Great Depression/ New Deal

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Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

Employed young men to perform unskilled work in rural areas

Fair Employment Practice Commission(FEPC)

FEPC - Fair Employment Practice Commission: couldn't be discriminated against war time jobs.


Who sent out the army ( use tear gas, force, a newborn probably died to the Bonus Army .

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

insured bank deposits and supervised state banks

Roosevelt; direct relief; democratic

What person let the gov system to give payments or food to poor ( ex food stamps) ? what is that called? (what party)

Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)

raised farm prices by cutting total farm output of major crops and livestock

Fair Employment Practice Commission

recognize the workers to organize in labor unions and bargain collective , protect black workers with war time jobs.

Fair Labor Standards Act

It established minimum wage and max number of hours and prohibited factory labors 16 and under.

African Americans: - continued to face discrimination and racially hosital - unemployment = last to be hired and first to be fired ( 48%) - farm subsidies hurt black tenant farmers and sharecroppers - CCC = racially segregated - TVA only white gave workers got skilled jobs + Black Cabinet - group of black advisors + Eleanor supported marine anderson ( black opera singer)

African Americans: - continued to face discrimination and racially hosital - unemployment = last to be hired and first to be fired ( 48%) - farm subsidies hurt black tenant farmers and sharecroppers - CCC = racially segregated - TVA only white gave workers got skilled jobs + Black Cabinet - group of black advisors + Eleanor supported marine anderson ( black opera singer)

1. the effectiveness of New Deal programs in relieving suffering and achieving economic recovery, 2. in protecting the rights of women and minorities, and 3. in making significant reforms to protect the economy such as Social Security and labor laws.

Analyze President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal as a response to the economic crisis of the Great Depression, including


Bought properties from banks, allowing people to pay the government instead of the banks in installments, keeping people in their homes and banks afloat

Public Works Administration (PWA)

Built large public works projects

TN Valley Authority (TVA)

Created by Congress as one of the major public-works projects of the New Deal, this built a system of dams in the southeast. the TVA gave skilled jobs to whites.

Works Progress Administration (WPA)

Created in 1935 under the New Deal, it aimed to stimulate the economy during the Great Depression and preserve the skills and self-respect of unemployed persons by providing them useful work.

Works Progress Administration (WPA)

Created useful construction work for unskilled men, sewing projects for women, and arts projects for unemployed artists

Frances Perkins

First women to be in the Cabinet.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC )

Regulations were placed on the stock market to prevent the conditions that led to the crash

All Time High

The National Debt Reaches

National Recovery Administration (NRA) (NIRA) - unconstitutional

This was part of Roosevelt's New Deal that tried to stimulate the US economy out of the Great Depression by giving Presidential powers to regulate businesses.

The New Deal

This was the programs and policies to promote economic recovery and social reform introduced during the 1930's by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Bonus Army

WW1 vets wanting their bonus, 1932 are without jobs, homes, and money.


Who sent his wife Eleanor ( is FDR president legs , she was focus on domestic and poor) because he had polo, ( never saw him in a Wheelchair)

Women: - New Deal does NOT address the problems or needs for women - CCC = only hired young men - a lot more job discrimination ( "a man should have a job") - NRA allowed lower wages for women - Social Securities Act it failed to provide coverage for woman + Francis Perkins - first cabinet member , founder of the social securities act + Eleanor Roosevelt - fdr legs and relied on her for information and advise

Women: - New Deal does NOT address the problems or needs for women - CCC = only hired young men - a lot more job discrimination ( "a man should have a job") - NRA allowed lower wages for women - Social Securities Act it failed to provide coverage for woman + Francis Perkins - first cabinet member , founder of the social securities act + Eleanor Roosevelt - fdr legs and relied on her for information and advise

- Deficit spending

equals priming the pump ( spend money to make money) To go into debt to make money

Wagner Act/ National Labor Relations Act

it created a board to monitored unfaired management practice , settle disperse between the manager and the employer.

Rural Electrification Act (REA)

provided public utilities ( electricity, telephone, water, sewer) to rural areas


this person was seen as economically liberal ( willing to spend money, very generous)

The New Deal

Job creation program ( didn't end the great depression)

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

This was a New Deal program established to relieve unemployment during the Great Depression by providing national conservation work primarily for young unmarried men. The CCC was racially segregated.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

This was a federally sponsored corporation which insures deposits in national banks and certain other qualifying financial institutions up to a stated amount.

Fireside Chats

This was a series of radio talk shows featuring President Franklin Roosevelt between 1933 and 1944

Roosevelt's Three Rs

This term describes the 3 goals of FDR's New Deal programs: relief, recovery, and reform.

Bank Holiday

This was Roosevelt 1st order of business

TN Valley Authority (TVA)

Modernized a very poor region, centered on dams that generated electricity

The New Deal was not an attempt to introduce socialism in the US, although that is what its critics claimed. Indeed, many historians argue that because of New Deal policies, capitalism was saved. Although New Deal policies alleviated some suffering and offered hope to Americans in their bleakest hour, they did NOT solve the economic problems of the Depression. Rather, massive government spending during World War II ended the Depression. As a result of the reforms initiated during the New Deal, the US has not suffered another economic depression of the magnitude of the Great Depression. (Great Recession)

The New Deal was not an attempt to introduce socialism in the US, although that is what its critics claimed. Indeed, many historians argue that because of New Deal policies, capitalism was saved. Although New Deal policies alleviated some suffering and offered hope to Americans in their bleakest hour, they did NOT solve the economic problems of the Depression. Rather, massive government spending during World War II ended the Depression. As a result of the reforms initiated during the New Deal, the US has not suffered another economic depression of the magnitude of the Great Depression. (Great Recession)

Rural Electrification Act (REA)

This 1936 law provided federal funding for installation of electrical distribution systems to serve rural areas of the United States.

Public Works Administration (PWA)

This New Deal program allowed money to be spent on the construction of public works to provide employment to out of work Americans, improve the public welfare, and contribute to a revival of American industry.

Social Security

This is a federal government program that provides income support to people who are unemployed, disabled, or over the age of 65. THE MOST IMPORTANT ACHIEVEMENT OF THE NEW DEAL.

Hoover; Republican-"laissez faire"

ask the country not let off their workers. Voluntary chairty groups ( What party?)

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