Head - Anatomy MCQS
Are these statements true: A. levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle is one of the muscles of facial expression, located on the nose. B. the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone forms the lateral wall of the nasal cavity C. nasolacrimal duct opens in superior nasal meatus D. the development of maxillary sinus begins before child birth E. the mucosa of the floor of the maxillary sinus is adjacent to the roots of the teeth
-the development of maxillary sinus begins before child birth -the mucosa of the floor of the maxillary sinus is adjacent to the roots of the teeth
A. m digastricus v. anterior B. m. digastricus , v. posterior C. m. mylohioideus D. m. genioglossus E. m. styloglossus 1. n.hypoglossus 2.n. mylohyoideus 3.n. facialis
1. n.hypoglossus D. m. genioglossus E. m. styloglossus 2. n. mylohyoideus A. m digastricus v. anterior C. m. mylohioideus 3. n. facialis B. m. digastricus , v. posterior
Adults have __________ true molars. 4 8 12 16
When does the permanent dentition period begin?
12 years old (when last mx canine is lost).
What age should children have all of their teeth?
2 years
How many teeth are in the deciduous (fall out) dentition? ____________
How many teeth are in the permanent dentition? ____________
When does the mixed dentition begin and end
6-12 years old
The temporomandibular joint is characterized by all EXCEPT: A capsule strengthened by ligaments on its lateral side only A completely flat surface for its gliding action An articular disc Extracapsular ligaments Two joint cavities of different shapes
A completely flat surface for its gliding action
What are the BOUNDARIES of the PTERYGOPALANTINE FOSSAE? A. Anterior: B. Posterior: C. Medial: D. Lateral: E. Roof:
A- Maxilla, B- root of Pterygoid Process, C- Perpendicular Plate of the Palatine Bone, D- Pterygomaxillary Fissure, E- Greater Wing of the Sphenoid
What are the BOUNDARIES of the INFRATEMPORAL FOSSA? A. Anterior: B. Posterior: C. Medial: D. Lateral: E. Roof:
A- Posterior Maxilla, B- TMJ (Temporomandibular) joint and Styloid Process, C- Lateral Pterygoid Plate and Pterygomaxillary Fissure, D- Ramus of the Mandible, E- Greater Wing of Sphenoid
A-maxillary n. (most impt. structure), B- pterygoid plexus, C- maxillary a., D- pterygopalatine ganglion
A-temporalis m., B-pterygoid mm., C-pterygoid plexus, D-mandibular n., E-maxillary a.
Define the type of the tooth according to its features: A. Maxillary 1st Premolar B. Maxillary 2nd Premolar C. Mandibular 1st Premolar D. Mandibular 2nd Premolar E. Mandibular 1st Molar 1. Only premolar with central fossa and lingual groove 2. Premolar with buccal cusp longer than lingual cusp 3. Premolar with buccal and lingual cusps of same height 4. 2 roots- -5 cusps 5. Premolar with 2 bifurcated roots
A. 5 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1 E. 4
Match the lower permanent teeth to the time of eruption: A. Central incisor B. Lateral incisor C. Canine (cuspid) D. First premolar (first bicuspid) E. Second premolar (first bicuspid) F. First molar G. Second molar H. Third molar (wisdom tooth) 1. 7 to 8 years 2. 9 to 10 years 3. 6 to 7 years 4. 11 to 12 years 5. 17 to 21 years 6. 11 to 13 years 7. 10 to 12 years 8. 6 to 7 years
A. Central incisor 3. 6 to 7 years B. Lateral incisor 1. 7 to 8 years C. Canine (cuspid) 2. 9 to 10 years D. First premolar (first bicuspid) 7. 10 to 12 years E. Second premolar (first bicuspid) 4. 11 to 12 years F. First molar 8. 6 to 7 years G. Second molar 6. 11 to 13 years H. Third molar (wisdom tooth) 5. 17 to 21 years
Match the upper permanent teeth to the time of eruption: A. Central incisor B. Lateral incisor C. Canine (cuspid) D. First premolar (first bicuspid) E. Second premolar (first bicuspid) F. First molar G. Second molar H. Third molar (wisdom tooth) 1. 11 to 12 years 2. 12 to 13 years 3. 7 to 8 years 4. 10 to 12 years 5. 10 to 11 years 6. 17 to 21 years 7. 8 to 9 years 8. 6 to 7 years
A. Central incisor 3. 7 to 8 years B. Lateral incisor 7. 8 to 9 years C. Canine (cuspid) 1. 11 to 12 years D. First premolar (first bicuspid) 5. 10 to 11 years E. Second premolar (first bicuspid) 4. 10 to 12 years F. First molar 8. 6 to 7 years G. Second molar 2. 12 to 13 years H. Third molar (wisdom tooth) 6. 17 to 21 years
Match the lower deciduous teeth to the time of shed: A. Central incisor B. Lateral incisor C. Canine (cuspid) D. First molar E. Second molar 1. 7 to 8 years 2. 9 to 11 years 3. 6 to 7 years 4. 10 to 12 years 5. 9 to 12 years
A. Central incisor 3. 6 to 7 years B. Lateral incisor 1. 7 to 8 years C. Canine (cuspid) 5. 9 to 12 years D. First molar 2. 9 to 11 years E. Second molar 4. 10 to 12 years
Match the lower deciduous teeth to the time of eruption: A. Central incisor B. Lateral incisor C. Canine (cuspid) D. First molar E. Second molar 1. 10 to 16 months 2. 17 to 23 months 3. 14 to 18 months 4. 6 to 10 months 5. 23 to 31 months
A. Central incisor 4. 6 to 10 months B. Lateral incisor 1. 10 to 16 months C. Canine (cuspid) 2. 17 to 23 months D. First molar 3. 14 to 18 months E. Second molar 5. 23 to 31 months
Match the upper deciduous teeth to the time of shed: A. Central incisor B. Lateral incisor C. Canine (cuspid) D. First molar E. Second molar 1. 10 to 12 years 2. 14 to 15 years 3. 9 to 11 years 4. 6 to 7 years 5. 7 to 8 years
A. Central incisor - 4. 6 to 7 years B. Lateral incisor - 5. 7 to 8 years C. Canine (cuspid) - 1. 10 to 12 years D. First molar- 3. 9 to 11 years E. Second molar- 1. 10 to 12 years
Match the upper deciduous teeth to the time of eruption: A. Central incisor B. Lateral incisor C. Canine (cuspid) D. First molar E. Second molar 1. 9 to 13 months 2. 25 to 33 months 3. 13 to 19 months 4. 8 to 12 months 5. 16 to 22 months
A. Central incisor - 4. 8 to 12 months B. Lateral incisor - 1. 9 to 13 months C. Canine (cuspid) - 5. 16 to 22 months D. First molar- 3. 13 to 19 months E. Second molar- 2. 25 to 33 months
The papillae of the tongue are:
A. Circumvallate papillae (contains taste buds) B. Fungiform papilla (contains taste buds) C. Filiform papilla (does not contain taste buds) D. Foliate papillae (contains taste buds)
Define the type of the tooth according to its features: A. Mandibular Canine B. Maxillary 1st Molar C. Maxillary 2nd Molar D. Mandibular 2nd Molar E. Maxillary Canine 1. 2 roots - 4 cusps nearly all the same size. Cross shape 2. 3 roots- 3/ 4 cusps 3. 3 roots - 5 cusps (Cusp of Carabelli) 4. Canine where cingulum is more distal, cusp is more centered 5. Canine where cingulum is centered and cusp is more labial
A. Mandibular Canine 4. Canine where cingulum is more distal, cusp is more centered B. Maxillary 1st Molar 3. 3 roots - 5 cusps (Cusp of Carabelli) C. Maxillary 2nd Molar 2. 3 roots- 3/ 4 cusps D. Mandibular 2nd Molar 1. 2 roots - 4 cusps nearly all the same size. Cross shape E. Maxillary Canine 5. Canine where cingulum is centered and cusp is more labial
A. Palatum molle B. Diaphragma oris 1. m. geniohyoideus 2.m. palatoglossus 3.m. levator veli palatinae 4. m. uvulae 5.m. mylohyoideus
A. Palatum molle 2.m. palatoglossus 3.m. levator veli palatinae 4. m. uvulae B. Diaphragma oris 1. m. geniohyoideus 5.m. mylohyoideus
A. Regio orbitalis B.Regio temporalis 1. a. temporalis superficialis 2.n. abducens 3.n. auriculotemporalis 4.a. lacrimalis 5.n. oculomotorius
A. Regio orbitalis 2.n. abducens 4.a. lacrimalis 5.n. oculomotorius B.Regio temporalis 1. a. temporalis superficialis 3.n. auriculotemporalis
A. Regio sublingualis B. fossa retromandibularis 1.v. retromandibularis 2. ductus sibmandibularis 3. n. lingualis 4. n. auriculotemporalis 5.m. styloglossus
A. Regio sublingualis 2. ductus sibmandibularis 3. n. lingualis B. fossa retromandibularis 1.v. retromandibularis 4. n. auriculotemporalis 5.m. styloglossus
Considering surfaces of the teeth match the letters with numbers: A. adjacent to the cheek (premolars and molars) B. toward the lip (incisors and canines) C. a general term to include buccal and labial surfacesof teeth in both the maxillary and mandibular arches D. pertaining to the masticating surfaces of the posterior teeth E. next to or toward the tongue 1. occlusal 2. buccal 3. labial 4. facial 5. lingual
A. adjacent to the cheek (premolars and molars) - 2. buccal B. toward the lip (incisors and canines)- 3. labial C. a general term to include buccal and labial surfacesof teeth in both the maxillary and mandibular arches - 4. facial D. pertaining to the masticating surfaces of the posterior teeth - 1. occlusal E. next to or toward the tongue - 5. lingual
Which of the following muscles of the tongue are striated skeletal muscle (extrinsic):
A. m.styloglossus B. m.genioglossus C. m.hyoglossus
Considering position and surfaces of the teeth match the letters with numbers: A. of or pertaining to the upper arch of the mouth B. of or pertaining to the lower arch of the mouth C. toward the center line of the dental arch D. away from the center line of the dental arch E. the mesial or distal surface of a tooth or the portion of a cavity that is nearest to the adjacent tooth 1. proximal 2. distal 3. maxillary 4. mandibular 5. mesial
A. of or pertaining to the upper arch of the mouth - 3. maxillary B. of or pertaining to the lower arch of the mouth- 4. mandibular C. toward the center line of the dental arch- 5. mesial D. away from the center line of the dental arch - 2. distal E. the mesial or distal surface of a tooth or the portion of a cavity that is nearest to the adjacent tooth - 1. proximal
A.Regio infratemporalis B.Regio parotideomasseterica 1. a. carotis externa 2. a. alveolaris inf. 3. n. lingualis 4. ductus parotideus 5. a. temporalis superficialis
A.Regio infratemporalis 2. a. alveolaris inf. 3. n. lingualis B.Regio parotideomasseterica 1. a. carotis externa 4. ductus parotideus 5. a. temporalis superficialis
A.Regio infratemporalis B.Regio frontoparietoccipitalis 1. n. occipitalis major 2. a. alveolaris inf. 3. n. lingualis 4. a. supraorbitalis 5. n. bucalis
A.Regio infratemporalis 2. a. alveolaris inf. 3. n. lingualis 5. n. bucalis B.Regio frontoparietoccipitalis 1. n. occipitalis major 4. a. supraorbitalis
The nerves of the tongue are : (5)
A.n.vagus B.n. lingualis C.chorda tympani D.n.glossopharyngeus E.n.hypoglossus
In assessing a deep laceration of the right side of the nose, the attending physician determines that the cartilage on the lateral side of the nostril has been cut. What cartilage was injured? Accessory Alar Lateral Septal None of the above
Loss of sensation from the temporal region and loss of secretory function of the parotid gland would be caused by interruption of which nerve? Auriculotemporal Chorda tympani Deep temporal, posterior Facial Great auricular
Which nerve carries postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the parotid gland? Auriculotemporal nerve Lesser petrosal nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Great auricular nerve Marginal mandibular nerve
Auriculotemporal nerve
The soft palate is active in all of the following except: Breathing Chewing Coughing Swallowing Yawning
Which nerve provides motor innervation to the buccinator muscle? Auriculotemporal nerve Buccal branches of VII Buccal nerve Mandibular division of V Marginal mandibular nerve
Buccal branches of VII
A cranial fracture through the foramen ovale that compresses the enclosed nerve, will have an effect on all muscles EXCEPT : Tensor tympani Masseter Buccinator Mylohyoid Temporalis
Which muscle will not be affected when the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve(V3) is anesthetized? Anterior belly of digastric Buccinator Medial pterygoid Mylohyoid Temporalis
The communication between the pharynx and the nasal cavity is known as the: Aditus Auditory tube Choanae Fauces Piriform recess
What bony feature of the mandible can be used to find and palpate the facial artery? A. Oblique line B. Mental trigone C. Angle D. Premasseteric notch
D. Premasseteric notch
Odontoblasts produce: Cementum Enamel Dentin
What term describes having two sets of teeth in a lifetime? ________________________
There is arterial bleeding on superficial surface of the of the posterior third of the tongue; which of the following arteries was involved? Deep lingual Dorsal lingual Facial Sublingual Tonsillar
Dorsal lingual
The four morphological stages of tooth development are:
Each tooth passes through four morphological stages: A. dental lamina, B. bud, C. cap, and D. bell stages
What structure lies deepest in the parotid gland? External carotid artery External jugular vein Facial artery Facial nerve Retromandibular vein
External carotid artery
A deep laceration of the face in the middle of the parotid gland could affect the: External jugular vein Facial nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Hypoglossal nerve Lingual artery
Facial nerve
A patient is unable to taste a piece of sugar placed on the anterior part of the tongue. Which cranial nerve is most likely to have a lesion? A. Facial nerve B. Glossopharyngeal nerve C. Hypoglossal nerve D. Trigeminal nerve E. Vagus nerve
Facial nerve
Which nerve provides cutaneous innervation to the skin of the angle of the mandible? Auriculotemporal nerve Lesser petrosal nerve Buccal branches of VII Marginal mandibular nerve Great auricular nerve
Great auricular nerve
The pharyngeal tonsils, or adenoids, may become inflamed and in serious cases need to be removed. Where would the physician search for them? In the tonsillar fossa In the pharyngeal recess In the piriform recess In the roof of the nasopharynx Upon the dorsal surface of the tongue
In the roof of the nasopharynx
A 23-year-old man comes to you complaining that he can't stop crying, i.e. tears regularly run down the right side of his face. You suspect that one of the lacrimal ducts on the right side of the face is blocked. You look into an endoscope to see if the nasolacrimal duct is blocked. Into which part of the nasal cavity would you look to see the opening of the duct? Hiatus semilunaris Inferior meatus Middle meatus Sphenoethmoidal recess Superior meatus
Inferior meatus
The nasolacrimal duct empties into which part of the nasal cavity? Hiatus semilunaris Inferior meatus Middle meatus Sphenoethmoidal recess Vestibule
Inferior meatus
An elderly man presented with severe pain beneath the left eye, radiating into the lower eyelid, lateral side of the nose and upper lip. What nerve was involved? A. Buccal B. Infraorbital C. Mental D. Supratrochlear E. Zygomatic
Incapacity to protrude the mandible indicates a dysfunction of which muscle? Anterior belly of digastric Buccinator Lateral pterygoid Mylohyoid Temporalis
Lateral pterygoid
The contents of the paralingual space do NOT include the: Hypoglossal nerve Lingual artery Lingual nerve Submandibular gland Sublingual gland
Lingual artery
The parotid space contains all EXCEPT: External carotid artery Facial nerve Intraparotid lymph nodes Medial pterygoid muscle Retromandibular vein
Medial pterygoid muscle
Most paranasal sinuses and/or air cells drain, directly or indirectly, into the: Inferior meatus Middle meatus Superiormeatus Nasal vestibule Sphenoethmoidal recess
Middle meatus
The physiological stages of tooth development include:
Morphological - Physiological/ A.dental lamina-inintiation; B. bud and cap stage-proliferation; C. early bell stage-histodifferentitation; D. advanced bell stage- morphodifferentiation; E. formation of enamel and dentine matrix -apposition
The muscle which separates the submandibular triangle from the paralingual space is the: Digastric, posterior belly Hyoglossus Mylohyoid Stylohyoid Styloglossus
Which of the following suprahyoid muscles would be paralyzed if the inferior alveolar nerve was severed at its origin? Geniohyoid m. Hyoglossus m. Mylohyoid m. Stylohyoid m.
Mylohyoid m.
Maxillary artery is a terminal branch of the internal carotid artery.
The alveolar wall is not included in the parodontium.
The temporal branches of facial nerve innervate the temporal muscle.
Which of the following structures is located in the vestibule of the oral cavity? Tongue Opening of the parotid duct Opening of the submandibular duct Sublingual fold Uvula
Opening of the parotid duct
Inability to close the lips relates to the action of which muscle? Anterior belly of the digastric Mylohyoid Orbicularis oris Platysma Zygomaticus major
Orbicularis oris
Cutting of the hypoglossal nerve in the hypoglossal canal would not interrupt the nerve supply to the: A. Hyoglossus muscle B. Genioglossus muscle C. Palatoglossus muscle D. Styloglossus muscle
Palatoglossus muscle
Which structure forms a border of the tonsillar fossa? Torus tubarius Palatopharyngeal fold Salpingopharyngeal fold Lateral glossoepiglottic fold Medial pterygoid plate
Palatopharyngeal fold
Damage to the facial nerve near the stylomastoid foramen would likely cause each of the following motor deficits EXCEPT: Paralysis of the buccinator muscle Inability to whistle Paralysis of the muscles that elevate the mandible Inability to close the lips
Paralysis of the muscles that elevate the mandible
After the mandibular condyle is moved forward onto the articular eminence (e.g., by opening the mouth widely), what muscle can then retract the mandible? Superficial head of masseter m. Deep head of masseter m. Posterior part of temporalis m. Anterior part of temporalis m.
Posterior part of temporalis m.
The chorda tympani contains which component before it joins the lingual nerve? Preganglionic sympathetics Postganglionic sympathetics Preganglionic parasympathetics Postganglionic parasympathetics Taste fibers to the posterior third of the tongue
Preganglionic parasympathetics
There is difficulty in swallowing due to involvement of which muscle that elevates the tongue? A. Genioglossus B. Hyoglossus C. Styloglossus D. Stylohyoid E. Stylopharyngeus
All of the following may be found in the paralingual space EXCEPT: Hypoglossal nerve Lingual nerve Sublingual gland Submandibular gland duct Superficial lobe of the submandibular gland
Superficial lobe of the submandibular gland
Which muscle is also known as the sphenomeniscus? Inferior head of the lateral pterygoid Masseter Medial pterygoid Superior head of the lateral pterygoid Temporalis
Superior head of the lateral pterygoid
Paralysis of which of the following muscles would impede retraction of the mandible? Buccinator Lateral pterygoid, lower portion Lateral pterygoid, upper (sphenomeniscus) portion Medial pterygoid Temporalis
Pain elicited from an infected facial wound is primarily conveyed by what nerve? Facial Great auricular Hypoglossal Transverse cervical Trigeminal
Orbicularis oris is a muscle of facial expression
The angular vein is associated with cavernous sinus.
The oral vestibule is the space in the mouth lying between the lips and teeth.
The facial muscle most responsible for moving the lips both upward and laterally to produce a smile is: Buccinator Levator anguli oris Levator labii superioris Platysma Zygomaticus major
Zygomaticus major
Which of the following may cause dentin to become exposed? A. erosion B. root planing C. dental caries D. all of the above
all of the above
Application of excessive heat to a tooth results in pain because blood vessels of the pulp expand and cause strangulation of the tissue excessive stimulation of a heat receptor always results in pain all stimuli to the pulp result in a pain sensation heat receptors in the pulp have a low threshold to pain
all stimuli to the pulp result in a pain sensation
The lips: are built of muscles and covered on the inner surface with mucous membrane, and on the outer surface with the skin the epithelium of the mucous membrane is stratified squamous nonkeratinized receive the blood supply from a.facialis the intermediate zone is lined with skin with very thin epidermis the mucous membrane is rich in glands
are built of muscles and covered on the inner surface with mucous membrane, and on the outer surface with the skin the epithelium of the mucous membrane is stratified squamous nonkeratinized receive the blood supply from a.facialis the intermediate zone is lined with skin with very thin epidermis the mucous membrane is rich in glands
Two nerves usually emerge from between the two heads of the lateral pterygoid muscle: the anterior deep temporal nerve and the ______________. masseteric n. buccal n. lingual n. inferior alveolar n.
buccal n.
What is the name of the tough outer layer of the roots? ________________________
At the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), hinge movements occur between the: condyle and articular eminence articular disc and articular eminence condyle and articular disc articular disc and articular cavity condyle and articular cavity
condyle and articular disc
The visible part of the tooth's called the
What is the name of the tissue just below the outer layer of tooth?
What is the name of the hard white outer layer of a tooth's crown?
The three layer of the teeth germ are
enamel organ, dental papilla, dental sac
Teeth are composed of a) enamel, gingiva, dentin b) enamel, dentin, cementum c) enamel, gingiva, dentin , cementum d) enamel,dentin, cementum, pulpa
enamel,dentin, cementum, pulpa
To study the compensatory response of selective suprahyoid muscles in elevating the hyoid bone, an experiment was designed in which the posterior belly of the digastric and stylohyoid muscles were paralyzed by drugs. The muscular branches of which of the following nerves must be chemically interrupted to produce paralysis in both muscles? inferior alveolar facial hypoglossal glossopharyngeal lingual
Which of the following statements are true: A. the blood supply in frontoparietooccipital region is performed only by the external carotid artery B. facial nerve forms the intraparotid plexus in the parotid gland C. pterygotemporal interstitium is located in parotideomasseteric region D. the lateral wall of retromandibular fossa is made up of skin and fascia E. ganglion oticum sends postganglionic secretory fibers to the sublingual gland
facial nerve forms the intraparotid plexus in the parotid gland the lateral wall of retromandibular fossa is made up of skin and fascia
Which combination of skeletal muscle and nerve is true: A. mylohyoid muscle - inferior alveolaris nerve B. geniohyoid muscle - hypoglossal nerve C. stylohyoid muscle - hypoglossal nerve D. digastric muscle (anterior belly) - facial nerve E. digastric muscle (posterior belly) - facial nerve
geniohyoid muscle - hypoglossal nerve digastric muscle (anterior belly) - facial nerve
Sensory nerve supply of the mucosa of the posterior one third of the tongue is carried out by: A. glossopharyngeal nerve B. maxillary nerve C. accessory nerve (spinal part) D. vagus nerve E. mandibular nerve
glossopharyngeal nerve vagus nerve
The tongue: has extrinsic and intrinsic muscles the root is innervated by n. lingualis chorda tympani innervates gustatory the anterior 2/3 of the mucous membrane of the tongue there are no taste buds in the papillae filiformes the epithelium is stratified squamous nonkeratinized
has extrinsic and intrinsic muscles chorda tympani innervates gustatory the anterior 2/3 of the mucous membrane of the tongue there are no taste buds in the papillae filiformes the epithelium is stratified squamous nonkeratinized
In sublingual region are located: A. hypoglossal nerve B. sublingual fold C. submandibular duct D. lingual nerve E. glossopharyngeal nerve
hypoglossal nerve sublingual fold submandibular duct lingual nerve
Odontoblasts are located: in the peripheral layer of the pulp in the canalicules of the dentin between the dentin and enamelum in the periodontium
in the peripheral layer of the pulp
Name the 3 succedaneous (succeed/follow) teeth.
incisors, canines, premolars ("Succedaneous" refers to those teeth of the permanent dentition that replace primary teeth (incisors, canines, and premolars of the permanent dentition). Succedaneous would refer to these teeth as a group. All permanent molars-do not replace any primary teeth. They are nonsuccedaneous teeth.)
Branches of maxillary artery are: A. inferior alveolar artery B. posterior cerebral artery C. ascending pharyngeal artery D. angular artery E. infraorbital artery
inferior alveolar artery infraorbital artery
The sensory nerve supply of the lower eyelid is from branches of the ___ nerve.
The main blood vessels and nerves of the posterior compartment of the lateropharyngeal space are: A. internal jugular vein B. retromandibular vein C. mastoid artery D. glossopharyngeal nerve E. internal carotid artery
internal jugular vein glossopharyngeal nerve internal carotid artery
Tongue is characterized by: A. it is made of extrinsic and intrinsic muscles B. papillae of the tongue are localized only on its root and on the dorsum of the tongue C. foliate papillae do not have taste buds. D. taste supply of the tongue surface is from VIIth, IXth and Xth cranial nerves E. it is connected to the floor of the mouth with the fimbriated fold
it is made of extrinsic and intrinsic muscles taste supply of the tongue surface is from VIIth, IXth and Xth cranial nerves
For the parotid gland (glandula parotidea) the following is characteristic: it is the smallest gland between the salivary glands is situated under the floor of the oral cavity it is pure serous gland ductus sublingualis major opens in canalicula sublingualis it is mixed serous-mucous gland
it is pure serous gland
The sensory innervation of the upper eyelid is supplied by branches of the supratrochlear and _______ nerves.
Forward movement of the condyle of the mandible during wide opening of the jaws is accomplished mainly by the: anterior part of temporalis muscle lateral pterygoid muscle masseter muscle medial pterygoid muscle posterior part of the temporalis muscle
lateral pterygoid muscle
The posterior division of the mandibular nerve gives the following branches: A. lingual nerve B. infraorbital nerve C. inferior alveolar nerve D. auriculotemporal nerve E. frontal nerve
lingual nerve inferior alveolar nerve auriculotemporal nerve
The absence of taste sensitivity in the front two-thirds of the tongue indicates damage to: A. hypoglossal nerve B. glossopharyngeal nerve C. vagus nerve D. lingual nerve after it merges with chorda tympani E. ophthalmic nerve
lingual nerve after it merges with chorda tympani
Which of the listed are elements of infratemporal fossa: A. oculomotor nerve, depressor anguli oris muscle, facial artery B. transverse facial artery, parotid plexus, masseter muscle C. lingual nerve, maxillary artery, medial pterygoid muscle D. pterygoid venous plexus, mylohyoid nerve, ganglion oticum E. chorda tympani, middle meningeal artery, interpterygoid interstitium
lingual nerve, maxillary artery, medial pterygoid muscle pterygoid venous plexus, mylohyoid nerve, ganglion oticum chorda tympani, middle meningeal artery, interpterygoid interstitium
Which teeth have a bifurcation?
lower md molars
Submandibular acinar cells secrete: A. glucagon. B. lysozyme. C. insulin. D. plasma proteins. E. proteases.
Which muscle is forming oral diaphragm (diaphragma oris): m. stylohyoideus m. geniohyoideus m. genioglossus m. styloglossus
m. geniohyoideus
Which of the following are located in infratemporal fossa: A. occipital artery B. maxillary artery C. facial nerve D. retromandibular vein E. middle meningeal artery
maxillary artery middle meningeal artery
Which of the following is a normal pattern for eruption of primary teeth? maxillary first molars erupt before maxillary canines mandibular second molars erupt before mandibular first molars maxillary central incisors erupt before mandibular central incisers mandibular canines erupt before mandibular first molars
maxillary first molars erupt before maxillary canines
Which of the listed are located in the infratemporal fossa: A. masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid muscles B. medial and lateral pterygoid muscles, maxillary artery C. lateral pterygoid muscle, inferior alveolar nerve, deep temporal arteries D. facial artery, masseter, parotid plexus E. zygomaticus major muscle, infraorbital a., v., n.
medial and lateral pterygoid muscles, maxillary artery lateral pterygoid muscle, inferior alveolar nerve, deep temporal arteries
Irrigation of the maxillary sinus through its opening is a supportive measure to accelerate the resolution of a maxillary sinus infection. Which of the following nasal spaces is the most likely approach to the sinus opening? choana inferior meatus middle meatus sphenoethmoidal recess superior meatus
middle meatus
The muscle responsible for raising the floor of the mouth in the early stages of swallowing is the: A. genioglossus B. geniohyoid C. hyoglossus D. mylohyoid E. palatoglossus
At maxillary prognathism the lower incisors overlap the upper incisors.
Frontal sinus opens into the superior nasal meatus.
Muscles of mastication are supplied by the maxillary nerve.
Mylohyoid nerve is a branch of the lingual nerve.
Palatopharyngeal muscle is innervated by the mandibular nerve.
The lingual papillae are located on its back, dorsum linguae and on its root, radix linguae.
The temporomandibular joint lacks intraarticular disk.
Vascular nerve complex on the occipital region contains: A. occipital artery B. retromandibular vein C. mastoid artery D. major occipital nerve E. occipital vein
occipital artery major occipital nerve occipital vein
Which of the following combinations of skeletal muscles and nerves are true A. occipitofrontalis muscle - facial nerve B. digastric muscle, anterior belly - facial nerve C. stylohyoid muscle - facial nerve D. genioglossus muscle - hypoglossal nerve E. mylohyoid muscle - hypoglossal nerve
occipitofrontalis muscle - facial nerve stylohyoid muscle - facial nerve genioglossus muscle - hypoglossal nerve
Which of the listed statements are true: А.olfactory region covers the superior nasal concha and the relevant part of the nasal septum B. limen nasi is the boundary, which outlines nasal vestibulum C. middle nasal meatus is between superior and middle nasal concha D. the blood supply of the nasal cavity is only from the maxillary artery- shenopalatine a. E. the roots of the premolars and the molars of the upper dentition sometimes have a connection to the ethmoidal sinus
olfactory region covers the superior nasal concha and the relevant part of the nasal septum limen nasi is the boundary, which outlines nasal vestibulum
A patient is unable to wink; what muscle is affected? frontalis levator palpebrae superioris orbicularis oculi superior tarsal zygomaticus major
orbicularis oculi
Which of these is not one of the three pairs of extrinsic salivary glands? parotid palatine submandibular sublingual
Which of the following structures limit the oral gap (isthmus faucium): A. palatoglossal arch B. epiglottis C. ligual dorsum D. palatine velum E. root of the tongue
palatoglossal arch palatine velum root of the tongue
There are no taste buds in: -Papilla Fungiformis -papilla circumvallata -papilla filformis -papilla foliata
papilla filiformis
With the exception of the posterior auricular nerve, the motor branches of the facial nerve are embedded within the ____ gland.
Major salivary glands are characterized by: A. parotid gland duct opens into the oral cavity B. they have a capsule and lobular structure C. parotid gland parenchyma is mainly mucous acinar D. in the sublingual region submandibular duct crosses the hypoglossal nerve E. sublingual gland is innervated by postganglionic parasympathetic fibers, coming from pterygopalatine ganglion
parotid gland duct opens into the oral cavity they have a capsule and lobular structure
The deepest layer of the scalp is the ___ surrounding the bones of the cranium.
Which of the following statements for the teeth are true: A. presence of tissues of ectodermal origin in the structures of the teeth B. the bodies of the odontoblasts are located in the border between dentine and enamel C. enamel cells penetrate in the dentine tubules D. periodontium is a type of connective tissue which surrounds the teeth E. inferior dental arch has a shape of a half (1⁄2) ellipse.
presence of tissues of ectodermal origin in the structures of the teeth periodontium is a type of connective tissue which surrounds the teeth
What dentition begins with eruption of mandibular central incisor?
Name the 3 dentition periods:
primary, mixed, permanent -(The first human teeth to appear, the deciduous (primary) teeth (also known as baby or milk teeth), erupt into the mouth from around 6 months until 2 years of age, in a process known as "teething". At the 6 year, the first permanent tooth erupts and begins a time in which there is a combination of primary and permanent teeth, known as the mixed dentition stage, which lasts until the last primary tooth is lost. Then, the remaining permanent teeth erupt into the mouth during the permanent dentition stage.)
What is the name of the soft center of a tooth? ________________________
The bottom part of the tooth that anchors it in the gums and jawbone is called the __
The type of epithelium associated with the vermilion zone of the lips is: A. stratified squamous nonkeratinized B. pseudostratified ciliated columnar C. stratified squamous keratinized D. cuboidal E. columnar
stratified squamous keratinized
The facial nerve exits the cranium via the ___ foramen.
Vessels and nerves of frontoparietooccipital region are: A. supraorbital nerve B. infraorbital nerve C. superficial temporal artery D. angular artery E. major occipital nerve
supraorbital nerve superficial temporal artery major occipital nerve
The predominant muscle most associated with retraction of the mandible is the: lateral pterygoid masseter medial pterygoid temporalis mylohyoid
The tissue constituting the tooth is characterized by: A. the projections of the odontoblasts are localized in the dentine tubules B. the composition of mature enamel is up to 87% mineral hydroxylapatite C. dental cuticle remains throughout life D. cement is of two types: cellular and acellular E. periodontium contains only horizontal fibers
the projections of the odontoblasts are localized in the dentine tubules the composition of mature enamel is up to 87% mineral hydroxylapatite cement is of two types: cellular and acellular
Which of the following statements are true: A. the veins of the external nose anastomose with ophthalmic veins B. nostrils (nares) are openings, which connect the nasal cavity with the pharyngeal cavity C. the frontal sinus opens via infundibulum beneath the middle nasal concha D. the blood supply of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses comes from branches of internal carotid artery and external carotid artery E. maxillary sinus is in very suitable drainage position because of the large maxillary hiatus
the veins of the external nose anastomose with ophthalmic veins the frontal sinus opens via infundibulum beneath the middle nasal concha the blood supply of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses comes from branches of internal carotid artery and external carotid artery
Which teeth have a trifurcation?
upper mx molars
The middle meningeal artery: enters the skull through the foramen ovale passes through a split in the trunk of the mandibular nerve (V3) is typically a branch of the second part of the maxillary artery supplies blood to the temporal lobe of the brain usually arises deep to the neck of the mandible
usually arises deep to the neck of the mandible
Which of the following statements are true: A. sensory innervation of the external nose is performed by facial nerve B. vomer participates in the construction of the nasal septum C. semilunar hiatus is the only drainage opening of the maxillary sinus D. frontal sinus is the largest of the paranasal sinuses E. nasal cavity is covered by pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
vomer participates in the construction of the nasal septum semilunar hiatus is the only drainage opening of the maxillary sinus nasal cavity is covered by pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
Maxillary sinus opens into the middle nasal meatus.
Maxillary vein is the main draining vessel of the pterygoid venous plexus.
Parotid gland (glandula parotis) is serous gland.
Pterygoid venous plexus communicates with the cavernous sinus.
Tensor veli palatini muscle is innervated by the mandibular nerve.
The muscles of facial expression are innervated by the facial nerve.
The odontoblasts processes are located in the canalicules of dentin.
The oropharyngeal surface of the uvula is covered by multistratified non-keratinizing epithelium.
The paralingual space contains submandibular duct which is crossed with the lingual nerve.
The secretory portion of the submandibular gland is: serous, mucous and mixed acini.
А.Serous acini - B. Mucous acini - 1. gl. parotidea 2. gll. esophageae propriae 3. gl. sublingualis 4. pancreas 5. gll. duodenales propriae
А.Serous acini - 1. gl. parotidea 4. pancreas B. Mucous acini - 2. gll. esophageae propriae 3. gl. sublingualis 5. gll. duodenales propriae