HDFS 313 Exam 2

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Which of the following types of extracurricular activities are most popular among adolescents?

music-related and academic-related

Bruce, a second-year college student, switched majors three times. He is still undecided about what he wants to do with his life. Bruce is most likely in a state of

psychosocial moratorium

Based on research, which of these labels best describes the psychological differences between men and women?

relatively minor

During early adolescence, Cathey had a relatively stable self-image. As she enters late adolescence, Cathy's self-image is likely to

remain stable

Research evaluating media messages about sex and drugs finds that:

repeated exposure to the messages is likely to have an effect on adolescent attitudes and beliefs

Someone who often engages in false-self behavior is relatively likely to

report depressive symptoms

Dawn has always enjoyed school and excelled in her classes. In middle school, she has connected with a group of friends who also enjoy school, and her grades have continued to improve. They often spend time studying together. This is an example of

selection and socialization

Identity formation is best seen as a

series of interrelated developments

What percentage of American adolescents have sent a photo featuring naked breasts, genitals, or buttocks to a peer?


Which of the following individuals would be considered to be in an identity diffusion state?

Alexandra, who has not made firm commitments and is not currently trying to make them

Which boy is most likely to commit an act of lethal violence?

Researchers have not identified a reliable mechanism for identifying which students will commit a lethal crime

The proportion of American high school students holding part-time jobs has decreased over the past two decades. Which of the following is an explanation for this?

The recession during the first decade of the twenty-first century left many adults without jobs

In general, how much do people's personalities differ before and after adolescence?

They usually remain about the same

According to the writers who claim a separate youth culture exists, what is its nature?

Those who belong to it have different attitudes and beliefs than adults do

Which of the following statements accurately describes how social media affects adolescents' mood?

When adolescents find support, they feel better; when they get negative feedback, they feel worse

The process of grouping individuals within social institutions on the basis of chronological age is called

age grading

As a child, Jose doesn't understand he simply cannot take the things he wants. As he gets older, he begins to understand the concept of ownership. This change is an example of

moral development

According to personality research, there is evidence that between adolescence and young adulthood, individuals tend to become

more emotionally stable and more resilient

Between middle and late adolescence, individuals become

more likely to weigh the long-term consequences of their choices

Compared with teenagers in previous times, teenagers in contemporary societies spend ______ time with their peers ______ with their parents

more; than

Your parents need to choose a school for your younger sibling. They ask you, "What have you learned in psychology class about the characteristics of good schools?" Which of these responses would be the most accurate answer to this question?

"Good schools have committed teachers who have a high degree of autonomy within their classrooms"

At which of the following ages would you expect susceptibility to peer pressure, especially for delinquent behaviors, to be the greatest?

14 years

Which of the following adolescents is most likely to use alcohol and drugs during his or her late 20s?

15-year-old Caesar, who works 24 hours per week at a fast-food restaurant

What have studies shown to be true of antisocial youth?

Antisocial adolescents usually have antisocial friends

Which of the following examples of sexting would be most likely to lead to police action?

At the request of her 21-year-old friend, Dave, 16-year-old Greta sends him a nude photo of herself

Which statement about conformity to peers is true?

Conformity is higher during early and middle adolescence

You are a high school teacher. Your principal announces plans to create an anti-bullying program. Which of the following is the best advice you could give her?

Do not create an anti-bullying program at the high school level

What has research on the exposure of adolescents to violent imagery on TV found?

Exposure to TV violence in childhood is linked to aggressive behavior in adolescence

Sean is an adolescent who frequently engages in false-self behavior and has low self-esteem. What would a modern researcher most likely say about the connection between these two conditions?

False-front behavior may cause low self-esteem or vice versa

Which of the following adolescents is likely to be the most susceptible to peer pressure

Giang, an Asian male adolescent

Why is it considered a paradox that young people who have recently immigrated to the United States tend to do better academically than young people of the same ethnic group whose parents were born in the United States?

Immigration is usually stressful socially, academically, and psychologically

Calvin has completed three semesters of college, but he left college without an associate's degree or a bachelor's degree. Which of these statements is likely to apply to Calvin?

In terms of unemployment and earnings, he will do about as well as his peers who never attended college

Amy, a social reformer in the early twentieth century, would have likely considered which of the following to be a good reason to push for secondary education?

It is effective in reducing crime by keeping youngsters off the streets

Which of the following adolescents is at risk of developing compulsive Internet use?

Jonas, who is aggressive with his peers and plays online video games as an escape

Which of the following individuals is least likely to be engaged in volunteerism?

Joshua, who is an introvert and rarely engages with others socially

Which of the following is an example of conventional moral reasoning?

Marcy decides not to join her friend in shoplifting jewelry because it is against the law, and her family and friends do not approve of breaking the law

Which adolescent would be expected to have the greatest difficulty establishing a sense of identity?

Michael, who has many alternatives available to him in many different arenas

Which of the following statements about friendship stability is true?

Only half of all reciprocated best friendships that exist at the beginning of the school year exist at the end

Pam is a 16-year-old who smokes marijuana every weekend. Based on this information, which of the following most likely describes Pam's work experience?

Pam works long hours

When considering older adolescents (15 years and older) and early adolescents (8-to-11-years-olds), which of the following statements is true?

Self-esteem usually becomes more stable as adolescents grow older

Overall, which group of adolescents feels least positive about themselves?

White females

Steve eats lunch with Jeff, Hans, and Mike every day. After school, they play computer games and talk about girls. This group of boys would be called

a clique

A group of individuals who are born during a particular time period (for instance, the baby boomers) is known as what?

a cohort

Individuals are more likely to engage in risky behavior when they see the behavior as

a personal choice rather than an ethical one

In the 5 Cs model of positive youth development, what does competence mean?

a positive view of one's actions in domain-specific areas

Kerry and Kristie's teacher accidentally got their test scores mixed up and mistakenly thought that Kerry was the more intelligent of the two girls. At the end of the year, her records demonstrated that, indeed, Kerry had gained more and performed at a higher level than Kristie. This is best thought of as an example of:

a self-fulfilling prophecy

Marixa is an 11-year-old Latina. She is moving from elementary school into middle school. Her current school has 60% Latino and Latina students, while her new school is only 10% Latino and Latina. What should the school psychologist at Marixa's new school watch out for when he talks with her?

a sense of disengagement

between early and late adolescence, individuals increase in their

ability to seek and evaluate the advice of others

Moving through the early stages of ethnic identity development may be more successful if parents teach their children

about dealing with racism

Which identity status is associated with a coherent sense of identity?


Which of the following is a characteristic of an adolescent's growing emotional autonomy?

adolescents become less likely to hold onto idealized pictures of their parents

Which of the following characteristics of the retail and service industries contributed to the rise in adolescent employment during the second half of the 20th century?

an abundance of low-wage positions

According to research, which of the these are characteristics of effective classrooms

an orderly atmosphere, yet one that allows critical thinking

Researchers have found that Black individuals who believe that public has low regard for their ethnic group typically

are more sensitive to racial cues

The most popular type of extracurricular activity is


Ms. Willingham sets high standards for her students but is very responsive to their needs. What type of teaching style is this characteristic of?


Which of the following types of parenting promotes healthy emotional autonomy in adolescents?


The psychosocial domain concerning the development and expression of independence is called


You are a psychologist treating Martina, a middle school student who is popular among classmates despite being a bully. What types of behavior would you expect to see in her?

calculated, pre-planned aggression

During the 1920s in the United States, the _____ was specially designed to meet the needs of a diverse and growing population of young people

comprehensive high school

Which theory of media's impact emphasizes the idea that media shape adolescents' interests, motives, and beliefs about the world?

cultivation theory

In classical psychoanalytic theories, the process of separation that occurs during early adolescence is referred to as


research indicates that ______ has negative effects on adolescents' mental health, whereas ______ has positive effects

detachment; individuation

As adolescents develop, their self-conceptions become more:


When is an adolescent most likely to question his or her religious beliefs?

during the early years of college

Peter is noticing changes in the expression of affection and distribution of power in his relationships with his parents. He is less likely to rush to them with a problem and is spending more time with his friends. What type of autonomy is developing with Peter?


A large, nationally representative sample of adolescents found that adolescents' friendship groups fell into one of four profiles. Which was the group that consisted of friends who were engaged in school, achieved decent grades, and neither abstained from nor abused alcohol?


Taisha was discouraged from taking advanced math classes throughout her high school years. Although she is intelligent, a likely long-term implication of this biased tracking is that Taisha will

exert less effort in the courses she takes

One study indicated that among Black and Latino students, transitioning to a school where the proportion of students from the same ethnic background is lower than it had been at their previous school associated with

greater disengagement from school

Studies in many countries have found a link between higher rates of bullying and

greater income inequality

Craigs' parents were permissive when he was a child and mostly let him spend his time as he liked. Now that he is 14, they are becoming stricter. They do not let him make decisions about what to do with his free time, and they closely monitor his activities. How is Craig likely to respond to this shift?

he will resist obeying his parents' rules

Which of the following statements about self-esteem in children is true?

high achievement in school boosts self-esteem

Even though it was clear that another student, Raul, accidentally pushed Noah, Noah insisted that Raul did it on purpose. What phenomenon is this?

hostile attributional bias

If you were going to design a study on the rise of peer groups, which of these topics would it make the most sense for you to investigate?

how industrialization and modernization have changed learning

In middle school and high school, Carlos was involved in many school plays and musicals. A psychologist would most likely say that being part of the drama crowd was important for Carlos in what way?

identity development

Which of the following statements about cyberbullying is true?

in most cases, the person being cyberbullied has an idea who is behind the harassment

You want to design a study that follows 13-year-olds who have poor peer relationships to see what effects those problems have on the subjects' lives. Based on what you have read, for how long would you need to track the 13-year-olds to fully understand the effects?

into adulthood, to examine how achievement and mental health problems

According to an analysis of national data, Black students were especially likely to be enrolled in

lower-track math classes in schools in which Blacks are in the minority, even after taking into account students' qualifications

Today's teenagers spend the most hours

on leisure activities

According to researchers, adolescents prefer spending time with peers over spending time with family members because

peers place less emphasis than do family members on following rules

Ivan, a teenager, is most likely to experience high levels of concentration and interest when he is

playing sports

Drawing on research that shows that certain extracurricular activities benefit adolescents, and research showing the potential dangers of leaving adolescents unsupervised after school, some experts have argued that well-designed programs will not only deter problem behavior but also encourage youth to develop strengths. This emphasis on developing positive attributes is known as what?

positive youth development

postconventional reasoning can also be referred to as

principal moral reasoning

Some critics of No Child Left Behind argued that it was having the unintended consequence of

providing incentives for schools to push low-achieving students out of school

Sophia and Emma believe that being attractive to boys and men is an important part of a teenager girl's identity. Which of these terms would a researcher most likely use to describe Sophia and Emma?


Peers usually have more influence than parents over adolescents' decisions regarding

social matters

Jeff works at a school where some children are two to three years behind grade level in most academic areas. Jeff advocates moving these students from one grade to the next even if their academic performance does not meet the minimum standards of the grade level they are in now. What would a psychologist call Jeff's recommendation?

social promotion

You are designing a study of students who are making the transition from elementary school to middle school or junior high school. Which of these factors is likely to have a negative effect on these students?

stereotypes about teenagers

Parker, a senior in high school, is looking for a job. What type of job is he most likely to end up with?

stock clerk in a retail store

Which of the following has been found to be a characteristic of adolescents who work more than 20 hours per week?

taking less demanding classes

Generalizing from research on identity states, which of these individuals is most likely to show authoritarian traits and have the highest need for social approval?

tara, identity foreclosed

In what decade did the Supreme Court rule that school districts could no longer use race as a factor when deciding how to assign students to schools?

the 2000s

Which of the following youth activities bears a striking resemblance to the stated goals of positive youth development programs?

the Boys and Girls Clubs of America

The Anytown town council developed a program to curb delinquent behavior among the town's adolescents. The program had an iatrogenic effect, meaning

the program backfired and delinquent bahvior increased

Research has shown that teachers tend to favor high-achieving students by providing extra cues for answers and more positive nonverbal behaviors than for lower-achieving students. Such evidence provides support for the notion that teachers' expectations may contribute to

the self-fulfilling prophecy

Which of the following is a factor that moved children out of the workplace?

the strength needed to perform unskilled labor

In parallel with the development of moral and political reasoning, during late adolescence, individuals define their religious beliefs based on

their own system of personal religious beliefs

The determinants of sociometric popularity are _____, whereas the determinants of perceived popularity are _____

things like social skills, friendliness, and sense of humor; highly variable

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was a policy designed to ensure that all students, regardless of racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic background, received a high-quality public education. Which of the following statements is true?

to avoid losing large sums of money, some schools actually helped students cheat on standardized tests

Students in integrated classrooms who compare themselves to high-achieving peers often feel _____ about themselves. The term ______ is used for this phenomenon

worse; big fish-little pond effect

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