Greek Mythology Exam 2

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What are the two origin stories of Aphrodite?

1. Castration of Ouranos (older) 2. daughter of Zeus (younger)

What negotiation was made with Hephaestus in exchange for Hera's release?

1. He would be accepted into Olympus 2. He could marry whoever he wanted

What are the two origin stories of Eros?

1. Primordial being (older) 2. son of Aphrodite (younger)

What are the three characteristics that characterize Artemis as "mistress of animals"?

1. They go from wild to tame 2. She cares for them 3. She can transform people into animals

What are Aphrodite's three areas of influence?

1. anodos 2. kosmesis 3. mixis

What are some examples of Hephaestus's automata in stories?

1. automatic opening doors 2. moving tables 3. golden servant girls

What are Artemis's resposibilities?

1. childbirth 2. virginity/adolescence 3. animals/hunting

What are the 3 ways in which Hephaestus is unique?

1. he works (engineer, inventor) 2. physically disabled 3. makes his way back to Olympus after being kicked out

Which three rituals were performed for Artemis?

1. offering a lock of hair 2. basket(?) 3. 'playing the bear'

Why were the Greeks so fascinated with artificial life?

1. slavery 2. Dreaming of the future

Who is Talos?

A giant bronze automaton created by Hephaestus

Who is Smyrna (Myrrha)?

A princess

What was the agreement between Persephone and Aphrodite?

Adonis would spend a third of the year with Persephone, a third with Aphrodite, and a third on his own

Who are two other "mistress of animals" goddesses?

Aphrodite and Leto

What is the famous unbelievably beautiful statue of Aphrodite?

Aphrodite of Knidos

Where did Smyrna flee to? What happened?

Arabia. She was turned into a tree and gave birth to a son, Adonis, from the bark.

Who did Aphrodite have an affair with?


Who tries to force Hephaestus to come take Hera down?


How is Aphrodite depicted?

As an adult nude woman

Who did Hephaestus unsuccessfully try to have a relationship with?


Why were the Greeks concerned with slavery?

Because all automatic tasks were performed by slaves, resulting in anxiety about a potential uprising

Why are people afraid of Artemis the huntress?

Because of the threat of violating the sacred world/showing accidental disrespect

Who is Demeter's Roman equivalent?

Ceres, goddessof grain

Where did Talos patrol?


How does Talos die?

Dizzy, he trips over the plug at his ankle, spilling out all his ichor.

Where did the Eleusinian Mysteries take place?


Aphrodite's statues were the first to depict what?

Female nudity

Who is Demeter?

Goddess of agriculture, civilization, and law

What happened to Aktaoin?

He accidentally saw Artemis and her maidens bathing naked

How does Dionysus get Hephaestus to return to Olympus?

He got Hephaestus drunk & persuaded him

Where does Hephaestus land after being thrown out by Hera?

He lands in the sea

What does Pygmalion do? What happens?

He prays to Aphrodite to let him meet the perfect woman. He kissed the statue and discovered warmth.

How did Hephaestus expose Aphrodite's affair? How do the other gods react?

He traps her and Ares in an automaton net. The other gods laugh at him and turn it into a joke.

What happens when the king turned the lights on?

He was disgusted and drew out his sword to kill her.

How did Adonis die? What flower sprung up in his place?

He was gored to death by a boar. A bed of lettuce

What was Hephaestus's disability?

He was lame with club foot

What happened to Aktaoin in the end?

He was torn to shreds by his own dogs

Who tells Hephaestus about the affair between Ares and Aphrodite?


Which goddess does Artemis overlap with concerning childbirth?


Who are Hephaestus's parents?

Hera and Zeus

What's the mythic variant for Hephaestus's birth?

Hera bore him on her own

Who are the three virginal goddesses?

Hestia, Athena, Artemis

Where was Talos's weak spot? Why?

His ankle. Hephaestus put a plug there in order to insert ichor

What does kosmeisis mean? Which power does this correspond to? Where is this often represented?

It means adornment. It corresponds to power over beautification. It's often depicted on mirrors.

What does mixis mean? Which power does this correspond to?

It means mixing or mingling. It corresponds to power over mingling in war/socially

What does anodos mean? Which power does this correspond to?

It means rising. It corresponds to power over sunny days and clear weather

Who defeated Talos? How?

Jason and Medea. Medea used a spell to make Talos dizzy

Are Vulcan and Hephaestus a good mix?


Are there any myths about young Artemis?


Who is Demeter's daughter?


How did Smyrna accomplish having sex with her father?

She asked her nurse for help. The nurse told the king she was a prostitute and they only had sex with the lights off.

What happens when Hera sits in the chair?

She becomes bound to the chair and it floats up into the air

What is Artemis's doubleness regarding childirth?

She can help you give birth, but also takes you away if you die giving birth

What's an example of Aphrodite's doubleness?

She causes arousal and impotence

How did Aphrodite punish Smyrna?

She cursed her to fall in love with her father

What did Aphrodite do with Adonis? Who discovered Adonis?

She hid him in a box in the underworld. He was discovered by Persephone.

What is Artemis's doubleness as a huntress?

She is caring and kills people

How did Smyrna disrespect Aphrodite?

She refused to fall in love

What does Hera do to Hephaestus after he's born and why?

She rejects him at birth due to his disabilities.

How did Artemis punish Aktaoin?

She turned him into a stag

What's the compensatory model for disabilities?

THat disabled gods often have special skill to compensate

What does Hephaestus decide while Thetis is raising him?

That he belongs on Olympus

What are the Eleusinian Mysteries?

The prestigious mystery religion of Demeter

Who rescues Hephaestus?

Thetis the sea nymph, who raises him

What's the theory of fertility for the Adonia?

They grow lettuce to symbolize Adonis's rebirth from death

Why were the Greeks dreaming of the future?

They imagine future innovations that would make human life easier

Why do pregnant women pray to Artemis?

They provide offerings for safe childbirth

What's the theory of pleasure for the Adonia?

This is a structuralist interpretation. The adonia rituals are the opposite of agricultural rituals (grow to live vs grow to die)

Who is Italian indigenous nature god of Hephaestus?


What is the concept of a generational flip?

When older gods becomes younger gods

What's infant exposure?

When you abandon a child to be picked up and raised as a slave

What does Hephaestus craft?

a golden throne

What did Pygmalion sculpt?

a statue of his ideal woman

Who is Pygmalion?

a talented Greek sculptor who swore off women

What is the Adonia?

a women's social festival

Who is Aktaion?

a young hunter

Hephaestus's stories are oten concerned with what?


What are the two different age state of gods?

developing age vs eternal age

What's the opposite of biotechne?

divine animation

Eternal age is for which gods?

female gods

What are the three different scholarly theories for the meaning of the Adonia?

fertility, pleasure, female power

What age is Artemis?

girl or teenager

What is Vulcan the god of?

god of volcanoes

Who is artemis?

goddess of the hunt and the moon

Who are Artemis's followers?

group/circle of maidens

What does Hephaestus do with the golden throne?

he gives it to themis, who gives it to Hera

What's Hephaestus's compensation for club feet?

he's an incredible engineer

What are Hephaestus's responsibilites?

invention, engineering, science

Myth is the world of what?

it's the world of "what if"

What's the theory of female power for the Adonia?

lettuce symbolizes male impotence. symbolizes powerful women immobilizing men for their own sexual pleasure

Developing age is for which gods?

male gods

Artemis as kourotrophos means she's what?

nurturer of children

What does kourotrophos mean?

one who cares for children


something that behaves in a mechanical, routine manner; a robot

When does the Adonia take place?


Why did young women perform rituals to Artemis?

to defend themselves from her anger

What's the ritual that takes place during the Adonia?

women take pots, plant lettuce/fennel, climb upon a ladder, hold the pots to the sun, and kill the plants

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