is incumbent upon individuals to sacrifice for their country when it is in danger.当国家受难时,个人应该义不容辞地为国做出牺牲。‖It is incumbent upon the press to act not in its own best interests, but in society's best interests.对于媒体来说,为社会的利益(而非自身利益)服务是其应尽的义务。<br/>【近】compulsory, forced, imperative, incumbent, involuntary, necessary, obligatory, peremptory, required<br/>【反】elective, optional, voluntary 可选择的<br/><br/>【记】in + cumb 躺, 在里面躺着的,房客,职责,办公室人员<br/>【另】decumbent 躺下,encumber 阻碍,incumbency 职责义务,procumbent 俯卧的, 匍匐<br/>,recumbent 靠着的, 斜躺的,succumb屈服


【考法 1】adj. 乐于助人的:willing to do favors<br/>【例】 an obliging concierge used his pull to get us reservations at the town's hottest restaurant一个好心的看房人利用他的影响力帮我们在镇上最火爆的餐厅订到了座<br/>【近】 accommodative, friendly, indulgent<br/><br/>【记】oblige 施恩惠,愿意义务为人服务,给人恩惠,为人付出职责的<br/>【另】obligation 义务,职责,债务


【考法 1】adj. 乐观的,确信的:having or showing a mind free from doubt<br/>【例】I'm reasonably sanguine about the adoption of the latest proposal.我非常看好最新的那项提议获得通过。<br/>【近】assured, confident, doubtless, implicit, positive<br/>【反】 doubtful, dubious, uncertain, unsure怀疑的,不确信的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 面色红润的:having a healthy reddish skin tone<br/>【例】a baby with a sanguine complexion is more likely to leave the hospital early than a sickly-looking one 面色红润的新生儿比病怏怏的能更早出院<br/>【近】blooming, florid, flush, glowing, rosy, rubicund<br/>【反】ashy, doughy, livid, lurid, mealy, pale, pallid, pasty, peaky, sallow, wan面色苍白的<br/><br/>【记】sangu- 血,血多就脸色红润,有活力乐观,中世纪心理学认为与人性格相关有四种体液型<br/>,多血、胆汁、黏液和抑郁型;sun + green 或grin 笑,经常户外接触阳光与绿色大自然的人是乐观的<br/>,经常运动,面色也是红润的,血液丰富;sang (sing过去时)+音:歌,唱歌的人是乐观的;音:三棍,打三记军棍能打出血来;


【考法 1】n. 谋略,策略:an artifice or trick in war for deceiving and outwitting the enemy<br/>【例】a stratagem to secure customer loyalty用来稳固客户忠诚度的计谋<br/>【近】artifice, device, gambit, gimmick, intrigue, maneuver, ruse, scheme, trick, wile<br/><br/>【记】strategy


【考法 1】adj. 互补的:mutually supplying each other's lack<br/>【例】The complementary contributions of the cooking and cleanup committees were essential to the success of the barbecue.负责食物和卫生的两个小组之间的相互配合是野炊成功的关键。<br/>【近】correlative, interdependent, reciprocal, supplemental, supplementary<br/>【反】contradictory, incompatible矛盾的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 五颜六色的:displaying a play of lustrous colors like those of the rainbow<br/>【例】an iridescent soap bubble一个五颜六色的肥皂泡<br/>【近】nacreous, opalescent, pearlescent<br/>【反】monochromatic单色的<br/>【派】iridescencen. 五彩斑斓<br/><br/>【记】源自iris, rid=ris;red + scene;红色的场面,彩虹<br/>【另】ridiculous - risible 可笑的,rid = ris 的另一个例子


【考法 1】adj. 井然有序的,有条理的:arranged or proceeding in regular, systematic order<br/>【例】a methodical summary that included lists of points to memorize一份包含了记忆重点的有条理的总结<br/>【近】neat, orderly, organized, regular, systematic, systematized<br/>【反】disorganized, haphazard, irregular, unsystematic杂乱的,混乱无序的<br/><br/>【记】method 方法→有方法的


【考法 1】adj. 井然有序的:marked by meticulous order and neatness<br/>【例】I like to keep my car shipshape. 我喜欢打理我的车。<br/>【近】 antiseptic, kempt, orderly, prim, uncluttered, well-groomed<br/>【反】disheveled, disordered, disorderly, messy, sloven, unkempt, untidy<br/><br/>【记】ship + shape 外形,象客轮一样整理得井然有序;shape + shape,有形,有形,真整洁,客人连连夸道


【考法 1】adj. 仔细的,一丝不苟的:taking, showing, or involving great care and effort<br/>【例】a conscientious researcher一丝不苟的研究者<br/>【近】careful, exact, heedful, meticulous, painstaking, scrupulous<br/>【反】careless, remiss粗心大意的<br/>【考法 1】adj. 有良心的,正直的:governed by or conforming to the dictates of conscience<br/>【例】a conscientious police officer一名有良心的警察<br/>【近】conscionable, ethical, honest, moral, upright, principled, scrupulous<br/>【反】unscrupulous不正直的<br/>【派】consciencen. 良心<br/><br/>【记】conscience + tious 时时处处按照良心行事的


【考法 1】adj. 仔细的,谨小慎微的:characterized by careful scrutiny and close examination<br/>【例】a minute description of the setting of the story 故事背景的详细介绍<br/>【近】circumstantial, elaborate, full, particular, particularized, thorough<br/>【反】brief, compendious, concise, succinct, summary, terse摘要性的,简述的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 小的,不重要的:very small or of small importance<br/>【例】It is not sagacious to invest excessively in minute details.过分投入于不重要的细枝末节上是不明智的<br/>【近】frivolous, incidental, inconsiderable, insignificant, little, minor, negligible, nugatory, slight, trifling, trivial<br/>【反】consequential, critical, crucial, momentous, significant, vital, weighty 关键的,重要的<br/>【派】minutesn. 会议记录<br/><br/>【记】会议记录 mini + te 缩小; 将几小时的会议缩成几分钟的记录;将每分钟的内容记下来


【考法 1】adj. 代理的,取代的:performed or suffered by one person as a substitute for another or to the benefit or advantage of another<br/>【例】use Internet as a vicarious form of social life把互联网当作一种虚拟的社交生活<br/>【近】indirect, substitute, surrogate<br/>【反】firsthand直接的<br/><br/>【记】vice 副,代理,代替 + care 管理→副职,代理管理的<br/>【另】vice-president 副校长,vice 罪恶,钳住,代替 (罪人总会被钳住和代替的)


【考法 1】adj. 令人信服的:appealing forcibly to the mind or reason: convincing<br/>【例】Six Sigma is one of the most cogent methodsfor modern enterprises to control quality and optimizing process."六西格玛"方法是现代企业进行质量控制和工艺优化最令人信服的方法之一。<br/>【近】convincing, compelling, conclusive, telling, persuasive, satisfying<br/>【反】unconvincing, unpersuasive 不令人信服的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 相关的:pertinent, relevant<br/>【例】a cogent analysis 一项相关的研究<br/>【近】apropos, germane, relative, relevant<br/>【反】extraneous, irrelevant, impertinent, irrelative 无关的<br/><br/>【记】音:靠真的,靠真东西,真本事才是令人信服,强有力的;音:考证的,考过资格认证的→有说服力<br/>【另】cog 轮齿(能产生动力)


【考法 1】adj. 令人吃惊的,出乎意料的:causing astonishment or amazement<br/>【例】The richness and variety of the undersea environment are astounding.富饶而多样的海底环境是令人惊奇的。<br/>【近】amazing, astonishing, blindsiding, dumbfounding, shocking, startling, stunning, stupefying<br/>【反】unsurprising 平常的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 令人心碎的:causing intense sorrow or distress<br/>【例】 a heartrending choice between saving his mother or his wife先救老妈还是先救老婆的纠结选择<br/><br/>【记】heart rend 碎<br/>


【考法 1】adj. 倔强的,不顺从的:resisting control or authority<br/>【例】Refractory players will be ejected from the game.不服从裁判命令的球员将会被驱逐出场。<br/>【近】balky, contumacious, defiant, incompliant, insubordinate, intractable, obstreperous, rebellious, refractory, unruly<br/>【反】amenable, compliant, conformable, docile, governable, obedient, ruly, submissive, tractable 服从的,顺从的<br/><br/>【记】re 重新 + factory 工厂,重新进工厂返工,太顽固了,没有制造好;re反复 + fracture 破裂,骨折<br/>,反复骨折,来回撞→难以驾驭


【考法 1】adj. 即将发生的:being soon to appear or take place<br/>【例】an impending celebration of the 100th anniversary of the college's founding即将来临的百年校庆<br/>【近】approaching, coming, imminent, nearing, pending, proximate, upcoming, around the corner<br/>【反】late, recent最近发生的;distant, remote遥远的<br/><br/>【记】im + pend 悬挂<br/>【另】pendant 垂饰, 下垂物, append 附加, 添加, 悬挂, compend 手册概要,depend 依靠, expend 花费,impend 即将发生, perpend 仔细考虑, suspend 吊,悬挂,延缓


【考法 1】adj. 令人愉悦的:pleasing to the mind or senses especially as according well with one's tastes or needs<br/>【例】 Would you mind putting on some agreeable music for dinner ?你介意为晚饭放一些令人愉快的音乐吗?‖the agreeable melancholy resulting from a sense of the transitoriness of natural beauty因为感慨自然之美稍纵即逝而产生的令人愉悦的忧伤<br/>【近】congenial, delectable, delicious, delightful, dulcet, enjoyable, felicitous, gratifying,heavenly, palatable, pleasing, satisfying, savory<br/>【反】abhorrent, abominable, disagreeable, disgusting, loathsome, nauseating, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting 令人厌恶的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 随和的:having an easygoing and pleasing manner especially in social situations<br/>【例】I have an agreeable art teacher who lets me do pretty much whatever I want.我的艺术老师性格非常好,总是允许我去做我想做的事情。<br/>【近】affable, genial, good-natured, good-tempered, gracious, mellow, nice, pleasant, sweet, well-disposed<br/>【反】choleric, dyspeptic, fussy, grouchy, irascible, irritable, peevish, touchy脾气不好的,易怒的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 相一致的:being in harmony<br/>【例】These new security measures are not agreeable with our core concepts of personal freedom.这些新的安保措施和我们所信仰的人身自由彼此抵触。<br/>【近】amicable, compatible, congenial, consistent, consonant, frictionless, kindred, unanimous, united<br/>【反】disagreeable, discordant, disunited, incompatible, inharmonious 不一致的<br/><br/>【记】agree 令人同意的


【考法 1】adj. 令人鄙视的:arousing or deserving of one's loathing and disgust<br/>【例】even within the prison population, pedophiles are regarded as particularly despicable 即使在囚犯内部,恋童癖者也被认为极其让人鄙视的。<br/>【近】contemptible, detestable, dishonorable<br/>【反】admirable, commendable, creditable, meritorious, praiseworthy值得赞扬的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不荣耀的,不得体的:not following or in accordance with standards of honor and decency<br/>【例】the cad's despicable behavior toward women公车售票员对女性不得体的举动<br/>【近】currish, dirty, execrable, ignominious, sordid, wretched<br/>【反】honorable, lofty, noble, upright, venerable, virtuous崇高的<br/><br/>【记】来自despise,spec 看 look down on;音:敌视鄙视


【考法 1】adj. 仿制的,假冒的:made in imitation of something else with intent to deceive<br/>【例】counterfeit money假币<br/>【近】forged, bogus, spurious, pseudo, feigned, artificial, phony<br/>【反】authentic, genuine 真实的<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 仿制:to make a fraudulent replica of<br/>【例】counterfeit the signature仿造签名<br/>【近】copy, forge, imitate, simulate, mimic<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 伪装成:to present a false appearance of<br/>【例】to counterfeit a happy expression while visiting a sick friend 在看望患病的朋友时装出一副高兴的样子<br/>【近】affect, assume, fake, pretend<br/><br/>【记】counter 反 + feit 做 fact→反做,拿来成品对着做→伪造;counter + 音:费 钱,钱是印反的<br/>,翻版假钞<br/>【另】forfeit 没收丧失,surfeit 过度,沉溺于<br/>Don't do to others what you would not have others do to you. 已所不欲,勿施于人。


【考法 1】adj. 仿真的,仿造的:being such in appearance only and made with or manufactured from usually cheaper materia<br/>【例】 Police were concerned that the mimic gun, although intended only as a toy, might be confused with the real thing in certain situations.尽管仿真枪只是玩具,但警方担忧在某些情况下它会被误认为是真枪<br/>【近】artificial, bogus, factitious, fake, false, imitative, mock, sham, simulated, substitute, synthetic<br/>【反】genuine, natural, real真实的<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 做滑稽的模仿(以取笑):to copy or exaggerate (someone or something) in order to make fun of<br/>【例】 The comedian was famous for mimicking the President's distinctive lisp.这个演员因能滑稽地模仿总统特有的口齿不清而闻名<br/>【近】burlesque, caricature, do, imitate, mock, parody, send up, spoof, travesty<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 模仿:to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior<br/>【例】 began to learn their language by mimicking the sounds they made通过模仿发音来学习语言<br/>【近】ape, copy, copycat, emulate, mimic, simulate<br/>【派】mimicryn. 模仿<br/><br/>【记】音:模拟;imitate


【考法 1】adj. 休耕的:left untilled or unsown after plowing<br/>【例】The field was lying fallow.那田地正在休耕中<br/>【近】untilled, uncultivated<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 闲置的:not being in a state of use, activity, or employment<br/>【例】The coal mine has been lying fallow since the drop in prices made it unprofitable.自从煤价下跌造成亏损,这个煤矿就一直处于停工状态<br/>【近】dead, dormant, inert, inoperative, latent, unused, vacant<br/>【反】functioning, occupied, operative, running, working 使用中的;active活跃的<br/><br/>【记】fall + low 人都躺倒休息了,地没人种就休闲了;fall low 降到低点,因为产量减少,耕地闲置


【考法 1】adj. 优秀的,重要的:having paramount rank, dignity, or importance<br/>【例】The writer's style is brilliant and his command of words, preeminent.作者的文风和用词都十分出色<br/>【近】distinguished, illustrious, incomparable, notable, outstanding, peerless, superb, supreme, unmatchable<br/>【反】negligible, trivial不重要的<br/>【派】preeminencen. 杰出<br/><br/>【记】pre + eminent 杰出的


【考法 1】adj. 传染的:communicable by contact; catching<br/>【例】contagious diseases传染病<br/>【近】infectious, pestilent, transmissible<br/>【反】incommunicable不传染的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. (情绪等)唤起共鸣的:exciting a similar feeling or reaction in others<br/>【例】The enthusiasm of the new club members was contagious. 新成员的热情具有很强的感染力<br/>【近】catching, epidemic, spreading<br/>【派】contagiousnessn. 可传染性<br/><br/>【记】g=c 源自contact 接触性传染病


【考法 1】adj. 传统的:following or agreeing with established form, custom, or rules<br/>【例】He believes in the benefits of both orthodox medicine and alternative medicine.他既相信传统药物又相信替代药物的效用。<br/>【近】 ceremonial, conventional, regular, routine<br/>【反】casual, freewheeling, informal, irregular, unceremonious, unconventional, unorthodox不常见的<br/><br/>【记】ortho 正 + dox 学说;author 作者,权力→正统<br/>【另】doxology 上帝赞美诗, 颂歌,heterodox 非正统的,orthodox 正统的,paradox 似非而是的论点,看来自相矛盾而可能对的话,


【考法 1】adj. 传说中的:based on, described in, or being a fable<br/>【例】The city of Phoenix is named after a fabulous bird that every 500 years destroys itself with fire, only to rise again from its own ashes.凤凰城的名字来源于传说中的一种鸟,它每隔 500 年会在火焰中毁灭,然后再从灰烬中重生。<br/>【近】fabled, legendary<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 幻想中的,不真实的:not real and existing only in the imagination<br/>【例】a story of a fabulous land where the people know nothing of war and live together in perfect harmony一个有关世外桃源的故事,当地的居民不知道战争为何物,和谐融洽地生活在一起<br/>【近】chimerical, dreamy, illusory, phantom, unreal, visionary<br/>【反】actual, existent, existing, real真实存在的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 令人惊讶的,令人称奇的:causing wonder or astonishment<br/>【例】the fabulous endurance of a marathon runner 马拉松参赛者令人惊讶的耐力<br/>【近】amazing, astonishing, astounding, miraculous, portentous, prodigious, staggering, stunning, stupendous, sublime, wonderful<br/>【反】common, ordinary 平常的,普通的<br/><br/>【考法 4】adj. 极好的:extremely pleasing or successful<br/>【例】 We had a fabulous time on our vacation.我们的假期赞极了。<br/>【近】awesome, divine, fantastic, heavenly, marvelous, noble, prime, splendid, superb, superior, terrific<br/>【反】atrocious, awful, execrable, lousy, pathetic, poor, rotten, terrible, wretched极差劲的<br/><br/>【记】fable 寓言,象神话寓言一样难以置信<br/>【另】affable 和蔼可亲的,易于交谈的,confabulate 交谈, fable 寓言,ineffable 不能说的,避讳的


【考法 1】adj. 伤心焦虑的:showing the effect of grief or anxiety<br/>【例】a careworn face忧心忡忡的脸<br/>【反】lighthearted心情愉快的<br/><br/>【记】care 关爱 + worn 疲倦 被关心弄得疲倦的<br/>


【考法 1】adj. 伪造的,假冒的:being such in appearance only and made or manufactured with the intention of committing fraud<br/>【例】The evidence turned out to be completely bogus and the suspect may be innocent.由于证据被发现是彻底伪造的,嫌犯很有可能是无辜的。<br/>【近】counterfeit, fake, false, forged, inauthentic, phony , queer, sham, snide, spurious, unauthentic<br/>【反】authentic, genuine, real, unfaked, bona fide真实的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 虚伪的,做作的:lacking in natural or spontaneous quality<br/>【例】There was often a lot of bogus conviviality at the company's parties.公司的聚会上往往有着虚伪的欢乐。<br/>【近】affected, assumed, contrived, factitious, feigned, plastic, pretended, pseudo, simulated, unnatural<br/>【反】artless, natural, spontaneous, unaffected, uncontrived, unfeigned, unforced真诚的,不虚伪的<br/><br/>【记】bog + us 使我们陷入困境的是假的东西,假烟,假酒,假冒伪劣


【考法 1】adj. 似是而非的,欺骗性的:having a false look of truth or genuineness<br/>【例】a specious argument that really does not stand up under close examination一段经不起仔细推敲的论证<br/>【近】beguiling, deceitful, deceiving, deluding, delusive, delusory, fallacious, false, misleading<br/>【反】aboveboard, forthright, straightforward明确的<br/><br/>【记】spec- 看,看着不错的;<br/>【另】inspect 检查,查看


【考法 1】adj. 低俗的:marked by or suggestive of flashy vulgarity or crudeness<br/>【例】the dowager cringed at the thought of raffish tourists tromping all over her Persian rugs寡妇一想到低俗的游客践踏她的波斯地毯就痛苦不已<br/>【近】 crass, lowbred, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, unpolished, unrefined, vulgar<br/>【反】civilized, cultivated, cultured, genteel, polished, refined, ultrarefined, well-bred 有教养的<br/><br/>【记】rough 粗,粗鲁 + ish;rubbish 垃圾,象垃圾一样低下没教养的人;rough fish 吃生鱼的人,粗人,粗鲁<br/>【另】rakish 轻快的, 潇洒的, 放荡的


【考法 1】adj. 低调的,谦逊的:lacking pretension or affectation; modest<br/>【例】an unpretentious virtuoso一位谦虚的大师<br/>【近】demure, down-to-earth, lowly, meek, unassuming, humble, modest, unostentatious<br/>【反】 arrogant, bumptious, conceited, egotistic, fastuous, haughty, imperious, lordly, overweening, peremptory, pompous, presuming, presumptuous, self-asserting, supercilious, superior, toplofty, uppish,flamboyant, ostentatious 傲慢的,自负的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 坦诚的,自然的:free from any intent to deceive or impress others<br/>【例】a simple and unpretentious account about growing up in the rural South一段简单坦率的关于在南部乡 村成长经历的叙述<br/>【近】artless, genuine, honest, ingenuous, innocent, naive, simple, sincere, true, unpretending<br/>【反】affected, artful, artificial, assuming, dissembling, dissimulating, fake, guileful, insincere, phony做作的,虚伪的<br/><br/>【记】un 不,pretentious(adj.自命不凡的):不炫耀的


【考法 1】adj. 例外的,特别的,非凡的:being an exception; uncommon; extraordinary<br/>【例】exceptional bravery非凡的勇敢<br/>【近】aberrant, abnormal, anomalous, exceeding, extraordinary, peculiar, unwonted<br/>【反】commonplace, prosaic, customary, normal, ordinary, typical, unextraordinary, usual平凡常见的<br/><br/>【记】except 例外,例内的都是一般的,例外的就是不一般的,超常罕见的


【考法 1】adj. 例行公事的,敷衍的:characterized by routine or superficiality and often done merely as a duty<br/>【例】gave his usual perfunctory nod例行公事地随便点了个头<br/>【近】 automatic, cursory, mechanical, superficial<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不感兴趣的:lacking in interest or enthusiasm<br/>【例】She gave the list only a perfunctory glance.她无所谓地随便瞅了名单一眼<br/>【近】 apathetic, casual, disinterested, incurious, indifferent, insouciant, nonchalant, pococurante, unconcerned<br/>【反】concerned, interested感兴趣的<br/><br/>【记】per 不好的,音:破 + function 功能,运行→不好好干,或功能很破


【考法 1】adj. 侥幸的:coming or happening by good luck especially unexpectedly<br/>【例】a fluky coincidence that kept me safely at home when the blizzard hit 一个偶然的巧合让我在暴风雪来袭时安全地待在家里<br/>【近】fortuitous, lucky, providential<br/>【反】hapless, unfortunate, unlucky, ill-fated不幸的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 偶然的:happening by or depending on chance<br/>【近】casual, chance, inadvertent, incidental, unintended, unintentional<br/>【反】calculated, deliberate, intended, intentional, planned, premeditated蓄意的,有预谋的<br/>【派】fluken.侥幸,偶然<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 假的,伪造的:lacking authenticity or validity in essence or origin; not genuine<br/>【例】 In statistics, a spurious relationship is a mathematical relationship in which two events or variables have no direct causal connection, but it may be wrongly inferred that they do, due to either coincidence or the presence of a certain third, unseen factor.在统计学中,"伪相关关系"是两个不存在因果关联的事件或变量,因为巧合或是不可见的第三方因素,而被误判为存在因果联系的关系。<br/>【近】apocryphal, bogus, counterfeit, fake, forged, phony, sham<br/>【反】authentic, bona fide, genuine, real真实的<br/>【派】spuriouslyadv. 伪造地,虚假地<br/><br/>【记】s死 + pure 纯洁,纯真 + s 死,年纪一大,纯真已死,只余虚假<br/>Viture flies from the heart of a mercenary man. 人贪钱财,心无美德。


【考法 1】adj. 假装虔诚的:hypocritically pious or devout<br/>【例】a sickening sanctimonious smile 令人厌恶的伪善的笑容<br/>【近】canting, deceiving, hypocritical<br/>【反】devout, religious, pious 虔诚的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 偏袒的,偏爱的:inclined to favor one party more than the other: biased<br/>【例】He is partial to Maverick.他偏爱小牛队<br/>【近】biased, one-sided, partisan, prejudiced<br/>【反】 disinterested, equitable, evenhanded, fair, impartial, neutral, objective, unbiased, unprejudiced公平的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 部分的,不完整的:lacking some necessary part<br/>【例】a partial answer to the problem一部分的解答<br/>【近】deficient, fragmental, fragmentary, half, halfway<br/>【反】 complete, entire, full, intact, integral, perfect, whole完整的<br/>【派】partiallyadv. 部分地;partialityn. 偏袒,偏爱<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 做作的,夸张的,矫揉造作的:marked by exaggerated self-display and unnatural behavior<br/>【例】assumed a theatrical pose摆出夸张的姿势<br/>【近】dramatic, histrionic, melodramatic, stagy<br/>【反】 natural, understated, reserved, restraint自然的<br/><br/>【记】theater 剧场, 戏院, 电影院


【考法 1】adj. 健康的,清洁的:of or relating to health<br/>【例】 sanitary measures 保健的手段<br/>【近】aseptic, germfree, hygienic, sterile<br/>【反】 noxious有毒的<br/><br/>【记】sane 健康


【考法 1】adj. 偶尔的,零星发生的:not often occurring or repeated<br/>【例】On the whole, situation has significantly improved with only sporadic disturbances. 总体而言,局势得到了明显的改善,现在只有偶尔发生的骚乱。<br/>【近】few, infrequent, occasional, odd, rare, scarce, seldom, uncommon<br/>【反】frequent, habitual, repeated 时常发生的<br/><br/>【记】spore 孢子是零星存在的,象蒲公英的种子飘来飘去的,零零星星的


【考法 1】adj. 偷偷摸摸的,保密的:undertaken or done so as to escape being observed or known by others<br/>【例】 took a surreptitious glance at her knees偷偷瞟了一下她的膝盖<br/>【近】backstairs, clandestine, covert, furtive, privy, underground, underhanded, behind-the-scenes<br/>【反】 barefaced, aboveboard, open, overt, public光明正大的<br/><br/>【记】sur sub 下面 + reptile 爬虫,在下面爬的


【考法 1】adj. 催眠的,催眠术的:of, relating to, or induced by mesmerism<br/>【近】hynoptic<br/>【反】awaking觉醒的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 令人着迷的,难以抗拒的:attracting and holding interest as if by a spell<br/>【例】the mesmeric recital迷人的独奏<br/>【近】attractive, alluring, captivating, charming, drawing, enchanting, riveting<br/>【反】disgusting, loathesome, repellent, repulsive令人厌恶的;unappealing, unattractive 没有吸引力的<br/>【派】mesmerismn. 催眠术,难以抗拒的魅力;mesmerizev. 催眠<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 充满感情的,热情洋溢的:exhibiting or marked by great intensity of feeling<br/>【例】a fervent speech that called for tolerance and compassion for those who are physically challenged一个充满感情的演说,它呼吁人们对残疾人持有一颗包容和同情的心<br/>【近】ardent, demonstrative, fervid, flaming, glowing, impassioned, incandescent, passionate, perfervid, torrid, vehement, zealous<br/>【反】cold, cool, dispassionate, emotionless, impassive, unemotional冷漠的<br/><br/>【记】fever 发烧


【考法 1】adj. 充满的:full of or accompanied by something<br/>【例】an experience fraught with peril充满危险的经历<br/>【近】abounding, abundant, awash, flush, replete, thronging<br/>【反】scarce稀缺的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 令人忧虑的:causing or characterized by emotional distress or tension<br/>【例】a fraught relationship between the two neighboring countries两邻国间令人担忧的关系<br/>【近】uneasy, agitating, anxious, distressful, disturbing, restless, tense, unsettling, nail-biting<br/>【反】calming, relaxing使人镇静的,使人放松的<br/><br/>【记】近于 freight 货物;音:富饶的,也就是东西很多,充满


【考法 1】adj. 光辉灿烂的:shining brilliantly; resplendent<br/>【例】an effulgent sunset on the Atlantic大西洋上壮丽辉煌的日落<br/>【近】bright, beaming, glorious,luminous, radiant, splendid<br/>【反】dim, murky, dull模糊的,黯淡的<br/>【派】effulgencen. 光辉<br/><br/>【记】来自fulgent,音:发光<br/>【另】fulgent,refulgent 光辉的,灿烂的


【考法 1】adj. 全景的:of an unobstructed or complete view of an area in every direction<br/>【例】a panorama of American history 美国历史总览<br/>【近】compendious, complete, comprehensive, cyclopedic, embracive, exhaustive, thorough, in-depth<br/>【反】 narrow狭窄的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 匿名的:not named or identified<br/>【例】He made an anonymous phone call to the police.他给警察打了一个匿名电话。<br/>【例】The donor wishes to remain anonymous.捐赠者希望保持匿名身份。<br/>【近】incognito, innominate, unnamed, unidentified, untitled<br/>【反】dubbed, named, termed 有名字的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 无特色的lacking individuality, distinction, or recognizability<br/>【例】the anonymous faces in the crowd 大众脸<br/><br/>【记】a + no 无 + nym = name→无名<br/>【另】acronym(缩写), synonym,


【考法 1】adj. 公正的,无偏见的:free from selfish motive or interest: unbiased<br/>【例】a disinterested decision公正的决定<br/>【近】equal, evenhanded, impartial, just, nonpartisan, dispassionate, objective, square, unbiased, unprejudiced<br/>【反】biased, inequitable, nonobjective, one-sided, partial, partisan, prejudiced, unjust不公正的,有偏见的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 没有兴趣的:having or showing a lack of interest or concern<br/>【例】The city's philistines, naturally disinterested in art, voted to cut the museum's budget.城市里对艺术本来就不感兴趣的俗人们,投票表决要缩进博物馆的预算。<br/>【近】apathetic, incurious, insouciant, nonchalant, perfunctory, unconcerned<br/>【反】concerned, interested关心的,感兴趣的<br/><br/>【记】dis无 + interested利益关系,没有利益关系的→第三方公正的,判断某件事需要与该事件无利益关系的第三方做客观判断<br/>【另】uninterested 不感兴趣的


【考法 1】adj. 公然的,厚颜无耻的:undisguisedly bold; brazen<br/>【例】a barefaced lie一个公然的谎言<br/>【近】apparent, plain, bald, evident, manifest, obvious, perspicuous<br/>【反】secret, furtive, clandestine, surreptitious秘密的<br/><br/>【记】bare face


【考法 1】adj. 公理的:based on or involving an axiom or system of axioms<br/>【例】Euclidean geometry is based on five axiomatic principles.欧几里得几何学是在五条公理的基础上建立的<br/>【近】dictum, fundamental, maxim<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不言自明的:taken for granted, self-evident<br/>【例】an axiomatic truth一个不言而明的真理<br/>【近】self-evident, prima facie<br/>【反】controversial有争议的<br/>【派】axiomn. 公理<br/><br/>【记】axiom 公理,大家都知道的


【考法 1】adj. 共同完成的:planned or accomplished together<br/>【例】The ITER project, commendable though it is, should be merely a component of a concerted effort. "国际热核聚变实验堆"计划虽然是值得称赞的,但是它仅仅是(人类)齐心协力的一部分。|| A victory results from the concerted effort of the entire team.一项成功来自于整个团队的齐心协力。<br/>【近】collaborative, combined, cooperative, united<br/>【反】separate 分开的;individual, single, sole, solitary 单独的<br/><br/>【记】concert 音乐会,需要所有演奏者协调一致


【考法 1】adj. 其貌不扬的,朴素简单的:not attractive or good-looking<br/>【例】homely truth朴素的真理<br/>【近】hideous, unappealing, unattractive, uncomely, unsightly<br/>【反】 pulchritudinous,aesthetic, attractive, beautiful, comely, gorgeous, handsome, knockout, lovely, pretty, ravishing, seemly, sightly, stunning, taking, well-favored美丽的<br/><br/>【记】home 家;家常的,比如家常便饭,简单的朴素的,还有说自己家里的妻子为拙荆


【考法 1】adj. 内向的,缄默的:restrained in words and actions<br/>【例】too reserved to offer a spontaneous criticism过于缄默而不愿意发表真实的看法<br/>【近】closemouthed, constrained, laconic, reticent, restrained, silent, taciturn.<br/>【反】communicative, expansive, talkative健谈的;garrulous, loquacious 话多的<br/>【派】unreservedadj. 无保留的,外向的<br/><br/>【记】reserve 保留,有保留的


【考法 1】adj. 内在的,本质的:involved in the constitution or essential character of something<br/>【例】a disposition inherent in human nature人性内在的倾向<br/>【近】constitutional, elemental, essential, inborn, ingrained, innate, intrinsic<br/>【反】adventitious外来的,偶然的;extraneous, extrinsic外在的<br/>【派】inherentlyadv. 内在地<br/><br/>【记】in + here 在这里边的,在内的→内在的;inherit 继承下来的→遗传下来的


【考法 1】adj. 冗长的:characterized by wearisome verbosity<br/>【例】a windy saleswoman who told us a lot more than we wanted to know about vacuum cleaners一个啰嗦的女销售员,一个劲地说着我们不想知道的关于吸尘器的细节<br/>【近】circuitous, circumlocutory, diffuse, garrulous, prolix, rambling, verbose<br/>【反】compact, concise, crisp, pithy, succinct, terse简洁的<br/><br/>【记】wind 风吹→吹,吹牛


【考法 1】adj. 军事的,军用的:of or relating to soldiers, arms, or war<br/>【例】NATO struggles with how to proceed military operation against Libya.北约就如何延续针对利比亚的军事行动出现了内部分歧。‖an encyclopedia of modern military aircraft 现代军用飞行器百科全书<br/>【近】martial, service<br/>【反】civilian民用的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 冲动的,性急的,轻率的:marked by impulsive vehemence or passion<br/>【例】He is young and impetuous. 他年轻易冲动<br/>【近】ardent, hasty, headlong, impassioned, impulsive, passionate, rash, vehement<br/>【反】cautious, circumspect, wary 谨慎的,小心的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 剧烈的,猛烈的:marked by force and violence of movement or action<br/>【例】an impetuous wind 猛烈的风<br/>【近】abrupt, hasty, hurried, precipitate, precipitous, rushing, sudden, violent<br/>【反】calm, halcyon, placid, quiet 风平浪静的<br/>【派】impetusn. 推动力<br/><br/>【记】im + pete 寻求, compete 竞争;im 不 + pet 宠物;不象宠物那样乖,温柔,而是猛烈,暴力<br/>【另】compete 竞争, impetus 推动力,促进


【考法 1】adj. 冷淡的:Inclined to be distant and reserved; aloof<br/>【例】consistently surly and offish with the would-be suitors who came calling对于追求者总是阴沉并且冷淡<br/>【近】aloof, detached, distant, remote, unbending, unsociable<br/>【反】 sociable, cordial, friendly, social, warm热情的<br/><br/>【记】off 离开+ ish 远离人群的


【考法 1】adj. 冷漠无情的,不顾及他人感受的:largely unaffected by the needs and feelings of other people<br/>【例】She was so thick-skinned that she was clueless about the fact that the joke had hurt her friend's feelings.她很少顾及他人的感受,以至于她根本没有意识到那个玩笑伤害了她朋友的感情。<br/>【近】affectless, callous, cold-blooded, heartless, indurate, inhumane, insensitive, merciless, obdurate, ruthless<br/>【反】charitable, compassionate, humane, kindhearted, merciful, sympathetic, tender, warmhearted慈善的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 冷漠的,无感情的:giving no sign of feeling or emotion<br/>【例】She remained impassive as the officers informed her of her son's death.她面不改色地听着警官宣读她儿子的死讯<br/>【近】affectless, apathetic, cold-blooded, deadpan, emotionless, numb, phlegmatic, stoic, undemonstrative<br/>【反】demonstrative, emotional, fervent, fervid, impassioned, passionate, vehement 充满感情的<br/><br/>【记】im + passive 如果看成激情的话,理解成:im + adj时,im 表示否定,无激情的;im + passive 被动的,消极的,缺乏活力的,更加消极及无活力,整个一个冷漠,无表情<br/>Man who has a settled purpose will surely succeed. 有志者事竟成。 <br/>【另】im + adj im 表示否定,无激情的


【考法 1】adj. 冷漠的:having an air of easy unconcern or indifference<br/>【例】She was surprisingly nonchalant about winning the award.她竟然对得奖很淡然。<br/>【近】 apathetic, disinterested, insensible, insouciant, perfunctory, unconcerned<br/>【反】concerned, interested忧虑的,有兴趣的<br/><br/>【记】none + challenge 挑战,没有挑战性就无动于衷,毫不关心


【考法 1】adj. 凶兆的:of or being an omen, especially an evil one<br/>【例】an ominous threat of war战争来临的凶兆<br/>【近】baleful, foreboding, inauspicious, portentous, sinister, threatening, minatory<br/>【反】 auspicious, unthreatening吉兆的,不具有威胁的<br/><br/>【记】来自omen,通常指不祥之兆;音:恶命,不好的命运


【考法 1】adj. 凶恶的,恶毒的:having or showing the desire to inflict severe pain and suffering on others<br/>【例】vicious slander恶意的诽谤<br/>【近】atrocious, barbaric, barbarous, brutal, butcherly, fiendish, heartless, inhumane, sadistic, savage, truculent<br/>【反】benign, benignant, compassionate, humane, kind, kindhearted, merciful, sympathetic仁慈的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 猛烈的:marked by violence or ferocity<br/>【例】a vicious storm ripped through the region 在境内肆虐的强烈风暴<br/>【近】dreadful, excruciating, explosive, fearsome, ferocious, fierce, intensive, profound, vehement, violent<br/>【反】light, moderate, soft轻柔的<br/>【派】viciousnessn. 邪恶<br/><br/>【记】源自vice 罪恶,坏,形音意同wick,wicked;音:尾蛇,一尾蛇般恶毒;音:喂蛇死,将人喂给蛇吃死<br/>【另】villainous 罪恶的, 缺德的


【考法 1】adj. 分离的:marked by breaks or disunity<br/>【例】a disjunctive narrative sequence 分散的叙述顺序<br/>【近】discrete, separate, disconnected, disunited<br/>【反】combined, connected, jointed, mixed, united连接的,混合的<br/><br/>【记】dis + junctive


【考法 1】adj. 刚愎自用的,不服管束的:following one's own capricious, wanton, or depraved inclinations<br/>【例】had always been the most wayward of their three children总是三个小孩里最不听话的一个‖wayward children with a history of behavioral problems过去行为上有些问题的调皮小孩<br/>【近】balky, contrary, contumacious, defiant, intractable, obstreperous, rebellious, recalcitrant, refractory, unruly<br/>【反】amenable, biddable, compliant, conformable, docile, obedient, ruly, submissive, tractable顺从的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 创新的:independent and creative in thought or action :inventive<br/>【例】 The car has a highly original design. 这车的设计很新颖<br/>【近】 ingenious, innovative, inventive<br/>【反】 commonplace, banal, trite, familiar, hackneyed, time-honored, tired, warmed-over 陈腐的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 最初的,最早的:coming before all others in time or order<br/>【例】the original plan had to be discarded when the situation changed drastically当环境发生剧烈变化时,最初的计划就该被放弃<br/>【近】earliest, foremost, headmost, inaugural, initial, leadoff, maiden, pioneer, premier, virgin<br/>【反】final, last, latter, terminal, ultimate最终的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 初始的,未发展的:being in the earliest stages of development<br/>【例】The equipment of these past empire-builders was rudimentary.过去这些帝国的建造者们使用的都是极其原始的工具。<br/>【近】incipient, nascent, primitive, primordial<br/>【反】developed, full-blown, mature, ripe成熟的,发展完全的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 最根本的,基础的:consisting in first principles: fundamental<br/>【例】The dropout had only a rudimentary knowledge of science.这个辍学的孩子对科学知识只有最基本的一些了解。<br/>【近】basic, elemental, essential, fundamental, rudimental, underlying<br/>【反】advanced, higher进阶的,高等级的<br/><br/>【记】源自rude 原始的,未加工的<br/>【另】fundamental 基础的, 基本的


【考法 1】adj. 利己的,以自我为中心的:being centered in or preoccupied with oneself and the gratification of one's own desires<br/>【例】egoistic behaviors others detest令他人厌恶的利己行为<br/>【近】egocentric, self-centered, individualistic, navel-gazing<br/>【反】altruistic, selfless利他的,无私的<br/>【派】egon. 自大,自我;egoismn. 利己主义;egoistn. 以自我为中心的人<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 刺激的,开胃的:appealingly piquant or lively<br/>【例】a zesty sauce 味道刺激的酱汁<br/>【近】peppery, piquant, pungent, salty, savory, spicy, zingy<br/>【反】bland, insipid, vapid, zestless乏味的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 刺耳的:characterized by harsh, insistent, and discordant sound<br/>【例】plagued by the strident noise被刺耳的噪声所折磨<br/>【近】grating, harsh, hoarse, jarring, rasping, raucous, squawky<br/>【反】mellifluous(声音)甜美的;harmonious和谐的<br/>【派】stridencen. 喧闹,刺耳<br/><br/>【记】音:死踹凳,死命地踹凳子,在地上发出刺耳声音;音:驶 + trident三叉戟 驾驶三叉戟飞机发出的声音;一队人stride 正在大步行走,发出刺耳噪音;


【考法 1】adj. 即兴的:made or done without previous thought or preparation <br/>【例】not bad for an ad-lib comedy routine 对即兴喜剧表演来说已经不错了 <br/>【近】extemporary, impromptu, improvisational, offhanded <br/>【反】considered, planned, premeditated, rehearsed <br/><br/>【记】ad=add增加,lib=lip嘴唇-增加嘴唇。正常人只有两片嘴唇。但是某些人有三片,譬如李洪志。这种人巨能喷,说好听点儿,这叫即兴演讲。


【考法 1】adj. 刺耳的:harsh or discordant<br/>【例】 the final chord of that song is too jarring for me那首歌最后的合声部分太刺耳了<br/>【近】 astounding, blindsiding, jolting, startling, stunning<br/>【反】 melodious音调优美的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 震惊的:causing a strong emotional reaction because of unexpectedness<br/>【例】the jarring news that major financial institutions were on the verge of collapse 有消息称主要的几个金融机构处于倒闭的边缘,真是让人震惊<br/>【近】amazing, astonishing, astounding, blindsiding, dumbfounding, flabbergasting, jaw-dropping, jolting, shocking, startling, stunning<br/><br/>【记】音:轧,嘎,喳,圆轴或轮子辗压在物体发出的轧轧声


【考法 1】adj. 刻薄的,充满仇恨的:having or showing deep-seated resentment<br/>【例】the acrimonious debate between the two candidates候选人之间言辞激烈的辩论<br/>【近】embittered, hard, rancorous, resentful, sore<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 动作灵活的:ready and skilled in physical movements<br/>【例】a dexterous surgeon技术娴熟的外科医生|| The dexterous watchmaker was able to repair the antique watch's delicate gears and parts.手巧的手表匠能够修理古董手表的精密的齿轮和部件。<br/>【近】deft, handy<br/>【反】ham-fisted, ham-handed, handless, heavy-handed, unhandy手笨的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 头脑灵活的:mentally adroit and skillful: clever<br/>【近】adroit, clever, cunning<br/>【反】dull, foolish, silly, fatuous, unwise傻的<br/><br/>【记】dex 右手的;index 食指,索引;(食指)是最灵巧的<br/>【另】adroit 熟练的 droit也是右手的意思<br/>Force can never destroy right. 暴力摧不毁正义。


【考法 1】adj. 动荡的:marked by sudden or violent disturbance<br/>【例】a turbulent period in history 历史上动荡时期<br/>【近】 cataclysmal, stormy, tempestuous, tumultuous<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 湍急的,汹涌的:marked by turmoil or disturbance especially of natural elements<br/>【例】the turbulent rapids of the river were certainly daunting to those of us who were new to river rafting湍急的流水必定让那些初玩漂流的人们吓得不轻<br/>【近】rough, rugged, stormy, tempestuous<br/><br/>【记】disturb 扰乱;turb扰乱 + bull 惊忧公牛,公牛乱闯,场面混乱<br/>【另】disturb扰乱,打乱,perturb 扰乱,使心烦意乱,turbine 涡轮


【考法 1】adj. 勤勉的,专心仔细的:marked by careful unremitting attention or persistent application; busy<br/>【例】tended his garden with assiduous attention 专心仔细地照看他的花园<br/>【例】The project required some assiduous planning.项目需要细心的规划。<br/>【近】diligent, industrious, sedulous<br/>【反】idle, inactive, unbusy, unemployed, unoccupied 空闲的<br/>【派】assiduity n. 勤勉:persistent application or diligence; unflagging effort.<br/><br/>【记】sid-坐,president(总统,坐在最前面的人);consider 考虑,是con一起 + sider 坐 →坐在一起→考虑<br/>【另】preside(主持), reside(居住),subside(下沉,沉淀,平息), insidious(阴险的) consider


【考法 1】adj. 勤勉的:constantly, regularly, or habitually occupied, diligent<br/>【例】The industrious PhD spends all his summer holiday in the laboratory. 勤奋的博士整个暑假都在做实验<br/>【近】assiduous, busy, diligent, sedulous<br/>【反】indolent, lazy, slothful懒惰的<br/>【派】industriousnessn. 勤奋<br/><br/>【记】象工人一样的勤劳


【考法 1】adj. 勤奋的:hard-working; industrious<br/>【例】The volunteers have been commendably laborious in their cleanup of the beach.清理海滩的志愿者们的勤奋努力值得赞扬‖He was gentle and kindly, living a laborious life in his Paris flat. 他是一个温柔、好心的人,住在巴黎的公寓里过着勤奋的生活<br/>【近】 active, assiduous, bustling, diligent, engaged, industrious, occupied, sedulous<br/>【反】 idle, inactive, indolent, inert, slothful懒散的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 费力的:marked by or requiring long, hard work<br/>【例】the laborious task of cleaning up the oil spill清除泄露石油的艰苦工作<br/>【近】 arduous, challenging, demanding, difficult, exacting, formidable, grueling, heavy, labored, rigorous, rough, rugged, severe, strenuous, sweaty, toilsome, tough<br/>【反】 easy, effortless, facile, light, mindless, simple, undemanding轻松的,容易的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 匆忙的,不注意细节的:acting or done with excessive or careless speed<br/>【例】a cursory glance at the headline 匆匆地瞥了一眼标题<br/>【近】headlong, overhasty, pell-mell, precipitate, precipitous, rash<br/>【反】fastidious, thorough, deliberate, unhurried, unrushed极关注细节的,彻底的,不匆忙的<br/><br/>【记】cursor 游标,计算机屏幕光标,用计算机屏幕光标在屏幕上扫文章的时候是粗略的;<br/>【另】cursive 草书


【考法 1】adj. 匆忙的:acting or done with excessive or careless speed<br/>【例】the army's precipitate withdrawal from the field of battle 匆忙将军队从战场上撤下<br/>【近】cursory, flying, headlong, hurried, overhasty, precipitous, rash, rushed<br/>【反】deliberate 慎重考虑的;leisurely, unhurried, unrushed从容不迫的,不慌不忙的<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 促使,导致:to cause to happen, especially suddenly or prematurely<br/>【例】to precipitate an international crisis产生国际危机<br/>【近】accelerate, escalate, expedite, hasten, impel, speed, trigger<br/>【反】check, encumber, enfetter, hamper, handicap, hinder, manacle, obstruct, retard, trammel阻碍<br/>【派】precipitationn. 急促;沉淀;降水<br/><br/>【记】pre- + cip capital 头,头在前面冲出去,原指掉下去,从悬崖掉下去,头向前引申为急躁<br/>【另】headlong 头向前地, 轻率地

incarnate<br><span style="color:#00007f;">'inkɑ:neit</span>

【考法 1】adj. 化身的,人体化的:invested with bodily nature and form<br />【例】He referred to her as devil incarnate. 他把她视作恶魔的化身<br />【近】embodied, materialized, personified, typified<br /><br />【考法 2】v. (思想、理论的)具化,体现:to constitute an embodiment or type of<br />【例】the general view that Hitler incarnated extreme egotism 通常认为希特勒代表了极端的以自我为中心<br />【近】epitomize, incorporate, manifest, materialize, personalize, personify, substantiate, symbolize<br />【反】disembody 使(灵魂等)脱离躯体<br />【派】incarnationn. 化身<br /><br />【记】in 进入 + carn 肉体;原指赋予灵魂以身体<br />【另】carnal 肉体的, 肉欲的


【考法 1】adj. 十分激动的,非常不安的:being in a state of increased activity or agitation<br/>【例】She became overwrought when she heard that her child was missing.当她得知自己孩子失踪的消息后变得极其激动和不安。<br/>【近】agitated, excited, frenzied, heated, hectic, hyperactive, overactive<br/>【反】calm, collected, composed, placid, serene, tranquil 冷静的,沉着的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. (装饰)过分华丽的:elaborately and often excessively decorated<br/>【例】The author's prose is overwrought with purple passages and florid metaphors. 这个作者的散文里充满了词藻华丽的段落和比喻,显得有些过分。<br/>【近】baroque, bedizened, flamboyant, florid, fussy, gingerbreaded, ornate, overdecorated<br/>【反】austere, plain, severe, stark, unadorned朴素的<br/><br/>【记】wrought 为 work的过去式和过去分词,over work out 做得过多了,太兴奋了,另一个意思是同<br/>overdone 做的过火了


【考法 1】adj. 华丽装饰的,过分雕琢,复杂的:characterized by extravagance, complexity, or flamboyance<br/>【例】a baroque prose一篇辞藻华丽的散文<br/>【近】byzantine, complicated, convoluted, elaborate, fancy, intricate, knotty, labyrinthine, lavish, tangled<br/>【反】austere, plain, simple朴实无华的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. (程度)过分的:going beyond a normal or acceptable limit in degree or amount<br/>【例】Eventually even the movie seems bored by its baroque violence.到最后这电影也因为其中过度的暴力元素而显得让人厌烦<br/>【近】exorbitant, extravagant, lavish, overdue<br/>【反】moderate, modest, temperate适度的<br/><br/>【记】译音:巴洛克,巴罗克艺术


【考法 1】adj. 华丽辉煌的:shining brilliantly<br/>【例】Geography teacher showed us a picture of the resplendent aurora borealis.地理老师给我们展示了一张壮丽的北极光的照片。<br/>【近】brilliant, glorious, gorgeous, grand, magnificent, splendid, sublime, superb<br/>【反】dim, dull, lackluster黯淡无光的<br/>【派】resplendencen. 辉煌<br/><br/>【记】同splendid 辉煌壮丽的的


【考法 1】adj. 卑劣的:mean; contemptible<br/>【例】a mangy trick卑鄙的手段<br/>【近】base, contemptible, debased, despicable, detestable, execrable, mean, sordid, squalid<br/>【反】 lofty, noble, upright, venerable, virtuous正直的,有道德的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 单色的:having or consisting of one color or hue<br/>【例】monochromatic filter单色滤光片<br/>【近】colorless, monochrome<br/>【反】chromatic, colorful, iridescent, motley, rainbow, variegated五光十色的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 单调无聊的:lacking variety, creativity, or excitement<br/>【例】a monochromatic article eulogizing a hero一个无聊的赞颂英雄的文章<br/>【近】arid, dreary, drudging, dull, jejune, monotonous, pedestrian, ponderous, stale, stodgy, tiresome<br/>【反】absorbing, engaging, engrossing, gripping, interesting, intriguing, involving, riveting吸引人的<br/>【派】monochromatism n. 全色盲<br/><br/>【记】mono单 + chromatic 色


【考法 1】adj. 单调乏味的:having nothing likely to provide cheer, comfort, or interest<br/>【例】The day is cold, rainy, and dreary.天气寒冷,阴暗而沉闷<br/>【近】desolate, gloomy, sullen, dull, monotone, pedestrian, somber<br/>【反】jocund令人欢乐的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj.令人不悦的:causing unhappiness<br/>【例】decided to see a professional counselor in order to save their dreary marriage 决定咨询专业人士以拯救他们悲剧式的婚姻<br/>【近】depressing, dismal, heartbreaking, mournful, pathetic, melancholy<br/>【反】cheering令人激动高兴的<br/>【派】drearilyadv. 令人厌烦地<br/><br/>【记】dear 亲爱的,你不在我身边我感到很dreary,dream + tear 只能作梦流眼泪来梦到你


【考法 1】adj. 单调的,常见的:being of the type that is encountered in the normal course of events<br/>【例】prosaic advice 老掉牙的建议<br/>【近】commonplace, everyday, routine, unexceptional, unremarkable, workaday<br/>【反】 abnormal, exceptional, extraordinary, odd, out-of-the-way, strange,exciting,preternatural,ingenious, imaginary不寻常的,有独创性的<br/><br/>【记】源自prose 散文,散文散文,结构松散,无趣,不象诗那样规整


【考法 1】adj. 单调的,无聊的:characterized by dullness and monotony<br/>【例】The new city hall turned out to be another drab pile of masonry for the town.新的市政大厅结果又是城镇里一座单调无趣的砖瓦堆积物。<br/>【近】arid, dreary, drudging, humdrum, jading, jejune, monochromatic, monotonous, pedestrian, ponderous, stale, stodgy, tedious, tiresome, wearisome<br/>【反】absorbing, engaging, engrossing, gripping, interesting, intriguing, involving, riveting令人感兴趣的<br/><br/>【记】drag 拖拉,单调枯燥无聊


【考法 1】adj. 博学的:characterized by erudition; learned<br/>【例】an erudite scholar渊博的学者<br/>【近】knowledgeable, learned, lettered, literate, scholarly, well-read<br/>【反】ignorant, unlettered, benighted, illiterate, uneducated, unscholarly无知的<br/><br/>【记】e 出 + rude 粗鲁,没文化,没教养,原始→有文化


【考法 1】adj. 占优势的,更重要的:having superior weight, force, importance, or influence<br/>【例】a preponderant misconception一个影响甚广的错误概念<br/>【近】dominant, paramount, predominant, prevalent, overruling<br/>【反】secondary, subsidiary次要的<br/>【派】preponderancen. 优势地位<br/><br/><br/>"

perilous<br><span style="color:#00007f;">'perələs</span>

【考法 1】adj. 危险的:involving potential loss or injury<br />【例】perilous journey through hostile territory穿过敌方领土的危险行程<br />【近】dangerous, grave, grievous, hazardous, jeopardizing, menacing, risky, serious, threatening, venturesome<br />【反】harmless, innocent, innocuous, safe, unthreatening安全的,无害的<br />


【考法 1】adj. 即兴的,没有准备的:without premeditation or preparation<br/>【例】couldn't give the figures offhand<br/>【近】ad-lib, extemporary, impromptu, improvised, unplanned, unpremeditated, unrehearsed<br/>【反】 considered, planned, premeditated, prepared, rehearsed事先谋划的<br/><br/>【记】off + hand 手上什么也没有,没准备东西


【考法 1】adj. 卷数多的,大量的,庞大的:having great volume, fullness, size, or number<br/>【例】trying to keep a track of voluminous academic database尝试追踪数目庞大的学术数据库<br/>【近】colossal, considerable, elephantine, enormous, gargantuan, gigantic, mammoth, numerous, oversize<br/>【反】scanty, scarce 缺乏的;dwarf, little, small, undersized数量少的<br/><br/>【记】volum=volume(n.容量;卷),inous 多:多的


【考法 1】adj. 原始的,最初的:being or happening first in sequence of time<br/>【例】primordial forms of life最原始的生命形态<br/>【近】ancient, early, primal, primeval, primitive<br/>【反】late, recent最近的<br/><br/>【记】prime + order 按顺序最初的


【考法 1】adj. 又矮又胖的:being compact and broad in build and often short in stature<br/>【例】a squat but adroit craftsman 一个又胖又矮,但是手艺灵巧的工匠<br/>【近】chunky, dumpy, heavyset, squatty, stocky, stout, stubby, stumpy, thickset<br/>【反】gangling, lanky瘦高的<br/><br/>【记】squash 压,压得站着的人蹲下;音:丝瓜,象丝瓜或南瓜一样粗壮矮胖


【考法 1】adj. 及时的,无拖延的:done, carried out, or given without delay<br/>【例】 When I order a pizza, I expect it to be delivered in a timely manner.当我在外面点了披萨饼,我就希望它能按时送到。<br/>【近】immediate, punctual, speedy<br/>【反】belated, late, tardy 迟到的,延迟的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 恰到好处的,合乎适宜的:appropriate or adapted to the times or the occasion<br/>【例】Timely invitation to lunch that came just as I was starting to feel hungry.正当我开始感到饥饿的时候,就有人适时地邀请我吃午饭了。<br/>【近】opportune, seasonable, well-timed<br/>【反】inopportune, unseasonable, untimely 不合时宜的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 友善的:characterized by friendly goodwill; amiable<br/>【例】maintain amicable relations保持友好关系;an amicable divorce 和平离婚<br/>【近】friendly, affable, amicable, genial, easy to get along with<br/>【反】antagonistic, hostile, unfriendly 有敌意的<br/><br/>【记】am I capable 我是能够友好的


【考法 1】adj. 反人类的:having or showing a deep distrust of human beings and their motives<br/>【例】a solitary and misanthropic artist 一个孤立的反人类艺术家<br/>【近】antisocial, cynical, pessimistic<br/>【反】philanthropic博爱的;uncynical不愤世嫉俗的<br/>【派】misanthropen. 反人类份子<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 反复无常的:prone to sudden illogical changes of mind, ideas, or actions<br/>【例】It's hard to make plans with such a whimsical friend.和这样一个反复无常的朋友做决定是很困难的。<br/>【近】capricious, fickle, freakish, mercurial, volatile<br/>【反】resolute, unwavering坚决的<br/>【派】whimsicalityn. 反复无常<br/><br/>【记】whim


【考法 1】adj. 受喜爱的,珍爱的:granted special treatment or attention<br/>【例】a cherished heirloom that has been in the family for generations 在这个家族里流传了几代的为大家喜爱的纺织机‖He described the picture with his wife as his most cherished possession.他把这张与妻子和合影看作是自己最为珍爱的财富。<br/>【近】beloved, dear, favored, favorite, fond, loved, pet, precious, special, sweet<br/>【反】abhorred, abominated, despised, detested, disdained, disliked, execrated, hated, loathed被厌恶的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 口感好的,味道好的:appetizing to the taste or smell<br/>【例】cedar is one of the most savory of all woods雪松是所有树木中味道最好闻的<br/>【近】 ambrosial, appetizing, dainty, palatable, scrumptious<br/>【反】 noisome, fetid, foul, malodorous, putrid, rancid, reeking, smelly, stenchy, stinky难闻的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 令人愉悦的:giving pleasure or contentment to the mind or senses<br/>【例】having to fire someone was not a task that the manager found at all savory经理发现不得不开除某人是件非常不讨好的事<br/>【近】agreeable, blessed, congenial, delectable, delicious, delightful, dulcet, enjoyable, felicitous, grateful, gratifying, heavenly, jolly, luscious, palatable, pleasurable, satisfying, tasty, welcome<br/>【反】disagreeable, pleasureless, unpalatable, unpleasant, unwelcome讨厌的,不受欢迎的<br/><br/>【记】savor


【考法 1】adj. 古怪有趣的,离奇可笑的:amusingly odd or whimsically comical<br/>【例】a droll man with a strong dialect 带着浓郁口音的有意思的人<br/>【近】antic, comic, farcical, funny, hilarious, laughable, humorous, ridiculous, ludicrous, uproarious, whimsical<br/>【反】lame, unamusing, uncomic, unfunny, unhumorous, unhysterical 不幽默的<br/>【派】drollnessn. 古怪<br/><br/>【记】joke roll 打滚,笑得打滚;drop roll 倒下打滚;<br/>【另】jolly 欢乐高兴的


【考法 1】adj. 古怪的,奇异的:strikingly out of the ordinary: bizarre<br/>【例】an outlandish costume 奇装异服<br/>【近】bizarre, cranky, eccentric, erratic, offbeat, peculiar, remarkable<br/>【反】 conventional, familiar, nonexotic, nonglamorous, plain-Jane, unglamorous, unromantic 常规的,平凡的<br/><br/>【记】外面土地的→外国的


【考法 1】adj. 古老的,过时的:outmoded or discredited by reason of age: being out of style or fashion<br/>【例】 We saw an antiquated hand-cranked rope-making machine at the textiles museum.我们在纺织博物馆里看到了一台手摇式古董制绳机。‖antiquated methods of farming 已经过时的耕种技术<br/>【近】antique, archaic, dated, fossilized, moribund, moth-eaten, obsolete, outdated, outmoded, outworn, prehistoric, rusty<br/>【反】contemporary, current, modern, recent当前的,现代的<br/><br/>【记】antique 古董的 + ed<br/>【另】antiquity(古老,古代)


【考法 1】adj. 古老的:dating or surviving from the distant past<br/>【例】a modern version of an immemorial myth 一个远古传说的现代版本<br/>【近】aged, age-old, antediluvian, antique, dateless, hoary, old, venerable<br/>【反】contemporary, modern 当代的,现代的;recent近来的<br/><br/>【记】im 不 + memorial 记忆→都记不住的→太古老了,太古


【考法 1】adj. 可以到达的:situated within easy reach<br/>【例】the town accessible by rail有铁路通达的城镇<br/>【近】handy, reachable<br/>【反】inconvenient, unhandy, unreachable, untouchable<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 可理解的:capable of being understood or appreciated<br/>【例】The information ought to be made more accessible.信息应该更清晰易懂。<br/>【近】apprehensible, fathomable, legible, scrutable<br/>【反】abstruse, incoherent, incomprehensible, inscrutable, insensible深奥的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 能够获得的:possible to get<br/>【例】The data is not currently accessible.数据目前还不可用。<br/>【近】available, attainable, obtainable, procurable<br/>【反】unattainable, unavailable, unobtainable<br/><br/>【记】access + ble 可


【考法 1】adj. 可以理解的:capable of being understood through study and observation; comprehensible.<br/>【例】Her machinations and motives are all too scrutable to us who know her.她的阴谋和动机对于了解她的我们来说非常昭然若揭<br/>【近】 accessible, apprehensible, comprehensible, fathomable, legible<br/>【反】 mysterious, incoherent, incomprehensible, inscrutable, insensible神秘而不可知的<br/><br/>【记】scrutinize 细察,可以被观察的


【考法 1】adj. 可信的,值得信赖的:worthy of being accepted as true or reasonable<br/>【例】It's not perfect, but is at least a credible explanation.尽管还不算完美,但这好歹也算是可信的解释了。‖a credible account of an accident事故的可靠报道<br/>【近】believable, creditable, likely, plausible, presumptive, probable<br/>【反】implausible, improbable, incredible, unbelievable, unlikely不可信的,难以置信的<br/>【派】credibilityn. 可靠性,公信力<br/><br/>【记】cred(相信)+ible(能...的)→可靠的


【考法 1】adj. 可宽恕的:easily excused or forgiven<br/>【例】Taking the restaurant's menu as a souvenir seems like a venial offense.把餐厅的菜单当成纪念品带走似乎是一个可以宽恕的罪行。<br/>【近】condonable, excusable, forgivable, pardonable, remissible, remittable<br/>【反】heinous, indefensible, inexcusable, mortal, unforgivable, unpardonable罪大恶极的,不可饶恕的<br/><br/>【记】音:微量,微谅,微量是细微的,细微可原谅的;音:微扭,不小心撞了她,轻微扭了一下脚<br/>,我说对不起,她说这是可以原谅的;


【考法 1】adj. 可感知的:capable of being perceived<br/>【近】palpable, touchable<br/>【反】 impalpable, intangible, unable to perceive无法感知的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 确凿的, 真实的:possible to be treated as fact; real or concrete<br/>【例】 tangible evidence确凿的证据<br/><br/>【记】tangent;源自touch, 元音转换 g=c;音:探够 + ble 能够探着够着的<br/>【另】tact 触,contact


【考法 1】adj. 可憎的,十恶不赦的:hatefully or shockingly evil, abominable<br/>【例】 a heinous crime十恶不赦的罪行<br/>【反】 commendable 值得赞美的<br/><br/>【记】音:hein 狠 + ou 恶 + s 死;它太恶,狠死它了


【考法 1】adj. 可渗透的:capable of being permeated or penetrated, especially by liquids or gases<br/>【例】a permeable fabric that allows your body heat to escape一种能使身体热量耗散的透气纤维<br/>【近】passable, penetrable, pervious, porous<br/>【反】waterproof防水的;impassable, impenetrable, impervious, impermeable不能渗透的<br/><br/>【记】permeate + albe;per 通过 + 音:面包,面包是可以渗水的,面里面是空的


【考法 1】adj. 可燃的:capable of igniting and burning<br/>【例】release a combustible gas 释放出可燃性气体<br/>【近】burnable, combustive, flammable, ignitable, inflammable<br/>【反】incombustible, nonburnable, noncombustible, nonflammable, noninflammable, unburnable不可燃的;fireproof 防火的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 容易激动的:easily excited<br/>【例】a high-strung combustible temper 一碰就火的性格<br/>【近】excitable, agitable, touchy<br/><br/>【记】com + burst 爆炸<br/>【另】combustion 燃烧


【考法 1】adj. 可用的,可行的:capable of being put to use or account<br/>【例】Is that Act applicable in this case where suspect is a foreigner?那条法规适用于这个嫌犯不是本国公民的案件么?<br/>【近】actionable, applicative, applied, functional, practicable, serviceable, useful, workable<br/>【反】impractical, inapplicable, unusable, unworkable, useless不可用的,不可行的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 相关的,有关的:having to do with the matter at hand<br/>【例】He rarely makes comment that is applicable to our discussion.他的评论很少和我们讨论的题目搭边。<br/>【近】apposite, apropos, germane, material, pointed, relative, relevant<br/>【反】extraneous, immaterial, impertinent, inapposite, irrelevant, pointless无关的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 合适的,恰当的: meeting the requirements of a purpose or situation<br/>【例】He has been busy in selecting the most applicable word for his PhD thesis.他一致忙于为自己的博士论文选择最为恰当词汇。<br/>【近】appropriate, apt, becoming, befitting, felicitous, fitting, meet, pretty, proper, right, suitable<br/>【反】improper, inappropriate, inapt, incongruous, malapropos, misbecoming, unbecoming, unfitting, unmeet, unseemly, unsuitable, wrong不恰当的<br/><br/>【记】apply 适用 + ble


【考法 1】adj. 可能出错的:tending or likely to be erroneous or capable of making an error<br/>【例】They are only human and all too fallible.他们都是人类,因此难免犯错。‖a hasty, fallible generalization有可能出错的匆促总结<br/>【近】errant<br/>【反】fail-safe, foolproof, infallible, unfailing 万无一失的,不可能出错的<br/>【派】fallibilityn. 易错<br/><br/>【记】fall 倒下,犯错误;人犯错误就会fall<br/>【另】fallacy


【考法 1】adj. 可行的:capable of being done or carried out<br/>【例】a viable solution to the problem解决问题的一个可行方案<br/>【近】achievable, attainable, doable, feasible, practicable, realizable, workable<br/>【反】hopeless, impossible, impracticable, infeasible, unattainable, unviable, unworkable 不可行的<br/>【派】viabilityn. 可行性<br/><br/>【记】源自vit- 生命,survive, live;via 通过 + ble 能通过的,过得去,可行的,能活的


【考法 1】adj. 可鄙的,可耻的:worthy of severe condemnation or reproach<br/>【例】 We will not tolerate such deplorable behavior in a house of worship.我们绝不能容许这样一种可鄙的行为出现在礼拜堂中。<br/>【近】despicable, dirty, grubby, lousy, mean, nasty, paltry, scurvy, wretched<br/>【反】admirable, commendable, creditable, laudable, meritorious, praiseworthy 值得表扬的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 悲惨的,可悲的:of a kind to cause great distress<br/>【例】Many of them work under deplorable conditions.许多人的工作环境十分悲惨。<br/>【近】distressful, distressing, grievous, heartbreaking, heartrending, lamentable, tragic, unfortunate, woeful<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 可靠的,值得信赖的:capable of being depended on<br/>【例】a dependable source of income可靠的收入来源‖He was a good friend and a dependable companion.他是一个值得信赖的好伙伴。<br/>【近】calculable, reliable, responsible, safe, secure, solid, trustable, trustworthy<br/>【反】undependable, unreliable, unsafe, untrustworthy不值得信赖的<br/><br/>【记】depend 依靠 + ble 可


【考法 1】adj. 可食用的:fit to be eaten<br/>【例】No chemicals in the laboratory is edible.实验室中的任何化学试剂都不能食用<br/>【近】eatable, comestible, consumable, digestible, esculent<br/>【反】inedible不可食用的<br/>【派】edibilityn. 可食用<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 合乎逻辑的:consistent with or based on reason; logical<br/>【例】He insisted there was a rational explanation for the strange creaking noises and that there were no such things as ghosts. 他坚持认为奇怪的咯吱声一定有一个合理的解释,而不是所谓的鬼在作怪。<br/>【近】analytic, coherent, consequent, logical, reasonable, sensible, sound, valid, well-founded, well-grounded<br/>【反】illogical, incoherent, inconsequent, invalid, irrational, unreasonable, unsound, weak 不合逻辑的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 理性的:based on sound reasoning or information<br/>【例】Betting all of your savings on the lottery is not a rational move.把你所有的存款赌在彩票上可不是一个理智的决定。<br/>【近】 commonsensical, firm, informed, just, justified, levelheaded, sober, solid<br/>【反】groundless, unfounded, unjustified无理由的,无根据的<br/>【派】rationalizev. 使合理化;找借口<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 合适的,适当的:suitable or convenient for a particular occurrence<br/>【例】 an opportune moment方便的时机<br/>【近】 seasonable, well-timed<br/>【反】 inconvenient, untimely, inappropriate, unseasonable不合适的<br/><br/>【记】熟悉的词是opportunity 机会, 时机,是时机了,机会来了,时机就是合适的时候


【考法 1】adj. 吉祥的:favorably disposed: pointing toward a happy outcome<br/>【例】propitious sign 吉祥的征兆<br/>【近】auspicious, encouraging, fair, heartening, optimistic, promising, upbeat<br/>【反】 dim, discouraging,disheartening, futureless, hopeless, inauspicious, unfavorable, unpromising, unpropitious不吉利的<br/><br/>【记】pro支持,倾向 + pity 同情,怜悯,有同情心的人是善良的,也会吉祥如意一帆风顺的


【考法 1】adj. 同义的:having the same or a similar meaning<br/>【例】Paris has always been synonymous with elegance, luxury and style. 巴黎在人们心中就是优雅、奢侈、时尚的同义词。<br/><br/>【记】syn同 + nym name 名字


【考法 1】adj. 同样大小的:equal in measure or extent<br/>【例】Five yards is commensurate with fifteen feet.5码等于 15英尺。<br/>【近】equal, tantamount<br/>【反】unequal, disparate, preponderant 不相同的,(重量,重要性,数量上)超过的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 相称的,相当的:corresponding in size or degree; proportionate<br/>【例】a job commensurate with her abilities 一份与她能力相称的工作<br/>【近】commensurable, commensurate, proportionate<br/>【反】disproportionate不相称的<br/><br/>【记】com 同 + measur 测量 +ate→测量相同→相称的<br/>【另】immense 广大无边的,dimension 尺寸


【考法 1】adj. 吝啬的:close-fisted; stingy<br/>【例】The company is pretty tightfisted when it comes to bonuses.这个公司分红的时候很吝啬。<br/>【近】 mean, miserly, parsimonious, penurious, sparing, stinting<br/>【反】bounteous, bountiful, charitable, freehanded, generous, liberal, munificent, openhanded, unsparing, unstinting慷慨大方的<br/><br/>【记】tight fist 手攥得紧


【考法 1】adj. 吝啬的:marked by grasping meanness and penuriousness<br/>【例】a miserly couple devoid of social conscience and responsibility一对没有社会良心和责任感的吝啬夫妻<br/>【近】closefisted, mean, niggard, parsimonious, penurious, stingy, tightfisted<br/>【反】lavish, prodigal, spendthrift, squandering浪费的;generous, liberal, munificent, openhanded慷慨的<br/>【派】misern. 守财奴<br/><br/>【记】miser


【考法 1】adj. 含义模糊的:not clearlyunderstood or expressed; having an often intentionally veiled or uncertain meaning<br/>【例】 a fantasy writer who likes to put lots of obscure references in her tales of wizards and warlocks一个喜欢在巫师故事中添加很多含义模糊的引用的魔幻小说作家<br/>【近】ambiguous, arcane, enigmatic, equivocal, fuliginous, inscrutable, opaque<br/>【反】 explicit, manifest, clear, certain, accessible, nonambiguous, obvious, plain, unambiguous, unequivocal明晰的,没有歧义的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 平凡的,不知名的:not prominent or famous<br/>【例】 an obscure poet无名的诗人<br/>【近】noteless, uncelebrated, unfamous, unknown, unrecognized, unsung<br/>【反】 legendary, celebrated, famed, famous, noted, notorious, prominent, renowned, well-known有名的<br/>【派】 obscurity 无名之辈<br/>【反】 celebrity名人<br/><br/>【考法 3】v.使模糊:to make dark, dim, or indistinct<br/>【例】when it isn't obscured by smog, the view of the city from the observatory can be spectacular如果在晴朗的天气,从天文台看出去的城市全景非常赞<br/>【近】blear, blur, darken, dim, overshadow, shroud<br/>【反】 elucidate, brighten, illuminate, light up, lighten 阐明<br/><br/>【记】ob 不 + secure 安全的,放心的,开车不安全主要是黑暗,或者(天气不好)看不清


【考法 1】adj. 吸引人的,极迷人的:wholly absorbing or engrossing one's attention<br/>【例】The riveting novel has, as previously expected, become a national best-seller. 正如先前所预料的,这本引人入胜的小说成为了畅销书<br/>【近】absorbing, arresting, engaging, engrossing, enthralling, fascinating, immersing, intriguing, involving<br/>【反】insipid, vapid索然无味的;boring, dull, monotonous, tedious单调的<br/><br/>【记】rivet 吸引人注意力


【考法 1】adj. 味道平淡的:not irritating or stimulating; soothing<br/>【例】stick to bland diet to lose weight 坚持清淡的饮食以减肥<br/>【近】mild, light, soft, soothing, tender<br/>【反】pungent, tangy, zesty味道刺激的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 无趣的:dull, insipid<br/>【例】a bland story with na?ve plot 一个情节幼稚的无聊故事<br/>【近】banal, sapless, insipid<br/>【反】riveting, enchanting诱人的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 温和的,和蔼的:not harsh or stern especially in nature or effect<br/>【例】bland food that was good for babies and invalids对婴儿和病患有益的温和的食物<br/>【近】balmy, benign, bland, delicate, mellow, nonabrasive<br/>【反】abrasive, caustic, coarse, hard, harsh, rough, scathing, stern刺激性的<br/><br/>【记】blind 瞎子是面无表情的;音:白兰地,味道温和不刺激,平淡,要不怎么叫"白"兰地呢;blank,


【考法 1】adj. 和善的,友好的:having or marked by agreement in feeling or action<br/>【例】a congenial host who invited us for a feast一位邀请我们美餐一顿的和善主人<br/>【近】agreeable, amicable, compatible, unanimous, united<br/>【反】discordant, incompatible不和睦的,不和谐的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 令人愉悦的:giving pleasure or contentment to the mind or senses<br/>【例】a couple relaxing in the congenial atmosphere of a luxury health SPA一对沉浸在奢华水疗寓所中令人愉快气氛里的夫妻<br/>【近】delightful, dulcet, felicitous, palatable<br/>【反】unpleasant令人不悦的<br/>【派】congenialityn. 友善<br/><br/>【记】genial友好的 generation;genius 天才肯定生活在适合生长的环境里


【考法 1】adj. 和蔼亲切的:having an easygoing and pleasing manner especially in social situations<br/>【例】a genial host who makes a point of speaking personally to each and every guest一个强调与每个客人私下交流的亲切的主人<br/>【近】affable, agreeable, gracious, mellow, nice, pleasant, sweet<br/>【反】caustic, mordant尖酸刻薄的;truculent 凶残的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 友好的,热心的:having or showing kindly feeling and sincere interest<br/>【近】amicable, companionable, cordial, warmhearted<br/>【反】antagonistic, hostile有敌意的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 温暖的:marked by temperatures that are neither too high nor too low<br/>【例】genial sunshine in winter冬日的暖阳<br/>【近】balmy, equable, gentle, mild, moderate, soft, temperate<br/>【反】harsh, inclement, intemperate, severe严峻的<br/>【派】genialityn. 和蔼<br/><br/>【记】原指适合于generate生长的,温和的,宜人的,温暖的;genius 天才令人愉快与和蔼的<br/>【另】gentle 温和文雅的,gentleman


【考法 1】adj. 和蔼的,温和的:characterized by ease and friendliness<br/>【例】an affable manner 随和的举止<br/>【近】cordial, genial, hospitable, sociable, good-natured, good-tempered, well-disposed<br/>【反】irascible, testy, ill-tempered, unamiable, ungenial 易怒的,不随和的<br/><br/>【记】af + fable 寓言,说,愿意和他说话的;和蔼可亲的总是用寓言与故事讲道理<br/>【另】affable 和蔼可亲的,易于交谈的,confabulate 交谈, fable 寓言,ineffable 不能说的,避讳的,


【考法 1】adj. 和谐一致的:being in agreement or harmony; free from elements making for discord<br/>【例】His performance was rarely consonant with his reputation.他的表现与名气大不相符<br/>【近】harmonious, compatible, congenial, consistent, congruous, correspondent<br/>【反】conflicting, dissonant, discrepant, inconsistent 不和谐的,不一致的<br/>【派】consonancen. 和谐,一致<br/><br/>【记】con 一起 + sona, 声音,song→声音在一起,一起唱歌→和谐<br/>【另】sonar 声纳


【考法 1】adj. 和谐一致的:being in agreement, harmony, or correspondence; congruous<br/>【例】a theory congruent with the known facts一个与已知事实相一致的理论<br/>【近】consonant, compatible, consistent, harmonious, accordant<br/>【反】disagreeable不一致的;conflicting, incompatible 冲突的,不可协调的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 全等的:coinciding exactly when superimposed<br/>【例】These two triangles are congruent.这两个三角形是全等的<br/>【近】identical, exact<br/>【反】disparate迥异的<br/>【派】congruityn. 和谐一致<br/><br/>【记】grue→gree→agree;grue - group;con + grow 能长到一起的→和睦


【考法 1】adj. 品德高尚的,正直的:having or showing virtue, especially moral excellence<br/>【例】Virtuous behavior is its own reward.美德本身就是一种回报。‖She felt that she had made a virtuous decision by donating the money to charity.她觉得把钱捐赠给慈善基金是一个高尚的决定。<br/>【近】decent, ethical, honest, honorable, moral, noble, righteous, straight, upright<br/>【反】bad, evil, immoral, indecent, sinful, unethical, unrighteous, wicked, wrong 邪恶的<br/><br/>【记】源于:virtue(n.美德;优点)


【考法 1】adj. 啰嗦的,话多得令人厌烦的:given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk;tiresomely talkative<br/>【例】garrulous traveling companions多话的旅伴<br/>【近】talkative, chatty, loquacious, verbose, voluble<br/>【反】laconic, reserved, reticent, taciturn缄默的<br/>【派】garrulityn. 啰嗦<br/><br/>【记】garr- 聊天;gar- 象声,+ ruler 支配,统治,嘎嘎嘎地来支配别人,真是喋喋不休


【考法 1】adj. 善变的,多才多艺的:displaying great diversity or variety; versatile<br/>【例】 He loved to show off his protean talent.他喜欢炫耀自己多样的才华.<br/>【近】 adaptable, universal, all-around<br/>【反】 static 固定的<br/><br/>【记】pro + ocean 海洋,原指希腊神话中的普罗特斯, 任意变化自己外形的海神;protein 蛋白质,改变基因顺序能变化成各种物质;


【考法 1】adj. 善变的:not staying constant<br/>【例】business at the fast-food restaurant has been so erratic lately that the manager never knows how much staff to have on hand快餐店的生意最近非常起伏以至于经理也不清楚需要多少人手<br/>【近】changing, fluctuating, irregular, unequal, unstable, unsteady, varying<br/>【反】changeless, constant, stable, steady, unchanging, unvarying不变的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 异常的,不同寻常的:different from the ordinary in a way that causes curiosity or suspicion<br/>【例】the key to the code was the erratic punctuation the killer used解开密码的关键是杀手使用的不同寻常的标点符号<br/>【近】bizarre, eccentric, offbeat, outlandish, out-of-the-way, peculiar, quaint, queer, remarkable, screwy, spaced-out, way-out, weird<br/><br/>【记】error; error + rat 老鼠,出了问题的老鼠一般四处乱窜,无确定路线


【考法 1】adj. 喜欢开玩笑的,轻浮的:joking or jesting often inappropriately<br/>【例】Stop being facetious! This is the life-and-death moment.别开玩笑了!这可是生死攸关的时刻<br/>【近】humorous, jocose, jocular, waggish, witty<br/>【反】earnest, sincere真挚的,真诚的;lugubrious哀怨的<br/><br/>【记】face 脸,互联网聊天时最常见的脸就是笑脸,及各种挤眉弄眼的开玩笑的笑脸 :) ;) :=);face<br/>+ 音:舌,嘻皮笑脸,巧舌如簧


【考法 1】adj. 喜欢说教的:designed or intended to teach<br/>【例】Parents' speech to their kids often seems to be painfully didactic.父母对他们孩子的话都是让人痛苦的说教。<br/>【近】homiletic, preachy, moralistic, sententious<br/>【反】undidactic不喜欢说教的<br/><br/>【记】did do 做的过去时 + act 行动,教人如何做或行动→教诲的


【考法 1】adj. 喧哗的,大叫大嚷的:making, given to, or marked by noisy and vehement outcry<br/>【例】Vociferous opponents of the bill protested angrily outside the Congress.议案的反对者在国会外愤怒地举行了声势浩大的抗议活动<br/>【近】blatant, boisterous, clamant, clamorous, obstreperous, strident, yowling<br/>【反】reticent, taciturn沉默的;serene, tranquil宁静的<br/><br/>【记】源自voice + fer 带,带来声音;voice + 音:发,发出声响的;voice + transfer 传递声音


【考法 1】adj. 喧闹的,骚乱的:being rough or noisy in a high-spirited way<br/>【例】That beach is often taken over by packs of rambunctious young people, so don't go there expecting peace and quiet.那个海滩经常被一帮吵闹的年轻人占领,所以不要指望过去能享受到平静和安宁。<br/>【近】boisterous, clamorous, raucous, riotous, rowdy, tumultuous, turbulent<br/>【反】orderly有秩序的;calm, noiseless, peaceful, placid, quiet, serene, silent, soundless, tranquil安静的<br/><br/>【记】ram 公羊 + 音:绑颗绳,给公羊绑颗绳它会粗暴狂乱;ramble + anxious 急切盼望出去散步<br/>,在家里会憋得发狂的<br/>【另】ram 公羊, 撞杆, 撞, 填塞, 灌输


【考法 1】adj. 回顾的:looking back on, contemplating, or directed to the past<br/>【例】a retrospective glance at my youth朝我少年时代投去的回顾性一瞥<br/>【近】backward<br/>【反】anticipatory预想的;prospective预期的,未来的<br/><br/>【记】retro 向后,spect 看,ive-向后看-回顾的


【考法 1】adj. 固态的,坚固的:having a consistency that does not easily yield to pressure<br/>【例】The ice cream is too solid to scoop right now.冰淇淋现在太硬了,根本舀不动。<br/>【近】compact, hard, rigid, stiff, unyielding<br/>【反】 flabby, soft, spongy, squashy, squishy柔软的,容易挤压的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 有理有据的:based on sound reasoning or information<br/>【例】the only solid conclusion that the jury could have reached陪审团唯一可能做出的合理结论<br/>【近】firm, informed, justified, levelheaded, logical, rational, reasonable, sensible, sober, valid, well-founded<br/>【反】groundless, illogical, invalid, unfounded, uninformed, unjustified, unreasonable, unsound没有道理的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 坚定的,不迟疑的:not showing weakness or uncertainty<br/>【例】Some people see a solid handshake as a sign of strong character.有人认为握手毫不迟疑的人有着很强势的性格。<br/>【近】forceful, hearty, iron, lusty, robust, stout, strong, sturdy, vigorous<br/>【反】uncertain, weak迟疑的<br/>【派】solidifyvt. 使固化<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 固执己见的,坚持(错误观点)的:stubborn in adherence to wrong opinion or principles<br/>【例】In spite of other's objections, he is always wrongheaded in his opinions.他总是不管他人的反对而坚持自己哪怕是错误的观点。<br/>【近】adamant, headstrong, immovable, implacable, inconvincible, inflexible, intransigent, mulish, obdurate, pertinacious, perverse, stubborn, unyielding, willful<br/>【反】acquiescent, agreeable, amenable, compliant, flexible, pliable, pliant<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 固执的,不可动摇的:unshakable or insistent especially in maintaining a position or opinion, unyielding; inflexible<br/>【例】adamant about staying here 执意留下来<br/>【近】hardheaded, headstrong, intransigent, pertinacious, obdurate, uncompromising<br/>【反】vacillatory, incline to yield, amenable, compliant, relenting, yielding动摇的,易屈从的<br/><br/>【记】源自diamond 坚硬的钻石;a dam 大坝的特点,坚硬,坚强不屈不动摇;Adam亚当,男人的特点<br/>A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold. 健康的身体贵于黄金铸成的皇冠。


【考法 1】adj. 固执的:perversely adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion<br/>【例】obstinate resistance to change坚决抵制改变<br/>【近】 adamant, headstrong, intransigent, stubborn, uncompromising, unyielding, willful<br/>【反】acquiescent, agreeable, amenable, compliant, complying, flexible, pliable, pliant, relenting, yielding顺从服从的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 难于减轻或治愈的:not easily subdued, remedied, or removed<br/>【例】 obstinate fever 高烧不退|| an obstinate headache难以治愈的头痛<br/><br/>【记】ob 不 + destination 目标,不达目的不罢休→倔强;近于pertinacious 固执的;<br/>【另】tenacious 顽强的


【考法 1】v. 通知,告知:to give notice to; inform<br/>【例】apprise him of the danger that may be involved 告知他可能涉及的危险<br/>【近】inform, acquaint, make known to<br/>【反】withhold information 隐瞒信息<br/><br/>【记】通知大家,大奖(prise)的得主是谁


【考法 1】adj. 固执的:resistant to persuasion or softening influences<br/>【例】She is known for her obdurate determination. 她以坚定不移著称。<br/>【近】 adamant, hard-nosed, headstrong, inflexible, intransigent, pertinacious, stubborn, unbending, uncompromising, unrelenting, unyielding, willful<br/>【反】 acquiescent, agreeable, amenable, compliant, complying, flexible, pliable, pliant, relenting, yielding温顺的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 冷酷无情的:having or showing a lack of sympathy or tender feelings<br/>【例】the obdurate refusal of the crotchety old man to let the neighborhood kids retrieve their ball from his backyard那个怪老头冷酷无情地拒绝了孩子们进他后院找球的请求<br/>【近】affectless, callous, compassionless, hard-hearted, heartless, indurate, inhuman, insensate, ironhearted, merciless, remorseless, ruthless, unsparing<br/>【反】charitable, compassionate, humane, kindhearted, kindly, merciful, softhearted, sympathetic, tender, warmhearted 同情的,有爱的<br/><br/>【记】ob 不好的 + dure 坚持,耐久<br/>Self-control is courage under another form. 自我克制是勇气的另一种形式. <br/>【另】during在.期间, durable 耐久的,duress 强迫, endure 忍耐, indurate 坚硬,obdurate 冷酷无情的, 顽固的,perdure 持久,继续,


【考法 1】adj. 固执的:sticking to an opinion, purpose, or course of action in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion<br/>【近】adamant, dogged, headstrong, intransigent, mulish, obdurate, pertinacious, stubborn, unyielding<br/>【反】acquiescent倾向于默认的;compliant, flexible, pliable, pliant, yielding易受影响的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 无法平息的:not capable of being appeased, significantly changed, or mitigated<br/>【例】an implacable enemy无法与之和解的敌人<br/>【近】determined, grim, relentless, unappeasable<br/>【反】placable可平息的,可缓和的<br/><br/>【记】placable 易抚慰的;im + please 取悦 + able;place 摆放,摆平,加上im就是摆不平的<br/>【另】place (摆放,摆平)放置


【考法 1】adj. 固执的:unreasonably and inflexibly obstinate<br/>【例】a mulish determination to act on his own铁了心要单打独斗<br/>【近】adamant, headstrong, immovable, intractable, obstinate, pertinacious, perverse, refractory, stubborn<br/>【反】flexible, pliable, pliant, yielding易改变立场的,易受影响的<br/>【派】mulishlyadv. 固执地<br/><br/>【记】mule 音:母骡,毛驴 + ish,毛驴似,毛驴似的<br/>【另】mule 音:母骡,毛驴,也可看做是发音:马累,合在一起骡


【考法 1】adj. 固有的,内在的:of or relating to the essential nature of a thing<br/>【例】the intrinsic worth of a gem宝石的内在价值<br/>【近】congenial, constitutional, immanent, inborn, inherent, innate, native, natural<br/>【反】adventitious, extraneous, extrinsic外在的<br/><br/>【记】源自inter, intro;intro在内的 + in 在里面;intro + inside<br/>【另】extra- 外面的


【考法 1】adj. 土产的,本地的:originating and living or occurring naturally in an area or environment<br/>【例】the culture of the indigenous people of that country 那个国家原著民的文化<br/>【近】aboriginal, endemic, native<br/>【反】exotic, extraneous, foreign 外来的;nonnative 非本地的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 与生俱来的,先天的:being a part of the innermost nature of a person or thing<br/>【例】The drive to create is indigenous to humanity. 人类创造的动力是与生俱来的<br/>【近】constitutional, essential, immanent, inborn, inbred, ingrained, innate, integral, intrinsic, natural<br/>【反】adventitious, extrinsic外在的;acquired, studied 后天习得的<br/><br/>【记】in 里 + dig 挖 + genous generate 生产的,往里挖能挖出土产,如人参什么的;indi 印地安 + gen人种,生长,印地安人种才是美国土生土长的原始土著(有一说法印地安人是来自亚洲甚至中国,长相与中国人很接近)<br/>【另】endogenous 内生的,exogenous 外生的


【考法 1】adj. 地方性的:prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality, region, or people<br/>【例】an endemic disease地方性疾病<br/>【近】aboriginal, indigenous, native, domestic<br/>【反】exotic, foreign, nonindigenous, nonnative 国外的,外来的<br/><br/>【记】dem 人民,属于特定地方人民的,风土的<br/>【另】democratic 平民的,民主的


【考法 1】adj. 坚定的,忠诚的:firm in belief, determination, or adherence<br/>【例】Her comrades remained steadfast despite brutal tortures.尽管有残酷的折磨,她的同志们都保持了忠诚。<br/>【近】constant, dedicated, devoted, devout, loyal, pious, staunch, steady, true-blue<br/>【反】disloyal, perfidious, recreant, traitorous, treacherous, unfaithful不忠的<br/><br/>【记】steady 稳固的 + fast 牢固的


【考法 1】adj. 坚定的:marked by firm determination<br/>【例】 We are glad to have such a resolute ally. 我们很高兴能拥有这样一个坚定的盟友。<br/>【近】bound, decided, faithful, resolved, unwavering<br/>【反】faltering, hesitant, indecisive, irresolute, jittery, vacillating, wavering犹豫的,踌躇的<br/>【派】resolutionn. 坚定的决心<br/><br/>【记】源自resolve的过去分词;


【考法 1】adj. 声音洪亮的:extremely loud<br/>【例】an tenor with a stentorian voice拥有洪亮声音的男高音‖The professor's stentorian voice was enough to keep even the drowsiest student awake. 教授洪亮的声音足以使最困的学生保持清醒。<br/>【近】blaring, blasting, clamorous, deafening, earsplitting, plangent, resounding, roaring, sonorous, thunderous<br/>【反】gentle, low, soft声音轻柔的<br/><br/>【记】源于Stentor,希腊史诗伊利亚特中一位的传令官,声音洪亮;形近 attention 西点军校喊一声<br/>Attention,是很响亮的


【考法 1】adj. 复杂的,费解的:complicated; intricate<br/>【例】a convoluted way of describing a simple mechanism用令人费解的方法解释一个简单的原理<br/>【近】complex, knotty, involved, sophisticated, twisted, tangled, labyrinthine<br/>【反】straightforward直截了当的<br/><br/>【记】volute 旋转,涡形;revolution 旋转<br/>【另】devolution落下 转移, evolution 进展 演变,involute 纷乱,渐开线


【考法 1】vi. 担保,声称为真:to declare (something) to be true or genuine; to give a guarantee<br/>【例】willing to vouch for her integrity愿意担保她的人格<br/>【近】attest, avouch, guarantee, testify, warrant<br/><br/>【记】voice 声音,发声宣誓来担保<br/>【另】vow 宣誓, 发誓


【考法 1】adj. 外围的:related to, located in, or constituting an outer boundary or periphery<br/>【例】development in the peripheral areas of megacities 大城市边缘地区的发展<br/>【近】circumferential, marginal<br/>【反】central中心的;interior内部的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 辅助性的:available to supply something extra when needed<br/>【例】The IT consultant suggested that we update the drivers for all of the computer's peripheral devices.IT咨询师建议我们更新电脑所有外围辅助设备的驱动程序<br/>【近】 accessorial, accessory, appurtenant, supplemental, supplementary<br/>【反】 chief, main, principal主要的<br/><br/>【记】源自peri + fer 带,transfer 从侧面移动<br/>That which is evil is soon learnt. 恶行易学。


【考法 1】adj. 外来的,不同寻常的:excitingly or mysteriously unusual<br/>【例】famous for her exotic tastes 她以有异域风情著称<br/>【近】outlandish, strange<br/>【反】indigenous, familiar, nonglamorous, plain-Jane, unexotic本地的,平常的<br/><br/>【记】esoteric 的反意,esoteric是internal的变体,exoteric是external 的变体;ex 出 + outer<br/>【另】esoteric 神秘的,深奥的


【考法 1】adj. 外来的,后天的:coming from another source and not inherent or innate<br/>【例】Moral considerations are adventitious to the study of art.道德的考量对于艺术研究来说是不必要的。<br/>【近】alien, extraneous, external, foreign, supervenient<br/>【反】constitutional, essential, intrinsic, inborn, inbred, innate, inherent天生的<br/><br/>【记】advent (不寻常事)出现→偶然;adventure 冒险与奇遇都是偶然的


【考法 1】adj. 多产的,肥沃的:fruitful in offspring or vegetation<br/>【例】fecund black soil肥沃的黑土地<br/>【近】cornucopian, fertile, fruitful, lush, luxuriant, productive, prolific, rich<br/>【反】barren, infertile, sterile贫瘠的<br/>【派】fecundityn.多产<br/><br/>【记】fec- 粪;音:肥垦地,肥坑地,粪坑地<br/>【另】fecal 粪便的,feces 粪,feculent 粪的,污秽的


【考法 1】adj. 多刺的:bearingspines, prickles, or thorns<br/>【例】low spiny bushes of sage低矮多刺的长满鼠尾草的灌木丛<br/>【近】brambly, prickly, thorny<br/>【反】 even, flat, plane, smooth平滑的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 棘手的,麻烦的:requiring exceptional skill or caution in performance or handling<br/>【例】This promises to be a spiny problem to negotiate.这有可能成为谈判过程中棘手的问题。<br/>【近】catchy, delicate, difficult, knotty, problematic, sensitive, sticky, ticklish, thorny, tough, troublesome<br/>【反】 easy, effortless, manageable, painless, simple, straightforward, uncomplicated, undemanding简单的<br/><br/>【记】spine (脊椎骨)上有许多突起的骨头,象刺


【考法 1】adj. 多孔可渗透的:admitting the passage of gas or liquid through pores or interstices<br/>【例】Lava rock has a porous structure which makes the material lightweight and highly moisture-retentive.火山岩的多孔结构使得它密度很小,同时有很高的吸湿性。<br/>【近】passable, penetrable, permeable, pervious<br/>【反】impassable, impenetrable, impermeable, impervious无法穿透的<br/>【派】porosityn. 多孔性<br/><br/>【记】源自pore 泡,冒泡泡,因为有小孔,气孔<br/>【另】pore 毛孔, 小孔, 气孔,熟读, 凝视, 沉思


【考法 1】adj. 多孔的:containing cavities; having a porous texture<br/>【例】the cellular construction of a beehive 蜂巢的多孔结构<br/>【近】porous<br/><br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 多疑的,对他人极端恐惧和怀疑的:exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others<br/>【例】a paranoid suspicion that the phone might be bugged疑神疑鬼地担心电话被窃听了<br/>【近】 distrustful, nervous, suspicious, unbelieving, worried<br/>【反】 credulous 轻信的<br/>【派】paranoian. 偏执狂<br/><br/>【记】读:怕annoy,偏执狂


【考法 1】adj. 多管闲事的:thrusting oneself where one is not welcome or invited<br/>【例】 an officious little man who was always telling everyone else how to do their jobs一个多管闲事的人,总喜欢对他人的事情指手画脚<br/>【近】 interfering, intruding, meddlesome, obtrusive, presuming, prying, snoopy<br/>【反】unobtrusive不引人注目的<br/><br/>【记】来自office 职责,指过于做自己的职责,过于殷勤地提供别人并不需要的服务<br/>【另】office 办公室, 办事处,公职, 职责


【考法 1】adj. 夜间的:of, relating to, or occurring in the night<br/>【例】a nocturnal raid夜间突袭<br/>【近】nightly, nighttime<br/>【反】daily, diurnal白昼的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 夜间活动的:active at night<br/>【例】a nocturnal predator夜间活动的捕食者<br/>【派】nocturnen. 夜曲<br/><br/>【记】noct- 夜;knock 敲 + turn 换班,敲门,有人来换夜班了→晚上;no + urinate 小便, 不小便是晚上,两次小便是白天 diurnal<br/>【另】noctambulant 梦游的,diurnal 每日的,白天的


【考法 1】adj. 大声喧哗的:noisy, especially in a vulgar or offensive manner<br/>【例】blatant radios 喧闹恼人的电台<br/>【近】boisterous, clamant, clamorous, vociferous<br/>【反】quiet, reticent, taciturn沉默少语的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. (让人生厌地)惹人注目的:very noticeable especially for being incorrect or bad<br/>【例】a blatant lie明目张胆的谎言|| a blatant error in simple addition简单的加法运算中的一个明显错误<br/>【近】conspicuous, flagrant, glaring, patent, striking, pronounced<br/>【反】subtle, unimpressive细微的<br/><br/>【记】blah 废话+ 音:谈,不停地谈话说废话让人讨厌<br/>【另】blah blah是美国口语:意思是等等,诸如此类,有轻微贬意;blab 胡扯, blare号声


【考法 1】adj. 大杂烩,混合物:an unorganized collection or mixture of various things<br/>【例】a medley of snack foods available on the buffet table自助餐桌上供应着各式各样的小吃<br/>【近】agglomerate, collage, hodgepodge, jumble, montage, motley, muddle, salad, shuffle, variety, welter<br/><br/>【记】middle + 音:里,粒,中间混到里面;meddle 干预,干涉,结果将事情搞乱;音:米袋粒<br/>,米袋里米粒与石头粒是混在一起的


【考法 1】adj. 大胆的,(但往往)愚勇的:fearlessly, often recklessly daring; bold<br/>【例】an audacious plan 一个冒进的计划<br/>【近】bold, adventurous, brash, brassy, brazen, rash, reckless<br/>【反】cautious, circumspect, guarded, wary小心谨慎的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj.蔑视(法律、礼节)的,无礼的:contemptuous of law, religion, or decorum<br/>【近】impertinent, impudent, insolent<br/>【反】timid, meek温顺的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 乐于冒险的:inclined or willing to take risks<br/>【例】audacious adventurers risking everything they had for a shot at glory 为了荣誉而孤注一掷的冒险家们<br/>【近】daring, emboldened, enterprising, nervy, venturesome<br/><br/>【考法 4】adj. 大胆创新的:marked by originality and verve<br/>【例】an audacious interpretation of two dramas对两部戏剧的创造性阐述<br/>【派】audacityn. 胆量,不敬<br/><br/>【记】发音象Odyssey 奥德塞,古希腊作家荷马史诗。奥德赛非常大胆,著名的特洛伊城木马计就是他设计的;Odyssey是特洛伊战争结束后回家途中大胆冒险的史诗


【考法 1】adj. 大腹便便,大肚子的:having a potbelly<br/>【例】a paunchy middle-aged man一个大腹便便的中年男子<br/>【近】corpulent, fat, potbellied<br/>【反】slender, slim, svelte, thin瘦的,苗条的<br/><br/>【记】音:胖吃


【考法 1】adj. 大范围流行的:widespread; general<br/>【例】pandemic malaria大规模的疟疾<br/>【反】 limited有限的<br/><br/>【记】pan- 全 音:泛 + demic 人民,人→全体人民中流行<br/>【另】endemic 地方病,风土的, 地方的,


【考法 1】adj. 大量的:possessing or covered with great numbers or amounts of something specified<br/>【例】oceans teeming with life孕育着无穷生命的海洋<br/>【近】abundant, ample, awash, cornucopian, flush, fraught, lousy, replete, swarming, thick, thronging<br/>【反】bare, barren, blank, devoid, empty, stark, vacant, void贫瘠的,空无一物的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 天意的,幸运的:happening as if through divine intervention<br/>【例】 a providential escape幸运的逃脱<br/>【近】lucky, fluky, fortuitous<br/>【反】 unfortunate, mishap, hapless, ill-fated, ill-starred, luckless, star-crossed不幸的<br/><br/>【记】provident 为将来考虑,原指神的意旨,神掌控一切,考虑未来,能带来好运的


【考法 1】adj. 天真淳朴的:lacking in cunning, guile, or worldliness<br/>【例】Photographs captured the ingenuous smiles of young children at play.摄影家捕捉到了演出中孩子们天真无邪的笑脸<br/>【近】artless, innocent, guileless, na?ve, simple, unaffected, unpretending, unsophisticated<br/>【反】artful, cunning, sly 狡猾的;assuming, hypocritical 虚伪做作的;sophisticated, worldly 世故的,老练的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 坦白的:openly straightforward or frank<br/>【例】her ingenuous thirst for knowledge她对知识毫不掩饰的渴望<br/>【近】candid, frank, open, plain, unconcealed<br/>【反】ambiguous, equivocal, evasive含糊其辞的<br/><br/>【记】genuine 真实的;源自generate,产生,出生;刚出生的小孩是单纯的;in + genuous 真牛哟死;MM对我说,你真牛呕,牛死了→她太单纯<br/>【另】ingenious 是吉尼斯(音)纪录的天才,ingenuity 音也象真牛,但是没有真牛呕死


【考法 1】adj. 天真纯朴的:lacking worldly experience and understanding, simple and guileless<br/>【例】a child with a na?ve charm天真无邪的孩子<br/>【近】artless, guileless, ingenuous, innocent, natural, simple, unaffected, unsophisticated<br/>【反】sophisticated, worldly世故的;affected, artful, assuming, dishonest, dissembling, guileful 虚伪、做作的<br/>【派】naivetyn. 天真<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 失去感觉的:devoid of sensation especially as a result of cold or anesthesia<br/>【例】I have been sitting in the same position for too long and now my feet are numb.我一个姿势坐得太久,以至于双腿都发麻了。<br/>【近】asleep, benumbed, dead, insensitive, numbed, torpid, unfeeling<br/>【反】feeling, sensible, sensitive有感觉的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 麻木的,无感情的:devoid of emotion<br/>【例】Apparently in shock, he answered the police officer's questions with a numb expression on his face. 她显然是受到了惊吓,以至于在回答警官的问题时一脸茫然。‖Years of physical and emotional abuse had rendered the woman numb and withdrawn.常年累月的肉体和精神上的折磨已让她麻木而寡言。<br/>【近】affectless, apathetic, catatonic, deadpan, emotionless, impassible, passionless, phlegmatic, stoic, stolid<br/>【反】demonstrative, emotional, fervent, fervid, impassioned, passionate, vehement 充满感情的<br/><br/>【记】音:衲木,木衲,发音也接近麻木


【考法 1】adj. 奉承的,屈从的:obsequiously submissive<br/>【近】amenable, biddable, compliant, conformable, docile, obeisant, obsequious, servile, submissive, tractable<br/>【反】contumacious, defiant, intractable, obstreperous, rebellious, recalcitrant, refractory, unruly不顺从的<br/>【派】subserviencen. 服从<br/><br/>【记】sub + serve 下边服务


【考法 1】adj. 奢侈大量的:characterized by or produced with extravagance and profusion<br/>【例】 lavish buffet奢侈的自助餐<br/>【近】 copious, exuberant, gushing, lush, luxuriant, opulent, profuse, riotous<br/>【反】moderate, modest, reasonable, temperate适度的,合理的<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 挥霍,浪费:to give readily and in large quantities; to use up carelessly<br/>【例】a great actor who lavished his talent in lousy movies将才华浪费在低劣电影上的影星<br/>【近】blow, dissipate, fritter, misspend, squander, waste<br/>【反】conserve 节约<br/><br/>【记】音:浪费水,v发f音


【考法 1】adj. 奢侈逸乐的,沉溺酒色的:given to or spent inenjoymentsofluxury, pleasure, or sensual gratifications<br/>【例】They spent a long and voluptuous holiday in Venice.他们在威尼斯度过了一个漫长而奢华的假期。<br/>【近】carnal, epicurean, luscious, lush, luxurious, indulgent, sensual, sensuous<br/>【反】ascetic, spartan, self-denying克己的,自制的<br/>【派】voluptuary n. 酒色之徒<br/><br/>【记】vol will 意愿 + luxurious 奢侈,想享乐的;音:舞露屁脱,跳舞露屁股脱衣,脱衣舞激起情欲


【考法 1】adj. 好心的,仁慈的:showing kindness and gentleness<br/>【例】a benign coach一名仁慈的教练<br/>【近】beneficent, gentle, kind<br/>【反】abrasive, caustic, coarse, hard, harsh, rough, scathing, stern粗暴的,严厉的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 无害的:not causing or being capable of causing injury or hurt<br/>【例】Don't worry; his eccentricities are entirely benign.别担心,他那些古怪行为不会给人带来伤害<br/>【近】harmless, innocent, innocuous, inoffensive<br/>【反】baleful, deleterious, detrimental, harmful, injurious, pernicious有害的<br/><br/>【记】源自bene + gen;bene + gental;bene 好 + nice;be + knight 做个骑士


【考法 1】adj. 好脾气的,友好易相处的:being friendly, sociable, and congenial<br/>【例】an amiable teacher not easily annoyed一个不易惹恼易相处的老师<br/>【近】friendly, affable, amicable, genial, easy to get along with<br/>【反】disagreeable,ill-natured, ill-tempered, unamiable, ungenial, ungracious, unpleasant 坏脾气的,令人不愉快的<br/><br/>【记】源自am, amor 爱,友好的字根;am I + able 我是.形容词 我本来就是友好,亲切的;am + I +<br/>able 我能够吗?近似May I .? 很友好的说话


【考法 1】adj. 威严的,庄重的:having or showing a formal and serious or reserved manner<br/>【例】Unsurprisingly, the head of the bank is an august white-haired gentleman.不出所料的,银行的总裁是一名白发苍苍的、令人顿生敬意的绅士。<br/>【近】distinguished, imposing, portly, solemn, staid, stately<br/>【反】flighty, frivolous, giddy, goofy, silly, undignified 轻浮的,不庄重的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 盛大的,令人印象深刻的:large and impressive in size, grandeur, extent, or conception<br/>【例】an august golden anniversary celebration for the company盛大的周年庆祝会<br/>【近】baronial, epic, grandiose, imperial, magnificent, majestic, massive, monumental, noble, regal, splendid<br/>【反】common, humble, mediocre, ordinary, unimposing, unimpressive普通的,一般的<br/><br/>【记】august 八月份是占卜季节,仪式非常威严高贵


【考法 1】adj. 宁静的,平静的:free from storms or physical disturbance<br/>【近】hushed, peaceful, placid, serene, tranquil, untroubled<br/>【反】tempestuous, stormy, agitated, inclement, restless, rough, turbulent, unquiet, unsettled 暴风雨的,暴躁的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 繁荣的,丰富的:prosperous, affluent, vigorous growth and well-being especially economically<br/>【例】halcyon years 丰年<br/>【近】booming, flourishing, lush, palmy, prospering, roaring, thriving<br/>【反】miserable, depressed, unprosperous萧条的,少得可怜的<br/><br/>【记】音:海神,由于能够平息风浪,被渔民尊为海神,使大海平静,给人们带来愉快,原指神话中的神翠鸟,据说当它在冬至时在海上孵卵期间,具有平息风浪的力量。


【考法 1】adj. 宁静的,风平浪静的:free from storms or physical disturbance<br/>【例】a vacation in the placid lake community在宁静的湖区度过的假日<br/>【近】calm, halcyon, hushed, peaceful, quiet, serene, still, stilly, tranquil, untroubled<br/>【反】boisterous, clamorous, noisy, raucous, roistering, rowdy, tumultuous, uproarious喧闹的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 冷静的,淡定的:free from emotional or mental agitation<br/>【例】I know an exceptionally placid mother who was rarely upset by her six children我认识一个异常淡定的母亲,她几乎从未因为自己的六个孩子而烦恼过。<br/>【近】collected, composed, coolheaded, level, limpid, possessed, recollected, sedate, undisturbed, unperturbed<br/>【反】agitated, discomposed, disturbed, flustered, perturbed, upset不安的,焦虑的<br/>【派】placidityn.宁静,安宁<br/><br/>【记】place 平静, pease place(安置) + ed<br/>【另】complacent 自满的, 得意的


【考法 1】adj. 安静的:free from disturbing noise or uproar<br/>【例】a serene vacation spot 一处宁谧的度假胜地<br/>【近】arcadian, calm, hushed, peaceful, placid, restful, still, tranquil<br/>【反】boisterous, clamorous, clattery, deafening, raucous, roistering, romping, rowdy,tumultuous, unquiet, uproarious<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 稳重的,镇静的:unaffected by disturbance; calm and unruffled<br/>【例】a serene man who was everyone's source of support一个沉着镇静的男人,他是所有人的精神支柱<br/>【近】collected, composed, possessed, recollected, undisturbed, unperturbed, unruffled<br/>【反】 agitated, discomposed, disturbed, flustered, perturbed, unhinged, unstrung, upset 暴躁的,不安的<br/>【派】 serenityn. 平静the quality or state of being serene<br/>【反】 havoc, pandemonium, tumult, bedlam, riot, furor混乱,骚动<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 完全不同的:being not of the same kind<br/>【例】She seems to alternate between two distinctive hairstyles.她的发型似乎在两种截然不同的样式中交替。<br/>【近】disparate, dissimilar, distant, distinct, distinguishable, diverse, unalike, unlike<br/>【反】identical, indistinguishable, same相同的;alike, analogous, kindred, like, parallel, similar相似的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 特征性的,典型的:serving to identify as belonging to an individual or group<br/>【例】She seems to alternate between two distinctive hairstyles.她的发型似乎在两种截然不同的样式中交替。<br/>【近】characteristic, classic, diagnostic, discriminating, distinguishing, identifying, peculiar, symptomatic, typical<br/>【反】atypical, uncharacteristic, untypical非典型的<br/>【派】distinctionn. 区别,差别<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 完全对立的,相反的:being in direct and unequivocal opposition<br/>【例】Spiritual ideals seem antithetical to the materialism embraced by modern society.精神上的理想境界往往同当代社会所推崇的唯物主义相抵触。<br/>【近】antipodal, antipodean, contradictory, contrary, diametric, opposite, polar<br/>【反】equivalent, identical, same完全一致的,相等的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 宏伟壮丽的:impressive in size, bearing, dignity, or grandeur<br/>【例】The corporation's imposing headquarters were designed by one of the nation's cutting-edge architects.这家公司宏伟壮丽的总部是由该国最优秀的建筑师设计的<br/>【近】august, epic, glorious, grand, imperial, magnificent, monumental, noble, splendid<br/>【反】common, humble, inferior, low低下的,平凡的<br/><br/>【记】impose 给人强加的+ing,类似impressive 给人深刻印象的,


【考法 1】adj. 实体的,实在的:relating to or composed of matter<br/>【例】concrete objects like rocks and trees 像石头、树这一类的实物<br/>【近】physical, substantial, substantive<br/>【反】airy, diaphanous, gossamery, immaterial, tenuous, thin, vaporous虚无飘渺的,非实体的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 事实性的,明确的:existing in fact and not merely as a possibility<br/>【例】Concrete evidence, and not just a theory, must be presented at a trial.在法庭上需要出示确凿的证据,而非臆测。<br/>【近】effective, existent, factual, genuine, real, true, very, de facto<br/>【反】conjectural, hypothetical, ideal, platonic, suppositional, theoretical猜测的,理论上的<br/><br/>【记】con + create 一起产生,一起造出来的实实在在的实体


【考法 1】adj. 客观公正的,不易被情绪或偏见影响的:devoid of or unaffected by passion, emotion, or bias<br/>【例】Journalists should aim to be dispassionate observers. 记者们应该朝着成为一个公正的观察者努力。<br/>【近】 disinterested, equal, equitable, evenhanded, impartial, just, nonpartisan, objective, unbiased, unprejudiced<br/>【反】biased, inequitable, nonobjective, one-sided, partial, partisan, prejudiced, unjust有偏见的,不公正的<br/><br/>【记】dis无 + passionate (激情的)→无激情→心平气和的; 与un(反义)不同,dis 是无,这里不是冷漠的;<br/>【另】dis 通常表示相反,否定


【考法 1】adj. 宫殿般奢华的:of the nature of a palace, as in spaciousness or ornateness<br/>【例】a palatial penthouse apartment 一套豪华的顶层公寓<br/>【近】deluxe, lavish, luxuriant, opulent, sumptuous<br/>【反】ascetic, austere, humble, no-frills, spartan<br/><br/>【记】palace 宫殿,看成palacial


【考法 1】adj. 宽大仁慈的:inclined not to be harsh or strict; merciful, generous, or indulgent<br/>【例】 the lenient sentences仁慈的审判<br/>【近】clement, gentle, merciful, mild, sparing, tender, tolerant<br/>【反】harsh, merciless, severe, strict残酷的,严厉的<br/>【派】leniencen. 仁慈<br/><br/>【记】音:理念,为人最基本的理念是宽容与仁慈为怀,据说包凡一给学生们的建议就是对周围的人要宽大仁慈,没准哪个同学以后发了财还能帮你一把,如老俞对他这般给个校长当;音:怜你→爱你,疼你的人待你就是lenient;lent(lend过去式) + 音:您, 给您贷款,真是宽厚仁慈<br/>【另】relent 宽厚温和,是re 再,重复 + lent 借,反复地借给我钱,真是宽厚啊


【考法 1】adj. 宽容的,善良的:tolerant and kind in the judgment of and expectations for others<br/>【例】Clement judge reduced the sentence.仁慈的法官减轻了刑罚。<br/>【近】charitable, lenient, merciful<br/>【反】harsh, severe, stern, strict 严厉的,严格的<br/>【派】clemency n. 仁慈<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 气候温和的:marked by temperatures that are neither too high nor too low<br/>【例】Hawaii is known for its delightfully clement climate.夏威夷以它宜人的温和气候著称。<br/>【近】mild, genial, gentle, balmy, equable<br/>【反】harsh, inclement, severe严酷的<br/><br/>【记】climate 气候多是温和的


【考法 1】adj. 富裕的:having a generously sufficient and typically increasing supply of material possessions<br/>【例】affluent society富裕的社会<br/>【近】opulent, loaded, deep-pocketed, silk-stocking, well-endowed, well-off, well-to-do<br/>【反】needy, impecunious, impoverished, indigent, penurious 贫困的<br/><br/>【记】af + fluent 流→财源滚滚,财富如流水;音:富禄,又富又有福禄<br/>【另】flow 流动, fluid 液体


【考法 1】adj. 寒冷的:having a low or subnormal temperature<br/>【例】a frosty autumn that was a sign of the brutal winter that followed 一个极为寒冷的秋天,它象征着随之而来的、可能更加残暴的冬季<br/>【近】algid, arctic, bitter, chilling, coldish, cool, freezing, frigid, gelid, glacial, icy, nippy, numbing, polar, snappy<br/>【反】ardent, blazing, burning, fervent, fervid, molten, roasting, scalding, scorching, searing, sultry, sweltering, torrid炎热的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 无强烈感情的,冷淡的:lacking in friendliness or warmth of feeling<br/>【例】She gave the telemarketer on the phone a frosty "No, thank you" and hung up.她向电话那头的推销员冷冷地说了一句"不,谢谢"之后就挂掉了电话。<br/>【近】antiseptic, apathetic, brittle, chilly, cold-blooded, frozen, indifferent, unfriendly, unsympathetic, wintry<br/>【反】cordial, friendly, genial, hearty, sympathetic, warm, warm-blooded, warmhearted友善的,热心的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 小心的,机警的,谨慎的:marked by keen caution, cunning, and watchfulness<br/>【例】kept a wary eye out for signs of the enemy对敌人出现的征兆保持警惕<br/>【近】alert, cautious, chary, circumspect, conservative, guarded, heedful, vigilant, watchful<br/>【反】careless, heedless, incautious, unguarded, unmindful, unwary不谨慎的<br/>【派】warinessn. 谨慎,小心<br/><br/>【记】源自aware 意识到的,警惕的;worry 担心,烦恼


【考法 1】adj. 小气的,吝啬的:being unwilling or showing unwillingness to share with others<br/>【例】too stingy to tip the waiter小气到不肯给小费<br/>【近】closefisted, mean, mingy, miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, penurious, sparing, stinting, tightfisted<br/>【反】bountiful, charitable, freehanded, generous, liberal, munificent, openhanded慷慨的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 极少量的:less plentiful than what is normal, necessary, or desirable<br/>【例】Many people may consider this a rather stingy amount of food.很多人都会认为这是分量比较少的食物。<br/>【近】exiguous, poor, scant, scanty, scarce, skimpy, sparse<br/>【反】abundant, ample, bounteous, copious, plenteous, plentiful大量的<br/>【派】stinginessn. 小气<br/><br/>【记】sting 刺,吝啬的人给别人东西就象针一样小气;音:死叮鸡,总是叮东西的吃的鸡,见到什么都叮,是个铁公鸡<br/>We know not what is good until we have lost it. 好东西,失去了才明白。


【考法 1】adj. 少得可怜的,微不足道的:so small or unimportant as to warrant little or no attention<br/>【例】 gave the parking attendant a measly tip 给了停车保安少得可怜的小费<br/>【近】inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, minute, paltry, peanut, petty, slight, trifling, trivial<br/>【反】 big, consequential, considerable, significant大量的,重要的<br/><br/>【记】measles 麻疹


【考法 1】adj. 尖酸刻薄的:biting and caustic in thought, manner, or style<br/>【例】feel embarrassed about the mordant satire of the critics 对评论家刻薄的讽刺感到尴尬<br/>【近】acerbic, acid, acrid, barbed, caustic, corrosive, pungent, sardonic, satiric, scalding, scathing, tart<br/>【反】congenial, genial和蔼的<br/><br/>【记】形近于rodent 咬的, 侵蚀性的;音:没胆的,讽刺别人没胆;音:矛钝,你的矛很钝,拿盾的人讥讽道;音:矛盾,你是自相矛盾的;modern,modern times 电影摩登时代(by卓别林)是讽刺喜剧片,辛辣讽刺了工人在摩登时代受欺压的社会现象<br/>【另】erode 侵蚀, corrodent 腐蚀的,刻毒的,mordacious 锐利的, 咬痛的, 刻薄的;moderate 是其反意;


【考法 1】adj. 尘世的,世俗化的:of, relating to, or typical of this world<br/>【例】As for opera, I prefer mundane to religious themes.与宗教主题相比,我更喜欢世俗主题的歌剧<br/>【近】carnal, earthly, materialistic, secular, sensual, worldly<br/>【反】spiritual精神上的;ethereal虚无缥缈的,非尘世的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 平凡的:relating to, characteristic of, or concerned with commonplaces<br/>【例】mundane concerns of day-to-day life 关于日常生活的一般顾虑<br/>【近】common, ordinary, prosaic<br/>【反】extraordinary非凡的<br/><br/>【记】modern 现代的,时髦的;也就是现世的,世俗的;Monday 周末刚过两天神仙日子,每星期一又要开始世俗生活


【考法 1】adj. 居无定所的:traveling from place to place<br/>【例】the errant gunslinger as a standard character in western novels在西部题材小说中,叛逆的持枪歹徒是经典形象<br/>【近】ambulant, fugitive, nomadic, perambulatory, roaming, roving, vagabond, vagrant, wandering<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 误入歧途的,犯错误的:straying from the proper course or standards<br/>【例】errant youngsters误入歧途的青少年【近】misbehaving, mischievous<br/>【反】behaved, behaving, nice, orderly 行为规矩的<br/><br/>【记】error + ran 跑错,就是脱离正途;error + ant 有错的蚂蚁,走错路的蚂蚁四处漫游,有errand的意思


【考法 1】adj. 崇高的,庄严的:of high spiritual, moral, or intellectual worth<br/>【例】the sublime virtue of having given all one's worldly goods to the poor 将所有财产都捐给穷人的崇高美德<br/>【近】chivalrous, elevated, gallant, greathearted, lofty, magnanimous, noble<br/>【反】base, debased, degenerate, degraded, ignoble, low可鄙的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. (因为杰出、装光、美丽等而)令人惊叹的:tending to inspire awe usually because of elevated quality (as of beauty, nobility, or grandeur) or transcendent excellence<br/>【例】the sublime beauty of the canyon峡谷令人惊叹的美丽<br/>【近】amazing, astonishing, astounding, awesome, fabulous, miraculous, portentous, prodigious, staggering, stunning, stupendous, wonderful<br/>【反】common, ordinary 平常的,普通的<br/>【派】sublimityn. 庄严,壮观<br/><br/>【记】sub + lime 石灰,可直接从固体变成气体升华,成为烟,崇高;sub climb 从下边往上爬崇高的山


【考法 1】adj. 崇高的:elevated in character and spirit, noble<br/>【例】 lofty ideals崇高的理想<br/>【近】chivalrous, elevated, greathearted, high-minded, magnanimous, sublime<br/>【反】base, debased, ignominious, mean可耻的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 高的:rising to a great height<br/>【例】lofty mountains 高耸的山峰‖the ever-increasing lofty heights of the world's skyscrapers不断攀升的摩天大楼的高度<br/>【近】altitudinous, tall, towering<br/>【反】 low低的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 自大的:having a feeling of superiority that shows itself in an overbearing attitude<br/>【例】 She acts all lofty and superior just because she went to Stanford University.她之所以表现得这么自大和不可一世,只因为她考进了斯坦福<br/>【近】assumptive, bumptious, haughty, lordly, peremptory, pompous, presumptuous, supercilious, superior<br/>【反】 humble, lowly, modest谦逊的,低调的<br/><br/>【记】同源于lift 举起,升高,天空;


【考法 1】adj. 巡游的,四处游历的:walking about or from place to place<br/>【派】peripatetic preachers 四处游历的传教士<br/>【近】ambulant, errant, nomadic, perambulatory, peregrine, vagabond, wandering<br/>【反】 sedentary, settled定居的<br/><br/>【记】源自peri + path 四处路上走;peri- 四周 + pate 头,智力→四周走并且有智力的人,原指亚里士多德学派,逍遥派,边来回走动边指导问题讨论


【考法 1】adj. 巨大的:having enormous size or strength<br/>【例】an elephantine meteor crate 巨大的陨石坑<br/>【近】huge, colossal, enormous, gargantuan, gigantic, massive, prodigious, tremendous<br/>【反】microscopic, minute, tiny, infinitesimal 细微的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 笨拙的:clumsy, ponderous<br/>【例】elephantine movements笨拙的行动<br/>【近】awkward, graceless, maladroit<br/>【反】graceful优雅的<br/><br/>【记】elephant 大象 是笨拙的


【考法 1】adj. 巨大的:of a size, extent, or degree that elicits awe or taxes belief; immense<br/>【例】a colossal waste of public money 对公共财产的巨大浪费<br/>【近】huge, giant, titanic, gargantuan, mammoth, tremendous, elephantine, prodigious<br/>【反】tiny, micro, minute, miniature, minuscule, wee, infinitesimal微小的<br/><br/>【记】column 象柱子,礼堂建筑等柱子般巨大


【考法 1】adj. 巨大的:tremendous in size, volume, or degree<br/>【例】a gargantuan waterfall in the rainforest热带雨林中的巨大瀑布<br/>【近】huge, astronomical, colossal, elephantine, enormous, gigantic, immense, mammoth, monstrous, titanic<br/>【反】infinitesimal, minuscule 微小的<br/><br/>【记】近于gigantic<br/>【另】giant,gigantic,titanic 巨大的


【考法 1】adj. 带有敌意的:reflecting or indicating hostility<br/>【例】a cold, inimical voice冰冷而不友好的声音<br/>【近】antagonistic, hostile, opposing, unfriendly<br/>【反】amiable, amicable, friendly, hospitable友好的;amenable服从的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 危及某人利益的,不利的:opposed to one's interests<br/>【例】Laws were designed to enhance national security but some regard as inimical to cherished freedoms.法律旨在维护国家安全,但有人认为它危及了人们最为珍贵的权力——自由<br/>【近】counter, disadvantageous, negative, prejudicial, unfavorable<br/>【反】advantageous, favorable, positive, supportive, well-disposed有利的,利好的<br/><br/>【记】源自enemy


【考法 1】adj. 干净的,纯净的:free from dirt or stain; free from any trace of the coarse or indecent<br/>【例】an immaculate soul一个纯净的灵魂<br/>【近】antiseptic, chaste, clean, decent, modest, pristine, pure, spotless, stainless, virgin<br/>【反】coarse, indecent, obscene, vulgar粗俗的,下流的;besmirched, dirty, filthy, foul, spotted, stained, sullied有污点的,不干净的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 完美的,没有任何错误的:being entirely without fault or flaw<br/>【例】an immaculate rendering of the Queen of the Night's aria(《魔笛》中)夜后咏叹调的完美演绎<br/>【近】absolute, faultless, flawless, impeccable, indefectible, irreproachable, perfect, seamless, unblemished<br/>【反】amiss, defective, faulty, flawed, imperfect 有错误的,有误差的<br/><br/>【记】im 否定 + maculate (近于mark 标记,记号,痕迹)<br/>【另】maculate 有斑点的, 玷污


【考法 1】adj. 干燥的:marked by little or no precipitation or humidity<br/>【例】arid wastelands unfit for human habitation不适合人类居住的干燥荒原<br/>【近】droughty, dry, sere, thirsty, waterless<br/>【反】damp, dank, humid, moist, wet湿润的,潮湿的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 无趣的,无聊的:causing weariness, restlessness, or lack of interest<br/>【例】arid wastelands unfit for human habitation不适合人类居住的干燥荒原<br/>【近】dreary, dull, flat, humdrum, jading, jejune, monochromatic, monotonous, pedestrian, stale, stodgy, tedious, wearisome<br/>【反】absorbing, engaging, engrossing, gripping, interesting, intriguing, involving, riveting有趣的,吸引人的<br/><br/>【记】a + 音:热的;a + red, 红热的, 红土地,土地是干旱的


【考法 1】adj. 平凡的,不吸引人的:lacking distinctive or interesting qualities<br/>【例】Their performance was disappointingly nondescript.他们的演出令人失望,味同嚼蜡。<br/>【近】beige, characterless, featureless, indistinctive, vanilla<br/>【反】 conspicuous, remarkable, striking明显的,惊人的<br/><br/>【记】non 不,deseript 描述一没法描述的


【考法 1】adj. 平庸的,质量中等偏下的:moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary<br/>【例】 Without a desire for success, life is at best mediocre.没有对成功的强烈渴望,人生最多也就是碌碌无为<br/>【近】average, common, commonplace, fair, indifferent, medium, ordinary<br/>【反】outstanding, excellent, exceptional, extraordinary, impressive, superior优秀的<br/>【派】mediocrityn. 平庸者;平庸<br/><br/>【记】medi 中间的,中等的 + acre 土地,英亩,不是优良土地,只是中间平均水平的


【考法 1】adj. 平民的,社会下层的:belonging to the class of people of low social or economic rank<br/>【例】a man who rose to greatness but never forgot his plebeian past一个仕途通达,但从未忘却自己平民出身的人<br/>【近】baseborn, common, humble, inferior, lowborn, lumpen, mean, prole, proletarian, unwashed, vulgar<br/>【反】aristocratic, genteel, gentle, highborn, highbred, lofty, noble, partrician, wellborn上流社会的<br/><br/>【记】音:破落布衣


【考法 1】adj. 平滑的,有光泽的:having a smooth, shiny, lustrous surface<br/>【例】glossy surface of the floor平整光亮的地板<br/>【近】lustrous, burnished, glistening, polished, shining<br/>【反】coarse粗糙的;dull, dim 无光泽的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 平静的,静止的:being quiet, still, or at rest; inactive<br/>【例】a group of quiescent loungers一群平静懒散的流浪汉<br/>【近】dull, inert, lethargic, sluggish, torpid<br/>【反】 rambunctious, tumultuous, active, restlessly active 骚乱的<br/><br/>【记】来自quiet


【考法 1】adj. 幻觉的,虚幻的:produced by, based on, or having the nature of an illusion<br/>【例】the illusory definition of nationhood国家的虚幻定义<br/>【近】chimerical, fanciful, fantastic, fictional, fictitious, imaginary, suppositious, supposititious, unreal<br/>【反】factual事实的<br/>【派】illusionn. 幻觉<br/><br/>【记】il 假的,坏的,病的+ lusion 感觉,印象


【考法 1】adj. 幼稚的,不成熟的:immature; lacking in adult experience or maturity<br/>【例】 puerile remarks幼稚的评论<br/>【近】adolescent, green, immature, puerile, unfledged, unformed, unripened<br/>【反】 adult, experienced, grown-up, mature, ripe, sagacious睿智的,成熟的<br/><br/>【记】pure 纯洁的,幼稚的,小孩子都是纯洁的<br/>The more a man learns ,the more he knows his ignorance. 学然后知不足。


【考法 1】adj. 广阔的:having a great expanse or extent<br/>【例】expansive beach广阔的沙滩<br/>【近】broad, extended, far-reaching, rangy<br/>【反】limited, narrow有限的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 健谈的,外向的:open and communicative; talkative or effusive<br/>【例】 Wine made the guest expansive.宾客们酒后变得话多。<br/>【反】reserved, taciturn, withdrawn, diffident内向的<br/><br/>【记】expand 扩大,指开放豪爽


【考法 1】adj. 异常的,非常规的:deviating from the usual or natural type<br/>【例】This behavior might be aberrant enough to draw attention.这样的行为已经异常得足以引起人们的注意。<br/>【近】abnormal, anomalous, peculiar, singular, unwonted,uncustomary<br/>【反】normal, natural, regular, standard, typical 正常的,标准典型的<br/><br/>【记】ab + error 错误 →走错→越轨的


【考法 1】adj. 异教的,异端的:departure from established beliefs or standards<br/>【例】 the belief that women should be allowed to have careers outside the home was once considered heretical女人应该拥有自己的事业这一观点一度被认为是异端想法<br/>【近】 heterodox, nonconformist, unconventional, unorthodox<br/>【反】conforming, conformist, conventional, orthodox正统的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 忠诚的:loyal to a belief, organization, or group, and willing to work hard for it<br/>【例】remain committed to one's youthful ideal坚持不懈地追求自己年轻时的理想<br/>【近】loyal, faithful, allegiant<br/>【反】disloyal不忠诚的<br/>【派】noncommittal adj. 不明确的:giving no clear indication of attitude or feeling<br/>【例】a noncommittal reply 一个不明确的回答<br/>【反】confirmable 确定的<br/><br/>【记】commit 委任;com + mit 送,放出→一起送出→委任


【考法 1】adj. 弯曲或扭曲的:in a turned or twisted position or direction<br/>【例】Her sunglass is awry.她墨镜戴歪了<br/>【近】askew, aslant, lopsided, slanted<br/>【反】aligned, direct, even, straight成行的,笔直的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj./adv. 走样的(地),出差错的(地):off the correct or expected course<br/>【例】Operation Redwing was initially launched by US special-operation troops in hopes of capturing or killing aTaliban leader but went awry.由美军特种部队发起、代号为"红翼"的军事行动的起初目的是捕获或击杀一名塔利班头目,然而行动在执行过程中出现了差错<br/>【近】amiss, aside, astray, erroneous<br/>【反】right, well 无差错的<br/><br/>【记】a + wry 音:歪,弯→扭曲的


【考法 1】adj. 弯曲的:winding or turning one way and another<br/>【例】the country inn lies at the end of a rather serpentine road乡村小酒吧坐落在一条非常蜿蜒的道路的尽头<br/>【近】curved, curvy, devious, sinuous, tortuous, twisted, winding<br/>【反】 direct, straight, straightaway 直的<br/><br/>【记】serpent 大蛇 音:蛇盘团,蛇盘成一团


【考法 1】adj. 强健的,结实的:marked by or reflecting physical strength or vigor; substantially made or built<br/>【例】sturdy young athletes年轻有力的运动员‖Remember to wear sturdy boots because we will be going over sharp rocks and uneven terrain.别忘了穿一双靠谱的靴子,因为我们要在锋利的岩石和不平的地形上行走。<br/>【近】durable, firm, robust, rugged, stalwart, stout, strong, sound, tough, vigorous<br/>【反】delicate, feeble, frail, weak, wimpy脆弱的;rickety, unsound, unstable, unsteady不稳固的<br/>【派】sturdinessn. 强健<br/><br/>【记】study 学习 需要强壮的身体<br/>【另】stout 结实的, 矮胖的,strong 强壮的,substantial 结实的


【考法 1】adj. 强制性的:of the nature of an obligation; compulsory<br/>【例】 obligatory military service强制性的服军役<br/>【近】compulsory, imperative, involuntary, peremptory, required<br/>【反】 discretionary, selective, elective, optional, voluntary自由选择的,志愿的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. (见得多以至于)无聊的:used or heard so often as to be dull<br/>【例】the obligatory cliff-hanger endings for season finales of TV shows电视剧总是以恶俗的惊心动魄的结局作为完季<br/>【近】banal, cliché, commonplace, hack, hackneyed, moth-eaten, musty, shopworn, stereotyped, threadbare, timeworn, trite, well-worn<br/>【反】fresh, new, novel, original, unclichéd, unhackneyed新奇的<br/><br/>【记】源于:oblige(v.迫使;施恩);obligation(n.义务)


【考法 1】adj. 强壮的,健壮的:free from infirmity or illness; sound<br/>【例】a hale and hearty old lady硬朗矍铄的老奶奶<br/>【近】bouncing, fit, robust, sound, well-conditioned, wholesome<br/>【反】 effete, infirm, anemic, wan, decrepit, blighted衰弱的,衰老的<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 拖,拉:to cause to follow by applying steady force on<br/>【例】the fishermen haled the huge net onto the deck of the ship渔民们将巨大的渔网拖到渔船甲板上<br/>【近】drag, draw, haul, lug, tow, tug<br/>【反】drive, propel, push 推<br/><br/>【记】源自whole, 近于heal;音:好,好了;问:你(身体)好了吗?答:hale 好了,壮得和牛一样;hale<br/>呼吸,象呼吸声,有呼吸就是健康<br/>【另】另有一个意思,拉,来自于haul;inhale吸气,exhale呼气 <br/>half-baked adj.半生不熟的,不完整的


【考法 1】adj. 彩色的:relating to colors or color<br/>【例】the chromatic paintings of Matisse and the other Fauvists马蒂斯和其他野兽派画家的彩色画<br/>【近】colored , colorful, motley, multicolored, multihued, varicolored, variegated, kaleidoscopic<br/>【反】colorless, pallid, blanched无色的;monochromatic, monochromic, monotone, self-colored 单色的<br/><br/>【记】chrom(颜色)+atic→彩色的


【考法 1】adj. 彬彬有礼的,文雅的:notably polite or finished in manner<br/>【例】 a gentlemanly and urbane host of elegant dinner parties优雅晚宴的主人有绅士风度,彬彬有礼<br/>【近】debonair, civilized, genteel, cultivated, cultured, polished, refined, well-bred, courteous, gracious<br/>【反】 boorish, churlish, classless, clownish, loutish, uncouth粗鲁的<br/><br/>【记】urban 城市的, 市内的;城里人的特点


【考法 1】adj. 徒劳的,无果的:producing no results<br/>【例】an unavailing effort to avert a war试图避免战争的徒劳尝试<br/>【近】abortive, barren, bootless, fruitless, ineffectual, unproductive, unprofitable, unsuccessful, useless, vain<br/>【反】effective, effectual, efficacious, fruitful, potent, productive有效的;successful成功的<br/><br/>【记】un + availing 有益于, 有帮助


【考法 1】adj. 微不足道的:so trifling or trivial as to be beneath one's consideration<br/>【例】raised a piddling objection to the plan对计划提出了一个微不足道的反对<br/>【近】 inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, measly, minute, paltry, peanut, slight, trifling, trivial<br/>【反】consequential, considerable, important, material, momentous, significant 重大的,重要的<br/><br/>【记】音:屁兜 + ling小东西,屁兜里一般只放一些琐屑的小东西,如纸片,硬币之类<br/>"


【考法 1】adj. 微妙的,难以感知的:(so slight as to be)difficult to understand or perceive<br/>【例】subtle differences in meaning between the words单词词义之间的细微差别<br/>【近】delicate, elusive, evasive, faint, fine, impalpable, intangible, nice, slight<br/>【反】blatant, conspicuous, obvious, patent, plain明显的;open, public 公开的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 巧妙的,间接或带有欺骗性的:clever at attaining one's ends by indirect and often deceptive means<br/>【例】used subtle methods of persuasion采用了十分巧妙的劝说方式<br/>【近】beguiling, crafty, cunning, cute, designing, devious, foxy, guileful, scheming, shrewd, sly, tricky, wily<br/>【反】artless, guileless, ingenuous, innocent, undesigning天真纯朴的,无伪装的<br/>【派】subtletyn. 微妙;微妙的想法<br/><br/>【记】sub + 音:偷,下面偷偷的


【考法 1】adj. 忧伤的:causing, marked by, or expressing misery or grief<br/>【例】He lifted a pair of sapphire, dolorous eyes.他抬起了一双忧郁的蓝宝石般的眼睛<br/>【近】agonized, bemoaning, bewailing, deplorable, grievous ,miserable, plaintive, rueful, sorrowful, woeful<br/>【反】happy, joyful, jovial, jubilant 高兴的<br/><br/>【记】来自dole;condole 同情 是 con 同 + 悲伤,同悲,同情;dollar令人悲哀


【考法 1】adj. 忧郁的:having a sullen and gloomy disposition<br/>【例】morose job seekers who are inured to rejection习惯了被拒的郁郁寡欢的求职者<br/>【近】bleak, chill, dark, depressed, dire, dour, gloomy, lugubrious, saturnine, solemn, sulky, sullen, surly<br/>【反】bright, cheerful, festive, jovial, jocund, sanguine, lighthearted, rejoiced高兴的,欢快的<br/><br/>【记】音:没 rose 没有玫瑰,女孩会不高兴;more rose 更多玫瑰,在女友不高兴的时候,送她更多玫瑰;


【考法 1】adj. 怀疑的,不信任的:suspicious or distrustful; wary<br/>【例】 be leery of strangers对陌生人的怀疑<br/>【近】dubious, distrustful, skeptical, suspicious, wary<br/>【反】credulous 轻信的<br/><br/>【记】leer 斜视,表示怀疑


【考法 1】adj. 急切渴望的:marked by keen interest and enthusiasm<br/>【例】avid movie fans急切的影迷<br/>【近】agog, ardent, eager, keen, impatient, thirsty<br/>【反】apathetic, indifferent不在乎的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 贪婪(钱财)的:having or marked by an eager and often selfish desire especially for material possessions<br/>【例】She stared at the jewels with an avid glint in his eye.她带着贪婪的目光注视着那些珠宝<br/>【近】acquisitive, avaricious, covetous, greedy, rapacious<br/>【派】avidity n. 贪婪<br/><br/>【记】a video→audio video 音乐,电影,电视使许多人很热心;vivid 生动大胆活跃,都有<br/>vigorously的意思<br/>【另】fervid 热的, 热心的


【考法 1】adj. 急切盼望的:having or showing signs of eagerly awaiting something<br/>【例】At the sound of the sleigh bells the children were all agape, waiting for Santa to appear.听到雪橇铃,孩子们开始好奇地等待圣诞老人的到来。<br/>【近】agog, anticipant, anticipatory<br/>【反】apathetic, indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested不感兴趣的,不为所动的<br/><br/>【记】a + gape 张大嘴发呆的;gasp 喘息,喘息时是张大嘴喘


【考法 1】adj. 急流的:caused by or resulting from action of rapid streams<br/>【例】a torrential rain倾盆大雨<br/>【反】 trickling涓涓细流的<br/><br/>【记】音:涛润,波涛润泽,结尾近current 水流;音:涛run<br/>


【考法 1】adj. 急躁的,忧虑的:marked by impatience or uneasiness<br/>【例】I spent a restive night worrying about the next day's exam.我度过了忧虑的一晚,担心明天的考试。<br/>【近】restless, nervy, uneasy, uptight<br/>【反】imperturbable 沉着的;phlegmatic冷静的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 难以管束的:stubbornly resisting control<br/>【例】Tired soldiers grew restive.疲惫的士兵变得越来越难以管理。<br/>【近】balky, contumacious, defiant, insubordinate, intractable, obstreperous, obstinate, perverse, recalcitrant, refractory<br/>【反】amenable, biddable, compliant, conformable, docile, obedient, ruly, submissive, tractable服从的<br/>【派】restivenessn. 不安,躁动<br/><br/>【记】这个字特殊,不是休息的意思,有点象restless,但不完全是其同义词,指由于外界的因素造成的不安宁与不耐烦<br/>【另】restless 得不到休息的, 不平静的,


【考法 1】adj. 恐怖的,令人反感的:causing horror or revulsion<br/>【例】 We quickly drove past the lurid scene of the crash. 我们迅速驶过了可怕的车祸现场。<br/>【近】appalling, atrocious, dreadful, frightful, ghastly, gruesome, hideous, horrid, horrific, macabre, monstrous, nightmarish<br/>【近】agreeable, appealing, delicious, delightful, enjoyable, enticing, inviting, pleasant, satisfying令人愉悦的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 面色苍白的,病态的:wan and ghastly pale in appearance<br/>【例】The doctor was alarmed by the patient's lurid complexion.病人惨白的面色给医生敲响了警钟。<br/>【近】ashen, ashy, blanched, cadaverous, doughy, livid, mealy, paled, pallid, pasty, peaked, wan<br/>【近】blooming, florid, flush, full-blooded, glowing, rosy, rubicund, ruddy, sanguine红润的,健康的<br/><br/>【记】音:落日的,落日是耀眼颜色炫丽的,云象燃烧般;音:炉 + red 炉子里红色的火光,火红的<br/>,如果有人想把你放进炉子是很可怕的,吓得脸都苍白了


【考法 1】adj. 恐怖的:suggesting the horror of death and decay; gruesome<br/>【例】Impressively, Plants vs. Zombies presented a supposedly macabre themeinsuch anenjoyableway.令人难忘的是,《植物大战僵尸》将一个本应该十分恐怖的主题用一种如此欢乐的方式呈现出来<br/>【近】appalling, atrocious, dreadful, ghastly, gruesome, hideous, horrific, nightmarish, terrific<br/>【反】agreeable, delightful, enjoyable, pleasant 令人愉悦的<br/><br/>【记】音:妈可怕,妈可怖,我的妈呀,好可怕,可怖;remarkable 非常的


【考法 1】adj. 恰当的,合适的:exactly suitable; appropriate<br/>【例】apt remark/ choice/ description 恰当的评述、选择、描述<br/>【近】apropos, germane, relative, relevant, appropirate<br/>【反】extraneous, irrelevant, impertinent, irrelative 无关的;inappropriate, improper, unseemly 不恰当的,不合时宜的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 有...倾向的,可能的:having a tendency : likely<br/>【例】He is apt to fly out in rage. 他容易发脾气。<br/>【近】likely, inclined, tending, given<br/>【反】unlikely 不可能的;disinclined 没有...倾向的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 聪明的keenly intelligent and responsive<br/>【例】an apt pupil 一个聪明的小学生<br/>【例】He is apt at mathematics. 他擅长数学。<br/>【近】brilliant, clever, quick-witted, ready-witted, smart<br/>【反】foolish, dull, dumb, stupid, unintelligent 傻的<br/><br/>【记】近于appropriate 适当的


【考法 1】adj. 恶意的,恶毒的:having, showing, or arising from intense often vicious ill will, spite, or hatred<br/>【例】The novel grossly oversimplified the conflict as a struggle between relentlessly malevolent villains on one side and faultless saints on the other.小说把这场斗争彻底简化成凶残恶毒的坏人和完美无暇的圣人间的纠纷。<br/>【近】cruel, despiteful, evil, malicious, malign, malignant, mean, nasty, spiteful, vicious, virulent<br/>【反】benevolent, benign, benignant善意的,和善的<br/>【派】malevolence n. 恶意,恶毒<br/><br/>【记】male 坏,邪 + volent will<br/>【另】benevolent 慈善的,仁慈的


【考法 1】adj. 慈善的:of, relating to, or supported by charity<br/>【例】an eleemosynary foundation funded by the Bill Gates由比尔·盖茨夫妇资助的慈善基金<br/>【近】benevolent, charitable, humane, humanitarian, philanthropic<br/>【反】parsimonious吝啬的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 恶意的:given to, marked by, or arising from malice; deliberately harmful<br/>【例】spread malicious gossips散播恶意的流言蜚语<br/>【近】bad, cruel, despiteful, evil, malevolent, malign, mean, nasty, spiteful, vicious, virulent, wicked<br/>【反】benevolent, benign, benignant, charitable, kind, kindly善良的,仁慈的<br/><br/>【记】mal 坏;malice


【考法 1】adj. 恶毒的,邪恶的:having or showing a desire to cause someone pain or suffering for the sheer enjoyment of it; disposed to do evil<br/>【例】She has a malignant wish to poison everyone who was smarter, richer, or better-looking than she was.她有着一个恶毒的愿望,那就是毒死所有比她聪明、有钱或者是比她更漂亮的人。<br/>【近】atrocious, brutal, cruel, despiteful, malevolent, malicious, malign, mean, nasty, spiteful, vicious, virulent<br/>【反】benevolent, benign, benignant慈善的,和蔼的;merciful 仁慈的<br/><br/>【记】malign 坏的


【考法 1】adj. 恶臭的:having an unpleasant smell<br/>【例】American musteline will eject amalodorous fluid when startled.美洲鼬科动物受惊吓时会喷出有恶臭味的液体<br/>【近】fetid, foul, frowsy, funky, fusty, musty, noisome, rank, reeky, smelly, stinking, stinky<br/>【反】ambrosial, aromatic, fragrant, perfumed, redolent, savory, scented, sweet 芳香的,有香味的<br/>【派】malodorn. 恶臭<br/><br/>【记】mal + odorous


【考法 1】adj. 恶魔一般的:of, relating to, or characteristic of the devil<br/>【例】The police quickly mobilized to track down the diabolical serial killer. 警察迅速调动起来来追查出这个恶魔般的连环杀人狂。<br/>【近】demoniac, demonian, demonic, devilish, satanic<br/>【反】angelic, seraphic天使般的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 悦耳的,令人愉悦的:pleasing to the ear; melodious; generally pleasing or agreeable<br/>【例】dulcet tones from harps and flutes竖琴和长笛发出的悦耳音调<br/>【近】sweet, agreeable, delightful, euphonic, mellifluous, tuneful, winsome<br/>【反】cacophonous, grating刺耳的<br/><br/>【记】duck + let 小鸭子,叫声好听,也好吃,又可爱;音:多谢,邀请我吃好吃的饭,听悦耳的音乐,令人高兴;dull是呆子,迟钝,阴暗,单调;dulcet 就是反义,好象dull可以形容呆子男人<br/>,dulcet形容美丽女人


【考法 1】adj. 悲观的:tending to stress the negative or unfavorable or to take the gloomiest possible view<br/>【例】 With that pessimistic attitude, it's no wonder you're depressed.你的人生观如此悲观,难怪你会感到压抑<br/>【近】bearish, defeatist, despairing, downbeat, hopeless<br/>【反】optimistic 乐观的<br/>【派】pessimismn. 悲观主义<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 惹人反感的:tending to cause discontent, animosity, or envy<br/>【例】the invidious task of arbitration令人反感的仲裁任务<br/>【近】abhorrent, detestable, obnoxious, odious, repugnant, repellent<br/>【反】agreeable, gratifying, pleasant令人高兴的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 羡慕嫉妒恨的:having or showing mean resentment of another's possessions or advantages<br/>【例】Inevitably, his remarkable success attracted the invidious attention of the other sales representatives.不可避免地,他巨大的成功引来了其他销售代表羡慕嫉妒恨的眼光<br/>【近】covetous, envious, jaundiced, jealous, resentful, green-eyed<br/><br/>【记】同envy,i=e;<br/>【另】envious 嫉妒的, 羡慕的


【考法 1】adj. 愉快的:markedly good-humored especially as evidenced by jollity and conviviality<br/>【例】 a jovial host快活的主人<br/>【近】 blithesome, festive, gay, gleeful, jocular, jocund, jolly, mirthful<br/>【反】lachrymose, saturnine悲哀的;dour, dreary, morose, serious阴郁的<br/><br/>【记】joy,v象y


【考法 1】adj. 意义重大的:involving momentous consequences<br/>【例】make a fateful decision to declare war做出了宣战的重大决定<br/>【近】critical, crucial, important, momentous, significant<br/>【反】inconsequential, insignificant, petty, paltry, trivial, unimportant不重要的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 带来灾难的,毁灭性的:bringing death or disaster<br/>【例】a fateful journey一趟致命的旅行<br/>【近】calamitous, cataclysmic, catastrophic, deadly, destructive, disastrous, fatal, ruinous<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 意外发生的,偶然的:occurring unexpectedly or by chance<br/>【例】The discovery of gold was entirely accidental. 黄金的发现纯属偶然。<br/>【近】incidental, fortuitous, unintended, unintentional, unpremeditated, unwitting<br/>【反】calculated, deliberate, intended, planned, premeditated 预先计划好的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 附带的,不重要的:not being a vital part of or belonging to something<br/>【例】Its commercial value was accidental. 它的商业价值微乎其微。<br/>【近】alien, extraneous, external, adventitious<br/>【反】inherent, innate, intrinsic 内在的,固有的<br/><br/>【记】accident 意外<br/>【另】incident 事件


【考法 1】adj. 愚勇的,鲁莽的:foolishly adventurous or bold<br/>【例】that brash motorcyclist likes to show off by riding on only one wheel那个鲁莽的摩托车手喜欢炫耀单轮骑车<br/>【近】audacious, brassy, daredevil, madcap, reckless, temerarious<br/>【反】circumspect, guarded, heedful, prudent, wary<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 缺乏判断力的,不明智的:showing poor judgment especially in personal relationships or social situations<br/>【例】He was reprimanded for his brash comments to the media about the team's coaching staff. 他因对媒体说了一些有关教练组的不明智的评论被指责。<br/>【近】imprudent, injudicious, tactless, undiplomatic<br/>【反】advisable, discreet, tactful明智的<br/><br/>【记】同rash


【考法 1】adj. 感情夸张的,伤感的:exaggeratedly emotional or sentimental; histrionic<br/>【例】Our office drama queen yet again made the melodramatic declaration that she was contemplating suicide.我们办公室的"影后"又一次在危言耸听了:这回她说她准备自杀<br/>【近】 dramatic, hammy, histrionic, mannered, pretentious, stagy<br/>【反】 nondramatic, nontheatrical平淡无奇的,非戏剧性的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 慷慨的:very liberal in giving<br/>【例】The university received a munificent foundation grant.大学收到了一笔慷慨的基金资助<br/>【近】bountiful, charitable, generous, liberal, openhanded, unsparing<br/>【反】closefisted, mean, miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, penurious, stingy, tightfisted小气的<br/>【派】munificencen. 慷慨<br/><br/>【记】money + sufficient充足,钱很充足,随便给


【考法 1】adj. 懒惰的:averse to activity, effort, or movement<br/>【例】The sweltering afternoon made us indolent.炎热的午后使我们懒散不愿行动<br/>【近】lazy, idle, shiftless, slothful, sluggish<br/>【反】diligent, industrious勤奋的<br/>【派】indolencen. 懒惰<br/><br/>【记】in 不 + dole 痛,悲哀;in 不 + do 做 + lent 音:懒,不做事犯懒;indoor 整天呆在家里不出去工作<br/>【另】adolescent 青春期,condole 慰问, dole 悲哀,发救济,doleful 悲哀的,indolent 懒惰的, 不痛的,redolent 芬芳的


【考法 1】adj. 懒散的,懒得动的、倦怠的、消极的或漠不关心的:showing lethargy, passivity, or blameworthy indifference<br/>【例】a supine legislature that is afraid to take action害怕采取行动的不作为的立法机关<br/>【近】 inert,passive,dormant,torpid<br/>【反】 vigilant警惕的<br/><br/>【记】super + 音:拍,晚饭后拍拍肚子懒散地躺床上→仰卧<br/>【另】prone 俯卧


【考法 1】adj. 戏剧的,演员的:of or relating to actors, acting, or the theater<br/>【例】 a penchant for dish throwing, door slamming, and other histrionic displays of temper有倾向做出一些砸盘子、摔门和其他一些电视剧里的经典生气动作<br/>【近】 melodramatic, operatic, stagy, theatrical<br/>【反】undramatic<br/><br/>【记】history 历史 + on 上;历史就是一场戏在大舞台上表演;形意近于theatrical,去掉t


【考法 1】adj. 成功的,繁盛的:marked by vigorous growth and well-being especially economically<br/>【例】The company had a prosperous year.公司今年业绩斐然。<br/>【近】 booming, flourishing, halcyon, lush, palmy, roaring, thriving<br/>【反】 depressed, impecunious萧条的,贫穷的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 扭曲的:abnormally twisted or bent to one side<br/>【例】a wry smile扭曲的笑容<br/>【近】bending, crooked, curving, devious<br/>【反】common, normal, usual 正常的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 坚持错误的:stubborn in adherence to wrong opinion or principles<br/>【近】headstrong, obstinate, pertinacious, perverse, stubborn, wrongheaded<br/>【反】amenable, compliant, complying, flexible, pliable, pliant, relenting, yielding容易改变立场的<br/><br/>【记】音:歪→扭曲;wrong,范了错会有人嘲讽


【考法 1】adj. 投入的,忠诚的:characterized by loyalty and devotion<br/>【例】Good teachers are devoted to learning.好老师会专心学习。<br/>【近】constant, loyal, allegiant, dedicated, devout, loyal, pious, staunch, steadfast<br/>【反】disloyal, faithless, perfidious, unfaithful不忠诚的;recreant, traitorous, treacherous背叛的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 示爱的,恩爱的:feeling or showing love<br/>【例】a devoted couple will enjoy sharing their lives with one another.一对恩爱的情侣喜欢和对方一起度过自己的人生。<br/>【近】adoring, affectionate, fond, tender, tenderhearted<br/>【反】unloving无爱心的,冷漠的<br/><br/>【记】vote 投票,因为热爱之


【考法 1】adj. 抱怨的,爱发牢骚的:habitually complaining<br/>【例】 a querulous voice抱怨的声音<br/>【近】 crabby, cranky, grouchy, grumpy<br/>【反】forbearing, long-suffering, patient, stoic, tolerant, uncomplaining 容忍的<br/><br/>【记】query 质问,疑问 + rule 制度,总是质问制度不公→抱怨,牢骚


【考法 1】adj. 挥霍的:given to spending money freely or foolishly<br/>【例】has always been extravagant with her money挥金如土<br/>【近】profligate, spendthrift, squandering, thriftless, unthrifty, wasteful<br/>【反】frugal, conserving, economical, penny-pinching, scrimping, skimping, thrifty节省的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 过度的,不必要的:going beyond a normal or acceptable limit in degree or amount<br/>【例】the book doesn't quite merit the extravagant praise that it has received这本书被盛赞过度<br/>【近】baroque, exorbitant, immoderate, inordinate, lavish, overdue, overmuch,overweening, plethoric, unconscionable, unmerciful<br/>【反】middling, moderate, modest, reasonable, temperate适当适度的<br/><br/>【记】extrac 外,超过 + vag(wander) 流浪出了界限,无节制的,<br/>【另】vagile 漫游的,vagrant 游民,漂泊的,vagabond 流浪的, 漂泊的<br/>vi.到处流浪


【考法 1】adj. 接壤,相邻的:sharing an edge or boundary; touching<br/>【例】contiguous nations at war交战中的邻国<br/>【近】adjacent, abutting, neighboring, juxtaposed, verging<br/>【反】apart, separate分开的<br/>【派】contiguity 接壤<br/><br/>【记】contact i=a g=c


【考法 1】adj. 摆出高人一等的姿态的:displaying a patronizingly superior attitude<br/>【例】treat sb. in a condescending manner以屈尊俯就的态度对待某人<br/>【近】patronizing<br/>【派】condescensionn. 屈尊俯就:patronizing attitude or behavior<br/><br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 摸得到的:capable of being touched or felt<br/>【例】 a small but palpable lump in my neck 我脖子上有一块小但是能摸得到的肿块<br/>【近】 touchable<br/>【反】impalpable, intangible<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 明显的,易觉察的:easily perceived; obvious<br/>【例】 a palpable difference易觉察的差别<br/>【近】apprehensible, detectable, discernible, distinguishable, sensible<br/>【反】 imperceptible, inappreciable, indistinguishable, insensible, undetectable隐晦的,细微的<br/><br/>【记】palp- 音:拍拍→拍拍来触摸,感觉


【考法 1】adj. 无经验的:deficient in training, knowledge, or experience<br/>【例】lead a squad of green recruits带领一队没有经验的新兵<br/>【近】inexperienced, callow, fresh, raw, unfledged, young<br/>【反】experienced, versed经验丰富的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 放肆大胆的,无礼的:marked by contemptuous or cocky boldness or disregard of others<br/>【例】Some children were well behaved, while others were impudent.一些孩子表现得很得体,另一些则很无礼<br/>【近】audacious, barefaced, bold, brash, brazen, impertinent, insolent, shameless<br/>【反】courteous, genteel, mannerly, polite, proper举止得体的<br/>【派】impudencen. 放肆无礼<br/><br/>【记】im 不 + pudent 礼貌,student 学生最基本的是礼貌;independent 不依赖别人→反叛的孩子→放肆无礼;im + respondent 不回复来信→冒失无礼<br/>"


【考法 1】adj. 放肆的,冒昧的:overstepping due bounds (as of propriety or courtesy)<br/>【例】Under such a circumstance his demand for attention was utterly presumptuous.在那种情况下他要求被关注是极其冒昧的<br/>【近】audacious, bold, brash, impertinent, impudent, insolent, pompous, presuming<br/>【反】courteous, decorous, genteel, gracious, urbane举止得体的,有礼貌的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 傲慢的:having a feeling of superiority that shows itself in an overbearing attitude<br/>【例】The presumptuous doctor didn't even bother to explain to me the treatment that I would be receiving. 傲慢的医生连给我说明我会接受何种治疗的耐性都没有。<br/>【近】assumptive, bumptious, cavalier, haughty, imperious, lofty, overweening, peremptory, supercilious<br/>【反】humble, modest谦卑的<br/><br/>【记】assume 也是假定,presume 是提前假定,更加大胆的假定


【考法 1】adj. 放荡的,行为不检点的:having or showing lowered moral character or standards; dissolute<br/>【例】He wore his hat at a rakish angle.他帽子戴得吊儿郎当的。<br/>【近】debased, debauched, demoralized, depraved, dissolute, libertine, perverse, perverted, reprobate<br/>【反】good, moral, pure, righteous, virtuous有美好品德的;uncorrupted不放荡的<br/>【派】raken. 行为不检点的人,放荡的人<br/><br/>【记】rake 耙子,猪八戒的东西,天篷元帅,潇洒却好色放荡,被贬到下界为猪


【考法 1】adj. 敏感的:quick to respond or react appropriately or sympathetically<br/>【例】Children are often the most responsive members of the audience.儿童通常是观众中最为敏感的群体<br/>【近】prompt, sensible, sensitive, susceptible<br/>【反】dispassionate 无动于衷的;detached, indifferent冷漠的<br/>【派】responsivenessn. 敏感<br/><br/>【记】respons 反应,ive 过分-过分有反应的-敏感的


【考法 1】adj. 敏捷的,轻盈的:characterized by easy flexibility and grace<br/>【例】 lithe dancers灵活优雅的舞者<br/>【近】agile, featly, feline, gracile, lightsome, nimble<br/>【反】awkward, clumsy, graceless, ungainly笨拙的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 柔软的:easily bent or flexed<br/>【例】 lithe branches 柔软的枝条<br/>【近】flexible, limber, lithe, pliable, pliant, supple<br/>【反】 solid 坚硬的;inflexible, rigid, stiff, stiffened僵硬的<br/><br/>【记】同lissom;leather 皮革,皮革是柔软的;音:立姿,体操运动员立姿,如单腿立,脚尖立,倒立身体是柔韧的;li,the 倒过来是athlete,运动员身体柔韧性好


【考法 1】adj. 敏锐的:able to sense slight impressions or differences<br/>【例】Due to their ability to rotate their ears, cats are very perceptive when it comes to pinpointing the source of a sound. 由于猫能够转动它们的耳朵,所以它们能十分敏锐地确定声源的位置。<br/>【近】delicate, fine, keen,quick, sensitive, sharp<br/>【反】dead, imperceptive, insensible, insensitive, numb反应慢的,麻木的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 洞察力强的:having or showing deep understanding and intelligent application of knowledge<br/>【例】A perceptive teacher was able to discover what was really troubling the youth. 一个洞察力强的老师应该能察觉真正困扰青少年是什么。<br/>【近】discerning, insightful, prudent, sagacious, sage, sapient<br/>【反】brainless, dumb, foolish, idiotic, imbecile, moronic, silly, simple, slow, stupid, thoughtless, unintelligent, unwise, witless愚钝的<br/><br/>【记】perceive 感知


【考法 1】adj. 数不清的,无数的:too great or numerous to count<br/>【例】untold wealth不知其数的财富<br/>【近】incalculable, innumerable, countless, innumerous, uncountable, uncounted<br/>【反】 countable, enumerable, numberable, quantifiable, calculable可以计算的<br/><br/>【记】无法说清的


【考法 1】adj. 新奇的:strikingly new, unusual, or different<br/>【例】a novel scheme to collect money一种新颖的筹钱手段<br/>【近】original, unaccustomed, unfamiliar, unheard-of, unknown, unprecedented<br/>【反】 banal, timeworn, familiar, hackneyed, time-honored, tired, warmed-over 陈腐的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 新生的:coming or having recently come into existence<br/>【例】The rise of the nascent middle class catalyzed a new economic boom.新生中产阶级的崛起催生了一场新的经济繁荣<br/>【近】beginning, emerging, inceptive, inchoate, incipient, initial, introductory<br/>【反】full-blown, full-fledged, mature, ripe成熟的;moribund将死的<br/>【派】nascencen. 新生的状态<br/><br/>【记】近于native;innocent 清白的,天真的,象初生的小孩子;音:奶生,吃着奶出生,出生就吃奶的,新生儿<br/>【另】native 出生的,土生的, 天生的


【考法 1】adj. 新生的:in an initial or early stage<br/>【例】inchoate feelings of affection for a man刚刚产生的好感<br/>【近】aborning, beginning, inceptive, incipient, initial, nascent<br/>【反】adult, full-blown, full-fledged, mature, ripe 成熟的,成型的;moribund将死的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 未完全成型的:imperfectly formed or developed<br/>【例】a vague, inchoate notion模糊而不成形的想法<br/>【近】amorphous, formless, shapeless, undeveloped, unformed, unshaped<br/><br/>【记】inch 英寸,缓慢移动 + ate 吃,一点一点地吃,这是刚开始,吃开了后就大口地吃了;inch(寸)+oat 燕麦 ,燕麦长一寸→刚开始,未长成的


【考法 1】adj. 易变的,不稳定的:continually undergoing chemical, physical, or biological change; unstable<br/>【例】labile mineral不稳定的矿物质‖an emotionally labile person一个多愁善感的人<br/>【近】capricious, fluctuating, fluid, inconstant, mercurial, temperamental, unsettled, unsteady, variable, volatile<br/>【反】constant, immutable, invariable, stable, stationary, steady稳定的<br/><br/>【记】lab + ill 实验室的病,实验室培养的病毒细菌,非常不稳定,容易死


【考法 1】adj. 无关的:having no relevance<br/>【例】an extraneous digression无关的跑题<br/>【近】impertinent, inapplicable, irrelative, accidental, adventitious, external<br/>【反】applicable, apposite, apropos, germane, pertinent, relative, relevant相关的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 非主要因素的:not forming an essential or vital part<br/>【例】the architect's streamlined modern style shuns any sort of extraneous ornamentation建筑师流线型的现代设计避免了一切多余的装饰<br/>【近】accidental, adventitious, alien, external, foreign<br/>【反】essential, inherent, innate, intrinsic本质的,核心的<br/><br/>【记】extra- 外面的,以外的


【考法 1】adj. 无关紧要的:not having a clear decisive relevance to the matter in hand<br/>【例】 Your résumé needlessly lists extracurricular experiences that are impertinent to the PhD program for which you are applying. 你的简历里列出的一些课外活动和你申请的博士项目是毫不相关的<br/>【近】extraneous, immaterial, inapplicable, inapposite, irrelevant<br/>【反】germane, pertinent, relevant相关的;crucial, important, significant重要的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 粗鲁无礼的,大胆的:given to or characterized by insolent rudeness<br/>【例】I don't like strangers who ask impertinent questions.我很讨厌那些问无礼问题的陌生人<br/>【近】audacious, bold, brash, brassbound, brassy, brazen, impudent, insolent<br/>【反】meek, mousy, retiring, shy, timid 内敛的,胆小的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 不守礼节的,不为他人着想的:showing a lack of manners or consideration for others<br/>【例】impertinent salesmen who telephone people during the dinner hour在就餐时间打电话骚扰别人的无礼销售员<br/>【近】discourteous, disrespectful, inconsiderate, rude, thoughtless<br/>【反】civil, courteous, genteel, gracious, mannerly, polite 有礼貌的;considerate为他人着想的<br/><br/>【记】源自pertain<br/>【另】pertain 适合, 恰当,有关,属于


【考法 1】adj. 无可争辩的,无法否认的,不可亵渎的:not to be violated, criticized, or tampered with<br/>【例】an unassailable article无可争辩的文章<br/>【近】undeniable, inviolable, sacrosanct , irrefutable, indisputable, unexceptionable, unimpeachable<br/>【反】controversial 有争议的<br/><br/>【记】ass=驴子,ail=病了,驴子病了乱攻击assail


【考法 1】adj. 无同情心的, 冷漠的:emotionally hardened; unfeeling<br/>【例】a callous indifference to the suffering of others 对他人的痛苦的漠不关心<br/>【近】affectless, uncharitable, unsparing, remorseless, indurate, ruthless<br/>【反】sympathetic, compassionate, merciful, tender, warmhearted有同情心的<br/><br/>【记】call + ours 有人说我们是冷漠无情的一代,缺乏同情心的一代,脸上都厚硬的起了茧子了;看到有人被偷被打都不管,清华教授13岁女儿公交车上被人掐死也没人站出来;


【考法 1】adj. 无固定形状的 having no definite form: shapeless<br/>【例】an amorphous cloud mass一团无定形的云<br/>【近】shapeless, unformed, unshaped<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不可归类的 being without definite character or nature : unclassifiable<br/>【例】an amorphous segment of society不可归类的社会阶段<br/>【近】unclassifiable<br/><br/>【记】a + morph(形状), a + ph=f, morf=form →无形状的


【考法 1】adj. 无尽头的:having or seeming to have no end<br/>【例】A large audience fell asleep during the interminable sermon.许多观众都在冗长的布道演说上睡着了<br/>【近】continual, ceaseless, endless, everlasting, perpetual<br/>【反】completed完成的<br/><br/>【记】in 不+ terminate 结束,终止; inter + min (计算)最小值的中间值,往下推算是无尽头的


【考法 1】adj. 无尽的,无限的:having no boundaries or limits<br/>【例】the idea of an infinite universe无限宇宙的概念<br/>【近】endless, boundless, limitless, immeasurable, unfathomable<br/>【反】finite 有限的;bounded, circumscribed, confined, definite, limited, restricted有界限的,受限的<br/>【派】infinityn. 无限<br/><br/>【记】in 无 + finite 有限的;in 无 + finish 结束,无终的;definite 明确的,有明确界限的,<br/>【另】finish 结束,终止;有终止的,definite 明确的,有明确界限的,finite 有限的,indefinite 模糊的,不明确的,infinite 无限的,transfinite 无限的


【考法 1】adj. 无忧虑的,不在乎的:free from concern, worry, or anxiety<br/>【例】an insouciant shrug无所谓地耸耸肩<br/>【近】carefree, casual, indifferent, nonchalant, unconcerned<br/>【反】anxious, careworn 焦虑的;concerned, worried关注的,担心的<br/>【派】insouciancen. 不在乎<br/><br/>【记】in 无 + soul 灵魂,心灵,精神→没魂的,没心的→不关心的;近于in 不 + solicit 恳求<br/>【另】soul 灵魂,心灵,精神


【考法 1】adj. 无感觉,无知觉的:lacking perception, consciousness, or animation<br/>【例】He refused to believe that the universe as we know it evolved from the random interactions of insentient particles of matter.他拒绝相信我们所知的宇宙是经由无生命的粒子间的相互作用演化而来的<br/>【近】impassive, insensate, insensible, senseless, unresponsive<br/>【反】perceiving, sensible, sensitive有知觉的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 一知半解的,略懂的:not having or showing a deep understanding of something<br/>【例】an insentient therapist who failed to see what the teenager's real problem was 一个对这名青少年的真正问题所在一知半解的医生<br/>【近】impercipient, unwise<br/>【反】discerning, insightful深邃的,有洞察力的;sagacious, sage, sapient 睿智的<br/><br/>【记】in不 + sentient有感觉的


【考法 1】adj. 无懈可击的:not open to objection or criticism, beyond reproach<br/>【近】unassailable, undeniable, irrefutable, indisputable, unexceptionable, unimpeachable<br/>【反】assailable, controversial 有争议的<br/><br/>【记】un 不,exceptionable(adj.可反对的):无懈可击的


【考法 1】adj. 有据可依的,无懈可击的:capable of being held or defended; reasonable<br/>【例】a tenable theory一个站得住脚的理论|| a tenable outpost 一个守得住的前哨<br/>【近】 defendable, justifiable, maintainable, supportable, sustainable<br/>【反】 unjustified, unsound, specious, indefensible, fallacious不合理的<br/><br/>【记】源自tain, hold 拿着,保持;maintain 主张,维持, 继续;勿与tenacious混,可看成


【考法 1】adj. 无成果的,没有价值的:having no real worth or purpose<br/>【例】years of feckless negotiations长达数年的毫无成果的谈判<br/>【近】bootless, fruitless, futile, meaningless, purposeless, useless, worthless<br/>【反】effective, effectual, efficacious 有成效的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 粗心不负责任的:careless and irresponsible<br/>【例】The young man was feckless and irresponsible.这个年轻人既粗心又没有责任感<br/>【近】careless, heedless, inadvertent, irresponsible, slipshod, sloppy<br/>【反】careful, cautious, circumspect, discreet, wary 谨慎小心的<br/><br/>【记】feck 源自effect + less;ineffective


【考法 1】adj. 无所不在的,普通的:being everywhere at the same time; often observed or encountered<br/>【例】The conflict between opposites is ubiquitous.对立的冲突无所不在。<br/>【近】omnipresent, universal, general, common<br/>【反】 extraordinary, infrequent, rare, seldom, uncommon, unfamiliar, unusual, unique, particular独特的,不常见的<br/><br/>【记】音:无比 quit 离开,停止;怎么都不离开,哪都有


【考法 1】adj. 无所畏惧的:feeling or displaying no fear by temperament<br/>【例】the stalwart soldiers in the army of Alexander the Great, who willingly followed him to the ends of the known world 亚历山大大帝军队中无所畏惧的士兵们,他们愿意跟随亚历山大奔赴世界的尽头<br/>【近】bold, courageous, dauntless, fearless, gallant, intrepid, manful, stout, stouthearted, valiant, valorous<br/>【反】cowardly, craven, fearful, gutless, nerveless, pusillanimous, spineless, spiritless, timorous怯懦的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. (体魄等)强健的:marked by outstanding strength and vigor of body, mind, or spirit<br/>【例】a stalwart supporter of the UN联合国的坚定支持者‖a lithe yet stalwart athlete瘦小但结实的运动员<br/>【近】brawny, firm, muscular, rugged, sinewy, sound, stout, strong, sturdy<br/>【反】delicate, feeble, frail, weak, wimpy脆弱的<br/><br/>【记】stall 畜栏 + war 战争,战争时畜栏里的战马都是健壮的;tall 高 + war 战争,长得高大打仗→健壮<br/>【另】stout 结实的, 勇敢坚定的


【考法 1】adj. 无报答的,无报酬的:not reciprocated or returned in kind<br/>【例】unrequited love无报答的爱<br/>【近】unreciprocated<br/>【反】remunerative, gainful, lucrative, profitable 有报酬的<br/><br/>【记】un 不,requite(v.报答),d:无报答的


【考法 1】adj. 无拘无束的,自由的:having no attachments or ties; free to do as one pleases<br/>【例】After having been chained for so long, the suddenly footloose dog ran about the yard tirelessly.这只长期被锁链束缚的小狗因为突然之间获得了自由,在院子里不知疲倦地奔跑<br/>【近】loose, unbound, unconfined, unfettered, unrestrained, untrammeled<br/>【反】bound, confined, restrained, tied有束缚的<br/><br/>【记】foot loose<br/>Industry is the parent of success. 勤奋是成功之母。<br/>"


【考法 1】adj. 无效的,无用的:serving no useful purpose; completely ineffective<br/>【例】It would be an undoubtedly futile effort to persuade him.想说服他毫无疑问是徒劳的<br/>【近】abortive, bootless, fruitless, ineffective, useless, vain<br/>【反】effectual, efficacious有效的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不严肃的:lacking in seriousness or maturity<br/>【例】the futile chatter of gossip columnists about the comings and goings of Hollywood celebrities八卦的专栏作家们对于好莱坞名人来来往往的随意闲谈<br/>【近】flighty, frivolous, frothy<br/>【反】earnest, serious严肃认真的<br/>【派】futilityn. 徒劳,无益<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 无法仿效的,独特的:not capable of being imitated<br/>【例】her own inimitable style 她特立独行的作风<br/>【近】incomparable, matchless, peerless, unique, unparalleled<br/>【反】commonplace, ordinary 平凡的<br/>【派】inimitabilityn. 独特性<br/><br/>【记】in 不 + imitate 模仿


【考法 1】adj. 无生命的:not having the qualities associated with active, living organisms<br/>【例】He thinks that inanimate objects have a life of their own.他认为无生命的事物其实也是有生命的<br/>【近】dead, lifeless, insensible, insentient, senseless, unfeeling<br/>【反】animate, living 有生命的<br/><br/>【记】in 无 + animate 有生命的<br/>【另】animal 动物


【考法 1】adj. 无生气的,缺乏活力的:lacking in radiance or vitality; dull<br/>【例】The movie is a pallid version of the classic novel.这部经典小说改编的电影很苍白无力。<br/>【反】 piquant 兴奋的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 苍白无血色的:having an abnormally pale or wan complexion<br/>【例】a pallid girl who looked as though she'd never seen the sun 一个面色苍白的姑娘,仿佛从来没有晒过太阳<br/>【近】ashen, ashy, blanched, pasty, wan<br/>【反】 rubicund, blooming, florid, flush, full-blooded, glowing, ruddy, sanguine红润的<br/><br/>【记】源自pale,pale 苍白+ lid 盖子,眼睑→苍白的眼睑<br/>Speech is silvern, silence is golden. 雄辩是银,沉默是金。


【考法 1】adj. 无生育能力的:unable to produce fruit or offspring<br/>【例】Most mules are impotent.绝大多数的骡子都无法生育<br/>【近】barren, fruitless, infertile, unfruitful<br/>【反】fecund, fertile, fruitful, productive 高产的,硕果累累的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 无力的,无能的:lacking in power, strength, or vigor<br/>【例】an impotent ruler who was just a figurehead一个无能的傀儡统治者<br/>【近】hamstrung, handcuffed, helpless, impuissant, paralyzed, weak<br/>【反】mighty, potent, powerful, puissant, strong 强大的,有能力的<br/><br/>【记】im 无 + potential 有潜力的, 力;pot 罐,壶,满满一罐子指人有能力,半罐子指半瓶子晃荡<br/>,im 不 + pot 指罐子里一点货都没有,无能;<br/>【另】potent 有力的,有效的;


【考法 1】adj. 无畏的:characterized by resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance<br/>【例】an intrepid explorer无畏的探险家<br/>【近】audacious, brave, bold, courageous, dauntless, fearless, gallant, valiant, valorous<br/>【反】apprehensive 恐惧的;cowardly, craven, gutless, pusillanimous, timorous怯懦的,胆小的<br/>【派】intrepidityn. 无所畏惧<br/><br/>【记】in + trepid;<br/>No pains, no gains. 没有付出就没有收获。 <br/>【另】trepid (音:踹屁的,踹他一脚就吓的屁滚尿流的)惊恐的,悸惧的,不安的


【考法 1】adj. 无节制的,极端的,不温和的:not temperate or moderate<br/>【例】The tone of the article is very intemperate.文章的论调很极端<br/>【近】excessive, extreme, immoderate, inordinate, overindulgent, unrestrained<br/>【反】equable温和的;bridled, checked,constrained, controlled, curbed, governed, hampered, hindered, trammeled受限制的,节制的<br/><br/>【记】in不 + temperate 有节制的;in 不 + temperature 身体自然温度→超出自然体温→无度<br/>【另】temperate 有节制的, 适度的, 戒酒的, (气候)温和的,temperature 温度,体温


【考法 1】adj. 无趣乏味的:not interesting; dull<br/>【例】 jejune lectures 无聊的讲座<br/>【近】 arid, drab, dreary, leaden, monotonous, ponderous, tedious, weary<br/>【反】 absorbing, engaging, engrossing, gripping, interesting, intriguing, involving,riveting,thought provoking促人深思的,吸引人的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 幼稚的:having or showing the annoying qualities (as silliness) associated with children<br/>【例】an essay filled with jejune, simplistic opinions about international politics充满着有关国际政治的幼稚、简单看法的文章<br/>【近】adolescent, immature, infantile, juvenile, kiddish, puerile<br/>【反】adult, grown-up, mature成熟的<br/><br/>【记】音:结 + june,六月份结的果子还不成熟,秋天结的才是熟的;音: 拮据,经济上拮据,没钱买东西缺乏营养,人也长不成熟;音:这 junior,年少者,这少年不成熟,思想空洞


【考法 1】adj. 无间断的:continuing or following without interruption<br/>【例】The incessant noise from an outside repair crew was a real distraction during the test.窗外维修工发出的持续不断的噪音着实让人在考试里分心<br/>【近】ceaseless, continual, nonstop, perpetual, running, unbroken, unceasing, uninterrupted, unremitting<br/>【反】interrupted中断的;discontinuous, intermittent 有间断的<br/><br/>【记】in 不+ cessant停止<br/>【另】cessation 停止,cease 停止


【考法 1】adj. 时代错误的:chronologically misplaced<br/>【例】Despite the occasional anachronistic word or concept, he has a good feel for the period.尽管有时会犯一些词汇和概念上的时代性错误,但他对于那个时代的整体把握还是不错的。<br/>【近】anachronic,anachronous<br/>【反】accurate准确的 <br/><br/>【记】ana 反,后 +chron(时间)→时间错误


【考法 1】adj. 明亮灿烂的:strikingly bright, radiant, or clear<br/>【例】incandescent light bulbs明亮的灯泡<br/>【近】beaming, brilliant, dazzling, effulgent, glowing, lucent, luminous, lustrous, radiant, refulgent, shining<br/>【反】dim, dull, lackluster黯淡的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 热情饱满的:characterized by glowing zeal<br/>【例】It makes me incandescent with fury.它让我愤怒不已<br/>【近】ardent, demonstrative, emotional, fervid, impassioned, passionate, torrid, vehement<br/>【反】cold, cool, dispassionate, emotionless, impassive, unemotional无感情的,漠然的<br/><br/>【记】candle 蜡烛,蜡烛发的光是白热的


【考法 1】adj. 明显的,公开的:open and observable; not hidden, concealed, or secret<br/>【例】 overt hostility公然的敌意<br/>【反】 shadowy模糊的<br/><br/>【记】covert 隐蔽的 (cover it 盖上它),overt 是反义 out-vert 翻转公开向外翻转


【考法 1】adj. 明智的:marked by wisdom or judiciousness; wise<br/>【例】 prudent advice明智的建议<br/>【近】 advisable, desirable, judicious, politic, tactical, intelligent<br/>【反】 fool傻的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 小心谨慎的,审慎的:marked by circumspection<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 昏暗的,无光的:so shaded as to be dark and gloomy<br/>【例】The prison's somber interrogation room has the desired effect of striking fear and despair into the prisoner.牢房中阴暗的问讯间有着能让囚犯感到恐惧和绝望的效果。<br/>【近】black, caliginous, dark, dim, gloomy, lightless, murky, obscure, pitch-dark, rayless, stygian<br/>【反】 bright, brilliant, illuminated, lit, lightsome, lucent, lucid, luminous 光亮的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 悲伤的,不愉快的:causing or marked by an atmosphere lacking in cheer<br/>【例】Her death put us in a somber mood.她的死让我们陷入了悲伤沮丧的情绪之中。<br/>【近】depressing, dire, dismal, funereal, lugubrious, melancholy, miserable, morbid, morose, saturnine, sullen<br/>【反】cheerful, delighted, festive, gay, jocund, jovial 快乐的<br/><br/>【记】源自umbr- 阴影;slumber 睡眠,睡觉时天是黑暗的;音:丧母伯,丧母爸,少年丧母伯伯或爸爸,所以非常忧郁;samba 桑巴舞一扫忧郁<br/>【另】umbrella 伞,umbra 暗影,黑暗区域,sober 冷静的,镇定的,清醒的(不忧郁)


【考法 1】adj. 昏暗的,肮脏的:darkened with smoke and grime; dirty or discolored.<br/>【例】A dingy room is always Dickensian image of the poor.一个肮脏而昏暗的房间经常作为狄更斯时代的穷人形象。|| The bed sheets were pretty dingy so we threw them in the laundry pile.床单太脏了以至于我们把它扔进了脏衣服堆。<br/>【近】darkened, dirty, bedraggled, bemired, besmirched, dusty, mucky, muddy, nasty, smudged, soiled, sordid, stained, sullied<br/>【反】clean, cleanly, immaculate, spotless, stainless, unsoiled, unstained, unsullied 干净的<br/><br/>【记】音:顶饥,最需要顶饥的是那些要饭的,肮脏,面色无光,破烂的;音:钉紧, 钉紧的(房子)里是肮脏,破旧,变色的,因为已经长久不用了


【考法 1】adj. 易受攻击的,脆弱的:open to attack or damage<br/>【例】The troops were deployed in a vulnerable position. 部队被部署在了一个容易遭受攻击的位置。‖The fort was undefended and vulnerable.堡垒没有设防,十分脆弱。<br/>【近】assailable, endangered, exposed, subject, susceptible<br/>【反】guarded, protected, shielded有保护的;invincible, invulnerable无敌的<br/>【派】vulnerabilityn. 弱点,易受伤害<br/><br/>【记】vuln- 源自wound


【考法 1】adj. 易受骗的,易被利用的:easily duped or cheated, readily taken advantage of<br/>【例】They sell overpriced souvenirs to gullible tourists.他们卖高价纪念品给易上当的旅客们。<br/>【近】dewy-eyed, exploitable, naive, susceptible, unwary, wide-eyed<br/><br/>【记】gull欺骗 + ble可,可被欺骗的


【考法 1】adj. 易变的:likely to change frequently, suddenly, or unexpectedly<br/>【例】a fickle lover感情善变的情人<br/>【近】capricious, fluid, mercurial, mutable, temperamental, volatile<br/>【反】constant, immutable, invariable, stable, steady稳定的,不变的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不忠诚的:not true in one's allegiance to someone or something<br/>【例】When the family's fortune disappeared, so did their fickle friends.当这个家庭的财富消逝殆尽时,他们的那些虚伪的朋友也无影无踪了<br/>【近】disloyal, perfidious, recreant, traitorous, treacherous, unfaithful<br/>【反】faithful, loyal忠诚的<br/><br/>【记】fiction 小说中的爱情多是易变的,flicker 闪烁不定


【考法 1】adj. 易弯曲的,柔软的:supple enough to bend freely or repeatedly without breaking<br/>【例】pliable optical fiber 柔软的光纤<br/>【近】adaptable, ductile, flexible, limber, plastic, supple<br/>【反】inflexible, rigid, stiff 不易弯曲的;unbending难弯曲的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 易受影响的,温顺的:easily influenced, persuaded, or swayed<br/>【例】He took advantage of the pliable mind of youth.他利用了年轻人容易受他人教唆的特点。<br/>【近】compliant, docile, obedient, pliant, tractable, subdued<br/>【反】contumacious, insubordinate, intractable, obstreperous, recalcitrant, refractory, unruly难控制的<br/><br/>【记】ply 折,弯 + able;comply 顺从,就是柔顺的<br/>【另】apply 应用,适用,comply 顺从, 遵守,supple 柔软的, 顺从的

pliant<br />planit

【考法 1】adj. 易弯曲的:easily bent or flexed<br />【例】a pliant young tree 易弯曲的小树<br />【近】adaptable, ductile, flexible<font color="#ff0000">, limber,</font> plastic, supple<br />【反】inflexible, rigid, stiff 不易弯曲的;unbending难弯曲的<br /><br />【考法 2】adj. 顺从的:yielding readily to influence or domination<br />【例】She's proud and stubborn, you know, under that pliant exterior. 你知道在温顺的外表下,她骄傲而固执。<br />【近】compliant, docile, obedient, pliant, tractable, subdued<br />【反】contumacious, insubordinate, intractable, obstreperous, recalcitrant, refractory, unruly难控制的<br /><br />【记】同pliable;compliant 顺从的, 适应的


【考法 1】adj. 易怒的,暴躁的:easily angered; bad-tempered.<br/>【例】choleric disposition 易怒的性情|| men of the choleric type take to kicking and smashing 易怒的人喜欢踢和打碎东西<br/>【近】crabby, cranky, irascible, peevish, petulant, bad-tempered, hot-tempered, short-tempered, testy<br/>【反】difficult to provoke, pacific, placid, calm, serene, tranquil, composed, nonchalant难以被激怒的,平静的<br/>【派】cholern. 易怒:ready disposition to irritation : irascibility also : anger<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 生气的:feeling or showing anger: angry, irate<br/>【例】I absolutely get choleric when a salesman calls during the dinner hour. 当一个推销员午休时间打来电话的时候我彻底愤怒了。<br/>【近】angered,apoplectic, ballistic, enraged, furious, incensed, inflamed, enflamed, infuriated, irate, ireful, outraged, rankled, riled, wrathful<br/>【反】angerless, delighted, pleased<br/><br/>【记】音:吵 + er 人,吵架的人;音:吵累,抽了,抽了(一耳光)都很生气愤怒


【考法 1】adj. 易怒的,暴躁的:easily annoyed: irritable<br/>【例】That coworker would be easier to get along with if she weren't so testy all the time. 如果那个同伴不是一直那么暴怒的话,她还是挺好相处的。<br/>【近】 choleric, irascible, peevish, perverse, pettish, petulant<br/>【反】 affable, good humor, unable to irritate, imperturbable, patient和蔼可亲的,冷静的,忍耐的<br/><br/>【记】test + y 考试考得烦恼与暴躁,尤其是GRE


【考法 1】adj. 易怒的:easily offended or upset; touchy<br/>【例】ticklish about his baldness大家一提起他的秃头,他就暴怒【近】 huffy, tetchy, thin-skinned<br/>【反】 imperturbable 镇静的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 棘手的,对技巧要求高的:requiring exceptional skill or caution in performance or handling<br/>【例】Trying to tell him that his zipper is down without embarrassing him will be a ticklish task.如何体面得体地提醒他拉链没关好是一个技巧活儿。<br/>【近】catchy, delicate, difficult, dodgy, knotty, prickly, problematic, sensitive, spiny, sticky, thorny, touchy, tough, tricksy<br/><br/>【记】痒痒肉的地方很敏感,需要小心处理


【考法 1】adj. 易碎的,脆弱的,易坏的:easily broken, cracked, or snapped<br/>【例】as brittle as glass像玻璃一样脆弱<br/>【近】crispy, crumbly, flaky, friable<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不热心的,不真心的:lacking in friendliness or warmth of feeling<br/>【例】a brittle apology that was anything but heartfelt一个毫不真诚的道歉<br/>【近】chilly, frigid, frosty, glacial, unfriendly, unsympathetic<br/>【反】cordial, genial, warmhearted热心的<br/><br/>【记】break + bottle 是易碎的


【考法 1】adj. 易碎的:easily crumbled or pulverized<br/>【例】friable mineral rock 易碎的矿石<br/>【近】crumbly, delicate, feeble, fragile, frail, infirm, weak<br/>【反】sturdy, substantial 坚固的<br/><br/>【记】近于frail 和 fragile;fry 油炸,油炸的东西都是脆的,易碎的(如天津麻花)


【考法 1】adj. 易驾驭的,温顺的:readily giving in to the command or authority of another<br/>【例】a tractable horse一匹温顺的马<br/>【近】obedient, amenable, docile, flexible, manageable, compliant, submissive, tame<br/>【反】 balky, contumacious, defiant, disobedient, incompliant, insubordinate, obstreperous, rebellious, recalcitrant, refractory, restive, unamenable, ungovernable, unruly, untoward, wayward, willful任性的,难以驯服的<br/><br/>【记】tract- 拖,拉,可以拉的<br/>【另】abstract 摘要,提炼,抽象,attract 吸引,contract 收缩 合同,detract 转移, distract 转移,分散注意力,extract 拔出 抽出,protract 延长,retract 缩回 取消,subtract 减去,tractable 易驾驭的<br/>,tractor 拖拉机


【考法 1】adj. 有效的,显著的:effective, expressive<br/>【例】the most telling evidence最有力的证据<br/>【近】compelling, conclusive, convincing, forceful, persuasive, satisfying<br/>【反】 inconclusive, indecisive, ineffective, uncompelling, unconvincing, unpersuasive无效的<br/><br/>【记】来自tell 告诉,表明,产生效果


【考法 1】adj. 显然的,明显易懂的:clearly apparent to the sight or understanding; obvious<br/>【例】He is a manifest poseur.他显然是个装模作样的人<br/>【近】apparent, clear, distinct, evident, lucid, obvious, palpable, patent, perspicuous, plain, transparent<br/>【反】cryptic, enigmatic, indistinct, mysterious, obfuscated, obscure, unclear晦涩的,难懂的<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 显现,显露:to make evident or certain by showing or displaying<br/>【例】His frustration is often manifested by a minor facial tic.他的沮丧通常会从脸部的细微抽搐中表现出来<br/>【近】bespeak, betray, demonstrate, display, evince, expose, reveal<br/>【反】conceal, hide隐藏<br/>【派】manifeston. 宣言,声明<br/><br/>【记】man + feast festival 盛宴,节日 男人在节日时会买一清单的货回家,通常选在节日时表白自己<br/>,表明自己的(爱情)宣言


【考法 1】adj. 显著的,最突出的:standing out conspicuously<br/>【例】The most salient feature of the book is its papyrus cover.该书最明显的特点就是莎草纸的封面。<br/>【近】conspicuous, noticeable, outstanding, prominent, remarkable, striking<br/>【反】inconspicuous, unnoticeable不明显的<br/>【派】saliencen. 突出,特点<br/><br/>【记】源自sal- 跳;sale 卖,卖东西要将商品放在显眼的地方,突出,售货员还要连跳带蹦地推销;silent 的反义,做人别太沉默,要主动突出一些


【考法 1】adj. 普遍的,包容的:not limited or specialized in application or purpose<br/>【例】a catholic taste in music对于音乐的兼容并包的品味<br/>【近】unlimited, unqualified, unrestricted, unspecialized, all-around (also all-round)<br/>【反】narrow, limited, restricted, specialized狭隘的<br/><br/>【记】Catholic 天主教;在国外,教堂很常见,普遍与广泛,无所不在


【考法 1】adj. 暂时性的,尝试的:not fully worked out or developed<br/>【例】Our plans are only tentative at this point and will depend on whether you can come.我们的计划只是暂时性的,具体还要看你能否前来。<br/>【近】ad interim, impermanent, interim, provisional, provisionary, provisory, short-term, temporary, trial<br/>【反】final最终的;ceaseless, endless, eternal, immortal, permanent, perpetual, undying永久性的<br/><br/>【记】intent 意图,只是有意向,在尝试,还未确定;音:探头探尾;音:忐忑,忐忑不安,因为是试探;tent 帐篷,住在临时住处,因为正式住处属于未完成,试探性阶段<br/>【另】attentive 注意的, 专心的, contentious 争论的, 有异议的,intent 意图, 意向


【考法 1】adj. 最关键的,最为重要的:of the greatest possible importance<br/>【例】The report was missing a pivotal piece of information.报告遗漏了最为重要的信息。<br/>【近】critical, crucial, decisive, key, vital<br/>【反】inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, marginal, minor, minute, negligible, nugatory, slight, trifling, trivial不重要的<br/><br/>【记】pilot是航空中的最关键的,一个pilot比飞机都贵重


【考法 1】adj. 最终的,最后的:following all others of the same kind in order or time<br/>【例】 We're now in the lag end of the project.现在我们到了项目的尾声阶段。<br/>【近】bottommost, closing, concluding, final, hindmost, last, latest, rearmost, terminal, terminating, ultimate<br/>【反】beginning, earliest, first, foremost, inaugural, initial, maiden, opening, original, pioneer, primary最初的<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 缓慢行走:to proceed or develop with comparative slowness<br/>【例】The tired puppy was lagging behind the rest of the pack.疲倦的小狗在队伍的后面缓缓地走着。<br/>【近】crawl, creep, dally, dawdle, dillydally, linger, loiter, mope, poke, tarry<br/>【近】blast, bolt, bustle, careen, career, dash, fly, hustle, rush, rustle, speed, whirl疾行,快速行走<br/><br/>【考法 3】vi. 萎靡,失去活力:to lose bodily strength or vigor<br/>【例】During the fourth quarter the whole team seemed to lag.到了第四节整支队伍似乎都已经精疲力竭了。<br/>【近】decay, droop, emaciate, fade, fail, languish, sink, waste, wilt, wither<br/>【反】convalesce, rally, rebound, recover, recuperate康复,复原<br/>【派】laggingn. 延迟<br/><br/>【记】lug(音:拉) 用力拖,拉, 拖拉→落后;leg腿,lag 是拖后腿的,腿脚慢的<br/>【另】luggage 拖的东西,行李


【考法 1】adj. 有价值的,值得考虑的:considerable enough to be weighed or assessed<br/>【例】Climate change has exerted a ponderable influence on world politics.气候变化对世界政局有着不容忽视的影响。<br/>【近】appreciable, perceptible, sensible<br/>【反】inappreciable微不足道的<br/><br/>【记】ponder掂量 + able可


【考法 1】adj. 有信心的,自信的:having or showing assurance and self-reliance<br/>【例】Thicker and fuller hair would make a man more confident at work.越来越浓密的头发让男人在工作中更加自信。<br/>【近】assured, self-assured, self-confident<br/>【反】diffident 不自信的<br/><br/>【记】con一起 + federal 联邦,大家一起对联邦政府信赖,美国联邦政府希望大家都信赖他,因为各州政府各自为政,人们往往还嫌其管得多及不信任之,布什增兵伊拉克遭到全国一片反对


【考法 1】adj. 有偏见的:marked by a tendency in favor of a particular point of view: biased<br/>【例】 He made some extremely tendentious remarks.他有些评论颇具偏向性。<br/>【近】partial, distorting, subjective, biased<br/>【反】 unbiased, unprejudiced 公平的<br/><br/>【记】tend 倾向,是伸展,延伸的字根<br/>【另】tendency 趋向, 倾向,tend 趋向,照管,attend 参加,contend 竞争,distend 扩大,扩张<br/>,extend 延伸,扩张,intend 打算,protend (向前拉)伸出,伸展


【考法 1】adj. 有偿付能力的:able to pay all legal debts<br/>【例】They're going to have to prove that the company is now solvent. 接下来他们必须要证明公司的偿贷能力。<br/>【反】 bankrupt 破产的<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 溶剂:a substance in which another substance is dissolved, forming a solution<br/>【例】Some organic solvents, such as benzene, pyridine, furan, are poisonous to human's reproductive system.一些有机溶剂(比如苯、吡啶、呋喃)对人体的生殖系统有毒性。<br/>【反】solute溶质<br/><br/>【记】solve 能够解决这个问题的


【考法 1】adj. 有光亮的:suffused with light<br/>【例】Those lucid bands that spread across the arctic sky are known as aurora borealis, or the northern lights.那些蔓延在北极的天空中光带就是北极光<br/>【近】beaming, brilliant, dazzling, glowing, incandescent, lucent, luminous, lustrous, radiant, refulgent, splendid<br/>【反】 dim, dull, lackluster黯淡无光的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 神志清醒的:having full use of one's mind and control over one's actions<br/>【例】decided to make out her will while she was still lucid决定趁着她神志还清醒,列出她的遗愿<br/>【近】balanced, clearheaded, normal, right, sane, stable<br/>【反】 brainsick, crazy, insane, lunatic, mad, maniac 疯狂的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 表达清晰的, 简单易懂的:easily understood<br/>【例】The teaching assistanttried to make his instructions as lucidas possible so that everyone would understand what to do.助教努力使自己的指令容易理解,从而让所有人都知道应该要干什么<br/>【近】apprehensible, clear, comprehensible, intelligible, palpable, patent, pellucid, plain, understandable<br/>【反】 ambiguous, enigmatic, equivocal, indistinct, obfuscated, obscure, unclear 模糊不明确的<br/><br/>【记】音:流晰的,流溪的,流水的,象流水,小溪一般清澈,清晰


【考法 1】adj. 有光泽的:having a shiny surface or finish<br/>【例】lustrous black hair 乌黑光亮的头发<br/>【近】brilliant, burnished, gleaming, glistening, glossy, polished, refulgent, rubbed, shining, sleek, splendid<br/>【反】dim, dull, lackluster, lusterless昏暗的<br/><br/>【记】illustrate 说明,这个词是常见的,lustr- 就是明,与illuminate 和lumni-的关系类似


【考法 1】adj. 有关的,适当的:being at once relevant and appropriate<br/>【例】details not germane to the discussion与讨论无关的细节<br/>【近】applicable, apropos, apposite, pertinent, relevant<br/>【反】extraneous, irrelevant无关的;inappropriate 不适当的<br/><br/>【记】源自german,germ 胚芽 + an 一个,属于一个种子,胚芽,祖先;音:姐们,汉语拼音是哥们<br/>,都是有密切关系的;German- 德国,英语中,德国与英国人是有同一个祖先<br/>【另】german 同父母的, 同(外)祖父母的


【考法 1】adj. 有关系的,重要的:having a bearing on or connection with the matter at hand<br/>【例】Make sure your answers during the interview are short and relevant. 确保你在面试时的回答简短而恰当。‖You need to bring all the relevant certificates with you.你需要携带所有的相关证明。<br/>【近】applicable, apposite, apropos, germane, material, pertinent, pointed, relative<br/>【反】extraneous, immaterial, impertinent, inapplicable, inapposite, irrelevant, pointless无关的<br/>【派】relevancen. 关联<br/><br/>【记】re 反复 + 音:来问,反复有问,因为有关


【考法 1】adj. 有害的,有毒的:harmful to living things; injurious to health<br/>【例】noxious waste 有害的废弃物<br/>【近】unwholesome, baneful, deleterious, detrimental, nocuous, pernicious, wicked<br/>【反】 beneficial, salubrious, anodyne, benign, harmless, hurtless, innocent, innocuous, inoffensive, safe有益的,无害的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 产生强烈厌恶的:causing intense displeasure, disgust, or resentment<br/>【例】a noxious new breed of horror movie in which graphic depictions of torture are presented as entertainment在一部新的恐怖电影中,对于酷刑生动的描述被当做是娱乐<br/>【近】abhorrent, abominable, appalling, awful, disgusting, distasteful, dreadful, foul, fulsome, gross, hideous, horrid, loathsome, nasty, nauseating, noisome, obnoxious, odious, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, scandalous<br/><br/>【记】近于necr- 死;同nocuous 有害的;熟悉的innocent就是无害的:in 无 + noc-害,<br/>【另】nocuous 有害的, 有毒的,innocent 无害的,清白的, 无罪的, 天真的;toxic(音:毒素) 有毒的


【考法 1】adj. 有害的:harmful often in a subtle or unexpected way<br/>【例】deleterious to health对健康有害的<br/>【近】adverse, baleful, baneful, detrimental, mischievous, nocuous, noxious, pernicious<br/>【反】beneficial, salutary, salubrious, wholesome, benign, harmless, innocuous 有益的,安全无害的<br/><br/>【记】delete 删除有害的(如色情信息),或有毒的(病毒程序)


【考法 1】adj. 有害的:harmful or malignant in intent or effect<br/>【例】a policy with baleful effects一个带来不良后果的政策<br/>【近】harmful, pernicious, detrimental<br/>【反】beneficent有益的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 凶兆的:foreboding or threatening evil<br/>【例】a baleful look面露凶色<br/>【近】direful, doomy, ominous, ill-boding, minatory, portentous, sinister<br/>【反】unthreatening 不构成威胁的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 致命的:likely to cause or capable of causing death<br/>【例】a medicine that is beneficial in small doses but baleful in large是药三分毒<br/>【近】deadly, fatal, lethal<br/>【反】healthy, wholesome有益健康的<br/><br/>【记】音:背负,身上背负着不幸


【考法 1】adj. 有害的:highly injurious or destructive<br/>【例】Business may be troublesome but idleness is pernicious.工作烦人,懒散害人<br/>【近】adverse, baleful, damaging, deleterious, detrimental, hurtful, injurious, mischievous, nocuous, noxious<br/>【反】anodyne, benign, harmless, innocent, innocuous, inoffensive, safe温和的,无害的<br/><br/>【记】per 音:破, 不好的 + nice 好→不好,有害;per + nec 死,noxious 有害的;<br/>【另】internecine 互相残杀的,perjury 假誓


【考法 1】adj. 有弹性的:easily resuming original shape after being stretched or expanded<br/>【例】elastic rubber band弹性橡胶圈<br/>【近】bouncy, flexible, malleable, resilient, stretchable, supple<br/>【反】rigid, stiff 僵化的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 能(迅速从伤痛中)恢复的:capable ofrecoveringquickly especiallyfrom depressionor disappointment<br/>【例】owe her success to an elastic optimistic nature将她的成功归因于能迅速走出悲伤的乐观品质<br/>【近】adaptable, adjustable, buoyant, pliable, volatile<br/>【反】established, fixed, immutable不变的<br/>【派】inelasticadj. 无弹性的,非弹性的<br/><br/>【记】last 耐久,坚持,持续,这都是有弹性的东西的特征;音:易拉撕的,橡皮筋之类的有弹性的东东


【考法 1】vi. 振动,摇晃:to swing backward and forward like a pendulum<br/>【反】remain static 静止<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 犹豫,变化:vary between opposing beliefs, feelings, or theories<br/><br/>【记】scale 天平,天平总是摇摆不定


【考法 1】adj. 有效的:having the power to produce a desired effect<br/>【例】Taking break with a cup of coffee while studying is one of the most efficacious ways of rejuvenating the mind that I have ever discovered.在紧张的学习中休息一会,喝杯咖啡,是我发现的最能提神的方法之一。<br/>【近】effective, effectual, efficient, fruitful, operative, potent, productive<br/>【反】bootless, fruitless, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficient, inoperative, unproductive, useless 无效的<br/><br/>【记】等于effective


【考法 1】adj. 有教养的,不粗俗的:free from vulgarity or rudeness<br/>【例】Her genteel behaviors at the ball make others conjecture that she must come from a distinguished noble family.舞会上她极有教养的举止让他人纷纷猜测她一定来自名门望族<br/>【近】courteous, decent, decorous, mannerly, polite, polished, respectable, urbane, couth, cultured, refined<br/>【反】churlish粗暴的;loutish蠢笨的<br/><br/>【记】gentle 温和<br/>【另】gentleman 先生


【考法 1】adj. 有条件的,受制约的:subject to, implying, or dependent upon a condition<br/>【例】a conditional offer有条件限制的录取‖Their support is conditional on their approval of his proposals. 他只有让他的提案得到他们的同意才能得到援助。<br/>【近】contingent, dependent, subject, tentative<br/>【反】absolute, categorical, unconditional不受制约的;independent 独立的<br/><br/>【记】condition 条件 有先决条件的


【考法 1】adj. 有毒的:extremely poisonous or venomous<br/>【例】virulent bacteria有毒的细菌<br/>【近】poisonous, toxic, venomous<br/>【反】innocuous无害的;healthy, salubrious, wholesome 有益健康的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 凶残的:marked by a rapid, severe, and destructive course<br/>【例】a virulent look on her face面露凶色<br/>【近】cruel, malevolent, malicious, malignant, spiteful, vicious<br/>【反】benevolent, benign, benignant, loving仁慈的<br/>【派】virulencen. 毒性,恶毒<br/><br/>【记】源自virus;virus + violent 剧烈的病毒,剧毒;virus + lent借,放高利贷的人象病毒一样恶毒

boyant<br><span style="color:#00007f;">'bɔiənt</span>

【考法 1】adj. 有浮力的:capable of floating<br />【例】a buoyant balloon一个能浮起来的气球<br />【反】leaden沉重的<br /><br />【考法 2】adj. 心情好的:having or showing a good mood or disposition<br />【例】in a buoyant mood 轻松快乐的心情<br />【近】blithe, chipper, eupeptic, lightsome, upbeat, winsome, effervescent<br />【反】dour, gloomy, morose, saturnine, sullen沮丧的<br /><br />【记】boy 小男孩总是乐观向上快乐的


【考法 1】adj. 有益健康的:beneficial, promoting health<br/>【例】a salutary warning 善意的警告<br/>【近】good, healthy, restorative, salubrious, tonic, wholesome<br/>【反】debilitating, deleterious, noxious, virulent 有害的,有毒的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 有利的,利好的:promoting or contributing to personal or social well-being<br/>【例】The low interest rates should have a salutary effect on business. 低利率对于商业而言应该是有利的。<br/>【近】advantageous, benefic, beneficent, benignant, favorable, friendly, helpful, kindly, profitable<br/>【反】bad, disadvantageous, unfavorable, unfriendly, unhelpful, unprofitable不利的<br/><br/>【记】同源于salute 问候,祝福,致意,表示尊敬;人们见面互相问候:您近来身体可好,祝您身体健康,安康;salute 多向人致敬,打招呼,微笑,保持良好心情与朋友关系有益健康


【考法 1】adj. 有益的,有促进的:tending to promote or assist<br/>【例】be conducive to education 于教育有利的<br/>【例】The state's long-standing low tax is conducive to entrepreneurship. 政府长期的低税率有利于创业者。<br/>【近】facilitative, useful<br/>【反】unhelpful, useless无用的<br/><br/>【记】conduce + tive


【考法 1】adj. 有紧密联系的,亲密无间的:marked by very close association, contact, or familiarity<br/>【例】intimate friends since childhood孩童时期以来的密友<br/>【近】familiar, close, confidential<br/>【反】distant, remote疏远的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不为人知的:not known or meant to be known by the general populace<br/>【例】They broke up after she shared intimate information with all 500 of her closest friends.在她把那些不为人知的消息告诉了她 500 个朋友之后,他们分手了<br/>【近】confidential, esoteric, nonpublic, secret<br/>【反】open, public公开的<br/><br/>【考法 3】n. 密友:a person who has a strong liking for and trust in another<br/>【例】Usually quite aloof in public, he's actually quite relaxed with his intimates. 通常他在大众面前显得比较孤傲,但和好朋友在一起时他却是个很放松的人<br/>【近】acquaintance, amigo, comrade, confidant, friend, insider, mate<br/>【反】stranger陌生人;enemy, foe 敌人<br/><br/>【考法 4】v. 迂回地交流,间接地沟通:to communicate delicately and indirectly<br/>【例】intimate a wish to leave 暗示想离开<br/>【近】allude, connote, hint, imply, indicate, infer, suggest<br/>【反】articulate 清晰明确地说<br/><br/>【记】inter 之间 + mate 配偶,助手,配偶,助手之间是亲密关系,配偶之间是属于暗的私人交流<br/>,助手之间是明的,公开宣布的关系


【考法 1】adj. 有附带条件的,临时的:depending on a proviso; conditional; serving in a position for the time being<br/>【例】a provisory permit to block off the street while movie scenes were being shot一个同意在电影拍摄期间封锁道路的临时许可<br/>【近】interim, provisional, provisionary, provisory<br/>【反】 unconditional, long-term, permanent 无条件的,永久的<br/><br/>【记】proviso 有条件的,来自provided that,只要.,在这种条件下 <br/>provocation n.激怒<br/>【记】来自provoke,pro前+ vok, vocal 声音,喊,在前面喊叫,公开叫阵;<br/>【另】vocation n.召唤, 号召, 天命, 职业,vocal 声音的 <br/>provocative adj.激怒的,挑战的


【考法 1】adj. 服从的,顺从的:submissive to the restraint or command of authority<br/>【例】that girl is so obedient that she does everything the first time she is asked 这个妹子如此顺从,叫她做事随叫随到<br/>【近】amenable, compliant, submissive, tractable<br/>【反】contumacious,imperial,balky, contrary, contumacious, defiant, disobedient, froward, incompliant, insubordinate, intractable, noncompliant, obstreperous, rebel, rebellious, recalcitrant, refractory, restive, unamenable, ungovernable, unruly, untoward, wayward, willful 顽固的,不服从的<br/><br/>【记】源自obey


【考法 1】adj. 未出现的,缺少的:not present or in evidence<br/>【例】Grass is almost entirely wanting in that arid wasteland. 那片荒漠几乎没有长一丝青草。<br/>【近】absent, lacking, missing, nonexistent<br/>【反】existent, present存在的,出现的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 未达到要求的:not being up to standards or expectations<br/>【例】He examined her work and found it wanting.他检查了她的作业,发现不合要求。‖We tried her cooking and found it to be very wanting. 我们试了试她的厨艺,结果发现很不尽人意。<br/>【近】deficient, dissatisfactory, ill, inferior, lousy, paltry, poor, unacceptable, unsatisfactory, wretched<br/>【反】acceptable, adequate, passable, tolerable可接受的;satisfactory令人满意的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 未受教育的,文盲的:not adept at reading and writing; deficient in the knowledge that can be acquired from books. illiterate<br/>【例】unlettered sector of society未受教育的地区<br/>【近】ignorant, illiterate, uneducated, untutored<br/>【反】educated, knowledgeable, erudite, literate, schooled, well-informed, well-read 博学的,受过教育的<br/><br/>【记】un 不 + letter 字母,信,不会字母,不会写信→文盲;近于literate 有文化,阅读写作能力的<br/>【另】illiterate 文盲,没受教育的


【考法 1】adj. 未完全发展的,未发育成熟的:lacking complete growth, differentiation, or development<br/>【例】immature frogs are called "tadpoles" 为发育成熟的青蛙被称为"蝌蚪"<br/>【近】adolescent, juvenile, youngish, youthful<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. (思维、举止)不够成熟的:lacking in adult experience or maturity<br/>【例】Many high school students are still too immature to foresee the consequences of their actions.很多高中生还是不够成熟,不能意识到他们的行为所带来的后果<br/>【近】green, inexperienced, puerile, raw, unfledged, unripe<br/>【反】adult, experienced, mature, ripe 成年的,成熟的<br/><br/>【记】im 不 + mature


【考法 1】adj. 朴素的,朴实无华:markedly simple or unadorned<br/>【例】For the private office of the CEO of the large corporation, the room is unexpectedly austere. 出人意料的是,大公司总裁的私人办公室居然十分朴素。<br/>【近】plain, spartan, stark, unadorned<br/>【反】deluxe, lavish, luxurious, plush, sumptuous奢华的;elaborate, fancy花哨的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 严肃的,令人生畏的:stern and cold in appearance or manner<br/>【例】an austere fortress at the top of some formidable cliffs建立在悬崖峭壁之上的一座令人畏惧的堡垒‖In his memory his deceased grandfather is an austere, distant, cold person.在他的记忆之中,已过世的祖父是一个严肃、冷漠而难以接近的人。<br/>【近】dour, fierce, flinty, forbidding, formidable, gruff, intimidating, lowering, rough, rugged, severe, steely<br/>【反】benign, benignant, gentle, mild, tender和蔼的,温柔的<br/><br/>【记】au 金 + stern 严厉 sterile 贫脊不育;严厉并且没有金→很朴素


【考法 1】adj. 机敏的,有洞察力的:having or showing shrewdness and perspicacity<br/>【例】Astute salesmen know how to invest emotionally.精明的推销员知道如何进行感情投资。<br/>【近】canny, smart, shrewd, perspicacious, clear-eyed, clear-sighted, savvy, hardheaded<br/>【反】unknowing 无知的<br/><br/>【记】as + tutor 象导师一样精明敏锐; a + student 一个学生般机灵;as + 音:学徒,需要精明的学习


【考法 1】adj. 机能失调的:being thrown out of orderly function<br/>【例】a disjointed society混乱的社会<br/>【近】chaotic, disorderly<br/>【反】orderly, regular, systematic有序的,规律的,系统的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不连贯的:not clearly or logically connected<br/>【例】a disjointed speech about a hodgepodge of things 关于一大堆杂事的不连贯的演讲<br/>【近】disconnected, unconnected<br/>【反】coherent, connected连贯的<br/><br/>【记】dis+joint(关节)→脱节


【考法 1】adj. 杂种的,混血儿的:of mixed origin or character<br/>【例】homeless mongrel dogs on the streets街上的流浪杂种狗<br/>【近】crossbred, hybrid<br/>【反】purebred 纯种的<br/><br/>【记】音:蒙古人,蒙古人是混血,如胡人,匈奴,鲜卑以及蒙古大军所到之处也留种混血


【考法 1】adj. 杂色的,斑驳的:having discrete markings of different colors<br/>【例】variegated costumes of the dancers in the nightclub夜总会舞者身上色彩斑驳的服装<br/>【近】chromatic, kaleidoscopic, iridescent, motley, rainbow<br/>【反】monochromatic单色的;colorless 无色的<br/>【派】variegationn. 杂色<br/><br/>【记】vary gate 变化的门有不同颜色


【考法 1】adj. 杂色的:of different colors<br/>【例】a piebald horse一匹杂色马<br/>【近】blotched, dappled, marbled, mottled, splotched, spotted<br/>【反】monochromatic单色的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 混合的,杂糅而成的:consisting of many things of different sorts<br/>【例】his piebald ethnic background他身为混血儿的背景<br/>【近】assorted, eclectic, heterogeneous, hybrid, magpie, mixed, motley, promiscuous, varied<br/>【反】homogeneous 由相同类型事物组成的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 杰出的,值得尊敬的:worthy of respect or honor<br/>【例】a surprising discovery by one of the most redoubtable figures in Egyptian archaeology埃及考古学领域最值得敬重的人物之一所做出的一个惊人发现<br/>【近】bright, distinguished, illustrious, luminous, notable, noteworthy, outstanding, preeminent, prestigious<br/>【反】 average, inferior, mediocre平庸的,中等偏下的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 可怕的:arousing fear or awe<br/>【例】His next opponent would be by far the most redoubtable adversary the young boxer had ever faced. 年轻的拳击手的下一个对手将会是迄今为止他见过的最可怕的敌人<br/>【近】direful, dreadful, fearsome, formidable, frightening, ghastly, horrifying, intimidating, scary, terrifying<br/>【反】calming, comforting, consoling, lulling, pacifying, quieting, reassuring, relaxing, soothing令人放松的<br/><br/>【记】double 怀疑,恐怕, 古语中有恐怕的意思,诚惶成恐;恐怕这案子是他做的


【考法 1】n. 谎言:a statement known by its maker to be untrue and made in order to deceive<br/>【例】Truth always rise above falsehood, as oil rise above water.油脂水面浮,真理胜谎言<br/>【近】deception, fable, lie, mendacity, prevarication, untruth<br/>【反】truth, verity真相,实话<br/><br/>【记】false 错,假 + hood 性质


【考法 1】adj. 杰出的:exhibiting eminence especially in standing above others in some quality or position<br/>【例】an eminent young scientist一名杰出的青年科学家<br/>【近】famous, celebrated, distinguished, famed, notable, prominent, renowned<br/>【反】mediocre, undistinguished中庸的,平凡的<br/>【派】eminencen. 杰出,显赫<br/><br/>【记】源自mount 山,指突出,同prominent;音:艾美,美国艾美奖很著名<br/>【另】eminent 著名的,显著的,imminent 即将发生的,临近的,prominent 突出的,卓越的,<br/>He is not to be subdued by force nor swerved by poverty. 威武不能屈 ,贫贱不能移。


【考法 1】adj. 松弛的:not tightly fastened, tied, or stretched<br/>【例】The rope is too slack.绳子太松了。<br/>【近】 insecure, lax, loosened, relaxed, slackened, unsecured<br/>【反】taut, tense, tight拉紧的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 疏忽的,大意的:failing to give proper care and attention<br/>【例】This building contractor is known mainly for his firm's slack workmanship and slipshod construction.这个建筑承包商因其手下公司不负责任的粗糙做工和马虎建造的建筑物而闻名。<br/>【近】 careless, derelict, disregardful, lax, lazy, neglectful, neglecting, negligent, remiss<br/>【反】attentive, careful, conscientious专心的;alert, heedful, mindful,observant, regardful, vigilant, wary, watchful 警惕的<br/><br/>【记】音:丝 + lack 缺乏→一根丝缺乏(力量)→松驰<br/>Tomorrow comes never. 切莫依赖明天。


【考法 1】adj. 极为神圣的,不可侵犯的:most sacred or holy<br/>【例】The teacher's book of grades is sacrosanct, and someone could be expelled for changing anything in it. 老师记录的成绩小册子是极为神圣的,任何篡改它的人可能受到被退学的惩罚。<br/>【近】hallowed, holy, inviolable, sacred, unassailable, untouchable<br/>【反】blasphemous, irreverent, profane, sacrilegious亵渎的<br/><br/>【记】sacre- 神圣 + sanct 神圣→双重神圣,绝对神圣<br/>【另】sanctify 使神圣,尊崇


【考法 1】adj. 极其愤怒的:extremely angry<br/>【例】an irate taxpayer极为愤怒的纳税人<br/>【近】aggravated, apoplectic, choleric, enraged, exasperated, infuriated, ireful, mad, wrathful<br/>【反】calm, halcyon 平静的;delighted, pleased高兴的,满意的<br/><br/>【记】看作来自于irritate 激怒


【考法 1】adj. 极其残酷的;十分严厉的:exceedingly harsh; very severe<br/>【例】abolish a draconian legal code废除一部严酷的法典<br/>【近】rigid, ironhanded, strict, stringent<br/>【反】mild, genial, lenient温和的<br/><br/>【记】dragon 象龙一样凶暴,外国的龙指象带翅膀恐龙一样的动物


【考法 1】adj. 极具说服力的:having the power to persuade<br/>【例】made a compelling argument against military intervention就反对军事干预提出了很有说服力的论证‖If you can't present any compelling evidence to prove your innocence, you will be found guilty.如果你找不出任何能证明你清白的有力证据,你就会被定罪。<br/>【近】conclusive, convincing, decisive, effective, forceful, persuasive, satisfying, strong, telling<br/>【反】feeble, weak说服力不足的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 迫切的,紧迫的:needing immediate attention<br/>【例】There is no compelling need to raise taxes at this time. 现在没有迫切的提升税率的必要。<br/>【近】burning, clamant,critical, crying, dire, emergent, exigent, imperative, imperious, importunate, instant, necessitous, pressing, urgent<br/>【反】minor, negligible, trivial, unimportant不重要的,琐碎的<br/><br/>【记】compel 强制人注意的<br/>【另】appealing 吸引人的


【考法 1】adj. 极冷的:extremely cold<br/>【例】The air from the sea felt glacial.海上的空气冷极了。<br/>【近】algid, arctic, bitter, chilling, coldish, cool, freezing, frigid, frosty, gelid, icy, nippy, numbing, polar, snappy<br/>【反】ardent, blazing, burning, fervent, fervid, molten, roasting, scalding, scorching, searing, sultry, sweltering, torrid炎热的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 冷漠的,无感情的:devoid of warmth and cordiality<br/>【例】The Duchess gave him a glacial look and moved on.公爵夫人冷冷地看了他一眼,然后就继续上路了。<br/>【近】antiseptic, apathetic, brittle, chilly, cold-blooded, frozen, indifferent, unfriendly, unsympathetic, wintry<br/>【反】cordial, friendly, genial, hearty, sympathetic, warm, warm-blooded, warmhearted友善的,热心的<br/><br/>【记】源自ice;glass + ice 音形象glass,冰也象玻璃般,结尾是ci,指ice;


【考法 1】adj. 极坏的, 极其残忍的:extremely wicked, brutal, or cruel<br/>【例】Murder is an atrocious crime. 犯罪是一种极其恶劣的犯罪活动。<br/>【近】heinous<br/>【反】benign, kind, kindhearted, benignant, good-hearted, humane, sympathetic, tenderhearted 善良的,好的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 让人极为不满意的extremely unsatisfactory<br/>【例】The service on plane was atrocious. 飞机上的服务让人极为不满意。<br/>【反】satisfactory 令人满意的;wonderful 精彩的,极好的<br/><br/>【记】音:戳死,杵死,处死,都是残忍的杀死;音:龌龊死,一个人龌龊卑鄙到死,极坏;a +<br/>truck 卡车;美国有象火车头一样的大卡车,横冲直撞很残忍,很多交通事故与大卡车有关。


【考法 1】adj. 极坏的,邪恶的:flagrantly wicked or impious<br/>【例】a nefarious scheme to assassinate the archbishop 企图刺杀大主教的邪恶阴谋<br/>【近】atrocious, degenerate, devious, evil, heinous, infamous, miscreant, vicious, villainous, wicked<br/>【反】ethical, righteous, upright, virtuous品德高尚的;beneficial有益的;exemplary模范的<br/><br/>【记】ne 不 + fair 公正,公平,不公平就是邪恶;ne 不 + far 音:法,不法,不法的<br/>【另】negate 否定,ne- 与neg-是不的字根


【考法 1】adj. 极小的:very small<br/>【例】a miniscule progress极小的进步<br/>【近】atomic, infinitesimal, microscopic, miniature, minute, tiny<br/>【反】colossal, elephantine, enormous, gargantuan, gigantic, huge, immense, mammoth, prodigious巨大的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 欺诈的:characterized by, based on, or done by fraud<br/>【例】a fraudulent interpretation of experimental data 对实验数据的欺骗性解释<br/>【近】deceitful, deceptive, dishonest, duplicitous, guileful, underhanded<br/>【反】reliable, trustworthy可信的;authentic真实的;honest, straight诚实的<br/>【派】fraudulencen. 欺骗<br/><br/>【记】fraud


【考法 1】adj. 极差的:very poor in quality or ability<br/>【例】the wretched conditions of the refugee camp难民营极恶劣的条件<br/>【近】bad, coarse, inferior, low-grade, mediocre, miserable, poor, rubbishy, terrible, trashy<br/>【反】excellent, fine, first-class, first-rate, good, high-grade, superior优质的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 沮丧的:deeply afflicted, dejected, or distressed in body or mind<br/>【例】She was wretched for weeks after breaking up with her boyfriend.她与男友分手后郁闷了几个星期。<br/>【近】blue, crestfallen, dejected, doleful, dolorous, gloomy, melancholy, mournful, rueful, sorrowful, woeful<br/>【反】blissful, buoyant, cheerful, delighted, glad, happy, joyful, jubilant 欢乐的<br/>【派】wretchednessn. 沮丧<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 极度愤怒的:extremely angry; furious<br/>【例】He became apoplectic about wasteful government spending.他对于政府的浪费开销变得怒不可遏。<br/>【例】The coach was so apoplectic when the player missed the free throw that he threw his clipboard onto the court.教练对球员罚篮不进非常气愤以至于把战术板扔到了球场上。<br/>【近】choleric, enraged, furious, incensed, indignant, infuriated, irate, ireful, outraged<br/>【反】angerless, delighted, pleased 不生气的,高兴的<br/><br/>【记】apo 音:阿婆 + complicated 阿婆情况复杂了,中风了,因为愤怒气着了;pop 爸爸 + lecture 演讲,爸爸演讲时激动易怒;


【考法 1】adj. 极敏锐的,有洞察力的:having or showing penetrating mental discernment; clear-sighted<br/>【例】 an impartial and perspicacious judge 一个明镜高悬的法官<br/>【近】astute, savvy, sharp, sharp-witted, shrewd, smart<br/>【反】ignorant, oblivious, unknowing未察觉的,无知的<br/>【派】perspicacityn. 敏锐,洞察力<br/><br/>【记】per 透过,通过 + spic spect 看,能透过表面看其本质的→敏锐;与perspicuous相比,结尾是ca,音:才,有才气的人独具慧眼,指人<br/>The best hearts are always the bravest. 心灵最好的人往往是最勇敢的人。 <br/>【另】conspicuous 显著的,despicable 可鄙的, 卑劣的,perspicacious 敏悦颖悟的,suspicious 可疑的, transpicuous 透明的, 明白易懂的


【考法 1】adj. 极重要的:of utmost importance; of outstanding significance or consequence<br/>【例】Battle of Stalingrad is a momentous campaign in World War 2.斯大林格勒之战是第二次世界大战中具有重大意义的一次战役<br/>【近】consequential, considerable, crucial, eventful, important, monumental, pivotal, significant, vital, weighty<br/>【反】inconsequential, negligible, slight, trifling, trivial无关紧要的<br/><br/>【记】moment + ours 我们的紧要关头,关键时刻(到了)


【考法 1】adj. 极黑暗的:extremely dark, gloomy, or forbidding<br/>【例】the stygian blackness of the cave山洞里令人恐惧的黑暗<br/>【近】black, caliginous, dark, dim, gloomy, pitch-black<br/>【反】bright, brilliant, illuminated, illumined, light, lightsome, lucent, lucid, luminous明亮的<br/><br/>【记】音:死地间,死亡于地狱间,电影无间道的间,无间地狱,最万恶之地,罪孽深重的人被打落此地,无间断地受苦,永不轮回;sty 猪圈 + 音:间,猪圈一样的无间地狱;


【考法 1】adj. 柔软的,松散的:lacking firm texture, substance, or structure<br/>【例】 Her hair hung limp about her shoulders.她的头发软沓沓地垂在肩上<br/>【近】droopy, flaccid, floppy, lank, yielding<br/>【反】firm, stiff, sturdy, tense坚硬的;resilient有弹性的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 软弱的,没有精神的:lacking strength or firmness; weak or spiritless<br/>【例】 The team's limp performance has many people calling for the head coach's resignation.队伍不给力的表现让许多人呼吁教练下课<br/>【近】enervated, lackadaisical, languid, languishing, languorous, spiritless<br/>【反】ambitious, enterprising 有雄心壮志的;animated, energetic, motivated精力充沛的,有积极性的<br/><br/>【考法 3】vi. 跛行,艰难地行走:to move or proceed haltingly or unsteadily<br/>【近】The project limped along with half its previous funding.项目靠着之前一半的资金艰难地进展<br/>【近】blunder, bumble, lumber, plod, struggle, stumble, trudge<br/><br/>【记】limb肢 + p 音:跛→肢体是跛的→腿跛


【考法 1】adj. 柔软的:easily bent; supple<br/>【例】Rattan is such a lissome material that it can be used for all manner of furniture and baskets.藤是一种非常柔软而有韧性的材料,因此可以被用于形形色色的家具和篮子之中<br/>【近】flexible, limber, lithe, pliable, pliant, supple<br/>【反】 solid 坚硬的;inflexible, rigid, stiff, stiffened僵硬的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 敏捷的,轻盈的:having the ability to move with ease; limber<br/>【例】a lissome ballerina 身姿矫捷的女芭蕾舞演员<br/>【近】agile, featly, feline, gracile, lithesome, nimble<br/>【反】awkward, clumsy, graceless, ungainly笨拙的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 榜样的,值得效仿的:constituting, serving as, or worthy of being a pattern to be imitated<br/>【例】as a hospital volunteer he has given exemplary service to his community 他作为医疗志愿者为社区起到了模范的作用<br/>【近】monitory, archetypal, imitable, paradigmatic, quintessential<br/>【派】exemplify v. (通过榜样)示范,显示:to show or illustrate by example<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 作为警告的:serving as or offering a warning<br/>【例】armies have traditionally used public execution as an exemplary punishment for the crime of desertion军队通常将公开处决作为玩忽职守罪的惩罚,以儆效尤<br/>【近】admonishing, admonitory, monitory, premonitory, warning<br/><br/>【记】example 模范


【考法 1】adj. 模糊的:indistinct, vague<br/>【例】a nebulous description of the topic对于主题的模糊描述<br/>【近】ambiguous, arcane, equivocal, hazy, indistinct, muddy, murky, obscure, occult, vague<br/>【反】distinct明显的;clear, definite, unambiguous, unequivocal明确的<br/>【派】nebulan. 星云<br/><br/>【记】nebula 音:奶布尿湿,小宝宝喝奶时擦的布,白色的奶渍象是星云,或者尿湿的尿布;


【考法 1】adj. 欠他人人情的:owing something, such as gratitude, to another<br/>【例】Not wanting to be beholden to anyone, he insisted on paying his own way.因为不想欠别人的人情,所以他坚持出自己的那一份钱。<br/>【近】indebted, obligated, obliged<br/><br/>【记】hold 使承担责任, be hold就是欠人责任


【考法 1】adj. 正直的:guided by or in accordance with one's sense of right and wrong; principled<br/>【例】Less scrupulous companies find ways to evade the law.道德程度略低的公司钻法律的空子。<br/>【近】conscionable, ethical, honest, honorable, moral, principled<br/>【反】cutthroat, dishonest, dishonorable, immoral, unconscionable, unethical, unjust, unprincipled 不道德的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 一丝不苟的:taking, showing, or involving great care and effort<br/>【例】The task requires scrupulous attention to detail.这项任务需要对细节一丝不苟。<br/>【近】careful, conscientious, fussy, meticulous<br/><br/>【记】sculp 雕刻时是谨慎小心的,每刻一刀都很细心


【考法 1】adj. 歪的,倾斜的:leaning to one side<br/>【例】The portrait in the foyer was lopsided.门厅里的画像挂歪了<br/>【近】askew, aslant, crazy, listing, oblique, pitched, skewed, slanted, tipping, uneven<br/>【反】even, level, straight平的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj.不平衡的,不协调的:lacking in balance, symmetry, or proportion<br/>【例】The arrangement of the furniture was lopsided.家具的摆放太不协调了‖a lopsided score of 4-0四比零的压倒比分<br/>【近】asymmetric, disproportional, irregular, off-balance, unbalanced, unequal<br/>【反】balanced 平衡的;symmetrical对称的<br/><br/>【记】音:路坡 + side,在坡上身体是斜的,不平衡;音:老婆 + side 总是偏向老婆那边


【考法 1】adj. 死板的,极度保守的:tending to favor established ideas, conditions, or institutions<br/>【例】 the hidebound innkeeper refused to see the need for a Web site 死板的酒馆老板坚决不肯装宽带<br/>【近】 archconservative, brassbound, die-hard, old-fashioned, standpat, ultraconservative<br/>【反】broad-minded, large-minded, liberal, nonconservative, nonconventional, nonorthodox, nontraditional, open-minded, progressive 进步的,开放包容的<br/><br/>【记】hide 皮 + bound 包裹,原指牛之类的动物,皮紧紧包着肉,比喻象牛一样顽固不灵活,保守;hide 藏 + bound 束缚的,音:绑的,藏起来束缚自己的,不公开开放,心胸开阔的


【考法 1】adj. 残酷的,无情的:showing or promising no abatement of severity, intensity, strength, or pace<br/>【例】He was the most teacher enemy I have ever known.他是我所知的最狠的老师。<br/>【近】grim, inexorable, ironfisted, merciless, mortal, ruthless, unrelenting<br/>【反】charitable, clement, merciful, lenient仁慈的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 固执的,不肯妥协的:showing no signs of slackening or yielding in one's purpose<br/>【例】The team's offense was relentless in trying to score.进攻球员毫不妥协地努力得分。<br/>【近】adamant, dogged, headstrong, mulish, obdurate, pertinacious, rigid, uncompromising, unyielding<br/>【反】acquiescent, amenable, compliant, complying, flexible, pliable, pliant, relenting, yielding易屈服的<br/><br/>【记】relent + less


【考法 1】adj. 永恒的,持久的:lasting forever; eternal<br/>【例】To his everlasting credit, he never once gave in to temptation.他人品非常好,从来没有受到诱惑。<br/>【近】ageless, enduring, eternal, immortal, imperishable, perennial, perpetual, undying<br/>【反】impermanent, mortal, temporary, transient, ephemeral短暂的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 永恒的:having infinite duration; everlasting; perpetual<br/>【例】eternal love永恒的爱<br/>【近】ageless, everlasting, immortal, imperishable, perennial, perpetual, undying<br/>【反】ephemeral短暂的<br/><br/>【记】internal 内在的,e外 + ternal,在中间以外是无限的,永恒的空间<br/>【另】internal 内在的,external 外部的


【考法 1】adj. 沉思的,(尤指)哀思的:given to or marked by long, quiet and often musingly sadthinking<br/>【例】Rainy days often put her in a pensive mood.雨天总是让她陷入深深的思考之中<br/>【近】broody, cogitative, meditative, melancholy, musing, reflective, ruminant, ruminative, thoughtful<br/>【反】mindless, thoughtless, unreflective不加思考的<br/><br/>【记】pen 笔 + sive 拿笔沉思状,用笔写作时深沉的,忧郁的;expensive 昂贵的,这东西很好但是太贵了,愁眉苦脸地沉思,买不买呢<br/>【另】penster (拿笔的人)作者


【考法 1】adj. 沉默不语的:inclined to be silent or uncommunicative in speech<br/>【例】He was reticent about his plans. 他对他的计划三缄其口。<br/>【近】closemouthed, constrained, laconic, reserved, restrained, silent, taciturn<br/>【反】communicative, expansive, talkative健谈的;garrulous, loquacious 话多的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不愿意的:slow to begin or proceed with a course of action because of doubts or uncertainty<br/>【例】Understandably, she's reticent about becoming involved with another religious sect.不难理解,她不愿意被牵扯另一个宗教派别之中。<br/>【近】cagey, disinclined, dubious, indisposed, loath, reluctant<br/>【反】willing乐意的;disposed, inclined 倾向于做某事的;eager渴望的<br/><br/>【记】re + tacit 沉默的,默许的;re反复 + 音:叹息,不停叹息→静默


【考法 1】adj. 沉默寡言的,话少的:temperamentally disinclined to talk<br/>【例】A taciturn man never initiates a conversation.一个寡言的男人从不主动和人说话。<br/>【近】 laconic, reserved, reticent, tight-lipped, uncommunicative<br/>【反】 garrulous, loquacious, glib, expansive, prolix, voluble多话的<br/><br/>【记】tacit沉默,不说话 + turn变得→变得沉默寡言


【考法 1】adj. 没有同情心的:devoid of or unmoved by pity<br/>【例】a pitiless humiliation毫不留情的羞辱<br/>【近】affectless, callous, coldhearted, cruel, harsh, indurate, merciless<br/>【反】charitable, clement, compassionate, humane, merciful, sympathetic, tender有同情心的,仁慈的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 没有实际内容的:having little substance; flimsy<br/>【例】 a tenuous argument站不住脚的论点<br/>【反】 substantial实质的<br/><br/>【记】近于thin;与tend, tain同源,细,薄,可理解为拉,延伸后变薄变细;音:太扭,扭东西(橡皮筋)扭得太厉害,直到变得细薄;音:牛,十头牛去拉,拉得绳子越来越长,都成又细又薄了;


【考法 1】adj. 没有怜悯心的,残忍的:having no pity<br/>【例】an office supervisor with a ruthless disregard for others' feelings 一个从不顾及他人感情的无情领导<br/>【近】cruel, heartless, inhumane, ironfisted, iron-hearted, pitiless, merciless, mortal, relentless, remorseless<br/>【反】charitable, compassionate, humane, kindhearted, merciful, sympathetic, tender有同情心的,善良的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 没有教养的,没有礼貌的:badly brought up or showing bad upbringing: impolite<br/>【例】Only an ill-bred, conceited person would demand that everyone cater to their whims.只有一个没有教养、狂妄自大的人才会要求所有人都去迎合他的想法。<br/>【近】discourteous, disrespectful, impertinent, impolite, inconsiderate, rude, uncivil, ungracious, unmannerly<br/>【反】civil, considerate, courteous, genteel, gracious, mannerly, polite, urbane, well-bred 有礼貌的,得体的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 没精打采的,虚弱的:lacking energy or vitality; weak<br/>【例】 be languid for weeks after surgery 术后的几周都无精打采的<br/>【近】debilitated, effete, enervated, feeble, frail, infirm, lackadaisical, spiritless, debilitated, sapped, enfeebled<br/>【反】animated, energetic, vehement, vivacious 有精力的;mighty, powerful, stalwart, stout, strong 强壮的<br/><br/>【记】language 学语言(英语,GRE)学得都憔悴了;可能来自langu- 舌头,语言,因为舌头是无力的;音:懒鬼


【考法 1】adj. 没精打采的,行动迟缓的:of, relating to, or characterized by lethargy, sluggish<br/>【例】a big nice meal always makes me feel lethargic and sleepy 一顿大餐吃完总是让我既慵懒又想睡<br/>【近】 dull, inert, quiescent, sluggish, torpid<br/>【反】dynamic, energetic, robust, vigorous 有精力的;active 活跃的<br/><br/>【记】lethargy 昏睡


【考法 1】adj. 治疗的:of or relating to the treatment of disease or disorders by remedial agents or methods<br/>【例】Gentle exercise can be therapeutic for hospital patients.适量的运动对病人恢复有好处。<br/>【近】 curative, healing, officinal, remedial, restorative<br/><br/>【记】therapy 治疗 + eutic→治疗的<br/>You can't make omelets without breaking eggs. 有失才有得。


【考法 1】adj. 活泼生动的:vigorous; lively<br/>【例】vivid writing and a racy plot that keeps readers turning the pages栩栩如生的手法和生动新鲜的情节让读者手不释卷<br/>【近】animate, brisk, frisky, jaunty, perky, spirited, vivacious<br/>【反】tame, dead, inactive, inanimate, lackadaisical, languid, languorous, leaden, lifeless, limp, listless, spiritless, vapid乏味的,死气沉沉的<br/><br/>【记】race 比赛,是充满活力,活泼与生动的,没有竞争就平淡无味


【考法 1】adj. 活泼的,充满活力的:full of spirit and vitality<br/>【例】He was deeply impressed by the sprightly Gypsy dance.活力四射的吉普赛舞蹈给他留下了深刻印象。<br/>【近】 active, airy, animated, brisk, energetic, frisky, gay, jaunty, kinetic, mettlesome, racy, spirited, vital, vivacious<br/>【反】dead, inactive, inanimate, lackadaisical, languid, languishing, leaden, lifeless, listless, spiritless, vapid 没精神的<br/><br/>【记】sprite的变体,源自spirit 精神,灵魂,勇气,热情;有精神头的;spring 春天 + bright 明亮欢快的


【考法 1】adj. 活的:having or showing life<br/>【例】The lecture was about ancient worship of animate and inanimate objects.演讲是关于对生命体和非生命体的古代崇拜。<br/>【近】breathing, live, living<br/>【反】dead, expired, deceased, lifeless, nonliving 无生命的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 有活力的:having much high-spirited energy and movement<br/>【例】Animate dance will get the blood pumping.有活力的舞蹈会让人热血沸腾。<br/>【近】bouncing, brisk, energetic, sprightly, vivacious<br/>【反】inactive, lackadaisical, languid, listless, leaden没有活力的,无精打采的<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 使有活力,支持:to give spirit and support to<br/>【例】The writer's humor animates the novel. 作者的幽默使小说富有生命力。<br/>【近】brace, energize, enliven, invigorate, ginger (up), pep up, vitalize 使有活力<br/>【反】damp, dampen, deaden 使没活力<br/>【派】animation 生命力,活力:the quality or condition of being alive, active, spirited, or vigorous.<br/>【反】lassitude, lethargy 疲倦,疲乏<br/><br/>【考法 4】v. 使行动,驱使:to move to action<br/>【例】a criminal animated by greed 一个受贪婪驱使的罪犯<br/>【近】goad, prod, spur, galvanize, stimulate<br/>【考法5】v. 使活灵活现,使栩栩如生:to make or design in such a way as to create apparently spontaneous lifelike movement<br/>【例】Kongfu Panda's very realistic panda was animated by CG.《功夫熊猫》电影里面的熊猫是通过 CG 技术使熊猫变得活灵活现的。<br/><br/>【记】同源于animal 动物,是有生命的


【考法 1】adj. 流星般迅速而短暂的:similar to a meteor in speed, brilliance, or brevity<br/>【例】 a meteoric rise to fame 一夜成名<br/>【近】ephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, momentary, rapid, transient, transitory<br/>【反】enduring, lasting, permanent, prolonged持久的<br/><br/>【记】meteor 流星, met + air (陨石)碰到空气→流星, eor 为air的变体,原指high in the air<br/>【另】meter 测量,米


【考法 1】adj. 浅的:having little depth ; shallow.<br/>【例】 shoal waters of the bay 海湾附近的浅水区<br/>【反】 deep 深的<br/><br/>【记】源自shallow 浅;shore 岸,岸边就是浅水处;<br/>

turgid<br><span style="color:#00007f;">'tə:dʒid</span>

【考法 1】adj. 浮夸的,过分装饰的:excessively embellished in style or language<br />【例】 turgid prose浮华的散文<br />【近】flatulent, bombastic, pompous<br />【反】 simple, austere, unadorned, undecorated, unembellished简朴的<br /><br />【记】音:托G的,考托考G这几年报考人数增多→浮肿,且呈浮夸风气,考题内容也过于夸张,复杂,华而不实→浮夸;音:特挤,挤得 身上都肿了


【考法 1】adj. 紧绷的:not loose or flabby<br/>【例】 taut muscles紧实的肌肉<br/>【反】 lax, loose, slack松弛的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 整洁的:kept in proper order or condition, kept in trim shape; neat and tidy<br/>【例】a taunt ship保养得不错的船<br/>【近】kempt, orderly, shipshape, trim<br/><br/>【记】音:套它,用绳索套住它并拉紧;taught 教,教学,教训→学校里教学都是秩序井然,严肃紧张


【考法 1】adj. 消毒的,无菌的:preventing infection<br/>【例】Surgery must be in aseptic environments. 手术必须处在无菌环境下<br/>【近】sterile, germfree<br/>【反】germy, unsterile 有细菌的;contaminated, tainted 被污染的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 缺乏活力的:lacking vitality<br/>【近】inactive, lackadaisical, languid, listless, spiritless<br/>【反】active, animated, energetic, energetic, vivacious 有活力的<br/>【考法 3】adj. 冷漠的:emotion, or warmth<br/>【例】aseptic essays 没有感情的文章;an aseptic smile 漠然的微笑<br/>【近】affectlessness, emotionlessness, impassiveness, impassivity, insensibility, numbness, phlegm<br/>【反】emotion, feeling, sensibility有感情<br/><br/>【记】a 不 + sept 七月,七月的东西容易腐烂,长细菌;sept 尽管是September九月,但是按旧年历是夏天的七月<br/>【另】antiseptic (anti 反 + septic 腐烂)防腐的, 杀菌的


【考法 1】adj. 深奥的,难解的:difficultor impossible for one of ordinary understanding or knowledgeto comprehend<br/>【例】 I think Quantum Mechanics and Random Process arethe two most recondite courses in our curriculum this semester.我觉得量子力学和随机过程是这学期课表中最难的两门课程<br/>【近】abstruse, arcane, deep, enigmatic, esoteric, hermetic, occult, profound<br/>【反】facile, shallow, superficial肤浅的;easy, simple 简单的<br/><br/>【记】re反复 + condition 条件,复杂的数学公式反复的有很多条件→深奥;re + 音:看 + dict<br/>dictionary字典,(学GRE时)反复看字典→深奥;con + edit 大家一起来编辑(这文章)一下,一个人编辑太深奥了;音: 坑地,坑底,到坑底下隐藏起来,不明显;<br/>【另】abscond 潜逃并隐藏


【考法 1】adj. 深奥的:relating to or characterized by occultism or abstruseness<br/>【例】 wrote hermetic poetry写晦涩难懂的诗歌<br/>【近】abstruse, arcane, esoteric, recondite<br/>【反】 easily comprehended, shallow, superficial 容易理解的,肤浅的<br/><br/>【记】her + met 遇见了她动了我密封的,与外界隔绝了的心,来自Hermes Trismegistus. He once <br/>invented a magic seal to keep vessels airtight


【考法 1】adj. 深奥难懂的:difficult for one of ordinary knowledge or intelligence to understand<br/>【例】esoteric terminology少数人知道的专业术语<br/>【近】abstruse, arcane, hermetic, recondite<br/>【反】shallow, superficial 肤浅的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 少数人知道的:not known or meant to be known by the general populace<br/>【例】The actor must have had some esoteric motive for leaving stage.该演员淡出舞台肯定有不为人知的原因。<br/>【近】confidential, inside, intimate, nonpublic, privy, secret<br/>【反】common accepted, generally known, open, public公开的,普遍接受的<br/><br/>【记】internal 的变体,内部,不外传;es 理解为否定 + oteric (近于out, outer);exoteric 是external的变体<br/>He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword. 玩火者自焚。 <br/>【另】exoteric 外面的, 一般人所能理解的, 公开的, 普通的,


【考法 1】adj. 深思熟虑的,审慎的:deliberated, calculated<br/>【例】 a measured response to the terrorist attack就恐怖袭击做出的深思熟虑的反应<br/>【近】advised, calculated, considered, knowing, reasoned, studied, thoughtful, weighed<br/>【反】casual随意的 ;uncalculated, unconsidered, unstudied 没仔细考虑过的<br/><br/>【记】measure 测量


【考法 1】adj. 深思熟虑的:characterized by or resulting from careful and thorough consideration<br/>【例】a deliberate decision一个慎重的决定<br/>【近】calculated, considered, reasoned, thoughtful<br/>【反】impetuous, haste, casual, unadvised, uncalculated, unconsidered, unstudied随意的,未经过深思的<br/><br/>【记】de liberate 不是自由的放开想像,而是仔细严谨地思考


【考法 1】adj. 混合的,多元化的:composed of elements drawn from various sources<br/>【例】The museum's eclectic collection has everything from a giraffe skeleton to medieval musical instruments.博物馆里的展品丰富多样,从长颈鹿的骨架到中世纪的乐器都有。<br/>【近】assorted, diverse, heterogeneous, indiscriminate, magpie, mixed, motley, piebald, ragtag, varied<br/>【反】homogeneous, uniform 同一性的<br/><br/>【记】源自select,elect ,ec 外 + lect 选择<br/>【另】collect 收集,elect 选举 选择 , select, neglect 忽视


【考法 1】adj. 混浊的:deficient in clarity or purity<br/>【例】a turbid stream一条混浊的河<br/>【近】muddy, murky, obscure<br/>【反】clear , limpid, lucid, pellucid, , crystalline清澈的<br/><br/>【记】turb 搅 disturb 扰乱;turb + bid 混乱的投标,让人眼花看不清<br/>【另】disturb扰乱,打乱,perturb 扰乱,使心烦意乱,turbine 涡轮


【考法 1】adj. 滋补的,有益健康的:producing or stimulating physical, mental, or emotional vigor; beneficial to the health of body or mind<br/>【例】tonic medicine 补药<br/>【近】medicinal, restorative, salubrious, salutary, salutiferous, sanative, wholesome<br/>【反】insalubrious, noxious, unhealthful, unhealthy, unwholesome 不健康的<br/><br/>【记】tone 本身还有品质,身体素质,健康状态的意思;tone + nice (老人家)您声音这么好,中气十足,吃什么补品了吧


【考法 1】adj. 漫无目的的:lacking a definite plan, purpose, or pattern<br/>【例】No stray sighting of UFO's has been rigorously analyzed by scientists.在无规律出现的 UFO 事件之中,尚未有被科学家严谨分析的案例。<br/>【近】aimless, arbitrary, desultory, erratic, haphazard, scattered, slapdash<br/>【反】methodical, orderly, organized, regular有条理的,有组织的;systematic, systematized系统性的<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 离群,迷途,偏离:to move away from a group, deviate from the correct course, or go beyond established limits<br/>【例】to stray from the main road偏离了主干道<br/>【近】deviate, digress, err, wander<br/><br/>【记】可能源自extra-;音:死追,被人死命追,结果迷路;street 上乱走


【考法 1】adj. 潜在的,不活跃的:present or potential but not evident or active<br/>【例】a latent infection潜伏性传染病‖He has a latent talent for acting that he hasn't had achance to express yet.他有着表演的天赋,只不过他还没有机会来表现这一才能<br/>【近】 dormant, fallow, inert, inoperative<br/>【反】apparent, evident, manifest, obvious, plain明显的;active活跃的<br/>【派】latencyn. 潜伏期<br/><br/>【记】late ent 晚些时候才会出现的,现在是潜伏期


【考法 1】adj. 灵巧的,熟练的:characterized by facility and skill<br/>【例】He finished off the painting with a few deft strokes of the brush. 他简单熟练的几笔便完成了画作。<br/>【近】cunning, adroit, dexterous, expert, masterful, virtuoso<br/>【反】awkward, maladroit, ham-handed, amateur, artless, unprofessional, unskillful 笨拙的,不精通的<br/><br/>【记】adept 熟练的;defeat 赢,能赢的人都很deft;left 是左;deft是右,右手,一般人来说是右手更灵活<br/>【另】dexterous 灵活,惯用右手的;adroit 灵活的,daft 愚蠢的


【考法 1】adj. 灵活的,可变的:capable of being readily changed<br/>【例】Our schedules are highly flexible.我们的计划是非常灵活的<br/>【近】adaptable, adjustable, alterable, changeable, elastic, fluid, malleable, modifiable, pliable, variable<br/>【反】fixed, immutable, inflexible, invariable确定的,不可变的;stiff, rigid僵化的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 易受影响的:susceptible to influence or persuasion<br/>【例】Their boss was flexible and lenient. 他们的老板既好说话,又很仁慈<br/>【近】docile, manageable, tractable<br/>【反】adamant, headstrong, intractable, mulish, recalcitrant, refractory, stubborn, obstinate倔强的<br/>【派】flexibilityn.灵活性<br/><br/>【记】flex=flect 弯曲;flesh 肌肉,是灵活易用弯曲的


【考法 1】adj. 炫耀卖弄的:marked by or fond of conspicuous or vainglorious and sometimes pretentious display<br/>【例】wears an ostentatious diamond ring on her finger她手指上戴着一枚巨大的钻戒<br/>【近】flamboyant, flaring, flashy, splashy<br/>【反】modest, artless, austere, unpretentious, conservative, quiet, understated, unflamboyant, unflashy 谦让的,朴素的,保守地<br/><br/>【记】os 偶是 + pretentious 炫耀,自命不凡的,偶是为了炫耀;os 偶是 + attention 偶是为了吸引别人注意;<br/>【另】stentorian 声音洪亮的


【考法 1】adj. 热情奔放的:zestfully enthusiastic<br/>【例】The ebullient dancers left an enduring impression on us.热情洋溢的舞者给我们留下了难以磨灭的印象<br/>【近】boiling, exuberant, effervescent, vivacious, brash<br/>【反】tepid, torpid无精打采的<br/>【派】ebulliencen. 热情洋溢<br/><br/>【记】源自boiling 沸腾的,激昂的;bull 公牛,象斗牛场的公牛一样亢奋


【考法 1】adj. 煞费苦心的:taking pains: expending, showing, or involving diligent care and effort<br/>【例】 It took months of painstaking research to write the book.这本书的写作耗费了几个月的苦心研究。<br/>【近】careful, conscientious, fussy, meticulous, scrupulous<br/>【反】 slipshod, cursory, careless漫不经心的,草率的<br/><br/>【记】take pain


【考法 1】adj. 爱好冒险的,大胆的:inclined or willing to take risks<br/>【例】the dashing heroes in stories about the American West 美国西部故事中那些勇敢无畏的英雄<br/>【近】adventurous, audacious, daring, emboldened, enterprising, gutsy, nerved, nervy, venturous<br/>【反】cowardly, craven, pusillanimous, timid, timorous胆小的<br/><br/>【记】dash 急冲,突进;音:打石,扔石头→猛冲;rush 冲<br/>【另】不少-ash结尾的单词有冲,撞的意思 bash 重击,crash 碰撞,坠毁,flash 闪现,lash 鞭打<br/>,甩动,slash 鞭打,猛砍,thrash 痛打,smash 重击,粉碎,splash (冲击下)激溅,


【考法 1】adj. 爱开玩笑的,好打闹的:given to good-natured joking or teasing<br/>【例】The little girl was lighthearted and playful. 小女孩性格很轻松愉快,喜欢和别人打闹。<br/>【近】antic, coltish, elfish, fay, frisky, frolicsome, larky, rollicking, sportive<br/>【反】earnest, grave, serious, sober, solemn, somber严肃的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 爱社交的:likely to seek or enjoy the company of others<br/>【近】convivial, extroverted, genial, outgoing, sociable, outgoing<br/>【反】aloof 疏远的;antisocial不合群的;introverted, reclusive内向的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 群居的:tending to group with others of the same kind<br/>【例】ecologically define human as gregarious carnivore 从生态学上将人类定义为群居类肉食动物<br/>【近】social<br/>【反】solitary独自的<br/><br/>【记】greg- 群<br/>【另】aggregate 聚集,congregate 聚集,egregious 超群的(distinguished),gregarious 群居的, segregate<br/>隔离(separate)


【考法 1】adj. 牢固的,不可动摇的:marked by the ability to withstand stress without structural damage or distortion<br/>【例】The bridge is structurally sound. 这座大桥在结构上是稳固的。<br/>【近】 bombproof, fast, firm, stalwart, strong, sturdy<br/>【反】 ramshackle摇摇欲坠的;rickety, unstable, unsteady 不稳定的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 健康的,强壮的:free from injury or disease: exhibiting normal health<br/>【例】The horse is getting old, but still perfectly sound.虽然在变老,但这匹马依然相当健康。<br/>【近】bouncing, fit, hale, healthy, hearty, robust, well, well-conditioned, wholesome<br/>【反】ailing, diseased, ill, sick 生病的;decrepit, enfeebled, feeble, infirm虚弱的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. (逻辑上)严谨的:based on valid reasoning<br/>【例】Sound reasoning alone should tell you that the result is invalid.从纯粹严谨的逻辑演绎出发,这个结论是不正确的。<br/>【近】analytic, coherent, consequent, rational, reasonable, sensible, valid, well-founded, well-grounded<br/>【反】illegitimate, illogical, incoherent, inconsequent, invalid, irrational, unreasonable, unsound, weak(逻辑上)站不住脚的<br/>【派】soundnessn. (逻辑上的)无疵<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 物质的:of, relating to, or having substance<br/>【例】a world of dreams, even less substantial than a rainbow一个梦想中的世界,甚至比彩虹还虚无缥缈<br/>【近】corporeal, concrete, gross, material, objective, physical, tangible<br/>【反】tenuous, vaporous 空洞的,空幻的;diaphanous, ethereal, immaterial非物质的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 有重大意义的:considerable in importance, value, degree, amount, or extent<br/>【例】made a substantial progress取得了实质性的进展<br/>【近】consequential, considerable, earthshaking, important, meaningful, momentous, significant, weighty<br/>【反】inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, little, minor, negligible, slight, trifling, trivial微不足道的<br/><br/>【记】substance 物质


【考法 1】adj. 特有的,独特的:of a particular or exact sort<br/>【例】 We need a specific type of pen to sign the diplomas.我们需要一种特制的笔来签署学位证书。<br/>【近】concrete, distinct, especial, peculiar, precise, special, unique<br/>【反】general, generic, universal普遍的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 明确的:so clearly expressed as to leave no doubt about the meaning<br/>【例】specific instructions regarding the interrogation of prisoners 有关如何审问犯人的明确指示<br/>【近】clear, definite, definitive, explicit, express, unambiguous, unequivocal, univocal<br/>【反】ambiguous, equivocal, implicit, indefinite, inexplicit, unspecific, vague模糊的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 狂喜的:experiencing or marked by overwhelming usually pleasurable emotion<br/>【例】a rock band that still attracts rapt crowds一个仍然拥有者狂热粉丝的乐队<br/>【近】 elated, elevated, enraptured, entranced, euphoric, exhilarated, intoxicated, rapturous, rhapsodic<br/>【反】crestfallen, dejected, depressed 沮丧的;doleful, gloomy, melancholy, mournful, woeful哀伤的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 全神贯注的:deeply absorbed; engrossed<br/>【例】 With a mixture of delight and awe, the rapt children stared at the chick in the incubator breaking out of its shell.怀着愉快和敬畏的复杂心理,孩子们全神贯注地盯着孵化箱中的小鸡破壳而出。<br/>【近】 absorbed, concentrated, deep, engrossed, enthralled, focused, immersed, intent, observant<br/>【反】absent, abstracted, distracted, inattentive 不专心的;apathetic, disinterested, unconcerned 冷漠的,不关心的<br/><br/>【记】rapid 急流,被急流带走的(思想) carried away


【考法 1】adj. 狂热的,不冷静的:extremely zealous or enthusiastic; fanatical<br/>【例】soccer fans whose rabid enthusiasm makes them go berserk when their team wins不冷静的粉丝们在球队获胜以后变得很狂暴<br/>【近】 delirious, ferocious, feverish, fierce, frantic, frenetic, violent<br/>【反】 logical, detached合常理的,客观的<br/><br/>【记】rabbit 野兔可能有狂犬病;rebel 造反者是疯子


【考法 1】adj. 狡猾的:clever or cunning, especially in the practice of deceit.<br/>【例】The movie pairs a sly, dissembling ex-con with an upstanding, straight-arrow cop.电影把一个狡猾、善于骗人的出狱犯和正直、坦率的警察搭配在了一起。<br/>【近】beguiling, cagey, crafty, cunning, designing, devious, foxy, guileful, scheming, shrewd, subtle, tricky, wily<br/>【反】artless, guileless, ingenuous, innocent, undesigning天真纯朴的,无伪装的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 隐秘的,偷偷的:given to acting in secret and to concealing one's intentions<br/>【例】took a sly look at the letter on the table偷偷地看了一眼桌上的信<br/>【近】furtive, shady, shifty, slippery, sneaking, stealthy<br/>【反】aboveboard光明正大的<br/><br/>【记】spy的特点 <br/>smarmy adj.迎奉的,讨好的 <br/>【记】音:抹蜜,嘴巴抹蜜→奉承;seem + warm 看起来很热心,其实虚伪


【考法 1】adj. 狡诈的,狡猾的:clever at attaining one's ends by indirect and often deceptive means<br/>【例】He is an experienced and wily old statesman. 他是一个经验丰富而狡诈的老销售员。‖His wily plan only rebounded on him.聪明反被聪明误。<br/>【近】beguiling, cagey, crafty, cunning, devious, foxy, guileful, scheming, shrewd, slick, sly, subtle, tricky<br/>【反】artless, guileless, ingenuous, innocent, undesigning天真的,单纯的<br/><br/>【记】wile + y,音:歪


【考法 1】adj. 玩忽职守的, 不认真的:lacking a sense of duty; marked by a carelessly easy manner<br/>【例】the guards were judged derelict in their duty守卫们被判玩忽职守罪<br/>【近】disregardful, lax, neglectful, neglecting, remiss, slack<br/>【反】extremely careful, attentive, conscientious, nonnegligent特别仔细的<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 被社会遗弃的人:a destitute homeless social misfit<br/>【例】a section of the city that seemed to be frequented mostly by derelicts 流浪汉的集中区<br/>【近】deserted, desolate, disused, forgotten, forsaken, rejected<br/>【反】pillar of society社会的栋梁<br/><br/>【记】源自relict, relic re 再,重复 + lick 舔,重复的舔,把剩余物舔(干净);relict源自relinquish 放弃<br/>【另】relict 残余物, relic 遗物,遗迹,relinquish 放弃


【考法 1】adj. 现存的:still in existence; not destroyed, lost, or extinct<br/>【例】the most charming writer extant目前活着的作家中最有魅力的一位|| extant manuscripts 未毁坏的手稿<br/>【近】current, immediate, ongoing, present-day, existent<br/>【反】destroyed, extinct ,lost, missing, dead, extinct, nonextant丢失的,不存在的<br/><br/>【记】同existent;not extinct<br/>【另】existent 现存的,存在的, 生存的,constant 不变的,常量,distant 远的,


【考法 1】adj. 琐碎的,无足轻重的:of little worth or importance<br/>【例】why spend so much time on trivial decisions, like whether the cola should be regular or diet?为什么花这么多时间在这种琐碎的决定上,比如可乐要喝一般的还是健怡?<br/>【近】inconsiderable, insignificant, minor, petty, inconsequential, paltry, trifling<br/>【反】consequential, material, momentous, weighty, indispensable, substantive, grandiose, massive重要的<br/><br/>【记】travel 外出旅行要带着许多琐碎的东西及处理许多琐事,车票,食物,证件等


【考法 1】adj. 用轻薄材料制作的:made of light thin material<br/>【例】a frothy laptop made of carbon fiber and alloys碳纤维以及合金制造的轻薄型笔记本电脑<br/>【近】delicate, gossamer, light<br/>【反】weighty重的;sturdy 结实的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. (内容等)欢乐轻佻、不严肃的:gaily frivolous or light in content or treatment<br/>【例】a frothy movie 一部有喜感的电影<br/>【近】flighty, frivolous, puerile<br/>【反】earnest, serious, sober 严肃的<br/><br/>【记】froth 音:浮肉丝,锅里在煮肉,浮着肉丝,锅里还在冒泡泡


【考法 1】adj. 疏忽的,不留心的:exhibiting carelessness or slackness<br/>【例】I would be remiss if I didn't tell you how much I appreciated the lovely gift.如果我不告诉你我是多么的喜欢这个可爱的礼物的话,那我就太疏忽大意了。<br/>【近】careless, derelict, disregardful, heedless, lax, lazy, neglectful, neglecting, slack<br/>【反】attentive, careful, conscientious, meticulous, painstaking, scrupulous 细致的,仔细的<br/><br/>【记】re 反复 + miss 错过→反复错过→疏忽


【考法 1】adj. 疲惫的:depleted in strength, energy, or freshness<br/>【例】 After that long bar exam, I'm too jaded for anything but a nap.律师资格考试结束后,我累得只想睡觉<br/>【近】drained, exhausted, fatigued, prostrate, spent, wearied, worn-out<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 厌倦的,没兴趣没热情的:having one's patience, interest, or pleasure exhausted<br/>【例】Even jaded sci-fi fans are finding this new space adventure fresh and exciting. 即使是见多识广、口味很挑的科幻小说忠粉也觉得这次的太空探险非常新鲜有趣<br/>【近】 bored, tired, wearied, fed up<br/>【反】 absorbed, engaged, engrossed, interested, intrigued, rapt有兴趣的<br/><br/>【记】源于:jade(n.疲惫的老母马;v.使疲倦)ja 假,de 的:作假的东西销s路好所以过度劳累的。


【考法 1】adj. 盲目爱国的:having or showing excessive favoritism towards one's own country<br/>【例】At times I have also been aggressive, chauvinistic and hot-tempered.我曾经非常好斗,愤青,还脾气暴躁。<br/>【近】jingoist, jingoistic, nationalistic, superpatriotic<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 直率的,说话率真的:free in expressing one's true feelings and opinions<br/>【例】her forthright way of dealing with people她率真的为人处事方式<br/>【近】candid, forthcoming, frank, honest, open, outspoken, straightforward<br/>【反】dissembling虚伪的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 直接的,不绕弯子的:free from ambiguity or evasiveness: going straight to the point<br/>【例】was forthright in appraising the problem 直截了当地评价这个问题<br/>【近】direct, plain, straight<br/>【反】circuitous, indirect, roundabout不直接的,绕弯子的<br/><br/>【记】forth往前 + right 直;for 向,有朝向的意思,forward向前


【考法 1】adj. 直觉的:knowing or perceiving by intuition<br/>【例】The twins have an intuitive awareness of each other's feelings.这对双胞胎天生就能感知彼此的感受<br/>【近】instinctive<br/>【反】acquired后天习得的<br/>【派】intuitionn. 直觉<br/><br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 相似的,可比较的:having qualities in common<br/>【例】Bad-mouthing your sister is analogous to slapping her in the face - it's just as bad. 说你姐姐的坏话和当面扇她耳光是类似的——它们都是不好的行为。<br/>【近】akin, cognate, comparable, connate, corresponding, matching, parallel, resembling, similar, suchlike<br/>【反】different, disparate, dissimilar, diverse, unlike不同的,不相似的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 相关的,恰当的:having a clear decisive relevance to the matter in hand<br/>【例】He impressed the jury with his concise, pertinent answers to the attorney's questions.他对律师提出的问题的简洁而恰当的回答给陪审团留下了深刻的印象<br/>【近】applicable, apposite, apropos, germane, material, pointed, relative, relevant<br/>【反】extraneous, immaterial, impertinent, inapplicable, inapposite, irrelevant, pointless无关的<br/>【派】pertinencen. 相关,恰当<br/><br/>【记】pertain 关于


【考法 1】adj. 看似有理的:superficially fair, reasonable, or valuable but often specious<br/>【例】a plausible argument看起来头头是道的说理<br/>【近】believable, credible, likely, possible, presumable, probable可信的<br/>【反】paradoxical看似矛盾的;implausible, improbable, incredible, unbelievable, unlikely不太可能的<br/>【派】plausibilityn. 看似有理<br/><br/>【记】plaus, plaud 鼓掌,喝彩;applause 鼓掌欢迎, 因为看似合理


【考法 1】adj. 真诚的,不做作的:being without hypocrisy or pretense; true<br/>【例】She offered a sincere apology for her angry outburst.她为她先前的盛怒表示诚挚的歉意。<br/>【近】 artless, genuine, heartfelt, honest, ingenuous, innocent, natural, real, true, unaffected, unfeigned<br/>【反】 affected, artful, artificial, assuming, dissembling, fake, guileful, insincere, phony, pretentious 做作的,假装的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 知晓的,理解的:having specified facts or feelings actively impressed on the mind<br/>【例】I am fully apprehensive of the options, I assure you.我向你保证这些观点我都理解了。<br/>【近】alive, aware, cognizant, mindful, sensible, sentient, ware, witting<br/>【反】ignorant, insensible, oblivious, unaware, unconscious, unmindful, unwitting不知晓的,无知觉的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 恐惧的,害怕的:anxious or fearful about the future<br/>【例】 People apparently haven't recovered from the devastating terrorist attack and are still terribly apprehensive about the future.人们显然没有从那场严重的恐怖袭击中恢复过来,对于未来仍然充满了恐惧。<br/>【近】afraid, aghast, fearful, frightened, horrified, hysterical, scared, shocked, terrified<br/>【反】dauntless, fearless, intrepid, unafraid 无所畏惧的;confident充满自信的<br/>【派】apprehensionn. 理解;忧虑,恐惧<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 知道的,意识到的:fully informed; conscious; aware<br/>【例】We are cognizant of the problem. 我们已经意识到了问题。<br/>【近】aware, conscious, witting, apprehensive, sensible<br/>【反】oblivious, unconscious, unaware, unmindful 没意识到的<br/>【派】incognizance n. 不认识,没有知识<br/><br/>【记】recognize


【考法 1】adj. 短暂的:existing or lasting only a short time; short-lived or temporary<br/>【例】most of life's joys are transitory尘世间的欢乐都是过眼烟云,转瞬即逝<br/>【近】 transient, ephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, temporary<br/>【反】 ceaseless, dateless,deathless, endless, enduring, eternal, everlasting, immortal, lasting, long-lived, permanent, perpetual, timeless, undying, unending<br/><br/>【记】同transient


【考法 1】adj. 短暂的:lasting a very short time<br/>【例】ephemeral pleasures暂时的压力<br/>【近】evanescent, fleeting, impermanent, temporary, transient, transitory, fugacious, fugitive<br/>【反】eternal, permanent, perpetual, enduring, everlasting, ceaseless, immortal, undying 永久的<br/><br/>【记】fame 名声,名气;名声是最短暂的,如过眼烟云;female 女人的生命(青春)是短暂的,(nooffence, 也是宝贵的,16-27岁) 珍惜时光啊。


【考法 1】adj. 神经错乱的:having or showing a very abnormal or sick state of mind<br/>【例】The king was clearly daft, talking to trees and rocks.国王俨然已经疯了,对着树和石头说话。<br/>【近】bedlam, demented, deranged, lunatic, psychotic, unbalanced, unsound<br/>【反】balanced, sane头脑正常的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不明智的:showing or marked by a lack of good sense or judgment<br/>【例】a daft plan, doomed to wretched failure and merciless ridicule一个不明智的决定,最终难逃悲催的结局和无情的嘲讽的下场<br/>【近】fatuous, featherheaded, nonsensical, preposterous, senseless<br/>【反】judicious, prudent, sagacious, sapient, wise明智的<br/><br/>【记】da 音:打 + ft 网语:晕,打晕→打傻→傻


【考法 1】adj. 禁欲的:practicing strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline<br/>【例】This is an ascetic diet of rice and beans.这是一顿禁欲的隐私,只有米饭和豌豆。<br/>【近】abstemious, abstinent, self-denying<br/>【反】sumptuous, luxurious 奢侈的;licentious, sybaritic, voluptuous 放荡的,沉溺于酒色的<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 禁欲者:a person who renounces material comforts and leads a life of austere self-discipline, especially as an act of religious devotion.<br/>【例】We normally see an ascetic meditating in a Yogic pose. 我们通常会看见一个苦行者以瑜伽的姿势来冥想。<br/>【近】stoic, spartan<br/>【反】sybarite, hedonist, voluptuary 奢侈逸乐的,人享乐主义者,酒色之徒<br/><br/>【记】a scientist 一个科学家就是个苦行者,刻苦搞科研;exercise,炼,锻炼,苦行,精神修行→禁欲


【考法 1】adj. 离散的,不连续的:constituting a separate entity<br/>【例】a discrete variable 离散变量<br/>【近】detached, disconnected, unattached, unconnected, separate<br/>【反】continuous连续的;attached, connected, joined, linked连接的<br/><br/>【记】concrete 是实体,聚在一起的,discrete 是反意,不聚在一起,分裂的;dis create 制造出的不同的;discrete math 离散数学


【考法 1】adj. 秘密的:secret or occult<br/>【例】cryptic message秘密的信息<br/>【近】covert, furtive, secret, stealthy<br/>【反】public, open公开的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 含义模糊的:having or seeming to have a hidden or ambiguous meaning<br/>【例】The senator made some cryptic explanations about the military operations.参议员就军事行动给出了含糊其辞的解释<br/>【近】ambiguous, equivocal, nebulous, obscure, unclear, vague<br/>【反】clear, explicit, obvious, plain 清晰的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 超出理解能力的:being beyond one's powers to know, understand, or explain<br/>【例】puzzled by the cryptic e-mail message left on his computer被他电脑里让人费解的电子邮件而迷惑<br/>【近】arcane, enigmatic, impenetrable, inscrutable, mystic, occult, uncanny<br/>【反】comprehendible, understandable可以理解的<br/><br/>【记】crypto-隐藏,源自secret,se + cret 的后半部分;descript 描述,是由de否定 + crypt-组成,将隐晦的变成不隐晦,描绘出来;cry + pit 在地下的洞里喊,哭别人是听不到的,因为是洞是隐藏的<br/>【另】apocryphal 假冒的,decrypt 解密,encrypt 加密,procryptic (动物)保护色的


【考法 1】adj. 积习的:firmly established by long persistence<br/>【例】the inveterate tendency to overlook the obvious总是忽视显而易见事物的习惯<br/>【近】chronic, entrenched, ingrained, rooted, settled, hard-cored<br/>【反】adventitious偶然的<br/><br/>【记】in + veteran 老兵, 老手, 富有经验的人, 退伍军人


【考法 1】adj. 稍纵即逝的,短暂的:lasting only for a short time; passing swiftly<br/>【例】They have been waiting for more than 4 hours but caught only a fleeting glimpse of the movie star.他们苦等了至少四个小时,却最终只短短地瞟到了电影明星一眼。<br/>【近】brief, ephemeral, evanescent, flash, fugitive, impermanent, passing, temporary, transient, transitory<br/>【反】ceaseless, deathless, eternal, everlasting, immortal, lasting, permanent, perpetual, timeless 永恒的<br/><br/>【记】来自fleet 机群,舰队,车队,机群→疾飞,掠过,飞逝;ee=i=igh,flight 飞行


【考法 1】adj. 空洞的:lacking significance, meaning, or point<br/>【例】inane comments空洞的评论<br/>【近】empty, insubstantial, pointless, senseless<br/>【反】meaningful, significant有意义的;deep, profound 深刻的<br/><br/>【记】in 无 + an 一个→一个也没有,什么都没有→空的,


【考法 1】adj. 突然且剧烈的变化:marked by sudden or violent disturbance<br/>【例】In terms of social change, the 1960s are generally considered the mosttempestuous decade in recent American history. 就社会变革来说,20 世纪 60 年代是近现代美国历史上最动荡的十年。<br/>【近】cataclysmal, tumultuous, turbulent<br/>【反】 serene平静的<br/><br/>【记】temp 脾气,temperature 温度 + est 最高级,极端的温度,指天气狂暴


【考法 1】adj. 笨手笨脚的:lacking dexterity or grace<br/>【例】too ham-handed to use one of those tiny cell phones手指太不灵活了,用不了那种迷你型手机<br/>【近】awkward, handless, heavy-handed, maladroit, unhandy<br/>【反】 deft, dexterous, handy, sure-handed, adroit敏捷的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 笨拙的,不雅的:having or showing an inability to move in a graceful manner<br/>【例】ungainly movements笨拙的动作<br/>【近】clumsy, awkward, blundering, maladroit<br/>【反】coordinated, graceful, adroit, dexterous, lissome协调的,灵巧的<br/><br/>【记】un 不,gainly(adj.姿态优美的;优雅的):笨拙的


【考法 1】adj. 笨拙的:lacking or showing a lack of nimbleness in using one's hands<br/>【例】a maladroit movement笨拙的动作<br/>【近】awkward, bumbling, clumsy, fumbled, gauche, graceless, heavy-handed, inept, unhandy<br/>【反】adroit,ambidexterous, deft, dexterous, handy灵巧的<br/><br/>【记】mal 不,坏 + adroit 熟练的, 机捷的;adroit 记:draw it→能画画的是熟练的


【考法 1】adj. 笨重的,难处理的:difficult to handle because of weight or bulk<br/>【例】a cumbersome piece of machinery一件笨重的机器<br/>【近】unhandy, ponderous, heavy, unwieldy, onerous ,thorny<br/>【反】light, weightless轻的;handy 容易处理的<br/><br/>【记】音:扛木板儿 扛着木板时很笨重


【考法 1】adj. 简明的,简洁的:characterized by clear, precise expression in few words<br/>【例】His speech is always succinct and perspicacious.他的发言总是简洁而一针见血。<br/>【近】apothegmatic, brief, compact, compendious, concise, laconic, pithy, summary, telegraphic, terse<br/>【反】circuitous, circumlocutory, diffuse, long-, prolix, rambling, verbose, windy, wordy冗长的<br/>【派】succinctnessn. 简洁,扼要<br/><br/>【记】suc + cinch 紧握


【考法 1】adj. 简朴的,节约的:marked by simplicity, frugality, or avoidance of luxury and comfort<br/>【例】Accommodations on the windjammer are spartan but clean and comfortable nevertheless.帆船上的装饰十分朴素,但还是很干净和舒适。<br/>【近】 austere, plain, simple, stark<br/>【反】 deluxe, luxurious, plush 奢华的<br/><br/>【记】音:斯巴达,意大利的斯巴达克思率起义军反抗罗马,他坚毅而艰苦;Sparta 斯巴达(古希腊军事重镇) 居民坚毅简朴自律勇敢


【考法 1】adj. 简洁的,简明的:brief and to the point; effectively concise<br/>【例】dismissed me with a terse "no"用一个简单的"不"把我打发了<br/>【近】compact, compendious, laconic, pithy, succinct<br/>【反】 circuitous, circumlocutory, diffuse, long-winded, prolix, rambling, verbose, windy, wordy 冗长啰嗦的<br/><br/>【记】音:特啬,特省,特少→特吝啬,少,节省;


【考法 1】adj. 简洁的:marked by brevity of expression or statement<br/>【例】a clear and concise account of the accident一个清楚间断的事故描述|| Concise Design of Spacecraft Automatic System航天器自动控制系统简要设计<br/>【近】aphoristic, compendious, curt, laconic, pithy, succinct, terse, elliptical<br/>【反】circuitous, circumlocutory, diffuse, long-winded, prolix, verbose, windy, wordy 冗长的<br/><br/>【记】scissor 剪刀<br/>【另】abscise 切除,concise 简明,excise 切除,收税,exorcise 驱邪,incise 切割,雕刻,precise 精确<br/>Deliberate in counsel, prompt in action. 考虑要仔细,行动要迅速。


【考法 1】adj. 类似的;具有相似或相近的起源,本性或性质的:having a similar or related origin, nature, or character<br/>【例】 finally found people who were kindred spirits when she joined the hiking club她加入登山俱乐部的时候终于发现了志向相同的人<br/>【近】 agreeable, amicable, compatible, congenial, frictionless, unanimous, united<br/>【反】 disagreeable, discordant, disharmonious, disunited, incompatible, inharmonious, uncongenial不一致不和谐的<br/><br/>【记】kind + red 血红→同样的血→同族


【考法 1】adj. 粗糙的,不具有美感的:unpleasantly coarse and roughto the touch, disagreeableto one's aesthetic or artistic sense<br/>【例】 the harsh lighting in the cafeteria makes the food look slightly off-color咖啡厅劣质刺眼的灯光让食物看起来卖相不佳<br/>【近】grating, grotesque, jarring, unaesthetic<br/>【反】 soft, aesthetic 柔和的,有美感的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 严厉的:unduly exacting, given to exacting standards of discipline and self-restraint<br/>【例】 a harsh judge when it comes to drug users and especially drug dealers对于瘾君子特别是毒贩处罚格外严厉的法官<br/>【近】 afflicting, agonizing, cruel, excruciating, galling, grievous, harrowing<br/>【反】clement, forbearing, gentle, indulgent, lax, lenient, tolerant 温和的,宽松的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 粗野的,无礼的:audaciously rude or disrespectful<br/>【例】an insolent child with no respect or regard for anyone对他人不敬的无礼的小孩<br/>【近】arrogant, audacious, bold, haughty, supercilious, impertinent, impudent<br/>【反】courteous, polite有礼貌的;respectful恭敬的;meek, mousy, timid胆小的<br/>【派】insolencen. 无礼<br/><br/>【记】in + sole 单独的,唯一的,独一无二的→处于独一无二的状态→有老子天下第一的心态→傲慢无礼


【考法 1】adj. 粘稠的,粘的:viscid; sticky<br/>【例】viscous syrup that takes forever to pour from a narrow-neck bottle不知要花多久才能从窄口瓶中倒出来的粘稠糖浆<br/>【近】glutinous, syrup, viscid<br/>【反】fluid, watery流体的,易流动的<br/><br/>【记】vessel 血管里流的是粘状体液;disc 唱片,光盘,都是由粘状物体(聚碳酸酯)压制而成


【考法 1】adj. 精明的,机敏的:having or showing a practical cleverness or judgment<br/>【例】He's shrewd about his investments.他是个精明的投资人。<br/>【近】crafty, cunning, devious, sly, subtle, wily, astute, savvy, sharp<br/>【反】 foolish, na?ve, unknowing愚蠢的,幼稚的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 刺骨的,强烈的:causing intense discomfort to one's skin<br/>【例】She pulled her coat tighter against the shrewd breeze whipping down the alley.巷子里挂着刺骨的风,她拉紧了大衣。<br/>【近】biting, bitter, keen, penetrating, piercing, raw, sharp, stinging<br/><br/>【记】源自shrew 地鼠,悍妇;音:鼠的,象老鼠一样狡猾,敏捷的;音:数的,识数的,数数很精明的<br/>【另】shrew..shoe 鞋,这是骂女人的一个词,指荡妇 泼妇


【考法 1】adj. 精明的,聪明的:careful and shrewd, especially where one's own interests are concerned<br/>【例】He is a canny card player who is good at psyching out his opponents.他是一个善于琢磨对手心思的精明的扑克玩家。<br/>【近】astute, clever, hardheaded, heady, knowing, savvy, sharp, shrewd, smart<br/>【反】ignorant, unknowing无知的;foolish, idiotic, imbecile, moronic, silly, thoughtless, witless 愚笨的<br/><br/>【记】can 能够,canny能干,有能力,其特点是精明谨慎仔细沉着等


【考法 1】adj. 精神狂乱的,极疯狂的:deeply agitated, as from emotional conflict; insane<br/>【例】Her distraught mother had spent all night waiting by the phone.她母亲忧心如焚,在电话旁守了一个晚上。<br/>【近】agitated, delirious, distracted, frenzied, hysterical<br/>【反】collected, composed, recollected, self-collected, self-composed, self-possessed镇静的,平静的<br/><br/>【记】源自distract 心烦意乱,精神不集中,将u去掉,g=c就是distract;dis + 音:创她,创伤了她的心灵


【考法 1】adj. 远离中心的,(神经)末梢的:situated away from the point of attachment or origin or a central point<br/>【例】the distal end of nerve 神经末梢<br/>【反】proximal接近中心的<br/><br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 紧绷的:tight, constricted<br/>【近】inflexible, rigid, taut<br/>【反】lax, loose, slack松弛的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 严格的:marked by rigor, strictness, or severity especially with regard to rule or standard<br/>【例】Its drug-testing procedures are the most stringent in the world.它的药检程序是世界上最严格的<br/>【近】draconian, exacting, ironhanded, rigorous, severe, strict, uncompromising<br/>【反】lenient宽大的,仁慈的<br/><br/>【记】string + gen 音:紧,绳子拉紧<br/>Wealth is nothing without health. 失去健康,钱再多也没用。 <br/>【另】strained 紧张的


【考法 1】adj. 繁荣的:marked by prosperity<br/>【例】the palmy days of the British drama英国戏剧的繁荣时期<br/>【近】 flourishing, prosperous, thriving, booming, lush, roaring, halcyon<br/>【反】failed, depressed, unprosperous, unsuccessful不成功,不繁荣的<br/><br/>【记】音:泡沫,泡沫经济给人感觉是最繁荣的<br/>【另】palm手掌,棕榈..palm是一著名掌上电脑品牌→手掌,棕榈的长相象手掌;音:泡沫,洗衣服洗澡的泡沫,都得用手洗


【考法 1】adj. 繁重的,费力的:requiring much time, effort, or careful attention<br/>【例】The journey proved to be very taxing.旅途很艰辛。<br/>【近】arduous, burdensome, exacting, grueling, laborious, onerous, toilsome<br/>【反】 light, easy轻快的<br/><br/>【记】tax 税收很重


【考法 1】adj. 红润的,健康的:inclined to a healthy rosiness<br/>【例】A rubicund complexion indicates good health. 红润的气色意味着健康的身体。<br/>【近】blooming, florid, flush, rosy, ruddy, sanguine<br/>【反】ashen, pale, pallid, wan 苍白的,虚弱的<br/><br/>【记】rub- 红;rub 擦 + 汉语拼音:擦的,两个擦,rub擦的→你反复地rub擦你的皮肤会发红<br/>【另】同ruddy 红的, 红润的,rubric 红字,题目,ruby (卢布 能买)红宝石

trifling<br><span style="color:#00007f;">'traifliŋ</span>

【考法 1】adj. 细微的,不重要的:lacking in significance or solid worth<br />【例】Deciding what you want to do for a living is no trifling matter.决定维持生计的行当可不是一件小事。‖trifling differences between the theatrical and DVD versions of the movie 影院版和 DVD版电影当中的细微区别<br />【近】frivolous, inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, minor, minute, negligible, nugatory, slight, trivial<br />【反】consequential, eventful, important, meaningful, momentous, significant, substantial, weighty 重要的<br />


【考法 1】adj. 细微的,不重要的:of small importance; trivial<br/>【例】play petty tricks耍小聪明<br/>【近】 inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, measly, minute, paltry, peanut, slight, trifling, trivial<br/>【反】consequential, considerable, important, material, momentous, significant 重大的,重要的<br/><br/>【记】pet宠物 + y 特点,宠物的特点就是小


【考法 1】adj. 细长纤弱的:frail or flimsy in appearance or structure<br/>【例】I prefer having rather spindly legs.我更希望有一双细腿。<br/>【近】gangling, gangly, lanky, spindling<br/>【反】squat 矮胖的<br/><br/>【记】spindle 锭子, 纺锤, 细长的人(或物), 轴;spin 旋转的 + 音:东东,旋转的东东→纺锤


【考法 1】adj. 经常发生的,复发的:marked by long duration or frequent recurrence<br/>【例】chronic disease 慢性病<br/>【近】frequent, usual, routine<br/>【反】sporadic 偶然发生的;infrequent 不经常的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 习惯性的,不可能改变的:being such by habit and not likely to change<br/>【例】a chronic smoker who has quit many times 一个戒了很多次烟的老烟民<br/>【近】inveterate<br/><br/>【记】chron 音:长,长期的;音:吃肉,吃肉过多易得慢性病


【考法 1】adj. 给人好感的:serving to impress favorably<br/>【例】He was fascinated by her prepossessing appearance at first sight.他第一眼就被她迷人的外表吸引了。<br/>【近】alluring, attractive, appealing, captivating, charming, enchanting, pleasing, riveting<br/>【反】abhorrent, appalling, disgusting, hideous, loathsome, repellent, repulsive 令人反感的<br/>【派】unprepossessingadj. 不吸引人的<br/><br/>【记】pre 预先 + process占有,拥有,赢得别人的好感


【考法 1】adj. 缓慢的,迟缓的:markedly slow in movement, flow, or growth<br/>【例】The sluggish pace of the project is worrisome. 项目进展缓慢让人担忧。<br/>【近】crawling, creeping, dallying, dilatory, dragging, lagging, languid, leisurely, snaillike, tardy, unhurried<br/>【反】 bolting, brisk, fast, fleet, hasty, lightning, meteoric, quick, racing, rapid, rocketing, speedy, swift快速的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 迟钝的,反应慢的:slow to respond (as to stimulation or treatment)<br/>【例】Reptiles are naturally sluggish at low temperatures.在低温下爬行动物的生理机能自然会趋于迟缓。<br/>【近】dull, indolent, inert, lethargic, quiescent, sleepy, torpid<br/>【反】 active, animated, bouncing, dynamic, energetic, kinetic, spirited, vigorous, vital, vivacious有活力的<br/><br/>【记】发音有点象懒鬼;languish 软弱,憔悴的


【考法 1】adj. 缺乏力量、活力、精神的:lacking force, vitality, or spirit<br/>【例】an anemic economic recovery. 毫无活力的经济复苏<br/>【例】Investors are worried about the stock's anemic performance.投资者担心股市低迷的表现。<br/>【近】sapless, infirm, feeble, decrepit, wan, pale, pallid, effete, lethargic<br/>【反】vigorous, spirited 精力充沛的;forceful 有力量的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 缺乏机智圆滑的,缺乏社交技巧的:lacking tact<br/>【例】so insensitive as to laugh at someone in pain如此缺乏社交技巧以至于嘲笑处于悲痛中的人<br/>【近】gauche, impolite, insensible, tactless<br/>【反】considerate为他人着想的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不敏感的,麻木的:not responsive or susceptible<br/>【例】insensitive to either criticism or commendation 对批评和表扬都不在乎<br/>【近】anesthetized, dead, numb, senseless, unfeeling<br/>【反】sensitive, tender敏感的<br/><br/>【记】in无 + sensitive敏感的→感觉不灵敏的


【考法 1】adj. 缺乏灵活性和技巧的:lacking dexterity or skill<br/>【例】awkward with a needle and thread缺乏灵巧的针线活技术<br/>【近】handless, maladroit<br/>【反】adroit, deft, dexterous, proficient, skilled灵巧的<br/><br/>【考法 2】 adj. (处理问题) 缺乏手段和智谋的: showing or marked by a lack of skill and tact (as in dealing with a situation)<br/>【例】Her awkward handling of the seating arrangements resulted in many hurt feelings. 她那缺乏智谋的座次安排伤害了许多人的感情<br/>【近】botched, bungling, fumbled, inept, inexpert, maladroit<br/>【考法 3】adj. 臃肿笨拙的,不优雅的:lacking ease or grace (as of movement or expression)<br/>【例】an awkward design一份粗劣的设计<br/>【近】clumsy, gauche, graceless, gawkish<br/>【反】elegant, graceful, polished, lithe, coordinated优雅的<br/>【考法 4】adj. 令人尴尬的:causing embarrassment<br/>【例】the awkward situation of having to listen as your host and hostess quarrel loudly in the next room不得不听着你的主人和她太太在隔壁大声争吵的尴尬境地<br/>【近】discomfiting, disturbing, disconcerting,embarrassing, flustering<br/>【考法 5】adj. (因过大过重或设计问题)难以操作的:difficult to use or operate especially because of size, weight, or design<br/>【例】The manual can opener is too awkward to hold.那个手动启瓶器太难握了<br/>【近】ponderous, ungainly, unhandy, unwieldy, bunglesome, cranky<br/>【反】handy容易操纵的<br/><br/>【记】音:坳口,读起来很坳口,就是笨拙不好说;原意指山坳的坳口,低处的路,走进去不好转向


【考法 1】adj. 缺乏特征的:lacking distinction<br/>【例】Some food critics have dismissed that chef's version of French cuisine as beige and boring. 一些美食评论家认为那名厨师所做的法国菜平凡无奇,令人厌倦。<br/>【近】characterless, faceless, featureless, indistinctive, neutral, noncommital, vanilla<br/>【反】diagnostic, discriminating, distinct, distinctive, distinguishing, identifying, peculiar, typical特征的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 缺乏的,不足的:less plentiful than what is normal, necessary, or desirable<br/>【例】The dieter complained about skimp meals that were served at the fat farm.这个节食者抱怨说减肥疗养地的伙食少得可怜。<br/>【近】exiguous, meager, niggardly, poor, scant, scanty, scarce, skimpy, slender, slim, sparing, sparse, stingy<br/>【反】abundant, ample, bountiful, copious, generous, liberal, plenteous, plentiful 大量的,丰富的<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 节省花费,吝啬:to give insufficient or barely sufficient attention or effort to or funds for<br/>【例】 We must skimp and save if we are going to afford a vacation this summer.要是我们这个夏天要出去旅行,那么就得开始节省出一些钱了。<br/>【近】pinch, save, scrimp, spare, stint<br/>【反】dissipate, lavish, prodigalize, squander, waste 浪费,挥霍<br/><br/>【记】同scrimp,是其变体;skim + 音:皮,从表面抹去一层皮,不给人家实质的,只给表面一层皮<br/>,节约吝啬;skip 略过,省略,近于节省


【考法 1】adj. 缺乏老练、不成熟的:lacking in adult experience or maturity<br/>【例】callow young man 未经世事的年轻人<br/>【近】green, immature, inexperienced, juvenile, unfledged, unripened, puerile<br/>【反】adult, experienced, grown-up, mature, ripe成熟的<br/><br/>【记】call + low 叫声低的;未成熟的(小鸟,小孩)叫声都低;


【考法 1】adj. 罗嗦的:being at once verbose and ill-organized<br/>【例】a diffuse report冗长的报告<br/>【近】circuitous, circumlocutory, long-winded, prolix, verbose, windy, rambling<br/>【反】concise, pithy, succinct, terse, laconic简洁的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不集中的,扩散的:not concentrated or localized<br/>【例】diffuse lighting散射光<br/>【反】concentrated集中的<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 扩展,散开:extend, scatter<br/>【例】The photographer uses a screen to diffuse the light.摄影师用一个屏幕来分散光线。<br/>【近】spread, extend, disperse, disseminate, scatter<br/>【反】concentrate, center, centralize, focus 集中<br/><br/>【记】dis 四处散开 + fuse 流动,熔化的词根<br/>【另】confuse 都熔在一起了→使混淆,defuse 去掉雷管,diffuse 向外熔化流动→ 散开, 弥漫,effuse<br/>涌出流出,fuse 熔化成液体,熔合,雷管,引信,infuse 流入,interfuse 混合,obfuscate 使困惑,暗淡,perfuse 灌注,profuse 充满,丰富,refuse 再熔化成没有的东西→废物,拒绝,suffuse 充满<br/>,transfuse 注入,灌输


【考法 1】adj. 美味的,令人愉悦的:giving pleasure or contentment to the mind or senses<br/>【例】the tasty prospect of getting his revenge报仇成功的诱人前景<br/>【近】agreeable, delectable, delightful, satisfying, savory<br/>【反】 uninteresting, disagreeable, unpalatable, unpleasant, unwelcome无趣的,令人失望的<br/><br/>【记】taste 味道 + y


【考法 1】adj. 考虑不周的,不体谅的:thoughtless; inconsiderate<br/>【例】an incogitant litterbug不体谅人的乱扔垃圾者<br/>【近】discourteous, disrespectful, ill-mannered, impertinent, inconsiderate, rude, thoughtless, ungracious<br/>【反】civil, considerate, courteous, genteel, gracious, thoughtful体谅他人的,举止得体的<br/><br/>【记】cogitate 思考


【考法 1】adj. 肉体的,物质的:relating to the physical<br/>【例】seen with carnal eyes用肉眼看|| carnal remains 遗体<br/>【近】corporal, corporeal, fleshly, material, somatic<br/>【反】spiritual精神的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 世俗的:worldly<br/>【例】a carnal mind 凡心<br/>【近】earthborn, mundane, temporal, terrestrial, worldly<br/><br/>【记】car车太重要了,外国人视之为自己的一部分→肉<br/>Better to be alone than in bad company. 交损友不如无友。


【考法 1】adj. 肉体的:of the body, especially as distinguished from a body part, the mind, or the environment<br/>【例】a somatic disorder that was once thought to be "all in the patient's head"曾被认为"全是病人头脑中的问题"的生理机能紊乱<br/>【近】animal, bodily, carnal, corporal, corporeal, fleshly, material, physical<br/>【反】mental, spiritual精神上的;nonmaterial, nonphysical非肉体的<br/><br/>【记】som-是身体的字根;soul mate,精神上的异性好友的


【考法 1】adj. 肮脏的,堕落的:sordid; base<br/>【例】the seamy side of urban life 城市生活的肮脏面<br/>【近】sordid, base<br/>【反】 decent and respectable 适当而值得尊敬的<br/><br/>【记】seam缝隙里一般很脏,藏污纳垢,如桌子缝里


【考法 1】adj. 胆小的,不自信的:lacking in courage or self-confidence<br/>【例】He gave her a timid smile.他给了她一个羞赧的微笑。<br/>【近】 fainthearted, fearsome, scary, timorous, tremulous<br/>【反】 stalwart, adventurous, audacious, bold, daring, dashing, gutsy, venturous 坚定勇敢的<br/><br/>【记】音:忒面的,说某人太面,就是胆怯懦弱,缺少勇气


【考法 1】adj. 胆小的:of a timid disposition: fearful<br/>【例】be as timorous as a rabbit像兔子一样胆小<br/>【近】timid, undaring, quailing, recoiling, scary, skittish<br/>【反】 stalwart, intrepid, adventurous, audacious, bold, daring, dashing, gutsy, venturous 大胆的<br/><br/>【记】tim- 胆小,在time时间面前,人人都是胆小者,害怕时光流逝,再有钱有权也害怕,秦始皇活着时不可一世,还想长生不老,最后也难逃时间的手掌<br/>【另】timid 胆怯的


【考法 1】adj. 能动的:exhibiting or capable of movement<br/>【例】Aircraft carriers are recognized as a motile combat platform. 航空母舰是一种移动作战平台<br/>【近】mobile, movable, portable, transportable<br/>【反】immobile不可移动的<br/>【派】motilityn. 可运动性<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 脾气不好的:irritably sullen and churlish in mood or manner<br/>【例】The surly receptionist told us we would have to wait outside in the rain.态度粗暴的服务员说我们必须在外面等——哪怕是在下雨。<br/>【近】acid, bearish, bilious, cantankerous, disagreeable, dyspeptic, ill-humored, ill-natured, ornery, splenetic<br/>【反】amiable, good-humored, good-natured, good-tempered 性格好的<br/><br/>【记】源自sir,先生,贵族,象贵族老爷一样傲慢


【考法 1】adj. 腐蚀性的:tending to destroy slowly by chemical action<br/>【例】Concentrated sulfur acid is highly corrosive.浓硫酸有极强的腐蚀性<br/>【近】erosive, caustic<br/>【反】noncorrosive无腐蚀性的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 讽刺性的:bitingly sarcastic<br/>【例】corrosive satire讽刺性的作品<br/>【近】sarcastic, barbed, acerbic, satiric, acrid, barbed, mordant, tart<br/>【派】corrosionn. 侵蚀<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 腐败的,感染的:of, relating to, or causing putrefaction<br/>【反】 free of infection未被感染的<br/><br/>【记】sept- 七月份,古时的月历,sept是七月不是九月,七月份东西容易腐烂变质;<br/>【另】oct-是八月,不是十月


【考法 1】adj. 自发的,不经思索的:acting or activated without apparent thought or deliberation<br/>【例】Hugging a crying child is simply a spontaneous reaction.去抱一个哭泣的小孩是很自然而然的反应。<br/>【近】 automatic, impulsive, instinctive, involuntary, mechanical, natural<br/>【反】 calculated, deliberate, intentional, planned, predetermined, premeditated, studied有计划的,蓄意的<br/><br/>【记】ponta 音:帮他 ne 你 + ours 我们,帮助我们大家都是发自我内心自然而然的;sponsor + 音:太牛→发起者太牛,是自发发起的


【考法 1】adj. 自命不凡的:characterized by feigned or affected grandeur<br/>【例】grandiose words自命不凡的话语<br/>【近】extravagant, flamboyant, pompous, pretentious<br/>【反】humble谦逊的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 宏大的:characterized by greatness of scope or intent<br/>【例】a grandiose hydroelectric project 宏伟的水利工程<br/>【近】august, glorious, grand, imposing, magnificent, monumental, splendid<br/>【反】trivial 微不足道的;humble, unimposing, unimpressive平凡的<br/>【派】grandiosityn. 自命不凡<br/><br/>【记】有grand的意思,亦有浮夸,grand + noise grand 但是有些noise 吵闹,就是浮夸了


【考法 1】adj. 自大的,自鸣得意的:having too high an opinion of oneself<br/>【例】The winner was so smug that he lost the support of the crowd.胜利者过于自大,以至于失去了群众的支持。<br/>【近】complacent, egoistic, overweening, pompous, proud, self-satisfied, vain<br/>【反】egoless, humble, modest谦逊的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 整洁的,有序的:being clean and in good order<br/>【例】The suburb's smug lawns and tree-lined streets bespeak a comfortable affluence. 郊区整齐有序的草坪和种满树木的街道,代表着其间的舒适和财富。<br/>【近】dapper, kempt, orderly, shipshape, spruce, tidy, trim, uncluttered, well-groomed<br/>【反】disheveled, disordered, messy, slovenly, unkempt, untidy邋遢的,混乱的<br/><br/>【记】音:小马哥,周润发以电影英雄本色自命不凡且整洁潇洒的小马哥一角而走红;音:帅 +<br/>mug 人脸,面部照片,帅气的一张脸<br/>【另】smart 聪明的, 漂亮的, 潇洒的, mug 人脸,杯子,image 肖像,图像


【考法 1】adj. 自恋的,自私的:absorbed in one's own thoughts, activities, or interests<br/>【例】 a self-absorbed man who seems utterly oblivious to the social problems of his own urban neighborhood一个超级自私的人,对于街坊的事情完全视而不见<br/>【近】 narcissistic, self-centered, self-infatuated, self-obsessed, self-oriented, self-preoccupied<br/>【反】self-forgetting, selfless, unselfish 无私的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 自满的,自鸣得意的:feeling or showing an often excessive or unjustified satisfaction and pleasure in one's status, possessions, or attainments<br/>【例】a complacent junior accountant who was certain of her indispensability to the company 一个确信自己对于公司而言无可替代而自满的年轻会计<br/>【近】assured, consequential, egoistic, overweening, pompous, prideful, proud, smug, vain, vainglorious<br/>【反】egoless, humble, modest, uncomplacent谦逊的,谦卑的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 无所谓的,不关心的:having or showing a lack of interest or concern<br/>【例】 We can't afford to be complacent about rural illiteracy rates. 我们不能对农村的文盲率坐视不理。<br/>【近】apathetic, casual, disinterested, insouciant, nonchalant, perfunctory, pococurante, unconcerned<br/>【反】attentive, concerned, heedful, interested, mindful关注的,感兴趣的<br/>【派】complacencyn. 自满<br/><br/>【记】源自please 喜悦,全喜悦就自满了;com + place 全放下了,什么都不干了,自满


【考法 1】vt. 扣压,不给予:to refrain from granting, giving, or allowing<br/>【例】withhold sensitive information限制敏感信息的传播<br/>【近】decline, disallow, disapprove, detain, refuse, reject, reprobate, restrain, retain<br/>【反】allow, concede, grant, permit授予<br/><br/>【记】hold 保存,监禁


【考法 1】adj. 臭名昭著的:having an extremely and deservedly bad reputation<br/>【例】an infamous city for smuggling and prostitution因走私而和卖淫而臭名昭著的城市<br/>【近】notorious, opprobrious<br/>【反】distinguished, esteemed, prestigious, reputable声名显赫的,受尊敬的<br/>【派】infamyn. 声名狼藉<br/><br/>【记】in 不好 + famous 有名,不好的名


【考法 1】adj. 艳丽夺目的,炫耀的,充满装饰的:marked by or given to strikingly elaborate or colorful display or behavior; ornate<br/>【例】Las Vegas showgirls wearing flamboyant headdresses打扮花哨的拉斯维加斯舞女<br/>【近】flaring, florid, garish, ornate, ostentatious, showy<br/>【反】natural自然的;conservative, quiet, understated低调的<br/>【派】flamboyancen.炫目,炫耀<br/><br/>【记】flame + boy 火孩子


【考法 1】adj. 艳俗的,俗气的:attracting attention in a vulgar manner<br/>【例】The paradise they found was no more than a meretricious wasteland of casinos and bars.他们所发现的所谓"天堂"只不过是一块有着赌场和酒吧的俗气不堪的荒漠罢了。<br/>【近】flamboyant, flaring, flashy, garish, gaudy, glaring, loud, ostentatious, tawdry<br/>【反】conservative, quiet, understated, unflamboyant低调的,不张扬的<br/><br/>【记】mere 只不过 + tricks 花样,戏法,诡计,只不过是把戏罢了→华而不实


【考法 1】adj. 节俭的,节约的:marked by or practicing careful restraint (as in the use of resources)<br/>【例】The sparing couple are trying to save up enough for a house.节俭的夫妻希望能够攒钱买套房。<br/>【近】economical, economizing, provident, scrimping, thrifty<br/>【反】prodigal, profligate, spendthrift, squandering, wasteful浪费的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不足的,缺乏的:less plentiful than what is normal, necessary, or desirable<br/>【例】Unfortunately, the explanation of the health insurance plan was somewhat sparing on details.不幸的是,健康保险上的说明似乎不够详细。‖The map is sparing of information.这张地图的信息量太少了。<br/>【近】exiguous, niggardly, poor, scant, scanty, scarce, skimp, skimpy, slender, slim, spare, sparse, stingy<br/>【反】abundant, ample, bountiful, copious, generous, liberal, plenteous, plentiful足量的<br/><br/>【记】spare<br/>Use is a second nature. 习惯成自然。


【考法 1】adj. 节约的:characterized by or reflecting economy in the use of resources<br/>【例】be frugal in her expenditures节约她的开销<br/>【近】sparing, economical, provident, stingy<br/>【反】extravagant, prodigal, sumptuous奢侈浪费的<br/>【派】frugalityn. 节俭<br/><br/>【记】源自fruit;只吃水果→节俭;fruit 音:够,你中午吃什么,水果就够了→节俭


【考法 1】adj. 苍白的,病态的:suggestive of poor health<br/>【例】She looks a little wan after all that tiring work. 在完成那些繁重的工作之后她看起来有些虚弱。<br/>【近】ashen, ashy, blanched, livid, lurid, sickly, pale, pallid<br/>【反】blooming, florid, flush, full-blooded, glowing, red, rosy, rubicund, ruddy, sanguine红润的,健康的<br/><br/>【记】音:完,要完了,快病死了;音:丸,常吃药丸的


【考法 1】adj. 英勇的:brave, spirited; nobly chivalrous and often self-sacrificing<br/>【例】Gallant paratroopers jumped out of the plane without hesitation. 英勇的伞兵们毫不犹豫地跳出了飞机<br/>【近】bold, courageous, dauntless, heroic, stouthearted, valorous<br/>【反】craven, pusillanimous胆小的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 高贵的,慷慨的:having, characterized by, or arising from a dignified and generous nature<br/>【例】The members of that service club are known for their gallant service to the community. 那个服务社的成员因为他们对社区的慷慨贡献而为人所知<br/>【近】chivalrous, elevated, loft, magnanimous, sublime<br/>【反】base, debased, degenerate, ignoble卑鄙的<br/>【派】gallantlyadv. 英勇地<br/><br/>【记】gall 胆,大胆的;gall- 译音:高卢的,法国的,法国(男)人爱献殷勤的,胆子也大


【考法 1】adj. 茂盛的:growing vigorously especially with luxuriant foliage<br/>【例】 lush grass茂盛的草<br/>【近】booming, exuberant, flourishing, lively, luxuriant, rampant, thriving, verdant, vivacious<br/>【反】blighted, faded, sere, withered干枯的,凋谢的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 多产的:producing abundantly<br/>【例】 His lush fields were the envy of neighboring farmers.他富饶多产的土地让邻居羡慕嫉妒恨<br/>【近】cornucopian, fecund, fruitful, productive, prolific, rich<br/>【反】barren, dead, infertile, sterile, unproductive贫瘠的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. (声音、味道)优美的,令人愉悦的:appealing to the senses<br/>【例】 the lush sounds of the orchestra 管弦乐队奏出的悦耳声音<br/>【近】ambrosial, luscious, palatable, savory, sensuous, tasteful, tasty, voluptuous<br/>【反】flat, flavorless, insipid, stale, tasteless乏味的<br/><br/>【记】近于luxuriant和luxurious 丰富的, 肥沃的, 奢华的,音形均类似


【考法 1】adj. 茫然的,愚蠢的:marked by lack of ideas or intelligence<br/>【例】a movie that was derided for its vacuous dialogue一部因为对白十分愚蠢而被嘲讽的电影<br/>【近】airhead, brainless, dull, dumb, fatuous, foolish, inane, moronic, obtuse, simple, stupid, witless<br/>【反】apt, bright, brilliant, clever, intelligent, keen, sharp, smart聪明的<br/>【派】vacuityn. 空虚,空白<br/><br/>【记】vacu- 空


【考法 1】adj. 草率的,仓促的:marked by or proceeding from undue haste or lack of deliberation or caution<br/>【例】That was too rash a move: for now you've lost your bishop and probably the whole chess game. 那一招棋着实是太草率了,现在你丢掉了象,很有可能会输掉整场比赛。<br/>【近】cursory, gadarene, headlong, hurried, overhasty, precipitate, precipitous, rushed<br/>【反】deliberate 慎重考虑的;leisurely, unhurried, unrushed从容不迫的,不慌不忙的<br/>【派】rashlyadv. 草率地,仓促地<br/><br/>【记】rush


【考法 1】adj. 荒唐的,可笑的:meriting derisive laughter or scorn as absurdly inept, false, or foolish<br/>【例】He made a ludicrous and easily detected attempt to forge his father's signature on a note to school.他试图在要上交学校的纸条上伪造父亲的签名,这实在是既可笑又容易被发现的花招。<br/>【近】absurd, comical, derisive, derisory, farcical, laughable, ridiculous, pathetic, preposterous, risible, silly<br/>【反】logical, rational, reasonable, sensible 有道理的<br/><br/>【记】音形象 ridiculous 荒谬的, 可笑的,r=l


【考法 1】adj. 荒谬的,不符合常理的:contrary to nature, reason, or common sense<br/>【例】a preposterous conclusion of quantum mechanics 量子力学里有悖于常理的结论<br/>【近】absurd, asinine, fallacious, fatuous, lunatic, ludicrous, insane, irrational, unreasonable<br/>【反】commonsensical常识性的;reasonable, sensible有道理的<br/><br/>【记】源自pre 前 + post 后,后跑到前边去了,前后顺序错乱→荒谬


【考法 1】adj. 著名的,杰出的:well known and very distinguished<br/>【例】the most illustrious scientists of the century本世纪最为杰出的科学家<br/>【近】distinguished, luminous, noble, notable, noteworthy, outstanding, preeminent, prestigious, redoubtable, signal<br/>【反】average, inferior, mediocre平凡的,较差的<br/><br/>【记】luster 光泽 + ious →闪着光的→显赫的<br/>【另】illustrate说明 + ive变副词,,结尾多个t


【考法 1】adj. 虚伪的:not being or expressing what one appears to be or express<br/>【例】 It's hypocritical to say mean things behind someone's back, and then to act nice when you want something from her.这种在背后说别人坏话、而有求于人时又装出另一副样子的人就是虚伪<br/>【近】artificial, backhanded, feigned, mealy-mouthed, phony, pretended, unctuous<br/>【反】artless, candid, genuine, honest, sincere, undesigning, unfeigned真诚的,诚实的<br/>【派】hypocriten. 虚伪的人,伪君子<br/><br/>【记】hypo 在下面 + criticize 批评 → 在下面批评 表面上不批评


【考法 1】adj. 虚弱的,衰老的,破旧的:weakened, worn out, impaired, or broken down by old age, illness<br/>【例】a decrepit old man 一个虚弱的老年人<br/>【反】vigorous, sturdy, sound, robust, hale 健壮的<br/><br/>【记】crap 废物,是美国口语


【考法 1】adj. 虚弱的,(走路)不稳的:weak and unsteady on the feet or in action<br/>【例】She was feeling a bit groggy when I saw her.当我看到她的时候她显得有些走路不稳。<br/>【近】rickety, rocky,shaky, unbalanced, unsound, unstable, unsteady, wobbly<br/>【反】balanced, stable, steady, sound 平衡的,稳定的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 无法思考的,头脑不清的:not able to think or move normally because of being tired, sick, etc.<br/>【例】I'm still a little groggy from my nap.我还没完全从睡梦中清醒过来。‖The medicine sometimes makes patients groggy.这种药偶尔会让病人产生醉酒一样的麻醉感。<br/>【近】dazed, dopey, muddleheaded, muzzy, punch-drunk, punchy, stupefied, zonked, zonked-out<br/>【反】clearheaded, unconfused头脑清楚的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 虚弱的:physically weak<br/>【例】 Working for three days without any sleep made him extremely frail.连续三天的彻夜工作使他极为虚弱<br/>【近】weak, effete, enervated, feeble, fragile, infirm, languid, unsubstantial<br/>【反】robust充满活力的 hale, sturdy 健壮的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. (意志)薄弱的:easily led astray; morally weak<br/>【例】frail and pathetic humanity容易误入歧途的可悲人性<br/>【近】characterless, invertebrate, nerveless, spineless<br/>【反】faithful, resolute意志坚定的,有坚定信念的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. (希望)渺茫的:slight, unsubstantial<br/>【例】a frail hope of success成功的机会渺茫<br/>【近】fragile, negligible, slight, small<br/>【反】good 很有希望的<br/>【派】frailty n. 虚弱,(意志)脆弱<br/><br/>【记】源自fragile,g省略掉,类似的还有light;音:妇孺 + ail ill, 妇孺容易得病,身体弱;fail + r 音:弱,失败因为太弱


【考法 1】adj. 虚弱的:weak in body, especially from old age or disease<br/>【例】her aging, infirm husband她上了年纪、身体虚弱的丈夫<br/>【近】debilitated, effete, enervated, feeble, frail, languid, sapped, unsubstantial<br/>【反】hale, mighty, powerful, rugged, stalwart, stout, strong强壮的,有力的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不果断的,优柔寡断的:lacking firmness of will, character, or purpose<br/>【例】She has little patience with the "infirm of purpose". 她对那些优柔寡断的人没什么耐心<br/>【近】faltering, irresolute, vacillating, wavering<br/>【反】resolute果断的<br/><br/>【记】in 不 + firm 结实


【考法 1】adj. 虚情假意的,过分恭维的:hypocritically, complacently, or effusively earnest<br/>【例】He is slightly smarmy and eager to impress.他有点虚伪,急于给人留下印象。<br/>【近】fulsome, oily, slick, soapy, unctuous<br/>【反】artless, earnest, genuine, heartfelt, sincere, unaffected 真诚的,真挚的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 虚构的:not real and existing only in the imagination<br/>【例】His wartime exploits turned out to be entirely fictitious, as he had never even been in the military.他吹嘘的战时英勇行为是彻底虚构的,因为他根本就没有参过军<br/>【近】chimerical, fabricated, fabulous, fictional, imagined, invented<br/>【反】actual, existing, real 事实的<br/><br/>【记】fiction;fic- 是做的词根


【考法 1】adj. 衣冠整洁的:being strikingly neat and trim in style or appearance<br/>【例】The students all looked very dapper in their uniforms.学生们穿着校服显得非常整洁。<br/>【近】natty, sharp, snappy, spruce<br/>【反】frowsy, unkempt, slovenly, unkempt不整洁的<br/><br/>【记】音:戴袍,顶戴袍服,指打扮精神整洁;音:diaper 穿着尿布的(宝宝)很精神,不穿的(宝宝)很脏


【考法 1】adj. 衣衫褴褛的:dressed in tattered or threadbare clothes<br/>【例】A ragged coat may cover an honest man. 不能以衣著取人。<br/>【近】 raggedy, ragtag, tattered, tatterdemalion, shabby<br/>【反】kempt, neat, trim整洁的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 凹凸不平的,不光滑的:not having a level or smooth surface<br/>【例】She cut herself on the ragged edge of the tin can's lid.她被罐头盖的锋利边缘割伤了。<br/>【近】 broken, bumpy, coarse, irregular, jagged, lumpy, pebbly, rough, roughened, rugged, scraggy<br/>【反】even, flat, level, plane平整的;smooth光滑的<br/><br/>【记】rag 破布


【考法 1】adj. 表示赞扬的:of, relating to, or expressing praise<br/>【例】 a laudatory review of the new play对新剧目的赞扬性的评论<br/>【近】adulatory, commendatory, complimentary, extolling, eulogistic, panegyric<br/>【反】derogatory, depreciatory, disparaging, pejorative贬低的<br/>【派】 laudable adj. 值得赞扬的<br/><br/>【记】applaud 拍手喝彩


【考法 1】adj. 表达不清的:not clearly expressed<br/>【例】The diplomat gave as vague a reply as he could at the press conference. 外交官在记者招待会上尽其所能来含糊其辞。<br/>【近】ambiguous, enigmatic, equivocal, indefinite, inexplicit, unclear<br/>【反】clear, definite, express, explicit, specific清楚明确的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 轮廓不清晰的:lacking definite shape, form, or character<br/>【例】the vague outline of a building through the dense fog浓雾中建筑物模糊的轮廓<br/>【近】dim, faint, foggy, hazy, indistinct, indistinguishable, misty, murky, nebulous, obscure, opaque<br/>【反】pellucid清澈透明的<br/><br/>【记】音:微光,微微发光,看不清


【考法 1】adj. 表达清晰的:fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication, or ambiguity<br/>【例】explicit instructions 表达清晰的指示说明<br/>【近】clear-cut, definite, specific, unambiguous, unequivocal, univocal<br/>【反】obscure, implicit, implied, inferred, ambiguous, circuitous, equivocal, indefinite, unspecific, vague模糊的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 成熟的,完全形成的:fully developed or formulated<br/>【例】explicit plan成熟的计划<br/>【反】inchoate未完成形成的<br/><br/>【记】ex 出 + plic 复杂→本来复杂的,缠在一起的事情弄得清清楚楚,不再缠绕,e.g.将一团杂乱的线团理清楚<br/>【另】complicit (缠在一起)串通一气的,有同谋关系的,explicit 外在的,清楚的,implicit 暗示的,含蓄的<br/>Human fortunes are as unpredictable as the weather. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸富。


【考法 1】adj. 表面上的,佯装的:appearing to be true on the basis of evidence that may or may not be confirmed<br/>【例】It must be the ostensible reason for their visit while their actual motives may be malignant这肯定只是他们上门拜访的表面原因,他们背后的动机说不定恶劣至极。<br/>【近】apparent, assumed, evident, ostensive, presumed, putative, reputed, seeming, supposed, prima facie<br/>【反】actual, real真实的<br/>【派】ostensiblyadv. 表面上地<br/><br/>【记】out + extensible 向外展开的→表面的;outer外面 + pretend 伪装<br/>【另】extensible 可展开的, 可扩张的


【考法 1】adj. 表面的,肤浅的:lacking in depth, solidity, and comprehensiveness<br/>【例】The official's superficial report on the situation provoked wide blame on the Internet.官员对于情况敷衍般的描述激起了网络上的广泛谴责。<br/>【近】cursory, facile, perfunctory, shallow, sketchy, skin-deep<br/>【反】profound深刻的;comprehensive, exhaustive全面的<br/>【派】superficialityn. 表面现象<br/><br/>【记】super + face 表面上的; 同surface


【考法 1】adj. 衰弱的:depleted of vitality, force, or effectiveness<br/>【例】an effete monarchy奄奄一息的君主制<br/>【近】consumed, debilitated, decadent, degenerate, depleted, drained, exhausted, feeble<br/>【反】hale, sound, robust强健的,充满活力的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 缺乏信念的,懦弱的:lacking strength of will or character<br/>【例】The government is too effete to take out the powerful special interests that really ruin this state.政府过于懦弱,不敢去摧毁那些祸害这个国家的特殊利益集团<br/>【近】frail, invertebrate, nerveless, spineless<br/>【反】backboned, firm, hard, strong, tough 刚毅的<br/>【派】effetelyadv. 衰弱地<br/><br/>【记】ef (ex) 不 + fetus 胎儿,再也生不出小孩了→不能再生产了,精疲力竭的,虚弱的,柔弱的;ef<br/>+ feet 再也迈不动脚了,精疲力竭,虚弱了


【考法 1】adj. 被淹没的:containing, covered with, or thoroughly penetrated by water<br/>【例】The streets were awash from the heavy rains. 街道因为大雨被水淹没了<br/>【近】doused, drenched, saturated, sodden, soggy,soaked, afloat<br/>【反】dry, arid, dehydrated, drained干燥的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. (如洪水般)泛滥的:filled, covered, or completely overrun as if by a flood<br/>【例】The program is currently awash in submissions and will not be accepting any more until next term.该项目的申请人数过多,因此下一轮之前不会再接受任何申请<br/>【近】abounding, abundant, flush, fraught, replete, swarming, teeming, thronging<br/>【反】dearth, insufficient, scant匮乏的<br/><br/>【记】a + wash 冲洗


【考法 1】adj. 裁缝匠的,裁缝的:of or relating to a tailor or tailored clothes<br/>【例】poor sartorial taste 很烂的穿衣品位<br/><br/>【记】suit + or 与衣服打交道的人;音:沙特,沙特有个特点,裁缝特省事,男人是白袍,女人是黑袍,一片布剪几个口裹一裹就成<br/>【另】tonsorial 理发师的, 注意两词结尾相同,词首颠倒,tonsor and sartor,意思接近,一个是裁缝,一个是理发,都是生活常见工作


【考法 1】adj. 褶皱的:shaped into a series of regular folds that look like waves<br/>【例】corrugated paper褶皱的纸<br/>【近】wrinkled, creased, folded<br/>【反】smooth光滑的<br/>【派】corrugationn. 褶皱,折痕<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 言行举止有分寸的:avoiding extremes in behavior or expression<br/>【例】rather temperate in his appraisal of the movie, calling it good but not great对于电影的赞赏很适度,说其"还好"而不是"很棒"<br/>【反】 immoderate, extreme, frivolous极端的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 有节制的:given to or marked by restraint in the satisfaction of one's appetites<br/>【例】a soft-spoken, serious-minded person of temperate habits一个说话温和、认真严肃的人,兴趣爱好都很适度<br/>【近】abstentious, abstinent, continent, self-abnegating, self-denying, sober<br/>【反】self-indulgent放纵的<br/><br/>【记】temperature 温度,使温,使温和,节制温度


【考法 1】adj. 警惕的,警觉的:paying close attention usually for the purpose of anticipating approaching danger or opportunity<br/>【例】Good reporters are keenly observant of everything around them. 优秀的记者应该对身边所有的事情都保持高度的警惕。‖If you were more observant, you would perceive that something is troubling her deeply.如果你能再警觉一些的话,你就会发现她正被某些东西困扰。<br/>【近】alert, attentive, awake, cautious, sharp, vigilant, watchful<br/>【反】careless, heedless, inattentive, unmindful, unthinking, unwary不谨慎的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 严格遵守(规章、制度或原则)的:diligent in observing a law, custom, duty, or principle<br/>【例】observant of the speed limit 严格遵守速度限制‖pious and religiously observant families虔诚而严守教规的家庭<br/>【近】law-abiding<br/>【派】observancen. 遵守(规定)<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 警醒的,警惕的:alertly watchful especially to avoid danger<br/>【例】Police warned the public to be vigilant and report anything suspicious.警方要求公众保持警惕,并上报任何有嫌疑的人或事。‖When traveling through the city, tourists should be extra vigilant.在这个城市旅行的游客应该保持格外的警惕。<br/>【近】alert, attentive, awake, cautious, observant, sharp, watchful<br/>【反】careless, heedless, inattentive, unmindful, unthinking, unwary不谨慎的<br/>【派】vigilancen. 警惕<br/><br/>【记】来自vigil 守夜,值班,警戒,监视;音:危急了,危重了;危重病人情况危急,医生亲人均守夜值班警戒<br/>【另】vigorous 精力旺盛的, 有力的


【考法 1】adj. 讨人喜欢的:capable of winning favor<br/>【例】They adopted the orphan who had a most ingratiating smile.他们收养了那名有着最惹人喜欢的笑容的孤儿<br/>【近】disarming, endearing, insinuating, winsome<br/>【反】disagreeable令人厌恶的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 逢迎的,意在奉承的:intended or adopted in order to gain favor<br/>【例】an repulsive ingratiating smile令人反感的阿谀奉承的微笑<br/>【近】adulatory, deferential, fawning, flattering, toady<br/>【派】ingratiatev. 讨好<br/><br/>【记】ingratiate讨好 + ing


【考法 1】adj. 讲究礼节的,庄重的:marked by or showing careful attention to set forms and details<br/>【例】A century ago everyday life was much more ceremonious than in our anything-goes era.一个世纪之前的生活和我们现在这个随便怎么都无所谓的年代相比,多出了许多要讲究的礼节。<br/>【近】correct, decorous, formal, nice, proper, punctilious, starchy, stiff, stilted<br/>【反】casual, easygoing, informal, unceremonious随意的,不正式的<br/><br/>【记】ceremony + ious


【考法 1】adj. 诚实的,说实话的:being in the habit of telling the truth<br/>【例】a veracious witness诚实的证人‖He has a reputation for being veracious, so people generally take his word for things.他诚实的名声让其他人通常都相信他说的话<br/>【近】honest, truthful<br/>【反】dishonest, lying, mendacious, prevaricating, untruthful说谎的,不诚实的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 精确的,准确的:precise, accurate<br/>【例】a novel that presents a fairly veracious and unvarnished picture of the lives of affluent suburbanites一部准确而不加修饰地描述郊区富人生活的小说<br/>【近】accurate, exact, precise, proper, right, true<br/>【反】false, improper, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, untrue, wrong不准确的<br/>【派】veracity n. 诚实<br/><br/>【记】近于very 真的<br/>【另】verify 核实


【考法 1】adj. 详细的,复杂的:marked by complexity, fullness of detail, or ornament<br/>【例】an elaborate manual内容详尽的使用手册<br/>【近】circumstantial, complex, complicated, intricate, knotty, minute, particular, particularized, sophisticated<br/>【反】sketchy, brief, compendious, summary概要性的<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 详细阐述:to expand something in detail<br/>【例】The defense committee asked the PhD candidate to elaborate one critical assumption in his thesis.答辩委员会要求答辩的博士进一步说明他毕业论文中的一个关键假设<br/>【近】develop, expand, amplify, explain<br/>【反】abstract, abbreviate, condense, simplify简化;downplay, ignore, neglect, overlook忽视,忽略<br/><br/>【记】源自e 出 + labor 辛苦劳动出的结果;e 出 + laboratory 实验室 实验室里出来的结果;同学们在实验室里就需要这样特点<br/>【另】labor 劳动


【考法 1】adj. 语言上的,文字上的:of or relating to words or language<br/>【例】The next war that those two nations fight won't be rhetorical - it will be with bombs and bullets.两国之间的下一场战争可不会是斗嘴皮了——他们会来真格的。<br/>【近】lexical, linguistic, vocabular, wordy<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 言辞华丽(却往往无内涵的):full of fine words and fancy expressionsbut mostly meaningless words and phrases<br/>【例】You can skip over the rhetorical passages and still get the gist of the essay.你可以跳过那些词藻华丽的段落,直接获取文本的主旨。‖The new governor delivered a long rhetorical speech about our state's bright future but laid out no specific programs for ensuring it. 新的执政官发表了词藻华丽的演说,畅谈国家的美好未来,但却没有提出实现这一目标的具体措施。<br/>【近】bombastic, flatulent, florid, fustian, gaseous, gassy, grandiloquent, oratorical, orotund, purple, windy<br/>【反】prosaic平凡无奇的;plain, simple 简单的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 说粗话的:given to the use of vulgar, coarse, or abusive language<br/>【例】scurrilous attacks on the senator 对参议院粗俗的攻击<br/>【近】 contumelious, invective, opprobrious, truculent, vitriolic, vituperative<br/><br/>【记】scarry 伤疤的 scary 害怕的,脸上有刀疤的人说吓人的脏话;curry 译音,咖哩 + lous 是黄色下流的;s死 不好 + current + 流,不好的流,下流


【考法 1】adj. 调皮的,调皮的:playful in a naughty or teasing way<br/>【例】The mischievous child broke the vase.调皮的孩子打碎了花瓶<br/>【近】annoying, devious, errant, impish, misbehaving, naughty, playful, wicked<br/>【反】decorous, urbane举止得体的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 有害的:causing harm or trouble<br/>【例】mischievous rumors that defame him 恶意中伤他的谣言<br/>【近】adverse, baleful, baneful, deleterious, detrimental, evil, hurtful, injurious, nocuous, noxious, pernicious<br/>【反】beneficial 有益的;anodyne, benign, harmless, innocent, innocuous, inoffensive, safe无害的<br/><br/>【记】来自mischief mis + chief 首领,头,对头不利→伤害;mis + achieve 达到,完成,没有,不让完成→损害,恶作剧<br/>【另】mischief 伤害, 危害, 恶作剧, 淘气


【考法 1】adj. 谄媚的,奴性的:marked by or exhibiting a fawning attentiveness<br/>【例】 She's constantly followed by obsequious assistants who will do anything. 她总是有一群谄媚的跟班,原意为她赴汤蹈火。<br/>【反】 supercilious目中无人的<br/><br/>【记】ob 不好的 + sequence 随后,跟随,不好地跟随的人→谄媚拍马的<br/>【另】consequence 结果,obsequies 葬礼,obsequious 奉承的,subsequent 后来的, 随后的


【考法 1】adj. 谦恭的:showing patience and humility; gentle<br/>【例】He was a meek, mild-mannered fellow.他是个谦逊、温文尔雅的的人<br/>【近】humble, modest, unassuming, unpretentious<br/>【反】arrogant, bumptious, haughty, imperious, pompous, presumptuous, supercilious自大的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 顺从的:easily imposed on; submissive<br/>【例】He may be self-effacing, but he certainly isn't meek.他可能是个很低调的人,但他绝非软骨头<br/>【近】compliant, docile, manageable, obedient, submissive, tractable<br/>【反】adamant, headstrong, intractable, obstinate, refractory, stubborn, unruly, unyielding 倔强的,不顺从的<br/><br/>【记】milk 奶,奶油,奶气,说某人很奶油就是他不阳刚,温和;meat 肉,说某人很肉,就是脾气很温和,态度软;车开起很肉,速度不快,软绵绵的


【考法 1】adj. 谨慎的;小心的:careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences: prudent<br/>【例】 The banks should have been more circumspect in their dealings. 银行本应该在它们的交易当中更加谨慎。<br/>【近】alert, careful, gingerly, guarded, heedful, prudent, cautious, chary, wary<br/>【反】careless, incautious, unmindful, unwary 不小心,不谨慎的;audacious, reckless 大胆的,鲁莽的<br/><br/>【记】circum 周围 + spect 看 →向周围看→小心谨慎


【考法 1】adj. 谬误的,不合逻辑的:containing or based on a fallacy<br/>【例】the once-common fallacious claim that girls just weren't any good at math 曾经广为流传的一个谬论:女孩子无论如何就是学不好数学<br/>【近】illogical, invalid, irrational, mad, reasonless, sophistic, unreasonable<br/>【反】sound论证有力的;valid合乎逻辑的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 欺骗性的:tending to deceive or mislead<br/>【例】fallacious testimony不真实的证词<br/>【近】beguiling, deceiving, deceptive, deluding, delusive, delusory, false, fraudulent, misleading<br/>【反】authentic, veritable 真实的<br/>【派】fallacy n.逻辑谬误<br/><br/>【记】fallacy 错误


【考法 1】adj. 豪华的,奢侈的:extremely costly, rich, luxurious, or magnificent<br/>【例】The hotel claims to offer sumptuous furnishings and exquisitely prepared cuisine.酒店宣称有奢华的装潢和精心准备的食物。<br/>【近】deluxe, lavish, lush, luxurious, opulent, palatial, resplendent, splendid, superb<br/>【反】ascetic, austere, humble, spartan 简朴的<br/><br/>【记】sum + 音:多,钱多;consume 消费 + two hours 一笔钱两小时全部花完→奢侈


【考法 1】adj. 贪婪的,渴求财富的:marked byinordinate desirefor wealth or possessions or for another's possessions<br/>【例】cast covetous eyes on their neighbors' fields对他邻居的土地垂涎<br/>【近】acquisitive, avaricious, avid, rapacious, grasping<br/>【反】easily-satiated容易满足的;unenvious不艳羡的<br/>【派】covetv. 觊觎,贪婪<br/><br/>【记】cover it 想罩过来,占有控制它;音:渴望它;音:口味特,口味特大,特能吃<br/>Don't keep all your eggs in one basketball. 勿孤注一掷。


【考法 1】adj. 贫困的:being in need; impoverished, poor<br/>【例】As a child, she was extremely needy and had no self-confidence. 她是一个非常贫穷的小孩,因此缺乏自信<br/>【近】destitute, impecunious, impoverished, indigent, penurious, poor, threadbare<br/>【反】affluent, opulent, wealthy富有的<br/><br/>【记】need 需求,很需求的


【考法 1】adj. 贫瘠的:not productive or effective<br/>【例】a sterile land which used to be a forest曾经是森林的一块贫瘠土地<br/>【近】barren, effete, fruitless, impotent, infertile<br/>【反】verdant(因长满植物而)青翠的;fat, fertile, fruitful肥沃的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 无菌的:free from live bacteria or other microorganisms<br/>【例】The hospitals in the war-torn city often lack necessary drugs and sterile surgical supplies.在这个被战争所蹂躏的城市中的医院通常缺乏必需的药物和无菌的手术用品。<br/>【近】aseptic, germfree, hygienic<br/>【反】insanitary, unhygienic不卫生的;contaminated, polluted受污染的<br/>【派】sterilizev. 消毒,杀菌<br/><br/>【记】steer 驾驶 + ill病,驾驶病,骑马,驾驶摩托车,自行车等过多造成不育;steer阉割的公牛 + ill<br/>病,阉割过的当然不育;没有种子,精子→没有微生物→无菌


【考法 1】adj. 贫穷的:having very little or no money<br/>【例】They were so impecunious that they couldn't afford to give one another even token Christmas gifts.他们穷到了连象征性的圣诞礼物都互送不起的地步<br/>【近】beggared, destitute, impoverished, indigent, necessitous, needy, penniless, penurious, threadbare<br/>【反】affluent, flush, opulent, rich, wealthy富有的<br/><br/>【记】im 无 + pecun 钱;im 无 + penny 分钱 没一分钱的<br/>【另】pecuniary 金钱的(pe 音:赔 + cun 音:存,赔与存都是钱)


【考法 1】adj. 贫穷的:lacking money or material possessions<br/>【例】indigent people who require some outside assistance需要外来援助的贫苦人民<br/>【近】beggared, destitute, impecunious, impoverished, necessitous, needy, penniless, penurious, threadbare<br/>【反】affluent, opulent, rich, wealthy富裕的<br/>【派】indigencen. 贫穷<br/><br/>【记】音: 印第(安)真土,印第安人真土真穷;in + 音:地震→地震带来贫穷


【考法 1】adj. 费时间花心思的:requiring much time, effort, or careful attention<br/>【例】building the scale model of the frigate was an onerous task 建造军舰的小模型非常花时间<br/>【近】arduous, burdensome, challenging, exacting, grueling, taxing, toilsome<br/>【反】 requiring little effort, light, nondemanding, unchallenging, undemanding轻松的,不费劲的<br/><br/>【记】one 第一 + er 人,想当第一的人需要付出很多艰辛与承担责任的;on + ours 在我们身上的→重担,同onus


【考法 1】adj. 费时间花心思的:requiring much time, effort, or careful attention<br/>【例】cutting diamonds can be grueling work切割钻石是项劳神的活儿<br/>【近】arduous, burdensome, laborious, onerous, taxing, toilsome<br/>【反】effortless, light, unchallenging, undemanding, undemanding, facile不费力气的<br/><br/>【记】cruel 残酷,使人痛苦;学GRE其实是很痛苦的一件事cruel,因为繁重而累人<br/>【另】cruel 残酷,使人痛苦


【考法 1】adj. 赞许的:expressing approval<br/>【例】Favorable reviews for the movie were few.关于电影的正面评价极少<br/>【近】admiring, applauding, commendatory, complimentary, positive<br/>【反】adverse, disapproving, negative否定的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 有利的:tending to promote or facilitate<br/>【例】mild climate favorable to his health 有利于他健康的温和气候<br/>【近】advantageous, benefic, beneficial, favoring, good, helpful, salutary<br/>【反】unfavorable, disadvantageous, untoward, unpropitious 不利的<br/><br/>【记】favor + able


【考法 1】adj. 起缓和作用的:making less intense or harsh<br/>【例】soothe us in our grieves with emollient words用安慰的话语抚平我们的悲伤<br/>【近】appeasing, assuaging, mollifying, mitigating, relieving<br/>【反】aggravating, intensifying使(局势、情况)加剧恶化的<br/><br/>【记】源自mollify (melt软化)平息,变软;音:姨抹脸,阿姨抹脸的<br/>【另】mollify 平息,melt 软化,熔化


【考法 1】adj. 超乎寻常的:surpassing the normal or usual<br/>【例】They exhibited preternatural courage in face of danger. 他们在危险面前显示出了超乎寻常的勇气。<br/>【近】aberrant, abnormal, anomalous, extraordinary, phenomenal, magical, miraculous, unearthly<br/>【反】common, ordinary, prosaic平凡的<br/><br/>【记】preter 超 + natural


【考法 1】adj. 转弯抹角的:marked by devious or indirect tactics: crooked, tricky<br/>【例】a tortuous path一条蜿蜒的道路<br/>【近】bending, curling, curvy, devious, serpentine, sinuous, twisted, windy<br/>【反】 direct, straightforward直接的<br/><br/>【记】源自tort- 扭曲,twist;tortoise 在蜿蜒的小路上爬,比兔子跑一会就休息还快<br/>【另】torture 折磨,tortuous 曲折的 contort 扭曲,distort 歪曲 extort 敲诈勒索 retort 反驳


【考法 1】adj. 轰鸣的:having a loud reverberating sound<br/>【例】The camera man was stunned by the plangent roar of wild animals.摄影师被野生动物发出的怒号吓得不知所措。<br/>【近】blaring, blasting, clamorous, deafening, earsplitting, resonant, resounding, sonorous, thunderous, vibrant<br/>【反】muffled, muted声音被减弱的;gentle, low, soft 声音轻柔的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 凄凉的,哀伤的:having an expressive and especially plaintive quality<br/>【例】a plangent song about a long-ago love一首关于往日爱情的凄凉歌曲<br/>【近】doleful, dolorous, funeral, grieving, lamentable, lugubrious, plaintive, rueful, sorrowful, woeful<br/>【反】agreeable, cheerful, delightful, enjoyable, jolly, pleasing 令人愉快的<br/><br/>【记】可能来自plaint;plane 飞机 + generate 产生→飞机产生的轰鸣声;complain + generate 抱怨时产生的


【考法 1】adj. 轻信的,易受骗的:disposed to believe too readily; gullible<br/>【例】accused of swindling credulous investors 被控欺骗轻信的投资者<br/>【近】believing, unwary, gullible, na?ve, unsuspecting<br/>【反】disbelieving, skeptical怀疑的<br/>【派】credulityn. 轻信<br/><br/>【记】cred + ulous 多的,易,极其的 易于相信


【考法 1】adj. 轻快的,活泼的:sprightly in manner or appearance: lively<br/>【例】 a jaunty stroll轻快的散步<br/>【近】animate, brisk, energetic, frisky, perky, racy, spirited, vivacious<br/>【反】 staid, dead, inactive, inanimate, lackadaisical, languid, languishing, leaden, limp, listless, spiritless, vapid无生气的<br/><br/>【记】jaunt时的感觉


【考法 1】adj. 轻浮不严肃的:lacking in seriousness or maturity<br/>【例】teach a bunch of giddy Girl Scouts how to make a fire教一群漫不经心的女童子军如何生火<br/>【近】flighty, frivolous, frothy<br/>【反】grave, serious 严肃的;earnest认真的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 喜悦的:joyfully elated<br/>【例】He's clearly giddy at the news that his ailing grandfather will be fine.听到他祖父的病将无大恙,他的喜悦 之情溢于言表<br/>【近】elated, elevated, euphoric, exhilarated, exultant, intoxicated, rapturous<br/>【反】depressed, melancholy 忧郁的<br/><br/>【记】dizzy d与z发音倒过来 ziddy就接近giddy;音:及第,考上状元了,心情快乐地直转圈,美晕了,人也变得轻浮与轻狂;音:极地,北极极地地区氧气不足,让人头晕,旋晕


【考法 1】adj. 轻蔑的,贬低的:disparaging; belittling<br/>【例】 I agree that I am ambitious, and I don't see it as a pejorative term.我承认我"雄心勃勃",但我并不认为 这是一个贬义词<br/>【近】 belittling, contemptuous, degrading, deprecatory, depreciative, derogative, disdainful, disparaging, scornful<br/>【反】 commendatory, complimentary, laudatory 赞美的<br/><br/>【记】pe 音:呸 + joy 高兴,呸,高兴啥?带有轻蔑及贬低地说


【考法 1】adj. 辉煌的,灿烂的:shining radiantly; resplendent<br/>【例】Refulgent sunlight broke through the clouds, creating huge swaths of light in the valley below us.耀眼的阳光穿透了云层,在我们脚下的峡谷中投下了一块巨大的光斑<br/>【近】beaming, brilliant, dazzling, incandescent, lucid, luminous, lustrous, radiant, resplendent, splendid<br/>【反】 dim, dull, lackluster黯淡无光的<br/>【派】refulgencen. 灿烂,光芒四射<br/><br/>【记】来自fulgent,音:发光<br/>【另】fulgent 光辉的, 灿烂的,effulgent 光辉灿烂的


【考法 1】adj. 辛辣的,刺鼻的:sharp and harsh or unpleasantly pungent in taste or odor : irritating<br/>【例】acrid smell of tobacco烟草刺鼻的味道<br/>【考点 2】adj. 刻薄的:marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings<br/>【例】acrid temper刻薄的性情<br/>【反】gentle温和的<br/><br/>【记】a + cr 音:苦肉的,苦肉很苦,苦肉计又苦又辛酸;ac 加强 + red 红,很红的红辣椒<br/>


【考法 1】adj. 辛辣的,讽刺的:marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings<br/>【例】pungent language 辛辣讽刺的语言<br/>【近】 acerbic, acid, acrid, caustic, mordant, sardonic, scalding, scathing<br/><br/>【记】音:喷针,嘴巴辣的象向外喷针,辣椒太刺激,尖锐;音:盘蒸,盆蒸,盘子蒸的东西发出辣味;


【考法 1】adj. 辞藻华丽的,花哨的:full of fine words and fancy expressions<br/>【例】gave a florid speech to attract attention 做了个辞藻华丽的演说以吸引眼球<br/>【近】bombastic, flowery, grandiloquent, magniloquent, rhetorical<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 装饰华丽的:elaborately and often excessively decorated<br/>【例】a florid architectural style 华丽的建筑风格<br/>【近】baroque, bedizened, flamboyant, fussy, luscious, ornate<br/>【反】austere, plain, severe, stark, unadorned 朴素的,简单的<br/><br/>【记】源自flower;flower + red 红花,玫瑰之类的,华丽


【考法 1】adj. 辱骂的: expressing contemptuous reproach; scornful or abusive<br/>【例】opprobrious language 脏话<br/>【近】scurrilous, vitriolic, vituperative, contumelious<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 臭名昭著的,令人鄙视的: bringing disgrace; shameful or infamous<br/>【例】 opprobrious conduct令人鄙视的行为<br/>【近】discreditable, disgraceful, dishonorable, ignominious, infamous, notorious, shameful, unrespectable<br/>【反】 irreproachable, honorable, reputable, respectable无可指责的,受人尊敬的<br/>【派】 opprobrium恶名<br/>【反】 good repute好名声<br/><br/>【记】op 不好的 + probe 探查,探查出不好的会骂:what's the problem with you,有毛病


【考法 1】adj. 边缘的:located at or near a border<br/>【例】Marginal locations in the open-air market are a bit cheaper. 露天市场边缘的地段通常都要便宜些。<br/>【近】frontier<br/>【反】interior内在的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不重要的:not of central importance<br/>【例】regards violence as a marginal rather than a central problem并不把暴力问题当作重要的核心问题来看<br/>【近】inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, minor, minute, negligible, nugatory, slight, trifling, trivial<br/>【反】consequential, eventful, important, meaningful, momentous, significant, substantial, weighty 重要的<br/><br/>【记】margin mark + 音:纸, 在纸上作记号是在边上记


【考法 1】adj. 迁移的:having a way of life that involves moving from one region to another typically on a seasonal basis<br/>【例】 migratory birds heading south for the winter为了越冬而往南飞的候鸟<br/>【近】migrant, mobile, nomad, nomadic, traveling<br/>【反】nonmigrant, resident, sedentary 常居一处的,不迁移的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 过于感伤的:effusively or tearfully sentimental<br/>【例】Some naive students display an almost maudlin concern for the welfare of animals while ignoring basic social inequity.一些幼稚的学生忽视根本的社会不公平问题,而对动物的权益表现出一种多愁善感的忧虑<br/>【近】lachrymose, mawkish, mushy, overemotional, sentimental, tearful<br/>【反】blithe,cheerful, jocund, jovial, jubilant 高兴的;apathetic,impassive, indifferent 冷漠的<br/><br/>【记】mandolin 曼德林,一种类似小提琴的乐器,听起来象二胡,令人感伤;音:model 林,模特林,台湾有个名模叫林志玲,感情脆弱爱哭;maul 伤害,感情是易受伤害的


【考法 1】adj. 过于鲜艳的,过于张扬的:marked by strident color or excessive ornamentation<br/>【例】 With garish makeup on, she looks exceedingly frivolous.浓妆艳抹之下的她显得格外轻佻<br/>【近】gaudy, blatant, brazen, flamboyant, glaring, ostentatious<br/>【反】dim, gloomy, murky, somber 黯淡的;conservative, quiet不张扬的<br/><br/>【记】gar- 花,garden 是gar 花 + den 窝,小房间;glare 闪耀,眩目


【考法 1】adj. 过分好奇的:inordinately or improperly curious about the affairs of others<br/>【例】big sunglasses to frustrate inquisitive journalists让狗仔队企图无法得逞的大墨镜<br/>【近】curious, inquiring, investigative, prying<br/>【反】indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested不感兴趣的;incurious无好奇心的<br/>【派】inquisitivenessn. 好奇<br/><br/>【记】in + question 总是在问题里的→爱问问题的<br/>【另】acquisition 获得, 获得物,disquisition 专题论文, exquisite 精致,inquisitive 好询问的<br/>,perquisite(通过要求的,比如要小费) 额外补贴,prerequisite 先决的必备条件,requisite(来自


【考法 1】adj. 过分守礼的:marked by prudery<br/>【例】By the prudish standards of the 19th century, any depiction of the nude was scandalous.根据 19 世纪的保守标准,任何对裸露的刻画描述都是下流无耻的。<br/>【近】 nice-nelly, prim, puritanical<br/><br/>【记】prude 过分规矩的人


【考法 1】adj. 过度伤感的:excessively and objectionably sentimental<br/>【例】a mawkish love story令人伤感的爱情故事<br/>【近】lachrymose, maudlin, mushy, overemotional, sentimental, tearful<br/>【反】blithe,cheerful, jocund, jovial, jubilant 高兴的;apathetic, impassive, indifferent冷漠的<br/><br/>【记】音:麻 + kiss 令人肉麻的kiss;摸 + kiss, 抚摸的Kiss, 令人做呕;maw 胃 + kiss 银幕上令人反胃的假装多情的吻,没内容,没味道


【考法 1】adj. 过度的:exceeding the customary or appropriate limits in intensity, quality, amount, or size<br/>【例】exorbitant prices过高的价格<br/>【近】extravagant, intolerable, lavish, overdue, overweening, unconscionable<br/>【反】middling, moderate, modest, reasonable, temperate适度的,合适的<br/><br/>【记】ex 出 + orbit 轨道→出轨,出格


【考法 1】adj. 过时的,久远的:no longer current or applicable; antiquated<br/>【例】archaic laws 过时的法律<br/>【近】antiquated, outdated, outmoded, prehistoric, superannuated<br/>【反】fashionable 流行的;up-to-date, fresh, modern, new, novel 新的<br/>【派】archaism 古语:the use of archaic diction or style<br/>【反】modern diction 新语<br/><br/>【记】archae 古


【考法 1】adj. 过时的,被淘汰的:no longer in use or no longer useful<br/>【例】I was told my old printer is obsolete and I can't get replacement parts.我被告知我的打印机已经被淘汰了,因此无法更换配件。‖an obsolete word一个已经废弃不用的单词<br/>【近】antiquated, archaic, dated, fossilized, medieval, moribund, moth-eaten, outdated, outmoded, outworn, prehistoric, rusty<br/>【反】contemporary, current, modern, recent当前的,现代的<br/><br/>【记】ob 无 + sole 单独,唯一→剩下的唯一的也没了→废弃


【考法 1】adj. 连续不断的:going on and on without any interruptions<br/>【例】Unremitting rain lasted for six days.连续下了六天的雨。<br/>【近】ceaseless, continual, continuing, incessant, nonstop, perpetual, unbroken, uninterrupted<br/>【反】discontinuous, intermittent不连续的,有间断的<br/><br/>【记】un 不,remit(v.缓和;推迟),ting:坚持不懈的


【考法 1】adj. 迷人的,漂亮的:generally pleasing and engagingoften because of a childlike charm and innocence<br/>【例】fascinated by her winsome smile 为她动人一笑所倾倒<br/>【近】adorable, charming, disarming, enchanting, endearing, sweet, winning<br/>【反】abhorrent, abominable, detestable, hateful, loathsome, odious令人厌恶的<br/>【派】winsomenessn. 迷人<br/><br/>【记】win some 能赢得他人心的


【考法 1】adj. 迷恋的,热爱的:filled with an intense or excessive love for<br/>【例】Many teenage girls became enamored of the movie idol for her boyish good looks. 很多年轻的女孩子因为影星男性化的帅气面庞而对她深深迷恋。<br/>【近】besotted, bewitched, captivated, crazy, dotty, enraptured, fascinated, infatuated, mad, nuts, obsessed<br/>【反】apathetic, detached, indifferent, insouciant, nonchalant 无所谓的,冷漠的<br/><br/>【记】en + amore 音:爱慕, 爱


【考法 1】adj. 透明清澈的:characterized by transparent clearness<br/>【例】 limpid streams 清澈的小溪<br/>【近】crystal, clear, lucent, pellucid, transparent<br/>【反】cloudy, murky, opaque, unclear, turbid模糊不清的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 镇定的,淡定的:free from emotional or mental agitation<br/>【例】 the limpid outlook of a man who is at peace with himself as he awaits death一个人在平静等待死亡的过程当中所体现出来的淡然的世界观<br/>【近】collected, composed, cool, level, peaceful, placid, possessed, sedate, serene, smooth, tranquil<br/>【反】agitated, discomposed, disturbed, flustered, perturbed焦躁的<br/><br/>【记】lim- 湖 + 音:盆,象一盆湖水般透明与平静;音:临盆的,临盆是指妇女生产时在一盆清澈的温水旁;音:淋喷的,淋浴时喷的水是清澈的;<br/>【另】limnetic 湖泊的


【考法 1】adj. 透明的:permitting the passage of light: clear, transparent<br/>【例】translucent dewdrop透明的露珠<br/>【近】transparent, limpid, pellucid, lucent, lucid, transpicuous<br/>【反】 opaque不透明的<br/><br/>【记】trans穿过 + lucent 透明,lucid 明晰的<br/>【另】illustrate (用例子,图画)说明, elucidate 阐明,lucid 明晰的,pellucid 透明的,易懂的


【考法 1】adj. 逐渐消失的,短暂的:tending to vanish like vapor<br/>【例】Beauty is as evanescent as a rainbow.容颜易老,年华易逝。<br/>【近】ephemeral, fleeting, impermanent, temporary, transient, transitory<br/>【反】ceaseless, endless, enduring, eternal, everlasting, immortal, permanent, perpetual, timeless, undying, unending, abiding, lasting, perpetual持久的<br/><br/>【记】e 出,外 + vanish 消失,一出去就消失→短暂<br/>【另】evanesce 消失,消散


【考法 1】adj. 通俗的,大众化的:popular, common<br/>【例】demotic entertainments 大众化的娱乐<br/>【反】profound深奥的<br/><br/>【记】demo是人民,democratic 民主的


【考法 1】adj. 逻辑上正确的:logically correct<br/>【例】Only further experiments will show whether your theory is valid.只有进一步的实验才能验证你的理论是否正确。‖Your argument isn't valid because you're taking what should be the conclusion and using it as a premise. 你的论述逻辑上是错误的,因为你把本该是结论的东西当成了前提条件。<br/>【近】analytic, coherent, consequent, rational, reasonable, sensible, sound, well-founded, well-grounded<br/>【反】groundless, illegitimate, illogical, incoherent, inconsequent, invalid, irrational, unreasonable, unsound (逻辑上)站不住脚的<br/>【派】validityn.合乎逻辑<br/><br/>【记】value + id 有价值的ID(身份)是有效的,无价值的是无效的


【考法 1】adj. 邋遢的,不整洁的:lacking neatness in dress or person<br/>【例】For the sake of their image, the band members transformed themselves from clean-cut lads to slovenly rockers. 为了他们自身的形象,乐队成员从健康向上的青年变成了邋遢的摇滚乐手。<br/>【近】blowsy, dowdy, frowsy, sloppy, unkempt, untidy<br/>【反】 dapper, dashing, neat, sharp, smart, spruce, trim外表整洁的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 邋遢的,不整洁的:lacking neatness in dress or person<br/>【例】a sloppy child who always seems to have spilled something on his clothes一个外表邋遢的小孩子,他的衣服似乎总被沾上了什么东西<br/>【近】blowsy, dowdy, frowsy, slovenly, unkempt, untidy<br/>【反】 dapper, dashing, sharp, smart, spruce外表整洁的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 混乱的:lacking in order, neatness, and often cleanliness<br/>【例】dumped the papers in a sloppy pile on the desk把纸张随意地叠放在书桌上<br/>【近】chaotic, disarranged, disarrayed, disheveled, disorderly, jumbled, littered, rumpled, tousled, tumbled<br/>【反】bandbox, crisp, kempt, neat, orderly, organized, shipshape, snug, tidy, trim有序的<br/><br/>【记】来自slop 泥浆,溅出,罩衣;slope 斜坡(音:斜楼坡,斜的上楼的坡) 土坡是脏的,泥泞的;


【考法 1】adj. 邋遢的:having a slovenly or uncared-for appearance<br/>【例】frowsy hair邋遢的头发<br/>【近】slovenly, unkempt, untidy<br/>【反】dapper, neat, tidy, spruce整洁的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 味道难闻的:having an unpleasant smell<br/>【例】The abandoned house was dank and frowsy and barely fit for human habitation.这座废房子光线又暗,气味又难闻,几乎无法供人居住<br/>【近】fetid, noisome, smelly, stinky<br/>【反】ambrosial, aromatic, fragrant, redolent芳香的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 酷热的:oppressively hot<br/>【例】The air conditioning was broken, and it was sweltering in the room.空调坏了,房间里酷热难耐。<br/>【近】boiling, scorching, searing, sultry, torrid, fiery<br/>【反】 algid, arctic, bone-chilling, freezing, frigid, frozen, glacial, ice-cold, iced, icy严寒的<br/><br/>【记】sweat 出汗;sweater 穿着毛线衣会闷热<br/>【另】sweater毛衣..sweat + er 让人出汗的东西


【考法 1】adj. 酸涩的心情、心境或者语调:marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings<br/>【例】acerbic commentary尖酸的评论<br/>【近】pungent, sardonic, satiric, scalding, scathing<br/>【反】sweet, saccharin甜的,糖精(甜)<br/>【派】acerbity n. 酸<br/><br/>【记】ace 扑克牌的A 尖,尖酸 + bitter 苦→尖酸苦涩;音:涩 + bitter<br/>【另】exacerbate 恶化,激怒


【考法 1】adj. 重要的,意味深长的:weighty or significant; full of meaning<br/>【例】the pregnant phrases of the Bible《圣经》中充满哲理的话语<br/>【近】eloquent, meaningful, momentous, profound, revelatory, significant, suggestive<br/>【反】inane 空洞的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 怀孕的:containing a developing embryo, fetus, or unborn offspring within the body<br/>【例】Being pregnant represents great news, but it comes with a lot of responsibilities.怀孕是件大好事,但是它也带来了许多的责任。<br/>【近】enceinte, expectant, expecting, gravid<br/>【派】pregnancyn. 怀孕<br/><br/>【记】pre 前 + generate 生产→生产前期→怀孕;pre 前 + egg 蛋,蛋生成的前期→怀孕;<br/>【另】pregnable 可攻击的, 易受攻击的, 可受孕的


【考法 1】adj. 重要的:having importance, significance, or meaningfulness<br/>【例】a full-bodied study of genetic engineering 一项基因工程的重要研究<br/>【近】important, consequential, momentous, significant, weighty<br/>【反】trivial 不重要的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 味道浓烈的:having richness and intensity of flavor or aroma<br/>【例】full-bodied perfume in the cabin车厢内浓郁的香水味<br/>【近】strong, concentrated<br/>【反】insipid平淡无奇的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 野蛮的,凶残的: mercilessly harsh or cruel<br/>【例】insulted by barbarous language被粗暴的语言侵犯<br/>【近】brutal, atrocious, fiendish, heartless, savage, truculent, vicious<br/>【反】merciful, benevolent , humane, sympathetic仁慈的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 未开化的:uncivilized<br/>【例】some barbarous behaviors such as eating with your fingers 一些没有教养的举止,比如直接用手拿东西吃<br/>【近】wild, uncultivated<br/>【反】civilized, decent, decorous举止得体的<br/><br/>【记】有barb的,头发不理,胡子不剃的人,野蛮人,原始人


【考法 1】adj. 锐利的:keen, sharp<br/>【例】Even the most trenchant sword could not sever the bonds of loyalty between them.即使最锋利的刀剑也不能切断他们的忠诚。<br/>【近】keen, sharp<br/>【反】 blunt, blunted, dull, obtuse钝的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. (言辞)一针见血的:vigorously effective and articulate<br/>【例】trenchant criticisms一针见血的批评<br/>【近】incisive<br/>【反】 vague含糊的<br/><br/>【记】trench 挖沟 + chant 说,唱;说话象挖沟一样,能一下挖到重点上;音:唇齿,张开嘴唇牙齿<br/>,一咬见血


【考法 1】adj. 错误的,不正确的:containing or characterized by error<br/>【例】The news article about the new drug was filled with much erroneous information.有关新药的新闻报道 里充斥着大量的错误信息。<br/>【近】inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, invalid, mistaken, unsound, untrue, untruthful, wrong<br/>【反】accurate, correct, errorless, exact, precise, right, sound, true, valid, veracious 正确的,准确的<br/><br/>【记】error 错误的 自己。


【考法 1】adj. 锯齿状的:notched or toothed on the edge<br/>【例】a serrate leaf锯齿状的叶片<br/>【反】 without notches, smooth无凹口的,平滑的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 间接的,含沙射影的, 虚情假意的:indirect, devious, especially sarcastic<br/>【例】a backhanded compliment虚情假意的恭维话<br/>【近】feigned, roundabout, sarcastic, hypocritical, two-faced, double-faced, left-handed<br/>【反】forthright直截了当的;artless, candid, genuine, honest, sincere真挚的,真诚的<br/><br/>【记】back hand


【考法 1】adj. 间歇的,断断续续的:coming and going at intervals, not continuous<br/>【例】intermittent rain in June 六月里断断续续的梅雨<br/>【近】episodic, erratic, occasional, periodical, recurrent, recurring<br/>【反】constant, continuous, incessant, unceasing持续不断的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 不定期的:lacking in steadiness or regularity of occurrence<br/>【例】The husband's intermittent employment put the family in a difficult position financially.丈夫不稳定的工作使得全家陷入了经济上的困境<br/>【近】aperiodic, casual, catchy, discontinuous, irregular, occasional, spasmodic, sporadic, unsteady<br/>【反】habitual习惯的,惯常的;periodic, regular, repeated 定期的,有规律的,重复的<br/><br/>【记】inter 中间 + mit send送,传送之间是有间歇的<br/>【另】admit 容许,commit 提交,干(坏事),demit 辞职,emit 发出,放射,remit 传送,提交,宽恕<br/>,延迟,permit 许可,intermit 中断,断断续续,omit 省略,submit 提交,使服从,summit (sum 总和+ MIT 麻省理工→顶点)顶点,最高层,transmit 传送


【考法 1】adj. 闷闷不乐的,死气沉沉的:sullen, gloomy<br/>【例】The captain's dour look depressed us all. 船长闷闷不乐的脸色使我们倍感低落<br/>【近】morose, sulky, surly, moody<br/>【反】gay欢快的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 严厉的:harsh and threatening in manner or appearance<br/>【例】His dour criticism made us regret having undertaken the job.他严厉的批评让我们后悔接下这活儿了<br/>【近】strict, sharp, austere, exacting, fierce, gruff, intimidating, rough, stark, stern<br/>【反】benign, gentle, mild, tender 温和的<br/><br/>【记】源自during;endure 忍耐,心中有气但是忍耐着,脸色不好看;音:堵 + our 我们,数学老师整天堵着我们让我们做题,很严厉


【考法 1】adj. 防守不住的,站不住脚的:not able to be defended<br/>【例】an untenable position一个站不住脚的立场<br/>【近】assailable, controversial, open to question可质疑的<br/>【反】unassailable, undeniable, irrefutable, indisputable, unexceptionable, unimpeachable无可指责的,无懈可击的<br/><br/>【记】un 不,tenable(adj.站得住脚的):站不住脚


【考法 1】adj. 阴湿的:slightly or moderately wet<br/>【例】vegetables tended to go bad quickly in the dank cellar蔬菜在潮湿的地下室很容易变坏<br/>【近】damp, wettish<br/><br/>【记】bank 河岸旁是潮湿的,tank 水桶里也是


【考法 1】adj. 陈旧的:worn-out, as from overuse; trite<br/>【例】the shopworn suggestion to job applicants to "just be yourself"老掉牙的让应征者"做你自己"的提议<br/>【近】banal, cliché, commonplace, hackneyed, trite, well-worn<br/>【反】 new, fresh, novel, original, unclichéd, unhackneyed新的<br/><br/>【记】worn wear 用旧的过去分词


【考法 1】adj. 陈腐的,陈词滥调的:hackneyed or boring from much use, not fresh or original<br/>【例】"You win some, you lose some" is a trite expression."有得必有失"是老生常谈了。<br/>【近】bathetic, cliché, hackneyed, threadbare, timeworn, banal<br/>【反】 fresh, new, novel, original, unclichéd, unhackneyed 新鲜的<br/><br/>【记】看成tried: try 试穿衣服 + ed, 到商店去买衣服,这些衣服都是被tried过的,不是崭新的,而是旧的,有磨损了的


【考法 1】adj. 陈腐的:hackneyed, stale<br/>【例】timeworn jokes老掉牙的笑话<br/>【近】banal, cliché, commonplace, hackneyed, stereotyped, threadbare, trite<br/>【反】 fresh, new, novel, original, unclichéd, unhackneyed新奇的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 陈腐的:overused to the point of being worn out; hackneyed<br/>【例】a novel filled with nothing but threadbare clichés一部满是陈词滥调的小说<br/>【近】banal, cliché, commonplace, hackney, shopworn, trite<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 贫穷的:lacking money or material possessions<br/>【例】never knew that she had so many threadbare relatives until she won the lottery赢了彩票之后才知道她有这么多穷亲戚<br/>【近】beggared, destitute, down-and-out, famished, impecunious, impoverished, indigent, necessitous, needful, pauperized, penniless, penurious, poverty-stricken, skint<br/>【反】affluent, deep-pocketed, flush, opulent, silk-stocking, wealthy, well-heeled, well-off, well-to-do富裕的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 破烂的:worn or torn into or as if into rags<br/>【例】I loved that threadbare shirt, but after 10 years of wear, it was time to throw it away.我很喜欢那件旧旧的衬衣,但是已经穿了 10 年了,是该扔了。<br/>【近】frayed, raggedy, ratty, seedy, shabby, tattered, worn-out<br/><br/>【记】thread + bare 露出


【考法 1】adj. 隆起的,凸出的:thrusting out from a surrounding or adjacent surface often as a rounded mass<br/>【例】protuberant eyes暴鱼眼<br/>【反】 depressed下陷的<br/>【派】 protuberance隆起<br/>【反】 concavity 凹陷<br/><br/>【记】pro前 + 音:突包,凸包;pro + tuber 突起,块茎;pro向前 + tube 管子,管子向前伸出,突出<br/>【另】tub 浴盆<br/>


【考法 1】adj. 随机的,随意的:lacking a definite plan, purpose, or pattern<br/>【例】 We received several answers and picked one at random.我们收到了若干答案,并随机抽取了一个。<br/>【例】aimless, arbitrary, desultory, erratic, haphazard, scattered, slapdash, stray<br/>【反】 methodical, orderly, organized, regular, systematic, systematized井然有序的,系统化的<br/>【派】randomlyadv. 随机地;randomizev. 随机挑选、排列<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 隐蔽的,秘密的:not openly shown, engaged in, or avowed<br/>【例】covert alliance 秘密联盟<br/>【近】cloistered, hidden, secret, sheltered<br/>【反】open, overt, aboveboard公开的<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 隐秘掩护所:a place where a person goes to hide or to avoid others<br/>【例】set up a covert from which to watch wildlife without being detected设立了一个隐蔽的野生动物观测点<br/>【近】concealment, hermitage, hideaway, nest, lair<br/><br/>【记】源自cover,covered 罩着的,不见人的


【考法 1】adj. 隐藏的,秘密的:kept or done in secret, often in order to conceal an illicit or improper purpose<br/>【例】their clandestine love affair他们的秘密恋情<br/>【近】secret, covert, furtive, surreptitious, sneaky, stealthy, undercover, underground, underhand, underhanded<br/>【反】open, overt, public 公开的;aboveboard 光明正大的<br/><br/>【记】clan可能 + destine 命中注定→可能是命中注定的→冥冥中注定的→冥冥,暗暗的;clan 音:可兰,可兰经是伊斯兰宗派的


【考法 1】adj. 难以做到,费劲的:hard to accomplish or achieve: difficult<br/>【例】a long and arduous undertaking 一项长期艰苦的任务<br/>【例】an arduous journey across miles of desert 艰苦的沙漠之旅<br/>【近】grueling, laborious, taxing, onerous, burdensome<br/>【反】easy, simple, unchallenging, undemanding, facile, effortless 不费劲的<br/><br/>【记】hard 艰苦的,困难的 = h + ard, hard 要死,很难费力


【考法 1】adj. 难以发现、捕捉、分离的;含糊其词的:hard to find, capture, or isolate; equivocal<br/>【例】an evasive statement模棱两可的陈述<br/>【近】fugitive, slippery<br/>【反】unequivocal明确的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 难以理解的:not easily apprehended or understood : abstruse, mysterious<br/>【例】an occult reference in the text that has puzzled scholars文章中一处晦涩的难倒了学者们的引注<br/>【近】ambiguous, arcane, equivocal, inscrutable, opaque, impenetrable<br/>【反】 bare, manifest, patent, readily fathomable 暴露的,可理解的<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 使隐藏或神秘:to keep secret or shut off from view<br/>【例】occulted their house from prying eyes by planting large trees around it在住所周围种满大树防止别人偷窥|| the actor's private life had long been occulted by a contrived public persona演员的私人生活被一个精心打造的公众形象所遮掩<br/>【近】 belie, blanket, cloak, conceal, cover, curtain, disguise, enshroud, mask, obscure, screen, shroud, suppress, veil, blot out, paper over<br/>【反】bare, disclose, display, divulge, expose, reveal, show, uncloak, uncover, unmask, unveil暴露<br/><br/>【记】cult 小教派一般是不公开,秘密活动的;oc + culture 一种非正常的文化,不是公开的<br/>【另】cult 指非主流教派,通常有贬义


【考法 1】adj. 非常懦弱的,因胆小令人鄙视的:lacking the least bit of courage; contemptibly fainthearted<br/>【例】a craven deserter一个懦弱的逃兵<br/>【近】cowardly, gutless, pusillanimous, spineless<br/>【反】dauntless, fearless, gallant, gutsy, intrepid, stalwart, stout, stouthearted, valiant, valorous勇敢的<br/><br/>【记】音:哭问,哭着问,小学生很胆怯,问老师都哭;brave 勇敢的反意,第一个字母不同<br/>Don't speak ill of others behind their backs. 不要在背后说人坏话。


【考法 1】adj. 难取悦的,难满足的:not easily satisfied or pleased<br/>【例】His mother could be demanding at times. 他母亲有时候很难取悦。<br/>【近】exacting, fastidious, finical, finicking, fussy, picky<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 费时间花心思的:requiring much time, effort, or careful attention<br/>【例】the demanding assignment kept them working all night long 那项劳神的任务使得他们熬夜<br/>【近】arduous, burdensome, challenging, exacting, grueling,killing, laborious, onerous, persnickety, taxing, toilsome<br/>【反】light, unchallenging, undemanding不费劲的,轻而易举的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 难看的:unpleasant to look at<br/>【例】that bloody Halloween mask is grotesque 那个血腥的万圣节面具丑死了<br/>【近】hideous, homely, ill-favored, monstrous, unappealing, unattractive, uncomely, unsightly<br/>【反】aesthetic, attractive, beautiful, bonny, comely, fetching, gorgeous, knockout, ravishing,seemly, sightly, stunning, taking, well-favored悦目的,吸引人的<br/><br/>【记】grate, grit 都是磨,擦的意思;看成gross 粗糙的 + 音:题刻→粗糙的题刻,图案很奇异;grotto<br/>岩洞 + esque 风格,原指岩洞雕刻的奇异风格的图案<br/>Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud. 博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲。 <br/>【另】churrigueresque 具有西班牙巴洛克建筑风格的, dantesque 但丁(意大利诗人)式的, 庄重的<br/>,hemingwayesque 具有海明威作品特色的


【考法 1】adj. 难驾驭的,不守规矩的:difficult or impossible to discipline, control, or rule.<br/>【例】an unruly child 一个不听话的孩子<br/>【近】 indocile, indomitable, intractable, recalcitrant, uncontrollable, undisciplined, ungovernable, unmanageable, insubordinate<br/>【反】amenable, biddable, compliant, conformable, docile, obedient, submissive,tractable,subdued,mild, manageable, disciplined顺从的,守纪律的<br/><br/>【记】un 不,ruly=rule(v.统治)-没法统治的


【考法 1】adj. 震耳欲聋的:distressingly loud or shrill<br/>【例】earsplitting noise of airplane engines 飞机引擎的巨大噪音<br/>【近】blaring, blasting, deafening, loud, piercing, plangent, resounding, roaring, stentorian, thunderous<br/>【反】gentle, soft(音乐)轻柔的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 静态的,停滞的:characterized by a lack of movement, animation, or progression<br/>【例】Both your pictures are of static subjects.你的两张照片都是静物。‖a static economy 停滞不前的经济<br/>【近】inactive, fixed, immobile, immotile, immovable, inert, stable, stagnant, stationary, still<br/>【反】active, dynamic, lively, vibrant充满活力的;mobile, movable可移动的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 无改变的:showing little change<br/>【例】a static population 没有变化的人口<br/>【近】inflexible, invariable, rigid, stiff, steadfast<br/>【反】capricious, changeful, fluid, mercurial, temperamental, versatile, volatile容易变化的<br/>【派】stasisn. 静止不变<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 静止的,不活跃的:in a state of rest or inactivity; inoperative; in abeyance<br/>【例】volcanoes which have been dormant for thousand years休眠了上千年的火山<br/>【近】dead, latent, lurking, abeyant, quiescent, inert<br/>【反】active, busy, operating活跃的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. (动物)冬眠的:having biological activity suspended<br/>【例】The bears lay dormant in their den during the winter.在冬季,熊在他们的穴里冬眠<br/>【近】asleep, resting, napping, slumbering<br/>【反】awake清醒的<br/>【派】dormancyn. 不活跃;冬眠<br/><br/>【记】音:冬眠;doorman 看门人,看门人最闲了,经常睡觉;<br/>【另】dorm, dormitory 宿舍,宿的舍,睡觉的地方


【考法 1】adj. 非实体的:not composed of matter<br/>【例】It is only possible to study immaterial forces like gravity by observing their effects on the physical world.要研究那些非实体的作用力——例如万有引力,只能观察它们对于现实世界的影响<br/>【近】ethereal, formless, incorporeal, insubstantial, nonmaterial, spiritual<br/>【反】bodily, corporeal, material, physical, substantial实体的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 无关的,不重要的:of no importance or relevance<br/>【例】 While undoubtedly upsetting, that story is immaterial to the question of why you are late.尽管那个故事的确很让人遗憾,但是和你为什么迟到没有半点关系<br/>【近】extraneous, impertinent, inapplicable, inapposite, irrelevant<br/>【反】applicable, apposite, apropos, germane, pertinent, relevant 相关的;crucial, important, significant重要的<br/><br/>【记】im 不 + material


【考法 1】adj. 非常丑陋的:exceedingly ugly<br/>【例】wearing a hideous Halloween mask that made the kids all jump with fright 戴着一个丑陋的万圣节面具把小孩子全都吓跑了<br/>【近】homely, ill-favored, monstrous, uncomely, unsightly<br/>【反】pulchritudinous, aesthetic, attractive, comely, gorgeous, handsome, knockout, ravishing, seemly, stunning, taking, well-favored美丽的,有吸引力的<br/>【派】 hideousness 丑陋<br/>【反】 affinity吸引力<br/><br/>【记】hide + out 藏在外面了,长的丑不是他的问题,出来吓人就不对了,还是在外面躲起来不出来吧


【考法 1】adj. 非常古老的,过时的:extremely old and antiquated<br/>【例】He has antediluvian notions about the role of women in the workplace. 他对职场女性抱有老掉牙的看法。<br/>【例】an antediluvian automobile 古董级的汽车<br/>【近】aged, age-old, prehistoric, antique, aged, immemorial<br/>【反】modern, new, recent 新的<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 保守的人:a person with old-fashioned ideas<br/>【例】an antediluvian who thought a woman without talent is virtuous 一个认为"女子无才便是德"的保守的人<br/>【近】reactionary<br/>【反】modern, trendy 潮人<br/><br/>【记】ante + diluv(洪水)→洪水以前→史前的,指圣经中描述的大洪水发生之前,诺亚建方舟以前<br/>,或其他民族如希腊也有类似传说,中国有猎人海力布的故事,都是很久历史以前<br/>【另】deluge 洪水, 豪雨,泛滥


【考法 1】adj. 非常好笑的:marked by or causing hilarity: extremely funny<br/>【例】 hilarious cartoons that the whole family can enjoy适合全家观看的搞笑动画片<br/>【近】 hysterical, ludicrous, ridiculous, screaming, sidesplitting, uproarious<br/>【反】humorless, lame, unamusing, uncomic, unfunny不好笑的<br/><br/>【记】音:hi 嗨 + lar 啦,嗨与啦都是充满欢乐的人群欢呼声


【考法 1】adj. 非常精确的:located, fixed, or directed with extreme precision<br/>【例】The commander demanded the pinpoint location of artillery fire. 指挥官需要火炮攻击的精确位置。<br/>【近】accurate, close, delicate, exact, fine, hairline, mathematical, precise, refined, rigorous<br/>【反】coarse, cursory, rough粗略的;imprecise, inaccurate, inexact不准确的<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 精确定位或确认:to locate, fix, determine, or identify with precision<br/>【例】pinpoint the target by tracking calls from his cellphone通过跟踪手机信号精确定位了目标‖pinpoint the cause of failure准确找出失败的原因<br/>【近】determine, distinguish, locate, identify, recognize, spot<br/>【反】estimate估计<br/><br/>【记】pin + point 针尖,有种大头针,专门用来在图上做标记的,找出个东西就用大头针扎在那


【考法 1】adj. 非常谨慎的:very cautious<br/>【例】chary investors who weren't burned by the dot-com bust那些没有受到互联网萧条影响的谨慎投资者们<br/>【近】alert, cautious, circumspect, conservative, gingerly, guarded, heedful, wary<br/>【反】rash, bold 卤莽的<br/><br/>【记】源自care 小心


【考法 1】adj. 非常陡峭的:very steep, perpendicular, or overhanging in rise or fall<br/>【例】a precipitous gorge险峻的峡谷<br/>【近】abrupt, arduous, precipitate, sheer, steep<br/>【反】flat, level平坦的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 匆忙的:acting or done with excessive or careless speed<br/>【例】They soon regretted their precipitous actions in international affairs他们很快就为他们在国际事务中的匆忙举动感到后悔。<br/>【近】cursory, flying, headlong, hurried, overhasty, precipitate, rash, rushed<br/>【反】deliberate 慎重考虑的;leisurely, unhurried, unrushed从容不迫的,不慌不忙的<br/><br/>【记】来自precipitate,词尾是tou 音:陡,陡峭,能急速下降的陡峭悬崖 <br/>precis n. 摘要,大纲<br/>【记】pre- 前 + cis 切,预先切掉<br/>【另】concise 简明的, 简练的


【考法 1】adj. 非正统的,异端的:holding unorthodox opinions or doctrines, not rigidly following established form, custom, or rules<br/>【例】 her heterodox approach to teaching science initially met with some resistance from her peers她对于教学的一些非正统方法最开始受到了同辈的抵触<br/>【近】 dissenting, out-there, unconventional, unorthodox<br/>【反】conforming, conventional, orthodox, regular, routine正常的,正统的<br/><br/>【记】heter- 音:其他,异它 + doc docter博士,电脑中文本文件简写→异类学说,指不被正统认可的学说,早期爱因斯坦相对论或伽利略的日心说,都曾被视为异类 礼勿言,非礼勿动。 <br/>【另】doxology 上帝赞美诗, 颂歌,heterodox 非正统的,orthodox 正统的,paradox 似非而是的论点,看来自相矛盾而可能对的话, heterogeneous 不同种类的


【考法 1】adj. 顺从的,服从的:readily brought to yield, submit, or cooperate<br/>【例】a high-spirited and rebellious girl not at all amenable to persuasion. 一个泼辣而反叛的女孩根本不听从劝告。<br/>【近】compliant, docile, submissive, tractable, obedient<br/>【反】intransigent,contumacious 不妥协的;intractable, recalcitrant, refractory倔强的;uncontrollable, ungovernable, unruly 难管束的<br/><br/>【记】a men ble 形容词,做为一个男人的特征,有责任,义务,经得起考验,顺从讲理,愿意;音:阿门,基督徒对上帝的特点


【考法 1】adj. 顺从的:ready or disposed to comply: submissive<br/>【例】a corrupt regime aided by a compliant television station一个在顺从的电视台帮助下的腐败政府<br/>【近】amenable, conformable, docile, submissive, tractable<br/>【反】balky, contumacious, disobedient, incompliant, insubordinate,intractable, noncompliant, obstreperous, rebel, rebellious, recalcitrant, refractory, unamenable, ungovernable, unruly, willful, wayward 顽固,难驾驭的<br/><br/>【记】源自comply


【考法 1】adj. 顽固的,固执地坚持的:sticking to an opinion, purpose, or course of action in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion<br/>【例】The pertinacious boy won't stop crying unless his desire is satisfied.这个固执的男孩在愿望没有满足的情况下是不会停止哭泣的<br/>【近】adamant, headstrong, implacable, inflexible, intransigent, mulish, obdurate, perverse, stubborn, willful<br/>【反】 compliant, flexible, pliable, pliant, yielding 容易受影响的,容易控制的<br/><br/>【记】per + tain 一直拿着不放;per + tenacious 顽强的<br/>【另】obstinate 倔强的, 顽固的,tenacious 顽强的<br/>The best hearts are always the bravest. 无私者无畏。


【考法 1】adj. 顽强的:able to withstand hardship, strain, or exposure<br/>【例】chrysanthemums are hardy enough to survive a light frost菊花能够经受霜打<br/>【近】hardened, sturdy, tough, cast-iron, inured, rugged, stout, vigorous, hard-bitten<br/>【反】 delicate, nonhardy, soft, tender, weak柔弱的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 愿意冒风险的:inclined or willing to take risks<br/>【例】hardy souls who pioneered new paths into outer space 那些愿意冒险探索外太空的先驱们<br/>【近】adventurous, audacious, daring, dashing, emboldened, enterprising, gutsy, venturous<br/>【反】unadventurous, unenterprising没有冒险精神的<br/><br/>【记】hard


【考法 1】adj. 顽抗的,不顺从的:marked by stubborn resistance to and defiance of authority or guidance<br/>【例】a recalcitrant teenager执拗的少年‖The manager worried that the recalcitrant employee would try to undermine his authority.经理担心那些不听命的员工会削弱它的权威。<br/>【近】balky, contumacious, defiant, incompliant, insubordinate, intractable, obstreperous, rebellious, refractory, unruly<br/>【反】amenable, compliant, conformable, docile, governable, obedient, ruly, submissive, tractable 服从的,顺从的<br/>【派】recalcitrancen. 固执,不服从命令<br/><br/>【记】re 重复 + calci- 钙(化学符号Ca) 许多钙,象钙一样坚硬,顽固,


【考法 1】adj. (举止)笨拙的:having or showing an inability to move in a graceful manner<br/>【例】The pathetic gawky woman was once a lithe ballerina but got severely injured in a car accident. 这个可怜的步态笨拙的妇女本来是一名轻巧优雅的芭蕾舞女,但是在一次车祸中受了重伤。<br/>【近】awkward, clumsy, gawkish, graceless, uncoordinated, ungainly<br/>【反】agile, graceful, lithe, nimble 灵巧的,敏捷的;elegant优雅的<br/>【派】gawkinessn. 笨拙<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 预兆性的,凶兆的:being or showing a sign of evil or calamity to come<br/>【例】an eerie and portentous stillness 阴森神秘,充满凶兆的寂静<br/>【近】baleful, direful, doomy, foreboding, inauspicious, menacing, minatory, ominous, sinister, ill-omened<br/>【反】auspicious, propitious吉兆的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 勾起兴趣的,令人遐想的:eliciting amazement or wonder<br/>【例】The way in which he could bring together opposing forces was truly portentous.他整合两股对抗势力的方法着实令人好奇<br/>【近】amazing, astonishing, astounding, fabulous, marvelous, miraculous, prodigious, wonderful<br/>【反】common, commonplace, ordinary普通的<br/><br/>【记】potential 潜在的危险,前兆的<br/>【另】ominous 预兆的, 恶兆的,不吉利的


【考法 1】adj. 风度翩翩的,吸引人的:pleasing in personality or appearance; attractive<br/>【例】apparently be attracted by a personable young man明显被一位风度翩翩的少年迷住了<br/>【近】alluring, appealing, attractive, captivating, charismatic, charming, comely, enchanting, handsome, pretty<br/>【反】grotesque, hideous, ugly丑陋的;homely相貌平庸的<br/><br/>【记】person 象个人样,人模人样的;person人 + able 可.的→可人的


【考法 1】adj. 食量大的,贪食的:having a huge appetite<br/>【例】He had moderated his ravenous appetite. 他克制了自己的食欲。‖ravenous for power 渴望权力<br/>【近】edacious, esurient, gluttonous, greedy, rapacious, voracious<br/>【反】content, sated, satiated, satisfied心满意足的<br/><br/>【记】v=f=ph=p, 与rape (掠夺)相近,狼掠夺食物时是饿极了的;音:肉无饿死,没肉吃饿的要死,<br/>【另】raven 大乌鸦, 掠夺, 狼吞虎咽,rapacious 掠夺的, 贪婪的, ravin 捕食, 掠夺, 猎食


【考法 1】adj. 食量大的,贪食的:having a huge appetite<br/>【例】The manager at the buffet restaurant was apparently astonished by a team of rapacious professional basketball players.自助餐厅的经理很明显被那一队胃口巨大的职业篮球队员们震惊到了。<br/>【近】 edacious, esurient,gluttonous, greedy, ravenous, voracious<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 过度贪婪的:excessively grasping or covetous<br/>【例】Some companies is rapacious and hardly looking for the long-term value. 有些公司十分贪婪,而且不考虑长期利益。<br/>【近】 acquisitive, avaricious, avid, coveting, covetous, grasping, mercenary, moneygrubbing<br/>【反】content, sated, satiated, satisfied心满意足的<br/>【派】rapaciousnessn. 贪婪<br/><br/>【记】rap 抢,抓;rape 洗劫,掠夺,强奸<br/>【另】rap 抢,抓,敲, 拍,说话,rap music 说唱歌曲


【考法 1】adj. 高傲的,傲慢的:feeling or showing haughty disdain<br/>【例】The aristocrat reacted to their breach of etiquette with a supercilious smile.贵族对破坏他们破坏礼节的行为报以傲慢的一笑。<br/>【近】arrogant, assumptive, bumptious, haughty, imperious, pompous, presumptuous, overbearing, superior<br/>【反】humble, moderate, modest谦逊的<br/><br/>【记】super 上 + cilia 睫, 纤毛,眼睛向上<br/>【另】conciliate 安慰 (眼睫毛很柔和),cilia 睫, 纤毛 <br/>superciliousness n.傲慢 <br/>【记】supercilious + ness


【考法 1】adj. 鲁莽的:without deliberation<br/>【例】 terrified forest creatures in a headlong retreat from the rapidly spreading fire受惊的动物们惊慌失措地从不断蔓延的森林大火中逃离出来<br/>【近】cursory, overhasty, precipitate, precipitous, rash, pell-mell, helter-skelter<br/>【反】 deliberate, unhurried, unrushed深思熟虑的<br/><br/>【记】head long 头往前冲


【考法 1】adj. 麻木的,没有知觉的:lacking in sensation or feeling<br/>【例】My tongue and throat remained torpid for a time following the endoscopy. 胃镜检查之后,我的舌头和喉咙一直是麻木的。<br/>【近】asleep, benumbed, dead, insensitive, numbed, unfeeling<br/>【反】 feeling, sensible, sensitive<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 迟钝的,行动迟缓的:slow to move or act<br/>【例】a torpid sloth that refused to budge off its tree branch趴在树枝上一动不动的树獭<br/>【近】dull, inert, lethargic, quiescent, sleepy, sluggish, torpid<br/>【反】active活跃的<br/><br/>【记】音:拖疲的,疲劳不想动;音:逃避的,逃避现实的人是懒散的,不主动积极;stopped 停住不动了,


【考法 1】adj. 黯淡无光泽的:lacking brightness, luster, or vitality<br/>【例】 lackluster hair 黯淡无光的头发<br/>【近】dim, dull, flat, lusterless<br/>【反】burnished, glistening, glossy, lustrous, polished, shiny, sleek光亮的<br/><br/>【记】lack+luster


【考法 1】adj. 黯淡无光的:being without light or without much light<br/>【近】black, dark, dim, dimmed, murky, obscure, stygian, pitch-dark<br/>【反】bright, luminous, lucent, lucid明亮的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 忧郁的:low in spirits<br/>【例】feel gloomy about future career就未来的职业生涯倍感忧心<br/>【近】sullen, dejected, dour, melancholy, morose, saturnine, surly<br/>【反】frothy欢乐轻挑的;buoyant, cheerful, jubilant 高兴的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. 黯淡的,昏暗的:being without light or without much light<br/>【例】I didn't like walking around the murky campground without a flashlight.我不喜欢在没有手电的情况下在营地里走动<br/>【近】black, caliginous, darkened, dim, gloomy, stygian<br/>【反】bright, brightened, brilliant, illuminated, illumined, lucent, lucid, luminous明亮的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 模糊的,晦涩的:lacking clarity or distinctness<br/>【例】He felt lost in the murky bureaucratic rhetoric. 他感觉自己被官僚主义的晦涩说辞弄晕了<br/>【近】ambiguous, arcane, cloudy, equivocal, muddy, nebulous, obscure, occult, vague<br/>【反】clear, limpid, pellucid, plain清晰的<br/><br/>【记】音:墨漆,墨黑;象墨一样漆黑的夜


【考法 1】adj. 鼓励的:giving exhortation<br/><br/>【记】heart 用心来建议;音:嚎啕,嚎啕大哭时要激励与鼓励<br/>【另】exhort 力劝,勉励


【考法 1】adj/n. 优秀演技:brilliant technique or style in performance<br/>【例】a truly bravura performance of the ballet一场极其精彩的芭蕾舞演出<br/>【近】adroit, artful, dexterous, masterful, virtuoso<br/>【反】amateur, artless, unprofessional, unskillful<br/><br/>【记】brave 有brilliant意思;bravo 喝彩<br/>At need one sees who his friend is. 处于困境时可以看出谁是自己的朋友 .


【考法 1】adj. (信仰上)虔诚的:marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship<br/>【例】a pious woman who decided to become a nun 一个决心成为修女的虔诚女子<br/>【近】devout, godly, religious, sainted, saintly<br/>【反】antireligious, faithless, godless, impious, irreligious, ungodly, unholy不虔诚的,无宗教信仰的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 忠诚的:firm in one's allegiance to someone or something<br/>【例】a pious supporter of his school's athletic teams, during winning and losing seasons alike学校体育队的忠诚支持者,不论他们是输或赢<br/>【近】constant, dedicated, devoted, loyal, staunch, steadfast, steady, true<br/>【反】disloyal, fickle, inconstant, perfidious, recreant, traitorous, treacherous, unfaithful不忠诚的,善变的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. (印记等)无法擦除的:impossible to remove, erase, or wash away<br/>【例】indelible ink难以擦拭的墨水<br/>【近】ineffaceable, ineradicable, inerasable, ingrained<br/>【反】eradicable, erasable, removable, washable可抹去的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 无法忘怀的:not easily forgotten<br/>【例】most indelible experiences最难以磨灭的经历<br/>【近】impressive, memorable, unforgettable<br/>【反】forgettable容易被忘记的<br/><br/>【记】in不 + del delete 的缩写,计算机键盘上数字键中0的右边就是del


【考法 1】adj. (基因等)隐性的,由隐形基因控制的:of, relating to, or designating an allele that does not produce a characteristic effect when present with a dominant allele<br/>【例】a recessive disease阴性基因控制的疾病<br/>【反】 dominant显性的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 内向的,内敛的:not comfortable around people<br/>【例】For such a recessive genius, the most comfortable thing is working alone in his lab.对于这样一个内向的天才而言,最舒服的事情就是一个人在实验室里干活。<br/>【近】backward, bashful, coy, demure, diffident, introverted, modest, retiring, self-effacing, sheepish, withdrawn<br/>【反】 extroverted, immodest, outgoing 外向的;gregarious, sociable好交际的<br/>【派】recessionn. 后退,衰退<br/><br/>【记】recess凹 + tive 凹起来的,隐藏起来的


【考法 1】adj. (声音)单调的:uttered or sounded in one unvarying tone<br/>【例】a monotonous apathetic voice单调而冷漠的声音<br/>【反】vociferous嘈杂的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 清一色的,无聊的:tediously uniform or unvarying<br/>【例】a sparkle in the monotonous background 单调背景中的一个亮点<br/>【近】arid, dreary, drudging, dull, jejune, monochromatic, pedestrian, ponderous, stale, stodgy, tiresome<br/>【反】absorbing, engaging, engrossing, gripping, interesting, intriguing, involving, riveting吸引人的<br/><br/>【记】mono + tone


【考法 1】adj. (天气等)恶劣的:lacking mildness<br/>【例】inclement weather conditions恶劣的气象条件<br/>【近】bleak, harsh, severe, stormy, tempestuous<br/>【反】bright, clear, cloudless, fair, sunny, sunshiny, unclouded天气晴好的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 无情的,严酷的:showing no clemency; unmerciful<br/>【近】bitter, brutal, intemperate, rigorous<br/>【反】charitable, clement, lenient, merciful仁慈的<br/>【派】inclemencyn. 严酷无情<br/><br/>【记】in + clement 和蔼的, 仁慈的;in 不好的 + climate 天气,不好的天气


【考法 1】adj. (女人)体态苗条的,优雅的:slender or graceful in figure or outline; slim.<br/>【例】The svelte dancer seemed to float across the stage.苗条的舞者看起来就像在舞台上漂浮。<br/>【近】bony, lean, skinny, slender, slim<br/>【反】 plump, corpulent, paunchy and awkward丰满的,大腹便便而笨拙的<br/><br/>【记】sweater 毛衣,女朋友穿着毛线衣显得很苗条;sweet 甜美可爱的,用来形容苗条的少女


【考法 1】adj. (对于宗教)虔诚的:devoted to religion or to religious duties or exercises<br/>【例】a devout Buddhist 虔诚的佛教徒<br/>【近】pious, religious, sainted<br/>【反】antireligious, impious不虔诚的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 忠诚的:firm in one's allegiance to someone or something<br/>【例】Devout Mavericks fans never lost faith in Nowitzki. 忠诚的小牛队球迷从来没有对诺维斯基失去信心。<br/>【近】constant, loyal, allegiant, dedicated, devout, loyal, pious, staunch, steadfast<br/>【反】disloyal, faithless, perfidious, unfaithful不忠诚的;recreant, traitorous, treacherous背叛的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. (带着忧伤而)渴望的,怀念的:full of yearning or desire tinged with melancholy<br/>【例】There was a wistful look in his eyes when he spoke of his childhood. 当他谈起他的童年时,眼眶中不禁流露出一种带有忧伤的怀念之情。<br/>【近】longing, nostalgic, reminiscent, yearning<br/>【反】apathetic, indifferent, insouciant, nonchalant, perfunctory, unconcerned无所谓的,不感兴趣的<br/><br/>【记】wish + wait 渴望加等待


【考法 1】adj. (情感)强烈的,热情的:having or expressing great depth of feeling<br/>【例】a vehement defender of the rights of minorities一个立场强烈的少数民族维权者<br/>【近】ardent, demonstrative, emotional, fervid, impassioned, intense, passionate, perfervid, torrid<br/>【反】cold, cool, dispassionate, emotionless, impassive, unemotional冷淡的<br/>【派】vehemencen. 强烈<br/><br/>【记】音:威 + he men 威武男人;音:威猛;vehicle 车 + men 象车的男人→很猛烈


【考法 1】adj. (情绪)善变的:characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood<br/>【例】 his mercurial temperament他善变的脾气<br/>【近】capricious, changeful, fluctuating, fluid, mutable, temperamental, uncertain, variable, volatile<br/>【反】certain, constant, immutable, invariable, settled, stable, steady, unvarying 稳定的,不变的<br/><br/>【记】源自mercury 水银;merc-商业 + cure 药,治愈,商场上的万灵药是银子→水银


【考法 1】adj. (故作夸张的)悲哀的:mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially to an exaggerated or ludicrous degree<br/>【例】 his lugubrious tear-stained face 他忧郁而带着泪痕的脸庞<br/>【近】deploring, doleful, dolorous, lamentable, melancholy, morose, plaintive, rueful, saturnine, sullen, woeful<br/>【反】cheerful, delighted, jocund, jovial 快乐的<br/><br/>【记】音:路孤悲,考G道路上孤单悲凉,郁闷


【考法 1】adj. (数量上)可观(而值得注意)的:sufficiently large in size, amount, or number to merit attention<br/>【例】a considerable amount of fortune一笔可观的财富<br/>【近】extensive, substantial, large-scale<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 值得考虑的,重要的:worth consideration; significant<br/>【例】a considerable artist一位举足轻重的艺术家<br/>【近】important, significant, consequential, momentous, weighty<br/>【反】trivial 不值一提的;insubstantial, negligible, nominal, trifling 不要重的,可忽视的<br/><br/>【记】值得考虑,三思的,因为是相当重要的,相当多的


【考法 1】adj. (显得)狡诈的,(显得)欺诈的:having, displaying, or suggestive of deceitful character<br/>【例】shifty practices such as turning back the odometers on used cars一些欺骗性的花招,比如把旧车的里程表调零‖He had a shifty face so I won't trust him.他看起来贼目鼠眼的,我不会相信他。<br/>【近】crooked, deceitful, deceptive, duplicitous, fraudulent, guileful, rogue, shady, sharp, underhanded<br/>【近】aboveboard, honest, straight正派的,光明正大的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj. (脾气、性情)温和的:not easily disturbed; serene<br/>【例】equable temperament温和的性情<br/>【近】balmy, genial, gentle, moderate, temperate<br/>【反】harsh, inclement, intemperate, severe严厉的<br/>【派】equanimity n.温和<br/>【反】agitation, excitability激动<br/><br/>【记】equal + able→能平等的→稳定的


【考法 1】adj. (观念、想法等)孤立狭隘的:being, having, or reflecting a narrow provincial viewpoint<br/>【例】the insular thinking of peasant communities农民阶级的狭隘思想<br/>【近】confined, local, narrow, parochial, provincial, regional, restricted<br/>【反】cosmopolitan, ecumenical有国际视野的;catholic(兴趣等)广泛的;receptive善于接受的<br/><br/>【记】源自island,insular 去掉n, u,岛国人心胸不开阔<br/>【另】insulate 使绝缘; 使隔离,isolate 使隔离, 使孤立, 使绝缘


【考法 1】adj. (语言)晦涩的,隐晦的:having an often intentionally veiled or uncertain meaning<br/>【例】The rebate form uses arcane language, the only purpose of which seems to be to disqualify buyers from actually getting a rebate.折扣单上的条文晦涩难懂,这样做的唯一目的也许就是让消费者不能真正地享受到折扣。<br/>【近】ambiguous, dark, elliptical, equivocal, murky, mysterious, mystic, nebulous, occult, opaque<br/>【反】accessible, clear, obvious, plain, unambiguous, unequivocal 清晰明了的,明确的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 深奥的,难以理解的:difficult for one of ordinary knowledge or intelligence to understand<br/>【例】Grammatical rules seem extremely arcane to generations of students who were never taught grammar in the first place.对那些从未学习过语法的几代学生来说,语法规则犹如天书。<br/>【近】abstruse, cryptic, deep, enigmatic, esoteric, hermetic, impenetrable, inscrutable, recondite, uncanny<br/>【反】easy, facile, shallow, simple, superficial浅显易懂的<br/><br/>【记】看着象archaic,古老的,古老的东西是神秘的;arch + ane; 一个拱门神神秘秘,进去会有什么 <br/>?


【考法 1】adj. (谈话内容)杂乱的:moving from topic to topic without order<br/>【例】a long, discursive article冗长杂乱的文章|| The speaker's discursive style made it difficult to understand his point. 演讲者讲话杂乱,很难让人理解他的观点。<br/>【近】desultory, digressional, excursive, meandering, rambling, wandering<br/>【反】keen on title, concentrated关注主题的,集中的<br/><br/>【记】dis不好 + curs(跑)→不好的跑→乱跑→散漫的<br/>【另】cursive 草书,草写的


【考法 1】adj. (食品)清淡无味的:lacking flavor or zest; not tasty<br/>【例】a rather insipid soup味道清淡的汤<br/>【近】flat, flavorless, mild, sapless, savorless, tasteless<br/>【反】piquant辛辣的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 平淡的,无聊的:lacking in qualities that interest, stimulate, or challenge<br/>【例】an insipid story of the prince and the princess 一个关于王子和公主的无聊故事<br/>【近】banal, bland, driveling, prosaic, tedious, uninteresting, vapid<br/>【反】enchanting引人入胜的<br/><br/>【记】in 不 + sip 吸吮→不好吸的→乏味的<br/>【另】sip(吸吮)音:吸噗,吸啤(酒),吸葡(萄洒),吸品,吸一口茶品一品


【考法 1】adj./ n./ vi.逃避责任的:shirking responsibility; one who shirks duty<br/>【例】play truant逃学<br/>【近】shirk, malinger, goldbrick, avoid, escape, evade, parry, sidestep, circumvent, fence, hedge, avert, elude, shun, skirt, dodge, bilk, eschew<br/>【反】 dutiful尽职尽责的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj./n. 挥金如土的,挥霍的:recklessly wasteful; wildly extravagant<br/>【例】 leading a profligate life 过着骄奢淫逸的生活<br/>【近】 extravagant, high-rolling, spendthrift, squandering, thriftless, unthrifty, wasteful<br/>【反】 parsimonious, provident, thrift, economical, frugal, conserving吝啬的,节俭的<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 败家子:someone who spends money freely or foolishly<br/>【例】profligate who could not really afford the grand style he maintained at Monticello, Jefferson died deeply in debt 再也支撑不了在蒙蒂塞洛之时的大手大脚的作风,败家子杰斐逊最终深陷债务危机<br/>【近】fritterer, high roller, spender, spendthrift, squanderer, waster, wastrel<br/>【反】economizer, penny-pincher 吝啬的人<br/><br/>【考法 3】n. 堕落的人: a person who has sunk below the normal moral standard<br/>【例】a drunken profligate, he was given to wretched excess in every aspect of his life一个喝醉的堕落的人,在生活的方方面面都日趋堕落<br/>【近】backslider, debauchee, debaucher, decadent, deviate, libertine, perv, pervert, profligate, rake, rakehell, rip<br/><br/>【记】pro喜欢 + flight 出门喜欢坐飞机→挥霍,profit 赚了钱就放荡挥霍;flag + ate 吃,打着旗号吃<br/>,打着各种旗号(如招待客户)大吃大喝


【考法 1】adj./n. 游牧的;居无定所的人:a member of a people who have no fixed residence but move from place to place usually seasonally and within a well-defined territory<br/>【例】 after college she became quite the nomad, backpacking through Europe with no particular destination大学毕业后她开始漂泊,漫无目的地游遍欧洲<br/>【近】ambulant, fugitive, gallivanting, perambulatory, peripatetic, ranging, roaming, vagabond, vagrant, wandering, wayfaring<br/>【反】 settled定居的<br/><br/>【记】no mad 半疯不疯的人,整天流浪,你看流浪街头的人不少是这种人


【考法 1】adj./n. 狭隘的:limited in perspective; narrow and self-centered<br/>【例】an artist who has been criticized for being provincial一个被批评非常狭隘的艺术家<br/>【近】 illiberal, insular, parochial, sectarian, narrow-minded<br/>【反】 ecumenical, broad-minded, catholic, cosmopolitan, liberal, open, open-minded, receptive, tolerant世界范围的,开放包容的<br/><br/>【记】province 省;外省的,地方省份的,不是大城市的,是乡下的


【考法 1】adj.不可剥夺的,不能让与的:cannot be transferred to another or others<br/>【例】inalienable rights of the citizen公民不可予夺的权利<br/>【近】untransferable<br/>【反】alienable 可与让的<br/><br/>【记】in + alien 外星人,外国人,外地人→不可给外人的; alienate 疏远,转移到其他地方,夺走<br/>,转让;<br/>


【考法 1】adj.不敬神的:lacking reverence for holy or sacred matters<br/>【例】made impious remarks about the church对教会做出不敬的评论<br/>【近】blasphemous, irreverent, profane, sacrilegious<br/>【反】pious 虔诚的;reverent 敬神的<br/>【派】impietyn. (对神的)不敬<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj.不言而喻的,心照不宣的:capable of beingunderstoodfrom something elsethough unexpressed<br/>【例】The implicit agreement among members of the outing club is that everyone pays his or her own way on all trips.野外俱乐部成员之间一条心照不宣的约定就是:沿途所有开销都 AA。<br/>【近】implied, unexpressed, unspoken, unvoiced, wordless<br/>【反】explicit, expressed, spoken, stated, voiced明确声明的<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 无疑问的,无保留的:being without doubt or reserve<br/>【例】Members of the expedition must have implicit trust in their leaders.远征的队员必须百分之百地信任他们的领队。<br/>【近】assured, clear, confident, doubtless, positive, sanguine, sure<br/>【反】doubtful, dubious, uncertain, unsure不确定的,存有疑惑的<br/><br/>【记】源自implied, implicated<br/>【另】complicit (缠在一起)串通一气的,有同谋关系的,explicit 外在的,清楚的,implicit 暗示的,含蓄的


【考法 1】adj.丰富的,大量的:large in quantity; abundant<br/>【例】a copious harvest大丰收<br/>【近】plentiful, abundant, ample, gushing<br/>【反】sparse, dearth, scant稀少的,缺乏的<br/><br/>【记】copy拷贝,由于拷贝的盛行,使电影电视音乐软件下载丰富多产;corp corporation 公司,社团是很多人组成,公司很多→很多,大量<br/>【另】opulent 富裕的, 丰富的 <br/>Do't pick the sesame seeds but overlook the watermelons. 勿拣了芝麻,丢了西瓜。


【考法 1】adj.假的:of doubtful authenticity : spurious<br/>【例】an apocryphal story about the president's childhood一个假的关于总统童年的故事<br/>【近】spurious, unauthentic, ungenuine<br/>【反】factual, true, truthful, authentic 真的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj.无法逃避的,必然的:not to be avoided, changed, or resisted<br/>【例】Although death is an ineluctable fate for any and every individual organism, it lays the foundation of the metabolism that perpetuates the planetary ecosystem.尽管死亡对于任何单个的有机体而言是不可避免的宿命,但它奠定了能使整个行星生态系统永不衰竭的新陈代谢的基础<br/>【近】certain, inescapable, inevasible, inevitable, unavoidable<br/>【反】avoidable, evadable可避免的;uncertain, unsure(结果等)不确定的<br/>【派】ineluctability n. 不可避免<br/><br/>【记】同inevitable;in 否定 + reluctate 不愿意,勉强;不愿意也不行→逃不了的<br/>【另】reluctant 不顾的, 勉强的, 难得到的, 难处理的


【考法 1】adj.显著的,惹人注意的:striking in appearance or effect<br/>【例】a dramatic drop in the temperature overnight夜晚气温的显著下降<br/>【近】arresting, bold, brilliant, catchy, conspicuous, flamboyant, prominent, remarkable, splashy, striking<br/>【反】discreet, inconspicuous, invisible, subtle, unnoticeable, unobtrusive不易引起注意的<br/>【派】dramaticallyadv. 显著地<br/><br/>


【考法 1】adj.有多种理解方式的;不确定的:open to more than one interpretation;doubtful or uncertain<br/>【例】Students have ambiguous feelings about their role in the world. 学生们为他们在世界中的角色感到迷茫。Frustrated by ambiguous instructions 因为不明确的指示而受挫<br/>【近】doubtful, equivocal, unclear, uncertain<br/>【反】distinct, pellucid, patent, blatant, explicit, lucid, perspicuous 清楚的,明显的<br/><br/>【记】ambi 两,模棱两可 + 音:过,两边都说得过去,含糊其词


【考法 1】adj.相关的:being both relevant and opportune<br/>【例】The actor announced to reporters that he would only answer to apropos questions about the movie. 演员向记者表示,他只回答那些和电影有关的问题。<br/>【近】appliacable, apropos, germane, pointed, relative, relevant<br/>【反】extraneous, irrelevant, impertinent, irrelative, pointless 无关的<br/><br/>【考法 2】prep. 关于,有关:having to do with<br/>【例】to make a number of telling observations apropos the current political situation 做了很多关于当前政治形势有力的观察<br/>【近】apropos, apropos of, as far as, as for, as regards (also as respects), as to, concerning, of, on, regarding, respecting, touching, toward (or towards)<br/><br/>【记】源自purpose 目的;可看成appropriate 或 proper;propose: 提议, 求婚;这两项都需要在适当的时候说起,并且可以在说完其他话补充提出


【考法 1】adj.错综复杂的:complicatedorsecretive, having many parts or aspects that are usually interrelated<br/>【例】a bill to simplify the byzantine tax structure一项试图简化繁琐税收制度的提案<br/>【近】convoluted, intricate, involved, labyrinthine, sophisticated, tangled<br/>【反】straightforward, plain, simple, uncomplicated直截了当的,不复杂的<br/><br/>【记】译音:拜占庭


【考法 1】adj.阴沉的,丧葬的:causing or marked by an atmosphere lacking in cheer; funereal<br/>【例】the decrepit mansion had a sepulchral tone that gave everybody a chill破旧的公馆有着一种坟墓的气息,让人皆为之一颤<br/>【近】depressing, desolate, dismal, dreary, morose, sullen, tenebrous<br/>【反】 merry, bright, cheery, comforting, cordial, festive, heartwarming, sunshiny 欢快的<br/><br/>【记】音:死 + pull + church 死后就拖到教堂,仪式完后,就进坟墓


【考法 1】adv. 得体的,遵守礼节的:following the established traditions of refined society and good taste<br/>【例】 a young lady of seemly appearance, robust health, and keen intelligence 一个打扮得体、身体健康、头脑敏锐的姑娘<br/>【近】 befitting, decent, decorous, genteel, respectable<br/>【反】 uncouth,ribald,indecorous,improper, inappropriate, indecent, indelicate, unbecoming, ungenteel, unseemly粗俗的,不礼貌的<br/><br/>【记】seem 好看的;<br/>【另】comely 清秀标致的


【考法 1】n 讽刺:a harsh satire usually directed against an individual<br/>【例】a lampoon of the movie business at the time对当时电影产业的一种讽刺<br/>【近】burlesque, caricature, farce, mockery, parody, ridicule, spoof, travesty<br/>【反】eulogy, ode, paean 颂歌<br/><br/>【记】lamp 灯 + on →把灯照到别人上头,曝光


【考法 1】n. / adj. 离题(的) ,不相关(的) :diverging from an original purpose of course: irrelevant<br/>【例】tangent remarks不相关的评论<br/>【近】excursive, digressive<br/>【反】 essential重要的<br/><br/>【记】数学中简写为tan,单位圆中是个切线,正切


【考法 1】n. 一瞥:a brief and sometimes furtive look<br/>【例】take a peep at the new neighbors 偷偷瞄了我们的新邻居一眼<br/>【近】gander, glance, glimpse, peek<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 轻声:a slight sound or utterance<br/>【例】I haven't heard a peep out of the children for an hour.我已经一个小时没听到孩子们的声音了<br/>【近】mumble, murmur, mutter, twitter, whisper<br/>【反】clamor, noise, outcry, roar喧哗,吵闹<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 一致同意:general agreement; unanimity<br/>【例】The board has finally reached a consensus.董事会最终达成了一致<br/>【近】accord, assent, agreement, harmony, unanimity, unison<br/>【反】disagreement 不同意见<br/><br/>【记】con 同 + sens 感觉→同感


【考法 1】n. 一致:a state of consistency<br/>【例】This map doesn't seem to be in accord with the current layout of the streets.这幅地图似乎与当前的街道情况不尽一致。<br/>【近】accordance, agreement, conformity, congruence, congruity, consonance, harmony, tune<br/>【反】conflict, disagreement, incongruence, incongruity, incongruousness不一致<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 相符合,相一致:to be consistent or in harmony<br/>【例】a theory that accords with the known facts与已知事实相一致的理论‖He claims that the newspaper's quote does not accord with what he actually said. 他声称报纸引用的他的话与原文并不相符。<br/>【近】agree, chord, cohere, coincide, conform, correspond, fit, harmonize, jibe, sort, square, tally<br/>【反】differ, disagree不相同,不一致<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 授予,给予:to grant or give especially as appropriate, due, or earned<br/>【例】 Women were finally accorded the right to vote in 1920. 女性最终在 1920 年获得了投票权。<br/>【近】accord, award, grant, vest, vouchsafe<br/>【反】withhold保留,不给予;recant, retract, withdraw 撤回,收回<br/>【派】accordancen. 一致,和谐<br/><br/>【记】ac + cord 同心,同心同德;according to 根据,与相同;ac + cord 绳 (我们是)一根绳上的(蚂蚱),一致,和谐,同意<br/>【另】according to,accord 同心→一致, concord 一心→一致;discord 不一致,


【考法 1】n. 不一致:a lack of agreement or harmony<br/>【例】a schism between political parties党派间的冲突<br/>【近】 conflict, discordance, disharmony, dissidence, dissonance, disunion, friction, strife<br/>【反】 accord, agreement, concord, harmony, peace 一致<br/><br/>【记】scheme 阴谋→阴谋来组织分裂;形意近于chasm 裂口;school + ism主义,学校中各种主义学说→分成很多派;s + chisel 凿子→凿裂;scissor 剪刀,是分裂东西用的;


【考法 1】n. 不偏不倚,公平:lack of favoritism toward one side or another<br/>【例】the lower wages paid to women for equal work violated the notion of equity 同等工作付给女性更低的报酬违背了公平的理念<br/>【近】disinterestedness, equity, evenhandedness, fairness, impartiality, neutrality, nonpartisanship<br/>【反】bias, favoritism, nonobjectivity, one-sidedness, partiality, partisanship, prejudice歧视,偏见<br/>【派】equitable a.公平的<br/>【反】biased, discriminatory偏袒的,差别对待的<br/><br/>【记】equal 平等 + ty 名词


【考法 1】n. 不同寻常的洞察力和鉴别力:exceptional discernment and judgmentespecially in practical matters<br/>【例】the business acumen商业方面的洞察力<br/>【近】keenness, shrewdness, canniness, clear-sightedness, hardheadedness<br/>【反】unable to discerning不能辨别的<br/><br/>【记】acu 尖端 + men 人→尖锐,敏锐的人


【考法 1】n. 不喜欢,厌恶,不情愿:alack of willingness or desireto do or accept something;alack of willingness or desire to do or accept something<br/>【例】showing a marked disinclination 表现出明显的不情愿<br/>【近】aversion, disfavor, disliking, disrelish, mislike, unwillingness<br/>【反】appetite, favor, fondness, liking, partiality, preference, relish, inclination喜欢;willingness情愿<br/><br/>【记】dis 不 + inclination 倾向,爱好


【考法 1】n. 不幸:bad fortune or ill luck<br/>【例】unable to grasp why he had been struck by such a misfortune无法理解他为何会遇上如此不幸之事<br/>【近】adversity, calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, disaster, ill, mischance, mishap, tragedy<br/>【反】fortune, luck, serendipity幸事<br/><br/>【记】mis 不,fortune(n.财富;运气)


【考法 1】n. 不忠,背信弃义:an act or an instance of disloyalty<br/>【例】As loyalty unites lovers, so perfidy estranges friends.忠诚是爱情的纽带,欺诈是友谊的敌人<br/>【近】backstabbing, disloyalty, infidelity, sellout, treachery, unfaithfulness, double cross<br/>【反】allegiance, devotion, faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, staunchness, steadfastness 忠诚<br/>【派】perfidiousadj. 不忠诚的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 反应迅速,乐意:promptness in response : cheerful readiness<br/>【例】accepted the invitation with alacrity欣喜地接受了邀请<br/>【近】amenability, gameness, obligingness, willingness<br/>【反】dilatoriness, hesitance and reluctance拖延,犹豫和不情愿<br/><br/>【记】a不 + la 法语的冠词 + cry 哭,不哭→高兴;音:阿拉快→阿拉上海宁爽快


【考法 1】n. 不悦,生气:the feeling of being offended or resentful after a slight or indignity<br/>【例】He would take umbrage at the slightest suggestion of disrespect.哪怕是一点点的不敬也会让他不悦。<br/>【近】dudgeon, huff, miff, offense, peeve, resentment<br/>【反】contentment, delight, gratification, happiness, pleasure 满意,高兴<br/><br/>【记】umbra- 阴影;umbrella 伞,打开伞,下面就会有阴影


【考法 1】n. 不重要的事:something of little importance or value<br/>【例】Let us not speak of trifles when our nation may be going to war. 战事在即,我们还是先放下这些琐事吧。<br/>【近】bagatelle, frippery, triviality<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 不正经地对待,玩弄:to behave amorously without serious intent<br/>【例】Do not trifle with me unless you mean to ask me to marry you.如果你不是真心想和我结婚,就请不要来玩弄我的感情。<br/>【近】coquet, dally, flirt, frivol, toy<br/>【派】triflingadj. 不重要的<br/><br/>【记】trivial 琐事的,f=v;音:穿衣服,这种小事不值一提<br/>【另】trivial 琐细的,微不足道的


【考法 1】n. 专业术语:the special terms or expressions of a particular group or field<br/>【例】the terminology favored by sportscasters 体育节目转播员喜欢用的那些术语||medical terminology that can be hard for the patient to understand那些病人们难以理解的医学术语<br/>【近】argot, cant, dialect, jargon, jive, lingo, patois, patter, slang<br/><br/>【记】term 词,术语+ logy 学


【考法 1】n. 严肃:the quality or condition of being solemn<br/>【例】Solemnity is a trick of the body to hide the fault of the mind. 一本正经的态度,是肉体为了掩饰精神上的缺陷而耍的花招。‖The coronation ceremony requires absolute solemnity.加冕典礼需要绝对的庄严肃穆。<br/>【近】earnest, graveness, gravity, intentness, seriousness, sobriety, solemnness, staidness<br/>【反】facetiousness, flightiness, flippancy, frivolity, frivolousness, levity, lightheartedness, play轻挑,欢快<br/><br/>【记】solemn


【考法 1】n. 中止,搁置:temporary inactivity<br/>【例】hold the plan in abeyance使计划暂停<br/>【近】doldrums, quiescence, moratorium, latency, dormancy, suspension, cold storage, deep freeze<br/>【反】continuance, fulfillment 继续,履行<br/><br/>【记】ab不 + obey →不听从→停止


【考法 1】n. 中间过渡时期,间隔:an interval of time between one event, process, or period and another<br/>【例】Richard Wagner's operas usually require an interim of more than 30 minutes for performers to have a break.理查德·瓦格纳的歌剧通常需要长达 30 多分钟的幕间休息时间以供演员调整<br/>【近】breach, break, gap, interruption, interval, interlude, parenthesis<br/>【反】continuation, continuity 持续<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 暂时的:serving in a position for the time being<br/>【例】an interim government to maintain social stability维持社会稳定的临时政府<br/>【近】acting, provisional, temporary<br/>【反】eternal, permanent 永恒的<br/><br/>【记】inter中间 + im名词结尾


【考法 1】n. 丰富,充沛:an amount or supply more than sufficient to meet one's needs<br/>【例】a region blessed with a plenitude of natural resources充满着上帝赐予的丰富资源的地区<br/>【近】abundance, cornucopia, feast, plentitude, plethora, wealth<br/>【反】deficiency, inadequacy, insufficiency, undersupply匮乏,不足<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 大量:a considerable amount<br/>【例】She has gathered a plenitude of information on the topic.有关这个话题她收集了大量的资料。<br/>【近】bunch, bundle, dozen, multiplicity, myriad, plateful, plenty, profusion, reams, scads, spate, stack, volume<br/>【反】ace, bit, glimmer, handful, hint, mite, nip, ounce, pittance, speck, spot, trace少量<br/><br/>【记】plen- 大量,形近plenty<br/>【另】plenary 完全的,充分的,plenum 充实,充满<br/>The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 黎明前是最黑暗时刻。


【考法 1】n. 丰富,大量:the state of being profuse; abundance<br/>【例】snow falling in profusion雪量很大<br/>【近】abundance, mass, plentitude, scads, volume, wealth<br/>【反】 paucity极小量<br/>【派】 profuse丰富的<br/>【反】 scanty缺乏的<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 挥霍,浪费:the quality or fact of being free or wasteful in the expenditure of money<br/>【例】in giving gifts to his girlfriend, he was generous to the point of profusion对于给女朋友的礼物支出一项,他慷慨到了几乎奢侈的地步<br/>【近】extravagancy, lavishness, prodigality, wastefulness<br/>【反】economy, frugality, penny-pinching<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 主席台, 嘉宾席:a raised platform, as in a lecture hall, for speakers or honored guests.<br/>【例】the speaker took his place at the front of the dais演讲者在主席台就坐<br/>【近】podium, rostrum, tribune<br/><br/>【记】desk


【考法 1】n. 乏力,没精打采:a state or feeling of weariness, diminished energy, or listlessness<br/>【例】Symptoms of anaemia include general fatigue and lassitude.贫血的通常症状包括体虚和乏力<br/>【近】 collapse, exhaustion, frazzle, languor, listlessness, stupor, torpor, prostration<br/>【反】 verve, vim,animation,vitality 有活力<br/><br/>【记】less 或loss + attitude 缺少或失去态度,一个人如果没有任何态度(面无表情)就是没兴趣<br/>【另】lass 少女,爱人,情人


【考法 1】n. 亵渎圣物:desecration, profanation, misuse, or theft of something sacred<br/>【例】To play Mozart's music on a kazoo is sacrilege.用小木笛演奏莫扎特的音乐是对它的一种亵渎。<br/>【近】blasphemy, defilement, desecration, irreverence, impiety, profanation, violation<br/>【反】adoration, glorification, respect, reverence爱慕,尊敬<br/>【派】sacrilegious adj. 不敬的,亵渎神明的<br/><br/>【记】sacre- 神圣 + leg 腿,将神圣踩在腿(脚)下;sacre- 神圣 + illegal 对神圣做非法的事


【考法 1】n. 剩余物:something that remains after a part is taken, separated, or designated<br/>【例】In the race of nature, there is no residue left for the late.在大自然的竞争中,总是早起的鸟儿才有虫吃。<br/>【近】debris, remainder, remnant<br/>【派】residualadj. 剩余的<br/><br/>【记】reside 居住,存在 + 音:丢,丢剩的<br/>【另】assiduous (总是坐着学习)刻苦的,preside 主持, reside 居住,subside(下面settle) 下沉,平息


【考法 1】n. 仆人,奴仆:a servant, especially a domestic servant<br/>【例】Immigrants to that country faced fierce prejudice and could expect to find work only as menials. 前往那个国家的移民遭到了严重的歧视,他们也许只能找到像仆人一类的工作。<br/>【近】domestic, retainer, steward<br/>【反】lord, master, mistress主人<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj.卑贱的,低下的:showing, expressing, or offered in aspirit of humility or unseemly submissiveness<br/>【例】low-paid menial jobs such as cleaning the street一些低收入的卑贱工作,比如扫大街<br/>【近】base, humble, lowly, servile, slavish, subservient<br/>【反】arrogant, haughty, imperious, lordly, supercilious, superior自大的,狂妄的<br/><br/>【记】men + mini 小男人→仆人,大男人是主人;men + all 所有的男人是仆人,为家庭生活事业而奔波;<br/>【另】minion 奴才, 宠臣


【考法 1】n. 代理人,代表:a person authorized to act as representative for another<br/>【例】The real estate developer sent a delegate to the town meeting to represent his interests.房地产开发商派了一名能代表自己利益的代理前往镇上开会。‖the U.N. delegates from African countries非洲国家的驻联合国代表<br/>【近】agent, assignee, commissary, deputy, emissary, envoy, legate, minister, proxy, representative<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 移交(权力,任务等):to put (something) into the possession or safekeeping of another<br/>【例】The manager is reluctant to delegate authority to subordinates while abroad.经理不愿意在国外期间将自己的权力转交给下级。<br/>【近】commit, confide, consign, deliver, entrust, repose, transfer, transmit, vest, give over, hand over, turn over<br/>【反】hold, keep, retain保持,持有<br/>【派】delegationn. 代表团<br/><br/>【记】de离去 + legate 使节;下面 + leg 跑腿的,使节其实是为头儿跑腿的


【考法 1】n. 令人烦恼的事物:something that is a source of irritation<br/>【例】One of the prof's major irks is a cell phone that rings during a lecture.课堂上突然响起的手机铃声是最让教授火大的事情之一<br/>【近】aggravation, bother, exasperation, frustration, headache, irritant, nuisance, vexation<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 使烦恼,使厌倦:to be irritating, wearisome, or vexing to<br/>【例】She irked her friends by chewing her gum loudly during the movie.她因为看电影时嚼口香糖弄出声响而惹怒了她的朋友们<br/>【近】annoy, bother, fret, gall, provoke, ruffle, vex<br/>【反】appease, assuage, pacify, placate, propitiate, soothe安抚,平息<br/>【派】irksomeadj. 令人厌烦的<br/><br/>【记】近于ire 愤怒;音:恶咳,我咳;音:饿渴,又饿又渴或恶心咳嗽都会苦恼厌烦


【考法 1】n. 休战,休战协定:a suspension of fighting especially of considerable duration by agreement of opposing forces<br/>【例】truce agreement休战协议<br/>【近】armistice, cease-fire, peace<br/><br/>【记】音:处死,处死导致停战,二战的停战,是从墨索里尼被处死开始,隔一天后希特勒自杀(处死自己),再隔天柏林被攻破→停战;truancy 逃学,玩忽职守,不上了,不干了→休学→休战;


【考法 1】n. 优秀模范:a model of excellence or perfection of a kind; a peerless example<br/>【例】a paragon of good husband 模范好丈夫<br/>【近】 archetype, example, exemplar, ideal, model, pattern, paradigm<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 把...比作;显示相似:to compare with; parallel<br/>【例】paragon retreat with treachery把撤退比作是背叛<br/>【近】assimilate, compare, equate, liken, match, parallel<br/>【反】contrast对比,对照以产生反差<br/><br/>【记】para 旁边 + gon 角形,旁边的形→典形,典型;音:旁干,在一旁干,做个示范典型;<br/>【另】trigon 三角形,pentagon 五角形, 五角大楼


【考法 1】n. 伪装:behavior or artifice designed to deceive or hide<br/>【例】the soldiers must wear protective jungle camouflage while on patrol士兵们在巡逻的时候必须穿上迷彩服来保护自身安全<br/>【近】costume, guise, cloak, dress up<br/>【反】unmask揭露<br/><br/>【记】camp + flag 营地 旗子; 实际上是个伪装军营重地


【考法 1】n. 低迷,中断:a state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or slump<br/>【例】August is a time of doldrums for many enterprises. 对于许多企业来说八月是一个低迷期‖The economy is in the doldrums. 经济低迷<br/>【近】abeyance, dormancy, latency, quiescence, moratorium<br/>【反】continuation持续<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 情绪不佳:a state or spell of low spirits<br/>【例】The team had been in the doldrums ever since losing the championship.整个队伍自从输了锦标赛以来一直情绪不佳<br/>【近】dejection, depression, desolation, despondence, dolefulness, gloom, melancholy, unhappiness<br/>【反】bliss, ecstasy, elation, exhilaration, exuberance, exultation, jubilation, rapture, felicity<br/><br/>【记】源自于dull 迟钝; dole 悲哀 + drum 鼓,高兴时打起鼓,而悲哀的鼓声意味着情绪低落


【考法 1】n. 住所,住宅:a residence; a home<br/>【例】an alternate domicile in emergency紧急情况下的住所<br/>【近】home, dwelling, habitation, abode, house, lodging<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 提供住处:to establish in or provide with a domicile<br/>【例】The university domiciles students in a variety of buildings in and around its urban campus.大学在城区校园周围为学生提供了多样化的宿舍<br/>【近】accommodate, bestow lodge, harbor, put up<br/>【反】banish, expel驱逐<br/><br/>【记】domestic 家庭的


【考法 1】n. 使人陶醉的东西(尤指酒精饮料):an agent that intoxicates, especially an alcoholic beverage<br/>【近】alcohol, liquor, stimulant<br/>【反】refresher 使人清醒的东西<br/>【派】intoxicatingadj. 使人陶醉的<br/><br/>【记】in 进入 + toxi- 毒,酒精中毒→醉;词义中特指酒精中毒<br/>【另】toxic 有毒的, 中毒的


【考法 1】n. 便利,方便:fitness or suitability for performing an action or fulfilling a requirement<br/>【例】the convenience of living in megacity 住在大城市的便利<br/>【近】accommodation, amenity, ease, facility<br/>【反】burden, millstone负担<br/>【派】convenientadj. 方便的,便捷的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 保护措施:a technical contrivance to prevent accident<br/>【例】legal safeguards against fraud防止欺诈的法律措施<br/>【近】aegis, caution, defense, fail-safe, guard, palladium, precaution, preventive, security<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 保护:to make safe: protect<br/>【例】sheepdogs safeguard the flock from attacks by wolves 保护兽群免受狼群攻击的牧羊犬<br/>【近】bulwark, cover, defend, fence, fend, guard, keep, protect, screen, secure, shield, ward<br/>【反】assail, assault, attack攻击<br/><br/>【记】safe + guard


【考法 1】n. 保险措施:a measure taken to preclude loss or injury<br/>【例】 There are so many fail-safes built into the system that a highly unlikely series of mistakes would have to be made before failure could occur.系统中嵌入了大量的保险措施,因此在系统崩溃之前,必须要发生一系列几乎不可能出现的错误<br/>【近】caution, palladium, preventive, safeguard<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 万无一失的:having no chance of failure<br/>【例】a fail-safe device自动防故障装置‖Men have traditionally regarded flowers as the fail-safe gift for Valentine's Day.男士们长期以来认为鲜花是情人节永远不会错的礼物<br/>【近】certain, foolproof, sure, unfailing<br/>【反】fallible容易犯错的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 倡导者,支持者:one that speaks for, represents, or advocates<br/>【例】 Exponents of space exploration earnestly called for more missions to the outer reaches of the solar system.太空探险的支持者强烈要求对太阳系的外边缘进行探索。<br/>【近】advocator, backer, booster, champion, espouser, friend, promoter, proponent<br/>【反】adversary, antagonist, opponent 反对者<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 实践者:one who brings an art or science to full realization<br/>【例】has long reigned as the nation's leading exponent of modern dance被认为是该国现代舞的集大成者<br/>【近】expounder, guru, interpreter, practitioner, high priest<br/><br/>【记】expound 的人;ex 出 + ponent 组成部分,将一个东西的组成部分弄出讲出→解释者;近于<br/>expose 暴露,揭示<br/>【另】component 成分,exponent(将组成部分分解,分析说明), proponent(pro + 组成部分,其中一员→支持),opponent(不在组成部分之一 → 反对)


【考法 1】n. 倦怠;缺乏兴趣:listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of interest<br/>【例】the kind of ennui that comes from having too much time on one's hands and too little will to find something productive to do倦怠来自于手上有大把时间却没有有益的事可做<br/>【近】doldrums, listlessness, restlessness, tedium, weariness<br/>【反】keen interest, energy, enthusiasm, exuberance强烈的兴趣,生气盎然<br/><br/>【记】源自annoy 苦恼,骚扰;音:啊累,或俺累,感觉活着真累,觉得倦怠,不满,啥都不想干


【考法 1】n. 值勤表,花名册:a roll or list of personnel<br/>【例】the roster of subscribers to the journal杂质订阅者名册<br/>【近】catalog, checklist, list, menu, roll, schedule<br/><br/>【记】源自荷兰语rooster(roast烤 + er)烤架,烤架象个表格;可看成roll 一卷,名单 + ster 东西;


【考法 1】n. 倾向,癖好:an often intense natural inclination or preference<br/>【例】a neighbor who has an unfortunate propensity for snooping 好管闲事的邻居<br/>【近】affinity, aptitude, bent, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition, proclivity<br/>【反】 aversion厌恶<br/><br/>【记】pro 倾向 + pen 笔,喜欢玩笔杆子(写东西)是个嗜好;pro + expense 倾向花销是个嗜好;pro +<br/>pensive 沉思的


【考法 1】n. 假名,笔名:a fictitious name<br/>【例】Mark Twain is the pseudonym of the American writer Samuel L. Clemens. 马克·吐温是美国作家塞缪尔·L·克莱蒙斯的笔名。<br/>【近】 alias, nom de guerre<br/><br/>【记】pseudo- 假的 + nym name 名字;pseu休 + do 做,不做,不是真的做,是假的<br/>【另】anonymous (no + nym)匿名的


【考法 1】n. 假推理,诡辩:deceptive or fallacious argumentation<br/>【例】Political selection is more dependent on sophism and less on economic literacy.政治选举更多的是依靠诡辩,而非简练的文笔。<br/>【近】sophistry<br/><br/>【记】sophisticated 诡辩的, 久经世故的;sophomore 大二学生(sopho聪明,世故了 + more 更多)<br/>【另】philosophy (philo 热爱 + sopho 聪明,智慧,诡辩)哲学


【考法 1】n. 假装勇敢:a pretense of bravery<br/>【例】I remembered his youthful bravado.我还记得他的年少鲁莽。<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 虚张声势:blustering swaggering conduct<br/>【例】strove to prevent our courage from turning into bravado 努力阻止我们的勇气蜕变成虚张声势<br/><br/>【记】brave + do 作出来的勇敢<br/>


【考法 1】n. 偏离正常标准:a turning away from a course or standard<br/>【例】we'll regard this relapse as just a brief detour on your road to recovery from substance abuse我们把这次旧病复发看成你戒瘾道路上的一个小偏离<br/>【近】deflection, departure, deviation, divergency<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 改变方向或者路线:to change one's course or direction<br/>【例】we had to detour for a few miles around the section of highway under construction 我们不得不绕远几公里为了避开正在维修的高速公路路段<br/>【近】deviate, diverge, sheer, swerve, veer<br/><br/>【记】de 否定 + tour 旅行;没法旅行,why?前方绕路;tour 来自turn,也有turn的意思,转一圈


【考法 1】n. 健谈的人:an exhaustively talkative person<br/>【例】 With a windbag like that, who needs a wind farm to meet our energy needs?有了他这样一个多话的"吹风机",谁还要风力发电厂来满足电力需求呢?<br/>【近】babbler, conversationalist, gabbler, gasbag, prattler<br/><br/>【记】wind bag


【考法 1】n. 僵局:a state of inaction or neutralizationresulting from the opposition of equally powerful uncompromising persons or factions<br/>【例】The deadlock was broken with a key compromise. 一个关键性的妥协打破了僵局。<br/>【近】gridlock, halt, impasse, logjam, stalemate, standoff, standstill<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 使陷入僵局,使停顿:to bring or come to a deadlock<br/>【反】expedite加速进程<br/><br/>【记】dead 死 + lock 锁→死锁→僵局


【考法 1】n. 先例,前例:an earlier occurrence of something similar<br/>【例】There has not been any precedent so far. 到目前为止还没有先例。‖a landmark decision that set a legal precedent在法律上首开先河的重大决议<br/>【近】example, instance, model, paradigm, pattern, standard<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 先前的:prior in time, order, arrangement, or significance<br/>【例】Her violent behaviors may be explained by some precedent events in her troubled life. 她的暴力行径或许可以由她之前苦难生活中遭遇到的一些事件来解释。<br/>【近】antecedent, anterior, former, preceding, previous, prior<br/>【反】ensuing继而发生的<br/>【派】unprecedentedadj. 前所未见的<br/><br/>【记】pre 前,先 + cede 走→先驱,走在前面的


【考法 1】n. 先决条件,前提:something that is necessary to an end or to the carrying out of a function<br/>【例】Competence is prerequisite to promotion. 能力是提升的必要条件。‖I don't think a large dwelling place is a prerequisite for a happy life.我并不认为大的住所就能带来幸福的生活。<br/>【近】condition, essential, must, necessity, precondition, requirement, requisite, sine qua non<br/><br/>【记】pre + requisite 必需品;pre + require 预先要求


【考法 1】n. 先驱者,先导:one that precedes and indicates the approach of another<br/>【例】18th-century lyric poets like Robert Burns were precursors of the Romantics.十八世纪的抒情诗人(如罗伯特·彭斯)是浪漫主义的先驱。<br/>【近】foregoer, forerunner, harbinger, herald, outrider<br/>【反】sequela, successor后继者;descendant后代<br/>【派】precursoryadj. 先驱性的,开创性的<br/><br/>【记】pre + cursor 跑,跑在前面的人<br/>【另】forerunner 先驱(者), 传令官,predecessor 前辈, 前任


【考法 1】n. 免责,免受处罚:exemption or freedom from punishment, harm, or loss<br/>【例】She mistakenly believed that she could insult people with impunity.她错误地认为她可以肆无忌惮地羞辱他人。<br/>【近】exemption, immunity<br/>【反】liability责任<br/><br/>【记】im 不 + punish 不惩罚


【考法 1】n. 典范,模范:one that serves as a pattern or model<br/>【例】He was the paradigm of the successful man.他是成功人士的典范<br/>【近】 archetype, example, exemplar, ideal, model, pattern, paragon<br/><br/>【记】源自pare- 旁,compare + diagram 图,用来比较的图画→范例;parade 游行,检阅,展示,游行与阅兵展示的都是典型与范例


【考法 1】n. 冒充者:one that assumes false identity or title for the purpose of deception<br/>【例】The man who claimed to be a prince turned out to be an impostor.那个自称是王子的人原来是冒充的<br/>【近】charlatan, fake, fraud, hoaxer, mountebank, phony, pretender, quack, sham<br/><br/>【记】im 不好的,假的 + post 职位→假职位;im 否定 + poster poster 海报,张贴画 不好的,假的张贴者,贴假标签,假名字贴的冒充者(很多工作人员胸口贴有自己名字的标签)


【考法 1】n. 冗长乏味的道德讲演或训诫:an idea or expression that has been used by many people<br/>【例】a TV movie filled with the usual hokey homilies about people triumphing over life's adversities一档说教性质的、充满了介绍逆境中的人们如何成就自我的电视节目<br/>【近】banality, bromide, chestnut, cliché, groaner, platitude, shibboleth<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 冷漠,缺乏情感:lack of feeling or emotion<br/>【例】People have shown surprising apathy toward these important social problems.人们对于这些重要的社会问题显示出了令人惊讶的冷漠。<br/>【近】affectlessness, emotionlessness, impassiveness, impassivity, insensibility, numbness, phlegm<br/>【反】emotion, feeling, sensibility有感情<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 缺乏兴趣,不关心:lack of interest or concern<br/>【例】She heard the story with apathy.她毫无兴趣的听完了这个故事。<br/>【例】Her poor grades are proof enough of her apathy concerning all matters academic. 她可怜的分数足以证明他对所有学术问题都没兴趣。<br/>【近】disinterestedness, disregard, incuriosity, insouciance, nonchalance, unconcern<br/>【反】concern, interest, regard 关心,有兴趣,在意<br/><br/>【记】a 无 + path(感情)+y→无感情→冷淡


【考法 1】n. 准确,精确:careful attention to details; delicate exactness<br/>【例】There's a nicety of detail in his meticulously painted landscapes. 在他精心绘制的景观图中,有着十分精准翔实的细节<br/>【近】accuracy, delicacy, exactness, fineness, precision, veracity<br/>【反】coarseness, imprecision, inaccuracy, roughness不准确,粗糙<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 细微之处:a fine point or distinction<br/>【例】the niceties of table manner 餐桌礼仪的细微之处‖niceties of diplomatic protocol外交礼节中的细节<br/>【近】detail, particular, nuance, subtlety<br/><br/>【记】nice 美好,精确<br/>Rovide for the worst, the best will save itself. 为最坏的情况做准备,最好的情况会自然来临。


【考法 1】n. 凸起:a protuberant or swollen part or place<br/>【例】bulging eyes暴鱼眼<br/>【近】convexity, projection, protrusion, protuberance, swell<br/>【反】depressed region, cavity, dent, indent, recess, pit凹陷,坑<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 比赛中的优势地位:the more favorable condition or position in a competition<br/>【例】somehow she got the bulge on him in the race for the statehouse她在州议员竞选中领先了他<br/>【近】high ground, inside track, upper hand, whip hand<br/>【反】disadvantage, drawback, handicap, liability劣势<br/><br/>【考法 3】n. 暴涨,突增,在数目或数量上突然而且是临时性的增加:a sudden, usually temporary increase in number or quantity<br/>【例】The baby boom created a bulge in school enrollment.生育高峰造成学校入学人数的暴涨。<br/><br/>【考法 4】v. 充满:to be copiously supplied<br/>【例】this guidebook to San Francisco positively bulges with useful information 这本对旧金山的指南包含了很多有用信息<br/>【近】brim, bristle, overflow, swarm, teem<br/><br/>【记】音:饱嗝,肚子撑着了,鼓起了;音:包子,包子是鼓起的


【考法 1】n. 小贩,商贩:one that sells or vends<br/>【例】 We're thinking of making a deal with that other software vendor. 我们在考虑和那个软件供应商的交易。<br/>【近】broker, dealer, merchandiser, retailer, seller, trader<br/>【反】buyer, consumer, purchaser 消费者<br/><br/>【记】vend + or;音:问的,不停的问,您来一个?这是小贩


【考法 1】n. 凹陷,凹痕:a depression in a surface made by pressure or a blow<br/>【例】a dent in the side of a car汽车侧面一处凹陷<br/>【近】cavity, depression, hollow, indenture, recess<br/>【反】bulge, convexity, projection, protrusion, protuberance凸起<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. (数量、程度上)变小,变弱:to make smaller in amount, volume, or extent<br/>【例】hopefully this vacation won't dent our bank account too much但愿这次旅行不会让我们银行存款缩水太多<br/>【近】abate, downscale, downsize, dwindle<br/>【反】aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, enlarge, escalate 增大,增强<br/><br/>【记】dent 牙齿咬出的凹痕;<br/>【另】indented 锯齿状的


【考法 1】n. 分割,划分:the act or process of dividing something into parts<br/>【例】the partition of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia 捷克斯洛伐克被分裂成捷克共和国和斯洛伐克<br/>【近】bifurcation, breakup, cleavage, disunion, division, fractionalization, schism, scission, split, sundering<br/>【反】unification, union联合<br/><br/>【记】part 部分 + tion


【考法 1】n. 切断,分离,分裂:a division or split in a group or union: schism<br/>【例】The scission of the labor union will compromise the workers' bargaining power工会内部的分裂会削弱工人讨价的力量<br/>【近】bifurcation, cleavage, dissolution, division, partition, schism, sundering<br/>【反】 unification, union统一<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 利他主义:unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others<br/>【例】Ambition that is masked as altruism.在利他主义掩盖下的野心。<br/>【反】egoism 利己主义<br/>【派】altruisticadj.利他的<br/>【反】egotistic, self-centered, self-concerned, selfish 自私的<br/><br/>【记】源自alter other 其他,利他的,不自私,为他人的→利他主义;all true + ism,all truth is 全部真理在于不自私,利他


【考法 1】n. 刺激物:one that acts as a provocative stimulus<br/>【近】goad, impetus, impulse, incentive, irritant, spur, stimulus<br/>【反】balm 安抚,慰藉<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 令人反感的人:a person who stimulates or annoys especially by persistent criticism<br/>【例】a tactless gadfly during post-game interviews with the losing team在赛后采访败北方时一个令人讨厌的不懂人情世故的人<br/>【近】annoyer, bother, persecutor, teaser, pest<br/><br/>【记】gad 赶牲畜(牛)用的尖头棒 + fly 蝇→牛虻<br/>【另】goad (赶牲口用的)刺棒, 激励物


【考法 1】n. 刺激,诱因:something that incites or has a tendency to incite to determination or action<br/>【例】The handsome reward for the missing wallet was an incentive for me to start looking.找到丢失钱包的可观报酬激励我展开搜寻。‖A little bonus will give employees an incentive to work harder.一点点奖金就可以刺激雇员更加努力地工作。<br/>【近】boost, goad, impetus, incitement, instigation, momentum, motivation, motive, provocation, spur, stimulant, stimulus, yeast<br/>【反】deterrent, disincentive抑制剂,阻碍物<br/><br/>【记】近于incite 刺激;in进入 + cent 分,放进去点美金来刺激,鼓励一下;in + sensitive 敏感的,很敏感,容易受到刺激


【考法 1】n. 刺耳的声音:loud, confused, and usually inharmonious sound<br/>【例】the cacophony of a pet store full of animals宠物商店里各种动物叽叽呱呱的声音<br/>【近】blare, bluster, clamor, decibel, din, discordance, racket<br/>【反】quiet, silence, still, stillness安静<br/><br/>【记】coca,可卡,古柯;可卡因cocaine是一种毒品,非常坏;音:卡口,卡壳+ phone 电话中噪音卡卡声,难听<br/>【另】cacography,书法不佳,phone 电话,cacophony 刺耳的音调,euphony 悦耳的声音<br/>,symphony 交响乐


【考法 1】n. 前任,先辈:a person who has previously occupied a position or office to which another has succeeded<br/>【例】a political legacy left by his predecessor他的前任留下来的政治遗产<br/>【近】ancestor, antecedent, foregoer, forerunner, precursor<br/>【反】successor继任者;descendant后代<br/><br/>【记】precede 领先, 在之前;predecease 先死, 昔人已逝<br/>【另】ancestor 祖先


【考法 1】n. 前提条件:something taken as being true or factual and used as a starting point for a course of action or reasoning<br/>【例】One of the postulates that the true agnostic rejects is the assumption that it is even possible for us to know whether God exists.我们无法知道上帝是否存在——这是一个真正的不可知论者所反对的假设。<br/>【近】premise, presumption, presupposition, supposition<br/>【反】conclusion结论<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 假定为真:to assume or claim as true, existent, or necessary<br/>【例】postulate a causal relationship假定存在因果关系<br/>【近】assume, conjecture, hypothesize, posit, presuppose, premise, presume, suppose<br/>【反】belie, disprove, falsify证明为假<br/>【派】postulationn. 推测<br/><br/>【记】post 张贴布告→声称,要求,假定;post 岗位 + late 迟到;上岗迟到?要求很严,要求不准迟到;假定迟到了,就.


【考法 1】n. 前言:an introductory section or part, as of a poem; a prelude<br/>【近】 preamble, preliminary, prologue, warm-up, curtain-raiser<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 序曲:an instrumental composition intended especially as an introduction to an extended work, such as an opera or oratorio<br/>【例】 the parade down Main Street served as the overture for a weekend of fun and festivities主干道上的游行活动拉开了一周节日活动的序幕<br/>【反】 coda 结尾<br/><br/>【记】近于aperture 孔, 穴,有了突破或开端;overt 翻过来,可看成overturn 翻过来,将乐谱翻开→开始,一件事有了开始,进展→提议;


【考法 1】n. 剥夺:the act of taking away from a person<br/>【例】Melodramas were popular because they offered the audience a divestiture of neutrality.情节剧之所有受到欢迎是因为他们给观众一个缺乏中立的(世界)。<br/>【近】deprivation, dispossession<br/>【反】acquisition 获得;endowment 捐赠<br/><br/>【记】dis 或 de去掉 + vest 衣服


【考法 1】n. 小雕塑:a small statue<br/>【例】His collection of figurines includes toy soldiers from every war that America has fought.他收藏的小雕塑包括了所有美国参与过的战争中的兵人模型<br/>【近】figure, statuette<br/>【反】colossus巨像<br/><br/>【记】figure 人物,人形


【考法 1】n. 加冕,加冕礼:the act or ceremony of crowning a sovereign or the sovereign's consort<br/>【例】Two different musical pieces by Mozart (a piano concerto and a mass) are both titled "Coronation".莫扎特两部不同的音乐作品(一部钢琴协奏曲和一部弥撒)都被称作"加冕"<br/>【近】enthronement, crowning<br/>【反】abdication 退位<br/>【派】coronatev. 加冕<br/><br/>【记】源自crown


【考法 1】n. 动作迅速:speed in performance; promptness<br/>【例】deal with the order with the greatest possible expedition 以可能的最快的速度处理订单<br/>【近】passage, peregrination, travel, trek<br/>【反】foot-dragging脚步拖沓<br/><br/>【记】ex外,出 + ped足,远足,向外跑


【考法 1】n. 动力:impetus of a physical object in motion<br/>【例】Their luck began to pick up momentum.他们的运气开始转旺<br/>【近】boost, encouragement, goad, impetus, incentive, incitation, instigation, motivation, spur, stimulus<br/>【反】deterrent 阻碍物;obstruction, resistance阻力<br/><br/>【记】每一moment都是有力量的,动力,重力.


【考法 1】n. 努力,奋斗:a conscientious or concerted effort toward an end<br/>【例】 We hope that this latest endeavor will yield much information about the atmosphere of the planet.我们希望这最后一次的努力能够获取关于行星大气层的大量信息。<br/>【近】attempt, essay, striving, struggle, trial, undertaking<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 努力做...,拼搏:to devote serious and sustained effort<br/>【例】endeavor to improve the quality of life in the inner city努力改善市内的生活质量‖They endeavored to create a government that truly serves its people.他们在努力地创立一个一心为人民服务的政府。<br/>【近】assay, drudge, hustle, moil, plod, slave, strain, strive, sweat, seek, toil, travail, tug<br/>【反】drop, quit 放弃<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 匮乏:the condition of being deprived; privation<br/>【例】serious sleep deprivation caused by long work hours由长时间工作导致的严重睡眠不足<br/>【反】fecundity 丰饶<br/><br/>【记】de 否定 + private 私有物 将私人拥有物拿走<br/>


【考法 1】n. 十四行诗:a 14-line verse form usually having one of several conventional rhyme schemes<br/>【例】a sonnet that celebrates love一首歌颂爱情的十四行诗<br/>【反】doggerel幽默不正式的诗,打油诗<br/><br/>【记】源自song + net 小歌;song + net 网上(流传)的十四行诗<br/>


【考法 1】n. 卑鄙:inherent baseness: depravity<br/>【例】moral turpitude道德上的卑鄙行为<br/>【近】abjection, corruptness, debasement, debauchery, decadency, degeneration, degradation, demoralization, depravity, dissipatedness, dissoluteness, libertinism, perversion, rakishness<br/>【反】 probity正直<br/><br/>【记】turn翻,扭,驱使 + pit 坑,把人转到坑里去,落井下石→卑鄙<br/>A good book is a light to the soul. 好书一本,照亮心灵。


【考法 1】n. 博学之士,学者:a person of learning<br/>【例】a savant in the field of medical ethics 医学伦理方面的专家<br/>【近】pundit, scholar<br/>【反】 unlearned person没有学问的人<br/><br/>【记】save ant 救蚂蚁的人,走在路不踩蚂蚁的书呆子→饱学之士;servant 仆人,savant的反意,侍候大学士的人


【考法 1】n. 即席的表演:something, such as a speech, that is made or done extemporaneously<br/>【近】improvisation, extemporization<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 即席的,即兴的:composedwithout previous preparation<br/>【例】Our dinner guest thanked us with an impromptu song.客人们即兴高歌一首以表达谢意<br/>【近】ad-lib, extemporary, improvised, offhand, unplanned, unpremeditated, unprepared, unrehearsed<br/>【反】considered, planned, premeditated, prepared, rehearsed事先有所准备的<br/><br/>【记】im, in + prompt 即时的;prompt- 时间,即时<br/>【另】prompt 即时的, 敏捷的, 迅速的,


【考法 1】n. 厌恶,反感:settled aversion or dislike<br/>【例】I feel no antipathy towards any of my opponents in the tournament.我对锦标赛中碰到的任何对手都不存在反感。<br/>【近】animosity, animus, antagonism, bitterness, enmity, gall, grudge, hostility, jaundice, rancor<br/>【反】amity 友好,和睦;liking, partiality, predilection, prepossession偏爱,喜爱<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 令人反感的事物:an object of aversion<br/>【例】Cruelty to animals is one of my most deeply felt antipathies. 虐待动物是最让我反感的行为之一。<br/>【近】abhorrence, abomination, anathema, aversion, detestation, execration<br/>【反】beloved, darling, dear, love令人喜爱的人或事物<br/><br/>【记】anti反 + pathy 感情→反感<br/>【另】antipathy (反感情)反感,apathy (无感情)缺乏感情,sympathy (同感情)同情,neuropathy(神经感)精神病,psychopathy(精神感情)精神变态,telepathy (远程感情)心灵感应


【考法 1】n. 厚颜无耻,放肆大胆:flagrant disregard of courtesy or propriety and an arrogant assumption of privilege<br/>【例】had the effrontery to insult her father 胆敢辱骂她的父亲<br/>【近】audacity, brashness, brazenness, insolence, nerve, presumption, temerity<br/>【反】decorum, propriety, courtesy, grace得体;timidity胆小<br/><br/>【记】ef不,反意 + front 不要脸,不好的面对,厚颜无耻的


【考法 1】n. 友好,社会和谐:friendly social atmosphere :social harmony<br/>【例】group activities promoting comity 促进和谐氛围的团队活动|| comity of nations 国际礼节<br/>【近】compatibility, concord, peace<br/>【反】conflict, discord, dissension 冲突,不和<br/><br/>【记】community,生活在社区,人们都需讲礼仪; com MIT,来到MIT,人们都很讲礼仪,文明<br/>【另】amity 友好, 亲善关系


【考法 1】n. 友情:a spirit of friendly good-fellowship<br/>【例】There is great camaraderie among the teammates.组员之间有着深厚的情谊。<br/>【近】brotherhood, comradeship, fellowship<br/>【反】enmity敌意<br/><br/>【记】comrade 朋友


【考法 1】n. 反抗权威的人:a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power<br/>【同】rebel, insurgent<br/>【派】 anarchy n. 混乱 : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority<br/>【近】chaos, disarray, topsy-turviness, commotion, turmoil<br/>【反】order有序<br/><br/>【记】an(不,无)+arch(统治)+ist(人)→主张无统治的人


【考法 1】n. 受害者,输家:a loser/ victim or predicted loser in a struggle or contest<br/>【例】She always supports for the underdog.她经常支持受害者。<br/>【近】loser, victim<br/>【反】 bully 欺凌弱小者<br/><br/>【记】两只狗打架,被压在下面的狗


【考法 1】n. 变色龙,善变的人:a person who dexterously and expediently changes or adopts opinions<br/>【例】at the summer resort he acquired a reputation as a social chameleon—someone who could be whatever his hosts wanted him to be 在度假胜地,他解释了一个被称为社交多面手的人,那人可以变成主人想要的任何角色<br/>【近】chancer, opportunist, temporizer, timeserver, trimmer, weathercock<br/><br/>【记】shame 羞耻时脸会变色变红或变白 + lion 或音:龙<br/>Calumnies are answered best with silence. 沉默是对诽谤的最有力的回击。


【考法 1】n. 叛乱分子:one who breaks with or opposes constituted authority or the established order<br/>【例】Insurgents armed with assault rifles and grenades ambushed a US convoy, resulting in heavy casualties.持有突击步枪和手榴弹的叛乱分子偷袭了美军车队,造成重大伤亡<br/>【近】rebel, anarchist, antagonist, malcontent, mutineer<br/>【派】insurgencyn. 叛乱<br/><br/>【记】in进 + surge 巨浪,巨浪冲进来了→叛乱<br/>【另】resurgent 复活,复兴


【考法 1】n. 叛徒:one who switches to an opposing side or party; specifically: traitor<br/>【例】He was labeled as a turncoat.他是一个叛徒。<br/>【近】renegade, traitor, apostate, recreant, betrayer, quisling<br/>【反】loyalist, partisan, adherent, supporter 支持者,追随者<br/><br/>【记】turn coat 将衣服反穿,变


【考法 1】n. 口角,小争吵:a noisy quarrel, usually about a trivial matter<br/>【例】a brief squabble over what to do next 关于接下来该做什么的争吵<br/>【近】altercation, argument, controversy, disagreement, dispute, imbroglio, quarrel, riff, spat, skirmish, wrangle<br/>【反】harmony和谐<br/><br/>【记】quibble


【考法 1】n. 同意,赞同:the approval by someone in authority for the doing of something<br/>【例】 We had to get our neighbor's consent in order to trim the tree from his side.想要从邻居家那边修剪树木,我们得先得到他们的同意。<br/>【近】allowance, approval, authorization, clearance, concurrence, granting, license, sanction, warrant<br/>【反】interdiction, prohibition, proscription禁止<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 同意:to give assent or approval<br/>【例】consent to being tested in her neurobiology experiment 同意作为被试参加神经生物学的实验‖refused to consent to the marriage拒绝这桩婚事<br/>【近】acquiesce, agree, approve, assent, subscribe<br/>【反】dissent反对;deny, veto 否决<br/><br/>【记】源自sense<br/>【另】absent (ab + present) 缺席,assent consent (同感) 同意,dissent (不同感) 不同意,present 现在<br/>,礼物,resent (反感)憎恨


【考法 1】n. 同意,赞赏:an expression of approval<br/>【反】disapprobation不赞成<br/>【例】won virtually every accolade that the film world has to offer赢得了电影界几乎一致的赞赏<br/>【近】applause, credit, distinction<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 赞扬:to praise or honor<br/>【反】 excoriation,criticism, reprobation,castigation,cuttingremark,derogation,reproof.denigration, denunciation, swearword批评,谴责<br/><br/>【记】源自ac + collar 领子,衣服的脖子部分,奖章挂在领子上<br/>【另】commodity


【考法 1】n. 同意:an expression of warm approval<br/>【例】The proposal met his approbation.这项建议得到了他的同意。<br/>【近】approval, favor<br/>【反】disapproval, disapprobation, disfavor 不同意<br/><br/>【记】ap + 源自prove;同approve;ap 肯定 加强 + probe 探针探测,检验→检验后肯定<br/>【另】probate 遗嘱检验,reprobate 谴责,opprobrious 无礼的, 该骂的, 可耻的


【考法 1】n. 同等地位的人,同辈:a person who has equal standing with others<br/>【例】stand out among peers 在同辈当中很出众<br/>【近】coequal, compeer, coordinate, counterpart, equivalent, fellow, match, parallel<br/>【反】inferior地位更低的人;superior地位更高的人<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 好奇地凝视:to look narrowly or curiously;<br/>【例】peer at the variety of marine life in the aquarium's huge tank好奇地注视着巨大水族箱中丰富多样的海洋生物<br/>【近】blink, gape, gawk, gaze, goggle, rubberneck, stare<br/>【反】glance, glimpse投去一瞥<br/>【派】peerless adj. 无与伦比的,不可比拟的<br/><br/>【记】pair,一对,是同等之人;音:瞥,凝视,因为同样高,所以可以对着凝视,否则就是仰视或俯视了;象形,中间两个ee是眼镜<br/>【另】peek, peep,


【考法 1】n. 名望,名声:fame and renown resulting from an act or achievement<br/>【例】Employees enjoy the kudos that the job brings as much as the financial rewards.正如同喜欢工作带来的经济回报一样,雇员们也很享受工作所带来的名声和荣誉<br/>【近】credit, distinction, homage, honor, laurels<br/>【反】infamy, notoriety不好的名声<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 夸奖,赞扬:acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement<br/>【例】The attorney did pro bono work because it was the right thing to do, and not for any future kudos that it might bring.这名律师之所以为慈善机构和穷人所提供免费服务,是因为他觉得这是正确的事情,而非为了任何可能因此而产生的赞扬<br/>【近】acclaim, accolade, applause, credit, distinction, homage, honor, laud, laurels<br/>【反】belittlement, denigration, deprecation, derogation, diminishment, disparagement贬损<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 后代:one deriving directly from a precursor or prototype<br/>【例】They are descendants of the original English and Scottish settlers.他们是最早一批英格兰和苏格兰定居者的后裔。<br/>【反】forbears祖先<br/><br/>【记】ascend 上升 descend 下降,指遗传下去的<br/>


【考法 1】n. 后悔,遗憾:the feeling of regret, remorse, or sorrow for<br/>【例】 With rue my heart is laden.我的内心充满了遗憾。<br/>【近】contriteness, contrition, penitence, regret, remorse, remorsefulness, repentance<br/>【反】impenitence, remorselessness不知悔改<br/>【派】ruefuladj. 后悔的<br/><br/>【记】ruin 毁了,完了,破产了,这个后悔啊;音:辱,受到羞辱,只怪自己少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲→后悔;音:侮,侮的字形象悔;sorrow 由so + rue 组成,如此后悔就是sorry<br/>【另】sorrow (悲伤 悔恨) 可看成 so rue;


【考法 1】n. 君主,帝王:one who rules over a people with a sole, supreme, and usually hereditary authority<br/>【例】The ruling monarch of Britain at that time was Queen Elizabeth I.伊丽莎白一世是当时英国的君主。<br/>【近】autocrat, lord, potentate, ruler, sovereign<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 巨头,大亨:a person of rank, power, or influence in a particular field<br/>【例】the reigning monarchs of the recording industry唱片业的巨头们<br/>【近】baron, captain, king, lion, lord, magnate, mogul, prince, tycoon<br/>【反】nobody, nothing, zero不起眼的人物<br/>【派】monarchyn. 君主体制<br/><br/>【记】mono 单一 + arch 统治,一个人统治<br/>Proverbs are the wisdom of the ages. 谚语是时代的智慧。 <br/>【另】anarchy 无政府状态,autarchy 独裁专制,hierarchy 层次,阶层,matriarchy 女家长制<br/>,monarchy 君主政体,oligarchy 寡头政治,patriarchy 家长统治, 父权制


【考法 1】n. 否定:the opposite or absence of something regarded as actual, positive, or affirmative<br/>【例】issued specific negations of all of the charges against her发表了明确的声明,否定了所有对她的指控<br/>【近】contradiction, denegation, denial, gainsaying, rejection, repudiation<br/>【反】acknowledgement, affirmation, avowal肯定,同意<br/>【派】negativeadj. 否定的;负面的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 听力所及的范围:the range within which one may hear a person's unaided voice<br/>【例】wait until he was out of earshot等到他听不见的时候<br/>【近】hail, hearing, sound<br/><br/>【记】ear shot <br/>earsplitting adj.震耳欲聋的 <br/>【记】ear + splitting 将耳膜撕裂的


【考法 1】n. 告别:an act of bidding farewell<br/>【近】farewell, goodbye<br/>【反】greeting欢迎;debut 初次登台,首次亮相<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 告别词:an address or statement of farewell or leave-taking<br/>【例】a valediction given by the college president upon his retirement大学校长退休时的告别演说<br/>【派】valedictoryadj. 告别的<br/><br/>【记】源自farewell告别 + diction说→告别演说


【考法 1】n. 命令:a statement of what to do that must be obeyed by those concerned<br/>【例】a secretary of defense who was fond of issuing harshly worded imperatives一个很喜欢发布措辞严厉的命令的国防部长<br/>【近】command, decree, dictate, direction, directive, instruction, order, word<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 命令的,强制性的:forcing one's compliance or participation by or as if by law<br/>【例】requests that grew more and more imperative 命令性越来越强的请求<br/>【近】compulsory, forced, involuntary, obligatory, peremptory, required<br/>【反】optional可选择的;voluntary志愿性的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 迫切的:needing immediate attention<br/>【例】an imperative need for medical supplies in the earthquake-ravaged country地震灾区国家对于医疗物资的迫切需求<br/>【近】clamant, compelling, critical, crying, emergent, exigent, imperious, importunate, pressing, urgent<br/>【反】noncritical, unimportant 不重要的<br/><br/>【考法 4】adj. 必要的:impossible to do without<br/>【例】Proper equipment is imperative for the success of this chemical experiment.合适的仪器是这个化学实验成功必不可少的条件<br/>【近】indispensable, necessary, necessitous, requisite, vital<br/>【反】dispensable, inessential, needless, unnecessary非必须的<br/><br/>【记】近于emperor 皇帝;来自皇帝的命令<br/>【另】imperial 皇帝的


【考法 1】n. 和睦,友好:a friendly relationship marked by ready communication and mutual understanding<br/>【例】 His good rapport with his students was one of the reasons why the school board named him Teacher of the Year.他和学生的关系和睦是他被提名为"年度教师"的原因之一。<br/>【近】amity,communion, concord, fellowship, harmony, rapprochement<br/>【反】animosity, antagonism, antipathy, bitterness, enmity, hostility, jaundice, rancor 敌意<br/><br/>【记】report 有报道,传闻说你和她关系不错;互相 support 就是rapport<br/>【另】support 支持


【考法 1】n. 咒语:a spoken word or set of words believed to have magic power<br/>【例】Hovering over the sick child, the witch doctor muttered mysterious incantations.巫医在生病的小孩子身边走来走去,嘴里念着神秘的咒语<br/>【近】abracadabra, bewitchment, charm, conjuration, enchantment, glamour, hex, invocation<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 哀歌(诗),挽歌(诗):a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation<br/>【例】an moving elegy played at the funeral葬礼上演奏的催人泪下的挽歌<br/>【近】dirge, lamentation, requiem<br/>【反】ode颂歌,颂词<br/><br/>【记】音:哀了歌,哀歌,有好了歌,也有哀了歌


【考法 1】n. 喜好,偏好:an appetite for something; a strong appreciation or liking<br/>【例】She has great relish for early morning walks, which she takes nearly every day.她对早晨散步有格外的喜好——几乎每天早上她都会如此。<br/>【近】appetite, fancy, favor, fondness, like, love, partiality, preference, taste<br/>【反】aversion, disfavor, disgust, dislike, distaste, hatred, loathing 反感,厌恶感<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. (愿望达成时的)高兴,满足感:the feeling experienced when one's wishes are met<br/>【例】He ate the bowl of ice cream with relish.他高兴地吃着冰淇淋。<br/>【近】content, delectation, delight, enjoyment, gladness, gratification, happiness, satisfaction<br/>【反】discontent, displeasure, dissatisfaction, unhappiness不满,不悦<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 享受,喜欢:to take keen or zestful pleasure in<br/>【例】He is so hungry that he will relish even plain food.他是如此的饥饿,以至于普通的食物也能让他满意。<br/>【近】adore, enjoy, like, love, rejoice, revel, savor<br/>【反】abhor, abominate, detest, dislike, hate, loathe 厌恶,讨厌<br/><br/>【记】源自release 放松放松,娱乐消遣;delicious 味道好


【考法 1】n. 喜欢,亲切感:a habitual attraction to some activity or thing<br/>【例】always had an affinity for nurturing living things喜欢培养活物<br/>【近】bent, penchant, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, propensity<br/>【反】aversion, repugnance, antipathy 厌恶<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 相似:the fact or state of having something in common<br/>【例】a study showing an affinity between obesity and socioeconomic status一项表现了肥胖程度和社会经济水平之间相似性的研究<br/>【近】association, bearing, kinship<br/><br/>【记】finite(限,边界) 近于finish,border,两人边界相邻的;af加强 + fine 好上加好,喜上加喜→姻亲<br/>【另】definite(划定边界),infinite(无边,无限),affinite(两边相邻,相近,相接,相似)


【考法 1】n. 喝酒喧闹的人:one who engages in merrymaking especially in honor of a special occasion<br/>【例】the rowdy roisterers who fill the streets of New Orleans during Mardi Gras四旬斋前最后一天遍布新奥尔良各条街道的喧闹人群<br/>【近】celebrator, merrymaker, partyer (also partier), partygoer, reveler<br/>【反】killjoy 扫兴的人<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 喧嚣,骚动:wild uproar or noise<br/>【例】 Christmas morning at our house is always marked by pandemonium 圣诞节的早上总是免不了一番吵吵闹闹<br/>【近】bluster, bustle, disturbance, furor, fuss, hubbub, moil, pother, ruckus, ruction, tumult, turmoil, uproar<br/>【反】 serene安静<br/><br/>【记】pan- 全 + demon 魔鬼,原指迷失伊甸园中地狱的中心,魔窟


【考法 1】n. 喧闹声,嘈杂声:a loud continued noise<br/>【例】The din of the engines was deafening.引擎的嘈杂声震耳欲聋。|| There's always a great din from the cafeteria during lunch. 午餐时间经常从咖啡店里传来很大的喧闹声。<br/>【近】blare, bluster, cacophony, chatter, clamor, discordance, racket, rattle, roar<br/>【反】quiet, silence, still 安静<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 重复:to say or state again<br/>【例】Safety lessons dinned into us over and over.我们一遍又一遍的进行安全教育。<br/>【近】iterate, rehearse, reiterate<br/><br/>【记】中国人dinner,dine时是很喧哗的,想想请客时的情景


【考法 1】n. 囤货,藏货:a supply stored up and often hidden away<br/>【例】maintain a cache of food in case of emergencies保存着食物的隐藏处以防万一<br/>【近】stash, stockpile, store, deposit, hoard, reserve<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 隐藏:to put into a hiding place<br/>【例】cached the fugitive slaves in their cellar until they could make their way to Canada 将奴隶们藏匿在房间的地下室直到他们能够顺利逃去加拿大<br/>【近】conceal, ensconce, secrete, squirrel away<br/>【反】display, exhibit展示<br/><br/>【记】秘密贮藏cash的地方

imbroglio<br><span style="color:#00007f;">im'brəuliəu</span>

【考法 1】n. 困境,复杂的局面:an intricate or complicated situation<br />【例】 What investor would willingly become involved in this imbroglio? 怎样的投资者才会像这样明知山有虎,偏向虎山行呢?<br />【近】complexity, complication, embarrassment, entanglement, involvement, misunderstanding, quandary<br /><br />【考法 2】n. 纷争:an often noisy or angry expression of differing opinions<br />【例】an imbroglio involving some big names in the entertainment industry 一场涉及娱乐圈数位明星的纷争<br />【近】altercation, controversy, disagreement, dispute, fight, quarrel, squabble, wrangle<br />【反】harmony和谐<br /><br />【记】可能与embroil同源;broil 争吵;im + brought + lion 带来个狮子回家弄得一团糟<br />【另】embroil 使卷入, 牵连, 使纠缠,broil 喧闹地争吵,烤


【考法 1】n. 困境:a difficult, puzzling, or embarrassing situation from which there is no easy escape<br/>【例】stuck in a mire of emotional dependency陷于感情依赖的困境中<br/>【近】dilemma, hole, impasse, jam, pickle, quagmire, rattrap, swamp<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 使陷入困境,拖后腿:to hamper or hold back as if by mire<br/>【例】be mired in the past陷于过去的回忆不能自拔<br/>【近】bog, broil, delay, detain, entangle, entrap, retard<br/>【反】enfranchise, extricate, free, liberate, rescue使解脱<br/><br/>【记】nightmare 梦魇, 恶梦,是night作梦陷入困境


【考法 1】n. 困境:a situation, especially a bad or unfortunate one<br/>【例】He was in a plight, trying to decide whether or not to take the job.他处在不知道是否应该接受这份工作的困境之中。<br/>【近】dilemma, jam, predicament, quandary<br/><br/>【记】音:破 + light 一个破灯,困境中我发誓要努力,不怕吃苦


【考法 1】n. 困惑,不解:a state of perplexity or complete bewilderment<br/>【例】 My mind has been in a tangle ever since I learned some information about an old, deceased acquaintance.自从我获知一些关于已故的老熟人的消息之后我就陷入了困惑之中。<br/>【近】bafflement, befuddlement, bemusement, bewilderment, confusedness, distraction, muddle, mystification, perplexity, puzzlement, whirl<br/>【反】assurance, certainty, certitude, confidence, conviction, sureness 确信<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 纠缠,使...纠结:to seize and hold in or as if in a snare<br/>【例】was at last tangled in the web of lies that he had told to everyone最终被自己所编织的谎言缠住了<br/>【近】enmesh, ensnare, ensnarl, entrap, mesh, net, snare, trap<br/>【反】disentangle解开<br/><br/>【记】音:探戈,跳这种舞的男女总是纠缠在一起;音:弹勾,弹簧与勾子纠缠在一起;


【考法 1】n. 固执己见者,有偏见的人:a person obstinately devoted to his own opinions and prejudices<br/>【例】He is a bigot, or "a slave of dogma".一个固执己见的人,换而言之就是——教条主义的奴隶<br/>【近】dogmatist, partisan<br/>【反】depreciator, disparager 贬低他人的人<br/>【派】bigoted固执己见的<br/><br/>【记】big + got 非得要那个大的; bi两 + got 两个非得都要


【考法 1】n. 小溪,小河:a natural stream of water normally smaller than and often tributary to a river<br/>【例】went wading in the creek在小溪中涉水而行<br/>【近】stream, branch, brook, rivulet<br/><br/>【记】音:渴润口,口渴润润嗓子的小溪;crook 弯曲,原指弯曲的小溪水;同brook 小溪,容忍 字形也有些象;<br/>【另】creep 爬 (crap 废物才在地上爬 crap一词很口语)


【考法 1】n. 均势,平衡:a condition in which opposing forces are equal to one another<br/>【例】 We must find an equilibrium between commercial development and conservation of our natural treasures. 我们必须在发展经济和保护自然资源之间找到一个平衡点。<br/>【近】counterpoise, equilibration, equipoise, poise, stasis<br/>【反】disequilibration, disequilibrium, imbalance, nonequilibrium, unbalance不平衡<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. (感情上的)平静:evenness of emotions or temper<br/>【例】That stunning insult left me speechless, and several minutes passed before I recovered my equilibrium.那个令人震惊的侮辱弄得我哑口无言,我花了好几分钟才使心情得以平静。<br/>【近】aplomb, calmness, composure, countenance, imperturbability, placidity, repose, sangfroid, serenity, tranquillity<br/>【反】agitation, discomposure, perturbation 不安,焦躁<br/><br/>【记】equal 相同 + libr 重量;留学生活一个词需要知道,磅,重量单位,libra, 简写是lb,1 lb约为0.908 斤


【考法 1】n. 坚信:firm belief in the integrity, ability, effectiveness, or genuineness of someone or something<br/>【例】give credence to gossip相信绯闻<br/>【近】belief, credit, faith, trust, reliance<br/>【反】doubt, skepticism怀疑<br/><br/>【记】credit 信用,credit card 信用卡<br/>【另】creed 信条


【考法 1】n. 坚持,持续:uninterrupted or lasting existence<br/>【近】The persistenceof the fever for a week caused me great worry.持续一周的发烧让我很不安<br/>【近】ceaselessness, continuance, continuity, durability, endurance, subsistence<br/>【反】cessation, close, end, expiration, finish, stoppage, surcease, termination停止<br/>【派】persistentadj. 持续不断的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 坦白,直率,诚挚:unreserved, honest, or sincere expression<br/>【例】the members of the rock band speak with candor about their recent squabbling摇滚乐队成员对于他们最近的内讧直言不讳<br/>【近】bluntness, forthrightness, frankness, unreservedness, straightforwardness<br/>【反】artifice, mendacity, dissembling, dissimulation, indirection谎言,不直接<br/><br/>【记】candle 象烛光一样明亮,白


【考法 1】n. 垃圾,废物:discarded or useless material<br/>【例】The front lawn was littered with the raffle that the workers had left behind. 前院的草坪上满是工人们丢的垃圾。<br/>【近】chaff, deadwood, debris, dreck, dross, effluvium, litter, offal, offscouring, refuse,riffraff, rubbish, scrap, spilth<br/><br/>【记】rifle 步枪,抢劫→最光明正大的抢劫就是彩票


【考法 1】n. 堕落者,道德败坏的人:a morally unprincipled person<br/>【例】The program rehabilitates reprobates and turns them into hard-working, law-abiding citizens.这个项目让那些堕落的人改过自新,并将他们变成勤劳守法的好公民。<br/>【近】brute, devil, fiend, miscreant, rapscallion, rascal, villain<br/>【反】saint 圣人<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 堕落的,放荡的: morally corrupt<br/>【例】He is a reprobate judge who could be bribed, and often with astonishing ease. 他是一个堕落的法官,极其容易就被贿赂了。<br/>【近】debased, debauched, degraded, depraved, dissipated, dissolute, libertine, perverse, perverted, rakish<br/>【反】good, moral, righteous, virtuous 有道德的;pure, uncorrupted纯净的,未受污染的<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 谴责,痛斥:to condemn strongly as unworthy, unacceptable, or evil<br/>【例】He reprobated his son's unconventional lifestyle.他怒斥他儿子不遵循传统的生活习惯。<br/>【近】blame, criticize, censure, condemn, denounce, denunciate, reprehend<br/>【反】commend, eulogize, extol, laud, praise表扬<br/><br/>【考法 4】vt. 拒绝,不提供:to be unwilling to grant<br/>【例】The government will most likely reprobate the request for parole.政府很有可能会拒绝假释的要求。<br/>【近】decline, disallow, disapprove, negative, nix, refuse, reject, reprobate, repudiate, withhold<br/>【反】allow, concede, grant, let, permit, vouchsafe允许,给予<br/><br/>【记】re 反 + probate 查证,prob-有去调查,证明,结果是好的意思,类似reprove;re重复 +<br/>probable 可能,大概,反复跟老板说你的观点是可能大概的,会受到指责,查清楚再说,不准有可能这个词;re + problem 反复出问题<br/>【另】probate 遗嘱检验,probe 探测器,探查, 查明,approbate 许可, 承认,disapprobation 不答应,<br/>opprobrious 无礼的, 该骂的, 不赞成, probity 正直


【考法 1】n. 复制品,复刻:something that is made to look exactly like something else<br/>【例】He built a dupe of the original model, which is locked in a vault.他做了个保险柜里模型的复刻品<br/>【近】clone, duplicate, facsimile, imitation, mock, replica<br/>【反】archetype, original, prototype原型<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 易受骗的人:one that is easily deceived or cheated<br/>【例】The swindler was able to escape with all of the dupe's money.骗子成功带着受骗人的财产逃跑了<br/>【近】fool, victim, gull<br/>【反】connoisseur行家,鉴赏家<br/>【考法 3】vt. 欺骗:to deceive (an unwary person)<br/>【例】The public is easily duped by extravagant claims in advertising.大众极易被广告中夸大的介绍误导<br/>【近】bamboozle, beguile, cheat, cozen, delude, gull, hoax, hoodwink<br/>【派】dupable adj. 易受骗的<br/><br/>【记】音:杜甫,诗人杜甫很善良,处处关心他人,但是总是受骗上当;duplicate 复制品,买了复制品,受骗上当了


【考法 1】n. 复制品:either of two things exactly alike and usually produced at the same time or by the same process<br/>【例】a duplicate of a house key房间钥匙的复制品‖Your computer is almost a duplicate of mine.你的电脑和我的几乎一模一样。<br/>【近】copy, dupe, duplication, facsimile, imitation, mock, reduplication, replica, replication, reproduction<br/>【反】archetype, original, prototype原型<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 复制:to make a copy of<br/>【例】A cell duplicates itself when it divides.当一个细胞分裂时,它会完全按着自己的样子复制。 ‖Art students are trying to duplicate paintings in the museum's collection as part of their training.艺术生们努力地复刻博物馆中的作品,由此作为他们的训练。<br/>【近】clone, copycat, imitate, reduplicate, render, replicate, reproduce<br/>【反】originate原创<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 重复,反复:to do over or again often needlessly<br/>【例】 We were unable to duplicate the experiment with the same result in our own lab, so we're suspicious.我们不能在自己的实验室中重复之前的实验并得到相同的结果,因此我们很怀疑。<br/>【近】redo, reiterate, renew, repeat<br/>【派】duplicableadj. 可模仿的<br/><br/>【记】du(二) + plic(重复)→二种重复状态→复制;<br/>【另】double 两倍,complicate 复杂


【考法 1】n. 外号,绰号:a descriptive or familiar name given instead of or in addition to the one belonging to an individual ;a disparaging or abusive word or phrase<br/>【例】King Richard I of England was given the very laudatory epithet "the Lion-Hearted"英王理查一世因英勇大胆被赞誉为"狮心理查"<br/>【近】alias, cognomen, sobriquet<br/><br/>【记】音:爱皮 + say it 爱调皮的说它→说绰号;e pith 将心挖出,指说话很伤人心,用贬低的绰号<br/>【另】hypothetical 假设的, 假定的


【考法 1】n. 外表:a superficial covering or exterior<br/>【例】 a superficial patina of knowledge 表面肤浅的知识<br/>【近】fa?ade, hull, skin, veneer<br/>【反】essential quality 本质;core, kernel核心<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. (由内而外散发的)氛围,气场:an appearance or aura that is derived from association, habit, or established character<br/>【例】 Although the winery is brand-new, it has been constructed and decorated to give it a patina of old-world quaintness.尽管酿酒厂是全新建造的,但它的构造和装饰都刻意营造出一种古色古香的奇异氛围<br/>【反】 air, ambience, aroma, atmosphere, climate, flavor, halo, odor, smell, temper, vibration<br/><br/>【记】pat拍 + tin 罐头,拍罐头盒的锡皮,生绿锈了,将其拍成光亮的外表


【考法 1】n. 多样性:variety or multiformity<br/>【例】the diversity of species 物种的多样性<br/>【近】diverseness, multifariousness, multiplicity, variousness , miscellaneousness<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 分歧,不同点:the quality or state of being different<br/>【例】There is no fundamental diversity between the two ideologies.这两种思想意识之间并没有根本的分歧。<br/>【近】contrast, disagreement, discrepancy, disparateness, disparity, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, distinction, otherness, unlikeness<br/>【反】alikeness, analogy, likeness, resemblance, sameness, similarity 相同,相似<br/><br/>【记】v=f, 同differ;di 二 + various, variety;university 是综合在一块的大学,div是分开,多样;


【考法 1】n. 大厦;大建筑物:a large or massive structure<br/>【例】The Capitol is one of the most impressive edifices in the United States.国会山是美国最令人印象深刻的建筑之一<br/>【近】building, erection, palace<br/>【反】cottage小棚舍<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 基础,基本构架:the arrangement of parts that gives something its basic form<br/>【例】The edifice of the argument is quite simple, once you get past the fancy language. 只要你看透了表面花哨的语言,你会发现这段论证的基本构架是非常简单的<br/>【近】architecture, configuration, framework, skeleton, structure<br/><br/>【记】音:一地 + office,这一地全是办公大楼;只有(在道德与精神领域)得到edify 教导与陶冶,才能构建出宏伟的殿堂


【考法 1】n. 大失败:a complete failure<br/>【例】The Hitler's plot ended in a fiasco.希特勒的阴谋最终以失败告终<br/>【近】catastrophe, debacle, disaster, failure<br/>【反】blockbuster, éclat, success 成功<br/><br/>【记】不读结尾的o发音象是 法西斯 fasci-, 法西斯是以惨败告终, fascism 法西斯主义


【考法 1】n. 大暴雨:a drenching rain<br/>【反】drizzle毛毛雨<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 大量:a great flow of water or of something that overwhelms<br/>【例】received a deluge of offers收到了一大堆 offer<br/>【近】inundation, overflow, spate, torrent<br/><br/>【记】de加强 + luge (luv 冲洗)→冲掉→大洪水;音:地流汁,地上流水汁<br/>【另】deluvial 大洪水的, dilute 冲淡


【考法 1】n. 大杂烩:a mixture of dissimilar ingredients; a jumble<br/>【例】a hodgepodge of styles 混搭风格|| the exhibit was a hodgepodge of mediocre art, bad art, and really bad art整场展览就是中庸、烂和非常烂的艺术作品的大杂烩<br/>【近】 agglomeration, assortment, collage, medley, mishmash, pastiche, potpourri<br/><br/>【记】音:好吃饱吃,好吃泡吃, 大锅菜又好吃又能吃饱,也是泡着吃的


【考法 1】n. 大杂烩:an unorganized collection or mixture of various things<br/>【例】My memories of the childhood trip are a montage of the sights of two rivers, smells of hotpots, and sounds of light railway of Chongqing.我孩提时代旅行的记忆就是由两江风光、火锅的香味以及重庆的轻轨声杂糅而成的<br/>【近】agglomerate, collage, hodgepodge, medley, motley, salad, variety<br/><br/>【记】译音:蒙太奇


【考法 1】n. 大火:a large destructive fire<br/>【例】All the stock was destroyed in a warehouse conflagration.仓库里所有的货物都被一场大火烧毁了。<br/>【近】holocaust, inferno<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 武装冲突,战争:a state of armed violent struggle between states, nations, or groups<br/>【例】 What began as a skirmish over disputed territory erupted into a conflagration that swept the continent.这场席卷整个大陆的战争是由之前关于有纠纷的领土的小冲突引发的。<br/>【近】conflict, war, warfare<br/>【反】peace和平;truce休战<br/><br/>【记】flagrant 燃烧;con一起 + flag + rant 旗子, 在一片旗子前咆哮地说, 背景就是燃烧的火(战争狂人的镜头)


【考法 1】n. 大火:an intense fire<br/>【例】A raging inferno posed a serious threat to the downwind villages.肆虐的大火给下风向的村庄带来了严重的威胁<br/>【近】conflagration, holocaust<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 地狱:a place or a state that resembles or suggests hell<br/>【例】the inferno of war地狱般的战场<br/>【近】hell, underworld<br/>【反】paradise, heaven, nirvana天堂,乐土<br/><br/>【记】与infernal同源,发音也类似,后面有个O,象征着通向地狱的入口;音:阴风→阴风瑟瑟是阴曹地狱,作恶过多或有罪孽之人要去的地方


【考法 1】n. 大灾难:a disastrous event marked by great loss and lasting distress and suffering<br/>【例】This latest breakdown of the car is inconvenient, but not a calamity.最近的汽车抛锚确实带来了不便,但还不是一场灾难。‖an economic calamity金融风暴<br/>【近】apocalypse, cataclysm, catastrophe, debacle, disaster, tragedy<br/>【反】benediction, boon, felicity, godsend, manna, windfall天赐好运,幸事<br/><br/>【记】cal + am + I 有事打电话call 给我 am I;c see + alarm: 看到了警报就是有不幸发生了;看着象<br/>calm,多了个字母却是令人不calm的事;


【考法 1】n. 大灾难:the final event of the dramatic action especially of a tragedy<br/>【近】apocalypse, calamity, cataclysm, debacle, tragedy<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 彻底的失败:utter failure : fiasco<br/>【例】the party was a catastrophe 该派对就是一个杯具<br/>【近】bummer, debacle, disaster, fiasco, fizzle, washout<br/>【反】blockbuster, hit, smash, success, winner大胜<br/><br/>【记】cata + strop 向下一拽皮带,结果把天弄塌了


【考法 1】n. 大草原:an extensive area of flat or rolling, predominantly treeless grassland<br/>【例】Canadian Prairie加拿大大草原地区<br/>【近】grassland, meadow, plain, savanna<br/><br/>【记】praise 赞美 + air 空气,赞美空气,空气真好,因为这是大草原


【考法 1】n. 大量,许多:a large amount or number<br/>【例】donate a slew of books to the university library向大学图书馆捐赠了大量的书籍<br/>【近】abundance,bundle, dozen, multiplicity, myriad, plentitude, profusion, scad, shipload, volume, wealth<br/>【反】 ace, bit, driblet, glimmer, handful, hint, mite, mouthful, nip, ounce, pittance, sprinkle, trace少量<br/><br/>【记】音: 司炉,司炉负责生火使锅炉不停地旋转,里面有大量的热水;screw 螺钉钻进去是旋转着的,螺旋


【考法 1】n. 大量:a considerable amount<br/>【例】Now you're in a peck of trouble. 现在你有一堆麻烦了<br/>【近】abundance, bunch, bundle, dozen, mass, mountain, much, multiplicity, myriad, pile, plenitude, profusion, ton, volume, wealth<br/>【反】bit, glimmer, handful, hint, little, mite, nip, ounce, peanuts, pittance, spot, sprinkle, trace 少量<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. (不情愿地)小口咬:to eat reluctantly and in small bites<br/>【例】Fashion models never really eat: they just peck at small meals in expensive restaurants.时装模特们几乎不吃东西——他们只是随便咬一口昂贵餐厅里的食物<br/>【近】bite, nibble, sip, tipple<br/>【近】devour, gobble, gorge, guzzle, quaff, swill 贪婪地吃喝,大口吃喝<br/><br/>【记】woodpecker 啄木鸟由wood木 + peck啄 + er组成;neck 被peck<br/>【另】woodpecker 啄木鸟,pick 选, 掘,凿


【考法 1】n. 大量:an ample amount or quantity; an abundance<br/>【例】a plentitude of lumber for the current housing market充足的家具木材供给<br/>【近】abundance, affluence, cornucopia, myriad, plenty, profusion, stack, wealth<br/>【反】dearth, deficiency, inadequacy, insufficiency缺乏,匮乏;mite, peanuts, pinch, pittance, trace 少量<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 夸张,废话:the representation of something in terms that go beyond the facts<br/>【例】that feature writer is sometimes guilty of padding, but he keeps it from getting out of hand这作者有时候夸夸其谈,但是保持了适度<br/>【近】caricature, coloring, elaboration, embellishment, embroidery, hyperbole, magnification, overstatement, stretching<br/>【反】meiosis, understatement轻描淡写<br/><br/>【记】音:拍垫,补丁,布丁,指布块,填东西用的;来自pad 垫<br/>【另】pad 垫, 衬垫, 便笺簿, notepad 记事本( notepad PC 笔记本电脑)


【考法 1】n. 契约,合同:a binding agreement between two or more persons or parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law<br/>【例】a billion-dollar contract from Department of Defense来自国防部的巨额合同<br/>【近】agreement, compact, convention, treaty<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 收缩:to reduce in size by drawing together; shrink<br/>【例】contract muscle收缩肌肉<br/>【近】compress, condense, concentrate<br/>【反】expand扩展;inflate 膨胀<br/>【考法 3】v. 感染疾病:to become affected by a disease or disorder<br/>【例】contracted a severe cold that later turned into pneumonia染上了重感冒,最终发展成肺炎<br/>【近】catch, get, sicken<br/>【反】heal痊愈<br/>【派】contractorn. 承包商<br/><br/>【记】con + tract 拖,拉→拖拉到一起→收缩,一起收缩,退步→订合同<br/>【另】abstract 摘要,提炼,抽象,attract 吸引,contract 收缩 合同,detract 转移, distract 转移,分散注意力,extract 拔出 抽出,protract 延长,retract 缩回 取消,subtract 减去,tractable 易驾驭的<br/>,tractor 拖拉机


【考法 1】n. 姿势,姿态:a general way of holding the body<br/>【例】A good upright posture will prevent backaches.良好的站姿可以预防背痛。<br/>【近】attitude, carriage, poise, stance, station<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 故作姿态,装模作样:to assume an artificial or pretended attitude<br/>【例】postured to impress故作姿态以给别人留下印象<br/>【近】attitudinize, feign, grandstand, masquerade, pose, pretend<br/>【派】posturern. 故作姿态之人<br/><br/>【记】同position, pose


【考法 1】n. 威望,声望:a mark or quality, as of distinction, individuality, or authenticity<br/>【例】Federal courts have a certain cachet which state courts lack.联邦法院拥有州立法院所不具备的威信。<br/>【近】credit, distinction, esteem, homage, kudos, prestige<br/>【反】infamy, notoriety不好的名声<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 娴熟技巧:mental skill or quickness<br/>【例】The musician shows wonderful finesse.那位音乐家展现出了非凡的技艺<br/>【近】adeptness, adroitness, cleverness, dexterity, proficiency<br/>【反】awkwardness, ineptitude, gaucherie, ungainliness 笨拙<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 精心策划:to plan out usually with subtle skill or care<br/>【例】finesse the schedule 精心安排日程<br/>【近】contrive, frame, machinate, maneuver, manipulate<br/><br/>【考法 3】v.(巧妙地)躲避:to get or keep away from (as a responsibility) through cleverness or trickery<br/>【例】He tried to finesse the blame for the foreign policy fiasco, even though he was secretary of state at the time.他竭尽所能躲避因失败的对外政策而可能遭到的指责,尽管他是时任国务卿<br/>【近】avoid, dodge, eschew, evade, shun<br/>【反】confront直面<br/><br/>【记】fine 好,巧妙 + sse


【考法 1】n. 婉言,委婉的说法:the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant<br/>【例】using "eliminate" as a euphemism for "kill""杀死"的委婉说法是"灭掉"<br/><br/>【记】eu 优 + phem 说,phrase 句,语<br/>【另】blaspheme 亵渎,咒骂,dysphemism 粗话,euphemism 委婉的说法<br/>


【考法 1】n. 子孙:descendant, child<br/>【例】scion of a railroad empire铁路大王的后代<br/>【反】 ancestor前辈<br/><br/>【记】音:赛扬,电脑塞扬处理器是奔腾的子孙,相比奔腾大树来说只是小嫩芽;sign on 签约,开始,签约是个新的开始,象初生的嫩芽一般


【考法 1】n. 安全的地方:a place of safety<br/>【例】a haven for artists艺术家们的圣地<br/>【近】asylum, harbor, refuge, retreat, sanctuary<br/>【反】 unsafe place, dangerous place不安全的地方<br/><br/>【记】heaven是一个安息所及避难所


【考法 1】n. 安慰性的事物:something of no intrinsic remedial value that is used to appease or reassure another<br/>【例】Candies are often adopted as the placebo for the dying patients. 糖果通常作为安慰剂给重症患者服用。<br/><br/>【记】place 平静, pease place(安置) + 音:宝→安静宝,一种药名,place + 音:包,将包袱放下吧<br/>,全部放下心来


【考法 1】n. 小缺点:a minor flaw or shortcoming in character or behavior<br/>【例】admired their teacher despite his foibles 尽管有些小缺点,但还是很敬佩他们的老师<br/>【近】demerit, dereliction, failing, fault, frailty, shortcoming, sin, vice, want, weakness<br/>【反】merit, virtue优点,美德<br/><br/>【记】源自feeble 弱点;foil 剑,挫败;剑能击败别人是攻击的其弱点;音:腹部,人的腹部是最弱的部分


【考法 1】n. 安慰:comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or distress<br/>【例】The kind words brought a little solace to the grieving widow. 这些同情的话语给痛苦的寡妇带来了些许安慰。<br/>【近】consolation, relief<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 安慰,安抚:to comfort, cheer, or console, as in trouble or sorrow<br/>【例】I did their my to solace those bereaved children.我尽力去安抚那些失去双亲的孩子们。<br/>【近】cheer, comfort, console, soothe<br/>【反】agonize, distress, harrow, torment, torture, trouble 使痛苦,折磨<br/><br/>【记】源自console 安慰, 控制台;sola- 是太阳的词根,solar太阳光照着很温暖,感觉慰藉


【考法 1】n. 安眠药:a drug or other substance that induces sleep<br/>【例】Alcohol is a poor hypnotic because it disturbs sleep patterns, and so can worsen sleep disorders.酒精是一种欠佳的安眠药,因为它会干扰睡眠的固定模式,从而恶化睡眠紊乱的情况。<br/>【近】hypnotic<br/>【反】stimulant 兴奋剂<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 催眠的:causing or tending to cause sleep<br/>【例】This medication is soporific, so do not drive after taking it.这种药物是催眠的,服用之后切忌开车。‖the soporific heat of summer夏日里催人欲睡的阳光<br/>【近】 narcotic, opiate, slumberous, somniferous, somnolent<br/>【反】arousing, waking, invigorating, stimulating刺激性的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 慵懒的,困倦的:of, relating to, or marked by sleepiness or lethargy<br/>【例】A big lunch always makes me soporific in the afternoon.中午一顿大餐总是让我下午感到困倦。<br/>【近】dozy, drowsy, sleepy<br/>【反】awake, conscious, wakeful清醒的;alert 警醒的;sleepless, insomniac无法入睡的<br/><br/>【记】sober 清醒,把b 扳半圈是sopor,就是反意,不清醒,想sleep睡觉;象是philosopher 哲学的后半部分,一上哲学课就想睡觉→催眠


【考法 1】n. 宗派主义,顽固:stubborn or intolerant adherence to one's opinions or prejudices<br/>【例】 An ideological sectarianism prevented the political party from ever being anything more than a fringe group. 意识形态上的顽固和保守使得这个政党只能成为一个边缘团体。<br/>【近】dogmatism, illiberalism, intolerance, narrow-mindedness, partisanship, small-mindedness<br/>【反】broad-mindedness, liberalism, open-mindedness, tolerance 开明<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 定额供应量,配给量:an amount allotted or made available especially from a limited supply<br/>【例】 The meat ration was down to one pound per person per week.肉的人均供给量降至了每周一磅。<br/>【近】 allotment, allowance, apportionment, portion, provision, quota, share<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 按比例分配:to give as a share or portion<br/>【例】The region has had to ration water during times of drought. 干旱时该地区不得不按比例分配水资源。<br/>【近】 allocate, allot, allow, apportion, assign, distribute, lot<br/>【反】keep, retain, withhold扣留,拒接给予<br/><br/>【记】ratio 比率,按照比率分配→定量配给


【考法 1】n. 家仆:a person attached or owing service to a household<br/>【例】Knights are dressed for battle by their retainers.骑士们在上战场之前是由他们的家仆帮助着装打扮的。<br/>【近】menial, servant<br/>【反】lord, master主人<br/><br/>【记】retain + er 拥有的人,古时候,主人所拥有的人是仆人


【考法 1】n. 密集的一群:a number of things considered as a unit<br/>【例】A clot of daisies occupied one corner of the flower bed.一簇雏菊占据了花床的一角。<br/>【近】array, assemblage, band, block, bunch, cluster, clutch, collection, constellation, grouping, huddle, knot, lot, muster, package<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 堵塞:to prevent passage through by filling with something<br/>【例】Within a few years the pipe began to clog up.没有几年,管子就开始堵塞了。<br/>【近】block, choke, clog, gum up, jam, obstruct, occlude, stop up, stuff<br/>【反】clear, free, open up, unblock, unclog, unstop<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 凝结:to turn from a liquid into a substance resembling jelly<br/>【例】Scabs form over cuts when your blood starts to clot. 当血液开始凝结的时候,伤口处会形成血痂。<br/>【近】congeal, jell, jelly<br/><br/>【记】源自cluster, 一团;(土)坷拉;cloth + 音:头,布头,布块<br/>【另】clod


【考法 1】n. 寓言:a story intended to teach a basic truth or moral about life<br/>【例】the parable in which the repentant sinner is compared to the returning prodigal son这个寓言故事将不愿悔过的罪人和回头的浪子进行了比较<br/>【近】 apologue, fable<br/><br/>【记】看成fable 寓言的变体,f=p;看成comparable 可比较的,比得上的,用来比较的说,用比较的方法来比喻一件事→寓言


【考法 1】n. 导师:a trusted counselor or guide<br/>【例】not only an lecturer but also a spirit mentor不仅是授课者,还是精神导师<br/>【近】advisor, coach, counselor, guide, instructor, teacher<br/>【反】disciple, pupil 弟子;apprentice 学徒<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 教导,指导:to give advice and instruction regarding the course or process to be followed<br/>【例】 We're looking for volunteers to mentor students in career planning.我们在寻找能指导学生职业规划的志愿者<br/>【近】coach, counsel, lead, pilot, shepherd, show, tutor<br/>【反】comply, follow, observe 遵从<br/><br/>【记】mental 精神的 + or 人,精神上的导师


【考法 1】n. 小声的话语:a low, indistinct, continuous sound<br/>【例】 We could hear the murmur of the audience throughout the entire performance.我们在整个演出当中都能听到观众的窃窃私语<br/>【近】grunt, mumble, mutter, undertone, whisper<br/>【反】roar怒吼<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 低声抱怨,发牢骚:to complain in low mumbling tones; grumble<br/>【例】 We could hear the murmur of the audience throughout the entire performance.我们在整个演出当中都能听到观众的窃窃私语<br/>【近】carp, fuss, gripe, grizzle, grouch, grouse, grumble, moan, repine, whine<br/>【反】crow, delight, rejoice欢呼,高兴<br/><br/>【记】音:默默,默默地说,喃喃地说


【考法 1】n. 小河,小溪:a small stream<br/>【例】Dream Rivulet Diary《梦溪笔谈》<br/>【近】brook, brooklet, creek, streamlet<br/><br/>【记】river + let小


【考法 1】n. 少量津贴:a small portion, amount, or allowance<br/>【例】The internship offers only a pittance for a salary, but it is a great opportunity to gain experience. 实习所能挣到的报酬是很少的,但是它提供了获得经验的绝佳机会。<br/>【近】bit, mite, modicum, peanuts, trace<br/>【反】cornucopia, opulence富饶;boodle, bundle, fortune大笔财富<br/><br/>【记】pity + ounce 可怜的一盎司,很少,每月只挣一盎司银子


【考法 1】n. 少量,很短的距离:a very small distance or degree<br/>【例】give them aninch, and they'll take a mile得寸进尺‖Inch byinch, we're making progress toward our fund-raising goal. 我们在慢慢地接近筹款的目标<br/>【近】ace, hairbreadth, skip, neck, step<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 慢慢移动:to move or cause to move slowly or by small degrees<br/>【例】The car inched carefully across the snow-covered bridge.汽车慢慢地通过被大雪覆盖的桥梁<br/>【近】crawl, creak, creep, limp, plod, slouch, snail<br/>【反】dart, fleet, flit, scurry飞奔,疾行<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 少量,缺乏:smallness of number; dearth<br/>【例】an extreme paucity of natural resources极度缺乏自然资源<br/>【近】dearth, deficit, drought, inadequacy, insufficiency, lack, scantiness, scarcity, shortage, undersupply, want<br/>【反】abundance, adequacy, amplitude, opulence, plenitude, sufficiency, wealth 大量,丰富<br/><br/>【记】音:破 + city 城市;破city,这破城市,什么都没有,什么都缺


【考法 1】n. 少量:a small portion; a limited quantity<br/>【例】a modicum of food quota极少量的食物配额<br/>【近】atom, iota, mite, molecule, particle<br/>【反】abundance, affluence大量<br/><br/>【记】moderate 减少,适中 + cumulate 累积(表示量)


【考法 1】n. 少量:a very small amount<br/>【例】I'll have just a nip of your sandwich.我只吃一点点你的三明治<br/>【近】bit, hint, little, mite, ounce, snap, trace<br/>【反】abundance, affluence, avalanche大量<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 小口吃喝:to sip (alcoholic liquor) in small amounts<br/>【近】nibble, sip, tipple<br/>【反】guzzle, quaff, swill 大口吃喝<br/><br/>【记】音:捏皮,捏你的肉皮,镊,捏,捏破;音:你品,你品一品(茶)<br/>【另】sip 吸吮


【考法 1】n. 尖细条,刺:a sharp, slender piece, as of wood, bone, glass, or metal, split or broken off from amain body<br/>【例】She got a splinter from the unfinished wall.她的手被还没有装修的墙扎了一根刺。<br/>【近】chip, flake, sliver, spall, splint<br/>【反】chunk, slab厚板<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 切成细条:to split or break into sharp, slender pieces<br/>【例】splintered the carrots into little sticks 把胡萝卜切成丝<br/>【近】slice<br/><br/>【记】splint,split


【考法 1】n. 尖锐而严厉的批评:a biting or pointedly critical remark or comment<br/>【例】delivered one last barb to his ex-girlfriend as he stalked away在他转身离去之前,给他前女友留下了最后一句尖锐的批评<br/>【近】affront, criticism, offense, outrage, sarcasm, slight<br/>【反】praise, applause, compliment称赞<br/><br/>【记】barber 理发剃胡子的;源自 beard. 胡子就是刺,头发乱是刺头


【考法 1】n. 崇拜者,信徒:a person who is fervently devoted, as to a leader or ideal; a faithful follower<br/>【例】votaries of the religious leader宗教领袖的追随者们<br/>【近】acolyte, adherent, devotee, disciple, fan, fanatic, partisan, pupil, zealot<br/>【反】bellwether, leader领导;apostate, defector, renegade, traitor, turncoat叛徒<br/><br/>【记】vote + ar 投票者<br/>【另】devote 投入,献身


【考法 1】n. 崇拜,敬仰:extravagant respect to an object of esteem<br/>【例】the belief in swords and the worship of force刀剑信仰与武力崇拜<br/>【近】adulation, adoration, deification, idolatry, reverence, veneration<br/>【反】dislike, dismissal, disregard, hatred, loathing, scorn反感,厌恶<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 崇拜,膜拜:to offer honor or respect to (someone) as a divine power<br/>【例】The ancient Greeks worshipped many different gods.古希腊人崇拜不同的神明。<br/>【近】adore, deify, glorify, revere, venerate<br/>【反】blaspheme, desecrate, profane, violate亵渎<br/><br/>【记】源自worth有价值 + ship关系


【考法 1】n. 工作室,画室,摄影室:the working place of a painter, sculptor, or photographer<br/>【例】moved to a larger studio搬进了更大的工作室<br/>【近】workshop<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 工具:a device used in the performance of a task<br/>【例】gardening implements such as hoes, spades, and pruners诸如锄头、铲子和修枝剪一类的园艺工具<br/>【近】apparatus, device, instrument, tool, utensil<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 执行,实施:to put into practical effect; carry out<br/>【例】implement the new online application procedures实行新的网申程序<br/>【近】administer, apply, effect, enforce, execute, invoke, perform<br/>【反】cancel, repeal, rescind, revoke撤销<br/>【派】implementationn. 执行,履行<br/><br/>【记】im + ple- 满;complete 完成(任务),完成任务的工具<br/>【另】complete 完成


【考法 1】n. 巨额:an abundant amount, especially of money<br/>【例】worth a mint价值连城<br/>【近】bomb, boodle, bundle, fortune, pile, wad<br/>【反】mite, modicum少量<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 无损坏的:unmarred as if fresh from a mint<br/>【例】a second-handed laptop in mint condition 一台几乎全新的二手笔记本电脑<br/>【近】intact, original, perfect, pristine, unmarred, virginal<br/>【反】impaired, damaged有损坏的;stale陈腐的<br/><br/>【记】六级词汇: 薄荷,造币厂, 造币厂制造出来大量巨额货币


【考法 1】n. 市侩(注重物质而鄙视智慧或艺术的人):a person who is guided by materialism and is usually disdainful of intellectual or artistic values<br/>【例】The philistine's critics sometime limit artists' imagine.市侩之人的批评有时会限制艺术家的想象力<br/>【近】lowbrow, materialist<br/>【反】 highbrow 文化修养高的人<br/><br/>【记】abstinence 是节制, 节欲, 戒酒,phili 爱 + stine 欲望,酒→爱物质享受的,庸人


【考法 1】n. 常去的地方:a place for spending time or for socializing<br/>【例】The restaurant, the preferred purlieu of the theatergoing crowd, is always packed an hour or two before showtime.观剧的人群经常去的那间餐厅,总是在演出开始前 1-2小时爆满。<br/>【近】haunt, purlieu, rendezvous, resort, stamping ground, stomping ground<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 临近的地区:an adjoining region or space<br/>【例】 We stopped at one of the several pubs in the purlieus of the stadium. 我们在体育馆附近的一间酒吧停下来。<br/>【近】backyard, neighborhood, purlieus, vicinage, vicinity<br/><br/>【记】pur per through 通过 + lieu 场所<br/>【另】lie 位于,某个地方


【考法 1】n. 常规,习俗:general agreement on or acceptance of certain practices or attitudes<br/>【例】By convention, north is at the top of most maps.按照常规,北方在大多数地图上指向上<br/>【近】custom, ritual, manner<br/>【反】deviation 背离习俗<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 公约,协议:a general agreement about basic principles or procedures<br/>【例】Under this circumstance Geneva convention does not comply.此情形下《日内瓦公约》无效<br/>【近】treaty, agreement, compact, contract<br/><br/>【考法 3】n. 大会,集会:a coming together of a number of persons for a specified purpose<br/>【例】attended a convention of mathematicians in California参加了加州数学家的一次集会<br/>【近】assembly, congress, council, gathering<br/>【派】conventionaladj. 传统习俗上的<br/><br/>【记】con一起 + event事件,大家一起参与的某件事,这是个习俗,比如过年,赶庙会等


【考法 1】n. 平衡,停滞:a condition of balance among various forces<br/>【例】For the time being, the populations of the national park's predators and prey remain in stasis.目前国家公园中捕食者和猎物的数量保持着一定的平衡。‖Language is a primary element of culture,and stasis in the arts is tantamount to death. (Charles Marsh) 语言是文化当中的主要元素,艺术的停滞和平衡就等同于死亡。——查理斯·马氏<br/>【近】counterpoise, equilibration, equilibrium, equipoise, poise<br/>【反】disequilibration, disequilibrium, imbalance, nonequilibrium, unbalance不平衡<br/><br/>【记】static 静态的, 不动的;state 状态,状态本身有静止,固定在某状态之意


【考法 1】n. 幻想:imaginative fiction featuring especially strange settings and grotesque characters<br/>【例】indulge in a fantasy沉迷于幻想<br/>【近】chimera, conceit, daydream, delusion, dream, hallucination, illusion, vision<br/>【反】actuality, fact, reality, truth事实,现实<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 产生幻想:to form a mental picture of<br/>【例】He regularly fantasies romantic encounters that he knows will never happen.他会定期意淫一些永远不可能发生的浪漫邂逅<br/>【近】dream, envisage, envision, fantasize, imagine, picture<br/>【派】fantasticadj.梦幻般的,极好的<br/><br/>【记】fan迷 + taste 品尝→影迷的口味是喜欢想象力丰富的


【考法 1】n. 幽默诙谐的人:a humorous or droll person<br/>【例】Some wag wrote a droll satire on the scandal. 一些有才的人就丑闻写了一个搞怪的讽刺。<br/>【近】comedian, comic, droll, humorist, joker, wit<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 摆动:to move to and fro or up and down especially with quick jerky motions<br/>【例】The dog wagged its tail.狗摆动着它的尾巴。<br/>【近】swish, switch, waggle<br/><br/>【记】waggon 四轮运货马车,坐在上面摇动的很;音:尾狗,狗尾,狗尾巴摇动,身体笑得摇动;音:歪哥,不正经的哥们爱摇摆舞,并说打趣的话<br/>【另】swing 摇摆,swag 摇晃


【考法 1】n. 幽默,令人发笑的事物:something that is or is designed to be comical or amusing<br/>【例】The speech is full of wit and humor.演讲妙趣横生<br/>【近】comedy, comic, drollery, drollness, funniness, hilariousness<br/>【反】pathos令人伤感的事物<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 迎合,迁就:to comply with the wishes or ideas of<br/>【例】Parents need to know how to humor kids when they are upset.父母需要知道当孩子烦躁的时候怎么哄孩子<br/>【近】cater, gratify, indulge<br/><br/>【记】译音:幽默,原指人身体中的一种体液;幽默的人一般不愿强制人,而是迁就别人,满足别人<br/>,改变自己适应他人


【考法 1】n. 序言:a preliminary statement or essay introducing a book that explains its scope, intention, or background and is usually written by the author<br/>【例】An informal brunch served as a preface to the three-day conference. 一顿非正式的便餐作为为期三天的会议的序曲。<br/>【近】exordium, foreword, introduction, overture, preamble, prelude, prologue<br/>【反】epilogue尾声<br/>【派】prefatoryadj. 序言的<br/><br/>【记】前面的脸,书前面的脸就是序言<br/>The greater the man, the more restrained his anger. 人越伟大,越能克制怒火。


【考法 1】n. 序言:the preface or introduction to a literary work<br/>【例】the burglary, which he committed while still a teen, was but a prologue to a wasted life of crime他青少年时犯过的入室抢劫拉开了他偷盗生涯的序幕<br/>【近】 exordium, foreword, preamble, preface, prelude, proem, prolusion<br/>【反】 epilogue结尾<br/><br/>【记】pro- 前 + logue 话,前面的话;dialogue 对话


【考法 1】n. 废墟:discarded or useless material<br/>【例】the unsightly debris left after mining operations had ceased 采煤工程中止后留下难看的废墟<br/>【近】dross, dust, litter, offal, refuse, effluvium junk<br/><br/>【记】bris 是break的变体,碎片;de 去掉 + brace 支柱,支撑→去掉支柱楼就变成废墟;de下 + bricks<br/>把砖头拿下来,拆房成碎砖瓦


【考法 1】n. 微小的遗迹,小痕迹:the smallest quantity or trace<br/>【例】A few strange words carved on a stone were the only vestige of the lost civilization.石碑上刻着的几个奇怪的字符是这个失落文明的唯一的遗迹。‖the fossilized vestige of a dinosaur that traversed that muddy landscape millions of years ago 千万年横跨那块泥泞土壤的恐龙的化石碎片<br/>【近】echo, ghost, relic, remain, remnant, residual, shadow, trace<br/>【派】vestigialadj. 残留的;退化的<br/><br/>【记】同源于investigate, 调查的就是线索与蛛丝马迹→痕迹;vest + 音:迹,背心 + 痕迹;vest + age<br/>总穿背心上了年纪后,会留下(背心带的)痕迹;


【考法 1】n. 废料,废物:discarded or useless material<br/>【例】The rest of this stuff is just scrap, so sweep it up and throw it away.剩下的这堆东西都是没用的,把它们打扫一下就扔了吧。<br/>【近】 chaff, debris, dreck, dross, dust, effluvium, junk, litter, offal, offscouring, raffle, refuse, riffraff, rubbish, waste<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 抛弃:to get rid of as useless or unwanted<br/>【例】 We've decided to scrap the first car.我们决定丢弃第一辆车。<br/>【近】ditch, dump, jettison, junk, toss, throw away<br/>【反】 retrieve找回<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 终止,放弃原计划:to put an end to (something planned or previously agreed to)<br/>【例】 We scrapped our plans to go to Paris, and set out the next day for Prague.我们取消了去巴黎的计划,第二天启程奔赴布拉格。<br/>【近】abandon, abort, drop, recall, repeal, rescind, revoke, call off, cry off<br/>【反】continue, keep继续,持续<br/><br/>【记】scrape 刮掉的东西;音:小刮皮,片;s + crap 废物


【考法 1】n. 座右铭:a short expression of a guiding principle<br/>【例】"Semper fidelis" is the motto of US Marine Corps."永远忠诚"是美国海军陆战队的格言<br/>【近】catchword, doctrine, dogma, idiom, slogan<br/><br/>【记】源自mutter 自言自语,嘀咕,自己经常嘀咕的话语;model 模范,典型;motor 马达,当作激励自己的发动机的,励志用的→座右铭


【考法 1】n. 延期,暂缓施行:a suspension of activity<br/>【例】a moratorium on nuclear tests暂缓核试验<br/>【近】abeyance, delay, doldrums, dormancy, latency, quiescence, postponement, suspension<br/>【反】resumption(从中断处)继续进行<br/><br/>【记】amortal 分期付款;more at time 更多的在以后时间付,多次付<br/>【另】moratory 延期偿付的

founder<br />'faundə

【考法 1】n. 建立者:one that founds or establishes<br />【例】founders of the nation国父们<br />【近】architect, author, creator, father, generator, initiator, originator, sire<br />【反】terminator 终结者<br /><br />【考法 2】vi.<font color="#ff0000"> 完败:to fail utterly</font><br />【例】The theater company foundered after its corporate funding dried up. 在其基金告罄之后,这个戏剧公司彻底失败了<br />【近】collapse, flunk, miss, strike out, wash out<br />【反】succeed, work out成功<br /><br />【考法 3<font color="#ff0000">】vi. </font>沉没:to become submerged<br />【例】The ship struck a reef and foundered.船因触礁而沉没<br />【近】sink, submerge, submerse, go down<br />【反】float漂浮<br /><br />【记】found 基础,底部,下面;该词指倒下,沉在底部;found + er 找到东西的人,在沉船<br />Titanic找到的<br />【另】flounder 困难地前进(比founder多个l,木杖撑着)


【考法 1】n. 开始:a beginning; a start.<br/>【例】There was a large turnout at the commencement of the conference, but the numbers dwindled as it progressed. 在会议开始的时候,有很多人出席。但是随着会议的发展,人慢慢变少了。<br/>【近】birth, onset, outset, start, genesis, inception, nascence, threshold<br/>【反】close, conclusion, end, ending结束<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 毕业典礼the ceremonies or the day for conferring degrees or diplomas<br/>【例】The purpose of a commencement speaker is to dispense wisdom.毕业典礼的演讲者的目的是传播智慧。<br/>【反】matriculation录取入学<br/><br/>【记】commence 开始;大学的毕业只是人生的开始;


【考法 1】n. 开端,开始:an act, process, or instance of beginning<br/>【例】This seemed like a good program at its inception, but it isn't working out as planned.一开始这像是个不错的项目,但是它没有按照我们的预期发展<br/>【近】beginning, birth, commencement, dawn, genesis, kickoff, launch, nascence, onset, outset, start, threshold<br/>【反】close, conclusion, end, termination,omega结束,终止<br/>【派】inceptiveadj. 开端的,初生的<br/><br/>【记】accept 接受;inception 原指得到学位,得到学位是人生的开始<br/>【另】accept 接受,同意, concept 观念, deception 欺骗,exception 除外,异议,inception 起初,获得学位,intercept 中途阻止,截取,percept 感知, reception 接待,接收


【考法 1】n. 弹幕:a heavy curtain of artillery fire directed in front of friendly troops to protect them<br/>【例】Troops are advancing under the shield of barrage. 部队在弹幕的掩护下前进<br/>【近】bombardment, fusillade<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 有压倒之势的、集中的倾泻(如言语):an overwhelming, concentrated outpouring, as of words<br/>【例】The announcement was met with a barrage of criticism and protests. 此公告一出,批评和抗议的声音四起<br/>【近】salvo, hail, cannonade, shower, storm, volley<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. (同时)袭来:to attack with a rapid or overwhelming outpouring of many things at once<br/>【例】The athlete was barraged with requests for an autograph.请求运动员签名的呼声如排山倒海般袭来<br/>【近】bomb<br/><br/>【记】bar 阻拦 栅栏 + rage 疯狂→疯狂阻击,拦截


【考法 1】n. 彻底放松的状态:a state of being disregardful or unconscious of one's surroundings, concerns, or obligations<br/>【例】The spa experience was a week of pure nirvana.去泡温泉水疗的经历真是彻底的放松。<br/>【近】forgetfulness, obliviousness<br/>【反】alertness, awareness, cognizance, consciousness 警觉,知觉<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 天堂,极乐世界:an often imaginary place or state of utter perfection and happiness<br/>【例】They believe in a continuous cycle of births and deaths until the soul is perfected and achieves nirvana.他们相信生命会不断轮回,直到灵魂变得完美并升入天堂。<br/>【近】empyrean, fantasyland, heaven, lotusland, utopia<br/>【反】hell, inferno地狱<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 微小的东西,很少的钱:a very small object, creature, or particle, a very small sum of money<br/>【例】I have only a mite left to buy lunch for the rest of the week.我只剩下一点钱来买剩下一周几天的午饭了<br/>【近】atom, bit, hint, iota, molecule, particle, pittance, trace<br/>【反】boodle, bundle, fortune 大笔(金钱);colossus巨大的事物<br/><br/>【记】termite 音:土埋的,土里埋的白蚁,mite 是termite的后半部,都是虫子;音:螨→螨虫;<br/>【另】termite 白蚁


【考法 1】n. 温和,和蔼:a pleasant and affable disposition; geniality<br/>【近】affability, amiability, geniality<br/>【派】bonhomousadj. 和蔼的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 心理学:the science that deals with mental processes and behavior<br/>【例】She studied psychology in college.她大学专业是心理学。<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 心理战术:subtle tactical action or argument used to manipulate or influence another<br/>【例】He used poor psychology on his employer when trying to make the point. 他表达观点时,对老板用了拙劣的心理战术。<br/><br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 必需品:something necessary, indispensable, or unavoidable<br/>【例】Calculus is a requisite for modern physics.微积分是学习近代物理的必要知识。<br/>【近】condition, demand, necessity, need, requirement<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 必不可少的,必备的:essential, necessary<br/>【例】Oxygen is requisite for human to survive. 氧气是维持人类生命的必要条件。<br/>【近】critical, compulsory, imperative, indispensable, mandatory, necessary, obligatory, required, vital<br/>【反】needless, unnecessary 不必要的;dispensable, optional可替换的,可选择的<br/><br/>【记】源自require;request 要求的东西


【考法 1】n. 忙乱,喧闹:noisy, energetic, and often obtrusive activity<br/>【例】the hustle and bustle of the big city熙熙攘攘的大都市‖I couldn't concentrate in all the bustle of the student lounge.学生休息室里过于嘈杂,我无法专心。<br/>【近】bluster, coil, disturbance, furor, hurricane, pandemonium, stir, storm, tumult, turmoil, uproar, welter, whirl<br/>【反】calm, hush, peace, quiet, rest, stillness, tranquillity 宁静,祥和;order秩序<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. (快速地)行走:to move briskly and often ostentatiously<br/>【例】the hostess bustled about, taking care of last-minute preparations for the party.女主人四处走着,为聚会做最后的准备。<br/>【近】blast, bolt, careen, career, dash, fly, hustle, rush, rustle, speed, whirl<br/>【反】crawl, creep, lag, poke 缓慢行进<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 忙碌之地:a place swarming with activity<br/>【例】The house was a hive of activity as we prepared for the party.我们筹备派对时,房子里很是熙熙攘攘。<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 储备,积累:to store up; accumulate<br/><br/>【记】honeybee + cave<br/>


【考法 1】n. 忠诚:the quality or state of being faithful<br/>【例】They have never wavered in their fidelity to the cause of liberation.他们从不动摇对于解放事业的忠诚<br/>【近】adherence, allegiance, commitment, devotion, faith, loyalty, piety<br/>【反】disloyalty, infidelity, perfidy不忠;treachery背叛<br/>【派】infideln.异教徒<br/><br/>【记】fid 相信,confident 自信<br/>【另】affidavit 宣誓书,bona fide 信誉好,confide 倾诉, 委托, 信赖, confident 自信,diffident 缺乏自信的,infidelity 不贞,不忠,perfidy 不诚实, 背信


【考法 1】n. 忧虑,恐惧:suspicion or fear especially of future evil<br/>【例】She had a strong apprehension about her sister's health 她非常担心她姐姐的健康。<br/>【近】dread, foreboding, misgiving, anxiousness, unease, uneasiness, worry<br/>【反】composure, equanimity 镇定;unconcern 冷漠<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 逮捕:seizure by legal process : arrestment<br/>【例】apprehension of the thief 逮捕小偷<br/>【近】arrest<br/>【反】discharge 释放<br/><br/>【考法 3】n. 理解:the knowledge gained from the process of coming to know or understand something<br/>【例】a good apprehension of how computer systems work对计算机是如何工作的有很好的理解<br/>【近】understanding, comprehension<br/>【反】incomprehension<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 怒气,怨恨:feelings of anger or ill will often suppressed<br/>【例】She vented her spleen on her boyfriend and felt much better for having done so.在她把怒气一股脑地倾泻到她男朋友身上之后,她感觉好多了。<br/>【近】angriness, choler, furor, fury, indignation, ire, madness, outrage, rage, wrath<br/>【反】 delight, pleasure高兴,愉悦<br/><br/>【记】s + l去掉发音是脾;音:死脾,死脾气


【考法 1】n. 怨恨,仇恨:a feeling of deep-seated resentment or ill will<br/>【例】There has been a grudge between the two families for years.两家之间积怨已深。‖He has had a deep grudge against her ever since she snubbed him at the dance.自从她在舞会上对他不理不睬之后,他就对她怀有深深的怨念。<br/>【近】animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, bitterness, gall, hostility, jaundice, malice, rancor, resentment<br/>【反】amity 和睦,友好<br/><br/>【记】近于grouch, grumble;音:刮挤,找他要点东西,他又刮又挤地弄出一点来,吝啬;garage 让客人住会产生不满<br/>【另】grouch 牢骚不满,grumble 抱怨地表示, 嘟囔地说,grudge 不给予,怀恨,嫉妒, grouse 牢骚<br/>,埋怨


【考法 1】n. 恐惧,战栗:the emotion experienced in the presence or threat of danger; apprehension<br/>【例】trepidation about starting a new career对开创一项新事业而感到恐惧<br/>【近】fear, fright, horror, apprehension<br/>【反】boldness, bravery, dauntlessness, intrepidity大胆<br/><br/>【记】源自tremble 颤抖;trap + id 陷阱,诱骗,陷阱令人害怕,诱骗你的网络ID,或银行ID卡的陷阱;音:踹屁,别人踹自己屁屁→怕<br/>【另】intrepid 无畏的, 勇猛的,tepid 微温的, 不热情的,torpid 懒散迟钝的


【考法 1】n. 恩惠,福利:benefit, favor<br/>【例】The new solar battery booster is a boon for photographers. 这个光伏充电器是摄影家的福音<br/>【近】gift, benevolence, present, windfall<br/>【反】misfortune, scourge灾祸<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 喜欢集体行动的:likely to seek or enjoy the company of others<br/>【近】convivial, extroverted, gregarious, social, outgoing<br/>【反】reclusive隐居<br/><br/>【记】bon 好


【考法 1】n. 恶化;堕落:a gradual sinking and wasting away of mind or body<br/>【例】a continuing deterioration in relations between the two countries 两国关系的持续恶化<br/>【近】decadence, degeneration, deterioration, devolution, downfall, downgrade<br/>【反】improvement, recovery, recuperation, rehabilitation, revitalization改进,改善<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 监视,监控:close observation of a person or group, especially one under suspicion<br/>【例】government surveillance of suspected terrorists政府对于恐怖分子嫌疑人的监控<br/>【近】oversight, supervision, watch<br/><br/>【记】survey


【考法 1】n. 悼词:a composition expressing one's grief over a loss<br/>【例】 her lament for her grandmother她为她祖母写的悼词<br/>【近】 dirge, elegy, requiem<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 抱怨:an expression of dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment<br/>【例】 the career woman's lament that there aren't any good men left职场女性的抱怨:好男人都死光了<br/>【近】 carp, complaint, fuss, grievance, gripe, grouch, grouse, grumble, moan, murmur<br/><br/>【考法 3】vi. 哀悼,表达痛苦或遗憾:to express sorrow or regret; mourn<br/>【例】 lament an innocent death为无辜的死者而悲痛<br/>【近】bemoan, deplore, grieve, moan, mourn, wail<br/>【反】delight, exult, joy, rejoice感到高兴<br/><br/>【记】lame 腿跛了→悲伤;lam鞭打,被打→痛哭,悲伤


【考法 1】n. 情感爆发:a sudden intense expression of strong feeling<br/>【例】the stressed-out coworker cried out with a gust of emotion压力巨大的同事开始嚎啕大哭<br/>【近】burst, ebullition, eruption, explosion, flush, gush<br/><br/>【记】disgust 突然觉得一阵反胃,作呕,要吐;disgust 是不好(dis)的一阵;burst 爆发<br/>Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to dropback. 学如逆水行舟,不进则退。


【考法 1】n. 惯例,仪式:a prescribed form or manner governing the words or actions for a ceremony<br/>【例】the marriage rites婚礼仪式的章程<br/>【近】ceremony, form, observance, protocol, ritual, solemnity<br/>【派】ritualn. 仪式<br/><br/>【记】right 正当的,正的,最正式的就是举行仪式,没有比这个更正规的了


【考法 1】n. 意外发现珍奇(或称心)事物的本领:the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident<br/>【例】They found each other by pure serendipity.他俩的相识属于缘分天注定。<br/><br/>【记】surrender pity 放弃者的遗憾,没有善于挖掘财宝的天赋,应该继续挖,不放弃<br/>


【考法 1】n. 意志,自愿选择的行为:the act or power of making one's own choices or decisions<br/>【例】beyond his volition or control超出了他的意志和控制范围<br/>【近】choice, decision, discretion, will<br/>【反】coercion, compulsion, constraint, duress, force, pressure强迫,迫使<br/><br/>【记】源自will;v=w, i=o;voluntary 自动的, 自愿的<br/>【另】volunteer 志愿者,benevolent 慈善的 bene 善 + vole 意愿 组成


【考法 1】n. 意见不合:difference of opinion; disagreement<br/>【例】Although we have dissension, we are friend all the same.虽然我们意见不和,但我们还是朋友。 || There is a continued dissension among historians on the exact spot of Columbus's first landing.关于哥伦布第一次的准确登陆地点这个问题,总是存在分歧。<br/>【近】conflict, disaccord, discordance, discordancy, disharmony, dissent, dissidence, dissonance, disunion, disunity, division, friction, inharmony, schism, strife<br/>【反】accord, agreement, concord, concordance, harmony, consensus, unanimity不和谐,不一致<br/><br/>【记】dis + consent 同意<br/>【另】absent (ab + present) 缺席,assent consent (同感) 同意,dissent (不同感) 不同意,present 现在<br/>,礼物,resent (反感)憎恨


【考法 1】n. 感觉,知觉:a perception associated with stimulation of a sense organ or with a specific body condition<br/>【例】 We felt just the smallest sensation of warmth when we leaned against the radiator. 当我们靠着取暖器的时候,我们也仅仅感到了一点点的温度。<br/>【反】anesthesia, numbness麻木<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 轰动事件:a state of intense public interest and excitement<br/>【例】the rookie hitting sensation of the American League这个菜鸟的表现轰动了整个全美大联盟<br/>【近】 flash, marvel, miracle, phenomenon, portent, prodigy, splendor<br/>【反】 unnoticed event不知名的小事<br/><br/>【记】sense 感觉,指对感官有很大震撼的,耸人听闻的


【考法 1】n. 愤世嫉俗者:a person who believes all people are motivated by selfishness.<br/>【例】A cynic might think that the governor visited the hospital just to gain votes.一个愤青认为州长去医院探视仅仅是为了拉票。<br/>【近】misanthrope, naysayer, pessimist<br/><br/>【记】y=i=a 元音互换,cani-也是狗,犬的词根;犬儒指儒生找社会和别人的弊病,象犬一样的<br/>【另】critic 批评家(另一个c开头,ic结尾,表示批评的单词), captious


【考法 1】n. 愿意顺从,讨好,彬彬有礼:disposition to please or comply: affability<br/>【例】She speaks with complaisance.说话彬彬有礼。|| The complaisance of his girlfriend is such that she meekly goes along with everything he says. 他的女朋友讨好他,对他言听计从。<br/>【例】【近】affability, amenability, amiability, good-naturedness<br/>【反】obstinacy 固执;churlishness 粗野<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 憎恶,讨厌:strong dislike, contempt, or aversion<br/>【例】time did nothing to diminish the odium in which the traitor lived out his days时间也没有减少大家对这个叛徒的唾弃<br/>【近】ignominy, infamy, obloquy, opprobrium<br/>【反】 esteem, honor, respect, hankering, infatuation 尊敬,渴望,着迷<br/><br/>【记】odi- 音:呕地,吐了一地,真讨厌令人作呕,吐一地


【考法 1】n. 懊悔,悔恨:moral anguish arising from repentance for past misdeeds; bitter regret<br/>【例】He felt a deep remorse for having neglected his family over the years.他为多年来忽略家人的行为表示懊悔。<br/>【近】 contriteness, contrition, penitence, regret, remorsefulness, repentance, rue, self-reproach, shame<br/>【反】impenitence, remorselessness不知悔改<br/>【派】remorsefuladj. 懊悔的,悔恨的<br/><br/>【记】re 反复 + 音:毛撕,反复撕扯自己的毛发,懊悔; re又 + mouth 嘴,又当了一次大嘴,说了傻话错话了→懊悔


【考法 1】n. 懒人:an habitually lazy person<br/>【例】The teacher tried to wake up the sluggards who were still sleeping at that late hour.老师尝试去叫醒那些还在睡觉的懒鬼们。<br/>【近】deadbeat, drone, idler, loafer, slouch, slug<br/>【反】doer, hummer, hustler, rustler活跃的人,精力充沛的人<br/><br/>【记】来自slug 懒汉,金属小块;音:死懒鬼;languid 无力的, 没精打采的;金属小块类似plug<br/>【另】haggard 憔悴的, 野性的 ,它们是很难抵挡的。


【考法 1】n. 懒惰:physical or mental inertness<br/>【例】He enjoyed the languor brought on by a hot summer afternoon.他很享受夏日午后的慵懒<br/>【近】 collapse, exhaustion, frazzle, lassitude, listlessness, stupor, torpor, prostration<br/>【反】 verve, vim,animation,vitality 有活力<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 衰弱:weakness or weariness of body or mind<br/>【例】The tropical heat sapped our strength, leaving us in a state of unaccustomed languor.热带的炎热气候消磨着我们的力量,让我们感到一阵虚弱的不适<br/>【近】debilitation, enervation, enfeeblement, fragility, infirmity<br/>【反】robustness, strength, vivacity强壮,有力<br/><br/>【记】language 学语言(英语,GRE)学得都憔悴了;可能来自langu- 舌头,语言,因为舌头是无力的;


【考法 1】n. 懦弱,不坚定:lack of courage or resolution<br/>【例】cowardice in the face of danger面对危险时的懦弱<br/>【近】cravenness, dastardliness, gutlessness, poltroonery, pusillanimity, spinelessness<br/>【反】courage, guts, pluck, intrepidness, nerve, stoutness, valiance, valor勇气<br/>【派】cowardn. 懦夫<br/><br/>【记】cow + ward, toward 象牛一样


【考法 1】n. 所有权:ownership<br/>【近】dominion, ownership, possession, property, proprietorship<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 私营的:privately owned and managed and run as a profit-making organization<br/>【例】a proprietary hospital私人医院<br/>【近】private<br/>【反】public政府提供的;state-owned国有的<br/><br/>【记】近于property 私有财产<br/>【另】proprietor 所有者


【考法 1】n. 手稿:a book, document, or other composition written by hand<br/>【例】beautiful Latin manuscript on the school's diplomas学校毕业证书上美丽的手写拉丁文<br/>【近】calligraphy, penmanship, script<br/>【反】print, type, typewriting打字稿<br/><br/>【记】manu 手 + script 稿<br/>【另】script 手稿, 手迹, 剧本


【考法 1】n. 打趣,善意的玩笑:playful repartee, banter<br/>【例】the sophisticated badinage of the characters in plays by Oscar Wilde 奥斯卡·王尔德作品中意味深长的玩笑话<br/>【近】banter, persiflage, repartee<br/><br/>【记】bad + in + age 在年龄上不好,开玩笑在年纪上开不好,很多人不喜欢开他们年龄的玩笑;bad<br/>+ nag(唠叨,责骂)


【考法 1】n. 扶墙:a projecting structure for supporting or giving stability to a wall or building<br/>【近】anchor, mainstay, pillar, reliance, standby<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 提供支撑的证据或者信息:to provide evidence or information for (as a claim or idea)<br/>【例】a mass of circumstantial evidence buttresses the prosecutor's case大量支持起诉人案件的证据<br/>【近】bolster, corroborate, reinforce, substantiate, shore up<br/>【反】contravene, challenge反对,质疑<br/><br/>【记】butt buttocks的简写 臀部 + rest 人坐着休息时臀部是支持;butt + press, stress;粗端 + 压力;承受压力的底端;


【考法 1】n. 技艺超群,精通:possession or display of great skill or technique<br/>【例】 She has mastery of several languages.她熟练掌握多种语言<br/>【近】deftness, dexterity, finesse, prowess, virtuosity<br/>【反】amateurishness业余<br/>【派】masterfuladj. 精通的<br/><br/>【记】来自动词master(控制,精通)


【考法 1】n. 抑制因素:one that deadens, restrains, or depresses<br/>【例】Rain put a damper on our picnic plans.下雨打破了我们的野餐计划。<br/>【反】ameliorator促进物<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 抗议,抱怨:an expression of protest, complaint, or reproof, especially a formal statement of grievances<br/>【例】She seems deaf to her son's remonstrances.她似乎对儿子的抗议充耳不闻。‖Aggravated by the noisy metro construction, many residents wrote letters of remonstrance to city officials. 许多被地铁建设的噪音激怒的居民向市政府投去了抗议信。<br/>【近】challenge, complaint, demur, difficulty, fuss, objection, protest, question, remonstration, stink<br/>【反】 acceptance, acquiescence, agreement, approval, assent, sanction同意,接受<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 护卫队,护送者:a person or group of persons accompanying another to give protection or as a courtesy<br/>【例】The mayor served as the First Lady's escort for her tour of the city.市长陪同第一夫人参观了城市。<br/>【近】attendant, companion, guard, guide<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 同行,护送:to go along with in order to provide assistance, protection, or companionship<br/>【例】Asenior student from the college escorted my parents and me on our tour of the campus.来自学院的一个师兄陪同我和我父母参观了校园。‖a VIP escorted by an army of bodyguards and journalists被一群保镖和记者包围的重要人物<br/>【近】accompany, attend, chaperone, companion, company, convoy, squire<br/>【反】abandon, desert, ditch, dump, forsake抛弃,不顾<br/><br/>【记】scout 是侦察机(舰,兵),escort 是护航机(舰,兵) 侦察机也护航;boy scout 童子军;as +<br/>courtesy 出于礼貌→护送女士


【考法 1】n. 护身符:something worn or kept to bring good luck or keep away evil<br/>【例】A pendant of white nephrite jade is often worn by Indians as a talisman to ward off heart disease.印度人通常戴一串软玉项链防止心脏病发作。<br/>【近】amulet, fetish, mascot, mojo, periapt, phylactery<br/><br/>【记】tale + man 传说中的人物,有许多人拿传说中的人物作护身符,玉观音,玉佛或十字架之类的作护身符<br/>【另】amulet 护身符


【考法 1】n. 报偿,报应:the dispensing or receiving of reward or punishment especially in the hereafter<br/>【例】The neighborhood is being torn apart by an endless cycle of gang violence and retribution.这个社区正在被帮派间斗争和仇恨的恶性循环割裂。<br/>【近】avengement, payback, recompense, reparation, repayment, requital, retaliation, revenge, vengeance<br/>【派】retributiven. 报应的<br/><br/>【记】re 回 + tribute 贡品, 礼尚往来,回报<br/>【另】tribute 贡品,礼物,attribute 品质,contribute 贡献, distribute 分发,分配, retribution 报答<br/>,报应


【考法 1】n. 报复,复仇:an act or instance of retaliating in order to get even<br/>【例】Both sides were determined to get revenge for losses and showed little interest in ending the feud.双方都下定决心要为失去的东西报仇,对于结束他们之间的世仇毫无兴趣。‖The bombing was in revenge for the assassination of their leader.此次轰炸是对暗杀他们领袖的报复行动。<br/>【近】avengement, payback, reprisal, requital, retaliation, retribution, vengeance<br/>【反】forgiveness, pardon饶恕,原谅<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 复仇:to avenge (as oneself) usually by retaliating in kind or degree<br/>【例】He finally revenged the death of his brother.他终于为兄弟的死报了仇。<br/>【近】avenge, redress, requite, retaliate<br/>【反】absolve, condone, forgive, pardon原谅,宽恕<br/><br/>【记】re 回 + venge复仇;音:刎之,恨不得砍了他脑袋<br/>【另】avenge 报仇, venge 复仇


【考法 1】n. 担忧,疑虑:a feeling of doubt or suspicion especially concerning a future event<br/>【例】No one can dispel his misgiving. 没有人能打消他的疑虑<br/>【近】apprehension, distrust, doubt, dread, fear, foreboding, incertitude, skepticism, suspicion<br/>【反】assurance, belief, certainty, certitude, confidence, conviction, sureness, surety, trust信心<br/><br/>【记】mis 不,错,反 + give 给错,不给→担心给错或不给;forgive 原谅,给了就原谅<br/>【另】forgive 原谅


【考法 1】n. 指令,命令:a command by one in authority<br/>【例】followed the dictates of my conscience遵从我的良心准则‖The army must abide by the dictates of the new government. 军队必须服从新政府的命令。<br/>【近】behest, charge, commandment, decree, direction, directive, edict, imperative, injunction, instruction, order<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. (仗着地位、权力)下令:to request the doing of by virtue of one's authority<br/>【例】The general dictated that the terms of surrender be negotiated by his senior staff.将军要求投降书中的若干条款交付手下的高级将领进行讨论。<br/>【近】call, decree, direct, impose, mandate, ordain, order, prescribe<br/>【反】cancel, countermand, rescind撤销命令<br/>【派】dictatorn. 独裁者<br/><br/>【记】dict 说,字;dictionary 字典,词典,学单词看字典就是把字,词说写出来<br/>【另】contradict 矛盾,说法相抵;edict 布告,indicate 指出,说明,indict 控告,predict 预言,verdict<br/>裁断,diction 措词,


【考法 1】n. 挽歌:a slow, solemn, and mournful piece of music<br/>【例】This funeral dirge is for the dead friend.这首葬礼挽歌是写给故去的朋友的。<br/>【近】elegy, requiem<br/><br/>【记】die + 音:歌,死亡之歌


【考法 1】n. 捐赠人,给体:one that gives, donates, or presents something<br/>【例】donors of funds to research foundations研究基金的捐赠人<br/>【近】donator, presenter, contributor, subscriber, patron, sugar daddy<br/>【反】acceptor受体<br/><br/>【记】donate + or


【考法 1】n. 捐赠物:something given to someone without expectation of a return<br/>【例】 The alumna's huge bequest was an unexpected largess.校友们的巨额遗赠是一笔意料之外的财富<br/>【近】bestowal, donation, giveaway, present<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 慷慨:liberality in giving or willingness to give<br/>【例】 be noted for his largesse因慷慨而闻名<br/>【近】bountifulness, generosity, munificence, openhandedness, philanthropy<br/>【反】 miserliness, parsimony, penury, stinginess小气<br/><br/>【记】large 大方


【考法 1】n. 排列,阵列:a regular and imposing grouping or arrangement<br/>【例】a marching band's carefully choreographed array前进中的乐队所摆出的经过复杂编排的方针<br/>【近】arrangement, disposal, disposition, distribution, ordering, sequence, setup<br/>【反】disorder, disorganization混乱,无序<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 排列,摆放:to arrange or display in or as if in an array<br/>【例】data arrayed in descending order按照降序排列的数据‖arrayed his baseball cards in order of their rarity and consequent monetary value把他的棒球卡按照稀有程度——也即价值排列<br/>【近】arrange, classify, codify, dispose, marshal, organize, range, systematize, draw up, lay out<br/>【反】derange, disarrange, disarray, disorder, mess, rumple, upset弄乱,打乱<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 装饰,装修:to dress or decorate especially in splendid or impressive attire<br/>【例】He had already arrayed himself in his best clothes. 他已经穿上了他最好的服装。‖a door arrayed for the holidays with a beautiful evergreen wreath被美丽的常青花环妆点的节日大门<br/>【近】adorn, beautify, bedeck, bedizen, blazon, embellish, emblaze, emboss, enrich, garnish, ornament, trim<br/>【反】blemish, deface, disfigure, mar, scar, spoil破坏,损毁<br/><br/>【记】同源于arrange;ar + ray 光线(一样整齐排列);array 数组,计算机课学过<br/>A shortcut to riches is to subract from our desires. 致富的捷径是寡欲。


【考法 1】n. 掩护物,屏障:something that shelters, protects, or hides<br/>【例】The target will be difficult to reach as it is behind a screen of anti-aircraft batteries. 目标在防空炮火的掩护之下难以靠近。‖Please keep away from the screen door.请不要倚靠屏蔽门。<br/>【近】aegis, ammunition, armor, cover, guard, protection, safeguard, security, shield, wall, ward<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 保护,使...免受攻击:to drive danger or attack away from<br/>【例】Gunships were called in to help screen the troops from further attacks.武装直升机被呼叫对步兵进行支援,使之免受进一步的攻击。<br/>【近】defend, fence, fend, forfend, protect, secure<br/>【反】assail, assault, attack攻击<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 掩护,遮蔽:to keep secret or shut off from view<br/>【例】Bushes screened the swimming pool from passersby on the street.灌木丛将游泳池和外面的行人隔绝开来。<br/>【近】belie, cloak, conceal, curtain, disguise, enshroud, mask, obscure, occult, shroud, veil<br/>【反】disclose, expose, reveal, uncloak, uncover, unmask, unveil揭露<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 摘要,概要:a brief outline or general view; an abstract or a summary.<br/>【例】Just give me a synopsis of the movie.把电影的大致情节给我说说就行。<br/>【近】 abstract, brief, digest, recapitulation, roundup, summarization, epitome<br/><br/>【记】Syn + opus operations 将要干的工作放到一起→摘要;形近于thesis,但是前面是syn,综合的意思,论文前面的概述


【考法 1】n. 摘要:a brief summary of a larger work or of a field of knowledge: abstract<br/>【例】a compendium of information资料概要<br/>【近】abstract, brief, overview<br/>【派】compendious adj. 简洁而全面的:concise and comprehensive<br/>【例】his compendious knowledge of this subject 他关于这一学科全面的知识<br/>【近】concise, brief, laconic, compendiary, succinct<br/><br/>【考法 2】 目录:各种项目的列表或集合:a list or collection of various items.<br/>【例】Compendium of Materia Medica《本草纲目》<br/>【近】compilation, miscellany<br/><br/>【记】compendious


【考法 1】n. 攻击,进攻:attack, assault<br/>【例】withstand the onset of the army抵挡住了敌人军队的进攻<br/>【近】aggression, assault, charge, offense, onslaught, raid, rush, strike<br/>【反】defense防御<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 起始,开始:the point at which something begins<br/>【例】If you take enough vitamin C at the onset of a cold, you'll probably recover faster.如果你感冒刚一开始就服用足量的维他命 C,你可能会康复得更快。<br/>【近】alpha, baseline, commencement, dawn, genesis, inception, kickoff, launch, nascence, outset, threshold<br/>【反】close, conclusion, end, ending, omega, termination结束<br/><br/>【记】set on


【考法 1】n. 放弃宗教信仰:renunciation of a religious faith<br/>【例】Some people completely abandon the faith after apostasy.有些人在放弃自己的宗教信仰后就再也不相信任何其他宗教信仰了。<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 变节,背叛:abandonment of a previous loyalty : defection<br/>【例】He was looked down upon for apostasy.他因为背叛而受到鄙视。<br/>【近】defection, perfidy, treacherousness, recreancy<br/>【反】fidelity, allegiance, loyalty, piety 忠诚,虔诚<br/><br/>【记】源自apo 远 + stas(stand 站,立场)→远离立场→背叛立场;a 不 + post 岗位,职位→离开岗位→背叛<br/>【另】apostate


【考法 1】n. 放纵:carefree, freedom from constraint<br/>【例】added spices to the stew with complete abandon肆无忌惮地向炖菜里面加调料<br/>【近】unconstraint, uninhibitedness, unrestraint<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 放纵:to give (oneself) over unrestrainedly<br/>【例】abandon oneself to emotion 感情用事,abandon herself to a life of complete idleness放纵自己过着闲散的生活<br/>【近】indulge, surrender, give up<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 放弃:to withdraw from often in the face of danger or encroachment<br/>【例】abandon the ship/homes弃船,离家<br/>【反】salvage救援<br/><br/>【考法 4】v. 停止做某事:to put an end to (something planned or previously agreed to)<br/>【例】the bad weather forced NASA to abandon the launch 坏天气迫使 NASA 停止了发射<br/>【近】abort, drop, repeal, rescind, revoke, call off<br/>【反】keep, continue, maintain, carry on继续<br/><br/>【记】看成ab否定 + band 带子,约束+ on,不约束,放纵


【考法 1】n. 放荡不羁者:one who acts without moral restraint; a dissolute person<br/>【例】The legend of Don Juan depicts him as a playboy and libertine.有关唐璜的传说把他描绘成一个放荡不羁的花花公子<br/>【近】backslider, debaucher, decadent, deviate, pervert, profligate<br/>【反】 ascetic禁欲者<br/><br/>【记】liberty 自由 + ine 自由人,浪荡


【考法 1】n. 政治上的独立:the quality or state of being self-governing<br/>【例】The province has been granted autonomy.这个省份被授予了自治权<br/>【近】self-governance, sovereignty<br/>【反】dependence, subjection附属,依赖<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 自我主导的自由,尤其是精神独立:self-directing freedom and especially moral independence<br/>【例】a teacher who encourages individual autonomy一个鼓励精神独立的老师<br/>【近】independence, liberty, free will<br/>【反】constraint, duress限制<br/>【派】autonomous adj. 自治的<br/><br/>【记】autonomous 名词


【考法 1】n. 故作姿态、不真诚的人:an affected or insincere person<br/>【例】She is such a poseur and you will never know if she is really crying or pretending.她就是个爱装的人,你从不知道她是真的在哭还是只是假装而已。<br/>【近】grandstander, poser<br/><br/>【记】pose + er 摆姿势的人;看着很怪的poser 原来是个假的


【考法 1】n. 敌意,深仇:a bitter deep-seated ill will<br/>【例】A good man terminates a friendship without rancor.君子绝交不记仇。<br/>【近】animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, bitterness, gall, grudge, hostility, jaundice<br/>【反】amity, harmony, goodwill, rapport, rapprochement和睦,友好;friendship友谊<br/><br/>【记】源自rancid,心有臭气,怨气的;音:怨客,怨气


【考法 1】n. 敌意:a usually prejudiced and often spiteful or malevolent ill will, enmity<br/>【例】She felt no animus toward those who had wronged her. 她对那些冤枉了她的人没有敌意。<br/>【近】animosity, antagonism, antipathy, hostility, rancor<br/>【反】friendliness, amity, amenity 友好<br/><br/>【记】象enemy 敌人,及animal 畜生


【考法 1】n. 敌意:positive, active, and typically mutual hatred or ill will<br/>【例】an unspoken enmity between two factions两个派系间心照不宣的仇恨<br/>【近】animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, feud, gall, hostility, rancor<br/>【反】amity, comity友好;concord和睦<br/><br/>【记】enemy;<br/>【另】animus 敌意,animosity 憎恶,amity 友好, 亲善关系


【考法 1】n. 敌手,对手:one that contends with, opposes, or resists : enemy<br/>【例】political adversary 政敌<br/>【近】antagonist, foe, opponent<br/>【反】ally, amigo, friend联盟,朋友<br/><br/>【记】ad + vers 转→翻转,对着干的→对手


【考法 1】n. 教育者,老师:a person whose occupation is to give formal instruction in a school<br/>【例】a boring pedagogue who is called "PPT reader"一个被戏称为"幻灯片朗读机"的无聊老师<br/>【近】educator, instructor, preceptor, teacher<br/>【反】disciple, pupil, student弟子,学生<br/><br/>【记】ped- + ago(alg, ache 痛) 脚痛,整天站着讲课脚痛→教师;ped 小孩 + gogue 音:高官,高层管理人→小孩的官,管小孩子的→大众教育者<br/>【另】demagogue 煽动政治家


【考法 1】n. 文学作品的结局:a concluding section that rounds out the design of a literary work<br/>【反】preface序文<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 戏剧的收场白:the final scene of a play that comments on or summarizes the main action<br/>【近】coda<br/><br/>【记】epi 边,结尾 + logue 说话<br/>【另】analogue 相似物,apologue 寓言,道德故事,catalogue 目录,collogue 畅谈,dialogue 对话,<br/>duologue 对话,eclogue 牧歌,epilogue 收场白,homologue 相同物,ideologue 思想家,monologue 独白,prologue 序言,travelogue 旅行见闻演讲,trialogue 三方对话

illiteracy<br><span style="color:#00007f;">i'litərəsi</span>

【考法 1】n. 文盲:the condition of being unable to read and write<br />【例】a nationwide campaign against illiteracy全国扫盲运动<br />【近】ignorance<br />【反】learning, literacy受过教育<br />【派】illiterate adj. 不识字的<br /><br />【记】il + literate 有文化的


【考法 1】n. 新兵;新手;菜鸟:recruit; novice<br/>【例】The rookie replaced the injured regular at first base.这个新手代替了受伤的一垒手。<br/>【近】apprentice, fledgling, freshman, greenhorn, neophyte, novice, recruit, tyro<br/>【反】veteran老兵<br/><br/>【记】可能是源自recruit 新兵, 新人, 征募,发音念快点就象recruit了;cookie 饼干,象吃饼干的小孩一样幼稚→新手


【考法 1】n. 新手,业余爱好者:a beginner in learning: novice<br/>【例】a tyro in the art of piano钢琴界的新手<br/>【近】novice, apprentice, neophyte, rookie, amateur, dabbler, dilettante, fledgling, recruit<br/>【反】 old hand, old-timer, vet, expert, professional, veteran专家<br/><br/>【记】与typo 一起记,总爱打错字的是新手;音:太儒,太肉,太柔,太弱,全是新手的特征


【考法 1】n. 方案,计划:a specific plan or design<br/>【例】an ambitious project to develop the city's underground transport 一项开发城市地下交通系统的雄心勃勃的计划<br/>【近】arrangement, blueprint, design, plan, program, scheme, strategy, system, road map<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 凸出:to extend outward beyond a usual point<br/>【例】Some boulders projected dangerously out above the trail.一些巨石非常危险地在道路上凸了出来。<br/>【近】balloon, beetle, billow, bunch, jut, overhang, poke, pouch, pout, protrude, swell<br/><br/>【考法 3】 vt. 预测,预计: to calculate, estimate, or predict (something in the future), based on present data or trends<br/>【例】projecting next year's expenses 预测明年的开销<br/>【近】augur, estimate, extrapolate, forecast, predict, predetermine, presage<br/>【派】projectedadj. 计划的;projectionn. 凸起物;投影 <br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 旅行癖:a very strong or irresistible impulse to travel<br/>【例】His wanderlust would not allow him to stay long in one spot. 他对旅行的渴望让他不可能在一处久待。<br/><br/>【记】wander + lust欲望<br/>


【考法 1】n. 旗帜,象征:a piece of fabric that is used as a symbol (as of a nation) or as a signaling device<br/>【例】We respect the flag of our fathers.我们尊敬父辈们的旗帜<br/>【近】banner, ensign, pendant, pennant<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 变得衰弱:to become unsteady, feeble, or spiritless<br/>【例】We flagged as we neared the end of the long mountain trail. 当我们终于快到达漫长山路的终点时,已经筋疲力尽<br/>【近】decay, decline, deteriorate, emaciate, fade, fail, languish, sag, waste, wilt, wither<br/>【反】thrive 繁荣;revitalize, revive 恢复活力<br/>【派】unflaggingadj.坚持不懈的<br/><br/>【记】象旗子般无力的下垂


【考法 1】n. 无影响或无价值的人:a person of no importance or influence<br/>【例】The intern is a mere cipher in the company. 这个实习生在公司里是个无足轻重的小人物。<br/>【近】dwarf, half-pint, insect, insignificancy, lightweight, morsel, nonentity,nothing, nullity, snippersnapper, whippersnapper, zero<br/>【反】big shot, big wheel, bigwig, eminence, figure, personage<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 计算(价值):to determine (a value) by doing the necessary mathematical operations<br/>【例】We were surprised by how much we had spent on the cruise after we had ciphered out the grand total.当我们算出我们沉船游览的总花费时,我们都惊呆了。<br/>【近】compute, work out<br/><br/>【考法 3】n. 密码:a method of transforming a text in order to conceal its meaning<br/>【例】convert their messages into cipher 把他们的信息转换成密码<br/>【近】code, secret message<br/><br/>【记】safer 更安全,需要加密;密码由一系列零和一组成<br/>【另】encipher 加密, decipher破译


【考法 1】n. 无忧无虑的生活:a carefree episode or experience<br/>【例】a summer idyll on the coast of the Mediterranean地中海岸的悠闲夏日<br/>【近】frisk, frolic, gambol, revel, lark<br/><br/>【记】idle 空闲;很空闲,悠闲,田园生活是很悠闲的,比城市轻松多了


【考法 1】n. 无意义的话,废话:words or language having no meaning or conveying no intelligible ideas<br/>【例】Many of the words in the poem are nonsense. 这首诗歌当中很多词都是废话。<br/>【近】 babble, blabber, drivel, prattle, mumbo jumbo<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 无权,虚弱:lack of power or effectivenes<br/>【例】In spite of their impuissance the group remains highly active.尽管手中无权,但这个组织仍然十分活跃<br/>【近】impotence, powerlessness, weakness<br/>【反】clout, potency, power, puissance权势<br/>【派】impuissantadj. 无权无势的,无能的<br/><br/>【记】im 无 + puis- 源自power 权力;im + push 没有推力,无力<br/>【另】puissance 权力, 力量, 影响<br/>Men only weep when deeply grieved. 男儿有泪不轻弹,只因未到伤心处。


【考法 1】n. 无法自控的情绪:a state of being beyond reason and self-control<br/>【例】an ecstasy of rage 无法自控的愤怒<br/>【近】mania, rhapsody<br/>【反】self-control自控,自制;composure, sangfroid 镇定<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 狂喜:intense joy or delight<br/>【例】be in ecstasy over the offer from Harvard University因被哈佛的录取而欣喜如狂<br/>【近】delight, elation, euphoria, exhilaration, rapture, transport<br/>【反】depression, melancholy沮丧<br/><br/>【记】源自 ecstatic<br/>【另】stasis 郁积,停滞


【考法 1】n. 无法逃脱的困境:something that catches and holds<br/>【例】Someday you'll find that your lies are a snare from which you can't escape.总有一天你会发现,你所说过的谎话都会变成你无法逃脱的困境。‖caught in the snare of drug addiction处于吸毒上瘾的困境之中<br/>【近】entanglement, mesh, morass, net, noose, quagmire, quicksand, toil, trap<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 捕捉:to capture by or as if by use of a snare<br/>【例】They snared a rabbit earlier in the day.今天的早些时候他们捕获了一只兔子。‖The car salesman successfully snared three potential customers.汽车销售员成功地让三个潜在的客户上钩了。<br/>【近】catch, enmesh, ensnare, ensnarl, entrap, tangle<br/>【反】disentangle解开;free, liberate释放<br/><br/>【记】音:丝挠,铁丝和挠钩是古代的罗网与陷阱,一掉进去就会被铁丝网住,挠钩钩住;音:丝+ net 丝做的网来当陷井;<br/>【另】ensnare 用网捕获


【考法 1】n. 昏迷,深度无知觉:a state of profound unconsciousness caused by disease, injury, or poison<br/>【例】The girl lay in a coma for three days after the accident. 那个女孩在事故之后已经昏迷了三天了。<br/>【近】insensibility, blackout, knockout<br/>【反】consciousness, awareness有知觉<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 迟钝,冷漠:a state of mental or physical sluggishness : torpor<br/>【近】sluggish, torpor<br/>【反】activity, animation 有活力;alacrity 敏捷<br/><br/>【记】comma ","逗号代表停顿,思维意识停顿,逗号也象个coma彗星;音:磕懵


【考法 1】n. 易受感染的性质或状态:the quality or state of having little resistance to some outside agent<br/>【例】A weak immune system causes increased susceptibility to disease.弱的免疫系统会增大患病的概率。<br/>【近】defenselessness, vulnerability, weakness<br/>【反】immunity, invulnerability免疫<br/><br/>【记】accept 接受


【考法 1】n. 智者:one (as a profound philosopher) distinguished for wisdom<br/>【例】The young prince made a pilgrimage to the sage, hoping to learn the meaning of life.年轻的王子走上了向智者取经的道路,希望能领悟到生命的真谛。<br/>【近】expert, illuminati, master, mentor, savant, scholar<br/>【反】dolt, fool, idiot, simpleton傻子<br/>【派】sagaciousadj. 睿智的;sagacityn. 聪慧<br/><br/>【记】音:先知→是有智慧的智者;sagacious 睿智的


【考法 1】n. 智者:persons who claim to be unusually enlightened<br/>【近】clerisy, intellectual, intelligentsia, literati<br/>【反】fool, dolt, dullard, idiot, simpleton傻子<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 精英:individuals carefully selected as being the best of a class<br/>【例】a book launching party to which only New York's cultural illuminati were invited一个只邀请了纽约上层文化精英的新书发布会<br/>【近】aristocracy, elite, upper crust<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 暴怒:intense, disordered, and often destructive rage<br/>【例】The gods unleashed their fury on the offending mortal. 诸神将怒火降在了对那些对神明不敬的凡人身上<br/>【近】anger, indignation, ire, mad, rage, wrath<br/>【反】forbearance容忍;delight, pleasure快乐,愉悦<br/>【派】furiousadj. 狂暴的,暴怒的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 替代品:one that takes the place of another<br/>【例】For some people, Google Earth is never a justified surrogate for actual travel. 对于一部分人而言,谷歌地球决不是旅行的合理替代品。<br/>【近】backup, cover, fill-in, relief, replacement, reserve, stand-in, substitute<br/><br/>【记】sur 上,越过 + rogate 权利,越权,让他人上来顶替权利<br/>【另】abrogate 废除, arrogate 冒称有.权利, derogate 贬损, 毁损,interrogate 审问,询问<br/>,prorogate 休会,subrogate 取代,接替,surrogate 代替


【考法 1】n. 替补演员:one who is prepared to act another's part or take over another's duties<br/>【例】be an understudy to sb 作为某人的替补<br/>【近】 deputy<br/><br/>【记】指在(舞台)下面学习,练习的替补演员<br/>


【考法 1】n. 最低点:the lowest point<br/>【例】the nadir on the curve曲线上的最低点<br/>【近】base, bottom, foot<br/>【反】acme, apex, climax, meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, top, zenith最高点<br/><br/>【记】音:挨底,挨地,这个挨读有口音的(nai)<br/>【另】反义词:zenith 最高点


【考法 1】n. 最高点,巅峰:culminating point<br/>【例】at the zenith of his power位极人臣<br/>【近】acme, apex, apogee, climax, crescendo, crest, peak, pinnacle, summit, top<br/>【反】bottom, nadir最低点<br/><br/>【记】z 是26个字母中最后一个 z + ith 第z个→最后一个→极点;Zen 禅,禅宗的目的是悟到最高境界→天顶<br/>【另】nadir 天底, 最底点


【考法 1】n. 有经验的人,资深人士: a person considered to be knowledgeable or uniquely skilled as a result of long experience in some field of endeavor<br/>【例】a doyen in the industry 业界的元老<br/>【近】authority, expert, master, maven, veteran, virtuoso<br/>【反】amateur, layman业余爱好者,门外汉;tyro, novice, neophyte, rookie, fledgling新手<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. (加入时间较长的)高级会员:the senior member of a group<br/>【例】He's the doyen of the admission committee, and his opinion has considerable weight.他是招生委员会里的老人了,所以他的话往往格外有分量<br/>【近】elder, senior<br/>【反】junior 新人<br/><br/>【记】源自dean 大学院长;do干 + 音:人→ 能干的人


【考法 1】n. 期刊:a publication that appears at regular intervals<br/>【派】subscribed to three new periodicals订阅了三份新的期刊<br/>【近】book, magazine, newspaper, paper, review, serial<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 周期性的,有固定间隔的:occurring or recurring at regular intervals<br/>【派】periodical announcements from airline personnel concerning the delay航空公司工作人员关于延误所 进行的一遍又一遍的广播<br/>【近】continual, periodic, recurrent, recurring<br/>【反】 constant, continuous, incessant, unceasing持续不断的<br/><br/>【记】periodic(adj.周期循环往复的);period(n.时期;周期)


【考法 1】n. 机智,智慧:the natural ability to perceive and understand<br/>【例】lacked the wit to judge缺乏判断的智慧<br/>【近】astuteness, brilliance, foxiness, intelligence, keenness, perspicacity, sagacity, sharpness, shrewdness<br/>【反】brainlessness, dullness, fatuity, lunacy, silliness愚蠢<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 智者,有智慧的人:a person of exceptional intelligence<br/>【例】a man who fancied himself as a great wit 一个把自己想象成智慧的化身的男子<br/>【近】illuminati, pundit, sage, savant, scholar<br/>【反】dolt, fool, idiot, simpleton傻子<br/>【派】wittyadj. 有智慧的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 杂交品种,混合品种:something of mixed origin or composition<br/>【例】a hybrid of medieval and Renaissance styles中世纪和文艺复兴的混搭风<br/>【近】amalgam, bastard, compound, mixture, mule<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 杂交的:being offspring produced by parents of different races, breeds, species, or genera<br/>【例】a hybrid rose called "American Beauty"一种被称为"美国丽人"的杂交玫瑰<br/>【近】crossbred, mongrel<br/>【反】purebred 纯种的<br/><br/>【记】音:合 + breed 种→将品种合在一起杂交


【考法 1】n. 权力,影响力:influence ; pull<br/>【例】The queen may have privilege but she has no real political clout. 女王有特权, 但无真正的政治影响力。<br/>【近】power, influence, capacity, heft, leverage<br/>【反】impuissance, impotence无力<br/><br/>【记】源自cloth 布及clot; claw out 伸出爪子(手)抓,击打→施加影响;call out 唤起,大声呼喊→施加影响


【考法 1】n. 权力:power; might<br/>【例】the president pledged to put the full puissance of the nation into the war effort 总统下令全国进入战争状态<br/>【近】force, might, potency, strength, vigor, sinew<br/>【反】 powerlessness, impotence, weakness无力<br/><br/>【记】puis- 近于power;pulse 脉冲,push 推动,都有力的意思,


【考法 1】n. 杰出人物:a person who has achieved eminence in a specific field<br/>【例】Buddhist luminary佛学大师‖Luminaries from the worlds of sports, entertainment, and politics were atthe gala. 全球体育界、娱乐圈和政界的名人都出席了此次盛会<br/>【近】celebrity, eminence, figure, icon, notability, star, superstar<br/>【反】nobody, nonentity小人物<br/><br/>【记】lumin- 亮,明,闪闪发亮的名星


【考法 1】n. 极度快乐:extreme happiness; ecstasy<br/>【例】Ignorance is bliss ——The Matrix.无知者,幸也(电影《黑客帝国》)<br/>【近】beatitude, joy, ecstasy, elation<br/>【反】grief, misery悲痛<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 极乐世界:a dwelling place of perfect happiness for the soul after death<br/>【例】the road to eternal bliss 通往永恒乐土的道路<br/>【近】heaven, paradise<br/>【反】hell地狱<br/>【派】blissful adj. 带来幸运的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 极端爱国激进分子(通常表现为好战的对外政策):extreme chauvinism or nationalism marked especially by a belligerent foreign policy<br/>【例】jingoists who cry for war叫嚣着鼓吹开战的激进分子<br/>【近】 chauvinist, nationalist, superpatriot, war hawk<br/>【反】 dove, pacifist, peacenik 反战派人士<br/><br/>【记】jingoism + ist人


【考法 1】n. 柱子:a firm upright support for a superstructure<br/>【例】stone pillars that supported the hall支撑大厅的石柱<br/>【近】column, pier, pilaster<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. (物质、精神等方面的)支柱:something or someone to which one looks for support<br/>【例】My father has been my pillar throughout this crisis. 整场危机之中我父亲都是我的支柱。<br/>【近】anchor, buttress, mainstay, reliance, standby<br/><br/>【记】源自pile 桩子 + er东西


【考法 1】n. 栅栏,围栏:an enclosure or pen made with posts and stakes<br/>【例】a heavy stockade that protected the troops保护驻扎部队的厚厚的栅栏<br/>【近】barricade, barrier, blockade, fence, wall<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 监狱:a place of confinement for persons held in lawful custody<br/>【例】All POWs were kept in a remote stockade.所有的战俘都被关在一个遥远的监狱里。<br/>【近】bastille, coop, jail, pen, prison<br/><br/>【记】stock 树干制成的blockade (阻塞,封锁);stock + ad 树桩搭成的广告<br/>【另】stake 树桩


【考法 1】n. 次要的细节,小事:a minute or minor detail<br/>【例】plagued by minutiae被不重要的细节困扰<br/>【近】triviality<br/>【反】gist要点<br/><br/>【记】minute 小<br/>


【考法 1】n. 欢乐颂:a joyous song or hymn of praise, tribute, thanksgiving, or triumph<br/>【例】her retirement party featured many paeans for her long years of service to the company她的退休派对满是对她多年在公司辛勤工作的赞颂<br/>【近】 accolade, citation, dithyramb, eulogium, eulogy, hymn, panegyric, tribute<br/><br/>【记】音:拼音,用拼音来唱赞歌(因为是古希腊语,只会用拼音唱);古希腊感恩的一种赞美诗,赞歌,尤指对太阳神<br/>【另】piety 虔诚


【考法 1】n. 欺瞒:the quality of deceitfulness; empty pretense<br/>【例】condemned the rigged election as a total sham指责这次有作弊的选举是彻头彻尾的骗局<br/>【反】debunk揭穿真相<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 掩饰,假装:to present a false appearance of<br/>【例】shammed a most unconvincing limp just to get sympathy非常拙劣地假装自己腿脚不便,以博得同情<br/>【近】act, affect, bluff, counterfeit, dissemble, fake, simulate, pretend, profess, put on, pass for<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 虚假的:not genuine; fake<br/>【例】street vendors selling sham designer handbags to gullible tourists街头小贩向易上当的游客兜售山寨的设计师手包<br/>【近】bogus, forged, phony, spurious, unauthentic<br/>【反】 genuine, authentic, bona fide, real, unfaked真正的<br/><br/>【记】源自shame 羞耻,可耻;什么最可耻,造假最可耻,一次造假,别人就再也不相信你了


【考法 1】n. 欺骗,口是心非:deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech<br/>【例】accidentally reveal their duplicity 不经意间暴露了他们的口是心非<br/>【近】artifice, deceit, craft, cunning, fraudulence, guile<br/>【反】honesty, artlessness, forthrightness, guilelessness, ingenuousness, sincerity诚实,坦诚<br/><br/>【记】duplicate 两面的,表里不一的<br/>【另】complicity 同谋, 共犯<br/>Guilty consciences make men cowards. 做贼心虚。


【考法 1】n. 止痛剂: something (as a drug) that relieves pain<br/>【例】The dentist waited until the anesthetic took effect.牙医等止痛药生效。<br/>【近】analgesic, anodyne<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 无感觉的,麻木的:lacking awareness or sensitivity<br/>【例】be anesthetic to their feelings 对他们的感受麻木不仁<br/>【反】sensate 有感觉的<br/><br/>【记】an无 + esthet 感觉→麻醉,与aesthetic开头多了个n,看成no, 没感觉<br/>【另】aesthetic (a + esthe 感觉,有美的感觉)美学, analgesic 止痛的, 止痛剂


【考法 1】n. 正教,标准:a basis for judgment; a standard or criterion<br/>【例】the canons of polite society 文明社会的法规<br/>【近】dogma<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 真经,真典:the authentic works of a writer<br/>【反】apocrypha伪经<br/>【派】canonical adj. 正教的:conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure : orthodox<br/>【反】heterodox, nontraditional非正统的<br/>【派】canonize v. 作为神圣的来对待,使神圣化:to treat as sacred; glorify<br/>【近】adore, adulate, idolize, deify, worship<br/>【反】abase, degrade, demean, humiliate贬低<br/><br/>【记】cannon 大炮,译音是加农炮,说到底大炮(武力)其实才是准则,原则,标准,cannon 多个<br/>n象炮架子。日本佳能Canon是高科技的行业标准


【考法 1】n. 正直:steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code, devotion to telling the truth<br/>【例】After a thorough investigation into"Climategate", the panel concluded that the integrity of scientificcommunity is still sound.经过对"气候门事件"的彻底调查,专家组认为学术界的信誉和道德仍然是值得信赖的<br/>【近】conscience, honesty, incorruptibility, rectitude, righteousness, scrupulousness<br/>【反】baseness 卑鄙;deceit, deceitfulness, dishonesty, lying, mendacity, untruthfulness 欺骗<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 完整性:the quality or condition of being whole or undivided<br/>【例】trying to maintain the integrity of the falling empire 尽力维持日趋西山的帝国的统一<br/>【近】completeness, entireness, perfection, wholeness<br/><br/>【记】完整的一个人,指人正直


【考法 1】n. 正直:the quality or state of being straight; moral integrity<br/>【例】 The principal encouraged the graduates to go on to live lives of rectitude. 校长鼓励毕业生们在今后的生活中做一个正直的人。<br/>【近】honesty, integrity, probity, righteousness, scrupulousness, uprightness, virtue, virtuousness<br/>【反】badness, evil, immorality, iniquity, sin, villainy, wickedness邪恶,罪恶<br/><br/>【记】rect 正,直 + itude 正直的状态<br/>The strongest man is the one who stands most alone. 能忍受孤独的人是最坚强的人。


【考法 1】n. 残余,剩余物:something left over<br/>【例】a remnant of his past glory他辉煌过去的一丝残余‖The shop is selling remnants of cloth at half price.商店在半价抛售剩余的衣物。<br/>【近】debris, remainder, remains, residue, vestige<br/><br/>【记】源自remain 剩余<br/>【另】remanent 剩余的


【考法 1】n. 气化:conversion into gas<br/>【例】gasification of coals煤的气化<br/>【近】evaporation, sublimation<br/>【反】solidification固化;liquefaction液化<br/>【派】gasifyv. 气化<br/><br/>【记】gas + ify 使气


【考法 1】n. 水渠:an open man-made passageway for water<br/>【例】 Water was drained from the swamp through a specially constructed channel.这块沼泽通过一条特殊建 造的水渠源源不断地向外输水。<br/>【近】aqueduct, canal, conduit, course, flume, racecourse, raceway, watercourse, waterway<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 海峡:a narrow body of water between two land masses<br/>【例】the world record for swimming the channel between Alaska and Chukotskiy横渡阿拉斯加和楚科奇之间海峡(也即白令海峡)的世界纪录<br/>【近】narrows, neck, sound, strait<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 将...导向,投入:to cause to move to a central point or along a restricted pathway<br/>【例】a youth who channeled all of his energy into sports 一个将毕生精力都投入体育之中的少年<br/>【近】canalize, channelize, conduct, direct, funnel, pipe, siphon<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 沼泽,湿地:an area of soft, wet, low-lying land<br/>【例】The marshes along the coast support a remarkable profusion of plants and animals.沿着海岸线一带 的沼泽为大量的动植物提供了栖息所<br/>【近】bog, fen, marshland, mire, moor, morass, quagmire, slough, swamp, wetland<br/>【派】marshyadj.潮湿的<br/><br/>【记】音:马失(前蹄),因为踩到沼泽地里了;音:马湿,因为掉到湿地里了;march 一夜行军需要穿过沼泽地


【考法 1】n. 活力,力量:vigorous strength; muscular power<br/>【例】Money is the sinew of love as well as war.爱情和战争都要用金钱来保证。<br/>【近】energy, firepower, force, horsepower, might, muscle, potency, power, puissance, strength, vigor<br/>【反】impotence, impotency, powerlessness, weakness无力,虚弱<br/><br/>【记】音:撕扭,摔跤运动员撕扭在一起,需要力量与肌肉;音:犀牛,力大无比,肌肉很多


【考法 1】n. 活力,热情:vitality, liveliness<br/>【例】The instrumentalists played with skill and verve.器乐表演者们有着高超的技巧与饱满的热情<br/>【近】animation, dynamism, energy, exuberance, liveliness, robustness, vibrancy, vigorousness, vim, vitality<br/>【反】lethargy, listlessness, sluggishness, torpidity精神不振<br/><br/>【记】vivid 生动的,文章与绘画很生动→有神韵;very nerve 神经,勇气,很有神经,有神,精神气质;


【考法 1】n. 活力,生命力:physical or mental vigor especially when highly developed<br/>【例】Her vitality seemed to spread to everyone around her.她的活力似乎能影响身边的每一个人<br/>【近】animation, bounce, dynamism, energy, liveliness, robustness, verve, vibrancy, vigorousness, vim<br/>【反】lethargy, listlessness, sluggishness, torpidity精神不振<br/>【派】vitalizevt. 激发,使有活力<br/><br/>【记】vital(adj.有活力的),ity:活力


【考法 1】n. 谣传,误传:an unfounded or false, deliberately misleading story.<br/>【例】it's a popular canard that the actress died under scandalous circumstances有一种广泛的说法声称女演员死于绯闻的压力<br/>【近】story, whisper<br/><br/>【记】音:坑呐,原来是个坑呐(网络用语"坑"指编造的假文章,用来骗人玩的);canal 各种渠道总是用来传播谣言


【考法 1】n. 活力,精力:robust energy and enthusiasm<br/>【例】A little rest should give me back some of my vim.稍事休息一会我应该就能回复些许精力<br/>【近】animation, bounce, dynamism, energy, liveliness, robustness, verve, vibrancy, vigorousness, vitality<br/>【反】lethargy, listlessness, sluggishness, torpidity精神不振<br/><br/>【记】音:威猛,形容小伙威猛,就是有活力; v + im, 照片中年轻的我做着大大的V字形手势,I'mvim 我有朝气活力


【考法 1】n. 派系:a party or group (as within a government) that is often contentious or self-seeking<br/>【例】affiliated with one faction附属于某个党派‖North-Ocean Faction北洋派<br/>【近】bloc, body, clique, coalition, sect, wing<br/>【派】factional adj.派系的,派别的<br/><br/>【记】fraction 片段<br/>【另】fraction 小部分, 片断, 分数


【考法 1】n. 海峡:a narrow channel joining two larger bodies of water<br/>【例】Thousands of vessels pass through the straits annually.每年数以千计的货轮要通过这个海峡。<br/>【近】channel, narrow, neck<br/>【反】isthmus地峡<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 痛苦:a state of great suffering of body or mind<br/>【例】in dire straits over the loss of her mother's cherished necklace因为丢失了母亲最珍贵的项链而陷入了极端的痛苦之中<br/>【近】affliction, agony, anguish, excruciation, misery, pain, torment, torture, travail, tribulation, woe<br/><br/>【记】源自strict 严格,指在空间或时间上很紧,有限,狭小→狭,strict straight<br/>【另】isthmus 地峡,strained 紧张的


【考法 1】n. 海市蜃楼,幻想:something illusory and unattainable like a mirage<br/>【例】Reunion with her husband has become a mirage.与他丈夫重逢已是可望而不可及的幻象‖A peaceful solution proved to be a mirage. 和平解决问题是不可能的了<br/>【近】chimera, delusion, hallucination, illusion, phantom, vision<br/>【反】reality现实<br/><br/>【记】miracle,c=g,看到了奇迹→海市蜃楼;mirror 镜子中的幻影


【考法 1】n. 涌入:a coming in<br/>【例】They anticipated an influx of tourists next month.他们预期下个月会有大批游客涌入<br/>【近】affluence, flux, income, inflow, inpouring, inrush<br/>【反】exodus大批离去;outflow, outpouring流出<br/><br/>【记】in入 + flux流→流入<br/>【另】conflux 汇流, 合流点,efflux 流出物, 流出,flux 流,涨潮,波动,influx 流入,reflux 逆流, 退潮


【考法 1】n. 淫窥狂:one obtaining sexual gratification from observing unsuspecting individuals who are partly undressed, naked, or engaged in sexual acts<br/>【例】They accidentally found out that their ostensibly benign neighbor is actually a voyeur.他们偶然间发现那个表面和善的邻居居然是一个偷窥狂。<br/>【近】peeper<br/>【派】voyeurism n. 偷窥癖<br/><br/>【记】音:望淫→窥淫;voyage 客轮航海过程中有窥淫狂,游轮上常有色情狂


【考法 1】n. 深刻的理解:an instance of apprehending the true nature of a thing, especially through intuitive understanding<br/>【例】an insight into the global-scale environmental problems 对于全球性环境问题的深刻理解<br/>【近】discernment, insight, perception, sagacity, sapience<br/>【反】glimmer, inkling略懂,略知一二<br/>【派】insightfuladj. 有洞察力的<br/><br/>【记】in 里面 + sight 看到里面,看到事情的本质的→洞察力


【考法 1】n. 深奥,深刻:something profound or abstruse<br/>【例】His books are a mixture of playfulness and profundity.他的作品都是搞笑和深刻的结合体。<br/>【近】 deepness, profoundness<br/>【反】 superficiality肤浅<br/><br/>【记】profound


【考法 1】n. 混乱a condition or place of great disorder or confusion.<br/>【例】the boy's room is in such chaos that it looks as though a tornado had struck小男孩的房间如此得混乱以至于看起来像台风来袭<br/>【近】disarrangement, dishevelment, disorder, disarray, havoc, mess, muddle, jumble, welter<br/>【反】order 有秩序<br/>【派】chaotic adj. 混乱的,无序的:happening in a state of complete disorder and confusion<br/>【反】strictly structured, strictly featured构造严谨的,特征严谨的<br/><br/>【记】音:吵死


【考法 1】n. 混乱的人群:a disorganized or disorderly crowd of people<br/>【例】the crown prince was reminded that even the rabble deserved his attention and compassion 太子应该知道即使是草民,也值得他的关注和同情<br/>【近】 ragtag and bobtail, riffraff, scum, rag, trash, unwashed<br/><br/>【记】rabbit 一群野兔是乌合之众;pebble 小圆石<br/>【另】mob 暴徒, 乌合之众<br/>The pen is mightier than the sword. 笔能杀人。


【考法 1】n. 混乱而无意义的话:language marked by abstractions, jargon, euphemisms, and circumlocutions; confused or meaningless talk<br/>【例】The security guard gave me some kind of rigmarole about passes and authorizations.保安不知所云地跟我说了一些关于通关和授权的话。<br/>【近】abracadabra, babble, drivel, gabble, gibber, jabber, nonsense, prattle<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 混乱;动乱:a state of wild disorder<br/>【例】There was a welter of pushing and shoving.到处是推搡和拥挤的混乱局面。‖The troop withdrawal would plunge the country into a welter of anarchy and endless civil war.撤军会使得这个国家陷入无政府的动乱和无尽的内战中。<br/>【近】disturbance, furor, hurricane, pandemonium, turmoil, turmoil, uproar, whirl<br/>【反】calm, peace, tranquility 平静,宁静;order秩序<br/><br/>【记】wild;wet water 水里弄湿了,滚的


【考法 1】n. 清晰明了:the quality of being perspicuous; clearness and lucidity<br/>【例】The key of modern enterprise system is the prespicuity of property right.现代企业制度的核心是产权的明晰<br/>【近】clarity, clearness, explicitness, lucidity, lucidness, perspicuousness<br/>【反】obscureness, obscurity, unclarity 模糊不清;ambiguity模棱两可<br/><br/>

mosk<br><span style="color:#00007f;">mɔsk</span>

【考法 1】n. 清真寺:a building used for public worship by Muslim<br />【例】a deadly suicide attack at the mosque在清真寺发生的致命自杀性袭击<br />【近】cathedral, chapel, church, temple<br /><br />【记】monk 类似和尚呆着的寺庙


【考法 1】n. 温室:a greenhouse for growing or displaying plants<br/>【例】The college's conservatory is entirely devoted to cultivating and displaying orchids.学校的温室几乎全部用于兰花的种植和观赏了<br/>【近】greenhouse, hothouse<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 艺术学院:a school specializing in one of the fine arts<br/>【例】an opera conservatory歌剧学院<br/><br/>【记】conserve 保存,保养 + ory 地方<br/>【另】factory 工厂<br/>Do it now. Do it today. 现在就做。今天就做。


【考法 1】n. 溃败:a complete failure; fiasco<br/>【例】the debacle of the war战争的彻底失败<br/>【近】bummer, calamity, catastrophe, cataclysm, fiasco, fizzle, flop, washout<br/>【反】complete success, éclat, blockbuster 大成功<br/><br/>【记】de + bacterial 细菌病毒(大爆发)会导致崩溃与灾难


【考法 1】n. 漩涡:a powerful often violent whirlpool sucking in objects within a given radius<br/>【例】Their raft got caught in a maelstrom. 他们的筏被一个漩涡卷住了<br/>【近】gulf, vortex, whirlpool<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 混乱、动荡的局势:a violent or turbulent situation<br/>【例】the maelstrom of war战争带来的乱世<br/>【近】chaos, disorder, pandemonium, tulmult, turmoil, upheaval, uproar<br/>【反】calm 风平浪静<br/><br/>【记】mal坏 + strom→破坏性的storm 暴风,如有大漩涡的龙卷风


【考法 1】n. 热情,兴趣:urgent desire or interest<br/>【例】in my enthusiasm to get going, I forgot to pack any foul-weather clothing在强烈的出游热情下,我忘记带上防备坏天气的衣服了<br/>【近】ardor, avidity, desirousness, impatience, keenness, lust, thirst<br/>【反】apathy, indifference无动于衷,漠不关心<br/>【派】enthusiastic adj. 热情的<br/>【反】halfhearted心不在焉的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 热情,狂热:great warmth and intensity of emotion<br/>【例】A blind patriotic fervor is called chauvinism.盲目的爱国热情就被称为沙文主义<br/>【近】ardor, enthusiasm, passion, zeal, zealotry<br/>【反】apathy, indifference, impassiveness, unconcern冷漠<br/><br/>【记】fever 发烧


【考法 1】n. 焦虑:anxiety arising from awareness of guilt<br/>【例】compunction of conscience 良心不安|| a brutal murderer who killed without compunction 一个野蛮没有良心的杀人犯<br/>【近】anxiety, misgiving, scruple<br/>【反】absence of misgiving不担忧<br/><br/>【记】com + puncture (心里)被很多针一起扎的感觉→懊悔<br/>【另】acupuncture 针灸,expunction 消除,消灭,venipuncture 静脉穿刺


【考法 1】n. 爆炸:an explosion or violent detonation<br/>【例】blast wave of a nuclear bomb原子弹的冲击波<br/>【近】burst, detonation, eruption, outburst<br/>【反】implosion 向内爆裂<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 一阵猛烈的强风:a violent gust of wind<br/>【例】blasts of bleak air 阵阵阴风<br/>【近】blow, flurry<br/><br/>【考法 3】n. 巨响:a loud explosive sound<br/>【例】a sharp blast of the horn startled the other driver一声尖锐刺耳的喇叭声惊吓到了另一名司机<br/>【近】bang, boom, thunderclap<br/>【反】murmur, whisper轻言轻语<br/><br/>【考法 4】vt. 炸裂,爆破:to cause to break open or into pieces by or as if by an explosive<br/>【例】The highway engineers will have to blast that hill in order to put a road through here.为了建设一条公路,道路工程师们必须对那座山进行爆破<br/>【近】demolish, explode, smash, blow up<br/>【考法 5】vt. 斥责,抨击:to criticize harshly and usually publicly<br/>【例】blasted the new governor for every little misstep就每一个小的失误都要抨击新的执政官<br/>【近】abuse, assail, belabor, castigate, lambaste, scathe, vituperate<br/><br/>【记】blow + est 最高极,爆炸到最高级


【考法 1】n. 特征,特点:a distinguishing characteristic<br/>【例】It is a peculiarity of the house that there is no front door.没有大门是这座房子的一个特色。<br/>【近】attribute, character, criterion, diagnostic, differentia, feature, fingerprint, hallmark, mark, note, particularity, quality, specific, trait<br/><br/>【记】peculiar 独特的,近于particular 特殊的


【考法 1】n. 特权,权力:an exclusive or special right, power, or privilege<br/>【例】It is your prerogative to refuse to attend religious services.你有权力不参加宗教活动。<br/>【近】appanage, birthright, entitlement, privilege, right<br/><br/>【记】pre + rog- 问,要求, 权力<br/>【另】abrogate 废除, arrogate 冒称有.权利, derogate 贬损, 毁损,interrogate 审问,询问<br/>,prorogate 休会,subrogate 取代,接替,surrogate 代替


【考法 1】n. 特立独行之人:a person who does not conform to generally accepted standards or customs<br/>【例】Some mavericks believe that both gravity and light are electromagnetic forces.一些特立独行的人认为,重力和光都是电磁力<br/>【近】bohemian, deviant, heretic, iconoclast, nonconformist<br/>【反】 conformer, conformist, conventionalist遵从传统的人<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 标新立异的,不合常规的:deviating from commonly accepted beliefs or practices<br/>【例】a maverick view on marriage关于婚姻的非传统看法<br/>【近】dissentient, dissenting, dissident, heterodox, iconoclastic, unorthodox<br/>【反】 conforming, conventional, orthodox遵从传统的<br/><br/>【记】音:马无肉刻,马的身上(肉上)没有刻上记号;原指未打烙印的无主牲口(马)


【考法 1】n. 犹豫,不情愿:the quality or state of being hesitant, reluctance<br/>【例】 sales figures for the month were up, as consumers began to overcome their hesitance about purchasing big-ticket items月销售额有所上涨,因为消费者对于大件商品的购买由观望转向消费<br/>【近】 faltering, indecision, irresolution, vacillation, wavering, wobbling<br/>【反】 alacrity, impetuosity, inclination, willingness冲动,乐意<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 狂妄自大:exaggerated pride or self-confidence<br/>【例】His failure was brought on by his hubris.就是他的狂妄自大才导致了失败。<br/>【反】 humility谦逊<br/><br/>【记】hub + rise 中心升起,以自我为中心;husband丈夫,大丈夫的大男子态度 + rise,丈夫升起→升到家庭最高地位→过分自傲;<br/>


【考法 1】n. 狂欢,喧闹的作乐:noisy partying or merrymaking<br/>【例】They were exhausted after the night of revelry.一夜狂欢后大家都筋疲力尽<br/>【近】conviviality, festivity, gaiety, jollity, merriment, rejoicing, revel, whoopee<br/>【反】gloom, grief, melancholy, misery, mournfulness, sorrow, woe悲哀,哀痛<br/><br/>【记】revel 狂欢,源自rebel 造反;reveal 暴露,身体暴露常是狂欢的举动,如男的打赤膊,女的穿着也暴露<br/>【另】carouse 狂欢作乐,rebel 骚乱


【考法 1】n. 狂热者:a person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause.<br/>【例】a soccer fanatic 一个足球迷<br/>【近】bigot, devotee, enthusiast, fiend, freak, maniac, partisan, zealot<br/>【反】nonfan非爱好者<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 狂热的;盲信的:marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion<br/>【例】They are fanatic about sadomasochism. 他们对 SM 十分狂热<br/>【近】extreme, rabid, radical, revolutionary, ultra<br/>【反】conservative保守的;rational理性的<br/>【派】fanaticaladj.狂热的;盲信的<br/><br/>【记】fan (影,歌,球)迷是狂热的


【考法 1】n. 狂热:strong enthusiasm or devotion; zeal<br/>【例】His ardor was damped.他的热情被泼了冷水。<br/>【近】avidity, zeal, fervor, fervency, fervidness, passion, passionateness, vehemence<br/>【反】apathy, torpor, impassivity, insensitivity 冷漠,麻木<br/><br/>【记】近于arid 干旱的, 干热的;音:爱戴,爱戴某个明星→热情;adore 崇拜,爱慕→狂热


【考法 1】n. 狡计:deception by artifice or stratagem in order to conceal, escape, or evade<br/>【例】The spy obtained the documents by subterfuge.间谍通过狡猾的计谋获得了文件。<br/>【近】artifice, cheat, chicanery, deception, fraud, trickery, wile<br/><br/>【记】subter 下面 + fuge 逃跑<br/>【另】fugitive 逃亡的,亡命者


【考法 1】n. 独创性,创新性:inventive skill or imagination<br/>【例】There is little ingenuity in his articles. 他的文章鲜有独创性<br/>【近】creativeness, innovativeness, inventiveness, originality<br/>【反】banality, cliché陈词滥调<br/>【派】ingenuous真挚的<br/><br/>【记】同源于ingenious<br/>【另】与ingenuous对比,有i的就是genius 天才


【考法 1】n. 独白:a dramatic sketch performed by one actor<br/>【例】deliver a tedious monologue 做了一个冗长的独白<br/>【近】soliloquy, solo, speech<br/>【反】dialogue对话<br/><br/>【记】mono + logue


【考法 1】n. 独裁政府:government in which a person possesses unlimited power<br/>【例】It signified the British rejection of autocracy by constituting the first formal restraining of the power of the monarch 英国对于独裁体制的反抗表现在它对君王权力进行的正式约束<br/>【近】absolutism, dictatorship, totalitarianism, tyranny<br/>【反】democracy民主,民主制度<br/>【派】autocratic adj. 独裁的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 狭促的:uncomfortably small or restricted<br/>【例】a cramped cubbyhole in an office办公室里狭小的隔间<br/>【近】confined, limited, restrained<br/>【反】commodious, spacious 宽敞的<br/>【派】crampn. 狭窄<br/><br/>【记】cramp ed


【考法 1】n. 猛击:a forceful blow<br/>【例】He has not been the same ever since he received that bash on his head. 自从他脑袋被别人打了之后,他 就变得大不一样。<br/>【近】bang, bat, beat, crack, hit, knock, lash, poke, pound, punch, slam, slap, smash, spank, stroke, swat<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 攻击,用力击打:to strike violently and often repeatedly<br/>【例】The angry child kept bashing her toy with a hammer until it broke.愤怒的小孩用锤子不断地敲击她的玩具,直到它彻底被破坏。<br/>【近】baste, batter, buffet, hammer, lace, maul, nail, smash, strike<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 抨击,严厉批评:to criticize harshly and usually publicly<br/>【例】In all of talk radio no other host seems to enjoy bashing liberals as much as he does.在电台节目再没有像他一样热衷于抨击自由主义者的主持人了。<br/>【近】abuse, assail, belabor, blast, castigate, excoriate, lambaste, savage, scathe, slam, trash, vituperate<br/>【反】acclaim, commend, compliment, hail, laud, praise表扬,称赞<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 环境,氛围:the physical or social setting in which something occurs or develops<br/>【例】Young, innovative artists thrive in the freewheeling milieu that a big city offers. 在那个大都市所提供的自由氛围中,年轻而富有创造力的艺术家们的事业蓬勃发展。‖ahistorical milieu conducive to democracy有助于民主制度的历史背景<br/>【近】ambient, atmosphere, climate, context, environment, environs, medium, setting, surroundings, terrain<br/><br/>【记】mid 中间 + lieu 场所;mile 英里, mi 米,+ lieu 地方,一英里的方圆


【考法 1】n. 用力拔出:to pull or take out forcibly<br/>【例】extracted a wisdom tooth拔出一颗智齿<br/>【近】pull, uproot, wrest, wring, yank, root out, tear out<br/>【反】embed嵌入<br/><br/>【记】ex 出 + tract draw 拉,拖<br/>【另】abstract 摘要,提炼,抽象,attract 吸引,contract 收缩 合同,detract 转移, distract 转移,分散注意力,extract 拔出 抽出,protract 延长,retract 缩回 取消,subtract 减去,tractable 易驾驭的<br/>,tractor 拖拉机


【考法 1】n. 用讽刺歪曲等手法的夸张,漫画,讽刺画:exaggeration by means of often ludicrous distortion of parts or characteristics<br/>【派】caricaturist n.漫画家<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 嘲笑性模仿或夸张:to copy or exaggerate (someone or something) in order to make fun of<br/>【例】caricatured the supervisor's distinctive walk模仿督导员独特的走路方式<br/>【近】burlesque, imitate, mock, parody, spoof, travesty<br/><br/>【记】car + culture 汽车文化,汽车的后杠或后窗贴有卡通漫画或文字


【考法 1】n. 祸害:a source of harm or misfortune<br/>【例】The sheer ubiquity of food seems to be the scourge of humanity, as evidenced by the obesity epidemic.无所不在的食品似乎要成为人类的罪恶之源了,这一点可以从肥胖病的泛滥得以佐证。<br/>【近】affliction, bane, curse, nemesis<br/>【反】benefit, blessing, boon, felicity, godsend, manna, windfall恩赐,福音<br/><br/>【记】音:死 + courage 勇气,勇敢的面对死,磨难与鞭打


【考法 1】n. 由一般到个别的推理;演绎:reasoning from the general to the specific; deduction<br/>【例】The syllogism was at the core of traditional deductive reasoning, where facts are determined by combining existing statements, in contrast to inductive reasoning where facts are determined by repeated observations. 从一般到个别的推理是传统演绎推理的核心由结合现存状态所确定,而归纳推理则由重复观测来确认。<br/>【派】syllogize v. 用三段论论证<br/><br/>【记】源自syl 同 + logism 逻辑,使用相同逻辑推出结论;三段论 e.g.: 学生都学英语,我是学生→我学英语<br/>【另】premise 前提


【考法 1】n. 由简单诗节和叠句组成的民歌:a narrativepoem, often of folk origin and intended to be sung, consisting of simple stanzas and usually having a refrain<br/>【例】a haunting ballad about loneliness一段有关寂寞的缭绕于心的民谣<br/>【近】ditty, jingle, lyric, vocal<br/><br/>【记】ball 舞会 + lad 年轻小伙子→民谣歌手;ball 有舞的意思 ballet 芭蕾


【考法 1】n. 疯狂,狂怒:a violent mental or emotional agitation<br/>【例】She is subject to these frenzies several times a year.她每年都要暴怒几次<br/>【近】delirium, fever, furor, fury, hysteria, insanity, rage, rampage, uproar<br/>【反】sanity理智<br/>【派】freneticadj. 疯狂的<br/><br/>【记】音:疯子


【考法 1】n. 疲惫:weariness or exhaustion from labor, exertion, or stress<br/>【例】The day-long battle against the blaze left firefighters in a state of utter fatigue.与大火一整天的斗争使得消防员们处于极度疲惫的状态<br/>【近】collapse, exhaustion, lassitude, tiredness, weariness<br/>【反】refreshment, rejuvenation, revitalization 恢复活力<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. (让人厌倦的)苦差事:something, such as tiring effort or activity, that causes weariness<br/>【例】Although he had joined the army for action and adventure, much of his day seemed to be devoted to mindless fatigues.尽管当初参军是为了上战场冒险的,但我生活的大部分时间似乎都耗费在了没意思的苦差上<br/>【近】drudge, drudgery, grind, labor, sweat, toil, travail<br/>【反】fun, play玩耍;sinecure美差,闲职<br/><br/>【记】fat肥胖 + tigue 音:体格,肥胖的体格容易疲乏,劳累;音:乏体格,疲乏的体格


【考法 1】n. 痉挛(强烈的、无法控制的肌肉收缩):an abnormal violent and involuntary contraction of the muscles<br/>【例】Convulsions are usually accompanied by loss of consciousness. 痉挛常常伴随着失去意识<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 骚乱:a violent disturbance<br/>【例】a regime in convulsion动荡中的政权<br/>【近】commotion, ferment, tumult, upheaval, clamor, tempest, uproar<br/>【反】serenity, tranquility 宁静<br/>【派】convulsev. 剧烈震动;痉挛<br/><br/>【记】con 一起 + vulsion 攻击 一起攻击→骚动;源自 vulnerable易受攻击的;con + pulse 脉搏,脉冲<br/>,跳动→一起跳动→骚动,(肌肉)抽搐<br/>【另】avulsion 撕裂,扯开,convulsion 震撼,骚动,evulsion 拔出,revulsion 抽回


【考法 1】n. 痛苦,悲伤,折磨:a state of great suffering of body or mind<br/>【例】She listened with deep affliction as her daughter told her about the latest trouble she was in.她怀着巨大的痛苦聆听着女儿告诉她目前艰难的处境。<br/>【近】agony, anguish, dolor, excruciation, grief, hurt, misery, pain, rack, torment, torture, travail, tribulation, woe<br/>【反】bliss, cheer, delight, ecstasy, elation, euphoria, exhilaration, exuberance, exultation, felicity, joy, jubilation,pleasure, rapture 喜悦,高兴<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 癖性,偏好:a natural propensity or inclination; predisposition<br/>【例】showed artistic proclivities at an early age 在很小的时候就表现除了对艺术的喜好<br/>【近】aptitude, disposition, leaning, partiality, penchant, predilection, propensity<br/>【反】 aversion, antipathy, disinclination厌恶,反感<br/><br/>【记】pro- 前 + cliv 倾斜→倾向;inclination 倾斜, 倾向, 爱好<br/>【另】acclivity 向上的斜坡;declivity 下坡,倾斜,proclivity 倾向,偏好


【考法 1】n. 皇家身份:regal character or bearing<br/>【近】aristocracy, nobility<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 版税:a payment to an author or composer for each copy of a work sold or to an inventor for each item sold under a patent<br/>【例】charge KTV owners royalty fee向 KTV 索取版权费<br/><br/>【记】oy=eg 源自regal 皇室;loyal 忠诚于royal 皇室;royalty原指王室成员享有的特许权(如可获得皇家领土矿产收入的一定比例),或君王特许某人享有的权利,也用于版权使用费(版税)


【考法 1】n. 皱褶,褶裥花边:a strip of fabric gathered or pleated on one edge<br/>【近】rumple, wrinkle<br/>【派】ruffledadj. 有褶裥边修饰的<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 使粗糙:to destroy the smoothness or evenness of<br/>【例】The acid ruffled the surface of the catalyst.酸使得催化剂的表面变得粗糙。<br/>【近】abrade, chafe, erode, roughen, rub, wear<br/>【反】glaze, smooth 使平滑<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 扰乱,打扰:to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts<br/>【例】The stream of minor complaints finally ruffled him into snapping, "If you don't like the way I'm doing it, do it yourself!"一系列的抱怨终于让他爆发:"如果你不喜欢我做事的方法,你就自己去做!"<br/>【近】annoy, bother, chafe, frost, gall, grate, itch, nettle, peeve, persecute, pique, rasp, rile, vex<br/>【反】allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, mitigate, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe平息,缓和<br/><br/>【记】同roughen 弄得不平,粗糙;音:揉服,揉衣服→揉皱<br/>【另】ripple 起波纹;shuffle 洗纸牌,trouble 打扰,使烦恼


【考法 1】n. 监狱:a place of confinement for persons held in lawful custody<br/>【例】 spent six years in a federal pen在联邦监狱中度过了六年<br/>【近】bastille, coop, jail, prison, stockade<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 关押,监禁:to close or shut in by or as if by barriers<br/>【例】 remember to pen up the dogs when visitors come over 客人来的时候别忘了把狗给关起来<br/>【近】box, encage, encase, envelop, fence, hedge, immure, include, wall<br/>【反】release释放;enfranchise, free, liberate, set free使自由<br/><br/>【记】想象用巨型的pen 笔做成的围栏;penalty 刑罚就是关到围栏里监禁起来<br/>【另】pent 是其过去式,过去分词


【考法 1】n. 相对平静时期,间隙:a momentary halt in an activity<br/>【例】 the lull before the storm 暴风雨前的平静<br/>【近】break, breath, interruption, recess<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 使镇静,使安心:to free from distress or disturbance<br/>【例】The absence of attacks for such an extended period had lulled the nation into a false sense of security.长期以来没有遭受攻击让这个国家产生了一种错误的安全感<br/>【近】allay, balm, becalm, compose, lullaby, quiet, salve, settle, soothe, still, tranquilize<br/>【反】 agitate, discompose, disquiet, disturb, perturb, upset, vex打扰,扰乱<br/><br/>【记】音:啦,妈妈唱摇篮曲的啦啦声<br/>【另】lullaby 摇篮曲


【考法 1】n. 相称,同等,平等:the quality or state of being equal or equivalent<br/>【例】to achieve parity with our commercial competitors取得与我们的商业竞争对手同等的地位<br/>【近】coequality, coordinateness, equality, equivalency, par, sameness<br/>【反】disparity, imparity, inequality 不公平;incommensurateness 不相称<br/><br/>【记】pair 一对的东西是同等的


【考法 1】n. 眩晕:a dizzy confused state of mind<br/>【例】He had a dreadful attack of vertigo at the top of the tower.他站在塔顶,感到一阵令人窒息的眩晕。<br/>【近】dizziness, giddiness<br/>【反】sobriety清醒<br/><br/>【记】vert 转 + go 转着走→晕;vertical go 垂直着走,乘电梯也会晕<br/>【另】advert 广告,使转移注意力而留意, avert转移,convert转变,divert转向,evert外转<br/>,extrovert性格外向,introvert内向,interconvert 互转,invert向里转,pervert向破,坏的方向转→反常,revert回转→回复;subvert从底下转→推翻


【考法 1】n. 短小有智慧的格言:a short witty sentence which expresses a general truth or comment<br/>【例】When decorating, remember the familiar aphorism, "less is more." 装修时需要记住的一句格言是"少即是多 "。<br/>【近】adage, epigram, maxim, proverb<br/><br/>【记】a 一个,一句 + phor 词,话;philosopher 总爱说格言 (结尾发音也似phor)<br/>【另】metaphor 比喻, adage 格言, 谚语, 以m结尾的格言: aphorism, gnome , maxim


【考法 1】n. 短小有趣的故事:a usually short narrative of an interesting, amusing, or biographical incident<br/>【例】He told us all sorts of humorous anecdotes about his childhood. 他告诉了我们所有关于他童年的奇闻趣事。<br/>【例】He is a master raconteur with endless anecdotes.他是讲故事的超级高手,总有讲不完的奇闻趣事。<br/><br/>【记】ancient + dot 以前的(anec) 点滴(dot) 往事


【考法 1】n. 短缺:the condition or quality of lacking something usual or necessary<br/>【例】There's a notable want of teachers in rural areas.农村地区存在着值得注意的师资短缺问题<br/>【近】absence, dearth, deficiency, drought, famine, inadequacy, insufficiency, lack, paucity, scarcity, shortage<br/>【反】abundance, adequacy, amplitude, opulence, plenitude, plenty, sufficiency, wealth丰富,大量<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 渴望:to have a strong desire for<br/>【例】I want a new car so badly!我太想要一辆新车了!‖She wanted more time to finish the test.她希望能有更多的时间来完成考试。<br/>【近】ache, covet, crave, hunger, itch, long, lust, pine, repine, thirst, wish, yearn<br/>【反】abhor, abominate, despise, detest, execrate, hate, loathe厌恶,反感<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 砍得很深的伤口:a long deep cut<br/>【例】got a gash in his knee that required four stitches膝盖伤得很深,需要缝针<br/>【近】incision, laceration, rent, rip, tear<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 砍:to make a gash in<br/>【例】Her face had been gashed by the rocks as she tumbled down the embankment.当她从堤岸上摔下来时脸上被刮了一道口<br/>【近】cut, incision, piercing, slash, slice, slit<br/>【反】sew缝合<br/><br/>【记】gas 气,气割,想象电焊工人用气在钢板上割出一道深长的裂缝的情景


【考法 1】n. 确信无疑:the state of being or feeling certain<br/>【例】I believes with certitude that he is the best candidate for the job. 我确信他是这项工作的最佳人选。<br/>【近】assurance, assuredness, certainty, confidence, conviction, doubtlessness, positiveness, sureness, surety<br/>【反】doubt, dubiety, incertitude, uncertainty不确定<br/><br/>【记】certain +itude(状态)→确定状态


【考法 1】n. 礼仪,得体:appropriateness of behavior or conduct; propriety<br/>【例】high standards of decorum are usually required when attending the opera 去听歌剧的时候需要遵守高标准的礼节<br/>【近】form, propriety<br/>【反】impropriety, indecency不得体<br/>【派】decorous adj. 有礼貌的:marked by propriety and good taste<br/>【例】decorous behavior 得体的举止<br/>【反】mangy, unseemly低贱的,不得体的<br/>【派】indecorous不合礼节的<br/>【反】proper适当的<br/><br/>【记】decoration;音:待客 + room 待客室待客最讲礼貌


【考法 1】n. 礼节:conformity to what is socially acceptable in conduct or speech<br/>【例】 When attending a wedding, there are certain proprieties that must be followed.参加婚礼时,有一些礼节需要遵守。<br/>【近】 decorum, form, etiquette<br/>【反】impropriety, indecency, indecorum<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 适当得体:the quality or state of being especially suitable or fitting<br/>【例】I'm not sure about the propriety of serving champagne in these glasses.我不确定在这种杯子里倒香槟是否得体。<br/>【近】appositeness, aptness, felicity, fitness, properness, rightness, seemliness, suitability<br/>【反】improperness, impropriety, inappositeness, inappropriateness, inaptness, infelicity, unfitness,unseemliness, unsuitability, wrongness不得体<br/><br/>【记】源自property (人的)特性,性格;形意音近于appropriate + y,及proper 适当的, 有礼貌的<br/>【另】appropriate 适当的


【考法 1】n. 祖先:a person from whom one is descended; an ancestor<br/>【例】The son of Abrahamis traditionally considered to be the forebear of the Arabs.亚伯拉罕之子传统上被认为是阿拉伯人的祖先<br/>【近】ancestor, antecedent, asendant,father, grandfather, primogenitor, progenitor<br/>【反】descendant, offspring后代<br/><br/>【记】fore 前 + bear 生(孩子, born出生,是其过去分词) 以前出生的 →祖先


【考法 1】n. 血统:origin; lineage; ancestry<br/>【例】a family of French extraction有法国血统的家族<br/>【近】bloodline, breeding, descent, genealogy, lineage, origin, family tree<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 突发的洪水:sudden flood<br/>【近】bath, deluge, flood, inundation, overflow, torrent<br/>【反】drought干旱<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 大量:a large number or amount<br/>【例】a spate of books about GRE很多关于 GRE 的书<br/>【近】abundance,bundle, dozen, multiplicity, myriad, plentitude, profusion, scad, shipload, slew, volume, wealth<br/>【反】 ace, bit, driblet, glimmer, handful, hint, mite, mouthful, nip, ounce, pittance, sprinkle, trace少量<br/><br/>【记】spit 吐口水,能淹死人的,成了洪水了;sprite 雪碧,雪碧有很多大量卖的,多得成河


【考法 1】n. 简短,简洁:shortness of duration<br/>【例】the best quality a graduation speech can have is brevity好的毕业演讲必须简洁<br/>【近】briefness, conciseness, shortness<br/>【反】lengthiness冗长<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 精炼:the quality or state of being marked by or using only few words to convey much meaning<br/>【例】if brevity is the soul of wit, then that speech wasn't at all witty如果说精炼是智慧的灵魂,那么演讲毫无智慧可言<br/>【近】conciseness, pithiness, sententiousness, terseness<br/>【反】diffuseness, long-windedness, prolixity, verbosity, wordiness冗长啰嗦<br/><br/>【记】v=f brief


【考法 1】n. 粗野的人; a rude, boorish person<br/>【例】 By the 19thcentury, 'churl' had a new and pejorative meaning, "one inclined to uncivil or loutish behavior". 19世纪的时候,churl 有了一个新的贬义含义的意思,"一个粗鲁没有教养的人"<br/>【近】boor, lout<br/>【派】churlish adj. 粗野的,暴躁的:of, like, or befitting a churl; boorish or vulgar<br/>【近】crude, coarse, boorish, loutish, uncultured, unpolished<br/>【反】genteel, complaisance, courtly, polished 文雅的,彬彬有礼的;sophisticated机智圆滑的<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 吝啬鬼:a mean grasping person who is usually stingy with money<br/>【例】Don't bother asking a churl for donations. 别自找麻烦向一个吝啬鬼要捐款。<br/>【近】miser, niggard, skinflint, penny-pincher<br/>【反】generous/ liberal/ munificent person 慷慨的人;waster, wastrel, spendthrift, prodigal, profligate, dissipater 败家子<br/><br/>【记】音:吃肉,只知道大块吃肉,大碗喝酒的就是粗人;church 教堂最初是吸引了最底层的农民,和教育程度低的人,后来才发展起来的


【考法 1】n. 粗鲁的人,不敏感的人:a rude or insensitive person<br/>【例】acting like boor表现得很粗鲁<br/>【近】peasant, barbarian, buffoon<br/>【反】sentimentalist 多愁善感的人<br/><br/>【记】poor穷人,农民;bore 令人讨厌的人


【考法 1】n. 精神错乱:an acutementaldisturbancecharacterized byconfusedthinking and disrupted attention usually accompanied by disordered speech and hallucinations<br/>【例】shoppers running around in a delirium the day before Christmas 购物者在圣诞节前夕疯狂扫货<br/>【近】agitation, distraction, hysteria, rage, rampage, uproar<br/><br/>【记】de + liar 特爱说谎的人得应付两面,会精神错乱的;de 不好 + lira 里拉(意大利货币),有了钱<br/>,极度兴奋精神出了问题了;过分delight


【考法 1】n. 紧张,不安:a sense of panic or extreme nervousness<br/>【例】she suffered pre-wedding jitters她有婚前恐惧<br/>【近】butterflies, dither, jimjams, nerves, shakes, shivers, willies<br/>【反】aplomb, calm, composure, equanimity, imperturbability, self-possession, tranquility 镇定,冷静<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 纪律严明之人:a strict disciplinarian<br/>【例】He's a retired lieutenant and a bit of a martinet.他是一个退役的中尉,并且是一个有点纪律严明的人<br/>【近】disciplinarian, purist, stickler<br/>【反】 reprobate 放纵的人<br/><br/>【记】mart 战争,军事 + net 网,军队的网络非常严,用铁丝网来严格约束士兵


【考法 1】n. 纷争,争端:an often noisy or angry expression of differing opinions<br/>【例】There was a bit of a wrangle over how much money to give the high school for its sports programs.这个高中应该获得多少体育项目的拨款引起了一阵纷争。<br/>【近】altercation, controversy, disagreement, dispute, fight, imbroglio, quarrel, squabble<br/>【反】harmony和谐<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 争吵:to quarrel noisily or angrily<br/>【例】Local residents wrangled for hours about property taxes.当地居民就房产税的问题争吵不休。<br/>【近】altercate, argue, bicker, controvert, hassle, quibble, spat, tiff<br/>【派】wranglern. 争吵的人<br/><br/>【记】音:嚷 + angry 生气→生气地嚷→吵架;音:人 + angry 气愤,人气愤的争吵;wring + angry 愤怒地与人扭打在一起<br/>【另】wangle 骗取 音:弯钩,用弯钩钓上来,这是计谋,不是来硬的


【考法 1】n. 细微的差异:a subtle distinction or variation<br/>【例】 a poem of little depth and nuance一首没有什么深度、没有什么辨识度的诗<br/>【反】 patent difference, lack of subtlety, sharp distinction, patency 明显的差别<br/><br/>【记】new + ounce 盎司 新的盎司与旧的盎司只有细微的差异


【考法 1】n. 终场,结局:the closing part, scene, or number in a public performance<br/>【例】Didier Drogba pulled one back for Chelsea in a finale.德罗巴在终场结束时为切尔西扳回一球。<br/>【近】close, coda, conclusion, end<br/>【反】prologue开场白;overture序曲<br/><br/>【记】final,finally


【考法 1】n. 终止,暂停:the stopping of a process or activity<br/>【例】the cessation of the storm was a relief暴风雪终于停了,真是让人欣慰<br/>【近】check, cutoff, closure, discontinuance, expiration, halt, shutdown, termination<br/>【反】commencement, start continuation开始,继续<br/><br/>【记】源自cease


【考法 1】n. 终点,终点站:the final point; the end<br/>【例】Stockholm is the terminus for the southbound train.斯德哥尔摩是南向去的列车的终点站。<br/>【反】 outset, sustain 开始,持续<br/><br/>【记】很近于terminal 终点站, 终端, 末期


【考法 1】n. 结果:a result or consequence<br/>【例】Higher prices are a logical sequel to higher costs for manufacturers.从逻辑上来说,更高的价格是更高的生产成本的结果。<br/>【近】aftermath, conclusion, consequence, fate, fruit, outcome, product, result, sequence<br/>【反】antecedent, causation, cause, occasion, reason起因,原因<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 绕圈子的说话:the use of unnecessarily wordy and indirect language, evasion in speech<br/>【例】The other son of your parents' is a circumlocution for your brother.你父母的其他儿子是你兄弟的绕圈子的说法。<br/>【近】equivocation, shuffle, tergiversation<br/>【反】pithy utters, straightforward utter , express succinctly简洁地表达;direct encounter 直接面对<br/>【派】circumlocutorya. 绕圈子的<br/>【反】direct直接的<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 冗长:the use of too many words to express an idea<br/>【例】your papers have to be five pages long, but that's five pages of substance, not circumlocution. 你的论文要求是 5页,但是那 5 页都是实质内容,不是废话。<br/>【近】 diffuseness, diffusion, long-windedness, prolixity, redundancy, verbalism, verboseness, verbosity, windiness, wordage, wordiness<br/>【反】conciseness, concision, pithiness, succinctness, terseness 简洁<br/><br/>【记】locution 说,惯用语,说话风格<br/>【另】allocution 正式演讲,circumlocution 迂回的说,elocution 演说术,interlocutory对话的<br/>,locution 惯用语,说话风格


【考法 1】n. 绝食;斋戒:an act of abstaining from food<br/>【例】fast to death 绝食而死<br/>【近】hunger strike<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 快速的:characterized by quick motion, operation, or effect<br/>【例】The fast pace of construction resulted in our new house being done ahead of schedule.极快的施工使得我们的新房提前竣工<br/>【近】brisk, expeditious, fleeting, hasty, quick, rapid, speedy, swift<br/>【反】slow慢的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 忠诚的:firm in one's allegiance to someone or something<br/>【例】The two girls soon became fast and inseparable friends.这两个女孩子很快成为了忠于彼此的形影不离的好伙伴<br/>【近】constant, dedicated, devoted, devout, loyal, pious<br/>【反】disloyal, perfidious不忠诚的;treacherous 背叛的<br/><br/>【考法 4】adj. 稳固的,难以拆卸的:firmly positioned in place and difficult to dislodge<br/>【例】The rusty, old screws are so fast in the fitting that there's no hope of getting them out.这颗生锈的老铁钉已经钉得太死了,根本不可能将其取出<br/>【近】firm, frozen, lodged, secure, stable, staunch, strong, stuck<br/>【反】loose, shaky松动的;insecure不稳定的<br/>【派】fastenv.系紧<br/><br/>【记】fat 加个s(瘦) 就是反意了,要减肥;音:肥瘦她


【考法 1】n. 统治权:the right or means to command or control others<br/>【例】A healthy nation should be governed by the reign of law and not by the will of its chief executive. 一个健康的国家应该是法制的,而非由最高领导人的意志统领。‖They accused him of carrying out a reign of terror.他们指责他搞独裁暴政。<br/>【近】 arm, authority, clutch, command, control, dominion, grip, hold, mastery, sway<br/>【反】 impotence, impotency, powerlessness无权,无能<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 占统治地位或盛行:to be predominant or prevalent<br/>【例】 Chaos reigned in the classroom. 整个教室充满了混乱。‖Panic reigned as the fire spread.随着大火的扩散,恐慌也迅速蔓延。<br/>【近】dominate, domineer, prevail, predominate, rule<br/><br/>【记】rein 驾驭就是统治,比rein 多个g,government 统治;g与i倒过来象regime 统治;foreign 外国的<br/>,fo后面是reign 国,统治;<br/>【另】reign与rein 都是驾驭,有g 的是government 驾驭政府,接近regal 帝王的,regime 政权,regent


【考法 1】n. 综合物,马赛克般的东西:an unorganized collection or mixture of various things<br/>【例】a mosaic of testimony from various witnesses 从不同证人中得来的综合证词<br/>【近】agglomerate, collage, hodgepodge, jumble, montage, motley, muddle, salad, shuffle, variety, welter<br/><br/>【记】音:马赛克


【考法 1】n. 缓冲装置:a cushioning device, such as a bundle of rope or a piece of timber, used on the side of a vessel or dock to absorb impact or friction<br/>【例】a fender on the SUV 运动越野车的一个防护板<br/>【近】buffer, bumper, cocoon, cushioning, pad<br/><br/>【记】源自defend 防护,防卫的东西<br/>【另】fend 保护,挡开,defend 防护,防卫,forfend 禁止, 防止, 防避,offend 冒犯, 违反, 得罪, 使.不愉快


【考法 1】n. 缺乏兴趣:lack of interest or concern<br/>【例】After a lifetime of setbacks, defeats, and failures, he could only greet the latest bad news with a resigned fatalism and dull torpor.一生都充满了挫折、失败,他只能用宿命论和麻木不仁来迎接又一次的坏消息。<br/>【近】apathy, casualness, complacence, disinterestedness, disregard, incuriosity, insouciance, nonchalance<br/>【反】concern, interest, regard有兴趣<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. (肉体或精神上的)迟钝:physical or mental inertness<br/>【例】Following Thanksgiving dinner, we spent the rest of the day lounging about in a contented torpor.吃完感恩节晚餐后,我们慵懒地靠在沙发上打发剩下的时间。<br/>【近】languor, lassitude, listlessness, stupor<br/>【反】vigor, vim, vitality, vivacity活力<br/><br/>【记】torpid + or人,拖疲的人;音:头破,撞得头破血流晕倒,失去知觉,麻木;stopper 停住不动的人,不知上进,没有行动→懒散,


【考法 1】n. 缺乏,穷困:lack of what is needed for existence<br/>【例】the constant privation of sleep was starting to affect his work长期以来的睡眠不足开始影响他的工作<br/>【近】deprivation, loss<br/>【反】 repletion充满<br/><br/>【记】deprive 剥夺, 使丧失;private 私人的,私人财产被剥夺


【考法 1】n. 罚金:a sum of money to be paid as a punishment<br/>【例】The forfeit for each baseball player involved in the brawl was $5,000. 参加打架的篮球运动员都受到了五千美元的罚款。<br/>【近】damages, fine, forfeiture, mulct, penalty<br/>【反】bonus, premium, prize奖金<br/><br/>【记】音:罚费;for 因为 + feint 假装,伪装,因为造假,所以没收,丧失;for 废他,废了他


【考法 1】n. 美差:an office or position that requires little or no work and that usually provides an income<br/>【例】a lucrative sinecure in a big law firm在大法律公司高报酬的美差<br/>【反】drudge, drudgery, moil, sweat, toil, travail 艰苦的工作,苦活<br/><br/>【记】sin 罪,(宗教或道德上的)罪孽 + cure 治疗,治疗道德上犯的罪孽的,比如牧师躲在小格间里听人忏悔,提供精神上的指导与建议,算是一个闲职(实际该词是与教士精神职责无关的教会职位)


【考法 1】n. 老兵,有丰富经验的人:one having knowledge or ability gained through long experience<br/>【例】As a veteran of overseas travel, she offered us solid advice about planning our trip.作为一名资深的旅行家,她给了我们提供了许多关于旅行规划的中肯建议。<br/>【近】doyen, expert, master, maven, warhorse<br/>【反】beginner, colt, fledgling, freshman, greenhorn, neophyte, novice, recruit, rookie, tenderfoot, tyro 新手<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 经验丰富的,资深的:having or showing exceptional knowledge, experience, or skill in a field of endeavor<br/>【例】She is a veteran teacher who can mentor new teachers.她的教师资历都老到可以教新教师了。<br/>【近】accomplished, adept, consummate, experienced, masterful, professed, skilled, versed, virtuoso<br/>【反】amateur, inexperienced, inexpert, unprofessional, unseasoned, unskilled, unskillful 业余的,经验不足的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 老练,机智:knowledge gained by actually doing or living through something<br/>【例】political savvy 政治上的老脸精明<br/>【近】chops, expertise, proficiency, know-how<br/>【反】 simplicity, tactlessness, inexperience 单纯,缺乏经验<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 明确了解:to have a clear idea of<br/>【例】The man growled, "Don't ever date my daughter again—you savvy?" 那男人咆哮道,"你丫以后不准再见我女儿,你的明白?"<br/>【近】appreciate, apprehend, assimilate, behold,catch on, cognize, compass, conceive, decipher, decode, discern, grasp, perceive, recognize, register, seize, tumble to<br/>【反】miss 不理解<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 有见识,精明能干的:having or showing a practical cleverness or judgment<br/>【例】a particularly savvy investor, he was among the first to see the potential in tech stocks一个有卓识远见的投资者,是第一批看到科技类股票升值潜力的人<br/>【近】astute, canny, clear-eyed, clear-sighted, hard-boiled, hardheaded, heady, sharp, sharp-witted, smart<br/>【反】unknowing无知的<br/><br/>【记】看着象saw + y, saw是see的过去式,有明白的意思(如 I see)


【考法 1】n. 耻辱,污名:a mark of shame or discredit<br/>【例】the stigma of cowardice由懦弱而带来的污点‖There's a social stigma attached to receiving welfare.伴随着社会福利有一种社会耻辱感。<br/>【近】blemish, brand, onus, slur, smirch, smudge, spot, stain, taint<br/>【反】award, credit, honor荣誉;fame, glory, renown, repute好名声<br/><br/>【记】stick + mark 用棍子戳一个mark,比如用烧红的铁棍给犯人脸上戳个印


【考法 1】n. 耻辱:the state of having lost the esteem of others<br/>【例】He spent the remainder of his life in ignominy after being involved in a bribery scandal. 因为卷入了受贿丑闻当中,他在耻辱中度过余生<br/>【近】discredit, disesteem, dishonor, disrepute, infamy, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, reproach, shame<br/>【反】glory, honor荣耀;esteem, respect敬意<br/>【派】ignominious adj. 可鄙的<br/><br/>【记】ig 否定 + nomi 名 (name 名字) 不好的名声


【考法 1】n. 肆意挥霍的人,败家子:one who expends resources foolishly and self-indulgently<br/>【例】He ended up being a wastrel and a drunkard. 他最后成了一个花天酒地的败家子。<br/>【近】fritterer, profligate, spender, spendthrift, squanderer, waster<br/>【反】economizer, penny-pincher 节约的人;hoarder, miser, niggard吝啬鬼<br/><br/>【记】waste浪费 + rel 音:人→浪费的人


【考法 1】n. 胡言乱语:unintelligible or meaningless talk<br/>【例】My roommate talks in her sleep, but it's just drivel. 我的室友会说梦话,但都是些没有意义的呓语<br/>【近】abracadabra, nonsense, prattle, gabble, prattle<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 胡言乱语,说傻话:to talk stupidly and carelessly<br/>【例】He always drivel on about his "distinguished" family.他总是痴痴地说着他所谓的"名门"出身<br/>【近】babble, gabble, gibber, jabber<br/><br/>【记】drive开车时需要聊天说话,尤其一些傻话,否则司机会瞌睡,甚至流口水


【考法 1】n. 自卑,自谦:degradation or humiliation of oneself<br/>【反】 self-asserting自信<br/><br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 自恋:excessive love or admiration of oneself<br/>【例】In his narcissism, he just assumed that everyone else wanted to hear the tiny details of his day. 在他自 恋的眼中,所有人仿佛都想要听他日常生活里的细枝末节<br/>【近】egocentricity, egotism, self-absorption<br/>【反】self-hatred自我憎恨<br/>【派】narcissisticadj. 自恋的<br/><br/>【记】音:爱惜自己,na 发爱的音,可爱能说成"可耐";奶 + sissy 奶气,女人气的男人,女人气的男人才那么自恋;希腊神话那西塞斯,美少年,因自恋水中的美影以致憔悴而死化为水仙花


【考法 1】n. 自满,无忧患意识:a feeling of self-satisfaction, coupled with an unawareness of trouble<br/>【例】Complacency is the enemy of study.自满乃学习之敌。|| A momentary complacency that was quickly dispelled by the shock of cold reality. 短暂的自满很快就被残酷的现实赶跑了。<br/>【近】conceit, pomposity, pompousness, pride, self-admiration, self-assumption, smugness, vanity<br/>【反】anxiety 忧虑;humbleness, humility, modesty 谦虚<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 自然变化:natural change or mutation visible in nature or in human affairs<br/>【例】vicissitude of daily life日常生活的跌宕起伏<br/>【近】fluctuation, mutation, shift, variation<br/>【反】uniformity 一致性,无差异<br/>【派】vicissitudinous adj. 有变化的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 臭气,恶臭:a strong, foul odor<br/>【例】 We finally discovered the dead rat that was causing the stench in the living room.我们终于发现是死老鼠带来了卧室里的恶臭。<br/>【近】fetor, funk, malodor, reek, stink<br/>【反】aroma, fragrance, perfume, scent香气<br/><br/>【记】源自stink 发出臭味,e=I,ch=c=k;音:sh + 蹲池,蹲在便池一股难闻味道<br/>【另】trench 沟渠→臭水沟发出臭味,ditch 沟渠,drench 湿透


【考法 1】n. 行业术语:the specialized or technical language of a trade, profession, or similar group<br/>【例】medical jargon that the layman cannot understand 外行不理解的医学术语<br/>【近】 argot, cant, dialect, jive, lingo, patois<br/><br/>【记】象声词,音:喳喳,嘁嘁喳喳的声音;音: 轧钢,轧钢时使用的都是钢铁业专业术语


【考法 1】n. 致敬,打招呼(表示欢迎和礼貌):a polite expression of greeting or goodwill<br/>【例】The veteran stepped forward, raising his hand in salutation. 老兵向前一步,举起手致敬。<br/>【近】greeting, regards, salute<br/>【反】farewell, bon voyage(离别时的)再见,一路顺风<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 表扬:a formal expression praise<br/>【例】The speaker introduced the evening's honored guest with a lavish salutation.主持人用大量表扬的话介绍了今晚的嘉宾。<br/>【近】accolade, citation, commendation, eulogium, eulogy, homage, hymn, paean, panegyric, tribute<br/>【派】salutev. 敬礼,致敬<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 舰队,车队:a group of vehicles traveling together or under one management<br/>【例】fleet of the Royal Navy皇家海军的舰队<br/>【近】armada, caravan, cavalcade, motorcade<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 迅速的:moving, proceeding, or acting with great speed<br/>【例】He was fleet as a deer.他如小鹿般敏捷<br/>【近】brisk, expeditious, fast, hasty, nimble, quick, rapid, rattling, speedy, swift<br/>【反】slow缓慢的<br/><br/>【考法 3】vi. 快速通过:to move or pass swiftly<br/>【近】dart, flit, hurry, hustle<br/>【反】plod沉重而缓慢地走<br/>【派】fleetingadj.稍纵即逝的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 苦工;单调、卑贱或无趣的工作:tedious, menial, or unpleasant work<br/>【例】get away from the drudgery of their everyday lives 摆脱每日的单调无聊<br/>【近】labor, slavery, toil, travail, grind<br/>【反】sinecure闲职,美差;fun, play 玩耍,娱乐<br/><br/>【记】drug 药,药是苦的,苦工


【考法 1】n. 英勇,勇敢:superior strength, courage, or daring, especially in battle<br/>【例】his prowess on the football field他在球场上过人的勇气<br/>【近】bravery, courageousness, daring, gallantry, guts, intrepidity<br/>【反】 timid, cowardice, cravenness, dastardliness, poltroonery, spinelessness胆怯<br/><br/>【记】pro- 前 + ess 总是冲锋在前的前卫;brow 额头,眉毛一般是在正面,前面,总是向前的正面面对;近于proud<br/>【另】bow 弓, 鞠躬, 船首


【考法 1】n. 范围,系列:a broad sequence or range of related qualities, ideas, or activities<br/>【例】the whole spectrum of 20th-century thought20世纪所有不同的思潮‖A political spectrum is a way of modeling different political positions by placing them upon one or more geometric axes symbolizing independent political dimensions.所谓的政治光谱是一种将不同的政治立场可视化的模型,它通过一根或者多根几何坐标轴来定位不同的政治态度。<br/>【近】 diapason, gamut, scale, spread, stretch<br/><br/>【记】spect 看 + beam 光 或 prism<br/>Victory belongs to the most persevering. 胜利属于最坚韧者。


【考法 1】n. 茅屋:a small, wretched, and often dirty house<br/>【近】cabin, camp, hooch, hut, hutch, hutment, shanty<br/><br/>【记】hole + 音:屋→山洞一样的屋;音:猴窝,猴屋;音:后屋,前屋很大很宽畅,后屋是茅舍<br/>,很脏;


【考法 1】n. 蓝图,详细计划:a photographic print used especially for architects' plans<br/>【例】a blueprint for the new library新图书馆的建造蓝图<br/>【近】arrangement, design, plan, scheme<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 事先计划:to work out the details of (something) in advance<br/>【例】blueprinted the schedule of events for the festival right down to the last detail把节日的活动的每一个细节都事先安排好了<br/>【近】arrange, budget, calculate, organize, frame, lay out<br/><br/>【记】blue 蓝 print 图


【考法 1】n. 蔑视,鄙视:open dislike for someone or something considered unworthy of one's concern or respect<br/>【例】my undying contempt for people who abuse animals我对于虐待动物者的无尽鄙视‖Her contempt for illiterate was obvious. 你可以很明显地看出她对文盲的鄙夷。<br/>【近】contemptuousness, despisement, despite, despitefulness, disdain, misprision, scorn<br/>【反】admiration, esteem, estimation, regard, respect, reverence, veneration尊敬,敬仰<br/>【派】contemptibleadj. 可鄙的;contemptuousadj. 蔑视的<br/><br/>【记】形音意近condemn(源自 damn)谴责,只是没有那么强的语气,仅是蔑视是谴责,contemp是轻视,程度不同;temp(临时工),全都是临时工,别人就会瞧不起你<br/>【另】attempt 努力, 尝试, 企图,contempt 轻视, 轻蔑, tempt 引诱


【考法 1】n. 虚假,伪装:the act of pretending; a false appearance or action intended to deceive<br/>【例】There is too much pretense in his piety.他的虔诚大多都是伪装。<br/>【近】affectation, camouflage, deceit, disguise, imposture, mask, masquerade<br/>【反】sincerity真诚<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 自大,优越感:an exaggerated sense of one's importancethat shows itself in the making of excessive or unjustified claims<br/>【近】assumption, hauteur, imperiousness, loftiness, lordliness, pomposity, superciliousness, superiority<br/>【反】humility, modesty谦逊<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 虚构的事物,幻觉:something made up or contrived<br/>【例】Unable to find any tracks in the snow the next morning, I was forced to conclude that the shadowy figure had been a figment of my imagination.第二天一早,我没有在雪地上发现任何足迹,由此我不得不相信昨晚幽灵一样的物体只是我的空想。‖Thus far, the invisible human being has been nothing more than a figment of fantasy writers.到目前为止,隐形人还仅仅只是玄幻小说笔下的构想。<br/>【近】chimera, conceit, daydream, delusion, dream, fancy, fantasy, hallucination, illusion, phantasm, vision<br/>【反】fact, materiality, reality客观存在的事物<br/><br/>【记】figure 图形是虚构的,比如画一个饼,不是真的


【考法 1】n. 蛊惑民心的政客:a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power<br/>【例】that politician is just a demagogue who preys upon people's fears and prejudices那就是一个蛊惑民心的政客,利用民众的害怕和偏见来欺骗<br/>【近】firebrand, fomenter, incendiary, instigator, kindler, provocateur<br/><br/>【记】demo 人民 + gogue lead 音:高官,高层管理人→以人民为名义的高官→蛊惑民心的政客;democracy是民主<br/>【另】democracy 民主的,mystagogue myst + gogue 秘法家,pedagogue peda + 领导,讲台上的领导→教师,卖弄学问者,synagogue syn 一起 + lead 犹太人集会


【考法 1】n. 行人:a person traveling on foot<br/>【例】a lane reserved for pedestrians行人专用道<br/>【近】footer, walker<br/>【反】rider 骑手<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 平庸无奇的,令人厌倦的:causing weariness, restlessness, or lack of interest<br/>【例】His style is so pedestrian that the book becomes a real bore.他的风格是如此平庸以至于整本书显得非常无聊<br/>【近】arid, dreary, dull, flat, jading, jejune, monochromatic, monotonous, stale, stodgy, tedious, wearisome<br/>【反】absorbing, engaging, engrossing, gripping, interesting, intriguing, involving, riveting吸引人的<br/><br/>【记】ped 脚 + strain 紧张, 扭伤, 尽力→脚用力,紧张,脚扭伤,因为徒步步行


【考法 1】n. 衣服:an article of clothing<br/>【例】pack all garments给所有衣服打包<br/>【近】apparel, attire, costume, dress, suit<br/><br/>【记】gar 花,各种花色的,花里胡哨的,象花一样漂亮的衣服


【考法 1】n. 补偿,赔偿:a making good of or giving an equivalent for some injury<br/>【例】The victims are demanding full restitution. 受害者要求全额补偿。<br/>【近】damages, indemnity, quittance, recompense,recoupment, redress, remuneration, reparation, reprisal, requital<br/><br/>【记】re反 + stitut- 建立,创立,把建立的大楼的拆掉,工程款退回,恢复原状;同restore 恢复, 归还, 重建<br/>【另】constitute 制定,destitute 困穷的, 缺乏的,institute 创立,restitute 复原 归还,substitute 代替


【考法 1】n. 补助金,津贴:monetary assistance granted by a government to a person or group in support of an enterprise regarded as being in the public interest<br/>【例】a subsidy to manufacturers during the war战争期间对制造商的补贴金<br/>【近】allotment, allowance, appropriation, grant, subvention<br/>【派】subsidizevt. 提供补助<br/><br/>【记】subsidiary 辅助的;辅助津贴


【考法 1】n. 表面矛盾实际可能正确的话,悖论:a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true<br/>【例】 The paradox is that fishermen would catch more fish if they fished less.存在的一个悖论就是:如果渔民减少捕鱼量的话,他们将会捕到更多的鱼<br/>【近】dichotomy, incongruity<br/><br/>【记】para- 旁,侧 + dox 理论,说法;音:旁道,旁门左道→看着不对但是可能仍是正确的,行的通的<br/>【另】doxology 上帝赞美诗, 颂歌,heterodox 非正统的,orthodox 正统的,paradox 似非而是的论点,看来自相矛盾而可能对的话,


【考法 1】n. 装模作样:a display of emotion or behavior that is insincere or intended to deceive<br/>【例】His concern was a charade. 他的关心只是装模作样。<br/>【近】disguise, facade, playacting, pretense, put-on, semblance<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 动作字谜:a game in which words or phrases are represented in pantomime<br/><br/>【记】character 特征,字,字母。用特征来表达一个字。<br/>Care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎和勤奋,带来好运气。


【考法 1】n. 裙楼,副楼:a building added on to a larger one or an auxiliary building situated near a main one<br/>【例】The new annex that will serve as the permanent home for the school library.新的裙楼将成为学校图书馆的永久住所。<br/>【近】addition, extension, penthouse<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 添加,合并:to join (something) to a mass, quantity, or number so as to bring about an overall increase<br/>【例】plans to annex the supply room so as to make the classroom bigger计划将工具房并入教室,从而扩充其容量<br/>【近】adjoin, affix, append, attach, subjoin, tack<br/>【反】abate, deduct, remove, subtract 削减<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 吞并,夺取(土地等):to incorporate (a country or other territory) within the domain of a state<br/>【例】Rome annexed the Nabatean kingdom in 106 AD. 公元前 106年罗马帝国吞并了古城那巴顿。<br/>【近】acquire, appropriate, arrogate, expropriate, seize, take over<br/>【反】lose失去<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 要点:the main point or part<br/>【例】the gist of the argument论证的要点<br/>【近】core, essence, kernel, pivot, quintessence, substance<br/>【反】divergence偏离主旨<br/><br/>【记】register 记录, 登记,当学生时register笔记就是记要点;音:记实它,这是要旨;digest的后半部<br/>,文摘摘的就是要点


【考法 1】n. 观众,目击者,旁观者:one who looks on or watches<br/>【例】join the organization as temporary spectator作为短期观察员加入该组织‖The accident attracted a large crowd of spectators.事故引来了大量的围观群众。<br/>【近】 bystander, observer, onlooker, viewer, watcher<br/>【反】actor, performer, player 表演者<br/><br/>【记】spect 看 + or 观看者;<br/>【另】与specter区别于结尾,or结尾的是人,如inspector 检查员


【考法 1】n. 规定,传统的规矩:something prescribed as a rule; especially an inherited or established way of thinking, feeling, or doing<br/>【近】convention, custom, decree, law, regulation, rule<br/>【派】prescribev. 开药方;设立规定<br/><br/>【记】prescribe


【考法 1】n. 视野范围:the range of vision<br/>【例】abstract words that are beyond the ken of children 那些孩子们不能理解的抽象字词<br/>【近】sight<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 知道、了解(人或物):to know (a person or thing)<br/>【近】appreciate, apprehend, cognize, comprehend, grasp, perceive, savvy, understand<br/>【反】misapprehend, misconceive, misinterpret, misperceive, misunderstand错误地理解<br/><br/>【记】音:看 →眼界,认识


【考法 1】n. 誓言:a solemn, formal declaration or promise to fulfill a pledge<br/>【例】an oath to defend the nation 保卫祖国的誓言<br/>【近】 pledge, troth, vow, word<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 警告,告诫:awarning of aspecific limitationof something such as information or an agreement<br/>【例】a final caveat最终的告诫<br/>【近】warning, admonish<br/><br/>【记】cave at 在山洞,陷阱洞口有个警告,小心,注意


【考法 1】n. 警戒线:a line or ring of police, soldiers, or vehicles preventing people from entering an area<br/>【例】a cordon of police警察围成的警戒线<br/>【近】perimeter<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 围城一道防线:to form a protective or restrictive cordon around<br/>【例】cordoned off the area around the explosion scene 在爆炸现场周边设置警戒线<br/>【近】close, obstruct, block<br/><br/>【记】cord + on 架起绳索→警戒线<br/>【另】chord 弦, 和音, 情绪


【考法 1】n. 许可,认可:the approval by someone in authority for the doing of something<br/>【例】The company is seeking license to operate several more power plants in the state. 公司正在寻求在国内建造更多电厂的许可。‖A restaurant owner has to get a license to serve food and drink.餐厅营业者必须要获得食物和饮品的销售许可。<br/>【近】allowance, authorization, clearance, concurrence, consent, empowerment, granting, sanction, warrant<br/>【反】interdiction, prohibition, proscription禁止<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 自由:the right to act or move freely<br/>【例】Military commanders on the ground must be granted considerable license, as wars cannot be micromanaged by people back in Washington.战地指挥官应该被赋予相当大的自由,因为一场战争只靠华盛顿的人是不可能打赢的。<br/>【近】freedom, latitude, liberty<br/>【反】confinement, custody, imprisonment拘留,囚禁<br/><br/>【考法 3】n. 放荡:disregard for standards of personal conduct<br/>【例】a night of drinking and license at the nightclub 夜店里放纵饮酒取乐的一夜<br/>【近】debauchery, hedonism, libertinage, libertinism, licentiousness, profligacy, voluptuousness<br/>【反】abstinence, asceticism, sobriety, temperance节制,克制<br/><br/>【考法 4】vt. 准许,授权使用:to permit or authorize especially by formal license<br/>【例】A state statute licenses county sheriffs to choose their own deputies. 法律允许郡上的司法长官选择自己的副手。‖licensed to use deadly force获准使用致命火力<br/>【近】accredit, certify, commission, empower, enable, invest, qualify, vest, warrant<br/>【反】disqualify 取消资格;forbid, interdict, prohibit, proscribe, veto禁止<br/><br/>【记】有了执照与许可便可以有自由与放肆


【考法 1】n. 讽刺诗,讽剌文学:a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn<br/>【例】 a satire about the music industry in which a handsome but untalented youth is turned into a rock star 一部关于一个长得帅却没才华的年轻人如何被打造成一个摇滚巨星的讽刺文学作品<br/>【近】 lampoon, pasquinade<br/><br/>【记】sate 厌腻 + tiresome 无聊,烦人,吃饱了无聊的就讽刺别人;音:沙丁鱼,鱼是有刺的,讽刺的;


【考法 1】n. 讽刺,轻蔑:a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain<br/>【例】a voice full of sarcasm充满轻蔑的言论<br/>【近】affront, barb, indignity, offense, slap, slight, slur<br/>【反】 praise表扬<br/><br/>【记】sarc 肉 + asm→spasm 肌肉痉挛的→讽刺;sardine 沙丁鱼,沙丁鱼是有刺的→讽刺的<br/>【另】satiric 讽刺的, 挖苦的,caustic 讽刺的,腐蚀性的, 刻薄的


【考法 1】n. 诀窍,聪明的做法:a clever trick or stratagem; a clever way of doing something<br/>【例】 She's tried every knack in Cupid's book to get her guy to marry her.她试过了所有爱情三十六计,希望那男人娶她<br/>【近】 artifice, device, gambit, ploy, scheme, sleight, stratagem<br/>【反】 foolishness愚蠢<br/><br/>【记】knock 敲,开,一敲就开的窍门 <br/>knave n.不诚实的人,无赖<br/>【记】knife 拿着刀的无赖


【考法 1】n. 证词,声明:firsthand authentication of a fact<br/>【例】The jury heard 10 days of testimony. 陪审团进行了 10 天的听证。<br/>【近】 attestation, confirmation, documentation, substantiation, testament, validation<br/>【反】disproof反驳<br/><br/>【记】test- 见证,证明;test考试是个能力证明与见证;test 考试,测验 + money 钱,参加考试,交点学费,就给你个资格证明与


【考法 1】n. 诅咒:a ban or curse solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical authority and accompanied by excommunication<br/>【近】curse, execration, imprecation, malediction<br/>【反】benediction, benison, blessing 祝福<br/><br/>【记】ana-反 + the 神 + ma 音:骂→用神的话语来骂→神的诅咒


【考法 1】n. 诡计:a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to accomplish some usually evil end<br/>【例】The incredibly complicated machination to assassinate the president inevitably failed.刺杀总统的诡计极其复杂,以至于不可避免地失败了。<br/>【近】conspiracy, design, intrigue, plot, scheme<br/><br/>【记】machine 机器,机械,设计,来自这个设计;大学的一门课机械制图,图谋


【考法 1】n. 诡计:a wily subterfuge<br/>【例】This was a ruse to divide them.这是一招反间计。<br/>【近】artifice, maneuver, stratagem, trick, wile<br/><br/>【记】rose 送玫瑰花是得到爱情的诡计


【考法 1】n. 调停者:one that mediates<br/>【例】attend the meeting as the intercessor 作为调停人出席会议<br/>【近】broker, buffer, conciliator, intermediate, mediator, peacemaker<br/>【反】flame-fanner煽风点火的人<br/>【派】intercession n. 调停,斡旋<br/><br/>【记】inter + cess 走 + or 走到中间的人,仲裁就是走到吵架的两人中间


【考法 1】n. 调情的女子:a woman who makes teasing sexual or romantic overtures; a flirt<br/>【例】A coquette though she might appear to be at first, Violetta from Verdi's La Traviata is actually yearning for true love.乍看之下,威尔第歌剧《茶花女》中的薇奥莱塔是一个轻浮的女子,但实际上她渴望真爱<br/>【近】vamp, flirt<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 不认真对待:to deal with something playfully rather than seriously<br/>【例】interested only in coquetting with her, not marrying her 只想与她保持暧昧关系,而不结婚<br/>【近】trifle, dally, flirt, mess around<br/>【派】coquetv. 不认真对待,调情;coquettish adj. 调情的<br/><br/>【记】cock是公鸡;发音qu=k=ck coqu + et小,小母鸡;形容卖弄风情的女人<br/>【另】etiquette 礼节


【考法 1】n. 谨慎:the quality of being discreet; circumspection<br/>【例】You must show discretion in choosing your teammates. 你选择队友时必须慎重。<br/>【近】discreetness, prudence<br/>【反】imprudence, indiscretion<br/>【派】 indiscretion n. 不谨慎,不符合社会道德规范: an act at variance with the accepted morality of a society<br/>【例】resign because of financial indiscretions因为财政方面的不检点而辞职<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 自制,节制:the checking of one's true feelings and impulses when dealing with others<br/>【例】In that job you'll be expected to show discretion and act like a professional at all times. 那项工作要求你时刻自制节制,表现得像一个专业人士。<br/>【近】continence, discipline, inhibition, refrainment, restraint, self-control, self-restraint<br/>【反】disinhibition, incontinence, unconstraint不自制,不节制<br/><br/>【记】dis + creation 无创造力的→谨慎


【考法 1】n. 谩骂,诽谤:abusively detractive language or utterance; calumny<br/>【例】she unleashed a torrent of obloquy on her opponent她滔滔不绝地辱骂了对手一顿<br/>【近】billingsgate, fulmination, invective, scurrility, vitriol, vituperation<br/>【反】 adulation 极度谄媚<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 恶名,耻辱: the state of having lost the esteem of others<br/>【例】the accused murderer was condemned to live out his days in perpetual obloquy凶手终将在骂名中度过余生<br/>【近】discredit, disesteem, dishonor, disrepute, ignominy, infamy, odium, opprobrium, reproach, shame<br/>【反】esteem, honor, respect 敬重,好名声<br/><br/>【记】ob 不好的+ loque 话,qu=k=g,dialogue 对话<br/>【另】colloquy 谈话, eloquent 雄辩的, 有口才的,grandiloquent 夸张的,loquacious 多话的<br/>,magniloquent 夸张的,obloquy 漫骂,soliloquy 自言自语, 独白,ventriloquy 腹语术<br/>"


【考法 1】n. 责难,批评:an adverse criticism<br/>【例】The reviewer made several strictures upon the author's style.评论家就作者的文风发出了不少责难。<br/>【近】censure, condemnation, denunciation, excoriation, obloquy, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reproof<br/>【反】commendation, eulogy 表扬,颂词<br/><br/>【记】strict 严厉


【考法 1】n. 贪财,贪婪:excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain<br/>【例】The bank official's embezzlement was motivated by pure avarice.银行官员盗用公款纯粹是出于贪婪<br/>【近】acquisitiveness, avidity, covetousness, cupidity, greediness, rapacity<br/>【反】generosity, magnanimity 慷慨<br/>【派】avaricious adj. 贪婪的<br/><br/>【记】音:爱+ various 爱各种不同的东西→贪婪;a 一 + 音:碗 + rice 一大碗米饭,贪婪地吃<br/>【另】vary多样化,改变, avid 渴望的


【考法 1】n. 贵族,名门望族:a man or woman of high birth or social position<br/>【例】the rank of a patrician贵族等级<br/>【近】aristocrat, noble, blue blood<br/>【反】plebeian平民,庶民<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 贵族的,地位高的:of high birth, rank, or station<br/>【例】came from a patrician family出身贵族世家<br/>【近】aristocratic, genteel, gentle, grand, great, highborn, highbred, upper-class, wellborn<br/>【反】baseborn, common, humble, ignoble, low, lower-class, mean地位低下的<br/><br/>【记】patri- + cian 人,象父,家长,教父一样尊贵的人


【考法 1】n. 贸易禁止令:a legal prohibition on commerce<br/>【例】a trade embargo on luxuries 对奢侈品的禁运令<br/>【近】ban, interdiction, proscription, sanction, veto<br/>【反】approval, license, permission, prescription许可<br/><br/>【记】em 使 + bar 禁止 + go 走 → 禁运;em + barge 驳船,货船 + go 走, 货船走开,不准进港


【考法 1】n. 赞美诗:a hymn or psalm sung to a traditional or composed melody in church<br/>【例】practiced a chorale to perform in church练习吟唱要在教堂表演的赞美诗<br/>【近】anthem, canticle, carol, hymn, paean, psalm, spiritual<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 合唱班,合唱团:an organized group of singers<br/>【例】a chorale that is regarded as being among the best in the state一个被认为是国内一流的合唱班<br/>【近】choir, chorus, consort, ensemble<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 赞颂之词:a eulogistic oration or writing<br/>【例】 wrote a panegyric on the centennial of the Nobel laureate's birth 为诺贝尔获得者百年诞辰纪念日写了一篇溢美之词<br/>【近】 accolade, citation, commendation, dithyramb, eulogium, eulogy, hymn, paean<br/>【反】 anathema, denunciation, condemnation诅咒,谴责<br/><br/>【记】音:拍你 + energetic 积极的→积极的拍你,使劲拍你,吹捧;pan 盘 + egg 鸡蛋,给你一盘鸡蛋吃→表扬,颂扬


【考法 1】n. 赞颂之词:glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise<br/>【例】received encomiums from literary critics受到文学评论家的好评<br/>【近】accolade, applause, compliment, eulogy, laud, panegyric, salutation, tribute<br/>【反】criticism批评;abuse, invective, vituperation 辱骂<br/><br/>【记】源自comi 高兴,欢乐;en 使 + comic 笑,高兴→使你高兴,说你好听的;welcome 欢迎时说些赞颂的话<br/>【另】comic 滑稽的,喜剧的,comedian 喜剧演员


【考法 1】n. 跟随者,信徒:one who follows the opinions or teachings of another<br/>【例】Partisans of the charismatic leader refuse to tolerate any criticism of him at all.跟随者们不允许任何有关他们富有魅力的领导的负面言论<br/>【近】acolyte, adherent, disciple, pupil, votary<br/>【反】 bellwether, leader领导者<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. (狂热、坚定的)拥护者,支持者:one who is intensely or excessively devoted to a cause<br/>【例】a partisan of the revolution who was even willing to give her life for it 一个愿意为了革命献出自己生命的坚定拥护者<br/>【近】crusader, fanatic, ideologue, zealot, true believer<br/>【反】 adversary, antagonist, opponent 反对者<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 偏袒的:inclined to favor one side over another<br/>【例】a shamelessly partisan news report一篇无耻的、有倾向性的新闻报道<br/>【近】biased, one-sided, partial, prejudiced<br/>【反】 disinterested, equitable, evenhanded, fair, impartial, neutral, objective, unbiased, unprejudiced公平的<br/><br/>【记】party党 + san 人→党人<br/>【另】artisan 工匠, 技工


【考法 1】n. 轻微暗示,小提示:a slight indication or suggestion<br/>【例】They hadn't given us an inkling of what was going to happen.他们不给我们任何暗示将会发生什么<br/>【近】clue, cue, hint<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 略知:a slight knowledge or vague notion<br/>【例】not have even the faintest inkling of what the project was all about 对这个项目与什么有关毫不知情<br/>【近】glimmer<br/>【反】insight深刻理解<br/><br/>【记】ink 墨水 + ling 小,少的;一点墨水→痕迹,墨痕→迹象


【考法 1】n. 轻浮的态度,戏谑:a frivolous mood or manner<br/>【例】spoken in jest 戏谑地说<br/>【近】butt, derision, mockery<br/>【反】 solemnity, solemn utterance 严肃<br/><br/>【记】同源于gesture, 看成joke + gesture 开玩笑的姿态;guest来了总是给他们说笑,讲笑话


【考法 1】n. 轻浮:excessive or unseemly frivolity<br/>【例】The teachers disapprove of any displays of levity during school assemblies.老师们不允许学生在学校聚会过程中表现出任何轻浮的态度<br/>【近】facetiousness, flightiness, flippancy, frivolousness, frothiness, silliness<br/>【反】 earnestness, gravity, seriousness, soberness, solemnity严肃<br/><br/>【记】levitate,上浮→轻浮;Levis 名牌牛仔裤,穿着牛仔裤显得轻率和轻浮<br/>【另】elevator 电梯,elevate 举起,alleviate 减轻


【考法 1】n. 轻率,无礼:unbecoming levity or pertness especially in respect to grave or sacred matters<br/>【例】The flippancy of your answer annoyed me.你轻率的回答让我很恼火<br/>【近】facetiousness, flightiness, frivolousness, frothiness, levity, silliness<br/>【反】earnestness, gravity, seriousness, soberness, solemnity, solemnness严肃,认真<br/><br/>【记】flip + ancy


【考法 1】n. 边缘,边界:an upper or outer margin<br/>【例】The brim of the teacup was banded with gold. 茶杯的边缘被镀上了金。<br/>【近】borderline, bound, boundary, circumference, confines, edge, frame, fringe, margin, perimeter, periphery, skirt, verge<br/>【反】center, core, heart, kernel核心<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 充满:to be or become full often to overflowing<br/>【例】a secondhand bookstore that was brimming with bargains一个到处都是减价品的二手书店‖eyes brimming with tears饱含热泪的双眼<br/>【近】bristle, bulge, burst, bustle, buzz, crawl, hum, overflow, pullulate, swarm, teem<br/>【反】lack, need, want缺少,缺乏<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 加满,倒满:to put into (something) as much as can be held or contained<br/>【例】He brimmed the glass with milk, and now I'm afraid that I will spill it.他向杯子里倒了太多牛奶,我现在担心会不会洒出来。<br/>【近】charge, cram, heap, jam, load, pack, stuff<br/>【反】clear, empty, evacuate, vacate, void清空<br/><br/>【记】同rim; b音:边 + rim 边


【考法 1】n. 边缘:something that resembles such a border or edging<br/>【例】"Don't act on the fringes of the law," warns the customs officer.海关人员警告说: "不要打法律的擦边球"<br/>【近】border, boundary, circumference, edge, margin, perimeter, periphery, skirt<br/>【反】center, core中心,核心<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 接壤:to be adjacent to<br/>【近】abut, border, neighbor, skirt, verge<br/><br/>【记】类似flange,edge;free range 自由范围只能在边缘上;front edge;音:抚 + ring ,抚摸戒指是抚摸边缘<br/>【另】infringe 破坏, 侵犯, 违反


【考法 1】n. 迅速:promptness and efficiency in performance or transmission<br/>【例】do sth. with dispatch迅速的做某事<br/>【近】alacrity, haste, swiftness, expedition, promptitude<br/>【反】leisureliness, delay, procrastination悠然,拖延<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 发送,运输:to cause to go or be taken from one place to another<br/>【例】to dispatch a messenger with urgent news发送一个紧急消息<br/>【近】transfer, transmit, transport, pack off<br/>【反】accept, receive接收<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 使死亡:to deprive of life<br/>【例】dispatch a criminal 处决罪犯|| The man dispatched the termites with professional efficiency.那个男人技术纯熟地杀死了白蚁。<br/>【反】animate使有生命<br/><br/>【考法 4】v. 获胜:to achieve a victory over<br/>【例】They dispatched the other team with breaking a sweat. 他们险胜其他的队。<br/>【近】conquer, defeat, subdue, triumph over, prevail over<br/>【反】lose to输<br/><br/>【记】patch 音:派遣;patch 补丁,修补;(微软给Windows系统)打补丁总是迅速发送,(严重漏洞总是)加急办理,以杀死漏洞及可能的病毒


【考法 1】n. 过度节俭的,吝啬的:frugal to the point of stinginess<br/>【例】the stereotype of the dour and parsimonious Scotsman 严肃而吝啬的苏格兰人的典型代表<br/>【近】 closefisted, mean, mingy, miserly, niggardly, penurious, stinting, tight, tightfisted, uncharitable, ungenerous<br/>【反】generous, liberal, munificent 慷慨的;dissolute, extravagant, prodigal, wasteful浪费的,挥霍的<br/><br/>【记】读:怕死money ious,害怕钱死掉了-吝啬的


【考法 1】n. 运动:the act or process of moving<br/>【例】There appears to be some movement in the bush. 树丛中似乎有动静<br/>【近】action, motion, operation, shifting, stir<br/>【反】motionlessness, stasis 静止<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 进入权,进入许可:the means or right of entering or participating in<br/>【例】entrance to the club is by invitation only该俱乐部只接受受邀入会<br/>【近】access, admission, admittance, gateway, ingress, passport, ticket<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 使入迷:to fill with delight, wonder, or enchantment<br/>【例】be entranced by the view陶醉于景色<br/>【近】enrapture, enthrall, ravish, transport, carry away<br/>【反】bore, disappoint, disgust, repel, repulse使厌烦<br/>【派】entrancing adj. 使人欣喜的<br/>【反】unprepossessing不讨人喜欢的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 违背,违犯:a failure to uphold the requirements of law, duty, or obligation<br/>【例】Speeding is only a minor infraction, but vehicular homicide is a serious felony. 超速只是小的违章,但是用机动车故意杀人就是重罪了。<br/>【近】breach, contravention, infringement, transgression, trespass, violation<br/>【反】observance遵守<br/><br/>【记】in 不好的 + fraction(break 打破,违犯),break the law<br/>【另】fraction 小部分, 片断, 分数


【考法 1】n. 迟钝,麻痹,无知觉:a condition of greatly dulled or completely suspended sense or sensibility<br/>【例】lapsed into an alcoholic stupor陷入了无知觉的酒醉状态<br/>【近】coma, dullness, languor, lethargy, lassitude, listlessness, torpidity, torpor<br/>【反】alertness, vigilance警惕,警戒;vigor, vim, vitality, vivacity活力,精力<br/><br/>【记】stupid + or 傻人


【考法 1】n. 道德准则:the code of good conduct for an individual or group<br/>【例】Rigorous self-discipline was central to the ethos of the ancient Spartans.严格的自律是古代斯巴达人所尊崇的核心道德准则。<br/>【近】ethics, morality, morals, norms, principles, standards<br/><br/>【记】与ethn- 和ethi- 都相关的,关于人,种族的道德,精神气质


【考法 1】n. 道德规范:rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession<br/>【例】an old-fashioned work ethic 传统的工作行为规范<br/>【近】ethos, morality, morals, norms, principles, standards<br/><br/>【记】ethi,the 神,信神的总讲伦理道德<br/>"


【考法 1】n. 道德败坏:immoral conduct or practices harmful or offensive to society<br/>【例】He was sinking into a life of utter depravity.他自甘堕落。<br/>【近】debauchery, iniquitousness, licentiousness, perversion, turpitude, dissoluteness<br/>【反】morality, virtue 美德<br/><br/>【记】看成improve(改善)的反意→变坏,堕落;de 否定 + private 私有的,私人的,私有制会召致不好的→(使人)堕落,腐化<br/>【另】deprivation 将私人东西拿走 → 剥夺


【考法 1】n. 遗产:something handed down from an ancestor or a predecessor or from the past<br/>【例】the legacy of the ancient philosophers古代哲学家们的思想遗产<br/>【近】 bequest, heritage, patrimony<br/><br/>【记】源自legate 遗赠;legal + 音:死,法律上讲人死了后这人的东西与财产就成为遗产,可以传给法定继承人等<br/>【另】legate(记:leg + gate 跑腿的进门了) 使节,作为遗产让与, 遗赠,delegate 委派.为代表,委托,delegacy书代表, 代表权, 代表团


【考法 1】n. 避难所:a place of refuge and protection<br/>【例】In earlier times a criminal could use a church as a sanctuary.在早期,犯罪分子可以将教堂当作避难所。<br/>【近】asylum, cover, harbor, haven, port, refuge, shelter<br/><br/>【记】sanct 神圣 + uary 地方


【考法 1】n. 鄙视,嘲弄:scornfully contemptuous ridicule<br/>【例】Her deliberate mockery triggered a fierce fight.她的蓄意嘲弄引起了一场激烈的打斗<br/>【近】derision, joke, mock, ridicule, scoffing<br/>【反】respect, reverence, veneration尊敬<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 以嘲笑为目的的模仿:a false, derisive, or impudent imitation<br/>【例】arbitrary methods that make a mockery of justice嘲讽司法公正的仲裁体系<br/>【近】burlesque, caricature, farce, parody, sham, travesty<br/>【派】mockv. 愚弄,嘲弄<br/><br/>【记】mock + ery


【考法 1】n. 重罪:one of several grave crimes, such as murder, rape, or burglary, punishable by a more stringent sentence than that given for a misdemeanor<br/>【例】a felony punishable by life imprisonment可被判处无期徒刑的重罪<br/>【近】crime<br/>【反】misdemeanor, peccadillo轻罪<br/><br/>【记】fell on + 音:你,重罪犯扑向你


【考法 1】n. 鉴赏家(尤其艺术领域):a person who enjoys with discrimination and appreciation of subtleties and details especially in matters of culture or art<br/>【例】a connoisseur of wine and cigarette烟酒鉴赏的行家<br/>【近】aesthete, cognoscente<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 专家:a person with a high level of knowledge or skill in a field<br/>【例】works that are highly prized by connoisseurs of art glass被玻璃艺术制品专家高度赞誉的作品<br/>【近】adept, artist, authority, maestro, master, maven, proficient, virtuoso<br/>【反】amateur, inexpert, nonexpert业余者,非专业者;tyro, neophyte新手<br/><br/>【记】con + noise 一起吵吵嚷嚷的人→鉴赏家


【考法 1】n. 错觉:a false idea<br/>【例】This was not optimism, it was delusion.那不是乐观主义,那是错觉。<br/>【近】hallucination, illusion, unreality, falsehood, misconception<br/>【反】truth, verity真实<br/>【派】delusive adj. 欺骗的:false, deceptive<br/>【反】transparent坦诚的<br/><br/>【记】delude的动词,假的感觉;illusion是幻觉<br/>【另】allusion 提及,暗示,collusion 共谋,勾结,delusion 错觉,elusion 逃避,illusion 幻觉,幻想<br/>,prelusion 前奏,prolusion 序言


【考法 1】n. 错误的理解:a failure to understand correctly<br/>【例】tried to eliminate all misapprehensions about the planned riverfront development尽可能消除所有关于河流沿岸发展计划的误解<br/>【近】incomprehension, misconstruction, misconstruing, misimpression, misinterpretation, misknowledge,misreading, misunderstanding<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 错误的判断:a wrong judgement<br/>【例】a common misapprehension about how our language functions有关我们的语言如何运作的常见误判<br/>【近】miscalculation, misjudging, misjudgment, misstep, slip, slipup<br/><br/>【记】mis + apprehension理解


【考法 1】n. 镇痛剂:a medication that reduces or eliminates pain<br/>【例】Aspirin is a kind of analgesic.阿司匹林是一种止痛剂。<br/>【同】anesthetic, anodyne<br/><br/>【记】an 无 + alg 痛→止痛药, alg 同ache, g=k=ch<br/>【另】anesthetic 麻醉剂,麻醉的


【考法 1】n. 长矛,标枪:a weapon with a long straight handle and sharp head or blade<br/>【例】The lance struck squarely on the knight's shield, knocking him from his horse. 标枪正中盾牌,将骑士掀于马下。<br/>【近】javelin, pike, shaft, spear<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 刺穿,刺破:to penetrate or hold (something) with a pointed object<br/>【例】Doctors used to lance infected sores, so that they could drain clean. 以前医生会刺破受感染的疮,从而使脓液流出。<br/>【近】gore, harpoon, jab, pierce, puncture, spike, stab, stick<br/>【派】lancern. 枪骑兵<br/><br/>【记】lenth 长,long,长的东西


【考法 1】n. 长篇抨击性演讲:a long angry speech or scolding<br/>【例】He was forced to sit through a long diatribe.他被迫耐着性子听完一个长篇抨击性演讲。<br/>【近】tirade, harangue, jeremiad, philippic, rant<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 挖苦,讽刺的指责:ironic or satirical criticism<br/>【例】The movie reviewer wrote a diatribe of the movie describing it as having excessive sex and violence. 那个影评人指责这个电影还有过多的色情和暴力。<br/>【近】irony, satire<br/>【反】encomium, eulogy, panegyric, tribute, laudatory piece of writing颂词,赞赏作品<br/><br/>【记】音:打 + tribe 部落;dia 通过 + tribute 进贡的贡品,贡金,被勒索的保护费,通过被勒索的钱物一事发表演说表示讽刺与抨击


【考法 1】n. 间断:an interruption of continuity; an interval<br/>【例】a parenthesis in an otherwise solid marriage在本该是完满婚姻中的一个插曲<br/>【近】discontinuity, interim, interlude, intermission, interregnum, interruption, interstice, interval<br/>【反】continuation, continuity 持续不断;resumption 继续<br/><br/>【记】parent 父母 + thesis 论文,论文的父母指论文的来源(对其他论文的后续或引申),引用其他文章时用括弧括起来的;在文章中,括弧( )象父母的两只臂膀一样


【考法 1】n. 间歇,休息:an interval of rest or relief<br/>【例】to toil without respite埋头苦干‖In the middle of each semester there came a short respite.在每个学期的期中,会有一个短暂的休假。<br/>【近】break, lull, intermission, recess, pause, rest<br/>【反】resumption继续进行;exertion, labor, toil, work 劳动,工作<br/><br/>【记】despite 和in spite of 都有不管,不顾的意思 not stopped by;re 反 + spite (not stopped<br/>by)→stopped by→停止,中止;despite 怨恨 spit 吐口水, 回 + spite 本来想吐口水,或是想说什么,到嘴边又咽回去了,先缓缓,等会再说<br/>【另】reprieve 缓刑,暂缓, relief 减轻<br/>There is honour among thieves. 盗亦有道。


【考法 1】n. 阴谋:a secret plan for accomplishing evil or unlawful ends<br/>【例】The intrigue was quickly discovered, and the would-be assassins were arrested.随着阴谋的迅速识破,未得手的刺客被逮捕了<br/>【近】conspiracy, design, intrigue, machination, scheme<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 激起...的兴趣:to arouse the interest, desire, or curiosity of<br/>【例】The children are apparently intrigued by the tale.孩子们很明显被这个传奇故事吸引了<br/>【近】appeal, attract, enthrall, entice, excite, fascinate, interest, occupy<br/>【反】ennui, pall使厌倦<br/>【派】intriguingadj. 有趣的<br/><br/>【记】in 里面+ trick, trigue 看作trick,g=k=ck,在里面商量诡计与骗局;trigger 扳机,引发<br/>【另】trick 诡计, 骗局, 窍门


【考法 1】n. 阻碍物:something that makes movement or progress difficult<br/>【例】impede with a clog 用障碍物阻止<br/>【近】balk,bar, block, deterrent, drag, fetter, holdback, hurdle, impediment, inhibition, interference, obstacle, obstruction, shackles, stop, stumbling block, trammel<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 阻碍:to create difficulty for the work or activity of<br/>【例】They always clog the courts.他们一直阻挠法庭工作。<br/>【近】encumber, fetter, hinder, hold back, hold up, impede, inhibit, interfere with, obstruct, shackle, stymie, tie up, trammel<br/>【反】aid, assist, help 帮助;facilitate 促进<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 堵塞:to prevent passage through by filling with something<br/>【例】Within a few years the pipe began to clog up.没有几年,管子就开始堵塞了。<br/>【近】block, choke, clot, gum up, jam, obstruct, occlude, stop up, stuff<br/>【反】clear, free, open up, unblock, unclog, unstop<br/><br/>【记】音:磕 + log 木头,正走路,脚磕着木头了→阻碍


【考法 1】n. 陈词滥调:a commonplace or hackneyed statement or notion<br/>【例】a newspaper editorial offering the timeworn bromide that people should settle their differences peacefully 报纸编辑又拿出那一套呼吁和平解决纷争的陈词滥调<br/>【近】banality, cliché, platitude, homily, truism, chestnut, shibboleth<br/><br/>【记】born + mid 天生就是mid一般,俗人;broom + maid 扫地女佣平庸;m要是倒过来brown就是溴的颜色了;


【考法 1】n. 降级,降职:the act or an instance of bringing to a lower grade or rank<br/>【例】Anyone who objects will get a demotion.任何胆敢反对的人都会被降职。‖received a demotion fromsergeant to corporal从中士降为下士<br/>【近】degradation, downgrading, reduction<br/>【反】elevation, promotion晋升<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 随行人员:a group of retainers or attendants<br/>【例】The premier inspected the factory with his retinue. 总理与随同人员一起视察了工厂。<br/>【近】associates, entourage, followers, posse, retainers<br/>【反】leader领导者<br/><br/>【记】源自retainer 雇员,保持者;re 反复 + continue 继续, 连续→反复跟随着的,跟班


【考法 1】n. 隐士:a person who lives away from others<br/>【例】He was sick of cities and crowds, so he decided to go live by himself in the woods as a recluse. 他厌倦了城市和拥挤的人群,因此他决定像隐士一样遁隐山林。<br/>【近】 anchorite, eremite, hermit, isolate, solitary<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 隐居的,不爱社交的:marked by withdrawal from society<br/>【例】a recluse poet who left a large amount of literature legacies 一个留下了大量文学遗产的隐居诗人‖My neihgbor is so recluse that I only see him about once a year.我的邻居太神秘了,一般我一年只能见他一面。<br/>【近】 cloistered, hermetic, secluded, secluse, seclusive, sequestered<br/>【反】gregarious, social好交际的<br/>【派】reclusiveadj. 隐居的<br/><br/>【记】re + close 关,门一关闭关去了,隐居


【考法 1】n. 隐蔽物,可起隐藏、保护或屏护作用的某物:something that conceals, protects, or screens:<br/>【例】under a shroud of fog在迷雾的掩护下<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 将...从视线中隔离,遮蔽:to shut off from sight; screen<br/>【例】shrouded the fact that the child had been adopted 将孩子是领养的这个事实隐藏起来<br/>【近】belie, blanket, cloak, conceal, cover, curtain, disguise, mask, occult, screen, veil, blot out, paper over<br/>【反】bare, disclose, display, divulge, expose, reveal, show展示,暴露<br/><br/>【记】音:尸绕的,尸体上缠绕的裹尸布;音: 烧的,包裹起来烧的,裹尸布


【考法 1】n. 隐语,黑话,行话:a specialized vocabulary or set of idioms used by a particular group<br/>【例】groups communicating in their own secret argots 用他们秘密的行话交流的团体<br/>【近】argot, cant, jargon, shoptalk<br/>【反】standard language 标准的语言;common verbalism 大众的言语<br/><br/>【记】are + got 得到了,得手了,这是强盗的黑话


【考法 1】n. 难以理解或解释的事物,谜:something hard to understand or explain<br/>【例】The smile on Da Vinci's masterpiece Mona Lisa has been an enigma for hundred years.数百年来,达芬奇名作《蒙娜丽莎》上的微笑一直是个不解之谜<br/>【近】mystery, conundrum, puzzle, riddle<br/>【派】enigmaticadj. 谜一般的<br/><br/>【记】enemy,打仗时发现敌人是狡猾的,象个谜一样,得仔细研究才能对付


【考法 1】n. 集合体:a mass or body of units or parts somewhat loosely associated with one another<br/>【例】An empire is the aggregate of many states under one common head. 帝国是以一个共同领袖领导的若干国家的集合体。<br/>【近】sum, summation, totality<br/>【反】isolated units隔离的单位<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 集合,聚集:to collect or gather into a mass or whole<br/>【例】aggregates content from many other sites 搜罗集合了其他网站的内容<br/>【近】coalesce, join together 结合,连接<br/>【派】disaggregate v. 分解<br/>【反】disperse分散<br/><br/>【记】greg 群;gre + gate GRE的大门口聚集着很多人,都想通过这道关<br/>【另】aggregate 聚集,congregate 聚集,egregious 超群的(distinguished),gregarious 群居的, segregate<br/>隔离(separate)

mercenary<br />'mə:sinəri

【考法 1】n. 雇佣军:a professional soldier hired for service in a foreign army<br />【例】hire a mercenary army to protect the VIP 雇佣了一支佣兵来保护重要人物<br /><font color="#ff0000"><i><u><b>【近】hack</b></u></i></font><br /><br />【考法 2】adj. 唯利是图的,贪婪的:motivated solely by a desire for monetary or material gain<br />【例】Virtue flies from the heart of a mercenary man.唯利是图的人没有美德可言<br />【近】acquisitive, avaricious, avid, covetous, grasping, greedy, moneygrubbing, rapacious<br />【反】benevolent, generous, liberal, philanthropic, munificent 慷慨的<br /><br />【记】merc-, merchant 商业的 + cent 一分钱,商场上为了每一分钱的<br />【另】merchant 商业的,音:摸钱的,commerce(com + merc) 商业


【考法 1】n. 雇佣文人:a writer who aims solely for commercial success<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 乱砍:to cut or chop with repeated and irregular blows<br/>【例】hacking out new election districts划分新的选区<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 成功完成:to deal with (something) usually skillfully or efficiently<br/>【例】just couldn't hack the new job无法搞定新工作<br/>【近】address, contend with, cope with, manage, maneuver, manipulate<br/><br/>【考法 4】v. 忍受:to put up with (something painful or difficult)<br/>【例】she's not sure she can hack that miserable job much longer 她不知道还能忍受那项苦逼的工作多久<br/>【近】abide, bide, brook, countenance, endure, handle, stand, stomach, sustain, tolerate<br/><br/>【记】hacker 骇客,黑客,乱砍进攻人家的网站,属于雇佣工,象受雇佣的马般,有些是不用了的老马;hike 远足,远足需要雇马


【考法 1】n. 雨篷,遮阳篷:a piece of material attached to a caravan or building which provides shelter from the rain or sun<br/>【例】stayed under the awning outside the Starbucks during the rainstorm在星巴克外面的遮阳棚里躲雨<br/>【近】awning, ceiling, cover, roof, tent<br/><br/>【记】awl 扎破awning,awl 结尾是l, 象锥子,awning 结尾是n,象是篷子


【考法 1】n. 霸权,统治权:preponderant influence or authority over others<br/>【例】battled for hegemony in Asia争夺在亚洲地区的霸权地位<br/>【近】ascendancy, dominance, dominion, predominance, preeminence<br/>【反】 lack of authority缺少权利<br/><br/>【记】he他(希特勒) + Germany德国,凭借创造出经济奇迹,收复领土及举办奥运会,希特勒受到多数德国人的拥护,一度使德国成为霸权国家;音: 黑哥 money 黑道大哥抢钱,真是霸权


【考法 1】n. 非常关心,全神贯注:extreme or excessive concern with something<br/>【例】He kept sinking back into gloomy preoccupation.他陷入了深深的忧虑之中。<br/>【近】absorption, engagement, engrossment, immersion<br/>【反】apathy, indifference, nonchalance, unconcern 漠不关心<br/>【派】preoccupiedadj. 全神贯注的<br/><br/>【记】pre + occupy占领,预先将人头脑占领


【考法 1】n. 面具,伪装:a display of emotion or behavior that is insincere or intended to deceive<br/>【例】 Although she was deeply bored, she maintained a masquerade of polite interest as her guest droned on.尽管她早已对客人滔滔不绝的话感到厌倦,但她还是装出了一幅饶有兴致的样子以示礼貌<br/>【近】facade, guise, mask, pretense, semblance, show, veil<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 伪装,掩饰:to disguise oneself<br/>【例】 masquerade as a policeman 化装成警察<br/>【近】act, disguise, pose, pretend<br/>【反】betray, disclose, reveal, unmask 揭露<br/><br/>【记】源自mask


【考法 1】n. 顶部,浪尖:the top, as of a hill or wave<br/>【例】on the crest of a wave如日中天,非常成功<br/>【近】apex, acme, apogee, climax, peak, pinnacle, summit, zenith<br/>【反】bottom底部<br/><br/>【记】increase + est最大值→上升到最高点


【考法 1】n. 颂词:a gift, payment, declaration, or other acknowledgment of gratitude, respect, or admiration<br/>【例】pay a high tribute to...赞颂<br/>【近】accolade, eulogy, encomium, panegyric, tribute颂词<br/>【反】 denunciation, condemnation, criticism, censure, reproof, reprobation 批评,指责<br/><br/>【记】contribute 贡献<br/>【另】attribute 品质,contribute 贡献, distribute 分发,分配, retribution 报答,报应


【考法 1】n. 高原:a usually extensive level land area raised sharply above adjacent land on at least one side<br/>【例】Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau青藏高原<br/>【近】highland, mesa, tableland, upland<br/>【反】lowland低谷;basin盆地<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 稳定时期,平台期:a relatively stable level, period, or state<br/>【例】reached a plateau of development达到了发展的稳定期<br/>【近】equilibrium, stage, stasis<br/><br/>【记】plat 平,plate 盘子


【考法 1】n. 预言家:one who predicts future events or developments<br/>【例】The ancient Roman augurs predicted the future by reading the flight of birds.古罗马的预言家们通过鸟类的航线来预测未来<br/>【近】forecaster, foreseer, diviner, foreteller, prophesier, visionary<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 出现好兆头:to show signs of a favorable or successful outcome<br/>【例】This augurs well for us. 这是一个好兆头<br/>【近】forebode, promise<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 预言:to tell of or describe beforehand<br/>【例】The fortune-teller augured nothing but a series of calamities for me.占卜人预言在我身上将会有一系列大灾难发生<br/>【近】forecast, predict, presage, prognosticate, prophesy<br/><br/>【记】augury 占卜 结尾是ur,指人


【考法 1】n. 预言者:one that presages or foreshadows what is to come<br/>【例】The October air stung my cheeks, a harbinger of winter.十月的寒风凛冽地吹在脸上,这是冬天的预兆。<br/>【近】 foregoer, herald, outrider, precursor<br/><br/>【记】音:号兵哥,吹冲锋号的兵哥哥总是冲在军队的最前,先驱;harbor + ing + er 港口是(一个国家经济发展的)先驱,如香港,上海等


【考法 1】n. 领导者,带头人:one that takes the lead or initiative<br/>【例】Paris is a bellwether of the fashion industry.巴黎是一座引领时尚潮流的都市<br/>【近】leader, pacemaker, pilot, trendsetter<br/>【反】follower, disciple, imitator跟随者,弟子,模仿者<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 领航员,飞行员:one employed to steer a ship<br/>【例】a jet pilot 喷气式飞机飞行员<br/>【近】aviator, bellwether, captain, guide, helmsman, leader, navigator<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 初步的,试验性的:serving as a tentative model for future experiment or development<br/>【例】They carried out a pilot study before the larger, more expensive project was started在更大规模、更为昂贵的项目开始之前,他们进行了初步研究。<br/>【近】developmental, experimental, model, test, trial<br/>【反】eventual, final, ultimate 最终的<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 带领通过:lead or conduct over a usually difficult course<br/>【例】The lobbyists piloted the bill through the Senate. 游说集团使法案得到参议院的批准。<br/>【近】conduct, direct, guide, lead, route, show, steer<br/>【反】follow跟随<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. 额外的好处:something given in addition to what is ordinarily expected or owed<br/>【例】give the movers a perquisite if they do a good job如果搬家工人做得好就会获得一定的小费‖The use of a company car is one perquisite of the job.能使用公司的汽车是这项工作的附加好处之一。<br/>【近】cumshaw, dividend, donative, extra, gratuity, gravy, lagniappe, perk, tip<br/><br/>【记】per 通过 + quisit quest 要求,通过要求要来的<br/>【另】requisite 需要的, 必不可少的


【考法 1】n. 饮品,尤指有酒精饮料:a beverage, especially an alcoholic beverage<br/>【例】Potables are offered at bar counter for free.饮料可以在吧台免费领取。<br/>【近】beverage, drink, juice, liquor, spirits<br/>【反】non-intoxicant, soft drink软饮料<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 适于饮用的:suitable for drinking<br/>【例】Price of the potable water has soared.饮用水价格飙升。<br/>【近】drinkable, edible<br/>【反】undrinkable不能饮用的<br/><br/>【记】pot 罐, 壶 + albe 可以放到罐子里的


【考法 1】n. 骑马的人:one that rides<br/>【近】horseman, knight<br/>【反】pedestrian, walker 行人,步行者<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 附件:a clause appended to a legislative bill to secure a usually distinct object<br/>【近】addendum, appendix, attachment, supplement<br/><br/>【记】ride + er 骑在上面的文件, 附文就是放到文件上的


【考法 1】n. 骗子医生,江湖郎中:a pretender to medical skill<br/>【例】don't bother to see that guy, as I've heard he's a quack with no actual training 别再找他看病了,我听说他就是个没有真才实学的江湖郎中<br/>【近】charlatan, fake, fraud, hoaxer, mountebank, phony<br/>【反】 honest practitioner 诚实从业者<br/><br/>【记】象声词,指鸭子嘎嘎叫的声音,引申为冒充内行的人或庸医光说不练,只是叫得响;音:夸口;音:快克,广告里常听说的感冒药,感冒一般通过自身免疫力被消除,有说法称感冒药是quack<br/>【另】charlatan 吹牛者,庸医


【考法 1】n. 骗子:a person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge; a quack or fraud.<br/>【例】the famed broker turned out to be a charlatan 一位有声望的经纪人结果是个骗子<br/>【近】fake, fraud, hoaxer, mountebank, phony, pretender, quack, imposter<br/><br/>【记】Char + la + tan 木炭(涂身上)装作皮肤晒黑,想冒充健美古铜肤色的骗子


【考法 1】n. 骚乱:an agitated disturbance<br/>【例】 The commotion was created when the nation's top rock band arrived in town. 当顶级摇滚乐队来到小镇时,人们骚乱了。<br/>【近】tumult, turmoil, pandemonium, hurry-scurry<br/>【反】tranquility, calmness, quiet, serenity 安静;order 有序<br/><br/>【记】com + motion 一起动


【考法 1】n. 骚动,暴动:a disorderly commotion or disturbance, a riot<br/>【例】His mind was in a tumult.他心烦意乱。<br/>【近】disorder, disturbance, commotion, convulsion, ferment, turmoil, pandemonium, uproar<br/>【反】 quietude, quiescence, serenity, tranquility安静<br/><br/>【记】tumult 音:土木的,大兴土木的,工地上很多工人机器在喧嚣;音:唾骂的,唾沫的,人们唾沫横飞的骂;发音也象是个国骂,都是骂,表示场面乱,情绪激动


【考法 1】n. 骚动,混乱:a state or condition of extreme confusion, agitation, or commotion<br/>【例】My mind is in a turmoil. 我心里很乱。<br/>【近】commotion, agitation, tumult, turbulence, disorder, ferment, clamor<br/>【反】calm, ease, peace, peacefulness, quiet, tranquility, silence, serenity安静<br/><br/>【记】turn + oil 把油锅翻转,造成混乱<br/>【另】moil(音:摸油) 作苦工


【考法 1】n. 高尚,重要:nobility or greatness of character<br/>【例】the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome 希腊的荣耀和罗马的辉煌<br/>【近】magnificence, augustness, brilliance, glory, majesty, nobility, resplendence, splendor<br/>【反】frivolousness无关紧要<br/>【派】grandadj. 宏伟壮观的<br/><br/>【记】源自grand


【考法 1】n. 高度,身高:natural height (as of a person) in an upright position<br/>【例】a man of surprisingly great stature拥有惊人身高的人<br/>【近】altitude, elevation, inches<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 才干,水平:quality or status gained by growth, development, or achievement<br/>【例】This club has grown in stature over the last 20 years.二十年间这家俱乐部的水平得到了提升。<br/>【近】merit, quality, value, virtue, worth<br/><br/>【记】statue 雕像 + status 地位,状况,雕像的地位有多高→身高,也有status的意思


【考法 1】n. 鲁莽,冒失:foolhardy disregard of danger; recklessness<br/>【例】She was punished for his temerity.她因冒失迟到了苦头。<br/>【近】audacity, brashness, presumption, presumptuousness<br/>【反】 circumspection, cautious approach, pusillanimity谨慎<br/><br/>【记】音:特猛,太猛,忒猛


【考法 1】n. 鼓掌,认可:approval publicly expressed (as by clapping the hands)<br/>【例】Her appearance was greeted with applause.她的表现赢得了认可。<br/>【近】acclamation, cheer, cheering, ovation, plaudit, rave<br/>【反】hissing, booing 发出嘘声<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. (不间断的)连续演出:an unbroken course of performances or showings<br/>【例】The play had a long run.此剧一口气演了很长时间<br/>【近】continuance, duration, persistence<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. (举止、性情)粗暴:roughness of manner or of temper<br/>【例】She responded with such asperity that we knew she was offended by the question. 她如此粗鲁的回答问题以至于我们知道这个问题冒犯到了她。<br/>【近】roughness, crudity, rudeness, poignancy, harshness<br/>【反】softness, mildness脾气好<br/><br/>【考法 2】n.(环境)艰苦:rigor, severity<br/>【例】He has encountered more than his share of asperities on the road to success. 在成功的道路上他已经遇到过比他应该承受的更多的艰辛。<br/>【近】severity, hardness, hardship, rigor<br/><br/>【记】a不 + prosperity繁荣→不繁荣,不顺利→艰苦;desperate 绝望,亡命的→亡命徒们的特点是粗糙,粗暴,严酷<br/>【另】exasperate(激怒),rasper(激怒人的行为), severity 严肃, 严重<br/>A true friend is one soul in two bodies. 真正的朋友是异体同心。


【考法 1】n. (可以哼唱的)小曲:a short musical composition for the human voice often with instrumental accompaniment<br/>【例】The guitarist improvised and sang a gentle lyric while playing.吉他手在弹奏的过程中即兴创作并哼唱了一首小曲<br/>【近】ballad, ditty, jingle, vocal<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 如诗歌般流畅甜美的:having a pleasantly flowing quality suggestive of poetry or music<br/>【例】The film's lyric photography really enhanced its romantic mood.电影中如诗歌般的图像效果着实增强了浪漫的氛围<br/>【近】euphonious, lyrical, mellifluous, mellow, melodious, musical, poetical<br/>【反】prosaic, prose 无聊乏味的<br/>【派】lyricsn. 歌词<br/><br/>【记】lyre 小竖琴,琵琶, 音:礼乐,中国礼乐主要乐器之一是琵琶,用以抒情,如白居易的琵琶行:千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半遮面。同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识;lily,对莉莉MM抒情:你就象lily 百合一般纯洁,<br/>【另】lily 百合, 百合花, 纯洁的


【考法 1】n. (因嫉妒或厌世而产生的)偏见:to affect with the negativity or bitterness of jaundice; bias<br/>【例】the jaundice in the eyes of the two feuding neighbors两个有积怨的邻居之间的偏见<br/>【近】animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, gall, hostility, rancor<br/>【反】 amity 和睦,好感<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. (在事实和宣称之间的)差异或矛盾:divergence or disagreement, as between facts or claims<br/>【例】a large discrepancy between the ideal image and the reality理想与现实之间的巨大差距<br/>【近】contrast, disagreement, disparity, dissimilarity, distance, distinction, diversity<br/>【反】converge concord consonant一致,和谐;analogousness, community, resemblance, similarity相似<br/><br/>【记】describe 描绘, dis 表示否定,描绘的不对,与实际有差距


【考法 1】n. (地位、功能)对等的人或物:one having the same function or characteristics as another<br/>【例】She worked with her counterpart in the other office to get the job done.她与另一个办公室的同职人员一起努力完成这项工作。‖U.S. presidents and his British counterpart美国总统和英国首相<br/>【近】coequal, compeer, coordinate, equivalent, fellow, like, match, parallel, peer, rival<br/><br/>【记】counter 对手 + part 方


【考法 1】n. (对罪行的)处罚:a punishment established by law or authority for a crime or offense<br/>【例】The maximum penalty is 7 years' imprisonment.最为严厉的惩罚是七年的有期徒刑<br/>【近】fine, forfeit, punishment, retribution<br/>【反】honor, reward 奖励<br/>【派】penalizev. 处以惩罚<br/><br/>【记】源自punish,使pain;pen 关到围栏里


【考法 1】n. (小的)争吵:a brief petty quarrel or angry outburst<br/>【例】Like any couple, they have their spats.像其他夫妻一样,他们也会有争执。‖They were typical sisters, spatting one minute, playing together the next.她们是典型的姐妹:上一分钟还在吵架,下一分钟又玩在一起了。<br/>【近】 altercation, controversy, disagreement, dispute, imbroglio, quarrel, squabble, tiff, wrangle<br/>【近】amity, concord, harmony, rapport, rapprochement和睦,友好<br/><br/>【记】spit 吐口水,互相吐口水→争吵;debate 争论, 辩论;音:死拍它,死命拍它,网友互相拍<br/>,争吵;音:呸它 争吵


【考法 1】v. 使弯曲:to cause to turn away from a straight line<br/>【例】crook your finger to pull the trigger弯曲你的手指来扣动扳机<br/>【近】arch, bow, crook, curve, hook, swerve<br/>【反】straighten, unbend, uncurl拉直,伸直<br/><br/>【记】源自hook,curve + hook;crank<br/>【另】crochet 钩针编织品, crotch 分叉,crank 曲柄


【考法 1】n. (尤指因为丑闻而出名的)名人:a person who is widely known and usually much talked about, especially for something bad; a notorious person<br/>【例】a television show featuring notorieties from 20 years of scandals 以二十年来因各色丑闻而出名的名人为卖点的电视节目<br/>【近】figure, icon, luminary, megastar, name, notable, personage, standout, star, superstar<br/>【反】nobody, noncelebrity不知名的人<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 坏名声:the quality or condition of being notorious; ill fame<br/>【例】She gained notoriety when nude photographs of her appeared in a magazine. 她的裸照出现在杂志上让她声名远播。‖His comment about the President has given him a notoriety that he enjoys very much.他对于总统的评论让他获得了很让他满意的名声。<br/>【近】infamy, obloquy, odium, opprobrium<br/>【反】anonymity, oblivion, obscurity不知名,默默无闻;celebrity, fame, renown, repute好名声<br/><br/>【记】notorious 臭名昭著的


【考法 1】n. (尤指小的)瀑布:a steep usually small fall of water<br/>【例】The river forms a series of cascades as it drops a total of 200 feet in elevation.这条河前后海拔差达200余英尺,故而形成了一系列的小瀑布。<br/>【近】fall, waterfall<br/>【反】cataract大瀑布<br/><br/>【记】decadence,caducity cade落下, cas + cade一级级落下;case + case 两个盒子搭成的阶梯形成瀑布<br/>Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.与其诅咒黑暗,不如点支蜡烛。


【考法 1】n. (尤指机智的)回应,回答:something spoken or written in reaction especially to a question, especially a quick, witty, or cutting reply<br/>【例】She responded to the heckler with a scathing but hilarious retortthat instantly won over the audience.面对故意起哄捣乱的人,她那严厉但不失幽默的回答立刻得到了观众的肯定。<br/>【近】comeback, rejoinder, repartee, reply, response, return, riposte<br/>【反】inquiry, query, question 问题,问询<br/><br/>【记】re 反,回 + tort 扭<br/>【另】torture 折磨,tortuous 曲折的 contort 扭曲,distort 歪曲 extort 敲诈勒索 retort 反驳


【考法 1】n. (尤指法律条文等正式的)废除,废弃:the doing away with something by formal action<br/>【例】the nullification of a treaty废除条约<br/>【近】abolishment, abrogation, annulment, cancellation, invalidation, negation, repeal, rescindment, voiding<br/>【反】enactment, legislation立法;establishment, founding, institution建立<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. (感情、动作的)突发:a sudden outburst of emotion or action<br/>【例】a paroxysm of coughing 突然一阵咳嗽<br/>【近】burst, ebullition, eruption, explosion, flare, flash, flush, gush, outburst, storm<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. (政治、社会领域的)大动荡:a violent disturbance (as of the political or social order)<br/>【例】 Darwin's introduction of the theory of evolution created paroxysms in both religion and science that are still being felt today.达尔文提出的进化论给宗教界和科学界都带来了巨大的冲击,时至今日我们仍然可以感觉到<br/>【近】bouleversement, cataclysm, earthquake, hurricane, storm, tempest, tumult, upheaval, uproar<br/><br/>【记】par- 旁边 + oxygen 氧,旁边需要有氧气罐,因为突然发病,需要吸氧


【考法 1】n. (技术、设备或原料等的)详单:the complete list or supply of skills, devices, or ingredients used in a particular field, occupation, or practice<br/>【例】The chef's repertoire of specialties seems to be limited, with several of the dishes appearing over and over again in slightly varied guises.这个厨师的所有拿手好戏看来是很有限的,因为上来的几盘菜看起来只是稍微换了一下装饰而已。<br/>【近】budget, fund, inventory, pool, reservoir, stock<br/><br/>【记】reservoir 象储水池一样的常备剧目<br/>【另】repository 仓库, depository 存放处,repertory 仓库


【考法 1】n. (损害、伤害等的)保险补偿:compensation for damage, loss, or injury suffered<br/>【例】The widow now lives on a pension and an indemnity from her late husband's company. 这个寡妇如今依靠社保和前夫公司的保险赔偿过日<br/>【近】compensation, indemnification, quittance, recompense, redress, remuneration, reparation, requital<br/><br/>【记】in + damage 将损失抵消;in反意 + condemn谴责,或 damn(英语骂人)→不遗责,不骂人,还要补偿


【考法 1】n. (有争议的)话题,议题:a matter that is in dispute between two or more parties<br/>【例】focused on economic and political issues 重点关注经济和政治话题<br/>【近】nut, problem, question<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 发布(期刊等):to produce and release for distribution in printed form<br/>【例】plans to issue a monthly newsletter计划发布新闻月刊<br/>【近】print<br/><br/>【考法 3】vi. 流出:to go, come, or flow out<br/>【例】strange sound issued from the abandoned house废弃房中传来的奇怪声音<br/>【近】discharge, emit, exude, release, vent<br/>【反】withdraw撤回<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. (有节奏的)舒张收缩:a rhythmic expanding and contracting<br/>【例】a palpitation of the blood vessels血管有节奏的舒张收缩<br/>【近】beat, beating, pulse, throb<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. (根据不足的)推测,揣测:a thought or idea based on scanty evidence<br/>【例】My surmise is that the couple's "good news" is the announcement that they are going to have a baby.我猜那对夫妻说的"好消息"就是他们要有小孩了。<br/>【近】guess, hypothesis, shot, supposition, theory<br/>【反】fact事实<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 推测:to form a notion of from scanty evidence<br/>【例】From his tone I surmised that he was unhappy.从他的语气中我猜测他并不高兴。<br/>【近】assume, conjecture, daresay, imagine, infer, presume, speculate, suppose, suspect<br/>【反】demonstrate, prove, substantiate, validate证明<br/><br/>【记】sure 肯定 + miss 过错,失败,猜测肯定会失败;sur sub + miss 想念,下面想,暗地里想→猜测<br/>【另】premise 假定,promise 允诺


【考法 1】v. 使成熟,成熟:to make or become ripe or riper<br/>【例】Age ripens a good wine.时间酿出好酒<br/>【近】age, develop, grow, mature<br/>【反】fade, flag, shrivel, wane, wilt, wither使枯萎<br/>【派】ripenedadj. (酒、果实等)成熟的<br/><br/>【记】ripe 成熟的 + en 使<br/>They who lay traps for others are often caught by their own bait. 害人者往往反害己。


【考法 1】n. (演讲的)结束语:the concluding part of a discourse and especially an oration<br/>【例】He summarized his main points in his peroration.他在结束语中总结了自己的主要观点<br/>【近】 coda, conclusion, denouement, epilogue, finale<br/>【反】foreword, prelude, preface, prologue, overture 前言,序曲<br/><br/>【考法 2】n.(正式的)演讲,致辞:a usually formal discourse delivered to an audience<br/>【例】a peroration celebrating the nation's long tradition of religious tolerance and pluralism为庆祝该国长期以来对于宗教的容忍态度和宗教多元化所做的一个演讲<br/>【近】 address, declamation, harangue, oration, speech, talk<br/><br/>【记】per- 通过,穿过 through + oration 演说,演说说到底


【考法 1】n. (看待问题、思考的)角度,看法:a way of looking at or thinking about something<br/>【例】an interesting slant on the problem of underage drinking在青少年饮酒这个问题上一个有趣的视角<br/>【近】angle, outlook, perspective, standpoint, viewpoint<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 倾斜的:running in a slanting direction<br/>【例】The computer keyboard has a slightly slant surface so that typing is more comfortable for the wrists. 电脑键盘有一个微小的倾斜角,因此打字不会使手腕感到不适。<br/>【近】canted, graded, inclined, leaning, listing, oblique, pitched, raked, slanted, sloping, tilting<br/>【反】perpendicular, plumb, vertical垂直的;horizontal, level水平的<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 歪曲(事实等):to change so much as to create a wrong impression or alter the meaning of<br/>【例】Reporters slanted the truth in order to push a political agenda.为了推动政治进程,记者们歪曲了事实。<br/>【近】bend, color, distort, falsify, misinterpret, misrelate, misrepresent, misstate, pervert, twist, warp<br/>【反】clarify, clear, elucidate, illuminate, illustrate澄清,阐明<br/><br/>【记】能够slide的,就是斜坡;s=c, an=in, cline, incline;音:斜 + line 斜线;音:丝栏梯,铁丝栏着的梯子,斜的,所以需要拦着


【考法 1】n. (社交上)失礼,失态:a social or diplomatic blunder<br/>【例】A gaffe is when a politician tells the truth. ——Michael Kinsley 所谓出丑,就是政治家说真话的时候(迈克·金斯利)<br/>【近】impropriety, indecorum, indiscretion<br/>【反】decency, decorum, propriety举止得体<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 明显的错误,错误判断:a blatant mistake or misjudgment<br/>【例】so-called debates, which were mainly about seeing which candidate made the most gaffes所谓的辩论,其实主要就是看哪个选手犯了最多的错误<br/>【近】blunder, lapse, misstep, oversight<br/><br/>【记】音:盖肤,衣服没扣紧走光了,盖住皮肤以免在社交场合失礼;音:盖覆,覆盖,掩盖自己的失态;<br/>【另】gaff 鱼叉,golf 高乐夫球


【考法 1】n. (缺乏常识的)笨蛋:a person lacking in common sense; a stupid person<br/>【例】His silly antics at office parties have earned him a reputation as a simpleton.他在办公室聚会上愚蠢的古怪行为让他被人认为是个蠢货。<br/>【近】airhead, dolt, donkey, dullard, fool, idiot, moron<br/>【反】intellectual, sage, wit智者;genius, prodigy 天才<br/><br/>【记】simple ton 一吨, 头脑简单象一吨铁一样


【考法 1】n. (行动或言论)自由:freedom from normal restraints, limitations, or regulations<br/>【例】 Students are allowed considerable latitude in choosing courses. 学生在选课时被给予相当大的自由度<br/>【近】authorization, license, freedom, leeway, free hand<br/>【反】limitation限制;custody监护,拘留<br/><br/>【记】lati- 边的 + itude 状态,由边到边→宽;altitude 是海拔高度,latitude是地球纬度,attitude是人的态度<br/>【另】altitude (海拔)高度, 高处,(等级,地位等)高等,latitude 纬度, 范围, 行动或言论的自由(范围),attitude 姿势, 态度, 看法, 意见


【考法 1】n. (身手)敏捷:ease and grace in physical activity<br/>【例】His agility on the parallel bars has won him several medals. 他在双杠上的矫捷身姿助他赢得了数枚奖牌。<br/>【近】deftness, dexterity, nimbleness, sleight, spryness<br/>【反】awkwardness, clumsiness, gaucheness, gawkiness, gracelessness, ungainliness(行动)笨拙<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n. (通常伴随着雨或雪的)风暴,暴风雪:a brief, sudden, violent windstorm, often accompanied by rain or snow<br/>【例】A snow squall is expected tonight.今晚预计有暴风雪。<br/>【近】blizzard, hailstorm, snowstorm, tempest<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 尖叫:to scream or cry loudly and harshly<br/>【例】The baby squalled in pain.婴儿因为疼痛而大叫。<br/>【近】cry, howl, screech, shout, shriek, shrill, squeal, thunder, yelp, yell<br/>【反】murmur, mutter, whisper低声细语<br/><br/>【记】音:死刮,死命刮风


【考法 1】n. (面对困难时所表现出来的)毅力:the strength of mind that enables a person to endure pain or hardship<br/>【例】She was an athlete with true grit, continuing her training despite bad weather and an injury. 她是真正一个有着惊人毅力的运动员,即便是在受了伤外加天气恶劣的情况下仍然坚持训练。<br/>【近】backbone, constancy, fiber, grittiness, guts, intestinal fortitude, pluck, spunk<br/>【反】cowardliness, cravenness, gutlessness, pusillanimity, spinelessness 懦弱<br/><br/>【记】近于grain 颗粒,砂粒;great 要当伟人,伟大的事需要决心勇气咬紧牙关;grate 磨碎成颗粒<br/>,磨牙磨得咯吱响,咬紧牙关;象砂粒一样坚硬,且咬紧牙关,表示决心与意志坚定,面临困难或危险时不屈的勇气;i=e, GRE it, 搞定GRE需要不怕苦,像沙石一样坚固的信念<br/>【另】grind 磨


【考法 1】n./v. 嘲弄性不理会,蔑视:to treat with contemptuous disregard<br/>【例】flout the academic norm byplagiarizing通过抄袭来蔑视学术规范<br/>【近】despise, disregard, gibe, sneer, taunt<br/>【反】respect, revere, venerate 尊敬<br/><br/>【记】flaunt 是炫耀自己,flout 是蔑视他人;一个小姑奶奶(aunt)轻蔑地(flout) 飞了出去fly out,四处炫耀自己 flaunt<br/>【另】flaunt 炫耀,卖弄地展示,


【考法 1】n./v. 尊重:to regard with respect; prize<br/>【例】be held in high esteem 被高度敬仰<br/>【近】appreciation, estimation, favor, regard, respect<br/>【反】disfavor, odium不喜欢,憎恶<br/><br/>【记】源自estimate 估价;est 最高级,最好的 + team 组,团队→ 团队里最好的,别人都→尊敬


【考法 1】n./v. 支持:a structural part designed to eliminate friction or provide support or bearing<br/>【例】pillows that bolster the building支撑房屋的柱子<br/>【近】brace, buttress, bear, sustain, undergird, underpin, uphold, prop up<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 鼓励,使有精力:to give a boost to<br/>【例】news that bolsters the morale of the troops 鼓舞军队士气的消息<br/>【近】buoy, reinforce<br/>【反】dampen泼冷水<br/><br/>【记】booster支持,有点象bolt般的东西


【考法 1】n./v. 支撑,支柱:something that supports or sustains<br/>【例】a crutch for local economy当地的经济支柱<br/>【近】brace, buttress, column, stay, support, underpinning, underpropping<br/><br/>【记】音:胯支,支持胯的拐杖;clutch 离合器或及操纵杆,都是杆子


【考法 1】n./v. 暴怒:violent and uncontrolled anger<br/>【例】 Her rages rarely last more than a few minutes.她的暴躁来得快去得也快。<br/>【近】 agitation, deliriousness, delirium, distraction, furor, hysteria, rampage<br/><br/>【记】将布撕成rag的→盛怒;courage 没有了酷cool, 勇敢就成了愤怒;音:燃着


【考法 1】n./v. 粘合:a uniting or binding force or influence<br/>【例】justice is the cement that holds a political community together正义是让政治个体团结的粘合剂<br/>【近】cord, knot, link, tie<br/><br/>【记】音:稀煤,象稀状的煤灰色物体


【考法 1】n./v. 紧握:the act or manner of holding<br/>【例】Be careful that your clasp on the cat isn't too tight, or she could get hurt. 注意别抓那只猫太紧,否则她会受伤的。<br/>【近】clench, grapple, grasp, grip, handgrip, handhold<br/><br/>【记】c=g, l=r,grasp 抓紧;clap是拍,中间有个"丝",clasp是用丝将两个拍的东西勾在一起<br/>【另】clap 拍手,clip 夹子,clamp 夹子,夹钳,clasp 紧握


【考法 1】n./v. 缝合:the process of joining two surfaces or edges together along a line by or as if by sewing<br/>【例】The doctor cleaned, sutured, and bandaged the wound.医生将伤口清洗、缝合、包扎。<br/>【反】 incision, avulse切开,撕脱<br/><br/>【记】源自sew + ture;sew + 音:扯,将扯开的sew上;音:绣扯,袖扯,袖子扯掉了用针绣缝起来<br/>【另】stitch 缝, 缝合


【考法 1】n./v. 辛苦劳动:work, especially when arduous or involving painful effort<br/>【例】writer's literary travail作家辛勤的文学创作 || Labor Day is the day on which we recognize those men and women who daily travail with little appreciation or compensation.劳动节是我们向那些平日辛勤劳作但是很少受到大家关注和补偿的工人致敬的日子。<br/>【近】drudgery, fatigue, grind<br/><br/>【记】travel旅行 + ail 生病,痛苦;生病本来就是痛苦了,旅行期间生命更痛苦


【考法 1】n./v.增补,补充:something that serves to complete or make up for a deficiency in something else<br/>【例】recommends taking a vitamin C supplement to prevent colds建议补充维生素 C来预防感冒<br/>【近】 addendum, addition, expansion, increment, proliferation, step-up<br/><br/>【记】supply + complement 补足;complete 完成;<br/>【另】supply 补给, 供给


【考法 1】n./vt. 打褶:fold<br/>【近】corrugate, crease, furrow, ruffle, wrinkle<br/>【反】flatten, smooth抹平<br/><br/>【记】等于plait;类似complicate的plicate 复杂在一起的结


【考法 1】n.入侵:a hostile entrance into a territory<br/>【例】homes damaged by the incursion of floodwater被洪水入侵破坏的房屋<br/>【近】foray, inroad, invasion, irruption, raid<br/>【反】retreat, withdrawal 撤退<br/><br/>【记】curs- 跑<br/>【另】cursive 草书的,cursor 游标,指针,(计算机屏幕)光标,discursive 含很多主题的,excursion<br/>旅行,excursive 跑题的,incursion 袭击,侵入,precursor 先驱,recursive 回归的,计算机剃归算法


【考法 1】n.典范,榜样:an ideal example of a type<br/>【例】an archetype of the successful entrepreneur 成功企业家的典范<br/>【近】ideal, a perfect example, quintessence<br/><br/>【考法 2】n.先驱,鼻祖:something belonging to an earlier time from which something else was later developed<br/>【例】The abacus is sometimes cited as the archetype of the modern digital calculator算盘是现代计算器的鼻祖<br/>【近】antecedent, foregoer, forerunner, precursor, predecessor, prototype<br/><br/>【考法 3】n. 原型:something from which copies are made<br/>【 例 】"'Frankenstein' . . . 'Dracula' . . . 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' . . . the archetypes that have influenced all subsequent horror stories"(New York Times)"'弗兰肯斯坦'...'德秋拉'...'杰基尔博士和海德先生'影响了所有继之而来的恐怖故事的原型"(纽约时报)<br/>【近】archetype, prototype<br/><br/>【记】arche-古,原始 + type 型<br/>【另】prototype 原型


【考法 1】n.友好, 亲善和睦关系:friendship; especially: friendly relations between nations<br/>【例】live in amity with his neighbors 与邻居和谐相处;They parted in amity. 他们很友好地分别了。<br/>【近】friendship<br/>【反】enmity, hostility敌意<br/><br/>【记】am I 我是.名词,我是友好<br/>【另】enmity 敌意, 憎恨 (源自enimy)


【考法 1】n.外表,容貌:appearance to the eye or mind<br/>【例】His face had a frightening aspect. 他的脸很吓人。<br/>【近】appearance, look, figure, presence, mien<br/><br/>


【考法 1】n.无法解决的问题,迷:a paradoxical, insoluble, or difficult problem; a dilemma<br/>【例】a difficult conundrum even for the experts 一道即便是专家也束手无策的难题<br/>【近】enigma, mystery, puzzlement, riddle, secret<br/><br/>【记】con + under + drum 全都蒙在鼓里→谜语


【考法 1】n.无法阻挡的力量,摧毁一切的强大力量:anoverwhelming, advancingforcethat crushes everything in its path<br/>【例】 the juggernaut of industrialization 工业化无法阻挡的力量<br/>【近】 steamroller<br/><br/>【记】jugger 罐子里的人 + naut 员,有个故事是瓶子里有个精灵,有强大的力量与魔法;这个词是看作是罐子里的精灵<br/>【另】astronaut 宇航员


【考法 1】n.污点,坏点:something that spoils the appearance or completeness of a thing<br/>【例】mars on the furniture家具上的污点<br/>【近】blight, blotch, defect, deformity, disfigurement, fault, flaw, imperfection, mark, pockmark, scar<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 破坏,削弱:to impair the soundness, perfection, or integrity of; spoil<br/>【例】The once flatroad surface is now marred by numerous potholes. 曾经平整的路面如今被坑洞所破坏‖an election marred by sexual scandal被性丑闻蒙上阴影的选举<br/>【近】blemish, compromise, cripple, damage, deface, disfigure, harm, hurt, impair, injure, spoil, vitiate<br/>【反】doctor, fix, mend, patch, renovate, repair修补;adorn, beautify, bedeck, embellish, garnish 装饰<br/><br/>【记】音:骂,骂人是很伤人的;音:妈,妈啊,坏了!坏事了


【考法 1】n.盟友,支持者:one in helpful association with another<br/>【例】enter the war as an ally of America 以美国的同盟者身份加入战争<br/>【近】supporter, confederate, sympathizer<br/>【反】adversary, rival 对手<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 加入联盟:to enter into an alliance<br/>【例】several tribes allied to fend off the invaders几个部落联合起来抵抗侵略者<br/>【反】disband解散<br/><br/>【记】all 全部 + y 形容词转名词,全部人站在一起就是同盟<br/>A little child is the sweetest and purest thing in the world. 幼儿是世界上最可爱和最纯洁的。


【考法 1】n.(小说的)结局:the final resolution or clarification of a dramatic or narrative plot<br/>【例】a surprising/ unexpected denouement令人惊奇的、出人意料的结局<br/><br/>【记】源自knot,de 否定 + 结,此词指具有复杂情节文学作品的结尾,终于将复杂的节解开了;denounce 小说电影一般都以痛斥(邪恶,主角大团圆)为结局<br/>


【考法 1】n.(果类或谷物的)外壳:a usually dry or membranous outer covering (as a pod or one composed of bracts) of various seeds and fruits (as barley and corn)<br/>【例】a grey squirrel nibbling on a peanut husk 一个啃着花生壳的灰松鼠<br/>【近】bark, chaff, hull, shell<br/>【反】core, kernel核<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 剥去:to remove the natural covering of<br/>【例】the tedious task of husking coconuts 无聊的任务——剥花生<br/>【近】bark, flay, hull, shell, shuck, skin<br/><br/>【记】同hull;hard +音:撕壳;音: 厚撕壳,厚的撕去的壳;音:蛤撕壳,吃蛤蜊要撕掉的壳;<br/>【另】shuck 壳 = shell + husk


【考法 1】n.一致,和睦:harmony or agreement of interests or feelings; accord<br/>【例】No discord, no concord. 不打不成交<br/>【近】comity, compatibility, peace<br/>【反】conflict, discord, dissension, variance冲突,不和<br/><br/>【记】con + cord 心→心在一起→和睦<br/>【另】accord 同心→一致, concord 一心→一致;discord 不一致,


【考法 1】n.不和谐,刺耳:a harsh, disagreeable combination of sounds; discord<br/>【例】cognitive dissonance 认识上的分歧|| Dissonance among the three partners doomed the project.三个股东间的不调和注定了那计划的失败。<br/>【近】conflict, disaccord, discordance, discordancy, disharmony, dissent, dissidence, dissonance, disunion, disunity, division, friction, inharmony, schism, strife<br/>【反】accord, agreement, concord, concordance, harmony, consensus, unanimity不和谐,不一致<br/><br/>【记】absonant 不协调的, consonant 协调一致的,dissonant 不谐和的, resonant 回声


【考法 1】n.傲慢,自大:haughtiness in bearing and attitude; arrogance<br/>【例】 he looked at her with the hauteur of someone who is accustomed to being instantly obeyed 他看着她,带着向来被顺从惯了的傲慢。<br/>【近】bumptiousness, imperiousness,peremptoriness, pomposity, presumptuousness, pretentiousness, superciliousness, superiority<br/>【反】 humility, humbleness, modesty, unassumingness, unpretentiousness 谦虚<br/><br/>【记】源自high,同haughty


【考法 1】n.诡计多端,欺骗 :deception by artful subterfuge or sophistry<br/>【例】 Well-doer never does chicanery and person who is good at chicanery does not belong well-doer. 善者不辩,辩者不善。|| He wasn't above using chicanery to win votes. 他不是用欺骗来赢得选票的。<br/>【近】deception, artifice, legerdemain, wile, subterfuge<br/>【反】aboveboard action 光明正大的行为;honest dealing 诚实的行为;forthrightness 坦白<br/><br/>【记】源自trick 诡计;音:是坑,网友用语,坑就是BBS上假的,骗人的贴子;chick 骗小鸡;<br/>【另】chicane


【考法 1】v. /n. 严厉批评:a harsh criticism<br/>【例】almost all the movie critics have panned this latest sequel in a tired series几乎所有的影评家都批评这部最新续集,认为是狗尾续貂<br/>【近】blame, censure, condemn, denounce, dispraise, reprehend<br/>【反】 eulogize, extol, rave, laud, praise称赞<br/><br/>【记】音:盘,盘子,盘状器皿;用pan来打人→严厉批评


【考法 1】v. /n. 过量,饮食过度:to feed or supply to excess<br/>【例】 He surfeited himself with chocolate.他巧克力吃多了<br/>【近】overabundance, overage, overflow, plethora, redundancy, superfluity, surplus<br/>【反】 deficiency, deprivation, insufficient supply, famish, starve短缺,匮乏<br/><br/>【记】sur超 + 音:肥,超肥,因为食物过量;sur 超过 + 音:费的,超过浪费的;


【考法 1】v. /n. 过高收费:to charge (someone) too much for goods or services<br/>【例】The airline has added a $30 fuel surcharge on all international flights.该航空公司对所有国际航线上涨了 30美元的燃油税。<br/>【近】 gouge, soak, sting<br/><br/>【记】sur 超 + charge


【考法 1】v. 不断烦扰,骚扰:to disturb or distress by or as if by repeated attacks; harass<br/>【反】 comfort, mollify安慰<br/><br/>【记】看成harrass;hare + y兔子般的,总受骚扰


【考法 1】v. 严厉批评:to criticize harshly and usually publicly<br/>【例】She was excoriated as a racist.她被指责是一个种族歧视者。<br/>【近】abuse, assail, belabor, castigate, excoriate, lambaste, vituperate<br/>【反】accolade, extol, flatter, praise lavishly赞扬<br/><br/>【记】ex 去,出 + corium 真皮,将皮去掉;ex + core 核心,将核心弄出得撕去皮;把某人皮都能扒掉一层→严厉批评<br/>【另】corium 真皮,皮肤


【考法 1】v. 串通, 共谋(做坏事): to act together secretly to achieve a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful purpose; conspire<br/>【例】collude with competitors to control the price 与竞争者合谋以控制价格<br/>【近】connive, conspire, contrive, intrigue, machinate, put up<br/>【反】act independently单独行动<br/><br/>【记】lud - play 提起 perception ,演奏<br/>【另】allude 间接提到 暗指,collude(共谋,勾结 conspire, plot),delude(欺骗 deceive,<br/>trick),elude(躲避 escape the perception, understanding),interlude 两段之间的时间,prelude 前奏<br/>,postlude 终曲


【考法 1】v. 了解:to have a clear idea of<br/>【例】It took me a while to twig the true nature of the relationship between the two women.我花了很久时间才搞清楚这俩女人之间的关系。<br/>【近】appreciate, apprehend, cognize, compass, conceive, decipher, decode, dig, discern, perceive, recognize, savvy, seize, sense, tumble to, catch on to, make out<br/><br/>【记】tree + 音:割,树上割下来的小树枝;理解之意来自grasp 抓住,抓住小树枝;音:吐果,开花吐果,长出嫩枝;音:退 wig 假发,把假发退了,因为头上长出嫩芽,嫩枝了<br/>【另】sprig 小树枝


【考法 1】v. 享受,极其满意,过得快活:to take pleasure in<br/>【例】thrill-seekers who groove on skiing will love snowboarding那些乐在滑雪中的追求刺激的人们也会喜欢滑雪板的||just sitting around, grooving on the music随便坐坐,在音乐中享受一下<br/>【近】adore, fancy, savor, relish, get off on, rejoice in, revel in, delight in<br/><br/>【记】近于grave 雕刻;O, V象是槽,管道与线的横切面图,比grove多个o,oo象是一排管道与线条的切面<br/>【另】grove 小树林


【考法 1】v. 亵渎:to treat (something sacred) with abuse, irreverence, or contempt<br/>【例】invading troops profaned the altar by playing poker on it侵略军亵渎了祭坛,竟然在上面打扑克<br/>【近】defile, violate<br/>【派】 profaned被亵渎的<br/>【反】 unviolated, inviolable未被亵渎的,不可亵渎的<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 滥用:to put to a bad or improper use<br/>【例】profaned his considerable acting talents by appearing in some wretched movies在一些烂俗的电影里面出现简直就是浪费表演才华<br/>【近】abuse, misemploy, misuse, pervert, prostitute<br/><br/>【记】pro前 + fane神庙,在神殿前做坏事;音:泼粪,给别人泼粪,就是玷污别人;pro前 + fan 迷<br/>,歌迷,你要站在歌迷前边,不让他们看偶像而看你,简直是亵渎其偶像


【考法 1】v. 仔细检查或详尽地讨论;审查:to examine carefully or discuss thoroughly; scrutinize:<br/>【例】"The evidence had been repeatedly canvassed in American courts"证据已在美国的法庭中反复被审查过。<br/><br/>【考法 2】 v. 游说:去(一个地区)的各处或找到(个人)来拉选票或定单: to go through (a region) or go to (persons) to solicit votes or orders<br/>【例】canvass voters拉选票<br/>【近】interview, poll, solicit, survey<br/><br/>【记】canvase 油布,油布式游说,近于常见的地毯式(调查,搜寻)


【考法 1】v. 以物换物:to trade (goods or services) without the exchange of money<br/>【例】barter wheat for cotton 以小麦换棉花<br/>【近】swap, trade<br/><br/>【记】bar + ter 酒吧里的人用butter及quarter进行物物交换


【考法 1】v. 伪装(防止被认出):to modify the manner or appearance of in order to prevent recognition<br/>【例】He always disguises his true feelings.他经常掩饰自己的真实感受。<br/>【近】camouflage, costume, mask<br/>【反】unmask使露出真相<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 隐藏:to keep secret or shut off from view<br/>【例】 That investigative reporter usually does a good job of disguising her true motives for interviewing a person.当采访时,那个调查记者经常很好地隐藏自己的真实目的<br/>【近】belie, blanket, conceal, cover, curtain, occult, veil<br/>【反】bare, disclose, display, divulge, expose, reveal, show, uncover, unmask, unveil 暴露,展现<br/><br/>【记】dis不 + guise 外观,姿态→将外观换掉→掩饰;dis 假,不 + guide 向导,引导,做向导不给引路或引到错的路上是隐瞒


【考法 1】v. 低声歌唱或说话:to sing or speak in a gentle murmuring manner<br/>【例】croon mellow tunes低声唱柔和的调子<br/>【近】whisper, grumble, mumble, murmur<br/>【反】shout, yell大声喊叫<br/><br/>【记】音:哭柔


【考法 1】v. 使不安,使混乱:upset, confuse<br/>【例】invent cool new ways to discombobulate the old order 发明新的好方法打乱了旧秩序<br/>【近】upset,addle, baffle, bamboozle, befog, befuddle, confound, fuddle, gravel, muddle, muddy, mystify, perplex, puzzle, vex<br/>【反】compose, soothe, calm, pacify使安定<br/><br/>


【考法 1】v. 使失去勇气:to cause to lose courage or resolution<br/>【例】The excessive homework dismayed ourselves.过量的作业让我们失去了信心。<br/>【近】chill, daunt, dishearten, dispirit, frustrate, unnerve<br/>【反】embolden, encourage, hearten, nerve鼓励,使勇敢<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 使不安,使焦虑:to trouble the mind of; to make uneasy<br/>【例】Parents became increasingly dismayed by their son's GPA. 父母对他们儿子的平均成绩非常焦虑。<br/>【近】agitate, bother, discomfort, discompose, disquiet, distemper, distress, perturb, unsettle, upset<br/>【反】calm, compose, quiet, soothe, tranquilize 平息抚慰<br/><br/>【记】dis 不 + may (可能,也许)→(当你向MM表白时,得到回答,我们之间是)不可能的,想想你的心情


【考法 1】v. 使尴尬:to put into a state of perplexity and embarrassment<br/>【例】He was discomfited by the awkward situation of having his ex-girlfriend meet his current one. 他的前女友 看到他现任女友的情况让他很尴尬。<br/>【近】embarrass, abash, faze, fluster, mortify, nonplus, rattle<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 阻碍:to prevent from achieving a goal<br/>【例】Constant interruptions discomfited her in her attempt to finish the speech. 经常的打断她讲话使她无法完成演讲。<br/>【近】balk, foil, thwart, baffle, checkmate<br/>【反】advance, forward, foster, further, promote 推进,促进;encourage 鼓励<br/><br/>【记】comfort 舒服,舒适;dis + comfort 使不舒服困惑尴尬


【考法 1】v. 使无罪,解除责任:to set free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt, exculpate<br/>【例】absolve somebody from blame使某人免受责备<br/>【近】acquit, exonerate, vindicate<br/>【反】blame, criminate, incriminate定罪<br/><br/>【记】ab不 + solve 解决问题→本来需要解决钱的问题,不用解决,不用偿付→免除责任


【考法 1】v. 使有斑点,弄脏:to spot, blemish<br/>【例】Her reputation was maculated after the affair with a married man.自从被指与一个已婚男士有染之后,她的名声受到了影响<br/>【近】besmirch, dot, dirty,soil, spot,stain<br/>【反】clean, cleanse, purify, wash 清洗,弄干净<br/>【派】maculated adj. 有斑点的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】v. 使满足:to appease the desires of<br/>【例】One glass of beer every day could content him. 每天一杯啤酒就能满足他<br/>【近】satisfy, gratify, rejoice<br/>【反】discontent不满足<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 主题:a major object of interest or concern (as in a discussion or artistic composition)<br/>【例】Although I appreciate the poem's lyrical qualities, I don't understand its content. 虽然我很欣赏这首诗歌的节奏美,但我无法理解其主题<br/>【近】motive, subject, theme, topic<br/><br/>【考法 3】n. 内容,内涵:theidea that is conveyed or intended to be conveyed to the mind by language, symbol, or action<br/>【例】The speech was filled with fancy words but devoid of any real content.这篇演讲辞藻华丽,但是没什么实质性内容<br/>【近】intention, purport, sense, significance<br/>【派】contentedadj. 满足的<br/><br/>【记】源自contain 包含,包含的是容量,内容,满足。内容抵达容量,就是满足


【考法 1】v. 使荒废:to bring into a condition of decay or partial ruin<br/>【例】The house has been dilapidated by neglect.由于没人照看,这个房子已经要荒废了。<br/>【近】ruin, wreck<br/>【反】be in use 还在使用;restore恢复使用;mend, repair修理;rejuvenate, renew, renovate翻新<br/><br/>


【考法 1】v. 使过量,使充满:to fill beyond capacity, especially with food<br/>【例】glut himself with Sushi吃寿司吃撑了<br/>【近】cloy, cram, fill, satiate, surfeit, oversupply, sate<br/>【反】lack缺乏<br/>【派】gluttedadj. 饱和的<br/><br/>【记】音:哥狼吞,这位gg狼吞虎咽的太能吃,吃的过多;gut 肚子,内脏 + flood 淹没,充满;<br/>【另】glutton 暴食者;glutamate 谷氨酸盐(味精) = glut + mate 暴食伴侣,有了味精就猛吃


【考法 1】v. 使降低(数量,力量,价值):to lessen the amount, force, magnitude, or value of<br/>【例】an investment attenuated by inflation 一份因通货膨胀而贬值的投资.<br/>【近】cheapen, devalue, downgrade, reduce, write down<br/>【反】appreciate, enhance, upgrade, mark up升值,提升<br/>【派】attenuationn. 弱化,贬值<br/><br/>【记】ten- 源自thin;与tend, tain同源,细,薄,可理解为拉,延伸后变薄变细;音:牛,十头牛去拉,拉得绳子越来越长,都成又细又薄了;音:太扭,扭东西(橡皮筋)扭得太厉害,直到变得细薄;


【考法 1】v. 使非常痛苦:to feel deep sadness or mental pain<br/>【例】agonizes over every decision做每一个决定都非常痛苦<br/>【近】anguish, suffer<br/><br/>


【考法 1】v. 依附,粘着:to cause to stick fast<br/>【例】adhere to the surface附着在表面<br/>【近】cleave, cling, hew<br/>【反】detach分离<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 服从命令:to act according to the commands of<br/>【例】adhere to the rules 遵守规定<br/>【近】cling to, hew to, stand by, stick to, comply with<br/>【反】defy, disobey, rebel against 不服从,反抗<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 坚定地支持:to give steadfast support to<br/>【例】our coach adheres to the belief that we can win this game if we just have a positive attitude 我们的教练坚定地相信,只有我们有积极的态度,我们就能拿下比赛<br/>【近】keep to, stand by, stick to or with<br/>【反】defect from叛变<br/>【派】adherent n. 追随者:a follower of a leader, party, or profession<br/>【反】forerunner先行者<br/><br/>【记】ad 加 + here 粘,加个东西粘这;ad 广告 + here 这,广告贴这,粘这<br/>A good heart conquers ill fortune. 善心能克厄运。 <br/>【另】cohere 粘着


【考法 1】v. 侵蚀,慢慢减少:to consume or wear away gradually<br/>【例】flooding eroded the hillside洪水冲刷着山岭|| inflation eroding buying power 通货膨胀导致购买力下降<br/>【近】corrode, fret, gnaw, nibble, bite at<br/><br/>【记】e出 + rode 咬→咬掉→腐蚀<br/>【另】corrode 腐蚀,erode 腐蚀,rodent 咬的,侵蚀性的,啮齿动物


【考法 1】v. 倾斜:to set or cause to be at an angle<br/>【例】The sudden lift of the load on the deck listed the ship badly. 甲板上货物被突然提起,船陡然倾斜<br/>【近】angle, cant, heel, incline, pitch, slant, slope, tilt, tip<br/>【反】 erect 竖立<br/><br/>【记】listen 听,听的时候身子倾斜着偏向说话者,一种渴望的表示


【考法 1】v. 偷偷离开:to depart secretly and hide oneself<br/>【例】abscond from the prison越狱<br/>【近】flee, lam, run off, break out (of), clear out<br/><br/>【记】源自conceal cond 隐藏;ab 不 + scold 责骂,避免责骂就潜藏起来逃亡<br/>【另】abscond 潜逃,recondite 深奥的, 隐藏的,sconce 壁突式烛台,头盖,筑保垒防卫,ensconce 隐藏


【考法 1】v. 充分混合:to blend thoroughly into a harmonious whole<br/>【例】Ground waters originating in different beds commingle. 来源于不同层位的地下水相互混合。||Fact and fiction commingle in the story. 事实和虚构混合成了故事。<br/>【近】amalgamate, fuse, mix, immix, commix, compound, mingle, immingle, intermingle, intermix, merge<br/>【反】break down, break up, separate, unmix分开<br/><br/>【记】com 一起 + mingle 混合 音:面锅,米糕,都是将米面混合


【考法 1】v. 公开表示反对,谴责:to express public or formal disapproval of<br/>【例】He was censured by the committee for his failure to report the problem. 他因为未上报事故受到了委员会的指责。<br/>【近】condemn, denounce, objurgate, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprehend, pan<br/>【反】commend, extol, laud, endorse支持,赞同<br/><br/>【记】censor后的 sure当然 结果就是指责批评


【考法 1】v. 减轻(程度或者强度):to reduce in degree or intensity<br/>【例】abate his rage/pain平息他的愤怒/减轻痛苦<br/>【近】moderate, recede, subside, remit, wane, die (away or down or out),let up, phase down, ratchet (down),taper off<br/>【反】intensify<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 减少(数量或者降低价值):to reduce in amount or value<br/>【例】abate a tax降低税收<br/>【近】de-escalate, deplete, downscale, dwindle,<br/>【反】augment, promote 增加<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 停止,撤销:to put an end to<br/>【例】abate a nuisance停止伤害<br/>【近】abrogate, annul, invalidate, nullify, rescind, vacate<br/><br/>【记】a + bat用球棒打,beat, battle 打→打下去;bate 减弱;<br/>【另】rebate 回扣,减少, debate 争论, 辩论, probate 遗嘱检验,reprobate 非难


【考法 1】v. 凝视:to look long and hard in wonder or surprise<br/>【例】goggled at the characters on the stele凝视碑文的字眼<br/>【近】blink, gawk, gaze, peer, stare<br/>【反】glance, glimpse瞥视<br/><br/>【记】音:勾勾,眼睛直勾勾地看,都快瞪出来;google 网上查东西双目圆睁地找


【考法 1】v. 刹车:to cause to move or proceed at a less rapid pace<br/>【例】A seagull swooped down in front of her car, causing her to slam on the brakes.一只海鸥飞到车窗前,她猛踩刹车。<br/>【近】decelerate, retard, slacken<br/>【反】accelerate, hasten, rush, speed up加速<br/><br/>【记】break 暂停,把车暂停下来得踩brake


【考法 1】v. 刻意避开;戒绝:to avoid habitually especially on moral or practical grounds<br/>【例】the minister eschews involvement in local politics, since he doesn't want to diminish his moral authority in the community首相回避参与当地政治,因为他不想降低其道德权威<br/>【近】dodge, elude, evade, shirk, shun, weasel out of<br/>【反】embrace, greet, welcome, habitually indulge in, seek乐于接受,寻觅<br/><br/>【记】源自skew 斜着走,斜视, ch=k;e 出 + school 学校→不上学,避开;es出 + true 真实,现实→逃避现实


【考法 1】v. 削弱,损害:to reduce the value or impair the quality of<br/>【例】Too many grammatical errors can vitiate the soundness of your writing, so double-check is recommended before submission.太多的语法错误会削弱你论证的力度,所以强烈建议交稿前检查几遍。<br/>【近】blemish, cripple, deface, degrade, deteriorate, flaw, harm, impair, mar, undermine<br/>【反】doctor, fix, mend, patch, rebuild, recondition, reconstruct, renovate, repair, revamp 修复,再生<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. (在道德、审美上)降低,堕落:to debase in moral or aesthetic status<br/>【例】Penchant for coarse language vitiates what is otherwise a refined literary style.使用粗俗语言的倾向使得本该是一个高雅的文体变得不堪入目。<br/>【近】abase, cheapen, corrupt, debauch, demean, demoralize, deprave, pervert, profane, prostitute, subvert<br/>【反】elevate, ennoble, uplift 使高尚<br/>【派】vitiatedadj. 受损害的<br/><br/>【记】vital 生命 + ate 吃掉生命;vitamin 维他命,没后面的命,就是不行了,


【考法 1】v. 剧烈收缩,坍缩,内爆:to collapse inward violently<br/>【例】The flask imploded during the vacuum distilling.做低压蒸馏的时候烧瓶发生了内爆<br/>【近】buckle, founder, tumble, yield<br/>【反】explode外爆,爆炸<br/><br/>【记】im, in + plode 爆炸,向内炸;explode 是向外炸<br/>【另】explode 爆炸


【考法 1】v. 加速:to cause to move faster<br/>【例】accelerate his steps加快脚步<br/>【近】balloon, escalate, snowball, mushroom, proliferate, burgeon, build up<br/>【反】retard减速<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 使提前发生:to bring about at an earlier time<br/>【例】accelerate their departure提前离开<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 变大,变多:to become greater in size, extent, volume, amount, or number<br/>【例】toy purchases accelerate dramatically during the Christmas season 玩具销售量在圣诞期间暴涨<br/>【近】accumulate, balloon, enlarge, escalate, mushroom, proliferate, snowball, roll up<br/>【反】contract, decrease, diminish, dwindle, lessen, recede, wane<br/><br/>【记】ac 加强 + cel 音:赛 + rate 速度,比率→加强比赛速度→加速;ac 增加 + 音近于salary,想增加工资得加速干活→加速<br/>【另】celerity 敏捷, 快速,decelerate 减速


【考法 1】v. 勒索:to obtain from a person by force, intimidation, or undue or illegal power<br/>【例】The criminals extorted large sums of money from their victims.绑匪向受害者勒索大笔钱财。<br/>【近】wrest, wring<br/><br/>【记】ex 出 + torture 折磨,折磨,拷打出来的<br/>【另】torture 折磨,tortuous 曲折的 contort 扭曲,distort 歪曲 extort 敲诈勒索 retort 反驳<br/>I examine myself three times daily. 吾日三省吾身。


【考法 1】v. 即席表现:to do or perform (something) without prior preparation or practice<br/>【例】a good talk show host has to be able to extemporize the interviews when things don't go as planned 一个好的脱口秀主持人要能够在计划之外即兴表现<br/>【反】follow a script 参考草稿<br/>【派】extemporaneous<br/>【反】planned有计划的<br/><br/>【记】ex 出 + temporary 临时,临时出来,没有准备<br/>


【考法 1】v. 发出含糊无意义的嘟囔声,胡乱说:to utter a meaningless confusion of words or sounds<br/>【例】Babies babble before they can talk.婴儿在会说话以前含糊不清地发音<br/>【近】drivel, gabble, gibber, jabber, prattle, abracadabra<br/>【反】articulate 清晰地说出<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 闲聊:to engage in casual or rambling conversation<br/>【例】The little girls babbled contentedly for the whole ride home. 两个小姑娘在回家的路上高兴地闲聊<br/>【近】chatter, prate<br/><br/>【记】baby 婴儿般学语声;bubble 泡泡声


【考法 1】v. 发表长篇大论:a long pompous speech, especially one delivered before a gathering<br/>【例】She harangued us for hours about the evils of popular culture.她向我们絮叨了好几小时,批判流行文化的堕落。<br/>【近】diatribe, harangue, jeremiad, philippic, rant<br/>【反】 speak temperately 有节制地说话<br/><br/>【记】音:很 anger 很生气 指责→指责演说;hard + argue 强硬辩论


【考法 1】v. 发誓放弃:a firm and final rejecting or abandoning often made under oath<br/>【例】abjure one's belief 发誓放弃信仰<br/>【近】recant, renege, renounce, abnegate, forswear (also foreswear), repudiate<br/>【反】affirm, espouse, embrace拥护<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 抵制,避免:to resist the temptation of<br/>【例】abjure extravagance抵制铺张浪费<br/>【近】keep (from), refrain (from), withhold (from)<br/>【反】bow to, give in to, submit to, succumb to, surrender to, yield to屈从于<br/><br/>【记】ab不+jure 发誓→发誓不要→弃绝;jury 陪审团<br/>【另】abjure 发誓放弃, adjure 起誓, 恳请, conjure 施魔法召唤,jury 陪审团,objurgate 怒吵,告上法庭,perjure 发伪誓


【考法 1】v. 变小,减少:to become smaller or less<br/>【例】diminish an army's strength 削弱军队力量|| The sound of the train diminished as our distance from it increased. 当我们距离火车的越远时,火车的声音就越小。<br/>【近】abate, dwindle, lessen, lower, reduce, decline<br/>【反】aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, enlarge, escalate, expand, increase, raise, balloon增加,增大<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 轻视,贬低:to lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of : belittle<br/>【例】diminish a rival's accomplishments 贬低对手的成就<br/>【近】belittle, deprecate, depreciate, disparage<br/>【反】acclaim, applaud, exalt, extol, glorify, laud, praise赞美<br/><br/>【记】di de + mini 小→变小<br/>【另】min. 最小, minor 较小的


【考法 1】v. 召集开会:to bring together by or as if by summons<br/>【例】to convoke Parliament召开国会<br/>【近】assemble, convene, summon, muster<br/>【反】adjourn休会<br/><br/>【记】源自vocal 声音,喊;voice;k=c<br/>【另】vocation n.召唤, 号召, 天命, 职业,convoke (一起召呼)召集,equivoke (两个声音)双关语,含糊措词,evoke(向外召唤)唤起,invoke(内部人员的召唤)调用,恳求,provoke(公开叫阵)激怒,挑拨<br/>Do your best. Be your best.尽最大努力。作最好的自己。 <br/>,revoke(返回召唤)召回,撤回,废除;


【考法 1】v. 否认:to declare false<br/>【近】deny, contradict, contravene, naysay<br/>【反】acknowledge, admit, avow, concede 承认;affirm 证实<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 反对:to oppose, especially by contradiction<br/>【例】No one dare to gainsay him. 没人敢反驳他<br/>【近】disagree, refute, reject, repudiate<br/>【反】concur同意<br/><br/>【记】源自against;gain + say 得到说法,你问你的哥们,对喜欢的女孩表白后如何? 答:得到说法了<br/>,答案是否定的.


【考法 1】v. 呕吐出:to discharge by the throat and mouth; vomit<br/>【例】He cannot disgorge a fish bone without the doctor's assistant.没有医生的帮助他吐不出鱼刺来。||The volcano disgorged lava. 火山喷出岩浆。<br/>【近】belch, disgorge, eject, eruct, expel, jet, spew, spout<br/>【反】swallow, ingest吞下,咽下<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 放弃:to give up on request or under pressure<br/>【例】The corrupt officials refused to disgorge his ill-gotten gains. 贪官们拒绝放弃赃款。<br/><br/>【记】dis + gorge n.咽喉, 胃, 峡谷 v.狼吞虎咽, 暴食<br/>【另】Three Gorges 三峡


【考法 1】v. 哄骗:to urge with gentle and repeated appeals, teasing, or flattery; wheedle<br/>【例】cajoled her into doing his laundry for him哄骗她帮他洗衣服<br/>【近】blandish, blarney, palaver, wheedle, soft-soap, sweet-talk<br/><br/>【记】ca 开着 joke 玩笑,将人哄骗了做了某事


【考法 1】v. 喝水,摄取水分:to take in (something liquid) through small openings<br/>【例】Plants can imbibe water through their roots.植物可以通过它们的根摄取水分<br/>【近】drink, guzzle, hoist, quaff, sip, sponge<br/>【反】urinate排尿<br/><br/>【记】im, in + bib 吸水;in + baby 小baby整天只知道吸入,吸奶,吸果汁等;音:饮杯杯,饮水杯<br/>【另】bibulous 饮酒的,吸水的


【考法 1】v. 在数量或价值方面变低;减小:to become reduced in amount or value; dwindle:<br/>【例】His savings quickly shrank. 他的存款急剧减少。<br/>【近】compress, condense, constrict<br/>【反】balloon, expand, snowball, swell<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 本能性地退却(如因遇到使人惊恐的某物);退缩:to draw back instinctively, as from something alarming; recoil<br/>【例】shrinking back from the approaching flames对着燃烧的火焰望而却步<br/>【近】blench, cringe, quail, recoil, squinch, wince<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 表示出不情愿;犹豫:to show reluctance; hesitate:<br/>【例】shrink from making such a sacrifice对做出这样的牺牲犹豫不决<br/><br/>【记】音:湿润 + ink 纸被墨水弄湿会皱


【考法 1】v. 声称为真:to state as a fact usually forcefully<br/>【例】was tearfully averring his innocence涕泪俱下地声明他的清白<br/>【近】allege, assert, avouch, avow, declare, purport, warrant<br/>【反】deny, gainsay 否认<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. (态度强硬而明确地)声明:to state clearly and strongly<br/>【例】She averred that she didn't need any help choosing her own clothes. 她态度强硬地声明:在买衣服的问题上不需要别人指手画脚<br/>【近】affirm, insist, maintain, profess<br/><br/>【记】同verify 确认属实。来自 very,真,真正,完全。 Very good 真好;


【考法 1】v. 大声斥责:to issue a thunderous verbal attack or denunciation<br/>【例】fulminate the so-called curricular reform 痛斥所谓的课程改革<br/>【近】criticize, blame, censure, condemn, denounce, denunciate, lambaste, reprehend, reprobate<br/>【反】applaud, compliment, praise赞美<br/>【派】fulminationn. 训斥<br/><br/>【记】full 充满 + mine 地雷→充满地雷的→爆炸;full 充满 + min 最小,(气体逐渐)充满,但是空间反而变为最小时,会导致爆炸


【考法 1】v. 妥协:to adjust or settle by mutual concessions<br/>【例】Eventually we reached a compromise on the number of hours per week that would be devoted to piano practice.最后我们在每周练琴的时间上妥协了。<br/>【近】accommodation, negotiation<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 使危险:to place in danger<br/>【例】Officials were concerned that his statements would compromise national security. 官员们认为他的言论会危害国家安全。<br/>【近】hazard, imperil, jeopardy, jeopardize, menace, peril, venture<br/><br/>【记】com + promise 各方都允诺;妥协与折衷实际上各方受到损害的,因为都让步了


【考法 1】v. 妨碍,阻碍:to interfere with or slow the progress of<br/>【例】Storms at sea impeded our expedition.海上的风暴阻碍了我们的远征<br/>【近】clog, embarrass, encumber, fetter, hinder, inhibit, obstruct, retard, shackle, stymie, trammel<br/>【反】aid, assist, facilitate, help促进,帮助<br/>【派】impedimentn. 障碍,阻碍<br/><br/>【记】im 否定 + ped 脚,足<br/>【另】pedal 脚踏板,脚的,pedestrian 步行者


【考法 1】v. 官方的正式废除:to abolish by authoritative action, annul<br/>【例】abrogate the law/ treaty废除法律、条约<br/>【近】disannul, invalidate, nullify, quash, rescind, roll back, strike down<br/>【反】embrace, uphold, institute采纳,支持,建立<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 无视(某事的)存在:to treat as nonexistent<br/>【例】abrogate their responsibilities抛开、不顾他们的责任<br/><br/>【记】ab + rogate 问,要求,权利→去掉权利<br/>【另】abrogate 废除, arrogate 冒称有.权利, derogate 贬损, 毁损,interrogate 审问,询问<br/>,prorogate 休会,subrogate 取代,接替,surrogate 代替


【考法 1】v. 宠爱:to treat as a pet; pamper<br/>【近】caress, cuddle, dote, pet, mollycoddle<br/>【反】slight 怠慢;abuse 虐待<br/>【派】cossetedadj. 被宠坏的<br/><br/>【记】cost + et 花许多钱的小东西


【考法 1】v. 容忍:to bear without overt reaction or resentment<br/>【例】I can't stomach his bragging.我受不了他自吹自擂了。<br/>【近】abide, brook, countenance, endure, handle, stand, tolerate<br/>【反】decline, refuse, reject, repudiate, spurn拒绝<br/><br/>【记】说人有胃口就是说其肚子容量大


【考法 1】v. 容忍:to put up with (something painful or difficult)<br/>【例】The college administration will not countenance cheating. 大学管理部门决不容忍作弊的存在<br/>【近】abide, endure, stand, stomach, wear<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 赞成,推崇:to have a favorable opinion of<br/>【例】I don't countenance such behavior in children of any age. 对于任何年龄的孩子,我都不推崇那种行为<br/>【近】accept, favor, subscribe<br/>【反】disapprove, frown表示反对<br/><br/>【考法 3】n. 沉着,冷静:evenness of emotions or temper<br/>【例】The doctor's purposeful countenance was in stark contrast to everyone else's hysteria. 医生带有目的性的沉着与他人的歇斯底里形成了巨大的反差<br/>【近】aplomb, calmness, composure, sangfroid, serenity<br/>【反】agitation, discomposure, perturbation 急躁,焦虑<br/><br/>【记】类continence 自制 节制 及contain 容忍


【考法 1】v. 屡次重申:to make repeated efforts especially :to reiterate an opinion or attitude.<br/>【例】the lectures all hammered away at the same points整场讲座都是在阐述相同论点||hammered the information into the students' heads 把这条信息反复向学生们强调<br/><br/><br/>


【考法 1】v. 开玩笑:to make jokes<br/>【例】a coworker who likes to chaff at others' expense, and this often results in hurt feelings这个同事喜欢开别人玩笑,导致伤害他人感情<br/>【近】banter, gag, jape, jest, quip, wisecrack<br/><br/>【记】来自动词chafe;音:擦肤,意为用手擦热皮肤;联想擦着擦着掉下来的都是谷壳等污物<br/>【另】此词结构是名词,chafe 以e结尾的是动词


【考法 1】v. 弄皱:to press, bend, or crush out of shape<br/>【例】crumple a piece of paper弄皱一张纸<br/>【近】rumple, crimple, crease, fold, wrinkle<br/>【反】smooth使平滑<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. (因外力挤压而)垮塌:to fall down or in as a result of physical pressure<br/>【例】The box crumpled when I accidentally dropped a brick on it. 我不小心扔了块石头在箱子上,它就倒塌了<br/>【近】collapse, founder, implode, tumble, yield<br/><br/>【记】crush 音:袍→压袍子会弄皱;crush 音:破;同rumple 皱;crush + rumple 压皱,压的崩溃;


【考法 1】v. 弄脏,弄污:to make dirty; soil<br/>【例】besmirched the white bed sheets with their dirty hands 用他们的脏手把白床单弄脏了<br/>【近】foul, smirch, smudge, taint<br/>【反】clean, cleanse 清洁<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 诽谤,玷污:to detract from the honor or luster of<br/>【例】besmirch your reputation by fabricating scandals通过捏造丑闻来玷污你的名声<br/>【近】defile, smear, soil, stain<br/>【反】honor授予荣誉<br/><br/>【记】be smirch


【考法 1】v. 强烈(公开)指责:to criticize harshly and usually publicly<br/>【例】The author castigated the prime minister as an ineffective leader. 作者谴责首相行政无作为。<br/>【近】berate, chastise, lambaste, reprimand, reproach, rebuke, vituperate, excoriate, rail (at or against)<br/>【反】approbate, accolade, extol认可,赞美<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 惩罚:to inflict a penalty on for a fault or crime<br/>【例】a judge who believes in castigating criminals to the full extent of the law法官认为应该最大程度地惩罚罪犯<br/>【近】chasten, chastise, correct, discipline, penalize<br/>【反】excuse, pardon, spare宽恕<br/><br/>【记】cast扔 + gate 往门上扔砖头→严责;investigate 调查以严责


【考法 1】v. 徒步穿越,走过:to travel over or through especially on foot for exercise or pleasure<br/>【例】 We decided to lazily perambulate the entire length of the esplanade and enjoy the fresh air. 我们决定悠哉地徒步走过滨海大道,享受清新的空气<br/>【近】 amble, cross, go, navigate, pass, peregrinate, proceed, ramble, transit, travel, traverse<br/><br/>【记】per- through 穿过 + ambulate 走动<br/>【另】ambulance 流动医院, 救护车


【考法 1】v. 忍受,容许:to stand for, tolerate<br/>【例】brook no inference with his plans 不能容忍别人对于他计划的干涉<br/>【近】abide, countenance, endure, stomach<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 小溪流:a natural stream of water normally smaller than and often tributary to a river: creek<br/>【例】there are tiny fish and frogs in that brook 那条小溪里有小鱼还有小青蛙<br/>【近】creek, rivulet<br/><br/>【记】音:不用哭,不要哭→男儿有泪不轻弹→要忍;broke (break破坏,打破过去式)的反意<br/>,brook象book,圣贤书里讲不破坏,不与人争斗,做人要忍,海纳百川(小河),有容乃大;book + r<br/>音:忍→书中有个忍,书里提倡忍,包容精神,忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空<br/>【另】breeze 微风,creek 小溪, 小河


【考法 1】v. 快速地行动:to move or act energetically or with speed; to proceed or move quickly<br/>【例】The little boy rustled around enthusiastically on the first morning of the trip.旅行的第一个早晨,小男孩充满热情地在那活蹦乱跳。<br/>【近】bolt, breeze, careen, career, hasten, hustle, jump, run, rush, scurry<br/>【反】crawl, creep匍匐前行;poke缓慢行动<br/><br/>【记】rush + 音:偷 匆忙地偷(牛),冲向牛,去偷牛,发出声音<br/>【另】hustle 急速活动, 挤, 推, 拥挤喧嚷


【考法 1】v. 怒不可遏,咆哮:to express one's anger usually violently<br/>【例】bristle at the suggestion of gay marriage对基情怒不可遏<br/>【近】bluster, fulminate, rampage, fume, storm<br/>【反】cower畏缩<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 供应充足:to be copiously supplied<br/>【例】starting a new life in New York city bristling with possibilities 在有着无限机会的纽约开始新生活<br/>【近】brim, overflow, swarm, teem<br/><br/>【记】beast 的brush 头;brutal 野蛮般长有毛;breast 头→胸膛象头一样,长着许多毛发,胸毛外国男人很多都有胸毛


【考法 1】v. 怒斥,训斥:to criticize (someone) severely or angrily especially for personal failings<br/>【例】You are so going to get reamed out when the boss learns that you wrecked the company car.要是老板知道你把公司的车弄坏了,你肯定会挨骂的。<br/>【近】baste, berate, castigate, chastise, hammer, lambaste, rail, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, upbraid<br/>【反】accredit, applaud, commend, eulogize, extol, laud, praise表扬,赞扬<br/><br/>【记】r发音成l就是令;realm 领土,领域按纸张大小计数,一个王国有成亿张纸铺开那么大<br/>【另】quire 一刀(纸数量), (装订时的)一折


【考法 1】v. 恐吓,威胁:to frighten with threats or a show of force<br/>【例】cow sb. into doing sth.威吓某人做某事<br/>【近】intimidate, browbeat, bully, hector, awe<br/>【反】embolden, encourage, inspirit鼓励<br/>【派】cowedadj. 被吓倒的<br/><br/>【记】使人变成母牛→威胁


【考法 1】v. 恳求,乞求:to make a request to (someone) in an earnest or urgent manner<br/>【例】God is not just someone to be supplicated in times of trouble.我们不应该只在困难时候才向主祷告。<br/>【近】 beseech, conjure, entreat, impetrate, implore, solicit, plead to, appeal to<br/>【反】 demand强求<br/><br/>【记】supply 供给,提供,恳求别人提供东西<br/>Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。


【考法 1】v. 感染溃烂,腐烂:to infect, inflame, or corrupt<br/>【例】A dirty wound will probably fester. 伤口弄脏了有可能会化脓<br/>【近】corrupt, decompose, putrefy, rot, spoil<br/>【反】heal, cure愈合<br/><br/>【记】音:烦死它→痛苦;faster (秦桧后背上发展)越来越快的脓疮(,最后暴裂喷发而死)


【考法 1】v. 慢吞吞地说:to speak slowly with vowels greatly prolonged<br/>【例】The old woman was drawling on and on.老太太慢吞吞地说个没完<br/>【近】extend, lengthen, prolong, protract, draw out<br/>【反】drivel, gibber快速(而模糊)地说<br/><br/>【记】draw + l, l 象一条长线,代表着长,拉着说


【考法 1】v. 截短(时间,程度):to shorten by or as if by cutting off<br/>【例】a truncated version of the 11 o'clock newscast followed the awards show, which ran over its time slot 颁奖典礼之后缩短版的 11 点新闻节目,已经超出了预定时长<br/>【近】 abbreviate, abridge, curtail, retrench<br/>【反】elongate, extend, lengthen, prolong, protract延长<br/><br/>【记】源自trunk 树干, 躯干, 箱子,把东西放入箱子需要截短


【考法 1】v. 打孔,穿透:to make a hole through<br/>【例】 to perforate with a pin 用针穿孔<br/>【近】 bore, drill, hole, pierce, punch, puncture, riddle<br/><br/>【记】per 穿过 + fora- 洞<br/>【另】imperforate 无孔的


【考法 1】v. 打消错误念头,纠正:to free from error, fallacy, or misconception<br/>【例】disabuse sb. of the notion that... 打消某人的...观点||I must disabuse you of your feelings of grandeur.我必须去消除你的傲气。<br/>【近】disenchant, undeceive<br/>【反】lead into error 导致错误;mislead误导<br/><br/>【记】dis+ abuse 滥用,误用→解除错误


【考法 1】v. 把...当作神来崇拜:to offer honor or respect to (someone) as a divine power<br/>【例】some ancient pagans deified such objects of nature as trees and rivers很多古代的异教徒拿一些自然事物比如树木,河流来崇拜<br/>【近】glorify, revere, venerate<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 过分喜爱:to love or admire too much<br/>【例】materialistic people who deify money 那些眼里只有钱的物质之人<br/>【近】adore, adulate, canonize, dote<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 尊敬尊崇:to assign a high status or value to<br/>【例】Valentino was virtually deified by legions of female fans.瓦伦蒂诺被大批女粉丝崇拜。<br/>【近】aggrandize, canonize, dignify, ennoble, glorify, magnify<br/>【反】abase, degrade, demean, humble, humiliate贬低,羞辱<br/>【派】deification n. 崇拜<br/>【反】debasement贬低<br/><br/>【记】d→th,发音想象→the- 神;ei=i, f=v 就是divine


【考法 1】v. 抱怨:to express dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment usually tiresomely<br/>【例】All workers were griping about the new regulations. 所有的工人都在抱怨新规章。<br/>【近】carp, fuss, grouch, grouse, grumble, wail<br/>【反】crow, delight, rejoice欢快,喜悦<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 通过连续让人讨厌的举动激怒,惹怒:to disturbthe peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts<br/>【例】constant complaints from the customers griped her to the point where she started snapping back顾客持续的抱怨让她也到了爆点<br/>【近】aggravate, annoy, bother, chafe, exasperate, nettle, peeve, pique, rile, ruffle, vex<br/><br/>【记】源自grasp;抓人的,挠人心的,令人烦燥的,现在人们都紧抓着手里的东西不放,还发牢骚抱怨没抓到的东西;音:给,割 + ripe 熟,去吃烤肉,给割点熟的(肉),别老给半生不熟的


【考法 1】v. 拒绝(合作),阻挠:to be uncooperative, obstructive, or evasive<br/>【例】lobbying efforts to stonewall passage of the legislation意在阻止法律通过的游说行动<br/>【近】blockade, filibuster, hinder, impede, obstruct<br/>【反】collaborate, cooperate合作<br/><br/>【记】stone + wall


【考法 1】v. 拖欠(债务):to fail to pay financial debts, the nonperformance of an assigned or expected action<br/>【例】default on a loan拖欠贷款<br/>【近】delinquency, dereliction, misprision, nonfeasance, oversight<br/>【反】pay one's debt偿还债务<br/><br/>【记】de 加强 + fault 没有按照法律,义务,债务去履行


【考法 1】v. 拘留:to hold or keep in or as if in custody<br/>【例】detained by the police for questioning被警察扣留下问讯<br/>【反】manumit释放<br/><br/>【记】de 贬义 + tain 拿,有些贬义的用不好的方式拿,拥有→拘留,阻止<br/>【另】abstain 禁绝 放弃,attain 得到 获得,detain 拘留 延迟 阻止,maintain 维持,维修,obtain 得到,pertain 属于,有关,适合,retain 保持 保留,sustain 支撑 维持,<br/>


【考法 1】v. 持异议,不同意:to differ in opinion<br/>【例】I dissent from what you said.我不同意你说的话。|| Anyone who dissented was encouraged to speak out while they had the chance. 谁有异议得到机会都可以发言。<br/>【近】differ, disagree, nonconcur<br/>【反】agree, assent, concur同意<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 反对正统:departure from a generally accepted theory, opinion, or practice<br/>【例】The church reacted to any form of dissent by promptly excommunicating its proponents.教堂会立即开除任何反对正统教义的人。<br/>【近】heterodoxy, nonconformity<br/>【反】conformity遵从;orthodoxy正统<br/><br/>【考法 3】n. 不和谐:a lack of agreement or harmony<br/>【近】conflict, disaccord, discordance, discordancy, disharmony, dissent, dissidence, dissonance, disunion, disunity, division, friction, inharmony, schism, strife<br/>【反】accord, agreement, concord, concordance, harmony, consensus, unanimity不和谐,不一致<br/><br/>【记】dis+sent(感觉)→不感觉→不同意


【考法 1】v. 挑剔,吹毛求疵:to find fault unnecessarily; raise trivial objections :quibble<br/>【例】Let us not cavil too much.让我们别太挑剔。|| caviling about the price of a cup of coffee对一杯咖啡的价钱挑刺<br/>【近】carp, fuss, niggle, nitpick, quibble<br/><br/>【记】cave 洞 + ill 病→(找)有毛病的洞,吹毛求疵<br/>【另】cavity


【考法 1】v. 挖掘,挖空:to dig out and remove<br/>【例】excavate soil from one area 从某处挖土出来<br/>【反】fill in 填满<br/><br/>【记】ex+cave 洞 + ate→挖洞→挖掘<br/>


【考法 1】v. 挫败:to prevent from being successful; defeat<br/>【例】foil her enemy by pulling some strings通过一些关系和手段挫败了她的对手<br/>【近】baffle, balk, beat, checkmate, discomfit, frustrate, thwart<br/>【反】forward, foster, further, promote帮助,促进<br/><br/>【记】fail 使失败;有些近似 file(文件,锉刀),file 文件纸是薄的,锉刀类似剑;<br/>【另】trefoil 三叶形,quatrefoil 四叶的,foliage 树叶


【考法 1】v. 推迟,延期:to put off; postpone; defer<br/>【例】we agreed to defer a discussion of the issue我们决定推迟问题的讨论<br/>【近】delay, remit, shelve, hold off, hold over, lay over, put off<br/>【反】exigent紧急的<br/><br/>【考法 2】 vi. 遵从: to submit to another's wishes, opinion, or governance usually through deference or respect<br/>【例】defer to her father's wishes听从她父亲的意愿<br/><br/>【记】fer 运送,transfer;de否定 + fer 不运送→推迟运送,或者是让另外的人来运送→尊重,听从别人意愿<br/>【另】ferry 渡船,confer 讨论,授予,defer 推迟, differ 不同, infer 推断,offer 提供,出价,prefer 更喜欢, refer 提及,查阅,transfer 转移,


【考法 1】v. 提供所需(例如服务、借贷、寄宿):to provide with something desired, needed, or suited (as a helpful service, a loan, or lodgings)<br/>【例】This cruise ship was big enough to accommodate over 600 people.该游轮可以为超过 600 人提供食宿。<br/>【近】fit, hold, take<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 改变以适应新情况、新场景:to change (something) so as to make it suitable for a new use or situation<br/>【例】accommodated the lectern to the height of the guest speaker将讲台的高度调节得适合讲演者<br/>【近】acclimate, adjust, condition, conform, doctor, edit, shape, suit, tailor<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 使和谐:to bring to a state free of conflicts, inconsistencies, or differences<br/>【例】The idea that the United States could harmoniously accommodate all was a fiction.认为美国能够和谐一切就是幻想。<br/>【近】attune, conciliate, conform, coordinate, reconcile<br/>【反】disharmonize使不和谐<br/><br/>【记】ac + commodity 有用的日用品,向别人提供用品的,对别人有用,有帮助的;com + modern<br/>现代是商品社会,供给商品来招待


【考法 1】v. 提升:to improve by labor, care, or study<br/>【例】cultivate the mind开化心智<br/>【近】educate, instruct, illuminate, nurse<br/>【反】degrade, deteriorate, impair 损坏,降低品质<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 促进成长,培养:to promote the growth of (a biological culture)<br/>【例】cultivate vegetables种植蔬菜<br/>【近】grow, breed, produce, raise, develop, nurture<br/>【反】balk, frustrate, thwart阻碍<br/>【派】cultivationn. 栽培<br/><br/>【记】agriculture 农业,结尾象cultivate;culture 文化,文明,是耕耘培养出来的


【考法 1】v. 揭穿真面目:to reveal the true nature of<br/>【例】debunk a supposed miracle drug揭穿所谓的灵丹妙药的真面目<br/>【近】uncloak, uncover, undress, unmask, show up<br/>【反】camouflage, cloak, disguise, mask继续伪装,掩盖<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 证明为假:to prove to be false<br/>【例】a Web site that assiduously debunks urban legends一个不遗余力证明假传闻的网站<br/>【近】belie, confound, confute, discredit, falsify, rebut, refute<br/>【反】confirm, establish, validate, verify证明为真<br/><br/>【记】bunk 铺位,床;debunk 把床揭露出来;de + bank把银行揭露出来;音:绷开,穿绷


【考法 1】v. 擦亮,磨光:to make smooth or glossy usually by repeatedly applying surface pressure<br/>【例】burnish the knife磨光刀<br/>【近】buff, polish, furbish, grind, smoothen<br/><br/>【记】furnish 提供装备或家俱furniture,都是新的发亮,擦了又擦的;burn 燃烧的火光使金属看起来发亮<br/>【另】furbish 擦亮 (与burnish 象)


【考法 1】v. 收割,收获:to collect (a crop or natural resource) or to receive as return for effort<br/>【例】As you sow, so shall you reap.唯有付出,才有回报。‖She reaped large profits from her patents. 她的专利给她带来了丰厚的回报。<br/>【近】acquire, attain, capture, harvest, gain, garner, obtain, procure, secure<br/>【反】plant, seed, sow 种植,播种;forfeit, lose 丧失,没收<br/>【派】reapern. 收割机;死神<br/><br/>


【考法 1】v. 改变方向:to change one's course or direction<br/>【例】The deer abruptly diverged from its intended path the moment it spied the waiting lion. 当那只鹿发现潜伏的狮子的时候就突然改变了自己原来的路线。<br/>【近】detour, deviate, diverge, sheer, swerve, turn off<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 散开:to go or move in different directions from a central point<br/>【例】At that point the road and the railroad tracks diverge.公路和铁路在那个点分叉了。<br/>【近】branch out, divide, spread<br/>【反】converge, join 会合<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 分歧:to become or be different in character or form: differ in opinion<br/>【近】differ, disagree<br/>【反】conform遵从<br/><br/>【考法 4】vt. 离题:to depart from a set course or norm; deviate<br/>【近】excurse, ramble, diverge, get off the subject<br/><br/>【记】di 二 + verge 边缘,边界,边界的两边,你走你的阳关道,我走我的独木桥;divide + edge 从边缘上分开<br/>【另】converge 聚合,合于一点<br/>Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth. 良药苦口利于病。


【考法 1】v. 有关联:to have a relation or connection; relate<br/>【例】new evidence that pertains to the accident与事故相关的新证据<br/>【近】appertain, bear, concern, refer, relate<br/>【派】pertainingadj. 有关系的<br/><br/>【记】per 通过 through + tain 拿着 hold<br/>【另】abstain 禁绝 放弃,attain 得到 获得,detain 拘留 延迟 阻止,maintain 维持,维修,obtain 得到,pertain 属于,有关,适合,retain 保持 保留,sustain 支撑 维持,


【考法 1】v. 极度谄媚:to praise too much<br/>【例】incompetent assistants who spend all their time adulating her成天恭维她的不称职的下属<br/>【近】overpraise, belaud, soft-soap, butter up<br/>【反】scorn, disdain, vituperate, disparage 鄙视<br/><br/>【记】adult 成人干的事,人一大就谄媚;modulate 抑扬顿挫的唱(调频)→拍马<br/>【另】undulate(=fluctuate)波动<br/>A good wife and health is a man's best wealth. 贤妻和健康是男人最佳的财富。


【考法 1】v. 模仿:to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior<br/>【例】 miming a dog begging for food模仿小狗乞食<br/>【近】ape, copy, copycat, emulate, mimic, simulate<br/><br/>【记】音:模拟


【考法 1】v. 欺骗:to cause to believe what is untrue<br/>【例】we were gulled into believing that if we answered the e-mail, we'd somehow become millionaires, but instead we just got put on a list for junk mail我们误以为只要回复了那封邮件,就能变身百万富翁,后来发现我们只不过是群发的垃圾邮件名单上的一员而已<br/>【近】bamboozle, beguile, cozen, delude, dupe, fake out, gaff, hoax, hoodwink, snooker, string along, take in<br/>【反】undeceive使醒悟<br/><br/>【记】seagull 海鸥,就是sea + gull;音:嘎, 象海鸥叫声;形容人嘎就是这人特淘气,爱骗人玩<br/>,口语中嘎小子的嘎;guile 欺骗


【考法 1】v. 正式放弃(权力、责任):to renounce a throne,to relinquish (power or responsibility) formally<br/>【例】abdicate the throne/crown退位<br/>【近】cede, relinquish, renounce, resign, step down (from)<br/>【反】constitute, assume, usurp任命,承担,篡位<br/><br/>【记】ab+dic(说话,命令)+ate→不再命令→退位;<br/>【另】diction 说话,措辞,dictator 独裁者, dictionary 词典


【考法 1】v. 沉溺,上瘾:to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively<br/>【例】be addicted to drug/ alcohol 沉溺于毒品、酒<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 对某事上瘾的人:a person with a strong and habitual liking for something<br/>【例】science-fiction addicts who eagerly await each new installment in the series科幻小说爱好者,等待着系列的每一次更新<br/>【近】devotee, enthusiast, fanatic, maniac<br/>【反】nonfan非粉丝<br/><br/>【记】dictation dictator 独裁者,有权力使人上瘾,沉溺于不好的习惯,如吃喝嫖赌毒<br/>【另】contradict 驳斥, dictate 口述,dictator 独裁者, 口授令他人笔录者,edict 法令,indict 控告<br/>,maledict 诅咒,predict预言,valedict 告别,verdict定论


【考法 1】v. 沉重缓慢地走:to walk heavily or slowly<br/>【例】The soldiers slowly plodded across the marsh.士兵们慢慢走过沼泽地。<br/>【近】tramp, trudge<br/>【反】flit迅速飞过;gambol雀跃<br/>【派】ploddingadj. 走路沉重缓慢的<br/><br/>【记】音:铺路的,铺路的人是苦力,抬着石头很慢地往前走;音:迫劳动,被迫劳动的奴工;音:破落的,家境破落,只能卖苦力,当搬运工之类地,重步走


【考法 1】v. 涂亮漆;使具有光滑或亮泽的表面:to give a glossy or brilliant surface to<br/>【近】glaze, varnish<br/>【反】efface抹去<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 用亮丽的表面装饰:to adorn with a brightly colored surface<br/>【近】adorn, beautify, bedeck, decorate, , embellish, garnish, ornament<br/>【反】disfigure毁容<br/><br/>【记】name 名字一般都写在瓷釉上,比如公司的职工名牌


【考法 1】v. 涂浅色,微染:apply a usually slight or pale coloration to<br/>【例】tint with only one color只用一种颜色染色<br/>【近】 dye, pigment, stain, tincture, tinge<br/>【反】suffuse, decolorize 遍染,使脱色<br/><br/>【记】taint 感染,污点,taint源自上色,染色;paint <br/>【另】tinge 淡色, 色调


【考法 1】v. 润饰,改进:to improve or change (a photographic negative or print)<br/>【例】She was retouching her painting before the deadline.在截止日期到来之前,她一直在润色她的画作。<br/>【近】ameliorate, enhance, furbish, meliorate, perfect, polish, refine, upgrade<br/>【反】deteriorate, downgrade, worsen 恶化,降低<br/><br/>【记】re + touch 用笔再触一下,画油画就是这样润色<br/>【另】touch up 就是修饰与润色的意思<br/>There is no royal road to learning. 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。


【考法 1】v. 清晰地表达:to utter clearly and distinctly<br/>【例】He cannot articulate his thoughts. 他不能清楚地表达他的想法。<br/>【例】a theory first articulated by ancient philosophers被古时哲学家阐明的理论<br/>【近】enunciate<br/>【反】murmur, mumble, mutter, slur 模糊地说<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 表达清晰的:able to express oneself clearly and well<br/>【例】The television crew covering the science fair were looking for photogenic and articulate students to explain their projects on the air<br/>【近】eloquent, fluent, silver-tongued, well-spoken<br/>【反】inarticulate, ineloquent, unvocal 表达不清楚的<br/><br/>【记】article 文章 + ate 动词,写文章是每句话或每一段都接合起来,表达清楚,能说会道的


【考法 1】v. 激起,煽动:to stir up<br/>【例】He was roused to fury.他大为光火。<br/>【近】agitate, excite, motivate, provoke, stimulate<br/>【反】allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, mitigate, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe平息,缓和<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 唤醒:to cause to stop sleeping<br/>【例】The piercing siren roused her from a deep sleep刺耳的警笛声将她从沉睡中唤醒。<br/>【近】arouse, awake, awaken, waken<br/>【反】lull使睡着<br/><br/>【记】rise 起床;音:扰醒;同arouse 唤醒


【考法 1】v. 狂妄自大地大声说:to speak in a loudly arrogant or bullying manner<br/>【例】He was blustering alone in the meeting, which triggered wide dissatisfaction.他一人在会议上夸夸其谈,引得众人不满。<br/>【近】roar, clamor, bluster, rattle<br/>【反】whisper小声嘀咕<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 大声吹嘘或恐吓:loudly boastful or threatening speech<br/>【近】grandiloquence, braggadocio<br/><br/>【考法 3】n. 喧闹的状态:a state of noisy, confused activity<br/>【例】a mayor who got things done without a lot of bluster一个能把事情低调解决的市长<br/>【近】disturbance, pandemonium, tumult, turmoil<br/>【派】blustering adj. 大吵大闹的<br/><br/>【记】blast 一阵风,爆炸,冲击波, burst爆发成狂风与怒吼


【考法 1】v. 狂饮:to drink especially liquor greedily, continually, or habitually<br/>【例】guzzle beer狂饮啤酒<br/>【近】gulp, quaff, swig, booze, soak, tipple<br/><br/>【记】guttle;音:嘎嚼,嘎嘎嘎地大嚼


【考法 1】v. 用假象隐藏真相,掩饰:to put on a false appearance<br/>【例】dissemble fear with a smile 用微笑来掩饰恐惧|| He dissembled happiness at the news that his ex-girlfriend was getting married to someone else.他对其他人假装高兴听到前女友结婚的消息。<br/>【近】dissimulate, affect, assume, bluff, counterfeit, fake, sham<br/>【反】behave honestly表现诚恳<br/><br/>【记】dis 反义 + seem 看起来象是→掩饰;也有same的意思<br/>【另】semblance 外表,simulate 模仿,假装,dissimulate 掩饰,假装 ,assemble(same 类似的弄到一起→集合,装配), resemble(seem same 类似),ensemble(same 同类,全体,合唱的全体演唱者),dissemble(不+seem,same→掩饰,冒充)


【考法 1】v. 疏远,离间:to make unfriendly, or indifferent especially where attachment formerly existed<br/>【例】alienated most of his colleagues with his bad temper因为他的坏脾气,很多同事都和他疏远了<br/>【近】disaffect, disgruntle, sour<br/>【反】unite, reunite, reconcile 联合,重新联合,和好<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 转移、变卖(财产或权利):to convey or transfer (as property or a right) usually by a specific act rather than the due course of law<br/>【例】A landowner has a right to alienate his right of ownership.地主有权利变卖自己的地产。<br/>【近】assign, cede, deed, make over<br/><br/>【记】alien:a不 + 音:邻,不是本国的,邻国的→外国人,外星人;a不 + 音:连,不连着就是疏远


【考法 1】v. 监禁,禁闭:to confine within or as if within walls<br/>【例】immure oneself for GRE闭门苦读 GRE<br/>【近】bastille, confine, constrain, incarcerate, intern, jail, imprison<br/>【反】discharge, release 释放;enfranchise, free, liberate解放<br/><br/>【记】im, in + mure 墙,在墙内的<br/>【另】mural 墙壁上的 壁画, 壁饰, demure(在高墙里,深闰里的) 端庄的


【考法 1】v. 着手处理:to start work on energetically<br/>【例】Once I clean the kitchen, I think I'll tackle the bathroom.等我把厨房收拾干净了,就去收拾浴室。<br/>【近】dive into, wade in<br/><br/>【记】attack 攻击,(美式足球)抱住并绊倒持球跑的对手,应付挑战→擒抱,应付;attack 滑车,岳飞传里的铁滑车来攻击


【考法 1】v. 瞒骗,以智取胜:to surpass in cleverness or cunning; outsmart<br/>【例】 a plan to outwit their opponents at their own game 在擅长的领域智取对手的计划<br/>【近】 outfox, outmaneuver, outslick, outsmart, outthink<br/><br/>【记】out 出,wit 机智一机智超出别人


【考法 1】v. 磨快:to sharpen or smooth with a whetstone<br/>【例】 honed the knife's blade to razor-like sharpness把小刀磨得像剃刀一样锋利 ||honed his crossword-puzzle skills by reading the dictionary通过背字典把填词游戏的水平练得炉火纯青<br/>【近】edge, grind, strop, whet<br/>【反】 blunt, dull 弄钝<br/><br/>【记】音:嚯,发音象嚯嚯磨刀的声音;horn 尖角是hone出来的<br/>【另】horn 发音是号


【考法 1】v. 稀释:to make thinner or less concentrated by adding a liquid such as water/ of relativelylow strength or concentration<br/>【例】dilute a color稀释色彩|| a dilute acid that's safe to handle in the classroom稀释了的可以安全在教室处理的酸<br/>【近】thin<br/>【反】condense, densify, concentrate, thicken使浓缩<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 削弱:to diminish the strength, flavor, or brilliance of by admixture<br/>【例】The hiring of the new CEO diluted the power of the company's president.新的 CEO 削弱了董事长的权力。<br/>【近】weaken<br/>【反】fortify, strengthen增强<br/><br/>【记】di + solute 溶解物; 稀释让其溶解;音:滴溜,用滴溜水冲谈;lute 音:流淌;<br/>【另】solute 溶解物,溶质,pollute 污染(河流之类的)


【考法 1】v. 精心打扮:to dress, adorn, or arrange in a careful or finicky manner<br/>【例】She primps for hours before a date.她出门约会前要花数小时打扮。<br/>【近】preen, dress up<br/><br/>【记】来自prim整洁 + 音:扑,扑粉;prime 一流的 + p 音:漂,漂亮;音:漂亮美婆,音近<br/>plump,后者lump身上肿块,胖的


【考法 1】v. 系紧,扎紧:to gather into a tight mass by means of a line or cord<br/>【例】After stuffing the turkey, the chef quickly trussed it so the forcemeat wouldn't fall out during roasting. 把填料塞进火鸡后,大厨迅速把它扎紧防止在烘烤过程中肉馅掉出来。<br/>【近】band, bind<br/>【反】unbind, untie解开<br/><br/>【记】音:处死,处死是绑在架子上绞死


【考法 1】v. 繁殖:to cause to continue or increase by sexual or asexual reproduction<br/>【例】the dams along the river are interfering with the salmon's ability to propagate河上的大坝影响了大马哈鱼的繁殖<br/>【近】breed, multiply, reproduce<br/>【反】 fail to multiply 根除,繁殖失败<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 传播,宣传:to cause to spread out and affect a greater number or greater areextend<br/>【例】the various ways in which churches can propagate the faith 不同的宣传教义的方法<br/>【近】broadcast, circulate, disseminate<br/>【反】 check阻止<br/><br/>【记】pro- + page 书页,通过书,媒体来宣传,传播思想;传播→播种,繁殖


【考法 1】v. 纠缠,纠结:to twist together into a usually confused mass<br/>【例】You'll be awfully sorry if you snarl your fishing line. 要是你把渔网给缠在一起,你肯定会非常后悔的。‖The new regulation has succeeded in nothing but snarling up rush-hour traffic throughout the city.新的政策只将全城高峰时期的交通变得更为复杂难解。<br/>【近】entangle, ensnarl, interlace, intertwine, intertwist, interweave, knot, ravel, tangle<br/>【反】disentangle, extricate, unravel, unsnarl, untwine, untwist解开<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 咆哮,怒吼:to give vent to anger in surly language<br/>【例】She snarled at me after I kept badgering her with questions. 在我不断用问题骚扰她之后,她终于忍不住爆发了。<br/>【近】bark, fulminate, rant, roar, scream, shout, storm, vent<br/>【反】calm 冷静下来<br/><br/>【记】音:丝挠 + l 象根绳子或丝线,丝线搅在一起,缠绕;<br/>【另】gnarl 咆哮,扭,生节


【考法 1】v. 组成,包含:to constitute or include<br/>【例】a plan that encompasses multiple aims 一项包含了多个目标的计划<br/>【近】contain, comprehend, embody, entail, involve, subsume<br/>【反】exclude排除<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 包围:envelop<br/>【例】Berlin had already been encompassed by the Red Army and all Soviet soldiers were patiently waiting for the order to put a final nail in Nazi Germany's coffin.柏林已被红军包围,苏联士兵们静静地等待着最后的命令,彻底消灭纳粹德国<br/>【近】circle, embrace, enclose, environ, surround<br/><br/>【记】en + compass(罗盘、范围)→进入范围→包围


【考法 1】v. 细读:to read or examine, typically with great care<br/>【例】perused the manuscript to check for grammatical errors细读手稿以检查语法错误<br/>【近】examine, scrutinize<br/>【反】 glance, glimpse, scan, skim 一瞥,迅速浏览<br/><br/>【记】per through + use→thoroughly use 彻底地使用,也就是细读


【考法 1】v. 缩写,缩短:to make briefer<br/>【例】abbreviate the word "building" as "bldg." 将"building"缩写作"bldg"<br/>【近】abridge, curtail, cut back, syncopate,truncate<br/>【反】extend, protract, elongate, lengthen, prolong延长<br/><br/>【记】ab + brev(短);brief 摘要,简短的,ie=e, f=v→brev<br/>【另】abridge 删节, 削减


【考法 1】v. 缩短,缩小:to shorten in duration or extent<br/>【例】modern transportation abridges distance现代运输方式缩短了路途<br/>【近】curtail, truncate, cut back<br/>【反】extend in length, protract, amplify延长,放大<br/><br/>【考法 2】 v. 在不改变本意的条件下删减词语,缩写: to shorten by omission of words without sacrifice of sense<br/>【例】an abridged edition精简版<br/>【近】abbreviate, curtail, condense, syncopate<br/><br/>【记】a + bridge 一座桥把路缩短了


【考法 1】v. 羞辱,使丧失名誉:to damage in reputation; disgrace.<br/>【例】discredit his opponents 羞辱他的对手<br/>【近】abase, debase, degrade, demean, disgrace, dishonor, humiliate, shame, sink, smirch, take down<br/>【反】aggrandize提高名誉;canonize, deify 神化;elevate提升;exalt赞扬<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 怀疑,不相信:to think not to be true or real<br/>【例】I discredit the story that the old house is haunted. 我怀疑那个房子闹鬼不是真的。<br/>【近】negate, doubt, distrust<br/>【反】accept, believe, credit接受,相信;confirm, prove, validate, verify证实<br/><br/>【记】dis + credit信任


【考法 1】v. 脱离主题:to turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument<br/>【例】digress from her prepared subject脱离她准备好的主题||He digressed so oftenthat it was hard to follow what he was saying. 他经常跑题,以至于我们很难跟上他说的内容。<br/>【近】excurse, ramble, diverge, get off the subject<br/>【派】digressiveadj.偏离的<br/>【近】discursive<br/>【派】digression n. 题外话:the act or an instance of digressing in a discourse<br/>【近】aside<br/><br/>【记】dis 离开 + gress 走开<br/>【另】aggress 向前走→进攻,congress(走到一起)聚会,degressive(下走)下降,digress(分开走)离题<br/>,ingress(向里走)入口,egress(向外走)出口,progress (前走)前进,regress (回走)退回,retrogress (回走)退步,transgress (穿过走)越界


【考法 1】v. 膨胀:to swell out or expand from or as if from internal pressure<br/>【例】The stomachs of starving people often distend.饥民的肚子经常涨起来。<br/>【近】expand, dilate, inflate, swell<br/>【反】constrict, compress收缩压缩<br/><br/>【记】tend 拉长,延伸,近于extend(向外拉) 延伸,扩张,dis 向四周 + tend 拉<br/>【另】tend 趋向,照管,attend 参加,contend 竞争,distend 扩大,扩张,extend 延伸,扩张<br/>,intend 打算,pretend 假装,protend (向前拉)伸出,伸展


【考法 1】v. 行动躲躲闪闪以争取时间、躲避争论等:to act evasively in order to gain time, avoid argument, or postpone a decision<br/>【例】 "Colonial officials . . . ordered to enforce unpopular enactments, tended to temporize, to find excuses for evasion"(J.H. Parry) "被命令来执行不受欢迎法案的殖民地官员们倾向于敷衍了事,去寻找逃避的理由"(J.H.帕里)<br/><br/>【记】源自time;temporary 临时,暂时,指应付临时暂时这段时间,为争取时间与顺应时势采取的行为:act to gain time and suit the time


【考法 1】v. 要求(权利):to ask for especially as a right<br/>【例】a fragile claim to fame 对名誉不切实际的要求|| After many years had passed, he suddenly appeared to claim his inheritance. 很多年已经过去,他突然出现要求继承遗产。<br/>【近】call for, command, quest<br/>【反】renounce 放弃<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 断言:to state as a fact usually forcefully<br/>【例】People claim that they have been kidnapped by aliens.人们断言称他们被外星人绑架了。<br/>【近】allege, assert<br/>【反】deny, gainsay 否认<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 剥夺生命:to deprive of life<br/>【例】Cancer claims hundreds of thousands of Americans each year.癌症每年要剥夺成千上万美国人的生命。<br/>【反】animate使有生命<br/><br/>【考法 4】n. 权利:a legal right to participation in the advantages, profits, and responsibility of something<br/>【例】A shareholder has a claim in the business. 股东在企业有权利(收益权、选举权等)。<br/><br/>【记】reclaim(v 开垦荒地);acclaim(n /v 欢呼)


【考法 1】v. 解放(奴隶):to release from slavery or bondage<br/>【例】Though he was an outspoken defender of liberty, this son of Virginia did not manumit his own slaves until he was on his deathbed.尽管这位维吉尼亚之子公开地支持自由,但他直到临死才释放自己的奴隶<br/>【近】free, emancipate, enfranchise, liberate, loose, release, unbind, unchain, unshackle<br/>【反】detain拘留;enchain, enfetter, enslave奴役<br/><br/>【记】manu- 手 + mit 送,走,放手,释放;man 人,男人 + mit 走,送,释放奴隶<br/>【另】admit 容许,commit 提交,干(坏事),demit 辞职,emit 发出,放射,remit 传送,提交,宽恕<br/>,延迟,permit 许可,intermit 中断,断断续续,omit 省略,submit 提交,使服从,summit (sum 总和+ MIT 麻省理工→顶点)顶点,最高层,transmit 传送


【考法 1】v. 评估重要性、尺寸、价值等:to determine the importance, size, or value of<br/>【例】We need to assess whether or not the system is working.我们需要评估这个系统是否工作。<br/>【例】Damage to the boat was assessed at $5,000. 船的损失是$5,000。<br/>【近】evaluate, appraise, guesstimate<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 征收费用(如罚款):to establish or apply as a charge or penalty<br/>【例】The utility company will assess a fee if your payment is late. 如果你付款晚了,公共事业公司会罚款。<br/>【近】assess, charge, exact, fine, lay, levy, put<br/>【反】remit免除(债务)<br/><br/>【记】possession 财产,占有物;asset 资产,对财产,资产进行assess<br/>【另】asset 资产


【考法 1】v. 诱骗:to mislead by means of a petty trick or fraud; deceive<br/>【例】The salesman cozened the old lady into buying his goods.推销员诱使老太太买下了他的东西<br/>【近】bamboozle, dupe, cheat, deceive, beguile, delude, take in<br/><br/>【记】音:可憎,欺骗最可憎;音:口赞,口中称赞,指用说好话或拍马的方式哄骗他人;coax +<br/>en使;让你cozy 舒服是为了哄骗你<br/>【另】cozy 舒适,亲密


【考法 1】v. 说话含糊:to utter words in a low confused indistinct manner<br/>【例】He mumbled an apology reluctantly.他不情愿地咕哝了句抱歉<br/>【近】grunt, murmur, mutter, whisper<br/>【反】articulate, enunciate清楚地表达<br/><br/>【记】象声词;咕哝的声音;mutter 咕哝, 嘀咕<br/>【另】murmur 低语, 咕哝


【考法 1】v. 调整(以配合):to adjust or adapt so as to make suitable<br/>【例】geared the speech towards a conservative audience调整演讲以适应保守的观众<br/>【近】adapt, adjust, fit, suit, tailor<br/><br/>【记】发音象齿轮之间摩擦声音;音:挤压,齿轮挤压在一起


【考法 1】v. 谴责:to declare to be morally wrong or evil<br/>【例】leaders from all over the world execrated the terrorists responsible for the bomb blast世界各国首脑强烈谴责对爆炸袭击负责的恐怖分子<br/>【近】anathematize, censure, decry, denounce, reprehend, reprobate<br/>【反】bless 保佑<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 痛恨:to dislike strongly<br/>【例】execrates anyone who would physically abuse children or animals痛恨那些虐待儿童和动物的人<br/>【近】abhor, abominate, despise, detest, loathe<br/>【反】love爱<br/><br/>【记】源自ex 出 + sacred 神的,神圣的,背离神的→认为是邪恶的,可憎的;ex + crater 火山口,象从火山口喷发出来→咒骂<br/>History repeats itself. 历史往往重演。


【考法 1】v. 贬低:to diminish the importance, value, or effectiveness of something<br/>【例】It is wrong to detract from the achievements of other people in the same field. 贬低同行是不对的。<br/>【近】belittle, depreciate, derogate, disparage, dispraise, write off<br/>【反】extol, praise, eulogize, laud, panegyrize 赞美<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 使分心:to draw the attention or mind to something else<br/>【例】Numerous typos in the text detract the reader's attention from the novel's intricate plot. 许多打印错误把读者分心,不关注复杂的情节了。<br/>【近】divert, abstract, call off<br/><br/>


【考法 1】v. 贮藏,秘藏:to keep hidden or private<br/>【例】 he's been hoarding empty yogurt containers all winter他整个冬天都在攒空酸奶瓶<br/>【近】 cache, stash, stockpile, store, squirrel, stockpile<br/>【反】 lavish挥霍<br/><br/>【记】hold 保存 或 hide + board 保存在,藏在板子下面


【考法 1】v. 赎罪,弥补:to make amends, as for a sin or fault<br/>【例】Blood must atone for blood.以命抵命。<br/>【例】Even death cannot atone for the offence.罪不容诛。<br/>【近】redeem<br/><br/>【记】源自at + one 成为一体→和谐,和解→赎罪后就和解;a无 + tone声 电影镜头:(一个人死前微弱地几乎)无声没调(地说):这笔债,(他们一定)得还;音:我痛,要赔偿


【考法 1】v. 赞成:to express approval or give consent<br/>【例】acceded to their pleas同意了他们的请愿<br/>【近】acquiesce, assent, consent, subscribe, come round<br/>【反】demur, dissent反对<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 就任,就职:To arrive at or come into an office or dignity:<br/>【例】accede to the throne就任国王<br/><br/>【记】ac 前,肯定 + cede 走,向前走 ,加入,同意;类似 access 走近 入门,<br/>【另】cede 让步, access 走近 入门,concede 承认,让步,intercede 调解,precede 先于,recede 后退<br/>,retrocede 交还,secede 退出,supercede 紧接着到来,取代


【考法 1】v. 蹲伏:to lower the body stance especially by bending the legs<br/>【例】crouched behind a rock and watched vigilantly 蹲伏石头后紧惕地观察<br/>【近】huddle, squat<br/>【反】arise, stand站立<br/><br/>【记】couch 坐在沙发上时就是类似这个姿势;运动员起跑的姿势更接近这个意思<br/>【另】也有cringe 卑躬屈膝的意思,cringe的变体,


【考法 1】v. 躲避:to avoid (a blow, for example) by moving or shifting quickly aside<br/>【例】dodge a storm of bullets躲避枪林弹雨|| He dodged the first punch but was hit by the second.他躲过了第一次打击但是没有躲过第二次。<br/>【近】avoid, escape, shirk, malinger, goldbrick, evade, parry, sidestep, circumvent, fence, hedge, avert, elude, shun, skirt, bilk, eschew, weasel<br/><br/>【记】象dog一样会躲避,打狗是不容易打着的,狗是很会躲开击打的;音: 躲着, 躲;音:倒之,墙要倒,闪开;音:刀掷,刀掷过来赶紧闪开


【考法 1】v. 转向,改变航线:to change direction or course<br/>【例】He veered the car abruptly to the right to avoid a collision.他向右猛打方向盘以避免撞击<br/>【近】avert, deviate, deflect, divert, redirect, swerve, swing, wheel<br/>【反】straighten 直行<br/><br/>【记】vee = V,V形改变方向,线路;音:歪<br/>【另】swerve 转向


【考法 1】v. 转述,意译,改写:to express something (as a text or statement) in different words<br/>【例】Could you please paraphrase your diagnosis of my health condition, using simpler language?您能否用更通俗的话语转述一下您对我健康状况的诊断呢<br/>【近】 rephrase, restate, reword, translate<br/>【反】 quote(不加以修改地)引用<br/><br/>【记】para- + phrase 语,词,旁边写一句话→单词旁边加解释


【考法 1】v. 轻视,不理睬:to treat with contempt or neglect<br/>【例】The snob in town always snubbed anyone she thought was beneath her. 镇上那个自命不凡的人总是对那些她认为不如她的人不屑一顾。<br/>【近】contemn, disdain, disrespect, slight, look down<br/>【反】esteem, honor, respect, revere, venerate 尊敬<br/><br/>【记】snob 势利小人 常巴结贵族noble,对其他人冷落,怠慢


【考法 1】v. 轻视,鄙视:to look on with scorn<br/>【例】disdain that man for snobbishness鄙视那个势利小人<br/>【近】contemn, disrespect, slight, sniff, snub, look down<br/>【反】honor, respect尊敬;treat favorably亲切地对待<br/><br/>【记】dis 不 + deign 屈尊→不屈尊→因为轻蔑;dis 不 + dean 系主任,不是系主任就轻视,现在只有当了官的才不被轻视;dis 没 + 音:胆,没胆,说你没胆量→鄙视


【考法 1】v. 辱骂抨击:language that condemns or vilifies usually unjustly, intemperately, and angrily<br/>【例】He alleged that he was verbally abused by his colleagues.他声称受到了同事的言语攻击。<br/>【近】assail, bash, castigate, excoriate, lambaste<br/>【派】abusive辱骂的<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 不正当不合理使用:to put to a wrong or improper use; 过分过量使用:to use excessively<br/>【例】abuse a privilege滥用特权;abuse alcohol 酗酒<br/>【近】misemploy, misuse<br/><br/>【记】ab否定,不好 + use 不好地使用<br/>【另】disabuse 消除错误


【考法 1】v. 迅速成长扩大,蓬勃发展:to grow and expand rapidly; flourish<br/>【例】My confidence began to burgeon.我的信心开始迅速增强。<br/>【近】accelerate, accumulate, balloon, boom, build up, escalate, mount, multiply, mushroom, proliferate,, roll up, snowball, wax, flourish, prosper<br/>【反】wane, wither, waste away, subside, subdue衰退<br/><br/>【记】bud 芽 或bur 刺果 go + on→小芽,刺果向上长,才露尖尖角,正在长大发芽;burg 城镇 + goon 向上,城镇向上发展 burg结尾的是堡,外国城市名如匹兹堡,汉堡等


【考法 1】v. 过滤:to pass through a filter<br/>【例】steep the tea and then filter it to get rid of the leaves浸泡茶叶,再将其过滤以去除废渣<br/>【近】screen<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 去除杂质:to remove(usually visible) impurities from<br/>【例】After frying the chicken, we filtered the oil and kept it in the refrigerator to use again.在炸完鸡肉之后,我们将滤去了杂质的油保存起来以供日后使用<br/>【近】clear, distill, garble, purify<br/>【反】adulterate 掺杂;contaminate污染<br/><br/>


【考法 1】v. 连结,混合:to put or bring together so as to form a new and longer whole<br/>【例】The movie actually concatenates several episodes from various books into one extended narrative. 这部电影把很多书中的片段混合成了一个故事。<br/>【近】catenate, chain, couple, hook, interconnect, interlink, join, link, yoke<br/>【反】disconnect, disjoin, disjoint, dissever, disunite, separate, unchain, uncouple, unhitch, unyoke 分开<br/><br/>【记】con + catenate; catenate = connect这两个词有些象


【考法 1】v. 逐渐增长:to grow or increase gradually, as by addition<br/>【例】silt accreting at the mouth of the river 泥沙在河口淤积<br/>【近】accumulate, build up, pile (up), stack (up)<br/>【反】wear away, reduction in substance caused by erosion侵蚀,减少<br/>【派】accretion n. 慢慢增加<br/><br/>【记】ac 加强 + create 产生→更多的产生<br/>【另】concrete,excrete,increase,增加; decrement 减少


【考法 1】v. 逗弄,激怒:to persecute or exasperate with unjust, malicious, or persistent attacks<br/>【例】bait him with gibes about his humble origin取笑他的平凡出身以烦扰他<br/>【近】badger, annoy, harass, heckle<br/>【反】appease, pacify, mollify, disarm平息,使缓和<br/><br/>【考法 2】v.引诱:to lead away from a usual or proper course by offering some pleasure or advantage<br/>【例】the investment scheme baits the greedy and the unscrupulous这份投资计划吸引贪婪者和轻信者上钩<br/>【近】allure, decoy, entice, seduce<br/><br/>【考法 3】n. 诱饵:something (as food) used in luring especially to a hook or trap<br/>【例】The squad leader has finally realized that his team was a bait.队长终于意识到他的队伍是一个诱饵<br/>【近】allurement, snare, trap, temptation<br/><br/>【记】rebate(回扣,退还款,折扣) 是诱饵,国外买东西时常有rebate,买了东西后过一阵退给一部分钱,起到引诱用户的诱饵作用


【考法 1】v. 重新集合,重新召集:to gather, call together, or summon again, especially for a formal meeting<br/>【例】The leaders will reconvene tomorrow.明天领导们会再次召开会议。<br/>【近】reassemble<br/>【反】adjourn, suspend休会<br/><br/>【记】源于:convene(v.召集),con 共同,vene=vent 来。


【考法 1】v. 重申:to say or state again<br/>【例】Let me reiterate our stance. 让我来重述我们的立场。‖I want to reiterate that under no circumstances are you to leave the house.我想再次重申:无论如何你都不能离开这间房子。<br/>【近】chime, din, iterate, recapitulate, rehearse, repeat<br/><br/>【记】re+iterate


【考法 1】v. 错误地描述;误述:to picture falsely; misrepresent<br/>【例】The report belied the real severity of the aftermath. 这个报道错误地评价了后果的严重性<br/>【近】misrepresent, falsify<br/>【反】betray, reveal 表明,暴露,揭露(伪装)<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 证明...为假:to show (something) to be false or wrong<br/>【例】Practical experience belies this theory.实践证明这个理论是错误的<br/>【近】debunk, discredit, refute, shoot down<br/>【反】attest, confirm, validate, verify证实<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 掩饰:to keep secret or shut off from view<br/>【例】Security Council issued false assurances that belied the true gravity of the situation.安理会发布了不真实的承诺,掩盖了局势的严重性<br/>【近】conceal, curtain, disguise, mask<br/>【反】disclose, expose揭露<br/><br/>【考法 4】v. 与...相对立;与...相矛盾:to be counter to; contradict<br/>【例】At first glance, life at the boarding school seemed to belie all the bad things I had heard about it. 乍看之 下,寄宿学校的生活似乎不同于我所听说的有关它的糟糕情形<br/>【近】contradict, contravene<br/>【反】agree与...相一致<br/><br/>【记】be + lie 谎言,假 →使假→掩饰,使成国谎言→显示为假


【考法 1】v. 镂雕(金属)以装饰:to decorate (metal) by engraving or embossing.<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 驱赶:to drive or force out<br/>【例】chase the cat out of the garden把猫赶出园子<br/>【近】banish, dismiss, expel, extrude, kick out, cast out<br/><br/>【记】case 刻版用的盒子,引申为刻的意思,螺纹,雕刻,槽,沟等;拿着刻刀来追击;音:追驷<br/>,追马车<br/>【另】chasm: chase(凹) + M(象一个峡谷) , <br/>chasm n.(地壳,冰上的)隐窟,深坑(<br/>【记】chase + M,m象座山,在山上追逐掉入深渊,或者将m看成mountain


【考法 1】v. 阐明:to make lucid especially by explanation or analysis<br/>【例】elucidate an abstruse equation in quantum mechanics阐明一个深奥难懂的量子力学方程<br/>【近】clarify, clear, construe, explain, explicate, expound, illustrate<br/>【反】confuse, obfuscate, obscure使困惑;garble曲解<br/>【派】elucidationn. 阐释,阐明<br/><br/>【记】lucid 明晰的,音:流晰的,弄明白; illustrate,illuminate,<br/>【另】illuminate说明, illustrate (用例子,图画)说明, elucidate 阐明,lucid 明晰的,pellucid 透明的,易懂的,translucent 半透明的


【考法 1】v. 阻止,反对:to refuse assent, to refuse to give in to<br/>【例】buck the system 不遵守制度<br/>【近】defy, fight, oppose, repel, withstand<br/>【反】assent to, bow to, submit to, succumb to, surrender to, yield to赞成,服从<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 转移,交接:to shift possession of (something) from one person to another<br/>【例】buck each box to the next person in line将每一个盒子传给队伍中的后一人<br/>【近】transfer, hand over<br/><br/>【记】bark 狗吠叫,狗生气了,边叫边弓背反对,低头顶着,反抗,向前冲;


【考法 1】v. 阻碍:to check or stop by or as if by an obstacle<br/>【近】circumvent, frustrate, foil, thwart<br/>【反】advance, forward, foster, nurture, promote 推进<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 不愿接受,拒绝:to show unwillingness to accept, do, engage in, or agree to<br/>【例】She balked at the very idea of compromise.她固执地拒绝妥协的想法<br/>【近】decline, refuse, spurn, repudiate, turn down<br/>【反】accept, approve 同意<br/>【派】balkyadj. 倔强的<br/><br/>【记】block 木块,阻挡;近obstacle<br/>【另】bulk 大小, 体积, 大批


【考法 1】v. 阻碍;妨碍:to impede or hamper the function or activity of<br/>【例】Negotiation between the two parties were encumbered by a lack of trust 两党间的谈判因缺乏信任而受到阻碍<br/>【近】hamper, hinder, impede, obstruct, retard, stymie<br/>【反】promote, further推动;aid, assist, facilitate, help帮助<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 增添负担:to place a weight or burden on<br/>【例】Don't encumber your pack animal so much that it can hardly move.别让你的牲畜驮这么多东西,它都走不动了<br/>【近】burden, laden, lumber, saddle<br/>【反】unload卸下<br/><br/>【记】en 使 + cumber 躺下,使人躺下,因为施加的压力太重了→沉重,阻碍<br/>【另】decumbent 躺下,encumber 阻碍,incumbency 职责义务,procumbent 俯卧的, 匍匐<br/>,recumbent 靠着的, 斜躺的,succumb屈服


【考法 1】v. 降低(地位、职位、威望或尊严):to lower in rank, office, prestige, or esteem<br/>【例】was unwilling to abase himself by pleading guilty to a crime that he did not commit 不愿意屈就自己去承认一个莫须有的罪名<br/>【近】debauch, degrade, profane, vitiate, discredit, foul, smirch, take down<br/>【反】elevate, ennoble, uplift, aggrandize, canonize, deify, exalt使高贵,使有声望<br/><br/>【记】a + base 底部→贬低<br/>【另】basic 基本的,基础的,basement 地下室


【考法 1】v. 集中:to bring or direct toward a common center or objective : focus<br/>【例】concentrate one's efforts 集中精力<br/>【近】center, focus, rivet<br/>【反】deploy, dispel, disperse, dissipate 散开,驱散<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 浓缩:to make less dilute<br/>【例】prolonged boiling is required to concentrate the sap when making maple syrup<br/>【近】condense<br/>【反】dilute, water down 稀释<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 聚集:to come together in one body or place<br/>【例】recent immigrants tend to concentrate in port cities.进来的移民倾向于聚集在海港城市。<br/>【近】accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, congregate, garner<br/>【反】dispel, disperse, dissipate, scatter, break up, disband 驱散,解散<br/><br/>【记】con一起 + center 一起向中心→聚集


【考法 1】v. (从墓地里)掘出 :to take out of the grave or tomb<br/>【例】The Egyptian mummy was carefully disinterred in hopes that it would yield secrets about the Old Kingdom.那个埃及木乃伊被小心地挖掘出来,人们希望它可以告诉我们关于这个古老王国的一些秘密。<br/>【近】unbury, unearth<br/>【反】bury, inter, tomb, inhume埋葬<br/><br/>【记】dis + inter 埋葬<br/>【另】in + ter (territory 土地) 入土→埋葬


【考法 1】v. (从灾难中)抢救:to save from loss or destruction<br/>【例】salvaged the torpedoed vessel拯救被鱼雷击中的舰艇<br/>【近】rescue, retrieve, save<br/>【反】abandon, desert, forsake放弃,抛弃<br/>【派】salvageableadj. 可以挽回的<br/><br/>【记】源自save;save 中间有个l,象个救生的绳子;sail save 航行中救援<br/>Thoroughly to teach another is the best way to learn for oneself. 教他人是自己学习的最佳途径。 <br/>【另】savage 凶狠,salvage 是save中间有个l,象个救生的绳子,这是与savage的区别


【考法 1】v. (使)变得朦胧,(使)变得不清楚:to (cause sth. to) become vague or indistinct<br/>【例】Sorrowful tears blurred her eyes.悲伤的眼泪模糊了她的双眼<br/>【近】shroud, becloud, befog, obscure<br/>【反】clear 使清晰<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 使不易理解:to make (something) unclear to the understanding<br/>【例】An article for the layman that blurs the distinction between the two kinds of cholesterol. 一篇针对业余读者的文章把两种胆固醇的区别弄得模糊不清<br/>【近】obfuscate<br/>【反】clarify, illuminate阐明,说清楚<br/>【派】blurringadj. 朦胧的<br/><br/>【记】音:玻璃 疤瘌,眼镜玻璃上有个疤瘌就会模糊不清,脏了<br/>【另】slur 忽视,污点


【考法 1】v. (使)枯萎:to affect (as a plant) with blight<br/>【近】wither, shrivel<br/>【反】flourish生长繁茂<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 损害:to impair the quality or effect of<br/>【例】Illness blighted his career.伤病毁了他的职业生涯||Cosmeticsare often used to conceal facial blemishes.化妆品常用来遮盖脸部色斑。<br/>【近】damage, deteriorate, harm, impair, mar, ruin<br/>【派】blightedadj. 枯萎的,毁坏的<br/><br/>【记】音:不 + light,无光,植物没光就枯萎了


【考法 1】v. (急切地)恳求:to beg for urgently or anxiously<br/>【例】They besought the military to act immediately. 他们恳求军方立即采取行动<br/>【近】appeal, conjure, entreat, implore, petition, plead, supplicate<br/>【反】demand(依据权力等)要求<br/><br/>【记】be + seek or search 寻找,寻求,四处求


【考法 1】v. (通过证据)证明,表明:to show or make clear by using examples<br/>【例】the paleontologist hopes to demonstratethat dinosaurs once existed in central Peru by unearthing the fossil evidence通过发掘化石,古生物学家试图证明恐龙曾经在秘鲁中部生活过<br/>【近】exemplify, instance<br/>【反】unable to prove不能证明的<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 使明白易懂:to make plain or understandable<br/>【例】a few striking facts should demonstrate the complex nature of our topic一些显著的事实可以使我们话题的复杂本质变得好懂<br/>【近】clarify, construe, demystify, elucidate, explicate, illuminate<br/>【反】obscure使模糊<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 表现,表露:to make known (something abstract) through outward signs<br/>【例】the babysitter's actions during the emergency demonstrate beyond doubt her general dependability保姆在紧急情况下的表现毋庸置疑地展示了她一贯的可靠性<br/>【近】bespeak, betray, display, evince, manifest, reveal<br/><br/>【记】demo 人民 + street 人民上街就是示威,几十万人在美国白宫与国会山附近上街示威反越战<br/>,反对黑人种族歧视或反对对伊拉克开战就是示威


【考法 1】v. (长时间)严厉指责:to scold or condemn vehemently and at length<br/>【例】He berated them in public.他公开谴责他们<br/>【近】castigate, flay, lambaste, scold, rail, upbraid, reproach, reprimand<br/>【反】commend, compliment, praise表扬,赞颂<br/><br/>【记】rate 责骂 irate, irritate;各种比率,升学率,物价,开车的速度,房地产税率等等烦心事都令人想骂人<br/>【另】irate发怒


【考法 1】v./adj. 饱足,过分满足:to satisfy fully or to excess<br/>【例】A long drink of water satiated my thirst.一顿痛饮之后我的口渴得到了缓解<br/>【近】replete, sate, stuff, surfeit<br/>【反】 tantalize挑逗,不去满足<br/><br/>【记】satisfy,sate 饱 + ate 吃


【考法 1】v./n. 向往,渴望:to have a strong or persistent desire: yearn<br/>【例】 hankering for adventure渴望冒险<br/>【近】 appetite, craving, hunger, itch, longing, lust, passion, thirst, yearning<br/>【反】 odium, lack of desire讨厌<br/><br/>


【考法 1】v./n. 因痛苦而面部扭曲:a sharp contortion of the face expressive of pain, disgust or disapproval<br/>【例】she made a grimace when she tasted the medicine她尝了一口药,然后做了一个鬼脸<br/>【近】frown, moue, pout, scowl<br/><br/>【记】grim + face 鬼母的脸,母夜叉的脸


【考法 1】v./n. 深入调查:a penetrating or critical investigation<br/>【例】 probe into his background深入调查他的背景<br/>【近】 delving, disquisition, exploration, inquisition<br/><br/>【记】probable 可能的,因为不确定所以要探索;problem 有问题需要探索


【考法 1】v./n. 献出,提供:to offer for acceptance; tender<br/>【例】proffered her assistance in helping the two sides reach a compromise她在斡旋双方达成妥协过程中尽了力<br/>【近】 extend, give, proffer, tender, trot out<br/>【反】retain, withhold保留<br/><br/>【记】pro + offer


【考法 1】v.宣告无效,取消:to declare or make legally invalid or void<br/>【例】The marriage was annulled last month. 婚约上个月取消了。<br/>【近】disannul, cancel, invalidate, abrogate, nullify, repeal, rescind<br/>【反】make legal 使合法;enact 制定<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 抵消to balance with an equal force so as to make ineffective<br/>【例】Unfortunately, his arrogant attitude annuls the many generous favors he does for people. 不幸的是,他傲慢的态度抵消了他之前对人民的慷慨恩惠。<br/>【近】counterbalance, neutralize<br/><br/>【记】null 空,编过程序的应该知道,使空,使无<br/>【另】nullify 使无效


【考法 1】v.改变信仰:to persuade to change to one's religious faith<br/>【例】The efforts of early missionaries to proselytize the Native Americans of Minnesota werelargely unproductive.早期传教士对于明尼苏达的土著人的改变信仰的努力大多无功而返。<br/>【近】convert<br/><br/>【记】pro- 支持,喜欢 + select 选择,喜欢某种东西(信仰)并选择了它,就是皈依<br/>


【考法 1】v.汇集,交汇于一点:tending to move toward one point or one another<br/>【例】the main streets converge on a central square 众主干道在中央广场交汇<br/>【近】meet, focus, concentrate<br/>【反】diverge, deviate, digress分离,分岔<br/>【派】convergentadj. 汇集的;convergencen. 汇集<br/><br/>【记】verge 倾向,朝某方向弯曲;一起都倾向,朝一个地方倾向弯曲→汇聚;verge还有edge边缘的意思<br/>【另】diverge 分叉,分歧,converge 聚合,verge 边缘,边界


【考法 1】v.(大量)供给,供应:to supply (food, for example); furnish.<br/>【例】a little shop purveying handmade merchandise出售手工商品的小店<br/><br/>【记】源自provide;survey调查,调查供给,派人来survey purvey, 因为学校里伙食太差


【考法 1】v.(当众)严厉批评:to criticize harshly and usually publicly<br/>【例】It's not wise to belabor other people's flaws when you're hardly perfect yourself.如果你自己还做不到完美,去指责他人是不明智的<br/>【近】beat, baste, batter, excoriate, lambaste, abuse, assail, vituperate, scathe<br/>【反】applaud, extol, eulogize, endorse, acclaim赞扬<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 就...作过度的说明,喋喋不休:to explain or insist on excessively<br/>【例】belabor the obvious就显而易见的问题喋喋不休<br/>【近】dwell on, harp on<br/>【反】disregard, omit, ignore, neglect, slight, slur over忽略<br/><br/>【记】be + labor 做为(be)一个苦力工人(labor),需要能忍受痛斥,痛打,和冗长的分析讨论与教导


【考法 1】v.(有目的地)展开;调度:to spread out, utilize, or arrange for a deliberate purpose<br/>【例】deploy a sales force展开部署销售力量<br/>【反】concentrate集中<br/><br/>【记】ploy 策略,近于ply 使用,apply;play,play chess,soccer 时需要布阵,配置棋子,球员,使用策略<br/>【另】ploy 策略, apply 应用,employ 雇用


【考法 1】vi. / n. 漫步,闲逛:to walk slowly or leisurely; stroll<br/>【例】Every evening, they ambled along the bank. 他们每晚沿河边散步。<br/>【近】ramble, saunter, stroll, wander, dally, dawdle<br/>【反】step quickly快走<br/><br/>【记】音:安步,安步当车, 安详地缓缓步行;接近漫步,散步的发音;<br/>【另】ambulance 救护车,ambulate 走动,结尾发音是步的词:amble,ramble 漫步,散步<br/>,preamble( introductory statement),scramble 爬行,shamble(音:跚步)蹒跚地走


【考法 1】vi. 一瞥,斜眼看:to cast a sidelong glance<br/>【例】He gave her a leering look.他瞥了她一眼<br/>【近】squint<br/>【反】gape, gaze, glare, goggle, stare 盯着看<br/><br/>【记】音:立眼,立起眼斜看;中间ee 是两只眼,l是其右边的眼镜腿,右边是朵花,表示眼睛笑成一朵花,送秋波;<br/>【另】leery(作斜眼状) 机敏的, 送秋波的, 狡猾的


【考法 1】vi. 上船:to go aboard a vessel or aircraft, as at the start of a journey<br/>【例】 With all cargos embarked, the ship weighed the anchor.所有货物都上船了,货船拔锚起航<br/>【近】board<br/>【反】disembark下车,下船<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 开始从事:to make a start<br/>【例】embark on a world tour 开始了环游世界的旅程<br/>【近】begin, commence, launch, initiate, start,<br/>【反】conclude, end, finish, terminate结束<br/><br/>【记】bark 三(或四)桅船,船是树皮做的


【考法 1】vi. 下陷,下沉,减弱:to tend downward<br/>【例】Local officials say the flood waters have subsided. 当地官员表示洪水已经退去。‖Asthe noise of the siren subsided, I was able to fall back to sleep.随着警笛声的减弱,我可以再次睡着了。‖The pain will subside in a couple of hours.几个小时之内疼痛感就会退去的。<br/>【近】abate, decline, decrease, diminish, drop, dwindle, ebb, fall, lessen, moderate, recede, wane<br/>【反】balloon, burgeon, escalate, expand, grow, increase, intensify, rise, snowball, soar, wax 上升,增大<br/>【派】subsidencen. 下沉<br/><br/>【记】sub + sit;sub + side 往下边去,下陷


【考法 1】vi. 产生相反的结果,事与愿违:to have the reverse of the desired or expected effect<br/>【例】My plan to throw her a surprise party backfired when she ended up sobbing that everyone had forgotten her birthday. 我本想给她的生日开一个聚会作为惊喜,但没想到事与愿违:她啜泣着说所有人都忘记了她的生日。<br/>【近】boomerang<br/>【反】succeed成功<br/><br/><br/>


【考法 1】vi. 休息,悠然自得:to lie or relax in a pleasant warmth or atmosphere<br/>【例】 We blissfully basked at the seashore over the long holiday. 我们在海滩上躺着晒太阳,享受着漫长的假期。<br/>【近】loll, lounge, relax, repose<br/>【反】drudge, grind, hustle, labor, moil, plod, slave, sweat, toil, travail, work (辛苦地)干活,工作<br/><br/>【记】来自于bath(身体泡在浴缸温水里);bask 躺在basket里身体在温暖太阳光里;


【考法 1】vi. 传道,布道:to deliver a sermon<br/>【例】a minister who loves to preach一个爱布道的牧师<br/>【近】discourse, sermonize<br/>【派】preachern. 布道者<br/><br/>【记】priest preach ie→e, st→ch;pray + teach 教,教你如何祷告→传教;pray 祷告 + church 教堂;


【考法 1】vi. 低声抱怨:to murmur complainingly or angrily<br/>【例】mutter about the difficult assignment 抱怨作业太难<br/>【近】carp, fuss, gripe, grizzle, grouch, grouse, grumble, moan, murmur, repine, whine<br/>【反】crow, delight, rejoice欢呼,高兴<br/><br/>【记】murmur 低语;m (音:默) + utter 说出


【考法 1】vi. 倾听,关注:to give respectful attention<br/>【近】attend, harken, heed, mind<br/>【反】 ignore不理睬<br/><br/>【记】hear + keen;hear + 音:看→边听边看


【考法 1】vi. 傲慢地做或说:to speak or express opinions in a pompous or dogmatic way<br/>【例】pontificate to show a sense of superiority 傲慢地说以显示高人一等的优越感<br/>【反】condescend屈尊,俯就<br/>【派】pontificationn. 傲慢的言行;pontificaladj. 傲慢的<br/><br/>【记】音:胖体肥口,(有些人)瞧他脑满肠肥昏庸的样子,还那么自以为是<br/>


【考法 1】vi. 减少,衰退,降低:to decrease in size, extent, or degree<br/>【例】In the evening the storm finally waned.傍晚时分风暴终于减弱了。‖The moon waxes and then wanes.月有阴晴圆缺。<br/>【近】abate, decline, diminish, dwindle, ease, ebb, fall, lessen, lower, moderate, recede, shrink, subside, taper<br/>【反】accumulate, balloon, burgeon, enlarge, escalate, expand, grow, increase, intensify, mushroom, rise, snowball, soar, wax增加,扩大,上升<br/>【派】waning adj. 衰退的,减少的<br/><br/>【记】同源于vain 徒然的, 无益的;音:微, 微弱,微音,声音减弱,衰微;音:乌云,乌云遮挡了月亮太阳造成月亏


【考法 1】vi. 分泌,流出:to flow forth slowly through small openings<br/>【例】a sticky resin exuded from the bark从树皮中分泌出来的带有恶臭的树脂<br/>【近】bleed, ooze, seep<br/>【反】absorb吸收<br/><br/>【记】xude是sweat的变体;ex + ude (音:油的) 出油的,油向外渗出;persuade 劝说是一点点渗透<br/>,从而说服,exude 是渗出<br/>【另】transude (使)渗出,persuade 劝说


【考法 1】vi. 削减开支:to curtail expenses<br/>【例】Declining business forced the company to retrench.衰减的业务迫使公司削减开支。<br/>【近】economize, reduce, cut down<br/>【反】enlarge, expand扩大,扩张<br/>【派】retrenchmentn. 削减开销<br/><br/>【记】re回 + trench 挖,将战壕向回挖→往回撤


【考法 1】vi. 匆匆忙忙:to go quickly, hasten<br/>【例】we had best hie home before the rain gets worse我们最好在雨下大之前赶快回家<br/>【近】bustle, dash, hustle, scoot, scurry, scuttle, shoot, trot<br/>【反】 dawdle, crawl, creep, poke闲荡,爬行<br/><br/>【记】音:嗨,超马车时发出的声音→摧促快走


【考法 1】vi. 卑躬屈膝:to draw back or crouch down in fearful submission<br/>【例】He made a groveling apology to the girl.他放下身段,给那姑娘道歉。<br/>【近】cringe, creep, slither, wriggle<br/>【派】groveler n. 卑躬屈膝者:the one who lies with the body prostrate in token of subservience or abasement<br/><br/>【记】音:哥饶我,趴在地上叩头,大哥,饶了我吧,我服了你了


【考法 1】vi. 参加社交活动:to take part in social activities<br/>【例】mingling at a cocktail party在鸡尾酒会上与他人交往<br/>【近】associate, fraternize, socialize<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 混合,结合:to mix so that the components become united<br/>【例】mingle the ingredients将调料混合‖mingle fact and fiction 糅杂了现实与幻想<br/>【近】mix, amalgamate, blend, commingle, immingle, intermix, merge<br/>【反】divide, separate, sunder分开<br/><br/>【记】看成mix 变体;音:面糕,米糕,是和面混合起来做成的


【考法 1】vi. 口吃,结巴:to speak with involuntary pauses or repetitions<br/>【例】The frightened child started to stammer.受惊吓的小孩开始结巴地说话。<br/>【近】falter, stutter<br/>【反】articulate 清楚地说<br/><br/>【记】源自stem 茎,堵塞;dam 水坝,阻塞;说话好象嘴里堵着个什么东西一样说不出来<br/>【另】stutter 口吃, 结巴,stumble 绊倒, 使困惑, 结巴地说话


【考法 1】vi. 合作:to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor<br/>【例】The two men collaborated on a blockbuster in 1986 which gained both of them fame.两人在 1986 年合作出演了一部十分卖座的电影,由此获得了巨大的名声。<br/>【近】band, concert, cooperate, concur, conjoin, conspire, join, league, unite<br/>【反】stonewall 拒绝合作<br/>【派】collaboration n. 合作,协作<br/><br/>【记】col + labor 劳动→一起劳动


【考法 1】vi. 同意:to agree to something especially after thoughtful consideration<br/>【例】The general proposed a detailed plan and the president assented.将军提出了一个细节化的计划,总统同意了该计划。<br/>【近】accede, agree, assent, consent, subscribe, come round<br/>【反】dissent, disagree 不同意<br/><br/>【记】as 肯定 + sent 感觉→肯定你的感觉→肯定,consent 同意<br/>【另】absent (ab + present) 缺席,assent consent (同感) 同意,dissent (不同感) 不同意,(同感) 同意<br/>,present 现在,礼物,resent (反感)憎恨<br/>A wilful man will have his way. 有志者事竟成。


【考法 1】vi. 后退:to go back; move backward<br/>【例】 To stand still is to regress.不进则退。<br/>【近】 retrogress, return, revert<br/>【反】advance, develop, evolve, progress前进,发展<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 退化,恶化:to become worse or of less value<br/>【例】 The annual celebration has regressed to the point where it's nothing more than an excuse to get drunk.年度的庆祝活动已经堕落成一个尽情喝醉的借口了。<br/>【近】 atrophy, crumble, decay, decline, degenerate, descend, deteriorate, ebb, retrograde, rot, sink, worsen<br/>【近】 ameliorate, improve, meliorate改善<br/>【派】regressiveadj. 后退的,退化的;regressionn. 后退,退化<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vi. 吝惜,节省:to be sparing or frugal<br/>【例】They never stint with their praise.他们从不吝啬他们的赞美之词。<br/>【近】scrimp, skimp<br/>【近】blow, dissipate, fritter, lavish, misspend, squander, waste浪费<br/><br/>【记】同源于scant 不足的,限制,节省;extinct x=s, 灭绝,过着灭绝师太般的生活,几乎什么都没有<br/>,简仆,定量限制<br/>【另】abstinent 有节制的,饮食有度的, 禁欲的


【考法 1】vi. 懒洋洋地行动:to act or move in a lax, lazy, or indolent manner<br/>【例】 He lolled back in his comfortable chair.他懒洋洋地倚在他舒适的椅子上<br/>【近】slouch, lounge<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 偷懒,打发时间:to spend time doing nothing<br/>【例】 Some members of the decorating committee were hard at work, and others were just lolling about.装修队的一部分人在很努力的工作,另一些则在偷懒<br/>【近】dally, dawdle, drone, laze<br/><br/>【记】音:老喽,整天懒洋洋地坐或卧


【考法 1】vi. 含糊不清地说,杂乱无章地说:to speak rapidly, inarticulately, and usually unintelligibly<br/>【例】Overcome with stage fright, I could only bumble through the speech. 由于怯场,我结结巴巴地说完了演讲稿。<br/>【近】babble, drivel, drool, gabble, gibber, jabber, prattle, sputter<br/>【反】articulate, enunciate, pronounce 清楚地说<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 笨拙地行动:to move, act, or proceed clumsily<br/>【例】I sort of bumbled through the dance number, hoping that it would soon end.我笨拙地跟着曲子舞蹈,心里指望着它快点结束。<br/>【近】blunder, flounder, limp, lumber, plod, struggle, stumble, trudge<br/>【反】coast, drift, glide, sail, slide(轻松地)行动,滑动<br/><br/>【记】音:蹦步,蹦着走步,表示笨拙,说话也象蹦着步伐般结巴;在bomb轰炸中踉跄地走,跌倒并且结巴说话救命;<br/>【另】stumble 结巴说话,绊走, mumble 咕哝,rumble 隆隆声,bungle 办糟


【考法 1】vi. 吹嘘:to speak boastfully<br/>【例】vaunted his country's military might吹嘘他的国家的军事实力<br/>【近】boast, brag, brandish, swagger<br/>【反】belittle, deprecate, diminish, minimize, underrate, undervalue轻视,瞧不起<br/>【派】vauntingadj. 吹嘘的<br/><br/>【记】源自vain;音:妄谈→吹嘘;V + aunt 姑姑举起两指V表示必胜,自夸必胜


【考法 1】vi. 吹毛求疵:to find fault or criticize for petty reasons; cavil<br/>【例】she spent the entire evening quibbling about the historical inaccuracies in the television series on World War II她一整晚都在对那个关于二战的电视剧里的历史错误吹毛求疵<br/>【近】carp, cavil, fuss, niggle, nitpick<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 牵强之词:微不足道的差别或不切中要点的异议,小反对:a minor objection or criticism<br/>【例】 My only quibble about the trip was that it rained a lot.我对旅行唯一的小不满就是下雨有点多。<br/><br/>【记】question + ble;拉丁语或法语中以qu开头的,如qui,que 表示疑问 + ble 指不停用疑问,对小地方吹毛求疵来逃避问题的实质;<br/>【另】法语中的疑问:Qui(谁),Que(什么)、Quand(什么时间),quip 讽刺,双关语, 嘲弄, 托辞


【考法 1】vi. 呼吸:to inhale and exhale air successively<br/>【例】unable to respire due to heart attack 因心脏病发作而无法呼吸<br/>【近】breathe, inhale<br/>【反】smother, stifle, suffocate停止呼吸,窒息<br/>【派】respirationn. 呼吸<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vi. 和谐一致;符合:to be in accord; agree.<br/>【例】The revised system chords perfectly with the original goals.新版的系统非常符合最初的目标。<br/>【近】accord, agree, conform, consist, correspond, dovetail, fit, harmonize, jibe, rhyme, square, tally<br/>【反】differ from, disagree with<br/><br/>【记】源自cord 弦,和弦,accord


【考法 1】vi. 咒骂:to use profane or obscene language: curse<br/>【例】no one is allowed to swear in this house这个房间里禁止说脏话<br/>【近】blaspheme, curse, cuss<br/>【反】 accolade赞美<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 宣誓:to promise or pledge with a solemn oath; vow<br/>【例】He swore his oath of allegiance to the queen. 他宣誓效忠女王<br/>【近】attest, depose, covenant, pledge, vow<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vi. 咧嘴笑:to express an emotion (as amusement) by curving the lips upward<br/>【例】The boss grinned his approval.老板咧嘴一笑表示赞许。<br/>【近】beam<br/>【反】pout噘嘴生气<br/><br/>【记】音:格林,小孩子看格林童话→露齿而笑格林童话;每个人童年时都看过白雪公主,灰姑娘<br/>,小红帽<br/>


【考法 1】vi. 商量,谈判:to arrange or settle by discussion and mutual agreement<br/>【例】negotiate the term of truce共商停战事宜<br/>【近】arrange, bargain, concert, settle<br/>【反】break down(谈判等)失败,破产<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 谋划:plan out usually with subtle skill or care<br/>【例】The prisoners negotiated their escape by using Morse code to tap messages to each other through the walls.犯人们通过敲击墙壁来传达莫尔斯电码,从而密谋了他们的逃跑计划<br/>【近】contrive, finesse, frame, machinate, maneuver, manipulate, mastermind, wangle<br/>【派】negotiableadj. 可商量的;negotiationn. 谈判<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vi. 失去兴趣:to lose in interest or attraction<br/>【例】 His humor began to pall on us.他的幽默开始使我们生腻了。<br/>【反】 interest, intrigue激发兴趣<br/><br/>【记】pale 苍白,使变苍白;音:泡,泡在水里什么颜色味道都没有;pall 音:袍→罩布,(主教的)披肩,棺罩→用袍来遮盖;


【考法 1】vi. 对小事吹毛求疵,挑剔: to make often peevish criticisms or objections about matters that are minor, unimportant, or irrelevant<br/>【例】carped about the order of names on the wedding invitations 对于婚礼请柬上的名单顺序吹毛求疵<br/>【近】cavil, fuss, niggle, nitpick<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 没完没了地表现不满意:to express dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment usually tiresomely<br/>【近】gripe, grizzle, grouch, grouse, grumble, wail<br/>【反】crow, delight, rejoice<br/><br/>【记】carpenter 木匠总是要吹毛求疵,一丝不苟的;看成complain;car + p 音:破,你把车弄破了<br/>,你赔<br/>【另】captious 挑剔的


【考法 1】vi. 寻找:to make a search<br/>【例】went foraging for change for the parking meter寻找付停车费的零钱<br/>【近】chase, hunt, pursue, quest, rummage, search<br/>【反】ignore, neglect忽视,忽略;conceal, hide 隐藏<br/>【派】foragern. 为动物寻找饲料的人<br/><br/>【记】for + age(年龄,变老) 为了成长而找吃的


【考法 1】vi. 感到高兴:to feel or express joy or triumph<br/>【例】Being the home of the new Super Bowl champs was the first thing that city residents had to crow about in a very long time.当地的队伍获得超级碗冠军队伍是这个城市居民长期以来得以感到高兴的第一件事情。<br/>【近】delight, exuberate, glory, jubilate, joy, rejoice, triumph<br/>【反】bemoan, bewail, grieve, lament, weep感到悲伤,叹息<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 自鸣得意:to praise or express pride in one's own possessions, qualities, or accomplishments often to excess<br/>【例】He is already crowing over his victory.他已经在那里为自己的胜利而自鸣得意了。<br/>【近】blow, brag, swagger, vapor, vaunt<br/><br/>

succumb<br /><span style="color:#00007f;">sə'kʌm</span>

【考法 1】vi. 屈服:to yield to superior strength or force or overpowering appeal or desire<br />【例】refused to succumb to her fears and defiantly walked through the dark cemetery拒绝向自己的恐惧屈服,而是倔强地走过了幽暗的墓地<br />【近】bow, capitulate, concede, submit, surrender, give in<br />【反】resist 抵抗<br /><br />【考法 2】vi. 死亡:to be brought to an end (as death) by the effect of destructive or disruptive forces<br />【例】The patient lay so still and pale that everyone thought he had succumbed, and then he opened his eyes.面色惨白的病人静静地躺在床上,正当所有人都怀疑他已经过逝时,他突然睁开了眼睛。‖The doctor worked tirelessly until finally he, too, succumbed to the plague.医生不知劳累地工作,直至最后,他也死于瘟疫。<br />【近】decease, demise, expire, perish, pass away<br />【反】endure, stand 忍受住;breathe, live, survive存活<br /><br />【记】suc + cumb 躺,躺倒,倒下


【考法 1】vi. 延期,休会:to suspend a session indefinitely or to another time or place<br/>【例】The meeting adjourned for a week.会议延期一周。<br/>【近】prorogate, prorogue, recess, suspend<br/>【反】convoke召集,召开会议<br/><br/>【记】ad 广告 + journey 广告期间去旅游,先休息一下,回来接着看节目;现在休会,出去到另外一个地方旅行,休息休息


【考法 1】vi. 往复运动:to move forward and backward alternately<br/>【例】According to Marx's economic principle, the average price of a certain product should be reciprocating over its value.根据马克思的经济学理论,商品的平均价格应该在它的价值周边波动。<br/>【近】fluctuate, oscillate, sway, swing, vacillate<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 报答,回报:to return in kind or degree<br/>【例】 reciprocated the favor by driving their neighbor to the airport开车送邻居去机场以还人情<br/>【近】recompense, repay, requite, retaliate, return<br/>【反】owe欠(钱、人情等)<br/>【派】reciprocaladj. 相互之间的,互惠的<br/><br/>【记】recept + rock 滴水之恩,当涌泉相报,收到一个石头,自会回报


【考法 1】vi. 快而不清楚地说:to talk rapidly, indistinctly, or unintelligibly<br/>【例】monkeys jabbering at each other in their cages在笼子里唧唧歪歪的猴子<br/>【近】babble, blabber, drivel, gabble, gibber, jabber, mumbo jumbo<br/>【反】 speak slowly慢慢地说<br/><br/>【记】音:结巴 或 哑巴;象声词<br/>【另】gibber 叽哩呱啦言语,gabble 急促而不清楚地说话, babble 呀呀学语


【考法 1】vi. 快速或突然地经过:to pass quickly or abruptly from one place or condition to another<br/>【例】Memories of the evening flitted through her mind.关于那一晚的记忆在她脑海中一掠而过。<br/>【近】dance, dart, fleet, flick, flirt, flutter, hurry, rush, zip<br/>【反】plod沉重缓慢地走<br/><br/>【记】近于fleet, flight


【考法 1】vi. 快速繁殖,激增:to grow or multiply by rapidly producing new tissue, parts, cells, or offspring<br/>【例】rumors about the accident proliferated on the Internet关于事故的小道消息在网上迅速扩散<br/>【近】balloon, boom, build up, escalate, expand, mushroom, snowball<br/>【反】 decrease in amount, dwindle, contract, decrease, diminish, dwindle, lessen, recede, wane数量减少,缩小 <br/><br/>【记】pro前 + life 生命 + ate动词,生命向前→繁殖


【考法 1】vi. 怒骂,猛烈抨击:to revile or scold in harsh, insolent, or abusive language<br/>【例】 We could hear the cook in the kitchen railing against his assistant and wondered if we'd ever get our food.我们可以听到厨师在厨房怒斥他的助手,由此我们怀疑我们点的菜还能不能做好。<br/>【近】baste, berate, castigate, chastise, hammer, lambaste, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, upbraid<br/>【反】accredit, applaud, commend, eulogize, extol, laud, praise表扬,赞扬<br/>【派】raillery n. 善意的打闹<br/><br/>【记】源自ruler;熟悉的railroad, railway就是指的铁轨,长长的杆,条;开车到路口,火车就来了<br/>,栏杆挡住去路,心里责骂


【考法 1】vi. 急切而不清楚地说:to speak hastily and incoherently, as when confused or angry<br/>【例】They begin to splutter and move restlessly about if they feel time is slipping away without some return.当他们感到时间在悄悄流逝却一无所得时,他们便开始激动地说话,不安地走动。<br/>【近】babble, drivel, gabble, gibber, jabber, sputter, stammer, stutter<br/>【反】articulate, enunciate, pronounce 清楚地说<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vi. 恢复意识:to return to consciousness or life, become flourishing again<br/>【例】successfully revived him with artificial respiration用人工呼吸使成功他恢复意识<br/>【近】come around<br/>【反】faint, black out 昏迷,失去知觉<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 再获新生:become active or flourishing again<br/>【例】Around midnight, I usually need to revive myself with a cup of strong coffee.在午夜时分,我需要一杯浓咖啡来提神。‖The success of the movie has revived her career.这部电影的成功让他的事业焕发第二春。<br/>【近】reanimate, recharge, refresh, rejuvenate, rekindle, renew, resurrect, resuscitate, revitalize, revivify<br/>【反】degenerate, deteriorate, worsen 衰退,恶化<br/>【派】revivaln. 复苏<br/><br/>【记】re重新 + vive 万岁,活泼的,有生气的;以前中学英语课本一篇文章最后一课中有句话vive laFrance 法兰西万岁<br/>【另】survive 幸免于, 幸存, vivid 生动的, 活泼的


【考法 1】vi. 恢复(健康或力量),康复:to recover health or strength<br/>【例】He is gradually recuperating from a serious back injury. 他正渐渐地从严重的背部损伤中恢复过来。<br/>【近】convalesce, heal, rally, recoup, recover, rehabilitate<br/>【反】deteriorate, flag, wane, weaken衰退,变得衰弱;die, expire, perish, pass away死亡<br/>【派】recuperative adj. 有助于康复的<br/><br/>【记】p=ph=f=v, 等于recover;re重新 + cup 杯子,累坏了,再喝点东西就能恢复体力


【考法 1】vi. 恶意窜改,损害:to handle thoughtlessly, ignorantly, or mischievously<br/>【例】tamper with tradition坏了规矩<br/>【近】 diddle with, fiddle with, fool with, mess with<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 玩弄:to tinker with rashly or foolishly<br/>【例】Don't tamper with my feelings.不要玩弄我的感情。<br/><br/>【记】源自temper 调和,锻炼;音:弹破,弹破把琴,弹破了一把吉它→损害,削弱了琴的音质;stamp 破,将邮票弄破


【考法 1】vi. 探查,勘探:to go into or range over for purposes of discovery<br/>【例】 people had arrived in the valley to prospect it for gold人们来到山谷淘金<br/>【近】hunt, probe, search, skirr<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 期待,被期望的某物:the act or state of looking forward to some occurrence<br/>【例】The prospect of a quiet, restful Sunday ended when our basement flooded.对一个宁静休闲的周日的期待被地下室涨水打破了。<br/>【近】anticipation, contemplation, expectancy<br/><br/>【记】pro前 + spect 看 向前看, 就是寻找,找东西,勘探


【考法 1】vi. 摇摇摆摆地走:to walk with short steps that tilt the body from side to side<br/>【例】The duck waddled back into the water.鸭子一摇一摆地回到了水中<br/>【近】careen, dodder, reel, teeter, totter<br/>【派】waddlingadj. 摇摇摆摆的<br/><br/>【记】源自wade,wade + 音:抖→涉水时发抖;waddle 音:歪倒,歪斜的要倒;音:歪抖


【考法 1】vi. 撅(嘴),使收缩:to become gathered, contracted, and wrinkled<br/>【例】 pucker my lips 撅起嘴<br/><br/>【记】pocket 口袋总是皱的,因为总用或是系扣子缘故;pack 捆扎时会产生皱折


【考法 1】vi. 暗中合作:to cooperate secretly or have a secret understanding; collude<br/>【例】They connived to take over the throne.他们密谋篡位<br/>【近】conspire, intrigue, plot, collude, intrigue, machinate ,put up<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 纵容:假装忽视或并未采取措施阻止错误:to pretend ignorance of or fail to take action against something one ought to oppose<br/>【例】The guards were suspected of conniving at the prisoner's escape.警卫人员有纵容犯人越狱的嫌疑<br/>【近】blink, disregard, overlook, wink<br/>【反】disapprove反对<br/>【派】connivern. 共谋者<br/><br/>【记】con + knives 一起动刀→共谋坏事


【考法 1】vi. 欢快地蹦跳或行走,雀跃:to bound or prance about in a sprightly manner; caper<br/>【例】Children are cavorting in the sand.孩子们在沙子中嬉戏。<br/>【近】caper, disport, frisk, gambol, rollick, romp<br/>【反】trudge蹒跚地走<br/><br/>【记】源自curve 马在空中划过一道弧线→腾跃;car + vert 翻转,开车时翻转,因为高兴


【考法 1】vi. 欢跳,雀跃:to leap about playfully<br/>【例】young lambs gamboling in the meadow小羊羔在原野里欢快地跳跃<br/>【近】frolic, caper, cavort<br/>【反】plod, trudge沉重缓慢地走<br/><br/>【记】game + ball 游戏球,游戏踢球→比赛踢球时脚步,跳跃;gamble 在兴头上跳起来雀跃


【考法 1】vi. 欣喜,喜悦:to feel joy or great delight<br/>【例】 We rejoiced over our unexpected victory on the soccer field.我们为预料之外的足球胜利而感到欢喜。<br/>【近】crow, delight, exuberate, glory, jubilate, joy, kvell, triumph<br/>【反】bemoan, bewail, deplore, grieve, lament, moan, mourn, regret, weep 感到伤感,痛苦或遗憾<br/>【派】rejoicedadj. 高兴的<br/><br/>【记】re + joy


【考法 1】vi. 欺骗:to act insincerely or deceitfully<br/>【例】unwilling to palter over the price of the house拒绝对房子漫天要价<br/>【近】 chaffer, deal, dicker, haggle, horse-trade, negotiate, equivocate<br/>【反】 candor坦率<br/><br/>【记】音:拍他,拍他马屁,敷衍虚假行为;拍它,价格往下拍,压价


【考法 1】vi. 渐渐康复,渐愈:to recover health and strength gradually after sickness or weakness<br/>【例】the time needed to convalesce after an operation手术后需要用来康复的时间<br/>【近】heal, recover, recuperate, recoup, snap back<br/>【反】aggravate, deteriorate, intensify 恶化,加剧<br/><br/>【记】con + vale(well) 全好了;vale 源自farewell(再会,祝好)<br/>【另】valediction 告别词


【考法 1】vi. 渴望,奢望:to yearn intensely and persistently especially for something unattainable<br/>【例】pine for a lost love 渴望那段逝去的爱情<br/>【近】ache, crave, dream, hunger, itch, long, lust, repine, thirst, yearn<br/>【反】abhor, detest, loathe厌恶,反感<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 因渴望而憔悴:to lose vigor, health, or flesh (as through grief)<br/>【例】Separated by their families, the lovers pined away. 这对恋人因为被家人拆散而日益憔悴。<br/>【近】decline, dwindle, fade, flag, languish, waste<br/><br/>【记】近于pain punish;pin 针,松树长有针状叶;音:盼,盼依盼得人憔悴


【考法 1】vi. 漫步,漫游:to move aimlessly from place to place<br/>【例】rambling under the starlight 在星光下漫步‖rambling around Beijing for a week在北京四处漫游一周<br/>【近】amble, cruise, drift, float, meander, perambulate, roam, saunter, stroll, traipse, wander<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 漫谈;长篇大论(并经常离题)地说或写:to talk at length without sticking to a topic or getting to a point<br/>【例】rambling on about dating, homework, movies, and the local football team 扯了一些关于约会、作业、电影以及本地橄榄球队的闲谈<br/>【近】blather, chat, chatter, drivel, maunder, patter, prattle<br/><br/>【记】源自roam 漫游, 闲逛, 徜徉;同amble,发音是一个步,象是散步或漫步;


【考法 1】vi. 潜伏:to lie in wait in a place of concealment especially for an evil purpose<br/>【例】Dangers lurk in the path of wilderness.在这条荒野的小路上隐伏着危险<br/>【近】 ambush, snake, steal<br/>【反】appear, come out 出来<br/><br/>【记】音:猎客,打猎的人,总是埋伏着不动以射杀猎物;lure引诱 + 音:客,客人(住饭店时)被引诱实际上有埋伏,要不有个针孔像机,要不就假扮警察勒索


【考法 1】vi. 烧成灰烬:to cause to burn to ashes<br/>【例】The government is trying to stop farmers incinerating their own waste.政府开始阻止农民们焚烧垃圾的行为<br/>【近】burn, carbonize<br/>【反】douse, extinguish, quench, put out扑灭<br/>【派】incinerationn. 焚化<br/><br/>【记】ciner-灰;Cinderella 灰姑娘<br/>【另】cinereous 已成灰的,灰一样的


【考法 1】vi. 狂热赞扬:to make an exaggerated display of affection or enthusiasm<br/>【例】 Critics raved about the new play. 新剧得到了评论家们的热烈赞扬。<br/>【近】drool, effuse, enthuse, fuss, rhapsodize, slobber<br/>【反】blame, censure, condemn, criticize, denounce, pan, reprehend批评,指责<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. (发疯般地)怒吼:to talk irrationally and wildly in or as if in delirium<br/>【例】 a man standing outside the city hall,raving like a lunatic about his tax bill站在市政大厅外、像疯子一样叫嚷着自己税单的人<br/>【近】bluster, fulminate, huff, rant, roar, spout<br/>【反】grumble, murmur, mutter小声抱怨<br/><br/>【记】音:热舞,现在跳热舞的边狂乱的移动,边兴奋或狂乱的说唱咆哮,还能得到一片热情的赞扬;river + wave (我对你的敬仰)如滔滔江水,连绵不绝→倾倒;brave 勇敢,得到热情赞扬;


【考法 1】vi. 生气,愠怒:to be sullenly aloof or withdrawn, as in silent resentment or protest<br/>【例】He would sulk for hours whenever he didn't get what he want.当他的愿望没被满足时,他会生几个小时的闷气<br/>【近】frown, grump, mope, pout<br/>【反】crow, delight, exuberate, jubilate, rejoice, triumph感到高兴,雀跃<br/>【派】sulkyadj. 生气的,不悦的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vi. 畅饮,狂饮作乐:to drink liquor freely or excessively<br/>【例】stay at home instead of going out and carousing with friends呆在家里而不是出去和朋友们狂饮作乐<br/>【近】binge, jamboree, revel, roister, wassail<br/><br/>【记】car + out 车开出来了,出去玩;car + rouse 车振奋


【考法 1】vi. 畏缩:to shrink back involuntarily as from pain<br/>【例】winced at the horrible corpses在令人恐惧的尸体面前畏缩<br/>【近】blench, cringe, quail, quiver, recoil, shrink, tremble<br/>【反】confront, face, meet直面;challenge挑战<br/><br/>【记】win + 音:死,赢死,吓得避开;音:蚊死,喷了杀蚊子药,一来就死,吓得蚊子们不敢过来<br/>,畏缩


【考法 1】vi. 畏缩;退缩:to draw back in fear, pain, or disgust<br/>【例】He met my gaze without flinching.他毫不畏缩地与我对视<br/>【近】cringe, quail, recoil, shrink, wince<br/>【反】face, meet 面对;confront直面<br/><br/>【记】fly + inch 只飞了一英寸,鸟刚飞就退回来了,因为翅膀肌肉痛畏缩回来;f + lynch, fear + lynch<br/>私刑处死;害怕被私刑处死→畏缩<br/>【另】lynch (音:凌迟,凌迟处死)私刑处死;blench 畏缩,回避,wince 退缩


【考法 1】vi. 皱眉(表现出不高兴):to contract the brow in an expression of displeasure<br/>【例】scowled down at the misbehaving child对淘气的孩子皱起了眉<br/>【近】frown, pout, glare, gloom, glower, lower<br/>【反】beam, grin, smile微笑(表示高兴)<br/><br/>【记】死 cow + l 棍子→死牛,不好好干活,拿棍子打牛,因为不高兴皱眉头;sh + cow 踩上牛大便<br/>,sh+ 音:靠,靠近大便, 都会不高兴地皱眉头;<br/>【另】frown 皱眉,中间都有个ow


【考法 1】vi. 盛行,战胜:to be greater in strength or influence<br/>【例】a custom that still prevails依然盛行的传统<br/>【近】conquer, dominate, overcome, reign, triumph<br/>【反】yield 屈服;lose失败<br/>【派】prevailingadj. 盛行的<br/><br/>【记】pre前 + vail 有利,有用,比.更有利,有用;pre + value 预先有价值,就是抢先占领价值<br/>【另】avail 有助, 有用, 有利,效用, 利益, available 可用到的, 可用的, 有用的, 有空的


【考法 1】vi. 硬化,僵化:to become hardened or conventional and opposed to change<br/>【例】a disease that ossifies the joints 一种会使关节僵化的疾病<br/>【反】 make pliant, transcend conventions, amenable to change使柔软,超越传统<br/><br/>【记】fosill (骨头)化石,词中有osi 骨头;当了boss 你骨头就硬起来了;


【考法 1】vi. 磨蹭,闲荡:to proceed slowly; saunter<br/>【例】fans lingered outside the door粉丝们在门外徘徊<br/>【近】crawl, creep, dally, dawdle, lag, loiter<br/>【反】hurry, run, rush飞奔<br/>【派】 lingering adj. 闲荡的<br/><br/>【记】源自long + er;length + er 延长;line + er 一条线延长


【考法 1】vi. 突然倒塌或收缩:to fall or shrink together abruptly and completely<br/>【例】President Bush is vowing to rebuild bridge which collapsed last year.布什总统发誓要重建这座去年坍塌的桥梁。|| One ant-hole may cause the collapse of a thousand-li dyke.千里之堤,毁于蚁穴。<br/>【近】compact, condense, constrict, constringe, contract , implode, squeeze<br/>【反】decompress, expand, open, outspread, outstretch展开,扩张<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 完全耗尽体力:a complete depletion of energy or strength<br/>【例】He suffered a mental collapse under the strain of studying for his bar exam. 他在紧张的律师考试的复习下脑力消耗殆尽。<br/>【近】exhaustion, tiredness, lassitude, weariness<br/>【反】refreshment, rejuvenation, revitalization 重新充满活力<br/><br/>【考法 3】v./n. 失败to be unsuccessful/ a falling short of one's goals<br/>【例】the legal case collapsed in the face of the opposition's evidence<br/>【近】defeat, nonachievement, nonsuccess<br/>【反】accomplishment, achievement, success<br/><br/>【记】col + lapse 倒,滑过,一起倒,全倒<br/>【另】pass 时光流过;collapse 倒塌,elapse 时光流过,lapse 失误, 下降, 时光流逝, 丧失,背离,失效;prolapse 下垂,relapse (旧病)复发


【考法 1】vi. 突然移动:to move suddenly and rapidly<br/>【例】The dog darted across the street.狗飞奔过马路。<br/>【近】flicker, flitter, flutter<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 公开侮辱:an act or expression showing scorn and usually intended to hurt another's feelings<br/>【例】The darts flew fast and furiously when the two former lovers bumped into each other at the party.旧情人在 party 上偶遇,立马开始激烈的人身攻击。<br/>【近】affront, barb, offense, sarcasm, slight, slur<br/><br/>【记】start 突然起动 starting line起跑线上运动员象飞镖般冲了出去;音:打它 用飞镖打它;<br/>【另】dart向target


【考法 1】vi. 竞争,争夺:to strive or vie in contest or rivalry or against difficulties<br/>【例】two traditional rivals contending for the championship两支争夺冠军头衔的老对手<br/>【近】battle, fight, race, rival, vie<br/>【反】capitulate, quit, succumb, surrender, give in投降<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 声明,声称:to state as a fact usually forcefully<br/>【例】contended that his opponent was wrong about practically everything 宣称对手几乎在所有问题上都犯了错误‖that the his considerable experience made him the best candidate 声称因为他见多识广,所以是最佳人选<br/>【近】affirm, allege, assert, aver, avouch, avow, declare, insist, maintain, profess, protest, purport, warrant<br/>【反】deny, gainsay 否认<br/><br/>【记】con + tend 一起伸(手脚)→抢,抢足球篮球;con 一起 + tend 拉长,延伸,伸展→一起拉<br/>【另】tend 趋向,照管,attend 参加,contend 竞争,distend 扩大,扩张,extend 延伸,扩张<br/>,intend 打算,pretend 假装,protend (向前拉)伸出,伸展


【考法 1】vi. 笨拙地行动,挣扎:to proceed or act clumsily or ineffectually<br/>【例】flounder through the desert步履蹒跚地穿越沙漠<br/>【近】blunder, fumble, lumber, plod, struggle, trudge<br/>【反】glide, slide 滑行;breeze, waltz轻松地行动<br/><br/>【记】源自founder 摔倒,沉没→沉在底部,flounder指还能走,比founder多个l,看成撑着的木杖;found- 基础,底部;flow + under 底下在流,你挣扎,艰苦地移动,因为底下的水湍流不息<br/>【另】founder 沉没,摔倒,倒塌,失败,foundation 基础;blunder 跌跌撞撞地走, 犯错


【考法 1】vi. 紧贴,坚持:to adhere firmly and closely or loyally and unwaveringly<br/>【例】You should resolutely cleave to the facts in your report. 你应该在报道中坚持客观的原则。<br/>【近】adhere, cling, hew, stick<br/>【反】defect叛变<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 分隔,割裂:to divide by or as if by a cutting blow<br/>【例】His spade cleaved the firm sand with a harsh crunch.他的锹凿开了坚实的砂土,发出尖锐刺耳的嘎扎声。<br/>【近】cut, decouple, disconnect, disjoin, dissever, dissociate, divide, part, ramify, sever, slice, split, sunder<br/>【反】join, link, unify, unite连接,接合<br/><br/>【记】cleave 音:刻裂纹,用刀刻出裂纹


【考法 1】vi. 胆怯,畏缩:to shrink back in fear; cower<br/>【例】She quailed at the thought of seeing him again.她想到还要再见他就害怕。<br/>【近】blench, cringe, recoil, shrink, wince<br/>【反】 become resolute, give bold变得坚决、大胆<br/><br/>【记】音近cower 或recoil,意思相同;音:哭哎哟,吓得哭,哭声还是颤抖的;音:quit 哦,辞职了<br/>,不干了,因为害怕退缩<br/>【另】wail (音:哇呀)哀号


【考法 1】vi. 脱离,退出(组织、团体、联盟等):to withdraw from an organization (as a religious communion or political party or federation)<br/>【例】They threatened to secede from the coalition. 他们以退出联盟相要挟。<br/>【近】demit, disaffiliate, quit, withdraw<br/>【反】enlist, enroll, join, sign up加入<br/><br/>【记】se- 脱离 + cede 走<br/>【另】cede 让步, access 走近 入门,concede 承认,让步,intercede 调解,precede 先于,recede 后退<br/>,retrocede 交还,secede 退出,supercede 紧接着到来,取代


【考法 1】vi. 节俭:to avoid unnecessary waste or expense<br/>【例】They had to scrimp and save for years in order to be able to afford a house.他们不得不节俭度日才能攒够钱买房。<br/>【近】conserve, economize, husband, pinch, save, skimp, spare<br/>【反】dissipate, lavish, squander, waste浪费<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vi. 茂盛;繁荣:to grow luxuriantly; to achieve success<br/>【例】The program will flourish once it receives adequate funding. 这个项目只要有足够的资金就能大获成功<br/>【近】bloom, burgeon, prosper, thrive<br/>【反】languish, wane 变得衰弱,衰败;fail失败<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 装饰:an embellishment or ornamentation<br/>【例】a bedroom with cute little flourishes一间带有可爱小装饰的卧室‖Her writing style is simple and clear, without unnecessary flourishes.她的文风很简单清新,没有那些不必要的修饰<br/>【近】adornment, decoration, embellishment, ornamentation<br/><br/>【记】源自flower 花开得盛<br/>【另】flour 面粉 (flower 花粉)


【考法 1】vi. 草率或不认真地对待:to handle thoughtlessly, ignorantly, or mischievously<br/>【例】That microscope is a delicate instrument, not something to be toyed with. 那个显微镜是精密仪器,不是随随便便的一个玩具。<br/>【近】diddle with, fiddle with, fool with, mess with, monkey with, tinker with, twiddle with<br/><br/>【记】toy 玩具,动词是玩弄


【考法 1】vi. 萎缩,衰退:to waste away; wither or deteriorate<br/>【例】The years following the closing of the last textile mill, the town atrophied. 随着最后一家纺织厂的倒闭,整个城镇开始衰退。<br/>【近】crumble, decay, decline, degenerate, descend, devolve, ebb, regress, retrograde, rot, sink, worsen<br/>【反】ameliorate, improve, meliorate改善,提升<br/><br/>【记】a无 + trophic营养→萎缩;a不 + 音:出肥→不出肥→养的猪不出肥,萎缩;音:抽肥,抽肥补瘦,把肥抽去,减肥中的抽脂; a无 + trophy (奖杯),没拿到奥运奖杯,为什么?因为没有好好训练<br/>,肌肉萎缩衰退


【考法 1】vi. 虚度时光:to spend time doing nothing<br/>【例】I kept dallying at my desk until I couldn't put off doing my work any longer.我一直浪费时间直到作业不能再拖了。<br/>【近】dawdle, loll, lounge, hang around<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 玩乐:to engage in activity for amusement<br/>【例】he spent his college years dallying, seemingly determined to acquire as little knowledge as possible他在大学里面尽情玩乐,不学习<br/>【近】disport, frolic, recreate, rollick, sport<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 慢吞吞,磨磨蹭蹭:to move or act slowly<br/>【例】don't dally on the way to the interview别在去面试的路上磨磨蹭蹭<br/>【近】crawl, creep, dillydally, drag, lag, linger, loiter, tarry<br/>【反】dash, hasten, scoot, scurry<br/><br/>【记】咱这有志青年可不能daily每天蹉跎光阴,寻花问柳的玩乐;音:代理 (跨国公司驻中国)代理可是整天玩,虚度时光可也过得挺好啊


【考法 1】vi. 表达同情:to express sympathetic sorrow<br/>【例】We condole with him on the death of his father.我们对他父亲的死向他深表同情。<br/>【近】compassionate, sympathize with, yearn over<br/>【派】condolence n. 同情; sympathy with another in sorrow<br/><br/>【记】dole 悲伤,一起悲伤,同悲→对别人悲伤表示同情,哀悼;类console 安慰别人的悲伤<br/>【另】adolescent 青春期,condole 慰问, dole 悲哀,发救济,doleful 悲哀的,indolent 懒惰的, 不痛的,redolent 芬芳的


【考法 1】vi. 装病以逃避工作:to pretend or exaggerate incapacity or illness (as to avoid duty or work)<br/>【例】He claims he's ill, but I think he's just malingering.他声称他病了,但我觉得他是装的<br/>【近】goldbrick, shirk<br/>【反】confront, face, meet面对<br/>【派】 malingerer n. 装病以逃避工作的人<br/><br/>【记】mal 坏,恶意 + linger拖延<br/>【另】linger 逗留, 闲荡, 拖延, 游移


【考法 1】vi. 解除武装:to give up or reduce armed forces<br/>【例】disarm the captured soldiers解除被捕士兵的武装|| The defeated nation was disarmed so that it would never again be a threat to international order.战败国被解除武装,这样一来它就不会再对国际秩序造成威胁了。<br/>【近】demilitarize<br/>【反】arm, militarize, put on guard装备武器<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 使息怒,平息抚慰:to lessen the anger or agitation of<br/>【例】Her future father-in-law was totally disarmed by her words.她未来的继父听了她的话彻底没脾气了。<br/>【近】appease, assuage, conciliate, gentle, mollify, placate, propitiate<br/>【反】anger, enrage, incense, inflame, enflame, infuriate, ire, madden, outrage煽动激起<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 使无害:to make harmless<br/>【例】disarm a bomb拆除炸弹<br/><br/>【记】dis 不+arm 武器


【考法 1】vi. 赌博,孤注一掷:to bet on an uncertain outcome, as of a contest<br/>【例】gambled on the train being late赌火车晚点<br/>【近】bet, adventure, chance, risk, stake, venture<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 使受到威胁:to place in danger<br/>【例】You don't want to gamble with your life, so buckle up.你不会想拿命来开玩笑的,所以系好安全带<br/>【近】compromise, hazard, imperil, jeopardize, threaten<br/>【派】gamblingn. 赌博<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vi. 跛行,蹒跚而行:to walk or move along haltingly or with difficulty<br/>【例】She picked up her cane and hobbled across the room. 她拿起了一根手杖,一拐一拐地穿过了房间。<br/>【近】falter, halt, limp, stagger, totter<br/>【反】stride 大步走<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 阻碍,妨碍:to hamper the action or progress of<br/>【例】 We were hobbled by the snowstorm from getting out to do some Christmas shopping.暴雪阻碍了我们圣诞购物的计划。<br/>【近】encumber, fetter, handicap, hamper, hinder, impede, inhibit, manacle, obstruct, shackle, stymie, trammel<br/>【反】aid, assist, facilitate帮助<br/><br/>【记】音:猴步,猴子走步(用两条腿)是蹒跚的,当然它四条腿爬跳时是很快的;音:滑步,滑一步差点摔倒→蹒跚


【考法 1】vi. 蹒跚,颤巍巍地行进:to progress feebly and unsteadily<br/>【例】He could only dodder along after the operation.他手术后只能步履蹒跚的走。<br/>【近】careen, lurch, teeter, totter, waddle<br/><br/>【记】音:倒的,要倒的;音:抖抖,哆哆(嗦嗦)


【考法 1】vi. 迈大步走:to move with or as if with long steps<br/>【例】strode to the door and slammed it大步走向门口,狠狠地把门摔上<br/>【近】march, pace, parade<br/>【反】mince碎步走<br/><br/>【记】street + ride 街上骑马→昂首阔步;strive或try努力 + ride骑马,让马努力跑→大步跑;音:拽的<br/>,拽 ride 很拽的样子向前ride,趾高气扬迈着大步;<br/>【另】straddle 跨骑, astride 跨着


【考法 1】vi. 退却,畏缩:to shrink back, as under pressure or in fear or repugnance<br/>【例】recoil from the snake因为害怕蛇而畏缩不前‖She recoiled from his touch.她因害怕与他接触而退缩<br/>【近】blench, cringe, flinch,quail, shrink, squinch, wince<br/>【反】 confront, meet 面对<br/><br/>【记】re 回,后 + coil 卷,盘绕, 向后卷,向后缩;re 回 + curl 卷曲,蜷缩;re 回 + 音:烤油(oil)<br/>,烤油炸的东西往后退缩,因为油星四溅怕烫着;


【考法 1】vi. 逃避工作和责任:to shirk one's assigned duties or responsibilities<br/>【例】goldbrick his duty as a citizen逃避他作为公民的义务<br/>【近】idle, parry, parry, shirk, sidestep<br/>【反】dedicate, devote致力于<br/><br/>【记】有了金砖就易偷懒


【考法 1】vi. 遵从:to conform, submit, or adapt (as to a regulation or to another's wishes) as required or requested<br/>【例】the devices complywith industry standards设备要遵循工业标准||There will be penalties againstindividuals who fail to comply. 谁不遵从谁就会受到惩罚。<br/>【近】conform, submit, observe<br/>【反】defy, disobey, rebel against, violate, breach, transgress 违背<br/><br/>【记】ply 绳子中的一股,布,纸板,合板中的一层。象纱,布般柔顺,服从


【考法 1】vi. 闪光:to shine by reflection with a sparkling luster<br/>【例】The calm sea glistened in the sunlight.日光下平静的海面波光粼粼<br/>【近】flash, scintillate, sparkle, twinkle, winkle<br/>【反】dim变得黯淡<br/><br/>【记】晚上逛街时MM说:哥,listen, 星星在闪烁,MM眼睛也闪烁着幸福之光<br/>【另】glitter 闪闪发光, 闪烁,闪光


【考法 1】vi. 闲逛,漫步:to travel by foot for exercise or pleasure<br/>【例】 sauntered slowly down the street在街上闲逛<br/>【近】 amble, ramble, range, stroll, wander, perambulate<br/><br/>【记】音:桑塔那 没事就开着桑塔那出去闲逛;音:沙特,沙特石油产量最多,人也很有钱,整天闲逛散步不用上班


【考法 1】vt. 亵渎,玷污:to treat (a sacred place or object) shamefully or with great disrespect<br/>【例】desecrate the shrine亵渎圣地<br/>【近】defile, profane, violate<br/>【反】sanctify, revere, hallow 尊敬,视为神圣<br/><br/>【记】源自sacred 神圣,神的,宗教, de 否定 + secret 神秘 神圣, 否定神圣→亵渎, 污辱<br/>【另】consecrate 使神圣


【考法 1】vi. 间接提到:to convey an idea indirectly<br/>【例】He also alluded to his rival's past marital troubles.他间接提到了对手过去的婚姻问题。<br/>【近】imply, indicate, infer, insinuate, intimate, suggest<br/><br/>【记】lud - play 提起 perception ,演奏;lude 音:露的,流露<br/>【另】ludicrous 可笑的, 滑稽的,allude 间接提到 暗指,collude(共谋,勾结 conspire,<br/>plot),delude(欺骗 deceive, trick),elude(躲避 escape the perception, understanding),interlude 两段之间的时间,prelude 前奏,postlude 终曲


【考法 1】vi. 阿谀奉承:to seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious behavior<br/>【例】fawn on one's superior向上司谄媚<br/>【近】cower, cringe, flatter, grovel, toady, truckle<br/>【反】domineer统治;专横跋扈<br/>【派】fawningadj.阿谀奉承的,讨好的<br/><br/>【记】faun 放牧,放牧时想象草原上小鹿,小牧羊狗对你摇尾乞怜对你讨好的样子


【考法 1】vi. 雕刻:to create a three-dimensional representation of (something) using solid material<br/>【例】carved a statue out of rare marble用纯的大理石雕刻了一尊雕像<br/>【近】sculpture<br/><br/>【考法 2】 v. (通过长期不懈努力)产生或导致: to produce or bring about especially by long or repeated effort<br/>【例】finally carved out a niche for the sport in the school's athletic program在学校运动计划中寻找到了自己的定位|| carve out a way through the enemy 从敌营中杀出一条血路<br/>【近】forge, grind out, thrash out, work out, work up<br/><br/>【记】cut 或 音:刻 + v 象是刀尖,或刻出来的槽;音:刻纹


【考法 1】vi. 非法侵入,违反:to commit an offense<br/>【例】 I consider him to be trespassing against all of us when he trespasses against any one of us.当他冒犯我们当中一个人的时候,他就冒犯了我们全部<br/>【近】 transgress, invade, intrude<br/>【反】 withdraw, retreat撤退<br/><br/>【记】音:穿 + pass;tran 穿越 + pass 经过,进入;<br/>【另】transgress 侵犯,越界, 违法


【考法 1】vi. 预先考虑:to think, consider, or deliberate beforehand<br/>【例】carefully premeditating each step of his plan细致谋略他计划的每一步<br/>【近】deliberate, prearrange, prepare, preplan<br/>【反】disregard, ignore, neglect, omit, overlook 忽视<br/>【派】premeditationn. 谋略,事先考虑<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vi. 预示,预兆:to show signs of a favorable or successful outcome<br/>【例】That police car parked outside the house doesn't forebode well. 门外停着的那辆警车可不是什么好兆头。<br/>【近】augur, predict, promise<br/>【派】forebodingn. 预感,预兆<br/><br/>【记】fore 前 + bode 预示,兆头


【考法 1】vi. (因为懒散)拖延:to put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness<br/>【例】She procrastinated and missed the submission deadline.她一直拖拖拉拉,导致错过了截止日期。<br/><br/>【记】pro- 前 + crash 撞 + stinate 固执,固执地向前结果撞车→造成耽搁与拖延<br/>The honest penny is better than the stolen dollar. 正当得到的一分钱,胜过偷来的一元钱。 <br/>【另】obstinate 倔强的, 顽固的


【考法 1】vi. (带有欺骗目的地)模棱两可地说,说谎话:to use equivocal language especially with intent to deceive<br/>【例】 When asked about his tax plan, the candidate didn't equivocate. 当被问到税收方案时,候选人直言不讳。<br/>【近】fudge, hedge, weasel, prevaricate, palter<br/>【反】communicate straightforwardly直率地说<br/>【派】equivocal adj.模棱两可的:open totwo or moreinterpretations and often intended tomislead; ambiguous.<br/>【派】equivocation n.模棱两可的话<br/>【反】clarity清楚<br/><br/>【记】equi + voice 相同的声音<br/>【另】vocation 召唤, 号召,天职,才能, 职业, avocation 副业, 业余爱好,convocation 集会, 召集<br/>,equivocate 说模棱两可的话, 支吾,evocation 唤出, 唤起, 招魂,invocation 祈祷, 符咒,provocation 激怒, 刺激, 挑衅,revocation 撤回,vocal 声音的<br/>He who does not advance falls backward. 逆水行舟,不进则退。


【考法 1】vi. (情况等)倒退,固态萌发:to revert to a worse condition<br/>【例】Keep these things in mind to help prevent you from backsliding. 牢记这些东西,他们能防止你旧病复犯。<br/>【近】degenerate, lapse, recidivate, relapse, retrograde, retrogress<br/>【近】advance, progress 进步,前进<br/><br/>【记】back slide


【考法 1】vi. (自鸣得意地)笑:to smile in an affected, often offensively self-satisfied manner<br/>【例】She tried not to smirk when they announced the winner.当他们宣布她获得了胜利时,她尽可能地保持不露出笑容。<br/>【近】grin, simper<br/>【反】cry, weep 哭泣;groan, moan, sigh叹息<br/><br/>【记】音:墨客,文人墨客总是嘲笑社会现象;smirch 读书人入迷吃了墨了还得意地笑;smile +<br/>mirk 黑暗,阴郁,表面是笑,实际内心忧郁→假笑


【考法 1】vi./n. 大量聚集:to crowd together in great numbers<br/>【例】 commuters thronging the MTR platform持月票的乘客拥向地铁站<br/>【近】flock, mob, swarm<br/><br/>【记】through among throng 从一群人中穿过;throughout 遍及到处,是人群


【考法 1】vi./n. (下)细小、轻柔、似雾的雨,毛毛雨:a fine misty rain<br/>【例】The intermittent drizzle was just heavy enough to spoil all of our outdoor activities. 断断续续的小雨恰好大岛让我们所有的户外活动都泡汤<br/>【近】mist, sprinkle<br/>【反】deluge, downpour倾盆大雨<br/>【派】drizzlingadj. (雨)细小的<br/><br/>【记】drib + zz 象形 画起来象小雨滴 + l 象形 雨滴垂直落下;音:追走,追着走,因为下雨,得快走;音:锥子,天上下锥子就是小雨


【考法 1】vi./n.小憩:to sleep lightly or briefly<br/>【例】He dozed off during the lecture.他在讲座上睡着了<br/>【近】drowse, nap, wink, slumber<br/>【反】wake 醒来<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vi./n.缓慢地行进:to go very slowly<br/>【例】creeping through the crowd 在人潮中缓慢前行<br/>【近】drag, loiter, tarry<br/>【反】scurry, run快步走,跑<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi.匍匐前进:to move slowly with the body close to the ground<br/>【例】The kitten crept silently across the floor before suddenly pouncing on the mouse.小猫静静地匍匐穿过地板,然后突然向老鼠发起猛扑<br/>【近】crawl, grovel, slide, slither<br/>【反】swagger昂首阔步<br/><br/>【记】音:跪爬


【考法 1】vi./vt. (使)分成两支:(to cause) to divide into two branches or parts<br/>【例】Their visions of the company's future slowly began to bifurcate.我们关于公司未来的构想慢慢出现分歧<br/>【近】divide, diverge, fork<br/>【反】coalesce联合 converge 汇合<br/><br/>【记】furc 源自 fork; bi + fur 长头发女孩头发分叉,一根分成两根


【考法 1】vi.(战争等)升级,扩大:to increase in extent, volume, number, amount, intensity, or scope<br/>【例】 We don't want to escalate the war.我们不想使战争扩大。<br/>【近】aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, expand, pump up, build up<br/>【反】wane, diminish减弱<br/><br/>【记】e + scale 来自escalade,源自scale 攀登,爬;爬山,爬梯→逐步升级<br/>【另】escalator n.电动扶梯, 自动扶梯


【考法 1】vt. vi. 探究,钻研:to make a careful or detailed search for information<br/>【例】The book delves into the latest research. 这本书深入探究了最近的研究。<br/>【近】probe, investigate, inquire into, look into, dig into<br/><br/>【记】dig cave 象挖洞一样查找信息;音:地挖,底挖,就是往地底下挖→钻,钻研<br/>【另】excavate 挖掘<br/>Fair and softly go far in a day.谦和稳重,前程远大。


【考法 1】vt. 上清漆,使有光泽:to give a smooth and glossy finish to<br/>【例】Don't sit on that chair - I've just varnished it.不要坐在那张椅子上——我刚刚上过漆。<br/>【近】adorn, bedeck, bedizen, decorate, embellish, garnish, ornament<br/><br/>【考法 2】 vt. 粉饰(令人不悦的东西): to cover or conceal (as something unpleasant) with something that gives an attractive appearance<br/>【例】She tried to varnish her mistakes.她试图掩盖她的失误。<br/>【近】blanch, extenuate, gloss, palliate, sugarcoat, veneer<br/>【反】bare, disclose, discover, divulge, expose, reveal, uncloak, uncover, unmask, unveil 揭露<br/><br/>【记】vanish 上一层清漆,就好象消失了一般<br/>【另】tarnish 开头是tar柏油,黑的,varnish 是象消失了一样透明;furnish 供应


【考法 1】vt. 不断烦扰:to disturb or irritate especially by repeated acts<br/>【例】Mosquitoes annoy us in the summer. 夏天蚊子总是不断烦扰我们。<br/>【例】The sound of footsteps on the bare floor annoyed the downstairs neighbors. 楼上地板的脚步声吵得楼下住户心烦。<br/>【近】aggravate, bother, chafe, gall, grate, irk, nettle, peeve, pique, rile, ruffle, spite, vex<br/>【反】 soothe, defuse, allay, conciliate, propitiate, mitigate, assuage, appease, pacify, placate, calm, settle, subdue, solace, mollify平息,抚慰<br/><br/>【记】noisy 吵;音:恼,闹→吵闹的声音,恼人


【考法 1】vt. 不断纠缠或骚扰:to harass or annoy persistently<br/>【例】badger him into purchasing 不断地骚扰劝说他购买<br/>【近】bait, plague<br/><br/>【记】bad + er 坏人,坏哥,老纠缠围绕别人,坏,獾,谐音;badge + er拿徽章的人,总是拿自己徽章烦扰别人,如城管队之类的


【考法 1】vt. 不顾:to set aside<br/>【例】The Congress overrode the President's veto and passed the law.国会不顾总统的否决,强行通过了那项法令。‖He overrode all opposition to his plans.他对所有的反对意见不闻不问。<br/>【近】disregard, ignore, neglect, overlook, overpass, pass over<br/>【反】comply, observe遵守<br/><br/>【记】ride over 骑在马身上,压过某人


【考法 1】vt. 严词拒绝:to reject or criticize sharply<br/>【例】rebuffed an invitation from her colleagues 回绝了同事们的邀请‖She rebuffed him when he asked her for a date.她拒绝了他约会的邀请。<br/>【近】decline, deny, refuse, reject, repudiate, repulse, snub, spurn<br/>【反】accept接受;approve赞同;welcome欢迎<br/><br/>【记】re 回 + buff 音:不服,(喂,楼上的,)不服气?回贴拒绝,并猛批之;re 反 + buffer 缓冲器,缓冲器反弹回来→拒绝;


【考法 1】vt. 中和:to cause (an acid or base) to undergo neutralization<br/>【例】industrial exhaust neutralized by lime 被石灰中和的工业废气<br/>【反】acidify酸化<br/><br/>【考法 2】 vt. 破坏,使无效: to make inoperative or ineffective usually by means of an opposite force, influence, or effect<br/>【例】influenced by the kind of propaganda that is difficult to neutralize 被一种难以消除的宣传攻势所影响<br/>【近】annul, cancel, counteract, frustrate, negate, nullify<br/>【反】activate, vitalize激活<br/>【派】neutralizationn. 中和;消除<br/><br/>【记】neutral 中立的


【考法 1】vt. 为...平反,为...辩护,使无罪:to free from allegation or blame<br/>【例】The evidence would completely vindicate him. 这个证据将彻底证明他的清白。<br/>【近】absolve, acquit, exculpate, exonerate<br/>【反】incriminate使有罪<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 证明,证实:to give evidence or testimony to the truth or factualness of<br/>【例】Recent discoveries have generally vindicated the physicist's theories.近期的发现整体上证明了物理学家的理论。<br/>【近】attest, authenticate, certify, corroborate, substantiate, support, validate, verify<br/>【反】disprove, rebut, refute反驳,驳斥<br/><br/>【记】源自venge 报仇;win + dictate 口述→胜利演说,证明我当初是正确的,对(敌人)进行报复,维护了权利,抵制了敌人的进攻


【考法 1】vt. 乱涂,潦草地写:to write or draw awkwardly, hastily, or carelessly<br/>【例】 scrawled a quick note, stuck it in their mailbox, and hurried off草草写了张便条,塞进他们的信箱然后匆匆跑了<br/>【近】scratch, squiggle<br/>【反】 write carefully 仔细地写<br/><br/>【记】s 音:写 + crawl 爬,字写得象狗爬一样;scribe + crawl 写字象爬


【考法 1】vt. 仔细检查:to examine or observe with great care<br/>【例】 I closely scrutinized my opponent's every move.我仔细注意着对手的每一个举动。<br/>【近】 examine, review, scan, survey, plumb, check (out)<br/>【反】 casually glance, gloss over随意一瞥,敷衍处理<br/><br/>【记】scout 侦察时仔细查看地形与敌情;recruit 公司招人时都要详细检查申请人的简历及背景;<br/>Time is money. 时间就是金钱。 <br/>【另】cruise 巡航时仔细看前面的航道


【考法 1】vt. 以挑衅的形式搭讪:to approach and speak to often in a challenging or aggressive way<br/>【例】accosted by three gang members被三个混混搭讪<br/><br/>【记】源自coast 海岸,沿海岸而行,ac + coast 向岸边上前;ac cost 走上前去找妓女是cost金钱,健康,名誉的;走上前很冲地说话是要负出代价的<br/>


【考法 1】vt. 以浮雕效果妆点,装饰:to raise the surface of into bosses; especially to ornament with raised work<br/>【例】embossed with a design of Shanghai skyline刻有上海城市轮廓的浮雕图案<br/>【近】adorn, beautify, bedeck, blazon, ornament, garnish<br/>【反】flatten, efface 抹平,抹去<br/><br/>【记】boss 有凸出的意思,你能在人群中凸出就是老板


【考法 1】vt. 以策略取胜:to overcome (an opponent) by artful, clever maneuvering<br/>【例】outmaneuvered his congressional opponent以计谋战胜了国会的对手<br/>【近】outfox, outslick, outsmart, outthink, outwit<br/>【反】 yield 屈服<br/><br/>【记】maneuver out 胜出


【考法 1】vt. 任命:to set or establish in a rank or office<br/>【例】The new Secretary of the Treasury was instated on Monday.新的财政部长于星期一被任命<br/>【近】appoint, designate, inaugurate, induct, install, nominate<br/>【反】dismiss, oust罢免<br/><br/>【记】in state 处于某状态


【考法 1】vt. 使...湿透:to make thoroughly wet or saturated by or as if by placing in liquid<br/>【例】That downpour soaked my hair, and now I look like a sight.那场大雨把我的头发淋湿了,所以我现在看起来格外滑稽。‖We ran for home as soon as the rain started, but our clothes still ended up soaked. 我们一发觉下雨就开始往家里跑,但我们的衣服还是湿透了。<br/>【近】douse, drench, drown, impregnate, macerate, saturate, sodden, sop, souse, steep<br/>【反】dehydrate, dry, desiccate脱水;parch, sear, scorch烤干,烧焦;wring拧干<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 使...相关联:to establish a mutual or reciprocal relation between<br/>【例】a demanding father who always correlated success with hard work一个总将成功和辛勤工作关联起来的严格父亲‖In this work, we correlate the simulation in the lab and the observation in the field to examinethe validity of our theory.本文中,我们将实验室的模拟结果和场地外的观测数据联系起来以验证理论的真实性。<br/>【近】connect, identify, link, relate<br/>【反】separate分离<br/>【派】correlationn. 关联,关系<br/><br/>【记】cor + relate(相关)→共同相关


【考法 1】vt. 使不安:to disturb the composure of<br/>【例】We were disconcerted by the unexpected changes to the program. 我们对项目未预料到的变化感到不安。<br/>【近】abash, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, mortify, rattle<br/>【反】calm, compose, quiet, settle, soothe, tranquilize平息抚慰<br/><br/>【记】dis不 + concert 和谐一致


【考法 1】vt. 使不安:to disturb the composure or calm of; perturb<br/>【例】GRE does not seem to discompose Jason; on the contrary, he looked rather relaxed.GRE 没有使Jason感到慌乱,正相反,他看上去很轻松。<br/>【近】agitate, bother, discomfort, disquiet, distemper, disconcert, disturb, perturb, upset, weird out<br/>【反】calm, compose, quiet, settle, soothe, tranquilize平息抚慰<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 使混乱:to undo the proper order or arrangement of<br/>【例】The wind ruffled her hair and discomposed her carefully arranged papers.风凌乱了她的头发,吹乱了她细心整理的纸张。<br/>【近】disarrange, disarray, disorganize<br/>【反】arrange, array, order, organize, range使有序<br/><br/>【记】dis + composure 使失去 镇定<br/>【另】composure 沉着 镇定,decompose 分解, 有dis开头的接近disturb


【考法 1】vt. 使不活跃:to make inactive<br/>【例】arrest the growth of the tumor 抑制肿瘤生长<br/>【近】check, rein, curb, contain, hamper, thwart, bring to a halt<br/>【反】vitalize, activate, animate, invigorate 使有生气;prod, goad, spur, galvanize, provoke, stimulate 刺激<br/><br/>【考法 2】n/v. 停止:the stopping of a process or activity; to bring to a standstill<br/>【例】Science cannot yet arrest the process of aging.科学不能阻止衰老。<br/>【近】cease, cessation, closure, conclusion, discontinuance, discontinuation, ending, halt, stop, termination; check, stop<br/>【反】continuance, continuation 继续<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 逮捕:to take or keep under one's control by authority of law<br/>【例】She was charged with resisting arrest. 她因为拘捕受到起诉。<br/>【近】apprehend<br/>【反】discharge 释放<br/><br/>【考法 4】v. 吸引注意力:to hold the attention of as if by a spell<br/>【例】The behavior of the daredevil arrested pedestrians. 冒失鬼的行为吸引了行人们的注意力。<br/>【近】enchant, fascinate, bedazzle, grip, hypnotize, mesmerize<br/><br/>【记】源于rest;ar+ rest 静止,不动, 使其不动,搞定,摆平,让他rest


【考法 1】vt. 使习惯接受不好的东西:to accustom to accept something undesirable<br/>【例】children inured to violence习惯了暴力的孩子们<br/>【近】accustom, familiarize, habituate<br/>【派】inuredadj. 习惯的<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 使坚强:to make able to withstand physical hardship, strain, or exposure<br/>【例】The hardship of army training inured her to the rigors of desert warfare.军营里的艰苦训练把她打造成了能适应沙漠艰苦战事的女兵<br/>【近】fortify, indurate, season, steel, strengthen, toughen<br/>【反】enfeeble, soften, weaken, undermine 弱化,使虚弱<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 正式宣布:to make known openly or publicly<br/>【例】The law was promulgated in June 1988.法律在 1988 年 6月出台。<br/>【近】annunciate, declare, enunciate, proclaim, publicize, herald<br/>【反】 keep secret保密<br/><br/>【记】形意似propagate 传播;pro 前 + 音:骂 + gate 门,在门前骂,公布被骂者的丑事,让公众知道→传播;pro前 + 广东话: 骂街


【考法 1】vt. 使倾向:to give a tendency to: incline<br/>【例】faulty diet disposes one to sickness营养不全面导致疾病<br/>【派】disposed adj. 喜欢的:willing or likely,inclined<br/>【例】not feel disposed to argue with her不喜欢与她争执<br/>【近】willing, inclined, predisposed, prone<br/>【反】disinclined, indisposed 不喜欢的<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 处理掉(与 of 连用,dispose of):to get rid of; throw out<br/>【派】disposal n. 处理,不再利用:the act of getting rid of something that is no longer wanted or needed<br/>【例】the permanent disposal of radioactive wastes 对放射性废物的永久处理<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 布置有序:to place, distribute, or arrange especially in an orderly way<br/>【例】Dispose the surgical instruments in the exact order in which they would be needed.把手术仪器按他们被需要的顺序放置。<br/>【近】array, arrange<br/>【反】disarrange, disarray, disorder, upset, mess up, muss up使混乱<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 使偏斜,使转向:to turn aside especially from a straight course or fixed direction<br/>【例】The goalie deflected the ball with his hands.守门员用双手将球击出。‖They are trying to deflectthe public attention from the troubled economy.他们试图将公众的注意力从经济的困境中移开。<br/>【近】divert, redirect, swing, veer, wheel, whip<br/>【派】deflection n. 偏转,偏离<br/><br/>【记】flect 弯曲 bend;flex 弯曲<br/>【另】flex 弯曲, flexible 易弯曲的 灵活的,deflect 偏转,inflect 弯曲,reflect,reflex 反射<br/>"


【考法 1】vt. 使僵化:to make inflexible or unchangeable<br/>【例】a leg that calcified 一条麻木僵直的腿<br/>【近】harden, obdurate, ossify<br/>【反】make malleable, make pliant, make more flexible使灵活<br/><br/>【记】拼音就是钙;Ca 化学元素


【考法 1】vt. 使免除:to release or deliver from some liability or requirement to which others are subject<br/>【例】a man exempted from military service免服军役的人<br/><br/>【记】类似except;exemplar 模范人物能受到优待→可被免除,豁免其责任与义务;ex 出 + empty 空<br/>,弄空,免除,本来某人身上责任很多,结果负担被拿空了<br/>


【考法 1】vt. 使全神贯注:to occupy exclusively<br/>【例】was completely engrossed in his work全神贯注于他的工作之中<br/>【近】absorb, engage, enthrall, fascinate, grip, immerse<br/>【派】engrossedadj. 全神贯注的<br/><br/>【记】in进入 + gross 总的,全部,毛重→全部的注意力进入


【考法 1】vt. 使分成各种等级:to divide into classes, castes, or social strata<br/>【例】Income distribution often stratifies a society.收入分配往往将社会分层<br/>【近】assort, categorize, classify, differentiate, distinguish, separate<br/>【反】homogenize使均匀;commingle, mingle混合<br/>【派】stratificationn. 分层化<br/><br/>【记】strat 层次 + ify使→使层化<br/>【另】stratum 层


【考法 1】vt. 使分散:to cause (members of a group) to move widely apart<br/>【例】A single blast of the shotgun squandered the herd of deer.猎枪的一声枪响让鹿群四处逃窜。<br/>【近】disband, dispel, disperse<br/>【反】assemble, cluster, collect, concentrate, congregate, gather, ingather使聚集,使集中<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 浪费:to spend wastefully or extravagantly<br/>【例】He squandered his inheritance on women and gambling.他把他继承的遗产浪费在女人和赌博上。<br/>【近】blow, dissipate, fritter, lavish, misspend, waste<br/>【反】conserve, husband 节约,节俭<br/>【派】squanderingadj. 浪费的<br/><br/>【记】音:使光的,使咣当,钱使光了,使没了,钱箱咣当咣当的是空的,挥霍一空


【考法 1】vt. 使协调,使和谐:to bring into harmony<br/>【例】After years spent in academia, he found it difficult to attune himself to the corporate culture. 在学术圈摸爬滚打多年之后,他发现自己很难融入企业文化之中。<br/>【近】accommodate, conciliate, conform, coordinate, key, reconcile<br/>【反】disharmonize使不和谐;disarray, disorder, disorganize, disrupt 弄乱,打乱<br/>【派】attunementn. 调音,协调<br/><br/>【记】tune, tone 音调


【考法 1】vt. 使厌恶,反感:to fill with disgust or abhorrence<br/>【例】The smell of seafood revolts him.他对海鲜的腥味十分反感。<br/>【近】disgust, nauseate, repel, repulse, sicken<br/>【反】allure, attract, bewitch, captivate, charm, enchant, entice, fascinate, lure, seduce, tempt吸引,诱惑<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 反叛:to renounce allegiance or subjection (as to a government)<br/>【例】The revolted against the dictator by burning his palace. 他们通过焚烧宫殿来对抗独裁者。<br/>【近】defy, insurrect, mutiny, oppose, rebel, resist<br/>【反】obey, submit遵从,服从<br/>【派】revoltern. 反叛者<br/><br/>【记】revolution 革命,就是造反;音:音:扔斧头;re回 + volt 伏特(电压单位),回身电你一下→造反,象被电了一下般反感


【考法 1】vt. 使发怒,使不满意:to make ill-humored or discontented<br/>【例】be disgruntled with sb对某人不满<br/>【近】disaffect, displease, dissatisfy, disgruntle<br/>【反】content, gratify, please, satisfy使满意<br/><br/>【考法 2】v.使疏远,使不友好:to cause to change from friendly or loving to unfriendly or uncaring<br/>【近】alien, alienate<br/>【反】reconcile 调解,使和谐<br/><br/>【记】音:剔光头,总算冲入世界杯却被人剔了个光头使人不满意


【考法 1】vt. 使受骗:to subject to deception or fraud<br/>【例】victimized by a confidence man with a slick story被一个骗子用圆滑的故事欺骗<br/>【近】cheat, cozen, deceive, defraud, dupe, fool, hoax, swindle<br/>【反】disabuse, disenchant, disillusion, undeceive使醒悟<br/><br/>【记】victim 受害者 + ize 使


【考法 1】vt. 使变容易,促进:to make easy or easier<br/>【例】The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism. 新建机场促进了旅游业的发展。<br/>【近】ease, expedite, forward, further, help<br/>【反】check, hamper, handicap, hinder, impede, obstruct, thwart, retard阻碍,阻止;complicate复杂化<br/>【派】facilityn. 设施;容易,方便<br/><br/>【记】facility便利 + ate动词


【考法 1】vt. 使变黯淡:to make dark, dim, or indistinct<br/>【例】Large trees overshadow the yard and darken the house for much of the day.大树为院子遮挡了阳光,并使屋子里一天之中的大多数时候都很昏暗。‖Her mother's illness overshadowed her childhood.她母亲的疾病让她的童年缺乏亮色。<br/>【近】becloud, befog, blacken, blear, blur, darken, dim, fog, haze, mist, obscure, overcast, overcloud, shroud<br/>【反】brighten, illuminate, illumine, lighten照明,照亮<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. (在重要性上)超越,超过:to exceed in importance<br/>【例】The forward's outstanding performance should not overshadow the achievements of the rest of the team.其他队员的贡献不应该因前锋的精彩表现而被忽略。<br/>【近】eclipse, outrank, outshine, outstrip, overbalance, overweigh<br/>【反】fall behind落后<br/><br/>【记】shadow=阴影


【考法 1】vt. 使吓一跳,使大吃一惊:to frighten or surprise suddenly and usually not seriously<br/>【例】They were startled at the prohibitive price.他们被高得离谱的价格吓到了<br/>【近】amaze, astonish, astound, dumbfound, rock, scare, shock, stun, stupefy<br/>【反】reassure消除恐惧或疑虑<br/>【派】startlingadj. 惊人惊奇的<br/><br/>【记】源自start,起动,动身,运动员起跑时就是突然跳起,引申为惊跳;音:死打头,有人突然打你的头一下,吃了一惊


【考法 1】vt. 使和解,协调:to restore to friendship or harmony<br/>【例】Historians have never been able to reconcile the two eyewitness accounts of the battle.历史学家们一直以来都无法协调这场战役两种记载之间的矛盾。<br/>【近】accommodate, attune, conciliate, conform, coordinate, harmonize, key<br/>【反】disharmonize使不和谐;estrange离间<br/>【派】reconciliationn. 协调<br/><br/>【记】cile 眼睫毛,有柔软顺服的意思;re + council 重新加入理事会→调解<br/>【另】docile 听话的, 容易教的, 温顺的,cilia 睫, 纤毛


【考法 1】vt. 使困惑,使模糊:to make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or understand<br/>【例】 obfuscate the reader让读者困惑<br/>【近】 becloud, befog, blur, cloud, fog, muddy<br/>【反】 demystify, elucidate, illuminate, clarify, explain clearly澄清,阐明<br/>【派】 obfuscated模糊的<br/>【反】 lucid 清晰的<br/><br/>【记】ob 不好,非 + fuse 保险丝,保险丝断了就黑喑了;使困惑的意思同confuse<br/>【另】confuse 都熔在一起了→使混淆,defuse 去掉雷管,diffuse 向外熔化流动→ 散开, 弥漫,effuse<br/>涌出流出,fuse 熔化成液体,熔合,雷管,引信,infuse 流入,interfuse 混合,obfuscate 使困惑,暗淡,perfuse 灌注,profuse 充满,丰富,refuse 再熔化成没有的东西→废物,拒绝,suffuse 充满<br/>,transfuse 注入,灌输


【考法 1】vt. 使困惑:to throw into a state of mental uncertainty<br/>【例】We are all confounded by his self-contradictory claims.我们都对他自相矛盾的言论感到困惑<br/>【近】baffle, bewilder, confuse, muddle, perplex, puzzle<br/>【反】clarify 使清醒<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 无法区分,混淆:to fail to differentiate (a thing) from something similar or related<br/>【例】I think you must have confounded astrology with astronomy. 我想你一定是把占星术和天文学搞混了<br/>【近】misidentify, mistake, mix up<br/>【反】discriminate, distinguish区分<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 证明为假,证伪:to prove to be false<br/>【例】new discoveries that confounded much of what archaeologists thought they have known about the ancient Mayan civilization 一些新的发现,它们颠覆了考古学家们长期以来对于古代玛雅文明的认识<br/>【近】belie, debunk, falsify, disprove, rebut, refute<br/>【反】confirm, validate, verify 证实,证明为真<br/>【派】confoundingadj. 使人困惑的<br/><br/>【记】源自found 铸造,熔化倒入模子;混合,销毁 与confuse同源;con + found 一起找→丢了东西找不到,不知放哪了→迷惑


【考法 1】vt. 使复原,使康复:to restore to a former state (as of efficiency, good management, or solvency) or a healthy condition<br/>【例】new policies in hopes of rehabilitating the national economy 被指望能振兴国家经济的新政策‖She decided to undergo physical therapy to help rehabilitate her broken elbow.她决定采取理疗来治疗受伤的手肘。<br/>【近】cure, fix, mend, rejuvenate, resuscitate, revitalize, revive, set up<br/>【近】debilitate, enervate, enfeeble, weaken使虚弱;relapse旧病复发<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi./vt. (使)洗心革面:to make better in behavior or character<br/>【例】an organization that rehabilitates criminals so they can reenter society一个让罪犯洗心革面的机构,以便让他们能重返社会<br/>【近】habilitate, reclaim, redeem, regenerate<br/>【派】rehabilitationn. 康复,复原<br/><br/>【记】re重新 + habilitate(源自ability,h可省略,去掉) 能力,权力,资格


【考法 1】vt. 使复杂化:to make complex or difficult<br/>【例】Don't complicate matters by getting the parents involved.不要把父母牵扯进来,这会让问题更复杂。<br/>【近】complex, embarrass, entangle, ravel, perplex, sophisticate, tangle<br/>【反】simplify, streamline 简化<br/>【派】complicated adj. 复杂的,麻烦的<br/><br/>【记】发音近complex;com + plicate 重叠,都叠在一起,使复杂;plicate本身是个单词,折叠<br/>【另】complicate(一起缠) 使变复杂,duplicate(两根线) 复制,explicate(使不缠)搞清楚,说明<br/>,implicate(使缠在里面)使牵连其中,暗示,plicate 折成扇状,有褶的,有皱的,replicate 复制<br/>,supplicate 恳求,祷告乞求


【考法 1】vt. 使尊贵:to make noble<br/>【例】Her skill and talent ennoble her profession. 技能和天赋使她成为业界领军人物。<br/>【近】aggrandize, canonize, deify, dignify, glorify, magnify<br/>【反】debase, abase, degrade, demean, humble, humiliate贬低<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 使尴尬,使羞愧:to destroy the self-possession or self-confidence of ,disconcert, embarrass<br/>【例】Nothing could abash him.没有什么可以使他感到难堪。<br/>【近】discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, faze, fluster, nonplus, mortify<br/>【反】embolden 使大胆<br/><br/>【记】bash打;音近于embarrass 使困窘; 麻烦;音:阿白氏,这个女子很羞涩


【考法 1】vt. 使尴尬:to cause to experience a state of self-conscious distress<br/>【例】bawdy jokes that embarrassed her让她尴尬的荤段子<br/>【近】abash, discomfit, disconcert, faze, fluster, mortify, nonplus<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 阻挠,制造障碍:to create difficulty for the work or activity of<br/>【例】A lot of this paperwork is unnecessary and just embarrasses the organization. 这些文案工作很多都是多余的,只会妨碍组织的工作<br/>【近】encumber, handicap, hinder, impede, inhibit, obstruct, shackle, stymie, trammel<br/>【反】aid, facilitate促进<br/>【派】embarrassingadj. 令人窘迫的;embarrassmentn. 尴尬<br/><br/>【记】em + bare 赤裸 + ass 臀部→使臀部赤裸自然令人忸怩;in + bar酒吧 + ass 臀部,进了国外酒吧里有露屁股舞,感到窘迫;


【考法 1】vt. 使平静,安慰:to ease the anger or agitation of<br/>【例】pacify a crying child安抚一个哭泣的孩子<br/>【近】 appease, assuage, conciliate, mollify, placate, propitiate<br/>【反】 incite, rankle, tantrum, vex, discompose, truculent煽动激起<br/><br/>【记】来自pacify 源自peace 和平<br/>【另】the Pacific 太平洋 <br/>pack n. 包裹, 一群<br/>【记】package 包裹,指包着一群东西


【考法 1】vt. 使恼怒:to cause to become offended or annoyed<br/>【例】be miffed by her son's disobedience被她儿子的叛逆惹恼<br/>【近】aggravate, annoy, enrage, exasperate, incense, infuriate, ire, madden, nettle, peeve, umbrage, vex<br/>【反】appease, assuage, mollify, placate, propitiate平息,安抚;delight, gratify, please 取悦,讨好<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 使无效,使无力:to make ineffective or powerless<br/>【例】the downtown development committee claims that it's hamstrung by city ordinances城镇发展委员会声称它受到了城市法令的阻碍<br/>【近】cripple, immobilize, incapacitate, prostrate<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 使无效,抑制:to deprive of vitality andrender futileespecially by enfeebling or repressive influences<br/>【例】The accident stultified his previous efforts.这场意外使他过去的努力都白费了。<br/>【近】constipate, stagnate, stifle, trammel<br/>【反】encourage, foster, nourish鼓励,培养<br/>【派】stultifyingadj. 抑制的<br/><br/>【记】study stupid 死学习会学傻的


【考法 1】vt. 使某人负担:to load or burden<br/>【例】He has saddled himself with a houseful of impecunious relatives.一屋子的穷亲戚成了他的负担<br/>【近】burden, encumber, freight, lade, lumber, impose, inflict, tax, weight<br/>【反】disburden, discharge, disencumber, unburden, unlade, unload卸下<br/><br/>【记】sat + 音:兜,斗,坐在斗子里,车的斗子或马背上的斗子,兜子里→马鞍子里


【考法 1】vt. 使沮丧:to lower the spirits of; dishearten<br/>【例】nothing dejects a TV pundit more than the reality check that nobody cares what he thinks没有什么比大家都漠不关心更让电视节目专家沮丧了<br/>【近】oppress, sadden, weigh down, bum out<br/>【反】brighten, buoy, lighten, rejoice, cheer up使高兴<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 使消声:to wrap or pad in order to deaden the sound<br/>【例】close the window to muffle the outside noises 关上窗户以减少外界的噪音<br/>【近】attenuate, dampen, deaden, mute, soften, stifle, suppress<br/>【反】amplify, enhance, magnify放大,增强<br/>【派】mufflern. 围巾;消音器<br/><br/>【记】音:麻缚,麻覆,用麻布包裹起来;<br/>【另】muff 皮手笼, 笨拙的人


【考法 1】vt. 使润滑:to coat (something) with a slippery substance in order to reduce friction<br/>【例】lubricate the gears 给齿轮打润滑油<br/>【近】grease, oil, slick, smooth, wax<br/>【派】 lubricant n.润滑剂<br/><br/>【记】音:溜 + brake 让刹车溜滑的润滑油;音:溜冰润,溜冰是润滑的


【考法 1】vt. 使淹没:to put under water<br/>【例】The river burst its banks, submerging an entire village. 河水冲上了堤岸,淹没了整个村庄。<br/>【近】dip, douse, drench, drown, immerse, inundate, sop, submerse<br/>【反】emerge显现<br/>【派】submergedadj. 被淹没的<br/><br/>【记】sub + merge


【考法 1】vt. 使烦恼,使恼怒:to bring trouble, distress, or agitation to<br/>【例】vexed by her son's failure to clean his room因为她儿子不清理房间而恼怒<br/>【近】aggravate, annoy, bother, exasperate, gall, grate, irk, nettle, peeve, rile<br/>【反】appease, assuage, conciliate, mollify, placate, propitiate平息怒火<br/>【派】vexationn. 烦恼<br/><br/>【记】音:为 ex, 为ex-wife, ex-boyfriend 前配偶,前恋人曾万分苦恼;sex 令人vex 烦恼<br/>【另】vixen 雌狐,泼妇,不要为vixen vex


【考法 1】vt. 使皱,弄皱:to wrinkle or form into folds or creases<br/>【例】The guest rumpled the antique bedspread by sitting on it.客人坐在古董床单上把它弄皱了。<br/>【近】crinkle, crumple, ruffle, scrunch, wrinkle<br/>【反】flatten, smooth使表面平整;preen整理羽毛,打扮<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 打乱,使不整齐:to undo the proper order or arrangement of<br/>【例】The aunt would invariably rumple the little boy's hair whenever she came to visit.不论小男孩的姨妈何时摆放,她总要弄乱他的头发。<br/>【近】disarray, disorder, disorganize, disrupt, disturb, mess, muddle, upset<br/>【反】arrange, array, order, organize, regulate整理,使有序<br/>【派】rumpledadj. 褶皱的<br/><br/>【记】同crumple 弄皱, 崩溃,多个c;音:揉袍,揉袍子,揉皱;音:揉破<br/>【另】wrinkle 皱纹,使皱


【考法 1】vt. 使知名:to make known openly or publicly<br/>【例】Their very public canoodling has pretty much blazoned the fact that they are having an affair.他们彼 此间公开的亲昵举动让他们之间的恋情大白于天下<br/>【近】annunciate, broadcast, declare, publicize, proclaim<br/>【反】withhold保留,不透露<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 修饰,装扮:to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becoming<br/>【例】The university's dormitory has been blazoned with banners celebrating graduation.学校宿舍被那些庆祝毕业的横幅所装点<br/>【近】adorn, bedeck, embellish, garnish<br/>【反】blemish, deface, mar, spoil 损害,破坏<br/><br/>【记】blaze + 音:章 火状的章<br/>Anger is a short madness. 发火是短暂的疯狂。


【考法 1】vt. 使知道:to give information to; inform or instruct<br/>【例】enlightened us about the thorny problem启发我们思考这个棘手的问题<br/>【近】apprise, instruct<br/>【反】bewilder, confuse, confound, perplex 使疑惑<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt.(在道德上)进行教育:to provide (someone) with moral or spiritual understanding<br/>【例】Many people around the world have been enlightened by the teachings of Gautama Buddha.释迦摩尼的说教启迪了世界上许许多多的人的灵魂<br/>【近】edify, educate, illuminate, nurture<br/>【派】enlighteningadj. 具有启发性的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 使神圣,敬为神:to make holy<br/>【例】The Constitution sanctified the rights of the people.宪法认为人权是至高无上的。<br/>【近】consecrate, hallow<br/>【反】desecrate, profane 亵渎<br/>【派】sanctificationn. 敬为神明<br/><br/>【记】源自saint及sacred <br/>sanctimonious a.伪装虔诚的<br/>【记】sancti- 神圣,圣洁 + money 金钱,表面上圣洁,其实在乎的是金钱→伪装虔诚<br/>【另】sanctify 神圣化,尊崇,给予认可,sanctity 圣洁,神圣


【考法 1】vt. 使稀薄:to make rare, thin, porous, or less dense: to expand without the addition of matter<br/>【例】rarefy the air使空气变得稀薄<br/>【近】attenuate, dilute, thin<br/>【反】concentrate, condense 使稠密,浓缩<br/>【派】rarefaction n. 稀薄,稀疏<br/><br/>【记】rare + fy使


【考法 1】vt. 使窒息:to be or cause to be killed by lack of breathable air<br/>【例】Children should never be leftin cars alone because they could become trapped and smothered. 小孩子不应该被单独留在车中,因为他们很容易因而被困并且窒息死亡。<br/>【近】asphyxiate, choke, smother, stifle, strangle, suffocate<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 抑制(表达、说出),压制:to refrain from openly showing or uttering<br/>【例】He quickly smothered his inappropriate laughter at the funeral ceremony. 他很快就控制住了自己在葬礼上不适当的笑声。‖Management smothered the true facts of the case.管理层隐瞒了案件的真相。<br/>【近】bridle, check, choke, control, curb, muffle, quash, quell, repress, squelch, suppress<br/>【反】unleash, vent(感情的)爆发,宣泄;express表达<br/><br/>【记】死 + mother;(电影中罪犯)闷死了孩子的母亲


【考法 1】vt. 使窒息:to deprive of oxygen<br/>【例】The law requires the owner of a discarded refrigerator to remove its door so that a child won't get trapped inside and suffocate.法律要求废弃冰箱的所有者移除箱门,从而防止儿童被困其中而窒息致死。<br/>【近】asphyxiate, choke, smother, stifle, strangle<br/>【派】suffocatingadj. 令人窒息的,压抑的<br/><br/>【记】suffer遭受痛苦 + focus 焦点,焦点,聚集之下痛苦,太热都熔化得人喘不过来气;stuff 堵塞 +<br/>faucet 水龙头,喉咙堵塞


【考法 1】vt. 使精通,使熟悉:to familiarize by close association, study, or experience<br/>【例】well versed in the theater精通剧院‖While in prison, he versed himself in the rights of the incarcerated.当他身处监狱时,他通过自学熟悉了囚犯所享有的权利。<br/>【近】acquaint, familiarize, inform<br/>【反】misinform, mislead 误导<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 诗歌:a composition using rhythm and often rhyme to create a lyrical effect<br/>【例】composed a short verse for his father's birthday为他父亲的生日创作了一首小诗<br/>【近】ballad, lyric, poetry, song<br/>【反】prose散文<br/><br/>【记】conversation con + verse 一起用诗歌对话;version 描述,译文,版本<br/>【另】converse 谈话


【考法 1】vt. 使紧缩:to make narrow or draw together<br/>【例】A styptic pencil stopped the bleeding by constringing the small blood vessels at the site of cut.止血笔通过挤压伤口处的血管阻止了出血<br/>【近】capsule, constrict, narrow, compress, squeeze, telescope<br/>【反】broaden, expand, outstretch 扩展,扩宽<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 使绝缘,使隔离:to place in a detached situation<br/>【例】greenhouse gas that insulates ground infrared radiation能阻碍地表红外辐射的温室气体<br/>【近】block, insolate, quarantine, seclude, segregate, separate, sequester<br/>【反】connect, link, unite 连结;integrate 使成一体<br/>【派】insulationn. 隔绝,绝热<br/><br/>【记】同isolate,与island, insular 同源,来自岛屿<br/>【另】isolate 使隔离, 使孤立, 使绝缘


【考法 1】vt. 使缓和:to lessen the intensity or extremeness of<br/>【例】Sopranos and tenors moderates their voices to fit the size of the theater.女高音和男高音们根据剧场的 大小调节他们的声音以创造合适的效果<br/>【近】abate, diminish, dwindle, ease, lessen, lower, modulate, subside, taper, temper, wane<br/>【反】escalate, enhance, expand, heighten, intensify扩大,升级,增强<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 适度的,中庸的:being within reasonable limits; not excessive or extreme<br/>【例】The new proposals regarding defense budget were met with only moderate enthusiasm.关于国防预算的新提案只得到了平淡的回应<br/>【近】average, conservative, fair, intermediate, mediocre, modest, reasonable, temperate<br/>【反】exorbitant, excessive过分的;extreme, radical极端的<br/>【派】immoderateadj. 不适度的<br/><br/>【记】近于middle 中间的;mediate 在中间调停,仲裁;modest 谦虚,谦虚就是平和,节制,不过分


【考法 1】vt. 使联合,统一:to join together into one whole; unite<br/>【例】consolidate several small school districts 合并了几个小的校区<br/>【近】unify, combine, amalgamate<br/>【反】dissolve, sunder, fragment解散<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 加固,使安全:to make firm or secure; strengthen<br/>【例】consolidate the defense line加固防线<br/>【近】enhance, strengthen, fortify, reinforce<br/>【反】abate, attenuate, undermine, weaken削弱<br/>【派】consolidationn. 合并;加固<br/><br/>【记】con一起 + solid(结实)+ate动词 →巩固


【考法 1】vt. 使(液体)蒸发:to convert (as by the application of heat or by spraying) into vapor<br/>【例】gasify<br/>【反】condense (气体)液化<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 彻底消灭:to destroy by or as if by converting into vapor<br/>【例】The entire fleet was vaporized.整个舰队都被消灭了。<br/>【近】annihilate, decimate, demolish, devastate, extinguish, nuke, pulverize, raze, ruin, smash, wreck<br/>【反】build, construct, erect, establish, raise, rear建造<br/>【派】vaporousadj. 模糊的,空洞的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 使胆怯,吓倒:to lessen the courage or confidence of<br/>【例】She was not at all daunted by the size of the problem.她根本没有被问题的大小给吓倒。<br/>【近】demoralize, dishearten, dismay, dispirit, frustrate, unnerve<br/>【反】embolden, make resolute, hearten使大胆,鼓舞<br/>【派】dauntlessundaunteda. 无畏的,大胆的<br/>【反】pusillanimous, trepid, craven, easily discouraged, meek, timorous胆怯的<br/><br/>【记】down it,down它,把它制下去,让它气势,胆气下去;音:倒塌,世贸大楼倒塌令人胆怯;音:打 + aunt→打姨妈→使胆怯<br/>Every advantage has its disadvantage. 有利必有弊。


【考法 1】vt. 使苦恼,骚扰:to cause persistent suffering to<br/>【例】He has been beset by a lack of self-confidence virtually his entire life.事实上他的一生都在被缺乏自信所困扰。<br/>【近】agonize, anguish, bedevil, besiege, curse, excruciate, harrow, persecute, plague, rack, torment, torture<br/>【反】comfort, console, solace, soothe 安抚,安慰<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 攻击,袭击:to set upon<br/>【例】The settlers were beset by savages. 定居者们遭到了野蛮人的袭击。‖The unsuspecting tourists were suddenly beset by robbers.丝毫没有准备的游客遭到了歹徒的突然袭击。<br/>【近】assail, assault, attack, charge, raid, rush, storm, strike, set on<br/>【反】defend, guard, protect, shield防御,守卫<br/><br/>【记】be + set 被放置在内


【考法 1】vt. 使蒙上污名:to characterize or brand as disgraceful or ignominious<br/>【例】Urban construction workers are often stigmatized by the rest of society as lazy and dirty.城市里的建筑工人往往被社会里的其他人污蔑为是懒惰而肮脏的。<br/>【近】abase, debase, degrade, demean, discredit, disgrace, dishonor, foul, humiliate, shame, sink, smirch<br/>【近】aggrandize, canonize, deify, elevate, exalt提升(名誉,声望等)<br/><br/>【记】stigma, stick 棍,刺 + mark 标记,在身体上刺一个标记,如古代烙在犯人身上的印记,表示耻辱


【考法 1】vt. 使衰弱:to impair the strength of; enfeeble<br/>【例】The virus debilitates the body's immune system.病毒削弱了免疫系统。<br/>【近】devitalize, enervate, enfeeble, prostrate, sap<br/>【反】invigorate, fortify, strengthen, beef up 使有活力,加强<br/><br/>【记】de去掉 + ability 失去能力


【考法 1】vt. 使转向:to turn from one course or use to another: deflect<br/>【例】divert traffic to a side street 使交通转至辅路<br/>【近】deflect, redirect, swing, veer, wheel<br/>【反】fix, set, settle固定<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 使消遣:to cause (someone) to pass the time agreeably occupied<br/>【例】A light comedy divert the tired business executive一个轻松的喜剧让疲惫的企业主管人员得到了放松。<br/>【近】disport, entertain, regale, solace<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 使分心:to draw the attention or mind to something else<br/>【例】divert one's attention转移某人注意力|| The parents tried to divert the child with a toy while the doctor was giving her a shot. 当医生要给那个孩子打针的时候,孩子父母试图用玩具转移孩子的注意力。<br/>【例】<br/>【近】abstract, detract, call off<br/><br/>【记】vert转<br/>【另】advert 广告,使转移注意力而留意, avert转移,convert转变,divert转向,evert外转<br/>,extrovert性格外向,introvert内向,interconvert 互转,invert向里转,pervert向破,坏的方向转→反常,revert回转→回复;subvert从底下转→推翻


【考法 1】vt. 使迷恋:to inspire with unreasoning love or attachment<br/>【例】a na?ve girl infatuated by cajolery被甜言蜜语冲昏头脑的天真女孩<br/>【近】allure, captivate, bewitch, enchant, fascinate<br/>【反】disgust使反感<br/>【派】infatuationn. 迷恋<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 使适应:to change (something) so as to make it suitable for a new use or situation<br/>【例】acclimate oneself to a nine-to-five office job适应朝九晚五的坐班生活<br/>【近】adjust, accommodate, shape, suit, tailor<br/>【反】make unfamiliar with使不熟悉<br/><br/>【记】ac 肯定 + climate 气候,能适应气候


【考法 1】vt. 使重生,使复苏:to bring back to life, practice, or activity<br/>【例】believed that his body would be resurrected相信他的身体将会复活‖Attempts are being made by both parties to resurrect the stalled arms negotiations. 双方正在努力重启受阻的武装谈判。<br/>【近】reanimate, recharge, regenerate, rejuvenate, rekindle, renew, resuscitate, revitalize, revive, revivify<br/>【反】kill杀死<br/>【派】resurrectionn. 重生,复苏<br/><br/>【记】re 重新 + sur 下面 + rect 直立→从下面又立起来了,电影木乃伊复活就是在咒语声中从地下又立起来,复活了


【考法 1】vt. 使陶醉,使沉迷:to overcome with emotion (as wonder or delight)<br/>【例】I was completely ravished by those marvelous pictures taken by HST.那些哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的壮观图片让我彻底的陶醉了。<br/>【近】captivate, enchant, enrapture, enthrall, rapture, transport<br/>【反】disenchant, sober使清醒<br/>【派】ravishingadj. 极美丽的<br/><br/>【记】源自rape 掠夺;v=f=ph=p;迷住之意同carried away 着迷,出神,心思被抓走;river + fish 河里鱼被抓走,捞走,钓走


【考法 1】vt. 使隔绝,分离:to set apart: segregate<br/>【例】sequester a jury让陪审团分开讨论<br/>【近】insulate, seclude, segregate, separate, cut off<br/>【反】permit to mingle, desegregate, integrate, reintegrate混合,综合<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 使隐退:to cause to withdraw into seclusion<br/>【例】She was sequestered in her room.她深居简出。<br/><br/>【记】se- 分开,隔离 + quest 寻求,追求 + er 人,与寻求的人分开,隔离,扣押,没收


【考法 1】vt. 使高兴;使兴奋:to make cheerful and excited<br/>【例】be exhilarated by her success为她的成功感到兴奋<br/>【近】electrify, galvanize, intoxicate, pump up, turn on<br/>【反】sadden, depress使悲哀,使沮丧<br/>【派】exhilarating adj. 令人兴奋的<br/>【反】soporific昏昏欲睡的<br/><br/>【记】ex + hilarious 高兴的,hilar 拼音:嗨啦,高兴的呼喊声


【考法 1】vt. 使(食物)脱水以保存,使干燥:to preserve (a food) by drying<br/>【例】add a cup of desiccated coconut to the mix加一杯椰蓉进行搅拌<br/>【近】dehydrate, parch, scorch, sear<br/>【反】add water to, hydrate, drench加水,浸透<br/>【派】desiccant n. 干燥剂:a drying agent (as calcium chloride)<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 缺乏活力:to deprive of emotional or intellectual vitality<br/>【例】that historian's dryasdust prose desiccates what is actually an exciting period in European history那位历史学家枯燥无味的散文让欧洲一段扣人心弦的历史变得乏味单调<br/>【近】brace, castrate, dampen, deaden, devitalize, enervate<br/>【反】energize, enliven, invigorate, stimulate, vitalize使生机勃勃<br/><br/>【记】音:得 + sic 得病身体会干燥干枯<br/>【另】exsiccate 使干燥


【考法 1】vt. 促使......行动:to try to persuade (someone) through earnest appeals to follow a course of action<br/>【例】 The strike may prod the government into action.罢工也许会迫使政府采取行动。<br/>【近】encourage, exhort, goad, nudge, prompt, spur, egg on<br/>【反】 rein抑制<br/><br/>【记】p音:扑 + rod 棍子→向前扑棍子→刺;看成poke rod


【考法 1】vt. 保存,避免浪费:to keep in a safe or sound state, especially to avoid wasteful or destructive use<br/>【例】conserve natural resources 保护自然资源<br/>【近】husband, preserve, save<br/>【反】dissipate, lavish, waste, squander浪费<br/>【派】conservationn. 保护<br/><br/>【记】serv=to serve(服务),to keep(保持)


【考法 1】vt. 保守陈述:to state or present with restraint especially for effect<br/>【例】understate a problem低调处理问题<br/>【近】downplay<br/>【反】 vaunt, exaggerate, overstate 夸大<br/>【派】understatedadj. 朴素的:avoiding obvious emphasis or embellishment<br/>【近】conservative, low-key, muted, repressed, restrained, sober, subdued, unflashy, unpretentious<br/>【反】flamboyant, flaring, flashy, garish, gaudy, glitzy, ostentatious, splashy 夸张的,华丽的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 做总结,概括:to make an abstract of,summarize<br/>【例】abstracted the 135-page report in three short paragraphs将一份 135 页的报告概括为三段话<br/>【近】digest, recapitulate, synopsize, sum up, boil down<br/>【反】elaborate 详细描述<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 使分心:to draw away the attention of<br/>【例】personal problems abstracted him私人问题让他分心<br/>【近】detract, divert, call off, throw off<br/>【派】abstractionn. 心不在焉<br/>【反】attention关注<br/><br/>【记】stract: 拉出,抽出,抽出来摘要<br/>【另】attract 吸引,tractor拖拉机


【考法 1】vt. 做注解:to furnish (a literary work) with critical commentary or explanatory notes<br/>【例】The advent of e-books enables user to freely annotate what they are reading without worrying about being fined by libraries. 电子书的出现使得用户可以在不用担心被图书馆处以罚金的情况下自由地在读物上作注。<br/>【近】commentate, footnote, gloss<br/>【派】annotationn. 注解,注释<br/><br/>【记】源自note,a一个 + note 笔记,注解


【考法 1】vt. 偷偷尾随:to follow especially secretly: trail<br/>【例】shadowing the suspect to see what he was up to尾随嫌犯行踪<br/>【近】chase, course, pursue, trace, track, trail<br/>【派】shadowy 模糊的:faintly perceptible: indistinct<br/>【例】He had only a shadowy idea of what they wanted him to do. 他对要做的事只有一个模糊的想法。<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 偷窃:to steal, often in a violation of trust<br/>【例】 fearing that someone might attempt to purloin a copy of the script for the show's season finale 害怕该剧的完季那集剧本被盗<br/>【近】 appropriate, filch, pilfer, snitch, thieve<br/><br/>【记】pur 音:破 + loan 贷款,贷款破产了,还不起,所以偷窃;pur 破 + loin 腰,把腰部的东西(腰包)弄破→偷窃


【考法 1】vt. 允诺,给予:to grant or furnish often in a gracious or condescending manner<br/>【例】refused to vouchsafe an explanation 拒绝给出任何解释<br/>【近】accord, award, grant, vest<br/>【反】withhold保留,不给予;recant, retract, withdraw 撤回,收回<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 免职:to remove from a position of prominence or power (as a throne)<br/>【例】 be ousted from power被赶下台<br/>【近】deprive, displace, uncrown, unthrone<br/>【反】 instate, crown, enthrone, throne 任命<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 驱逐:to drive or force out<br/>【例】she was ousted from her job after it was proven she'd been pilfering company supplies 她贪污公司财物这事被证实后,她被驱逐了<br/>【近】banish, boot out, cast out, chase, dismiss, drum out, expel, extrude, kick out, throw out, turf out, turn out<br/><br/>【记】音:使 out


【考法 1】vt. 免除责备:to free from blame<br/>【例】An investigation exonerated the school from any blame.一项调查使学校免受责备。<br/>【近】absolve, acquit, clear, vindicate<br/>【反】censure, incriminate, inculpate, prove guilty责难,证明有罪<br/><br/>【记】ex 不 + oner 负担,责任;ex + one + rate 解除一个人的进度,等级要求(本来这个人被要求完成某个指标,工作进度的)→免除责任;<br/>【另】onerous (on在...上 + er 在人上面的负担与责任)繁重的, 费力的, 有责任的


【考法 1】vt. 入学,录取:to admit or be admitted into a group, especially a college or university.<br/>【例】matriculate at Princeton在普林斯顿入学<br/>【近】admit, enroll, inscribe, recruit, register<br/>【反】commence, graduate毕业;delist除名<br/>【派】matriculationn. 录取<br/><br/>【记】matrix 母体组织,矩阵 + collect,母校收集学生→录取


【考法 1】vt. 减轻痛苦,使缓和:to make less severe or painful<br/>【例】powerful drugs that mitigate pains强力的镇痛剂<br/>【近】allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, mitigate, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe<br/>【反】aggravate, exacerbate, intensify 加剧<br/>【派】mitigationn. 缓和<br/><br/>【记】miti 少 + ate 减少; MIT + I + gate 到了MIT门口想,终于来了,心放下了,减轻了许多


【考法 1】vt. 减轻罪过:to lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of by making partial excuses<br/>【例】try to extenuate their vandalism with the old refrain of "Boys will be boys" 企图用"江山易改本性难移"的俗语为他们的暴行开脱<br/>【近】deodorize, excuse, explain away, gloss over, gloze over<br/><br/>【记】ex出 + tenuate 变细,变薄,指淡薄稀释,将罪行淡化;tenu-源自thin, t=th, e=I<br/>【另】attenuate 削弱, extenuate 掩饰, 减轻, &lt;古&gt;使稀薄,tenuity 薄,tenuous 纤细的,tenure(hold的意思)(土地,官职的)使用,占有,任期


【考法 1】vt. 减轻:to subdue or reduce in intensity or severity, alleviate<br/>【例】allay one's fears or doubts减轻某人的恐惧或怀疑<br/>【近】assuage, ease, mitigate, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe<br/>【反】excite, aggravate, foment, increase the intensity of, exacerbate激起,加重<br/><br/>【记】all + lay 全部摆平了,躺倒→全身轻松 <br/>all-consuming adj. 消耗一切的


【考法 1】vt. 减速,延迟:to cause to move or proceed slowly; delay or impede<br/>【例】Language barriers retarded their negotiating progress.语言障碍让谈判进程受阻。<br/>【近】bog, brake, decelerate, delay, detain, hamper, impede, mire, slacken<br/>【反】accelerate, catalyze, expedite, hasten, precipitate加速,促进<br/><br/>【记】re + tardy 迟缓的;音:拖的,邋的,拖邋<br/>【另】bastard 私生子 和retard口语中是骂人的话


【考法 1】vt. 出声,说话:to articulate (words); pronounce or speak<br/>【例】She tried not to utter a sound as the doctor gave her a flu shot.她克制自己不在打针的时候喊出来。<br/>【近】articulate, bring out, enunciate, verbalize, vocalize<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 完全的,绝对的:complete; absolute; entire<br/>【例】be at an utter loss what to do完全不知道怎样才好<br/>【近】entire, total, stark, sheer, unqualified<br/>【反】 partial部分的<br/><br/>【记】源自out, outer;另一个意思近似ult 最终,极点<br/>【另】utmost (out most)最远的,极限


【考法 1】vt. 分解,分拆:to take to pieces also : to destroy the integrity or functioning of<br/>【例】dismantle a machine分拆机器<br/>【近】break down, knock down<br/>【反】assemble, construct组装<br/><br/>【记】dis去掉 + mantle 斗蓬, 覆盖物→去掉覆盖物<br/>v.披风, 覆盖


【考法 1】vt. 切碎:to cut or chop into very small pieces<br/>【例】I'll buy some lean meat and mince it myself.我会买一些瘦肉然后自己切好的<br/>【近】cut, dice, grind, hash<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 小步走:to walk with very short steps or with exaggerated primness<br/>【例】The bride minced through the cathedral.新娘踏着细小的步伐穿过教堂<br/>【反】 stride 大步走<br/><br/>【记】min 最小 + ce 音:碎,撕→小碎步;piece,撕成小片<br/>【另】minute 微小的, mini- 小,迷你


【考法 1】vt. 列入名单,计划,安排:to put (someone or something) on a list<br/>【例】You've been slated for a three o'clock interview.你的面试被安排在三点。<br/>【近】catalog, enroll, enter, index, inscribe, record, register, schedule<br/>【反】delete, erase删除,除名<br/><br/>【记】源自splinter 裂片, 碎片;古时选举在石板上写有候选人名单;select 选择,在候选人名单中选择;音:石 plate 盘,板<br/>【另】slat 板条, slab 厚平板, 厚片,splat 椅背的长条木板


【考法 1】vt. 创始,发动促进:to cause or facilitate the beginning of<br/>【例】a chain reaction initiated by UV irradiation 紫外光激发引起的连锁反应<br/>【近】begin, start, commence, inaugurate, introduce, launch<br/>【反】terminate 终止<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 刚入门的新手:a person who is undergoing or has undergone an initiation<br/>【近】apprentice, beginner, novice, rookie, tyro<br/>【反】veteran身经百战的人<br/>【派】initiative主动性,首创精神<br/><br/>【记】in + it 走,可能来自itinerate 巡回,动→发动;音:以你首,以你为首,你先开始,开头,结尾发音:首


【考法 1】vt. 制造假象,装出...的样子:to give a false appearance of<br/>【例】I would never feign illness just to postpone a test. 我绝不会为了缓考而装病<br/>【近】affect, assume, counterfeit, dissemble, pretend, profess, sham, simulate<br/>【派】unfeigned adj.没有伪装的,真诚的<br/><br/>【记】音:粉,抹粉,涂脂抹粉;有些人抹粉是在化装(化妆),是假装的一张脸


【考法 1】vt. 刺激驱使,激发:to incite or rouse as if with a goad<br/>【例】goad someone to do something 激励某人做某事<br/>【近】urge, abet, exhort, instigate, prod, prompt, propel, spur, stimulate<br/>【反】check, curb阻止;lull使安静<br/><br/>【记】goal 目标能激励人;gold 金子能激励人;goat 赶羊用的 赶羊棒<br/>Kill two birds with one stone. 一石二鸟。一箭双雕。


【考法 1】vt. 刺激,惹怒:to make agitated and angry<br/>【例】The new work schedules riled the employees. 新的工作时间表激怒了员工<br/>【近】aggravate, annoy, enrage, exasperate, grate, inflame, infuriate, irritate, nettle, peeve, pique, provoke, roil<br/>【反】allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, mitigate, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe平息,缓和<br/><br/>【记】同roil


【考法 1】vt. 削弱,破坏:to weaken, injure, or impair, often by degrees or imperceptibly<br/>【例】undermine a fortress挖地道破坏堡垒<br/>【近】 undermine, weaken, debilitate, enfeeble, enervate<br/>【反】strengthen, support, fortify, reinforce 加强<br/><br/>【记】under mine 在下面挖土,在下面埋地雷


【考法 1】vt. 削弱:to weaken or exhaust the energy or vitality of<br/>【例】 Weeks of hard work had sapped hum and left him exhausted.连续几周辛苦工作让他筋疲力尽。<br/>【近】debilitate, devitalize, enervate, enfeeble, etiolate, prostrate<br/>【反】 bolster, fortify, invigorate, beef up增强,使有活力<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 健康,活力:active strength of body or mind<br/>【例】a child full of sap and vivacity活力满满的孩子<br/>【近】dynamism, energy, esprit, get-up-and-go, gusto, verve, vim, vitality<br/>【反】lethargy, listlessness, sluggishness, torpidity无精打采<br/><br/>【记】soap 古时候人们用的肥皂就是树枝的树液;soup 喝的汤到了人体就成了体液;p转上来是<br/>d,sad 能使你体液衰竭,身体精神枯萎<br/>【另】sip 吸吮,sapid 有滋味的,有趣的


【考法 1】vt. 劝说(使不忠,使不服从) ,诱...误入歧途:to attract or persuade to disobedience or disloyalty<br/>【例】The other firm seduced him with a better offer. 另一家公司用更高的待遇想挖他墙脚。<br/>【近】allure, decoy, entice, solicit, tempt, lead on<br/>【反】 repulse, ward off厌恶,不被吸引<br/><br/>【记】se分开 + duce引导→引导离开正途;sex 或 se 音:色 + duce 引导,使用sex或色相来勾引;音:色毒死,美色来毒害人,色能毒害与污染人的心灵<br/>【另】adduce 引证,举出,conduce 导致,deduce 推断,educe 得出,引出,导出,induce 起 导致<br/>,introduce 介绍,produce 提出,生产,reduce 减少,seduce 勾引,traduce 中伤,transduce 转换


【考法 1】vt. 办糟,失败:to act or work clumsily and awkwardly<br/>【例】bungle a job搞砸了一项工作<br/>【近】boggle, bumble, fumble, mess up, screw up<br/>【反】bring off成功<br/><br/>【记】音:帮工,帮工是业余的工人,拙劣,比专业工人质量差多了;帮够了 bung + gl + le 吗?瞧你这帮忙帮的,越帮越忙,越帮越乱<br/>Be honest rather clever. 诚实比聪明更要紧。


【考法 1】vt. 加固,鼓励:to give physical strength, courage, or endurance to<br/>【例】This country will fortify the coastal areas.这个国家要加强沿海地区的防御<br/>【近】energize, harden, invigorate, reinforce, strengthen, toughen<br/>【反】debilitate, enervate, enfeeble, vitiate, weaken使衰弱,削弱<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 做好心理准备:to prepare (oneself) mentally or emotionally<br/>【例】She fortified herself for the incoming tennis tournament with a series of confidence-boosting exercises.她通过一系列练习赛来找自信,为即将到来的网球锦标赛做好心理准备<br/>【近】brace, forearm, gird, nerve, poise, ready, steel<br/><br/>【记】fort,strong


【考法 1】vt. 加强,激化:to make intense or more intensive<br/>【例】Both companies intensified their efforts to win the contract.为了获得这份合同,两家公司都加大了投入<br/>【近】accentuate, aggravate, amplify, deepen, enhance, magnify, redouble, strengthen<br/>【反】abate, assuage, attenuate, mitigate, moderate 减缓,减低(程度)<br/>【派】intensityn. 强度<br/><br/>【记】使intense 剧烈的


【考法 1】vt. 加快进程:to speed up the progress of; accelerate<br/>【例】expedite your plans 加快你的计划<br/>【反】retard减速,阻碍<br/><br/>【记】ex 出 + ped 脚 + it→出脚,快走→迈步走<br/>


【考法 1】vt. 加条纹:to mark with striations or striae<br/>【例】The inner surface of the bark is smooth, of a pale, yellowish brown and very finely striated.树皮的内部十分光滑,显着偏暗偏黄的棕色,并且有着十分精细的条纹。<br/>【近】furrow, streak, stripe<br/>【派】striatedadj. 有条纹的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 加重,恶化:to make worse, more serious, or more severe<br/>【例】Stress and lack of sleep could aggravate the situation.压力和睡眠不足使情况恶化。<br/>【近】complicate, worsen<br/>【反】alleviate, succor, console, assuage, mitigate, relieve减轻,安慰<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 使不爽:to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts<br/>【例】it really aggravates me when I arrive 10 minutes before the stated closing time, and the store's closed already我在号称的打烊时间前 10 分钟到达,但发现商店已经关门了,让我很不爽<br/>【近】annoy, bother, nettle, vex <br/><br/>【记】ag + grave 重,沉重,严重→加重<br/>【另】gravity 重力,grieve 悲痛, (使)伤心


【考法 1】vt. 助长,煽动:to promote the growth or development of<br/>【例】He was accused of fomenting violence.他被指控煽动暴力行为<br/>【近】abet, brew, ferment, incite, instigate, provoke, raise, stir<br/>【反】quash, quell, quench, squash平息,镇压<br/><br/>【记】音:敷闷→热敷,象form 形成,热敷促使形成


【考法 1】vt. 勾勒,用线条描绘:to indicate or represent by drawn or painted lines<br/>【例】lights delineating the narrow streets勾勒狭窄街道线条的路灯<br/>【近】define, silhouette, sketch, trace<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 描写,描绘:to describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail<br/>【例】delineate the steps to be taken by the government 具体描述了政府所应该采取的措施‖The film does a remarkable job of delineating the emotions that immigrants feel upon their arrival in a strange country.就描绘移民者踏上陌生国土时的心情而言,这部电影是相当成功的。<br/>【近】depict, display, draw, image, limn, paint, picture, portray, render<br/>【反】color, distort, falsify, garble, misrepresent, misstate, pervert, twist, warp曲解,篡改本意<br/>【派】delineationn. 描绘<br/><br/>【记】de + line 线条→用线条描绘<br/>【另】outline 轮廓


【考法 1】vt. 包围,围攻:to surround (as a fortified place) with armed forces for the purpose of capturing or preventing commerce and communication<br/>【例】beleaguered the castle for months围攻堡垒长达数月<br/>【近】siege, besiege, invest, blockade<br/>【反】retreat, withdraw撤退<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 使困扰,使烦恼,使消沉:trouble, harass, beset<br/>【例】 We are still beleaguered by the very problem. 我们仍然就为这一个问题而感到困扰<br/>【近】annoy, harass, pester, plague, tease<br/>【反】delight使愉悦<br/>【派】beleagueringadj. 扰人的<br/><br/>【记】be + league colleague是同事,团队团体的同事,leagu有团,围的意思→被一群人围着很烦<br/>【另】colleague<br/>An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 一日之计在于晨。


【考法 1】vt. 卷入,纠缠:to twist together into a usually confused mass<br/>【例】we managed to entangle the string of lights into a hopeless mess of wires 我们将小灯泡的线纠缠成了一堆<br/>【近】interlace, intertwist, knot, snarl, tangle<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 使变复杂或困难:to make complex or difficult<br/>【例】the history of Alexander the Great is entangled by variant accounts of his exploits亚历山大大帝的生平历史被不同版本的记录搞得很纠结<br/>【近】complexify, perplex, sophisticate<br/>【反】simplify, streamline 简化<br/><br/>【记】tangle 音:探戈,跳探戈的男女总是纠缠在一起;音:弹勾,弹簧铁勾,纠缠,乱成一团


【考法 1】vt. 压制,镇压(运动):to put a stop to (something) by the use of force<br/>【例】The authority tried to squelch the workers' protest. 政府试图镇压工人的游行。<br/>【近】crush, muffle, quell, repress, squash, subdue, suppress, crack down<br/>【反】abet, aid, assist, back, help, support, prop up支持,帮助<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 击溃,使无言以对:to put down or silence, as with a crushing retort<br/>【例】His irritated glare squelched any other potential objectors.他怒目而视,使得其他的反对者都不敢说话。<br/>【近】dumb, extinguish, mute, quiet, settle, still, shut up<br/>【反】foment, incite, instigate, provoke, stir 激发,激起<br/>【派】squelchern. 镇压者<br/><br/>【记】近于squash(a=el, sh=ch) 或crush;中间是quel,quell 镇压;quench 结束, 熄灭,平息


【考法 1】vt. 压制:to put down forcibly; suppress<br/>【例】quell riot镇压骚乱<br/>【近】quash, repress, squash, squelch, subdue, suppress, clamp down on, crack down on<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 使平静,安静:to pacify; quiet<br/>【例】 quell fears减轻害怕<br/>【近】dumb, extinguish, hush, mute, settle<br/>【反】 foment, instigate, rouse, incite煽动<br/><br/>【记】源自kill, qu=k, e=i,使quiet


【考法 1】vt. 压缩(体积):to reduce in size or volume as if by squeezing<br/>【例】compress a computer file 压缩电脑文档|| The science textbook compresses a lot of information about human reproduction into a few short chapters.科学教科书将人类的生殖知识压缩成了几个短章节。<br/>【近】capsule, collapse, compact, condense, constrict, constringe, contract, shrink, telescope<br/>【反】increase in volume, decompress, expand, outspread, outstretch体积增大,扩张;balloon 膨胀<br/><br/>【记】com一起+press(压)→一起压→压缩


【考法 1】vt. 厌恶:to dislike someone or something greatly; abhor<br/>【例】I loathe having to do this.我鄙视不得不这样做。<br/>【近】abhor, abominate, despise, detest, execrate<br/>【反】adore, love热爱<br/>【派】 loathsomeadj. 令人讨厌的<br/><br/>【记】loan 不愿意借钱给别人;音:恼死,非常厌恶


【考法 1】vt. 去除水分,(使)干燥:to remove water from; make anhydrous<br/>【例】bought a dehumidifier in order to dehydrate the damp basement买了一个减湿器来给地下室除湿<br/>【近】dampen, desiccate, parch, scorch, sear<br/>【反】hydrate, saturate with water, reconstitute用水浸润<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 使失去活力或者味道:to deprive of vitality or savor<br/>【例】years of being trapped in a loveless marriage had dehydrated his spirit多年不幸的婚姻消磨了他的活力<br/>【近】deaden, devitalize, enervate, petrify, sap<br/>【反】brace, energize, enliven, invigorate, vitalize, vivify使生机勃勃<br/><br/>【记】de 去 + hydr水+ate→去水,脱水;<br/>【另】hydrant 消防栓,anhydrous 无水的


【考法 1】vt. 反射:to prevent passage of and cause to change direction<br/>【例】The color of an objective is largely determined by what light it reflects.物体的颜色很大程度上是由它能反射的光所决定的。‖Mirrors indiscriminately reflect all visible lights.镜子不加区分地反射所有的可见光。<br/>【反】 absorb 吸收<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 反映,显露:to make manifest or apparent: show<br/>【例】Her book clearly reflects her religious beliefs.她的书反映了她的宗教信仰。‖Where you come fromcouldbe easily reflected in your accent.你的口音可以轻易地暴露你来自哪里。<br/>【近】bespeak, betray, demonstrate, evince, manifest, reveal, show<br/>【反】 conceal, cover, hide, mask, obscure, occlude, veil隐藏<br/><br/>【考法 3】vi. 思考:to think seriously<br/>【例】I reflected on my path as an undergraduate and my future as a PhD candidate.我思考了我作为一名本科生的成长足迹以及我读博士的未来。<br/>【近】consider, cogitate, contemplate, deliberate, meditate, muse, ponder, ruminate, think<br/>【派】reflectiveadj. 思考的,深思熟虑的<br/><br/>【记】re 反,回 + flect 弯曲 →弯曲回来


【考法 1】vt. 反抗,违抗:to go against the commands, prohibitions, or rules of<br/>【例】defy the court 蔑视法庭<br/>【近】mock, rebel, oppose, confront<br/>【反】acquiesce, obey, comply with, conform to 默默接受,遵守<br/>【反】capitulate to, submit to, succumb to, surrender to, yield to 屈服<br/><br/>【记】接近deny;de + fight 反过来打→反抗<br/>【另】deny 拒绝,否认;


【考法 1】vt. 发誓作证:to testify to under oath or by affidavit<br/>【例】he was nervous when the time to depose before the jury finally arrived他很紧张,在陪审团面前作证的时刻终于到来了<br/>【近】attest, swear<br/>【反】perjure作伪证<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 废黜,罢免:to remove from a throne or other high position<br/>【例】a military junta deposed the dictator after he had bankrupted the country 军阀罢黜了将国家分崩离析的独裁者<br/>【近】defrock, deprive, oust, uncrown<br/>【反】crown, enthrone授予王权<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 摆放:to arrange something in a certain spot or position<br/>【例】deposed her fan and gloves on the dressing table把她的扇子和手套放在梳妆台上<br/>【近】deposit, dispose, emplace, situate<br/><br/>【记】de 去掉,否定 + position 职位→去职,免职;deposit 沉淀→向下沉;<br/>【另】appose(放到旁边)并列,depose(从位置上拿下)免职, dispose(向四周摆放位置)部署,expose 暴露, impose 强加,征税, interpose 提出, oppose 对立,反对, repose 休息,座落, transpose 调换位置<br/>Faith will move mountains. 精诚所至,金石为开。


【考法 1】vt. 发颤音:to speak in a quivering voice; utter a quivering sound<br/>【例】His voice quavered during the speech.整个演讲过程中,他的声音都是颤抖的。<br/>【近】temble,trill<br/><br/>【记】同quiver shiver 颤抖,有点象声的味道;音:快 over, 快结束了,挺住,跑完最后几圈,他颤抖地说


【考法 1】vt. 取代,替代:to displace in favor of another<br/>【例】That edition of the dictionary that you have has been superseded by a more recent one.你买的那一版的字典已经被最近新出的版本取代了。<br/>【近】displace, relieve, replace, substitute, supplant, cut out<br/><br/>【记】super + sede 坐;<br/>【另】sedition 煽动叛乱, preside (前面+坐)主持


【考法 1】vt. 召开,召集:to bring together in assembly by or as if by command<br/>【例】convened the members of the council for an emergency session 召集委员会的成员进入紧急议程<br/>【近】assemble, call, convene, muster, summon<br/>【反】disband, dispel, disperse, dissipate, dissolve, squander 驱散,驱逐<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 聚集,集合:to come together in a body<br/>【例】The students convened in the auditorium to hear the principal'saddress.学生们在大礼堂集合,聆听校长的致辞。<br/>【近】cluster, collect, concenter, concentrate, conglomerate, congregate, converge, gather, meet, rendezvous<br/>【派】conventionn. 集会,大会<br/><br/>【记】convention 大会就是集合


【考法 1】vt. 召集,召唤:to call together<br/>【例】The general summoned all his troops before the operation.行动之前,将军把所有的部队召集到了一起。<br/>【近】assemble, convene, convoke, muster, rally<br/>【反】dismiss解散<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 传唤(出庭、出席):to command by service of a summons, especially to appear in court<br/>【例】was summoned to answer charges他被传唤出庭应对起诉<br/>【近】call, hail<br/><br/>【记】sum 总和 + on 把人家一起召唤上来


【考法 1】vt. 同行,护送:to go along with in order to provide assistance, protection, or companionship<br/>【例】Three parents will chaperone the students on the school trip.本次班级旅行将有三名家长同行。<br/>【近】accompany, attend, companion, company, convoy, escort, squire<br/>【反】abandon, desert, ditch, dump, forsake抛弃,不顾<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 吓住,威慑:to prevent or discourage from acting, as by means of fear or doubt<br/>【例】wouldn't be deterred by threats不被威胁吓住<br/>【近】dissuade, inhibit<br/>【反】spur, courage, persuade激励<br/>【派】deterrent adj/ n. 威慑力量,威慑的<br/>【例】deterrent weapons 威慑性武器; a deterrent to theft 对偷窃的威慑<br/>【反】inducement, incentive引诱,刺激<br/><br/>【记】de + terror 恐怖活动,搞恐怖就是想吓唬人不让人做某事,搞勒索恐吓暗杀之类的<br/>【另】terrorist 恐怖分子 911恐怖袭击影响了全世界


【考法 1】vt. 否认:to declare not to be true<br/>【例】While the speak woman was publicly refuting rumors of a merger, behind the scenes the CEO was working to effect that very outcome.尽管女发言人一再公开否认合并的谣言,首席执行官却在幕后为这一目标而努力。<br/>【近】contradict, disaffirm, disavow, disclaim, disconfirm, deny, gainsay, negate, negative, reject, repudiate<br/>【反】acknowledge, admit, avow, concede, confirm承认<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 证明为假,证伪:to prove wrong by argument or evidence: show to be false or erroneous<br/>【例】 The triumph of Chinese athlete Liu Xiang in the 2004 Olympics effectively refuted the views that Asians are physically inferior to others.中国运动员刘翔在 2004 年雅典奥运会上的胜利有效地驳斥了亚洲人在体格上不如其他人种的观点。<br/>【近】belie, confute, debunk, discredit, falsify, rebut, shoot down<br/>【反】confirm, prove, validate, verify证明为真,证实<br/>【派】refutableadj.可辩驳的<br/><br/>【记】近于refuse 拒绝;re 回 + foot 脚,踢回一脚→驳斥


【考法 1】vt. 吸引:to attract or delight as if by magic<br/>【近】entice, seduce, solicit, tempt, captivate, enchant, lead on<br/>【派】alluring诱惑的,有吸引力的<br/>【例】an alluring smile迷人的微笑<br/>【反】unattractive无吸引力的<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 诱惑做某事:to lead away from a usual or proper course by offering some pleasure or advantage<br/>【例】allured by the promise of big bucks, he decided to have a go at a job on the trading floor of the stock market被赚大钱的许诺所引诱,他决定投身股票市场工作<br/>【近】bait, beguile, decoy, entice, seduce, lead on<br/><br/>【记】al+lure(引诱);lure 音:诱饵


【考法 1】vt. 告知:to make known openly or publicly<br/>【例】 herald the great tidings to all the world将重大消息告知全世界<br/>【近】annunciate, broadcast, declare, enunciate, proclaim, promulgate<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 预示,预兆:to give a slight indication of beforehand<br/>【例】the reshuffle of the company's management heralded the sweeping changes to come公司管理层的重新洗牌预示着即将到来的巨大变革<br/>【近】adumbrate, forerun, harbinger, prefigure<br/><br/>【记】he + read 他读,他读圣旨,他读上边的命令→传令官,古时候传令官就是念圣旨的人<br/>【另】harbinger 先驱,先兆


【考法 1】vt. 哀悼:to feel or express sorrow for<br/>【例】a statement from the bishops deploring the loss of life in the war overseas一份来自大主教的声明,对海外战争中遇难的生命表示沉痛哀悼<br/>【近】mourn, bewail, grieve for, wail for<br/>【反】delight, exult in, glory in, rejoice in高兴<br/><br/>【记】de + 音:破锣,扯着破锣嗓子呼喊;音:破落了,哀叹


【考法 1】vt. 喜爱,感到愉悦:to take pleasure in<br/>【例】I adore those earrings. 我相中那对耳环了。<br/>【近】fancy, relish, savor, delight in, rejoice in<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 宠爱:to feel passion, devotion, or tenderness for<br/>【例】adored his wife宠爱他的妻子<br/>【近】cherish<br/>【反】abhor, abominate, despise, detest, execrate, loathe讨厌,嫌弃<br/><br/>【记】idol 偶像,偶像是崇拜的;音:爱倒,爱到晕倒;音:爱多,热爱多多<br/>【另】oration 演说, oral 口头


【考法 1】vt. 嘲弄,嘲笑:to speak of or treat with contemptuous mirth<br/>【例】my brothers derided our efforts, but were forced to eat their words when we won first place我的兄弟嘲笑我们的努力,但是当我们得了第一名以后不得不收回那些话<br/>【近】gibe, jeer, mock, scout, shoot down, laugh at<br/>【反】praise赞美<br/>【派】derision n. 嘲弄:contemptuous or jeering laughter; ridicule<br/>【反】veneration尊敬<br/><br/>【记】源自ridicule 嘲笑;de 反 + ride 骑,反过来骑,张果老倒骑驴受嘲笑<br/>【另】ridiculous 荒谬可笑的


【考法 1】vt. 嘲笑:to make fun of<br/>【例】always ridiculed everything she said总是嘲笑她说的话‖Theterm "big bang theory" was originally coined to ridicule the belief that the universe was created by a giant explosion."大爆炸理论"期初是为了嘲笑一种观点而创造的,这种观点认为宇宙源自一场巨大的爆炸。<br/>【近】deride, gibe, jape, jeer, lout, mock, taunt<br/>【反】commend, praise表扬<br/>【派】ridiculousadj. 荒谬的<br/><br/>【记】rid 笑 + 音:可乐


【考法 1】vt. 嘲笑:to treat or address with derision: mock<br/>【例】 scoffed at the idea 对这个提议不屑一顾<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 狼吞虎咽:to swallow or eat greedily<br/>【例】scoffed dinner before running off to the basketball game风卷残云般把晚饭消灭了,就直奔向篮球场<br/>【近】cram, devour, glut, gorge, gormandize, gulp, ingurgitate, inhale, raven<br/><br/>【记】音:抠腹,抠肚子会使人笑;s 死命地cough 咳嗽,因为嘲笑,笑得太厉害,或者吃得太猛造成;


【考法 1】vt. 增加、提高力量、财富、地位、声誉等:to enhance the power, wealth, position, or reputation of<br/>【例】exploited the situation to aggrandize himself借势而上使得自己地位提升、财富增长<br/>【近】augment, boost , expand, magnify, add (to),pump up<br/>【反】relegate, disparage, efface, abase, demean降级,贬低<br/><br/>【记】ag + grand 盛大,大 +ize→增大


【考法 1】vt. 声明无罪;开脱,使无罪:to clear from alleged fault or guilt<br/>【例】I have gathered evidence that will exculpate my client.我已经搜集到能够证明委托人无罪的证据了。<br/>【近】absolve, acquit, clear, exonerate, vindicate<br/>【反】attribute guilt, inculpate, indict, criminate, incriminate归罪,控告<br/><br/>【记】ex出 + culp 罪 + ate→从罪中出来,摆脱<br/>【另】culprit 罪犯,犯过失者,culpable 有罪的


【考法 1】vt. 复制,复刻:to make an exact likeness of<br/>【例】replicated the famous painting in our art class 在艺术课上复刻一幅名画<br/>【近】clone, copy, copycat, duplicate, imitate, reduplicate, render, reproduce<br/>【反】originate原创<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 重复,反复:to make or do again<br/>【例】I cannot replicate your results when I do the experiment myself. 我自己的实验里无法重复你的结果。<br/>【近】redo, reiterate, renew, repeat<br/>【派】replicableadj. 可复制的,能复现的<br/><br/>【记】re 再 + duplicate 复制


【考法 1】vt. 威吓:to make timid or fearful, frighten<br/>【例】refused to be intimidated by the manager 对经理的恐吓不为所动<br/>【近】browbeat, bully, coerce, cow, frighten, hector, terrify<br/>【反】blandish, cajole, coax用花言巧语讨好<br/>【派】intimidationn. 恐吓<br/><br/>【记】in, en + timidate 使胆怯<br/>【另】timid 胆小的, 羞怯的


【考法 1】vt. 孵化:to cover and warm eggs as the young inside develop<br/>【例】The hen incubated her eggs for two weeks.母鸡孵蛋两周<br/>【近】brood, hatch, sit<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 帮助,培养,促进:to cause or aid the development of<br/>【例】Hopefully, these youthful visits to the museum will incubate an enduring love of art.我们希望年轻时参观博物馆能够培养他们对于艺术的持久热爱<br/>【近】advance, cultivate, encourage, forward, further, nourish, nurse, nurture, promote<br/>【反】check, discourage, frustrate, hinder, impede, inhibit, obstruct, retard, shackle妨碍,阻碍<br/>【派】incubatorn. 恒温箱;incubationn. 孵化,孵卵<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 安慰,藉慰:to alleviate the grief, sense of loss, or trouble of; comfort<br/>【例】Only her children could console her when her husband died.只有她的孩子们才能安抚她失去丈夫的悲痛<br/>【近】comfort, solace, soothe, calm<br/>【反】distress, torment, torture使痛苦<br/>【派】consolationn. 安慰<br/><br/>【记】con + sole 单独的,大家都是单身,互相抚慰;con solar 太阳,一起象太阳一样关心抚慰<br/>【另】意大利民歌我的太阳就是O Sole (Solar) MIO


【考法 1】vt. 安置:to settle (oneself) securely or comfortably<br/>【例】ensconce in a new job 在一个新职位安定下来<br/>【近】install, lodge, nestle, perch, roost, settle<br/>【反】unsettle, dislodge, displace 使从安置好的地方移开,驱逐<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 隐藏:to put in a hiding place<br/>【例】ensconced the spare house key in a place where no thief would think to look把备用钥匙藏在小偷根本不会注意的地方<br/>【近】bury, cache, conceal, secrete<br/>【反】display, exhibit展示<br/><br/>【记】源自conceal;ens + conceal; sconce 烛台, 头盖,筑保垒防卫<br/>【另】abscond 潜逃,sconce 壁突式烛台, 头盖,筑保垒防卫, ensconce 隐藏


【考法 1】vt. 完成,实现:to carry through (as a process) to completion<br/>【例】I don't think we can accomplish our goal unless we cooperate.我认为只有合作才能实现我们的目标。<br/>【近】achieve, commit, execute, fulfill, make, perpetrate, prosecute, carry out<br/>【反】fail失败<br/>【派】accomplishmentn. 成就;accomplishedadj. 有造诣的<br/><br/>【记】源自ac + complete


【考法 1】vt. 实施:to put into effect or operation<br/>【例】New train timetable has been invoked.新的火车时刻表已经生效<br/>【近】enforce, effect, execute, implement, perform<br/>【反】suspend暂停,搁置<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 产生,造成:to be the cause of (a situation, action, or state of mind)<br/>【例】 We should be prepared for the possibility that any solution may invoke another set of problems. 我们必须要为这样一种可能做好心理准备:任何解决方案都可能带来一系列新的问题<br/>【近】beget, bring, catalyze, cause, create, engender, generate, induce, produce, result<br/><br/>【记】与invocation同源,in内 + vocal发音→向内发音<br/>【另】vocation n.召唤, 号召, 天命, 职业,convoke (一起召呼)召集,equivoke (两个声音)双关语,含糊措词,evoke(向外召唤)唤起,invoke(内部人员的召唤)调用,恳求,provoke(公开叫阵)激怒,挑拨<br/>,revoke(返回召唤)召回,撤回,废除;


【考法 1】vt. 延长,拖延:to lengthen in extent, scope, or range<br/>【例】Additives are used to prolong the shelf life of packaged food.添加剂被用来延长包装食品的保存期限。<br/>【近】elongate, lengthen, outstretch, protract, stretch, drag (out), draw out<br/>【反】 abbreviate, abridge, curtail, cut, cut back, shorten , truncate 截短<br/><br/>【记】pro- 前 + long 向前拉长<br/>【另】prolongate 拉长


【考法 1】vt. 延长,拖长:to draw out or lengthen in time; prolong<br/>【近】 elongate, lengthen, prolong, stretch, drag out, draw out,<br/>【反】 curtail, abridge, abbreviate, shorten, cut back 缩减<br/><br/>【记】pro前 + tract 拖,拉;tractor 拖拉机


【考法 1】vt. 实践,履行(诺言等) :to do what is required by the terms of<br/>【例】The coach redeemed his promise to take the players out for ice cream if they improved their fielding over the season.教练履行了他的诺言,那就是如果球员们能够在赛季中提升防守能力的话,他就请他们吃冰淇淋。<br/>【近】answer, complete, comply, fill, fulfill, keep, meet, satisfy<br/>【反】breach, break, transgress, violate违反,违背<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 改过自新:to make better in behavior or character<br/>【例】The unfaithful husband made a determined effort to redeem himself in the eyes of his wife and children.在妻子和孩子的监督下,不忠的丈夫下定决心要改过自新。<br/>【近】habilitate, reclaim, redeem, regenerate, rehabilitate<br/>【派】redeemableadj. 可赎回的,可挽救的<br/><br/>【记】源自red re + em 买,买回,赎回;re反,回 + deem 相信,认为(理解为信用),还钱<br/>【另】preempt 优先购买, 抢先占有,peremptory 断然的,强制的


【考法 1】vt. 宣告,使...公之于众:to declare publicly, typically insistently, proudly, or defiantly and in either speech or writing<br/>【例】wearing a button that proclaimed my choice for president身上挂着一个纽扣,它能够彰显我支持谁当总统‖He launched a coup and proclaimed himself president.他发动了一场政变,然后宣称自己已成为总统。<br/>【近】advertise, announce, blare, blazon, broadcast, declare, enunciate, herald, promulgate, publicize, publish, release, trumpet<br/>【反】conceal, hide隐藏;silence, suppress压制(观点的发表)<br/><br/>【记】pro- 在前面 claim 喊,公布


【考法 1】vt. 对...有利的:to be necessary, proper or advantageous for<br/>【例】It behooves you at least to try.你至少也应该尝试一下。<br/>【近】befit, beseem, fit, serve, suite<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 寻回,找回:to get back again<br/>【例】I needed to retrieve the book from my friend so I could return it to the library.我需要先把书从朋友那里拿回来才能还给图书馆。<br/>【近】reacquire, recapture, reclaim, re-collect, recoup, recover, regain, repossess, retake<br/>【近】lose, mislay, misplace丢失<br/><br/>【记】re回 + 音:取物→取回物品;re回 + 音:取 + ve(have);retro回 + have


【考法 1】vt. 将...减到最少:to reduce to the smallest possible amount, extent, size, or degree<br/>【例】All striking forces are told to minimize civilian casualties.所有攻击部队被要求尽可能减少平民伤亡<br/>【近】deprecate, diminish, discount, reduce<br/>【反】inflate, magnify膨胀,扩大;maximize最大化<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 刻意低估:to underestimate intentionally<br/>【例】minimize losses in our own company while maximize those of the rival低估我方损失而高估对手损失<br/>【近】underestimate, underrate, undervalue<br/>【反】overestimate高估;exaggerate夸张,夸大<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 表示鄙夷:to express scornfully one's low opinion of<br/>【例】Sore losers minimized the other team's victory.愤愤不平的失败者对获胜方的胜利表现出鄙夷<br/>【近】belittle, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, derogate, diminish, disparage, trash, vilipend<br/>【反】acclaim, applaud, exalt, extol, glorify, laud, magnify, praise欢呼,赞扬<br/>【派】minimumadj. 最小的<br/><br/>【记】min. 是minium 最小值的缩写


【考法 1】vt. 尊敬,把......视为神圣:to respect or honor greatly; revere<br/>【近】consecrate, sacralize, sanctify<br/>【反】 desecrate, deconsecrate, desacralize, desanctify亵渎<br/><br/>【记】近于holy 神圣的;Halloween 万圣节,hallow圣 + event节日,活动<br/>【另】hollow (因为是hole洞,所以中心是空的)空的;Halloween 万圣节,halo 神像头上的光环,hall<br/>礼堂<br/>Let bygones be bygones. 过去的就让它过去吧。


【考法 1】vt. 尊敬:to regard with reverential respect or with admiring deference<br/>【例】She is venerated by the public as a saint. 她被当作圣人,受万众景仰。<br/>【近】adore, deify, esteem, regard, respect, revere<br/>【反】despise, disdain, disregard, flout, scorn轻视,蔑视<br/>【派】venerationn. 尊敬<br/><br/>【记】vener- 爱,欲望,魅力,近于win;veteran 老兵,老手能赢得尊敬


【考法 1】vt. 巧妙操作:to move, arrange, operate, or control by the hands or by mechanical means, especially in a skillful manner<br/>【例】manipulate a foreign language熟练地掌握外语<br/>【近】handle, finesse, manage<br/>【反】bungle, fumble笨拙地做<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 暗中操控:to influence or manage shrewdly or deviously<br/>【例】He manipulated public opinion in his favor.他巧妙地将大众观点导向了有利于他的一边<br/>【近】machinate, maneuver<br/>【派】manipulationn.操纵,控制<br/><br/>【记】mani- 手 + pull 拉, 用手拉的,拉操纵杆操纵<br/>【另】manual 手动的,手册


【考法 1】vt. 常去拜访:to visit often; frequent<br/>【例】 haunt the movie theater常去影院<br/>【近】 affect, habituate, visit, hang at, resort to<br/>【反】 avoid, shun避开<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 不断地想起,萦绕心头:to come to mind continually; obsess<br/>【例】 a riddle that haunted me all morning整个早上萦绕在我心头的谜<br/><br/>【记】hunt aunt 姑姑被鬼魂做为hunt的对象,时不时出没,吓得姑姑要死;音:害 aunt 害姑姑的鬼魂


【考法 1】vt. 平息抚慰,缓和:to calm in temper or feeling<br/>【例】mollify the angry customer平息消费者的怒气<br/>【近】allay, alleviate, appease, assuage, conciliate, mitigate, placate, propitiate, soothe<br/>【反】aggravate, enrage, exasperate, incense, inflame, infuriate, ire, rankle, vex激怒;antagonize 使敌对<br/>【派】mollificationn. 安抚<br/><br/>【记】moll 近于melt 软化;音:摸,抚摸 + ify 表动词→安慰


【考法 1】vt. 废除,取消:to make void<br/>【例】The government refused to rescind the order of curfew. 政府拒绝撤销宵禁的决定。<br/>【近】abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, invalidate, negate, null, nullify, recall, repeal, revoke, void<br/>【反】establish, enact建立;continue, keep 维持,保持<br/><br/>【记】re回 + scind同scis- 剪,scissor 剪刀,rescission<br/>【另】exscind 割开, 切除,prescind 割去, 孤立地思考, 不予考虑


【考法 1】vt. 弥漫,充满:to be present throughout; permeate<br/>【例】The mixed smell of sawdust and glue pervaded the whole factory.锯末与胶水的味道弥漫了整个工厂‖the corruption that pervades every stratum of society充斥在社会每个阶层中的腐败<br/>【近】interpenetrate, percolate, riddle, suffuse, transfuse<br/>【派】pervasive adj.弥漫的<br/><br/>【记】per through 全部 + vade 走→全部都是,哪都是;<br/>【另】wade 跋涉,费力行走,invade (in + vade)入侵,evade(外 + vade 向外跑) 逃避, 躲避,pervade<br/>遍及


【考法 1】vt. 强列吸引,使入迷:to hold an intense interest or attraction for<br/>【例】toys that fascinate infants吸引婴儿们的玩具<br/>【近】allure, arrest ,attract, bewitch, captivate, charm, enchant, enthrall, grip<br/>【反】disgust, repel使厌恶,使反感<br/>【派】fascinatingadj.引人入胜的<br/><br/>【记】fasci 束 + nate 动词→束缚住;fasion + ate 打扮时尚很迷人;fancy 迷恋 + ate


【考法 1】vt. 强烈反对,否定:to express strong disapproval of<br/>【例】Scientists were quick to decry the claims of the psychic.通灵者的说法很快就遭到了科学家的反对。‖decry the excessive emphasis on sex谴责对于性的过分重视<br/>【近】belittle, denigrate, denounce, deprecate, depreciate, derogate, disapprove, dismiss, disparage, minimize<br/>【反】acclaim, applaud, exalt, extol, glorify, laud, magnify, praise表扬,称颂<br/><br/>【记】de + cry 否定+喊,大声否定地喊话


【考法 1】vt. 强调,重视:to indicate the importance of by centering attention on<br/>【例】He repeatedly foregrounded his experience in international affairs in the course of his campaign for the presidency.在他竞选总统的过程中,他一再强调自己在处理国际事务方面的经验。<br/>【近】accent, accentuate, emphasize, feature, highlight, illuminate, press, punctuate, stress<br/>【反】de-emphasize, understate, play down轻描淡写<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 强调:to emphasize; stress<br/>【例】underscore the value of education强调教育的重要性<br/>【近】accentuate, italicize, stress, underline, bring out<br/>【反】 deemphasize, downplay轻描淡写<br/><br/>【记】under score 刻痕,划线,得分,乐谱


【考法 1】vt. 归罪于:to accuse of a crime or other wrongful act<br/>【例】incriminate innocent people 诬陷好人<br/>【近】charge, criminate ,impeach, indict<br/>【反】absolve, acquit, exculpate, exonerate, vindicate免罪<br/><br/>【记】in 内 + crime 犯罪,把卷入犯罪


【考法 1】vt. 征服,镇压:to bring under control and governance as a subject<br/>【例】I would rather die than be subjugated.我宁死也不愿臣服。<br/>【近】conquer, dominate, overpower, pacify, quash, squelch, subdue, vanquish<br/>【反】capitulate, surrender投降;lose失败<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 剥夺自由:to make subservient<br/>【近】enfetter, enslave, enthrall<br/>【反】discharge, emancipate, enfranchise, liberate, manumit, release, unfetter解放,释放<br/>【派】subjugationn. 征服<br/><br/>【记】源自sub + yoke 轭,在轭下面,被束缚;subject e=u, c=g;sub + judge 法官,被法官征服;


【考法 1】vt. 思索,沉思:to focus one's thoughts on<br/>【例】meditated a visit to her professor思索着去拜访她的导师‖Ihave been meditating a career change for months.我花了几个月的时间在考虑换一个工作。<br/>【近】cogitate, consider, contemplate, deliberate, mull, perpend, ponder, ruminate, study, weigh, wrestle<br/>【反】disregard, ignore, overlook, slight忽视<br/>【派】meditationn. 沉思<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 恐吓:to intimidate by a stern manner or arrogant speech: bully<br/>【例】They would often browbeat the younger child until he cried. 他们总是把小朋友欺负到哭为止。<br/>【近】blackjack, bulldoze, bully, cow, hector, intimidate<br/><br/>【记】brow beat 眉毛打架


【考法 1】vt. 恳求:to plead with especially in order to persuade, ask urgently<br/>【例】entreated his boss for another chance恳求老板再给一次机会<br/>【近】beseech, besiege, conjure, implore, importune, solicit, supplicate, plead to, appeal to<br/><br/>【记】treat 请客,it's my treat 我请客,实际上为了恳求你办事;treat 治疗,求您给治病吧


【考法 1】vt. 感到悲伤:to feel deep sadness or mental pain<br/>【例】we all grieved over the lost cat看到他这副样子真让我痛苦<br/>【近】agonize, anguish, suffer,bemoan, bewail, deplore<br/>【反】delight, exult in, glory in, joy, rejoice in<br/><br/>【记】源自grave 坟墓,让人悲痛


【考法 1】vt. 慰抚,劝解:to conciliate (an offended power); appease<br/>【例】 the temple was built to honor the gods in times of plenty and to propitiate them in times of trouble该庙宇的作用是,丰收之时感谢神明,有难之时安抚神明<br/>【近】 appease, assuage, conciliate, disarm, mollify, placate<br/>【反】 enrage, incense, inflame, infuriate, ire, madden, outrage, antagonize, arouse hostility激怒<br/><br/>【记】pro支持 + appetite 胃口 爱好,欲望→投其所好,以获欢心与赏识,关键在欢心,好;pro前 + <br/>pity 同情,怜悯,遗憾 + ate动词, 看别人可怜就上前去抚慰<br/>The love of money is the root of all evil. 贪财是万恶之源。


【考法 1】vt. 战胜,获得胜利:to achieve a victory over<br/>【例】an Olympic swimmer who surmounted endless obstacles to achieve her goals 一个克服重重困难最终实现目标的奥运游泳运动员<br/>【近】conquer, defeat, overbear, overcome, overmatch, prevail, subdue, triumph, win<br/>【反】lose失败<br/><br/>【记】sur 上,超过 + mount 山<br/>【另】mountain 山


【考法 1】vt. 打扰,惹恼:to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts<br/>【例】be constantly peeved by his affected flattery总是被他做作的谄媚所惹恼<br/>【近】aggravate, annoy, bother, exasperate, frost, gall, irk, nettle, pique, rile, ruffle, vex<br/>【反】becalm, compose, lull, lullaby, quiet, salve, settle, soothe, still, tranquilize 使镇定<br/>【派】peevishadj. 易怒的,脾气不好的<br/><br/>【记】音:屁捂,气恼时的口头禅


【考法 1】vt. 扭曲,歪曲:to twist out of the true meaning or proportion<br/>【例】A painter may exaggerate or distort shapes and forms. 画家可能夸张或扭曲形状。|| The coach's message was so distorted after passing through so many people that it was unintelligible. 教练的信息在经过许多人传递后已经被歪曲的很难看懂了。<br/>【近】deform, misshape, torture, falsify, misinterpret, misrepresent, pervert, twist<br/><br/>【记】torture 酷刑折磨,一般都是扭曲人的身体<br/>【另】torture 折磨,tortuous 曲折的 contort 扭曲,distort 歪曲 extort 敲诈勒索 retort 反驳,


【考法 1】vt. 扭曲:to twist, wrench, or bend severely out of shape<br/>【例】a contorted version of the truth被歪曲的真相<br/>【近】deform, distort, warp, misshape<br/>【派】contortionn. 扭曲<br/><br/>【记】torture 酷刑折磨,一般都是扭曲人的身体<br/>【另】torture 折磨,tortuous 曲折的 contort 扭曲,distort 歪曲 extort 敲诈勒索 retort 反驳,


【考法 1】vt. 承认:to admit the existence, reality, or truth of<br/>【例】He refused to acknowledge the fact that her daughter has gone. 他拒绝承认女儿已经死去的事实。<br/>【近】admit, agree, allow, concede, confess, grant, own<br/>【反】deny 否认<br/>【派】acknowledgementn. 承认<br/><br/>【记】ac 肯定+ knowledge 知识,acquire knowledge;know 知道,认识


【考法 1】vt. 承认:to grant as a right or privilege<br/>【例】She grudgingly conceded his point. 她不情愿的承认了他的观点。<br/>【近】acknowledge, grant, confess<br/>【反】refuse to grant, deny拒绝承认,否认<br/>【派】concessionn. 让步: the act of yielding<br/>【反】aggression 侵犯<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 停止抵抗:to cease resistance (as to another's arguments, demands, or control)<br/>【例】He conceded as soon as it became clear that he could not win. 当他明显赢不了的时候他就停止了抵抗。<br/>【近】capitulate, give in, quit, submit, succumb, surrender<br/>【反】resist抵抗<br/><br/>【记】con+cede 让步<br/>【另】cede 让步, access 走近 入门,concede 承认,让步,intercede 调解,precede 先于,recede 后退<br/>,retrocede 交还,secede 退出,supercede 紧接着到来,取代


【考法 1】vt. 承诺:to assume responsibility for the satisfactory quality or performance of<br/>【例】The computer company unconditionally warrants all of its products for one full year.这个电脑公司对所有的产品提供为期一年的质量保证。<br/>【近】assure, avouch, guarantee, vouch<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 批准,认可:to give official acceptance of as satisfactory<br/>【例】The law warrants these measures.法律允许这些措施。<br/>【近】approbate, authorize, clear, confirm, finalize, formalize, ratify, sanction<br/>【反】decline, deny, disallow, disapprove, negative, reject, veto禁止,否决<br/>【派】warrantedadj. 有正当理由的;warrantyn.保证,承诺<br/><br/>【记】近于guarantee gu=w,保证,保证书,证明正当的保证(书),将g去掉就是;<br/>【另】比较ward与guard


【考法 1】vt. 抑制(声音、呼吸等):to keep in or hold back<br/>【例】to stifle free expression 限制言论自由<br/>【近】choke, muffle, mute, repress, smother, strangle, suffocate, suppress<br/>【反】foment, incite, instigate, provoke, stir 激发,激起<br/>【派】stiflingadj. 抑制的<br/><br/>【记】stiff 僵硬→窒息而死


【考法 1】vt. 折磨,使痛苦:to cause to suffer agony<br/>【例】She got into more trouble, further agonizing her poor mother.她惹上了更多的麻烦,进一步加剧了她可怜的母亲所遭受的痛苦。<br/>【近】bedevil, beset, besiege, curse, excruciate, harrow, persecute, plague, rack, torment, torture<br/>【反】comfort, console, solace, soothe 安抚,安慰<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 感到痛苦:to suffer agony, torture, or anguish<br/>【例】She agonized for days over the moral issues involved.一连几天她都为被卷入的道德纠纷而感到痛苦。<br/>【近】anguish, bleed, hurt, mourn, sorrow, suffer<br/>【反】cheer, crow, delight, exult, joy, rejoice感到高兴<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 抚慰,减轻:to make less dangerous, tense, or hostile<br/>【例】defuse the crisis 平息危机<br/>【反】foment煽动<br/><br/>【记】de 去掉 + fuse


【考法 1】vt. 报复,反击:to pay back(as an injury)in kind<br/>【例】 We swear to retaliate for our losses.我们发誓要以牙还牙。<br/>【近】avenge, redress, requite, revenge<br/>【反】absolve, condone, forgive, pardon饶恕,宽恕<br/>【派】retaliationn. 报复<br/><br/>【记】re 反,回 + tale 故事,谎言,流言蜚语→回复坏话→反击;re + 音:大力,用大力回复→大力报复,大力反击;re + tail,回尾巴,以尾巴还尾巴,以牙还牙


【考法 1】vt. 抨击,严厉批评:to criticize harshly and usually publicly<br/>【例】The union organizers assailed the chemical company for failing to provide a safe working environment.工会主席因为这家化工企业不能为员工提供安全的生产环境而对其进行了严厉的抨击。<br/>【近】abuse, bash, belabor, blast, castigate, excoriate, lambaste, savage, scathe, slam, trash, vituperate<br/>【反】acclaim, commend, compliment, hail, laud, praise表扬,称赞<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 攻击,猛攻:to take sudden, violent action against<br/>【例】He was assailed by a young man with a knife. 他被一个持刀的年轻人揍了一顿。<br/>【近】assault, attack, beset, charge, raid, rush, storm, strike, set on<br/>【反】defend, guard, protect, shield防御,守卫<br/>【派】assailableadj. 易受攻击的<br/><br/>【记】as+sail 正当战舰开船,航行时发起猛烈攻击<br/>【另】assassin 暗杀, assault 攻击


【考法 1】vt. 摈弃,拒绝:to reject with disdain or contempt<br/>【例】spurned his recommendation拒绝了他的推荐‖Fiercely independent, the elderly couple spurned all offers of financial help.这对老夫妻极其独立,回绝了所有经济上援助。<br/>【近】decline, disapprove, negative, refuse, reject, reprobate, repudiate<br/>【反】accede, accept, agree, approve, assent, consent, embrace 同意,接受<br/>【派】spurnedadj. 被摒弃的,被拒绝的<br/><br/>【记】s 音:撕 + burn 烧,将送去的请柬撕坏并烧毁→轻蔑地拒绝与践踏;音:死笨,谁说你死笨就是拒绝;


【考法 1】vt. 抵制:to fight against; resist<br/>【例】Self-discipline ensures that you can repel the things that induce you. 自律可以保证你抵制那些诱惑你的事物。‖I repelled the temptation to stay out late and call in sick the next day.我抵住了晚上玩通宵然后第二天谎称生病的诱惑。<br/>【近】buck, defy, fight, oppose, resist, withstand<br/>【反】capitulate, submit, succumb, surrender, yield, give in屈服<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 使厌恶:to cause aversion in: disgust<br/>【例】Evil odors always repel me. 臭味总是让我恶心。<br/>【近】disgust, nauseate, repulse, revolt, sicken<br/>【反】 allure, attract, bewitch, captivate, charm, enchant, entice, fascinate, lure, seduce, tempt吸引,诱惑<br/>【派】repellingadj. 令人厌恶的<br/><br/>【记】re 回 + pel 推,向回推,推回→击退<br/>【另】compel (一起推)强迫,dispel (向四周推) 驱散, expel(向外推 推出)驱逐,开除,排出, impel<br/>推动,propel(向前推)推进,驱使, repel (反推) 击退,抵制


【考法 1】vt. 拍马屁,奉承,讨好:to praise excessively especially from motives of self-interest<br/>【例】Friends who flatter you to your face are not true friends.当面拍你马屁的朋友都不是真正的朋友<br/>【近】adulate, blandish, compliment, court, massage, overpraise, stroke, wheedle<br/>【反】abuse 辱骂;censure, criticize 批评<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 自我感觉良好:to think highly of (oneself)<br/>【例】 Don't flatter yourself that no one has ever thought of that idea before.不要自欺欺人地认为别人没有考虑过那个想法<br/>【近】pique, plume<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 使显得更漂亮:to show off becomingly or advantageously<br/>【例】Orange flatters those with golden skin tones. 橙色让黄肤色的人显得更漂亮<br/>【近】become, enhance, suit<br/>【反】mar, spoil破坏<br/>【派】flattering adj.令人满足的,令人迷恋的<br/><br/>【记】flat 平 + ter 使平,拍平→拍


【考法 1】vt. 拒绝承认,否认:to disclaim knowledge of, responsibility for, or association with;to declare not to be true<br/>【例】disavow the rumor 否认谣言|| She disavowed the testimony that she had given earlier in the trial. 她在审判中否认了自己之前的证词。<br/>【近】deny, repudiate, disaffirm, disclaim, disconfirm, gainsay, negate<br/>【反】acknowledge, avow, concede承认<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 拖动,拉动:to cause to follow by applying steady force on<br/>【例】lugged the lawn mower out into the backyard把割草机拖进院子<br/>【近】drag, draw, hale, pull, tow, tug<br/>【反】 drive, propel, push 推动<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 费力搬运:to carry laboriously<br/>【例】I don't understand why he's always lugging all of his books around when his locker is right over there.我真搞不懂为什么他总是明明在有锁柜的情况下还随身扛着所有的书<br/>【近】bear, cart, convey, ferry, haul, lug, pack, tote, transport<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 拧,扭动:to pull, force, or move by violent wringing or twisting movements<br/>【例】wrest the lid off this pickle jar把泡菜罐的盖子拧下来<br/>【近】twist, wrench, wring<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 辛苦地获得:to gain with difficulty by or as if by force, violence, or determined labor<br/>【例】farmers who were used to wresting a living from the barren land 一度依靠贫瘠的土地恶劣度日的农民<br/>【近】scrape, scrounge, squeeze<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 挫败,阻挠:to frustrate or check (a person) as by confusing or perplexing<br/>【例】baffled by the language barrier受到语言障碍的阻挠<br/>【近】balk, beat, check, discomfit, foil, frustrate, thwart<br/>【反】advance, cultivate, encourage, forward, foster, further, nurture, promote促进,鼓舞<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 使疑惑:to throw into a state of mental uncertainty<br/>【例】I was baffled by many of the scientific terms used in the article.这篇文章中各种学术词汇让我很困惑。<br/>【近】befog, befuddle, bewilder, confound, discombobulate, disorient, maze, mystify, perplex, puzzle, vex<br/>【反】clarify, elucidate澄清,阐明<br/>【派】bafflingadj. 令人困惑的<br/><br/>【记】battle to make it muffle;音:拜佛,因为困惑无法解脱


【考法 1】vt. 挫败,阻挠:to prevent from accomplishing a purpose or fulfilling a desire<br/>【例】frustrated their scheme in time及时挫败了他们的阴谋<br/>【近】ruin, baffle, balk, circumvent, foil, thwart<br/>【反】abet帮助,鼓舞,教唆 accomplish, fulfill实现<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 使沮丧:to lessen the courage or confidence of<br/>【例】frustrated by his failure 为他的失败感到沮丧<br/>【近】chill, daunt, dishearten, dismay, dispirit<br/>【反】embolden, encourage, nerve, steel鼓舞<br/>【派】frustrationn. 沮丧;阻挠;frustratedadj. 沮丧的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 捏造:to make up for the purpose of deception<br/>【例】be accused of fabricating evidence被指控有捏造证据的行为<br/>【近】concoct, coin, devise, forge, fake, feign, invent<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 搭建,组建;打造:to bring into being by combining, shaping, or transforming materials<br/>【例】The house was essentially fabricated at the factory and then shipped to the site for assembly.这间房屋的核心主体在工厂内建好之后,它被运往目的地直接进行组装‖All the key parts are fabricated from high quality titanium alloy.所有的关键零件都是由上好的钛合金打造的<br/>【近】assemble, construct, erect, frame, fashion, manufacture, produce, rear, set up<br/>【反】demount, disassemble, dismantle, dismember 拆解,拆毁<br/>【派】fabricationn. 组建;虚构的事物<br/><br/>【记】fabric 织物,fabricate 编织,编出来的→捏造


【考法 1】vt. 撤回,宣告无效:to annul by recalling or taking back<br/>【例】to revoke a will废除遗嘱<br/>【近】abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, invalidate, negate, null, nullify, recall, repeal, revoke, void<br/>【反】establish, enact建立;continue, keep 维持,保持<br/>【派】revocationn. 撤销,废除<br/><br/>【记】re 回 + vocal voice 声音→叫回,召回;发声就是宣布(法令) 叫回就是把宣布的废除;类似的<br/>recall (回+叫) 召回<br/>【另】vocation n.召唤, 号召, 天命, 职业,convoke (一起召呼)召集,equivoke (两个声音)双关语,含糊措词,evoke(向外召唤)唤起,invoke(内部人员的召唤)调用,恳求,provoke(公开叫阵)激怒,挑拨<br/>,revoke(返回召唤)召回,撤回,废除;


【考法 1】vt. 排放:to throw or give off<br/>【例】 We bought an air freshener that releases a pleasing scent into the room. 我们买了一个能向房间里释放怡人香味的空气净化机。<br/>【近】cast, exhale, expel, irradiate, issue, vent<br/>【反】absorb吸收<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 释放,使获得自由:to set free from restraint, confinement, or servitude<br/>【例】The government was asked to release the prisoners immediately.政府被要求立即释放囚犯。<br/>【近】discharge, disenthrall, emancipate, enfranchise, liberate, loose, loosen, manumit, unchain, unfetter<br/>【反】bind, confine, enchain, fetter, restrain 限制自由<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 解雇:to let go from office, service, or employment<br/>【例】They released the workers who couldn't handle the new technology.他们解雇了所有不能掌握新技术的工人。<br/>【近】bounce, cashier, dismiss, fire, remove, retire, sack, terminate<br/>【反】employ, engage, hire雇用<br/><br/>【记】源自relax;re 回 + lease 租约 租约收回就是不受束缚;re 回 + leash 拴狗皮带, 束缚→将勒紧的束狗带放回;re + loose 放松;<br/>【另】relieve 减轻, 解除


【考法 1】vt. 排除,使不必要:to anticipate and prevent (as a situation) or make unnecessary (as an action)<br/>【例】 The new treatment obviates the need for surgery.新的疗法使手术不再是必须的。<br/>【近】 avert, forestall, preclude, stave off, head off<br/><br/>【记】ob 去掉 + via(源自way) 通过,去掉通路上的东西→排除;<br/>【另】deviate 偏离


【考法 1】vt. 接合,叠接:to unite (as two ropes) by interweaving the strands, or to join (as two pieces of film) at the ends<br/>【例】He taught me to edit and splice film.他教会我如何剪辑和叠合胶卷。<br/>【近】associate, coalesce, combine, conjoin, conjugate, connect, couple, fuse, interfuse, join, link, marry, unify<br/>【反】disassociate, disconnect, disjoin, divide, sever, split, sunder 分开<br/><br/>【记】complicate 缠绕到一起,把线结合一起


【考法 1】vt. 推测,揣测:to take to be true on the basis of insufficient evidence<br/>【例】I speculate that someone has been using this cabin as a trysting place.我猜测有情侣把这个小屋当做他们幽会的地方。<br/>【近】 assume, conjecture, daresay, imagine, presume, speculate, suppose, surmise, suspect<br/>【反】prove, substantiate, validate 证明<br/><br/>【考法 2】vi. 投机倒卖:to buy or sell in expectation of profiting from market fluctuations<br/>【例】speculating on the oil market在石油市场上投机倒卖<br/><br/>【记】spect 看 + calculate 算计→仔细看,并且心里算计→沉思,怎么买卖股票投机


【考法 1】vt. 掺杂,加入低等成分:to corrupt, debase, or make impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance or element<br/>【例】adulterate its products with cheap additives在产品中掺杂廉价的添加剂<br/>【近】alloy, contaminate, pollute, taint, water down<br/>【反】enrich, fortify, strengthen 加入养分<br/><br/>【记】源自ad + alter 改变,将原来的东西掺东西→掺假;adult + alteration 成人修改,成年人常有修改东西,掺假之类的坏事,更可耻的还有通奸乱伦的事情。<br/>【另】与adulate的区别在于,adulterate 接近于alteration变更,结尾有个rate 等级,比率,掺点假使等级改变


【考法 1】vt. 揉捏,塑造:to make or shape by or as if by folding, pressing, and stretching with the hands<br/>【例】 knead dough 揉面团‖kneading a painful calf muscle给疼痛的小腿肌肉按摩<br/>【近】massage, manipulate, mould, squeeze, stroke<br/><br/>【记】音:捏的,泥的,泥的是捏制的;knee 膝盖 得经常捏捏,按摩


【考法 1】vt. 提供住处,隐匿:to provide a place, home, or habitat for<br/>【例】 harbor a fugitive隐匿逃亡者<br/>【近】 accommodate, bestow, board, camp, chamber, domicile, lodge, quarter, take in, put up<br/>【反】 evict 赶出<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 认为,牢记:to keep in one's mind or heart<br/>【例】he had long harbored a grudge against his old employer, who had fired him without cause他对他的前老板一直耿耿于怀,无缘无故炒了他<br/>【近】bear, cherish, entertain, hold, nurse<br/><br/>【记】音:航泊,航船停泊处;海泊,海里停泊处;husband 丈夫是避风港


【考法 1】vt. 提供营养:to supply with nourishment<br/>【例】nurtured her children through the winters with home-cooked soup一整个冬天都给孩子们喂自制的汤<br/>【反】 withhold sustenance from 停止提供营养物<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 培育,培养:to provide (someone) with moral or spiritual understanding<br/>【例】he feels that his lifelong practice of reading the Bible daily has nurtured him in ways he cannot describe一生中每天都阅读圣经在潜移默化中影响了他<br/>【近】edify, illuminate, inspire<br/>【反】 impede, stunt, disregard阻碍,漠视<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 提升,提拔:to raise in rank, character, or status; elevate<br/>【例】popular support and media hype have exalted Super Bowl Sunday to the level of a national holiday 大众广泛的支持和媒体的大肆宣传已然将超级碗杯星期天变成了一个全民狂欢的大节日<br/>【近】aggrandize, canonize, deify, dignify, elevate, ennoble, magnify<br/>【反】abase, degrade, demean ,humble, lower in status贬抑,降低身份<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 赞扬:to glorify, praise, or honor.<br/>【近】emblazon, extol, glorify, laud, magnify<br/>【反】condemn 谴责<br/><br/>【记】ex+alt 高 →捧高别人→赞扬<br/>【另】altitude(海拔)高度, altimeter 高度计


【考法 1】vt. 提纯,精炼:to free (as metal, sugar, or oil) from impurities or unwanted material<br/>【例】Oil is refined so as to remove naturally occurring impurities. 原油通过精炼可去除其中天然存在的杂质。<br/>【近】 filter, garble, purify, winnow<br/>【反】adulterate, contaminate, pollute掺杂,污染<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 改善,改进:to improve or perfect by pruning or polishing<br/>【例】You'd better refine your backhand before the big tennis match if you want to throne.如果你想获得冠军的话,你最好在网球大赛开赛前再提升一下反手的技术。<br/>【近】 ameliorate, amend, better, enhance, enrich, help, meliorate, perfect, polish, upgrade<br/>【反】deteriorate, worsen恶化,降低<br/>【派】refinedadj. (物品)精雕细琢的,(人)彬彬有礼的;refineryn. 炼油厂<br/><br/>【记】re 重新 + fine 优良,美好,使再优良→精炼


【考法 1】vt. 撤回,放弃,改变:to withdraw or repudiate (a statement or belief) formally and publicly<br/>【例】The man has refused after torture to recant his heresy. 这个人在受折磨后依旧拒绝放弃他的异教信仰。<br/>【近】abjure, abnegate, forswear, renege, renounce, repeal, repudiate, retract, withdraw<br/>【反】adhere, insist, maintain, stick坚持<br/>【派】recantationn. 改变论调<br/><br/>【记】cant = chant (音:唱它) 唱,圣歌,又唱起圣歌


【考法 1】vt. 撤空:to empty or remove the contents of<br/>【例】were ordered to evacuate the building被命令搬出大楼<br/>【近】clear, vacate, void<br/>【反】fill up, occupy, load 填满<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 撤退:to remove especially from a military zone or dangerous area<br/>【例】During World War II, children were evacuated from London to the country.二战期间,伦敦市的儿童被撤离到郊区。<br/>【反】conquer占领<br/><br/>【记】e 出 + vacu- 空→向外走,都空了<br/>【另】vacuum 真空的,真空吸尘器, vacate 腾出,撤出


【考法 1】vt. 支付报酬或补偿:to pay an equivalent to for a service, loss, or expense<br/>【例】He promptly remunerated the repair company for fixing the satellite TV.他迅速地支付了维修公司修卫星电视所应得的酬劳。<br/>【近】compensate, indemnify, recompense, recoup, redress, remedy, repay, requite<br/>【派】remunerativeadj. 有报酬的<br/><br/>【记】re回 + money 钱,用钱付回→报酬


【考法 1】vt. 支持/ n. 支持者:to fight for, defend, or support as a champion<br/>【例】to champion the cause of civil rights支持民权事业<br/>【近】advocate, back, endorse, patronize, plump for<br/>【反】disparage, impugn, oppose 贬低,反对<br/><br/>【记】camp 野营,营地 + pioneer先锋;音:铲拼,又铲又拼抢的得了足球世界杯冠军;champagne 爱喝香槟的是冠军,比如汽车冠军接力塞;


【考法 1】vt. 支持,提倡:to speak, plead, or argue in favor of; support<br/>【例】advocates traditional teaching methods提倡传统教学方法<br/>【近】back, champion, endorse, patronize<br/>【反】impunge 提出异议<br/><br/>【记】ad肯定 + vocate 召唤;vocal voice 声音,发音<br/>【另】vocation 召唤, 号召,天职,才能, 职业, avocation 副业, 业余爱好,convocation 集会, 召集<br/>,equivocate 说模棱两可的话, 支吾,evocation 唤出, 唤起, 招魂,invocation 祈祷, 符咒,provocation 激怒, 刺激, 挑衅,revocation 撤回,vocal 声音的


【考法 1】vt. 改变外观:to alter the outward appearance of; transform<br/>【例】transfigure the AutoCAD drawings with elegant symbols用优美的符号使 AutoCAD图变得美观<br/>【近】alchemize, metamorphose, transform, transmute, transpose, transubstantiate, make over<br/><br/>【记】trans 转变 + figure 外形


【考法 1】vt. 改善,改进:to make or become better; improve<br/>【例】to ameliorate the suffering of people who have lost their jobs改善失业人员的痛苦<br/>【近】improve, convalesce, recuperate<br/>【反】aggravate, worsen, deteriorate 恶化<br/>【派】amelioratorn. 改良物<br/>【反】dampern. 抑制因素<br/><br/>【记】meli- 音:美丽,魅力,使变得美丽与有魅力;melon, melody,甜蜜的,好听 好


【考法 1】vt. 改造,改变结构:to alter the structure of<br/>【例】 We decided to remodel the warehouse into a museum displaying the products of the company.我们决定把仓库改造成展览我们公司产品的博物馆。<br/>【近】 alter, modify, recast, redo, refashion, remake, revamp, revise, rework, vary<br/>【反】fix, freeze, set, stabilize 固定<br/><br/>【记】re 再,model(n.模型)-再改变模型-改建


【考法 1】vt. 放弃(职位、权力等):to give up (as a position of authority) formally<br/>【例】She relinquished his position to the company's vice president with very mixed feelings. 怀着十分复杂的情感,她放弃了公司副总裁的职位。<br/>【近】 abnegate, cede, renounce, resign, surrender<br/>【近】inaugurate就职;usurp 篡位<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 移交,交出:to give(something) over to the control or possession of another usually under duress<br/>【例】The boy reluctantly relinquished the illegal fireworks to the police officer.小男孩不情愿地把非法的焰火交给了警察。‖The court ordered him to relinquish custody of his child. 法庭要求他交出孩子的监护权。<br/>【近】deliver, render, yield, turn in, turn over<br/>【反】 keep, retain, withhold保留,不给予<br/><br/>【记】re回 + link 连结,联系,将建立的联系断掉→放弃;re + liquid 液体→放水,流产→放弃;re +<br/>linq 音:离开 + quit 放弃→离开放弃<br/>The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up. 水能载舟,也能覆舟。


【考法 1】vt. 放弃,摒弃:to solemnly or formally reject or go back on (as something formerly adhered to)<br/>【例】She refused to renege the principles by which she had always lived her life, even if it resulted in losing herbusiness.尽管有可能使她失去她的事业,但她仍然拒绝放弃她在生命中所坚持的那些原则。<br/>【近】abnegate, forswear, recant, renounce, repeal, repudiate, retract, withdraw<br/>【反】adhere坚持<br/>【派】renegaden. 叛徒<br/><br/>【记】源自re + negate 否定


【考法 1】vt. 敌对,反对:to act in opposition to : counteract<br/>【例】He did not mean to antagonize you.他并没有要反对你。<br/>【例】antagonize a bill 反对一项议案<br/>【近】counteract, disagree<br/>【反】agree, concede, grant 同意;win over 使某人同意<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 激起敌意:to incur or provoke the hostility of<br/>【例】His remark antagonized his friends. 他的评述激怒了他的朋友。<br/>【近】aggravate, exasperate, gall, inflame, nettle, provoke, peeve, pique, irritate, rile, roil, chafe, grate, ruffle,vex<br/>【反】 soothe, defuse, allay, conciliate, propitiate, mitigate, assuage, appease, pacify, placate, calm, settle, subdue, solace, mollify平息,抚慰<br/><br/>【记】anti- 反 + go on 反着走,反着干


【考法 1】vt. 救援,援助:to go to the aid of<br/>【例】 We see it as our duty to succor anyone in need.我们视帮助他人为自己的职责<br/>【近】aid, assist, help, relieve, support<br/><br/>【记】successive 后续的支援;success 成功取决于援助


【考法 1】vt. 敦促;力劝:to urge by strong, often stirring argument, admonition, advice, or appeal<br/>【例】The speaker exhorted the graduating students to go forth and try to make a difference in the world.演讲者鼓励毕业生们去广阔天地有所作为。<br/>【近】encourage, goad, nudge, prod, prompt, egg on<br/><br/>【记】ex + heart 把心都掏出来了,真心劝告;ex 不,出 + hurt 受伤→使不伤,心灵的疗伤,从伤痛中解脱出来→激励,勉励;<br/>【另】hortative,hortatory 两词都是劝告的,鼓励的


【考法 1】vt. 整理(羽毛):to smooth or clean (feathers) with the beak or bill<br/>【近】plume<br/>【反】rumple弄皱<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 打扮修饰:to dress or groom (oneself) with elaborate care<br/>【例】She always preen herself in an elaborate suit before going to the opera.她去听歌剧之前总要精心打扮一番,穿上最豪华的服装。<br/>【近】groom, plume, primp<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 自满:to take pride or satisfaction in (oneself)<br/>【例】He always preen himself on his ancestry. 他总是因为他的血统而洋洋得意<br/>【近】gloat, plume, pride<br/>【反】efface表现出谦卑<br/><br/>【记】queen 象个女王一样打扮;plume 羽毛,整理羽毛, l=r 元音转换


【考法 1】vt. 斜视,睥睨:to look or glance sideways<br/>【例】The driver squinted as the sun hit his windshield.阳光使得驾驶员不得不把眼睛偏向一边<br/>【近】leer<br/>【反】gaze, goggle直视<br/><br/>【记】see queen 王后光彩夺目,令人不敢正视,需要斜视;音:斜看它<br/>Want of care does us more damage than want of knowledge. 粗心比无知更为有害。


【考法 1】vt. 断言,肯定地说出:to state or declare positively and often forcefully or aggressively<br/>【例】asserted one's innocence.坚称自己无罪<br/>【例】He asserted that there were corrupt officials in the government. 他断言道政府里面一定存在腐败的官员。<br/>【近】aver, allege, avow, avouch, insist<br/>【反】deny, gainsay 否认<br/><br/>【记】insert 插了一句话断言,宣称;很certain的说出<br/>【另】assert 断言,声称,desert 沙漠,放弃,逃跑,dessert 甜点,dissert 论述,exsert(向外+突起)突出,insert(向内突起)插入


【考法 1】vt. 更改,修正:to look over again in order to correct or improve<br/>【例】There are many problems involved in revising a dictionary. 修正字典会牵涉到诸多问题。‖With the snow, we'll need to revise our travel plans. 因为下雪了,我们不得不更改旅游计划。<br/>【近】amend, correct, emend, polish, redraft, refine, rework, upgrade<br/>【反】discard丢弃,抛弃<br/>【派】revision n. 修改<br/><br/>【记】re重新 + devise 设计,重新设计<br/>There is nothing permanent except change. 唯有变化是永恒。


【考法 1】vt. 束缚:to deprive of freedom especially of action by means of restrictions or handicaps<br/>【例】unwilling to shackle the dogs to the wall of the house不愿意把狗拴在墙边<br/>【近】chain, enchain, enfetter, fetter, gyve, handcuff, manacle, pinion, trammel<br/>【反】 loose, emancipate, unbind, unfetter, unshackle解放<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 限制,阻碍:to create difficulty for the work or activity of<br/>【例】shackled by poverty and ignorance被贫穷和无知所阻碍<br/>【近】 clog, cramp, encumber, fetter, hinder, impede, inhibit, interfere with, manacle, obstruct, short-circuit, stymie, tie up, trammel<br/>【反】aid, assist, facilitate, help促进,帮助<br/><br/>【记】音:手铐<br/>To err is human. 人非圣贤,孰能无过。


【考法 1】vt. 染污,掺杂:to soil, stain, corrupt, or infect by contact or association<br/>【例】Bacteria contaminated the wound.细菌感染了伤口<br/>【近】pollute, defile, taint, infect<br/>【反】purify, sanitize 净化<br/>【派】contaminationn. 污染;contaminantn. 污染物<br/><br/>【记】con + 音:踏面,一起脚踏面粉;con 一起 + tame 驯服,驯养许多动物会弄脏自家后院,(整天屙啊尿的还得自己打扫)


【考法 1】vt. 标记上杂色斑点:to mark with spots or blotches of different shades or colors<br/>【例】a black horse mottled with white 身上带有白色斑点的黑马<br/>【近】blotch, dapple, dot, marble, splotch, spot, stain<br/>【反】blanch漂白<br/>【派】mottledadj. 斑驳的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 校验,证实:to determine or test the truth or accuracy of, as by comparison, investigation, or reference<br/>【例】 We need to verify your passport. 我们需要校验阁下的护照。<br/>【近】attest, authenticate, certify, corroborate, substantiate, support, validate, vindicate<br/>【反】disprove, rebut, refute反驳,驳斥<br/>【派】verifiedadj. 经证实的;verificationn. 证实<br/><br/>【记】very 真 + fy使,证实为真的


【考法 1】vt. 根除,消灭:to get rid of completely usually by killing off<br/>【例】 We hope that the fumigant exterminates the whole colony of cockroaches, for any survivors may be resistant to any poison.我们希望所有的蟑螂都能被杀虫剂根除,因为任何幸存者都可能产生抗药性。<br/>【近】annihilate, decimate, efface, eradicate, expunge, extirpate, liquidate, obliterate, raze, sweep, wipe out<br/>【反】conserve, preserve, protect 保护;rescue, save拯救<br/>【派】exterminationn. 消灭<br/><br/>【记】ex 出,+ term 任期,范围;出了任期就没了,结束了;出了学期就结束了<br/>【另】terminator 终结者(同名电影是史瓦辛格著名影片)


【考法 1】vt. 横穿:to travel or pass across, over, or through<br/>【例】The spider traversed the wall from end to end. 蜘蛛侠攀岩走壁。<br/>【近】course, cover, cross, cut across, navigate, pass over, perambulate, peregrinate, proceed along, transit, travel<br/><br/>【记】源自transverse 横向的, 横断的 tra = trans 穿越 + verse 翻转<br/>【另】cross


【考法 1】vt. 欺骗:to take in by deceptive means; deceive<br/>【例】Don't let yourself be hoodwinked into buying things you don't need.别被忽悠着去买用不着的东西。<br/>【近】beguile, con, delude, dupe, fool, hoax, humbug<br/>【反】 disabuse 消除错误念头<br/><br/>【记】hood 头巾 + wink 眨眼,指将眼睛蒙上→蒙蔽,欺骗


【考法 1】vt. 正式提出:to offer formally<br/>【例】 tender a letter of resignation 正式提交辞职信<br/>【近】extend, proffer, trot out<br/>【反】 withdraw 撤回<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 考虑周到的,关心同情的:having or marked by sympathy and consideration for others<br/>【例】an especially tender teacher who loves having kids with special educational needs in her class特别无微不至的老师,爱着那些需要特别教育的孩子们<br/>【近】beneficent, benevolent, benignant, compassionate, softhearted<br/>【反】atrocious, barbarous, bestial, brutal, callous, cruel, fiendish, inhuman, insensate, sadistic, savage, truculent, uncompassionate, vicious 尖酸刻薄的<br/><br/>【记】tend有两个意思,照管,照料,和倾向,趋向,也是延伸的字根,相应地tender也有几个意思<br/>,嫩,软,温柔,微妙的(因为需要照料),伸出的字根与倾向,相当于extend 提供,给予,申请留学时一个名校给你extend 了一个offer


【考法 1】vt. 比...早,早于:to be of an earlier date than<br/>【例】The church antedates the village itself.这座教堂甚至在村庄之前就存在了。‖Dinosaurs antedate cavemen by millions of years.恐龙比穴居人要早几百万年出现。<br/>【近】antecede, forego, predate, preexist<br/>【反】follow, postdate, succeed晚于<br/><br/>【记】ante 前 + date 日期


【考法 1】vt. 水煮:to cook in a liquid heated to the point that it gives off steam<br/>【例】He poached an egg for breakfast.他煮了一个荷包蛋做早饭。<br/>【近】coddle, parboil, simmer, stew<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 沉思:to go over in the mind repeatedly and often casually or slowly<br/>【例】ruminated the reason past failures沉思以往失败的原因<br/>【近】cogitate, contemplate, deliberate, meditate, perpend, ponder, weigh<br/>【反】ignore, neglect, overlook忽视<br/>【派】ruminativeadj. 沉思的<br/><br/>【记】音:乳糜,一种类似酸奶的乳制品,牛把乳糜反刍;音:肉糜 + in + ate 吃,将酸奶,肉吃进去反复嚼成肉糜,反复咀嚼,琢磨,引申为沉思;音:入迷→沉思


【考法 1】vt. 测量(深度):to measure the depth of (as a body of water) typically with a weighted line<br/>【例】The pilot had to continually fathom the river, which drought conditions had lowered to unprecedented levels.舵手不得不时刻注意河水深度,因为干旱已经使水深下降到了前所未有的程度<br/>【近】plumb<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 彻底理解,弄懂:to penetrate and come to understand<br/>【例】unable to fathom the what he was talking about无法弄懂他在说什么<br/>【近】apprehend, cognize, comprehend, grasp, know, understand<br/>【反】misunderstand 误解<br/>【派】fathomableadj.可测量的;可知晓的<br/><br/>【记】farther 更远,far 距离远,测量距离多远,多深


【考法 1】vt. 浸泡(以软化):to make soft by soaking or steeping in a liquid<br/>【例】macerate the sample in ethanol用乙醇浸软试样<br/>【近】drench, drown, impregnate, saturate, sodden, sop, souse, steep<br/>【反】wring 拧干;dehydrate, desiccate, parch, sorch, sear烤干,烤焦<br/><br/>【记】音:梅酥软的,酸梅酥软是泡在水泡出来的;mace 一棒打晕,饿瘦并且混身发软,象散了架一样


【考法 1】vt. 浸泡:to make thoroughly wet<br/>【例】steep the tea for five minutes浸泡茶叶五分钟<br/>【近】drench, drown, impregnate, macerate, saturate, sodden, sop, souse<br/>【反】desiccate, dry, parch, sear烘烤,烤干;wring拧干<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 陡峭的:having an incline approaching the perpendicular<br/>【例】a very steep rock face that is nearly impossible to climb 一面非常陡峭以至于不可能攀爬的岩石<br/>【近】abrupt, precipitate, sheer<br/>【反】gradual逐渐变化的;flat平坦的<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 过分的,过高的:going beyond a normal or acceptable limit in degree or amount<br/>【例】 We would like to hire him, but his salary demands are just too steep. 我们很想雇用他,可是他对于薪水的要求实在是太高了。<br/>【近】exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, immoderate, inordinate, insane, lavish, overdue, overweening, plethoric, stiff<br/>【反】moderate, modest, reasonable, temperate适度的<br/><br/>【记】陡峭的崖上掉到海里就是浸泡;deep 深的;dip 浸,沾;


【考法 1】vt. 混合:to turn into a single mass or entity that is more or less the same throughout<br/>【例】The movie conflates documentary footage and dramatized reenactments so seamlessly and ingeniously that viewers may not know what is real and what is not.电影将纪实档案和娱乐性的夸张如此巧妙无缝地糅合起来,以至于观众不知道哪一部分是真实的,哪一部分是虚构的。<br/>【近】amalgamate, combine, composite, fuse, homogenize, immingle, incorporate, integrate, interfuse, meld, merge, mingle, mix<br/>【反】disunite, divide, part, separate, sunder分离<br/>【派】conflationn. 合并<br/><br/>【记】con + flat 气,吹到一起; con + flat 弄到一起压平;<br/>【另】conflate 合并, deflate 放气,inflate 充气 膨胀,insufflate 吹入 吹进,flatulent 空虚 自负 浮夸的;flatus 肠胃胀气,气息,一阵风


【考法 1】vt. 淹没:to cover with or as if with flood<br/>【例】inundated with trash e-mails 被垃圾邮件所淹没<br/>【近】avalanche, deluge, drown, engulf, overflow, overwhelm, submerge<br/>【反】drain 排空<br/>【派】inundationn. 淹没<br/><br/>【记】in + unda 波浪;音:淹 under;音:阴暗 + date→阴暗的日子→地球上最阴暗的日子是上帝降下大洪水淹没世界那天<br/>【另】undulate 波动, 起伏, abundant丰富的,inundate 淹没, redundant 多余的


【考法 1】vt. 添加燃料:supply with fuel<br/>【例】She was stoking the furnace.她正用给火炉添木头。<br/>【近】fuel, rekindle<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 增大,促进:to make greater in size, amount, or number<br/>【例】stoke workers' commitment to the company by raising their salaries通过加薪来提升员工对公司的忠诚度<br/>【近】aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, enlarge, escalate, expand, extend, multiply, raise<br/>【反】abate, decrease, diminish, downsize, dwindle, lessen, lower, minify, reduce, subtract减少<br/><br/>【记】stove 炉子里加stake 或stock 树桩


【考法 1】vt. 湿透,浸透:to wet thoroughly<br/>【例】The thunderstorm drenched us to the skin.雷雨把我们浇了个透<br/>【近】deluge, douse, soak, saturate, sodden, sop, wet<br/>【反】dehydrate, desiccate, dry, parch, scorch, sear 干燥<br/><br/>【记】源自drink, ch = k


【考法 1】vt. 漠视,不关注:to pay no attention to<br/>【例】disregard the advice of his executives漠视执行管理者的建议<br/>【近】ignore, overlook, slight<br/>【反】heed, mind, regard, attend to关注<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 缺乏兴趣,缺乏关心:lack of interest or concern<br/>【例】Revelers fired guns in the air with complete disregard for the possible consequences.饮酒狂欢者一点也不关心后果的开枪。<br/>【近】apathy, disinterestedness, incuriosity, nonchalance, torpor, unconcern<br/>【反】concern, interest, regard关心,感兴趣<br/><br/>【记】dis+regard 关心,注意→不注意的


【考法 1】vt. 激活,加强:to make effective or active, or more effective or more active<br/>【例】additives to potentiate the drug增强药效的添加剂<br/>【近】activate, energize, enhance, intensify, stir, wake, vitalize<br/>【反】deactivate使无效;abate, attenuate, dwindle, lessen, moderate, reduce减弱,削弱<br/><br/>【记】potent强有力的 + ate动词


【考法 1】vt. 激起,挑逗:to excite (another) by exposing something desirable while keeping it out of reach<br/>【例】He was tantalized by the possibility of earning a lot of money quickly. 有人用迅速致富挑逗他。<br/>【反】 comfort, console, solace, alleviate, assuage, relieve, satiate安慰,缓和<br/><br/>【记】源自Tantalus,希腊神话坦塔罗斯,宙斯之子, 因泄露天机被罚永世站在上有果树的水中, 口渴想喝水时水即减退, 腹饥想吃果子时树枝即升高;音:探他来之,给他点甜头,试探将他吸引过来<br/>,又不给他实质的;tan 炭黑 + tall 高,黑人高个子,美NBA球员,你跟他打篮球就跟他逗你玩一样


【考法 1】vt. 灌溉:to supply (dry land) with water by means of ditches, pipes, or streams; water artificially<br/>【例】irrigate crops periodically定期灌溉农作物<br/>【近】water<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 冲洗:to flush (a body part) with a stream of liquid (as in removing a foreign body or medicating)<br/>【例】irrigate the wound冲洗伤口<br/>【近】flush, rinse, wash<br/>【派】irrigationn. 灌溉<br/><br/>【记】rig- 近于rain, 音:淫雨,雨水溉它;ir + rain + gate 打开雨门,水闸放水


【考法 1】vt. 灌输,使...充满:to fill or cause to be filled with something<br/>【例】New members infused enthusiasm into the club.新队员为俱乐部注入了激情<br/>【近】endue, imbue, implant, ingrain, instill, permeate, suffuse, steep<br/>【反】extract提取<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 鼓舞:inspire, animate<br/>【例】a sense of purpose that infuses scientific researchers给科学研究者打鸡血一般的使命感<br/>【近】animate, exalt, motivate, stimulate<br/>【派】infusionn. 注入<br/><br/>【记】in 里 + fuse 流,向里流→灌输<br/>【另】confuse 都熔在一起了→使混淆,defuse 去掉雷管,diffuse 向外熔化流动→ 散开, 弥漫,effuse<br/>涌出流出,fuse 熔化成液体,熔合,雷管,引信,infuse 流入,interfuse 混合,perfuse 灌注,profuse<br/>充满,丰富,refuse 再熔化成没有的东西→废物,拒绝,suffuse 充满,transfuse 注入,灌输


【考法 1】vt. 点燃:to build or fuel (a fire); to set fire to; ignite<br/>【例】kindle interest 激发兴趣<br/>【近】enkindle, ignite, inflame, torch<br/>【反】 douse, extinguish, quench, put out, snuff out熄灭<br/><br/>【记】candle 点燃


【考法 1】vt. 热望:to have an intense desire for<br/>【例】crave alcohols and cigarettes 渴望烟酒<br/>【近】need, yearn, desire, pine, thirst, itch, long, yen<br/>【反】spurn摒弃<br/>【派】cravingn. 迫切的渴望<br/><br/>【记】音:渴望


【考法 1】vt. 照明:to make luminous or shining<br/>【例】to illuminate with a spotlight 用聚光灯照亮<br/>【近】bathe, beacon, emblaze, illume, illumine, irradiate, lighten<br/>【反】blacken, darken, obfuscate使黯淡,使昏暗<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 阐明:to make plain or understandable<br/>【例】Roosevelt′s New Deal illuminates what the role of government is in Keynesian Economics.罗斯福新政阐明了在凯恩斯主义中政府的作用<br/>【近】clarify, clear, construe, demonstrate, demystify, elucidate, explicate, expound, illustrate, interpret<br/>【反】obscure使费解<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 启迪,启发:to provide (someone) with moral or spiritual understanding<br/>【例】how man is illuminated by a higher spirit人们是如何被更高境界的思想开化的<br/>【近】edify, educate, enlighten, inspire, nurture<br/>【反】confuse, perplex, puzzle使困惑<br/>【派】illuminationn. 照明;启迪<br/><br/>【记】il + lumi- 音:流明


【考法 1】vt. 狼吞虎咽:to swallow or eat greedily<br/>【例】Lions gobble their prey. 狮子狼吞虎咽地啃食它们的猎物<br/>【近】devour, gorge, guzzle, quaff, raven, swill<br/>【反】nibble小口咬<br/><br/>【记】象声,说这人吃东西嘎嘣嘎嘣的;也是火鸡叫声的象声;音:糕包,蛋糕与包子,贪婪地吃<br/>【另】babble 呀呀学语, 喋喋不休 儿语, 胡言乱语, jabber 快而含糊地说, 吱吱喳喳地叫, gibber 叽哩呱啦地说,gabble 急促而不清楚地说话,gobble(大吃的声音) 大吃


【考法 1】vt. 玷污:to affect slightly with something morally bad or undesirable<br/>【例】an arrest for shoplifting tarnished her reputation因在商店行窃被捕玷污了她的声望<br/>【近】 blemish, mar, stain, vitiate<br/><br/>【记】音:踏泥湿,踏上一脚湿泥,变脏→失去光泽;tar焦油 + 音:泥湿,用焦油和湿泥来抹黑<br/>【另】polish 使有光泽 <br/>tarpaulin n.防水布,油布<br/>【记】tar 焦油 + 音:袍淋,用焦油涂在袍上淋雨也不怕


【考法 1】vt. 用肘推以引起注意:to seek the attention of by a push of the elbow<br/>【例】accidentally nudged me as he squeezed past 他过去的时候不小心用肘碰到了我<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 说服某人做某事:to try to persuade(someone) through earnest appeals to follow a course of action<br/>【例】 the car salesman nudged me into taking a test-drive汽车销售员说服我进行试驾<br/>【近】encourage, exhort, goad, press, prod, prompt<br/><br/>【记】nude + ge 音:哥,碰上穿着裸露的叫你一声哥,并且用肘轻推你作出暗示,这时要小心了<br/>,不要做身败名裂的错事


【考法 1】vt. 用蒸馏法提高纯度:to increase the concentration of, separate, or purify by or as if by distillation.<br/>【例】distill the water before pouring it in the steam iron在把水倒到熨斗里前蒸馏一下<br/>【近】purify, filter, refine, fine<br/>【派】distillate n. 蒸馏物,纯化物,本质:a purified form; an essence<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 渗出;滴下:to fall or let fall in or as if in drops<br/>【例】The basement walls distill water every time it rains heavily.地下室的墙壁每次下大雨都渗出水来。<br/>【近】distill, dribble, drop, trickle<br/><br/>【记】dis + 音:滴馏,滴蒸馏水;still 有蒸馏的意思;still water 死水,静水;<br/>【另】still 有蒸馏的意思,instill (向里滴)一滴滴灌入,distill 蒸馏<br/>Good habits are the keys to all success. 好习惯是成功的关键。


【考法 1】vt. 用轻松、活泼或变更的影响力来充斥:to mingle or permeate with some modifying, alleviating, orvivifying element<br/>【例】He needs to leaven his speeches with more humor.他需要在演讲中再加入点幽默元素。<br/>【近】imbue, infuse, ingrain, inoculate, inspire, permeate, steep, suffuse<br/>【反】extract抽取<br/><br/>【记】leaf, f=ve,叶子腐烂后可以发酵


【考法 1】vt. 痛饮,大口地吃:to drink greedily, to eat greedily or to excess<br/>【例】Considering the way she swills carbonated drinks, she ought to own stock in Pepsi company.鉴于她对碳酸饮料消费的贡献,百事公司应该给她分点股份。<br/>【近】 gulp, quaff, swig<br/>【反】 sip啜饮<br/><br/>【记】音:洗,水 + well 井水,用井水冲洗,痛饮;音:水碗,用水碗冲洗或痛饮<br/>【另】swell 膨胀,增大,与swell的区别在于swill接近spill (水)溢出


【考法 1】vt. 监禁,困于...之中:to confine in a restricted and often crowded area<br/>【例】Those restless kids were cooped up in the house on a rainy.雨天那些好动的孩子们被困在房子里<br/>【近】box, cage, corral, encage, enclose, envelop, fence, hedge, immure, include, pen, wall<br/>【反】free, liberate, release释放<br/><br/>【记】cop 警察,抓住;小心警察把你抓到笼子里,象鸡笼子般


【考法 1】vt. 盗版,盗用:to take or make use of under a guise of authority but without actual right<br/>【例】a pirated version of the software 盗版软件<br/>【近】arrogate, commandeer, convert, expropriate, preempt, press, seize, usurp<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 海盗:a robber on the high seas<br/>【例】little boys dreaming of sailing as pirates梦想成为海盗的小男孩<br/>【近】corsair, freebooter, rover<br/><br/>【记】empire + ate 帝国吃海盗,海盗很猖獗,常侵扰国民,帝国的国王恨不得生吃了这帮海盗


【考法 1】vt. 盗用:to appropriate (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to one's own use<br/>【例】limitations on the right of the state to embezzle private property限制政府挪用私人财产的权利<br/>【近】appropriate, peculate<br/>【反】confiscate没收充公<br/>【派】embezzlementn. 挪用,盗用<br/><br/>【记】音:隐秘壁凿,偷偷地凿墙角→侵吞国库


【考法 1】vt. 直接对抗,直面:to come face to face with, especially with defiance or hostility<br/>【例】You must confront your fear in order to conquer it. 要战胜你的恐惧,就必须首先敢于面对<br/>【近】affront, brazen, encounter, face, meet<br/>【反】dodge, duck, parry, shirk, sidestep躲避<br/>【派】confrontationn. 对抗,冲突<br/><br/>【记】con + front 一起面对面→使面临,对抗,<br/>【另】affront 公开侮辱, 冒犯, 面对 confront 一起面对面,使面临,对抗, effrontery 厚颜无耻的面对


【考法 1】vt. 确定方向,使熟悉或适应:to set or arrange in any determinate position especially in relation to the points of the compass; to make familiar with or adjusted to facts, principles, or a situation<br/>【例】orient students toward a career in medicine指导学生从事医学的职业道路<br/>【近】accustom, familiarize, initiate, introduce, orientate<br/>【反】 confuse使迷惑<br/><br/>【记】源自:rise,O 象太阳 + rise


【考法 1】vt. 磨光:to make smooth by friction<br/>【例】Be sure to sand before you paint the shelf.在上漆之前一定要先磨光。<br/>【反】buff, file, hone, rasp, rub<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 磨快:to sharpen by rubbing on or with something (as a stone)<br/>【例】whetted the dagger with the grindstone用磨石把匕首磨锋利<br/>【近】edge, grind, hone, stone, strop<br/>【反】blunt, dull 使变钝<br/><br/>【记】wet 弄湿,开始磨刀


【考法 1】vt. 禁止,排斥:to prohibit; forbid<br/>【例】acts proscribed by law被法律禁止的行为<br/>【近】ban, enjoin, interdict, outlaw, prohibit<br/>【反】 sanction, permit, allow, let, suffer允许<br/><br/>【记】pro前 + scribe 提前写出来,将丑话说在前面→禁止 <br/>【另】prescribe 指示, 规定, 开处方


【考法 1】vt. 称赞;颂扬:to speak or write in high praise of<br/>【例】He was eulogized at his funeral as a caring husband and a good father.他在悼词中被称赞为一个好丈夫、一个好爸爸。<br/>【反】defame, pan, stricture诬蔑,指责<br/><br/>【记】eu 音:优,好 + log 说 + ize→说好话


【考法 1】vt. 移植,移接:to implant (living tissue) surgically or as if surgically<br/>【例】The top layer of skin has to be grafted onto the burns.顶层的皮肤需要被移植到烧伤的伤口上。‖graft old traditions onto the new ones把老传统移植到新的习俗之上<br/>【近】implant, transplant<br/><br/>【记】近于carve g=c, v=f 切开,嫁接;音:刮肤,用刀将树枝(表面,肤)刮(切)开,接上另一种树的枝;把东西移到别的树上,指将不属于自己的拿来→贪污;graph + draft 图形草图就是画来画去的<br/>Kind words are the music of the world. 善言是世上的音乐。 <br/>,将图移来移去的,植到其它图上


【考法 1】vt. 突然停止,阻止:to arrest the motion of abruptly<br/>【例】a tree finally checked the skidding car一辆滑行的车终于被大树停止了<br/>【近】arrest, stall, bridle, contain, curb, tame, bring up, draw up, hold up, pull up<br/>【反】propagate, goad, hasten扩增,驱使,促进<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 同意,一致:to be in agreement on every point<br/>【例】their story of what happened checks with the report of the eyewitness他们的说法和目击者的供词一致<br/>【近】accord, cohere, conform, correspond, dovetail, fit, harmonize, jibe, tally<br/>【反】differ, disagree with反对<br/><br/>【记】check 检查,正在开车,忽然警察要检查,把我阻止停了下来


【考法 1】vt. 突然说出,冲动地说:to utter abruptly and impulsively<br/>【例】blurt out the secret 脱口说出了秘密<br/>【近】burst, bolt, ejaculate, cry out<br/>【反】muffle, mute使缄默<br/><br/>【记】blah说废话 + burst 爆发;blow 吹,叫 + utter 说出;<br/>【另】blat 不加思索说出


【考法 1】vt. 笨拙地做:to make awkward attempts to do or find something<br/>【例】fumbled in his pocket for a coin从口袋里笨拙地摸出一枚硬币<br/>【近】botch, flounder, mess, stumble<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. (无意识的)失误:an unintentional departure from truth or accuracy<br/>【例】played the entire piano piece without a single fumble完美地演绎了整首钢琴曲<br/>【近】blunder, fault, gaffe, lapse, misstep, mistake<br/><br/>【记】音:翻吧(吧需要些口音);音:风暴,风暴中摸索寻找去路;fume 浓烟中摸索,因为啥也看不见


【考法 1】vt. 绑架勒索:to seize and detain by unlawful force or fraud and often with a demand for ransom<br/>【例】the child was kidnapped and held for ransom歹徒绑架了孩子,并且向家属勒索赎金<br/>【近】abduct<br/>【反】release, set free释放<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 给...着上少量的色彩:to color with a slight shade or stain; tint<br/>【例】just slightly tinge the frosting with yellow food coloring to give it a lemony look 略微在霜糖表面加一点黄色色素,有一点柠檬的感觉就可以了<br/>【近】dye, pigment, stain, tincture, tint<br/>【反】suffuse, decolorize 遍染,使脱色<br/><br/>【记】contingent touch;音:舔指,手做蛋糕,指头上染有奶油渍与气息,舔一舔


【考法 1】vt. 给予权利(例如选举权):to endow with the rights of citizenship, especially the right to vote<br/>【例】Slaves in US were emancipated in 1863 but were not enfranchised until the Fifteenth Amendment went into effect in 1870.尽管在美国奴隶于 1863 年就获得了解放,但他们直到 1870 年《第五修正案》正式生效才获得选举权<br/>【反】disenfranchise, disempower 剥夺权利<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 解放:to set free (as from slavery)<br/>【例】In a way, modern labor-saving appliances enfranchised people, giving them much more leisure time. 从某种意义上来说,那些节省劳动力的现代设备将人们解放出来,给予更多的休闲时间<br/>【近】discharge, emancipate, free, liberate, manumit, rescue, unfetter<br/>【反】bind, confine, enfetter束缚;subjugate, subdue; enthrall使臣服;使成为奴隶<br/><br/>【记】France 法兰西 法国,franchise 公民权,特权,法国大革命时期著名的人和公民权利宣言→france法国与(公民)权利franchise紧紧联系着的<br/>【另】disfranchise


【考法 1】vt. 给予鼓励,鼓舞:to give strength, courage, or hope to; encourage<br/>【例】 thinking we were hopelessly lost, we were heartened by the sight of a familiar farmhouse悲催地以为我们完全迷路了,前方一座熟悉的农场给了我们新的希望<br/>【近】 embolden, inspire, inspirit, buck up, buoy up, cheer up<br/>【反】 daunt, dismay, discourage, dishearten, dispirit 使胆怯<br/><br/>【记】使heart,强心


【考法 1】vt. 编织(纱线):to form by interlacing yarn or thread in a series of connected loops with needles<br/>【例】She knitted him a sweater for Christmas. 圣诞节她为他缝了一件毛衣<br/>【近】braid, plait, weave<br/>【反】 ravel 解开<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 连接,联系:to join closely; unite securely<br/>【例】Sport knits the whole family close together.体育将整个家庭紧紧地联系在一起<br/>【近】bind, bond, combine, connect, fasten, join, link, meld, merge, tie, secure, unite<br/>【反】disassociate, disconnect, disjoin, divide, sever, split, sunder 分开<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 缩短,削减:to make less in extent or duration<br/>【例】curtail your holiday 缩短你的假期<br/>【近】abbreviate, abridge, syncopate, truncate, cut back<br/>【反】elongate, protract, prolong, extend, lengthen延长<br/><br/>【记】curl + tail 卷起尾巴;cut + tail 或cur + tail 杂种狗尾巴是被剪短的;<br/>【另】curtal 切短物


【考法 1】vt. 耗尽,使衰竭:to decrease the fullness of; to make complete use of<br/>【例】miners depleted the vein of copper ore after only a few months矿工们在短短几个月内就把一整片铜矿开采完了<br/>【近】consume, devour, drain, exhaust, draw down, play out, use up<br/>【反】enrich, renew, replace使富有,更新<br/><br/>【记】de 否定 + plete 满→倒空<br/>【另】complete完成,完全的; replete 充满的


【考法 1】vt. 联合抵制,拒绝参与:to engage in a concerted refusal to have dealings with (as a person, store, or organization) usually to express disapproval or to force acceptance of certain conditions<br/>【例】This brand is being boycotted for damaging environment.因为破坏环境,这个品牌正在被抵制<br/>【近】refuse<br/>【反】patronize 经常光顾<br/><br/>【记】音:杯葛;Boy + cot 男生小屋。男生在自己的小屋子里商量联合抵制的计划


【考法 1】vt. 脱去,使赤裸:to divest of covering; make bare<br/>【例】Drought has completely denuded the hills of grass. 干旱脱去了山上的草使山变得光秃秃的。<br/>【反】cover 遮盖<br/><br/>【记】de + nude 赤裸的→使完全赤裸<br/>


【考法 1】vt. 脱衣,剥去:to remove clothing, covering, or surface matter from<br/>【例】Guards stripped and start to search the prisoners. 守卫剥光了犯人,开始搜身。<br/>【近】denude, disrobe, doff, unclothe, undress<br/>【反】dress, gown, robe穿衣;bedeck穿衣打扮<br/><br/>【记】strap 带子;音:撕拽破,撕掉,拽破衣服;音:锥剖,锥剥,用锥子剖开,剥开外层的皮<br/>,衣服等<br/>【另】wrap 包裹


【考法 1】vt. 节俭,勤俭持家:to use sparingly or economically<br/>【例】Husbanding precious resources was part of rural life.节俭使用珍贵的资源就是农村生活的一部分<br/>【近】budget, conserve, economize<br/>【反】dissipate, lavish, prodigalize, squander, waste 挥霍,浪费<br/>【派】husbandlyadj. 节俭的;husbandryn. 节俭<br/><br/>【记】husband 做丈夫的责任,妥善管理家<br/>Love is blind. 爱情是盲目的。


【考法 1】vt. 获取,获得:to get as one's own<br/>【例】bacteria that acquire tolerance to antibiotics产生了抗药性的细菌‖Ihave never acquired a tastefor wine.我从来就不具备对葡萄酒酒的品味能力。<br/>【近】attain, capture, draw, gain, garner, get, make, obtain, procure, realize, reap, secure, win, bring in<br/>【反】forfeit, lose丧失<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 获得,取得:to get possession of<br/>【例】procured the prisoner's release得到了释放囚犯的许可<br/>【近】acquire, attain, garner, knock down, pull down, bring in<br/>【反】 relinquish, forfeit, lose放弃<br/><br/>【记】cure -&gt; quire, acquire;与secure (取得,获得,抓获)有一个意思相同;


【考法 1】vt. 表明:to make known (something abstract) through outward signs<br/>【例】evince a strong desire明显地表现出强烈的欲望<br/>【近】bespeak, betray, declare, demonstrate, expose, manifest, reveal, give away,<br/>【反】conceal, keep hidden隐藏<br/><br/>【记】evidence 证据表明,显示,就能够convince你;win 赢得<br/>【另】convince 使确信,使信服


【考法 1】vt. 表达不喜欢:to hold an unfavorable opinion of<br/>【例】deprecates TV sitcoms as childish and simpleminded批评电视情景喜剧既幼稚又脑残<br/>【近】deprecate, discountenance, disesteem, disfavor, frown (on or upon)<br/>【反】approve, favor 喜欢<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 贬低,轻视:to express scornfully one's low opinion of<br/>【例】deprecate the comedy as the stupidest movie of the year认为这部喜剧是年度最傻逼电影<br/>【近】belittle, denigrate, dismiss, disparage, cry down<br/>【反】acclaim, applaud, exalt, extol, glorify 赞扬<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 降低重要性,低调:play down, to make little of<br/>【例】She deprecated her facility for languages 她不炫耀自己对于语言的天赋。<br/>【反】vaunt 自夸<br/><br/>【记】源自pray 祈祷,de 不好 + pray 祝祷告某人不好,就是说人不好的话;de反 + appreciate 赏识<br/>【另】imprecate 诅咒(否定 + pray 是念咒咒某人,更不好)


【考法 1】vt. 表达观点:to express opinions<br/>【例】You can opine about any subject you like. 你可以畅所欲言。<br/>【近】 comment, editorialize, note, observe, reflect, weigh in<br/><br/>【记】opinion 想法


【考法 1】vt. 被示众嘲弄:to expose to public contempt, ridicule, or scorn<br/>【例】The candidate mercilessly pilloried his opponent.候选人在大众面前无情地羞辱他的对手。‖He resigned after being pilloried by the press.在遭到媒体嘲弄之后他愤然辞职。<br/>【近】abase, debase, degrade, denounce, humiliate, ridicule<br/>【反】carol, eulogize, exalt, extol, laud 赞美<br/><br/>【记】pile 桩子 + lorry卡车,绑在卡车后面的桩子戴着颈手枷上游街示众


【考法 1】vt. 装饰,点缀:to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becoming<br/>【例】flag bedecking the balcony 在阳台上用以装饰的旗子|| bedeck with jewels 用珠宝装饰<br/>【近】adorn, beautify, decorate, dress, embellish, emblaze<br/>【反】strip剥去 blemish, deface, mar, spoil 损害,破坏<br/><br/>【记】be + deck decorate的变体


【考法 1】vt. 规定,特定要求:to specify or arrange in an agreement<br/>【例】Total disarmament was stipulated in the peace treaty.和平协约中要求彻底解除武装。<br/>【近】claim, designate, detail, particularize, qualify<br/>【反】relinquish, surrender, yield, waive放弃(权力等)<br/>【派】stipulationn. 规范,要求<br/><br/>【记】stipple点画,用笔来规定条件;specify particulate;stimulate 刺激你一下,签个合同,完不成你就走人<br/>【另】speculate 思索,投机买卖


【考法 1】vt. 解开,松开:to separate the various strands of<br/>【例】Since the sweater is too small, you could ravel the yarnout and make something else with it.既然这个毛衣太大,你可以把它拆了然后织些新的东西。<br/>【近】disentangle, extricate, unbraid, unsnarl, untwine, unweave<br/>【反】 braid, knit, plait, weave 编织<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 阐明:to clarify by separating the aspects of<br/>【近】clarify, clear, elucidate, untangle, unravel<br/>【反】 complex, complicate, entangle, perplex, sophisticate, snarl, tangle使复杂化<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 使纠缠,使复杂化:to tangle or complicate<br/>【例】a ravelled story一个复杂的故事<br/>【近】complex, complicate, entangle, perplex, sophisticate, snarl, tangle<br/>【近】clarify, clear, elucidate, untangle, unravel 阐明<br/><br/>【记】风暴rave过后的线(l看成线)是纠缠在一起的;音:热舞 + l 象个丝带,跳舞的拿着丝带跳,线缠在一起;该词还有unravel 拆开的意思


【考法 1】vt. 解码:to change (as a secret message) from code into ordinary language<br/>【例】the agents worked into the night to decode the intercepted message from the enemy spy情报人员夜以继日地破解从敌方间谍拦截的信息<br/>【近】break, crack, decipher, decrypt<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 有清晰想法,理解,解读:to have a clear idea of<br/>【例】a convoluted thriller, the plot of which I was never able to actually decipher一部错综复杂的恐怖电影,情节我一直没有理解<br/>【近】apprehend, perceive, recognize, seize, sense ,make out<br/><br/>【记】de 否定 + code 密码→解开密码


【考法 1】vt. 解雇:to dismiss from employment<br/>【例】discharge a worker/soldier开除员工/军籍<br/>【近】fire, dismiss<br/>【反】employ, engage, hire, take on, sign up or on雇佣<br/><br/>【考法 2】n. 不承担责任:a freeing from an obligation or responsibility<br/>【例】a full discharge from responsibility for the accident 对事故完全不负有责任<br/>【近】delivery, quietus, quittance<br/><br/>【考法 3】v. 释放:to set free (as from slavery or confinement)<br/>【例】discharged the prisoners upon the signing of the peace treaty 根据和约释放罪犯<br/>【近】disenthrall, emancipate, enfranchise, liberate, loose, manumit, release, spring, unbind, uncage, unchain, unfetter<br/>【反】bind, confine, enchain, fetter监禁,束缚<br/><br/>【记】dis + charge 装满,充电→卸下,放出,解雇,放电,


【考法 1】vt. 讽刺:to ridicule or attack by means of satire<br/>【例】The movie satirizes contemporary life.这部电影讽刺当下生活。<br/><br/>【记】音:沙丁鱼,又一个沙丁鱼,鱼是有刺的,讽刺的;<br/>Though malice may darken truth, it cannot put it out. 恶意可以遮暗真理,但不能抹杀真理。 <br/>【另】sardonic,sarcastic


【考法 1】vt. 证实,为...作证:to give evidence or testimony to the truth or factualness of<br/>【例】Her fine work attests her ability.她的优秀作品能够证明她的能力。‖I can attest that she was at the party.我可以为她当时在聚会上作证。<br/>【近】argue, authenticate, certify, corroborate, substantiate, support, testify, validate, verify, vindicate<br/>【反】contradict, disprove, gainsay, rebut, refute反驳,否定<br/><br/>【记】at肯定 + 测试; 用测试,实验来肯定地证实<br/>【另】testify 证明, 作证,testament 遗嘱<br/>Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。


【考法 1】vt. 证实:to support with proof or evidence<br/>【例】There is little scientific evidence to substantiate the claims.现在还缺乏足够的科学证据来证实这种言论。<br/>【近】attest, authenticate, confirm, corroborate, justify, validate, verify<br/>【反】controvert, disprove, rebut, refute反驳<br/>【派】substantiatedadj. 经证实的<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt 使实体化:to give material form to<br/>【例】The artist's intense feelings are substantiated by his paintings' bold colors and broad brush strokes.画家强烈的情感通过他画作中鲜艳的色彩和很宽的笔画体现出来。<br/>【近】embody, epitomize, externalize, incarnate, incorporate, manifest, materialize, personalize<br/>【反】disembody使脱离肉体<br/>【派】substantiatedadj. 已证实的<br/><br/>【记】substance 物质 + ate 使物质化,实体化,证实


【考法 1】vt. 证明...的合理性,辩解:to prove or show to be just, right, or reasonable<br/>【例】failed to justify the need for a new expressway at this time没能证明修建新的高速公路的合理性‖The storm warning justified his leaving early. 他的早退因为风暴预警而显得理所当然。<br/>【近】excuse, rationalize, warrant<br/>【派】justification n. (正当的)理由<br/><br/>【记】just公正的,正当的,justice + fy 使,证明是公正的,正的


【考法 1】vt. 诋毁,污蔑:to express scornfully one's low opinion of<br/>【例】denigrate one's opponents 诋毁某人的对手<br/>【近】belittle, depreciate, derogate, dismiss, disparage<br/>【反】honor, acclaim, applaud, exalt, extol, glorify, magnify给以......荣誉,赞扬<br/><br/>【记】nigr- 黑,Negro 黑人 (贬义),de 否定 + 黑 抹黑


【考法 1】vt. 详述:to go into or give details or particulars<br/>【例】particularize the rules you must observe详述了你需要遵守的规定<br/>【近】detail, specificate, specify<br/>【反】abbreviate, abridge, condense, shorten删减内容<br/><br/>【记】将每部分part来列举出来


【考法 1】vt. 误传,篡改:to give an incorrect or misleading representation of<br/>【例】misrepresent the facts篡改事实真相<br/>【近】belie, color, distort, falsify, garble, misinterpret, misrelate, misstate, pervert<br/>【反】clarify, explain, illuminate, illustrate澄清,阐明<br/>【派】misrepresentationn. 篡改<br/><br/>【记】mis 错误 +represent


【考法 1】vt. 误解,曲解:to mistake the meaning of<br/>【例】An outsider might misconstrue the nature of the phenomenon.局外者可能会曲解这个现象的本质<br/>【近】garble, misapprehend, misinterpret, misperceive, misread, misrepresent, mistake<br/>【反】appreciate, apprehend, catch, comprehend, fathom, grasp, perceive, savvy, seize, understand获知<br/><br/>【记】mis + construe解释


【考法 1】vt. 诱使:to attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire: tempt; lure<br/>【例】entice sb into doing sth 诱使某人做某事<br/>【近】allure, bait, beguile, decoy, seduce, solicit, tempt, lead on<br/>【派】enticing adj. 诱人的<br/>【反】formidable可怕的<br/><br/>【记】音:引他死;ticket 入场券,拿歌星演唱会的入场券来引诱;<br/>【另】tickle 胳肢,使发痒,通过tickle来诱使


【考法 1】vt. 诱骗:to lure into a compromising statement or act<br/>【例】a string of inconsistent statements finally entrapped the witness 一系列不一致的陈述最终蒙骗了目击者<br/>【近】ensnare, ensnarl, entoil, mesh, net, snare, catch up<br/>【反】disentangle, untangle<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 诱骗:to win over by coaxing, flattery, or artful talk<br/>【例】inveigle consumers into buying the item诱骗顾客购买商品<br/>【近】allure, bait, decoy, entice, entrap, seduce, tempt<br/>【反】demand强求<br/>【派】inveiglingadj. 诱骗性的<br/><br/>【记】in + veil 面纱→盖上面纱,蒙住眼,蒙骗;in进入 + 音:喂狗,喂狗将之引进来→诱骗


【考法 1】vt. 诽谤,辱骂:to utter slanderous and abusive statements against<br/>【例】be vilified by the press because of her radical views因为她激进的观点而被媒体抨击<br/>【近】asperse, blacken, calumniate, defame, libel, malign, smear, traduce<br/>【反】acclaim, applaud, commend, praise表扬<br/>【派】vilificationn. 辱骂<br/><br/>【记】音:歪 + 使,使歪曲


【考法 1】vt. 调整,标准化:to standardize (as a measuring instrument) by determining the deviation from a standard so as to ascertain the proper correction factors<br/>【例】calibrate the polling procedures to ensure objectivity为保证客观性而使投票过程标准化<br/>【反】unstandardize 不标准<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. (根据标准)精确测量:to measure precisely especially: to measure against a standard<br/><br/>【记】calibre<br/>


【考法 1】vt. 调解,调停:to intervene between two or more disputants in order to bring about an agreement, a settlement, or a compromise<br/>【例】mediate a labor-management dispute调解劳工纠纷<br/>【近】conciliate, intercede, intermediate, interpose<br/>【反】arouse, encourage, excite, foment, incite, inflame, instigate, pique, spark, stimulate, stir煽动激起<br/>【派】mediator n. 调停人<br/><br/>【记】medi 中间 + ate 动词→到中间来→调停<br/>【另】meditate 想, 考虑, 沉思, 冥想


【考法 1】vt. 贬低价值:to lower the price or estimated value of<br/>【例】New cars start to depreciate as soon as they are on the road.新车一上路便开始贬值。<br/>【近】cheapen, depress, devalue, downgrade, mark down<br/>【反】appreciate, enhance, upgrade, mark up提价,升值<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 轻视:to lower in estimation or esteem<br/>【例】dared to depreciate Shakespeare, saying his works have no relevance for modern audiences胆敢贬低莎大人,说他的作品对于现代观众来说没有意义<br/>【近】denigrate, disparage, play down, talk down<br/>【反】acclaim, exalt, extol, glorify, magnify赞扬<br/><br/>【记】de 否定 + price →贬值<br/>【另】appreciate 增值,赏识


【考法 1】vt. 贬低,轻蔑地说:to lower in rank or reputation; to speak of in a slighting or disrespectful way; belittle<br/>【例】use the past to disparage the present借古讽今|| Voters don't like political advertisements in whichopponents disparage one another.选民不喜欢看到贬低竞争对手的政治广告。<br/>【近】belittle, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, derogate, degrade<br/>【反】acclaim, applaud, exalt, extol, glorify, laud赞扬<br/><br/>【记】dis 否定 + paragon 模范, 否定模范人物→ (当模范不易啊,经常受人白眼,)蔑视, 贬损


【考法 1】vt. 赎罪,纠正:to extinguish the guilt incurred by<br/>【例】expiate one's sin 赎罪<br/>【近】mend, redeem, atone for <br/><br/>【记】源自pity 遗憾,抱歉,后悔,pious 虔诚的,尽责的;ex + pity 出于后悔,遗憾,抱歉来赔偿;ex + piate 音:赔呀,赔偿,补偿<br/>【另】pity 遗憾,抱歉,后悔,怜悯,同情,piety 虔诚,pious 虔诚的,尽责的, impious 不尊敬的,无信仰的, 不虔诚的


【考法 1】vt. 赞助:provide aid or support for<br/>【例】a company that loyally patronizes the arts 一个一直以来坚持赞助艺术界的公司<br/>【近】advocate, back, champion, endorse, support, uphold<br/>【反】baffle, foil, frustrate, sabotage阻挠,从中破坏<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 以高人一等的态度对待:to adopt an air of condescension toward : treat haughtily or coolly<br/>【例】a director with an unpleasant habit of patronizing even his most gifted actors一个有着令人讨厌习惯的导演,他即便是对手下最有才华的演员也傲慢地对待<br/>【近】condescend<br/>【派】patronn. 赞助人<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 赞扬:to mention with approbation: praise<br/>【例】Jason commended his students' studious attitude.Jason 表扬了他的学生的用功的态度。<br/>【近】approbate, praise, acclaim, applaud, compliment, eulogize, extol<br/>【反】blame, criticize,reprehend,reprobate, chide,rebuke,reprimand,reproach,reprove, censure, admonish berate, deplore, execrate责备,批评,谴责诅咒,憎恶,痛骂<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 委托保管:to entrust for care or preservation<br/>【例】I commend my fate into your hands.我的命运就拜托给你了。<br/>【近】commit, delegate, deliver, entrust, confide, consign, hand over<br/>【反】hold, keep, retain<br/><br/>【考法 3】vt. 推荐:to recommend as worthy of confidence or notice<br/>【例】I commend this book to anyone interested in learning more about American history.我把这本书推荐给所有对美国历史感兴趣的人。<br/><br/>【记】recommend 推荐,推荐别人是因为赞扬,称赞


【考法 1】vt. 赶出,逐出:to put out (a tenant, for example) by legal process; expel.<br/>【例】Her landlord has threatened to evict her if she doesn't pay the rent soon. 她的房东威胁说如果再不交房租就要把她赶出去。<br/>【反】harbor收容<br/><br/>【记】e 出 + victory 胜利并赶走,驱逐(敌人),赶出他们并收回我们的领土→驱逐,收回


【考法 1】vt. 起哄,使难堪:to harass and try to disconcert with questions, challenges, or gibes<br/>【例】a controversial player who was constantly heckled by the fans一个时常被粉丝起哄的有争议的歌手‖Several protesters were heckling the speaker at the rally.不少示威者在集会上起哄让发言者难堪。<br/>【近】badger, bait, hassle, haze, hector, needle, ride, taunt<br/><br/>【记】源自hackle;乱砍,辩论时就是通过诘问乱砍别人;音:黑口,黑嘴,总问一些刁钻问题为难别人;音:还口,对刁钻问题还口<br/>【另】hackle 梳理, 乱砍


【考法 1】vt. 起诉,控告:to accuse of wrongdoing; charge<br/>【例】indict the mayor for fraud and embezzlement. 起诉市长受贿和挪用公款<br/>【近】charge, criminate, impeach, incriminate<br/>【反】absolve, acquit, exculpate, exonerate, vindicate免罪<br/><br/>【记】in 否定,不好 + dict 说,说不好的;verdict 裁决<br/>【另】contradict 驳斥, dictate 口述,edict 法令,indict 控告,maledict 诅咒,predict预言,valedict<br/>告别,verdict裁决


【考法 1】vt. 超越,强于:to become better, greater, or stronger than<br/>【例】She always tried to surpass her older brother at anything he did, which results in his diffidence.她在任何一个方面都要比她哥哥优秀,由此导致了他自信心的匮乏。<br/>【近】beat, better, eclipse, exceed, excel, outclass, outmatch, outshine, outstrip, overtop, transcend<br/>【反】fall behind落后<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 突破(界限,纪录等):to go beyond the limit of<br/>【例】The sales of the band's newest CD have surpassed the combined sales of its last two albums.乐队新专辑的发售量甚至超过了前两张销售量的总和。<br/>【近】break, outreach, outrun, overpass, overreach, overrun, overstep<br/><br/>【记】sur 上,超过 + pass 通过,经过


【考法 1】vt. 超越,超过极限:to rise above or go beyond the limits of<br/>【例】a person who believes that any true understanding of God transcends human intelligence认为对上帝的真正理解是超越人类智商极限的人<br/>【近】break, outreach, outrun, overpass, overreach, overrun, overshoot, overstep, surpass<br/><br/>【记】tran (音:穿)超越 + scend 爬;trans 超越 + end 尽头,超越极限<br/>【另】ascend 攀登, 上升,descend 下降,下来


【考法 1】vt. 躲避(不遵从):to avoid having to comply with (something) especially through cleverness<br/>【例】circumvent all the red tape 绕过所有官方程序繁文缛节|| He found a way to circumvent the law. 他发现了一个逃避法律的方法。<br/>【近】avoid, bypass, dodge, sidestep, skirt, get around<br/>【反】comply with, follow, obey, observe 遵从;confront, direct encounter 直接面对<br/><br/>【记】circum + went(go过去时)→转着走;法网恢恢,疏而不漏 circum + vent 四面(circum)虽然疏且有空(vent),但是谁也逃不出去;


【考法 1】vt. 躲闪,躲避:to avoid adroitly<br/>【例】managed to elude capture成功躲过了追捕‖The millionaire had been eluding his fair share of taxes for years before getting caught.在被逮捕之前,这名富翁逃税已经有若干年了。<br/>【近】avoid, dodge, duck, eschew, evade, finesse, scape, shirk, shun, sidestep, weasel<br/>【反】confront直面,面对<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 使无法理解,使困惑:to escape the perception, understanding, or grasp of<br/>【例】a metaphor that eluded them一个让他们无法理解的比喻<br/>【近】baffle, befog, befuddle, bewilder, confound, discombobulate, disorient, maze, mystify, perplex, puzzle, vex<br/>【反】clarify, elucidate, explicate, expound, illuminate, illustrate解释,阐明<br/>【派】elusiveadj. 隐秘的;难懂的<br/><br/>【记】lud - play 提起,演奏,perception理解;e 出 + 理解 perception→出乎理解的<br/>【另】allude 间接提到 暗指,collude(共谋,勾结 conspire, plot),delude(欺骗 deceive,<br/>trick),elude(躲避 escape the perception, understanding),interlude 两段之间的时间,prelude 前奏<br/>,postlude 终曲<br/>Have no fear of perfection---you'll never reach it. 不要为十全十美担心-----你永远也做不到。


【考法 1】vt. 转移兴趣,使分心:to draw or direct (as one's attention) to a different object<br/>【例】be distracted by a sudden noise 被突然的噪音分心<br/>【近】abstract, divert, detract, call off<br/>【派】distracted adj. 精力分散的<br/>【反】rapt全心投入的<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 使焦虑,使不安:to trouble the mind of; to make uneasy<br/>【例】The students are easily distracted before the exam.学生们在考试前很容易焦虑不安。<br/>【近】agitate, bother, discomfort, discompose, dismay, disquiet, distress, perturb, upset<br/>【反】calm, compose, quiet, soothe, tranquilize 平息抚慰<br/><br/>【考法 3】adj. 疯狂的:insane, mad<br/>【近】insane, delirious, hysterical<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 轻松地行动,轻松地通过:to move or proceedsmoothly, continuously, and effortlessly<br/>【例】swans gliding over the lake 在湖面悠然划水的天鹅‖looking for a college course that he could just glide through正在寻找一门很容易就能通过的课程<br/>【近】bowl, breeze, brush, coast, cruise, drift, roll, sail, skim, slide, slip, stream, sweep, whisk<br/>【反】flounder, struggle挣扎<br/><br/>【记】slide 滑动,滑行<br/>【另】slide 滑动,滑行


【考法 1】vt. 辞职,放弃(职位):to give up one's job or office<br/>【例】resigned her position at the university自动放弃她在大学的职位<br/>【近】abnegate, cede, relinquish, renounce, surrender, step down<br/>【反】assume, inaugurate就职,承担(责任);usurp篡位<br/><br/>【记】re 又 + sign 签名,找到工作签名是签工作合同,再签就是辞职合同;<br/>【另】assign (as + sign 如签名所示分配),consign(一起签署合同) 托运, 委托, countersign(对应的签<br/>,用于确认), resign (签了一次是工作合同,再签是辞职) 辞职


【考法 1】vt. 违背,犯错:to fail to keep; to commit an offense<br/>【例】don't even think about transgressing the drug laws of that Asian country, for punishments are severe and there's nothing that our government can do to intervene别指望违背亚洲国家的药品相关法,因为惩罚非常严厉,政府会尽全力干涉<br/>【近】 breach, break, contravene, fracture, infringe, offend, traduce<br/>【反】follow, mind, obey, observe, comply with, conform to遵守<br/><br/>【记】trans 穿越,越过 + gress go 走;progress 进步,向前走<br/>【另】aggress 向前走→进攻,congress(走到一起)聚会,degressive(下走)下降,digress(分开走)离题<br/>,ingress(向里走)入口,egress(向外走)出口,progress (前走)前进,regress (回走)退回,retrogress (回走)退步,transgress (穿过走)越界


【考法 1】vt. 迫害,折磨:to cause persistent suffering to<br/>【例】people who were persecuted simply for practicing their religious faith 因为实践宗教信仰而惨遭迫害的人<br/>【近】agonize, anguish, curse, excruciate, harrow, plague, rack, torment, torture<br/>【派】persecutionn. 迫害<br/><br/>【记】音:迫死抠他,迫害死,抠他;per 音:破(坏) + secure 安全,可靠,保护→让你不安全;<br/>【另】prosecute 记:pro 前 + security 安全部门,送到安全部门)告发, 起诉


【考法 1】vt. 迷住,使困扰:to haunt or excessively preoccupy the mind of<br/>【例】The war obsesses her—she talks about nothing else.她被战争彻底迷住了,张口闭口都谈这个。<br/>【反】 intense disgust极度厌恶<br/><br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 遣返:to restore or return to the country of origin, allegiance, or citizenship<br/>【例】As soon as the war ends, the government will start to repatriate war refugees. 只要战争一结束,政府就会开始遣返战争难民。<br/>【反】banish, deport, expatriate放逐,驱逐<br/><br/>【记】re 回 + patri- 国<br/>【另】patriotic 爱国的


【考法 1】vt. 避开,避免:to avoid deliberately; keep away from<br/>【例】After his divorce he found himself being shunned by many of his former friends.自从他离婚以来,他发现许多曾经的朋友都刻意躲着他。<br/>【近】avoid, dodge, duck, elude, eschew, evade, finesse, scape, shirk<br/>【反】accept, embrace, welcome接受,欢迎;pursue, seek 追寻<br/><br/>【记】音:闪


【考法 1】vt. 部分地或有保留地揭露:to disclose partially or guardedly.<br/>【例】adumbrate a plan透露计划<br/>【反】revelation完全显示<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 预示着:to give a slight indication of beforehand<br/>【例】The strife in Bloody Kansas adumbrated the civil war that would follow.发生在堪萨斯州的流血冲突预示了之后的南北内战的爆发。<br/>【近】forerun, harbinger, herald, prefigure<br/><br/>【记】ad + umbr 影子→看到影子就知道要发生;umbrella 伞,伞的阴影下<br/>【另】umbrage 树荫, 不快


【考法 1】vt. 酬谢,报答:to make repayment or return for<br/>【例】requited her love with hatred恩将仇报<br/>【近】indemnify, reciprocate, recompense, recoup, reimburse, remunerate, repay<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 报仇:to punish in kind the wrongdoer responsible for<br/>【例】The future writer would later requite the abuse he suffered at the hands of his classmates by creatingscathing portraits of them in his novels.未来的作家会把在同学那受的委屈的帐算清的——他会在小说中把他们描绘成恶人。<br/>【近】avenge, redress, retaliate, revenge<br/>【反】absolve, condone, forgive, pardon饶恕,宽恕<br/><br/>【记】源自re回 + quit 离开,辞职,偿清债务责任;离职又返聘回来了得给酬劳,不然不干;re 回 +音:馈,回馈,报答的意思,如回馈大众


【考法 1】vt. 重叠,重复:to occupy the same area in part<br/>【例】Baseball season overlaps football season in September.棒球赛季和橄榄球赛季在九月有时间重合。<br/>【近】lap, overlay, overlie, overspread<br/><br/>【记】over 在?上,lap(n.坐时的大腿前部)一把一条腿放在另一条腿上翘二s郎腿一重叠


【考法 1】vt. 镇压,阻止:to put a stop to (something) by the use of force<br/>【例】quash a rebellion镇压一次叛变<br/>【近】repress, squelch, subdue, suppress, clamp down on, crack down on<br/>【反】 engender, foment引起,煽动<br/><br/>【记】crush 压碎;crash 坠毁;象声,挎地一声打烂,以ash结尾有不少类似的象声词<br/>【另】squash 压扁, 镇压,bash 怒殴, 打坏,clash 猛撞, 撞击声,crash 碰撞, 撞击声,smash 打碎, 粉碎


【考法 1】vt. 阻挠:to oppose successfully<br/>【例】She did all she could to thwart his plans.她竭尽所能阻挠他的计划。<br/>【近】 baffle, balk, checkmate, discomfit<br/>【反】 advance, cultivate, encourage, forward, foster, further, nurture, promote, support, aid, bolster, abet, foment, facilitate 促进,支持<br/><br/>【记】thought + war 战争中思考,为了阻挠敌人并使其受挫;throughout 从这头到那头横跨,遍及


【考法 1】vt. 阻碍(成长):to hinder the normal growth, development, or progress of<br/>【例】The inhospitable climate had stunted all vegetation.不佳的气候条件抑制了所有植物的生长。<br/>【近】check, curb, dwarf, suppress<br/>【反】advance, boost, foster, nourish, nurture, promote培养,促进<br/><br/>【记】近于stint 紧缩节省;音:挡他,阻挡(他的发育),挡着阻碍,但是他一个空翻翻了过去,真是惊人特技;stuned 惊人的,特技是惊人的;


【考法 1】vt. 阻碍:to restrict the movement of by bonds or obstacles: impede<br/>【例】Construction is hampering traffic on the highway.高速路上的建设阻碍了正常交通。<br/>【近】cramp, encumber, fetter, handicap, hinder, impede, stymie, trammel<br/>【反】 facilitate, aid, assist, facilitate, help促进<br/><br/>【记】ham 火腿,后腿 + per (音:跛)→后腿跛,后腿弄跛→妨碍,阻碍<br/>【另】hamburger 汉堡


【考法 1】vt. 降职,降级:to reduce to a lower grade or rank<br/>【例】The court-martial's decision was to demote the officer responsible for the failed mission.军事法庭决定对为此次失败任务负责的军官进行降职处理。<br/>【近】break, bust, degrade, disrate, downgrade, reduce<br/>【反】advance, elevate, promote, raise提升,晋升<br/>【派】demotionn. 降职<br/><br/>【记】de 相反 + mote 远,移动;promote是其反意, pro-向前


【考法 1】vt. 限制,控制:to limit, restrict, or keep under control<br/>【例】The old lady restrained the child from picking the flowers.老妇人不准孩子们采摘花朵。<br/>【近】bridle, check, constrain, curb, inhibit, measure, prevent, refrain, withhold<br/>【反】discharge, release 释放<br/>【派】restrainedadj. 受限制的<br/><br/>【记】re 回 + strain 拉紧,扭伤,紧张→向回拉紧→克制;re 回 + 拉紧的string→向回拉绳子;restrict<br/>限制, 约束


【考法 1】vt. 限制:to limit narrowly; restrict<br/>【例】Teammates circumscribed his enthusiasm so as not to make the losing side feel worse. 队友们抑制了他的热情为了不让失败者更难过。<br/>【近】cap, limit, confine, delimit, restrict<br/>【反】exceed 超过,超越<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 包围,围绕:to surround by or as if by a boundary<br/>【例】fields circumscribed by tall trees 被高树包围的地方|| Circumscribe a circle around a square. 画正方形的外接圆。<br/>【近】surround, encompass<br/><br/>【记】circum 周围 + scribe 写→在.周围画线,限制<br/>【另】ascribe 归功于、归咎于某人, circumscribe 在.周围画线, 限制 ,conscribe 征召,强召入伍<br/>,describe描写 记述,inscribe写,刻,记下,prescribe 指示,规定,开处方,proscribe 禁止<br/>,scribble乱写,subscribe 赞成,签署,superscribe 将(姓名和住址)写在信封,包裹上,transcribe 转录


【考法 1】vt. 限定:to reduce from a general to a particular or restricted form<br/>【例】 qualified support有限的支持<br/>【派】 qualified<br/>【反】 unreserved, absolute, categorical无保留的,不受限制的<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 使有资格,有能力:to make competent (as by training, skill, or ability) for a particular office or function<br/>【例】raising five children has qualified her to be an advice columnist on parenting抚养五个孩子的经历让她成为了育儿板块的专栏作家<br/>【近】equip, fit, prepare, ready, season, train<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. 除去:to get rid of (something troublesome, menacing, or oppressive)<br/>【例】Please exorcise that offensive word from your vocabulary.请把那个粗鲁的词从你的字典里删掉。<br/>【近】cashier, cast, ditch, dump, fling, jettison, lose, pitch, reject, scrap, shed, slough, throw, toss, unload<br/>【反】adopt, employ, use, utilize采用,使用<br/>【派】exorcismn. 除魔,驱鬼<br/><br/>【记】exercise 锻炼身体,可以去除病魔,也可去除思想的坏念头,养成健康好习惯


【考法 1】vt. 预先注定:to determine the fate of in advance<br/>【例】Our victory in the tournament was seemingly predestined.我们在锦标赛中的胜利似乎是注定好了的<br/>【近】doom, fate, foredoom, foreordain, ordain, predestine, predetermine, preordain<br/>【派】predestinationn. 命中注定<br/><br/>【记】pre + destine 注定, 预定


【考法 1】vt. 颠覆:to overturn or overthrow from the foundation<br/>【例】an alleged plot to subvert the state一个谣传的旨在推翻政权的阴谋<br/>【近】overthrow, overturn, topple<br/>【反】reinforce加强<br/>【派】subversionn. 颠覆<br/><br/>【记】sub vert 下边翻转


【考法 1】vt. 飘荡,漂浮:to float easily and gently, as on the air<br/>【例】Heavenly aromas wafted from the kitchen.令人欣悦的香气从厨房飘出。‖Afeather wafted past us and settled on the grass.一片羽毛飘过我们身边,落在草地上。<br/>【近】buoy, drift, glide, hang, hover, raft<br/>【反】flounder, sink沉没;submerge下沉<br/><br/>【记】water drift 在水中漂浮;f=v wave 飘动,波浪;音:微风踏,踏着微风前行


【考法 1】vt. 驱逐:to exclude from a group<br/>【例】He was ostracized from the scientific community for many years because of his radical political beliefs.他因激进的政治理想被驱逐出了科学界很多年。<br/>【近】banish, bounce, chase, dismiss, expel, extrude, oust, boot out, cast out, run off, drum out, kick out, throw out, turf out<br/>【反】 take in, include, embrace, welcome接纳<br/><br/>【记】extra + ciz cis cut,多余的去掉,公司裁员,多余的都开掉了;extract 抽出 + cis 剪掉;将写有某人名字的贝壳抽出并废掉,古希腊的贝壳放逐法<br/>【另】ostracean 牡蛎


【考法 1】vt. (使)凋谢,(使)枯萎:to become dry, shrunken, and wrinkled often as a result of aging or of failing vitality<br/>【近】dry, mummify, shrivel, wither<br/>【反】revive复活;bloom, flourish, prosper, thrive繁茂<br/><br/>【考法 2】adj. 凋谢的, 枯萎的:shriveled or dried up<br/>【近】faded, withered<br/>【反】blooming 盛开的<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. (使)厌恶,排斥:to rebuff or reject with rudeness, coldness, or denial<br/>【例】The scenes of violence in the film may repulse some viewers.电影中某些暴力场景可能会使观众反感。<br/>【近】disgust, nauseate, repel, revolt, sicken<br/>【反】allure, attract, bewitch, captivate, charm, enchant, entice, fascinate, lure, seduce, tempt吸引,诱惑<br/>【派】repulsionn. 排斥<br/><br/>【记】源自repel(击退,使厌恶) pul=pel;re反 + pulse (脉搏,脉冲)看成 push 力,反推<br/>【另】compulsion=compel,expulse=expel;impulse=impel;propulsive=propel;repulse=repel<br/>"


【考法 1】vt. (像用魔咒般)吸引:to hold the attention of as if by a spell<br/>【例】Enthralled by the flickering aurora in the sky, we lost all track of time. 我们被夜空里变化莫测的极光深深地吸引,以至于忘却了时间。<br/>【近】absorb, arrest, bedazzle, enchant, engross, fascinate, grip, hypnotize, immerse, mesmerize, spellbind<br/>【反】bore, jade, pall, tire, weary使厌恶<br/>【派】enthralling adj. 吸引人的<br/><br/>【记】en使 + thrall 奴隶,使成为奴隶;en + 音:丝绕,被情丝所缠绕就是迷住<br/>【另】thrall:throw + all 所有东西都被扔出去了,一无所有的奴隶;音:丝绕,被丝,绳子束缚的奴隶


【考法 1】vt. (品质)污损:to affect slightly with something morally bad or undesirable<br/>【例】A tendency toward conceitedness taints that athlete's status as a role model.该运动员自负的倾向玷污了其行为模范的地位。<br/>【近】blemish, darken, mar, spoil, tarnish, vitiate<br/>【派】tainted污损的<br/>【反】 pristine, unspoiled, wholesome, unadulterated 纯洁的,健全的<br/><br/>【记】源自attaint 污点,沾污;stain 污点, 沾污;paint 油漆,涂料弄成的污点<br/>【另】distain 使变色,弄脏,伤害名誉


【考法 1】vt. (在道德上)谴责:to declare to be morally wrong or evil<br/>【例】a cleric who damned gambling and strong drink一个严厉谴责赌博和酗酒的牧师<br/>【近】anathematize, censure, decry, denounce, execrate, reprehend, reprobate<br/>【反】bless, eulogize, exalt, extol, glorify, laud, praise赞颂<br/><br/>【考法 2】adv. 非常地,极其地:to a great degree<br/>【例】Let's have a damn good party.让我们尽情享乐狂欢吧。<br/>【近】deadly, desperately, exceedingly, extremely, greatly, heavily, highly, incredibly, really, seriously, very<br/>【反】little, negligibly, nominally, slightly, somewhat一点点,稍微<br/><br/>


【考法 1】vt. (官方地)认可,批准:to give official acceptance of as satisfactory<br/>【例】Lincoln's home state of Illinois was the first to ratify the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which provided for the abolition of slavery. 林肯的老家——伊利诺伊是美国第一个通过《宪法第十三修正案》的州,该决案提供了废除奴隶制的法律基础。<br/>【近】accredit, approbate, authorize, certify, endorse, finalize, formalize, pass, sanction, validate, warrant<br/>【反】decline, deny, disallow, disapprove, negative, reject, veto否决<br/>【派】ratification n. 正式批准<br/><br/>【记】rate等级 + ify


【考法 1】vt. (尤指对神的)尊崇,尊敬:to offer honor or respect to (someone) as a divine power<br/>【例】He is revered for his valor.他因为他的英勇而受到尊敬。‖In some cultures people revere their ancestors, even leaving food offerings for them.在一些文化当中,人们非常敬重先人,甚至将一些食物留下来供他们享用。<br/>【近】adore, deify, glorify, esteem, regard, respect, venerate, worship<br/>【反】blaspheme, desecrate, profane, violate亵渎<br/>【派】reverencen. 尊重;reverentadj. 恭敬地,虔诚的<br/><br/>【记】re回贴(网语) + very 非常,非常多的回贴表示尊敬;re + ever 或 re + very 永远与非常,永远<br/>,非常两词常与极其尊敬虔诚一起用<br/>There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. 事情本无好与坏,全在自己怎么想。


【考法 1】vt. (根据条约)放弃,割让:to surrender possession of, especially by treaty<br/>【例】cede the island to America把岛屿割让给了美国<br/>【近】relinquish, render, yield,renounce, resign, turn in, turn over, step aside (from), give up, hand over, lay down<br/>【反】possess拥有<br/><br/>【记】cede go, 有让步的意思,withdrawl, yied;音:舍地,舍去,放弃土地<br/>【另】cede 让步, accede 同意,concede 承认,让步,intercede 调解,precede 先于,recede 后退<br/>,retrocede 交还,secede 退出,supercede 紧接着到来,取代;exceed 超出,proceed 前进,succeed 继任,成功


【考法 1】vt. (特指稍稍地)弄湿:to make or become slightly or moderately wet<br/>【例】dampen a paper towel with water and use it to clean up the mess把纸巾弄湿用来清扫<br/>【近】bedew, damp, douse , drench, impregnate, saturate, soak, souse, steep<br/>【反】dehydrate, desiccate, dry, parch, scorch, sear 使脱水,烤干<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 抑制,压抑(感情,精力等),泼冷水:to check or diminish the feeling, activity or vigor of<br/>【例】Nothing could dampen their enthusiasm.没有什么能扼杀他们的激情。‖The oppressive heat dampened our spirits.让人难以忍受的酷暑让我们精神不振。<br/>【近】benumb, blunt, castrate, deaden, devitalize, enervate, geld, lobotomize, petrify<br/>【反】brace, energize, enliven, invigorate, quicken, stimulate, vitalize, vivify 使充满活力<br/><br/>【记】dam + 音:破,泼,大坝破了,大坝泼水会潮湿;damp + en 使→使潮湿


【考法 1】vt. (轻蔑地)嘲笑:to speak in a scornful, contemptuous, or derisive manner<br/>【例】They would invariably sneer every time they passed the hapless nerds.每次经过那个不幸的书呆子身边时,他们总是会报以不变的嘲笑。<br/>【近】deride, gibe, laugh, jeer, jibe, mock, ridicule<br/>【反】esteem, honor, respect, revere, venerate 尊敬<br/><br/>【记】音:撕你耳,用手撕你的耳朵嘲笑;pioneer 先驱易于嘲笑后来者;ee象一双眼睛<br/>【另】jeer 嘲弄, 揶揄,fleer 讥笑,嘲笑


【考法 1】vt. (通过逻辑)推断:to form an opinion or reach a conclusion through reasoning and information<br/>【例】 We can extrapolate from past economic recessions the probable course of the current one. 通过以往经济衰退的原因我们可以推断出本次危机的可能起源。<br/>【近】conclude, decide, deduce, derive, gather, judge, reason, understand<br/>【反】conjecture, guess, speculate, surmise(无根据地)猜测,揣测<br/>【派】extrapolationn. 推论<br/><br/>【记】extra 外面的 + poll 民意测验,投票,从外面的民意测验来推测真实的情况;extrac 外面的 +<br/>pole 杆,柱子,从柱子的外面(地上的部分)来推测其地下的部分


【考法 1】vt./vi. 沉思,仔细思索:to view or consider with continued attention<br/>【例】contemplate the vastness of the universe 沉思着宇宙的广袤无垠‖She contemplated the problem for several hours before reaching a decision.她苦苦思索了几个小时的问题后才做出决定。<br/>【近】cogitate, consider, deliberate, meditate, mull, perpend, pore, revolve, ruminate, study, weigh, wrestle<br/>【反】disregard, ignore, overlook, slight忽视<br/>【派】contemplationn. 沉思,思索<br/><br/>【记】con 一起 temple 庙里→一起在庙里和尚般打坐→冥想,沉思


【考法 1】vt.假定,断定:to assume or affirm the existence of<br/>【例】The committee posited that he was qualified for the election.委员会假定他是够格参加选举的。<br/>【近】assume, postulate, presuppose, premise, presume<br/>【反】falsify证明为假<br/><br/>【记】propose, suppose, dispose + it


【考法 1】vt.制定颁布法律:to establish by legal and authoritative act<br/>【例】Congress enacted the tax reform bill. 国会颁布了税法改革案<br/>【近】constitute, establish, legislate, pass, ratify, ordain, lay down<br/>【反】abolish, repeal, rescind, revoke废除<br/>【派】enactmentn. 颁布<br/><br/>【记】act 法案,扮演,行动


【考法 1】vt.审查并删除不良的东西:to examine in order to suppress ordeleteanything considered objectionable<br/>【例】censor the news 审查新闻<br/>【近】bowdlerize, expurgate, red-pencil, clean up<br/>【派】censorship n. 审查制度<br/><br/>【记】音:审视;sensor, sense 感觉,判断力,理性 + or者,感觉并做出判断者看看是不是make sense


【考法 1】vt.点燃:to cause to burn; to set fire to<br/>【例】The bombs ignited a fire which destroyed some 60 houses. 炸弹引发的大火摧毁了大约 60间房屋<br/>【近】enkindle, fire, inflame, kindle, light, torch<br/>【反】douse, extinguish, quench, put out熄灭<br/><br/>【考法 2】vt. 激起,唤起(感情等):to arouse the passions of<br/>【例】The insults ignited my anger.那些侮辱让我倍感愤怒<br/>【近】arouse, incite, instigate, pique, spark, stimulate, stir<br/>【反】appease, assuage, calm, conciliate, mollify, pacify, placate, propitiate, soothe 平息怒火,安抚<br/><br/>【记】音:夜光 + night


【考法 1】vt.(严厉地)谴责,责骂:to reproach severely<br/>【例】upbraid sb. with his ingratitude责备某人忘恩负义<br/>【近】baste, scold, revile, berate, vituperate<br/>【反】 laud, extol, glorify, hymn, magnify, panegyrize, flatter, fawn, cringe, adulate赞扬<br/><br/>【记】up + braid 往上揪辫子,或举起编的鞭子 <br/>upfront adj.坦率的 <br/>【记】到台上,前面来,而不是在后面underhand


【考法 1】vt.(使)焦躁,激怒:irritate, vex<br/>【例】The sarcastic applause from the audience galled her.观众反讽的掌声激怒了她<br/>【近】aggravate, exasperate, grate, inflame, provoke, pique, roil<br/>【反】appease, assuage, calm, lull, pacify, placate使平静,使平息<br/><br/>【考法 2】n.深深的敌意:a deep-seated ill will<br/>【例】Her kindly feelings turned to gall when she found out her nephew only wanted her money.当她发现她的侄子只想要钱时,她之前友好的感情变成了憎恨与厌恶<br/>【近】animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, hostility, rancor<br/>【反】amity 友好<br/><br/>【考法 3】n.大胆,无耻:shameless boldness<br/>【例】I can't believe he had the gall to ask me how much I weigh. 我不敢相信他居然胆敢问我有多重<br/>【近】audacity, brass, nerve, presumptuousness, temerity<br/><br/>【记】音:膏,磨伤肿痛了抹点(药)膏,这受的伤是因为引起怨恨,恼怒造成的,气得也肝疼;音:搞,恶搞,恶搞能得你很烦,因为有怨恨;


【考法 1】v.烦扰:to irritate or torment persistently<br/>【例】The troops harrassed the defeated army throughout its retreat.战胜的队伍在撤退过程中还不忘突袭一下败北的队伍。<br/><br/>【考法 2】v. 耗尽体力:to use up all the physical energy of<br/>【例】had been visibly harassed by the demands of the presidency总统被事务缠身,筋疲力尽<br/>【近】drain, fag, fatigue, outwear, tire, tucker out, wear out, knock out, burn out,<br/><br/>【记】hare 野兔 + ass 屁股,原指猎狗追着野兔屁股跑,侵扰野兔,让野兔觉得疲劳; hair ass 头发屁股,一摸就是骚扰,要告你的

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