Practice Test #2

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An adolescent who has shown little interest in a particular sport is most likely to develop interest in that sport as a result of:

Increasing interest in the sport among his peer group.

Regular participation in resistance weight training is mot likely to benefit the body by:

Increasing the density of the bones.

Which of the following guidelines for play in golf would best be described as a matter of etiquette rather than as a rule?

A player should yell "fore" if a hit ball is traveling in the direction of other golfers.

In secondary physical education programs, a primary purpose of encouraging students to focus on and become competent in one or more movement forms is to promote their:

Achievement in an area of interest, and in turn, their self-esteem and self-confidence.

A physical education teacher is having students participate in a new activity. In which of the following situations would the teacher most likely be exposed to legal liability if a student were injured during the activity?

Although general safety rules were posted in the gymnasium, the teacher neglected to inform students about safety issues and precautions related to the new activity.

In developing a motor task analysis of a particular skill, the most important goal should be to:

Break the skill into progressive steps.

A physical education teacher has second graders practice different locomotor skills through a modified game of tag in which students become either a salamander, snake, or frog. Each animal type is assigned a different movement pattern and a type of prey to pursue. After being caught, an animal becomes the same species as the predator until eventually all students are the same species, and the game ends. Which of the following best describes the primary way that this locomotor activity builds competence in the affective domain?

By providing a fun, low-stakes opportunity to practice playing a game following the rules.

In which of the following ways does participation in physical education activities best support learning of social science principles related to the rights and responsibilities of citizenship?

By providing opportunities to practice fair play and develop leadership skills.

The breaststroke is often taught before other strokes to new swimmers in a swimming fitness program because the breaststroke:

Can be modified to keep the head out of the water.

Which of the following creative movement exercises would best encourage participants' use of problem-solving skills?

Creating a movement sequence that begins at a high level, moves in a circular pathway, and ends at a low level.

Having second-grade children practice static balancing on one leg or on one leg and one hand is most useful for:

Developing body awareness.

When considering the influences of culture and environment on motor learning, it is most important to realize that:

Differences in performance to not always reflect differences in development.

A kindergartner avoids the jungle gym, a wooden climbing structure with slides, ladders, and grab bars. The child cannot "figure out what to hold onto" or "pull up on" to climb the structure. This type of confusion is characteristic of an impaired or underdeveloped ability to:

Distinguish pertinent objects from other stimuli in one's field of vision.

Which of the following best explains the importance of effective stress management practices for lifelong wellness.

Elevated stress levels over time are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

A separate focus of the studies on random practice and blocked practice involved conducting retention tests with participants ten minutes after completing practice and then a few days after completing practice. Both tests showed that random-practice groups performed better on retention items. These participants retained a higher level of performance than blocked-practice participants. The primary reason for this finding is that random practice:

Encourages participants to compare and contrast strategies and techniques for performing motor tasks, making learning each task more distinctive and memorable.

Which of the following strategies is an appropriate application of the physiological principle of specificity in relation to planning physical education activities?

Engaging students in warm-up exercises that target the muscle groups or energy systems that will be utilized in class activities.

A middle school physical education student has difficulty with visual discrimination tasks such as tracking a disk or ball in flight or identifying a target or base on a busy playing field. Which of the following strategies would most likely help this student be more successful in these activities?

Exaggerate verbal cues, use brightly colored targets and balls, and use enlarged balls and other objects.

In order to understand why students can only endure a few minutes of all-out, high-intensity activity (e.g., sprinting at maximum speed) one must understand the:

Functions, sequences, and limitations of the body's energy pathways and the influence of factors such as duration of exertion.

In an assessment of a student's health-related physical fitness, the back-saver sit and reach is used to measure:

Hamstring flexibility.

Which of the following is an appropriate and effective application of the psychology of movement to physical performance?

Having students visualize successful performance before initiating an activity or routine.

A student is having trouble swinging the bat quickly enough to contact a pitched ball. Which of the following modifications would be most appropriate for this student?

Having the student use a lighter bat.

Successfully completing this activity is most likely to provide which of the following benefits to participating students?

Improving self-image.

Folk dancing can best function as a medium to transmit traditional values when it is:

Learned as part of the conventions and customs that define the culture.

A physical education teacher teaching a tennis unit observes that one student is having trouble with techniques despite continued coaching. The teacher informs the student about an exhibition tennis match that will occur and encourages the student to attend. In making this suggestion, the teacher is most likely intending to take advantage of which of the following learning concepts?

Models of skilled performance assist in motor learning.

To ensure smooth, controlled movement under load, a muscle must be able to make fine adjustments to the amount of force produced during a contraction. These fine adjustments are accomplished primarily by varying the:

Number of motor units recruited during a contraction.

Assessment of a student's progress in motor performance is most appropriately done using which of the following techniques?

Ongoing observation in authentic contexts with which the student is familiar and has had opportunities to practice.

Which of the following inverted balancing skills requires the most highly developed levels of balance and strength?

Press handstand.

According to social learning theory, it is most important for physical education teachers to:

Provide positive role models through their own behaviors regarding physical activity and health.

A physical education teacher is teaching a unit on lacrosse to students who have already learned the fundamental components of passing, catching, and shooting the lacrosse ball. Which of the following would best facilitate the further development of these skills?

Providing a variety of contexts in which to practice these skills while moving.

Which of the following is a primary responsibility of the California Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and DAnce (CAHPERD) in relation to its members?

Providing networking and resources and information about professional issues.

Agility consists primarily of the ability to move:

Quickly and efficiently.

Which of the following reflects a general consensus among researchers regarding practice and motor skill acquisition as a result of the experiment described and subsequent applications?

Random practice leads to significant interference between motor tasks, resulting in poorer acquisition performance among participants; blocked-practice participants learn a skill more quickly.

In swimming, maintaining a straight body with the legs near the surface is most effective in:

Reducing the drag from the water on the swimmer.

A student in a self-defense class who is practicing a shoulder throw repeatedly falls while throwing the assailant. Which of the following changes in technique would be most effective in helping the student maintain balance?

Spreading the feet apart to widen the base of support.

A group of 10 and 11-year-old students is practicing making basketball passes to stationary partners in the gym. One student's chest passes consistently bounce at his partner's feet. This student's performance would most likely benefit from which of the following cues?

Step forward toward your partner and extend your arms forcefully.

Which of the following is an important factor in understanding how disabilities such as cerebral palsy and spina bifida/ hydrocephalus affect children's motor learning?

Students with these conditions may have cognitive as well as physical challenges to learning.

In the context of physical education, which of the following factors is most important in ensuring that a particular movement activity will promote productive group participation?

Successful accomplishment of a goal must require the active cooperation of all group members.

In relation to movement activities, which of the following is mots likely to enhance an adolescent's sense of self-worth?

The ability to make positive contributions to team activities.

In a fifth-grade physical education class, students are working in small groups to develop short original dance sequences. Each group receives flash cards that contain words jump, leap, slide, two step, rocking step, low-to-high-step, balance, turn, spin, sway, collapse, explode, and so on. Each group must incorporate the types of movement indicated on the cards into an improvised dance. This activity is likely to be particularly effective for increasing students' understanding of:

The choreographic elements of dance and the role of dance composition in achieving creative expression.

Which of the following provided a historical foundation for the development of physical education programs in public education in the United States?

The gymnastics systems brought to the United States by European immigrants.

When throwing a flying disk, snapping the wrist sharply at the end of the throw imparts spin to the disk. Which of the following best explains how this spin helps increase the distance and accuracy of the throw?

The spinning disk acts as a gyroscope, which increases its stability as it travels through the air.

When constructing a test to assess students' knowledge at the end of a unit on health-related fitness principles, it would be most important for a teacher to ensure that:

The test content is consistent with the defined learning goals of the unit.

As children grow from toddlers to preschoolers, they develop locomotor skills such as walking on a low balance beam or along a curved line or dashing in one direction and then another while continuing to run. Which of the following best describes the physical change that typically occurs between the ages of three and five that allows children to perform such movements?

They are able to narrow the base of support on which they walk and move.

Which of the following would be the most appropriate way to modify a bowling game for students with physical disabilities?

Using a ramp for rolling the ball.

In order to ensure the safety of the students during a high-ropes course, it is most important that each student:

Wear a harness connected to an effective restraining system.

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